小学英语人教版(PEP)五年级上册Recycle 2 Lesson 2课件


名称 小学英语人教版(PEP)五年级上册Recycle 2 Lesson 2课件
格式 zip
文件大小 7.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2016-01-05 09:30:13



课件27张PPT。PEP5 Recycle 2
Lesson 2Let’s sing Can you sing?下一页1. What day is it today?
2. What’s (your maths teacher) like?
( he/she)
3. What can he do?
4.What is it?Let’s talkIn a big big nature park,
there is a big big forest.
In the big big forest,
there is a big big house.
In the big big house,
there is a big big room.
In the big big room,
there is a big big bed.
In the big big bed,
there is a small small baby.In a big big nature park,
there is a big big forest.
In the big big forest,
there is a big big house.
In the big big house,
there is a big big room.
In the big big room,
there is a big big bed.
In the big big bed,
there is a small small baby.In a big big nature park,
there is a big big forest.
In the big big forest,
there is a big big house.
In the big big house,
there is a big big room.
In the big big room,
there is a big big bed.
In the big big bed,
there is a small small baby.babyLet’s chantThere is a _______ _______ the _______.clockabovedeskIs there a _________?
Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.Let’s guessmousehousea housea dark housea dark dark houseIs there a _________?
Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.Let’s guessballoonrooma rooma dark rooma dark dark roomIs there a _________?
Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.Let’s guessfoot + ball = footballbasket + ball = basketballbed + room = bedroomSun + day = Sundayblack + board = blackboardcup + board = cupboarda cupboarda dark cupboarda dark dark cupboardhall + way = hallwaya hallwaya dark hallwaya dark dark hallway走廊碗柜Is there a _________?
Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.Let’s guessfoodwooda wooda dark wooda dark dark woodIs there a _________?
Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.Let’s guessLet’s readLet’s enjoy the story.Let’s read the story togetherIn the dark, dark wood, there is a dark, dark house.And in the dark, dark house, there is a dark, dark hallway.And in the dark, dark hallway, there are some dark, dark stairs.黑暗的丛林 有房子走廊台阶走廊黑暗的And in the _____________, there is ___________hallway.stairsome stairssome dark stairssome dark dark stairsAnd down the dark, dark stairs, there is a dark, dark room.And in the dark, dark room, there is a dark, dark cupboard.And in the dark, dark cupboard, there is a dark, dark box.And in the dark, dark box, there is a big mouse.Ouch. My tail!房间碗橱碗橱箱子箱子老鼠尾巴And in the ________ __, there is ___________cupboard.Let’s learn the new words in the story.darkwoodhousehallwaystaircupboardboxtail黑暗的丛林房子走廊楼梯碗橱箱子尾巴1.dark2.wood3.house4.hallway5.stair6.cupboard7.box8.tail黑暗的丛林房子走廊楼梯碗橱箱子尾巴Let’s practice the new word. 连线Story time下一页Let’s number. 请根据故事给下列单词排列。Let’s find.请在故事中找出跟以下单词含有相同发音字母组合的单词。下一页142365mousewoodhousehallwaycupboardboxstairLet’s say. 参照图片把故事说出来。同桌互说In a dark, dark wood, there is a dark, dark house……roomtailHomework:Read the story of P68.
2.Write your own story.
Thank you!