Unit 6 How do you feel? Part C 同步练习题(含听力材料+听力MP3+含答案)


名称 Unit 6 How do you feel? Part C 同步练习题(含听力材料+听力MP3+含答案)
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文件大小 1.4MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-31 10:10:45


Unit 6《How do you feel?》Part C 同步练习题
班级:_________ 姓名:__________
( ) 1). A.mouse B.mice C. watch
( ) 2). A.cartoon B.sad C. them
( ) 3). A.hurt B.afraid C. bad
( ) 4). A.at school B.at home C. at the zoo
( ) 5). A.watch films B.chase the mice C. angry with
( ) 1). They will eat some fruit.
( ) 2). They are afraid of their English teacher.
( ) 3). My cat is chasing a mouse now!
( ) 4). Dogs often hurt people.
( ) 5). The cartoon is about a cat.
( ) 1). You should see a doctor.
( ) 2). What should I do
( ) 3). Don’t be angry.
( ) 4). Let’s go to the hospital.
( ) 5). We can’t go to the zoo today.
( )4.A.sad B.bed C.bad
( )5.A.sit B.take C.one
( )6.A.feel B.grass C.mud
( )7.A.stuck B.sad C.angry
( )8.A.park B.grass C.flower
9.—________ does he feel ( )
—He feels happy.
A.Why B.What C.How
10.Let ________ help you! ( )
A.us B.we C.our
11.They pull Robin out ________ the mud. ( )
A.to B.of C.at
12.Don’t ________. ( )
A.worry B.be worried C.A and B
13.She should ________ a deep breath. ( )
A.take B.takes C.taking
14.What should she do ( )
A.她应该做什么? B.她感觉怎么样?
15.I’m a little worried. ( )
A.我一点也不担心。 B.我有一点儿担心。
16.You should wear warm clothes. ( )
A.你应该穿厚一点的衣服。 B.你应该穿暖和点的衣服。
17.We can go next time. ( )
18.What’s wrong ( )
A.是什么错了? B.怎么了?
wear take play go listen do
19. a deep breath
20. to the pop music
21. more exercise
22. warm clothes
23. the pipa
24. to a pet hospital
25.take, I , a, deep, should, breath. ( . )
26.worried, the, are, Amy, and, dog
27.what, if, angry, feel, I, should, do, I( )
28.warm, should, clothes, you, wear (.)
29.going, Robin, grass, is, sit, to , the, on
30.of him are afraid they (.)
31.you feel do how ( )
32.count he ten to should (.)
33.cat with them is the angry (.)
34.is sister my happy (.)
Do you know how to give suggestions to your friends Let me tell you. If Jack wants to stay healthy, he should eat healthy food, like fruits and vegetables. And he also needs to do more exercise. If Mary wants to be good at English, she should listen to the teacher carefully in class. And she should read more English books. If you are angry with your friends, you should take a deep breath and count to ten.
35.You should eat healthy food if you want to stay healthy. ( )
36.Doing more exercise can help you stay healthy. ( )
37.Mary should listen to the teacher carefully. ( )
38.Mary shouldn’t read more English books. ( )
39.We should take a deep breath when we are cold. ( )
1. B B B A C
【详解】1). mice 2). sad 3). afraid 4). at school 5). angry with
2. F F T F T
【详解】1). They will eat some food.
2). We are afraid of our maths teacher.
3). My cat is chasing a mouse now!
4). Dogs often help people.
5). The cartoon is about a cat.
3. F F T F T
【详解】1). You should take a deep breath.
2). What do you do
3). Don’t be angry.
4). Let’s go to the zoo.
5). We can’t go to the zoo today.
4.B 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.A
【详解】题干句意:—他感觉 ____?—他感到高兴。A. 为什么;B. 什么;C. 怎样。由答句他感到高兴,问句应当是询问感觉怎么样,故选C。
【详解】句意:他们把罗宾从泥里拉了出来。拉出为pull out of ...,故选B。
【详解】句意:别担心。don't助动词,后需接动词原形。worry担心,动词。be worried担心。两者均符合要求,故选C。
【详解】warm温暖的,clothes衣服。You should wear warm clothes.为你应该穿暖和点的衣服。故选B。
【详解】本题考查句子翻译,We我们,can可以,go去,next time下次,句子可翻译为:我们可以下次去。故选A。
【详解】What’s wrong 怎么了?故选B。
19.take 20.listen 21.do 22.wear 23.play 24.go
19.____ a deep breath ____ 呼吸,结合选项,短语应为去宠物医院,故答案为take。
20.____ to the pop music ____ 流行音乐,结合选项,短语应为听流行音乐,故答案为listen。
21.____ more exercise 多 ____ 运动,结合选项,短语应为多做运动,故答案为do。
22.____ warm clothes ____ 保暖服,结合选项,短语应为穿保暖服,故答案为wear。
23.____ the pipa ____ 琵琶,结合选项,短语应为弹琵琶,故答案为play。
24.____ to a pet hospital ____ 宠物医院,结合选项,短语应为去宠物医院,故答案为go。
25.I should take a deep breath.
【详解】take a deep breath深呼吸;I我;should应该;根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:我应该深呼吸。故答案为I should take a deep breath.
26.Amy and the dog are worried.
27.If I feel angry what should I do
【详解】易错连成:If I feel angry what I should do 词序颠倒,我应该怎么做“what should I do” 正确的连法:If I feel angry what should I do
28.You should wear warm clothes.
【详解】warm暖和的,should应该,clothes衣服,you你,wear穿,根据所给句号,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:你应该穿暖和的衣服。故答案为You should wear warm clothes.
29.Robin is going to sit on the grass.
【详解】is going to将要;Robin罗宾;sit坐;on the grass在草地上;根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:罗宾要坐在草地上。故答案为Robin is going to sit on the grass.
30.They are afraid of him.
【详解】of介词,him他,are是,afraid害怕的,they他们。be afraid of sb为害怕某人。由所给句号可知,句子为陈述句。由所给词义可连成句子:他们害怕他。故答案为They are afraid of him.
31.How do you feel
【详解】you你,feel感觉,do助动词,how怎么样。由所给问句和疑问词how可知,此句为特殊疑问句。由所给词义可连成句子:你感觉怎么样?故答案为How do you feel
32.He should count to ten.
【详解】count数,he他,ten十,to介词,should应该。由所给句号可知,句子为陈述句。由所给词义可连成句子:他应该数到十。故答案为He should count to ten.
33.The cat is angry with them.
【详解】cat猫;is angry with生……的气;them他们;the定冠词;根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:那只猫生他们的气。故答案为The cat is angry with them.
34.My sister is happy.
【详解】is是,sister姐妹,my我的,happy开心。由所给句号可知,句子为陈述句。由所给词义可连成句子:我的姐姐是开心的。故答案为My sister is happy.
35.T 36.T 37.T 38.F 39.F
35.句意:如果你想保持健康,你应该吃健康的食物。由原文If Jack wants to stay healthy, he should eat healthy food, like fruits and vegetables. 可知,想保持健康,应吃健康的食物。故答案为T。
36.句意:多做运动能帮你保持健康。由原文And he also needs to do more exercise. 可知,多做运动也能保持健康。故答案为T。
37.句意:玛丽应该认真听老师说话。由原文If Mary wants to be good at English, she should listen to the teacher carefully in class.可知,玛丽想在英语上做的好,应该认真听老师说话。故答案为T。
38.句意:玛丽不应该读更多的英语书。由原文And she should read more English books.可知,她应该多读英语书。故答案为F。
39.句意:我们应该深呼吸当我们冷的时候。由原文If you are angry with your friends, you should take a deep breath and count to ten.可知,生气时应该深呼吸。故答案为F。
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