

名称 云南省曲靖市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-02 16:36:21


(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读理解
I have five months to travel before I write! I'm going to some countries where I can practice speaking English. Where am I going to start
Canada It's the Rockies for me in November! There are mountains and beautiful lakes everywhere. I'd like to visit Nunavut, the home of the Inuit in the north of Canada, but unfortunately I'm not going to get there. Australia Australia is very hot from November to March. I love hot weather, so I'm going to arrive in Sydney in December. I'm going to sight see in Sydney — there are so many interesting buildings in the city.
India Rajasthan is the perfect introduction to India with its festivals and monuments (古迹). There are also exciting markets, with beautiful clothes and jewelry. I'm going to spend the month of January there. South Africa South Africa offers safaris (狩猎旅行) and the chance to see wild animals. It also has a wonderful coastline, so, after the safari, I'm going to find a beach and go swimming there. I'm going in February.
1.If you enjoy mountains, you can go to ____.
A.Canada B.Australia C.South Africa D.India
2.What's the perfect introduction to India
A.The Rockies. B.Rajasthan.
C.The buildings. D.The safaris.
3.What can we know from the text
A.There is a wonderful coastline to visit in India.
B.The author is going to visit Nunavut in December.
C.It is very cold from November to March in Australia.
D.The author will have a chance to see wild animals in South Africa.
1.考查细节理解。根据Canada部分中"It's the Rockies for me in November! There are mountains and beautiful lakes everywhere." 11月的落基山脉对我来说太棒了!那里到处都是山和美丽的湖。可知,如果你喜欢山,你可以去加拿大。故选A。
2.考查细节理解。根据India部分中的"Rajasthan is the perfect introduction to India with its festivals and monuments (古迹)." 拉贾斯坦邦的节日和古迹是印度的完美介绍。可知,拉贾斯坦邦是对印度最完美的介绍。故选B。
3.考查细节理解。根据South Africa 部分中的"South Africa offers safaris (狩猎旅行) and the chance to see wild animals."南非提供狩猎旅行和看到野生动物的机会。可知,作者将有机会看到南非的野生动物。故选D。
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读理解
I work in a nursing home and my job is to take care of the elderly.
This year, an old lady that I cared for, Alice, had gone through a difficult time. She got dementia and so she had been in the hospital twice. In November I was finally able to get her back to her "home".
Alice had thought her daughter was coming to visit her on Christmas day and that they were going to have the whole family together like the old days. When she finally realized that the happy moment was not going to happen, she was very sad. Knowing that her daughter was not able to make her feel happy, I hated the idea of her being alone on the holiday!
On Christmas Eve, I gave her a surprise by asking if she would like to go to a candlelight service at church that night.
I took her to her old neighborhood church where all her friends were there. We got to the church early. Then soon some of her friends came and they went over to greet her and sit with her.
The candlelight service was beautiful and Alice got a lot of love from her old and new friends there.
The truth of the story is that I am the one who got the best gift: the smile on Alice's face.
4.What does the underlined word "dementia" in paragraph 2 refer to
A.A plan. B.An illness. C.A house. D.A letter.
5.From the text we can learn that Alice____.
A.was thrown out by her daughter
B.didn't like living in the nursing home
C.expected to spend Christmas with her daughter
D.returned to her home after leaving the hospital
6.Where did Alice spend her Christmas Eve in the end
A.In the hospital.
B.In her old house.
C.In the nursing home.
D.In her old neighborhood church.
7.What was the best gift that the author got on Christmas Eve
A.Alice's happiness. B.Praise from Alice's friends.
C.Thanks from Alice's daughter. D.The candlelight service.
4.考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的"so she had been in the hospital twice"所以她住过两次医院。可知," She got dementia "指Alice生病了,划线词 dementia 是"疾病",故选B。
5.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"Alice had thought her daughter was coming to visit her on Christmas day and that they were going to have the whole family together like the old days."爱丽丝原以为女儿会在圣诞节来看她,她们会像以前一样全家团聚。可知,爱丽丝期待和女儿一起度过圣诞节。故选C。
6.考查细节理解。根据第五段中的"I took her to her old neighborhood church where all her friends were there."我带她去了附近的老教堂,她所有的朋友都在那里。可知,爱丽丝圣诞节前夜去了附近的老教堂。故选D。
7.考查细节理解。根据最后一段"The truth of the story is that I am the one who got the best gift: the smile on Alice's face."这个故事的真相是,我才是那个得到最好礼物的人:爱丽丝脸上的笑容。在作者看来,他得到了最好的礼物:爱丽丝脸上的笑容,即爱丽丝的幸福。故选A。
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读理解
Have you ever wondered how your favorite NBA team received its famous name All NBA teams have an interesting story or a history behind their names. Some of the names reflected the city's culture or history, others came from previous owners and many were selected through "Name the Team" contests.
For teams like the Los Angeles Lakers and the Utah Jazz, the names were not always a reflection of the city. Even though Los Angeles has no lakes, the Lakers name has been a city treasure for almost 40 years. Before going to Los Angeles, the team originated in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1947, team officials changed the name to the Lakers to reflect the Minnesota State's nickname, "Land of 10,000 Lakes". The team name went unchanged after moving to Los Angeles in 1960.
Because the Utah's team originated in New Orleans, Louisiana, it was called the Jazz. In 1974, New Orleans club officials chose the name to represent the city for its reputation as the "Jazz Capital of the World". The name stayed with the team even after finding a new home in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1979.
The original owner of the Chicago Bulls, Richard Klein, named the team the Bulls. He picked the name because a fighting bull is relentless and never quits. Klein, who founded the club in 1966, believed these qualities were necessary for a championship team and hoped his Chicago athletes would live up to the team name. The Bulls, the winner of the six NBA championships, has definitely followed the belief.
In 1967, the Indiana Pacers selected their team name in a different way from most other teams. Their decision was based on what they wanted to accomplish in the NBA. Team officials chose the Pacers name because the organization wanted to set the "pace" in professional basketball.
8.Why is the Los Angeles' team named "the Lakers"
A.The name was selected from a "Name the Team" contest.
B.It was named after a city treasure, which had a long history.
C.The name shows that Los Angeles is a city with various lakes.
D.The team got this name in another state which had a lot of lakes.
9.Which of the following refers to the "Jazz Capital of the World"
A.New Orleans. B.Salt Lake City.
C.Los Angeles. D.Minneapolis.
10.Why did Richard Klein name the Chicago's team the Bulls
A.He had guessed the success of the team.
B.Chicago was then a city famous for fighting bulls.
C.People in Chicago used to like watching bullfighting.
D.He wished the team to have the qualities of fighting bulls.
11.What's the best title for the text
A.The Long History of NBA Teams
B.Stories Behind the Names of NBA Teams
C.Excellent Qualities of NBA Team Officials
D.Interesting Stories About Some NBA Players
8.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"Before going to Los Angeles, the team originated in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1947, team officials changed the name to the Lakers to reflect the Minnesota State's nickname, ‘Land of 10,000 Lakes'."在去洛杉矶之前,这支球队起源于明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯。1947年,球队官方将球队名称改为湖人队,以反映明尼苏达州的绰号"万湖之乡"可知,湖人队在搬到洛杉矶之前是在明尼苏达州,这里有很多湖泊,由此得名为湖人队。故选D。
9.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"Because the Utah's team originated in New Orleans, Louisiana, it was called the Jazz. In 1974, New Orleans club officials chose the name to represent the city for its reputation as the ‘Jazz Capital of the World'. "因为犹他队起源于路易斯安那州的新奥尔良,所以被称为爵士队。1974年,新奥尔良俱乐部官方选择这个名字来代表这座城市"世界爵士之都"的声誉。可知,新奥尔良被称作"世界爵士之都"。故选A。
10.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"He picked the name because a fighting bull is relentless and never quits. Klein, who founded the club in 1966, believed these qualities were necessary for a championship team and hoped his Chicago athletes would live up to the team name. "他之所以取这个名字,是因为斗牛是无情的,从不放弃。Klein于1966年创立了芝加哥足球俱乐部,他相信这些品质对于一支冠军球队来说是必要的,并希望他的芝加哥运动员能够不负球队的名字。可知,Klein将芝加哥的球队命名为公牛队是因为他希望这支球队具有斗牛的品质。故选D。
11.考查标题归纳。根据第一段中的"Have you ever wondered how your favorite NBA team received its famous name All NBA teams have an interesting story or a history behind their names."你有没有想过你最喜欢的NBA球队是如何得名的?所有NBA球队的名字背后都有一个有趣的故事或历史。可知,本文围绕NBA球队的队名背后的故事或历史展开,并分别介绍了洛杉矶湖人队、犹他爵士队、芝加哥公牛队和印第安纳步行者队这四个队名的历史由来。"NBA球队名字背后的故事"适合作为文章标题。故选B。
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读理解
It seems there's nowhere left to run from the microplastic (微塑料的) pollution. A small pilot study recently took microplastics from one of Europe's most distant places, the French Pyrenees mountains, and found as many microplastics in the soil as you might expect from a big city like Paris.
The reason The wind. Researchers now fear that our planet's winds can pick up microplastics from about anywhere and transport them around the world, sometimes in large quantities. "We'd kind of expected it in a city getting blown around," said Steve Allen from the University of Strathclyde in the UK, one member of the team. "But way up there We expected to find some," he said. "We didn't expect to find so many."
Microplastics are pieces smaller than a fifth of an inch that have broken down from larger pieces of plastic. The forces of nature don't distinguish (区分) between materials like stones and rocks, and plastics. Wind and waves hit plastics and break them down just the same, making them into dust that can then get swept up by the gentle wind and into the atmosphere. It's a continuing environmental concern, as more and more microplastics find their way into our food and air.
The fact that microplastics can be found in large numbers even in distant places is a sign that is has become a global pollution problem. Steve Allen and his team set up collectors 4,500 feet up in the mountains for five months to trap plastic particles (粒子) as they fell to the Earth. The team found that an average of 365 plastic particles fell on their square meter collector daily. This included bits from plastic bags, plastic film and packaging material, among other plastic sources. Many of these materials were small enough to be breathed in without even realizing it. They're in the air, and they're everywhere.
12.What did Steve Allen think of the finding
A.Interesting. B.Boring. C.Surprising. D.Disappointing.
13.What can we learn from paragraph 3
A.How the microplastics come into being.
B.How the wind spreads the microplastics.
C.How the microplastic pollution appears.
D.How the wind makes the pollution serious.
14.What do we know about the plastic particles
A.It is difficult to collect them.
B.They all come from big cities.
C.They are part of the air we breathe.
D.It is impossible to know their source.
15.What is the text mainly about
A.Plastics have been found in the distant areas.
B.Plastics are proved to do great harm to the soil.
C.The microplastic pollution is worse in big cities.
D.Wind is carrying microplastics around the world.
12.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"‘We'd kind of expected it in a city getting blown around,' said Steve Allen from the University of Strathclyde in the UK, one member of the team. ‘But way up there We expected to find some,' he said. ‘We didn't expect to find so many.'" 研究小组成员之一、英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学的Steve Allen说:"我们本以为它(微塑料)会在一个被风吹来吹去的城市里出现。但那里呢?我们希望能找到一些。我们没料到会发现这么多。"可知,Steve Allen没想到在遥远的法国比利牛斯山脉会发现这么多的微塑料。可推知,他认为他们的发现是令人惊讶的。故选C。
13.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"The forces of nature don't distinguish (区分) between materials like stones and rocks, and plastics. Wind and waves hit plastics and break them down just the same, making them into dust that can then get swept up by the gentle wind and into the atmosphere. "大自然的力量无法区分石头、岩石和塑料等材料。风和海浪撞击塑料并将它们分解,使它们变成灰尘,然后被微风吹到大气中。可知,在本段我们可以了解到风是如何传播微塑料的。故选B。
14.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"Many of these materials were small enough to be breathed in without even realizing it. They're in the air, and they're everywhere. "这些物质中有许多小到可以被人吸入而不自知。它们在空气中,无处不在。可知,微塑料已经成为我们呼吸的空气中的一部分。故选C。
15.考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"A small pilot study recently took microplastics from one of Europe's most distant places, the French Pyrenees mountains, and found as many microplastics in the soil as you might expect from a big city like Paris. "最近,一项小型试点研究从欧洲最遥远的地方之一——法国比利牛斯山脉——采集了微塑料,在土壤中发现的微塑料数量与巴黎这样的大城市一样多;以及最后一段中的"The fact that microplastics can be found in large numbers even in distant places is a sign that is has become a global pollution problem. "即使在遥远的地方也能发现大量的微塑料,这一事实表明它已成为一个全球性的污染问题。可知,本文围绕一项有关微塑料的研究展开,研究人员在偏远地区如法国比利牛斯山脉也发现了数量惊人的微塑料。故选A。
二、第二部分,阅读,第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Want to improve your mind A little bit of effort every day goes a long way. Here are some simple actions that could help you become a smarter person.
 16.   Think about how to make more money, how to solve a daily problem you have, interesting movie ideas' or anything else. It doesn't matter what subject your ideas fall into as long as you're working your brain.
Read newspapers.  17.   You'll learn to form your own opinions. You'll also have a lot more to talk about at parties or with friends.
Instead of watching TV, watch educational videos.  18.   And you can learn a lot from other people's experiences. In videos, the information is often presented in an understandable, memorable way, so you can be sure it will stick in your mind.
 19.   If you find someone to discuss something with, you can add to each other's knowledge and gain new ideas. Also, when you can explain ideas to someone else, it means you've mastered them. You can even share what you learn on the Internet.
Hang out with people who are smarter than you.  20.   Every day, you should try to have a coffee date or walk with someone who inspires you. Always be willing to learn. Ask as many questions as possible. If you are always around people who are more knowledgeable than you, you'll have no choice but to learn more.
A. Try to be good at your job.
B. Come up with 10 ideas every day.
C. Don't always follow others' advice.
D. Share what you learn with other people.
E. Spend as much time as you can with wise people.
F. Sometimes, it's more exciting to watch something than to read it.
G. It will help you become more aware of the important things happening around the world.
16.根据空后"Think about how to make more money, how to solve a daily problem you have, interesting movie ideas' or anything else. It doesn't matter what subject your ideas fall into as long as you're working your brain. "想想如何赚更多的钱,如何解决你的日常问题,有趣的电影创意或其他任何事情。只要你在开动脑筋,你的想法属于哪个主题并不重要。可知,本段中列举了一些想法,且最后一句也是在说想法, B. Come up with 10 ideas every day. "每天想出10个主意。"符合语境,为本段的主题句。故选B。
17.根据空前"Read newspapers. "读报纸;以及空后"You'll learn to form your own opinions. You'll also have a lot more to talk about at parties or with friends."你将学会形成自己的观点。在聚会上或与朋友交谈时,你也会有更多的话题。列举读报纸的好处可知,该空也讲读报纸的好处, G. It will help you become more aware of the important things happening around the world. "这将帮助你更加了解世界各地发生的重要事情。"符合语境。故选G。
18.根据空前"Instead of watching TV, watch educational videos."与其看电视,不如看教育视频。;以及空后"And you can learn a lot from other people's experiences. In videos, the information is often presented in an understandable, memorable way, so you can be sure it will stick in your mind."你可以从别人的经历中学到很多东西。在视频中,信息通常以一种可以理解、令人难忘的方式呈现,所以你可以确信它会留在你的脑海中。进一步解释看教育视频的好处,F. Sometimes, it's more exciting to watch something than to read it."有时候,看东西比读东西更令人兴奋。"承上启下,符合语境。故选F。
19.根据空后"If you find someone to discuss something with, you can add to each other's knowledge and gain new ideas. Also, when you can explain ideas to someone else, it means you've mastered them. You can even share what you learn on the Internet."如果你找到一个人来讨论一些事情,你可以增加彼此的知识,获得新的想法。此外,当你能向别人解释想法时,就意味着你已经掌握了它们。你甚至可以在互联网上分享你学到的东西。可知,下文是在讲述与人分享想法的过程,D. Share what you learn with other people."与他人分享你学到的东西。"符合语境。故选D。
20.根据空前"Hang out with people who are smarter than you."和比你聪明的人在一起;以及空后"Every day, you should try to have a coffee date or walk with someone who inspires you."每天,你都应该试着和一个能激励你的人一起喝杯咖啡或散步;和"If you are always around people who are more knowledgeable than you, you'll have no choice but to learn more. "如果你身边总是有比你知识渊博的人,你将别无选择,只能学习更多。可知,本段主要讲和睿智的人尽可能多地相处, E. Spend as much time as you can with wise people. "尽可能多地与智者相处。"符合语境。故选E。
三、第三部分,语言运用,第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
In October, I said to my students, "Why not do some 21. to make some money Then we'll buy food for someone in need."
Then early in that week they came with their hard-earned money at their homes, 22. to go shopping. We soon picked what we needed. As we headed toward the checkout, someone shouted, "Flowers!" The group rushed to the flowers. However, considering practicality, I said, "You can't send flowers." "But please, Mrs. Sherlock," someone begged, "we want flowers." Defeated (被打败了), I 23. them to buy some carnations (康乃馨).
An organization had given us the information of a 24. grandmother living alone for many years. After a long drive, we 25. arrived at a small, shabby (破旧的) house. An old lady came out to 26. us. Each box was 27. quickly. But when the woman noticed the carnations, she seemed 28. . "She's wishing it were a bag of rice," I thought.
"Do you like living here " Michael asked. Hearing this, the woman 29. , "Of course. I'm quite fond of living here." She told the children about the birds flying to the bread she 30. . "Maybe that's why I could get the food from you," she said. "Because I 31. my food with the birds."
We returned to the 32. and saw her wave goodbye. Then she walked past the food, straight to the carnations. She put her face in the carnations, with a smile on her lips. The children were quiet. They had seen the 33. they had to make another's life 34. . And I had seen something too — sometimes a person needs lovely 35. on a cold winter.
21.A. shopping B. reading C. exercise D. housework
22.A. nervous B. excited C. unwilling D. afraid
23.A. taught B. forced C. encouraged D. allowed
24.A. brave B. poor C. reliable D. sick
25.A. finally B. already C. suddenly D. hardly
26.A. thank B. guide C. help D. welcome
27.A. carried in B. left behind
C. sent back D. handed out
28.A. satisfied B. worried C. surprised D. angry
29.A. cried B. replied C. asked D. complained
30.A. hid away B. put out C. picked up D. brought in
31.A. cook B. find C. share D. buy
32.A. house B. woods C. car D. stores
33.A. power B. time C. money D. desire
34.A. healthier B. deeper C. longer D. better
35.A. food B. birds C. flowers D. kids
21.句意:10月,我对学生们说:"为什么不做点家务赚钱呢?然后我们给有需要的人买食物。"A. shopping"购物";B. reading"阅读";C. exercise"运动";D. housework"家务"。根据下文"they came with their hard-earned money at their homes "他们带着在家里辛苦赚来的钱。可知,孩子们是通过做家务赚的钱。故选D。
22.句意:然后在那个星期的早些时候,他们带着在家里辛苦赚来的钱,兴奋地去购物。A. nervous"紧张的";B. excited"兴奋的";C. unwilling"不愿意的";D. afraid"害怕的"。根据上文"Why not do some 1 to make some money Then we'll buy food for someone in need. "为什么不做点家务赚钱呢?然后我们给有需要的人买食物。可知,孩子们用辛苦赚来的钱去采购物品帮助别人,可得出孩子们的心情是兴奋的。故选B。
23.句意:我被打败了,允许他们买一些康乃馨。A. taught"教";B. forced"强迫";C. encouraged "鼓励";D. allowed"允许"。根据空前"Defeated (被打败了)"可知,在孩子们的恳求下,作者此时妥协了,允许他们买一些康乃馨。故选D。
24.句意:一家机构给我们提供了一位贫困的独居多年的老奶奶的信息。A. brave"勇敢的";B. poor "贫困的";C. reliable"可靠的";D. sick"生病的"。根据下文"a small, shabby (破旧的) house "一所破旧的小房子。可知,老奶奶生活贫困。故选B。
25.句意:经过漫长的车程,我们终于到达了一所破旧的小房子。A. finally"终于,最后";B. already "已经";C. suddenly"突然";D. hardly"几乎不"。根据空前"After a long drive"可知,开了很长时间的车后,终于到达了一所破旧的小房子。故选A。
26.句意:一位老太太出来欢迎我们。A. thank"感谢";B. guide"引导";C. help"帮助";D. welcome"欢迎"。根据语境可知,作者和孩子们来看望老奶奶,老奶奶出来欢迎他们。故选D。
27.句意:每个箱子都很快被搬了进来。A. carried in"搬进、携带";B. left behind"留下";C. sent back"退还";D. handed out"分发"。根据上文"Why not do some 1 to make some money Then we'll buy food for someone in need. "为什么不做点家务赚钱呢?然后我们给有需要的人买食物。可知,孩子们用辛苦赚来的钱去采购物品帮助有需要的人,看望老奶奶就是为了帮助她,送给老奶奶的"箱子"被搬进了房子。故选A。
28.句意:但当这位女士注意到康乃馨时,她似乎很惊讶。A. satisfied"满意的";B. worried"担心的";C. surprised"吃惊的";D. angry"生气的"。根据下文"‘She's wishing it were a bag of rice,‘ I thought. 她希望那是一袋米,"我想。可知,作者认为老奶奶想要一袋米,可得出老奶奶看到康乃馨后很吃惊。故选C。
29.句意:听到这个,老奶奶回答说:"当然。我很喜欢住在这里。"A. cried"喊叫";B. replied"回答";C. asked"问";D. complained"抱怨"。根据上文"‘Do you like living here ' Michael asked. ""你喜欢住在这里吗?"迈克尔问道。可知,老奶奶回答迈克尔的提问。故选B。
30.句意:她告诉孩子们,鸟儿成群结队地飞向她放出来的面包。A. hid away"躲藏";B. put out "把……拿到外面";C. picked up"捡起";D. brought in"引进"。根据下文"Because I 11 my food with the birds. "因为我和鸟儿……食物。可知,老奶奶喂鸟儿食物,可得出鸟儿飞向她拿到房子外的面包。故选B。
31.句意:"因为我和鸟儿分享食物。"A. cook"烹饪";B. find"找到";C. share"分享";D. buy "买"。根据上文"She told the children about the birds flying to the bread she 10  . "她告诉孩子们,鸟儿成群结队地飞向她放出来的面包。可知,老奶奶和鸟儿分享自己的食物。故选C。
32.句意:我们回到车上,看到她挥手告别。A. house"房子";B. woods"树林";C. car"汽车";D. store"商店"。根据上文"After a long drive"经过漫长的车程,可知,作者和孩子们是开车来的,此时是回到车上,看见老奶奶挥手告别。故选C。
33.句意:他们看到了自己有能力让别人的生活变得更好。A. power"能力";B. time"时间";C. money"金钱";D. desire"愿望"。根据上文"She put her face in the carnations, with a smile on her lips."她把脸放在康乃馨里,嘴唇上挂着微笑。可知,因为康乃馨,老奶奶变得幸福,孩子们看到了自己有能力让别人的生活变得更好。故选A。
34.句意:他们看到了自己有能力让别人的生活变得更好。A. healthier"更健康的";B. deeper"更深的";C. longer"更长的";D. better"更好的"。根据上文"She put her face in the carnations, with a smile on her lips. "她把脸放在康乃馨里,嘴唇上挂着微笑。可知,因为康乃馨,老奶奶变得幸福,生活将变得更好。故选D。
35.句意:我也看到了一些东西——有时一个人在寒冷的冬天需要可爱的花。A. food"食物";B. birds "鸟";C. flowers"花";D. kids"孩子"。根据上文语境可知,作者刚开始不同意孩子们买花,后来看到老奶奶高兴的样子,作者意识到:有时候,在寒冷的冬天,人们需要美丽的花儿来照亮生活。故选C。
四、第三部分,语言运用,第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
It's well known that March 12th is China's annual National Tree Planting Day. On this day, people throughout China, will take spades and buckets (铲子和水桶) as well as young trees, and go out  36.   (green) their hometowns.
As a matter 37.   fact, China's Tree Planting Day could date back to a proposal  38.   (make) by Sun Yat-sen (孙中山) (1866—1925) and Qingming Festival (April 5th) was adopted (采纳) as Tree Planting Day then. However, April 5th was a late time for tree-planting in Southern China, so it was changed to March 12th in honour of Sun Yat-sen,  39.   passed away on March 12th.
In February 1979, the 5th National People's Congress of People's Republic of China  40.   (announce) that March 12th would be taken as Tree Planting Day, requiring the whole country to carry out tree planting  41.   (activity) on March 12th.
In recent years, the tradition of tree-planting in the spring  42.   (observe) by Chinese people. For those living in the big cities, National Tree Planting Day is  43.   unique moment for city skipping. It is  44.   (absolute) convenient for people to have access to nature with their family members. After their fieldwork together, they get much  45.   (satisfy) from better environment. They also harvest closer family relations as well as enthusiasm for the future.
【答案】36.to green;37.of;38.made;39.who;40.announced;41.activities;42.has been observed;43.a;44.absolutely;45.satisfaction
36.句意:在这一天,全中国的人们会带着铁锹、木桶和小树,去绿化他们的家乡。此处不定式作目的状语,故填to green。
37.句意:事实上,中国的植树节可以追溯到孙中山(1866—1925)的提议,当时清明节(4月5日)被定为植树节。as a matter of fact固定短语,"事实上"。故填of。
39.句意:然而,在中国南方,4月5日是一个较晚的植树时间,所以改为3月12日,以纪念在3月12日去世的孙中山。 passed away on March 12th是非限制性定语从句,对先行词Sun Yat-sen作补充说明,先行词指人,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词who。故填who。
40.句意:1979年2月,中华人民共和国第五届全国人民代表大会宣布将3月12日定为植树节,要求全国在3月12日开展植树活动。此处是谓语动词,结合时间状语In February 1979可知,此处在叙述过去发生的事情,时态应用一般过去时。故填announced。
42.句意:近年来,中国人有在春天植树的传统。此处是谓语动词,结合时间状语In recent years可知,时态应用现在完成时,observe和主语tradition之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,且主语是单数,助动词应用has。故填has been observed。
46.(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 假定你是高中生李华,你们学校的英文报正在举办以音乐为主题的演讲比赛。请你写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:1.你喜欢的音乐;2.音乐给你带来的好处。
【答案】Dear friends,
I'm Li Hua. I'm very honoured to give a speech on music.
As you know, there are various kinds of music in the world, such as pop music, country music, rock music, jazz and so on. I have fallen in love with music since I was a little girl. My favourite is light music, because it is relaxing and graceful. Every time I listen to music, I would like to sing and dance to it, which will put me in a good mood and have a sense of happiness. Now music is an important part in my life.
That's all. Thank you!
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生以高中生李华的身份 写一篇演讲稿参赛 。写作背景:你们学校的英文报正在举办以音乐为主题的演讲比赛。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: 1.你喜欢的音乐;2.音乐给你带来的好处。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如: I'm very honoured to give a speech on music.运用了不定式作原因状语;As you know, there are various kinds of music in the world, such as pop music, country music, rock music, jazz and so on. 运用了非限制性定语从句,there be句式;I have fallen in love with music since I was a little girl. 运用了时间状语从句; My favourite is light music, because it is relaxing and graceful. 运用了原因状语从句; Every time I listen to music, I would like to sing and dance to it, which will put me in a good mood and have a sense of happiness. 运用了时间状语从句,非限制性定语从句。
47.(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
It was a moral lesson on Tuesday afternoon. Jodie hadn't really heard anything, maybe a whisper (低语), but when she turned around, the girls in the back row of the class were looking at her, trying to hide smiles. Mr Smith was talking about people's jobs. He also wanted to find out what his students wanted to do when they grew up. He called on Billy Mitzer first.
''My daddy works in a bank,'' Billy Mitzer said. ''I want to work in a bank too. There's lots of money in the bank.'' ''My parents have a grocery store,'' Emmy Disalvo said. ''But I want to be an airline pilot.''
Jodie liked it when Mr. Smith asked them questions like this. Mr. Smith was about to call on Jodie when the girls in the back row started laughing. Shirley Danes shouted, ''Jodie's daddy is a garbage man!''
Everybody in the class laughed out loud except Jodie. She felt embarrassed and her face turned bright red. She looked around the whole classroom. Everyone was laughing. Some kids were even holding their noses.
Mr Smith was angry. He seldom raised his voice, but at that time he did. ''Silence! I want everybody to be quiet,'' he shouted. The laughter stopped immediately. The sound of cars and people going by on the street came through the windows. ''You should feel sorry for yourselves,'' Mr Smith said. ''Being a garbage man is a difficult and greatly useful job. We should be grateful to Jodie's father. Where would we be without him ''
A few kids started laughing again. ''It's not funny,'' Mr Smith went on. ''Garbage is a serious matter. I think you all should say sorry to Jodie. And after that, you're all going to write Jodie's father a nice letter to tell him how much you appreciate what he does for all of us—in other words, keeping our city clean.''
Paragraph 1:
Everyone did as Mr Smith asked them to.
Paragraph 2:
Jodie started crying out.
【答案】Paragraph 1:
Everyone did as Mr Smith asked them to. They all said "Sorry, Jodie", but Jodie could tell they didn't really mean it. She also knew nobody wanted to write her father a nice letter. She wished Mr Smith hadn't made them do it. Her face was burning red and she felt like crying. Mr Smith came to her desk and patted her shoulder, saying "Let's go out in the hall while everyone is writing those letters, so we can have a private talk." Jodie followed him out to the hall.
Paragraph 2:
Jodie started crying out. She was embarrassed. She didn't want to cry in front of everybody, but she couldn't hold back her tears any more. Mr Smith was tall. He knelt and gave her his handkerchief. "I'm sorry that this happened," he said. "But remember, hard work done well is something to be proud of. We all should be grateful to garbage men." The teacher's words cheered Jodie up, and she felt proud of her father.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:They all said "Sorry, Jodie", but Jodie could tell they didn't really mean it. 运用了转折并列句,宾语从句; She also knew nobody wanted to write her father a nice letter. 运用了宾语从句; She wished Mr Smith hadn't made them do it. 运用了宾语从句,虚拟语气; Her face was burning red and she felt like crying. 运用了并列句; Mr Smith came to her desk and patted her shoulder, saying "Let's go out in the hall while everyone is writing those letters, so we can have a private talk." 运用了现在分词作状语,祈使句,省略to的不定式作宾补,因果并列句; She didn't want to cry in front of everybody, but she couldn't hold back her tears any more.运用了转折并列句;"I'm sorry that this happened," he said. 运用了宾语从句;The teacher's words cheered Jodie up, and she felt proud of her father.运用了并列句。
1 / 1云南省曲靖市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读理解
I have five months to travel before I write! I'm going to some countries where I can practice speaking English. Where am I going to start
Canada It's the Rockies for me in November! There are mountains and beautiful lakes everywhere. I'd like to visit Nunavut, the home of the Inuit in the north of Canada, but unfortunately I'm not going to get there. Australia Australia is very hot from November to March. I love hot weather, so I'm going to arrive in Sydney in December. I'm going to sight see in Sydney — there are so many interesting buildings in the city.
India Rajasthan is the perfect introduction to India with its festivals and monuments (古迹). There are also exciting markets, with beautiful clothes and jewelry. I'm going to spend the month of January there. South Africa South Africa offers safaris (狩猎旅行) and the chance to see wild animals. It also has a wonderful coastline, so, after the safari, I'm going to find a beach and go swimming there. I'm going in February.
1.If you enjoy mountains, you can go to ____.
A.Canada B.Australia C.South Africa D.India
2.What's the perfect introduction to India
A.The Rockies. B.Rajasthan.
C.The buildings. D.The safaris.
3.What can we know from the text
A.There is a wonderful coastline to visit in India.
B.The author is going to visit Nunavut in December.
C.It is very cold from November to March in Australia.
D.The author will have a chance to see wild animals in South Africa.
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读理解
I work in a nursing home and my job is to take care of the elderly.
This year, an old lady that I cared for, Alice, had gone through a difficult time. She got dementia and so she had been in the hospital twice. In November I was finally able to get her back to her "home".
Alice had thought her daughter was coming to visit her on Christmas day and that they were going to have the whole family together like the old days. When she finally realized that the happy moment was not going to happen, she was very sad. Knowing that her daughter was not able to make her feel happy, I hated the idea of her being alone on the holiday!
On Christmas Eve, I gave her a surprise by asking if she would like to go to a candlelight service at church that night.
I took her to her old neighborhood church where all her friends were there. We got to the church early. Then soon some of her friends came and they went over to greet her and sit with her.
The candlelight service was beautiful and Alice got a lot of love from her old and new friends there.
The truth of the story is that I am the one who got the best gift: the smile on Alice's face.
4.What does the underlined word "dementia" in paragraph 2 refer to
A.A plan. B.An illness. C.A house. D.A letter.
5.From the text we can learn that Alice____.
A.was thrown out by her daughter
B.didn't like living in the nursing home
C.expected to spend Christmas with her daughter
D.returned to her home after leaving the hospital
6.Where did Alice spend her Christmas Eve in the end
A.In the hospital.
B.In her old house.
C.In the nursing home.
D.In her old neighborhood church.
7.What was the best gift that the author got on Christmas Eve
A.Alice's happiness. B.Praise from Alice's friends.
C.Thanks from Alice's daughter. D.The candlelight service.
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读理解
Have you ever wondered how your favorite NBA team received its famous name All NBA teams have an interesting story or a history behind their names. Some of the names reflected the city's culture or history, others came from previous owners and many were selected through "Name the Team" contests.
For teams like the Los Angeles Lakers and the Utah Jazz, the names were not always a reflection of the city. Even though Los Angeles has no lakes, the Lakers name has been a city treasure for almost 40 years. Before going to Los Angeles, the team originated in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1947, team officials changed the name to the Lakers to reflect the Minnesota State's nickname, "Land of 10,000 Lakes". The team name went unchanged after moving to Los Angeles in 1960.
Because the Utah's team originated in New Orleans, Louisiana, it was called the Jazz. In 1974, New Orleans club officials chose the name to represent the city for its reputation as the "Jazz Capital of the World". The name stayed with the team even after finding a new home in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1979.
The original owner of the Chicago Bulls, Richard Klein, named the team the Bulls. He picked the name because a fighting bull is relentless and never quits. Klein, who founded the club in 1966, believed these qualities were necessary for a championship team and hoped his Chicago athletes would live up to the team name. The Bulls, the winner of the six NBA championships, has definitely followed the belief.
In 1967, the Indiana Pacers selected their team name in a different way from most other teams. Their decision was based on what they wanted to accomplish in the NBA. Team officials chose the Pacers name because the organization wanted to set the "pace" in professional basketball.
8.Why is the Los Angeles' team named "the Lakers"
A.The name was selected from a "Name the Team" contest.
B.It was named after a city treasure, which had a long history.
C.The name shows that Los Angeles is a city with various lakes.
D.The team got this name in another state which had a lot of lakes.
9.Which of the following refers to the "Jazz Capital of the World"
A.New Orleans. B.Salt Lake City.
C.Los Angeles. D.Minneapolis.
10.Why did Richard Klein name the Chicago's team the Bulls
A.He had guessed the success of the team.
B.Chicago was then a city famous for fighting bulls.
C.People in Chicago used to like watching bullfighting.
D.He wished the team to have the qualities of fighting bulls.
11.What's the best title for the text
A.The Long History of NBA Teams
B.Stories Behind the Names of NBA Teams
C.Excellent Qualities of NBA Team Officials
D.Interesting Stories About Some NBA Players
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读理解
It seems there's nowhere left to run from the microplastic (微塑料的) pollution. A small pilot study recently took microplastics from one of Europe's most distant places, the French Pyrenees mountains, and found as many microplastics in the soil as you might expect from a big city like Paris.
The reason The wind. Researchers now fear that our planet's winds can pick up microplastics from about anywhere and transport them around the world, sometimes in large quantities. "We'd kind of expected it in a city getting blown around," said Steve Allen from the University of Strathclyde in the UK, one member of the team. "But way up there We expected to find some," he said. "We didn't expect to find so many."
Microplastics are pieces smaller than a fifth of an inch that have broken down from larger pieces of plastic. The forces of nature don't distinguish (区分) between materials like stones and rocks, and plastics. Wind and waves hit plastics and break them down just the same, making them into dust that can then get swept up by the gentle wind and into the atmosphere. It's a continuing environmental concern, as more and more microplastics find their way into our food and air.
The fact that microplastics can be found in large numbers even in distant places is a sign that is has become a global pollution problem. Steve Allen and his team set up collectors 4,500 feet up in the mountains for five months to trap plastic particles (粒子) as they fell to the Earth. The team found that an average of 365 plastic particles fell on their square meter collector daily. This included bits from plastic bags, plastic film and packaging material, among other plastic sources. Many of these materials were small enough to be breathed in without even realizing it. They're in the air, and they're everywhere.
12.What did Steve Allen think of the finding
A.Interesting. B.Boring. C.Surprising. D.Disappointing.
13.What can we learn from paragraph 3
A.How the microplastics come into being.
B.How the wind spreads the microplastics.
C.How the microplastic pollution appears.
D.How the wind makes the pollution serious.
14.What do we know about the plastic particles
A.It is difficult to collect them.
B.They all come from big cities.
C.They are part of the air we breathe.
D.It is impossible to know their source.
15.What is the text mainly about
A.Plastics have been found in the distant areas.
B.Plastics are proved to do great harm to the soil.
C.The microplastic pollution is worse in big cities.
D.Wind is carrying microplastics around the world.
二、第二部分,阅读,第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Want to improve your mind A little bit of effort every day goes a long way. Here are some simple actions that could help you become a smarter person.
 16.   Think about how to make more money, how to solve a daily problem you have, interesting movie ideas' or anything else. It doesn't matter what subject your ideas fall into as long as you're working your brain.
Read newspapers.  17.   You'll learn to form your own opinions. You'll also have a lot more to talk about at parties or with friends.
Instead of watching TV, watch educational videos.  18.   And you can learn a lot from other people's experiences. In videos, the information is often presented in an understandable, memorable way, so you can be sure it will stick in your mind.
 19.   If you find someone to discuss something with, you can add to each other's knowledge and gain new ideas. Also, when you can explain ideas to someone else, it means you've mastered them. You can even share what you learn on the Internet.
Hang out with people who are smarter than you.  20.   Every day, you should try to have a coffee date or walk with someone who inspires you. Always be willing to learn. Ask as many questions as possible. If you are always around people who are more knowledgeable than you, you'll have no choice but to learn more.
A. Try to be good at your job.
B. Come up with 10 ideas every day.
C. Don't always follow others' advice.
D. Share what you learn with other people.
E. Spend as much time as you can with wise people.
F. Sometimes, it's more exciting to watch something than to read it.
G. It will help you become more aware of the important things happening around the world.
三、第三部分,语言运用,第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
In October, I said to my students, "Why not do some 21. to make some money Then we'll buy food for someone in need."
Then early in that week they came with their hard-earned money at their homes, 22. to go shopping. We soon picked what we needed. As we headed toward the checkout, someone shouted, "Flowers!" The group rushed to the flowers. However, considering practicality, I said, "You can't send flowers." "But please, Mrs. Sherlock," someone begged, "we want flowers." Defeated (被打败了), I 23. them to buy some carnations (康乃馨).
An organization had given us the information of a 24. grandmother living alone for many years. After a long drive, we 25. arrived at a small, shabby (破旧的) house. An old lady came out to 26. us. Each box was 27. quickly. But when the woman noticed the carnations, she seemed 28. . "She's wishing it were a bag of rice," I thought.
"Do you like living here " Michael asked. Hearing this, the woman 29. , "Of course. I'm quite fond of living here." She told the children about the birds flying to the bread she 30. . "Maybe that's why I could get the food from you," she said. "Because I 31. my food with the birds."
We returned to the 32. and saw her wave goodbye. Then she walked past the food, straight to the carnations. She put her face in the carnations, with a smile on her lips. The children were quiet. They had seen the 33. they had to make another's life 34. . And I had seen something too — sometimes a person needs lovely 35. on a cold winter.
21.A. shopping B. reading C. exercise D. housework
22.A. nervous B. excited C. unwilling D. afraid
23.A. taught B. forced C. encouraged D. allowed
24.A. brave B. poor C. reliable D. sick
25.A. finally B. already C. suddenly D. hardly
26.A. thank B. guide C. help D. welcome
27.A. carried in B. left behind
C. sent back D. handed out
28.A. satisfied B. worried C. surprised D. angry
29.A. cried B. replied C. asked D. complained
30.A. hid away B. put out C. picked up D. brought in
31.A. cook B. find C. share D. buy
32.A. house B. woods C. car D. stores
33.A. power B. time C. money D. desire
34.A. healthier B. deeper C. longer D. better
35.A. food B. birds C. flowers D. kids
四、第三部分,语言运用,第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
It's well known that March 12th is China's annual National Tree Planting Day. On this day, people throughout China, will take spades and buckets (铲子和水桶) as well as young trees, and go out  36.   (green) their hometowns.
As a matter 37.   fact, China's Tree Planting Day could date back to a proposal  38.   (make) by Sun Yat-sen (孙中山) (1866—1925) and Qingming Festival (April 5th) was adopted (采纳) as Tree Planting Day then. However, April 5th was a late time for tree-planting in Southern China, so it was changed to March 12th in honour of Sun Yat-sen,  39.   passed away on March 12th.
In February 1979, the 5th National People's Congress of People's Republic of China  40.   (announce) that March 12th would be taken as Tree Planting Day, requiring the whole country to carry out tree planting  41.   (activity) on March 12th.
In recent years, the tradition of tree-planting in the spring  42.   (observe) by Chinese people. For those living in the big cities, National Tree Planting Day is  43.   unique moment for city skipping. It is  44.   (absolute) convenient for people to have access to nature with their family members. After their fieldwork together, they get much  45.   (satisfy) from better environment. They also harvest closer family relations as well as enthusiasm for the future.
46.(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 假定你是高中生李华,你们学校的英文报正在举办以音乐为主题的演讲比赛。请你写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:1.你喜欢的音乐;2.音乐给你带来的好处。
47.(2024高一下·曲靖期末) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
It was a moral lesson on Tuesday afternoon. Jodie hadn't really heard anything, maybe a whisper (低语), but when she turned around, the girls in the back row of the class were looking at her, trying to hide smiles. Mr Smith was talking about people's jobs. He also wanted to find out what his students wanted to do when they grew up. He called on Billy Mitzer first.
''My daddy works in a bank,'' Billy Mitzer said. ''I want to work in a bank too. There's lots of money in the bank.'' ''My parents have a grocery store,'' Emmy Disalvo said. ''But I want to be an airline pilot.''
Jodie liked it when Mr. Smith asked them questions like this. Mr. Smith was about to call on Jodie when the girls in the back row started laughing. Shirley Danes shouted, ''Jodie's daddy is a garbage man!''
Everybody in the class laughed out loud except Jodie. She felt embarrassed and her face turned bright red. She looked around the whole classroom. Everyone was laughing. Some kids were even holding their noses.
Mr Smith was angry. He seldom raised his voice, but at that time he did. ''Silence! I want everybody to be quiet,'' he shouted. The laughter stopped immediately. The sound of cars and people going by on the street came through the windows. ''You should feel sorry for yourselves,'' Mr Smith said. ''Being a garbage man is a difficult and greatly useful job. We should be grateful to Jodie's father. Where would we be without him ''
A few kids started laughing again. ''It's not funny,'' Mr Smith went on. ''Garbage is a serious matter. I think you all should say sorry to Jodie. And after that, you're all going to write Jodie's father a nice letter to tell him how much you appreciate what he does for all of us—in other words, keeping our city clean.''
Paragraph 1:
Everyone did as Mr Smith asked them to.
Paragraph 2:
Jodie started crying out.
1.考查细节理解。根据Canada部分中"It's the Rockies for me in November! There are mountains and beautiful lakes everywhere." 11月的落基山脉对我来说太棒了!那里到处都是山和美丽的湖。可知,如果你喜欢山,你可以去加拿大。故选A。
2.考查细节理解。根据India部分中的"Rajasthan is the perfect introduction to India with its festivals and monuments (古迹)." 拉贾斯坦邦的节日和古迹是印度的完美介绍。可知,拉贾斯坦邦是对印度最完美的介绍。故选B。
3.考查细节理解。根据South Africa 部分中的"South Africa offers safaris (狩猎旅行) and the chance to see wild animals."南非提供狩猎旅行和看到野生动物的机会。可知,作者将有机会看到南非的野生动物。故选D。
4.考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的"so she had been in the hospital twice"所以她住过两次医院。可知," She got dementia "指Alice生病了,划线词 dementia 是"疾病",故选B。
5.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"Alice had thought her daughter was coming to visit her on Christmas day and that they were going to have the whole family together like the old days."爱丽丝原以为女儿会在圣诞节来看她,她们会像以前一样全家团聚。可知,爱丽丝期待和女儿一起度过圣诞节。故选C。
6.考查细节理解。根据第五段中的"I took her to her old neighborhood church where all her friends were there."我带她去了附近的老教堂,她所有的朋友都在那里。可知,爱丽丝圣诞节前夜去了附近的老教堂。故选D。
7.考查细节理解。根据最后一段"The truth of the story is that I am the one who got the best gift: the smile on Alice's face."这个故事的真相是,我才是那个得到最好礼物的人:爱丽丝脸上的笑容。在作者看来,他得到了最好的礼物:爱丽丝脸上的笑容,即爱丽丝的幸福。故选A。
8.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"Before going to Los Angeles, the team originated in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1947, team officials changed the name to the Lakers to reflect the Minnesota State's nickname, ‘Land of 10,000 Lakes'."在去洛杉矶之前,这支球队起源于明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯。1947年,球队官方将球队名称改为湖人队,以反映明尼苏达州的绰号"万湖之乡"可知,湖人队在搬到洛杉矶之前是在明尼苏达州,这里有很多湖泊,由此得名为湖人队。故选D。
9.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"Because the Utah's team originated in New Orleans, Louisiana, it was called the Jazz. In 1974, New Orleans club officials chose the name to represent the city for its reputation as the ‘Jazz Capital of the World'. "因为犹他队起源于路易斯安那州的新奥尔良,所以被称为爵士队。1974年,新奥尔良俱乐部官方选择这个名字来代表这座城市"世界爵士之都"的声誉。可知,新奥尔良被称作"世界爵士之都"。故选A。
10.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"He picked the name because a fighting bull is relentless and never quits. Klein, who founded the club in 1966, believed these qualities were necessary for a championship team and hoped his Chicago athletes would live up to the team name. "他之所以取这个名字,是因为斗牛是无情的,从不放弃。Klein于1966年创立了芝加哥足球俱乐部,他相信这些品质对于一支冠军球队来说是必要的,并希望他的芝加哥运动员能够不负球队的名字。可知,Klein将芝加哥的球队命名为公牛队是因为他希望这支球队具有斗牛的品质。故选D。
11.考查标题归纳。根据第一段中的"Have you ever wondered how your favorite NBA team received its famous name All NBA teams have an interesting story or a history behind their names."你有没有想过你最喜欢的NBA球队是如何得名的?所有NBA球队的名字背后都有一个有趣的故事或历史。可知,本文围绕NBA球队的队名背后的故事或历史展开,并分别介绍了洛杉矶湖人队、犹他爵士队、芝加哥公牛队和印第安纳步行者队这四个队名的历史由来。"NBA球队名字背后的故事"适合作为文章标题。故选B。
12.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"‘We'd kind of expected it in a city getting blown around,' said Steve Allen from the University of Strathclyde in the UK, one member of the team. ‘But way up there We expected to find some,' he said. ‘We didn't expect to find so many.'" 研究小组成员之一、英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学的Steve Allen说:"我们本以为它(微塑料)会在一个被风吹来吹去的城市里出现。但那里呢?我们希望能找到一些。我们没料到会发现这么多。"可知,Steve Allen没想到在遥远的法国比利牛斯山脉会发现这么多的微塑料。可推知,他认为他们的发现是令人惊讶的。故选C。
13.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"The forces of nature don't distinguish (区分) between materials like stones and rocks, and plastics. Wind and waves hit plastics and break them down just the same, making them into dust that can then get swept up by the gentle wind and into the atmosphere. "大自然的力量无法区分石头、岩石和塑料等材料。风和海浪撞击塑料并将它们分解,使它们变成灰尘,然后被微风吹到大气中。可知,在本段我们可以了解到风是如何传播微塑料的。故选B。
14.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"Many of these materials were small enough to be breathed in without even realizing it. They're in the air, and they're everywhere. "这些物质中有许多小到可以被人吸入而不自知。它们在空气中,无处不在。可知,微塑料已经成为我们呼吸的空气中的一部分。故选C。
15.考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"A small pilot study recently took microplastics from one of Europe's most distant places, the French Pyrenees mountains, and found as many microplastics in the soil as you might expect from a big city like Paris. "最近,一项小型试点研究从欧洲最遥远的地方之一——法国比利牛斯山脉——采集了微塑料,在土壤中发现的微塑料数量与巴黎这样的大城市一样多;以及最后一段中的"The fact that microplastics can be found in large numbers even in distant places is a sign that is has become a global pollution problem. "即使在遥远的地方也能发现大量的微塑料,这一事实表明它已成为一个全球性的污染问题。可知,本文围绕一项有关微塑料的研究展开,研究人员在偏远地区如法国比利牛斯山脉也发现了数量惊人的微塑料。故选A。
16.根据空后"Think about how to make more money, how to solve a daily problem you have, interesting movie ideas' or anything else. It doesn't matter what subject your ideas fall into as long as you're working your brain. "想想如何赚更多的钱,如何解决你的日常问题,有趣的电影创意或其他任何事情。只要你在开动脑筋,你的想法属于哪个主题并不重要。可知,本段中列举了一些想法,且最后一句也是在说想法, B. Come up with 10 ideas every day. "每天想出10个主意。"符合语境,为本段的主题句。故选B。
17.根据空前"Read newspapers. "读报纸;以及空后"You'll learn to form your own opinions. You'll also have a lot more to talk about at parties or with friends."你将学会形成自己的观点。在聚会上或与朋友交谈时,你也会有更多的话题。列举读报纸的好处可知,该空也讲读报纸的好处, G. It will help you become more aware of the important things happening around the world. "这将帮助你更加了解世界各地发生的重要事情。"符合语境。故选G。
18.根据空前"Instead of watching TV, watch educational videos."与其看电视,不如看教育视频。;以及空后"And you can learn a lot from other people's experiences. In videos, the information is often presented in an understandable, memorable way, so you can be sure it will stick in your mind."你可以从别人的经历中学到很多东西。在视频中,信息通常以一种可以理解、令人难忘的方式呈现,所以你可以确信它会留在你的脑海中。进一步解释看教育视频的好处,F. Sometimes, it's more exciting to watch something than to read it."有时候,看东西比读东西更令人兴奋。"承上启下,符合语境。故选F。
19.根据空后"If you find someone to discuss something with, you can add to each other's knowledge and gain new ideas. Also, when you can explain ideas to someone else, it means you've mastered them. You can even share what you learn on the Internet."如果你找到一个人来讨论一些事情,你可以增加彼此的知识,获得新的想法。此外,当你能向别人解释想法时,就意味着你已经掌握了它们。你甚至可以在互联网上分享你学到的东西。可知,下文是在讲述与人分享想法的过程,D. Share what you learn with other people."与他人分享你学到的东西。"符合语境。故选D。
20.根据空前"Hang out with people who are smarter than you."和比你聪明的人在一起;以及空后"Every day, you should try to have a coffee date or walk with someone who inspires you."每天,你都应该试着和一个能激励你的人一起喝杯咖啡或散步;和"If you are always around people who are more knowledgeable than you, you'll have no choice but to learn more. "如果你身边总是有比你知识渊博的人,你将别无选择,只能学习更多。可知,本段主要讲和睿智的人尽可能多地相处, E. Spend as much time as you can with wise people. "尽可能多地与智者相处。"符合语境。故选E。
21.句意:10月,我对学生们说:"为什么不做点家务赚钱呢?然后我们给有需要的人买食物。"A. shopping"购物";B. reading"阅读";C. exercise"运动";D. housework"家务"。根据下文"they came with their hard-earned money at their homes "他们带着在家里辛苦赚来的钱。可知,孩子们是通过做家务赚的钱。故选D。
22.句意:然后在那个星期的早些时候,他们带着在家里辛苦赚来的钱,兴奋地去购物。A. nervous"紧张的";B. excited"兴奋的";C. unwilling"不愿意的";D. afraid"害怕的"。根据上文"Why not do some 1 to make some money Then we'll buy food for someone in need. "为什么不做点家务赚钱呢?然后我们给有需要的人买食物。可知,孩子们用辛苦赚来的钱去采购物品帮助别人,可得出孩子们的心情是兴奋的。故选B。
23.句意:我被打败了,允许他们买一些康乃馨。A. taught"教";B. forced"强迫";C. encouraged "鼓励";D. allowed"允许"。根据空前"Defeated (被打败了)"可知,在孩子们的恳求下,作者此时妥协了,允许他们买一些康乃馨。故选D。
24.句意:一家机构给我们提供了一位贫困的独居多年的老奶奶的信息。A. brave"勇敢的";B. poor "贫困的";C. reliable"可靠的";D. sick"生病的"。根据下文"a small, shabby (破旧的) house "一所破旧的小房子。可知,老奶奶生活贫困。故选B。
25.句意:经过漫长的车程,我们终于到达了一所破旧的小房子。A. finally"终于,最后";B. already "已经";C. suddenly"突然";D. hardly"几乎不"。根据空前"After a long drive"可知,开了很长时间的车后,终于到达了一所破旧的小房子。故选A。
26.句意:一位老太太出来欢迎我们。A. thank"感谢";B. guide"引导";C. help"帮助";D. welcome"欢迎"。根据语境可知,作者和孩子们来看望老奶奶,老奶奶出来欢迎他们。故选D。
27.句意:每个箱子都很快被搬了进来。A. carried in"搬进、携带";B. left behind"留下";C. sent back"退还";D. handed out"分发"。根据上文"Why not do some 1 to make some money Then we'll buy food for someone in need. "为什么不做点家务赚钱呢?然后我们给有需要的人买食物。可知,孩子们用辛苦赚来的钱去采购物品帮助有需要的人,看望老奶奶就是为了帮助她,送给老奶奶的"箱子"被搬进了房子。故选A。
28.句意:但当这位女士注意到康乃馨时,她似乎很惊讶。A. satisfied"满意的";B. worried"担心的";C. surprised"吃惊的";D. angry"生气的"。根据下文"‘She's wishing it were a bag of rice,‘ I thought. 她希望那是一袋米,"我想。可知,作者认为老奶奶想要一袋米,可得出老奶奶看到康乃馨后很吃惊。故选C。
29.句意:听到这个,老奶奶回答说:"当然。我很喜欢住在这里。"A. cried"喊叫";B. replied"回答";C. asked"问";D. complained"抱怨"。根据上文"‘Do you like living here ' Michael asked. ""你喜欢住在这里吗?"迈克尔问道。可知,老奶奶回答迈克尔的提问。故选B。
30.句意:她告诉孩子们,鸟儿成群结队地飞向她放出来的面包。A. hid away"躲藏";B. put out "把……拿到外面";C. picked up"捡起";D. brought in"引进"。根据下文"Because I 11 my food with the birds. "因为我和鸟儿……食物。可知,老奶奶喂鸟儿食物,可得出鸟儿飞向她拿到房子外的面包。故选B。
31.句意:"因为我和鸟儿分享食物。"A. cook"烹饪";B. find"找到";C. share"分享";D. buy "买"。根据上文"She told the children about the birds flying to the bread she 10  . "她告诉孩子们,鸟儿成群结队地飞向她放出来的面包。可知,老奶奶和鸟儿分享自己的食物。故选C。
32.句意:我们回到车上,看到她挥手告别。A. house"房子";B. woods"树林";C. car"汽车";D. store"商店"。根据上文"After a long drive"经过漫长的车程,可知,作者和孩子们是开车来的,此时是回到车上,看见老奶奶挥手告别。故选C。
33.句意:他们看到了自己有能力让别人的生活变得更好。A. power"能力";B. time"时间";C. money"金钱";D. desire"愿望"。根据上文"She put her face in the carnations, with a smile on her lips."她把脸放在康乃馨里,嘴唇上挂着微笑。可知,因为康乃馨,老奶奶变得幸福,孩子们看到了自己有能力让别人的生活变得更好。故选A。
34.句意:他们看到了自己有能力让别人的生活变得更好。A. healthier"更健康的";B. deeper"更深的";C. longer"更长的";D. better"更好的"。根据上文"She put her face in the carnations, with a smile on her lips. "她把脸放在康乃馨里,嘴唇上挂着微笑。可知,因为康乃馨,老奶奶变得幸福,生活将变得更好。故选D。
35.句意:我也看到了一些东西——有时一个人在寒冷的冬天需要可爱的花。A. food"食物";B. birds "鸟";C. flowers"花";D. kids"孩子"。根据上文语境可知,作者刚开始不同意孩子们买花,后来看到老奶奶高兴的样子,作者意识到:有时候,在寒冷的冬天,人们需要美丽的花儿来照亮生活。故选C。
【答案】36.to green;37.of;38.made;39.who;40.announced;41.activities;42.has been observed;43.a;44.absolutely;45.satisfaction
36.句意:在这一天,全中国的人们会带着铁锹、木桶和小树,去绿化他们的家乡。此处不定式作目的状语,故填to green。
37.句意:事实上,中国的植树节可以追溯到孙中山(1866—1925)的提议,当时清明节(4月5日)被定为植树节。as a matter of fact固定短语,"事实上"。故填of。
39.句意:然而,在中国南方,4月5日是一个较晚的植树时间,所以改为3月12日,以纪念在3月12日去世的孙中山。 passed away on March 12th是非限制性定语从句,对先行词Sun Yat-sen作补充说明,先行词指人,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词who。故填who。
40.句意:1979年2月,中华人民共和国第五届全国人民代表大会宣布将3月12日定为植树节,要求全国在3月12日开展植树活动。此处是谓语动词,结合时间状语In February 1979可知,此处在叙述过去发生的事情,时态应用一般过去时。故填announced。
42.句意:近年来,中国人有在春天植树的传统。此处是谓语动词,结合时间状语In recent years可知,时态应用现在完成时,observe和主语tradition之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,且主语是单数,助动词应用has。故填has been observed。
46.【答案】Dear friends,
I'm Li Hua. I'm very honoured to give a speech on music.
As you know, there are various kinds of music in the world, such as pop music, country music, rock music, jazz and so on. I have fallen in love with music since I was a little girl. My favourite is light music, because it is relaxing and graceful. Every time I listen to music, I would like to sing and dance to it, which will put me in a good mood and have a sense of happiness. Now music is an important part in my life.
That's all. Thank you!
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生以高中生李华的身份 写一篇演讲稿参赛 。写作背景:你们学校的英文报正在举办以音乐为主题的演讲比赛。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: 1.你喜欢的音乐;2.音乐给你带来的好处。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如: I'm very honoured to give a speech on music.运用了不定式作原因状语;As you know, there are various kinds of music in the world, such as pop music, country music, rock music, jazz and so on. 运用了非限制性定语从句,there be句式;I have fallen in love with music since I was a little girl. 运用了时间状语从句; My favourite is light music, because it is relaxing and graceful. 运用了原因状语从句; Every time I listen to music, I would like to sing and dance to it, which will put me in a good mood and have a sense of happiness. 运用了时间状语从句,非限制性定语从句。
47.【答案】Paragraph 1:
Everyone did as Mr Smith asked them to. They all said "Sorry, Jodie", but Jodie could tell they didn't really mean it. She also knew nobody wanted to write her father a nice letter. She wished Mr Smith hadn't made them do it. Her face was burning red and she felt like crying. Mr Smith came to her desk and patted her shoulder, saying "Let's go out in the hall while everyone is writing those letters, so we can have a private talk." Jodie followed him out to the hall.
Paragraph 2:
Jodie started crying out. She was embarrassed. She didn't want to cry in front of everybody, but she couldn't hold back her tears any more. Mr Smith was tall. He knelt and gave her his handkerchief. "I'm sorry that this happened," he said. "But remember, hard work done well is something to be proud of. We all should be grateful to garbage men." The teacher's words cheered Jodie up, and she felt proud of her father.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:They all said "Sorry, Jodie", but Jodie could tell they didn't really mean it. 运用了转折并列句,宾语从句; She also knew nobody wanted to write her father a nice letter. 运用了宾语从句; She wished Mr Smith hadn't made them do it. 运用了宾语从句,虚拟语气; Her face was burning red and she felt like crying. 运用了并列句; Mr Smith came to her desk and patted her shoulder, saying "Let's go out in the hall while everyone is writing those letters, so we can have a private talk." 运用了现在分词作状语,祈使句,省略to的不定式作宾补,因果并列句; She didn't want to cry in front of everybody, but she couldn't hold back her tears any more.运用了转折并列句;"I'm sorry that this happened," he said. 运用了宾语从句;The teacher's words cheered Jodie up, and she felt proud of her father.运用了并列句。
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