海南省海口市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试 英语试题 (含答案,无听力原文及音频)


名称 海南省海口市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试 英语试题 (含答案,无听力原文及音频)
格式 doc
文件大小 119.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-01 16:14:31



英 语 试 题
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后;用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19. 15. B. 9. 18. C. 9. 15.
1. What did Jane spend her money on
A. Her old house. B. A new car. C. A new house
2. Where is the desk now
A. Under the window. B. Opposite the door. C. Next to the door.
3. Where are the speakers most probably
A. In a hospital. B. At the woman’s home. C. At a bank.
4. What does the man think of the tie
A. It’s cheap. B. It’s of good quality. C. It’s in poor condition.
5. How does the man sound
A. Happy. B. Upset. C. Surprised.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段 对话或独白读两遍。
6. What is the woman doing
A. Doing some shopping. B. Beading a novel. C. Watching TV.
7. When will the speakers. meet
A. At 9: 30. B. At 9: 20. C. At 9: 10.
8. Who is the woman
A. The boy’s friend. B. The boy’s mother. C. The boy’s grandmother.
9. What did the woman do when she was young
A. She had many friends. B. She attended dance lessons. C. She had a cat.
10. What do we know about the boy
A. He likes drawing. B. He takes many photos. C. He keeps a dog.
11. What is man’s brother doing now
A. Having a holiday. B. Working part-time. C. Studying at a university.
12. Where does the man work in the morning this summer
A. In a restaurant. B. At a university C. In a bookstore.
13. What language is the woman learning
A. French. B. Spanish. C. Japanese.
14. Which subject does Jerry dislike
A. Art. B. Math. C. Science.
15. When does the first class in the morning begin for Jerry
A. 8: 45. B. 9: 00 C. 10: 30.
16. What does the Jerry usually have for lunch
A. Sandwiches B. Pizza C. Chips and ham.
17. What does Jerry usually do after 4 p. m.
A He does homework. B. He plays football C. He goes home
18. How can frozen foods bought in a supermarket be kept cold
A. By using paper. B. By using bags. C. By using water.
19, Which food is suitable for camping without a refrigerator
A. Seafoods. B. Cold foods. C. Specrm dry foods.
20. What should we do when the food has a strange smell
A Throw it away. B. Taste it immediately C. Keep it in the refrigerator.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
London can be an expensive city to visit if you go unprepared. If you go sightseeing in London for the first time, it is wise to invest in a London Pass. The London Pass is a digital sightseeing credits package that gives you access to 80+ attractions in the city with a relatively lower cost. For many attractions on the pass, there’s no need to pre-book. However, some may have limited capacity, so you’ll need to book in advance.
What do you get with The London Pass
●Incredible savings.
●Access to more than 80 top London attractions.
●Fast entry to selected attractions and sights.
●90-day money-back guarantee.
Go to The London Pass booking page and choose a duration that suits your trip—The London Pass is available for one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or ten consecutive days. Download the pass to your phone and plan your sightseeing tours with the app. When you get to the gate of any participating attraction, show your London Pass and head straight inside,
What are our bestsellers
●2 Day Pass: Child 65. 00 Adult 99. 00
●3 Day Pass: Child 77. 00 Adult 116. 00
●5 Day Pass: Child 94. 00 Adult 144. 00
1. What benefits can travelers enjoy by buying the London Pass
A. Getting money-saving tips. B. Touring London with fewer expenses.
C. Having access to more tourist attractions. D. Choosing whichever London tourist attraction.
2. What should you do before using the London Pass
A. Download the app. B. Book your tours in advance.
C. Ask for more tour suggestions. D. Renew your personal information.
3. How much should you pay if you want 3 Day Pass for a couple and two kids
A. 193. B. 270. C. 309. D. 386
Throughout all the events in my life, one in particular sticks out more than the others. As I reflect on this significant event, a smile spreads across my face. As I think of Shanda, I feel loved and grateful.
It was my twelfth year of dancing, I thought it would end up like any other year: stuck in emptiness, forgotten and without the belief of any teacher or friend that I really had the potential to achieve greatness.
However, I met Shanda, a young, talented choreographer (编舞者). She influenced me to work to the best of my ability, pushed me to keep going when I wanted to give up, encouraged me and showed me the real importance of dancing. Throughout our hard work, not only did my ability to dance grow, but my friendship with Shanda grew as well.
With the end of the year came our show time. As I walked to a backstage filled with other dancers, I hoped for a good performance that would prove my improvement. I waited anxiously for my turn. Finally, after what seemed like days, the loudspeaker announced my name. Butterflies filled my stomach as I took trembling steps onto the big lighted stage. But, with the determination to succeed and eagerness to live up to Shanda, expectations for me, I began to dance. All my troubles and nerves went away as I danced my whole heart out.
As I walked up to the judge to receive my first place shining, gold trophy (奖杯), I realized that dance is not about becoming the best. It was about loving dance for dance itself, a getaway from all my problems in the world. Shanda showed me that you could let everything go and just dance what you feel at that moment, After all the doubts that people had in me, I believed in myself and did not care what others thought. Thanks to Shanda, dance became more than a love of mine, but a passion.
4. What did the author think her dancing would be for the twelfth year
A. A change for the better. B. A disappointment as before.
C. A proof of her potential. D. A pride of her teachers and friends.
5 How did Shanda help the author
A. By offering her financial help. B. By entering her in a competition.
C. By coaching her for longer hours. D. By awakening her passion for dancing.
6. How did the author feel when she stepped on the stage
A. Proud. B. Nervous. C. Scared. D. Relieved.
7. What can we learn from the author’s story
A. Success lies in patience. B. Fame is a great thirst of the young.
C. A good teacher matters. D. A youth is to be treated with respect.
In March 2023, 82-year-old Wilf Bishop found himself almost a thousand meters above sea level, snowshoeing(穿雪鞋行走) across a mountainside in Austria. “I’m not a spiritual person, but it felt so peaceful being up there, even though it was not easy,” he says.
Three years earlier, his wife, Janet, had died of cancer. For Bishop who had loved Janet so deeply and had spent a lifetime talking to such a lovely woman, pain overwhelmed him and the silence seemed unbearable. “Besides, since it was the start of the Covid lockdowns, it was very isolating,” he says. Home alone, without the person he had always turned to for support, Bishop went for daily walks in the nearby Yorkshire Dales and tried to write about his experiences. “It distanced me from the pain,” he says. “It put it elsewhere for a while, on to the page, since no one can live with that amount of anguish forever.”
A decade earlier. Bishop had given up skiing out of fear of taking a bad fall and doing damage to his body, but he found himself longing for the experience of being on the mountainside again. “I wanted to find a way of getting back to the outdoors, to experience the soothing wind and the majestic views,” he says. “I also needed it socially.”
A mountaineering friend offered Bishop a possible solution. He suggested that Bishop try snowshoeing instead of skiing. He called up the leaders of a forthcoming week-long expedition being organized by the UK branch pf the Austrian Alpine Club. They assured him that if he could walk, he could snowshoe.
By March 2023, Bishop was in the Tirol mountains in the Alps with a dozen strangers from across Europe and a trained leader. “It was a really strenuous activity, walking up to eight hours a day but I had the most wonderful time,” he says. “Plus, I was with a group of fantastic people, all open-minded, generous and keen to share this experience together.”
Back at home, Bishop eagerly booked another week-long expedition for the next winter. “The snowshoeing trips have encouraged me to get healthier and practice tai chi every morning,” he says. “I’m lucky that I can maintain fitness in my older years and it’s a tremendous ego boost.”
8. What does the underlined word “anguish” probably mean in Paragraph 2
A. Pity. B. Anger. C. Pain. D. Anxiety.
9. What did Bishop expect to get by being on the mountainside again
A. Comfort and company. B. Amusement and happiness.
C. Support and encouragement D. Understanding and relaxation.
10. How did Bishop’s friend help Bishop
A. By practicing tai chi with him every morning
B. By turning to a mountaineering club for help.
C. By accompanying him across a mountainside.
D. By encouraging him to be social in the community.
11. What can be a suitable title for the passage
A. A New Start from the Mountainside B. Snowshoeing in Austria
C. Bishop and His Wife D. Ways to Overcome Sadness
In the worsening economic environment, restaurants are turning to sharing menus to stop hard up customers from cutting back on starters and desserts.
Expenses in restaurants have fallen by 14 percent, from 25. 38 to 21. 80 per head, in part because customers are having main courses only and skipping starters and desserts, the research firm Lumina Intelligence has found. This is also hitting receipts from drinks, with the number of meals including alcohol falling from 38. 5 percent to 33. 9 percent. “To increase profit, restaurants are introducing sharing dishes across courses, including starter and dessert dishes, to encourage customers to spend more,” according to Lumina Intelligence.
Linden Stores, a restaurant that is owned by Laura Christie and her husband and was relocated to the village of Audlem from London in 2020, started a whole new menu of modern British food, with two people sharing seven dishes recently. And, for Christie, it was really a bolt out of the blue. “I wasn’t expecting it be such a hit,” said Christie. “It was quite a new idea for people. We’re in a small village but it turned out we were breaking more boundaries than we’d thought with this sharing concept.”
Linden Stores is not alone in rethinking its menu to make sharing food more commonplace. A large number of restaurants are following this, among which is EI Pastor, a group of Mexican restaurants in London. Actually, stealing your partner’s dessert is a time-honored restaurant tradition, but restaurant owners are increasingly offering two spoons as a matter of course as sharing food becomes the latest way for the hospitality industry to fight the recession.
Sharing works because restaurants have become less formal, Christie believes. “It makes people feel like they’re getting more of an experience. Sharing food offers a delicious and exciting way to put together history, culture, and love. It helps save diners spending per head. It also helps with the efficiency of restaurants, because you know what you’re having to prepare and you need fewer people to deliver it because you know, ahead of time, what you’re doing. ”
12. What is the writing purpose of Paragraph 2
A. To list restaurants’ efforts to make a profit. B. To describe people’s new food preference.
C. To introduce a new topic for discussion. D. To give some background information.
13. What does the underlined part “a bolt out of the blue” mean in Paragraph 3
A. It was quite disturbing. B. It was completely surprising.
C. It was very disappointing. D. It was rather obvious.
14. Why does the writer mention EI Pastor in Paragraph 4
A. To prove the success of Linden Stores’ reform. B. To explain the tradition of sharing food.
C. To show the popularity of sharing menus. D. To express the hospitality of restaurants.
15. What message is conveyed in Christine’s words in the last paragraph
A. Delicious food is vital in the successful running of a restaurant.
B. Good preparation makes a big difference.
C. Sharing menus is a win-win thing.
D. Sharing food helps people bond together.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中 有两项为多余选项。
Having a good sense of humor makes you more enjoyable to be around. ____16____ . Here’s how you can develop your sense of humor.
●Surround Yourself with Humor
You learn more effectively when you fully expose yourself to a subject. Similarly, you can improve your sense of humor by surrounding yourself with humor. Watch stand-up comedians. Listen to programs that amuse you.Read humorous books. ____17____ .
●Learn What Amuses You
____18____ . We amuse our friends by praising a change they made. However, when it comes to being funny, don’t change your sense of humor to amuse other people. Instead, start with what amuses you.Then, if you think the other person will also be amused with it, share it with them.
●Think About Timing and Audience
You don’t have to be funny all the time, so don’t expect that of yourself. When you catch yourself trying to be funny, slow down. Simply speak slower so you’re not as likely to stop and repeat yourself. Try speaking at 60-70 % of your usual rate. ____19____ .
You don’t need to seize every single opportunity to be funny. If you’re in the middle of a bad joke, just end it. “You know what, now that I’m telling it, it’s not as funny as it sounded in my head,” can be a bit of an awkward end and hurt your pride a little bit, but it saves everyone time and patience. In the long run, they’ll respect your taste.
A. Be Creative, Not Silly
B. Pause in between sentences
C. There’s a lot of fun out there
D. You might also do better at work
E. Know When to Pull the Plug on Yourself
F. You can also try your hand in the real world
G. A lot of times, we say things purely to please others
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分55分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。
Last year in October, my family and I took our first camping trip. My whole family ___21___ which was the most important part of the trip for me. My sisters are adults with different ___22___ , which makes it difficult for us to ___23___ an activity like this.
We had just set up the tent when it suddenly started raining. ___24___ , we had positioned the tent on a high flat surface where ___25___ could not come into our tent. Even with the rain, I had never been happier.
While we were all ___26___ the sound of the rain, my mom cooked a warm meal for the family. Over the dinner, my father told us ___27___ stories about his childhood, which made us burst into laughter. At night, it was a bit cold. My sisters and I grabbed a ___28___ and chatted about our daily life. Soon, a hot meal and a good ___29___ warmed us up.
I realized how ____30____ it was camping under the sound of the rain. I came to understand why my parents were so ____31____ about camping.
The next day, we ____32____ our belongings and headed home. I’m very ____33____ for this camping trip. Not only did I experience the beauty of the forest, but I also learned that even if the ____34____ is not the best for camping, we can adapt to Mother Nature as a family to make unforgettable ____35____ .
21. A. cheered up B. ran away C. got together D. settled down
22. A. lives B. rules C. abilities D. problems
23. A. report B. plan C. post D. cancel
24. A. Strangely B. Clearly C. Similarly D. Luckily
25 A. wind B. water C. animals D. hikers
26. A. expecting B. describing C. enjoying D. imagining
27. A. funny B. awful C. shocking D. moving
28 A. tent B. phone C. basket D. blanket
29. A. negotiation B. game C. conversation D. sleep
30. A. difficult B. unique C. expensive D. popular
31. A. particular B. disappointed C. worried D. enthusiastic
32. A. packed up B. picked out C. left behind D. set aside
33. A. eager B. sorry C. grateful D. suitable
34. A. bill B. season C. equipment D. weather
35. A. summaries B. memories C. lessons D. contributions
36. On the first day at senior high, Meng Hao tried his best to make a good first __________(印象) on his classmates and teachers. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
37. I can tell the time from the p__________ (位置)of the sun. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
38. I know we should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, but ready meals are so________(方便). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
39. Eating too much roast food makes it more likely for us to __________(遭受)from heat inside our bodies. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
40. The flat terrace catches the rainwater and p______ (阻止) the soil from being washed away. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
41. Susan is an art lover, and she seldom misses any art e_________(展览)in the local museum. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
42. He likes e__________ (极限的) sports such as rock climbing. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
43. They had led the country into an economic d__________ (灾难). (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
44. They put up an a __________ (通知) on the noticeboard. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
45. When facing great p__________ (压力), you can take a deep breath and calm down. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
第三节:语法填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
Many people still remember the magic of Father Christmas from ___46___ they were children. As parents, they try to keep that magic alive for their children for as long as they can. That is ___47___ Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas ___48___ a special time of year. The man who wrote these letters is one of the most famous names in English literature—J. R. R. Tolkien, author of The Lordof the Rings. The letters were Tolkien’s way of ___49___ (keep) Father Christmas alive for his four ___50___ (child), over a period of more than twenty years. Every Christmas, an envelope with a North Pole stamp arrived. It ___51___ (address) to Tolkien’s children. Who could it be from The children must have been very ___52___ (excite) as they opened it. Inside, they would find a handwritten letter from Father Christmas. The letters were also ___53___ (beauty) illustrated—each must have taken its true author, Tolkien, a long time ___54___ (complete). The letters told wonderful stories about Father Christmas’s life and adventures at the North Pole. A regular character in the letters was Polar Bear, who once climbed the North Pole(an actual pole in this case) and ____55____ (fall) through the roof of Father Christmas’s house.
After finishing classes, Hong Nanjia, 16, from Zhixin High School in Guangzhou, puts on her apron(围裙)and begins her one-hour chores. Then she needs to share her feelings in a diary ___56___ will be handed in to her teacher.
Most students ___57___ (require)to take part in the labor class once per week. Since September, the labor class has been listed as ___58___ official course in the school life of primary and middle school students. Qian Cheny, her headmaster supports this policy. He said that he started the labor class during middle school. All the students would gather to weed the school garden ___59___ water the plants.
According to Qian, his school would invite professionals to provide them ___60___ practical skills for their daily life. “When shared bikes became ___61___ (gradual) popular in 2020, students were taken to the parking spots and helped put those bikes into the right place. Professionals also ___62___ (show)us how to fix the bikes, ”Qian said. “After ___63___ (learn)first aid, students volunteer to help people who have had accidents in the water. ”He added that if students found a specific topic ___64___ (attract), they would focus on it and only take part in the labor class ___65___ (relate)to that topic. “Through the labor classes, we not only find our interests but also become more well-rounded,” said Qian.
第四部分 写作(满分15分)
66. 假定你是李华,上周你校举办了中国传统文化周活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
1. 活动目的;
2. 活动内容;
3. 活动反响。
1. 写作词数应为80左右:
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
A Traditional Chinese Culture Week
第一部分 听力(略)
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
1. B 2. A 3. D
4. B 5. D 6. B 7. C
8. C 9. A 10. B 11. B
12. D 13. B 14. C 15. C
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
16. D 17. C 18. G 19. B 20. E
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分55分)
21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. B
26. C 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. B
31. D 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. B
36. impression。
38. convenient。
39. suffer。
40. prevents。
41. exhibition。
42. extreme。
43. disaster。
44. announcement。
45. pressure。
第三节:语法填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
46. when 47. why 48. as
49. keeping 50. children 51. was addressed
52. excited 53. beautifully
54. to complete 55. fell
56. that或which 57. are required
58. an 59. and
60. with 61. gradually
62. showed 63. learning
64. attractive 65. related
第四部分 写作(满分15分)
66. One possible version:
A Traditional Chinese Culture Week
A traditional Chinese culture week campaign was launched last week in our school to enhance students’confidence in our national culture.
During the campaign, we students were encouraged to participate in numerous cultural activities, including singing Chinese folk songs, attending Chinese calligraphy classes and introducing traditional Chinese festivals. Every one of us chose one to our taste and we enjoyed ourselves very much.
The campaign was a success and has gained in popularity among us students which will encourage us tofurther spread Chinese culture in future.