人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 5 Poems 周末巩固检测(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 5 Poems 周末巩固检测(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 43.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-03 18:16:05


PART 1 Reading and Thinking
I. 根据提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。
1. It was Chaucer who really turned English into a(n) __________ (有文学作品特征的) language.
2. After a brief involvement in __________ (戏剧), he concentrated on his main interest — poetry.
3. These are some examples of the most d__________ poems written by members of the school poetry club.
4. The 40 selected poems which feature geographic locations in the state will be published along with a map identifying each poem with its r__________ location.
II. 写出所给单词在下列各句中的词性及中文释义。
1. rhyme
① In his efforts to make his poem rhyme, he seems to have chosen the first word that came into his head. __________ __________
② Eileen began her speech with a rhyme she had written during her time on the farm. __________ __________
2. amateur
① As an amateur poet, he's not looking to write a poem which will be published in a magazine or become part of a book. __________ __________
② The competition encourages beginners or amateurs with no professional experience to produce new works. __________ __________
3. format
① The key elements that distinguish poetry from other kinds of literature include sound, rhythm, rhyme, and format. __________ __________
② Select the text you want to format by holding down the left button on your mouse. __________ __________
4. comprehension
① Poetry doesn't always have to be serious or have deep meanings beyond comprehension. __________ __________
② A reading comprehension can be in the student's first or second language. __________ __________
III. 英汉互译。
1. I really like the imagery of the words and the diamond shape of your poem.
2. 当你悲伤的时候,你可以背诵一首积极的诗来提升你的情绪。(sorrow, recite, mood)
3. 昨晚的节目由民间舞蹈、诗歌朗诵和讲故事组成。 (be made up of, folk)
PART 2 Learning About Language
I. 选用方框内合适的内容并用其正确形式完成下列句子(每项限用一次)。
sympathy, correspond, innocent, civilian, version
1. His award-winning poem was written for the __________ victims of war.
2. The poet showed her __________ for the miserable mother in her new poem.
3. The Chinese __________ of the collection of his poems is due for publication next year.
4. The safety of __________ caught up in the fighting must be guaranteed.
5. To mark National Poetry Day, Steve Braunias is publishing his __________ with one of the world's most celebrated poets.
II. 用正确的关系词完成下面短文。
Kevin McManus, a Leitrim poet and writer, published a poem entitled Lost Souls as part of his poetry collection called Spirits in the Forest in 2020. According to Kevin, the reason 1. __________ he wrote the poem was to capture the tragedy (悲剧) of homelessness in some small way.
Kevin moved to England in the late 1950s. He worked in motorway construction with many young Irish men, some of 2. __________ gradually spent more and more time in the pubs probably because they were lonely and homesick. Eventually, they started missing time from work and got fired from one job after another, 3. __________ led to their homelessness because they couldn't afford the rent. These young men were lost. They felt that they were not wanted back in Ireland and were not wanted anymore in England either. They were essentially “Lost Souls”.
The poem attracted the attention of a film director, Dennis Earlie, 4. __________ successfully adapted the poem for film. The film, in 5. __________ several well-known actors star, has received high praise and has been selected for a number of national and international film festivals.
Leitrim people will be able to view the film at the Drumshanbo literary festival. Kevin McManus will also be appearing on the second day of the festival, 6. __________ he will be discussing his new poetry collection entitled A bell in the white morning.
PART 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
1. The poem was carefully __________ (to make changes to something in order to improve it) and checked before being published in the local newspaper.
2. Telephone Conversation is a poem written by Wole Soyinka, which exposes the presence of __________ __________ (种族歧视) at the individual level in society even after the passing of laws against it.
3. The formation of Ci is __________ (复杂的) with v__________ of structure, tone, rhyme and the number of characters in different types of Cipai.
4. The __________ (a competition in which people try to win something) is open to writers anywhere in the world, with an entry d__________ of 11:59 pm (PST) on 15 February 2023.
Poetry is a beautiful form of expression. No other type of literature creates such strong feelings and emotions as poetry. The 1. __________ (early) poetry is believed to have appeared sometime around 2000 BCE, but 2. __________ is likely that poetry existed even before the spread of literacy. Different types of poetry have different trends during different eras but the core purpose of poetry 3. __________ (remain) the same — to explore the human condition and stir emotion through words.
World Poetry Day is on March 21 every year, 4. __________ celebrates a form of expression that people from all cultures can identify 5. __________. Poetry can be found in the history of every nation, and so brings us together because of its 6. __________ (share) values and common humanity. It has the power to stir dialogue.
The day 7. __________ (adopt) by UNESCO in 1999, on the occasion of its 30th General Conference held in Paris to give fresh recognition and 8. __________ (promote) to national, regional and international poetry movements. The organization hoped 9. __________ (inspire) the celebration of poetry all over the world, preserve endangered languages, and stimulate poetic expression through this day. Poets, both past and present, are honored, and oral traditions of 10. __________ (recite) poetry are revived. Reading, writing, and teaching poetry are encouraged, and mixed with other mediums of expression such as music, dance, painting, and more.
PART 1 Reading and Thinking
I. 选用方框内合适的内容并用其正确形式完成下列句子(每项限用一次)。
suspend, salary, guilty, integrity, dismiss
1. You won't feel __________ for not leaving a tip for robot servers after a meal in countries where tipping is a custom.
2. Brian, the only witness to the alien, returns the shuttle to Earth, but his story is rejected and he is __________ from NASA.
3. According to the famous architect, floating hotels __________ on wire ropes in the movie may become reality in the future.
4. The hero in this kind of novel possesses various strengths, like courage, __________, and sometimes even supernatural powers.
5. What would happen if your company created a digital twin of you, and said, “We've got this digital twin who we pay no __________ to, so why are we still employing you ”
II. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子(每空一词)。
1. 白色城堡成为第一家测试机器人厨师Flippy的快餐连锁店。
White Castle has become the first fast food chain to __________ __________ __________ __________ __________, Flippy.
2. 谷歌公司公布了它的语音助手未来的一个功能——通过电话为你预约。
Google __________ __________ a future feature of its voice assistant — the ability to __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ by phone.
3. 2022年的一些技术创新听起来更像是科幻小说,但在科学家们看来,未来仍然充满惊喜。
Some of the technological innovations of 2022 sound __________ __________ __________ __________, but according to scientists, the future is still full of surprises.
PART 2 Learning About Language
I. 根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。
1. 奖金是根据你每周的平均收入来计算的。(calculate, on a ... basis, weekly)
2. 这台机器人不用秤就能准确地称出200克面粉。(gramme, flour)
3. 女主席宣布科幻日活动因为场地而推迟了。(chairwoman, venue)
II. 用括号内动词的正确形式完成下面短文。
Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) was an American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University. He 1. ____________________ (know) for his works of science fiction and popular science. Asimov was a productive writer who wrote or edited more than 500 books and an estimated 90, 000 letters and postcards. So far, his books 2. ____________________ (publish) in nine of the 10 major categories of the Dewey Decimal Classification.
Asimov wrote science fiction, mysteries, fantasy, as well as much nonfiction. Along with Robert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke, he 3. ____________________ (consider) one of the “Big Three” science fiction writers during his lifetime. Asimov's most famous work is the Foundation series for which he 4. ____________________ (award) the Hugo Award in 1966. His other major series are the Galactic Empire series and the Robot series. The Galactic Empire series 5. ____________________ (set) in a much earlier time of the same fictional universe as the Foundation series.
Several entities ( 实 体) 6. ____________________ (name) in his honor so far, including a crater ( 坑) on the planet Mars, a Brooklyn elementary school, and four literary awards.
PART 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
I. 根据提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。
1. If we were to travel faster than light, would time run __________ (往回) as science fiction has taught us
2. Users must read the instructions on situations that would cause a humanoid robot to __________ (爆炸).
3. The equipment was extremely complicated and was monitored from a central control p__________.
4. Robot adoption in Canada is not motivated by the desire to reduce l__________ costs, but instead by the desire to improve product and service quality.
5. They have an u__________ to go back and seek out people who have contracted the virus, so they sail back to the place where other humans have remained.
II. 用适当的介词或副词填空。
1. Four seconds after eight they saw a large piece leave the orbiter and fall __________.
2. At work, robots will take __________ most jobs in the manufacturing industries in the near future.
3. The human mind will always be superior __________ machines because machines are only tools of human minds.
4. While writing a science fiction story, the author usually avoids including elements that conflict __________ the main subject.
5. We can make small changes in our lifestyle with smart technologies which would turn __________ to be beneficial to our nature, eventually leading to sustainable living.
Glasgow has won the right to host the 2024 World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) — the third time the city 1. __________ (select) to stage the famous event up to now.
Having hosted the Intersection and Interaction Worldcons in 1995 and 2005 2. __________ (respective), Glasgow was confirmed as the home of the 82nd version of the event. Glasgow 2024 — A Worldcon for Our Futures is expected 3. __________ (attract) around 5, 000 science fiction fans and delegates (代表) to Scotland's largest city.
Visiting a different city every year, Worldcon began in America 4. __________ was first held in New York in 1939. Among the highlights of the five-day conference 5. __________ (be) the Hugo Awards for works of science fiction, fantasy and horror, and a programme of more than 1,000 6. __________ (event), including films, panels, talks and workshops.
The Glasgow Worldcon in 2024 will be graced by guests of honour 7. __________ (range) from artists to writers and beyond, including artist Chris Baker, who has worked on numerous films for visionary 8. __________ (direct) such as Steven Spielberg, Tim Burton and Stanley Kubrick. Scottish science fiction author Ken MacLeod, a winner of multiple BSFA and Prometheus Awards, will also be in attendance, along 9. __________ others like novelist and comic writer Nnedi Okorafor, 10. __________ work includes contributions to Marvel's Black Panther series.选必3U5
I. 1. literary 2. drama 3. delicate 4. respective
II. 1. ① v. 押韵 ② n. 押韵的短诗
2. ① adj. 业余的 ② n. 业余爱好者
3. ① n. 格式 ② v. (使)格式化
4. ① n. 理解力 ② n. 理解练习
1. 我真的很喜欢你诗歌语言中的意象和菱形的排列。
2. When you are experiencing sorrow, you can recite a positive poem to lift your mood.
3. The programme last night was made up of folk dances, poetry readings and storytelling.
I. 1. innocent 2. sympathy 3. version 4. civilians
5. correspondence
II. 1. why 2. whom 3. which 4. who
5. which 6. when
1. polished 2. racial prejudice 3. complicated; variations
4. contest; deadline
1. earliest 2. it 3. remains 4. which 5. with
6. shared 7. was adopted 8. promotion 9. to inspire 10. reciting
I. 1. guilty 2. dismissed 3. suspended 4. integrity 5. salary
1. test out the robot cook
2. has declared; make an appointment for you
3. more like science fiction
1. Bonus is calculated according to your average earnings on a weekly basis.
2. The robot can weigh out 200 grammes of flour accurately without using a balance.
3. The chairwoman announced that Science Fiction Day activities were put off because of the venue.
II. 1. was known 2. have been published
3. was considered 4. was awarded
5. are set 6. have been named
I. 1. backward(s) 2. explode 3. panel 4. labour 5. urge
II. 1. away 2. over 3. to 4. with 5. out
1. has been selected 2. respectively 3. to attract 4. and 5. are
6. events 7. ranging 8. directors 9. with 10. whose