北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语试题 (含答案,无听力原文及音频)


名称 北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语试题 (含答案,无听力原文及音频)
格式 doc
文件大小 122.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-30 16:10:27



英 语 试 题
第一节(共5 小题;每小题1分,共5分)
1.How might the man get to the convenience store
A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By bus.
2.How long has the woman learned to paint
A.For one year. B.For two months. C.For several years.
3.What makes David admirable
A.His talent for music. B.His success in teaching. C.His willingness to help others.
4.Where does the conversation most probably take place
A.In a gym. B.In an office. C.On the playground.
5.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers
A.Mother and son. B.Teacher and student. C.Brother and sister.
听第6段材料,回答第6至7 小题。
6.What type of work does the woman do
A.She deals with data on air pollution.
B.She collects information on transportation.
C.She monitors the progress of moving factories out.
7.How does Lily inform people of high pollution levels
A.By writing air quality reports.
B.By sending out push-messages.
C.By subscribeing to a WeChat account.
8.Where are the speakers going for the weekend
A.To a campsite. B.To a river. C.To a forest.
9.What are the two speakers doing
A.Reading a road map B.Deciding on a route. C.Preparing for a picnic.
10.What did the woman get published lately
A.A poem. B.A review. C.A story.
11.How would the woman’s project benefit the man
A.He can have his poems published.
B.He can set up his own writer’s group.
C.He can get advice from other members.
12.Why does the woman make the phone call
A.To introduce a club. B.To share writing skills. C.To make an invitation.
How to live a sustainable lifeOur world is facing great challenges due to our consumption habits. We all need to make a/ an 13 towards sustainability.
Food choices ● Choose local plant- based 14
Travel options ● Use public transportation or 15
Energy usage ● Turn off lights when not in use● Adjust heating and 16 systems
Shopping habits ● Choose durable and 17 items● Embrace the concept of sharing and repairing goods
第四节 (共3小题;每小题1分,共3分)
18.Where can bamboo be found growing
19.What are bamboo, pine trees and plum blossoms known as in China
20.What kind of person does bamboo symbolize
第一节 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
It was a Saturday afternoon when I was just ten. My grandmother entered the dining room with the mail and placed it by my mother, who ___1___ the thin envelope rather cautiously, paused and then tossed it into the wastepaper basket.
“You can at least open it,” my grandmother said.
“I don’t want to see one more ___2___ letter. Period!” my mother answered.
“Poor Mommy,” I said. “Don’t feel bad. You’re a good writer.” But the words of a ten-year-old, while appreciated, were lost in the thick air of adult ___3___ that filled the room.
Ignoring my mother’s response, my grandmother turned the basket over and pulled out the envelope. She ___4___ open the letter and read it silently. My heart was racing with expectation as she suddenly straightened up and charged at her daughter, pushing the letter under my mother’s nose. “There! There!”
“Please, Mother,” my mother said sadly as she pushed the letter away.
“Read it!” my grandmother pushed it back. “It’s an ___5___ !”
My mother stopped. She looked first at me, then at my grandmother. Slowly, she read the words: “We are ___6___ to inform you...”
I watched her face turn from ___7___ to joy. She jumped up and hugged my grandmother, whose face was now shining as if saying ___8___ I knew you would succeed.
Now, years later, whenever I am hesitant to open my own letters in fear of rejection (拒绝), I can feel my mother and grandmother reach for the basket, ___9___ me to open them. And I also have my son to cheer me up. “Don’t worry, Mommy. You’re a good writer.” I know it no longer matters whether the mail holds an acceptance or a rejection, for I have learned about the power of ___10___ support.
1. A. eyed B. handed C. opened D. received
2. A. invitation B. rejection C. explanation D. recommendation
3. A. anger B. concern C. confusion D. tension
4. A. cut B. tore C. forced D. broke
5 A. award B. apology C. acceptance D. advertisement
6. A. relieved B. regretful C. happy D. sad
7. A. disbelief B. dissatisfaction C. disagreement D. disappointment
8. A. calmly B. gratefully C. patiently D. proudly
9. A. encouraging B. allowing C. reminding D. instructing
10. A. unchangeable B. unconditional C. unforgettable D. unintentional
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
Modern art has been a subject of debate for years, with some arguing that it’s too hard to understand. However, it’s important ___11___ (recognize) that modern art serves a key purpose in society. Artists continually experiment with new techniques and ideas, ___12___ (push) the limits of what art can be. Whatever types of art pieces they create, modern artists challenge our views and force us to think ___13___ (different). Understanding modern art requires us to go deeper into its meaning and context, which in turn expands our world view.
Rising gas costs ___14___ (inspire) a sudden increase in interest in carpools over the past few years. Forming a shared ride is a great strategy for sharing current gas costs. Sharing rides also means that the less the participants drive, the more positive effects it has ___15___ environment. When walking, biking, or public transportation isn’t an option, ride-sharing becomes a ___16___ (power) way to cut down on the miles driven. Moreover, ride-sharing ___17___ (introduce) good company into what otherwise might be lonely car trips. In carpools, neighbors can meet, sharing stories and ideas.
After taking part in the “Go Jiangsu” program, Leopold, a Chinese-German student, thought he had a good grasp of both Chinese culture and modernization. While he was visiting the Yao Jianping Embroidery Art Gallery, he ___18___ (attract) by the unbelievable beauty of Suzhou Embroidery. ___19___ really amazed him was the patience and skills behind every stitch (针). Walking down the Pingjiang Road, ___20___ ancient buildings meet modern lighting, he felt the rare charm of Suzhou. It occurred to him that modernization doesn’t have to mean giving up tradition — they can exist side by side.
第一节 (共12小题;每小题2分,共24分)
As a shoe cobbler, Jim McFarland has spent his career with his eyes trained downward on his work. He never expected anyone to care much about his craft. But McFarland, 59, now has more than 1 million followers on social media platform. He posts videos of his work as a cobbler — from replacing thin soles to fixing zippers, reviving (恢复) rubber heels to adding customized touches to timeworn pieces. McFarland breathes new life into seemingly unwearable shoes from his shop in Lakeland, Florida.
Viewers are fascinated by McFarland’s careful cobbling. While he often uses a sanding machine, he does most of the work by hand and with basic tools. In one video, which has been viewed nearly 60 million times, McFarland revives and personalizes a pair of limited-edition boots, painting the soles a deep blue shade. The video shows every step of the painstaking process.
According to McFarland, becoming a cobbler isn’t simple. “It takes three to five years to learn the trade,” said McFarland, who comes from a long line of cobblers. “This is my family heritage, my history. We’ve been at it for a long time.” As a teen, McFarland wasn’t keen on becoming a cobbler. When he was 20, though, his father got sick, and McFarland dropped out of college to help him run the family business. He ultimately took over. “I have no regrets. I really love being here.” McFarland said.
McFarland is an advocate for buying high-quality shoes and mending them as needed, rather than purchasing inexpensive and trendy shoes that tend to not weather well. He said he frequently fixes shoes that are more than 40 years old. When he’s finished with them, “they’ll be good for probably another 30 to 50 years if you take care of them,” he said.
McFarland’s mentality goes in line with the mending movement, which promotes repairing rather than replacing broken things. Unlike fast fashion, which has disastrous consequences for the environment, the mending movement seeks to reduce consumption and waste. “Good material can always be revived,” McFarland said. “It can last a lifetime.”
21. McFarland’s videos are so popular because he ______.
A. designs and creates new styles of shoes
B. tells interesting stories about mending shoes
C. promotes old professions with modern machines
D. shows the detailed process of repairing shoes by hand
22. McFarland’s career as a shoemaker began when ______.
A. he graduated from college B. his family needed his help
C. his video gained popularity D. he found his childhood interest
23. Which of the following words can best describe McFarland
A. Skillful and devoted. B. Open-minded and creative.
C. Friendly and considerate. D. Hard-working and ambitious.
24. What can we learn from the passage
A. High quality makes fast fashion. B. Social media challenges tradition.
C. Creativity holds the key to success. D. Mending contributes to eco-fashion.
As you craft your resolutions for 2025 consider adding one to experience more flow. Psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi has called flow as “the secret to happiness.” Flow is a state of positive experience that each of us can incorporate into our everyday lives, one characterized by great joy that makes a life worth living.
When people feel flow, they are in a state of intense concentration. Their thoughts are focused on an experience rather than on themselves. They lose a sense of time and feel as if their actions and awareness become one. Flow occurs when both the task’s challenge and skill level are high. People will not feel flow when they are doing the dishes. Csíkszentmihályi’s research in the 1970s focused on people doing tasks they enjoyed. He studied swimmers, music composers, dancers, mountain climbers and other athletes. He found out that so long as that task’s challenge is high, and so are your skills, you should be able to achieve flow.
Why is flow “the secret to happiness” For one thing, the experience can help people pursue their long-term goals. Research shows that taking a break to feel flow can enhance one’s self-control, goal pursuit and well-being. A recent study also shows that flow helps people stay resilient (有适应力的) in the face of difficulty. Part of this is because flow can help refocus thoughts away from something stressful to something enjoyable. In fact, studies have shown that experiencing flow can help guard against depression and burnout.
What is going on in the brain during flow Studies show that the experience is associated with increasing activation in brain structures related to feeling reward. This may be one reason why flow feels so enjoyable and why people are so focused on tasks that make them feel flow. Research also shows that flow is associated with dampened activity in brain structures related to self-focus and negative thoughts. This may help explain why feeling flow can help distract (转移) people from worry. However, the above-mentioned studies were correlational, not causal. Further study of this connection is vital.
25. According to the passage, flow is most likely to occur when someone is ______.
A. playing chess against a tough opponent B. attending a concert of his favorite singer
C. doing daily chores for his family members D. sharing his traveling experience with friends
26. Flow is called “the secret to happiness” partly because it can help ______.
A. turn demanding tasks into easier ones
B. distract people from negative thoughts
C. remind people to take necessary breaks
D. break long-term goals into shorter ones
27. What does the underlined word “dampened” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean
A. Planned. B. Imbalanced. C. Reduced. D. Activated.
28. Which would be the best title for the passage
A. When does the state of “flow” occur B. What happens in our brain during “flow”
C. Why does experiencing “flow” feel so good D. How can “flow” be achieved in everyday life
I get that parents worry about screen time. But speaking as a researcher studying the effects of screen-based experiences, screens can be a great tool for reading. Digital books give children unique opportunities to learn and improve skills through literacy apps. To that end, I am one of many researchers in this field who believe that digital reading should not be considered screen time in the traditional sense.
With the large number of educational technological products that lack research and good design, the million-dollar question is: What makes a digital story good for children’s learning Over the past 20 years, researchers have identified specific design features and reading situations that make some digital books more educational than others. First, it’s crucial that digital books offer high-quality personalized reading experiences. With books that have AI-based text generators and a more open-ended design, children become multimedia creators, co-writers and co-illustrators of their own story universe. Second, digital books can significantly enhance the parent-child reading experience. The questions embedded (嵌入的) in digital books should model and expand what the parent might ask, and through this modeling, enhance the quality of parents’ talk around the book.
But as much as I support digital reading, the commercial turn in the development of ed tech worries me, particularly in relation to profit-driven design and misuse of children’s data. Like some social media, subscription libraries turn kids’ attention into a commodity (商品) through automatic book recommendations. These books are often tied to advertising clicks and exhibit low literary quality in their stories. Furthermore, there’s often no content oversight, allowing anyone to become a publisher, which can lead to the creation of biased or data-gathering materials targeting children. Generative AI has expanded content creation possibilities but also raised concerns about quality. In this regard, digital books, like all ed tech, need strict quality checks and improved collaboration between researchers and developers.
Anyway, the digital reading format has opened an exciting new research frontier. This includes using real-time data that teachers and other professionals can use to individualize how children learn to read. AI can be a good partner in supporting adults’ choice of texts, prompts and reading activities for children, provided it is trained with diverse data and valid reading models. As researchers’ calls for evidence-based children’s ed tech are being heard by governments and funders, I hope the past two decades of e-book research can deliver the advantages of digital books to all children. Like it or not, I hope you’ll see that, at least for reading, screens can be an amazing tool to teach your child to read.
29. What is the author’s attitude towards counting digital reading as screen time
A. Supportive. B. Neutral. C. Cautious. D. Disapproving.
30. According to the passage, digital books contribute to ______.
A. more open-ended questions B. quality parent-child interaction
C. personalized design features D. changes in kids’ reading habits
31. What are the major threats to digital reading
A. Profit-driven design and data misuse. B. The strict checks on the content.
C. The great number of advertisements. D. Low literary quality but high prices.
32. What is the purpose of the passage
A. To highlight the risks of screen time. B. To introduce some advances in ed tech.
C. To offer another view on digital reading. D. To present the benefits of reading online.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)
Features of Modern-Day Heroes: Beyond Superpowers and Capes
In modern society, heroism has evolved (演变) from the traditional idea of a brave or noble character to individuals who show exceptional courage, selflessness, and dedication to a cause. From healthcare workers and first responders to social activists, heroes come in all shapes and forms. ___33___ For this question, we need to examine the various characteristics that make a person a hero and the impact they have on society.
___34___ In ancient myths, heroism was often associated with figures or warriors with superhuman abilities. They were often shown as larger-than-life figures who represented the values and beliefs of their own cultures. As societies became more complex, the definition of heroism also changed.
In the modern world, the term heroism has a much broader meaning. While physical strength and fighting skills are still valued, moral courage, selflessness, and resilience have become just as important. In today’s society, a modern hero can be someone who stands up for his or her beliefs, even if it goes against societal norms, or someone who puts the needs of others before his or her own.
One of the most critical changes in modern heroism is including people from all walks of life. Today, people from various backgrounds and experiences are recognized for their contributions, from first responders who put their lives on the line in emergencies to activists who fight for social justice. ___35___
The rise of social media has also affected how heroism is viewed and celebrated. ___36___ The danger of social media, however, is that it reduces heroism to a popularity contest in which the deeds that are “liked” or “shared” the most are considered particularly heroic. In reality, heroism is much more complex than that.
Although heroism has evolved, it remains an essential aspect of our society. Real heroes remind us that we all have the power to positively impact the world, no matter how big or small our deeds may seem.
Heroism has come a long way since its origins in ancient civilizations. ___37___ However, the true essence (实质) of heroism isn’t popularity or fame but a lasting commitment to serving others and making the world a better place.
A. Modern heroism often takes shape in acts of kindness.
B. Heroism has a long history and varies in different cultures.
C. But what are the defining characteristics of a modern hero
D. The evolution of heroism reflects the evolution of society itself.
E. Modern heroes exist in every profession and every corner of society.
F. It has given ordinary people a platform to share and get recognized for their heroic deeds.
G. It has expanded to include more people and traits, and social media has expanded its reach.
第一节(共4小题,第58-60 小题各2分,第61小题5分,共11分)
Most research supports the idea that music’s main benefit for students is the uplift of mood and thus of abilities to concentrate on tasks and study for longer periods of time.
What kind of music are we talking about then Some Drake Bach SpongeBob What’s the magic song Again, complicated (复杂). You want something that’s going to drop you right into that sweet spot of what is called medium arousal; a playlist that’s too boring might make you sleepy, while a song that’s too exciting might make it harder for you to focus. Songs with 60-70 beats per minute have been suggested to be good for keeping information. Beethoven’s For Elise is an example. Listening to Mozart has also been shown in studies to improve the productivity of its listeners.
There’s quite a bit of controversy on the effectiveness of having music on while you study even music that puts you in the right mood. A study conducted by the University of Wales found that students consistently performed worse on tests when exposed both to music that they liked and music they didn’t like, meaning that listening to music, regardless of how it made the students feel, was found to be just as distracting as a person talking to you while you’re working.
That same study also found that along with a completely quiet environment, students also performed best when they were played repetitive sounds or sounds of nature.
Another similar study however, found that while average performance was lower for the music-listening group, the variation in individual scores suggests that the effects of the music vary a lot from person to person, and hence why it’s difficult to definitely say whether music helps or hurts.
There seems to be agreement on one thing at least, which is that music with lyrics (歌词) definitely is a no-go. Processing lyrics means there’s no room in the language processing part of your brain to work on other tasks, especially when this involves reading or writing. The brain, actually, doesn’t have the ability to multitask at all. What you think is multitasking is actually just your poor old noodle rapidly switching between everything, but concentrating on nothing. Sad!
38. What kind of songs can be good for keeping information
39. Why is listening to music with lyrics not helpful for study
40. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
The study conducted by the University of Wales found that students performed best when they were exposed to music.
41. Apart from the aspects mentioned in the passage, how can listening to music influence you (In about 40 words)
42. 假设你是红星中学高一(1)班学生李华。你收到英国笔友Jim的邮件,请你阅读并回复该邮件。
Dear Li Hua,I have been using AI a lot recently — it’s unbelievable how much it can help. However, I’m also concerned about its potential negative impacts. For example, I worry that depending on it too much might reduce my ability to think independently.What are your suggestions for me on using AI properly Looking forward to your reply.Best regards,Jim
第一节 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C
6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. B
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
11. to recognize 12. pushing
13. differently 14. have inspired
15. on 16. powerful
17. introduces 18. was attracted
19. What 20. where
第一节 (共12小题;每小题2分,共24分)
21. D 22. B 23. A 24. D
25. A 26. B 27. C 28. C
29. D 30. B 31. A 32. C
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)
33. C 34. D 35. E 36. F 37. G
第一节(共4小题,第58-60 小题各2分,第61小题5分,共11分)
38. Songs with 60-70 beats per minute.
39. Because processing lyrics means there’s no room in the language processing part of our brain to work on other tasks, especially when this involves reading or writing.
40. 此题接受两种答案:
The study conducted by the University of Wales found that students performed best (students performed worse) when they were exposed to music.
The study conducted by the University of Wales found that students performed best when they were exposed to music (when they were played repetitive sounds or sounds of nature).
41. Music helps me to build social connections. Music sometimes speaks better than words, and I find it easy to befriend someone who shares a similar interest in music. In a way, music brings people together and create a sense of community and shared experience.
42. Dear Jim,
I understand your worries and concerns. AI can help us in ways we cannot even imagine, but it also has the potential to overshadow our independent thinking if we rely on it too much.
To get the most out of AI while remaining independent thinkers, I think we need to adopt a few approaches. Firstly, use AI for repetitive tasks that call for a lot of energy but do not require creativity. This will allow us to give more time to intellectually challenging tasks. Also, we need to maintain a critical mindset, always questioning the information presented by AI and not accepting it at face value.
Anyway, AI is already part of our life, and we need to learn to work in harmony with it. What do you think
Li Hua
Dear Jim
It’s great to hear from you, and I’m glad to know AI is helping with your learning.
To enjoy the benefits of AI while minimizing risks, first, use AI as a supplementary tool rather than a primary source. This way, you can enhance your learning without becoming overly dependent on it, ensuring you still engage in critical thinking. Second, balance AI usage with traditional study methods by setting specific times for AI use and others for manual learning. This approach will help you maintain and strengthen your independent problem-solving skills and cognitive abilities.
I hope these suggestions are helpful. Looking forward to hearing how they work out for you!
Li Hua