【核心素养】 Unit 3 Food and Culture Period 2 Learning about Language分层练习(原卷版+解析版)人教版选择性必修第二册


名称 【核心素养】 Unit 3 Food and Culture Period 2 Learning about Language分层练习(原卷版+解析版)人教版选择性必修第二册
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-01 14:41:48


/ 让教学更有效 精品试卷 | 英语学科
Unit 3 Period 2 Learning about Language分层练习
语言能力 掌握过去完成时的用法。
学习能力 能够区分过去完成时态的主动语态和被动语态。
思维品质 培养学生的逻辑思维能力
文化意识 了解中英语法的区别。
1.In other words, if you want to be healthy, you have to cut down on     (甜点).
【解析】【分析】句意:换句话说,如果你想保持健康,你必须减少甜点。“ 甜点 ”应用 dessert ,可数名词,此处作宾语,泛指,应用复数形式,故填 desserts 。
2.Enjoying the local     (菜肴) is one of the delights of holidaying abroad.
【解析】【分析】句意:享受当地美食是出国度假的乐趣之一。“ 菜肴 ”应用 cuisine ,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 cuisine 。
3.A charity group set up a stand selling cooked     (香肠) and flowers to raise funds.
【解析】【分析】句意:一个慈善团体设立了一个摊位,出售煮熟的香肠和鲜花,以筹集资金。“ 香肠 ”应用 sausage ,可数名词,此处作宾语,是泛指,应用复数形式,故填 sausages 。
4.When I first learned to cook, I used     (菜谱) and turned out some tasty dishes.
【解析】【分析】句意:当我第一次学习烹饪时,我用食谱做了一些美味的菜。" 菜谱 "应用 recipe ,可数名词,此处作宾语,是泛指,应用复数形式,故填 recipes 。
5.There is no room for    (计谋) in the proportion of ingredients.
【解析】【分析】句意:在配料比例方面,没有耍花招的余地。“ 计谋 ”应用 trick,可数名词,此处作介词宾语,表泛指,应用复数形式,故填tricks 。
6.The boy is not only   (谦虚的), but also bold and careful.
【解析】【分析】句意:这个男孩不仅谦虚,而且勇敢、细心。“ 谦虚的 ”应用 modest ,形容词,此处作表语,故填 modest 。
7.Products we have must meet minimum qualify requirements. This has been our   (一贯的) stand.
【解析】【分析】句意:我们的产品必须符合最低质量要求。这是我们一贯的立场。“ 一贯的 ”应用 consistent ,形容词,此处修饰名词 stand ,作定语,故填 consistent 。
8.James sliced a piece of cooked beef off and    (咀嚼) it slowly in his mouth, thinking about what the teacher said today.
【解析】【分析】句意:詹姆斯把一块熟牛肉切下来,在嘴里慢慢咀嚼,想着老师今天说的话。“ 咀嚼 ”应用 chew ,是谓语动词,结合 James sliced a piece of cooked beef off 的时态,可知应用一般过去时,故填 chewed 。
9.Vinegar is the   (基本的) condiment in the kitchen.
【解析】【分析】句意:醋是厨房里最基本的调味品。“ 基本的 ”应用 fundamental ,形容词,修饰名词 condiment ,作定语,故填fundamental 。
10.How could the    (完美的) life be without a good chef
【解析】【分析】句意:没有一个好厨师,理想的生活怎么可能?“ 完美的 ”应用 ideal ,形容词,此处修饰名词 life ,作定语,故填 ideal 。
11.I     (hope) to send Peter a gift to congratulate him on his marriage, but I couldn't manage it.
【答案】had hoped
【解析】【分析】句意:我本想送彼得一份礼物,祝贺他结婚,但我办不到。根据“ but I couldn't manage it ”可知此处是“本希望做.....,但其实没做到”,应用had hoped,故填 had hoped 。
12.Experiments of this kind     (conduct) in both the US and Europe well before the Second World War.
【答案】had been conducted
【解析】【分析】句意:早在第二次世界大战之前,美国和欧洲就已经进行了这类实验。此处是谓语动词,与主语 Experiments of this kind 是被动关系,应用被动语态,结合时间状语 before the Second World War ,应用过去完成时,故填 had been conducted 。
13.I liked these English songs and they     (teach) many times on the radio.
【答案】had been taught
【解析】【分析】句意:我喜欢这些英文歌曲,并且在电台上已经教过很多次了。此处是谓语动词,与主语they是被动关系,应用被动语态,且发生在 liked 之前,应用过去完成时,故填 had been taught 。
14.Our plan failed because we     (make) a bad mistake.
【答案】had made
【解析】【分析】句意:我们的计划失败了,因为我们犯了一个严重的错误。此处是原因状语从句的谓语动词,且发生在主句的谓语动词failed之前,应用过去完成时,故填 had made 。
15.We    (paint) the house before we moved in.
【答案】had painted
【解析】【分析】句意:我们搬进来之前已经粉刷了房子。此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语 before we moved in ,应用过去完成时,故填 had painted 。
16.Our teacher always tells us to believe in     we do and who we are want to succeed.
【解析】【分析】句意:们的老师总是告诉我们要相信我们所做的和我们想要谁成功。 we do 是宾语从句,缺少do的宾语,应用代词what连接,故填what。
17.Exposure to ultraviolet light (紫外线) is closely linked     skin cancer.
【解析】【分析】句意:紫外线照射与皮肤癌密切相关。be linked to固定短语,“与....相关”,故填to。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语be linked to。
18.The seaside had all sorts of pleasant     (associate) with childhood holidays for me.
【解析】【分析】句意:对我来说,海滨与童年假期有着各种愉快的联系。此处名词作介词宾语, associate “联系”,动词,其名词是 association ,可数,结合语境应用复数形式,故填 associations 。
19.    (tiredness) and hungry, the tourists wanted to find a restaurant to have something to eat.
【解析】【分析】句意:由于又累又饿,游客们想找一家餐馆吃点东西。此处形容词作状语, tiredness “疲劳”,名词,其形容词是tired,“疲劳的”,与hungry 并列,故填 Tired 。
20.The results are entirely     (consistently) with our earlier research.
【解析】【分析】句意:结果与我们之前的研究完全一致。此处形容词作表语,be consistent with固定短语,“与.....一致,故填” consistent 。
【点评】考查形容词,以及固定短语be consistent with。
My career
as a chef started at the age of 25, but my 21. for cooking started at an early age, when I was
about 5 years old — by watching my grandmother and my mom in the kitchen 22. daily meals for the family. I was also 23. by
going with my grandfather to markets to 24. the freshest ingredients. My grandfather taught
me the art of picking and recognizing "the 25. ."
From my
youth, I have had this passion for food. Growing up in Morocco, I witnessed the
most amazing hospitality and 26. through
my grandparents. They opened their 27. to
everybody, and fed and sheltered the poor, travelers, family and friends.
I remember
as a young kid coming home from school to the 28. of
fragrant (芳香的) fresh bread coming out of
the oven. Those smells stimulated (刺激) my senses at a young
age. The 29. were
fresh and seasonal — they were very simple dishes but delightfully 30. .
Food is
almost as 31. as
it is necessary. Food makes people feel things. I really think that food tastes
its best when there is a 32. behind
it. It shapes cultures, religion, politics and health. Food brings people together,
and goes straight to the 33. .
In my kitchen,
I try to duplicate (复制) smells and flavors that make
me think about more than what I'm actually smelling or 34. — it makes me think of life, my family, and my
history. I love to cook food that 35. people's
emotions and memories; my philosophy is to "keep food real and simple."
21.A.talent B.passion C.explanation D.expectation
22.A.changing B.ordering C.preparing D.searching
23.A.inspired B.bothered C.honored D.amused
24.A.ask about B.experiment with
C.learn of D.shop for
25.A.biggest B.cleanest C.best D.cheapest
26.A.wisdom B.honesty C.success D.generosity
27.A.offices B.houses C.restaurant D.hotel
28.A.art B.signs C.creation D.smells
29.A.fruits B.vegetables C.ingredients D.goods
30.A.delicious B.useful C.organic D.convenient
31.A.nutritious B.sufficient C.emotional D.suitable
32.A.reason B.purpose C.cook D.story
33.A.kitchen B.heart C.source D.point
34.A.tasting B.chewing C.touching D.seeing
35.A.holds up B.drives away C.stirs up D.depends on
21.句意:我的厨师生涯始于25岁,但我对烹饪的热情从我5岁左右的时候就开始了,当时我看着奶奶和妈妈在厨房里为家人准备日常饭菜。A:talent“天才,天赋”;B:passion“激情,热爱”;C:explanation“解释”;D:expectation “期待”。根据下文“From my youth, I have had this passion for food”可知,作者对烹饪的热爱从小就开始了。故选B。
22.句意:我的厨师生涯始于25岁,但我对烹饪的热情从我5岁左右的时候就开始了,当时我看着奶奶和妈妈在厨房里为家人准备日常饭菜。A:changing“改变”;B:ordering“订购,命令”;C:preparing“准备”;D:searching“搜索”。根据空前的“my grandmother and my mom in the kitchen”;以及空后的“daily meals for the family”,再结合常识可知,祖母和妈妈在厨房里为一家人准备一日三餐。故选C。
23.句意:我也受到了和祖父一起去市场买最新鲜的配料的启发。A:inspired“启发,鼓舞”;B:bothered“打扰”;C:honored“尊敬”;D:amused “娱乐”。根据空后的“going with my grandfather to markets”和下文“My grandfather taught me the art of picking and recognizing ...”可知,作者也受到了和祖父一起去市场购物的启发,故选A。
24.句意:我也受到了和祖父一起去市场买最新鲜的配料的启发。A:ask about“询问”;B:experiment with“实验”;C:learn of“了解”;D:shop for “选购”。根据空前的“markets”;以及空后的“the freshest ingredients”和下文“My grandfather taught me the art of picking and recognizing ...”可知,作者和祖父去市场选购最新鲜的食材。故选D。
25.句意:我祖父教我挑选和识别“最好的”的艺术。A:biggest“最大的”;B:cleanest“最干净的”;C:best“最好的”;D:cheapest “最便宜的”。根据上文“the freshest ingredients”可知,此处是指祖父教作者如何挑选和辨认“最好的”食材。故选C。
26.句意:我在摩洛哥长大,通过我的祖父母,我见证了最令人惊讶的好客和慷慨。A:wisdom“智慧”;B:honesty“诚实”;C:success“成功”;D:generosity “慷慨”。根据下文中的“fed and sheltered the poor, travelers, family and friends”可知,作者通过祖父母见证了最令人惊叹的好客和慷慨。故选D。
27.句意:他们向所有人开放住房,并为穷人、旅行者、家人和朋友提供食物和庇护。A:offices“办公室”;B:houses“房子”;C:restaurant“饭店”;D:hotel “旅馆”。根据空后的“sheltered the poor, travelers, family and friends”可知,此处是指祖父母把房子向所有人开放。故选B。
28.句意:我记得小时候放学回家时,闻到烤箱里新鲜面包的香味。A:art“艺术”;B:signs“标记”;C:creation“创造”;D:smells“气味,味道”。 根据空后的“ fragrant (芳香的) fresh bread coming out of the oven ”及下文中的“ Those smells stimulated (刺激) my senses at a young age. ”可知,作者从学校回到家就能闻到芳香的刚出炉的新鲜面包的味道,故选D。
29.句意:食材新鲜且具有季节性,非常简单,但美味可口。A:fruits“水果”;B:vegetables“蔬菜”;C:ingredients“原料”;D:goods“商品”。 上文中的“the freshest ingredients”可知此处指原料都是新鲜的、当季的,故选C。
31.句意:食物几乎是情绪化的,因为它是必要的。A:nutritious“有营养的”;B:sufficient“足够的,充足的”;C:emotional“感情的”;D:suitable “合适的”。根据下文“Food makes people feel things”和“Food brings people together”以及该段的描述可知,食物能激起人的感情。故选C。
32.句意:我真的认为当食物背后有故事的时候,它的味道是最好的。A:reason“原因”;B:purpose“目的”;C:cook“厨师”;D:story “故事,经历”。根据上文“Food makes people feel things”;以及下文“It shapes cultures, religion, politics and health”可知,作者认为有故事的食物味道最好。故选D。
33.句意:食物把人们聚在一起,直达内心。A:kitchen“厨房”;B:heart“心脏”;C:source“来源”;D:point “点,意义”。根据空前的“Food brings people together”可知,食物把人们聚在一起,直抵心房。故选B。
34.句意:在我的厨房里,我试图复制让我思考的气味和味道,而不是我实际闻到或尝到的——它让我想到生活、我的家庭和我的历史。A:tasting“品尝”;B:chewing“咀嚼”;C:touching“接触”;D:seeing“看见” 。根据空前“smells and flavors”可知,此处指作者能闻到的气味和尝到的味道。故选A。
35.句意:我喜欢烹饪能激起人们情感和回忆的食物;我的哲学是“保持食物真实和简单。”A:holds up“延误”;B:drives away“赶走”;C:stirs up“激起”;D:depends on “依靠”。根据上文可知,作者喜欢烹饪能激起人们的情感和回忆的食物。故选C。
Each culture
has a diet of its own. The diet of the people in that land is influenced by the
availability of food in that area. For example, meat is one of the main sources
of energy for the body in colder climates. Therefore, it can be seen that meat in
the diet of people in cold countries is more plentiful.
In Kerala,
India, people eat more fish. Rice is Kerala's main food. In all three meals, rice
dishes can be seen.
While preparing
powdered porridge, baked pappadam and healthy coconut milk, a grandmother was listening
to her grandchildren call her. Then the door opened and there came her grandchildren.
Something unfamiliar was found in the bowl in their hands. The grandmother gave
it a sniff (嗅) and put it back. Through the
look on her face, you could tell that she did not like the smell. Then one of the
grandchildren said, "How easy it is to make noodles! Only five minutes is enough."
This is the experience of an old grandmother who came to stay with her kids and
grandchildren. Two days later, the grandmother, who was ready to spend at least
two months with her children, returned to her village.
dishes of Kerala, such as powdered porridge, pappadam, bread, kappa, fish curry,
sambar and spices, are disappearing. Instead, even in the slums ( 贫民窟) of Kerala, many foreign dishes such as fried rice, chilli chicken and
ginger chicken are becoming available. After working in the sun all day in the fields,
the last generation could be seen drinking a cup of sambhara, a traditional Indian
tea. But today, people prefer drinking modern red and yellow flavoured water.
When our
taste in food changes, it can affect more than just our diet. Those who don't know
how to make overseas dishes don't even get kitchen work today. We try to mimic (模仿) foreigners and accept the dishes they find unhealthy, even though foreigners
are culturally inclined towards (倾向于) our diet. Though visitors
come to Kerala to buy our bread, fish curry, pudding and fruit, people in Kerala
go to restaurants to buy foreign rice and soups and empty their pockets.
36.Why did the old grandmother return to her village ahead of time
A.She got terribly angry with her kids.
B.She had something important to deal with.
C.She didn't enjoy the food at her kids' home.
D.She didn't get along well with her grandchildren.
37.What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A.The loss of Kerala's traditional dishes.
B.Measures to save Kerala's traditional dishes.
C.Benefits of keeping Kerala's traditional dishes.
D.The improvement of people's living conditions in Kerala.
38.What can we infer from the last paragraph
A.Kerala has shaken off the "poor" label.
B.Foreign food is popular in Kerala.
C.Kerala offers cooks few job opportunities.
D.Fewer and fewer people in Kerala cook for themselves.
39.How might the author feel when writing the text
A.Worried. B.Grateful. C.Doubtful. D.Satisfied.
36.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“Through the look on her face, you could tell that she did not like the smell. Then one of the grandchildren said, ‘How easy it is to make noodles! Only five minutes is enough.'”从她脸上的表情,你可以看出她不喜欢这种气味。然后一个孙子说:“做面条多容易啊!五分钟就够了。”可推知,祖母不喜欢孩子家里的饮食,故选C。
37.考查段落大意。根据第四段中的“Traditional dishes of Kerala, such as powdered porridge, pappadam, bread, kappa, fish curry, sambar and spices, are disappearing.”喀拉拉邦的传统菜肴,如粉状粥、pappadam、面包、kappa、咖喱鱼、桑巴和香料,正在消失。可知,该段说明了Kerala地区传统饮食的消失,故选A。
38.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“ Those who don't know how to make overseas dishes don't even get kitchen work today. ”那些不知道如何制作海外菜肴的人今天甚至连厨房工作都没有;以及“people in Kerala go to restaurants to buy foreign rice and soups and empty their pockets”喀拉拉邦的人们去餐馆买外国米饭和汤,掏空口袋。可知,外来食品在Kerala很受欢迎。故选B。
Fast-food chains including Burger King and Starbucks have
brought in plant-based meat products to China in an effort to promote healthy
eating and protect the environment. Readers
share their opinions.
I just don't get it. If
you want something that tastes like meat, you'd better eat meat. Plant-based meat is highly processed. It is not as healthy as vegetables. It contains amounts of unhealthy fat, salt and artificial
additives. Regular
exercise, along with a well-balanced diet, is the best way to stay healthy.
Terryfoy(the UK)
The human body was not designed for us only to eat vegetables. We are designed to eat meat. The protein that our body must have to survive comes from the
meat we eat. The body
functions properly with the correct balance between meat and vegetables. Too much meat and we get fat; too little meat and we get
skinny and weak. If you want
to be healthy, you must eat a balanced diet of both meat and vegetables.
Start with a huge cutdown on meat. Regarding pigs, do you know they could outsmart you on
PlayStation games Don't be surprised. They're
much smarter than dogs. So they are
better at video games than some primates(灵长目动物). Pigs are
extremely clever animals. They're
gentle, defenseless creatures. Start
doing it now. It's time we
made a change.
I could never be a vegetarian. I eat very little meat, but I do love the meat I eat! If one
has to cut down on meat, it seems that red meat is the first thing to be
minimized since it's not as good for you as other types.
40.What does Linda think of plant-based meat
A.Unhealthy. B.Necessary. C.Delicious. D.Well-balanced.
41.Who suggests that humans should have less meat
A.Linda and Taikor. B.Linda and Terryfoy.
C.Taikor and Sockmonkey. D.Terryfoy and Sockmonkey.
42.What's the main purpose of the passage
A.To introduce the harm of eating too much meat.
B.To show us different opinions about eating meat.
C.To inform us of the advantages of a balanced diet.
D.To state the necessity of protecting the environment.
40.考查细节理解。根据 Linda(China) 部分中的"It is not as healthy as vegetables. "它不如蔬菜健康,可知,Linda认为植物性肉制品不如蔬菜健康。故选A。
41.考查细节理解。根据 Taikor(Malaysia) 部分中的"Start with a huge cutdown on meat. "从大幅削减肉类开始;以及接下来提到猪是很聪明的动物可知,Taikor建议人们少吃猪肉; 结合最后一段中的"If one has to cut down on meat,it seems that red meat is the first thing to be minimized since it's not as good for you as other types. "如果必须减少肉食,红肉似乎是第一个要减少的东西,因为它对你的身体没有其他类型的好。可知,Sockmonkey建议人们少吃红肉。即这两个人建议人们少吃肉,故选C。
42.考查推理判断。根据第一段“ Fast-food chains including Burger King and Starbucks have brought in plant-based meat products to China in an effort to promote healthy eating and protect the environment. Readers share their opinions. ”包括汉堡王和星巴克在内的快餐连锁店已将植物肉类产品引入中国,以促进健康饮食和保护环境。读者分享他们的观点。可知,本文主要就连锁快餐店引进植物性肉制品问题展示了一些人的观点,所以本文的目的是向我们展示关于吃肉的不同观点。故选B
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Unit 3 Period 2 Learning about Language分层练习
语言能力 掌握过去完成时的用法。
学习能力 能够区分过去完成时态的主动语态和被动语态。
思维品质 培养学生的逻辑思维能力
文化意识 了解中英语法的区别。
1.In other words, if you want to be healthy, you have to cut down on     (甜点).
2.Enjoying the local     (菜肴) is one of the delights of holidaying abroad.
3.A charity group set up a stand selling cooked     (香肠) and flowers to raise funds.
4.When I first learned to cook, I used     (菜谱) and turned out some tasty dishes.
5.There is no room for    (计谋) in the proportion of ingredients.
6.The boy is not only   (谦虚的), but also bold and careful.
7.Products we have must meet minimum qualify requirements. This has been our   (一贯的) stand.
8.James sliced a piece of cooked beef off and    (咀嚼) it slowly in his mouth, thinking about what the teacher said today.
9.Vinegar is the   (基本的) condiment in the kitchen.
10.How could the    (完美的) life be without a good chef
11.I     (hope) to send Peter a gift to congratulate him on his marriage, but I couldn't manage it.
12.Experiments of this kind     (conduct) in both the US and Europe well before the Second World War.
13.I liked these English songs and they     (teach) many times on the radio.
14.Our plan failed because we     (make) a bad mistake.
15.We    (paint) the house before we moved in.
16.Our teacher always tells us to believe in     we do and who we are want to succeed.
17.Exposure to ultraviolet light (紫外线) is closely linked     skin cancer.
18.The seaside had all sorts of pleasant     (associate) with childhood holidays for me.
19.    (tiredness) and hungry, the tourists wanted to find a restaurant to have something to eat.
20.The results are entirely     (consistently) with our earlier research.
My career
as a chef started at the age of 25, but my 21. for cooking started at an early age, when I was
about 5 years old — by watching my grandmother and my mom in the kitchen 22. daily meals for the family. I was also 23. by
going with my grandfather to markets to 24. the freshest ingredients. My grandfather taught
me the art of picking and recognizing "the 25. ."
From my
youth, I have had this passion for food. Growing up in Morocco, I witnessed the
most amazing hospitality and 26. through
my grandparents. They opened their 27. to
everybody, and fed and sheltered the poor, travelers, family and friends.
I remember
as a young kid coming home from school to the 28. of
fragrant (芳香的) fresh bread coming out of
the oven. Those smells stimulated (刺激) my senses at a young
age. The 29. were
fresh and seasonal — they were very simple dishes but delightfully 30. .
Food is
almost as 31. as
it is necessary. Food makes people feel things. I really think that food tastes
its best when there is a 32. behind
it. It shapes cultures, religion, politics and health. Food brings people together,
and goes straight to the 33. .
In my kitchen,
I try to duplicate (复制) smells and flavors that make
me think about more than what I'm actually smelling or 34. — it makes me think of life, my family, and my
history. I love to cook food that 35. people's
emotions and memories; my philosophy is to "keep food real and simple."
21.A.talent B.passion C.explanation D.expectation
22.A.changing B.ordering C.preparing D.searching
23.A.inspired B.bothered C.honored D.amused
24.A.ask about B.experiment with
C.learn of D.shop for
25.A.biggest B.cleanest C.best D.cheapest
26.A.wisdom B.honesty C.success D.generosity
27.A.offices B.houses C.restaurant D.hotel
28.A.art B.signs C.creation D.smells
29.A.fruits B.vegetables C.ingredients D.goods
30.A.delicious B.useful C.organic D.convenient
31.A.nutritious B.sufficient C.emotional D.suitable
32.A.reason B.purpose C.cook D.story
33.A.kitchen B.heart C.source D.point
34.A.tasting B.chewing C.touching D.seeing
35.A.holds up B.drives away C.stirs up D.depends on
Each culture
has a diet of its own. The diet of the people in that land is influenced by the
availability of food in that area. For example, meat is one of the main sources
of energy for the body in colder climates. Therefore, it can be seen that meat in
the diet of people in cold countries is more plentiful.
In Kerala,
India, people eat more fish. Rice is Kerala's main food. In all three meals, rice
dishes can be seen.
While preparing
powdered porridge, baked pappadam and healthy coconut milk, a grandmother was listening
to her grandchildren call her. Then the door opened and there came her grandchildren.
Something unfamiliar was found in the bowl in their hands. The grandmother gave
it a sniff (嗅) and put it back. Through the
look on her face, you could tell that she did not like the smell. Then one of the
grandchildren said, "How easy it is to make noodles! Only five minutes is enough."
This is the experience of an old grandmother who came to stay with her kids and
grandchildren. Two days later, the grandmother, who was ready to spend at least
two months with her children, returned to her village.
dishes of Kerala, such as powdered porridge, pappadam, bread, kappa, fish curry,
sambar and spices, are disappearing. Instead, even in the slums ( 贫民窟) of Kerala, many foreign dishes such as fried rice, chilli chicken and
ginger chicken are becoming available. After working in the sun all day in the fields,
the last generation could be seen drinking a cup of sambhara, a traditional Indian
tea. But today, people prefer drinking modern red and yellow flavoured water.
When our
taste in food changes, it can affect more than just our diet. Those who don't know
how to make overseas dishes don't even get kitchen work today. We try to mimic (模仿) foreigners and accept the dishes they find unhealthy, even though foreigners
are culturally inclined towards (倾向于) our diet. Though visitors
come to Kerala to buy our bread, fish curry, pudding and fruit, people in Kerala
go to restaurants to buy foreign rice and soups and empty their pockets.
36.Why did the old grandmother return to her village ahead of time
A.She got terribly angry with her kids.
B.She had something important to deal with.
C.She didn't enjoy the food at her kids' home.
D.She didn't get along well with her grandchildren.
37.What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A.The loss of Kerala's traditional dishes.
B.Measures to save Kerala's traditional dishes.
C.Benefits of keeping Kerala's traditional dishes.
D.The improvement of people's living conditions in Kerala.
38.What can we infer from the last paragraph
A.Kerala has shaken off the "poor" label.
B.Foreign food is popular in Kerala.
C.Kerala offers cooks few job opportunities.
D.Fewer and fewer people in Kerala cook for themselves.
39.How might the author feel when writing the text
A.Worried. B.Grateful. C.Doubtful. D.Satisfied.
Fast-food chains including Burger King and Starbucks have
brought in plant-based meat products to China in an effort to promote healthy
eating and protect the environment. Readers
share their opinions.
I just don't get it. If
you want something that tastes like meat, you'd better eat meat. Plant-based meat is highly processed. It is not as healthy as vegetables. It contains amounts of unhealthy fat, salt and artificial
additives. Regular
exercise, along with a well-balanced diet, is the best way to stay healthy.
Terryfoy(the UK)
The human body was not designed for us only to eat vegetables. We are designed to eat meat. The protein that our body must have to survive comes from the
meat we eat. The body
functions properly with the correct balance between meat and vegetables. Too much meat and we get fat; too little meat and we get
skinny and weak. If you want
to be healthy, you must eat a balanced diet of both meat and vegetables.
Start with a huge cutdown on meat. Regarding pigs, do you know they could outsmart you on
PlayStation games Don't be surprised. They're
much smarter than dogs. So they are
better at video games than some primates(灵长目动物). Pigs are
extremely clever animals. They're
gentle, defenseless creatures. Start
doing it now. It's time we
made a change.
I could never be a vegetarian. I eat very little meat, but I do love the meat I eat! If one
has to cut down on meat, it seems that red meat is the first thing to be
minimized since it's not as good for you as other types.
40.What does Linda think of plant-based meat
A.Unhealthy. B.Necessary. C.Delicious. D.Well-balanced.
41.Who suggests that humans should have less meat
A.Linda and Taikor. B.Linda and Terryfoy.
C.Taikor and Sockmonkey. D.Terryfoy and Sockmonkey.
42.What's the main purpose of the passage
A.To introduce the harm of eating too much meat.
B.To show us different opinions about eating meat.
C.To inform us of the advantages of a balanced diet.
D.To state the necessity of protecting the environment.