

名称 河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末1+3期末考试英语试题
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文件大小 12.1MB
资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-01 18:05:14


一、第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题 ,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.(2024高一下·保定期末) Which team is the woman's daughter in
A.The white one. B.The blue one. C.The black one.
2.(2024高一下·保定期末) How does the man feel
A.Grateful. B.Angry. C.Excited.
3.(2024高一下·保定期末) When can the man get his shirt back
A.At 3 pm. B.At 2 pm. C.At 1 pm.
4.(2024高一下·保定期末) Who might the woman be
A.A waitress. B.A salesperson. C.A tourist.
5.(2024高一下·保定期末) What will the man do
A.Turn on the air conditioner.
B.Turn off the air conditioner.
C.Open the window.
6. How long has the woman been absent from the fitness class
A.One week. B.Two weeks. C.Three weeks.
7.What is the man going to do
A.Go shopping. B.Prepare dinner. C.Finish his work.
8.Why does the man need to prepare a gift
A.For the girl's victory in a competition.
B.For the girl's birthday.
C.For the girl's future wedding.
9.What will the girl's grandma buy her
A.A watch. B.A schoolbag. C.A cake.
10.What are the speakers talking about at first
A.How to stay happy.
B.How to keep secrets.
C.How to eat healthily.
11.What is the woman's attitude towards life
A.Worried. B.Positive. C.Doubtful.
12.When does the woman start work
A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.At night.
13.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.On a plane. B.In a supermarket. C.In a restaurant.
14.What does the man ask the woman to do at first
A.Open his window shade.
B.Bring him some food.
C.Change his seat.
15.What do we know about the man
A.He will move to Row 30, Seat A.
B.He has never flown before.
C.His flight will last for 8 hours.
16.What will the man have
A.Tea and pasta.
B.Soda and chicken salad.
C.Coffee and a turkey sandwich.
17.What programme is the speaker hosting
A.Today on History.
B.The American Sportsman.
C.ABC's Wide World of Sports.
18.What does Joe Brooks do
A.He's a sportsman. B.He's a fisherman. C.He's a politician.
19.What did The American Sportsman focus on
A.Fishing and hunting experiences.
B.Sportsmen's successful experience.
C.Different sorts of sports.
20.Why was the Curt Gowdy State Park built
A.To put on sports shows.
B.To honor Curt Gowdy's work.
C.To call on people to do exercise.
三、第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Do you want to improve your English writing skills Here is a chance for you. Our English writing courses are now open for enrollment(注册), welcoming students who like expressing themselves through words.
Our courses focus on developing writing skills in various genres(体裁), such as narrative, descriptive, and expository writing. Whether you're a beginner seeking to master the basics or an experienced writer wanting to improve your skills, our courses offer something for you.
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Led by experienced instructors who are devoted to developing your writing talents, our classes provide a supportive and inspiring environment for growth and learning. Through detailed writing guidance, positive feedback and interactive discussions, you will sharpen your writing skills and expand your creative view.
Unlocking more potential
Joining our English writing courses not only improves your writing abilities but also enhances your critical thinking and self-expression. Writing is not just about putting words on paper; it is about crafting attractive stories, expressing unique opinions, and connecting with your readers on a deeper level.
Join us and let your words connect with the world. Dare to dream, dare to write, and dare to be heard. Welcome to a world where your voice matters and your stories come to life. Click here to enroll now and let your writing journey begin.
21.Who will show special interest in the courses
A.Pupils. B.Doctors. C.Engineers. D.Drivers.
22.Which of the following will be improved after you join the courses
A.Athletic abilities. B.Emotional control.
C.Expressing skills. D.Social position.
23.What is the author's purpose in writing the text
A.To stress English writing. B.To popularize the courses.
C.To introduce learning skills. D.To share writing experience.
I hesitated when my friend suggested that we join the school's new Tai Chi club. I used to think that tai chi was for the elderly. However, the first class changed my previous understanding of tai chi. A year later, I can say that tai chi has had a huge impact on me.
The first few tai chi classes were fun and easy, and the moves with descriptive names really caught my imagination, like "white crane spreading its wings" and "golden rooster standing on one leg." When I asked my coach where these interesting names came from, he told me about the history of tai chi. Zhang Sanfeng, a 13th - century Taoist, was said to have invented tai chi after drawing inspiration from a fight between a snake and a bird. However, nowadays people tend to believe that Chen Wangting, a 17th-century master of Chinese martial arts, developed tai chi based on martial arts skills.
After the first few basic tai chi lessons, I found myself bored and aching from doing the same slow moves over and over again. Fortunately, my coach taught me how to relax my muscles and focus on peace of mind during ever, day practice. With these requirements of tai chi in mind, I found to my satisfaction that my balance and flexibility slowly improved, that I was able to do more difficult moves, and that my love for tai chi returned stronger than ever.
Meanwhile,I started to explore the ancient Chinese culture behind tai chi. I discovered that tai chi is deeply rooted in the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang, which are believed to form the the unity of opposite. Neither can exist independent of the other. The practice of tai chi aims to keep the balance of yin and yang in the body through opposite movements: forwards and backwards, up and down, left and right, breathing in and breathing out. Ultimately, tai chi brings about a state of physical balance and mental peace.
The experience of a year of tai chi has affected my everyday life positively. I sleep more soundly at night, and feel more energetic during the day. I feel happier and more confident. Tai chi has taught me to relax my mind, enabling me to stay calm in stressful situations. I am sure I will continue to practise tai chi and enjoy the benefits it has brought me.
24.Why did the author join the Tai Chi Club
A.Because of his interest in it.
B.Because of his friend's recommendation.
C.Because of the school's request.
D.Because of his parents' suggestion.
25.Which of the following words can describe the moves of tai chi
A.Quick and elegant. B.Quick and free.
C.Slow and beautiful. D.Slow and boring.
26.What is the Chinese culture behind tai chi
A.Tai chi is influenced by Laozi's philosophy of water.
B.Tai chi can have a positive effect in people's lives.
C.You can find the origin of tai chi in the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang.
D.Tai chi can make people feel energetic and confident.
27.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about
A.The writer's Tai chi experience.
B.Tai chi has made the author more energetic.
C.Tai chi has taught the author to stay calm.
D.The positive influence of Tai chi on the author.
Who would have thought a teenager's mobile phone could help them manage their mental health by supporting a good night's sleep A new app aimed at 12-to 16-year-olds is showing strong early results, improving both the hours of sleep and reducing depression and anxiety.
Sleep Ninja, a free app created by a mental health research organization — the Black Dog Institute, has shown significant early results in improving teenagers' sleep patterns(模式), so critical not just for school readiness but for overall good mental health, co-creator Aliza Werner-Seidler said.
"Adolescents(青少年) struggle to get the recommended 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night," Dr Werner - Seidler, a clinical psychologist, said. "As a result, approximately 40 per cent of all young people will experience a significant sleep problem by early high school which heightens their risk of mental ill-health, which is a risk factor for a range of disorders including depression and anxiety."
Those using the app nominate a time to be up in the morning to make it to school or other activities. From there, it work backwards, determining when they should be in bed. The app gives an alert to start a pre - bed routine, which launches at least an hour before bed time. Part of that routine is to put the phone and other devices away, and engage in behaviors more suitable to sleep. Some of this is simply to have a shower, clean teeth, read a book. But the app also offers a form of practical tips to help them establish sleep routines, things like how to set up their bedroom, what to do during the day to improve their chances of sleep and how to reduce those negative repetitive thoughts that come in at night.
Dr Werner-Seid I er said Sleep Ninja was the only such app designed specifically for adolescents, and the results so far had been very encouraging. She added that we also saw rates of depression drop from 77 percent at the start of the study to 44 percent after using the app.
28.What do we know about Sleep Ninja
A.It aims to improve adults' mental health.
B.It's a new mobile phone for teenagers.
C.It is invented by 12 - to 16 - year - olds.
D.It's a free app designed by Black Dog Institute.
29.What does the third paragraph focus on
A.The creating process of Sleep Ninja.
B.The heavy burden of schooling.
C.The practical need for Sleep Ninja.
D.The cost of making Sleep Ninja.
30.How can Sleep Ninja work on teenagers
A.By reducing negative repetitive thoughts.
B.By setting an alert in the morning.
C.By putting digital devices away.
D.By helping form good sleep routines.
31.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear
A.Education Report. B.Society Report.
C.Health Report. D.Entertainment Report.
There are always two sides to a story. Unfortunately, when it comes to the history of Thanksgiving, generations of Americans have been taught a one-sided history in homes and schools.
The mainstream cultural and historical story has been told by the white settlers(殖民者) who landed near Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts in 1620. In this version(版本) of the Thanksgiving story, the holiday celebrates the peaceful, friendly meeting of English settlers and the Wampanoag tribe(部落) for three days of feasting and thanksgiving in 1621.
This story paints a picture of courageous settlers braving the dangers of the New World and with the help of some friendly natives, finding a way to make a new life for themselves. Very few teachers get a chance to tell students about the mass killing of native tribes that took place in the years that followed.
For many Native Americans, Thanksgiving is a day of mourning(哀悼) and protest. Organised by the United American Indians of New England in1970, the fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving) was recognised as the NationalDay of Mourning for Native Americans.
While some Native Americans have chosen to reject the Thanksgiving holiday completely, many welcome the positive messages of the holiday without consideration of its origin. This is because the idea of giving thanks is central to Native Americans' culture, and in this way, Thanksgiving is simply a chance to appreciate the good things of life, like family, community, and the riches of the land.
Steven Peters, a Wampanoag tribe spokesman, was asked about his views on Thanksgiving and the fact that most Native Americans still gather to eat turkey and give thanks.
"I think it's great. My ancestors had four harvest festivals throughout the year. Gathering with family and giving thanks for all that we have is a good thing. But I ask that you take a moment on that day to remember what happened to my people and the history as it was and not what had been written in the history books."
32.What can be learnt about the mainstream Thanksgiving story
A.It is a faithful reflection of the history.
B.It mourns the suffering of the natives.
C.It represents only one side of the story.
D.It is about the real origin of Thanksgiving.
33.What does the underlined word "reject" in paragraph 5 mean
A.Refuse. B.Reflect. C.Promote. D.Celebrate.
34.Why do many Native Americans celebrate Thanksgiving
A.They are misled by history books.
B.They have adapted to modern life.
C.The history has taught them to be grateful.
D.The idea of giving thanks fits their culture.
35.What is the best title for the text
A.Storytelling: No More One-Sided Approach
B.Native Americans: Let the World Hear Our Voice
C.American History: Tears and Blood of the Natives
D.Thanksgiving: A Different Story to Native Americans
Reasons Why Change Is Good for You
We all know that change is hard because your brain is used to doing the same thing again and again. We also know how challenging it can be to go through change.  36.   Here are four reasons why change is good for you:
◆You get to experience more.
 37.   When you look back on your life, all of the really amazing things are because of anew experience you had. All of those vacations you took and all of the people you have met have taught you more than you ever learned in school. These experiences now make up who you are today.
◆ 38.  .
Life in the comfort zone is easy. You simply follow a routine and you can predict the results. Outside of the comfort zone, your assumptions are questioned. The idea of doing the same thing over and over without question is discouraged.
◆You'll be more flexible and adaptable.
Without doubt, change makes you more flexible and adaptable. You learn to deal with things in a way that seems foreign but acceptable and achievable.  39.   You begin to thrive(茁壮成长) in new situations because you have proven to yourself that you can, not only handle change, but FLOURISH.
◆You have more fun.
When you are open to change, you are open to saying YES to more.  40.   You have the opportunity to meet more people too. When you add all of these things together, you are going to have a more colorful life and you'll have a ton of fun figuring it all out along the way — there's no doubt about it.
A. You are pushed out of your comfort zone.
B. But the positive consequence is really great.
C. Experience is waiting for you at the doorstep.
D. You are open to more experiences and opportunities.
E. Whether the change is good or bad for you, it does happen.
F. Then, you'll be more confident when in the next uncomfortable situation.
G. Change is good because you have the chance to involve in new experiences.
五、第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
My twin sister and I studied in the same school for ten years. The first day we entered the campus, we were 41. by its beauty and bright-colored stone sculptures of fairies(精灵) that 42. there.
As we got older, I discovered the school wasn't always where beauty was an everyday 43. . The weather - beaten stone statues badly needed 44. . However, there weren't enough staff to get everything done.
I decided to do something to give the campus a new 45. . My sister had a similar idea and we came up with a plan to secretly 46. the school. Having carefully worked out a project, we got 47. from the administration(管理层) to do it.9
We first painted the stone sculptures, refreshing the few remaining fairies. To bring 48. and magic to the campus, we painted on the doors of the boy's and the girl's bathrooms the sun and moon representation 49. designed by my sister.
The tree by the school gate was dead and its bare branches were 50. , leaving only the trunk. The young schoolmates were 51. by the loss of this tree and the trunk left was a sad 52. to them of the once - living tree. 53. transforming this trunk into a fairy house for visiting fairies to stop by and have a little snack, I put little 54. in the house so that the children could look into the little fairy kitchen while walking by. While cutting and shaping the trunk took many hours, it was well worth it for we 55. a wound in our natural environment.
Everything done, we smiled heartily looking around the fantastic "new" school.
41.A. educated B. struck C. relaxed D. disturbed
42.A. settled B. visited C. worked D. chatted
43.A. objective B. habit C. expectation D. purpose
44.A. removing B. replacing C. wrapping D. painting
45.A. chance B. look C. background D. culture
46.A. explore B. publicize C. beautify D. protect
47.A. permission B. reward C. promise D. concern
48.A. security B. honesty C. politeness D. imagination
49.A. proudly B. bravely C. artfully D. anxiously
50.A. turned in B. cut off C. picked out D. given up
51.A. astonished B. disappointed C. annoyed D. upset
52.A. flag B. reminder C. tool D. start
53.A. Instead of B. In hope of
C. In addition to D. In spite of
54.A. windows B. bells C. handles D. curtains
55.A. recorded B. hid C. cured D. spotted
Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old student, recently amazed millions of people worldwide. A student from the vocational(职业的) school entered the final s of the 2024 Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition for  56.   first time. She managed to reach the finals,  57.   a high score of 93 out of 120. The majority of the finalists are from top  58.   (university) such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, MIT(麻省理工), and Princeton University.
Jiang Ping,  59.   (major) in fashion design at Lianshui Secondary Vocational School in Jiangsu province, has taught herself advanced mathematics for almost two years. She prefers  60.   (solve) math problems at her spare time. All of Jiang's books are filled with notes, as she looks forward to  61.   (attend) college someday and further pursuing her interest in math.
Wang Runqiu,  62.   is an outstanding math teacher at the vocational school,  63.   (extreme)appreciated Jiang's talent in mathematics and recommended relevant books to heron the subject. He provided her with  64.   (person)guidance and encouraged her to take part in the Alibaba competition.
Countless Internet users  65.   (impress) by Jiang's story when it became a hit several days ago. It obviously shows that one's potential does not necessarily rely on one's educational background. Just as Tongji University in Shanghai stated on Weibo: "Every effort will bring its own rewards."
七、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)
66.(2024高一下·保定期末)暑假即将来临,某英文报社举办以 "BE A GOODTOURIST" 为主题的征文活动,你打算投稿。请根据以下要点写一篇短文:
There was once a boy called Mario who loved to have loads of friends. He showed off a lot, always talking about how many friends he had at school, and how he was so friendly with everyone else.
One day his grandfather said to him, "Mario, I bet you a big bag of popcorn that you don't have as many friends as you think. I'm sure many of them are nothing more than companions, acquaintances, or partners in crime."
Mario accepted the be t without hesitation. However, he wasn't sure how he could test whether or not his schoolmates were real friends, so he asked his grandpa. The old man answered, "I have just exactly what you need. It's in the attic(阁楼). Wait here a minute."
Grandpa left, soon returning as though carrying something in his hand, but Mario could see nothing there. "Take it. It's a very special chair. It's rather tricky to sit on because it's invisible(看不见的), but if you take it to your school and you manage to sit on it, you'll activate its magic and you'll be able to tell who your real friends are."
Mario, brave and determined, took the strange invisible chair and set off for school. At break time he asked everyone to form a circle, and he put himself in the middle, with his chair. "Don't move. You're about to see something amazing."
And Mario attempted to sit on the chair. Having difficulty seeing it, he missed and fell straight onto his backside. Everyone had a pretty good laugh. "Wait, wait, just a slight technical problem," he said, making another attempt. But again he missed the seat, causing more surprised looks, and a few catcalls(嘘声,喝倒彩). Mario wouldn't be beaten. He kept trying to sit on the magic chair, and kept falling to the ground... until, suddenly, he tried again and didn't fall. This time he sat, staying in mid-air — some friends were standing behind him.
Paragraph 1:
Looking around, Mario saw three of his best friends holding him up, so he wouldn't fall.
Paragraph 2:
After the show, Mario told the three best friends about the be t and took them to see his grandfather:
【解析】【听力原文】M: Which team is your daughter in the one playing in white
W: No, she's in the blue team. Look, she's over there, next to the boy in the black hat.
【分析】题意:女士的女儿在哪个队 根据听力内容 W: No, she's in the blue team. 不,她在蓝队。可知选项The blue one.符合题意;故答案为B。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句she's in the blue team. 来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】M: I got a promotion today! I have become the manager of my department!
W: That's good news. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you.
【分析】题意:男士感觉如何 根据听力内容 M: I got a promotion today! I have become the
manager of my department!我今天升职了!我已经成为我们部门的经理了! 可知选项Excited.符合题意;故答案为C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句I have become the manager of my department!来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Excuse me, what can I do for you
M: I'd like this shirt to be dry-cleaned. And I have to wear it this afternoon to attend a business meeting. Could you help me with it
W: Sure. It is 12 o'clock now. You can take it away in three hours.
【分析】题意:这位男士什么时候能拿回他的衬衫 根据听力内容It is 12 o'clock now. You can
take it away in three hours. 现在是12点。你可以在三小时内把它取走。可知选项At 3 pm.符合题意;故答案为A。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句It is 12 o'clock now. You can take it away in three hours.来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Excuse me, could you give me a menu and tell me some specials
W: Sure. Today's special has a choice of pizza or cold noodles and beef.
M: Sounds good. I'm going to try some pizza.
【分析】题意:这个女士会是干什么的呢 根据听力内容M: Excuse me, could you give me a menu
and tell me some specials 打扰一下,你能给我一份菜单并告诉我一些特色菜吗 W: Sure. Today's
special has a choice of pizza or cold noodles and beef.当然。今天的特色菜有披萨、冷面和牛肉可供选择。 可知选项A waitress.符合题意;故答案为A。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 could you give me a menu and tell me some specials 来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Does anyone mind me turning on the air conditioning It's hot here.
W: Actually, I would prefer it if you didn't do that. Air conditioning makes me feel a little cold.
M: All right. I'm opening the window. Is that okay
W: Oh, sure. We need fresh air here.
【分析】题意:男士要做什么 根据听力内容 I'm opening the window. Is that okay 我正打算打开窗户。可以吗 可知选项Open the window.符合题意;故答案为C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句I'm opening the window. Is that okay 来选出正确选项。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Matt, the fitness coach texted me again, I signed up for the fitness class three weeks ago. But I only went to the gym in the first week.
M: Why did you waste money on something you're not interested in There are many ways to exercise. The key is to have self-control.
W: Stop saying that again! Let's go to the supermarket. Shopping isn't a bad way of exercising. I can keep going.
M: Are you serious I've got a lot of work to do and will pick up our son from school today. Aren't you going to prepare dinner for us
W: All right.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 I've got a lot of work to do and will pick up our son from school today. 来选出正确选项。
6.题意: 这位女士多长时间没上健身课了 根据听力内容 W: Matt, the fitness coach texted me
again, I signed up for the fitness class three weeks ago. But I only went to the gym in the first week. 马特,健身教练又给我发短信了,我三周前报名了健身课。但我只在第一周去了健身房。可知选项Two weeks.符合题意;故答案为B。
7.题意:男士要做什么 根据听力内容 I've got a lot of work to do and will pick up our son from
school today. 我有很多工作要做,今天要去学校接儿子。 可知选项Finish his work.符合题意;故答案为C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: I won first place in the dancing competition. You and Mom promised to buy me a watch and a schoolbag. I haven't forgotten it.
M: But your mother promised to buy you a dress, not a schoolbag. Instead, your grandma will buy a schoolbag for you, right
W: Oh, yes. I get them mixed up. Grandma also makes a cake for me on my birthday every year.
M: Yeah, she loves you so much that I can imagine how unwilling she'll be when you get married.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 I won first place in the dancing competition. You and Mom promised to buy me a watch and a schoolbag. 来选出正确选项。
8.题意: 男士为什么需要准备礼物 根据听力内容W: I won first place in the dancing competition.
You and Mom promised to buy me a watch and a schoolbag. I haven't forgotten it. 我在舞蹈比赛中获得了第一名。你和妈妈答应给我买一块手表和一个书包。我没有忘记。可知选项 For the
girl's victory in a competition.符合题意;故答案为A。
9.题意:女孩的奶奶会给她买什么 根据听力内容Instead, your grandma will buy a schoolbag for
you, right 相反,你的奶奶会给你买一个书包,对吗 可知选项A schoolbag.符合题意;故答案为B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: You really amaze me, Cynthia. You're never tired or sad. You always look so happy. What's your secret
W: Actually I feel tired or sad from time to time. But I generally try to stay positive and healthy. I prefer to see the bright side of everything.
M: That's very good, Sometimes I can't help being unhappy, even though I don't want to be like that. By the way, are you a morning person
W: Oh, yes, I'm an early bird,I wake up at 6:00 am every day, even though I start work at 9:00 am. I'm often the first one to get to the office.
M: That's too early! I write novels at home. I like to work at night, because I usually start to get some inspiration from 8:00 pm.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句You always look so happy. What's your secret I prefer to see the bright side of everything.来选出正确选项。
10.题意:说话者一开始在谈论什么 根据听力内容 You always look so happy. What's your secret 你看起来总是那么开心。你的秘诀是什么 可知选项How to stay happy.符合题意;故答案为A。
11.题意:女士对生活的态度是什么 根据听力内容 I prefer to see the bright side of everything. 我更喜欢看到事物光明的一面。可知选项Positive.符合题意;故答案为B。
12.题意:这位女士什么时候开始工作 根据听力内容I wake up at 6:00 am every day, even though I
start work at 9:00 am. 我每天早上6点起床,尽管我早上9点开始工作。 可知选项In the morning.符合题意;故答案为A。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Excuse me, Miss
W: Yes
M: My window shade is broken, and I cannot open it to see the sky. Could you please change a seat for me so I can have a window with a view This is my first flight. I want to enjoy the scenery.
W: Of course! Let me move you to Row 13, Seat A.
M: Thank you. Could you tell me how long this flight will take
W: We should be in the air for about six hours.
M: Okay. Thank you.
W: You're welcome. Would you like something to drink
M: What do you have
W: We serve coffee, tea, and soda.
M: I'll have coffee with sugar please.
W: No problem, And would you like something to eat
M: That would be great! What do you have
W: We have the turkey sandwich, chicken salad, and vegetarian pasta.
M: I'd like a turkey sandwich. Thank you.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语change a seat for me 和关键句This is my first flight.来选出正确选项。
13.题意: 对话可能发生在哪里 根据听力内容This is my first flight. I want to enjoy the scenery. 这是我第一次乘飞机。我想欣赏风景。可知选项On a plane.符合题意;故答案为A。
14.题意:男士首先要求女士做什么 根据听力内容Could you please change a seat for me so I can
have a window with a view 你能给我换一个座位,让我能看到窗外的风景吗 可知选项Change his seat.符合题意;故答案为C。
15.题意:关于这个男士我们知道些什么 根据听力内容 This is my first flight 这是我第一次乘飞机。可知选项He has never flown before.符合题意;故答案为B。
16.题意:男士要吃什么 根据听力内容I'll have coffee with sugar please. 我要加糖的咖啡。 I'd like a
turkey sandwich.我想要一个火鸡三明治。可知选项Coffee and a turkey sandwich.符合题意;故答案为C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello, it's me David Smith. Welcome back to Today on History. Today is July 31st. So I'll Gowdy. Born on July 31st. 1919, he was an excellent sports broadcaster and host of the outdoor show. He developed the idea for the television sports show and hosted ABC's Wide World of Sports, which showed a variety of sports on Saturday afternoon, In 1964, Gowdy made a video for a show in which he and the famous fisherman Joe Brooks went fishing in the Argentine mountains. It became a hit and almost immediately ABC created a new show built around outdoor amusement — The American Sportsman, hosted by Curt Gowdy. The show focused on fishing and hunting experiences involving famous persons from movie stars, athletes to educators. For millions of Americans, the show was their window to the natural world, Gowdy, an active environmentalist, was a member of the Conservation Hall of Fame International. To honor his work, the State of Wyoming built the Curt Gowdy State Park in 1972. The park lies above 6,450 feet in height. Gowdy loved it, saying "It has two beautiful lakes, hiking trails, fishing and beauty. What greater honor can a man receive " OK, so much for today. Goodbye.
【点评】考查独白。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语 the famous fisherman Joe Brooks和关键句Welcome back to Today on History. 来选出正确选项。
17.题意:演讲者正在主持什么节目 根据听力内容Welcome back to Today on History. 欢迎回到今天的历史节目。可知选项Today on History.符合题意;故答案为A。
18.题意:乔·布鲁克斯是做什么的 根据听力内容 In 1964, Gowdy made a video for a show in
which he and the famous fisherman Joe Brooks went fishing in the Argentine mountains. 1964年,高迪为一个节目制作了一个视频,在这个节目中,他和著名的渔夫乔·布鲁克斯在阿根廷山区钓鱼。可知选He's a fisherman.项符合题意;故答案为B。
19.题意:《美国运动员》关注的是什么 根据听力内容The show focused on fishing and hunting
experiences involving famous persons from movie stars, athletes to educators. 该节目主要讲述了从电影明星、运动员到教育家等名人的钓鱼和狩猎经历。可知选项Fishing and hunting experiences.符合题意;故答案为A。
20.题意: 为什么要建科特·高迪州立公园 根据听力内容 To honor his work, the State of Wyoming
built the Curt Gowdy State Park in 1972. 为了纪念他的工作,怀俄明州于1972年建立了科特·高迪州立公园。可知选项To honor Curt Gowdy's work.符合题意;故答案为B。
21.细节理解题。根据 Do you want to improve your English writing skills Here is a chance for
you. Our English writing courses are now open for enrollment(注册), welcoming students
who like expressing themselves through words.你想提高你的英语写作能力吗 这是你的机会。我们的英语写作课程现在开始招生,欢迎喜欢用语言表达自己的学生。可知学生会对课程特别感兴趣;故答案为 A。
22.推理判断题。根据 Our courses focus on developing writing skills in various genres(体裁),
such as narrative, descriptive, and expository writing. 我们的课程侧重于培养各种体裁的写作技巧,如叙事性、描述性和说明性写作。可知参加课程后表达技巧会得到改善;故答案为 C。
23.推理判断题。根据Join us and let your words connect with the world. Dare to dream, dare to
write, and dare to be heard. Welcome to a world where your voice matters and your stories come to life. Click here to enroll now and let your writing journey begin.加入我们,让你的文字与世界相连。敢于梦想,敢于写作,敢于被倾听。欢迎来到这个世界,在这里,你的声音很重要,你的故事会变成现实。现在点击这里注册,开始你的写作之旅。 可知作者写这篇文章的目的是推广课程;故答案为 B。
24.细节理解题。根据 I hesitated when my friend suggested that we join the school's new Tai Chi
club. I used to think that tai chi was for the elderly. However, the first class changed my previous understanding of tai chi. A year later, I can say that tai chi has had a huge impact on me.当朋友建议我们加入学校新成立的太极俱乐部时,我犹豫了一下。我以前以为太极是老年人的事。然而,第一节课改变了我以前对太极的理解。一年后,我可以说太极对我产生了巨大的影响。可知作者加入太极俱乐部是因为他朋友的推荐;故答案为B 。
25.推理判断题。根据 The first few tai chi classes were fun and easy, and the moves with
descriptive names really caught my imagination, like "white crane spreading its wings" and "golden rooster standing on one leg." 最初的几节太极课既有趣又简单,那些动作的名字也很吸引我,比如"白鹤展翅"和"金鸡单腿站立"。After the first few basic tai chi lessons, I found myself
bored and aching from doing the same slow moves over and over again. 在最初的几堂基础太极课后,我发现自己厌倦了一遍又一遍地做同样的缓慢动作。可知 缓慢而美丽可以描述太极拳的动作;故答案为 C。
26.细节理解题。根据 Meanwhile,I started to explore the ancient Chinese culture behind tai chi. I
discovered that tai chi is deeply rooted in the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang, which are believed to form the the unity of opposite. 同时,我开始探索太极拳背后的中国古代文化。我发现太极深深植根于中国的阴阳哲学,阴阳被认为是对立的统一。可知太极拳背后的中国文化是你可以在中国的阴阳哲学中找到太极的起源;故答案为C 。
27.主旨大意题。根据The experience of a year of tai chi has affected my everyday life positively.
I sleep more soundly at night, and feel more energetic during the day. I feel happier and more confident. Tai chi has taught me to relax my mind, enabling me to stay calm in stressful situations. I am sure I will continue to practise tai chi and enjoy the benefits it has brought me. 一年的太极经历对我的日常生活产生了积极的影响。我晚上睡得更香,白天更有活力。我感到更快乐,更自信。太极拳教会了我放松我的思想,使我在紧张的情况下保持冷静。我相信我会继续练习太极,享受它给我带来的好处。可知最后一段主要讲了太极拳对作者的积极影响 ;故答案为D 。
【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。介绍了电子运用软件:Sleep Ninja。
28.细节理解题。根据Sleep Ninja, a free app created by a mental health research organization
— the Black Dog Institute, has shown significant early results in improving teenagers' sleep patterns(模式), so critical not just for school readiness but for overall good mental health,
co-creator Aliza Werner-Seidler said. "睡眠忍者"是一款由心理健康研究机构黑狗研究所开发的免费应用程序,它在改善青少年睡眠模式方面已经显示出了显著的早期效果(模式),这不仅对入学准备很重要,而且对整体的心理健康也很重要,创始人之一艾丽莎·沃纳-塞德勒说。可知Sleep Ninja是一个由黑狗研究所设计的免费应用程序;故答案为D。
29.主旨大意题。根据 "Adolescents(青少年) struggle to get the recommended 8 to 10 hours of
sleep each night," Dr Werner - Seidler, a clinical psychologist, said. "As a result, approximately 40 per cent of all young people will experience a significant sleep problem by early high school which heightens their risk of mental ill-health, which is a risk factor for a range of
disorders including depression and anxiety."临床心理学家Werner - Seidler博士说:"青少年(青少年)很难达到建议的每晚8到10小时的睡眠时间。""因此,大约40%的年轻人在高中早期都会经历严重的睡眠问题,这增加了他们患精神疾病的风险,这是导致抑郁和焦虑等一系列疾病的风险因素。"可知这一段主要阐述 Sleep Ninja的实际需求;故答案为 C。
30.推理判断题。根据 But the app also offers a form of practical tips to help them establish sleep
routines, things like how to set up their bedroom, what to do during the day to improve their chances of sleep and how to reduce those negative repetitive thoughts that come in at night.但这款应用也提供了一种实用的建议,帮助他们建立睡眠习惯,比如如何布置卧室,白天做什么来提高睡眠机会,以及如何减少晚上出现的消极重复想法。可知Sleep Ninja 通过帮助青少年形成良好的睡眠习惯来影响他们;故答案为 D。
31.推理判断题。根据Who would have thought a teenager's mobile phone could help them
manage their mental health by supporting a good night's sleep A new app aimed at 12-to
16-year-olds is showing strong early results, improving both the hours of sleep and reducing
depression and anxiety. 谁能想到青少年的手机能帮助他们管理心理健康,让他们睡个好觉呢 一款针对12至16岁青少年的新应用程序显示出了良好的早期效果,既提高了睡眠时间,又减少了抑郁和焦虑 Sleep Ninja, a free app created by a mental health research organization — the Black Dog
Institute, has shown significant early results in improving teenagers' sleep patterns(模式),
so critical not just for school readiness but for overall good mental health, co-creator
Aliza Werner-Seidler said.Sleep Ninja, a free app created by a mental health research
organization — the Black Dog Institute, has shown significant early results in improving teenagers' sleep patterns(模式), so critical not just for school readiness but for overall good
mental health, co-creator Aliza Werner-Seidler said.可知这篇文章主要介绍一款改善青少年健康状况的电子运用软件,它可能出现在报纸的健康报告版面;故答案为 C。
32.推理判断题。根据 There are always two sides to a story. Unfortunately, when it comes to the
history of Thanksgiving, generations of Americans have been taught a one-sided history in
homes and schools.凡事都有两面性。不幸的是,当谈到感恩节的历史时,一代又一代的美国人在家庭和学校里被教导的历史是片面的。This story paints a picture of courageous settlers braving
the dangers of the New World and with the help of some friendly natives, finding a way to make a new life for themselves. Very few teachers get a chance to tell students about the mass killing of native tribes that took place in the years that followed.这个故事描绘了一幅勇敢的定居者冒着新世界的危险,在一些友好的当地人的帮助下,为自己找到了一种新生活的方式。很少有老师有机会告诉学生在接下来的几年里发生的对土著部落的大规模杀戮。可知 我们能从主流的感恩节故事中了解到这只是故事的一方面;故答案为 C。
33.词义猜测题。根据下文many welcome the positive messages of the holiday without
consideration of its origin. 许多人欢迎这个节日的积极信息,而不考虑它的起源。可知这里在对印第安人看待感恩节的不同态度进行对比, reject 在文章中的意思为:拒绝(做某事);故答案为 A。
34.细节理解题。根据This is because the idea of giving thanks is central to Native Americans'
culture, and in this way, Thanksgiving is simply a chance to appreciate the good things of life, like family, community, and the riches of the land. 这是因为感恩的思想是印第安人文化的核心,因此,感恩节只是一个欣赏生活中美好事物的机会,比如家庭、社区和土地的财富。可知许多印第安人庆祝感恩节是因为感恩的理念符合他们的文化;故答案为D 。
35.主旨大意题。根据文章的最后两段 Steven Peters, a Wampanoag tribe spokesman, was asked
about his views on Thanksgiving and the fact that most Native Americans still gather to eat turkey and give thanks."I think it's great. My ancestors had four harvest festivals throughout
the year. Gathering with family and giving thanks for all that we have is a good thing. But I ask that you take a moment on that day to remember what happened to my people and the history as it was and not what had been written in the history books."万帕诺亚格部落发言人斯蒂文·彼得斯(Steven Peters)被问及他对感恩节的看法,以及大多数印第安人仍然聚在一起吃火鸡和感恩的事实。"我认为这很棒。我的祖先一年有四个丰收节。与家人团聚,感谢我们所拥有的一切是一件好事。但我请求你们在那天花一点时间,记住发生在我的人民身上的事情和历史,而不是历史书上所写的事情。"可知本文重点讲述感恩节在印第安人那里有不同故事;故答案为 D。
36.根据上文We also know how challenging it can be to go through change. 我们也知道经历改变是多么具有挑战性。以及下文Here are four reasons why change is good for you:以下是为什么改变对你有好处的四个原因: 可知空白处需要讲改变带来的好处; 选项But the positive consequence
is really great.但积极的结果是非常好的。符合题意;故答案为B 。
37.根据标题◆You get to experience more. 你可以体验更多。以及下文When you look back on your
life, all of the really amazing things are because of anew experience you had. 当你回顾你的生活时,所有真正令人惊奇的事情都是因为你有了新的经历。可知空白处需要主题句:改变很好因为它给你带来新体验; 选项 Change is good because you have the chance to involve in new
experiences. 改变是好事,因为你有机会获得新的体验。符合题意;故答案为 G。
38.根据下文Life in the comfort zone is easy. You simply follow a routine and you can predict the
results. Outside of the comfort zone, your assumptions are questioned. The idea of doing the same thing over and over without question is discouraged. 舒适区的生活很容易。你只需遵循一个常规,你就可以预测结果。在舒适区之外,你的假设会受到质疑。一遍又一遍地毫无疑问地做同一件事的想法是不受鼓励的。可知空白处需要标题:你需要跳出你的舒适区; 选项You are pushed
out of your comfort zone.你被赶出了自己的舒适区。符合题意;故答案为A 。
39.根据上文You learn to deal with things in a way that seems foreign but acceptable and
achievable. 你学会用一种看似陌生但可以接受和实现的方式处理事情。可知空白处需要补充这样可以给你带来的好处; 选项Then, you'll be more confident when in the next uncomfortable
situation.然后,当你面对下一个不舒服的情况时,你会更自信。符合题意;故答案为 F。
40.根据上文 When you are open to change, you are open to saying YES to more. 当你对改变持开放态度时,你就会对更多的事情说"是"。可知空白处需要补充:这样你可以做更多的事情,你的眼界也会更开阔; 选项You are open to more experiences and opportunities.你愿意接受更多的经历和机会。符合题意;故答案为D 。
41.句意: 进入校园的第一天,我们就被它的美丽和色彩鲜艳的仙女石雕所震撼。A:educated"教育";B:struck"对……印象很好";C: relaxed"放松";D: disturbed"不安"。根据空后"its beauty and bright-colored stone sculptures of fairies"它的美丽和彩石雕刻的仙女,可知,作者对校园的印象很好。故选B 。
42.句意:进入校园的第一天,我们就被它的美丽和色彩鲜艳的仙女石雕所震撼。A: settled"定居";B: visited"参观";C: worked"工作";D: chatted"聊天"。此处是定语从句,修饰前面的名词stone sculptures of fairies,表示放置在校园的雕塑。故选A。
43.句意:随着年龄的增长,我发现在学校里,人们并不总是期望每天都能看到美丽。A: objective"目标";B: habit"习惯";C: expectation"期望";D: purpose"目的"。根据下文"The weather-beaten stone statues badly needed 4 ."这些饱经风霜的石像急需喷涂。可知,校园里的一些设施和雕塑都年久失修,没有达到人们对美丽校园的期望。故选C 。
44.句意:这些饱经风霜的石像急需油漆。A:removing"拆除";B: replacing"更换";C: wrapping"包装";D: painting"涂,粉刷"。根据上文"As we got older, I discovered the school wasn't always where beauty was an everyday 3 ."可知,校园里的设施都需要维护。故选D 。
45.句意: 我决定做点什么让校园焕然一新。根据上文句意"这些饱经风霜的石像急需油漆。A:chance "机会";B:look"表情,样子,面貌";C:background"背景";D: culture"文化"。根据上文,可知校园里的设施需要修缮,但是没有足够的人员去做这件事,于是我决定行动起来去修缮校园。故选B。
46.句意:我妹妹也有类似的想法,我们想出了一个秘密美化学校的计划。A:explore"探索";B:publicize"宣传";C:beautify"美化";D: protect"保护"。根据上文"I decided to do something to give the campus a new 5 ."可知,姐妹俩打算修复校园里的设施,美化校园。故选C 。
47.句意:在仔细制定了一个方案后,我们得到了行政部门的许可。A: permission "同意,许可";B: reward"奖励,回报";C: promise"答应";D: concern"关心"。根据预警,此处意指姐妹俩拟定计划后向学校管理层申请许可执行自己的美化校园的计划。故选A 。
48.句意:为了给校园带来想象力和魔力,我们在男生浴室和女生浴室的门上画上了我们姐姐精心设计的太阳和月亮的图案。A: security"安全";B: honesty"诚实";C: politeness"礼貌";D: imagination"想象力"。根据句意及and后名词magic,可知此处意指姐妹俩用想象力装扮校园。故选D 。
49.句意:为了给校园带来想象力和魔力,我们在男生浴室和女生浴室的门上画上了我们姐姐精心设计的太阳和月亮的图案。A: proudly"自豪地";B: bravely"勇敢地";C: artfully"巧妙地";D: anxiously"焦急地"。根据空前"To bring 8 and magic to the campus"可知,姐妹俩非常创造性地,用艺术性的手段装饰校园。故选C 。
50.句意: 校门口的那棵树死了,光秃秃的树枝被砍掉了,只剩下树干。A:turned in"交还,上交";B:cut off"锯断,砍掉";C:picked out"辨认出,辨别出";D: given up"放弃".根据空后"leaving only the trunk"可知,姐妹俩把树枝都砍掉了。故选B 。
51.句意:失去了这棵树,年少的同学们都很难过,留下的树干让他们悲伤地想起了这棵曾经活着的树。 A:astonished"惊讶";B:disappointed"失望";C:annoyed"恼怒";D:upset"心烦意乱,难过"。根据空后"the loss of this tree"可知,有些校友因为砍掉了树枝感到有些失落。故选D。
52.句意:失去了这棵树,年轻的同学们都很难过,留下的树干让他们悲伤地想起了这棵曾经活着的树。A:flag"旗帜";B: reminder"提醒物";C: tool"工具";D: start"开始",根据语境,此处意指剩下的树干对这些校友来说,就是一个令人shide提醒。故选B。
53.句意:我希望把这个树桩变成一个仙女的房子,让来访的仙女停下来吃点东西,我在房子里装了小窗户,这样孩子们经过的时候就可以看到小仙女的厨房了。A:Instead of"代替";B:In hope of "希望";C:In addition to"除了";D: In spite of"尽管"。根据语境,此处指姐妹俩想把这个树干变成一个仙女之家。故选B 。
54.句意:我希望把这个树桩变成一个仙女的房子,让来访的仙女停下来吃点东西,我在房子里装了小窗户,这样孩子们经过的时候就可以看到小仙女的厨房了。A:windows"窗户";B:bells"门铃";C:handles"手柄";D: curtains"窗帘"。根据空后"look into the little fairy kitchen while walking by"可知,姐妹俩给树干做了一个小窗户,这样路过的人就可以看到树干里面。故选A 。
55.句意:虽然切割和塑造树干花了很多时间,但这是值得的,因为我们在自然环境中治愈了伤口。A: recorded"记录";B: hid"隐藏";C: cured"治愈";D: spotted"发现"。根据空后"wound"及语境,此处指姐妹俩的行动美化了校园,修复了校园里的缺陷和伤痕。故选C。
【答案】56.the;57.with;58.universities;59.majoring;60.to solve/ solving;61.attending;62.who;63.extremely;64.personal;65.were impressed
56.句意: 一名来自职业学校的学生首次进入了2024年阿里巴巴全球数学竞赛的决赛。 根据分析句子结构,该句考查了固定搭配: the first time第一次,首次; 可知空白处需要定冠词 the;故答案为the 。
57.句意:她设法进入决赛,在120分中获得了93分的高分。根据分析句子结构空白处需要介词,再根据句意空白处需要"以,凭借" 可知空白处需要的介词为 with;故答案为with 。
58.句意:大多数入围者来自北京大学、清华大学、麻省理工学院和普林斯顿大学等顶尖大学。根据下文 Peking University, Tsinghua University, MIT(麻省理工), and Princeton University这是很多所知名大学,可知空白处需要名词university 的复数形式universities ;故答案为 universities。
59.句意:姜萍就读于江苏省莲水中等职业学校服装设计专业,她已经自学了近两年的高等数学。根据分析句子结构空白处需要非谓语补充什么姜萍的情况, 可知空白处需要动词major 的现在分词形式 majoring;故答案为 majoring。
60.句意:她喜欢在业余时间解决数学问题。根据分析句子结构该句考查了:prefer to do /prefer doing更喜欢做;可知空白处需要动词solve 的不定式 to solve或者动名词solving作宾语;故答案为to solve/ solving 。
61.句意:她的书里都写满了笔记,因为她期待着有一天能上大学,进一步追求她对数学的兴趣。根据分析句子结构,该句考查了固定搭配: look forward to doing期待做;可知空白处需要动词attend 的动名词形式作宾语attending ;故答案为 attending。
62.句意:职业学校优秀的数学老师王润秋非常欣赏姜萍的数学天赋,并向他推荐了相关书籍。根据分析句子结构空白处需要关系代词引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为Wang Runqiu; 可知空白处需要关系代词 who;故答案为 who。
63.句意:职业学校优秀的数学老师王润秋非常欣赏姜萍的数学天赋,并向他推荐了相关书籍。根据修饰动词appreciated 需要副词; 可知 空白处需要形容词extreme的副词形式extremely;故答案为 extremely。
64.句意:他亲自指导她,并鼓励她参加阿里巴巴的比赛。根据修饰名词guidance 需要形容词; 可知空白处需要名词person 的形容词形式personal ;故答案为 personal。
65.句意:数天前,姜萍的故事成为热门话题,无数网友都对其印象深刻。根据分析句子结构空白处需要谓语,并考查了固定搭配:be impressed by对……印象深刻,句中时间短语several days ago所在句子需要用一般过去时态,可知空白处需要动词的一般过去时态的被动形式were impressed ;故答案为 were impressed。
An increasing number of people are interested in traveling, which brings in money for local economy as well as makes their mind and body relaxed.
However, there're a few problems remaining to be settled. One growing problem is that tourists have written or carved on the famous attractions, causing damage to them. Another big concern is the disturbing to the local people and life. It also annoys us that the rubbish is thrown away anywhere instead of being put into rubbish cans.
So immediate action ought to be taken to be a good tourist. Following basic rules is a must, such as not littering or smoking in public. Be considerate to others and keep it in mind that whenever we travel at home or abroad, we are representing our country to the rest of the world.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文稿件。要求考生以 "BE A GOODTOURIST" 为主题写一篇短文。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文。写这篇文章时,要注意文中给出的细节都要包括,不要遗漏。这篇文章对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。本文的人称是第一人称;时态是一般现在时;文章可以分为共分三段:
【点评】书面表达要求要点齐全,上下文连贯,并使用一定数量的句式结构An increasing number
of people are interested in traveling, which brings in money for local economy as well as makes their mind and body relaxed.(运用了非限制性定语从句),However, there're a few
problems remaining to be settled. (运用了 There be句型), One growing problem is that
tourists have written or carved on the famous attractions, causing damage to them. (运用了表语从句), Be considerate to others and keep it in mind that whenever we travel at home
or abroad, we are representing our country to the rest of the world.(运用了祈使句),(让句子更加生动丰满,同时能够运用一些高级词汇和固定短语 bring in, ought to, instead of ,such as , in public,keep… in mind,提高文章的档次,体现对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。
67.【答案】A possible version I
Para 1:
Looking around, Mario saw three of his best friends holding him up, so he wouldn't fall. He finally knew how the magic chair worked and experienced the magic that his grandfather had been talking about. The three best friends couldn't bear to see Mario fall again and came to help. Meanwhile, many others he had thought of as good friends had done nothing but standing by and wanting to see Mario fall again and again, from which they got a lot of fun. They just enjoyed making fun of Mario.
Para 2:
After the show, Mario told the three best friends about the bet and took them to see his grandfather.That evening, Mario's grandpa treated the four children to a big bag of popcorn. They had a great time eating popcorn, talking, laughing and listening to stories until very late. From grandpa's magic chair, Mario knew that true friends are those who care for us, not just any acquaintance who happens to be passing by. And someone who takes joy in our misfortunes is even less of a friend.
A possible version 2
Paragraph 1:
Looking around, Mario saw three of his best friends holding him up, so he wouldn't fall. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized the truth. These were the friends who truly cared, the ones who were there not just for fun or to be companions, but who would go the extra mile for him. He turned to them and said, "You are my real friends." They just smiled and nodded, and Mario knew what the be t of his grandpa meant. Meanwhile Mario had discovered the true meaning of friendship.
Paragraph 2:
After the show, Mario told the three best friends about the be t and took them to see his grandfather. Mario thanked his grandfather, while his grandfather smiled and said, "You see, Mario, sometimes it takes a little test to find out who your true friends are. Remember this lesson and cherish those who are truly there for you." Mario nodded, vowing to always value his real friends and be a better friend himself. From that day on, Mario stopped showing off about the number of friends he had and focused on building deeper and more meaningful relationships with those who truly mattered.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:He finally knew how the magic chair worked and experienced the magic that his grandfather had been talking about. 运用了宾语从句,限制性定语从句; Meanwhile, many others he had
thought of as good friends had done nothing but standing by and wanting to see Mario fall again and again, from which they got a lot of fun. 运用了限制性定语从句;From grandpa's
magic chair, Mario knew that true friends are those who care for us, not just any acquaintance who happens to be passing by.运用了宾语从句,限制性定语从句。
1 / 1河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末1+3期末考试英语试题
一、第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题 ,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.(2024高一下·保定期末) Which team is the woman's daughter in
A.The white one. B.The blue one. C.The black one.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Which team is your daughter in the one playing in white
W: No, she's in the blue team. Look, she's over there, next to the boy in the black hat.
【分析】题意:女士的女儿在哪个队 根据听力内容 W: No, she's in the blue team. 不,她在蓝队。可知选项The blue one.符合题意;故答案为B。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句she's in the blue team. 来选出正确选项。
2.(2024高一下·保定期末) How does the man feel
A.Grateful. B.Angry. C.Excited.
【解析】【听力原文】M: I got a promotion today! I have become the manager of my department!
W: That's good news. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you.
【分析】题意:男士感觉如何 根据听力内容 M: I got a promotion today! I have become the
manager of my department!我今天升职了!我已经成为我们部门的经理了! 可知选项Excited.符合题意;故答案为C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句I have become the manager of my department!来选出正确选项。
3.(2024高一下·保定期末) When can the man get his shirt back
A.At 3 pm. B.At 2 pm. C.At 1 pm.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Excuse me, what can I do for you
M: I'd like this shirt to be dry-cleaned. And I have to wear it this afternoon to attend a business meeting. Could you help me with it
W: Sure. It is 12 o'clock now. You can take it away in three hours.
【分析】题意:这位男士什么时候能拿回他的衬衫 根据听力内容It is 12 o'clock now. You can
take it away in three hours. 现在是12点。你可以在三小时内把它取走。可知选项At 3 pm.符合题意;故答案为A。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句It is 12 o'clock now. You can take it away in three hours.来选出正确选项。
4.(2024高一下·保定期末) Who might the woman be
A.A waitress. B.A salesperson. C.A tourist.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Excuse me, could you give me a menu and tell me some specials
W: Sure. Today's special has a choice of pizza or cold noodles and beef.
M: Sounds good. I'm going to try some pizza.
【分析】题意:这个女士会是干什么的呢 根据听力内容M: Excuse me, could you give me a menu
and tell me some specials 打扰一下,你能给我一份菜单并告诉我一些特色菜吗 W: Sure. Today's
special has a choice of pizza or cold noodles and beef.当然。今天的特色菜有披萨、冷面和牛肉可供选择。 可知选项A waitress.符合题意;故答案为A。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 could you give me a menu and tell me some specials 来选出正确选项。
5.(2024高一下·保定期末) What will the man do
A.Turn on the air conditioner.
B.Turn off the air conditioner.
C.Open the window.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Does anyone mind me turning on the air conditioning It's hot here.
W: Actually, I would prefer it if you didn't do that. Air conditioning makes me feel a little cold.
M: All right. I'm opening the window. Is that okay
W: Oh, sure. We need fresh air here.
【分析】题意:男士要做什么 根据听力内容 I'm opening the window. Is that okay 我正打算打开窗户。可以吗 可知选项Open the window.符合题意;故答案为C。
【点评】考查短对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句I'm opening the window. Is that okay 来选出正确选项。
6. How long has the woman been absent from the fitness class
A.One week. B.Two weeks. C.Three weeks.
7.What is the man going to do
A.Go shopping. B.Prepare dinner. C.Finish his work.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Matt, the fitness coach texted me again, I signed up for the fitness class three weeks ago. But I only went to the gym in the first week.
M: Why did you waste money on something you're not interested in There are many ways to exercise. The key is to have self-control.
W: Stop saying that again! Let's go to the supermarket. Shopping isn't a bad way of exercising. I can keep going.
M: Are you serious I've got a lot of work to do and will pick up our son from school today. Aren't you going to prepare dinner for us
W: All right.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 I've got a lot of work to do and will pick up our son from school today. 来选出正确选项。
6.题意: 这位女士多长时间没上健身课了 根据听力内容 W: Matt, the fitness coach texted me
again, I signed up for the fitness class three weeks ago. But I only went to the gym in the first week. 马特,健身教练又给我发短信了,我三周前报名了健身课。但我只在第一周去了健身房。可知选项Two weeks.符合题意;故答案为B。
7.题意:男士要做什么 根据听力内容 I've got a lot of work to do and will pick up our son from
school today. 我有很多工作要做,今天要去学校接儿子。 可知选项Finish his work.符合题意;故答案为C。
8.Why does the man need to prepare a gift
A.For the girl's victory in a competition.
B.For the girl's birthday.
C.For the girl's future wedding.
9.What will the girl's grandma buy her
A.A watch. B.A schoolbag. C.A cake.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I won first place in the dancing competition. You and Mom promised to buy me a watch and a schoolbag. I haven't forgotten it.
M: But your mother promised to buy you a dress, not a schoolbag. Instead, your grandma will buy a schoolbag for you, right
W: Oh, yes. I get them mixed up. Grandma also makes a cake for me on my birthday every year.
M: Yeah, she loves you so much that I can imagine how unwilling she'll be when you get married.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句 I won first place in the dancing competition. You and Mom promised to buy me a watch and a schoolbag. 来选出正确选项。
8.题意: 男士为什么需要准备礼物 根据听力内容W: I won first place in the dancing competition.
You and Mom promised to buy me a watch and a schoolbag. I haven't forgotten it. 我在舞蹈比赛中获得了第一名。你和妈妈答应给我买一块手表和一个书包。我没有忘记。可知选项 For the
girl's victory in a competition.符合题意;故答案为A。
9.题意:女孩的奶奶会给她买什么 根据听力内容Instead, your grandma will buy a schoolbag for
you, right 相反,你的奶奶会给你买一个书包,对吗 可知选项A schoolbag.符合题意;故答案为B。
10.What are the speakers talking about at first
A.How to stay happy.
B.How to keep secrets.
C.How to eat healthily.
11.What is the woman's attitude towards life
A.Worried. B.Positive. C.Doubtful.
12.When does the woman start work
A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.At night.
【解析】【听力原文】M: You really amaze me, Cynthia. You're never tired or sad. You always look so happy. What's your secret
W: Actually I feel tired or sad from time to time. But I generally try to stay positive and healthy. I prefer to see the bright side of everything.
M: That's very good, Sometimes I can't help being unhappy, even though I don't want to be like that. By the way, are you a morning person
W: Oh, yes, I'm an early bird,I wake up at 6:00 am every day, even though I start work at 9:00 am. I'm often the first one to get to the office.
M: That's too early! I write novels at home. I like to work at night, because I usually start to get some inspiration from 8:00 pm.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键句You always look so happy. What's your secret I prefer to see the bright side of everything.来选出正确选项。
10.题意:说话者一开始在谈论什么 根据听力内容 You always look so happy. What's your secret 你看起来总是那么开心。你的秘诀是什么 可知选项How to stay happy.符合题意;故答案为A。
11.题意:女士对生活的态度是什么 根据听力内容 I prefer to see the bright side of everything. 我更喜欢看到事物光明的一面。可知选项Positive.符合题意;故答案为B。
12.题意:这位女士什么时候开始工作 根据听力内容I wake up at 6:00 am every day, even though I
start work at 9:00 am. 我每天早上6点起床,尽管我早上9点开始工作。 可知选项In the morning.符合题意;故答案为A。
13.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.On a plane. B.In a supermarket. C.In a restaurant.
14.What does the man ask the woman to do at first
A.Open his window shade.
B.Bring him some food.
C.Change his seat.
15.What do we know about the man
A.He will move to Row 30, Seat A.
B.He has never flown before.
C.His flight will last for 8 hours.
16.What will the man have
A.Tea and pasta.
B.Soda and chicken salad.
C.Coffee and a turkey sandwich.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Excuse me, Miss
W: Yes
M: My window shade is broken, and I cannot open it to see the sky. Could you please change a seat for me so I can have a window with a view This is my first flight. I want to enjoy the scenery.
W: Of course! Let me move you to Row 13, Seat A.
M: Thank you. Could you tell me how long this flight will take
W: We should be in the air for about six hours.
M: Okay. Thank you.
W: You're welcome. Would you like something to drink
M: What do you have
W: We serve coffee, tea, and soda.
M: I'll have coffee with sugar please.
W: No problem, And would you like something to eat
M: That would be great! What do you have
W: We have the turkey sandwich, chicken salad, and vegetarian pasta.
M: I'd like a turkey sandwich. Thank you.
【点评】考查长对话。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语change a seat for me 和关键句This is my first flight.来选出正确选项。
13.题意: 对话可能发生在哪里 根据听力内容This is my first flight. I want to enjoy the scenery. 这是我第一次乘飞机。我想欣赏风景。可知选项On a plane.符合题意;故答案为A。
14.题意:男士首先要求女士做什么 根据听力内容Could you please change a seat for me so I can
have a window with a view 你能给我换一个座位,让我能看到窗外的风景吗 可知选项Change his seat.符合题意;故答案为C。
15.题意:关于这个男士我们知道些什么 根据听力内容 This is my first flight 这是我第一次乘飞机。可知选项He has never flown before.符合题意;故答案为B。
16.题意:男士要吃什么 根据听力内容I'll have coffee with sugar please. 我要加糖的咖啡。 I'd like a
turkey sandwich.我想要一个火鸡三明治。可知选项Coffee and a turkey sandwich.符合题意;故答案为C。
17.What programme is the speaker hosting
A.Today on History.
B.The American Sportsman.
C.ABC's Wide World of Sports.
18.What does Joe Brooks do
A.He's a sportsman. B.He's a fisherman. C.He's a politician.
19.What did The American Sportsman focus on
A.Fishing and hunting experiences.
B.Sportsmen's successful experience.
C.Different sorts of sports.
20.Why was the Curt Gowdy State Park built
A.To put on sports shows.
B.To honor Curt Gowdy's work.
C.To call on people to do exercise.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello, it's me David Smith. Welcome back to Today on History. Today is July 31st. So I'll Gowdy. Born on July 31st. 1919, he was an excellent sports broadcaster and host of the outdoor show. He developed the idea for the television sports show and hosted ABC's Wide World of Sports, which showed a variety of sports on Saturday afternoon, In 1964, Gowdy made a video for a show in which he and the famous fisherman Joe Brooks went fishing in the Argentine mountains. It became a hit and almost immediately ABC created a new show built around outdoor amusement — The American Sportsman, hosted by Curt Gowdy. The show focused on fishing and hunting experiences involving famous persons from movie stars, athletes to educators. For millions of Americans, the show was their window to the natural world, Gowdy, an active environmentalist, was a member of the Conservation Hall of Fame International. To honor his work, the State of Wyoming built the Curt Gowdy State Park in 1972. The park lies above 6,450 feet in height. Gowdy loved it, saying "It has two beautiful lakes, hiking trails, fishing and beauty. What greater honor can a man receive " OK, so much for today. Goodbye.
【点评】考查独白。注意听前认真阅读问题和选项去预测可能听到的内容,听时注意抓关键短语 the famous fisherman Joe Brooks和关键句Welcome back to Today on History. 来选出正确选项。
17.题意:演讲者正在主持什么节目 根据听力内容Welcome back to Today on History. 欢迎回到今天的历史节目。可知选项Today on History.符合题意;故答案为A。
18.题意:乔·布鲁克斯是做什么的 根据听力内容 In 1964, Gowdy made a video for a show in
which he and the famous fisherman Joe Brooks went fishing in the Argentine mountains. 1964年,高迪为一个节目制作了一个视频,在这个节目中,他和著名的渔夫乔·布鲁克斯在阿根廷山区钓鱼。可知选He's a fisherman.项符合题意;故答案为B。
19.题意:《美国运动员》关注的是什么 根据听力内容The show focused on fishing and hunting
experiences involving famous persons from movie stars, athletes to educators. 该节目主要讲述了从电影明星、运动员到教育家等名人的钓鱼和狩猎经历。可知选项Fishing and hunting experiences.符合题意;故答案为A。
20.题意: 为什么要建科特·高迪州立公园 根据听力内容 To honor his work, the State of Wyoming
built the Curt Gowdy State Park in 1972. 为了纪念他的工作,怀俄明州于1972年建立了科特·高迪州立公园。可知选项To honor Curt Gowdy's work.符合题意;故答案为B。
三、第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Do you want to improve your English writing skills Here is a chance for you. Our English writing courses are now open for enrollment(注册), welcoming students who like expressing themselves through words.
Our courses focus on developing writing skills in various genres(体裁), such as narrative, descriptive, and expository writing. Whether you're a beginner seeking to master the basics or an experienced writer wanting to improve your skills, our courses offer something for you.
Expert guidance for growth
Led by experienced instructors who are devoted to developing your writing talents, our classes provide a supportive and inspiring environment for growth and learning. Through detailed writing guidance, positive feedback and interactive discussions, you will sharpen your writing skills and expand your creative view.
Unlocking more potential
Joining our English writing courses not only improves your writing abilities but also enhances your critical thinking and self-expression. Writing is not just about putting words on paper; it is about crafting attractive stories, expressing unique opinions, and connecting with your readers on a deeper level.
Join us and let your words connect with the world. Dare to dream, dare to write, and dare to be heard. Welcome to a world where your voice matters and your stories come to life. Click here to enroll now and let your writing journey begin.
21.Who will show special interest in the courses
A.Pupils. B.Doctors. C.Engineers. D.Drivers.
22.Which of the following will be improved after you join the courses
A.Athletic abilities. B.Emotional control.
C.Expressing skills. D.Social position.
23.What is the author's purpose in writing the text
A.To stress English writing. B.To popularize the courses.
C.To introduce learning skills. D.To share writing experience.
21.细节理解题。根据 Do you want to improve your English writing skills Here is a chance for
you. Our English writing courses are now open for enrollment(注册), welcoming students
who like expressing themselves through words.你想提高你的英语写作能力吗 这是你的机会。我们的英语写作课程现在开始招生,欢迎喜欢用语言表达自己的学生。可知学生会对课程特别感兴趣;故答案为 A。
22.推理判断题。根据 Our courses focus on developing writing skills in various genres(体裁),
such as narrative, descriptive, and expository writing. 我们的课程侧重于培养各种体裁的写作技巧,如叙事性、描述性和说明性写作。可知参加课程后表达技巧会得到改善;故答案为 C。
23.推理判断题。根据Join us and let your words connect with the world. Dare to dream, dare to
write, and dare to be heard. Welcome to a world where your voice matters and your stories come to life. Click here to enroll now and let your writing journey begin.加入我们,让你的文字与世界相连。敢于梦想,敢于写作,敢于被倾听。欢迎来到这个世界,在这里,你的声音很重要,你的故事会变成现实。现在点击这里注册,开始你的写作之旅。 可知作者写这篇文章的目的是推广课程;故答案为 B。
I hesitated when my friend suggested that we join the school's new Tai Chi club. I used to think that tai chi was for the elderly. However, the first class changed my previous understanding of tai chi. A year later, I can say that tai chi has had a huge impact on me.
The first few tai chi classes were fun and easy, and the moves with descriptive names really caught my imagination, like "white crane spreading its wings" and "golden rooster standing on one leg." When I asked my coach where these interesting names came from, he told me about the history of tai chi. Zhang Sanfeng, a 13th - century Taoist, was said to have invented tai chi after drawing inspiration from a fight between a snake and a bird. However, nowadays people tend to believe that Chen Wangting, a 17th-century master of Chinese martial arts, developed tai chi based on martial arts skills.
After the first few basic tai chi lessons, I found myself bored and aching from doing the same slow moves over and over again. Fortunately, my coach taught me how to relax my muscles and focus on peace of mind during ever, day practice. With these requirements of tai chi in mind, I found to my satisfaction that my balance and flexibility slowly improved, that I was able to do more difficult moves, and that my love for tai chi returned stronger than ever.
Meanwhile,I started to explore the ancient Chinese culture behind tai chi. I discovered that tai chi is deeply rooted in the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang, which are believed to form the the unity of opposite. Neither can exist independent of the other. The practice of tai chi aims to keep the balance of yin and yang in the body through opposite movements: forwards and backwards, up and down, left and right, breathing in and breathing out. Ultimately, tai chi brings about a state of physical balance and mental peace.
The experience of a year of tai chi has affected my everyday life positively. I sleep more soundly at night, and feel more energetic during the day. I feel happier and more confident. Tai chi has taught me to relax my mind, enabling me to stay calm in stressful situations. I am sure I will continue to practise tai chi and enjoy the benefits it has brought me.
24.Why did the author join the Tai Chi Club
A.Because of his interest in it.
B.Because of his friend's recommendation.
C.Because of the school's request.
D.Because of his parents' suggestion.
25.Which of the following words can describe the moves of tai chi
A.Quick and elegant. B.Quick and free.
C.Slow and beautiful. D.Slow and boring.
26.What is the Chinese culture behind tai chi
A.Tai chi is influenced by Laozi's philosophy of water.
B.Tai chi can have a positive effect in people's lives.
C.You can find the origin of tai chi in the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang.
D.Tai chi can make people feel energetic and confident.
27.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about
A.The writer's Tai chi experience.
B.Tai chi has made the author more energetic.
C.Tai chi has taught the author to stay calm.
D.The positive influence of Tai chi on the author.
24.细节理解题。根据 I hesitated when my friend suggested that we join the school's new Tai Chi
club. I used to think that tai chi was for the elderly. However, the first class changed my previous understanding of tai chi. A year later, I can say that tai chi has had a huge impact on me.当朋友建议我们加入学校新成立的太极俱乐部时,我犹豫了一下。我以前以为太极是老年人的事。然而,第一节课改变了我以前对太极的理解。一年后,我可以说太极对我产生了巨大的影响。可知作者加入太极俱乐部是因为他朋友的推荐;故答案为B 。
25.推理判断题。根据 The first few tai chi classes were fun and easy, and the moves with
descriptive names really caught my imagination, like "white crane spreading its wings" and "golden rooster standing on one leg." 最初的几节太极课既有趣又简单,那些动作的名字也很吸引我,比如"白鹤展翅"和"金鸡单腿站立"。After the first few basic tai chi lessons, I found myself
bored and aching from doing the same slow moves over and over again. 在最初的几堂基础太极课后,我发现自己厌倦了一遍又一遍地做同样的缓慢动作。可知 缓慢而美丽可以描述太极拳的动作;故答案为 C。
26.细节理解题。根据 Meanwhile,I started to explore the ancient Chinese culture behind tai chi. I
discovered that tai chi is deeply rooted in the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang, which are believed to form the the unity of opposite. 同时,我开始探索太极拳背后的中国古代文化。我发现太极深深植根于中国的阴阳哲学,阴阳被认为是对立的统一。可知太极拳背后的中国文化是你可以在中国的阴阳哲学中找到太极的起源;故答案为C 。
27.主旨大意题。根据The experience of a year of tai chi has affected my everyday life positively.
I sleep more soundly at night, and feel more energetic during the day. I feel happier and more confident. Tai chi has taught me to relax my mind, enabling me to stay calm in stressful situations. I am sure I will continue to practise tai chi and enjoy the benefits it has brought me. 一年的太极经历对我的日常生活产生了积极的影响。我晚上睡得更香,白天更有活力。我感到更快乐,更自信。太极拳教会了我放松我的思想,使我在紧张的情况下保持冷静。我相信我会继续练习太极,享受它给我带来的好处。可知最后一段主要讲了太极拳对作者的积极影响 ;故答案为D 。
Who would have thought a teenager's mobile phone could help them manage their mental health by supporting a good night's sleep A new app aimed at 12-to 16-year-olds is showing strong early results, improving both the hours of sleep and reducing depression and anxiety.
Sleep Ninja, a free app created by a mental health research organization — the Black Dog Institute, has shown significant early results in improving teenagers' sleep patterns(模式), so critical not just for school readiness but for overall good mental health, co-creator Aliza Werner-Seidler said.
"Adolescents(青少年) struggle to get the recommended 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night," Dr Werner - Seidler, a clinical psychologist, said. "As a result, approximately 40 per cent of all young people will experience a significant sleep problem by early high school which heightens their risk of mental ill-health, which is a risk factor for a range of disorders including depression and anxiety."
Those using the app nominate a time to be up in the morning to make it to school or other activities. From there, it work backwards, determining when they should be in bed. The app gives an alert to start a pre - bed routine, which launches at least an hour before bed time. Part of that routine is to put the phone and other devices away, and engage in behaviors more suitable to sleep. Some of this is simply to have a shower, clean teeth, read a book. But the app also offers a form of practical tips to help them establish sleep routines, things like how to set up their bedroom, what to do during the day to improve their chances of sleep and how to reduce those negative repetitive thoughts that come in at night.
Dr Werner-Seid I er said Sleep Ninja was the only such app designed specifically for adolescents, and the results so far had been very encouraging. She added that we also saw rates of depression drop from 77 percent at the start of the study to 44 percent after using the app.
28.What do we know about Sleep Ninja
A.It aims to improve adults' mental health.
B.It's a new mobile phone for teenagers.
C.It is invented by 12 - to 16 - year - olds.
D.It's a free app designed by Black Dog Institute.
29.What does the third paragraph focus on
A.The creating process of Sleep Ninja.
B.The heavy burden of schooling.
C.The practical need for Sleep Ninja.
D.The cost of making Sleep Ninja.
30.How can Sleep Ninja work on teenagers
A.By reducing negative repetitive thoughts.
B.By setting an alert in the morning.
C.By putting digital devices away.
D.By helping form good sleep routines.
31.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear
A.Education Report. B.Society Report.
C.Health Report. D.Entertainment Report.
【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。介绍了电子运用软件:Sleep Ninja。
28.细节理解题。根据Sleep Ninja, a free app created by a mental health research organization
— the Black Dog Institute, has shown significant early results in improving teenagers' sleep patterns(模式), so critical not just for school readiness but for overall good mental health,
co-creator Aliza Werner-Seidler said. "睡眠忍者"是一款由心理健康研究机构黑狗研究所开发的免费应用程序,它在改善青少年睡眠模式方面已经显示出了显著的早期效果(模式),这不仅对入学准备很重要,而且对整体的心理健康也很重要,创始人之一艾丽莎·沃纳-塞德勒说。可知Sleep Ninja是一个由黑狗研究所设计的免费应用程序;故答案为D。
29.主旨大意题。根据 "Adolescents(青少年) struggle to get the recommended 8 to 10 hours of
sleep each night," Dr Werner - Seidler, a clinical psychologist, said. "As a result, approximately 40 per cent of all young people will experience a significant sleep problem by early high school which heightens their risk of mental ill-health, which is a risk factor for a range of
disorders including depression and anxiety."临床心理学家Werner - Seidler博士说:"青少年(青少年)很难达到建议的每晚8到10小时的睡眠时间。""因此,大约40%的年轻人在高中早期都会经历严重的睡眠问题,这增加了他们患精神疾病的风险,这是导致抑郁和焦虑等一系列疾病的风险因素。"可知这一段主要阐述 Sleep Ninja的实际需求;故答案为 C。
30.推理判断题。根据 But the app also offers a form of practical tips to help them establish sleep
routines, things like how to set up their bedroom, what to do during the day to improve their chances of sleep and how to reduce those negative repetitive thoughts that come in at night.但这款应用也提供了一种实用的建议,帮助他们建立睡眠习惯,比如如何布置卧室,白天做什么来提高睡眠机会,以及如何减少晚上出现的消极重复想法。可知Sleep Ninja 通过帮助青少年形成良好的睡眠习惯来影响他们;故答案为 D。
31.推理判断题。根据Who would have thought a teenager's mobile phone could help them
manage their mental health by supporting a good night's sleep A new app aimed at 12-to
16-year-olds is showing strong early results, improving both the hours of sleep and reducing
depression and anxiety. 谁能想到青少年的手机能帮助他们管理心理健康,让他们睡个好觉呢 一款针对12至16岁青少年的新应用程序显示出了良好的早期效果,既提高了睡眠时间,又减少了抑郁和焦虑 Sleep Ninja, a free app created by a mental health research organization — the Black Dog
Institute, has shown significant early results in improving teenagers' sleep patterns(模式),
so critical not just for school readiness but for overall good mental health, co-creator
Aliza Werner-Seidler said.Sleep Ninja, a free app created by a mental health research
organization — the Black Dog Institute, has shown significant early results in improving teenagers' sleep patterns(模式), so critical not just for school readiness but for overall good
mental health, co-creator Aliza Werner-Seidler said.可知这篇文章主要介绍一款改善青少年健康状况的电子运用软件,它可能出现在报纸的健康报告版面;故答案为 C。
There are always two sides to a story. Unfortunately, when it comes to the history of Thanksgiving, generations of Americans have been taught a one-sided history in homes and schools.
The mainstream cultural and historical story has been told by the white settlers(殖民者) who landed near Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts in 1620. In this version(版本) of the Thanksgiving story, the holiday celebrates the peaceful, friendly meeting of English settlers and the Wampanoag tribe(部落) for three days of feasting and thanksgiving in 1621.
This story paints a picture of courageous settlers braving the dangers of the New World and with the help of some friendly natives, finding a way to make a new life for themselves. Very few teachers get a chance to tell students about the mass killing of native tribes that took place in the years that followed.
For many Native Americans, Thanksgiving is a day of mourning(哀悼) and protest. Organised by the United American Indians of New England in1970, the fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving) was recognised as the NationalDay of Mourning for Native Americans.
While some Native Americans have chosen to reject the Thanksgiving holiday completely, many welcome the positive messages of the holiday without consideration of its origin. This is because the idea of giving thanks is central to Native Americans' culture, and in this way, Thanksgiving is simply a chance to appreciate the good things of life, like family, community, and the riches of the land.
Steven Peters, a Wampanoag tribe spokesman, was asked about his views on Thanksgiving and the fact that most Native Americans still gather to eat turkey and give thanks.
"I think it's great. My ancestors had four harvest festivals throughout the year. Gathering with family and giving thanks for all that we have is a good thing. But I ask that you take a moment on that day to remember what happened to my people and the history as it was and not what had been written in the history books."
32.What can be learnt about the mainstream Thanksgiving story
A.It is a faithful reflection of the history.
B.It mourns the suffering of the natives.
C.It represents only one side of the story.
D.It is about the real origin of Thanksgiving.
33.What does the underlined word "reject" in paragraph 5 mean
A.Refuse. B.Reflect. C.Promote. D.Celebrate.
34.Why do many Native Americans celebrate Thanksgiving
A.They are misled by history books.
B.They have adapted to modern life.
C.The history has taught them to be grateful.
D.The idea of giving thanks fits their culture.
35.What is the best title for the text
A.Storytelling: No More One-Sided Approach
B.Native Americans: Let the World Hear Our Voice
C.American History: Tears and Blood of the Natives
D.Thanksgiving: A Different Story to Native Americans
32.推理判断题。根据 There are always two sides to a story. Unfortunately, when it comes to the
history of Thanksgiving, generations of Americans have been taught a one-sided history in
homes and schools.凡事都有两面性。不幸的是,当谈到感恩节的历史时,一代又一代的美国人在家庭和学校里被教导的历史是片面的。This story paints a picture of courageous settlers braving
the dangers of the New World and with the help of some friendly natives, finding a way to make a new life for themselves. Very few teachers get a chance to tell students about the mass killing of native tribes that took place in the years that followed.这个故事描绘了一幅勇敢的定居者冒着新世界的危险,在一些友好的当地人的帮助下,为自己找到了一种新生活的方式。很少有老师有机会告诉学生在接下来的几年里发生的对土著部落的大规模杀戮。可知 我们能从主流的感恩节故事中了解到这只是故事的一方面;故答案为 C。
33.词义猜测题。根据下文many welcome the positive messages of the holiday without
consideration of its origin. 许多人欢迎这个节日的积极信息,而不考虑它的起源。可知这里在对印第安人看待感恩节的不同态度进行对比, reject 在文章中的意思为:拒绝(做某事);故答案为 A。
34.细节理解题。根据This is because the idea of giving thanks is central to Native Americans'
culture, and in this way, Thanksgiving is simply a chance to appreciate the good things of life, like family, community, and the riches of the land. 这是因为感恩的思想是印第安人文化的核心,因此,感恩节只是一个欣赏生活中美好事物的机会,比如家庭、社区和土地的财富。可知许多印第安人庆祝感恩节是因为感恩的理念符合他们的文化;故答案为D 。
35.主旨大意题。根据文章的最后两段 Steven Peters, a Wampanoag tribe spokesman, was asked
about his views on Thanksgiving and the fact that most Native Americans still gather to eat turkey and give thanks."I think it's great. My ancestors had four harvest festivals throughout
the year. Gathering with family and giving thanks for all that we have is a good thing. But I ask that you take a moment on that day to remember what happened to my people and the history as it was and not what had been written in the history books."万帕诺亚格部落发言人斯蒂文·彼得斯(Steven Peters)被问及他对感恩节的看法,以及大多数印第安人仍然聚在一起吃火鸡和感恩的事实。"我认为这很棒。我的祖先一年有四个丰收节。与家人团聚,感谢我们所拥有的一切是一件好事。但我请求你们在那天花一点时间,记住发生在我的人民身上的事情和历史,而不是历史书上所写的事情。"可知本文重点讲述感恩节在印第安人那里有不同故事;故答案为 D。
Reasons Why Change Is Good for You
We all know that change is hard because your brain is used to doing the same thing again and again. We also know how challenging it can be to go through change.  36.   Here are four reasons why change is good for you:
◆You get to experience more.
 37.   When you look back on your life, all of the really amazing things are because of anew experience you had. All of those vacations you took and all of the people you have met have taught you more than you ever learned in school. These experiences now make up who you are today.
◆ 38.  .
Life in the comfort zone is easy. You simply follow a routine and you can predict the results. Outside of the comfort zone, your assumptions are questioned. The idea of doing the same thing over and over without question is discouraged.
◆You'll be more flexible and adaptable.
Without doubt, change makes you more flexible and adaptable. You learn to deal with things in a way that seems foreign but acceptable and achievable.  39.   You begin to thrive(茁壮成长) in new situations because you have proven to yourself that you can, not only handle change, but FLOURISH.
◆You have more fun.
When you are open to change, you are open to saying YES to more.  40.   You have the opportunity to meet more people too. When you add all of these things together, you are going to have a more colorful life and you'll have a ton of fun figuring it all out along the way — there's no doubt about it.
A. You are pushed out of your comfort zone.
B. But the positive consequence is really great.
C. Experience is waiting for you at the doorstep.
D. You are open to more experiences and opportunities.
E. Whether the change is good or bad for you, it does happen.
F. Then, you'll be more confident when in the next uncomfortable situation.
G. Change is good because you have the chance to involve in new experiences.
36.根据上文We also know how challenging it can be to go through change. 我们也知道经历改变是多么具有挑战性。以及下文Here are four reasons why change is good for you:以下是为什么改变对你有好处的四个原因: 可知空白处需要讲改变带来的好处; 选项But the positive consequence
is really great.但积极的结果是非常好的。符合题意;故答案为B 。
37.根据标题◆You get to experience more. 你可以体验更多。以及下文When you look back on your
life, all of the really amazing things are because of anew experience you had. 当你回顾你的生活时,所有真正令人惊奇的事情都是因为你有了新的经历。可知空白处需要主题句:改变很好因为它给你带来新体验; 选项 Change is good because you have the chance to involve in new
experiences. 改变是好事,因为你有机会获得新的体验。符合题意;故答案为 G。
38.根据下文Life in the comfort zone is easy. You simply follow a routine and you can predict the
results. Outside of the comfort zone, your assumptions are questioned. The idea of doing the same thing over and over without question is discouraged. 舒适区的生活很容易。你只需遵循一个常规,你就可以预测结果。在舒适区之外,你的假设会受到质疑。一遍又一遍地毫无疑问地做同一件事的想法是不受鼓励的。可知空白处需要标题:你需要跳出你的舒适区; 选项You are pushed
out of your comfort zone.你被赶出了自己的舒适区。符合题意;故答案为A 。
39.根据上文You learn to deal with things in a way that seems foreign but acceptable and
achievable. 你学会用一种看似陌生但可以接受和实现的方式处理事情。可知空白处需要补充这样可以给你带来的好处; 选项Then, you'll be more confident when in the next uncomfortable
situation.然后,当你面对下一个不舒服的情况时,你会更自信。符合题意;故答案为 F。
40.根据上文 When you are open to change, you are open to saying YES to more. 当你对改变持开放态度时,你就会对更多的事情说"是"。可知空白处需要补充:这样你可以做更多的事情,你的眼界也会更开阔; 选项You are open to more experiences and opportunities.你愿意接受更多的经历和机会。符合题意;故答案为D 。
五、第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
My twin sister and I studied in the same school for ten years. The first day we entered the campus, we were 41. by its beauty and bright-colored stone sculptures of fairies(精灵) that 42. there.
As we got older, I discovered the school wasn't always where beauty was an everyday 43. . The weather - beaten stone statues badly needed 44. . However, there weren't enough staff to get everything done.
I decided to do something to give the campus a new 45. . My sister had a similar idea and we came up with a plan to secretly 46. the school. Having carefully worked out a project, we got 47. from the administration(管理层) to do it.9
We first painted the stone sculptures, refreshing the few remaining fairies. To bring 48. and magic to the campus, we painted on the doors of the boy's and the girl's bathrooms the sun and moon representation 49. designed by my sister.
The tree by the school gate was dead and its bare branches were 50. , leaving only the trunk. The young schoolmates were 51. by the loss of this tree and the trunk left was a sad 52. to them of the once - living tree. 53. transforming this trunk into a fairy house for visiting fairies to stop by and have a little snack, I put little 54. in the house so that the children could look into the little fairy kitchen while walking by. While cutting and shaping the trunk took many hours, it was well worth it for we 55. a wound in our natural environment.
Everything done, we smiled heartily looking around the fantastic "new" school.
41.A. educated B. struck C. relaxed D. disturbed
42.A. settled B. visited C. worked D. chatted
43.A. objective B. habit C. expectation D. purpose
44.A. removing B. replacing C. wrapping D. painting
45.A. chance B. look C. background D. culture
46.A. explore B. publicize C. beautify D. protect
47.A. permission B. reward C. promise D. concern
48.A. security B. honesty C. politeness D. imagination
49.A. proudly B. bravely C. artfully D. anxiously
50.A. turned in B. cut off C. picked out D. given up
51.A. astonished B. disappointed C. annoyed D. upset
52.A. flag B. reminder C. tool D. start
53.A. Instead of B. In hope of
C. In addition to D. In spite of
54.A. windows B. bells C. handles D. curtains
55.A. recorded B. hid C. cured D. spotted
41.句意: 进入校园的第一天,我们就被它的美丽和色彩鲜艳的仙女石雕所震撼。A:educated"教育";B:struck"对……印象很好";C: relaxed"放松";D: disturbed"不安"。根据空后"its beauty and bright-colored stone sculptures of fairies"它的美丽和彩石雕刻的仙女,可知,作者对校园的印象很好。故选B 。
42.句意:进入校园的第一天,我们就被它的美丽和色彩鲜艳的仙女石雕所震撼。A: settled"定居";B: visited"参观";C: worked"工作";D: chatted"聊天"。此处是定语从句,修饰前面的名词stone sculptures of fairies,表示放置在校园的雕塑。故选A。
43.句意:随着年龄的增长,我发现在学校里,人们并不总是期望每天都能看到美丽。A: objective"目标";B: habit"习惯";C: expectation"期望";D: purpose"目的"。根据下文"The weather-beaten stone statues badly needed 4 ."这些饱经风霜的石像急需喷涂。可知,校园里的一些设施和雕塑都年久失修,没有达到人们对美丽校园的期望。故选C 。
44.句意:这些饱经风霜的石像急需油漆。A:removing"拆除";B: replacing"更换";C: wrapping"包装";D: painting"涂,粉刷"。根据上文"As we got older, I discovered the school wasn't always where beauty was an everyday 3 ."可知,校园里的设施都需要维护。故选D 。
45.句意: 我决定做点什么让校园焕然一新。根据上文句意"这些饱经风霜的石像急需油漆。A:chance "机会";B:look"表情,样子,面貌";C:background"背景";D: culture"文化"。根据上文,可知校园里的设施需要修缮,但是没有足够的人员去做这件事,于是我决定行动起来去修缮校园。故选B。
46.句意:我妹妹也有类似的想法,我们想出了一个秘密美化学校的计划。A:explore"探索";B:publicize"宣传";C:beautify"美化";D: protect"保护"。根据上文"I decided to do something to give the campus a new 5 ."可知,姐妹俩打算修复校园里的设施,美化校园。故选C 。
47.句意:在仔细制定了一个方案后,我们得到了行政部门的许可。A: permission "同意,许可";B: reward"奖励,回报";C: promise"答应";D: concern"关心"。根据预警,此处意指姐妹俩拟定计划后向学校管理层申请许可执行自己的美化校园的计划。故选A 。
48.句意:为了给校园带来想象力和魔力,我们在男生浴室和女生浴室的门上画上了我们姐姐精心设计的太阳和月亮的图案。A: security"安全";B: honesty"诚实";C: politeness"礼貌";D: imagination"想象力"。根据句意及and后名词magic,可知此处意指姐妹俩用想象力装扮校园。故选D 。
49.句意:为了给校园带来想象力和魔力,我们在男生浴室和女生浴室的门上画上了我们姐姐精心设计的太阳和月亮的图案。A: proudly"自豪地";B: bravely"勇敢地";C: artfully"巧妙地";D: anxiously"焦急地"。根据空前"To bring 8 and magic to the campus"可知,姐妹俩非常创造性地,用艺术性的手段装饰校园。故选C 。
50.句意: 校门口的那棵树死了,光秃秃的树枝被砍掉了,只剩下树干。A:turned in"交还,上交";B:cut off"锯断,砍掉";C:picked out"辨认出,辨别出";D: given up"放弃".根据空后"leaving only the trunk"可知,姐妹俩把树枝都砍掉了。故选B 。
51.句意:失去了这棵树,年少的同学们都很难过,留下的树干让他们悲伤地想起了这棵曾经活着的树。 A:astonished"惊讶";B:disappointed"失望";C:annoyed"恼怒";D:upset"心烦意乱,难过"。根据空后"the loss of this tree"可知,有些校友因为砍掉了树枝感到有些失落。故选D。
52.句意:失去了这棵树,年轻的同学们都很难过,留下的树干让他们悲伤地想起了这棵曾经活着的树。A:flag"旗帜";B: reminder"提醒物";C: tool"工具";D: start"开始",根据语境,此处意指剩下的树干对这些校友来说,就是一个令人shide提醒。故选B。
53.句意:我希望把这个树桩变成一个仙女的房子,让来访的仙女停下来吃点东西,我在房子里装了小窗户,这样孩子们经过的时候就可以看到小仙女的厨房了。A:Instead of"代替";B:In hope of "希望";C:In addition to"除了";D: In spite of"尽管"。根据语境,此处指姐妹俩想把这个树干变成一个仙女之家。故选B 。
54.句意:我希望把这个树桩变成一个仙女的房子,让来访的仙女停下来吃点东西,我在房子里装了小窗户,这样孩子们经过的时候就可以看到小仙女的厨房了。A:windows"窗户";B:bells"门铃";C:handles"手柄";D: curtains"窗帘"。根据空后"look into the little fairy kitchen while walking by"可知,姐妹俩给树干做了一个小窗户,这样路过的人就可以看到树干里面。故选A 。
55.句意:虽然切割和塑造树干花了很多时间,但这是值得的,因为我们在自然环境中治愈了伤口。A: recorded"记录";B: hid"隐藏";C: cured"治愈";D: spotted"发现"。根据空后"wound"及语境,此处指姐妹俩的行动美化了校园,修复了校园里的缺陷和伤痕。故选C。
Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old student, recently amazed millions of people worldwide. A student from the vocational(职业的) school entered the final s of the 2024 Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition for  56.   first time. She managed to reach the finals,  57.   a high score of 93 out of 120. The majority of the finalists are from top  58.   (university) such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, MIT(麻省理工), and Princeton University.
Jiang Ping,  59.   (major) in fashion design at Lianshui Secondary Vocational School in Jiangsu province, has taught herself advanced mathematics for almost two years. She prefers  60.   (solve) math problems at her spare time. All of Jiang's books are filled with notes, as she looks forward to  61.   (attend) college someday and further pursuing her interest in math.
Wang Runqiu,  62.   is an outstanding math teacher at the vocational school,  63.   (extreme)appreciated Jiang's talent in mathematics and recommended relevant books to heron the subject. He provided her with  64.   (person)guidance and encouraged her to take part in the Alibaba competition.
Countless Internet users  65.   (impress) by Jiang's story when it became a hit several days ago. It obviously shows that one's potential does not necessarily rely on one's educational background. Just as Tongji University in Shanghai stated on Weibo: "Every effort will bring its own rewards."
【答案】56.the;57.with;58.universities;59.majoring;60.to solve/ solving;61.attending;62.who;63.extremely;64.personal;65.were impressed
56.句意: 一名来自职业学校的学生首次进入了2024年阿里巴巴全球数学竞赛的决赛。 根据分析句子结构,该句考查了固定搭配: the first time第一次,首次; 可知空白处需要定冠词 the;故答案为the 。
57.句意:她设法进入决赛,在120分中获得了93分的高分。根据分析句子结构空白处需要介词,再根据句意空白处需要"以,凭借" 可知空白处需要的介词为 with;故答案为with 。
58.句意:大多数入围者来自北京大学、清华大学、麻省理工学院和普林斯顿大学等顶尖大学。根据下文 Peking University, Tsinghua University, MIT(麻省理工), and Princeton University这是很多所知名大学,可知空白处需要名词university 的复数形式universities ;故答案为 universities。
59.句意:姜萍就读于江苏省莲水中等职业学校服装设计专业,她已经自学了近两年的高等数学。根据分析句子结构空白处需要非谓语补充什么姜萍的情况, 可知空白处需要动词major 的现在分词形式 majoring;故答案为 majoring。
60.句意:她喜欢在业余时间解决数学问题。根据分析句子结构该句考查了:prefer to do /prefer doing更喜欢做;可知空白处需要动词solve 的不定式 to solve或者动名词solving作宾语;故答案为to solve/ solving 。
61.句意:她的书里都写满了笔记,因为她期待着有一天能上大学,进一步追求她对数学的兴趣。根据分析句子结构,该句考查了固定搭配: look forward to doing期待做;可知空白处需要动词attend 的动名词形式作宾语attending ;故答案为 attending。
62.句意:职业学校优秀的数学老师王润秋非常欣赏姜萍的数学天赋,并向他推荐了相关书籍。根据分析句子结构空白处需要关系代词引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为Wang Runqiu; 可知空白处需要关系代词 who;故答案为 who。
63.句意:职业学校优秀的数学老师王润秋非常欣赏姜萍的数学天赋,并向他推荐了相关书籍。根据修饰动词appreciated 需要副词; 可知 空白处需要形容词extreme的副词形式extremely;故答案为 extremely。
64.句意:他亲自指导她,并鼓励她参加阿里巴巴的比赛。根据修饰名词guidance 需要形容词; 可知空白处需要名词person 的形容词形式personal ;故答案为 personal。
65.句意:数天前,姜萍的故事成为热门话题,无数网友都对其印象深刻。根据分析句子结构空白处需要谓语,并考查了固定搭配:be impressed by对……印象深刻,句中时间短语several days ago所在句子需要用一般过去时态,可知空白处需要动词的一般过去时态的被动形式were impressed ;故答案为 were impressed。
七、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)
66.(2024高一下·保定期末)暑假即将来临,某英文报社举办以 "BE A GOODTOURIST" 为主题的征文活动,你打算投稿。请根据以下要点写一篇短文:
An increasing number of people are interested in traveling, which brings in money for local economy as well as makes their mind and body relaxed.
However, there're a few problems remaining to be settled. One growing problem is that tourists have written or carved on the famous attractions, causing damage to them. Another big concern is the disturbing to the local people and life. It also annoys us that the rubbish is thrown away anywhere instead of being put into rubbish cans.
So immediate action ought to be taken to be a good tourist. Following basic rules is a must, such as not littering or smoking in public. Be considerate to others and keep it in mind that whenever we travel at home or abroad, we are representing our country to the rest of the world.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文稿件。要求考生以 "BE A GOODTOURIST" 为主题写一篇短文。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文。写这篇文章时,要注意文中给出的细节都要包括,不要遗漏。这篇文章对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。本文的人称是第一人称;时态是一般现在时;文章可以分为共分三段:
【点评】书面表达要求要点齐全,上下文连贯,并使用一定数量的句式结构An increasing number
of people are interested in traveling, which brings in money for local economy as well as makes their mind and body relaxed.(运用了非限制性定语从句),However, there're a few
problems remaining to be settled. (运用了 There be句型), One growing problem is that
tourists have written or carved on the famous attractions, causing damage to them. (运用了表语从句), Be considerate to others and keep it in mind that whenever we travel at home
or abroad, we are representing our country to the rest of the world.(运用了祈使句),(让句子更加生动丰满,同时能够运用一些高级词汇和固定短语 bring in, ought to, instead of ,such as , in public,keep… in mind,提高文章的档次,体现对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。
There was once a boy called Mario who loved to have loads of friends. He showed off a lot, always talking about how many friends he had at school, and how he was so friendly with everyone else.
One day his grandfather said to him, "Mario, I bet you a big bag of popcorn that you don't have as many friends as you think. I'm sure many of them are nothing more than companions, acquaintances, or partners in crime."
Mario accepted the be t without hesitation. However, he wasn't sure how he could test whether or not his schoolmates were real friends, so he asked his grandpa. The old man answered, "I have just exactly what you need. It's in the attic(阁楼). Wait here a minute."
Grandpa left, soon returning as though carrying something in his hand, but Mario could see nothing there. "Take it. It's a very special chair. It's rather tricky to sit on because it's invisible(看不见的), but if you take it to your school and you manage to sit on it, you'll activate its magic and you'll be able to tell who your real friends are."
Mario, brave and determined, took the strange invisible chair and set off for school. At break time he asked everyone to form a circle, and he put himself in the middle, with his chair. "Don't move. You're about to see something amazing."
And Mario attempted to sit on the chair. Having difficulty seeing it, he missed and fell straight onto his backside. Everyone had a pretty good laugh. "Wait, wait, just a slight technical problem," he said, making another attempt. But again he missed the seat, causing more surprised looks, and a few catcalls(嘘声,喝倒彩). Mario wouldn't be beaten. He kept trying to sit on the magic chair, and kept falling to the ground... until, suddenly, he tried again and didn't fall. This time he sat, staying in mid-air — some friends were standing behind him.
Paragraph 1:
Looking around, Mario saw three of his best friends holding him up, so he wouldn't fall.
Paragraph 2:
After the show, Mario told the three best friends about the be t and took them to see his grandfather:
【答案】A possible version I
Para 1:
Looking around, Mario saw three of his best friends holding him up, so he wouldn't fall. He finally knew how the magic chair worked and experienced the magic that his grandfather had been talking about. The three best friends couldn't bear to see Mario fall again and came to help. Meanwhile, many others he had thought of as good friends had done nothing but standing by and wanting to see Mario fall again and again, from which they got a lot of fun. They just enjoyed making fun of Mario.
Para 2:
After the show, Mario told the three best friends about the bet and took them to see his grandfather.That evening, Mario's grandpa treated the four children to a big bag of popcorn. They had a great time eating popcorn, talking, laughing and listening to stories until very late. From grandpa's magic chair, Mario knew that true friends are those who care for us, not just any acquaintance who happens to be passing by. And someone who takes joy in our misfortunes is even less of a friend.
A possible version 2
Paragraph 1:
Looking around, Mario saw three of his best friends holding him up, so he wouldn't fall. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized the truth. These were the friends who truly cared, the ones who were there not just for fun or to be companions, but who would go the extra mile for him. He turned to them and said, "You are my real friends." They just smiled and nodded, and Mario knew what the be t of his grandpa meant. Meanwhile Mario had discovered the true meaning of friendship.
Paragraph 2:
After the show, Mario told the three best friends about the be t and took them to see his grandfather. Mario thanked his grandfather, while his grandfather smiled and said, "You see, Mario, sometimes it takes a little test to find out who your true friends are. Remember this lesson and cherish those who are truly there for you." Mario nodded, vowing to always value his real friends and be a better friend himself. From that day on, Mario stopped showing off about the number of friends he had and focused on building deeper and more meaningful relationships with those who truly mattered.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:He finally knew how the magic chair worked and experienced the magic that his grandfather had been talking about. 运用了宾语从句,限制性定语从句; Meanwhile, many others he had
thought of as good friends had done nothing but standing by and wanting to see Mario fall again and again, from which they got a lot of fun. 运用了限制性定语从句;From grandpa's
magic chair, Mario knew that true friends are those who care for us, not just any acquaintance who happens to be passing by.运用了宾语从句,限制性定语从句。
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