Unit 1 My classroom Part A Let's learn &Let's do 表格式教案(含反思)


名称 Unit 1 My classroom Part A Let's learn &Let's do 表格式教案(含反思)
格式 docx
文件大小 18.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-03 09:14:07



课程名称Unit1—My classroom
课时安排 共6课时 第2课时
教学内容 Let's learn &Let's do
教学目标 ☆语言知识 1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:classroom, blackboard, light, picture, door, window 2. 能够在游戏或真实的情景中正确使用句式:What’s in the classroom 并回答 3. 能够听懂指令:Open the ... Turn on the ... Close the ... Put up the... Clean the...并做出正确反应 ☆思维&情感&文化 (1)热爱劳动,学习礼貌用语,能够对请求、道歉等行为做出恰当的反应。 (2)能积极与他人合作,锻炼口头表达能力。 (3)了解空间位置的描述方法。
教学重难点 1.听、说、认读单词:classroom,window,blackboard,light,picture,door。 2.会运用句型:What’s in the classroom 及其对应的回答。 3.掌握单词的复数形式,如:desks,chairs。 4.能听懂Let’s do里的指令,并做出正确的动作。
教学准备 课件、相关音频视频和实物教具(闪卡物品等)。
教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in 1. 寒暄T: Hello, everyone. Welcome back to our classroom! 2. 歌曲欣赏—In the classroom. (出示课件) 3. 自由聊天 T: What’s in the classroom Ss: One blackboard… 4. 导入. Write down the topic “Unit 1 My classroom” on the blackboard. Step 2 Presentation 1.Teach the words in “Let’s learn” 通过玩“What’s in the classroom ”这个游戏引出“door”和“window”这两个单词。 2.教师出示一块木板,让学生知道并会读“It’s a board.”再通过构词法black+board=blackboard(黑板)教授blackboard这个单词。教师打开教室里的灯,引出“Turn on the light.”由此引出“Turn on the TV.”并扩展“Turn on the radio/…” Step 3 Practice 1. I say you point. 我说你指。教师说出物品名称,学生指向相应的物品。 Teacher: Now I say the word, you point to it. A blackboard, a light, a window... 2. I point you say. 我指你说。教师或指向黑板上的单词,或者指向教室里的实际物品,请学生说出单词。 Teacher: This time, I point you say. I will point to the word on the blackboard, or the things in our classroom. Please say the word. 3. 猜单词。教师先将学习到的单词词卡呈现给学生,学生逐一读出单词。接着,将词卡反转,打乱顺序,请学生猜一猜是什么单词。 Teacher: What’s this (呈现单词卡,请学生读出单词) Teacher:Guess,what’s this Is this a blackboard Is it a light (反转单词卡,请学生猜) 4. 出示被遮盖的物品图片,请学生猜出单词。 Teacher:Look,what’s this Is this a picture Is this a window Guess, please. 5. 教师以自己的动作来示范,讲授指令性句子,使学生理解指令的含义。 Teacher:This is the door. I open the door. Say with me, open the door. Now, I close the door. Close the door. (板书句子)Listen to me, open your book. Close your book. (擦黑板)I clean the blackboard. In the afternoon, you will clean our classroom. Do you clean the window Do you clean the desks (板书句子) Teacher:Look at the picture. What is john doing He is turning on the light. Can you turn on the light Thank you. (板书句子)And in this picture, John puts up the picture. Do with me, put up, put up the picture. (做出挂画的动作) 6. I say you do. 教师说句子,学生模拟动作。 Teacher: Let’s play. I say you do. Turn on the light. Open the window. Close the door. ... Step4:Make a summary. 师生总结本节课的重点单词,并把对应的单词卡片贴到相应的实物上,学生一起拼读。