人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Listening and Speaking 课件(共29张PPT,内嵌音频)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Listening and Speaking 课件(共29张PPT,内嵌音频)
格式 pptx
文件大小 9.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-07-31 09:34:39



Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Invite a friend to a sports event
(Page 36)
Learning Objectives
In this class, you will:
1. learn about some sports events and some expressions of invitation and suggestion
2. learn to use the listening skill (listen for main ideas)
Do you jog often
What sports and exercise do you like
What do you think sports and exercise can do for you
New words
New words
New words
New words
New words
Pair work
Would you like to go to the soccer game?
Do you want to watch the boxing match
What sports events do you like to watch
Which sport would you like to try
Pair work
How about watching badminton this afternoon?
Why not run an exciting marathon
Let’s listen
Shen Qi is talking the sports event with Amy. Let's listen to Conversation 1.
A To invite Amy to an e-sports event.
B To invite Amy to a soccer match.
C To explain an e-sports event.
What is Shen Qi's main purpose for talking to Amy
Listen to Conversation 1 again and circle the words that the speaker stresses.
Did you hear that there's an e-sports event this weekend
Would you like to come along
Really I'd love to!
Why don't you join us this Saturday afternoon
Oh, sorry. I can't.
tips: 一般而言,n. v. adj. adv. 要重读和强调,如果有特别想要突出和强调的(如人,时间)也重读。
an e-sports event
come along
S: Hi, Amy! Did you hear that there’s an e-sports event this weekend
A: No, I didn’t! What’re e-sports
S: Well, e-sports are sports you play with a computer, like computer games.
A: Those aren’t real sports, are they
S: Yes, they are. Many people play and watch e-sports. I’ve been waiting for this event for a long time. Would you like to come along
A: Really I’d love to! Where is it
S: It’s in the new stadium. Why don't you join us this Saturday afternoon
A: Oh, sorry. I can’t. I have to meet my badminton coach.
S: Oh, that’s too bad.
Listen to Conversation 2 and answer the questions.
1. When will the event happen
The event will happen _____________________.
2. What's a "Blue Paint" run
A "Blue Paint" run is a fun run that __________________.
3. Why is it called a "Blue Paint" run
Because people can buy water balloons filled with __________ and ______________ the runners.
4. If 200 people take part in the run and 400 balloons are sold, how much money will they collect
Adam is inviting Julie to a sports event.
The color run
“Blue Paint” run
Listen to Conversation 2 and answer the questions.
1. When will the event happen
The event will happen _____________________.
2. What's a "Blue Paint" run
A "Blue Paint" run is a fun run that __________________.
Adam is inviting Julie to a sports event.
on Saturday afternoon
helps the community
3. Why is it called a "Blue Paint" run
Because people can buy water balloons filled with __________ and ______________ the runners.
4. If 200 people take part in the run and 400 balloons are sold, how much money will they collect
Adam is inviting Julie to a sports event.
blue paint
throw them at
6000 dollars.
(1)You pay __________to run__________
(2)The balloons cost _____________
5 dollars each
20 dollars
5 kilometers
Conversation 2(A=Adam J=Julie)
A: Hey, Julie. What’re you doing this weekend There is a “Blue Paint” run on Saturday afternoon.
J: What’s a “Blue Paint” run Is it a marathon     
A: No, it’s not a marathon. It’s just a fun run that helps the community. You pay 20 dollars to run five kilometers. That sounds like fun, doesn’t it
J: Er. . . no, it sounds tiring! But why is it called a “Blue Paint” run
A: That’s the fun part. People can buy water balloons filled with blue paint and throw them at the runners. The balloons cost 5 dollars each and the money goes to help poor people. Would you like to go
J:That sounds like a great idea!You can run, and I’ll throw the paint!
What event or activity would you like to invite your friend to
Make a conversation with a partner.
Share your idea!
Ski Race:
Zhangjiakou, a beautiful city in northern China, will host the Youth Ski Race in December.
host country:________
v. 举办,主办
n. 主人,主持人
Track Meet:
A great event for track-and-field lovers on 26 October.
n. 跑道;足迹;铁路轨道
v. 追踪;跟踪
Gym Class:
Come and work out at a gym! Sweat your way to good health! You can make it!
Sam: Hey, Ben, it’s Sam. What are you up to today Would you like to come to a gym class
Ben: Hi, Sam. Sure, I don’t have any plans. What time does it start
Sam: At 2:00. It’s at the High Reps Gym in Pudong.
Ben: Ok, but do I need to pay for the class
Sam: No, it’s free today. They are giving free classes to help people improve their health!
Ben: That’s great! See you there just before 2:00.
Let’s talk!
  语调 (intonation), 即说话的腔调, 就是一句话里声调高低抑扬轻重的配制和变化。英语的基本语调包括升调(↗)和降调 (↘), 用不同的语调读句子就会有不同的意思。
含义 应用及示例
降调表示“结束、肯定” 一般陈述句、命令祈使句、感叹句、特殊疑问句等, 例如:
The project was↘difficult.
Don’t open↘the door.
What an unforgettable↘moment!
Who is going↘home
升调则表示“没有结束、不确定” 一般疑问句、选择疑问句中or前的部分、并列成分中and前的部分、反意疑问句中附加疑问部分、表示道歉和请求的句子, 例如:
Could you↗help me
Would you like↗juice or milk
She bought↗bread, ↗cheese, and tomatoes.
You’ll go to see films, ↗won’t you
Wonderful gym, isn't it
Er... yes. It's great.
This isn't your first time here, is it
Actually, it is. You come here often, don't you
Yep. At least three times a week.
Read the conversation. Decide whether the intonation of the tag questions is rising or falling.
You've lost some weight, haven't you
Yes. All that fat has become muscle now. If you want to lose weight, too, I recommend using the spin bike.
OK, but it won't make me too tired, will it
Maybe at first, but you'll get used to it. I used to come here every day when I first started.
Oh, I don't have to come here every day, do I
No. Of course not. It's up to you, isn't it
Listen and check your answers.
Practice it with a partner.
With question tags, intonation rises when the person asking the question is not sure of the answer, for example when asking a question with a yes/no answer.
When they know (or are reasonable sure of) the answer to the question, their intonation usually falls.
Tips for the intonation
What are you up to today
Do I need to pay for the class
It's up to you, isn't it