新人教版必修第三册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection 原卷版+解析版【2025年新人教高考英语一轮复习综合素养分层演练】


名称 新人教版必修第三册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection 原卷版+解析版【2025年新人教高考英语一轮复习综合素养分层演练】
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-07 15:04:48


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新人教版必修第三册Unit 2知识清单
重 点 单 词 1. vt. 照顾;照料 vi. 倾向;趋于 2. vi.&vt. 悄声说;耳语;低语 n. 耳语(声);低语(声);传言;谣传 3. vt.&vi. 咬;叮;蜇 n. 咬;(咬下的)一口;咬伤→ / / (过去式/过去分词/现在分词) 4. vt. 聘任;雇用;租用 n. 租借;租用 5. n. 绝望 vi. 绝望;感到无望 6. vt.&vi. (使)洒出;(使)溢出→ / / (过去式/过去分词/现在分词) 7.tear n. 眼泪;泪水 vt. 撕破→ / / (过去式/过去分词/现在分词) 8. n. 道德原则;法则;原则 9. adv. 因此;所以 10. adj. 珍稀的;宝贵的 11. n. 高尚的道德;美德;优秀品质 12. n. 进退两难的境地;困境 13. n. 十年;十年期 14. n. 员工;全体职员 15. n. 子夜;午夜 16. n. 事故;车祸;失事 17. n. 奖学金 18. vi. 跛行;一瘸一拐地走 19. vt. 装扮;假扮;掩盖 n. 伪装;化装用具 20. adj. 被动的;顺从的 21. n. 紧张关系;紧张;焦虑 22. n. 收入;收益 23. n. 医师;(尤指)内科医生 24.faint   vi. adj. 25.might n. 26.chairman n. 27.elsewhere adv. 28.entrust vt. 29.kindergarten n. 30.colleague n. 31.waitress n. 32.insurance n. 33.lap n. 34.lip n. 35.chain n. 36.court n. 37.fee n. 38.faraway adj.
词 汇 拓 展 1.assist vt. 帮助;援助→ n.助手;助理→ n.帮助 2.complain vi.&vt. 抱怨;发牢骚→ n.抱怨 3.respond vt. 回答;回复 vi. 作出反应;回应→ n. 反应;回答;回复 4.appoint vt. 任命;委派→ n.任命;约定→ adj. 约定的;指定的 5.replace vt. 接替;取代;更换→ n.取代;代替 6.elect vt. 选举;推选→ n. 选举;推选;当选 7.scare vt. 惊吓;使害怕 vi. 受惊吓→ adj. 害怕的;对……感到惊慌或恐惧的→ adj. 令人害怕的 8.reject vt. 拒绝接受;不录用→ n. 拒绝接受;否决 9.retire vi.&vt. 退休;退职;退出→ n. 退休→ adj. 退休的 10. adj. 精力充沛的;充满活力的→ adv. 精力充沛地→energy n.精力 11.memory n. 记忆力;回忆→ vt.记忆,记住→ adj. 难忘的;值得记忆的 12.harm n.&vt. 伤害;损害→ adj. 有害的→(反) adj. 无害的 13.moral adj. 道德的;道义上的 n. 品行;道德;寓意→ adv. 道德上;确实地→ n.道德准则;道义 14. n. 节省物;节省;节约;(pl.)储蓄金;存款→save vt.储蓄;攒钱 15. n. 结婚;婚姻→marry v. (和某人)结婚,嫁,娶→ adj. 已婚的 16. n. 大部分;大多数→major adj. 主要的;重要的 n. 专业 vi. 主修→(反) minority n. 少数;少数派 17. n. 进口;进口商品 vt. 进口;输入;引进→(反) n. 出口;出口商品 vt. 出口;输出;传播 18. n. 手术;企业;经营→operate v. 手术;操作;经营→ n. 操作员 19.flexible adj. 灵活的;可变通的→ adv. 灵活地→ n. 灵活 20.publish vt. 发表(作品);出版→ n.出版;发表 21.sharp adj. (增长;下跌等)急剧的;锋利的;明显的→ adv. 急剧地;尖刻地→ vt. (使)变锋利 22.illustrate vt. (举例)说明;阐明;给(书或文章)加插图→ n. 插图;阐明
重 点 短 语 1.___________________帮助某人渡过难关 2.___________________学费 3.___________________易于做某事;往往会发生某事 4.___________________急救 5.___________________去世 6.___________________作为对……的纪念 7.___________________被……绊倒 8.___________________流着泪;含着泪 9.___________________处于绝望中 10.___________________大量
重 点 句 型 1.To a person______________________________________,... 对一个人来说,没有什么比他们的生命更加珍贵了,…… 2.______________________________________,Dr Lin opened a private clinic. 想到所有仍需要帮助的人,林医生开了一家私人诊所。 3.At times______________________________________to faraway villages to provide medical care. 有时人们甚至会看到她骑着毛驴到遥远的村庄给人看病。 4.Nothing good can come to a nation _________________________________________________________. 如果一个国家的臣民只是抱怨,指望别人来解决他们的问题,那么就不会有好的事情发生在这个国家。 5.___________________thought about moving the stone out of the road. 她和她的朋友们都没有想到把石头从路上挪走。
As a five-year-old girl, Lin Qiaozhi was 19 affected by her mother’s death. At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of 20 like the majority of girls, she 21 to study medicine. “Why should girls learn so much Finding a good husband should be their final goal!” her bother 22 , thinking of the high tuition fees. She responded, “I’d rather stay single to study all my life!”
Eight years later, Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) with the Wenhai Scholarship, the highest prize 23 to graduates. She immediately became the 24 woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUM CHospital. 25 six months, she was named a chief resident physician, a 26 that usually took four years to achieve. After working for a few years, she was sent to study in Europe and then, in 1939, in the US. She greatly impressed her American 27 , who invited her to stay. Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer. She wanted to 28 the women and children at home.
1.majority n.大部分;大多数
[教材原句] At age 18,instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls,she chose to study medicine.(P16) 18岁时,她没有像大多数女孩那样走传统的婚姻道路,而是选择了学医学。
(1)in the/a majority占大多数
a/the majority of大多数……
(2)major adj.主要的 vi.专修;主攻 n.主修学科
major in主修……
(1)the majority单独作主语时,谓语动词可用单数也可用复数。
(2)“the/a majority of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数与of后面的名词保持一致。
(1)If you look at the audience at a classical concert,the _______ (major) is over the age of fifty.
(2)The majority who attended the meeting yesterday _______ (be) students.
(3)As a graduate _______ (major) in the English language,I feel excited to write this letter for the position.
(4)People taking subway to work are_______ the majority.
_____________________ last week said they prefered TV to radio.
2.respond vt.回答;回复 vi.做出反应;回应
[教材原句] She responded,“I’d rather stay single to study all my life!” (P16) 她回答说:“我宁愿单身一辈子去学习!”
①I offered to help him on WeChat and kept waiting for his response,but he didn't respond.
②(2022·全国甲卷)He took me to the museum and I responded very strongly to what I saw on the walls there.
respond to... 对……做出回应或反应 respond with用……回答 respond by doing通过做……来回应 response n. 回答;答复;反应 in response to 作为对……的答复/反应 make(a)response to 回答;对……做出回应
(1)For others’ kindness,respond _______ a “Thank you”.
(2)I suggested he work out a new plan but he didn’t respond_______ it.
(3)_______ (respond) to the recent news,Mr Watt appealed for calm.
④She made no _______ (respond)to my question,which made me very angry.
⑤He contributed many books to the poor children _______ response to my request.
3.appoint vt.任命;委派
[教材原句] In 1941,Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital...(P16)1941年,林博士成为第一个被任命为北京协和医院妇产科主任的中国女性……
(1)appoint sb.as/to be... 任命某人为…… appoint sb.to do sth. 委派某人做某事 (2)appointment n. 任命;约会;约定 make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会 have an appointment with sb. 与某人有一个约定 keep/break an appointment 守/违约
当appoint意为“委派,任命”时,它是及物动词。表示“任命某人为……”的结构为appoint sb as/to be...,其中as和to be也可省略。
Sam has________________ of the engineering department to take the place of George.
②We appointed him _______ president of the club.
③We are considering appointing him _______(act)as secretary.
④I left early because I had an _______(appoint)later that day.
4.replace vt.接替;取代;更换
[教材原句] The student union will hold a meeting in January to elect someone to replace the secretary.(P17) 学生会将在一月份举行一次会议,选举一个人接替秘书。
(2)in place of代替
take the place of=take one’s place代替;替代
①(2022·全国乙卷)Our cities will be better places if we replace cars ________ bicycles.
②Tourism has replaced agriculture ________ the nation's main industry.
I felt completely ________________ among all these successful people.
Nothing can ever ________________ real love and family togetherness.
5.assist vt.帮助;援助
[教材原句] Despite the difficult situation,Dr Bethune did whatever he could to assist the Chinese people.(P18)尽管处境艰难,白求恩医生仍尽他所能帮助中国人民。
(1)assist (sb) with/in sth帮助(某人)某事
assist (sb) in doing sth/assist sb to do sth帮助某人做某事
(2)assistance n.帮助;援助
with the assistance of...在……的帮助下
be of assistance to sb有助于某人
(3)assistant n.助手;助理
(1)The guide managed to assist the tourists_______ (find) somewhere to live during the journey.
(2)With the _______ (assist) of his teacher,he gradually adjusted to the school life.
(3)Mary was chosen as an _______ (assist) to help Mr Brown finish his research.
(4)In my daily life,I think it is my duty to assist my mother _______ the housework.
(5)When I meet with difficulties,he always ______________.
(6)When I meet with difficulties,he always ______________.
6.carry sb through sth帮助某人渡过难关
[教材原句] These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman,and what carried her through a life of hard choices.(P16) 林巧稚博士这一席话使我们得以窥见这位非凡女性的内心世界,并了解是什么支撑她度过充满艰难抉择的一生。
carry through 顺利完成;进行到底 carry out 执行;实行;贯彻;实现 carry on 开展;坚持;继续 carry forward 继承;弘扬
①The activity is aimed at ___________ the traditional Chinese culture.
②We should ___________ the plan strictly and carefully.
③We hope that more artists will ___________ and develop the folk art.
④It was my mother that ___________ my hard time in middle school.
7. in memory of纪念,作为对……的纪念
[教材原句] After Dr Bethune’s death,Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an article in memory of him,in which he praised Dr Bethune as a hero to be remembered in China.(P18) 白求恩医生去世后,毛泽东主席写了一篇文章以纪念他,他称赞白求恩医生是一个英雄,在中国永远被后人铭记。
in place of 代替;取代 in charge of 负责;掌管 in possession of 拥有;持有;占有 in search of 寻找 in favour of 赞同;支持 in terms of 就……而言 in case of 假使,如果
①____________ population,China is the largest country in the world.
②There,a big memorial has been built ____________ him,who devoted all his life to the Chinese revolution and construction.
③Scientists are____________ a cure for the disease.
④Twenty years ago,his father was very rich and was____________ a farm.
8.a great deal of大量;许多
[教材原句]After a great deal of effort,she finally succeeded in moving it to the side of the street.
(1)a great deal可用作副词性短语,修饰动词、形容词,尤其是修饰形容词比较级。
(2)a great deal还可以作名词短语,用作不可数名词;可作主语或宾语,作主语时谓语动词用单数。
(3)a great/good deal of常修饰不可数名词,表示“大量的;非常多的”。
①Not uncommonly, there ________ (be) a great deal of rain in August.
②A small number of children ________ (be) educated at home.
I've got ____________________ homework tonight.
[教材原句]The new People's Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role.
[教材原句]If you hear people speaking very quickly or loudly,they may be excited or angry.(P14) 如果你听到人们说话时很快或大声,他们可能是兴奋或生气。
1.表示感觉的感官动词(短语)(常见的有see,hear,feel,smell,find,notice,observe,look at,listen to等)+sb.+doing sth.(作宾补)。
2.表示指使意义的使役动词(常见的有have,let,keep,get,leave等)+sb./sth.+doing sth.(作宾补)。
①They use computers to keep the traffic________(run)smoothly.
②The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog ________(follow)them.
③He had the walls ________(paint)this morning.
④(2022·全国乙卷)Some mornings,Rosamond and Dorothy would arrive at the schoolhouse to find the children ________(weep)from the cold.
①I suddenly felt myself ________________ by a heavy fist.
②I found ________________ at the door.
③We shouldn't keep ________________ in the day.
④With ________________,he felt so proud.
⑤He wants to have________________ tomorrow.
①There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,___________.
②________________, he can't afford a computer.
③Newly-built wooden cottages line the street,________________________.
10.nothing is+ (形容词)比较级 + than... 没有什么比……更加……
[教材原句] To a person nothing is more precious than their life,and if they entrust me with that life,how could I refuse that trust,saying I’m cold,hungry,or tired (P16) 对于一个人来说,没有什么比他们的生命更珍贵的了,如果他们把生命托付给我,我怎么能拒绝这种信任,说我冷了、饿了、累了
To the old man,______________________________ his family.
______________________ that I suddenly realized nobody
was happier than I was.
What an interesting novel!I have ______________________.
[教材原句]These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices.林巧稚医生这一席话使我们得以窥见这位非凡女性的内心世界,并了解是什么支撑她度过充满艰难抉择的一生。(教材P16)
[剖析] 名词短语 the heart of this amazing woman和宾语从句what carried her through a life of hard choices是and连接的并列成分,作介词into的宾语。
①(2022·全国甲卷)________ people forget is that the Italians, when they came to Australia, brought 2,000 years of their culture, the Greeks some 3,000 years, and the Chinese more still.
②“A good night's sleep is ________ you want,” he said firmly.
Steve looked blank and said he had no idea ________________________.
Grammar 动词-ing形式作宾补和状语
In the crowded cafe, I heard a friendly voice saying, “You can share my table.”
He saw a girl wandering on the street this time yesterday.
see/ hear /watch/ feel/ notice+sb./ sth.+doing sth.强调动作正在进行;
see/ hear/ watch/ feel/ notice+sb./ sth.+do sth.强调动作发生的全过程/全过程已经结束了。
Today on my way home, I saw a man running along the street hurriedly.
I saw him enter the room and take something away.
It’s cold. We should have the fire burning all the time.
I won’t have you running about in the room.
1) have/ get+sb./ sth.+done包括两层意思:
have +宾语+do sth. 意思是“让某人去干某事”。
1. Mother has me go to the shop to buy some fruit.
2. He had/ got his computer stolen the other day.
3. He will have/ get the computer repaired tomorrow.
2) leave/ keep +sb./ sth. done sth.(使……处于/保持某种状态)
Many teachers keep parents informed of children’s performance in the kindergarten by sharing videos on WeChat.
3. 现在分词在with复合结构中的使用
Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace
在with的复合结构中, 也可以使用不定式和过去分词作宾语补足语。
All the afternoon he worked with the door locked(表被动).
I can’t go out with all these clothes to wash(表将来).
Hearing these stories, I’m skeptical about the place.
= When I heard these stories…
Not knowing his address, I can’t send this book to him.
= Because/Since/As I don’t know his address…
3. 表示结果。
His father died, leaving him a lot of money.
=…, and left him a lot of money
Going straight down the road, you will find the department store.
= If you go straight down the road…
Being tired, they went on working.
=Although they were tired…
He lay on the grass, staring at the sky for a long time.
=…, and stared at the sky for a long time.
The last bus having gone, we had to walk home.
(having gone的逻辑主语是the last bus,而不是we)
Weather permitting, the football match will be played on Friday.
(permitting的逻辑主语是weather,而不是the football match)
1. The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, ______ (allow) more patients to be treated.
2. People probably cooked their food in large pots, ______ (use) twigs (树枝) to remove it.
3. After ______ (look) at the toy for some time, he turned around and found his parents were missing.
4. ______ (feel) hungry, we built a fire by the lake and barbecued the fish.
5. ______ (teach) many times, the girl still looked puzzled.
6. After a knock at the door, the child heard his mother ______ (call) him.
7. He was caught ______ (steal) and sent to the police.
8. I found Mary ______ (whisper) to a boy just now.
9. The teacher found a student ______ (talk) to his desk mate.
10. ______ (hear) the news that our team won, all the students shouted with joy.
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新人教版必修第三册Unit 2知识清单
重 点 单 词 1.tend vt. 照顾;照料 vi. 倾向;趋于 2.whisper vi.&vt. 悄声说;耳语;低语 n. 耳语(声);低语(声);传言;谣传 3.bite vt.&vi. 咬;叮;蜇 n. 咬;(咬下的)一口;咬伤→bit/bitten/biting (过去式/过去分词/现在分词) 4.hire vt. 聘任;雇用;租用 n. 租借;租用 5.despair n. 绝望 vi. 绝望;感到无望 6.spill vt.&vi. (使)洒出;(使)溢出→spilt/spilled/spilt/spilled/spilling (过去式/过去分词/现在分词) 7.tear n. 眼泪;泪水 vt. 撕破→tore/torn/tearing (过去式/过去分词/现在分词) 8.principle n. 道德原则;法则;原则 9.therefore adv. 因此;所以 10.precious adj. 珍稀的;宝贵的 11.virtue n. 高尚的道德;美德;优秀品质 12.dilemma n. 进退两难的境地;困境 13.decade n. 十年;十年期 14.staff n. 员工;全体职员 15.midnight n. 子夜;午夜 16.accident n. 事故;车祸;失事 17.scholarship n. 奖学金 18.limp vi. 跛行;一瘸一拐地走 19.disguise vt. 装扮;假扮;掩盖 n. 伪装;化装用具 20.passive adj. 被动的;顺从的 21.tension n. 紧张关系;紧张;焦虑 22.income n. 收入;收益 23.physician n. 医师;(尤指)内科医生 24.faint   vi. 昏倒;晕厥 adj. 不清楚的;微弱的 25.might n. 力量;威力 26.chairman n. 主席;主持人;董事长 27.elsewhere adv. 在别处;去别处 28.entrust vt. 委托;交付 29.kindergarten n. 学前班;幼儿园 30.colleague n. 同事;同僚 31.waitress n. (餐馆的)女服务员;女侍者 32.insurance n. 保险;保险业 33.lap n. (坐着时的)大腿部;(跑道等的)一圈 34.lip n. 嘴唇 35.chain n. 一连串(人或事);链子;链条 36.court n. (网球等的)球场;法院;法庭 37.fee n. 专业服务费;报酬 38.faraway adj. 遥远的
词 汇 拓 展 1.assist vt. 帮助;援助→assistant n.助手;助理→assistance n.帮助 2.complain vi.&vt. 抱怨;发牢骚→complaint n.抱怨 3.respond vt. 回答;回复 vi. 作出反应;回应→response n. 反应;回答;回复 4.appoint vt. 任命;委派→appointment n.任命;约定→appointed adj. 约定的;指定的 5.replace vt. 接替;取代;更换→replacement n.取代;代替 6.elect vt. 选举;推选→election n. 选举;推选;当选 7.scare vt. 惊吓;使害怕 vi. 受惊吓→scared adj. 害怕的;对……感到惊慌或恐惧的→scary adj. 令人害怕的 8.reject vt. 拒绝接受;不录用→rejection n. 拒绝接受;否决 9.retire vi.&vt. 退休;退职;退出→retirement n. 退休→retired adj. 退休的 10.energetic adj. 精力充沛的;充满活力的→energetically adv. 精力充沛地→energy n.精力 11.memory n. 记忆力;回忆→memorize vt.记忆,记住→memorable adj. 难忘的;值得记忆的 12.harm n.&vt. 伤害;损害→harmful adj. 有害的→(反) harmless adj. 无害的 9.retire vi.&vt. 退休;退职;退出→retirement n. 退休→retired adj. 退休的 10.energetic adj. 精力充沛的;充满活力的→energetically adv. 精力充沛地→energy n.精力 11.memory n. 记忆力;回忆→memorize vt.记忆,记住→memorable adj. 难忘的;值得记忆的 12.harm n.&vt. 伤害;损害→harmful adj. 有害的→(反) harmless adj. 无害的 13.moral adj. 道德的;道义上的 n. 品行;道德;寓意→morally adv. 道德上;确实地→morality n.道德准则;道义 14.saving n. 节省物;节省;节约;(pl.)储蓄金;存款→save vt.储蓄;攒钱 15.marriage n. 结婚;婚姻→marry v. (和某人)结婚,嫁,娶→married adj. 已婚的 16.majority n. 大部分;大多数→major adj. 主要的;重要的 n. 专业 vi. 主修→(反) minority n. 少数;少数派 17.import n. 进口;进口商品 vt. 进口;输入;引进→(反) export n. 出口;出口商品 vt. 出口;输出;传播 18.operation n. 手术;企业;经营→operate v. 手术;操作;经营→operator n. 操作员 19.flexible adj. 灵活的;可变通的→flexibly adv. 灵活地→flexibility n. 灵活 20.publish vt. 发表(作品);出版→publication n.出版;发表 21.sharp adj. (增长;下跌等)急剧的;锋利的;明显的→sharply adv. 急剧地;尖刻地→sharpen vt. (使)变锋利 22.illustrate vt. (举例)说明;阐明;给(书或文章)加插图→illustration n. 插图;阐明
重 点 短 语 1.carry sb.through sth.帮助某人渡过难关 2.tuition fees学费 3.tend to do sth.易于做某事;往往会发生某事 4.first aid急救 5.pass away去世 6.in memory of作为对……的纪念 7.trip over被……绊倒 8.in tears流着泪;含着泪 9.in despair处于绝望中 10.a great deal (of)大量
重 点 句 型 1.To a person nothing is more precious than their life,... 对一个人来说,没有什么比他们的生命更加珍贵了,…… 2.Thinking of all the people still in need of help,Dr Lin opened a private clinic. 想到所有仍需要帮助的人,林医生开了一家私人诊所。 3.At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care. 有时人们甚至会看到她骑着毛驴到遥远的村庄给人看病。 4.Nothing good can come to a nation whose people only complain and expect others to solve their problems. 如果一个国家的臣民只是抱怨,指望别人来解决他们的问题,那么就不会有好的事情发生在这个国家。 5.Neither she nor her friends thought about moving the stone out of the road. 她和她的朋友们都没有想到把石头从路上挪走。
As a five-year-old girl, Lin Qiaozhi was 19 affected by her mother’s death. At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of 20 like the majority of girls, she 21 to study medicine. “Why should girls learn so much Finding a good husband should be their final goal!” her bother 22 , thinking of the high tuition fees. She responded, “I’d rather stay single to study all my life!”
Eight years later, Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) with the Wenhai Scholarship, the highest prize 23 to graduates. She immediately became the 24 woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUM CHospital. 25 six months, she was named a chief resident physician, a 26 that usually took four years to achieve. After working for a few years, she was sent to study in Europe and then, in 1939, in the US. She greatly impressed her American 27 , who invited her to stay. Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer. She wanted to 28 the women and children at home.
19.deeply 20.marriage 21.chose 22.complained 23.given 24.first 25.Within 26.position 27.colleagues 28.serve
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述中国妇产科学家林巧稚(Lin Qiaozhi)的生平事迹和成就。
19.考查副词。句意:作为一个五岁的女孩,林巧稚深受母亲去世的影响。该空处意为“深深地”,需填副词deeply,修饰动词was affected。故填deeply。
21.考查动词时态。句意同上。结合上下文可知,该空处意为“选择”,需填动词choose,结合“At age 18”可知,句子使用一般过去时。故填chose。
22.考查动词时态。句意:“为什么女孩要学这么多 ”找到一个好丈夫应该是她们的最终目标!想到高昂的学费,她的弟弟抱怨道。该空处意为“抱怨”,需填动词complain,陈述过去发生的事情,句子使用一般过去时。故填complained。
28.考查非谓语动词。句意:她想为家乡的妇女和儿童服务。该空处意为“服务”,需填动词serve,want to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“想要做某事”,空处需填动词原形。故填serve。
1.majority n.大部分;大多数
[教材原句] At age 18,instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls,she chose to study medicine.(P16) 18岁时,她没有像大多数女孩那样走传统的婚姻道路,而是选择了学医学。
(1)in the/a majority占大多数
a/the majority of大多数……
(2)major adj.主要的 vi.专修;主攻 n.主修学科
major in主修……
(1)the majority单独作主语时,谓语动词可用单数也可用复数。
(2)“the/a majority of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数与of后面的名词保持一致。
(1)If you look at the audience at a classical concert,the _______ (major) is over the age of fifty.
(2)The majority who attended the meeting yesterday _______ (be) students.
(3)As a graduate _______ (major) in the English language,I feel excited to write this letter for the position.
(4)People taking subway to work are_______ the majority.
_____________________ last week said they prefered TV to radio.
2.respond vt.回答;回复 vi.做出反应;回应
[教材原句] She responded,“I’d rather stay single to study all my life!” (P16) 她回答说:“我宁愿单身一辈子去学习!”
①I offered to help him on WeChat and kept waiting for his response,but he didn't respond.
②(2022·全国甲卷)He took me to the museum and I responded very strongly to what I saw on the walls there.
respond to... 对……做出回应或反应 respond with用……回答 respond by doing通过做……来回应 response n. 回答;答复;反应 in response to 作为对……的答复/反应 make(a)response to 回答;对……做出回应
(1)For others’ kindness,respond _______ a “Thank you”.
(2)I suggested he work out a new plan but he didn’t respond_______ it.
(3)_______ (respond) to the recent news,Mr Watt appealed for calm.
④She made no _______ (respond)to my question,which made me very angry.
⑤He contributed many books to the poor children _______ response to my request.
3.appoint vt.任命;委派
[教材原句] In 1941,Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital...(P16)1941年,林博士成为第一个被任命为北京协和医院妇产科主任的中国女性……
(1)appoint sb.as/to be... 任命某人为…… appoint sb.to do sth. 委派某人做某事 (2)appointment n. 任命;约会;约定 make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会 have an appointment with sb. 与某人有一个约定 keep/break an appointment 守/违约
当appoint意为“委派,任命”时,它是及物动词。表示“任命某人为……”的结构为appoint sb as/to be...,其中as和to be也可省略。
Sam has________________ of the engineering department to take the place of George.
②We appointed him _______ president of the club.
③We are considering appointing him _______(act)as secretary.
④I left early because I had an _______(appoint)later that day.
4.replace vt.接替;取代;更换
[教材原句] The student union will hold a meeting in January to elect someone to replace the secretary.(P17) 学生会将在一月份举行一次会议,选举一个人接替秘书。
(2)in place of代替
take the place of=take one’s place代替;替代
①(2022·全国乙卷)Our cities will be better places if we replace cars ________ bicycles.
②Tourism has replaced agriculture ________ the nation's main industry.
I felt completely ________________ among all these successful people.
Nothing can ever ________________ real love and family togetherness.
5.assist vt.帮助;援助
[教材原句] Despite the difficult situation,Dr Bethune did whatever he could to assist the Chinese people.(P18)尽管处境艰难,白求恩医生仍尽他所能帮助中国人民。
(1)assist (sb) with/in sth帮助(某人)某事
assist (sb) in doing sth/assist sb to do sth帮助某人做某事
(2)assistance n.帮助;援助
with the assistance of...在……的帮助下
be of assistance to sb有助于某人
(3)assistant n.助手;助理
(1)The guide managed to assist the tourists_______ (find) somewhere to live during the journey.
(2)With the _______ (assist) of his teacher,he gradually adjusted to the school life.
(3)Mary was chosen as an _______ (assist) to help Mr Brown finish his research.
(4)In my daily life,I think it is my duty to assist my mother _______ the housework.
(5)When I meet with difficulties,he always ______________.
(6)When I meet with difficulties,he always ______________.
6.carry sb through sth帮助某人渡过难关
[教材原句] These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman,and what carried her through a life of hard choices.(P16) 林巧稚博士这一席话使我们得以窥见这位非凡女性的内心世界,并了解是什么支撑她度过充满艰难抉择的一生。
carry through 顺利完成;进行到底 carry out 执行;实行;贯彻;实现 carry on 开展;坚持;继续 carry forward 继承;弘扬
①The activity is aimed at ___________ the traditional Chinese culture.
②We should ___________ the plan strictly and carefully.
③We hope that more artists will ___________ and develop the folk art.
④It was my mother that ___________ my hard time in middle school.
7. in memory of纪念,作为对……的纪念
[教材原句] After Dr Bethune’s death,Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an article in memory of him,in which he praised Dr Bethune as a hero to be remembered in China.(P18) 白求恩医生去世后,毛泽东主席写了一篇文章以纪念他,他称赞白求恩医生是一个英雄,在中国永远被后人铭记。
in place of 代替;取代 in charge of 负责;掌管 in possession of 拥有;持有;占有 in search of 寻找 in favour of 赞同;支持 in terms of 就……而言 in case of 假使,如果
①____________ population,China is the largest country in the world.
②There,a big memorial has been built ____________ him,who devoted all his life to the Chinese revolution and construction.
③Scientists are____________ a cure for the disease.
④Twenty years ago,his father was very rich and was____________ a farm.
8.a great deal of大量;许多
[教材原句]After a great deal of effort,she finally succeeded in moving it to the side of the street.
(1)a great deal可用作副词性短语,修饰动词、形容词,尤其是修饰形容词比较级。
(2)a great deal还可以作名词短语,用作不可数名词;可作主语或宾语,作主语时谓语动词用单数。
(3)a great/good deal of常修饰不可数名词,表示“大量的;非常多的”。
①Not uncommonly, there ________ (be) a great deal of rain in August.
②A small number of children ________ (be) educated at home.
I've got ____________________ homework tonight.
[教材原句]The new People's Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role.
[教材原句]If you hear people speaking very quickly or loudly,they may be excited or angry.(P14) 如果你听到人们说话时很快或大声,他们可能是兴奋或生气。
1.表示感觉的感官动词(短语)(常见的有see,hear,feel,smell,find,notice,observe,look at,listen to等)+sb.+doing sth.(作宾补)。
2.表示指使意义的使役动词(常见的有have,let,keep,get,leave等)+sb./sth.+doing sth.(作宾补)。
①They use computers to keep the traffic________(run)smoothly.
②The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog ________(follow)them.
③He had the walls ________(paint)this morning.
④(2022·全国乙卷)Some mornings,Rosamond and Dorothy would arrive at the schoolhouse to find the children ________(weep)from the cold.
①I suddenly felt myself ________________ by a heavy fist.
②I found ________________ at the door.
③We shouldn't keep ________________ in the day.
④With ________________,he felt so proud.
⑤He wants to have________________ tomorrow.
①There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,___________.
②________________, he can't afford a computer.
③Newly-built wooden cottages line the street,________________________.
10.nothing is+ (形容词)比较级 + than... 没有什么比……更加……
[教材原句] To a person nothing is more precious than their life,and if they entrust me with that life,how could I refuse that trust,saying I’m cold,hungry,or tired (P16) 对于一个人来说,没有什么比他们的生命更珍贵的了,如果他们把生命托付给我,我怎么能拒绝这种信任,说我冷了、饿了、累了
To the old man,______________________________ his family.
______________________ that I suddenly realized nobody
was happier than I was.
What an interesting novel!I have ______________________.
[教材原句]These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices.林巧稚医生这一席话使我们得以窥见这位非凡女性的内心世界,并了解是什么支撑她度过充满艰难抉择的一生。(教材P16)
[剖析] 名词短语 the heart of this amazing woman和宾语从句what carried her through a life of hard choices是and连接的并列成分,作介词into的宾语。
①(2022·全国甲卷)________ people forget is that the Italians, when they came to Australia, brought 2,000 years of their culture, the Greeks some 3,000 years, and the Chinese more still.
②“A good night's sleep is ________ you want,” he said firmly.
Steve looked blank and said he had no idea ________________________.
【即时练】答案:(1) majority(2)were(3)majoring(4) in(5)The majority of people interviewed
2.【即时练】答案:(1)with (2)to (3)Responding (4) response (5) in
3.【即时练】答案:① been appointed manager② as③to act④appointment
4.【即时练】答案:①with ②as ③out of place ④take the place of
5.【即时练】答案:(1) to find(2)assistance(3)assistant(4)with/in(5)comes to assist me(6)comes to my assistance
6.【即时练】答案:① carrying forward②carry out③carry on④carried me through
7.【即时练】答案:①In terms of ②in memory of ③in search of ④in possession of
8.【即时练】答案:①is ②are③a lot of/a great deal of
9.【即时练1】(1)答案: ①running;②following③painted ④weeping (2)[完成句子]①being hit②a beggar standing③the lights burning ④all fans singing together ⑤ his eyes examined
【即时练2】答案:①staring at the stars ②Being poor③turning the old town into a dreamland
10.【即时练】答案:(1)nothing is more important than (2)It was not until then (3) never read a more moving one
11.【即时练】答案:①What ②what③what I was talking about
Grammar 动词-ing形式作宾补和状语
In the crowded cafe, I heard a friendly voice saying, “You can share my table.”
He saw a girl wandering on the street this time yesterday.
see/ hear /watch/ feel/ notice+sb./ sth.+doing sth.强调动作正在进行;
see/ hear/ watch/ feel/ notice+sb./ sth.+do sth.强调动作发生的全过程/全过程已经结束了。
Today on my way home, I saw a man running along the street hurriedly.
I saw him enter the room and take something away.
It’s cold. We should have the fire burning all the time.
I won’t have you running about in the room.
1) have/ get+sb./ sth.+done包括两层意思:
have +宾语+do sth. 意思是“让某人去干某事”。
1. Mother has me go to the shop to buy some fruit.
2. He had/ got his computer stolen the other day.
3. He will have/ get the computer repaired tomorrow.
2) leave/ keep +sb./ sth. done sth.(使……处于/保持某种状态)
Many teachers keep parents informed of children’s performance in the kindergarten by sharing videos on WeChat.
3. 现在分词在with复合结构中的使用
Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace
在with的复合结构中, 也可以使用不定式和过去分词作宾语补足语。
All the afternoon he worked with the door locked(表被动).
I can’t go out with all these clothes to wash(表将来).
Hearing these stories, I’m skeptical about the place.
= When I heard these stories…
Not knowing his address, I can’t send this book to him.
= Because/Since/As I don’t know his address…
3. 表示结果。
His father died, leaving him a lot of money.
=…, and left him a lot of money
Going straight down the road, you will find the department store.
= If you go straight down the road…
Being tired, they went on working.
=Although they were tired…
He lay on the grass, staring at the sky for a long time.
=…, and stared at the sky for a long time.
The last bus having gone, we had to walk home.
(having gone的逻辑主语是the last bus,而不是we)
Weather permitting, the football match will be played on Friday.
(permitting的逻辑主语是weather,而不是the football match)
1. The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, ______ (allow) more patients to be treated.
2. People probably cooked their food in large pots, ______ (use) twigs (树枝) to remove it.
3. After ______ (look) at the toy for some time, he turned around and found his parents were missing.
4. ______ (feel) hungry, we built a fire by the lake and barbecued the fish.
5. ______ (teach) many times, the girl still looked puzzled.
6. After a knock at the door, the child heard his mother ______ (call) him.
7. He was caught ______ (steal) and sent to the police.
8. I found Mary ______ (whisper) to a boy just now.
9. The teacher found a student ______ (talk) to his desk mate.
10. ______ (hear) the news that our team won, all the students shouted with joy.
1 allowing 2 using 3 looking 4 Feeling 5 Having been taught 6 calling 7 stealing 8 whispering 9 talking 10 Hearing