

名称 吉林省通化市梅河口市第五中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试卷(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 77.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-30 22:18:55



Saint Maybe by Anne Tyler
Saint Maybe is an example of how one small mistake can result in tragedy (悲剧) for a family with lives changed forever. The true strength of the novel lies in the author’s ability to write with sincerity and understanding. I’ve read this book many times over and always find it inspirational when it comes to writing my own novels about the complexities of family life.
— Eric James
Silly Verse For Kids by Spike Milligan
This book is so tiny and thin, but I loved all these funny poems inside-and it made me want to write rhymes. After reading this, I started writing my own poetry. I like including silly poems and lyrics in my books, which is definitely down to the influence of this book. It’s a book that you would read as a kid and it would really stimulate your imagination.
— Liz Pichon
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
A book read at my father’s knee and one that inspired my imagination and shaped my writing life. My desire to fall down a rabbit hole that might take me to Wonderland surpassed (胜过) my other childhood wishes. Wonderland with its Cheshire Cat and never-ending tea parties, which were reflected in a life-long love of cats and cakes, suited me best.
— Menna van Praag
Bambi by Felix Salten
My mum read this to me before I could read, and later I read it to myself again and again. In the Suffolk countryside where I grew up, I would often spot deer in the fields. This book made me stop and study the animal tracks on the ground and made me think about the world around me in a different way, setting me on the path to being a writer.
— Polly Crosby
1.What is the advantage of Saint Maybe
A. The content of the book. B. The example in this novel.
C. The complexities of life. D. The author’s writing abilities.
2.Which book would you choose if you want to read poems
A. Saint Maybe B. Silly Verse For Kids
C. Alice in Wonderland D. Bambi
3.What do the four books have in common
A. They influence the four readers greatly.
B. They are mainly recommended for kids.
C. They can stimulate readers’ imagination.
D. They allow readers to see the world differently.
I tried not to look down. My palms (手掌) were sweating. All I could concentrate on was the man below who was keeping the ladder steady. The tiny people waved up at me, but I couldn’t see them clearly.
When I got to the top, some sort of supernatural force brought my feet to the edge of the platform. I was going to slip off the board. The line holding me was going to break, and I was once again going to be thrown to death. Down was the only direction my eyes would go.
I begged to go back down the ladder, but the stupid man tried to convince me. The tiny dots below shouted encouragingly, saying they would run with me as I flew. I was going to slide off that platform. I couldn’t think; the tears stopped my brain. Why wouldn’t he let me go back The message replayed in my mind, “You’re going to die…”
Like a blown-up balloon, I was let go just before it could be knotted at the bottom. I went in every direction, tension escaping from my body as I fell. The breeze hit my face and cooled my sweaty body. I could see clearly now, and I was flying.
Today, I am still terrified of heights. It would be nice to say that I conquered my fear and found something I loved. I owe my zip line (飞索) experience to the Englishman who pushed me off the platform. I am grateful for the experience because I love adventure. Trying new things has always appealed to me. Some of the most rewarding experiences I have had, like flying, have come out of conquering what at first appears to be frightening and impossible. While my days of aerial escapades are over, I look forward to the future and the question of fear of flying and will continue to create questions wherever I go.
4.How did the author feel when he was on the ladders
A. Exhausted. B. Frightened. C. Annoyed. D. Excited.
5.Why did the Englishman push the author off platform
A. To teach him to fly. B. To push him to death.
C. To develop his courage. D. To test his ability to climb.
6.Through the zip line experience, the author learns that ________.
A. everyone can enjoy flying well
B. trying difficult things is his favorite
C. looking back on the old days is awful for him
D. something that seems impossible can be conquered
7.What does the underlined phrase “aerial escapades” in Paragraph 5 refer to
A. The author’s zip line experience. B. The author’s difficulty in life.
C. The author’s failure in adventure. D. The author’s dreams about his future.
In Asia, meetings do not begin until business cards have been exchanged. It is no mere formality. If a new acquaintance fails to give a card to Glenn Lim of CEO Asia, a Singaporean company, “it makes me forget them,” he says.
Yet the pandemic has put the business card on life working is difficult when white-collar workers have fled to home offices, business lunches have been canceled and conferences have been held online. Orders for business cards from Vistaprint, a multinational printing company, decreased by 70% in late March and early. April and have yet to recover fully. Mr.Lim normally hands out about 200 cards a month. In the six months following Singapore’s lockdown in March, he assumes he received about five. “I’ve forgotten what business cards look like,” remarks a British banker based in Singapore.
But it is still helpful to know who is who at meetings, even when.they take place on panies are therefore reimagining the business card for the era of social distancing, Nagaya, a Japanese firm, prints them on face masks. After the launch of the “Meishi” mask, traffic to Nagaya’s website increased by 65,000%. Sansan, another Japanese firm, offers “virtual cards”. Users receive QR codes which they display as virtual backgrounds on video-conferencing apps. Scanning the code with a phone camera will summon (召唤) the user’s digital business card. Some 4,300 companies have begun using Sansan’s virtual cards since they launched in June.
But Mr. Lim, who uses Sansan’s virtual cards, does not plan on throwing away the paper version just yet. People tend to exchange virtual cards after meetings have started or as they end, forcing participants to ask who does what during the meeting itself.
“That’s sometimes a little bit rude,” he says. Many others in Singapore are evidently fond of paper cards, too. Sales at Express-Print, a printing company, have picked up in the past two months, as more people restart in-person meetings. Even Edward Senju, the head of Sansan’s operations in Squth-East Asia, still keeps in his wallet, “just in case”.
8.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 mean
A. We can’t stop using the business card.
B. Pandemic brought the business card to life.
C. Networking needs the support of business card.
D. The industry of business card has been declining.
9.What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 3
A. Social distancing is shortened to virtual cards.
B. Virtual cards are increasingly popover in business.
C. Wearing masks has brought profits to the company,
D. Science and technology is the foundation of business.
10.What is Mr Lim’s attitude towards paper business cards
A. Objective. B. Doubtful. C. Critical. D. Supportive.
11.What would be the best title for the passage
A. Here is my QR code B. Business cards come to grand
C. Here comes a new economic era D. The pandemic takes a lows to bushiness
Tardigrades, which are known as space bears, are able to survive for up to 30 years without food or water, and endure temperature extremes of up to 150 degrees Celsius, the deep sea and even the frozen space.
Researchers found that their astonishing abilities would protect them from disasters which would wipe out all life on Earth. In fact, the only forces capable of harming tardigrades, such as an exploding star or a deadly gamma ray burst, will not happen before our own Sun dies.
“Life on this planet can continue long after humans are gone,” said Dr. Rafael of the Department of Physics, tardiprades are as close to indestructible as it gets on Earth, but it is possible that there are other resilient (有承受力的) species examples elsewhere in the universe. In this context, there 1S a real case for looking for life on Mars and in other areas of the solar system in general, If tardigrades are earth’s most resilient species, who knows what else is out there.”
The micro animals living In water can live for up to 60 years, and grow to a maximum size of 0.5mm. The only real threat to their existence would be from a destructive event which would cause Earth’s oceans to boil away. But the scientists discovered that there are only a dozen known asteroids (小行星) and dwarf planets with enough mass to cause the oceans to boil if they struck the Earth and none are on a collision course with our planet. Smaller space rocks would not harm tardigrades.
Dr. David, Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Physics at Oxford University said: “To our surprise, we found that although large asteroid impacts would be disastrous for people, tardigrades could be unaffected. Therefore it seems that life, once it gets going, is hard to wipe out entirely. Huge numbers of species, or even entire genera may become extinct, but life as a whole will go on.”
In highlighting the resilience of life in general, the research broadens the scope of life beyond Earth, within and outside of this solar system.
Professor Abraham, chair of the Astronomy Department at Harvard University, said the research proved that life could survive in even the harshest environment. “Organisms with similar tolerances to radiation and temperature as tardigrades could survive long term below the surface in these condition.”
12.What does “this planet” in paragraph 3 refer to
A. Sun. B. Earth. C. Mars. D. The dwarf planet.
13.What can we learn from paragraphs 3 and 4
A. There may exist more resilient species in other planets.
B. Na other species are stronger than tardigrades on the earth.
C. Tardigrades can be found in other areas of the solar system.
D. Tardigrades will be destroyed by space rocks hitting the earth.
14.Dr. David and Professor Abraham might agree that ________.
A. life will continue however bad the situation is
B. it is necessary to explore beyond the solar system
C. surviving below the surface s harder than imagined
D. asteroid impacts may cause the destruction of tardigrades
15.What’s the purpose of the passage
A. To explore a study method.
B. To introduce a new research finding.
C. To provide a possible way 10 live in outer space.
D. To offer new means to survive tough environment.
16.Historically, CEOs were mainly seen as the managers of their companies. Today’s CEOs, however, are increasingly recognized as essential players on the world stage. ①________
It’s a phenomenon called CEO statesmanship. This is a function not only of CEOs’ economic power, but also of their role in influencing a wide range of people. ②________
How can they maximize their impact
First, a CEO should be prepared to speak out on critical issues. ③________ The great fame of CEOs requires them to be informed and thoughtful. More than ever, they are expected to share their views, to engage in national conversations and to contribute to social progress. Saying nothing and avoiding the spot-light may feel safer, but a CEO who stands for nothing is dispensable (可有可无的).
④________ A CEO shouldn’t make a statement about every news headline. Leaders who express their opinions on every topic will find that they are expected to respond to issues out of their depths. This invites missteps and the loss of authority. Knowing when to speak and when to stay silent is important. Only by focusing on what lies in their depths, interests and values can they make a meaningful contribution.
Finally, a CEO should act as a catalyst (催化剂) for change. ⑤________ Stakeholders can see the difference between lip service and sincere efforts. When a CEO decides to make a statement on a matter of public concern, it must be backed by concrete actions. For example, if they are keen on green development, they can take measures to reduce their firms’ carbon footprint.
By speaking out on critical issues, leading with purpose, and acting as catalysts for change, CEOs can help lead society towards a better future.
A. Actions speak louder than words.
B. But how should CEOs take on this role
C. As leaders, CEOs should lead with purpose.
D. With great power comes great responsibility.
E. CEO statesmanship will matter more than ever.
F. But should CEOs be given so many privileges and responsibilities
G. They have the power to influence public policy, and even the course of global events.
I was scared of public speaking. But when I 1 my first novel ten years ago, I was invited to speak at a writers' festival.
The festival was held on a lawn. I arrived at the large tent set-up, 2 find two hundred faces looking at me. Five teenagers sat close in the front row, stretching out their legs.
I was sweating 3 I even opened my mouth.
I only had one book to talk about, and it didn't seem like any of the students had read it, or 4 to. The five in the front row started heckling (起哄) and making jokes about some random cartoon characters, causing me to lose my place. 5 out of my depth, I started feeling nervous and 6 my words. I could feel the tears starting, and I didn't know what to do.
Then a teenage boy in 7 of tech for the tent took the spare microphone and began telling his own ghost story. The story was thrilling, full of fear and 8 , and better than anything I'd said so far. I used the five minutes he spoke to 9 and prepare: When he finished, I thanked him, knowing he'd 10 me. And I managed to bumble through the rest of the speech.
I knew I had to somehow learn to 11 my fear. After asking other writers for their tips and advice, I added slideshows, readings and question-and-answers to my 12 , I was still terrified, but the more I did, the better I 13 the unexpected. I had five more that week, none as 14 as the first.
I doubt I will ever look forward to fronting up to hundreds of students, but sometimes I 15 myself by enjoying it more than I ever would have thought was possible.
17.A. read B. received C. published D. bought
18.A. never to B. used to C. able to D. only to
19.A. before B. when C. after D. until
20.A. continued B. cared C. afforded D. regretted
21.A. Precisely B. Obviously C. Amazingly D. Mainly
22.A. keeping B. organizing C. forgetting D. changing
23.A. search B. need C. charge D. favor
24.A. suspense B. behavior C. plot D. prejudice
25.A. settle B. operate C. polish D. anticipate
26.A. cheated B. saved C. taught D. understood
27.A. weigh up B. approve of C. forget about D. get over
28.A. draft B. award C. presentation D. recreation
29.A. forgave B. survived C. designed D. tolerated
30.A. formal B. popular C. simple D. bad
31.A. surprise B. oppose C. punish D. delay
32.World Poetry Day takes place each year ①_______ March 21 to promote the teaching of poetry, as well as the publishing, writing, and reading of this form of writing around the world.
It ②_______ (declare) by UNESCO in 1999 in the hopes of supporting language diversity through poetic expression and increasing the opportunity for endangered languages ③_______ (hear). World Poetry Day was about giving fresh drive and ④_______ (recognize) to international, regional, and national poetry movements. It also focused on promoting a return to the oral (口头的) tradition of poetry recitals, as well as ⑤_______ (strengthen) the association between poetry and other forms of expression, such as dance, music, and painting.
The day is celebrated ⑥_______ (global). Government agencies, community groups and individuals get involved in promoting or participating in the day, which enables children to learn and enjoy ⑦_______ (variety) of poetry. It is a time ⑧_______ students are busy examining poets and learning about different types of poetry. Poets may be invited to read and share their work to audience at book stores and schools. Ceremonies are held to honor poets of ⑨_______ (remark) achievements.
All in all, it’s a day for poetry: ⑩_______ ancient art form that still enriches our understanding of humanity today.
33.学校英文报正在开展以Learning English Beyond the Classroom为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 学习活动状况描述;
2. 简单评论;
3. 你的建议。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 短文的题目和首句已为你写好。
Learning English Beyond the Classroom
Nowadays, with the growing popularity of smartphones and computers, an increasing number of students are choosing to learn English beyond the classroom in various ways.
Chad was a friend I met at summer camp. And we love telling corny(老套的) food jokes. “You know what kind of fish you put on a sandwich ” Chad said. “A jellyfish(水母, jelly也有果酱的意思)!” “That was bad,” I laughed. “You know why the bread dough(面团) was sad It just wanted to be kneaded (揉,音同needed)” “Wow, that was even worse.” Chad laughed back.
Joking and laughing with Chad was turning out to be one of my favorite parts of camp. But a couple of days later, his joking around got confusing.
“Hey,” he said, “did you forget your eyeglasses today ” I shook my head. “I don’t wear glasses.”
“I just figured you couldn’t see very well,” he said. “The friendship bracelet(手链) you’re making looks so ugly, you should call it an enemy bracelet. Get it ”
“Oh, ha! Yeah,” I said in a confused, not-exactly-laughing kind of way. But before I had a chance to stop and think about how those words actually made me feel, it was time to move on to the next activity.
That night, when it was lights-out time, I lay awake, feeling not good. Half of my brain was thinking, “Chad was just joking around; don’t take it so hard.” But the other half of my brain was thinking, “Those bracelet comments felt more mean than fun. I knew that truly funny things shouldn’t make my stomach hurt.”
The next day, Chad made another one of his “jokes” on the field. “Amy must think we’re playing golf instead of basketball,” he paused and smiled. Seeing my confusion, Chad said that each time Amy got the ball, it would just roll on the ground.”
“Chad” I said. “I don’t think it’s funny.” “Why What happened to your sense of humor ” he asked.
I took a deep breath and decided to tell him my true feeling.
After a moment of heavy silence, Chad’s response came.
解析:细节理解题。根据Saint Maybe by Anne Tyler部分的“The true strength of the novel lies in the author's ability to write with sincerity and understanding.(小说的真正优点在于作者带着真诚和理解来写作的能力。)”可知,Saint Maybe的优势是作者的写作能力。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据Silly Verse For Kids by Spike Milligan部分的“This book is so tiny and thin, but I loved all these funny poems inside-and it made me want to write rhymes.(这本书又小又薄,但我喜欢里面所有有趣的诗歌-它让我想写押韵诗。)"可知,如果你想读诗,你会选择Silly Verse For Kids,故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据Saint Maybe by Anne Tyler部分的“I've read this book many times over and always find it inspirational when it comes to writing my own novels about the complexities of family life.(这本书我已经读了很多遍,当我要写关于家庭生活复杂性的小说时,我总是觉得它很有灵感。)”,Silly Verse For Kids by Spike Milligan部分的“After reading this, I started writing my own poetry.(读了这篇文章后,我开始写自己的诗。)”,Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll部分的“A book read at my father's knee and one that inspired my imagination and shaped my writing life.(这本书在我父亲的膝上阅读,它激发了我的想象力,塑造了我的写作生涯。)”和Bambi by Felix Salten部分的“This book made me stop and study the animal tracks on the ground and made me think about the world around me in a different way, setting me on the path to being a writer.(这本书让我停下来研究地上的动物足迹,让我用不同的方式思考我周围的世界,让我走上了成为作家的道路。)”可知,这四本书的共同点在于对这四位读者的影响很大。故选A。
解析:推断题。由第一段第一句 “I tried not to look down” 和第二句 “My palms were sweating” 可知,作者当时不敢往下看,手掌出汗,显然是感到害怕和恐惧,B项正确。D项意为“兴奋的,激动的”,C项意为“恼怒的”,A项意为“筋疲力尽的”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为B。
解析:推断题。由第三段第一句 “I begged to go back down the ladder, but the stupid man tried to convince me.” 和最后一段第三句 “I owe my zip line(飞索) experience to the Englishman who pushed me off the platform.” 可知,作者将这次经历归功于这位说服他并把推下去的英国人,且由最后一段第二句 “It would be nice to say that I conquered my fears” 可知,作者很高兴能够克服恐惧。因此英国人将作者推下去是为了培养他的勇气。因此C项正确。A项“教他飞行”,B项“让他去死”,D项“测试他的攀爬能力”,均不符合文意,故错误。故正确答案为C。
解析:主旨题。由最后一段倒数第三句 “Some of the most rewarding experiences I have had, like flying, have some out of conquering what at first appears to be frightening or impossible” 可知作者觉得这些经历很值得,因为他克服了原本看上去很恐惧、不可能解决的困难,因此D项正确。A项,“每个人都可以很好地享受飞行”,B项,“尝试他喜爱的挑战”,C项,“回顾过去那些觉得害怕的日子”,均不符合文意,故错误。故正确答案为D。
解析:推断题。由最后一段倒数第二句 “I look forward to the future and the questions that it holds” 和最后一句 “I have answered my own question of fear of flying” 可知通过这次经历,作者克服了飞行的恐惧,再结合该段第三句中的 “my zip line experience” 和第六句中的 “conquering what at first appears to be frightening or impossible” 可知,该词组表示为 “the zip line experience”,A项正确。B项,“作者生活中的艰辛”,原文并未提及,故错误;C项,“作者冒险活动的失败”,与文中作者成功克服恐惧不符合,故错误;D项,“作者对未来的设想”,原文并未提及,故错误。故正确答案为A。
解析:词句猜测题。根据划线句下文“Networking is difficult when white-collar workers have fled to home offices, business lunches have been canceled and conferences have been held online. Orders for business cards from Vistaprint, a multinational printing company, decreased by 70% in late March and early.(当白领们都逃到家里的办公室,商务午餐被取消,会议都在网上举行时,建立关系网变得很困难。跨国印刷公司Vistaprint的名片订单在3月底和3月初下降了70%)”可推知,划线句子Yet the pandemic has put the business card on life support.的意思是“新冠疫情已经让名片行业陷入了生命维持的困境”,即“名片行业一直在走下坡路”。故选D项。
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“After the launch of the“Meishi” mask, traffic to Nagaya's website increased by 65,000%. Sansan, another Japanese firm, offers “virtual cards”.(在推出“美诗”口罩后,长谷的网站流量增加了65000%。另一家日本公司三山提供“虚拟卡”)”“Some 4,300 companies have begun using Sansan’s virtual cards since they launched in June(自6月份推出三山虚拟卡以来,已有约4300家公司开始使用该虚拟卡)”可知,在第三段中,作者想告诉我们虚拟卡片在商业中越来越流行。故选B项。
解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“But Mr. Lim, who uses Sansan’s virtual cards, does not plan on throwing away the paper version just yet.(但使用Sansan的虚拟卡的Lim先生目前还不打算扔掉纸质版)”可知,Lim先生对纸质名片的态度是支持的。故选D项。
解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“In Asia, meetings do not begin until business cards have been exchanged. It is no mere formality.(在亚洲,一场会议开始前,人们总会互换名片。这不仅事关礼节)”,第二段中的“Yet the pandemic has put the business card on life support. (然而,新冠疫情已经让名片行业陷入了生命维持的困境)”以及第三段“Scanning the code with a phone camera will summon (召唤) the user’s digital business card. Some 4,300 companies have begun using Sansan's virtual cards since they launched in June.(用手机摄像头扫描代码,就会召唤出用户的数字名片。自6月份推出三山虚拟卡以来,已有约4300家公司开始使用该虚拟卡)”可知,名片在商业活动中很重要,但是因为疫情的原因,纸质名片的使用变得不现实,作为替代品的各类数字名片便应运而生。由此可知,Here is my QR code(这是我的数字名片)适合作本文最佳标题。故选A项。
解析:①联系上文题。根据上文Historically, CEOs were mainly seen as the managers of their companies.Today's CEOs,however, are increasingly recognized as essential players on the world stage.(从历史上看,首席执行官(CEO)主要被视为公司的管理者。然而,如今的CEO越来越被公认为世界舞台上的重要参与者。)可知,现在,首席执行官(CEO)被公认为是世界上的重要事情的参与者,选项G.They have the power to influence public policy,and even the course of global events.(他们有权影响公共政策,甚至影响全球事件的进程。)对上文进一步举例,符合语境,故选G。
②语境衔接题。根据上文It's a phenomenon called CEO statesmanship.This is a function not only of CEOs economic power,but also of their role in influencing a wide range of people.(这是一种被称为CEO政治家风度的现象。这不仅是首席执行官经济权力的作用,也是他们影响广泛人群的作用。)说明CEO们会影响广泛人群,结合下文How can they maximize their impact (他们如何最大限度地发挥影响力 )可知,CEO们需要扮演好他们的角色,才能最大限度地发挥影响力,选项B.But how should CEOs take on this role (但是CEO们应该如何扮演这个角色呢 )承上启下,符合语境,故选B。
③语境衔接题。根据上文First,a CEO should be prepared to speak out on critical issues.(首先,首席执行官应该准备好就关键问题发表意见。),结合下文The great fame of CEOs requires them to be informed and thoughtful.More than ever,they are expected to share their views,to engage in national conversations and to contribute to social progress.(首席执行官的巨大声誉要求他们见多识广、深思熟虑。人们比以往任何时候都更希望他们分享自己的观点,参与全国对话,为社会进步作出贡献。)可知,人们对CEO们有着巨大的期望,选项D.With great power comes great responsibility.(权力越大,责任越大。)承接上文,引起下文,符合语境,故选D。
④段落主旨题。根据下文A CEO shouldn't make a statement about every news headline.Leaders who express their opinions on every topic will find that they are expected to respond to issues out of their depths.This invites missteps and the loss of authority.Knowing when to speak and when to stay silent is important.Only by focusing on what lies in their depths, interests and values can they make a meaningful contribution.(首席执行官不应该对每一条新闻标题都发表声明。对每一个话题都发表意见的领导人会发现,他们被期望对超出自己深度的问题做出回应。这会导致失误和权威的丧失。知道什么时候该说话,什么时候该保持沉默很重要。只有关注他们的深度、兴趣和价值观,他们才能做出有意义的贡献。)可知,CEO们要根据民众关注的深度、兴趣和价值观做出有意义的引导,做出贡献,选项C.As leaders,CEOs should lead with purpose.(作为领导者,CEO应该有目标地领导)总结段落,引起下文,符合语境,故选C。
⑤联系下文题。根据下文Stakeholders can see the difference between lip service and sincere efforts.When a CEO decides to make a statement on a matter of public concern,it must be backed by concrete actions.(利益相关者可以看到口头承诺和真诚努力之间的区别。当首席执行官决定就公众关注的问题发表声明时,必须有具体行动作为支持。)可知,CEO们就公众关注的问题发表声明时,必须有具体行动作为支持,选项A.Actions speak louder than words.(事实胜于雄辩。)引起下文,符合语境,故选A。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.read读书;B.received接收;C.published出版,发表;D.bought买。句意:但是十年前我发表第一篇小说的时候,我被邀请在一个作家节上演讲。根据常识和下句I was invited to speak at a writers' festival.可知我被邀请在一个作家节上演讲。说明十年前我发表了第一部小说,故答案为C。
解析:考查固定短语及语境理解。A.never to永远不会;B.used to习惯于;C.able to能够;D.only to结果。句意:节日在草坪上举行。我来到大帐篷前,却发现有200张脸在看着我。only to find结果发现。故答案为D。
解析:考查连词及语境理解。A.before之前;B.when何时;C.after之后;D.until直到。句意:我还没开口就已经出汗了。根据前文I was scared of public speaking可知我害怕公开演讲。说明我还没开口就已经出汗了。故答案为A。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.continued继续;B.cared照顾,关心;C.afforded负担得起;D.regretted后悔。句意:我只谈了一本书,似乎没有一个学生读过,或者关心过。根据下句The five in the front row started heckling (起哄)and making jokes about some random cartoon characters,causing me to lose my place.可知前排的五个人开始起哄,拿一些随机的卡通人物开玩笑,让我失去了自己的位置。说明似乎没有一个学生读过,或者关心过。故答案为B。
解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.Precisely精确地;B.Obviously明显地;C.Amazingly令人惊讶地,D.Mainly主要地。句意:显然超出了我的能力范围,我开始感到紧张,忘记了我的话。根据前文I was scared of public speaking可知我害怕公开演讲。说明显然超出了我的能力范围,我开始感到紧张,故答案为B。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.keeping保持;B.organizing组织;C.forgetting忘记;D.changing改变。句意:显然超出了我的能力范围,我开始感到紧张,忘记了我的话。根据空前I started feeling nervous可知我开始感到紧张,说明我忘记了我的话。故答案为C。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.search寻找;B.need需要;C.charge负责;D.favor支持。句意:然后,一个负责帐篷技术的十几岁男孩拿起备用麦克风,开始讲述他自己的鬼故事。根据空后of tech for the tent took the spare microphone可知一个负责帐篷技术的十几岁男孩拿起备用麦克风,故答案为C。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.suspense紧张,悬念;B.behavior行为;C.plot情节;D.prejudice偏见。句意:这个故事令人激动,充满了恐惧和悬念,比我迄今为止说过的任何故事都好。根据常识和上句Then a teenage boy in (7) of tech for the tent took the spare microphone and began telling his own ghost story可知然后,一个负责帐篷技术的十几岁男孩拿起备用麦克风,开始讲述他自己的鬼故事。说明这个故事充满了恐惧和悬念。故答案为A。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.cheated欺骗;B.saved拯救;C.taught教;D.understood理解。句意:我利用他讲话的五分钟时间安顿和准备:当他讲完时,我感谢他,因为我知道他救了我。根据下句And I managed to bumble through the rest of the speech.可知我设法笨拙地完成了演讲的其余部分。说明我感谢他,因为我知道他救了我。故答案为B。
解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.weigh up权衡;B.approve of同意;C.forget about忘记;D.get over克服。句意:我知道我必须学会克服恐惧。根据后文I was still terrified,but the more I did,the better I (13) the unexpected.可知我仍然很害怕,但是我做得越多,我就越能在意外中生存下来。说明我知道我必须学会克服恐惧。故答案为D。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.draft草稿;B.award奖励;C.presentation演讲;D.recreation娱乐。句意:在征求了其他作者的建议和意见后,我在演讲中加入了幻灯片、阅读材料和问答。根据前文But when I (1) my first novel ten years ago, I was invited to speak at a writers' festival.可知但是十年前我发表第一部小说的时候,我被邀请在一个作家节上演讲。说明我在演讲中加入了幻灯片、阅读材料和问答。故答案为C。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.forgave原谅;B.survived存活;C.designed设计;D.tolerated忍受。句意:我仍然很害怕,但是我做得越多,我就越能在意外中生存下来。根据上句I was still terrified和but表示转折,可知我仍然很害怕,但是我做得越多,我就越能在意外中生存下来。故答案为B。
解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.formal正式的;B.popular受欢迎的;C.simple简单的;D.bad差的。句意:那个星期我又做了五次演讲,没有一次比第一次更糟。根据下句I doubt I will ever look forward to fronting up to hundreds of students可知我怀疑我是否会期待面对成百上千的学生,说明没有一次比第一次更糟。故答案为D。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.surprise使惊讶;B.oppose反对;C.punish惩罚;D.delay推迟。句意:我怀疑我是否会期待面对数百名学生,但有时我会惊讶地发现,我比以前想象的更喜欢它。根据空后by enjoying it more than I ever would have thought was possible可知有时我会惊讶地发现,我比以前想象的更喜欢它。故答案为A。
32.答案:①on②was declared③to be heard④recognition⑤strengthening⑥globally⑦varieties⑧when⑨remarkable⑩an
②考查时态语态。句意:联合国教科文组织于1999年宣布世界语言日,希望通过诗意的表达来支持语言多样性,并增加濒危语言被听到的机会。主语It与谓语构成被动关系,根据后文in 1999可知为一般过去时的被动语态,谓语用单数。故填was
③考查时态语态。句意:联合国教科文组织于1999年宣布世界语言日,希望通过诗意的表达来支持语言多样性,并增加濒危语言被听到的机会。此处hear与languages构成被动关系,且为不定式作后置定语,应用to be done形式。故填to be heard。
⑦考查固定短语。句意:政府机构、社区团体和个人都参与促进或参与这一天,使孩子们能够学习和享受各种诗歌。短语varieties of表示“各种各样的”。故填varieties。
Learning English Beyond the Classroom
Nowadays, with the growing popularity of smartphones and computers, an increasing number of students are choosing to learn English beyond the classroom in various ways.
It can easily be seen that the percentage of students who choose listening to English songs and watching English movies is respectively 65% and 50%. However, those choosing reading English books and visiting English learning websites only account for 18% and 12%.
As far as I’m concerned, it is a disturbing trend. For students, what benefits most to their study is reading English books. Because of their lack of self-discipline, they’re more easily addicted to chatting online or playing games. It’s urgent for students themselves to improve their self-discipline, and it’s also urgent for parents and teachers to strengthen the guidance.
Paragraph 1:
I took a deep breath and decided to tell him my true feeling. “Hey, Chad, I guess, we might have different ideas of what’s funny,” I began, my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach. I continued to explain that I did love our food jokes, but I didn’t think that ‘enemy bracelet’ comment was funny. I also mentioned the incident with Amy, emphasizing that it felt like he was making fun of her, not the situation. “Basically, I think laughing with people is way more fun than laughing at them.” (84 words)
Paragraph 2:
After a moment of heavy silence, Chad’s response came. “You’re right. I didn’t realize my jokes could be hurtful. I’m sorry,” he admitted, his eyes reflecting a newfound understanding. A wave of relief washed over me as I responded, “I appreciate your apology, Chad. Let’s go back to the jokes that make everyone laugh, alright ” His smile slowly returned, genuine and beautiful. From that day on, our friendship was once again filled with laughter and the rest of the summer camp was a mix of activities and joy, just the way it was meant to be. (87 words)
2.续写线索: 坦白感受——解释——查德沉默——查德回答——查德道歉——朋友和好——作者感悟
②继续:continue to/go on
①喜爱:love/be fond of
[高分句型1]I continued to explain that I did love our food jokes, but I didn't think that ‘enemy bracelet' comment was funny. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2]Let's go back to the jokes that make everyone laugh, alright (运用了that引导定语从句)