

名称 湖北省“荆、荆、襄、宜四地七校”考试联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期中联考英语试卷
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文件大小 12.3MB
资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-06 17:07:59


一、第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.(2024高二下·湖北期中)How will the man get to work
A.By car. B.By bus. C.By subway.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Morning, Greg. Why are you at the bus stop so early
M: I don't want to be late again for work. Mr Atkins goes mad.
W: Too bad you don't live close to the subway. You'd get there in no e on, get in. I'll give you a ride.
【分析】问题:男士怎么去上班?根据"Come on, get in. I'll give you a ride."进来吧。我载你一程。故选A。
2.(2024高二下·湖北期中)What course will the woman take
A.Spanish. B.Photography. C.Art.
【解析】【听力原文】M: So, are you going to join my Spanish course this year
W: Well, I put my name down, but I've changed my mind. A friend of mine is taking up photography. and I think I'll join him.
M: I didn't have you down as the artistic type.
【分析】问题:这位女士会选择什么课程?根据"A friend of mine is taking up photography. and I think I'll join him."我的一个朋友正在学习摄影。我想我会加入他的。故选B。
3.(2024高二下·湖北期中)Where does the conversation take place
A.At a bus stop. B.At the airport. C.At a hotel.
【解析】【听力原文】M: My name is Larry Sinclair, and I am staying in room 305 here. I was wondering what time the shuttle bus leaves for the airport in the morning.
W: The first bus leaves at 6:30 a.m., and there is a bus every fifteen minutes, sir.
【分析】问题:对话在哪里进行?根据"My name is Larry Sinclair, and I am staying in room 305 here. I was wondering what time the shuttle bus leaves for the airport in the morning."我叫Larry Sinclair,住在这里的305房间。我想知道班车早上几点去机场。可推知他们可能在宾馆,故选C。
4.(2024高二下·湖北期中)Who will be the next CEO
A.Mr. Matthew. B.Mr. Jackson. C.Mr. King.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Well, I heard the CEO Mr. Matthew is ready to retire, so Mr. Jackson will take his place.
M: Really I wonder who the next CFO will be then
W: Well, I would think that Mr. King is going to get the promotion since he has strong leadership skills.
【分析】问题:谁将成为下一任CEO?根据"I heard the CEO Mr. Matthew is ready to retire, so Mr. Jackson will take his place."我听说首席执行官Matthew先生准备退休了,所以Jackson先生。将接替他的位置。故选B。
5.(2024高二下·湖北期中)What time did the man finish his work
A.At about 9 o'clock p.m.
B.At about 10 o'clock p.m.
C.At about 12 o'clock at night.
【解析】【听力原文】M: You look awful. Have you been studying all night
W: Kind of. I got home at about nine, but I needed to relax a little. Then I got to work at about ten till the early hours.
M: I was done by midnight, but I stayed up watching a movie till half past two.
【分析】问题:男士什么时候完成工作的?根据" I was done by midnight"我半夜就做完了。故选C。
6.What are the speakers talking about
A.Where to go on a vacation.
B.How to choose a birthday gift.
C.What to wear for a job interview.
7.Why does the man want a new job
A.To try something new.
B.To get a high position.
C.To earn more money.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I love your new suit!
M: Thanks. It was a birthday gift from my mother. Do you think it's too formal, though
W: It depends. What's the occasion
M: I'm going to a job interview. I could hardly go in beachwear, could I
W: Definitely not.
M: But maybe I could wear jeans and a T-shirt. I would feel more comfortable, that's for sure.
W: No way. This suit is the best clothing for a job interview. By the way, why do you want to change your job For a higher salary or for the position
M: Actually, I'm looking for something new and challenging.
6.问题:谈话人在谈论什么?根据"I'm going to a job interview. I could hardly go in beachwear, could I "我要去面试。我几乎不能穿沙滩装去,是吗?;以及"But maybe I could wear jeans and a T-shirt. I would feel more comfortable, that's for sure."但也许我可以穿牛仔裤和T恤。我会感觉更舒服,这是肯定的。可推知他们在谈论面试穿什么。故选C。
7.问题:为什么男士想要一份新工作?根据"Actually, I'm looking for something new and challenging."事实上,我正在寻找一些新的、有挑战性的事情。故选A。
8.What does the woman plan to do next month
A.Organize a meeting.
B.Attend a conference.
C.Take a vacation.
9.Where can the woman get the special form
A.From her manager.
B.From the man.
C.From the HR office.
10.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Colleagues. B.Friends. C.Classmates.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, Vernon. I was really impressed with the talk you gave at the staff meeting about the National Production Conference that will be held next month.
M: Thanks! Are you thinking about going to the event I think it would be good both to our company and you.
W: I'd love to go, but since it's held on a weekday, I'm concerned about taking time off. Do I have to use one of my vacation days
M: No, because it's business-related. But you will need a special form that your manager must sign. You should grab one from the HR office.
8.问题:这位女士下个月打算做什么?根据"I was really impressed with the talk you gave at the staff meeting about the National Production Conference that will be held next month."你在员工大会上关于下个月举行的全国生产大会的讲话给我留下了深刻的印象;以及"I'd love to go"我很想去,故选B。
9.问题:这位女士在哪里可以获得特殊表格?根据"But you will need a special form that your manager must sign. You should grab one from the HR office."但你需要一份特殊的表格,你的经理必须签字。你应该从人力资源办公室拿一个。故选C。
11.Why does Bruce ask for another copy of paper
A.The delivery was delayed.
B.His newspaper was damaged.
C.He couldn't find the newspaper.
12.Where does Bruce want his newspaper to be put
A.In his yard. B.In his mailbox. C.In his hallway.
13.What will the woman do next
A.Visit Bruce's place.
B.Send an apology letter.
C.Call the delivery person.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello. This is Bruce Guerrero. I'm a subscriber of the Chicago Times. I'm calling to ask you for another copy of today's paper. I got one this morning, but it was all wet from the shower because it was dropped in the side yard, beside the hallway.
W: I apologize for that. Our delivery person hasn't returned from his route yet. Why don't I deliver it to you instead It won't take long.
M: Thank you. But I'd like to let you know that newspapers have not been delivered to my hallway several times already. Would you ask your deliveryman to put it in the right place
W: Sure, no problem, Mr. Guerrero. You live on Scott Road, right I'll be there within half an hour. I'll see you soon.
11.问题:为什么 Bruce 再要一份报纸?根据"I'm calling to ask you for another copy of today's paper. I got one this morning, but it was all wet from the shower because it was dropped in the side yard, beside the hallway."我打电话来是想再要一份今天的报纸。我今天早上买了一份,但淋浴后它都湿透了,因为它掉在走廊旁边的侧院子里。故选B。
12.问题: Bruce 想把他的报纸放在哪里?根据"But I'd like to let you know that newspapers have not been delivered to my hallway several times already."但我想让你知道,报纸已经好几次没有送到我的走廊了。故选C。
13.问题:这位女士接下来会做什么?根据"I'll be there within half an hour. I'll see you soon."我半小时内到。我很快就会见到你。故选A。
14.What causes the woman to have trouble making friends
A.Lack of social skills.
B.Difference in interests.
C.Unpopularity with other kids.
15.What do we know about the girl's family
A.They enjoy a quiet life.
B.They prefer a social lifestyle.
C.They have a strict daily routine.
16.How does the woman feel about her lifestyle
A.Comfortable. B.Upset. C.Lonely.
17.What kind of friends does the girl want
A.Those who are easy-going.
B.Those who are hard-working.
C.Those who share similar hobbies.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Since as long as I can remember, I've had problems making friends. It's not that I wanted to fit in. I just didn't like the kind of things that other kids liked.
M: You mean music, hobbies, clothes ...
W: Yeah. All that stuff just seemed meaningless to me. I didn't want to hang out with the cool kids. I'm just not a cool kid and I don't want to be.
M: And do you think it's connected to your family background
W: Oh, definitely. My parents are really quiet and although there are four kids, we live in a quiet household. We read, we eat together, we're very respectful of each other's space and we're just not into partying.
M: So do you see this as a problem at school-like when you're trying to make friends
W: Um, a little bit. It's not so much a problem-more a feeling that I'm just very different.
Like when other teenagers are starting to go out, I'm happier staying in and studying. It's more a question of looking for similar people, wanting friends who have the same
interests. Friends like you, actually!
14.问题:是什么导致这位女士在交朋友方面遇到困难?根据"It's not that I wanted to fit in. I just didn't like the kind of things that other kids liked."这并不是说我想融入。我只是不喜欢其他孩子喜欢的那种东西。故选B。
15.问题:我们对这个女孩的家庭了解多少?根据"My parents are really quiet and although there are four kids, we live in a quiet household. We read, we eat together, we're very respectful of each other's space and we're just not into partying."我的父母真的很安静,虽然有四个孩子,但我们生活在一个安静的家庭里。我们一起读书,一起吃饭,我们非常尊重彼此的空间,我们只是不喜欢聚会。故选A。
16.问题:这位女士对她的生活方式有何看法?根据"It's not so much a problem-more a feeling that I'm just very different. Like when other teenagers are starting to go out, I'm happier staying in and studying."这并不是什么问题,更多的是我觉得自己很不一样。
17.问题:这个女孩想要什么样的朋友?根据"It's more a question of looking for similar people, wanting friends who have the same interests."这更多的是寻找相似的人,想要有相同兴趣的朋友,故选C。
18.What do we learn about the speaker's mother
A.She made a lot of records.
B.She had a varied taste in music.
C.She once worked in the field of music.
19.What kind of music does the speaker hate
A.Classical music. B.Country music. C.Dance music.
20.Who has the biggest influence on the speaker in music
A.Her mom. B.Her sister. C.Her schoolmate.
【解析】【听力原文】Well, I'd love to share with you my musical tastes. I've always been a huge fan of music. My mom used to have so many CDs, tapes and records, so I could listen to all sorts of things, from classical music like Beethoven and Mozart to seventies bands like Shakatak.
I've always listened to electronic music and dance music. It started when I was about thirteen years old. I used to go to parties for young people with my schoolmates and I've just always been into them. One thing that I can't get into is country. My sister is a big fan. I just cannot get used to it.
If I look on my iPod now, a lot of the music that I listen to now, I probably listened to back when I was four or five years old, with the exception of some of the dance tracks which came in when I was a teenager. So I'd like to say that I listen to a wide range of music, and I've got my mom to thank for that.
18.问题:我们对发言人的母亲了解什么?根据"My mom used to have so many CDs, tapes and records, so I could listen to all sorts of things, from classical music like Beethoven and Mozart to seventies bands like Shakatak."我妈妈以前有很多CD、磁带和唱片,所以我可以听各种各样的东西,从贝多芬和莫扎特等古典音乐到沙卡塔克等70年代的乐队。可推知发言人的母亲对音乐有不同的品味。故选B。
19.问题:谈话人讨厌哪种音乐?根据"One thing that I can't get into is country."有一件事我不喜欢,那就是乡村音乐。故选B。
20.问题:谁对音乐中的发言人影响最大?根据"So I'd like to say that I listen to a wide range of music, and I've got my mom to thank for that."所以我想说,我听了各种各样的音乐,这要感谢我妈妈。故选A。
三、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
USITCC Regional Competition
The Department of Information Technology and Cyber Security in the College of Business is proud to host the U. S. Information Technology Collegiate Conference (USITCC) Regional Competition on October 26-28. The event is open to students majoring in business or computer science.
USITCC is quickly becoming the nation's top IT competition, networking and career-building event. In one single weekend, student attendees can prove their technology skills in a variety of IT competitions, meet with industry professionals and connect with IT employers providing internships (实习工作) and/or full-time positions.
Competitions & Schedule
Date Time Competitions
Thursday, October 26 7-10 p.m. Security
7-10 p.m. Systems Analysis and Design
Friday, October 27 8-1l a.m. Application Development
12-3 p.m. Office Solutions
Saturday, October 28 4-7 p.m. Database
8-10 a.m. Security Final Round
Accommodation Information
Kentwood Hall, 701 E. St. Louis St., Springfield, MO 65806 is a historic six-story building. Kentwood offers private rooms, two-person rooms, super doubles, and three-person rooms.
Each room is carpeted and offers a bathroom and height-adjustable beds. All rooms have Wi-Fi and a mid-sized refrigerator. All rooms are smoke-free. Basic bedding will include sheets, a light blanket, and towels.
Entry Fee
The early bird rate is $35 / person before September 30, and the price will increase to $45 / person after that date.
21.What can student competitors expect from the competitions
A.A job opportunity. B.Changes of college major.
C.A large cash prize. D.Instructions from professors.
22.Which of the following do rooms of Kentwood Hall provide
A.Smoking areas. B.Personalized bedding.
C.Internet access. D.Plus-sized refrigerator.
23.What is the purpose of the text
A.To introduce a college. B.To advertise a competition.
C.To recommend a hotel. D.To promote cyber security.
21.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"In one single weekend, student attendees can prove their technology skills in a variety of IT competitions, meet with industry professionals and connect with IT employers providing internships (实习工作) and/or full-time positions."在一个周末内,学生参加者可以在各种资讯科技比赛中证明他们的科技技能,与业界专业人士会面,并与提供实习及/或全职职位的资讯科技雇主联络。可知,学生选手可以从比赛中获得一个工作机会。故选A。
22.考查细节理解。根据Accommodation Information 部分中的"Each room is carpeted and offers a bathroom and height-adjustable beds. All rooms have Wi-Fi and a mid-sized refrigerator. All rooms are smoke-free. Basic bedding will include sheets, a light blanket, and towels."每个房间都铺有地毯,并提供浴室和可调节高度的床。所有客房均配有无线网络连接和一台中型冰箱。所有房间都是无烟的。基本的床上用品包括床单、薄毯子和毛巾。可知,肯特伍德厅的房间有网络连接。故选C。
23.考查推理判断。根据本文标题"USITCC Regional Competition"USITCC区域比赛;以及第一段"The Department of Information Technology and Cyber Security in the College of Business is proud to host the U. S. Information Technology Collegiate Conference (USITCC) Regional Competition on October 26-28. The event is open to students majoring in business or computer science."商业学院的信息技术和网络安全系很荣幸地主办了10月26日至28日举行的美国信息技术大学会议(USITCC)区域竞赛。该活动面向商科或计算机科学专业的学生开放。可知,这篇文章的目的是为一个比赛做宣传广告。故选B。
David Chipperfield, the British designer known for his minimalist and inclusive spaces, has won the Pritzker Prize, often called "the Nobel Prize of architecture". With this honor, he joins the company of groundbreaking designers such as Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Richard Rogers and Oscar Niemeyer.
Chipperfield has distinguished his works by creating sharp, minimalist socially conscious buildings. The Pritzker committee wrote, "His architectural language balances consistency with the fundamental design principles and flexibility towards the local cultures ... The work of David Chipperfield harmonizes European classicism, the complex nature of Britain and even the delicateness of Japan."
In 1997, Chipperfield's firm was chosen to renovate Berlin's Neues Museum, which was a mess long after being damaged by World War I. Chipperfield approached the project in honor of the building's history. For more than a decade, he searched through stones and bricks from the original structure for pieces to use, some of which had bullet(子弹) holes in them.
The architect has applied the same belief to his recent works, including the expansion of the Royal Academy of Arts in London, where he renovated galleries, created a new auditorium(礼堂) and built a concrete bridge to connect its original buildings.
"While some architects may use the attention that comes with the Pritzker Prize to go big and advance their commercial ambitions, Chipperfield's win is unlikely to result in steel-and-glass supertall skyscrapers," writes Bloomberg's Kriston Capps.
Instead, Chipperfield says he will work harder to create architecture that has a specific mission. "I regard this award as an encouragement, continuing to direct my attention not only to the substance of architecture and its meaning but also to the contribution that we can make as architects to address the existing challenges of climate change and social inequality," he says in a statement. He adds, "We must rise to these challenges and help inspire the next generation to shoulder this responsibility with vision and courage."
24.What do the groundbreaking designers mentioned in paragraph 1 indicate
A.The fierce competition for the Pritzker Prize.
B.The inspiration for Chipperfield's design features.
C.Chipperfield's goal to become a leading architect.
D.Chipperfield's amazing architectural achievements.
25.What makes Chipperfield's works unique according to the Pritzker committee
A.The creation of visually striking buildings.
B.The integration of different cultural elements.
C.The consistent design style in different projects.
D.The flexible selection of architectural materials.
26.What does the underlined word "renovate" in paragraph 3 mean
A.Research. B.Restore. C.Build. D.Decorate.
27.What does Chipperfield hope to do with his architecture
A.Realize personal commercial ambitions.
B.Take up environmental protection industry.
C.Make a positive impact on critical social issues.
D.Encourage more people to major in architecture.
24.考查推理判断。根据第一段"David Chipperfield, the British designer known for his minimalist and inclusive spaces, has won the Pritzker Prize, often called ‘the Nobel Prize of architecture'. With this honor, he joins the company of groundbreaking designers such as Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Richard Rogers and Oscar Niemeyer."以极简主义和包容空间著称的英国设计师David Chipperfield获得了普利兹克奖,被称为"建筑界的诺贝尔奖"。凭借这一荣誉,他加入了Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Richard Rogers 和Oscar Niemeyer等开创性设计师的行列。可知,David Chipperfield 获得建筑学界的诺贝尔奖,并进入到具有开创性的建筑家行列,可见其取得的成就之大。故选D。
25.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"The work of David Chipperfield harmonizes European classicism, the complex nature of Britain and even the delicateness of Japan." David Chipperfield的作品协调了欧洲古典主义、英国的复杂本质,甚至是日本的精致。可知,David Chipperfield 的作品融合了欧洲、英国和日本等元素。故选B。
26.考查词义猜测。根据第三段"In 1997, Chipperfield's firm was chosen to renovate Berlin's Neues Museum, which was a mess long after being damaged by World War I. Chipperfield approached the project in honor of the building's history. For more than a decade, he searched through stones and bricks from the original structure for pieces to use,some of which had bullet (子弹) holes in them." 1997年,Chipperfield的公司被选中翻新柏林的新博物馆,该博物馆在第一次世界大战中遭到破坏后很久就陷入了混乱。Chipperfield为了纪念这座建筑的历史而接触了这个项目。十多年来,他在原建筑的石头和砖块中寻找可以使用的碎片,其中一些上面有弹孔。可知,Neues Museum在一战中受损,David Chipperfield 作为建筑师尊重该博物馆的历史,寻找博物馆原始结构中的"断壁残垣",可推知 David Chipperfield 是对该博物馆进行修复,划线词renovate 意为"修复"。故选B。
27.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"I regard this award as an encouragement, continuing to direct my attention not only to the substance of architecture and its meaning but also to the contribution that we can make as architects to address the existing challenges of climate change and social inequality, "我认为这个奖项是一种鼓励,它不仅继续引导我关注建筑的实质及其意义,而且还关注我们作为建筑师可以做出的贡献,以应对气候变化和社会不平等的现有挑战。可知, Chipperfield 未来为解决气候问题和社会不公平等问题作出贡献,对社会所面临的紧急问题产生积极的影响。故选C。
Read a few news headlines and you'll see some common themes: the rising number of languages dying worldwide, the isolation of individual last speakers, and the wider cultural loss for humanity. These stories often mention how people try to protect such languages. However, they tend to focus less on how such efforts actually help speakers of endangered languages. Such efforts sometimes help, sometimes harm, and sometimes do both.
Encouraging someone to keep speaking a declining minority language could certainly boost his or her sense of identity. But when a bigger language is adopted somewhere, it doesn't remove everything that came before. Often, intense contact between big and small languages leads to a new mixture - for example, Sheng in Kenya and Tsotsitaal in South Africa. In other cases, such language contact results in a new localized dialect. As linguist Peter Trudgill argues, this can also hold a highly local identity.
Sure enough, enabling a people to use their traditional language can make them feel better about themselves. But is it really helping them Simply adding your ancestral language as a new school subject isn't very helpful if your school is falling down, or you're not eating well. To think anything much can be solved just by performing CPR (心肺复苏) in a minority language is to ignore how complicated human society is and how many different simultaneous (同时的) needs we have.
In Québec, Canada, just under 75% of residents have French as their native language, but the percentage has fallen over the past five years. In 2022, the Québec Legislature passed Bill 96, which requires people to only use French for official speech and writing. This is an example of the prioritization of language, yet it's unclear whether the law will actually improve Québec residents' lives, or even help preserve French in Québec.
So promoting endangered languages can be a positive force, but we shouldn't assume that's universally true. It is especially difficult for a language expert to say so. Perhaps we should focus less on languages themselves, and pay more attention to the lives of the people who speak them.
28.What do the news stories about languages usually focus on
A.The efforts to save endangered languages.
B.The future development of our languages.
C.The cultural functions of languages worldwide.
D.The problem with promoting language uniformity.
29.What can a bigger adopted language bring about according to Peter Trudgill
A.The separation from the past.
B.The enrichment of local cultures.
C.The loss of social interaction.
D.The preservation of people's identity.
30.What can be inferred about saving endangered languages
A.It will take ages to see its effect.
B.It requires more attention to native speakers.
C.It will guarantee a win-win result.
D.It needs more focus on languages themselves.
31.Which of the following is the best title for the text
A.How to Improve Minority Language Speakers' Life
B.How to Boost Minority Language speakers' Identity
C.Promotion of French in Canada: Fruitful or Fruitless
D.Endangered Language Protection: Helpful or Harmful
28.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"These stories often mention how people try to protect such languages."这些故事经常提到人们是如何保护这些语言的。可知,第一段中提及到的News stories都是关于人们如何保护濒危语言,即人们为保护濒危语言所付出的努力。故选A。
29.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"As linguist Peter Trudgill argues, this can also hold a highly local identity."正如语言学家Peter Trudgill所说,这也可能具有高度的身份认同感。可知,一种被广泛采用的语言与弱势语言频繁交流产生的"混合物"也能够维持高的身份认同感。故选D。
30.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"Perhaps we should focus less on languages themselves, and pay more attention to the lives of the people who speak them."也许我们应该少关注语言本身,多关注说语言的人的生活。可知,语言保护不能一概而论,关注语言,也更需要关注语言的使用者。故选B。
31.考查标题归纳。根据第一段中的"However, they tend to focus less on how such efforts actually help speakers of endangered languages. Such efforts sometimes help, sometimes harm, and sometimes do both."然而,他们往往不太关注这些努力如何真正帮助濒危语言的使用者。这种努力有时有益,有时有害,有时兼而有之。可知,本文主要讲的是语言保护的过程中对语言使用者的关注不够,从而讨论这起到的作用到底是伤害还是帮助。故选D。
In America, the "Big Dig", a highway project that resulted in a mess of traffic in the centre of Boston for years, came in five times over its initial budget. Even the Germans get huge projects wrong. Conception to operation of Berlin Brandenburg Airport has taken 30 years, with seven missed opening dates. The airport ended up costing $8.2 billion. However, the original estimate was about $2.7 billion.
Huge projects like Berlin Brandenburg Airport are the subject of an amusing new book called How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner. Mr. Flyvbjerg sets up a database of over 16, 000 projects and data analysis reveals that only 8.5% of the projects meet their initial estimates on cost and time, and 0.5% of them achieve what they set out to do on cost, time and benefits.
Over-optimistic time and cost estimates originate from both psychological and political perceptions: the reliance on intuition (直觉) rather than data, and a problem that Mr. Flyvbjerg calls "strategic misrepresentation". This is when budgets are intentionally reduced in order to get things going. And once the projects are under way, they will not be stopped, because money spent on them will thus be wasted.
Mr. Flyvbjerg speaks highly of Pixar's methodical approach to developing and testing films in great detail before they go into production. He also tells the story of how Frank Gehry's well-developed architectural models helped ensure the success of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. Narrowing down the producing window of a project before it is actually carried out reduces the probability of unexpected events.
Big customized projects are particularly likely to run into trouble. However, the more a project can be divided into standardized processes, the better its prospects are. Projects run into problems for specific reasons as well as general ones: Britain's trouble is not something that China has to worry about, for instance. But the iron law is that if you plan strictly and standardize where possible, you are less likely to dig yourself into a hole.
32.How does the author introduce the topic of the passage
A.By making a contrast. B.By giving an explanation.
C.By presenting examples. D.By showing an experience.
33.What message does Bent Flyvbjerg's data analysis convey
A.Projects' success rates can be estimated.
B.Projects' desired outcome can't be achieved.
C.Most projects suffer overspending and delays.
D.Most projects lack comprehensive data analysis.
34.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A.Failures in decision-making.
B.Methods of reducing massive costs.
C.Strategies for getting work done.
D.Reasons behind inaccurate estimates.
35.What is the key to preventing projects getting into trouble
A.Planning thoroughly in advance.
B.Analyzing specific and general reasons.
C.Focusing on efficiency of projects.
D.Drawing lessons from former experiences.
32.考查推理判断。根据第一段中的"In America, the ‘Big Dig', a highway project that resulted in a mess of traffic in the centre of Boston for years, came in five times over its initial budget. Even the Germans get huge projects wrong. Conception to operation of Berlin Brandenburg Airport has taken 30 years, with seven missed opening dates. "在美国,"大挖掘"是一个高速公路项目,多年来导致波士顿市中心交通混乱,其资金是最初预算的五倍。就连德国人也把大项目搞砸了。柏林-勃兰登堡机场的构想到运营已经花了30年的时间,错过了7个开放日期。可知,第一段以美国的"Big Dig"和德国Berlin Brandenburg Airport两个超级项目超时超预算为例,引出本文话题。故选C。
33.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的" Mr. Flyvbjerg sets up a database of over 16, 000 projects and data analysis reveals that only 8.5% of the projects meet their initial estimates on cost and time, and 0.5% of them achieve what they set out to do on cost, time and benefits."Flyvbjerg先生建立了一个包含16000多个项目的数据库,数据分析显示,只有8.5%的项目在成本和时间方面达到了最初的估计,其中0.5%的项目实现了他们在成本、时间和效益方面的目标。可知,仅少数项目符合预期的开支和时间,达到预期得受益,反过来可以推断出,大多数的项目超预算并且超过预期时间。故选C。
34.考查段落大意。根据第三段"Over-optimistic time and cost estimates originate from both psychological and political perceptions: the reliance on intuition (直觉) rather than data, and a problem that Mr. Flyvbjerg calls ‘strategic misrepresentation'. This is when budgets are intentionally reduced in order to get things going. And once the projects are under way, they will not be stopped, because money spent on them will thus be wasted."过于乐观的时间和成本估计源于心理和政治认知:对直觉而非数据的依赖,以及Flyvbjerg先生所说的‘战略失实陈述'问题。这是指为了使事情顺利进行而有意减少预算的情况。这些项目一旦开始,就不会停止,因为花在这些项目上的钱会被浪费掉。可知,第三段主要讲述了"psychological and political perceptions"和"strategic misrepresentation"这些导致时间上和开支上预算过于乐观,因此本段解释不精确预算产生的原因。故选D。
35.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"But the iron law is that if you plan strictly and standardize where possible, you are less likely to dig yourself into a hole."但铁律是,如果你严格规划并尽可能规范化,你就不太可能把自己挖到坑里。可知,实现计划周全是避免出现超预算和超时的关键。故选A。
Our relationship with pets has changed greatly in recent decades.  36.   A recent survey found that 69% of Australian households have at least one pet.
While owning a pet is linked to numerous mental and physical health benefits, our pets can also carry infectious diseases that can sometimes be passed on to us. For most people, the risk is low. But some people, like those with weakened immune systems, are at greater risk of getting sick.  37.  .
Infectious diseases that move from animals to humans are called zoonotic diseases (动物传染病). More than 70 pathogens (病原体) of companion animals are known to be transmissible to people.  38.   But often there may be no visible signs of sickness, making it easier for you to catch it, because you don't suspect your pet of carrying pathogens.
Close contact with animals, some behaviors in particular, increases the risk of zoonotic diseases. Surveys conducted in the Netherlands showed that half of pet owners allowed their pets to lick their faces, and 18% permitted dogs to share their beds.  39.   Research has also linked occasional zoonotic infections in pet owners to kissing pets. For example, in Japan, a woman developed a serious infectious illness after regularly kissing her dog's face.
 40.   These include washing hands thoroughly after interacting with pets, handling their bedding and toys, and cleaning their waste. It's also essential to avoid allowing pets to lick faces or open wounds. Moreover, it is advisable to keep pets out of the kitchen, especially cats that may access food preparation surfaces.
A.Pet ownership is at an all-time high.
B.Sometimes, a pet with a zoonotic pathogen may look sick.
C.Dogs and cats are significant sources of zoonotic infections.
D.But it's not just dogs and cats that can spread diseases to humans.
E.To minimize the risk of getting sick, several good practices should be adopted.
F.Additionally, 45% of cat owners allowed their cats to jump onto kitchen sinks.
G.So it's important to know the threats and take necessary action to prevent infections.
36.根据空后"A recent survey found that 69% of Australian households have at least one pet."最近的一项调查发现,69%的澳大利亚家庭至少有一只宠物。可知,此处是指宠物拥有量很高, A.Pet ownership is at an all-time high. "宠物的拥有量达到了历史最高水平。"符合语境,故选A。
37.根据空前"But some people, like those with weakened immune systems, are at greater risk of getting sick."但有些人,比如那些免疫系统较弱的人,患病的风险更大。可知,此处是指要注意预防感染,G.So it's important to know the threats and take necessary action to prevent infections."因此,了解威胁并采取必要措施预防感染非常重要。"承接上文,符合语境。故选G。
38.根据空后"But often there may be no visible signs of sickness, making it easier for you to catch it, because you don't suspect your pet of carrying pathogens."但通常没有明显的疾病迹象,这让你更容易被感染,因为你不会怀疑你的宠物携带病原体。可知,前后构成转折关系,此处是指有时候携带病原体的宠物能看出来生病,B.Sometimes, a pet with a zoonotic pathogen may look sick."有时,感染人畜共患病原体的宠物可能会能看出生病了。"符合语境,故选B。
39.根据空前"Close contact with animals, some behaviors in particular, increases the risk of zoonotic diseases. Surveys conducted in the Netherlands showed that half of pet owners allowed their pets to lick their faces, and 18% permitted dogs to share their beds."与动物密切接触,特别是某些行为,会增加患人畜共患疾病的风险。在荷兰进行的调查显示,一半的宠物主人允许他们的宠物舔他们的脸,18%的人允许狗和他们同床共枕。可知,此处是对会增加患人畜共患疾病的风险的宠物亲密举动进行举例,F.Additionally, 45% of cat owners allowed their cats to jump onto kitchen sinks."此外,45%的猫主人允许他们的猫跳到厨房的水槽上。"符合语境,故选F。
40.根据空后"These include washing hands thoroughly after interacting with pets, handling their bedding and toys, and cleaning their waste. It's also essential to avoid allowing pets to lick faces or open wounds. Moreover, it is advisable to keep pets out of the kitchen, especially cats that may access food preparation surfaces."这些措施包括在与宠物接触后彻底洗手,处理它们的床上用品和玩具,以及清理它们的排泄物。避免让宠物舔脸或开放性伤口也是很重要的。此外,建议不要让宠物进入厨房,尤其是猫,因为它们可能会接触到准备食物的表面。可知,此处是指减小感染风险需要采取的措施,E.To minimize the risk of getting sick, several good practices should be adopted."为尽量减少患病的风险,应采取若干良好做法。"符合语境,故选E。
五、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
I grew up in a small North Dakota town. Dad was a farmer, so we kids were taught 41. to drive farm vehicles. I started driving the tractor(拖拉机) at age 15.
One summer day, Dad asked me to back his truck up. 42. , I backed it into a tree, damaging the truck. I was 43. because I wasn't sure how Dad would react. Luckily, Dad wasn't 44. , and moved the truck himself.
As a teenager, I usually worked part-time on Uncle Jim's farm in my 45. time. One day, I drove the tractor to get gas from the farmyard fuel tank, which was 46. on a big metal shelf 12 feet high. I 47. the shelf, bending one of the vehicle's wooden bars. I stopped the vehicle anxiously and got off. I 48. Uncle Jim would help me. To my 49. , he said, "Get back up on that tractor and you can do it." And I did! During harvest, Jim had me do farming chores with that tractor, which made my confidence 50. greatly.
The "can do" 51. Uncle Jim had toward me carried me through 52. times in life. Whenever I encountered difficulties, the 53. on the summer day on the farm came flooding back to my mind and my spirit wasn't 54. ! It just goes to show what a huge impact can be created by small gestures of 55. in a person.
41.A.early B.hard C.recently D.fast
42.A.Frankly B.Skillfully C.Intentionally D.Unfortunately
43.A.curious B.scared C.embarrassed D.hesitant
44.A.mad B.pleased C.worried D.proud
45.A.entire B.quality C.spare D.limited
46.A.emptied B.operated C.placed D.transformed
47.A.built up B.ran into C.tore down D.passed by
48.A.claimed B.doubted C.worried D.assumed
49.A.disappointment B.surprise C.fright D.satisfaction
50.A.decline B.suffer C.grow D.change
51.A.admiration B.judgment C.affection D.attitude
52.A.tough B.confusing C.relaxing D.valuable
53.A.comment B.expectation C.reflection D.plan
54.A.broken B.recognized C.refreshed D.raised
55.A.justice B.belief C.interest D.courage
41.句意:爸爸是个农民,所以我们这些孩子很早就学会了驾驶农用车。A. early"早";B. hard"严重地";C. recently"最近";D. fast"快"。根据空前"Dad was a farmer"父亲是个农民;以及下文"I started driving the tractor (拖拉机) at age 15"我在15岁就开始驾驶拖拉机。可知,作者很早就学会驾驶农用车,故选A。
42.句意:不幸的是,我倒车时撞上了一棵树,把卡车撞坏了。A. Frankly"直率地";B. Skillfully"熟练地";C. Intentionally"故意地";D. Unfortunately"不幸地"。根据空后"I backed it into a tree, damaging the truck"我倒车时撞上了一棵树,把卡车撞坏了。可知此处说的是一件不幸的事情,故选D。
43.句意:我很害怕,因为我不知道爸爸会有什么反应。A. curious"好奇的";B. scared"害怕的";C. embarrassed"局促不安的";D. hesitant"犹豫的"。根据空后"I wasn't sure how Dad would react(我不知道爸爸会有什么反应)"可知,作者不确定爸爸对自己撞坏了车这件事是什么反应,感到害怕,故选B项。
44.句意:幸运的是,爸爸没有生气,他自己把卡车开走了。A. mad"愤怒的";B. pleased"高兴的";C. worried"担心的";D. proud"自豪的"。根据上文"I wasn't sure how Dad would react"我不知道爸爸会有什么反应;以及下文"Luckily"幸运的是,可知,作者原本担心父亲生气,幸运的是父亲没有生气,故选A。
45.句意:十几岁的时候,我经常利用业余时间在吉姆叔叔的农场做兼职。A. entire"全部的";B. quality"优质的";C. spare"空闲的";D. limited"有限的"。根据空前"As a teenager, I usually worked part-time on Uncle Jim's farm"十几岁的时候,我经常在吉姆叔叔的农场做兼职。可知,十几岁不是做农活的年龄,所以作者做兼职只能是在空闲时间,故选C。
46.句意:有一天,我开着拖拉机去农场的油箱加油,油箱放在一个12英尺高的大金属架上。A. emptied "清空";B. operated"操作";C. placed"放";D. transformed"改变"。根据空后"on a big metal shelf 12 feet high"在一个12英尺高的大金属架上,可知,油箱放在一个12英尺高的大金属架上,故选C。
47.句意:我不小心撞上了架子,弄弯了拖拉机的一根木杆。A. built up"逐步建立,积累";B. ran into"撞上";C. tore down"拆除";D. passed by"路过"。根据空后"the shelf, bending one of the vehicle's wooden bars"……架子,弄弯了拖拉机的一根木杆,可推理出作者不小心撞上了架子,故选B。
48.句意:我以为吉姆叔叔会帮我。A. claimed"声称";B. doubted"怀疑";C. worried"担忧";D. assumed"认为"。根据空后"Uncle Jim would help me"吉姆叔叔会帮我,可知,下文说的是作者自认为吉姆叔叔会提供帮助,故选D。
49.句意:令我惊讶的是,他说:"回到那辆拖拉机上,你能做到的。"A. disappointment"失望";B. surprise"惊奇";C. fright"害怕";D. satisfaction"满足"。根据语境可知,吉姆叔叔没有帮助作者,而是认为作者能做好,这使作者感到惊奇,故选B。
50.句意:在收获季节,吉姆让我用那辆拖拉机做农活,这大大增强了我的信心。A. decline"减少";B. suffer"遭受";C. grow"增加";D. change"变化"。根据上文"To my 9 , he said, ‘Get back up on that tractor and you can do it.' And I did!"令我惊讶的是,他说:"回到那辆拖拉机上,你能做到的。"然后我真的做到了!;以及空前"During harvest, Jim had me do farming chores with that tractor, which made my confidence "可知,吉姆叔叔认为作者能做好,而且作者也确实做好了,在收获期间,吉姆让作者使用拖拉机来完成农活,这个过程显著地增加了作者的信心,故选C。
51.句意:吉姆叔叔对我的"能行"态度使我在人生中的艰难时刻得以度过。A. admiration"赞赏";B. judgment"判断";C. affection"喜爱";D. attitude"态度"。根据空前"The ‘can do'"能行,可知上文说的是吉姆对作者的能把事情做好的态度,故选D。
52.句意:吉姆叔叔对我的"能行"态度使我在人生中的艰难时刻得以度过。A. tough"艰难的";B. confusing"难以理解的";C. relaxing"愉快的";D. valuable"有价值的"。根据下文"Whenever I encountered difficulties"每当我遇见困难的时候,可知,是生活中的困难时刻,故选A。
53.句意:每当我遇到困难时,我都会回想起那个农场上的夏日,我的精神就不会被打败!A. comment "评论";B. expectation"期待";C. reflection"回忆";D. plan"计划"。根据空后"on the summer day on the farm"那个农场上的夏日,可知,是对过去的回忆,故选C。
54.句意:每当我遇到困难时,我都会回想起那个农场上的夏日,我的精神就不会被打败!A. broken"破坏";B. recognized"公认";C. refreshed"使……神清气爽";D. raised"提高"。根据空前"on the summer day on the farm came flooding back to my mind"回想起那个农场上的夏日,可知,农场上的那个夏日,作者在吉姆的鼓励之下完成了任务,信心大增,现在回想起那个夏日,作者的精神应该是受到鼓舞,不会被打败(破坏)。故选A。
55.,句意:这恰恰说明了,一个人小小的信任姿态能产生多大的影响。A. justice"正义";B. belief "信任";C. interest"兴趣";D. courage"勇气"。根据上文" Get back up on that tractor and you can do it."可知,此处指一个小小的信任能对人产生很大的影响,故选B。
After walking for nearly 10 kilometers by China's Huangshan Mountain, and just as he was  56.   the edge of giving up, Phil Lecomte caught sight of a beautiful village. This moment took place 15 years ago,  57.   the Frenchman traveled to Huangshan Mountain for the first time. He has since traveled to China almost yearly.
In 2012, Lecomte became a tour guide and his trip to China turned into a long-term stay. Unlike other guides, he  58.  (rare) takes his guests - mostly foreigners - to the often visited  59.  (attraction). Instead, he often hikes or rides a motorcycle with his friends, away from noisy cities, to search for  60.  (hide) scenery scattered(分散的) around Huangshan Mountain.
Lecomte  61.  (enjoy) time spent hiking with his Chinese and foreign friends. They sing and play the guitar by clear streams, chat with locals picking tea,  62.   fall asleep to the sounds of frogs and insects.
Now, he also shares the beautiful moments he captures on his camera on Chinese social media, like images of an old man  63.  (sit) in a chair reading a book against the sunset, or children running around  64.   ancient village waving colorful fish lanterns. Lecomte  65.  (take) more than 118,000 photos in China to date.
【答案】56.on;57.when;58.rarely;59.attractions;60.hidden;61.enjoys;62.and;63.sitting;64.an;65.has taken
56.句意:在中国的黄山徒步了近10公里后,就在他快要放弃的时候,菲尔·勒孔特看到了一个美丽的村庄。on the edge of固定短语,"在……的边缘,濒于",故填on。
57.句意:这一刻发生在15年前,那时这位法国人第一次来到黄山。 the Frenchman traveled to Huangshan Mountain for the first time 是非限制性定语从句,先行词为15 years ago,在从句中作时间状语,应用关系副词when。故填when。
62.句意:他们在清澈的小溪边唱歌弹吉他,和当地人聊天采茶,在青蛙和昆虫的声音中入睡。"sing and play the guitar by clear streams, chat with locals picking tea"和"fall asleep to the sounds of frogs and insects"构成并列关系,应用并列连词and。故填and。
63.句意:现在,他还在中国的社交媒体上分享他用相机捕捉到的美丽瞬间,比如一位老人坐在椅子上看书,夕阳西下,或者孩子们在古老的村庄里挥舞着五颜六色的鱼灯笼跑来跑去。动词sit和逻辑主语an old man构成主谓关系,应用现在分词,此处作后置定语。故填sitting。
64.句意:现在,他还在中国的社交媒体上分享他用相机捕捉到的美丽瞬间,比如一位老人坐在椅子上看书,夕阳西下,或者孩子们在古老的村庄里挥舞着五颜六色的鱼灯笼跑来跑去。village意为"村庄",为可数名词,ancient village为第一次出现,表示"一个古村落",应用不定冠词表示泛指。ancient起始音为元音音素,不定冠词应用an。故填an。
65.句意:迄今为止,勒孔特已经在中国拍摄了超过11.8万张照片。此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语to date可知,此处应用现在完成时。主语为第三人称单数,故填has taken。
七、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)
66.(2024高二下·湖北期中)你校近期围绕4月22日第55个世界地球日的主题"全球战塑"(Planet vs. Plastics),开展了系列活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
School Activities for World Earth Day
【答案】School Activities for World Earth Day
In celebration of the 55th World Earth Day on April 22nd, our school organized a series of events with the theme of "Planet vs. Plastics", aiming to raise awareness about the global issue of plastic pollution and promote sustainable practices.
During the week leading up to Earth Day, students participated in a campus cleanup campaign, where they collected and properly disposed of plastic waste. They also attended informative workshops on reducing plastic usage and recycling.
The activities received positive feedback from both students and teachers. Many expressed enthusiasm for the cause and pledged to adopt eco-friendly habits in their daily lives.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生 为校英文报写一篇报道 。写作背景: 你校近期围绕4月22日第55个世界地球日的主题"全球战塑",开展了系列活动。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1.活动过程;2.活动反响。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:In celebration of the 55th World Earth Day on April 22nd, our school organized a series of events with the theme of "Planet vs. Plastics", aiming to raise awareness about the global issue of plastic pollution and promote sustainable practices.运用了现在分词作状语;During the week leading up to Earth Day, students participated in a campus cleanup campaign, where they collected and properly disposed of plastic waste. 运用了非限制性定语从句。
We were driving across the big state of Texas on our way to California. Suddenly, our car coughed and then stopped.
"Are we out of gas " Mom asked. Dad nodded. Cotton fields lined both sides of the lonely highway as far as the eye could see. We hadn't seen a car for a very long time, and we had passed the last town an hour before. "Don't worry," Dad said. "Someone will be along soon." But he didn't sound very sure about that. He got out and put the car's hood(引擎盖) up, saying, "This will let them know we're in trouble."
After an hour, we saw dust in the distance. A car was fast approaching going in the same direction as ours. Pleased, Dad jumped to his feet, waving his arms wildly. He smiled as the car got closer, yet the car just sounded its horn(喇叭) and rushed off. We were so upset and I felt scared. Dusk was approaching and we had been sitting for a couple of hours. Then we heard a small noise in the distance.
It sounded like men singing at the top of their lungs. It got louder, and soon we saw a worn-out old truck driving slowly down the highway toward us. The whole truck seemed to float along surrounded by songs sung in Spanish.
"Get in the car immediately," Mom instructed me nervously. "Al, you'd better get in here, too. We can't be too careful out here in the middle of nowhere." Dad just stood by the car door, full of tension.
The wooden-sided truck came to a stop right beside him. Mom and I held our breath. Would they hold us up What would happen to us We could be at their mercy. From their look, we knew they were farmers who often labored in the fields all day under the hot Texas sun.
"Habla Espa ol " the driver stopped and called out his window at Dad. "What I know little Spanish," Dad shouted back, shaking his head. He wondered how to convey the message that we needed a ride to a gas station.
Then Dad gestured and used some easy English words.
The container soon got full, but how could we return to where our car stopped
【答案】Then Dad gestured and used some easy English words. The farmers seemed to understand and Dad took a container out of our car. The next thing I knew was that Mom and I were sitting inside the truck next to the driver, and Dad was in the back with another two men. They sang us songs all the way to the nearest town and pulled into a gas station. We got off. Dad thanked them and offered to give them some money, but they all laughed and refused without hesitation. Dad then followed a worker to fill the container.
The container soon got full, but how could we return to where our car stopped It was at that moment that Dad heard the truck driver say something to him. Dad showed a puzzled look. Soon, the worker who knew Spanish laughed, "It's dark. They want to make sure you get back to your car safely, so they offer to drive you back." When we arrived, we expressed our gratitude for their kindness and waved goodbye to them. Then, they drove away into the night, singing merrily. This was really a memorable trip for my family, from which we learned a valuable lesson - there are good souls everywhere, even if they come disguised in a worn-out truck.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:The farmers seemed to understand and Dad took a container out of our car. 运用了并列句,不定式作表语;The next thing I knew was that Mom and I were sitting inside the truck next to the driver, and Dad was in the back with another two men. 运用了并列句,限制性定语从句;Dad thanked them and offered to give them some money, but they all laughed and refused without hesitation. 运用了转折并列句;It was at that moment that Dad heard the truck driver say something to him. 运用了强调句,省略to的不定式作宾补;Soon, the worker who knew Spanish laughed, "It's dark. They want to make sure you get back to your car safely, so they offer to drive you back." 运用了限制性定语从句,不定式作宾语,宾语从句,因果并列句;When we arrived, we expressed our gratitude for their kindness and waved goodbye to them. 运用了时间状语从句; This was really a memorable trip for my family, from which we learned a valuable lesson - there are good souls everywhere, even if they come disguised in a worn-out truck.运用了非限制性定语从句,让步状语从句。
1 / 1湖北省“荆、荆、襄、宜四地七校”考试联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期中联考英语试卷
一、第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.(2024高二下·湖北期中)How will the man get to work
A.By car. B.By bus. C.By subway.
2.(2024高二下·湖北期中)What course will the woman take
A.Spanish. B.Photography. C.Art.
3.(2024高二下·湖北期中)Where does the conversation take place
A.At a bus stop. B.At the airport. C.At a hotel.
4.(2024高二下·湖北期中)Who will be the next CEO
A.Mr. Matthew. B.Mr. Jackson. C.Mr. King.
5.(2024高二下·湖北期中)What time did the man finish his work
A.At about 9 o'clock p.m.
B.At about 10 o'clock p.m.
C.At about 12 o'clock at night.
6.What are the speakers talking about
A.Where to go on a vacation.
B.How to choose a birthday gift.
C.What to wear for a job interview.
7.Why does the man want a new job
A.To try something new.
B.To get a high position.
C.To earn more money.
8.What does the woman plan to do next month
A.Organize a meeting.
B.Attend a conference.
C.Take a vacation.
9.Where can the woman get the special form
A.From her manager.
B.From the man.
C.From the HR office.
10.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Colleagues. B.Friends. C.Classmates.
11.Why does Bruce ask for another copy of paper
A.The delivery was delayed.
B.His newspaper was damaged.
C.He couldn't find the newspaper.
12.Where does Bruce want his newspaper to be put
A.In his yard. B.In his mailbox. C.In his hallway.
13.What will the woman do next
A.Visit Bruce's place.
B.Send an apology letter.
C.Call the delivery person.
14.What causes the woman to have trouble making friends
A.Lack of social skills.
B.Difference in interests.
C.Unpopularity with other kids.
15.What do we know about the girl's family
A.They enjoy a quiet life.
B.They prefer a social lifestyle.
C.They have a strict daily routine.
16.How does the woman feel about her lifestyle
A.Comfortable. B.Upset. C.Lonely.
17.What kind of friends does the girl want
A.Those who are easy-going.
B.Those who are hard-working.
C.Those who share similar hobbies.
18.What do we learn about the speaker's mother
A.She made a lot of records.
B.She had a varied taste in music.
C.She once worked in the field of music.
19.What kind of music does the speaker hate
A.Classical music. B.Country music. C.Dance music.
20.Who has the biggest influence on the speaker in music
A.Her mom. B.Her sister. C.Her schoolmate.
三、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
USITCC Regional Competition
The Department of Information Technology and Cyber Security in the College of Business is proud to host the U. S. Information Technology Collegiate Conference (USITCC) Regional Competition on October 26-28. The event is open to students majoring in business or computer science.
USITCC is quickly becoming the nation's top IT competition, networking and career-building event. In one single weekend, student attendees can prove their technology skills in a variety of IT competitions, meet with industry professionals and connect with IT employers providing internships (实习工作) and/or full-time positions.
Competitions & Schedule
Date Time Competitions
Thursday, October 26 7-10 p.m. Security
7-10 p.m. Systems Analysis and Design
Friday, October 27 8-1l a.m. Application Development
12-3 p.m. Office Solutions
Saturday, October 28 4-7 p.m. Database
8-10 a.m. Security Final Round
Accommodation Information
Kentwood Hall, 701 E. St. Louis St., Springfield, MO 65806 is a historic six-story building. Kentwood offers private rooms, two-person rooms, super doubles, and three-person rooms.
Each room is carpeted and offers a bathroom and height-adjustable beds. All rooms have Wi-Fi and a mid-sized refrigerator. All rooms are smoke-free. Basic bedding will include sheets, a light blanket, and towels.
Entry Fee
The early bird rate is $35 / person before September 30, and the price will increase to $45 / person after that date.
21.What can student competitors expect from the competitions
A.A job opportunity. B.Changes of college major.
C.A large cash prize. D.Instructions from professors.
22.Which of the following do rooms of Kentwood Hall provide
A.Smoking areas. B.Personalized bedding.
C.Internet access. D.Plus-sized refrigerator.
23.What is the purpose of the text
A.To introduce a college. B.To advertise a competition.
C.To recommend a hotel. D.To promote cyber security.
David Chipperfield, the British designer known for his minimalist and inclusive spaces, has won the Pritzker Prize, often called "the Nobel Prize of architecture". With this honor, he joins the company of groundbreaking designers such as Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Richard Rogers and Oscar Niemeyer.
Chipperfield has distinguished his works by creating sharp, minimalist socially conscious buildings. The Pritzker committee wrote, "His architectural language balances consistency with the fundamental design principles and flexibility towards the local cultures ... The work of David Chipperfield harmonizes European classicism, the complex nature of Britain and even the delicateness of Japan."
In 1997, Chipperfield's firm was chosen to renovate Berlin's Neues Museum, which was a mess long after being damaged by World War I. Chipperfield approached the project in honor of the building's history. For more than a decade, he searched through stones and bricks from the original structure for pieces to use, some of which had bullet(子弹) holes in them.
The architect has applied the same belief to his recent works, including the expansion of the Royal Academy of Arts in London, where he renovated galleries, created a new auditorium(礼堂) and built a concrete bridge to connect its original buildings.
"While some architects may use the attention that comes with the Pritzker Prize to go big and advance their commercial ambitions, Chipperfield's win is unlikely to result in steel-and-glass supertall skyscrapers," writes Bloomberg's Kriston Capps.
Instead, Chipperfield says he will work harder to create architecture that has a specific mission. "I regard this award as an encouragement, continuing to direct my attention not only to the substance of architecture and its meaning but also to the contribution that we can make as architects to address the existing challenges of climate change and social inequality," he says in a statement. He adds, "We must rise to these challenges and help inspire the next generation to shoulder this responsibility with vision and courage."
24.What do the groundbreaking designers mentioned in paragraph 1 indicate
A.The fierce competition for the Pritzker Prize.
B.The inspiration for Chipperfield's design features.
C.Chipperfield's goal to become a leading architect.
D.Chipperfield's amazing architectural achievements.
25.What makes Chipperfield's works unique according to the Pritzker committee
A.The creation of visually striking buildings.
B.The integration of different cultural elements.
C.The consistent design style in different projects.
D.The flexible selection of architectural materials.
26.What does the underlined word "renovate" in paragraph 3 mean
A.Research. B.Restore. C.Build. D.Decorate.
27.What does Chipperfield hope to do with his architecture
A.Realize personal commercial ambitions.
B.Take up environmental protection industry.
C.Make a positive impact on critical social issues.
D.Encourage more people to major in architecture.
Read a few news headlines and you'll see some common themes: the rising number of languages dying worldwide, the isolation of individual last speakers, and the wider cultural loss for humanity. These stories often mention how people try to protect such languages. However, they tend to focus less on how such efforts actually help speakers of endangered languages. Such efforts sometimes help, sometimes harm, and sometimes do both.
Encouraging someone to keep speaking a declining minority language could certainly boost his or her sense of identity. But when a bigger language is adopted somewhere, it doesn't remove everything that came before. Often, intense contact between big and small languages leads to a new mixture - for example, Sheng in Kenya and Tsotsitaal in South Africa. In other cases, such language contact results in a new localized dialect. As linguist Peter Trudgill argues, this can also hold a highly local identity.
Sure enough, enabling a people to use their traditional language can make them feel better about themselves. But is it really helping them Simply adding your ancestral language as a new school subject isn't very helpful if your school is falling down, or you're not eating well. To think anything much can be solved just by performing CPR (心肺复苏) in a minority language is to ignore how complicated human society is and how many different simultaneous (同时的) needs we have.
In Québec, Canada, just under 75% of residents have French as their native language, but the percentage has fallen over the past five years. In 2022, the Québec Legislature passed Bill 96, which requires people to only use French for official speech and writing. This is an example of the prioritization of language, yet it's unclear whether the law will actually improve Québec residents' lives, or even help preserve French in Québec.
So promoting endangered languages can be a positive force, but we shouldn't assume that's universally true. It is especially difficult for a language expert to say so. Perhaps we should focus less on languages themselves, and pay more attention to the lives of the people who speak them.
28.What do the news stories about languages usually focus on
A.The efforts to save endangered languages.
B.The future development of our languages.
C.The cultural functions of languages worldwide.
D.The problem with promoting language uniformity.
29.What can a bigger adopted language bring about according to Peter Trudgill
A.The separation from the past.
B.The enrichment of local cultures.
C.The loss of social interaction.
D.The preservation of people's identity.
30.What can be inferred about saving endangered languages
A.It will take ages to see its effect.
B.It requires more attention to native speakers.
C.It will guarantee a win-win result.
D.It needs more focus on languages themselves.
31.Which of the following is the best title for the text
A.How to Improve Minority Language Speakers' Life
B.How to Boost Minority Language speakers' Identity
C.Promotion of French in Canada: Fruitful or Fruitless
D.Endangered Language Protection: Helpful or Harmful
In America, the "Big Dig", a highway project that resulted in a mess of traffic in the centre of Boston for years, came in five times over its initial budget. Even the Germans get huge projects wrong. Conception to operation of Berlin Brandenburg Airport has taken 30 years, with seven missed opening dates. The airport ended up costing $8.2 billion. However, the original estimate was about $2.7 billion.
Huge projects like Berlin Brandenburg Airport are the subject of an amusing new book called How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner. Mr. Flyvbjerg sets up a database of over 16, 000 projects and data analysis reveals that only 8.5% of the projects meet their initial estimates on cost and time, and 0.5% of them achieve what they set out to do on cost, time and benefits.
Over-optimistic time and cost estimates originate from both psychological and political perceptions: the reliance on intuition (直觉) rather than data, and a problem that Mr. Flyvbjerg calls "strategic misrepresentation". This is when budgets are intentionally reduced in order to get things going. And once the projects are under way, they will not be stopped, because money spent on them will thus be wasted.
Mr. Flyvbjerg speaks highly of Pixar's methodical approach to developing and testing films in great detail before they go into production. He also tells the story of how Frank Gehry's well-developed architectural models helped ensure the success of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. Narrowing down the producing window of a project before it is actually carried out reduces the probability of unexpected events.
Big customized projects are particularly likely to run into trouble. However, the more a project can be divided into standardized processes, the better its prospects are. Projects run into problems for specific reasons as well as general ones: Britain's trouble is not something that China has to worry about, for instance. But the iron law is that if you plan strictly and standardize where possible, you are less likely to dig yourself into a hole.
32.How does the author introduce the topic of the passage
A.By making a contrast. B.By giving an explanation.
C.By presenting examples. D.By showing an experience.
33.What message does Bent Flyvbjerg's data analysis convey
A.Projects' success rates can be estimated.
B.Projects' desired outcome can't be achieved.
C.Most projects suffer overspending and delays.
D.Most projects lack comprehensive data analysis.
34.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A.Failures in decision-making.
B.Methods of reducing massive costs.
C.Strategies for getting work done.
D.Reasons behind inaccurate estimates.
35.What is the key to preventing projects getting into trouble
A.Planning thoroughly in advance.
B.Analyzing specific and general reasons.
C.Focusing on efficiency of projects.
D.Drawing lessons from former experiences.
Our relationship with pets has changed greatly in recent decades.  36.   A recent survey found that 69% of Australian households have at least one pet.
While owning a pet is linked to numerous mental and physical health benefits, our pets can also carry infectious diseases that can sometimes be passed on to us. For most people, the risk is low. But some people, like those with weakened immune systems, are at greater risk of getting sick.  37.  .
Infectious diseases that move from animals to humans are called zoonotic diseases (动物传染病). More than 70 pathogens (病原体) of companion animals are known to be transmissible to people.  38.   But often there may be no visible signs of sickness, making it easier for you to catch it, because you don't suspect your pet of carrying pathogens.
Close contact with animals, some behaviors in particular, increases the risk of zoonotic diseases. Surveys conducted in the Netherlands showed that half of pet owners allowed their pets to lick their faces, and 18% permitted dogs to share their beds.  39.   Research has also linked occasional zoonotic infections in pet owners to kissing pets. For example, in Japan, a woman developed a serious infectious illness after regularly kissing her dog's face.
 40.   These include washing hands thoroughly after interacting with pets, handling their bedding and toys, and cleaning their waste. It's also essential to avoid allowing pets to lick faces or open wounds. Moreover, it is advisable to keep pets out of the kitchen, especially cats that may access food preparation surfaces.
A.Pet ownership is at an all-time high.
B.Sometimes, a pet with a zoonotic pathogen may look sick.
C.Dogs and cats are significant sources of zoonotic infections.
D.But it's not just dogs and cats that can spread diseases to humans.
E.To minimize the risk of getting sick, several good practices should be adopted.
F.Additionally, 45% of cat owners allowed their cats to jump onto kitchen sinks.
G.So it's important to know the threats and take necessary action to prevent infections.
五、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
I grew up in a small North Dakota town. Dad was a farmer, so we kids were taught 41. to drive farm vehicles. I started driving the tractor(拖拉机) at age 15.
One summer day, Dad asked me to back his truck up. 42. , I backed it into a tree, damaging the truck. I was 43. because I wasn't sure how Dad would react. Luckily, Dad wasn't 44. , and moved the truck himself.
As a teenager, I usually worked part-time on Uncle Jim's farm in my 45. time. One day, I drove the tractor to get gas from the farmyard fuel tank, which was 46. on a big metal shelf 12 feet high. I 47. the shelf, bending one of the vehicle's wooden bars. I stopped the vehicle anxiously and got off. I 48. Uncle Jim would help me. To my 49. , he said, "Get back up on that tractor and you can do it." And I did! During harvest, Jim had me do farming chores with that tractor, which made my confidence 50. greatly.
The "can do" 51. Uncle Jim had toward me carried me through 52. times in life. Whenever I encountered difficulties, the 53. on the summer day on the farm came flooding back to my mind and my spirit wasn't 54. ! It just goes to show what a huge impact can be created by small gestures of 55. in a person.
41.A.early B.hard C.recently D.fast
42.A.Frankly B.Skillfully C.Intentionally D.Unfortunately
43.A.curious B.scared C.embarrassed D.hesitant
44.A.mad B.pleased C.worried D.proud
45.A.entire B.quality C.spare D.limited
46.A.emptied B.operated C.placed D.transformed
47.A.built up B.ran into C.tore down D.passed by
48.A.claimed B.doubted C.worried D.assumed
49.A.disappointment B.surprise C.fright D.satisfaction
50.A.decline B.suffer C.grow D.change
51.A.admiration B.judgment C.affection D.attitude
52.A.tough B.confusing C.relaxing D.valuable
53.A.comment B.expectation C.reflection D.plan
54.A.broken B.recognized C.refreshed D.raised
55.A.justice B.belief C.interest D.courage
After walking for nearly 10 kilometers by China's Huangshan Mountain, and just as he was  56.   the edge of giving up, Phil Lecomte caught sight of a beautiful village. This moment took place 15 years ago,  57.   the Frenchman traveled to Huangshan Mountain for the first time. He has since traveled to China almost yearly.
In 2012, Lecomte became a tour guide and his trip to China turned into a long-term stay. Unlike other guides, he  58.  (rare) takes his guests - mostly foreigners - to the often visited  59.  (attraction). Instead, he often hikes or rides a motorcycle with his friends, away from noisy cities, to search for  60.  (hide) scenery scattered(分散的) around Huangshan Mountain.
Lecomte  61.  (enjoy) time spent hiking with his Chinese and foreign friends. They sing and play the guitar by clear streams, chat with locals picking tea,  62.   fall asleep to the sounds of frogs and insects.
Now, he also shares the beautiful moments he captures on his camera on Chinese social media, like images of an old man  63.  (sit) in a chair reading a book against the sunset, or children running around  64.   ancient village waving colorful fish lanterns. Lecomte  65.  (take) more than 118,000 photos in China to date.
七、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)
66.(2024高二下·湖北期中)你校近期围绕4月22日第55个世界地球日的主题"全球战塑"(Planet vs. Plastics),开展了系列活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
School Activities for World Earth Day
We were driving across the big state of Texas on our way to California. Suddenly, our car coughed and then stopped.
"Are we out of gas " Mom asked. Dad nodded. Cotton fields lined both sides of the lonely highway as far as the eye could see. We hadn't seen a car for a very long time, and we had passed the last town an hour before. "Don't worry," Dad said. "Someone will be along soon." But he didn't sound very sure about that. He got out and put the car's hood(引擎盖) up, saying, "This will let them know we're in trouble."
After an hour, we saw dust in the distance. A car was fast approaching going in the same direction as ours. Pleased, Dad jumped to his feet, waving his arms wildly. He smiled as the car got closer, yet the car just sounded its horn(喇叭) and rushed off. We were so upset and I felt scared. Dusk was approaching and we had been sitting for a couple of hours. Then we heard a small noise in the distance.
It sounded like men singing at the top of their lungs. It got louder, and soon we saw a worn-out old truck driving slowly down the highway toward us. The whole truck seemed to float along surrounded by songs sung in Spanish.
"Get in the car immediately," Mom instructed me nervously. "Al, you'd better get in here, too. We can't be too careful out here in the middle of nowhere." Dad just stood by the car door, full of tension.
The wooden-sided truck came to a stop right beside him. Mom and I held our breath. Would they hold us up What would happen to us We could be at their mercy. From their look, we knew they were farmers who often labored in the fields all day under the hot Texas sun.
"Habla Espa ol " the driver stopped and called out his window at Dad. "What I know little Spanish," Dad shouted back, shaking his head. He wondered how to convey the message that we needed a ride to a gas station.
Then Dad gestured and used some easy English words.
The container soon got full, but how could we return to where our car stopped
【解析】【听力原文】W: Morning, Greg. Why are you at the bus stop so early
M: I don't want to be late again for work. Mr Atkins goes mad.
W: Too bad you don't live close to the subway. You'd get there in no e on, get in. I'll give you a ride.
【分析】问题:男士怎么去上班?根据"Come on, get in. I'll give you a ride."进来吧。我载你一程。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】M: So, are you going to join my Spanish course this year
W: Well, I put my name down, but I've changed my mind. A friend of mine is taking up photography. and I think I'll join him.
M: I didn't have you down as the artistic type.
【分析】问题:这位女士会选择什么课程?根据"A friend of mine is taking up photography. and I think I'll join him."我的一个朋友正在学习摄影。我想我会加入他的。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: My name is Larry Sinclair, and I am staying in room 305 here. I was wondering what time the shuttle bus leaves for the airport in the morning.
W: The first bus leaves at 6:30 a.m., and there is a bus every fifteen minutes, sir.
【分析】问题:对话在哪里进行?根据"My name is Larry Sinclair, and I am staying in room 305 here. I was wondering what time the shuttle bus leaves for the airport in the morning."我叫Larry Sinclair,住在这里的305房间。我想知道班车早上几点去机场。可推知他们可能在宾馆,故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Well, I heard the CEO Mr. Matthew is ready to retire, so Mr. Jackson will take his place.
M: Really I wonder who the next CFO will be then
W: Well, I would think that Mr. King is going to get the promotion since he has strong leadership skills.
【分析】问题:谁将成为下一任CEO?根据"I heard the CEO Mr. Matthew is ready to retire, so Mr. Jackson will take his place."我听说首席执行官Matthew先生准备退休了,所以Jackson先生。将接替他的位置。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: You look awful. Have you been studying all night
W: Kind of. I got home at about nine, but I needed to relax a little. Then I got to work at about ten till the early hours.
M: I was done by midnight, but I stayed up watching a movie till half past two.
【分析】问题:男士什么时候完成工作的?根据" I was done by midnight"我半夜就做完了。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: I love your new suit!
M: Thanks. It was a birthday gift from my mother. Do you think it's too formal, though
W: It depends. What's the occasion
M: I'm going to a job interview. I could hardly go in beachwear, could I
W: Definitely not.
M: But maybe I could wear jeans and a T-shirt. I would feel more comfortable, that's for sure.
W: No way. This suit is the best clothing for a job interview. By the way, why do you want to change your job For a higher salary or for the position
M: Actually, I'm looking for something new and challenging.
6.问题:谈话人在谈论什么?根据"I'm going to a job interview. I could hardly go in beachwear, could I "我要去面试。我几乎不能穿沙滩装去,是吗?;以及"But maybe I could wear jeans and a T-shirt. I would feel more comfortable, that's for sure."但也许我可以穿牛仔裤和T恤。我会感觉更舒服,这是肯定的。可推知他们在谈论面试穿什么。故选C。
7.问题:为什么男士想要一份新工作?根据"Actually, I'm looking for something new and challenging."事实上,我正在寻找一些新的、有挑战性的事情。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, Vernon. I was really impressed with the talk you gave at the staff meeting about the National Production Conference that will be held next month.
M: Thanks! Are you thinking about going to the event I think it would be good both to our company and you.
W: I'd love to go, but since it's held on a weekday, I'm concerned about taking time off. Do I have to use one of my vacation days
M: No, because it's business-related. But you will need a special form that your manager must sign. You should grab one from the HR office.
8.问题:这位女士下个月打算做什么?根据"I was really impressed with the talk you gave at the staff meeting about the National Production Conference that will be held next month."你在员工大会上关于下个月举行的全国生产大会的讲话给我留下了深刻的印象;以及"I'd love to go"我很想去,故选B。
9.问题:这位女士在哪里可以获得特殊表格?根据"But you will need a special form that your manager must sign. You should grab one from the HR office."但你需要一份特殊的表格,你的经理必须签字。你应该从人力资源办公室拿一个。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello. This is Bruce Guerrero. I'm a subscriber of the Chicago Times. I'm calling to ask you for another copy of today's paper. I got one this morning, but it was all wet from the shower because it was dropped in the side yard, beside the hallway.
W: I apologize for that. Our delivery person hasn't returned from his route yet. Why don't I deliver it to you instead It won't take long.
M: Thank you. But I'd like to let you know that newspapers have not been delivered to my hallway several times already. Would you ask your deliveryman to put it in the right place
W: Sure, no problem, Mr. Guerrero. You live on Scott Road, right I'll be there within half an hour. I'll see you soon.
11.问题:为什么 Bruce 再要一份报纸?根据"I'm calling to ask you for another copy of today's paper. I got one this morning, but it was all wet from the shower because it was dropped in the side yard, beside the hallway."我打电话来是想再要一份今天的报纸。我今天早上买了一份,但淋浴后它都湿透了,因为它掉在走廊旁边的侧院子里。故选B。
12.问题: Bruce 想把他的报纸放在哪里?根据"But I'd like to let you know that newspapers have not been delivered to my hallway several times already."但我想让你知道,报纸已经好几次没有送到我的走廊了。故选C。
13.问题:这位女士接下来会做什么?根据"I'll be there within half an hour. I'll see you soon."我半小时内到。我很快就会见到你。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Since as long as I can remember, I've had problems making friends. It's not that I wanted to fit in. I just didn't like the kind of things that other kids liked.
M: You mean music, hobbies, clothes ...
W: Yeah. All that stuff just seemed meaningless to me. I didn't want to hang out with the cool kids. I'm just not a cool kid and I don't want to be.
M: And do you think it's connected to your family background
W: Oh, definitely. My parents are really quiet and although there are four kids, we live in a quiet household. We read, we eat together, we're very respectful of each other's space and we're just not into partying.
M: So do you see this as a problem at school-like when you're trying to make friends
W: Um, a little bit. It's not so much a problem-more a feeling that I'm just very different.
Like when other teenagers are starting to go out, I'm happier staying in and studying. It's more a question of looking for similar people, wanting friends who have the same
interests. Friends like you, actually!
14.问题:是什么导致这位女士在交朋友方面遇到困难?根据"It's not that I wanted to fit in. I just didn't like the kind of things that other kids liked."这并不是说我想融入。我只是不喜欢其他孩子喜欢的那种东西。故选B。
15.问题:我们对这个女孩的家庭了解多少?根据"My parents are really quiet and although there are four kids, we live in a quiet household. We read, we eat together, we're very respectful of each other's space and we're just not into partying."我的父母真的很安静,虽然有四个孩子,但我们生活在一个安静的家庭里。我们一起读书,一起吃饭,我们非常尊重彼此的空间,我们只是不喜欢聚会。故选A。
16.问题:这位女士对她的生活方式有何看法?根据"It's not so much a problem-more a feeling that I'm just very different. Like when other teenagers are starting to go out, I'm happier staying in and studying."这并不是什么问题,更多的是我觉得自己很不一样。
17.问题:这个女孩想要什么样的朋友?根据"It's more a question of looking for similar people, wanting friends who have the same interests."这更多的是寻找相似的人,想要有相同兴趣的朋友,故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】Well, I'd love to share with you my musical tastes. I've always been a huge fan of music. My mom used to have so many CDs, tapes and records, so I could listen to all sorts of things, from classical music like Beethoven and Mozart to seventies bands like Shakatak.
I've always listened to electronic music and dance music. It started when I was about thirteen years old. I used to go to parties for young people with my schoolmates and I've just always been into them. One thing that I can't get into is country. My sister is a big fan. I just cannot get used to it.
If I look on my iPod now, a lot of the music that I listen to now, I probably listened to back when I was four or five years old, with the exception of some of the dance tracks which came in when I was a teenager. So I'd like to say that I listen to a wide range of music, and I've got my mom to thank for that.
18.问题:我们对发言人的母亲了解什么?根据"My mom used to have so many CDs, tapes and records, so I could listen to all sorts of things, from classical music like Beethoven and Mozart to seventies bands like Shakatak."我妈妈以前有很多CD、磁带和唱片,所以我可以听各种各样的东西,从贝多芬和莫扎特等古典音乐到沙卡塔克等70年代的乐队。可推知发言人的母亲对音乐有不同的品味。故选B。
19.问题:谈话人讨厌哪种音乐?根据"One thing that I can't get into is country."有一件事我不喜欢,那就是乡村音乐。故选B。
20.问题:谁对音乐中的发言人影响最大?根据"So I'd like to say that I listen to a wide range of music, and I've got my mom to thank for that."所以我想说,我听了各种各样的音乐,这要感谢我妈妈。故选A。
21.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"In one single weekend, student attendees can prove their technology skills in a variety of IT competitions, meet with industry professionals and connect with IT employers providing internships (实习工作) and/or full-time positions."在一个周末内,学生参加者可以在各种资讯科技比赛中证明他们的科技技能,与业界专业人士会面,并与提供实习及/或全职职位的资讯科技雇主联络。可知,学生选手可以从比赛中获得一个工作机会。故选A。
22.考查细节理解。根据Accommodation Information 部分中的"Each room is carpeted and offers a bathroom and height-adjustable beds. All rooms have Wi-Fi and a mid-sized refrigerator. All rooms are smoke-free. Basic bedding will include sheets, a light blanket, and towels."每个房间都铺有地毯,并提供浴室和可调节高度的床。所有客房均配有无线网络连接和一台中型冰箱。所有房间都是无烟的。基本的床上用品包括床单、薄毯子和毛巾。可知,肯特伍德厅的房间有网络连接。故选C。
23.考查推理判断。根据本文标题"USITCC Regional Competition"USITCC区域比赛;以及第一段"The Department of Information Technology and Cyber Security in the College of Business is proud to host the U. S. Information Technology Collegiate Conference (USITCC) Regional Competition on October 26-28. The event is open to students majoring in business or computer science."商业学院的信息技术和网络安全系很荣幸地主办了10月26日至28日举行的美国信息技术大学会议(USITCC)区域竞赛。该活动面向商科或计算机科学专业的学生开放。可知,这篇文章的目的是为一个比赛做宣传广告。故选B。
24.考查推理判断。根据第一段"David Chipperfield, the British designer known for his minimalist and inclusive spaces, has won the Pritzker Prize, often called ‘the Nobel Prize of architecture'. With this honor, he joins the company of groundbreaking designers such as Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Richard Rogers and Oscar Niemeyer."以极简主义和包容空间著称的英国设计师David Chipperfield获得了普利兹克奖,被称为"建筑界的诺贝尔奖"。凭借这一荣誉,他加入了Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Richard Rogers 和Oscar Niemeyer等开创性设计师的行列。可知,David Chipperfield 获得建筑学界的诺贝尔奖,并进入到具有开创性的建筑家行列,可见其取得的成就之大。故选D。
25.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"The work of David Chipperfield harmonizes European classicism, the complex nature of Britain and even the delicateness of Japan." David Chipperfield的作品协调了欧洲古典主义、英国的复杂本质,甚至是日本的精致。可知,David Chipperfield 的作品融合了欧洲、英国和日本等元素。故选B。
26.考查词义猜测。根据第三段"In 1997, Chipperfield's firm was chosen to renovate Berlin's Neues Museum, which was a mess long after being damaged by World War I. Chipperfield approached the project in honor of the building's history. For more than a decade, he searched through stones and bricks from the original structure for pieces to use,some of which had bullet (子弹) holes in them." 1997年,Chipperfield的公司被选中翻新柏林的新博物馆,该博物馆在第一次世界大战中遭到破坏后很久就陷入了混乱。Chipperfield为了纪念这座建筑的历史而接触了这个项目。十多年来,他在原建筑的石头和砖块中寻找可以使用的碎片,其中一些上面有弹孔。可知,Neues Museum在一战中受损,David Chipperfield 作为建筑师尊重该博物馆的历史,寻找博物馆原始结构中的"断壁残垣",可推知 David Chipperfield 是对该博物馆进行修复,划线词renovate 意为"修复"。故选B。
27.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"I regard this award as an encouragement, continuing to direct my attention not only to the substance of architecture and its meaning but also to the contribution that we can make as architects to address the existing challenges of climate change and social inequality, "我认为这个奖项是一种鼓励,它不仅继续引导我关注建筑的实质及其意义,而且还关注我们作为建筑师可以做出的贡献,以应对气候变化和社会不平等的现有挑战。可知, Chipperfield 未来为解决气候问题和社会不公平等问题作出贡献,对社会所面临的紧急问题产生积极的影响。故选C。
28.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"These stories often mention how people try to protect such languages."这些故事经常提到人们是如何保护这些语言的。可知,第一段中提及到的News stories都是关于人们如何保护濒危语言,即人们为保护濒危语言所付出的努力。故选A。
29.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"As linguist Peter Trudgill argues, this can also hold a highly local identity."正如语言学家Peter Trudgill所说,这也可能具有高度的身份认同感。可知,一种被广泛采用的语言与弱势语言频繁交流产生的"混合物"也能够维持高的身份认同感。故选D。
30.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"Perhaps we should focus less on languages themselves, and pay more attention to the lives of the people who speak them."也许我们应该少关注语言本身,多关注说语言的人的生活。可知,语言保护不能一概而论,关注语言,也更需要关注语言的使用者。故选B。
31.考查标题归纳。根据第一段中的"However, they tend to focus less on how such efforts actually help speakers of endangered languages. Such efforts sometimes help, sometimes harm, and sometimes do both."然而,他们往往不太关注这些努力如何真正帮助濒危语言的使用者。这种努力有时有益,有时有害,有时兼而有之。可知,本文主要讲的是语言保护的过程中对语言使用者的关注不够,从而讨论这起到的作用到底是伤害还是帮助。故选D。
32.考查推理判断。根据第一段中的"In America, the ‘Big Dig', a highway project that resulted in a mess of traffic in the centre of Boston for years, came in five times over its initial budget. Even the Germans get huge projects wrong. Conception to operation of Berlin Brandenburg Airport has taken 30 years, with seven missed opening dates. "在美国,"大挖掘"是一个高速公路项目,多年来导致波士顿市中心交通混乱,其资金是最初预算的五倍。就连德国人也把大项目搞砸了。柏林-勃兰登堡机场的构想到运营已经花了30年的时间,错过了7个开放日期。可知,第一段以美国的"Big Dig"和德国Berlin Brandenburg Airport两个超级项目超时超预算为例,引出本文话题。故选C。
33.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的" Mr. Flyvbjerg sets up a database of over 16, 000 projects and data analysis reveals that only 8.5% of the projects meet their initial estimates on cost and time, and 0.5% of them achieve what they set out to do on cost, time and benefits."Flyvbjerg先生建立了一个包含16000多个项目的数据库,数据分析显示,只有8.5%的项目在成本和时间方面达到了最初的估计,其中0.5%的项目实现了他们在成本、时间和效益方面的目标。可知,仅少数项目符合预期的开支和时间,达到预期得受益,反过来可以推断出,大多数的项目超预算并且超过预期时间。故选C。
34.考查段落大意。根据第三段"Over-optimistic time and cost estimates originate from both psychological and political perceptions: the reliance on intuition (直觉) rather than data, and a problem that Mr. Flyvbjerg calls ‘strategic misrepresentation'. This is when budgets are intentionally reduced in order to get things going. And once the projects are under way, they will not be stopped, because money spent on them will thus be wasted."过于乐观的时间和成本估计源于心理和政治认知:对直觉而非数据的依赖,以及Flyvbjerg先生所说的‘战略失实陈述'问题。这是指为了使事情顺利进行而有意减少预算的情况。这些项目一旦开始,就不会停止,因为花在这些项目上的钱会被浪费掉。可知,第三段主要讲述了"psychological and political perceptions"和"strategic misrepresentation"这些导致时间上和开支上预算过于乐观,因此本段解释不精确预算产生的原因。故选D。
35.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"But the iron law is that if you plan strictly and standardize where possible, you are less likely to dig yourself into a hole."但铁律是,如果你严格规划并尽可能规范化,你就不太可能把自己挖到坑里。可知,实现计划周全是避免出现超预算和超时的关键。故选A。
36.根据空后"A recent survey found that 69% of Australian households have at least one pet."最近的一项调查发现,69%的澳大利亚家庭至少有一只宠物。可知,此处是指宠物拥有量很高, A.Pet ownership is at an all-time high. "宠物的拥有量达到了历史最高水平。"符合语境,故选A。
37.根据空前"But some people, like those with weakened immune systems, are at greater risk of getting sick."但有些人,比如那些免疫系统较弱的人,患病的风险更大。可知,此处是指要注意预防感染,G.So it's important to know the threats and take necessary action to prevent infections."因此,了解威胁并采取必要措施预防感染非常重要。"承接上文,符合语境。故选G。
38.根据空后"But often there may be no visible signs of sickness, making it easier for you to catch it, because you don't suspect your pet of carrying pathogens."但通常没有明显的疾病迹象,这让你更容易被感染,因为你不会怀疑你的宠物携带病原体。可知,前后构成转折关系,此处是指有时候携带病原体的宠物能看出来生病,B.Sometimes, a pet with a zoonotic pathogen may look sick."有时,感染人畜共患病原体的宠物可能会能看出生病了。"符合语境,故选B。
39.根据空前"Close contact with animals, some behaviors in particular, increases the risk of zoonotic diseases. Surveys conducted in the Netherlands showed that half of pet owners allowed their pets to lick their faces, and 18% permitted dogs to share their beds."与动物密切接触,特别是某些行为,会增加患人畜共患疾病的风险。在荷兰进行的调查显示,一半的宠物主人允许他们的宠物舔他们的脸,18%的人允许狗和他们同床共枕。可知,此处是对会增加患人畜共患疾病的风险的宠物亲密举动进行举例,F.Additionally, 45% of cat owners allowed their cats to jump onto kitchen sinks."此外,45%的猫主人允许他们的猫跳到厨房的水槽上。"符合语境,故选F。
40.根据空后"These include washing hands thoroughly after interacting with pets, handling their bedding and toys, and cleaning their waste. It's also essential to avoid allowing pets to lick faces or open wounds. Moreover, it is advisable to keep pets out of the kitchen, especially cats that may access food preparation surfaces."这些措施包括在与宠物接触后彻底洗手,处理它们的床上用品和玩具,以及清理它们的排泄物。避免让宠物舔脸或开放性伤口也是很重要的。此外,建议不要让宠物进入厨房,尤其是猫,因为它们可能会接触到准备食物的表面。可知,此处是指减小感染风险需要采取的措施,E.To minimize the risk of getting sick, several good practices should be adopted."为尽量减少患病的风险,应采取若干良好做法。"符合语境,故选E。
41.句意:爸爸是个农民,所以我们这些孩子很早就学会了驾驶农用车。A. early"早";B. hard"严重地";C. recently"最近";D. fast"快"。根据空前"Dad was a farmer"父亲是个农民;以及下文"I started driving the tractor (拖拉机) at age 15"我在15岁就开始驾驶拖拉机。可知,作者很早就学会驾驶农用车,故选A。
42.句意:不幸的是,我倒车时撞上了一棵树,把卡车撞坏了。A. Frankly"直率地";B. Skillfully"熟练地";C. Intentionally"故意地";D. Unfortunately"不幸地"。根据空后"I backed it into a tree, damaging the truck"我倒车时撞上了一棵树,把卡车撞坏了。可知此处说的是一件不幸的事情,故选D。
43.句意:我很害怕,因为我不知道爸爸会有什么反应。A. curious"好奇的";B. scared"害怕的";C. embarrassed"局促不安的";D. hesitant"犹豫的"。根据空后"I wasn't sure how Dad would react(我不知道爸爸会有什么反应)"可知,作者不确定爸爸对自己撞坏了车这件事是什么反应,感到害怕,故选B项。
44.句意:幸运的是,爸爸没有生气,他自己把卡车开走了。A. mad"愤怒的";B. pleased"高兴的";C. worried"担心的";D. proud"自豪的"。根据上文"I wasn't sure how Dad would react"我不知道爸爸会有什么反应;以及下文"Luckily"幸运的是,可知,作者原本担心父亲生气,幸运的是父亲没有生气,故选A。
45.句意:十几岁的时候,我经常利用业余时间在吉姆叔叔的农场做兼职。A. entire"全部的";B. quality"优质的";C. spare"空闲的";D. limited"有限的"。根据空前"As a teenager, I usually worked part-time on Uncle Jim's farm"十几岁的时候,我经常在吉姆叔叔的农场做兼职。可知,十几岁不是做农活的年龄,所以作者做兼职只能是在空闲时间,故选C。
46.句意:有一天,我开着拖拉机去农场的油箱加油,油箱放在一个12英尺高的大金属架上。A. emptied "清空";B. operated"操作";C. placed"放";D. transformed"改变"。根据空后"on a big metal shelf 12 feet high"在一个12英尺高的大金属架上,可知,油箱放在一个12英尺高的大金属架上,故选C。
47.句意:我不小心撞上了架子,弄弯了拖拉机的一根木杆。A. built up"逐步建立,积累";B. ran into"撞上";C. tore down"拆除";D. passed by"路过"。根据空后"the shelf, bending one of the vehicle's wooden bars"……架子,弄弯了拖拉机的一根木杆,可推理出作者不小心撞上了架子,故选B。
48.句意:我以为吉姆叔叔会帮我。A. claimed"声称";B. doubted"怀疑";C. worried"担忧";D. assumed"认为"。根据空后"Uncle Jim would help me"吉姆叔叔会帮我,可知,下文说的是作者自认为吉姆叔叔会提供帮助,故选D。
49.句意:令我惊讶的是,他说:"回到那辆拖拉机上,你能做到的。"A. disappointment"失望";B. surprise"惊奇";C. fright"害怕";D. satisfaction"满足"。根据语境可知,吉姆叔叔没有帮助作者,而是认为作者能做好,这使作者感到惊奇,故选B。
50.句意:在收获季节,吉姆让我用那辆拖拉机做农活,这大大增强了我的信心。A. decline"减少";B. suffer"遭受";C. grow"增加";D. change"变化"。根据上文"To my 9 , he said, ‘Get back up on that tractor and you can do it.' And I did!"令我惊讶的是,他说:"回到那辆拖拉机上,你能做到的。"然后我真的做到了!;以及空前"During harvest, Jim had me do farming chores with that tractor, which made my confidence "可知,吉姆叔叔认为作者能做好,而且作者也确实做好了,在收获期间,吉姆让作者使用拖拉机来完成农活,这个过程显著地增加了作者的信心,故选C。
51.句意:吉姆叔叔对我的"能行"态度使我在人生中的艰难时刻得以度过。A. admiration"赞赏";B. judgment"判断";C. affection"喜爱";D. attitude"态度"。根据空前"The ‘can do'"能行,可知上文说的是吉姆对作者的能把事情做好的态度,故选D。
52.句意:吉姆叔叔对我的"能行"态度使我在人生中的艰难时刻得以度过。A. tough"艰难的";B. confusing"难以理解的";C. relaxing"愉快的";D. valuable"有价值的"。根据下文"Whenever I encountered difficulties"每当我遇见困难的时候,可知,是生活中的困难时刻,故选A。
53.句意:每当我遇到困难时,我都会回想起那个农场上的夏日,我的精神就不会被打败!A. comment "评论";B. expectation"期待";C. reflection"回忆";D. plan"计划"。根据空后"on the summer day on the farm"那个农场上的夏日,可知,是对过去的回忆,故选C。
54.句意:每当我遇到困难时,我都会回想起那个农场上的夏日,我的精神就不会被打败!A. broken"破坏";B. recognized"公认";C. refreshed"使……神清气爽";D. raised"提高"。根据空前"on the summer day on the farm came flooding back to my mind"回想起那个农场上的夏日,可知,农场上的那个夏日,作者在吉姆的鼓励之下完成了任务,信心大增,现在回想起那个夏日,作者的精神应该是受到鼓舞,不会被打败(破坏)。故选A。
55.,句意:这恰恰说明了,一个人小小的信任姿态能产生多大的影响。A. justice"正义";B. belief "信任";C. interest"兴趣";D. courage"勇气"。根据上文" Get back up on that tractor and you can do it."可知,此处指一个小小的信任能对人产生很大的影响,故选B。
【答案】56.on;57.when;58.rarely;59.attractions;60.hidden;61.enjoys;62.and;63.sitting;64.an;65.has taken
56.句意:在中国的黄山徒步了近10公里后,就在他快要放弃的时候,菲尔·勒孔特看到了一个美丽的村庄。on the edge of固定短语,"在……的边缘,濒于",故填on。
57.句意:这一刻发生在15年前,那时这位法国人第一次来到黄山。 the Frenchman traveled to Huangshan Mountain for the first time 是非限制性定语从句,先行词为15 years ago,在从句中作时间状语,应用关系副词when。故填when。
62.句意:他们在清澈的小溪边唱歌弹吉他,和当地人聊天采茶,在青蛙和昆虫的声音中入睡。"sing and play the guitar by clear streams, chat with locals picking tea"和"fall asleep to the sounds of frogs and insects"构成并列关系,应用并列连词and。故填and。
63.句意:现在,他还在中国的社交媒体上分享他用相机捕捉到的美丽瞬间,比如一位老人坐在椅子上看书,夕阳西下,或者孩子们在古老的村庄里挥舞着五颜六色的鱼灯笼跑来跑去。动词sit和逻辑主语an old man构成主谓关系,应用现在分词,此处作后置定语。故填sitting。
64.句意:现在,他还在中国的社交媒体上分享他用相机捕捉到的美丽瞬间,比如一位老人坐在椅子上看书,夕阳西下,或者孩子们在古老的村庄里挥舞着五颜六色的鱼灯笼跑来跑去。village意为"村庄",为可数名词,ancient village为第一次出现,表示"一个古村落",应用不定冠词表示泛指。ancient起始音为元音音素,不定冠词应用an。故填an。
65.句意:迄今为止,勒孔特已经在中国拍摄了超过11.8万张照片。此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语to date可知,此处应用现在完成时。主语为第三人称单数,故填has taken。
66.【答案】School Activities for World Earth Day
In celebration of the 55th World Earth Day on April 22nd, our school organized a series of events with the theme of "Planet vs. Plastics", aiming to raise awareness about the global issue of plastic pollution and promote sustainable practices.
During the week leading up to Earth Day, students participated in a campus cleanup campaign, where they collected and properly disposed of plastic waste. They also attended informative workshops on reducing plastic usage and recycling.
The activities received positive feedback from both students and teachers. Many expressed enthusiasm for the cause and pledged to adopt eco-friendly habits in their daily lives.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生 为校英文报写一篇报道 。写作背景: 你校近期围绕4月22日第55个世界地球日的主题"全球战塑",开展了系列活动。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1.活动过程;2.活动反响。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:In celebration of the 55th World Earth Day on April 22nd, our school organized a series of events with the theme of "Planet vs. Plastics", aiming to raise awareness about the global issue of plastic pollution and promote sustainable practices.运用了现在分词作状语;During the week leading up to Earth Day, students participated in a campus cleanup campaign, where they collected and properly disposed of plastic waste. 运用了非限制性定语从句。
67.【答案】Then Dad gestured and used some easy English words. The farmers seemed to understand and Dad took a container out of our car. The next thing I knew was that Mom and I were sitting inside the truck next to the driver, and Dad was in the back with another two men. They sang us songs all the way to the nearest town and pulled into a gas station. We got off. Dad thanked them and offered to give them some money, but they all laughed and refused without hesitation. Dad then followed a worker to fill the container.
The container soon got full, but how could we return to where our car stopped It was at that moment that Dad heard the truck driver say something to him. Dad showed a puzzled look. Soon, the worker who knew Spanish laughed, "It's dark. They want to make sure you get back to your car safely, so they offer to drive you back." When we arrived, we expressed our gratitude for their kindness and waved goodbye to them. Then, they drove away into the night, singing merrily. This was really a memorable trip for my family, from which we learned a valuable lesson - there are good souls everywhere, even if they come disguised in a worn-out truck.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:The farmers seemed to understand and Dad took a container out of our car. 运用了并列句,不定式作表语;The next thing I knew was that Mom and I were sitting inside the truck next to the driver, and Dad was in the back with another two men. 运用了并列句,限制性定语从句;Dad thanked them and offered to give them some money, but they all laughed and refused without hesitation. 运用了转折并列句;It was at that moment that Dad heard the truck driver say something to him. 运用了强调句,省略to的不定式作宾补;Soon, the worker who knew Spanish laughed, "It's dark. They want to make sure you get back to your car safely, so they offer to drive you back." 运用了限制性定语从句,不定式作宾语,宾语从句,因果并列句;When we arrived, we expressed our gratitude for their kindness and waved goodbye to them. 运用了时间状语从句; This was really a memorable trip for my family, from which we learned a valuable lesson - there are good souls everywhere, even if they come disguised in a worn-out truck.运用了非限制性定语从句,让步状语从句。
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