

名称 河南省许昌市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末教学质量检测英语试卷(含解析)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-02 23:08:25



Some libraries use unique architecture to encourage visitors to settle down with a new book. No matter how they achieve it, these famous libraries are keeping the magic of reading alive.
Biblioteca Sandro Penna (Italy)
In a country known for classical architecture and historical buildings, Biblioteca Sandro Penna stands out for its modern beauty. Housing books and multimedia, this library was built in 2004. Its name comes from a local poet. It is easily identifiable by its round pink glass top like a flying saucer (碟状物).
Beach Library (Bulgaria)
Reading a book on the beach is a classic, and in Bulgaria, one library encourages tourists to do just that. The white shelves are weather-resistant. They have 6,000 books in 15 languages, so every visitor can find the perfect beach read to enjoy while soaking up the sun’s rays.
The Camel Library Service (Kenya)
To fight with low literacy rates in the desert of Kenya, the government created a mobile library composed of nine camels bringing books to villages. The library travels four days a week, serving the region’s nomadic people (游牧人) Currently the service focuses on children, but they plan to increase their reach both in distance and the titles they carry.
Seikei University Library (Japan)
Libraries are usually known for their quiet atmosphere, but this one encourages readers to have a chat. Shigeru Ban designed the library with free-standing soundproofed pods (隔音舱) to respect those who need uninterrupted study, while also being beneficial to other methods of learning; they serve as perfect spots for study groups and lively discussions.
1.Which library is famous for its modern design
A. Biblioteca Sandro Penna. B. Beach Library.
C. The Camel Library Service. D. Seikei University Library.
2.What can people do while reading at the Beach Library
A. Enjoy the sunshine. B. Create handcrafts.
C. Ride camels. D. Observe flying saucers.
3.What is special about the Seikei University Library
A. It is on a beach. B. It is mobile.
C. It is made of pink glass. D. It encourages conversation.
I burst out laughing as I held up the hat I had just finished knitting. It was my first attempt at knitting. I made a mistake somewhere along the way, and the hat I wanted to make for myself turned out too small to fit me or anyone else.
I worked at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital. It was a stressful job and humor was always appreciated. I sewed a little flower onto the side of the hat and brought it to work the next day. We team members all had a good laugh at my mini hat and got back to our patients. I stuck the hat in a drawer and forgot about it.
Days later, a 4-year-old girl came in for an echocardiogram (超声心动图). She was wearing a knit cap with a baby doll in her arms. Her facial expression obviously showed she didn’t believe me. So I offered her the transducer, so she could take pictures of her doll’s heart. Not interested. I made animals with the ultrasound gel (超声波凝胶). She would have none of it. When I asked whether her dolly had a name, she threw her doll to the floor, and I saw my chance. I picked up the doll and straightened her dress.
“I know it’s kind of scary to have this test,” I said to the doll, “but I promise it won’t hurt. What — your head is cold You wish you had a hat ”
I pulled the hat from my drawer and slipped it onto the doll’s bald head. It was a perfect fit. The girl smiled and the rest of the check went well. I have never seen her again since she left, but I wonder how she is doing every time I knit a new hat. My skills have improved with each one.
4.Which of the following can best describe paragraph 1
A. Well begun is half done. B. Mistakes are hardly avoided.
C. Things don’t always go as planned. D. Laughing is the best medicine.
5.What did the author intend to do with the little girl
A. To gain her trust. B. To give her some medicine.
C. To look after her. D. To make her smile.
6.What happened to the author’s knitting hat
A. It was too big for the author. B. It was put in a drawer forever.
C. It was given to the girl’s doll. D. It was thrown away by the girl.
7.What is the best title for the text
A. A Hat Enriched Your Life B. A Hat Brought Much Fun
C. A Hat Could Give Courage D. A Hat Made a Great Difference
When a falcon (猎鹰) strikes, how does a flock of pigeons (一群鸽子) react According to a classic opinion, every pigeon just tries to get into the middle of the flock, so that the falcon takes some other unfortunate pigeons. But that idea isn’t easy to test. Every falcon strike is different: some start a little higher than others or from a different position, and all these differences can affect how the pigeons react. Therefore, Daniel Sankey, a behavioral ecologist now at the University of Exeter in the UK, turned to a robot.
“We thought of it as a very controlled way to conduct this study,” Sankey said. “You could make sure that the falcon was always exactly 20 meters behind when the pigeons were moving freely, which made it repeatable.” What’s more, he noted, the robot was safer for the pigeons. “I know a trained falcon in the past has absolutely killed a flock of pigeons.”
With the help of a robotic falcon — exactly like a real falcon in appearance, except for the propellers (螺旋桨) that drive it — Sankey repeatedly attacked a flock of homing pigeons, while tracking each bird’s position by GPS. Different from the classic opinion, the pigeons were no more likely to move to the middle of the flock when under attack than when unmolested, he found.
Instead, Sankey’s study showed that the pigeons mostly tried to fly in the same direction as they got together, so that the flock moved suddenly in the same manner to avoid being attacked, leaving no chance for the falcon to pick one of them off. “This suggests that by getting together with each other, pigeons run away from the falcon as a group, so no one gets eaten,” he said.
8.What will a pigeon flock do when they’re attacked according to a classic idea
A. They will fly in different directions.
B. They will fly to the middle of the flock.
C. They will fly as high as possible.
D. They will fly in the same direction.
9.Why did Sankey turn to a robotic falcon for help
A. It was harmless and exact.
B. It moved faster than a real falcon.
C. It helped pigeons get together.
D. It could find pigeons’ positions correctly.
10.What does the underlined word “unmolested” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Unprotected. B. Unpunished. C. Unthreatened. D. Uncovered.
11.What can be inferred about the pigeons from the text
A. They aren’t afraid of robotic falcons.
B. They are good at discovering possible dangers.
C. They don’t care about their companions.
D. They actually hold together when under attack.
Although midnight snacks or being too tired to exercise could make people get fatter, there may now be a more scientific reason. A study has shown short or restless sleep changes the way people’s DNA (脱氧核糖核酸) works and makes the body store fat. Fat stores begin to rise when people lose as little as one night’s sleep, according to the study.
Sleep researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden did a study on people after two lab tests — in one they slept for over eight hours and in the other they did not sleep at all. Researchers then examined the make-up of fat and muscle tissue (肌肉组织), as well as measuring sugar levels in the blood.
The researchers found the way their DNA works had changed. After just one night of sleeplessness, the body began to store more fat and stop building muscle strength, which appears to be related to a break in cells’ circadian rhythms—commonly known as the body clock. Sleep loss was already known to contribute to overweight. But these scientists say they are the first to ever notice the physical changes that lead to putting on weight. Now they find it could be related to the body clock.
”We find that the tissue is attempting to increase its ability to store fat following sleep loss,” said study author Jonathan Cedernaes. “We observed signs of breakdown of muscle. We also noted changes in levels of proteins (蛋白质) involved controlling blood sugar, This could help explain why people’s sugar sensitivity was damaged following sleep loss. Taken together, these observations may partially explain why long-term sleep loss can increase the risk of putting on weight as well as the risk of serious diseases.”
The researchers think their findings are important because high levels of body fat increase the risk of the world’s biggest causes of death: cancer and heart disease.
12.What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us
A. The purpose of the study. B. The process of experiments.
C. Different views on the study. D. The results of the study.
13.What can we learn from the study
A. Fat provides energy for our bodies.
B. The body clock can be damaged by sleep loss.
C. DNA can be easily destroyed by bad habits.
D. The connection between fat and muscle is strong.
14.What may Jonathan Cedernaes agree with
A. Heart disease is caused by poor sleep.
B. Sleep loss has nothing to do with muscle strength.
C. Overwork prevents people from sleeping well.
D. Long-term sleep loss can lead to serious diseases.
15.What is the main idea of the text
A. Lack of sleep makes people fatter and weaker.
B. Building muscle strength is important.
C. Some factors affect the way DNA works.
D. The body clock plays a role in sleep management.
16.People have been adding colorings (色素) to their food for thousands of years. This tradition is widely thought to have taken place in Egyptian cities as early as 1500 BC. ①______ With time going by, food colorings grew more and more popular.
At one point, all food colorings got their colors from natural sources. ②______ Insects and rocks were also often used as sources of food colorings. The natural world still remains a common source of many of today’s commercial colorings.
Nowadays, scientists have also developed artificial (人造的) food colorings. These colorings have many advantages. For example, in many cases, it’s less expensive to create colors artificially. In addition, with artificial food colorings, people can create especially bright colors or colors hard to find in nature, such as blue. ③______
Whether food colorings come naturally or artificially, there are health and safety concerns about them. ④______ But they have been removed from the market due to health concerns, and some people thus try to avoid food colorings. However, avoiding food colorings can actually be quite difficult.
⑤______ Many governments around the world limit the types of things that can be used in food colorings. And different countries have different labeling (贴标签) systems for food colorings, which allow people to be clear what food coloring it is. Many countries also make certain rules and laws to deal with adding and creating food colorings illegally.
A. All food colorings come from two sources.
B. Some food colorings are not good for our health.
C. Plants, like flowers, were very common examples.
D. Several food colorings were once recognised as safe.
E. As a result, artificial food colorings are widely used.
F. Measures thus have been taken for food colorings’ safety.
G. At that time, candy makers used colorings to improve products’ appearance.
In many ways, Mars is like Earth’s twin. But in many more ways, Mars is nothing like Earth. Mars was once a 1 world. But what happened to Mars And most 2 , did life once exist on this Red Planet On August 5, 2012, NASA’s Curiosity rover (探测器) landed on Mars. Its mission: to 3 whether Mars was once a place where living things could 4 .
The rover started its 5 in a place called Gale Crater. It’s a huge crater (坑), stretching 154 kilometers wide. In the center is a mountain called Mount Sharp. NASA let the rove 6 there because Gale Crater used to hold a 7 filled with water. After the rover got there, it 8 some rocks in Gale Crater with onboard instruments. And it found minerals that had water 9 up in it. With the 10 the rover collected, the science and engineering teams on Earth were able to 11 that Gale Crater was once a lake.
One of the 12 the rover brought to Mars was a laser (激光器). It was used to study the composition of rocks and found molecules (分子) which contain oxygen. The rover’s 13 in Mars’rocks tells scientists that at some 14 in Mars’past, there was a lot of oxygen in the atmosphere, which is a 15 for most life.
Do you know what most living things need Water and oxygen! Where there was water and oxygen, there might have been life.
17.A. watery B. dusty C. sandy D. grassy
18.A. quickly B. certainly C. dangerously D. mysteriously
19.A. get over B. make up C. look for D. figure out
20.A. grow B. survive C. move D. gather
21.A. journey B. goal C. performance D. struggle
22.A. hang B. work C. land D. pull
23.A. street B. plate C. pool D. lake
24.A. broke B. analyzed C. obtained D. adjusted
25.A. waken B. lifted C. lit D. locked
26.A. data B. tips C. tricks D. tests
27.A. admit B. invent C. confirm D. accept
28.A. tools B. projects C. orders D. facts
29.A. success B. attempt C. discovery D. position
30.A. length B. level C. height D. point
31.A. sign B. rule C. will D. must
32.China once faced a series of environmental problems and they ①________(severe) threatened food safety and people’s health. However, over the past decade China has broken away from that situation. From the Ministry of Ecology and Environment came the ②________ (encourage) news: the proportion (比例) of Grade I-III water sections in China increased by 23.3 percentage points, ③________ means 84.9 percent of water was between the national nature reserves level ④________ swimming zones level. Two-thirds of China’s incremental energy consumption ⑤________(be) from clean energy. The share of coal in primary energy consumption dropped ⑥________ 68.5 percent to 56 percent and national carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP fell by 34.4 percent.
In September 2020, the Chinese government released an action plan that we will get carbon dioxide emissions ⑦________ (peak) before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. In 2021, China’s 339 ⑧________ (city) on average enjoyed 87.5 percent of days with good air quality. “Zero import” of solid waste ⑨________ (realize). 18 percent of China’s land area was set aside for nature reserves. China leads the world in the scale of renewable energy development and ⑩________ (apply). It tops the chart in production and sales of new energy vehicles.
33.假定你是李华,是校学生会主席。你校即将举办一场英文诗朗诵比赛(The English Poetry Recitation Contest)。请根据下面的写作提示,给你校的外教Chris写一封邮件,邀请他担任评委。内容包括:
1. 比赛的时间、地点;
2. 需要做的事情。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Mr Chris,
Li Hua
On a bright sunny day, I started my first day of volunteering at the L.A. Food Bank. My reason to volunteer at the food bank was to satisfy my need to help others and leave a change. This was my opportunity to make a positive impact in the world along with others who enjoy volunteering.
As I entered the food bank, there were lots of people there. They waited in lines to check in with coordinators (协调员). Everybody volunteering began heading quickly to their assigned duties after checking in. I started to get excited when I realized my opportunity to encounter and work with a diverse group of people. This experience allowed me to make connections with people of different backgrounds.
Coordinators assigned me to repackage donated food items. When I packed the donated food into a bag, I must make sure each bag had to contain the correct amount of food. I also must place food into bags quickly before the table would get overcrowded. My task also required a lot of focus when trying to work quickly with my hands. However, I thought all the hard work and effort would be worth it.
We worked together as a team to ensure that our task was going effectively. While doing my task, some volunteers around me sighed, “There are still many boxes of food that need to be unloaded though we tried our best to work at a fast-pace.” I felt like we all had a common goal of helping others, but the problem was that there weren’t enough volunteers. In fact, we needed more people to deal with the food, which couldn’t be kept for too long. Without enough volunteers, much food would go bad.
However, where could we find more volunteers I decided to have a try to persuade some people to help deal with the food.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
After a busy morning, I decided to eat something in a restaurant.
I walked towards them and wanted them to join us.
解析:细节理解题。根据Biblioteca Sandro Penna(Italy)部分中“In a country known for classical architecture and historical buildings, Biblioteca Sandro Penna stands out for its modern beauty.(在一个以古典建筑和历史建筑闻名的国家,桑德罗·佩纳图书馆以其现代之美脱颖而出)”可知,桑德罗·佩纳图书馆以现代设计著名,故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据Beach Library (Bulgaria)部分中“They have 6,000 books in 15 languages, so every visitor can find the perfect beach read to enjoy while soaking up the sun's rays.(这里有15种语言的6000本图书,所以每位游客都可以在享受阳光的同时找到完美的海滩读物)”可知,游客在海滩图书馆可以享受到阳光,故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据Seikei University Library (Japan)部分中“Libraries are usually known for their quiet atmosphere, but this one encourages readers to have a chat.(图书馆通常以其安静的氛围而闻名,但这家图书馆鼓励读者聊天)”可知,成蹊大学图书馆的特殊之处在于它鼓励聊天,故选D。
解析:推理判断题。由文章第一段中I burst out laughing as I held up the hat I had just finished knitting.It was my first attempt at knitting.I made a mistake somewhere along the way, and the hat I wanted to make for myself turned out too small to fit me or anyone else.(我举起刚织好的帽子,哈哈大笑起来。这是我第一次尝试编织。在这个过程中,我犯了一个错误,我想为自己做的帽子太小了,不适合我或任何人。)可知,作者在编织帽子的过程中出现了错误,导致帽子太小无法佩戴。这说明事情并不总是如计划般进行。故选C。
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段Her facial expression obviously showed she didn't believe me(她的面部表情表明她不信任我)可知表明作者的意图是建立信任。故选A。
解析:细节理解题。由最后一段中的I pulled the hat from my drawer and slipped it onto the doll's bald head.It was a perfect fit.The girl smiled and the rest of the check went well. (我从抽屉里拿出帽子,戴在娃娃的光头上。这简直是天作之合。女孩笑了,接下来的检查很顺利。)可知,作者把编织的帽子从抽屉里拿出来,戴在了小女孩的娃娃头上,因此,帽子被送给了女孩的娃娃。故选C。
解析:标题归纳题。通读全文,尤其是由文章最后一段I pulled the hat from my drawer and slipped it onto the doll's bald head.It was a perfect fit.The girl smiled and the rest of the check went well.I have never seen her again since she left,but I wonder how she is doing every time I knit a new hat. My skills have improved with each one.(我从抽屉里拿出帽子,戴在娃娃的光头上。这简直是天作之合。女孩笑了,接下来的检查很顺利。自从她离开后,我再也没有见过她,但每次我织一顶新帽子,我都想知道她过得怎么样。我的技能每一次都在提高。)可知,文章讲述了一顶编织帽从一个失败的作品转变为带给小女孩和她的娃娃安慰的故事,它不仅让小女孩在紧张的医疗检查中感到安心,也让原本的工作氛围变得轻松。这顶帽子虽小,却产生了巨大的正面影响。因此,最适合的标题是D"A Hat Made a Great Difference(一顶帽子带来了巨大的不同)"。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“According to a classic opinion, every pigeon just tries to get into the middle of the flock, so that the falcon takes some other unfortunate pigeons.(根据一种经典的观点,每只鸽子都想挤到鸽群中间,这样猎鹰就会带走其他一些不幸的鸽子)”可知,根据一种经典的观点,当受到攻击时,每只鸽子都想挤到鸽群中间,故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“‘You could make sure that the falcon was always exactly 20 meters behind when the pigeons were moving freely, which made it repeatable.’What's more, he noted, the robot was safer for the pigeons.(‘当鸽子自由移动时,你可以确保猎鹰总是在正好20米的地方,这使得它可以重复。’更重要的是,他指出,机器人对鸽子来说更安全)”可知,Sankey求助于机器猎鹰是因为它对鸽子没有伤害且精准,故选A。
解析:词义猜测题。根据划线词前“when under attack than...(在受到攻击时比……)”可知,此处是将鸽子受到攻击和没受到攻击进行对比,unmolested意为“未受威胁”,故选C。
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“Instead, Sankey's study showed that the pigeons mostly tried to fly in the same direction as they got together, so that the flock moved suddenly in the same manner to avoid being attacked, leaving no chance for the falcon to pick one of them off. 'This suggests that by getting together with each other, pigeons run away from the falcon as a group, so no one gets eaten,' he said.(相反,Sankey的研究表明,当鸽子聚集在一起时,它们大多试图朝同一个方向飞行,所以鸽子群会以同样的方式突然移动,以避免受到攻击,让猎鹰没有机会把其中一只啄下来。他说:‘这表明,鸽子聚在一起,成群结队地逃离猎鹰,所以没有一只被吃掉。’)”可推知,鸽子在受到攻击时能团结在一起,故选D。
解析:细节理解题。由文章第二段的“in one they slept for over eight hours and in the other they did not sleep at all. Researchers then examined the make -up of fat and muscle tissue , as well as measuring sugar levels in the blood.”(其中一次他们睡了八个多小时,另一次他们根本没睡。研究人员随后检查了脂肪和肌肉组织的组成,以及测量血液中的糖水平。)可知,本段主要介绍了本次实验的操作过程,故选B项。
解析:细节理解题。由文章第三段第二句“After just one night of sleeplessness, the body began to store more fat and stop building muscle strength, which appears to be related to a break in cells' circadian rhythms-commonly known as the body clock.”(仅仅一夜失眠后,身体就开始储存更多的脂肪,并停止增强肌肉力量,这似乎与细胞昼夜节律(通常称为生物钟)的中断有关。)可知,睡眠不足会中断人的生物钟,故选B项。
解析:细节理解题。由文章第四段末句“Taken together, these observations may partially explain why long-term sleep loss can increase the risk of putting on weight as well as the risk of serious diseases.”(总之,这些观察结果可能部分解释了为什么长期睡眠不足会增加体重增加的风险以及患严重疾病的风险。)可知,他认为长期睡眠减少会导致严重疾病,故选D项。
解析:主旨大意题。纵观全文以及首段的“A study has shown short or restless sleep changes the way people's DNA works and makes the body store fat. Fat stores begin to rise when people lose as little as one night's sleep, according to the study.”(一项研究表明,短暂或不安的睡眠会改变人们的DNA工作方式,并使身体储存脂肪。研究表明,当人们睡眠不足一晚时,脂肪储备就会开始增加。)可知,本文主要介绍了一项研究结果,即,缺乏睡眠会使人变胖;由第三题可知,睡眠不足会使身体变弱,导致疾病,故选A项。
解析:①语境衔接题。根据上文This tradition is widely thought to have taken place in Egyptian cities as early as 1500 BC.(人们普遍认为,这一传统早在公元前1500年就在埃及的城市中出现了)可知,在食物中添加色素的传统早在公元前1500年就在埃及的城市中出现了,结合下文With time going by, food colorings grew more and more popular(随着时间的推移,食用色素越来越受欢迎)(可知,空处是描述公元前1500年添加色素的情况,G项At that time,candy makers used colorings to improve products' appearance.(当时,糖果制造商使用色素来改善产品的外观)符合语境,故选G。
②语境衔接题。根据上文At one point,all food colorings got their colors from natural sources.(曾经有一段时间,所有的食用色素都是天然色素)可知,曾经有一段时间,所有的食用色素都是天然色素,结合下文Insects and rocks were also often used as sources of food colorings.(昆虫和岩石也经常被用作食用色素的来源)可知,空处和下文并列,都是对天然色素举例,C项Plants,like flowers,were very common examples.(植物,比如花,就是很常见的例子)符合语境,故选C。
③联系上文题。根据上文In addition, with artificial food colorings, people can create especially bright colors or colors hard to find in nature,such as blue.(此外,使用人工食用色素,人们可以创造出特别明亮的颜色或在自然界中很难找到的颜色,比如蓝色)可知,描述人工色素的优势,E项As a result,artificial food colorings are widely used.(因此,人工食用色素被广泛使用)承接上文,符合语境,因为有诸多优点,故被广泛使用,故选E。
④联系下文题。根据下文的转折But they have been removed from the market due to health concerns, and some people thus try to avoid food colorings.(但出于对健康的考虑,它们已经从市场上撤下,因此一些人试图避免食用色素)可知,空处应是提及对健康没有威胁的色素,虽然有些色素是安全的,但是出于对健康的考虑,它们已经从市场上撤下,D项Several food colorings were once recognised as safe.(有几种食用色素一度被认为是安全的)符合语境,故选D。
⑤联系下文题。根据下文Many governments around the world limit the types of things that can be used in food colorings.And different countries have different labeling (贴标签)systems for food colorings, which allow people to be clear what food coloring it is.Many countries also make certain rules and laws to deal with adding and creating food colorings illegally.(世界上许多国家的政府都限制了食用色素的种类。不同的国家对食用色素有不同的标签制度,这让人们清楚地知道它是什么食用色素。许多国家还制定了一些法规和法律来处理非法添加和制造食用色素的问题)可知,本段是讲述世界上很多国家对于色素安全采取的措施,F项Measures thus have been taken for food colorings' safety.(因此,对食用色素的安全采取了措施)符合语境,故选F。
解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.watery水的,含水的;B.dusty布满灰尘的;C.sandy含沙的;D.grassy长满草的。句意:火星曾经是一个水的世界。根据下文"Gale Crater used to hold a (7) filled with water"提到火星上的Gale Crater有很多水可知,火星曾经是一个水的世界,故选A。
解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.quickly快速地;B.certainly当然;C.dangerously危险地;D.mysteriously神秘地。句意:最神秘的是,这颗红色星球上曾经存在生命吗 结合下文"did life once exist on this Red Planet "以及下文"Its mission: to (3) whether Mars was once a place where living things could (4)"提到任务是探测火星上是否有生命可知,此处指最神秘的是,这颗红色星球上曾经存在生命吗 故选D。
解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.get over克服;B.make up构成;C.look for寻找;D.figure out弄清楚。句意:它的任务是:弄清楚火星是否曾经是生物可以生存的地方。下文"whether Mars was once a place"表示疑问,故此处指任务是弄清楚火星是否曾经有生命,故选D。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.grow长大,成长;B.survive生存;C.move移动;D.gather聚集。句意:它的任务是:弄清楚火星是否曾经是生物可以生存的地方。结合上文"did life once exist on this Red Planet "可知,此处指火星是否曾经是生物可以生存的地方,故选B。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.journey旅程;B.goal目标;C.performance表演;D.struggle挣扎。句章·探测器从Gale Crater开始了它的旅程。上文"NASA's Curiosity rover (探测器)landed on Mars"提到,好奇号探测器降落在火星上,此处指它从Gale Crater开始了它的旅程,故选A。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.hang悬挂;B.work工作;C.land降落,着陆,D.pull拉。句意:美国宇航局让探测器在那里着陆是因为Gale Crater曾经有一个充满水的湖泊。根据上文"NASA's Curiosity rover(探测器) landed on Mars"以及"The rover started its (5) in a place called Gale Crater."可知,探测器在火星上的Gale Crater着陆,故选C。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.street街道;B.plate盘子;C.pool水池;D.lake湖泊。句意:美国宇航局让探测器在那里着陆是因为Gale Crater曾经有一个充满水的湖泊。根据空后"filled with water"以及本段末句中"Gale Crater was once a lake"可知,Gale Crater曾经有一个充满水的湖泊,故选D。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.broke打破;B.analyzed分析;C.obtained获得;D.adjusted调整。句意:探测器到达那里后,用机载仪器分析了Gale Crater的一些岩石。根据"some rocks in Gale Crater with on board instruments"以及下文"And it found minerals…"可知,此处指用机载仪器分析了Gale Crater的一些岩石,并有所发现,故选B。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.waken醒来;B.lifted举起; C.lit点燃; D.locked锁, 使固定。句意:它发现了含有水分的矿物质。关系代词that指代minerals,指里面锁有水分的矿物质,故选D。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.data数据;B.tips建议;C.tricks技巧;D.tests测试。句意:根据探测器收集的数据,地球上的科学和工程团队能够确认Gale Crater曾经是一个湖泊。根据上文提到分析岩石以及空后"the rover collected"可知,此处指探测器收集的数据,故选A。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.admit承认;B.invent发明;C.confirm确认;D.accept接受。句意:根据探测器收集的数据,地球上的科学和工程团队能够确认Gale Crater曾经是一个湖泊。根据"Gale Crater was once a lake."可知,此处指根据数据能够确认Gale Crater曾经是一个湖泊,故选C。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.tools工具;B.projects项目,工程;C.orders订单,命令;D.facts事实。句意:火星车带到火星的工具之一是激光。根据"a laser(激光器)“可知,此处指工具,故选A。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.success成功;B.attempt尝试;C.discovery发现;D.position位置。句意:探测器在火星岩石中的发现告诉科学家,在火星过去的某个时刻,大气中有大量的氧气,这是大多数生命所必需的。根据上文"And it found minerals that had water (9) up in it."以及空后"tells scientists"可知,此处指探测器在火星岩石中的发现告诉科学家火星上曾经有氧气,故选C。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.length长度;B.level水平;C.height高度;D.point点,时刻。句意:探测器在火星岩石中的发现告诉科学家,在火星过去的某个时刻,大气中有大量的氧气,这是大多数生命所必需的。根据空后"in Mars' past"可知,此处指在火星过去的某些时候,at some point"在某些时候",故选D。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.sign标志;B.rule规则;C.will意愿;D.must必要条件,必须要做的事。句意:探测器在火星岩石中的发现告诉科学家,在火星过去的某个时刻,大气中有大量的氧气,这是大多数生命所必需的。which指代先行词oxygen,结合空后"for most life"和常识可知,氧气是大多数生命所必需的,故选D。
32.答案:①severely②encouraging③which④and⑤was⑥from⑦to peak⑧cities⑨was realized⑩application
⑤考查时态和主谓一致。句意:中国新增能源消费的三分之二来自清洁能源。结合上下文时态可知,文章使用的是一般过去时,主语Two-thirds of China's incremental energy consumption表示单数意义,故填was。
⑦考查非谓语动词。句意:2020年9月,中国政府发布了2030年前实现二氧化碳排放峰值、2060年前实现碳中和的行动计划。此处使用get sb/sth to do,表示“使某人/某物最终或逐渐达到……地步(或程度)”,故填to peak。
⑨考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:实现固体废物“零进口”。主语"Zero import" of solid waste和动词realize之间是被动关系,且句子是描述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语表示单数意义,故填was realized。
Mr Chris,
On behalf of the Student Union, I am writing to invite you to serve as a judge at our school’s English Poetry Reciting Contest.
The contest is scheduled to be held between 2: 30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. in the school lecture centre on 10th, October. You are expected to introduce all the judges briefly and give a speech at the opening ceremony. And of course, you need to make some brief comments on the performance of every participant.
I’d appreciate it if you could accept my invitation. Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
解析:高分句型一: On behalf of the Student Union, I am writing to invite you to serve as a judge at our school's English Poetry Reciting Contest.
分析:这句话使用了介词短语on behalf of意为"代表"。
高分句型二:I'd appreciate it if you could accept my invitation.
分析:这句话使用了固定句型I'd appreciate it if ...意为"如果……我会很感激"。
After a busy morning, I decided to eat something in a nearby restaurant. Suddenly, an idea struck me. Why not use this break to spread awareness and encourage others to volunteer I quickly finished my meal and headed back to the food bank, determined to find a way to bring more helpers to our cause. Armed with a renewed sense of purpose, I ventured into the bustling streets nearby the food bank. My eyes scanned the crowds, looking for potential volunteers. A group of young adults, chatting and laughing outside a coffee shop, caught my attention.
I walked towards them and wanted them to join us. With a smile on my face, I walked towards them, introducing myself and explaining the situation at the food bank. “Hi there! I’m volunteering at the L.A. Food Bank today, and we’re in dire need of more hands to help us sort and distribute donated food. Would any of you be interested in joining us ” One by one, they nodded in agreement, and before I knew it, we were walking back to the food bank together, ready to make a difference.
2.续写线索: 吃饭有想法——开始行动——找到年轻人——提出请求——成功号召
①寻找:look for/search for
③吃完:finish/eat up
①需要:in dire need of/desire
[高分句型1] My eyes scanned the crowds, looking for potential volunteers.(运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] One by one, they nodded in agreement, and before I knew it, we were walking back to the food bank together, ready to make a difference.(运用了before引导时间状语从句)