山东省济南市莱芜第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次学情检测英语试题 (含答案,无听力音频无听力原文)


名称 山东省济南市莱芜第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次学情检测英语试题 (含答案,无听力音频无听力原文)
格式 zip
文件大小 73.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-04 22:41:17


11-15CBACB 16-20ACBBA
21-25CADDA 26-30BDDAA
31-35ADCBC 36-40DGBEA
41-45CDABB 46-50ADCDC
have put
做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到 答题纸上。
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.What did the woman have a problem with
A.Her neck. B.Her ears. C.Her nose.
2.What does the woman think of Mary
A.She is generous. B.She is funny. C.She is negative.
3.Which bottle does the woman most probably get at last
A.The blue one. B.The red one. C.The yellow one.
4.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.In a teahouse. B.In a fruit store. C.In a chocolate shop.
5.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A movie. B.The man's friends. C.The woman's car.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. When do Italians drink coffee with milk
A.In the morning. B.At noon. C.In the afternoon.
7.What will the speakers probably order next
A.Bread. B.Coffee. C.Noodles.
8.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.In the library. B.In the man's house. C.In the classroom.
9.When will the speakers work on their report
A.On Tuesday morning. B.On Tuesday afternoon. C.On Tuesday evening.
10.How does the woman get to school
A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By bike.
11.What is the woman doing
A.Returning the money to the man.
B.Helping the man move things out.
C. Reminding the man of the housing agreement.
12.What is the man's problem
A.He has no time to move his things.
B.He hasn't found a new place to stay in
C.He has no money for a new apartment.
13. How many more days does the woman give the man
A.Two. B.Five. C.Seven.
14. What's the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Co-workers. B.Mother and son. C.Husband and wife.
15.How does the woman probably feel
A.Bored. B.Excited. C.Angry.
16.What does the man plan to do this evening
A.Have a meal at a restaurant.
B.Make dinner for his mother.
C.Drive through the countryside.
17.Who is the speaker probably talking to
A.Parents. B.A school sports team. C.High school students.
18. How much snow is there on the ground now according to the talk
A.4cm. B.10cm. C.25cm.
19.What will be canceled according to the speaker
A.The school's lunch.
B.Some afternoon classes.
C.The beginning of the sports season.
20.What does the speaker suggest everyone in the audience do
A.Contact their parents.
B.Drive home as soon as possible.
C.Wait for the buses to pick them up.
With iconic landmarks(地标) and architectural marvels, Seattle is one of the best places to visit in the Pacific Northwest. The following best-selling tours will make your trip a trip to remember.
Sightseeing Bus Tour
☆3.6(647 reviews)
This tour will give you the chance to see the highlights of Seattle at your own pace. With a one-day or two-day ticket,you can hop on and hop off the open-top double-decker bus at any stop and listen to an audio guide throughout the journey.
Chef Guided Food Tour
☆4.9 Exceptional (902 reviews)
This chef-guided food tour will take you to explore Seattle's food culture in two hours.You will start with a bite of yogurt featuring local dairy. Next, you stop by for a quick snack of dried apples and cherries, followed by tasting a cup of award-winning thick soup.You will also learn where the chefs get their produce from, and see the production of cheese on-site.
Harbour Cruise Tour
☆4.7 Exceptional(730 reviews)
Starting from Seattle's central waterfront, this one-hour Seattle harbour cruise will take you along the shoreline,enjoying views of the Seattle skyline. You'll view the Seattle Great Wheel, Seattle Aquarium, Olympic Sculpture Park and Myrtle Edwards Park from the boat. Additionally, you'll see the Olympic Mountain range and a 14,410-feet-tall volcano, located 60 miles southeast of Seattle.
Underground History Tour
☆4.6 Fabulous(1224 reviews)
This two-hour, small-group tour will take you into the attractive world beneath Seattle's streets. You'll travel along the underground pathways constructed over a century ago and learn interesting details about Seattle's early history from your knowledgeable guide.
21.Which tour is the best choice if you are a foodie
A.Harbour Cruise Tour.
B. SightseeingBus Tour.
C.Chef Guided Food Tour.
D.Underground History Tour.
22.What can visitors do in the Harbour Cruise Tour
A.Admire various landmarks.
B.Listen to an audio guide
C.Learn Seattle's history.
D.Go on a hike.
23.What's the text
A.A blog post.
B.A news report.
C.A travel journal.
D.A tour advertisement.
A heart attack led Ivan Markov to take up gardening on a small patch(小块土地)in front of his council flat.Now,he's spreading his love of nature across south London.
Markov grew up on Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea, and learned to love nature in these tropical zones. In 2007, he moved to Lewisham, south-east London, to work as a teacher. Unfortunately,he was diagnosed with heart failure in 2010. During the treatment and recovery, he read about a local award for best garden, and though he only had a front garden outside his flat, he thought the competition would besomething to work towards. He worked on his patch for most of the year, planting seed and plants, such as flowers, berries and herbs.Suprisingly, he won the best front garden prize. “I couldn't believe it," he says. "I nearly fell off my seat”
That was the start. Markov created a community nursery (苗圃)at the side of his house, and started planting bushes across the road. "I had so much beauty in my garden," he says.“I wanted to share what I had."He started offering guide to others. News of Markov's green-fingered selflessness began to spread. "I go to someone's property and give them advice on how to plant a garden," he says. He delivers cutings and seeds and helps people repot plants,but everything he does is free. To date, Markov has helped six neighbourhoods embrace sustainable gardening.
He wants to show people you don't have to live in the country to create beauty.“It doesn't matter how much
space you have. Outside my place there's a tiny square,tiny. I grow tomatoes there for my supper. The opportunities are endless.”
Gardening gives Markov "the feeling of creating something from nothing and so much pleasure". His dream is to create more green areas. Markov is making this corner of south-east London a paradise for all.
24.What can be inferred about Markov in paragraph 2
A.He worked as a gardener.
B.He won an education prize.
C.He failed in the competition.
D.He turned out a green finger.
25.Which can best describe Markov according to paragraph 3
A.Generous and warm-hearted.
B.Humorous and energetic.
C. Confident and diligent.
D.Smart and courageous.
26.What may Markov agree with regarding gardening
A.Skilled techniques are needed.
B.Desire to take actions matters.
C.Selflessness values a lot.
D.Much space is important.
27.What is the passage mainly about
A.A positive spirit against difficulty.
B.The harmony of human and nature.
C.The origin of a community nursery.
D.A creator of a green paradise for all.
Many children are introduced to animals through TV shows or movies. Shaun the Sheep,a popular cartoon series,features a variety of animals living at the Mossy Bottom Farm.Among them,naughty Shaun is the clever leader of his flock of sheep. Sheep in this series look a bit different from common ones because the TV show used the Valais Blacknose sheep the model.
There are few animals that make people say "Aww!" in a high-toned voice as quickly as the Valais Blacknose sheep.As the cutest sheep in the world, these animals come from the Valais region in Switzerland. They are instantly recognizable thanks to their charming appearance.With spiral-shaped homs(螺旋形的角),they have soft,white wool,which contrasts with the black patches spread evenly over their faces and found on their ears,knees,and ankles.
The Valais Blacknose sheep have a rich history deeply rooted inthe Swiss Alps. They were originally raised in the 15th century for their highly valued wool.However,it was not until 1962 that they were officially recognized as a breed(品种). Their population once dwindled, but continuous efforts have been made to protect this unique breed. These efforts have been successful, and the Valais Blacknose sheep can now be found in various parts of the globe.
Looking like a combination of a lamb and a teddy bear, the Valais Blacknose sheep has found its place in the hearts of many people.They are also raised as pets due to their adorable, gentle, and friendly nature, which makes them perfect companions. However, it's important for owners to consider their needs, includig suitable living environment,nutrition(营养),and space to wander.Whether as wool producers or beloved pets,the Valais Blacknose sheep have gained their fame in being helpful animals.
28.How is the topic introduced
A.By listing characters in a TV show.
B.By describing the nature of an animal.
C.By comparing leaders of different animals.
D.By showing a character in a cartoon series.
29.What is mainly talked about concerning the Valais Blacknose sheep in paragraph 2
A.Its look. B.Its character. C.Its use. D.Its origin.
30.What does the underlined word “dwindled” mean in paragraph 3
A.Decreased gradually.
B.Changed constantly.
C.Increased rapidly.
D.Remained stable.
31.What should owners take into consideration when raising the Valais Balcknose sheep
A.Sheep's food needs.
B.Sheep's appearance.
C.Owner-sheep interaction.
D.Owner-sheep relationship.
When we think about what makes humans different from other animals, the word "conscience” often appears.Conscience is the feeling you get when you assess(评估) if you've done something “correct"or "wrong".It is with the help of our conscience that we understand the moral principles we hold. This motivates us to act on them and principles, in terms of how well we follow them. Accordingly, you avoid certain desires(i.e.,eating in class) and follow the behavior that is considered correct or"right'(paying attention to what the teacher is teaching).
Consciousness, on the other hand, reflects how aware you are of your surroundings.A good way to understand this is to think of the human mind as an iceberg, as proposed by Freud's psychoanalytic theory.The part of the iceberg on the surface represents your conscious awareness. It refers to all the things you are aware of and can easily describe.For instance, right now, while reading this article,your conscious mind is helping you make connections. The deeper level of the iceberg is your unconscious mind. It refers to aspects that you are unaware of, including your fears,violent motives, and strong desires that are hard to describe.
Many researchers, like Freud, propose that morality or conscience develops when a child internalizes the rules that their parents set when the child was growing up. However, some psychologists, like Paul Bloom, argue that morality is something we are all born with. Bloom argues that all babies are born with a sense of fairness.The claim came from studies of adopted children with genes,who were twins and separated at birth. If they possessed the “gene” to be kind, they would continueto be kind, despite being brought up in different family environments.
So,which opinion is true We truly don't know. While there is more evidence in the studies claiming that conscience is developed through learning and socialization, the newer ideas of it being genetically acquired from birth look promising as well!
32.What is a function of conscience
A.It motivates us to act quickly.
B.It keeps record of our behavior.
C.It assesses our moral principles.
D. It helps us tell right from wrong.
33.In which situation does your unconscious mind work
A.You apply what you learn to practice.
B.You appreciate the beauty of poetry.
C.You have a fear of public speaking.
D.You describe violent scenes in a book.
34.What may Freud agree with
A.Genes affect kids' consciousness.
B.Kids acquire conscience with age.
C.Genetic studies promote his theory.
D. Parents should set strict rules for kids.
35.What may be a suitable title for the text
A. Consciousness improves our moral level
B.New theory uncovers the secret of our mind
C.Is conscience gained at birth or with age
D.What helps tell human being from animals
With a history of 5,000 years, yoga is more populr today than ever.The fact that you can practice it just about anywhere is a big reason why. 36 That's nearly 15 million more than the number of people who golf.
Westerners adopted yoga as a form of exercise, but at its roots, yoga is a way of life.As recorded in the Yoga Sutras, yoga is based on the idea that the mind, body and spirit are all one. The breath is said to carry a person's life force. 37
In addition to reducing stress, yoga can improve posture and balance, strengthen bones and muscles, and keep your joints healthy. 38 For instance, downward-facing dog can relieve back pain,while plank pose is good for building a strong core(核心). For a quick break, the best choice is child pose. 39 You start out on your hands and knees and sit back,bringing your belly to the floor,with arms outstretched.
40. Globally, the industry is expected to produce $66 billion by 2027. More than 45,000 yoga studios dot the country. Despite the fact that all you really need is a mat, the average American yogi spends an estimated $62,640 over a lifetime on yoga classes and accessories.
A.Today,yoga is big business.
B.Different poses offer different benefits.
C.You have access to yoga whenever you like.
D.About 55 million Americans regularly hit the mat(地垫).
E.It is a gentle stretch that helps you rest and refocus.
F.Close your eyes, relax your body and take a deep breath.
G.Also, many experts believe that controlling the breath refreshes the body.
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
At eight o'clock on Christmas morning,Dad said he wanted to listento the 41 .My 11-year-old self was wondering why 42 grown-ups would be interested in the news when there were important things to be done, such as handing out 43.And then, while I was only half-listening to the radio broadcast,something 44
happened:the boring newsreader began talking about a Christmas message. Hadn't we heard that report earlier
It's a tape recorder! My heart missed a beat when I finally 45 what was happening. My dad had 46 the news and were playing it back.
The thing is,I was born 47. In the late 1950s,tap recorders were definitely the 48 choice for blind kids like me, especially with the 49 of rock'n'roll. 50,the new toy dominated(占据)the rest of the Christmas holidays. I recorded everything: my parents, the milkman, the dog.. I even made my own radio programme, where I talked about my thoughts in the 51 of the voices I heard on the video.
Ten years later,I drewon the confidence gained from early 52 of the sound and walked into a radio station,in the hope of 53 myself as a broadcaster(电台主持人)in a weekly programme fr blind people.Twenty-five years later,I presented my first report for BBC's Six O'clock News,a programme my dad had never 54.Although by then he'd been dead for more than a decade,I like to think he'd have realized that his Christmas present had 55 my life.
41.A.music B.programme C.news D.noise
42.A.in general B.in reality C.on occasion D.on earth
43.A.presents B.goods C.books D.cash
44.A.typical B.strange C.romantic D.exciting
45.A.sought out B.figured out C.set out D.tried out
46.A.recorded B.followed C.heard D.repeated
47.A.creative B.deaf C.curious D.blind
48.A.tough B.easy C.top D.right
49.A.threat B.surroundings C.app D.rise
50.A.Surprisingly B.Thankfully C.Naturally D.Luckily
51.A.company B.style C.hope D.middle
52.A.exploration B.investigation C.composition D.imagination
53.A.identifying B.assuming C.selling D.dressing
54.A.hosted B.missed C.intended D.clicked
55.A.created B.controlled C.ruled D.shaped
A popular movie or TV drama has the power to make a city famos 56 promote a tourism boom.Moviegoers are no longer satisfied 57 merely watching the show on screen, but eager to step into the scenes and experience the daily lives of the characters. Over the past year, several films and TV dramas 58(put) their shooting sites into the public spotlight.
Shanghai,often 59 (know) as the "magic city” in China,has once again caught the public's attention with the recent 60 _(popular) of the TV series Blossoms Shanghai(繁花).Key filming locations such as Huanghe Road,Peace Hotel, and Tai Sheng Yuan restaurant have become 61 (high) attractive tourist destinations.Dishes in the show, 62 (feature) delicate cooking techniques,such as Spare Ribs with Rice
Cakes and Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Beef, have been favored by tourists. The iconic No. 27 on the Bund(外滩), 63 Miss Wang worked in the TV series, has transformed into Jiushi Art Museum. Since the release of the TV drama in December last year, searches for hotels along Nanjing Road and its 64(surround) areas have welcomed 7.2 million tourists. This rapid rise in visitors contributed to 65 obvious increase oftourism consumption during the holiday.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 满分(15分)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
Summer vacation had finally arrived, and David's family were eagerly looking forward to their beach getaway.David, the youngest of four siblings(兄弟姐妹),couldn't hold back his excitement as they packed their bags and loaded up the car. Little did he know, an unexpected tur of events would leave him alone at home.
As the family hurried around, getting ready for their trip, David quickly went back into the house to take his favorite book.But his careless dad didn't realize that David hadn't come back to the car yet.With a quick wave,the car pulled away, leaving David standing alone in the driveway.
Realizing he had been left behind, David's first surprise quickly turned to fear. He tried his best to catch his family's attention, but the loud car drowned out his shouts. With no other choice, he went back intothe empty house,feeling abandoned and unsure of what to do next.
Hours passed, and David's hunger grew as he anxiously waited for his family to return. His stomach growled Joudly, a clear reminder of his situation. Just as he was about to give up hope, his phone rang. It was his mother,calling to see how he was doing.
David felt annoyed and mad as he answered the call. He couldn'tget why his family forgot about him.His mom sounded worried and sorry, but it didn't really make him feel better.“David,I'm really sorry,”she said,“We didn't know you weren't in the car until it was too late. Please forgive us.”
Angry and depressed,David struggled to find the words to respond. But as he listenedto his mother's apology,a sense of determination began to take root within him. He realized that he couldn't rely on others to take care of him-he had to learn to tend to himself.
He decided to make lunch for himself.
His mother woke him up and asked,“Did you have lunch ”