新人教版必修第二册Unit 5Music 知识清单-原卷版+解析版【2025年新人教高考英语一轮复习教材梳理学案】


名称 新人教版必修第二册Unit 5Music 知识清单-原卷版+解析版【2025年新人教高考英语一轮复习教材梳理学案】
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-06 10:49:54


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新人教版必修第二册Unit 5知识清单
重 点 单 词 1.aim n. 目的;目标 vt.&vi. 力求达到;力争做到;瞄准 vt. 目的是;旨在 2.cure vt. 治愈;治好(疾病);解决(问题) n. 药物;治疗;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施 3.impact n. 巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力 4.opportunity n. 机会;时机 5.award vt. 授予 n. 奖品 6.phenomenon n. 现象→(pl.) phenomena 7.lean vt. 依靠;倾斜→leaned/leant/leaned/leant/leaning (过去式/过去分词/现在分词) 8.stage n. (发展或进展的)时期;阶段;(多指剧场中的)舞台 9.ache vi.&n. 疼痛 10.ordinary adj. 普通的;平凡的 11.thus adv. 如此;因此 12.somehow adv. 以某种方式(或方法);不知怎么地 13.altogether adv. (用以强调)全部;总共 14.moreover adv. 而且;此外 15.nowadays adv. 现在;目前 16.conductor n. 指挥;售票员 17.onto prep. (朝)向 18.outline n.&vt. 概述;概要 19.being n. 身心;存在;生物 20.soul n. 灵魂;心灵 21.band n. 乐队;带子 22.studio n. 演播室;(音乐的)录音棚;工作室 23.romantic adj. 浪漫的 n. 浪漫的人 24.piano n. 钢琴 25.disease n. 疾病
词 汇 拓 展 1.perform vi.&vt. 表演;履行;执行→performance n. 表演;演技;表现→performer n. 表演者;演员 2.prove vt. 证明;展现→proof n. 证明;证据 3.treatment n. 治疗;对待;处理→treat vt. 以……态度对待;以……方式对待;把……看作;治疗 4.satisfaction n. 满足;满意;欣慰→satisfy vt. 使满意→satisfying adj. 令人满意的→satisfied adj. 感到满意的 5.absorbed adj. 被……吸引住的;专心致志的→absorb vt. 吸收;使全神贯注→absorption n. 吸收;全神贯注 6.relief n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱→relieve vt. 解除;减轻 7.enable vt. 使能够;使可能→able adj. 有才能的;能;能够→ability n. 能力 8.capable adj. 有能力的;有才能的→capability n. 能力 9.energy n. 能源;能量;精力→energetic adj. 精力充沛的;充满活力的 10.assume vt. 以为;假设→assumption n. 假定;假设 11.various adj. 各种不同的;各种各样的→variety n. 不同种类;多样化→vary vi. 变化;不同 12.repetition n. 重复;重做→repeat vt. 重复;重说;重写 13.gradual adj. 逐渐的;渐进的→gradually adv. 逐渐地 14.unemployed adj. 失业的;待业的→unemployment n. 失业→employment (反) n. 就业→employ vt. 雇用→employer n. 雇主→employee n. 受雇者 15.equipment n. 设备;装备→equip vt. 配备;装备 16.addition n. 添加;加法;增加物→additional adj. 附加的;额外的→additionally adv. 此外;额外地→add vt.&vi. 增加;添加 17.talent n.天才;天资;天赋→talented adj. 有才能的;天才的 18.reaction n. 反应;回应→react vi. 作出反应;回应 19.previous adj. 先前的,以往的→previously adv. 先前地;之前 20.original adj. 原来的;独创的;原作的→originally adv. 原来;起初→origin n. 起源;起因 21.virtual adj. 很接近的;事实上的;虚拟的→virtually adv. 差不多;事实上;实际上 22.composition n. 成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品→compose vt. 组成;作曲;创作→composer n. 作曲家
重 点 短 语 1.fall in love with爱上 2.be absorbed in sth./sb.被……吸引住;专心致志 3.set sth.up安装好(设备或机器) 4.try out参加……选拔(或试演) 5.in addition (to sb./sth.)除……以外(还) 6.from (then) on从(那)时起 7.get through (设法)处理;完成
重 点 句 型 1.Moved by this music,he said,“It was like seeing color for the first time.” 他被这段音乐打动了,他说:“那种(兴奋的)感觉就如同是第一次看见色彩一样。” 2.It’s an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life. 非常荣幸来到这里与大家分享音乐是如何影响了我的人生的。 3.Have you ever faced a time when things looked dark and you had no hope at all 你是否曾经经历过黯淡无光、万念俱灰的一段时光? 4.The song made me feel so much better that from then on I began to listen to music all the time. 这首歌让我感觉好多了,从那以后我开始一直听音乐。 5.During those times,music can help you in the same way that it helped me. 在那时,音乐可以帮助你,就像它曾经帮助我一样。
Nowadays the virtual choir is popular with people. They have the opportunity  11.  (sing) together with hundreds of other people. Anyone can take part in a virtual choir from anywhere — all you need is a video camera and  12.   Internet connection. They record themselves when  13.   (perform) alone on video. These videos  14.  (upload) onto the Internet, and then put together into one video. The virtual choir has proved to be a positive influence on the lives of many people. Eric Whitacre, the creator of the virtual choir, fell in love  15.   music in the university. In 1997, he received a master's degree in musical composition. Over the next 10 years, Whitacre's original compositions began to become popular. This led to the  16.   (create) of the virtual choir. In 2009,Whitacre received a video of a girl  17.   was singing one of his works.  18.   (inspire), he founded his first virtual choir. Since then, the virtual choir  19.   (become) a worldwide phenomenon. The virtual choir is making the world a  20.   (good) place.
【答案】11.to sing;12.an;13.performing;14.are uploaded;15.with;16.creation;17.who;18.Inspired;19.has become;20.better
11.句意:他们有机会与数百人一起唱歌。此处不定式作定语,故填 to sing 。
12.句意:任何人都可以从任何地方参加虚拟合唱团——您所需要的只是一台摄像机和一个互联网连接。此处是泛指,应用不定冠词, Internet 的发音是元音音素开头,应用an,故填an。
13.句意:他们在视频中单独表演时记录自己。 they与perform 在逻辑上是主谓关系,现在分词表主动,此处作时间状语,故填 performing 。
14.句意:这些视频上传到互联网上,然后组合成一个视频。此处是谓语动词,与 these videos是被动关系,应用被动语态,结合语境应用一般现在时,故填are uploaded 。
15.句意:虚拟合唱团的创建者 Eric Whitacre 在大学里爱上了音乐。fall in love with固定短语,“爱上,喜欢”,故填with。
16.句意:这导致了虚拟合唱团的创建。此处名词作宾语, creation “创建”,不可数名词,故填 creation 。
17.句意:2009 年,Whitacre 收到了一个女孩正在演唱他的作品的视频。 was singing one of his works 是限制性定语从句,先行词是 a girl ,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词who,故填who。
18.句意:受到启发,他创立了自己的第一个虚拟合唱团。 inspire 与 he 在逻辑上是动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作状语,故填 Inspired 。
19.句意:从那时起,虚拟合唱团已经成为一种世界性的现象。此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语 since then,应用现在完成时,故填has become 。
20.句意:虚拟合唱团正在让世界变得更美好。此处形容词比较级作定语,故填 better 。
1.perform vi.& vt. 表演;履行;执行
[教材原句] Virtual choir members record themselves while they perform alone on video.(P52) 虚拟合唱团成员在独自表演时录制视频。
归纳点拨 (1)perform a(n) ... role in ... 在……中起……作用 perform an experiment 做实验 perform one's duty/promise 尽责任/履行承诺 (2)performance n. 表演;演奏;演技;表现 put on/give a performance 表演;演出 (3)performer n. 执行者;表演者;演员
(1)You have to admit the ________ (perform) of the famous actors in that film to be wonderful.
(2)I’m glad to tell you that famous singer,will come to our city ________(perform) next month.
(3)Once ________ (perform),the works of Beethoven must attract all the people present at the concert.
(4)(2021·浙江1月高考写作)Finally, a Peking Opera ________ (perform) will be given if time permits.
Every time an experiment was performed, he would check and recheck the results.________
(6)Each person of our country has to______________.
2.prove vt.证明;展现
[教材原句] It has proved to be a positive influence on the lives of many people.(P52) 事实证明,这对许多人的生活产生了积极影响。
归纳点拨 prove sth. to sb.    向某人证明某事 prove oneself to be ... 证明自己是…… prove that ... 证明…… prove (to be)+n./adj. 证明是;结果是 It is proved that ... 据证明……;据证实…… proof n.证明;证据
名师点津 prove作及物动词时,可跟名词、代词或从句作宾语;prove作系动词时,后接形容词或名词作表语,意为“证明是”,但不能用于被动语态。例如:What he said proves (to be) true.
①He proved ________ it's not what happens to us that determines our lives — it's what we make of what happens.
②However, the railway quickly proved ________ (be) a great success and within six months, more than 25,000 people were using it every day.
③It ________ (prove)that you will succeed faster if you feel yourself happy.
④It will be a good opportunity to prove________ (he) to his family.
⑤______________parents' words and behaviors have a deep effect on their children.
3.award vt.授予 n.奖品
[教材原句] The virtual choir was the idea of award-winning composer and conductor Eric Whitacre.(P52) 虚拟合唱团是获奖作曲家兼指挥家埃里克·惠塔克的主意。
归纳点拨 (1)award sb. sth.for ...  因……而奖励某人某物 be awarded sth. for ... 因……而被授予某物 award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb. 奖励/授予/颁发给某人某物 (2)win/get the first award 获得一等奖
[易混辨析]  award, prize, reward
award 指较为正式地或官方地颁发、授予、给予,也可以指法庭裁决给予奖励
prize 多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽奖中获得的奖
reward 多指对某人的工作或服务等的报答、酬谢。reward作名词,常用give reward to sb.;作动词,常用reward sb.with sth.
①My brother won an award ________ his bravery.
②He ________(award) the Contemporary Chinese Outstanding Multiethnic Poet Poetry Award for his fruitful work.
③(2020·江苏高考)Wilson received several international ________ (award)for his great contributions.
④Our government will award a lot of money ________ whoever bravely saves the lives of others.
⑤I do envy that you've got ____________.
⑥He _______________ his wonderful performance in the show.
⑦I _______________ 50 dollars for taking me to the station.
4.relief n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱
[教材原句] Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance,Henry was still capable of writing compositions and he found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness.(P54) 尽管在演出后不久亨利受到了逐渐失明的影响,但他仍然能够作曲,而且他发现音乐创作对他的病是安慰和治疗。
归纳点拨 (1)in relief        如释重负 with relief 宽慰地 to one's relief 令某人感到欣慰的是 (2)relieve vt. 救出;解脱;使脱离 relieve sb. of ... 减轻某人的…… (3)relieved adj. 放心的
①(2020·浙江高考)We succeeded in climbing onto the helicopter, gasping ________ relief.
②Quality counts less than attitude and effort — even a stupid joke can relieve others _______ risk and embarrassment.
③Much ________ our relief, our performance was fully appreciated by the audience.
④It was a great________ (relieve) to find that my family were all safe.
⑤I'm just ________ (relieve) that nobody was hurt.
⑥I smiled ________ relief after I heard my son had been admitted into Tsinghua University.
⑦_____________ , her younger brother recovered quickly after operation.
⑧Take the medicine, and you will _______________ .
5.cure v.治愈;治好(疾病);解决(问题) n.药物;治疗;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施
[教材原句] Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance,Henry was still capable of writing compositions and he found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness.(P54) 尽管在演出后不久亨利受到了逐渐失明的影响,但他仍然能够作曲,而且他发现音乐创作对他的病是安慰和治疗。
(1)accuse sb of sth控告某人犯某事
remind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事
warn sb of sth警告某人某事
rob sb of sth抢劫某人某物
suspect sb of sth怀疑某人某事
(2)cure sb治好某人
cure sth治好(疾病);解决(问题)
cure sb of sth使某人从某种疾病中痊愈;改正某人的不良行为
a cure for...……的治愈方法;解决……的措施
(1)These suggestions would certainly cure us _______ the bad habits so that we could prevent such cases happening again.
(2)After graduation,absorbed in studying traditional Chinese medicine,she wanted to find_______ cure for malaria.
(3)Professor Wang said the reason of shortsightedness is complicated and that there is still no excellent cure_______ it.
(4)Advances in medical science have made it possible_______(cure) many so-called incurable diseases.
6.aim n.目的;目标 vi.& vt.力求达到;力争做到;瞄准 vt.目的是;旨在
[教材原句] Filled with team spirit,they act as a whole,always aiming for glory.(P54)他们作为一个整体,充满了团队精神,总是追求荣誉。
(1)aim at/for sth努力争取某事
aim to do sth/aim at doing sth旨在做某事
be aimed at (doing) sth目的是(做)某事,旨在(做)某事
be aimed at sb针对某人,对象是某人(主语一般是物)
aim (sth) at sb/sth(把某物)瞄准某人/某物
(2)achieve/realise one’s aim实现某人的目标
with the aim of(=for the purpose of)为了……
take aim at sb/sth把目标对准某人/某物
(3)aimless adj.无目标的,无计划的
aimlessly adv.漫无目的地
①The aim of the festival is________ (increase) awareness of Chinese culture and traditions.
②Then a discussion will be held, ________(aim) to improve mutual understanding.
③The event is aimed ________broadening our horizons and improving our reading ability.
④(2022·全国甲卷)June 8th was officially named by the UN in 2009 as World Oceans Day. It aims ________ (raise) people's awareness of protecting oceans.
⑤The product________(aim) at young people in the 18-25 age range.
⑥The competition was started ________ the aim of encouraging young writers.
⑦I aim to be a doctor by the time I am 25.
→_____________a doctor by the time I am 25.
⑧The aim of this measure is to reduce road accidents.
→This measure _____________ road accidents.
7.equipment n.设备;装备
①This equipment has saved the lives of a number of new born children.
②The boys equipped themselves with torches and rope, and set off.
③Our school will be equipped with iPad in every classroom.
④Keep up with your study, and you'll soon be well equipped to deal with any other challenges and difficulties!
归纳点拨 equip v.        装备;配备 equip sb.to do sth. 使某人有能力做某事 be equipped with 配备着;具有 be well/poorly equipped 装备精良的/较差的
名师点津 equipment 为不可数名词,表示“一件设备”用a piece of equipment。
①They spent a lot of money equipping the school ________ new computers.
②Everyone should bring the necessary ________ (equip) for camping in the mountains.
The centre ________________ for canoeing and mountaineering.
The rooms ________________ video cameras.
8.satisfaction n.满足;满意;欣慰
[教材原句]Moreover, music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction.
归纳点拨 (1)to sb.'s satisfaction=to the satisfaction of sb.令某人满意的是 with satisfaction 满意地 (2)satisfy v. 满足;使满意 satisfy one's needs 满足某人的需要 (3)satisfied adj. 满意的(修饰人) be/feel satisfied with ... 对……感到满意 (4)satisfactory adj. 令人满意的 satisfying adj. 令人满意的
①(2022·浙江1月高考写作)Finally, my hard work paid off — I was awarded an A, which gave me great ________(satisfy).
②She looked back on her career ________ great satisfaction.
③The teacher ________(satisfy) with what we had done.
④Our goods with a variety of colors and patterns can ________(satisfaction) the needs of customers.
⑤From her ________ voice on the phone, I knew she was ________ with her new job. (satisfy)
⑥Her sister listens to her and knows how to meet her needs. ________
9.in addition (to sb./sth.) 除……以外(还)
[教材原句] How else could you help in addition to what has already been mentioned (P55)除了已经提及的,你还能怎么帮助
①In addition ________ work, there are many meaningful things to do in life.
②(2020·浙江1月高考)In addition to________ (save) money, cheese brine could also be a more eco friendly option.
③Just before and an hour after each workout, the scientists took ________(addition) samples of the men's blood and fat tissue.
[选词填空:in addition/in addition to]
④She can speak French and German ________ to English.
⑤The products are of high quality. _________, the price is low.
10.try out 参加……的选拔(试演)
[教材原句] Who can try out as a performer (P55) 谁能参加演员的选拔
try out参加……的选拔;测试;试验
try to do sth尽力做某事
try doing sth试着做某事
try on试穿
[语境巧练] [写出下列句中try out的含义]
He wants to try out for the 100 metres race.________
We should try out all the equipment before we do the experiment.________
(3)Every month I try out the newest electronic gadgets and write a review about the product.________
①After the outbreak of COVID 19, he__________volunteers in Qingdao.
②I just don't see why we shouldn't __________.
11.be absorbed in sth/sb 被……吸引住;专心致志
[教材原句] When he got absorbed in his world of music,he felt as if he could “see” the beauty of the world around him,like he had in his previous life.(P54) 当他沉浸在音乐的世界里时,他觉得自己仿佛能“看到”周围世界的美,就像他前世一样。
归纳点拨 (1)absorb oneself in  专心于;全神贯注于 (2)absorbed adj. 全神贯注的;专心致志的 be absorbed in=absorb oneself in专心于;全神贯注于
名师点津 be absorbed in (doing) sth.结构在句中作状语、定语时,常用其过去分词形式absorbed in ...。类似的结构还有: be lost in ...     陷入……;专心致志于…… be caught in ... 被困在…… be buried in ... 埋头于…… be devoted to ... 致力于……;专心于……
①A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he absorbed himself in his reading.
=A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he ________ his reading.
②During the COVID 19 outbreak, students were absorbed________ their studies at home.
③He stopped for a moment, ________ (absorb) in what he had said.
④The writer was_______________she didn't notice him enter the room.
[高考链接】(2020·新高考全国卷Ⅰ)In fact, most people only absorb about 20 percent of a speaker's message.
12.get through (设法) 处理;完成;设法联系上(尤指打通电话);通过;度过;用完;耗尽
[教材原句] It was the rock I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times.(P56) 它是一块岩石,我靠着它变得坚强,度过了那些艰难的日子。
[写出下列句中get through的含义]
(1)Thankfully,I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.________
(2)I couldn’t get through to him because his telephone was out of order now and then.________
(3)She found writing helped her get through the rough days.________
(4)Luckily,he got through the exam and his efforts paid off.________
(5)The little boy got through all his money in just one week and had to ask his mom for some more.________
get across        被理解 get away with 被放过;受到从轻发落 get down to (doing) sth. 着手认真做某事 get over 克服 get on well with 与……相处融洽;……进展顺利
⑥Can you call me back at this number when you get ________
⑦Anyway, we're here now, so let's get down________ some serious work.
⑧Did your speech get ________ to the audience
⑨The members of the class are ________________________.
[教材原句] During those times,music can help you in the same way that it helped me.(P56) 在那段时间里,音乐可以像帮助我一样帮助你。
(1)way表“方式;方法”,在定语从句中作先行词时,定语从句中缺少方式状语其后用in which/that引导定语从句,也可省略关系词,此时关系词在从句中作状语。
(3)way表示“方式;方法”时,其后还可接不定式或of doing sth的形式
(1)I don’t like the way ______________________.
(2)They learned this from the way______________________.
School activities are usually considered a good way to ______________________.
[教材原句]Born in the USA on 2 January 1970,Whitacre began studying music at the University of Nevada in 1988.
①(2020·天津5月高考)Completed in 1931, the Empire State Building, the highest skyscraper until 1954, inspired the imagination of the world.
②Absorbed in painting, John didn't notice evening approaching.
=Because John was absorbed in painting, he didn't notice evening approaching.
=John was absorbed in painting, so he didn't notice evening approaching.
③Used with care, one tin will last for six weeks.
④Defeated by his opponent, he never gave up any hope.
=Although he was defeated by his opponent, he never gave up any hope.
⑤She accepted the gift, deeply moved.
=She accepted the gift, and she was deeply moved.
⑥Lost in thought, he didn't hear the bell.
①(2020·全国卷Ⅰ)That didn't go as ________ (plan). But, I tried my best.
②________ (raise) in the poorest area of Glasgow, he had a long, hard road to becoming a football star.
③It is said that about 20% of 25-34 year olds live with their parents, ________(compare) with 16% in 1991.
④________ (found) in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring children's love of art.
⑤________ (translate) into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.
[教材原句]As one virtual choir member said, “Music helps me to ... forget my problems. With music, I become someone else.”
As one virtual choir member said为非限制性定语从句,as指代整个主句的内容。关系代词as引导非限制性定语从句,从句可放在主句前、主句中或主句后,常用逗号与主句隔开。as意为“正如”,其后的谓语动词多是see, know, expect, say, show等。常见表达:
as you can see    正如你所看见的
as we have expected 正如我们所预料的那样
as is mentioned above 正如上面所提到的
as is well known/as we all know 众所周知
as is often the case 情况总是如此
as is reported 正如所报道的那样
as has been said before 正如前面所述
as the old saying goes 正如谚语所说
[名师点津] as和which引导定语从句的区别
(1)_______________, the trip is no piece of cake.
(2)He was late for class, _______________.
(3)The air quality in the city, _______________,has improved over the past two months.
(4)_______________, the number of the students is increasing.
(5)_______________, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
1. perform【即时练】答案: (1)performance(2) to perform(3) performed(4)performance (5)carried_out/conducted(6)perform his own duty
2. prove【即时练】答案:①that ② to be ③ is proved ④ himself ⑤It is proved that
3.award【即时练】 答案:① for ②was awarded ③awards ④ to ⑤the first award ⑥won an award/was awarded for ⑦rewarded him with
4. relief 【即时练】答案:①with②of ③ to ④relief ⑤relieved ⑥ in⑦To her relief ⑧ be relieved of your pain
5.cure 【即时练】答案: (1)of (2) a(3)for (4) to cure
6. aim【即时练】答案:①to increase ②aiming③at④to raise⑤ is aimed⑥with⑦My aim is to be⑧aims at reducing
7. equipment 【即时练】答案: 答案:①with ②equipment ③is well equipped ④are equipped with
8. satisfaction【即时练】答案: ①satisfaction②with ③was satisfied ④satisfy ⑤ satisfied,satisfied⑥satisfy
9.答案: ① to②saving③additional④ in addition to⑤In addition
10.答案: [语境巧练](1)参加……的选拔,(2)测试(3)试用 [完成句子]① tried out for②have a try
11.答案: ①was absorbed in ② in ③absorbed④so absorbed in her work that
12. 答案:[语境巧练](1)(设法)做完 (2)设法联系上 (3)渡过(4)通过(5)用完
【即时练】⑥ through ⑦ to ⑧across ⑨getting on very well with one another
13.答案: (1)(that/in which) you speak to her(2)the bones were joined together(3) make new friends and develop new interests
14. 答案: ①planned②Raised③compared④Founded⑤Translated
15. 答案:(1)As you can imagine(2) as is often the case(3)as is shown in the report(4)As is mentioned above(5)As the old saying goes
Grammar 过去分词作表语和状语
1.I never thought I was very talented at anything to do with music.
2.My cousin is very interested in painting.
3.Moved by this music,he said,“It was like seeing color for the first time.”
4.Well known as a successful band,the impact members show quite a few striking abilities.
She looked disappointed.
We were encouraged at the news.
The cup is broken.
The cup was broken by Tom.
过去分词 表示人自身的感受或事物自身的状态,常译作“感到……的”
现在分词 表示事物具有的特性,常译作“令人……的”
They became so worried that they stayed awake all night.
The situation became so worrying that something should be done at once.
Once published(=Once it is published),the dictionary will be very popular.
Absorbed in painting(=Because John was absorbed in painting),John didn't notice evening approaching.
Given another hour(=If I am given another hour),I can also work out this problem.
过去分词作让步状语时,相当于一个though,although,even if/though等引导的让步状语从句。
Beaten by the opposite team(=Though we were beaten by the opposite team),we didn't lose heart and encouraged each other.
The old man got on the bus,supported by a girl(=and he was supported by a girl).
①过去分词作状语时,其前面可以带有相应的连词,如when,though,although,as if,as though,if,unless,until,once等,表时间、让步、条件、方式等。
If (I am)invited,I will attend the wedding of my friend.
Caught,the thief will be punished by the police.(caught的逻辑主语为the thief)
Disappointed at the examination results,the girl stood there without saying a word.
Asked why he was late,he cried.
Looking out of the window,I saw some students playing there.
1. The old may lay on the beach at ease, ________ (expose) to the sun.
2. Not ________ (know) what to do, the children had to wait for their parents to come back.
3. When ________ (offer) help, one often says “Thank you”.
4. ________ (hear) the signal, people ran out of the building.
5. ________ (look) out through the window, we saw the beautiful scenery.
6. ________ (bury) in her novel, the girl didn’t notice the beautiful snow.
7. The case shocked the public, ________ (cause) a hot debate on human nature on the Internet.
8. Even if ________ (tell) many times, he still made the same mistakes.
9. ________ (admit) into a key university, the girl was very excited.
10. Mr. Bissell skillfully organizes historical insights and cultural references, making his tale a well-rounded picture of Uzbekistan, ________ (see) from Western eyes.
11. Technological innovations, ________ (combine) with good marketing, will promote the sales of these products.
12. Emma had never taken herself as a crane (鹤,吊车) and became ________ (attach) to humans.
13. More efforts must be made, because the population of the crane in the wild is on the deadline, and may other species appear ________ (head) towards extinction.
14. There are plenty of opportunities for the creative person to become ________ (involve), including workshops and events.
15. And don’t’ forget: we are ________ (surround) by a natural playground just perfect for walking, caving, climbing and cycling.
1 exposed 2 knowing 3 offered 4 Hearing 5 Looking 6 Buried 7 causing 8 told 9 Admitted 10 seen 11 combined 12 attached 13 headed 14 involved 15 surrounded
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新人教版必修第二册Unit 5知识清单
重 点 单 词 1. n. 目的;目标 vt.&vi. 力求达到;力争做到;瞄准 vt. 目的是;旨在 2. vt. 治愈;治好(疾病);解决(问题) n. 药物;治疗;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施 3. n. 巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力 4. n. 机会;时机 5. vt. 授予 n. 奖品 6. n. 现象→(pl.) 7.lean vt. 依靠;倾斜→ / / (过去式/过去分词/现在分词) 8. n. (发展或进展的)时期;阶段;(多指剧场中的)舞台 9. vi.&n. 疼痛 10. adj. 普通的;平凡的 11. adv. 如此;因此 12. adv. 以某种方式(或方法);不知怎么地 13. adv. (用以强调)全部;总共 14. adv. 而且;此外 15. adv. 现在;目前 16.conductor n. 17.onto prep. 18.outline n.&vt. 19.being n. 20.soul n. 21.band n. 22.studio n. 23.romantic adj. n. 24.piano n. 25.disease n.
词 汇 拓 展 1.perform vi.&vt. 表演;履行;执行→ n. 表演;演技;表现→ n. 表演者;演员 2.prove vt. 证明;展现→ n. 证明;证据 3. n. 治疗;对待;处理→treat vt. 以……态度对待;以……方式对待;把……看作;治疗 4. n. 满足;满意;欣慰→satisfy vt. 使满意→ adj. 令人满意的→ adj. 感到满意的 5. adj. 被……吸引住的;专心致志的→absorb vt. 吸收;使全神贯注→absorption n. 吸收;全神贯注 6.relief n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱→ vt. 解除;减轻 7. vt. 使能够;使可能→able adj. 有才能的;能;能够→ n. 能力 8.capable adj. 有能力的;有才能的→ n. 能力 9.energy n. 能源;能量;精力→ adj. 精力充沛的;充满活力的 10.assume vt. 以为;假设→ n. 假定;假设 11. adj. 各种不同的;各种各样的→ n. 不同种类;多样化→vary vi. 变化;不同 12. n. 重复;重做→ vt. 重复;重说;重写 13.gradual adj. 逐渐的;渐进的→ adv. 逐渐地 14. adj. 失业的;待业的→ n. 失业→ (反) n. 就业→ vt. 雇用→ n. 雇主→ n. 受雇者 15. n. 设备;装备→equip vt. 配备;装备 16. n. 添加;加法;增加物→ adj. 附加的;额外的→ adv. 此外;额外地→add vt.&vi. 增加;添加 17.talent n.天才;天资;天赋→ adj. 有才能的;天才的 18. n. 反应;回应→react vi. 作出反应;回应 19. adj. 先前的,以往的→ adv. 先前地;之前 20.original adj. 原来的;独创的;原作的→ adv. 原来;起初→origin n. 起源;起因 21.virtual adj. 很接近的;事实上的;虚拟的→ adv. 差不多;事实上;实际上 22. n. 成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品→compose vt. 组成;作曲;创作→ n. 作曲家
重 点 短 语 1.____________________爱上 2.____________________被……吸引住;专心致志 3.____________________安装好(设备或机器) 4.____________________参加……选拔(或试演) 5.____________________除……以外(还) 6.____________________从(那)时起 7.__________________ (设法)处理;完成
重 点 句 型 1.____________________,he said,“It was like seeing color for the first time.” 他被这段音乐打动了,他说:“那种(兴奋的)感觉就如同是第一次看见色彩一样。” 2.________________________________________ and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life. 非常荣幸来到这里与大家分享音乐是如何影响了我的人生的。 3.Have you ever faced ____________________ things looked dark and you had no hope at all 你是否曾经经历过黯淡无光、万念俱灰的一段时光? 4.The song made me feel ____________________much better ____________________ from then on I began to listen to music all the time. 这首歌让我感觉好多了,从那以后我开始一直听音乐。 5.During those times,music can help you in_____________________________________. 在那时,音乐可以帮助你,就像它曾经帮助我一样。
Nowadays the virtual choir is popular with people. They have the opportunity  11.  (sing) together with hundreds of other people. Anyone can take part in a virtual choir from anywhere — all you need is a video camera and  12.   Internet connection. They record themselves when  13.   (perform) alone on video. These videos  14.  (upload) onto the Internet, and then put together into one video. The virtual choir has proved to be a positive influence on the lives of many people. Eric Whitacre, the creator of the virtual choir, fell in love  15.   music in the university. In 1997, he received a master's degree in musical composition. Over the next 10 years, Whitacre's original compositions began to become popular. This led to the  16.   (create) of the virtual choir. In 2009,Whitacre received a video of a girl  17.   was singing one of his works.  18.   (inspire), he founded his first virtual choir. Since then, the virtual choir  19.   (become) a worldwide phenomenon. The virtual choir is making the world a  20.   (good) place.
1.perform vi.& vt. 表演;履行;执行
[教材原句] Virtual choir members record themselves while they perform alone on video.(P52) 虚拟合唱团成员在独自表演时录制视频。
归纳点拨 (1)perform a(n) ... role in ... 在……中起……作用 perform an experiment 做实验 perform one's duty/promise 尽责任/履行承诺 (2)performance n. 表演;演奏;演技;表现 put on/give a performance 表演;演出 (3)performer n. 执行者;表演者;演员
(1)You have to admit the ________ (perform) of the famous actors in that film to be wonderful.
(2)I’m glad to tell you that famous singer,will come to our city ________(perform) next month.
(3)Once ________ (perform),the works of Beethoven must attract all the people present at the concert.
(4)(2021·浙江1月高考写作)Finally, a Peking Opera ________ (perform) will be given if time permits.
Every time an experiment was performed, he would check and recheck the results.________
(6)Each person of our country has to______________.
2.prove vt.证明;展现
[教材原句] It has proved to be a positive influence on the lives of many people.(P52) 事实证明,这对许多人的生活产生了积极影响。
归纳点拨 prove sth. to sb.    向某人证明某事 prove oneself to be ... 证明自己是…… prove that ... 证明…… prove (to be)+n./adj. 证明是;结果是 It is proved that ... 据证明……;据证实…… proof n.证明;证据
名师点津 prove作及物动词时,可跟名词、代词或从句作宾语;prove作系动词时,后接形容词或名词作表语,意为“证明是”,但不能用于被动语态。例如:What he said proves (to be) true.
①He proved ________ it's not what happens to us that determines our lives — it's what we make of what happens.
②However, the railway quickly proved ________ (be) a great success and within six months, more than 25,000 people were using it every day.
③It ________ (prove)that you will succeed faster if you feel yourself happy.
④It will be a good opportunity to prove________ (he) to his family.
⑤______________parents' words and behaviors have a deep effect on their children.
3.award vt.授予 n.奖品
[教材原句] The virtual choir was the idea of award-winning composer and conductor Eric Whitacre.(P52) 虚拟合唱团是获奖作曲家兼指挥家埃里克·惠塔克的主意。
归纳点拨 (1)award sb. sth.for ...  因……而奖励某人某物 be awarded sth. for ... 因……而被授予某物 award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb. 奖励/授予/颁发给某人某物 (2)win/get the first award 获得一等奖
[易混辨析]  award, prize, reward
award 指较为正式地或官方地颁发、授予、给予,也可以指法庭裁决给予奖励
prize 多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽奖中获得的奖
reward 多指对某人的工作或服务等的报答、酬谢。reward作名词,常用give reward to sb.;作动词,常用reward sb.with sth.
①My brother won an award ________ his bravery.
②He ________(award) the Contemporary Chinese Outstanding Multiethnic Poet Poetry Award for his fruitful work.
③(2020·江苏高考)Wilson received several international ________ (award)for his great contributions.
④Our government will award a lot of money ________ whoever bravely saves the lives of others.
⑤I do envy that you've got ____________.
⑥He _______________ his wonderful performance in the show.
⑦I _______________ 50 dollars for taking me to the station.
4.relief n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱
[教材原句] Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance,Henry was still capable of writing compositions and he found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness.(P54) 尽管在演出后不久亨利受到了逐渐失明的影响,但他仍然能够作曲,而且他发现音乐创作对他的病是安慰和治疗。
归纳点拨 (1)in relief        如释重负 with relief 宽慰地 to one's relief 令某人感到欣慰的是 (2)relieve vt. 救出;解脱;使脱离 relieve sb. of ... 减轻某人的…… (3)relieved adj. 放心的
①(2020·浙江高考)We succeeded in climbing onto the helicopter, gasping ________ relief.
②Quality counts less than attitude and effort — even a stupid joke can relieve others _______ risk and embarrassment.
③Much ________ our relief, our performance was fully appreciated by the audience.
④It was a great________ (relieve) to find that my family were all safe.
⑤I'm just ________ (relieve) that nobody was hurt.
⑥I smiled ________ relief after I heard my son had been admitted into Tsinghua University.
⑦_____________ , her younger brother recovered quickly after operation.
⑧Take the medicine, and you will _______________ .
5.cure v.治愈;治好(疾病);解决(问题) n.药物;治疗;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施
[教材原句] Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance,Henry was still capable of writing compositions and he found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness.(P54) 尽管在演出后不久亨利受到了逐渐失明的影响,但他仍然能够作曲,而且他发现音乐创作对他的病是安慰和治疗。
(1)accuse sb of sth控告某人犯某事
remind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事
warn sb of sth警告某人某事
rob sb of sth抢劫某人某物
suspect sb of sth怀疑某人某事
(2)cure sb治好某人
cure sth治好(疾病);解决(问题)
cure sb of sth使某人从某种疾病中痊愈;改正某人的不良行为
a cure for...……的治愈方法;解决……的措施
(1)These suggestions would certainly cure us _______ the bad habits so that we could prevent such cases happening again.
(2)After graduation,absorbed in studying traditional Chinese medicine,she wanted to find_______ cure for malaria.
(3)Professor Wang said the reason of shortsightedness is complicated and that there is still no excellent cure_______ it.
(4)Advances in medical science have made it possible_______(cure) many so-called incurable diseases.
6.aim n.目的;目标 vi.& vt.力求达到;力争做到;瞄准 vt.目的是;旨在
[教材原句] Filled with team spirit,they act as a whole,always aiming for glory.(P54)他们作为一个整体,充满了团队精神,总是追求荣誉。
(1)aim at/for sth努力争取某事
aim to do sth/aim at doing sth旨在做某事
be aimed at (doing) sth目的是(做)某事,旨在(做)某事
be aimed at sb针对某人,对象是某人(主语一般是物)
aim (sth) at sb/sth(把某物)瞄准某人/某物
(2)achieve/realise one’s aim实现某人的目标
with the aim of(=for the purpose of)为了……
take aim at sb/sth把目标对准某人/某物
(3)aimless adj.无目标的,无计划的
aimlessly adv.漫无目的地
①The aim of the festival is________ (increase) awareness of Chinese culture and traditions.
②Then a discussion will be held, ________(aim) to improve mutual understanding.
③The event is aimed ________broadening our horizons and improving our reading ability.
④(2022·全国甲卷)June 8th was officially named by the UN in 2009 as World Oceans Day. It aims ________ (raise) people's awareness of protecting oceans.
⑤The product________(aim) at young people in the 18-25 age range.
⑥The competition was started ________ the aim of encouraging young writers.
⑦I aim to be a doctor by the time I am 25.
→_____________a doctor by the time I am 25.
⑧The aim of this measure is to reduce road accidents.
→This measure _____________ road accidents.
7.equipment n.设备;装备
①This equipment has saved the lives of a number of new born children.
②The boys equipped themselves with torches and rope, and set off.
③Our school will be equipped with iPad in every classroom.
④Keep up with your study, and you'll soon be well equipped to deal with any other challenges and difficulties!
归纳点拨 equip v.        装备;配备 equip sb.to do sth. 使某人有能力做某事 be equipped with 配备着;具有 be well/poorly equipped 装备精良的/较差的
名师点津 equipment 为不可数名词,表示“一件设备”用a piece of equipment。
①They spent a lot of money equipping the school ________ new computers.
②Everyone should bring the necessary ________ (equip) for camping in the mountains.
The centre ________________ for canoeing and mountaineering.
The rooms ________________ video cameras.
8.satisfaction n.满足;满意;欣慰
[教材原句]Moreover, music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction.
归纳点拨 (1)to sb.'s satisfaction=to the satisfaction of sb.令某人满意的是 with satisfaction 满意地 (2)satisfy v. 满足;使满意 satisfy one's needs 满足某人的需要 (3)satisfied adj. 满意的(修饰人) be/feel satisfied with ... 对……感到满意 (4)satisfactory adj. 令人满意的 satisfying adj. 令人满意的
①(2022·浙江1月高考写作)Finally, my hard work paid off — I was awarded an A, which gave me great ________(satisfy).
②She looked back on her career ________ great satisfaction.
③The teacher ________(satisfy) with what we had done.
④Our goods with a variety of colors and patterns can ________(satisfaction) the needs of customers.
⑤From her ________ voice on the phone, I knew she was ________ with her new job. (satisfy)
⑥Her sister listens to her and knows how to meet her needs. ________
9.in addition (to sb./sth.) 除……以外(还)
[教材原句] How else could you help in addition to what has already been mentioned (P55)除了已经提及的,你还能怎么帮助
①In addition ________ work, there are many meaningful things to do in life.
②(2020·浙江1月高考)In addition to________ (save) money, cheese brine could also be a more eco friendly option.
③Just before and an hour after each workout, the scientists took ________(addition) samples of the men's blood and fat tissue.
[选词填空:in addition/in addition to]
④She can speak French and German ________ to English.
⑤The products are of high quality. _________, the price is low.
10.try out 参加……的选拔(试演)
[教材原句] Who can try out as a performer (P55) 谁能参加演员的选拔
try out参加……的选拔;测试;试验
try to do sth尽力做某事
try doing sth试着做某事
try on试穿
[语境巧练] [写出下列句中try out的含义]
He wants to try out for the 100 metres race.________
We should try out all the equipment before we do the experiment.________
(3)Every month I try out the newest electronic gadgets and write a review about the product.________
①After the outbreak of COVID 19, he__________volunteers in Qingdao.
②I just don't see why we shouldn't __________.
11.be absorbed in sth/sb 被……吸引住;专心致志
[教材原句] When he got absorbed in his world of music,he felt as if he could “see” the beauty of the world around him,like he had in his previous life.(P54) 当他沉浸在音乐的世界里时,他觉得自己仿佛能“看到”周围世界的美,就像他前世一样。
归纳点拨 (1)absorb oneself in  专心于;全神贯注于 (2)absorbed adj. 全神贯注的;专心致志的 be absorbed in=absorb oneself in专心于;全神贯注于
名师点津 be absorbed in (doing) sth.结构在句中作状语、定语时,常用其过去分词形式absorbed in ...。类似的结构还有: be lost in ...     陷入……;专心致志于…… be caught in ... 被困在…… be buried in ... 埋头于…… be devoted to ... 致力于……;专心于……
①A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he absorbed himself in his reading.
=A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he ________ his reading.
②During the COVID 19 outbreak, students were absorbed________ their studies at home.
③He stopped for a moment, ________ (absorb) in what he had said.
④The writer was_______________she didn't notice him enter the room.
[高考链接】(2020·新高考全国卷Ⅰ)In fact, most people only absorb about 20 percent of a speaker's message.
12.get through (设法) 处理;完成;设法联系上(尤指打通电话);通过;度过;用完;耗尽
[教材原句] It was the rock I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times.(P56) 它是一块岩石,我靠着它变得坚强,度过了那些艰难的日子。
[写出下列句中get through的含义]
(1)Thankfully,I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.________
(2)I couldn’t get through to him because his telephone was out of order now and then.________
(3)She found writing helped her get through the rough days.________
(4)Luckily,he got through the exam and his efforts paid off.________
(5)The little boy got through all his money in just one week and had to ask his mom for some more.________
get across        被理解 get away with 被放过;受到从轻发落 get down to (doing) sth. 着手认真做某事 get over 克服 get on well with 与……相处融洽;……进展顺利
⑥Can you call me back at this number when you get ________
⑦Anyway, we're here now, so let's get down________ some serious work.
⑧Did your speech get ________ to the audience
⑨The members of the class are ________________________.
[教材原句] During those times,music can help you in the same way that it helped me.(P56) 在那段时间里,音乐可以像帮助我一样帮助你。
(1)way表“方式;方法”,在定语从句中作先行词时,定语从句中缺少方式状语其后用in which/that引导定语从句,也可省略关系词,此时关系词在从句中作状语。
(3)way表示“方式;方法”时,其后还可接不定式或of doing sth的形式
(1)I don’t like the way ______________________.
(2)They learned this from the way______________________.
School activities are usually considered a good way to ______________________.
[教材原句]Born in the USA on 2 January 1970,Whitacre began studying music at the University of Nevada in 1988.
①(2020·天津5月高考)Completed in 1931, the Empire State Building, the highest skyscraper until 1954, inspired the imagination of the world.
②Absorbed in painting, John didn't notice evening approaching.
=Because John was absorbed in painting, he didn't notice evening approaching.
=John was absorbed in painting, so he didn't notice evening approaching.
③Used with care, one tin will last for six weeks.
④Defeated by his opponent, he never gave up any hope.
=Although he was defeated by his opponent, he never gave up any hope.
⑤She accepted the gift, deeply moved.
=She accepted the gift, and she was deeply moved.
⑥Lost in thought, he didn't hear the bell.
①(2020·全国卷Ⅰ)That didn't go as ________ (plan). But, I tried my best.
②________ (raise) in the poorest area of Glasgow, he had a long, hard road to becoming a football star.
③It is said that about 20% of 25-34 year olds live with their parents, ________(compare) with 16% in 1991.
④________ (found) in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring children's love of art.
⑤________ (translate) into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.
[教材原句]As one virtual choir member said, “Music helps me to ... forget my problems. With music, I become someone else.”
As one virtual choir member said为非限制性定语从句,as指代整个主句的内容。关系代词as引导非限制性定语从句,从句可放在主句前、主句中或主句后,常用逗号与主句隔开。as意为“正如”,其后的谓语动词多是see, know, expect, say, show等。常见表达:
as you can see    正如你所看见的
as we have expected 正如我们所预料的那样
as is mentioned above 正如上面所提到的
as is well known/as we all know 众所周知
as is often the case 情况总是如此
as is reported 正如所报道的那样
as has been said before 正如前面所述
as the old saying goes 正如谚语所说
[名师点津] as和which引导定语从句的区别
(1)_______________, the trip is no piece of cake.
(2)He was late for class, _______________.
(3)The air quality in the city, _______________,has improved over the past two months.
(4)_______________, the number of the students is increasing.
(5)_______________, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
Grammar 过去分词作表语和状语
1.I never thought I was very talented at anything to do with music.
2.My cousin is very interested in painting.
3.Moved by this music,he said,“It was like seeing color for the first time.”
4.Well known as a successful band,the impact members show quite a few striking abilities.
She looked disappointed.
We were encouraged at the news.
The cup is broken.
The cup was broken by Tom.
过去分词 表示人自身的感受或事物自身的状态,常译作“感到……的”
现在分词 表示事物具有的特性,常译作“令人……的”
They became so worried that they stayed awake all night.
The situation became so worrying that something should be done at once.
Once published(=Once it is published),the dictionary will be very popular.
Absorbed in painting(=Because John was absorbed in painting),John didn't notice evening approaching.
Given another hour(=If I am given another hour),I can also work out this problem.
过去分词作让步状语时,相当于一个though,although,even if/though等引导的让步状语从句。
Beaten by the opposite team(=Though we were beaten by the opposite team),we didn't lose heart and encouraged each other.
The old man got on the bus,supported by a girl(=and he was supported by a girl).
①过去分词作状语时,其前面可以带有相应的连词,如when,though,although,as if,as though,if,unless,until,once等,表时间、让步、条件、方式等。
If (I am)invited,I will attend the wedding of my friend.
Caught,the thief will be punished by the police.(caught的逻辑主语为the thief)
Disappointed at the examination results,the girl stood there without saying a word.
Asked why he was late,he cried.
Looking out of the window,I saw some students playing there.
1. The old may lay on the beach at ease, ________ (expose) to the sun.
2. Not ________ (know) what to do, the children had to wait for their parents to come back.
3. When ________ (offer) help, one often says “Thank you”.
4. ________ (hear) the signal, people ran out of the building.
5. ________ (look) out through the window, we saw the beautiful scenery.
6. ________ (bury) in her novel, the girl didn’t notice the beautiful snow.
7. The case shocked the public, ________ (cause) a hot debate on human nature on the Internet.
8. Even if ________ (tell) many times, he still made the same mistakes.
9. ________ (admit) into a key university, the girl was very excited.
10. Mr. Bissell skillfully organizes historical insights and cultural references, making his tale a well-rounded picture of Uzbekistan, ________ (see) from Western eyes.
11. Technological innovations, ________ (combine) with good marketing, will promote the sales of these products.
12. Emma had never taken herself as a crane (鹤,吊车) and became ________ (attach) to humans.
13. More efforts must be made, because the population of the crane in the wild is on the deadline, and may other species appear ________ (head) towards extinction.
14. There are plenty of opportunities for the creative person to become ________ (involve), including workshops and events.
15. And don’t’ forget: we are ________ (surround) by a natural playground just perfect for walking, caving, climbing and cycling.