[精]新- 语境串记单词04:【单词易-单词记忆学案】人教版必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural disasters学案 +习题


名称 [精]新- 语境串记单词04:【单词易-单词记忆学案】人教版必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural disasters学案 +习题
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-31 12:55:53


Unit Four Book One
Part 1
One day, a group of senior high school students were having a picnic. Suddenly, as if by magic, a disaster struck! A small tornado appeared, but it just messed up their hair. Then came a drought that made the grass crack. Just as they were laughing, a landslide happened nearby, but it only made a small slide. However, they pretended to evacuate in panic. Later, they heard about a flood and a volcanic eruption somewhere, but with a magnitude so small it was like a joke. No damage or death occurred. They ended up in a shelter, joking that it was all a ruined picnic but still had so much fun!
disaster /d zɑ:st (r)/ n.灾难;灾害
tornado /t : ne d / n.龙卷风;旋风
drought /dra t/ n.旱灾;久旱
landslide / l ndsla d/ n.(山地或悬崖的)崩塌;滑坡
slide /sla d/ vi.&vt.(使)滑行;滑动
tsunami /tsu: nɑ:mi/ n.海啸
flood /fl d/ n.洪水;大量 vi.淹没
volcanic eruption /v l k n k 'r p n/ 火山喷发
magnitude / m gn tju:d/ n.(地)震级;重大
rescue / reskju:/ n.&vt.营救;救援
damage / d m d / vt.损害;破坏 n.损坏;损失
destroy /d str / vt.摧毁;毁灭
evacuate / v kjue t/ vt.疏散;撤出 vi.撤离
helicopter / hel k pt (r)/ n.直升机
death /deθ/ n.死;死亡
affect / fekt/ vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭
shelter / elt (r)/ n.避难处;居所 vt.保护
crack /kr k/ n.裂纹;裂缝 vi.&vt.使破裂
as if / z f/ 似乎;好像;仿佛
ruin / ru: n/ n.&vt.破坏;毁坏
in ruins / n 'ru: nz/ 严重受损;破败不堪
Part 2
The senior high school students continued their adventure. They found that about fifty percent of the nearby buildings were damaged, with bricks and metal scattered everywhere. They were in shock. The electricity supply was cut off. A trap hidden in the ruins almost caught one of them. Some were buried under the debris, but they managed to breathe. With great effort and unify, they tried to revive their spirits. Their wisdom helped them in this difficult context. They might still suffer from other unknown dangers. Just when they thought they were safe, a typhoon was approaching. They had to find a place in the open air to avoid being affected by the volcano that might erupt at any time. The supply of resources was also interrupted, causing them additional trouble.
percent /p 'sent/ n.百分之… adv.每一百中
brick /br k/ n.砖;砖块
metal / metl/ n.金属
shock / k/ n.震惊;休克 vt.(使)震惊
in shock 震惊;吃惊
electricity / lek tr s ti/ n.电;电能
trap /tr p/ vt.使落入险境 n.险境;陷阱
bury / beri/ vt.埋葬;安葬
breathe /bri: / vi.&vt.呼吸
revive /r va v/ vi.&vt.复活;(使)苏醒
revival /r va vl/ n.振兴;复苏
effort / ef t/ n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力
unify / ju:n fa / vi.&vt.统一;(使)成一体
wisdom / w zd m/ n.智慧;才智
context / k ntekst/ n.上下文;语境;背景
suffer / s f (r)/ vt.遭受;蒙受 vi.受苦
volcano /v l ke n / n.火山
erupt / r pt/ vi.&vt.火山爆发;岩浆喷出
supply /s pla / n.供应;补给 vt.供应;供给
typhoon /ta fu:n/ n.台风
in the open air 露天;在户外
Part 3
The hurricane was approaching rapidly. But the students remained calm and used their wisdom to survive. They found a tap and some pipes, but they didn't have the power to make them work. However, they had a first aid kit on hand. Just when they thought all hope was lost, a rescue team arrived. The team whistled to signal their presence. They brought emergency aid and delivered necessary supplies. The powerful waves didn't strike them as they were in a relatively safe place. The typhoon swept away many things, but the sweep away of the typhoon didn't affect the students. The students were lucky to be safe. In summary, although the disaster had a great effect, they managed to get through this difficult time of unknown length.
hurricane / h r k n/ n.(尤指西大西洋的)飓风
survive /s va v/ vi.生存;存活 vt.幸存
power / pa (r)/ n.电力供应;能量;力量
tap /t p/ vi.&vt.轻叩;轻敲 n.水龙头
pipe /pa p/ n.管子;管道
whistle / w sl/ vi.&vt.吹口哨 n.哨子(声)
emergency /i m :d nsi/ n.突发事件;紧急情况
calm /kɑ:m/ a.镇静的;沉着的 vt.使平静
aid /e d/ n.援助;帮助 vi.&vt.帮助
kit /k t/ n.成套工具;成套设备
first aid kit /f :st e d k t/ 急救箱
on hand / n h nd/ 现有(尤指帮助)
crash /kr / vt&vi.碰撞;撞击 n.撞车
sweep /swi:p/ vt.&vi.打扫;清扫
sweep away 消灭;彻底消除
wave /we v/ n.海浪;波浪 vi.&vt.挥手
strike /stra k/ vi.&vt.侵袭;突击 n.罢工
deliver /d l v (r)/ vi.&vt.传递;传达 vt.发表
summary / s m ri/ n.总结;概括;概要
effect / fekt/ n.影响;结果;效果
length /le θ/ n.长;长度
________ n. 百分比
________ n. 砖
________ n. 金属
________ n. 震惊
________ adj. 震惊的
________ n. 电
________ v. 使陷入困境
________ v. 埋葬
________ v. 呼吸
________ v. 复活
________ n. 复兴
________ n. 努力
________ v. 统一
________ n. 智慧
________ n. 上下文
________ 好像
________ 成为废墟
________ 百分之……
________ 触电;电休克
________ 被困住
________ 露天;在户外
________ 急救箱
________ 在手边;即将到来
1.power n. 电力供应;能量;力量;控制力→ adj. 强大的;强有力的
→ adj. 无力的;没有能力的;无权力的
2.shock n. 震惊;令人震惊的事;休克 vt. (使)震惊→ adj. 震惊的
→ adj. 令人震惊的
3.affect vt. 影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动→ n.
4.calm adj. 镇静的;沉着的 vt. 使平静;使镇静→ adv. 镇静地;沉着地
5.deliver vt.&vi. 递送;传达 vt. 发表→ n. 递送;传达
6.effect n. 影响;结果;效果→ adj. 有效的
7.survive vi. 生存;存活 vt. 幸存;艰难度过→ n. 幸存者;生还者
→ n. 幸存;生还
8. vi.&vt. 呼吸→breath n.呼吸
9.revive vt.&vi. 复活;(使)苏醒→ n. 振兴;复苏
10.suffer vt. 遭受;蒙受 vi. (因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦→ n. 痛苦;苦难→ n. 受苦者
11. n. 智慧;才智→wise adj. 明智的;有智慧的
→ adv. 明智地;有智慧地
12.rescue n.&vt. 营救;救援→ n. 营救人员;救援人员
13. n. 死;死亡→die vi. 死;死亡→ adj. 死的;无生命的
→ adj. 垂死的;临终的
14.erupt vi.&vt. (火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出→ n. 爆发
15. n. 长;长度→long adj. 长的→ vt.
The storm had a ______ (disaster) effect on the crops.
The ______ (rescue) risked his life to save the child.
The car was ______ (damage) seriously in the accident.
They carried out the ______ (evacuate) in an orderly manner.
His sudden ______ (dead) came as a shock to all of us.
What ______ (percent) of the students passed the exam
The news was so ______ (shock) that everyone was speechless.
The ______ (trap) miners were finally rescued.
Take a deep ______ (breathe) and relax.
The ______ (suffer) of the refugees is heartbreaking.
We need to replenish our ______ (supply).
His ______ (survive) skills helped him in the wilderness.
This machine is ______ (power) enough to handle the heavy workload.
The injured were ______ (aid) by the passers-by.
This method proves to be ______ (effect) in solving the problem.
Today, natural 1.__________(灾害), such as floods, 2.__________(干旱), landslides, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis, often 3.__________(袭击) towns and villages, causing human 4.__________(死亡) or great damage to people’s property. The most dangerous of them is the volcanic 5.__________(爆发). An active volcano can erupt at any time. Its great power can ruin crops, 6.__________(毁坏) houses and even bury villages. When a tsunami comes, the 7.__________(海浪) can crash buildings and sweep away crops. Experts say people should remain calm in the face of an 8.__________(紧急情况). Experts also give a 9.__________(总结) of the effect of some natural disasters. Although they 10.__________(影响) people’s lives, the effect is not as serious as people imagine.
A great earthquake struck the city and everyone was 1.__________(shock). Ninety percent of the buildings lay in ruins, 2.__________(金属) pipes and taps cracked, and bricks covered the ground. There were ruins everywhere. Many people were trapped at home and 3.__________(遭受) a great deal. There was neither 4.__________(电) nor water. It seemed as if the world were at an end. The government immediately organized 5.__________(营救) teams to evacuate people and take the trapped survivors to 6.__________(避难所) in the open air. Some doctors ran over with first aid kits on hand. The helicopters 7.__________(递送) all kinds of 8.__________(supply) and the ambulances whistled by. The PLA also came to their rescue. Thanks to their unified efforts and 9.__________(智慧), the city began to10.__________(呼吸) and revive.
The Rescue Mission
One sunny day, a small village was hit by a sudden disaster. A powerful flood swept through the area, causing widespread 1 . The force of the water was so strong that it carried away everything in its path. Many houses were 2, and roads were cracked and unusable. The beautiful landscape that once filled the villagers' hearts with joy was now a scene of chaos and 3 .
The villagers were in 4 and panic. Their lives had been turned upside down in an instant. They needed immediate 5 and assistance. A team of rescuers, including some brave firefighters and 6 volunteers, was quickly 7. They brought first aid kits, food supplies, and essential 8 to help those in need.
One of the rescuers, named Tom, was an experienced and 9 man. He knew that time was of the 10 . The flood had 11 many people in their houses, and they were 12 with difficulty, fearing for their lives.
Tom and his team used helicopters and boats to reach the affected areas. They worked tirelessly, not caring about their own safety. Some of the villagers were 13 , and the rescuers did their best to 14 and comfort them.
After hours of intense effort and unwavering determination, more and more survivors were found. The rescue mission was a 15 . The villagers were filled with gratitude for the rescuers' bravery and kindness.
1 A. damage B. ruin C. effect D. percent
2 A. damaged B. trapped C. buried D. destroyed
3 A. hope B. relief C. calm D. despair
4 A. shock B. relief C. calm D. fear
5 A. rescue B. aid C. supply D. effort
6 A. selfless B. selfish C. careful D. careless
7 A. organized B. trapped C. buried D. damaged
8 A. foods B. tools C. books D. toys
9 A. courageous B. frightened C. weak D. lazy
10 A. length B. essence C. percent D. survival
11 A. trapped B. buried C. damaged D. destroyed
12 A. breathing B. suffering C. surviving D. crying
13 A. hurt B. lost C. sick D. injured
14 A. aid B. rescue C. help D. support
15 A. success B. failure C. challenge D. disaster
Unit 4
vocanic eruption
as if
in ruins
in shock
in the open air
first aid kit
on hand
sweep away
Sri Lanka
9 新人教版 必修一新版语篇串记单词
Unit Four Book One
Part 1
One day, a group of senior high school students were having a picnic. Suddenly, as if by magic, a disaster struck! A small tornado appeared, but it just messed up their hair. Then came a drought that made the grass crack. Just as they were laughing, a landslide happened nearby, but it only made a small slide. However, they pretended to evacuate in panic. Later, they heard about a flood and a volcanic eruption somewhere, but with a magnitude so small it was like a joke. No damage or death occurred. They ended up in a shelter, joking that it was all a ruined picnic but still had so much fun!
disaster /d zɑ:st (r)/ n.灾难;灾害
tornado /t : ne d / n.龙卷风;旋风
drought /dra t/ n.旱灾;久旱
landslide / l ndsla d/ n.(山地或悬崖的)崩塌;滑坡
slide /sla d/ vi.&vt.(使)滑行;滑动
tsunami /tsu: nɑ:mi/ n.海啸
flood /fl d/ n.洪水;大量 vi.淹没
volcanic eruption /v l k n k 'r p n/ 火山喷发
magnitude / m gn tju:d/ n.(地)震级;重大
rescue / reskju:/ n.&vt.营救;救援
damage / d m d / vt.损害;破坏 n.损坏;损失
destroy /d str / vt.摧毁;毁灭
evacuate / v kjue t/ vt.疏散;撤出 vi.撤离
helicopter / hel k pt (r)/ n.直升机
death /deθ/ n.死;死亡
affect / fekt/ vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭
shelter / elt (r)/ n.避难处;居所 vt.保护
crack /kr k/ n.裂纹;裂缝 vi.&vt.使破裂
as if / z f/ 似乎;好像;仿佛
ruin / ru: n/ n.&vt.破坏;毁坏
in ruins / n 'ru: nz/ 严重受损;破败不堪
Part 2
The senior high school students continued their adventure. They found that about fifty percent of the nearby buildings were damaged, with bricks and metal scattered everywhere. They were in shock. The electricity supply was cut off. A trap hidden in the ruins almost caught one of them. Some were buried under the debris, but they managed to breathe. With great effort and unify, they tried to revive their spirits. Their wisdom helped them in this difficult context. They might still suffer from other unknown dangers. Just when they thought they were safe, a typhoon was approaching. They had to find a place in the open air to avoid being affected by the volcano that might erupt at any time. The supply of resources was also interrupted, causing them additional trouble.
percent /p 'sent/ n.百分之… adv.每一百中
brick /br k/ n.砖;砖块
metal / metl/ n.金属
shock / k/ n.震惊;休克 vt.(使)震惊
in shock 震惊;吃惊
electricity / lek tr s ti/ n.电;电能
trap /tr p/ vt.使落入险境 n.险境;陷阱
bury / beri/ vt.埋葬;安葬
breathe /bri: / vi.&vt.呼吸
revive /r va v/ vi.&vt.复活;(使)苏醒
revival /r va vl/ n.振兴;复苏
effort / ef t/ n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力
unify / ju:n fa / vi.&vt.统一;(使)成一体
wisdom / w zd m/ n.智慧;才智
context / k ntekst/ n.上下文;语境;背景
suffer / s f (r)/ vt.遭受;蒙受 vi.受苦
volcano /v l ke n / n.火山
erupt / r pt/ vi.&vt.火山爆发;岩浆喷出
supply /s pla / n.供应;补给 vt.供应;供给
typhoon /ta fu:n/ n.台风
in the open air 露天;在户外
Part 3
The hurricane was approaching rapidly. But the students remained calm and used their wisdom to survive. They found a tap and some pipes, but they didn't have the power to make them work. However, they had a first aid kit on hand. Just when they thought all hope was lost, a rescue team arrived. The team whistled to signal their presence. They brought emergency aid and delivered necessary supplies. The powerful waves didn't strike them as they were in a relatively safe place. The typhoon swept away many things, but the sweep away of the typhoon didn't affect the students. The students were lucky to be safe. In summary, although the disaster had a great effect, they managed to get through this difficult time of unknown length.
hurricane / h r k n/ n.(尤指西大西洋的)飓风
survive /s va v/ vi.生存;存活 vt.幸存
power / pa (r)/ n.电力供应;能量;力量
tap /t p/ vi.&vt.轻叩;轻敲 n.水龙头
pipe /pa p/ n.管子;管道
whistle / w sl/ vi.&vt.吹口哨 n.哨子(声)
emergency /i m :d nsi/ n.突发事件;紧急情况
calm /kɑ:m/ a.镇静的;沉着的 vt.使平静
aid /e d/ n.援助;帮助 vi.&vt.帮助
kit /k t/ n.成套工具;成套设备
first aid kit /f :st e d k t/ 急救箱
on hand / n h nd/ 现有(尤指帮助)
crash /kr / vt&vi.碰撞;撞击 n.撞车
sweep /swi:p/ vt.&vi.打扫;清扫
sweep away 消灭;彻底消除
wave /we v/ n.海浪;波浪 vi.&vt.挥手
strike /stra k/ vi.&vt.侵袭;突击 n.罢工
deliver /d l v (r)/ vi.&vt.传递;传达 vt.发表
summary / s m ri/ n.总结;概括;概要
effect / fekt/ n.影响;结果;效果
length /le θ/ n.长;长度
________ n. 百分比
________ n. 砖
________ n. 金属
________ n. 震惊
________ adj. 震惊的
________ n. 电
________ v. 使陷入困境
________ v. 埋葬
________ v. 呼吸
________ v. 复活
________ n. 复兴
________ n. 努力
________ v. 统一
________ n. 智慧
________ n. 上下文
________ 好像
________ 成为废墟
________ 百分之……
________ 触电;电休克
________ 被困住
________ 露天;在户外
________ 急救箱
________ 在手边;即将到来
1. percent n. 百分比
2. brick n. 砖
3. metal n. 金属
4. shock n. 震惊
5. shocked adj. 震惊的
6. electricity n. 电
7. trap v. 使陷入困境
8. bury v. 埋葬
9. breathe v. 呼吸
10. revive v. 复活
11. revival n. 复兴
12. effort n. 努力
13. unify v. 统一
14. wisdom n. 智慧
15. context n. 上下文
1. as if 好像
2. in ruins 成为废墟
3. percent of 百分之……
4. electric shock 触电;电休克
5. be trapped 被困住
6. in the open air 露天;在户外
7. first aid kit 急救箱
8. at hand 在手边;即将到来
1.power n. 电力供应;能量;力量;控制力→ adj. 强大的;强有力的
→ adj. 无力的;没有能力的;无权力的
2.shock n. 震惊;令人震惊的事;休克 vt. (使)震惊→ adj. 震惊的
→ adj. 令人震惊的
3.affect vt. 影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动→ n.
4.calm adj. 镇静的;沉着的 vt. 使平静;使镇静→ adv. 镇静地;沉着地
5.deliver vt.&vi. 递送;传达 vt. 发表→ n. 递送;传达
6.effect n. 影响;结果;效果→ adj. 有效的
7.survive vi. 生存;存活 vt. 幸存;艰难度过→ n. 幸存者;生还者
→ n. 幸存;生还
8. vi.&vt. 呼吸→breath n.呼吸
9.revive vt.&vi. 复活;(使)苏醒→ n. 振兴;复苏
10.suffer vt. 遭受;蒙受 vi. (因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦→ n. 痛苦;苦难→ n. 受苦者
11. n. 智慧;才智→wise adj. 明智的;有智慧的
→ adv. 明智地;有智慧地
12.rescue n.&vt. 营救;救援→ n. 营救人员;救援人员
13. n. 死;死亡→die vi. 死;死亡→ adj. 死的;无生命的
→ adj. 垂死的;临终的
14.erupt vi.&vt. (火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出→ n. 爆发
15. n. 长;长度→long adj. 长的→ vt.
1. powerful adj. 强大的;强有力的;powerless adj. 无力的;没有能力的;无权力的
2. shocked adj. 震惊的;shocking adj. 令人震惊的
3. affection n. 感情
4. calmly adv. 镇静地;沉着地
5. delivery n. 递送;传达
6. effective adj. 有效的
7. survivor n. 幸存者;生还者;survival n. 幸存;生还
8. breathe vi.&vt. 呼吸
9. revival n. 振兴;复苏
10. suffering n. 痛苦;苦难;sufferer n. 受苦者
11. wisdom n. 智慧;才智;wisely adv. 明智地;有智慧地
12. rescuer n. 营救人员;救援人员
13. death n. 死;死亡;dead adj. 死的;无生命的;dying adj. 垂死的;临终的
14. eruption n. 爆发
15. length n. 长;长度;lengthen vt. 加长
The storm had a ______ (disaster) effect on the crops.
The ______ (rescue) risked his life to save the child.
The car was ______ (damage) seriously in the accident.
They carried out the ______ (evacuate) in an orderly manner.
His sudden ______ (dead) came as a shock to all of us.
What ______ (percent) of the students passed the exam
The news was so ______ (shock) that everyone was speechless.
The ______ (trap) miners were finally rescued.
Take a deep ______ (breathe) and relax.
The ______ (suffer) of the refugees is heartbreaking.
We need to replenish our ______ (supply).
His ______ (survive) skills helped him in the wilderness.
This machine is ______ (power) enough to handle the heavy workload.
The injured were ______ (aid) by the passers-by.
This method proves to be ______ (effect) in solving the problem.
1. disastrous
- “disaster”是名词“灾难”,此处需要一个形容词来修饰“effect”,“disastrous”表示“灾难性的;损失惨重的”。例如:The flood had a disastrous effect on the village.(洪水对这个村庄造成了灾难性的影响。)
2. rescuer
- “rescue”是动词“营救”,此处需要一个名词表示“营救者”,“rescuer”即“营救者;救援人员”。例如:The brave rescuer climbed up the mountain to save the lost hiker.(勇敢的营救者爬上了山去救迷路的徒步旅行者。)
3. damaged
- “damage”作动词时表示“损害;损坏”,此处是被动语态,“was damaged”表示“被损坏”。例如:The building was damaged during the earthquake.(这座建筑在地震中被损坏了。)
4. evacuation
- “evacuate”是动词“疏散;撤离”,“evacuation”是其名词形式。例如:The evacuation of the town was completed smoothly.(小镇的疏散工作顺利完成。)
5. death
- “dead”是形容词“死的”,“death”是名词“死亡”。例如:His father's death made him very sad.(他父亲的去世让他非常伤心。)
6. percentage
- “percent”表示“百分之......”,“percentage”表示“百分比;百分率”。例如:What percentage of the population is unemployed (失业率是多少?)
7. shocking
- “shock”作动词或名词,“shocking”是形容词“令人震惊的”,用来形容事物。例如:The news of the crime was shocking.(这起犯罪的消息令人震惊。)
8. trapped
- “trap”作动词表示“使陷入困境;困住”,“trapped”是过去分词作形容词,表示“被困住的”。例如:The trapped animals were waiting for rescue.(被困的动物在等待救援。)
9. breath
- “breathe”是动词“呼吸”,“breath”是名词“呼吸;一口气”。例如:Take a deep breath and calm down.(深吸一口气然后冷静下来。)
10. suffering
- “suffer”是动词“受苦;遭受”,“suffering”是名词“痛苦;苦难”。例如:The suffering of the poor is unbearable.(穷人的苦难难以忍受。)
11. supplies
- “supply”作名词时,常用复数“supplies”表示“供应品;补给品”。例如:We need to stock up on supplies for the winter.(我们需要为冬天储备补给品。)
12. survival
- “survive”是动词“生存;幸存”,“survival”是名词“生存;幸存”。例如:His survival skills are very useful in the wild.(他的生存技能在野外非常有用。)
13. powerful
- “power”是名词“力量;权力”,“powerful”是形容词“强大的;有力的”。例如:This is a powerful engine.(这是一个强大的引擎。)
14. aided
- “aid”作动词表示“帮助;援助”,此处是被动语态,“were aided”表示“被帮助”。例如:The wounded were aided by the medical team.(伤员得到了医疗队的帮助。)
15. effective
- “effect”是名词“影响;效果”,“effective”是形容词“有效的;起作用的”。例如:This medicine is very effective in treating the disease.(这种药治疗这种疾病非常有效。)
Today, natural 1.__________(灾害), such as floods, 2.__________(干旱), landslides, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis, often 3.__________(袭击) towns and villages, causing human 4.__________(死亡) or great damage to people’s property. The most dangerous of them is the volcanic 5.__________(爆发). An active volcano can erupt at any time. Its great power can ruin crops, 6.__________(毁坏) houses and even bury villages. When a tsunami comes, the 7.__________(海浪) can crash buildings and sweep away crops. Experts say people should remain calm in the face of an 8.__________(紧急情况). Experts also give a 9.__________(总结) of the effect of some natural disasters. Although they 10.__________(影响) people’s lives, the effect is not as serious as people imagine.
A great earthquake struck the city and everyone was 1.__________(shock). Ninety percent of the buildings lay in ruins, 2.__________(金属) pipes and taps cracked, and bricks covered the ground. There were ruins everywhere. Many people were trapped at home and 3.__________(遭受) a great deal. There was neither 4.__________(电) nor water. It seemed as if the world were at an end. The government immediately organized 5.__________(营救) teams to evacuate people and take the trapped survivors to 6.__________(避难所) in the open air. Some doctors ran over with first aid kits on hand. The helicopters 7.__________(递送) all kinds of 8.__________(supply) and the ambulances whistled by. The PLA also came to their rescue. Thanks to their unified efforts and 9.__________(智慧), the city began to10.__________(呼吸) and revive.
1. disasters
- 此处需要名词复数,“disaster”意为“灾害”,复数形式为“disasters”。例如:Natural disasters have caused huge losses.(自然灾害造成了巨大的损失。)
2. droughts
- “干旱”是“drought”,此处也需要复数“droughts”。比如:Some areas are often affected by droughts.(一些地区经常遭受干旱。)
3. strike
- “袭击”用“strike”,主语是复数,此处用原形。如:Lightning often strikes tall buildings.(闪电经常袭击高楼。)
4. deaths
- “死亡”是“death”,此处需要复数“deaths”。像:There were many deaths in the accident.(事故中有很多人死亡。)
5. eruption
- “爆发”是“eruption”,例如:The volcano's eruption was very powerful.(这座火山的爆发非常强大。)
6. destroy
- “毁坏”用“destroy”,can 后用动词原形。比如:The fire can destroy everything.(火能毁坏一切。)
7. waves
- “海浪”是“wave”,此处用复数“waves”。例如:The big waves crashed against the rocks.(巨浪拍打着岩石。)
8. emergency
- “紧急情况”是“emergency”。比如:In an emergency, call 110.(在紧急情况下,拨打 110。)
9. summary
- “总结”是“summary”。例如:He made a summary of the meeting.(他对会议做了总结。)
10. affect
- “影响”是“affect”,主语是复数,用原形。比如:The bad weather affects our travel plans.(坏天气影响了我们的旅行计划。)
1. shocked
- “shock”的过去分词形式“shocked”表示“感到震惊的”,形容人的感受。例如:He was shocked by the bad news.(他被这个坏消息震惊了。)
2. metal
- “金属”是“metal”,比如:This machine is made of metal.(这台机器是金属制成的。)
3. suffered
- “遭受”是“suffer”,此处用过去式“suffered”。例如:She suffered a lot in the past.(她过去遭受了很多。)
4. electricity
- “电”是“electricity”。比如:We need to save electricity.(我们需要省电。)
5. rescue
- “营救”是“rescue”,“rescue teams”表示“救援队”。例如:The rescue teams worked hard to save people.(救援队努力工作来救人。)
6. shelters
- “避难所”是“shelter”,此处用复数“shelters”。比如:They found shelters to stay safe.(他们找到了避难所来保证安全。)
7. delivered
- “递送”是“deliver”,此处用过去式“delivered”。例如:The postman delivered the letters on time.(邮递员按时投递了信件。)
8. supplies
- “supply”作名词,常用复数“supplies”表示“补给品”。比如:We need more supplies for the trip.(我们旅行需要更多的补给品。)
9. wisdom
- “智慧”是“wisdom”。例如:The old man has much wisdom.(这位老人很有智慧。)
10. breathe
- “呼吸”是“breathe”,begin to do sth. 用动词原形。比如:The patient began to breathe normally.(病人开始正常呼吸。)
The Rescue Mission
One sunny day, a small village was hit by a sudden disaster. A powerful flood swept through the area, causing widespread 1 . The force of the water was so strong that it carried away everything in its path. Many houses were 2, and roads were cracked and unusable. The beautiful landscape that once filled the villagers' hearts with joy was now a scene of chaos and 3 .
The villagers were in 4 and panic. Their lives had been turned upside down in an instant. They needed immediate 5 and assistance. A team of rescuers, including some brave firefighters and 6 volunteers, was quickly 7. They brought first aid kits, food supplies, and essential 8 to help those in need.
One of the rescuers, named Tom, was an experienced and 9 man. He knew that time was of the 10 . The flood had 11 many people in their houses, and they were 12 with difficulty, fearing for their lives.
Tom and his team used helicopters and boats to reach the affected areas. They worked tirelessly, not caring about their own safety. Some of the villagers were 13 , and the rescuers did their best to 14 and comfort them.
After hours of intense effort and unwavering determination, more and more survivors were found. The rescue mission was a 15 . The villagers were filled with gratitude for the rescuers' bravery and kindness.
1 A. damage B. ruin C. effect D. percent
2 A. damaged B. trapped C. buried D. destroyed
3 A. hope B. relief C. calm D. despair
4 A. shock B. relief C. calm D. fear
5 A. rescue B. aid C. supply D. effort
6 A. selfless B. selfish C. careful D. careless
7 A. organized B. trapped C. buried D. damaged
8 A. foods B. tools C. books D. toys
9 A. courageous B. frightened C. weak D. lazy
10 A. length B. essence C. percent D. survival
11 A. trapped B. buried C. damaged D. destroyed
12 A. breathing B. suffering C. surviving D. crying
13 A. hurt B. lost C. sick D. injured
14 A. aid B. rescue C. help D. support
15 A. success B. failure C. challenge D. disaster
1. A
- “damage”表示“损害,破坏”,widespread damage 表示“广泛的破坏”,符合洪水造成的后果。例如:The earthquake caused widespread damage to the city.(地震给这座城市造成了广泛的破坏。)
2. D
- “destroy”强调彻底毁坏,无法修复。Many houses were destroyed 表示“很多房子被毁坏了”。例如:The enemy destroyed the whole village.(敌人毁坏了整个村庄。)
3. D
- “despair”表示“绝望”,与前文的“chaos”(混乱)相呼应,形容灾难后的景象。例如:He was in despair after the failure.(失败后他陷入了绝望。)
4. D
- “fear”表示“害怕,恐惧”,村民们面对灾难会感到害怕和恐慌。例如:The children were filled with fear when they heard the strange noise.(孩子们听到奇怪的声音充满了恐惧。)
5. B
- “aid”强调帮助、援助,immediate aid 即“立即的援助”。例如:They are in urgent need of aid.(他们急需援助。)
6. A
- “selfless”表示“无私的”,形容志愿者的高尚品质。例如:The selfless doctor devoted all his life to helping patients.(这位无私的医生一生都致力于帮助病人。)
7. A
- “organized”表示“组织,安排”,救援队伍被快速组织起来。例如:The activity was well organized.(这次活动组织得很好。)
8. B
- “tools”表示“工具”,除了食物供应,还带来了必要的工具来帮助受灾群众。例如:They used different tools to repair the machine.(他们用不同的工具来修理机器。)
9. A
- “courageous”表示“勇敢的”,符合救援者的形象。例如:The courageous soldier saved many lives.(这位勇敢的士兵救了很多人的生命。)
10. B
- “of the essence”表示“极其重要,关键”,time was of the essence 表示时间至关重要。例如:In this emergency, speed was of the essence.(在这种紧急情况下,速度是关键。)
11. A
- “trap”表示“困住”,洪水把很多人困在了房子里。例如:The workers were trapped in the mine.(工人们被困在了矿井里。)
12. B
- “suffer”表示“受苦,受难”,they were suffering 表示他们正在遭受痛苦。例如:The patients have been suffering from the disease for a long time.(这些病人已经患病很久,一直在受苦。)
13. D
- “injured”表示“受伤的”,一些村民受伤了。例如:Many people were injured in the accident.(在事故中很多人受伤了。)
14. A
- “aid”有“援助,救助”的意思,do one's best to aid 表示尽力援助。例如:We should aid those in trouble.(我们应该援助那些处于困境中的人。)
15. A
- “success”表示“成功”,救援任务成功了。例如:The project was a great success.(这个项目取得了巨大的成功。)
Unit 4
vocanic eruption
as if
in ruins
in shock
in the open air
first aid kit
on hand
sweep away
Sri Lanka
16 新人教版 必修一
1. disaster n. 灾难
2. tornado n. 龙卷风
3. drought n. 旱灾
4. landslide n. 山体滑坡
5. slide v. / n. 滑行;滑动;滑梯;幻灯片
6. tsunami n. 海啸
7. flood n. / v. 洪水;水灾;淹没;泛滥
8. volcanic eruption n. 火山喷发
9. magnitude n. 大小;量级;震级
10. rescue v. / n. 营救;救援
11. damage v. / n. 损害;损坏
12. destroy v. 摧毁;毁灭
13. evacuate v. 疏散;撤离
14. helicopter n. 直升机
15. death n. 死亡
16. affect v. 影响;侵袭
17. shelter n. / v. 避难所;庇护所;遮蔽
18. crack n. / v. 裂缝;裂纹
19. as if 短语 好像;似乎;仿佛
20. ruin v. / n. 毁坏;破坏;废墟
21. in ruins 短语 严重受损;破败不堪
22. percent n. 百分之……
23. brick n. 砖;砖块
24. metal n. 金属
25. shock n. / v. 震惊;休克;使震惊
26. in shock 短语 处于极度震惊状态
27. electricity n. 电;电能
28. trap v. / n. 使陷入困境;困住;陷阱
29. bury v. 埋葬;掩埋
30. breathe v. 呼吸
31. revive v. (使)苏醒;(使)复兴
32. revival n. 复兴;复苏;复活
33. effort n. 努力;尽力
34. unify v. 统一;使成一体
35. wisdom n. 智慧;才智
36. context n. 上下文;语境;背景
37. suffer v. 受苦;遭受;忍受
38. volcano n. 火山
39. erupt v. 爆发;喷发
40. supply n. / v. 供应;供给;补给
41. typhoon n. 台风
42. in the open air 短语 在户外;露天
43. hurricane n. 飓风
44. survive v. 生存;存活;幸存
45. power n. 力量;权力;动力
46. tap n. 水龙头;v. 轻敲
47. pipe n. 管子;管道
48. whistle v. / n. 吹口哨;哨子;呼啸声
49. emergency n. 紧急情况;突发事件
50. calm v. / adj. 使平静;平静的
51. aid v. / n. 帮助;援助
52. kit n. 成套工具;装备
53. first aid kit 短语 急救箱
54. on hand 短语 在手头;在场
55. crash v. / n. 碰撞;坠毁;崩溃
56. sweep v. 打扫;席卷
57. sweep away 短语 冲走;清除
58. wave n. 波浪;v. 挥手
59. strike v. 袭击;罢工
60. deliver v. 投递;交付
61. summary n. 总结;概要
62. effect n. 影响;效果
63. length n. 长度;篇幅
64. Ecuador n. 厄瓜多尔
65. Sri Lanka n. 斯里兰卡
66. Indonesia n. 印度尼西亚
67. Thailand n. 泰国
68. Malaysia n. 马来西亚
69. Sumatra n. 苏门答腊