【核心素养】Unit 5 First Aid Period 2 Learning about Language分层练习(原卷版+解析版)人教版选择性必修第二册


名称 【核心素养】Unit 5 First Aid Period 2 Learning about Language分层练习(原卷版+解析版)人教版选择性必修第二册
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-01 14:36:27


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Unit 5 Period 2 Learning about Language分层练习
语言能力 掌握与急救相关的词汇和短语。
学习能力 能够运用所学知识,描述不同的受伤情况。
思维品质 培养学生对急救知识的重视和应对突发情况的能力
文化意识 培养学生的合作意识。
1.After pulling the curtain, the young driver found it was too   (有雾的) to drive anywhere.
【解析】【分析】句意:拉开窗帘后,年轻的司机发现雾太大,无法开车去任何地方。“ 有雾的 ”应用 foggy,此处形容词作表语,故填foggy 。
2.To our surprise, he had trouble    (证明...有道理) such a massive increase in spending.
【解析】【分析】句意:令我们惊讶的是,他很难证明如此大规模增加支出的合理性。“ 证明......有道理 ”应用 justify , have trouble doing固定短语,“做某事有困难”,此处动名词作宾语,故填 justifying 。
3.All of us were moved by the awesome scenery of the bay, so someone put forward a    (提议) of taking a group photo there.
【解析】【分析】句意:我们都被海湾的美景感动了,所以有人提议在那里合影。“ 提议 ”应用 motion ,此处名词作宾语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 motion 。
4.Time is    (紧的), and the photographer has another meeting to go to this afternoon.
【解析】【分析】句意:时间很紧,摄影师今天下午还有一个会议要去。“ 紧的 ”应用 tight ,此处形容词作表语,故填 tight 。
5.The    (阻碍) continues. Anyhow, we can give it a try.
【解析】【分析】句意:障碍物仍在继续。无论如何,我们可以试一试。 “阻碍” 应用 obstruction ,名词,根据谓语动词 continues ,应用单数名词,故填 obstruction 。
6.What the operator came up with was an interesting idea, but there were many   (实际的) difficulties.
【解析】【分析】句意:接线员想出了一个有趣的主意,但在实际操作中存在一些困难。“ 实际的 ”应用 practical ,形容词,此处修饰名词 practical ,作定语,故填 practical 。
7.My fellow gave me a heavy    (拍) on the back.
【解析】【分析】句意:我的同伴重重地在我背上拍了一巴掌。“ 拍 ”应用 slap ,名词,此处作宾语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 slap 。
8.As time went by, the missing elderly man's family was getting increasingly   (绝望).
【解析】【分析】句意:随着时间的推移,失踪老人的家人越来越绝望。“ 绝望 ”应用 desperate ,形容词,此处作表语,故填 desperate 。
9.Tom had been late for the date again, which led to Mary's voice    (哽咽) with anger.
【解析】【分析】句意:汤姆约会又迟到了,这导致玛丽的声音因愤怒而哽咽。“ 哽咽 ”应用 choke,动词,与 voice 在逻辑上是主谓关系,现在分词表主动,此处作宾补,故填 choking 。
10.Do you know that her   (同伴) share her interest in first-aid techniques
【解析】【分析】句意:你知道她的同伴和她一样对急救技术感兴趣吗?“ 同伴 ”应用 fellow ,可数名词,此处作主语,结合谓语动词 share ,可知应用复数形式,故填 fellows 。
11.The bay is    (swell) because of the heavy rain.
【解析】【分析】句意:由于大雨,海湾肿了。此处形容词作表语, swell “肿胀”,动词,其形容词是 swollen “肿胀的”,故填 swollen 。
12.Can you    (loose) the lid of this freezing jar
【解析】【分析】句意:你能松开这个冷冻罐的盖子吗?此处动词作谓语动词, loose “松的”,形容词,其动词是 loosen “松开”,can后接动词原形,故填 loosen 。
【点评】考查动词,掌握 loosen 的应用。
13.The farm was very isolated, but there was a pleasant surprise that it had   (electric).
【解析】【分析】句意:他的农场与世隔绝,但令人惊喜的是,它有电。此处名词作宾语, electric “电的,电动的,带电的”,形容词,其名词是 electricity “电”,不可数名词,故填 electricity 。
14.In a small    (minor) of cases, the medical treatment of the organ does not help.
【解析】【分析】句意:在少数情况下,器官的医疗治疗没有帮助。此处名词作介词宾语, minor “少数的,未成年的”,形容词,其名词是 minority ,不定冠词后接单数名词,a small minority of 固定短语,“少数”,故填 minority 。
【点评】考查名词,以及固定短语a small minority of。
15.Were the workers at the power station exposed to high levels of    (radiate) for the duration of their work
【解析】【分析】句意:电站的工人在工作期间是否受到高水平辐射?此处名词作介词宾语, radiate “辐射”,动词,其名词是 radiation ,不可数名词,故填 radiation 。
16.Contrary to what you said, in fact, stress and tiredness often lead   a lack of concentration.
【解析】【分析】句意:与你所说的相反,事实上,压力和疲劳常常导致注意力不集中。lead to固定短语,“导致”,故填to。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语lead to。
17.As we all know, dogs have a strong sense   smell.
【解析】【分析】句意:众所周知,狗有强烈的嗅觉。sense of smell固定短语,“嗅觉”,故填of。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语sense of smell。
18.Imagine     (climb)up to the 80th floor of your office building without an elevator.
【解析】【分析】句意:想象一下没有电梯爬上你办公楼的第八十层。imagine doing,固定短语,“想象做......”,此处动名词作宾语,故填climbing。
19.Do you find yourself easily     (become)impatient
or annoyed with people over unimportant things
【解析】【分析】句意:你是否发现自己很容易在不重要的事情上对别人失去耐心或者感到厌烦? find sb. doing sth. 固定短语,“发觉某人处于某状态或在做某事”,现在分词作宾补,故填becoming。
20.If you spend that journey always     (try)to
impress others, you're wasting your life.
【解析】【分析】句意:如果你一路上总是想给别人留下好印象,那你就是在浪费生命。spend ...(in)doing...固定短语,“花费......做......”,此处动名词作宾语,故填trying。
Sonia learnt some
first aid skills in her Infant CPR (婴幼儿心肺复苏) class. Last
week she told us that she 21. her
daughter's life using the skills. Her experience might be 22. to
other parents with young children. Here is her 23. :
Last Friday I took
my 9 month old daughter to a doctor and she had blood drawn from her finger.
The doctor put a Band Aid on her finger. Then we 24. .
My husband 25. the
car outside his friend's house because he had to 26. something that he had borrowed from his friend.
Then I heard my daughter make 27. sounds. I looked at her and found she had
tear filled eyes, vomit (呕吐物) on her shirt, and
a look that said, "Help me, mum." 28. , she wasn't blue (青紫的).
I jumped out of the
car, 29. her
out of the car seat, flipped her over,
and hit her on the 30. three
times. I saw something fly out of her 31. . I saw it was the Band Aid when I picked it
up.I was so 32. . I couldn't imagine what could have happened
if we had driven home instead of parking the car there.
I went home and
immediately signed up for Child CPR. I had taken Infant CPR in our town
and remembered not to stick my 33. in her mouth to get out
the choking object (堵塞物)— 34. my instinct (直觉) was
to do just that.
It terrifies me
that something like this can happen so suddenly to people around us. I've been
telling all my friends with children to sign up for CPR classes because you
just 35. know what might happen.,
21.A.improved B.replaced C.found D.saved
22.A.interesting B.helpful C.shocking D.new
23.A.plan B.reason C.story D.advice
24.A.went B.listened C.left D.came
25.A.parked B.drove C.repaired D.transported
26.A.show B.return C.check D.post
27.A.lovely B.fluent C.strange D.beautiful
28.A.Generally B.Sadly C.Usually D.Thankfully
29.A.pulled B.handed C.threw D.passed
30.A.leg B.breast C.head D.back
31.A.ears B.mouth C.nose D.eyes
32.A.tired B.scared C.disappointed D.bored
33.A.chopstick B.spoon C.fork D.finger
34.A.so B.because C.though D.if
35.A.always B.never C.still D.even
21.句意:上周她告诉我们她用这些技能救了她女儿的命。A:improved“提高”;B:replaced“替代”;C:found“发现”;D:saved“节约,挽救”。save one's life固定短语,“救某人的命”,故选D。
22.句意:她的经历可能对其他有小孩的父母有帮助。A:interesting“有趣的”;B:helpful“有益的”;C:shocking“令人震惊的”;D:new “新的”。此处指她的经验对其他有小孩的父母来说可能是有帮助的。故选B。
23.句意:下面就是她的故事。A:plan“计划”;B:reason“理由”;C:story“ 故事”;D:advice “建议”。此处用来引出下文,表示她的故事如下所述。故选C。
24.句意:上周五我带九个月大的女儿去看病,医生从她的手指上抽了血,把一枚创可贴贴在了她的手指上,然后我们就离开了。A:went“去”;B:listened“ 听”;C:left“离开”;D:came “来”。此处表示我们就离开了。故选C。
26.句意:我丈夫把车停在他朋友家外面,因为他必须归还他向朋友借的东西。A:show“展示”;B:return“ 归还”;C:check“核对,检查”;D:post “张贴”。根据空后的“he had borrowed from his friend”可知,他必须归还他向朋友借的东西。return sth."归还某物",故选B。
27.句意:然后我听到我女儿发出奇怪的声音。A:lovely“可爱的”;B:fluent“流利的”;C:strange“奇怪的”;D:beautiful “美丽的”。根据下文“she had tear-filled eyes, vomit (呕吐物) on her shirt”可知,女儿应该是发出奇怪的声音。故选C。
28.句意:……女儿的表情告诉我:"妈妈,救我。"幸好,她的脸色并不是青紫色的。A:Generally“一般地”;B:Sadly“ 伤心地”;C:Usually“通常”;D:Thankfully “感激地”。空后的内容表示情况不是特别糟糕,故选D。
29.句意:我从车里跳出来,把她从汽车座椅上抱了出来,把她翻过来,并拍她的背部三次。A:pulled“拉”;B:handed“递交”;C:threw“扔”;D:passed “传递”。pull...out of固定短语,“把......从......拉出来,”故选A。
30.句意:我从车里跳出来,把她从汽车座椅上抱了出来,把她翻过来,并击中她的背部三次。A:leg“腿”;B:breast“胸部”;C:head“头”;D:back “背部”。根据空前的“flipped her over”及常识可知,发生这种情况时应该拍打孩子的背部。故选D。
31.句意:我看见有东西从她嘴里飞了出来。A:ears“耳朵”;B:mouth“嘴”;C:nose“鼻子”;D:eyes “眼”。根据语境可知,"我"的女儿应该是误食了创可贴,所以应该是看见有东西从她嘴里飞了出来。故选B。
32.句意:我是如此的害怕。A:tired“劳累的”;B:scared“害怕的”;C:disappointed“失望的”;D:bored“厌烦的”。根据下文“I couldn't imagine what could have happened if we had driven home instead of parking the car there.”可知,"我"当时非常害怕,因为自己的孩子险些丧命。故选B。
33.句意:我之前参加过镇上的婴幼儿心肺复苏班,记得不要把手伸到她的嘴里去取出堵塞物——尽管我的直觉就是要那样做。A:chopstick“筷子”;B:spoon“勺子”;C:fork“叉子”;D:finger “手指”。此处指不要用手伸到嘴里去取堵塞物,故选D。
34.句意:我之前参加过镇上的婴幼儿心肺复苏班,记得不要把手伸到她的嘴里去取出堵塞物——尽管我的直觉就是要那样做。A:so“所以”;B:because“ 因为”;C:though“尽管”;D:if “如果”。空前的“not to stick my __13__ in her mouth”和空后的“was to do just that”为相反的。故选C。
35.句意:我一直在告诉所有有孩子的朋友报名参加心肺复苏班,因为你永远不知道可能会发生什么。A:always“总是”;B:never“从来没有”;C:still“仍然”;D:even “甚至”。根据上文可知,"我"的女儿是突然发生意外的,所以设空处应用表否定含义的词,故选B。
When your pet has an emergency, first aid is not
a substitute for veterinary treatment. However, before you are able to get your pet to
a veterinarian, knowing some basic first aid can help.
Bite Wounds
Approach the pet carefully to avoid getting bitten. Wear a mask for the animal and then check the wound. Clean the wound with large amounts of saline (盐水). If these are not available, then regular water may be used. Wrap large open wounds to keep them clean.
Apply firm, direct pressure over the bleeding area until the bleeding stops. Hold the pressure for at least 10 minutes. Avoid bandages that cut off circulation.
Check to see if the animal is choking on a foreign object. If an animal is not breathing, place it on a firm surface with its left side up. Check for a heartbeat. If you hear a heartbeat but not breathing, close the animal's mouth and breathe directly into its nose—not the mouth—until the chest expands. Repeat 12 to 15 times per minute.
Wash the burn immediately with large amounts of cool, running water. Apply an ice pack for 15-20 minutes. Do not place an ice pack directly on the skin. Wrap the pack in a light towel or other cover. If the animal has large quantities of dry chemicals on its skin, brush them off. Water may activate some dry chemicals.
Fractures (骨折)
Symptoms include pain, inability to use a limb (腿). Wear a mask for the pet and look for bleeding. If you can control bleeding without causing more injury, then do so. Watch for signs of shock. Don't try to set the fractures by pulling the limb. Transport the pet to the veterinarian immediately, supporting the injured part as best as you can.
36.The underlined word “substitute” in the first paragraph means something_________.
A.that is necessary B.that can replace other things
C.that is familiar with us D.that can calm people
37.What's the suitable subtitle for the underlined part
A.Choking. B.Breathing stops.
C.Poisoning. D.Suffering heart problems.
38.If your pet is burned by chemicals, you should _________.
A.put an ice pack directly on the skin
B.wash away the chemicals with saline
C.bind up the cut with a bandage
D.get rid of them before washing
39.What is the passage mainly about
A.Doing pet first aid. B.Treating sick pets.
C.Dealing with an emergency. D.Working as a veterinarian.
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,通过介绍有关宠物急救的知识, 号召人们爱护动物,保护动物。
36.考查词义猜测。根据第一段“When your pet has an emergency, first aid is not a substitute for veterinary treatment. However, before you are able to get your pet to a veterinarian, knowing some basic first aid can help.”当你的宠物遇到紧急情况时, 急救不能完全替代兽医的治疗, 但在兽医到来之前, 懂得一些急救知识是很有帮助的。因此substitute意为“替代”,故选B。
37.考查段落大意。通过第四段中的“If an animal is not breathing. . . ”如果动物没有呼吸......;以及“If you hear a heartbeat but not breathing”如果你听到心跳却没有呼吸,可知, 此段内容都和动物“不能呼吸”的信息相关,故选B。
38.考查细节理解。根据Burns部分中的“If the animal has large quantities of dry chemicals on its skin, brush them off. Water may activate some dry chemicals. ”可知, 清洗之前,应该先把那些化学物品弄掉。故选D。
Emergencies can happen anytime, so being prepared for one is important for you and your family. Having a properly stocked first aid kit in your home is an easy but necessary part of good emergency preparation.
Pick a good container
One good choice is a large translucent plastic container, which makes it easy to see the materials inside. Lunchboxes are also another good choice. Basically, if it's big enough, portable, and at least somewhat water resistant, it can make a good container. Regardless of your container choice, it should be easy to recognize, so write "FIRST AID" on it with a marker.
Make your kit safely accessible
When your child is crying about a "boo-boo" on her knee, you don't want your home kit buried on the back of a closet or lost because it's not being returned to the same spot after each use.
Teach your family about the kit
For younger children who shouldn't use the items in the kit, teach them where it's located, so they could show a visitor, relative or babysitter. For older children and adults, instruct them on how to use the items in it. Use a first aid instruction booklet, like those available from the American Red Cross for guidance and place a booklet in the kit for reference.
Keep your kit up-to-date
No one wants to fetch a first aid kit and find the bandage box empty or the pain relievers expired(过期). Keep track of supply amounts and expiration dates regularly.
Create a checklist in the kit
Record every item on a sheet of paper and keep it in the kit. Besides, record the amounts of the items and expiration dates next to the listed items on the checklist that you include in your kit. In this way, anyone who wants to reach the kit can immediately know what it includes and doesn't include. Also, they can be clear whether the items can be used.
40.Which is close to the meaning of the underlined word "translucent"
A.Wide. B.Advanced. C.Clear. D.Strong.
41.What should the young children be told about the home first aid kit
A.How to use the items. B.What contains in it.
C.Where to place it. D.When to fetch it.
42.Why should the home first aid kit be examined regularly
A.To make it clean and tidy. B.To make sure it's available.
C.To be familiar with the items. D.To learn to deal with emergencies.
43.What makes it easy to find the items in the kit
A.First aid marker. B.A checklist.
C.A guidance. D.A booklet.
40.考查词义猜测。根据Pick a good container部分中的"…which makes it easy to see the materials inside"可知,急救箱中的东西清晰可见,故所选急救箱应该是透明的, clear的意思与translucent接近,故选C。
41.考查细节理解。根据Teach your family about the kit部分中的“For younger children who shouldn't use the items in the kit, teach them where it's located, so they could show a visitor, relative or babysitter.”可知,对于不应该使用工具箱中物品的年幼儿童而言,家长应告诉他们工具箱所在的位置,以便他们能在有突发情况的时候告诉客人,亲戚或保姆。故选C。
42.考查推理判断。根据Keep your kit up-to-date部分中的“No one wants to fetch a first aid kit and find the bandage box empty or the pain relievers expired (过期). Keep track of supply amounts and expiration dates regularly.”可知,没有人想在拿起急救箱时,发现绷带盒里是空的或者止痛药过期了。要定期查看还有多少可用的东西和有效日期。因此定期查看家庭急救箱的原因在于确保有可用的东西和物品没有失效。To make sure it's available.意为“确保它可用”。故选B。
43.考查细节理解。根Create a checklist in the kit部分中的"Besides, record the amounts of the items and expiration dates next to the listed items on the checklist that you include in your kit. In this way, anyone who wants to reach the kit can immediately know what it includes and doesn't include. "另外,在包括在你的工具箱里的检查表上在列出的物品旁边记录物品的数量和到期日期。这样,任何想拿到工具箱的人可以立即知道它包括什么,不包括什么。故选B。
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Unit 5 Period 2 Learning about Language分层练习
语言能力 掌握与急救相关的词汇和短语。
学习能力 能够运用所学知识,描述不同的受伤情况。
思维品质 培养学生对急救知识的重视和应对突发情况的能力
文化意识 培养学生的合作意识。
1.After pulling the curtain, the young driver found it was too   (有雾的) to drive anywhere.
2.To our surprise, he had trouble    (证明...有道理) such a massive increase in spending.
3.All of us were moved by the awesome scenery of the bay, so someone put forward a    (提议) of taking a group photo there.
4.Time is    (紧的), and the photographer has another meeting to go to this afternoon.
5.The    (阻碍) continues. Anyhow, we can give it a try.
6.What the operator came up with was an interesting idea, but there were many   (实际的) difficulties.
7.My fellow gave me a heavy    (拍) on the back.
8.As time went by, the missing elderly man's family was getting increasingly   (绝望).
9.Tom had been late for the date again, which led to Mary's voice    (哽咽) with anger.
10.Do you know that her   (同伴) share her interest in first-aid techniques
11.The bay is    (swell) because of the heavy rain.
12.Can you    (loose) the lid of this freezing jar
13.The farm was very isolated, but there was a pleasant surprise that it had   (electric).
14.In a small    (minor) of cases, the medical treatment of the organ does not help.
15.Were the workers at the power station exposed to high levels of    (radiate) for the duration of their work
16.Contrary to what you said, in fact, stress and tiredness often lead   a lack of concentration.
17.As we all know, dogs have a strong sense   smell.
18.Imagine     (climb)up to the 80th floor of your office building without an elevator.
19.Do you find yourself easily     (become)impatient
or annoyed with people over unimportant things
20.If you spend that journey always     (try)to
impress others, you're wasting your life.
Sonia learnt some
first aid skills in her Infant CPR (婴幼儿心肺复苏) class. Last
week she told us that she 21. her
daughter's life using the skills. Her experience might be 22. to
other parents with young children. Here is her 23. :
Last Friday I took
my 9 month old daughter to a doctor and she had blood drawn from her finger.
The doctor put a Band Aid on her finger. Then we 24. .
My husband 25. the
car outside his friend's house because he had to 26. something that he had borrowed from his friend.
Then I heard my daughter make 27. sounds. I looked at her and found she had
tear filled eyes, vomit (呕吐物) on her shirt, and
a look that said, "Help me, mum." 28. , she wasn't blue (青紫的).
I jumped out of the
car, 29. her
out of the car seat, flipped her over,
and hit her on the 30. three
times. I saw something fly out of her 31. . I saw it was the Band Aid when I picked it
up.I was so 32. . I couldn't imagine what could have happened
if we had driven home instead of parking the car there.
I went home and
immediately signed up for Child CPR. I had taken Infant CPR in our town
and remembered not to stick my 33. in her mouth to get out
the choking object (堵塞物)— 34. my instinct (直觉) was
to do just that.
It terrifies me
that something like this can happen so suddenly to people around us. I've been
telling all my friends with children to sign up for CPR classes because you
just 35. know what might happen.,
21.A.improved B.replaced C.found D.saved
22.A.interesting B.helpful C.shocking D.new
23.A.plan B.reason C.story D.advice
24.A.went B.listened C.left D.came
25.A.parked B.drove C.repaired D.transported
26.A.show B.return C.check D.post
27.A.lovely B.fluent C.strange D.beautiful
28.A.Generally B.Sadly C.Usually D.Thankfully
29.A.pulled B.handed C.threw D.passed
30.A.leg B.breast C.head D.back
31.A.ears B.mouth C.nose D.eyes
32.A.tired B.scared C.disappointed D.bored
33.A.chopstick B.spoon C.fork D.finger
34.A.so B.because C.though D.if
35.A.always B.never C.still D.even
When your pet has an emergency, first aid is not
a substitute for veterinary treatment. However, before you are able to get your pet to
a veterinarian, knowing some basic first aid can help.
Bite Wounds
Approach the pet carefully to avoid getting bitten. Wear a mask for the animal and then check the wound. Clean the wound with large amounts of saline (盐水). If these are not available, then regular water may be used. Wrap large open wounds to keep them clean.
Apply firm, direct pressure over the bleeding area until the bleeding stops. Hold the pressure for at least 10 minutes. Avoid bandages that cut off circulation.
Check to see if the animal is choking on a foreign object. If an animal is not breathing, place it on a firm surface with its left side up. Check for a heartbeat. If you hear a heartbeat but not breathing, close the animal's mouth and breathe directly into its nose—not the mouth—until the chest expands. Repeat 12 to 15 times per minute.
Wash the burn immediately with large amounts of cool, running water. Apply an ice pack for 15-20 minutes. Do not place an ice pack directly on the skin. Wrap the pack in a light towel or other cover. If the animal has large quantities of dry chemicals on its skin, brush them off. Water may activate some dry chemicals.
Fractures (骨折)
Symptoms include pain, inability to use a limb (腿). Wear a mask for the pet and look for bleeding. If you can control bleeding without causing more injury, then do so. Watch for signs of shock. Don't try to set the fractures by pulling the limb. Transport the pet to the veterinarian immediately, supporting the injured part as best as you can.
36.The underlined word “substitute” in the first paragraph means something_________.
A.that is necessary B.that can replace other things
C.that is familiar with us D.that can calm people
37.What's the suitable subtitle for the underlined part
A.Choking. B.Breathing stops.
C.Poisoning. D.Suffering heart problems.
38.If your pet is burned by chemicals, you should _________.
A.put an ice pack directly on the skin
B.wash away the chemicals with saline
C.bind up the cut with a bandage
D.get rid of them before washing
39.What is the passage mainly about
A.Doing pet first aid. B.Treating sick pets.
C.Dealing with an emergency. D.Working as a veterinarian.
Emergencies can happen anytime, so being prepared for one is important for you and your family. Having a properly stocked first aid kit in your home is an easy but necessary part of good emergency preparation.
Pick a good container
One good choice is a large translucent plastic container, which makes it easy to see the materials inside. Lunchboxes are also another good choice. Basically, if it's big enough, portable, and at least somewhat water resistant, it can make a good container. Regardless of your container choice, it should be easy to recognize, so write "FIRST AID" on it with a marker.
Make your kit safely accessible
When your child is crying about a "boo-boo" on her knee, you don't want your home kit buried on the back of a closet or lost because it's not being returned to the same spot after each use.
Teach your family about the kit
For younger children who shouldn't use the items in the kit, teach them where it's located, so they could show a visitor, relative or babysitter. For older children and adults, instruct them on how to use the items in it. Use a first aid instruction booklet, like those available from the American Red Cross for guidance and place a booklet in the kit for reference.
Keep your kit up-to-date
No one wants to fetch a first aid kit and find the bandage box empty or the pain relievers expired(过期). Keep track of supply amounts and expiration dates regularly.
Create a checklist in the kit
Record every item on a sheet of paper and keep it in the kit. Besides, record the amounts of the items and expiration dates next to the listed items on the checklist that you include in your kit. In this way, anyone who wants to reach the kit can immediately know what it includes and doesn't include. Also, they can be clear whether the items can be used.
40.Which is close to the meaning of the underlined word "translucent"
A.Wide. B.Advanced. C.Clear. D.Strong.
41.What should the young children be told about the home first aid kit
A.How to use the items. B.What contains in it.
C.Where to place it. D.When to fetch it.
42.Why should the home first aid kit be examined regularly
A.To make it clean and tidy. B.To make sure it's available.
C.To be familiar with the items. D.To learn to deal with emergencies.
43.What makes it easy to find the items in the kit
A.First aid marker. B.A checklist.
C.A guidance. D.A booklet.