新人教版必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 知识清单-原卷版+解析版【2025年新人教高考英语一轮复习教材梳理学案】


名称 新人教版必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 知识清单-原卷版+解析版【2025年新人教高考英语一轮复习教材梳理学案】
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-05 09:14:20


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新人教版必修第二册Unit 1知识清单
重 点 单 词 1. n. 抗议 vi.&vt. (公开)反对;抗议 2. adj. 值得做的;值得花时间的 3. n.&vt. 对比;对照 4. n. 重要议题;争论的问题 vt. 宣布;公布 5. adj.&adv. 更远;进一步 6. adj. 以前的;(两者中)前者的→(反) adj. 后者的 7. n. 质量;品质;素质;特征 adj. 优质的;高质量的→(形似) n. 数量 8.forgive vt.&vi. 原谅;宽恕→ / / (过去式/过去分词/现在分词) 9. vt. 建立;创立 10. n. 意见;想法;看法 11. prep.&adv. 在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内 12. vt. 引用 13. n. 文件;公文;(计算机)文档 vt. 记录;记载(详情) 14. adj. 数码的;数字显示的 15. n. 基金;专款 16. n. 顶部;屋顶 17. prep. 各处;遍及;自始至终 18. vt.&n. 下载 19. n. 形象;印象 20.forever   adv. 21.dragon n. 22.cave n. 23.temple n. 24.department n. 25.sheet n. 26.clue n. mittee n. 28.mirror n. 29.exit n. vi.&vt. 30.overseas adj. adv.
词 汇 拓 展 1.limit n. 限制;限度 vt. 限制;限定→ adj. 有限的→(反) adj. 无限的 2. n. 捐款;贡献;捐赠→contribute vi. 捐助;贡献 vt. 捐款;投稿→contributor n. 撰稿人;捐款者 3.attempt n.&vt. 企图;试图;尝试→ adj. 企图的;未遂的(用于名词前) 4. n. 比较;相比→compare vi.&vt. 比较 5.conduct n. 行为;举止;管理方法 vt. 组织;安排;带领→ n. 指挥6.balance n. 平衡;平均 vt. 使平衡→ adj. 均衡的;平衡的 7. n. 丧失;损失→lose vt. 丢失;丧失;迷路→ adj. 丢失的 8.proposal n. 提议;建议→ vt. 建议;提议 9.likely adj. 可能的 adv. 可能地→(反) adj. 不可能的 adv. 不可能地 10. vi. 消失;灭绝;消亡→ (反) vi. 出现;露面→ n. 出现;外貌 11.donate vt. (尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)→ n. 捐赠;赠送;捐款员;职业选手→profession n. 职业;行业 12.preserve vt. 保存;保护;维持 n. 保护区→ n. 保护 13. adj. 创造性的;有创造力的;有创意的→ adv. 创造性地;有创造力地→ n. 创造力;创造性→create vt. 创造→ n. 创造;创作;作品 14.promote vt. 促进;提升;推销;晋级→ n. 晋升;推销;促进 15. n. 申请(表);用途;运用;应用(程序)→apply vi. 申请;适用 vt. 应用;使用→ n. 申请人 16. n. 入口;进入→enter vi. 进入 17. adj. 专业的;职业的 n. 专业人18.identify vt. 确认;认出;找到→ n. 识别;鉴定;确认 19.prevent vt. 阻止;阻挠→ n. 防止;预防→ adj. 预防性的 20.investigate vi.&vt. 调查;研究→ n. 调查;研究 21.tradition n. 传统;传统信仰或风俗→ adj. 传统的→ adv. 传统上 22. adj. 历史上著名(或重要)的;有史时期的→history n. 历史→ adj. 历史上的;有关历史的 23.process n. 过程;进程;步骤 vt. 处理;加工→ adj. 加工的;处理的
重 点 短 语 1.___________________参与(某事);参加(某活动) 2.__________________让步;屈服 3.__________________保持平衡 4.__________________导致 5.__________________提出建议 6.__________________向……求助 7.__________________阻止;不准 8.__________________向……捐赠…… 9.__________________确保;设法保证 10.__________________在世界各地 11.__________________紫禁城
重 点 句 型 1.____________________________________ the old must give way to the new,and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future. 新旧更替的时代已经到来,在走向未来的过程中,我们不可能将过去的一切都保存下来。 2.____________________________________ a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,__________________ that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. 这些国家不仅找到了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,而且明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。 3__________________ it’s a mirror that can tell right from wrong! 据说这是一面可以分辨是非的镜子! 4.This ____________________________________ not just for China,but for all people around the world. 这使得它不仅是中国的重要文化遗产,也是全世界人民的重要文化遗产。 5.Every part of the Great Wall is ____________________________________. 长城的每一部分都很容易找到、看到。
There comes a time when the old must give way to the new.  41.   (keep) the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be  42.   big challenge.
In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile  43.  (benefit) more farmers,  44.   led to protests. The government turned  45.   the United Nations for help. Then a committee  46.   (establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings.  47.   (final) a document was signed, and the work began in 1960.
When the project ended in 1980, it was considered a great  48.   (succeed). The spirit of the Aswan Dam project  49.  _ (be) still alive today. If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the  50.   (globe) community can sometimes provide a solution.
1.preserve vt.保存;保护;维持 n.[C]保护区
[经典例句]The calm courage of the pilot preserved the lives of the passengers.飞行员临危不惧的勇气保住了乘客们的生命。
protect....from.... 保护……免受……
keep...from/free of...
  preserve sth.for ...  为……而保存某事物
(2)preservation n.[U] 保存;保护
①We will do everything _________________.
②The society was set up__________( preserve) endangered species from extinction.
③The paintings were in an excellent state of ___________(preserve).
④Our ultimate goal must be the ___________ (preserve) of the environment.
⑤Our teachers are determined to preserve us students ___________ being hurt.
⑥We should take steps ________________________________________.
(1)Our suggestions are that these traditional customs____________ (preserve) and handed down one generation after another.
(2)As we all know,the police are responsible for the ____________ (preserve) of law and order.
(3)Well ____________(preserve) in the nature reserve,pandas live a happy life.
We have taken effective measures _______________.
2.promote vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级
[经典例句]She worked hard and was soon promoted.她工作很努力,很快就得到了晋升。
(1)The activity promoted the friendship among us. ________
(2)(2)Not all the advertisements can be used to promote the sale of the products.________
(3)(3)If I’m not promoted within the next two years,I’m going to change a job.________
(4)(4)The band has gone on tour to promote their new album.________
(1) be promoted to... 被提升为
be promoted as... 被推广为
(2) promotion n. 提升;提拔;晋级
【即时练】 (单句语法填空)
(5)Her __________ (promote) to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.
(6)He __________ to manager because of his good performance in the process of promoting their new books.(promote)
A paper-cutting exhibition will be held in our school next Friday,which aims_________________.
3.balance n.平衡;均匀 vt.使平衡
[教材原句] Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.(P4)在进步和保护文化遗址之间找到并保持一个恰当的平衡可能是一个艰巨的挑战。
(1)keep/lose one’s balance保持/失去平衡
keep the balance of nature保持生态平衡
balance between...and...平衡……与……的关系
balance sth against...权衡;斟酌;比较
keep a balance between...and...保持……与……的平衡
(2)balanced adj.平衡的
keep a balanced diet保持饮食均衡
(1)People have learnt the importance of keeping a ________ (balance) diet to satisfy their nutritional needs.
(2)The most important thing is ________ (balance) the development of economy with the protection of environment.
(3)(2020·天津5月高考)This struggle continued into high school, but we somehow began to find________ balance.
When he first learned to skate,he didn’t know how to ________ .He often________ and fell,but now he has learned to ___________ while skating.
In my view,high school students should have a balanced diet and eat more fruit and vegetables instead of junk food,which can be beneficial to their health.
4.likely adj.可能的 adv.可能地
[教材原句] Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage.(P4) 大坝的水有可能会损坏许多寺庙并会毁坏文化遗迹,它们是埃及文化遗产的重要部分。
be likely to很可能……;有希望……
It is likely that...有可能……
sb be likely to某人有可能……
(1)(2021·浙江高考)To us, the________(likely) explanation appears to be that the basis lies in their living with humans.
(2)It's nearly nine o'clock and the teacher is likely________ (walk) into the classroom at any moment.
(3)It is ________ (like) that he will do the job well.
(4)She is very likely to ring me tonight.(句型转换)
→___________________that she will ring me tonight.
[易混辨析] likely, possible, probable
likely 指从外表、迹象上进行判断,有可能发生。既可以用人,也可以用物作主语。 It is likely that ...或Sb./Sth.is likely to ...
possible 指客观上有可能,但往往含有希望很小的意味。不能用人作主语。 It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.或It is possible that ...
probable 可能性比likely大,表示“很可能,十有八九”。不能用人作主语。 It's probable that ...,不能用于It's probable for sb.to do sth.这一结构。
(5)选词填空(likely, possible, probable)
1.It is ________ for me to change jobs, but I am not sure.
2.I'm ________ to be very busy tomorrow.
3.It is ________ that he will set a new world record in the next Olympic Games.
①_______________our parents can understand us better and give us some reasonable advice.
②Our parents_______________ understand us better and give us some reasonable advice.
5.limit n.限度;限制 vt.限制;限定
[教材原句] A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.(P4) 为了限制对埃及建筑物的破坏并防止文物丢失,成立了一个委员会。
(1)be limited to sth受限制于某物
limit oneself to sth在……方面限定自己
(2)without limit无限制地
there is a/no limit to...……是有限的/无限的
set a limit/limits on/to...对……进行限制
within limits在某种程度上,有一定限制
within the limits of...在……的范围内
(3)limited adj.有限的
unlimited adj.无限制的
limitless adj.无限的,无界限的
①Set a limit______ the number of tasks you take on each day and stick to it.
②He was born in a poor family, and only received______ (limit) education in his childhood.
③Scientists have known how to use the ______ (limit) power of the sun.
④The length of the article should______________________.
The speed of cars ______________ 30 kilometres per hour in large cities in China.
We must make good use of _______________.
6.prevent vt.阻止;阻碍;阻挠
[教材原句] Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO,which runs a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing.(P4)联合国教科文组织或许提供了最好的例子,它执行了一项防止世界各地文化遗产遗址消失的方案。
(1)prevent...(from) doing sth
=stop...(from) doing sth
=keep... from doing sth阻止……做某事
(2)prevention n.预防;防止;防范
prevent...from/stop...from.../keep...from...意思相同,在被动语态里from均不可省略;而在主动语态中,与stop/prevent搭配的from可以省略。keep...from...短语中,介词from不能省略,因为keep sb doing sth的意思是“使某人一直做某事”。
(1)As far as I am concerned,the government is supposed to take effective measures to prevent the haze from ________ (get) worse.
(2)Food safety is very important,so the government spares no effort ________ (prevent) food pollution.
(3)The reason that she gave for being absent from class was that the heavy snow prevented her ________ (come).
(4)(2020·天津高考)It ________( prevent) people who are cut off from society falling victim to cheaters.
(5)I could have asked her, but something prevented me ________(do) so.
(6)________ (prevent) of a problem is always preferable to trying to cure it.
Effective measures must be taken to___________________________________.
7.attempt n.& vt.企图;试图;尝试
[教材原句] Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam (P5) 为什么埃及政府想尝试建大坝
make an attempt to do/at doing sth试图做某事
at one’s/the first attempt第一次尝试
in an attempt to do sth为了做某事
attempt to do sth努力做某事
(1)He attempted __________ (compete) for the position of chairman of the Students’ Union.
(2)Personally speaking,parents are making __________ attempt to protect their kids by giving whatever they require.
(3)He made an attempt at __________ (pass) the exam,but he failed in the end.
(4)(2021·全国乙卷)One afternoon, while ________________ she collapsed (倒下) from what was eventually discovered to be a heart attack.
(5)When you _______________________, you feel more comfortable just saying you're going to do it than actually doing it.
(6)I passed my driving test__________________.
8.worthwhile adj.值得做的;值得花时间的
[教材原句] Do you think it was worthwhile (P5) 你认为它值得吗
[易混辨析] worthwhile, worth, worthy
worthwhile It's worthwhile doing ... 值得做……
It's worthwhile to do ...
worth be worth+n./钱数 值得……;值……
be worth doing “某事值得被做”,用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义
worth it 值得;有必要;值得一干
worthy be worthy of sth. 应得某事物
be worthy of being done “某事值得被做”,接动名词的被动式
be worthy to be done “某事值得被做”,用不定式的被动式
(1)It is worthwhile to _____________ (spend) two hours reading the book.
(2)In my opinion, the film is well worth_____________ (see).
(3)Helping old people is ______________.
(4)She knew she was taking a risk but thought it was________________.
His suggestion put forward at the conference________________.
His suggestion put forward at the conference __________________.
His suggestion put forward at the conference __________________.
____________________ his suggestion put forward at the conference.
Since you are interested in traditional Chinese paintings,I think the Chinese paper-cutting exhibition is well worth experiencing.
9.contribution n. 捐款;贡献;捐赠
[教材原句] The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.(P4)委员会要求各部门提供捐助,并在国际社会内筹集资金。
(1)contribute vi.& vt.捐献;捐助;投稿
contribute(...) to...向……捐赠(……);为……撰稿(to为介词)
contribute to (doing) sth有助于(做)某事
(2)make a contribution/contributions to (doing) sth.  对……做出贡献
(3)contributor n.捐赠者;捐款者;投稿人
(1)The economists have made important ___________ (contribute) to the field of financial and corporate economics.
(2)If you want to contribute __________our newspaper,please send me your article before the deadline.
(3)The two-week exchange activities contributed__________ a better understanding between us.
Located where the Belt meets the Road,Jiangsu Province will ________________.
(5)(2021·全国乙卷书面表达)Besides, making a schedule is a must, for good time management will ____________________.
Knowing the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance will contribute to your understanding of the Tang poems to be learned.
10.take part in参与(某事);参加(某活动)
[教材原句] A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating an app about China’s most famous mountain.(P3) 一群参加泰山国际青年夏令营的高中生正在制作一款关于中国最著名的山的应用程序。
take an active part in  积极参加
take part 参加(不及物动词短语)
[易混辨析] take part in, join, join in, attend
take part in 指参加群众性活动、会议并在其中起积极作用
join 指加入党派、社会团体、军队等并成为其中一员
join in 指参与某项活动,口语中常与take part in通用
attend 是正式用语,指参加会议、婚礼、典礼,听报告、讲座等,一般指成为观众或听众
①We should take an active part in sports and outdoor activities frequently.
②Many athletes are dreaming of taking part in the Olympic Games and winning gold medals for their homeland.
③Women are now taking an active part in social activities.
④Will you take part in the English evening party with us
⑤Will you all join in singing the song, please
⑥I will attend my cousin's wedding ceremony next Friday.
⑦It is five years since he joined the army.
Anna is a lively and caring girl who takes an active part in social activities.
We are going to hold an English party.Do you want to take part
We will take part in the summer camp to be held by your school this July,which makes us very excited.
11.lead to导致
[教材原句] Big challenges,however,can sometimes lead to great solutions.(P4) 然而,巨大的挑战有时可以带来伟大的解决方案。
(1)lead sb to do sth使某人做某事
lead/live a...life过……的生活
lead the way引路;带路
lead sb into...领着某人进入……
lead sb to...引导某人去……(地方)
(2)take the lead带头;居首位
(3)leader n. 领导者;首领;指挥者
(5)(1)As we all know,driving too fast and drunk driving can lead ______ a lot of accidents.
(6)(2)His amazing intelligence led him ______(make) many great discoveries.
(7)(3)Under the leadership of the local government,people there are leading ______ happy life.
(8)Children in China are_________________.
With the guide________________,we found the place quickly.
(9)词汇复现(替换加黑词汇)It was his determination that resulted in his success._______
12.turn to向……求助
[教材原句] After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem,and citizens who lived near the dam,the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.(P4) 在听了研究这个问题的科学家和住在大坝附近的市民的话后,政府在1959年向联合国求助。
[写出下列句中turn to的含义]
(1)Please turn to the police for help when you are in trouble.________
(2)If you turn to Page 40,you will find it.________
(3)More and more people turn to computer science.________
(4)Their talk turned to the change that had happened________
(5)You shouldn’t always turn to the dictionary when you meet new words while reading.________
turn to为及物动词短语,后面跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式作宾语,不能接动词原形。
After getting home,he turned to doing his homework.
turn down 关小;拒绝
turn in 上交
turn on 打开(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn off 关上(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn out 结果是;证明是;生产出
turn up 开大;出现
(6)He said he was a doctor;but later he___________ to be a cheat.
(7)The meeting has already begun,but the chairman hasn’t ___________ yet.
(8)Mr Brown was disappointed to find his suggestions ___________.
(9)He said he was a doctor, but later he ___________ a cheat.
(10)(2021·全国甲卷)Some will ask their parents or teachers for help.___________
13.not only...but also...不仅……而且……
[教材原句] Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.(P4) 这些国家不仅找到了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,而且他们也明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。
(1)not only ...but (also) ...连接两个并列分句,且not only位于句首时,not only所在的分句需使用部分倒装,but (also)后的句子仍用陈述语序。
①(2020·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)Not only did it give us relaxation, but also it got us closer to nature.
(2)not only ...but (also) ...“不仅……而且……”,其中also可省略。
②They not only speak the same language but (also) share a large number of social customs.
(3)not only ...but (also) ...连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的人称与数遵循“就近原则”,即和but (also)后的名词或代词的数保持一致。
③Not only the students but also the teacher was against the plan.
(4)not only ...but (also) ...既可以用来连接两个句子,也可以用来连接两个名词、代词或短语。
④Miss Li is not only my teacher but also my friend.
As we all know, reading classics can not only improve our studying career but also enrich our everyday life.
→As we all know, ________________________ but also enrich our everyday life.(改为倒装句)
This New Year, ________________________,but he tasted the sweetest fruit of friendship.
Man has become master___________ of the sky ___________ of the space.
_________________ are fond of watching television.
________________ the sun give us light,but also it gives us heat.
(4)By doing so,I can not only share good ideas with others but also learn to express myself clearly.
→By doing so,________________________________________________________.(倒装句)
14.There comes a time when...……的时代到来
[教材原句] There comes a time when the old must give way to the new,and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.(P4) 新旧更替的时代已经到来,在走向未来的过程中,我们不可能将过去的一切都保存下来。
(1)There comes a time when...意为“……的时代到来”,包含了一个由when引导的限制性定语从句,修饰的是a time,when在从句中作时间状语。
(2)It/That was a time when...那是一个……时期。
This is a time when...这是一个……时代。
We have entered into an age when dreams have the best chance of coming true.
①The reason ________ he has had such a success is that he never gives up.
②Now their peace talks have reached a key stage ________ one side must give in to the other.
③The music reminded me of the days ________we practiced this song for the singing competition.
④________________________ you have to make a choice.
⑤________________________ women were not allowed to go to school.
Grammar 定语从句
关系词 先行词 在从句中的作用 例句
who 人 作主语、宾语 The boy who is standing there is my cousin.站在那儿的那个男孩是我的表弟。
whom 人 作动词宾语或介词宾语(可省略) The man(whom)you met yesterday is Mr. Smith.你昨天见的那个人是史密斯先生。
whose 人或物 (=of whom/of which)作定语 He lives in a room whose window faces south.他住在一间窗户朝南的房间里。
that 人或物 作主语、宾语或表语(可省略) I don't know about the man(that)you mentioned.我不知道你提到的那个人。
which 物 作主语、宾语 The pen(which)my uncle gave me is missing.我叔叔给我的那支钢笔丢了。
when 表示时间的名词 作时间状语 I'll never forget the day when I joined the Party.我将永远不会忘记我入党的那一天。
where 表示地点的名词 作地点状语 The factory where my father works is in the east of the city.我爸爸工作的那家工厂在这座城市的东部。
why 原因 作原因状语 None of us know the reason why Tom was absent from the meeting.我们都不知道汤姆缺席会议的原因。
1. This is the factory ________ I visited last year.
2. This is the factory ________ I worked last year.
3. The reason ________ he gave is unbelievable.
4. The reason ________ he was absent is unbelieved.
5. I won’t forgot the day ________ I took part in the sports meeting.
6. I won’t forget the day ________ I spent with you on the farm.
7. The generation gap is a problem ________ people are interested in.
8. I don’t like the way ________ she deals with the proposal.
9. I don’t like the way ________ you talked about just now.
10. After graduation she reached a point in her career ________ she needed to decide what to do.
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新人教版必修第二册Unit 1知识清单
重 点 单 词 1.protest n. 抗议 vi.&vt. (公开)反对;抗议 2.worthwhile adj. 值得做的;值得花时间的 3.contrast n.&vt. 对比;对照 4.issue n. 重要议题;争论的问题 vt. 宣布;公布 5.further adj.&adv. 更远;进一步 6.former adj. 以前的;(两者中)前者的→(反)latter adj. 后者的 7.quality n. 质量;品质;素质;特征 adj. 优质的;高质量的→(形似) quantity n. 数量 8.forgive vt.&vi. 原谅;宽恕→forgave/forgiven/forgiving (过去式/过去分词/现在分词) 9.establish vt. 建立;创立 10.opinion n. 意见;想法;看法 11.within prep.&adv. 在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内 12.quote vt. 引用 13.document n. 文件;公文;(计算机)文档 vt. 记录;记载(详情) 14.digital adj. 数码的;数字显示的 15.fund n. 基金;专款 16.roof n. 顶部;屋顶 17.throughout prep. 各处;遍及;自始至终 18.download vt.&n. 下载 19.image n. 形象;印象 20.forever   adv. 永远;长久地 21.dragon n. 龙 22.cave n. 山洞;洞穴 23.temple n. 庙;寺 24.department n. 部;司;科 25.sheet n. 一张(纸);床 单;被单 26.clue n. 线索;提示 mittee n. 委员会 28.mirror n. 镜子 29.exit n. 出口;通道 vi.&vt. 出去;离去 30.overseas adj. 海外的 adv. 在海外
词 汇 拓 展 1.limit n. 限制;限度 vt. 限制;限定→limited adj. 有限的→(反) limitless adj. 无限的 2.contribution n. 捐款;贡献;捐赠→contribute vi. 捐助;贡献 vt. 捐款;投稿→contributor n. 撰稿人;捐款者 3.attempt n.&vt. 企图;试图;尝试→attempted adj. 企图的;未遂的(用于名词前) 4.comparison n. 比较;相比→compare vi.&vt. 比较 5.conduct n. 行为;举止;管理方法 vt. 组织;安排;带领→conductor n. 指挥 6.balance n. 平衡;平均 vt. 使平衡→balanced adj. 均衡的;平衡的 7.loss n. 丧失;损失→lose vt. 丢失;丧失;迷路→lost adj. 丢失的 8.proposal n. 提议;建议→propose vt. 建议;提议 9.likely adj. 可能的 adv. 可能地→(反) unlikely adj. 不可能的 adv. 不可能地 10.disappear vi. 消失;灭绝;消亡→appear (反) vi. 出现;露面→appearance n. 出现;外貌 11.donate vt. (尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)→donation n. 捐赠;赠送;捐款 12.preserve vt. 保存;保护;维持 n. 保护区→preservation n. 保护 13.creative adj. 创造性的;有创造力的;有创意的→creatively adv. 创造性地;有创造力地→creativity n. 创造力;创造性→create vt. 创造→creation n. 创造;创作;作品 14.promote vt. 促进;提升;推销;晋级→promotion n. 晋升;推销;促进 15.application n. 申请(表);用途;运用;应用(程序)→apply vi. 申请;适用 vt. 应用;使用→applicant n. 申请人 16.entrance n. 入口;进入→enter vi. 进入 17.professional adj. 专业的;职业的 n. 专业人员;职业选手→profession n. 职业;行业 18.identify vt. 确认;认出;找到→identification n. 识别;鉴定;确认 19.prevent vt. 阻止;阻挠→prevention n. 防止;预防→preventive adj. 预防性的 20.investigate vi.&vt. 调查;研究→investigation n. 调查;研究 21.tradition n. 传统;传统信仰或风俗→traditional adj. 传统的→traditionally adv. 传统上 22.historic adj. 历史上著名(或重要)的;有史时期的→history n. 历史→historical adj. 历史上的;有关历史的 23.process n. 过程;进程;步骤 vt. 处理;加工→processed adj. 加工的;处理的
重 点 短 语 1.take part in参与(某事);参加(某活动) 2.give way to让步;屈服 3.keep balance保持平衡 4.lead to导致 5.make a proposal提出建议 6.turn to向……求助 7.prevent...from...阻止;不准 8.donate...to...向……捐赠…… 9.make sure确保;设法保证 10.all over the world在世界各地 11.the Forbidden City紫禁城
重 点 句 型 1.There comes a time when the old must give way to the new,and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future. 新旧更替的时代已经到来,在走向未来的过程中,我们不可能将过去的一切都保存下来。 2.Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. 这些国家不仅找到了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,而且明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。 3.It is said that it’s a mirror that can tell right from wrong! 据说这是一面可以分辨是非的镜子! 4.This makes it an important cultural heritage site not just for China,but for all people around the world. 这使得它不仅是中国的重要文化遗产,也是全世界人民的重要文化遗产。 5.Every part of the Great Wall is easy to find and see. 长城的每一部分都很容易找到、看到。
There comes a time when the old must give way to the new.  41.   (keep) the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be  42.   big challenge.
In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile  43.  (benefit) more farmers,  44.   led to protests. The government turned  45.   the United Nations for help. Then a committee  46.   (establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings.  47.   (final) a document was signed, and the work began in 1960.
When the project ended in 1980, it was considered a great  48.   (succeed). The spirit of the Aswan Dam project  49.  _ (be) still alive today. If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the  50.   (globe) community can sometimes provide a solution.
【答案】41.Keeping;42.a;43.to benefit;44.which;45.to;46.was established;47.Finally;48.success;49.is;50.global
41.句意:在进步和文化遗址保护之间保持适当的平衡可能是一个巨大的挑战。此处动名词作主语,故填 Keeping 。
43.句意:20世纪50年代,埃及政府想在尼罗河上修建一座新水坝,让更多农民受益,这引发了抗议。此处不定式作目的状语,故填 to benefit 。
44.句意:20世纪50年代,埃及政府想在尼罗河上修建一座新水坝,让更多农民受益,这引发了抗议。 led to protests 是非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个句子,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which,故填which。
45.句意: 政府向联合国寻求帮助。turn to sb.for help固定短语,“向某人求助”,故填to。
46.句意:然后成立了一个委员会来限制对埃及建筑物的破坏。此处是谓语动词,与主语 a committee 是被动关系,应用被动语态,结合语境应用一般过去时,故填 was established 。
47.句意:最后签署了一份文件,工作于 1960 年开始。此处副词作状语,故填 Finally 。
48.句意:当该项目于 1980 年结束时,它被认为是巨大的成功。此处名词作主语补足语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 success 。
49.句意:阿斯旺大坝项目的精神今天仍然存在。此处是谓语动词,主语是 the spirit ,属于第三人称单数,故填is。
50.句意:如果一个问题对一个国家来说似乎太难了,国际社会有时可以提供解决方案。此处形容词修饰名词 community ,作定语,故填 global 。
1.preserve vt.保存;保护;维持 n.[C]保护区
[经典例句]The calm courage of the pilot preserved the lives of the passengers.飞行员临危不惧的勇气保住了乘客们的生命。
protect....from.... 保护……免受……
keep...from/free of...
  preserve sth.for ...  为……而保存某事物
(2)preservation n.[U] 保存;保护
①We will do everything _________________.
②The society was set up__________( preserve) endangered species from extinction.
③The paintings were in an excellent state of ___________(preserve).
④Our ultimate goal must be the ___________ (preserve) of the environment.
⑤Our teachers are determined to preserve us students ___________ being hurt.
⑥We should take steps ________________________________________.
(1)Our suggestions are that these traditional customs____________ (preserve) and handed down one generation after another.
(2)As we all know,the police are responsible for the ____________ (preserve) of law and order.
(3)Well ____________(preserve) in the nature reserve,pandas live a happy life.
We have taken effective measures _______________.
2.promote vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级
[经典例句]She worked hard and was soon promoted.她工作很努力,很快就得到了晋升。
(1)The activity promoted the friendship among us. ________
(2)(2)Not all the advertisements can be used to promote the sale of the products.________
(3)(3)If I’m not promoted within the next two years,I’m going to change a job.________
(4)(4)The band has gone on tour to promote their new album.________
(1) be promoted to... 被提升为
be promoted as... 被推广为
(2) promotion n. 提升;提拔;晋级
【即时练】 (单句语法填空)
(5)Her __________ (promote) to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.
(6)He __________ to manager because of his good performance in the process of promoting their new books.(promote)
A paper-cutting exhibition will be held in our school next Friday,which aims_________________.
3.balance n.平衡;均匀 vt.使平衡
[教材原句] Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.(P4)在进步和保护文化遗址之间找到并保持一个恰当的平衡可能是一个艰巨的挑战。
(1)keep/lose one’s balance保持/失去平衡
keep the balance of nature保持生态平衡
balance between...and...平衡……与……的关系
balance sth against...权衡;斟酌;比较
keep a balance between...and...保持……与……的平衡
(2)balanced adj.平衡的
keep a balanced diet保持饮食均衡
(1)People have learnt the importance of keeping a ________ (balance) diet to satisfy their nutritional needs.
(2)The most important thing is ________ (balance) the development of economy with the protection of environment.
(3)(2020·天津5月高考)This struggle continued into high school, but we somehow began to find________ balance.
When he first learned to skate,he didn’t know how to ________ .He often________ and fell,but now he has learned to ___________ while skating.
In my view,high school students should have a balanced diet and eat more fruit and vegetables instead of junk food,which can be beneficial to their health.
4.likely adj.可能的 adv.可能地
[教材原句] Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage.(P4) 大坝的水有可能会损坏许多寺庙并会毁坏文化遗迹,它们是埃及文化遗产的重要部分。
be likely to很可能……;有希望……
It is likely that...有可能……
sb be likely to某人有可能……
(1)(2021·浙江高考)To us, the________(likely) explanation appears to be that the basis lies in their living with humans.
(2)It's nearly nine o'clock and the teacher is likely________ (walk) into the classroom at any moment.
(3)It is ________ (like) that he will do the job well.
(4)She is very likely to ring me tonight.(句型转换)
→___________________that she will ring me tonight.
[易混辨析] likely, possible, probable
likely 指从外表、迹象上进行判断,有可能发生。既可以用人,也可以用物作主语。 It is likely that ...或Sb./Sth.is likely to ...
possible 指客观上有可能,但往往含有希望很小的意味。不能用人作主语。 It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.或It is possible that ...
probable 可能性比likely大,表示“很可能,十有八九”。不能用人作主语。 It's probable that ...,不能用于It's probable for sb.to do sth.这一结构。
(5)选词填空(likely, possible, probable)
1.It is ________ for me to change jobs, but I am not sure.
2.I'm ________ to be very busy tomorrow.
3.It is ________ that he will set a new world record in the next Olympic Games.
①_______________our parents can understand us better and give us some reasonable advice.
②Our parents_______________ understand us better and give us some reasonable advice.
5.limit n.限度;限制 vt.限制;限定
[教材原句] A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.(P4) 为了限制对埃及建筑物的破坏并防止文物丢失,成立了一个委员会。
(1)be limited to sth受限制于某物
limit oneself to sth在……方面限定自己
(2)without limit无限制地
there is a/no limit to...……是有限的/无限的
set a limit/limits on/to...对……进行限制
within limits在某种程度上,有一定限制
within the limits of...在……的范围内
(3)limited adj.有限的
unlimited adj.无限制的
limitless adj.无限的,无界限的
①Set a limit______ the number of tasks you take on each day and stick to it.
②He was born in a poor family, and only received______ (limit) education in his childhood.
③Scientists have known how to use the ______ (limit) power of the sun.
④The length of the article should______________________.
The speed of cars ______________ 30 kilometres per hour in large cities in China.
We must make good use of _______________.
6.prevent vt.阻止;阻碍;阻挠
[教材原句] Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO,which runs a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing.(P4)联合国教科文组织或许提供了最好的例子,它执行了一项防止世界各地文化遗产遗址消失的方案。
(1)prevent...(from) doing sth
=stop...(from) doing sth
=keep... from doing sth阻止……做某事
(2)prevention n.预防;防止;防范
prevent...from/stop...from.../keep...from...意思相同,在被动语态里from均不可省略;而在主动语态中,与stop/prevent搭配的from可以省略。keep...from...短语中,介词from不能省略,因为keep sb doing sth的意思是“使某人一直做某事”。
(1)As far as I am concerned,the government is supposed to take effective measures to prevent the haze from ________ (get) worse.
(2)Food safety is very important,so the government spares no effort ________ (prevent) food pollution.
(3)The reason that she gave for being absent from class was that the heavy snow prevented her ________ (come).
(4)(2020·天津高考)It ________( prevent) people who are cut off from society falling victim to cheaters.
(5)I could have asked her, but something prevented me ________(do) so.
(6)________ (prevent) of a problem is always preferable to trying to cure it.
Effective measures must be taken to___________________________________.
7.attempt n.& vt.企图;试图;尝试
[教材原句] Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam (P5) 为什么埃及政府想尝试建大坝
make an attempt to do/at doing sth试图做某事
at one’s/the first attempt第一次尝试
in an attempt to do sth为了做某事
attempt to do sth努力做某事
(1)He attempted __________ (compete) for the position of chairman of the Students’ Union.
(2)Personally speaking,parents are making __________ attempt to protect their kids by giving whatever they require.
(3)He made an attempt at __________ (pass) the exam,but he failed in the end.
(4)(2021·全国乙卷)One afternoon, while ________________ she collapsed (倒下) from what was eventually discovered to be a heart attack.
(5)When you _______________________, you feel more comfortable just saying you're going to do it than actually doing it.
(6)I passed my driving test__________________.
8.worthwhile adj.值得做的;值得花时间的
[教材原句] Do you think it was worthwhile (P5) 你认为它值得吗
[易混辨析] worthwhile, worth, worthy
worthwhile It's worthwhile doing ... 值得做……
It's worthwhile to do ...
worth be worth+n./钱数 值得……;值……
be worth doing “某事值得被做”,用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义
worth it 值得;有必要;值得一干
worthy be worthy of sth. 应得某事物
be worthy of being done “某事值得被做”,接动名词的被动式
be worthy to be done “某事值得被做”,用不定式的被动式
(1)It is worthwhile to _____________ (spend) two hours reading the book.
(2)In my opinion, the film is well worth_____________ (see).
(3)Helping old people is ______________.
(4)She knew she was taking a risk but thought it was________________.
His suggestion put forward at the conference________________.
His suggestion put forward at the conference __________________.
His suggestion put forward at the conference __________________.
____________________ his suggestion put forward at the conference.
Since you are interested in traditional Chinese paintings,I think the Chinese paper-cutting exhibition is well worth experiencing.
9.contribution n. 捐款;贡献;捐赠
[教材原句] The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.(P4)委员会要求各部门提供捐助,并在国际社会内筹集资金。
(1)contribute vi.& vt.捐献;捐助;投稿
contribute(...) to...向……捐赠(……);为……撰稿(to为介词)
contribute to (doing) sth有助于(做)某事
(2)make a contribution/contributions to (doing) sth.  对……做出贡献
(3)contributor n.捐赠者;捐款者;投稿人
(1)The economists have made important ___________ (contribute) to the field of financial and corporate economics.
(2)If you want to contribute __________our newspaper,please send me your article before the deadline.
(3)The two-week exchange activities contributed__________ a better understanding between us.
Located where the Belt meets the Road,Jiangsu Province will ________________.
(5)(2021·全国乙卷书面表达)Besides, making a schedule is a must, for good time management will ____________________.
Knowing the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance will contribute to your understanding of the Tang poems to be learned.
10.take part in参与(某事);参加(某活动)
[教材原句] A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating an app about China’s most famous mountain.(P3) 一群参加泰山国际青年夏令营的高中生正在制作一款关于中国最著名的山的应用程序。
take an active part in  积极参加
take part 参加(不及物动词短语)
[易混辨析] take part in, join, join in, attend
take part in 指参加群众性活动、会议并在其中起积极作用
join 指加入党派、社会团体、军队等并成为其中一员
join in 指参与某项活动,口语中常与take part in通用
attend 是正式用语,指参加会议、婚礼、典礼,听报告、讲座等,一般指成为观众或听众
①We should take an active part in sports and outdoor activities frequently.
②Many athletes are dreaming of taking part in the Olympic Games and winning gold medals for their homeland.
③Women are now taking an active part in social activities.
④Will you take part in the English evening party with us
⑤Will you all join in singing the song, please
⑥I will attend my cousin's wedding ceremony next Friday.
⑦It is five years since he joined the army.
Anna is a lively and caring girl who takes an active part in social activities.
We are going to hold an English party.Do you want to take part
We will take part in the summer camp to be held by your school this July,which makes us very excited.
11.lead to导致
[教材原句] Big challenges,however,can sometimes lead to great solutions.(P4) 然而,巨大的挑战有时可以带来伟大的解决方案。
(1)lead sb to do sth使某人做某事
lead/live a...life过……的生活
lead the way引路;带路
lead sb into...领着某人进入……
lead sb to...引导某人去……(地方)
(2)take the lead带头;居首位
(3)leader n. 领导者;首领;指挥者
(5)(1)As we all know,driving too fast and drunk driving can lead ______ a lot of accidents.
(6)(2)His amazing intelligence led him ______(make) many great discoveries.
(7)(3)Under the leadership of the local government,people there are leading ______ happy life.
(8)Children in China are_________________.
With the guide________________,we found the place quickly.
(9)词汇复现(替换加黑词汇)It was his determination that resulted in his success._______
12.turn to向……求助
[教材原句] After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem,and citizens who lived near the dam,the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.(P4) 在听了研究这个问题的科学家和住在大坝附近的市民的话后,政府在1959年向联合国求助。
[写出下列句中turn to的含义]
(1)Please turn to the police for help when you are in trouble.________
(2)If you turn to Page 40,you will find it.________
(3)More and more people turn to computer science.________
(4)Their talk turned to the change that had happened________
(5)You shouldn’t always turn to the dictionary when you meet new words while reading.________
turn to为及物动词短语,后面跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式作宾语,不能接动词原形。
After getting home,he turned to doing his homework.
turn down 关小;拒绝
turn in 上交
turn on 打开(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn off 关上(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn out 结果是;证明是;生产出
turn up 开大;出现
(6)He said he was a doctor;but later he___________ to be a cheat.
(7)The meeting has already begun,but the chairman hasn’t ___________ yet.
(8)Mr Brown was disappointed to find his suggestions ___________.
(9)He said he was a doctor, but later he ___________ a cheat.
(10)(2021·全国甲卷)Some will ask their parents or teachers for help.___________
13.not only...but also...不仅……而且……
[教材原句] Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.(P4) 这些国家不仅找到了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,而且他们也明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。
(1)not only ...but (also) ...连接两个并列分句,且not only位于句首时,not only所在的分句需使用部分倒装,but (also)后的句子仍用陈述语序。
①(2020·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)Not only did it give us relaxation, but also it got us closer to nature.
(2)not only ...but (also) ...“不仅……而且……”,其中also可省略。
②They not only speak the same language but (also) share a large number of social customs.
(3)not only ...but (also) ...连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的人称与数遵循“就近原则”,即和but (also)后的名词或代词的数保持一致。
③Not only the students but also the teacher was against the plan.
(4)not only ...but (also) ...既可以用来连接两个句子,也可以用来连接两个名词、代词或短语。
④Miss Li is not only my teacher but also my friend.
As we all know, reading classics can not only improve our studying career but also enrich our everyday life.
→As we all know, ________________________ but also enrich our everyday life.(改为倒装句)
This New Year, ________________________,but he tasted the sweetest fruit of friendship.
Man has become master___________ of the sky ___________ of the space.
_________________ are fond of watching television.
________________ the sun give us light,but also it gives us heat.
(4)By doing so,I can not only share good ideas with others but also learn to express myself clearly.
→By doing so,________________________________________________________.(倒装句)
14.There comes a time when...……的时代到来
[教材原句] There comes a time when the old must give way to the new,and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.(P4) 新旧更替的时代已经到来,在走向未来的过程中,我们不可能将过去的一切都保存下来。
(1)There comes a time when...意为“……的时代到来”,包含了一个由when引导的限制性定语从句,修饰的是a time,when在从句中作时间状语。
(2)It/That was a time when...那是一个……时期。
This is a time when...这是一个……时代。
We have entered into an age when dreams have the best chance of coming true.
①The reason ________ he has had such a success is that he never gives up.
②Now their peace talks have reached a key stage ________ one side must give in to the other.
③The music reminded me of the days ________we practiced this song for the singing competition.
④________________________ you have to make a choice.
⑤________________________ women were not allowed to go to school.
1. preserve 【即时练】答案: ①to preserve world peace② to preserve③ preservation ④preservation ⑤from/against to_preserve_the_old_temple_from falling down
【语境巧练】答案:(1) (should) be preserved (2) preservation (3) preserved (4)to preserve our natural resources
2. promote 【语境巧练】答案:(1)促进 (2)提升(3)晋升(4)推销
【即时练】(5)promotion(6)was_promoted(7) to promote traditional Chinese culture
3.balance【即时练】 答案:(1)balanced (2)to balance(3) a (4) keep balance; lost his balance; keep himself balanced
4. likely【即时练】答案:(1) most likely (2)to walk (3)likely (4)It is very likely(5) possible;likely;probable/likely/possible (6)It is likely that;are likely to
5.limit 【即时练】答案: ①to ② limited ③limitless ④be limited to 400 words or so ⑤is limited to ⑥our limited time and money
6. prevent【即时练】答案: (1)getting(2) to prevent (3)coming(4)prevents (5) doing(6)Prevention(7)prevent/keep/stop the environment from being polluted
7. attempt 【即时练】答案: (1)to compete(2) an (3)passing(4) attempting to get into bed(5)make an attempt to change your habits (6)at the first attempt
8. worthwhile 【即时练】答案: (1) to spend/spending(2) seeing (3)a worthwhile activity (4)worth it (5)was worth considering;was worthy of being considered;was worthy to be considered;It is worthwhile to consider/considering
9. contribute【即时练】答案: (1)contributions(2) to(3) to (4)contribute more to the Belt and Road construction (5)contribute to improving our efficiency
10.答案: ①an ② taking③ in ④ take part in⑤join in⑥attend⑦ joined
[完成句子] (1) takes an active part in social activities(2) take part
11.答案: (1)to (2)to make (3)a (4)living/leading a happy life (5) leading the way(6)led to
12.答案: 【语境巧练】(1) 求助于(2 )翻到(书的某页) (3)从事于 (4)转向 (5)查阅
【即时练】 (6) turned out(7) turned up(8) turned down(9) turned out to be(10)turn to
13.答案: not only can reading classics improve our studying career(2)not only did he receive a present
[完成句子](1) not only; but also(2)Not only I but also Tom and Mary (3)Not only does(4) not only can I share good ideas with others but also I am learn to express myself clearly
14. 答案: ①why ②where③when④There comes a time when⑤There was once a time when
Grammar 定语从句
关系词 先行词 在从句中的作用 例句
who 人 作主语、宾语 The boy who is standing there is my cousin.站在那儿的那个男孩是我的表弟。
whom 人 作动词宾语或介词宾语(可省略) The man(whom)you met yesterday is Mr. Smith.你昨天见的那个人是史密斯先生。
whose 人或物 (=of whom/of which)作定语 He lives in a room whose window faces south.他住在一间窗户朝南的房间里。
that 人或物 作主语、宾语或表语(可省略) I don't know about the man(that)you mentioned.我不知道你提到的那个人。
which 物 作主语、宾语 The pen(which)my uncle gave me is missing.我叔叔给我的那支钢笔丢了。
when 表示时间的名词 作时间状语 I'll never forget the day when I joined the Party.我将永远不会忘记我入党的那一天。
where 表示地点的名词 作地点状语 The factory where my father works is in the east of the city.我爸爸工作的那家工厂在这座城市的东部。
why 原因 作原因状语 None of us know the reason why Tom was absent from the meeting.我们都不知道汤姆缺席会议的原因。
1. This is the factory ________ I visited last year.
2. This is the factory ________ I worked last year.
3. The reason ________ he gave is unbelievable.
4. The reason ________ he was absent is unbelieved.
5. I won’t forgot the day ________ I took part in the sports meeting.
6. I won’t forget the day ________ I spent with you on the farm.
7. The generation gap is a problem ________ people are interested in.
8. I don’t like the way ________ she deals with the proposal.
9. I don’t like the way ________ you talked about just now.
10. After graduation she reached a point in her career ________ she needed to decide what to do.
1 that/which 2 where/in which 3 that/which/- 4 why/for which 5 when/on which 6 that/which/- 7 that/which/- 8 in which/that/- 9 which/that/- 10 in which/where