Unit 1 How can we become good learners Section B
Name(姓名):___________ Class(班级):______________
Section B 1b 根据单词提示完成句子
I can’t ( pronunciation) some of the words.
I can’t understand 2 (speak)English.
I don’t know how to 3 (improve) my reading speed.
I can’t 4 ( spell) some English words.
I make mistakes 5 grammar.
※Ms. Manson: You look 1 , Paul.
Paul: I am, Ms. Manson. I’m having trouble English.
Ms. Manson: You said you liked English. What’s the problem
Paul: I can’t get the 2 right.
Ms. Manson: Well, listening can help. Why don’t you listen to English songs on the radio and 3 the difficult words
Paul: That’s a good idea. But 4 .. all the new words I forget a lot of the new words.
Ms. Manson: You can always write the new words in your notebook and review them 5 . You can even study on the subway on the way to school.
Paul: That might really help! Thanks.
Ms. Manson: Can you understand when people talk to you
Paul: Well, not always. Sometimes I just don’t understand what people are saying.
Ms. Manson: 6 join an English language club to practice 7
English The English club meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Paul: Maybe I’ll go. The only other problem is that I don’t get 8 writing practice.Ms. Manson:9 youshould find a pen pal.
Paul: That sounds like a fun way to practice 10 . Thanks, Ms. Manson.
Section B 2b 完形填空。从ABCD选项中选出最佳答案,完成短文。
Everyone is born 1 the ability to learn. But whether or not you can do this well depends 2 your learning habits. Research shows that successful learners have some good habits 3 common.
1、( )A on B in C with D at
2、( )A at B with C in D on
3、( )A with B on C in D at
Creating an interest in what they learn
Studies show that if you are interested 1 something, your brain is more active and 2 is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time. Good learners often connect 3 they need to learn with something they are interested in. 4 example, if they need to learn English and they like music or sports, they can listen to English songs 5 watch sports programs in English. This way they will not get 6
1、( )A on B in C with D at
2、( )A It B That C This D They
3、( )A how B what C who D where
4、( )A For B In C With D At
5、( )A and B or C but D however
6、( )A boring B bore C bored D bores
Practicing and learning from mistakes
Good learners think 1 what they are good at and what they need to practice 2 Remember, “use it or lose it”! Even if you learn something well, you will forget it 3 you use it. Practice makes perfect.
Good learners are also not afraid 4 making mistakes. Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephone overnight. He succeeded by 5 many times and learning from his mistakes.
1、( )A 、of B、in C、 about D 、at
2、( )A 、much B、many C、more D 、most
3、( )A 、until B、unless C、 because D 、so
4、( )A 、to B、of C、 with D 、that
5、( )A 、try B、to try C、trying D 、for trying
Developing their study skills
It is not enough to just study 1 . You have to know how to study. Good learners find out the best ways 2 well. For example, they may take notes by 3 down key words or by drawing mind maps. Good learners also look for ways to review what they have learned. They may do this 4 reading their notes every day or by explaining the 5 to another student.
1. ( )A. hard B. quick C. hardly D. quickly
2. ( )A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learnt
3.( ) A.to writing B. writs C. writing D.wrote
4. ( )A.for B. by C. after D. up
5. ( )A.information B. informations C. message D. messages
Asking questions
Good learners often ask questions during or after class. They even ask each other and try 1 out the answers. Knowledge 2 from questioning.
Learning is a 3 journey because every day brings 4 . Everything 5 that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you, so learn wisely and learn well.
1. ( )A. to find B. finding C. to look D. looking
2. ( ) A. come B. came C. comes D. coming
3. ( )A.life-longs B. life-long C. life-long’s D life long’s
4. ( )A. something new B.new something C.something news
5. ( ) A. who B. that C.which D. how
Section B 2b Reading 阅读课文,完成表格。
When where What happened
On April 26, 2003 in Utah America Aron lost his 1. because of accidents.
under a 2,000-kilo rock Aron could not free his arm, so he stayed there and hoped that someone would find him.
2.. later He 3. his water. Aron used his knife to cut off half his right arm.
After losing his arm Aron 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place.
Aron 5. mountains .
阿伦 罗尔斯顿是一位对爬山感兴趣( )的美国人。作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于( )冒险( )。这是从事危险( )运动刺激的一面。有许多次,阿伦都因为事故( )而命悬一线。在2003年4月26日,在犹他州登山时他发现自己处在了非常危险的境地中( a very dangerous situation )。
那一天,当阿伦独自( )登山时,一块360公斤的岩石( )朝他落下来( ),他的一条胳膊被压在了岩石下。因为无法使自己的胳膊挣脱( )开来,他在那儿待了五天,希望有人会发现他。但当他的水喝完( )时,他明白必须做些什么来( )拯救自己了。他不想那天就死去( )。因此他用刀子切除( )了他的半条右臂。然后,他用左臂给自己绑上绷带( ),这样就不至于失血过多( )。在那之后,他爬下山去寻求帮助( )。
在他失去胳膊之后,他写了一本名为《生死两难》的书。书名的意思是“处于一种你似乎无法解脱( )的困境之中”。在这本书中,阿伦讲述了正确抉择和自我掌控命运的重要性( )。他对登山如此酷爱,以至于在这次断臂经历之后他还继续爬山( )。
我们有阿伦那样的精神( )吗?在我们发现自己处于生死两难的境地以及我们不得不作出生死抉择( )之前,让我们先思考( )一下吧
Self Check 1,根据单词提示将正确的形式填在横线上。
Are you stressed out 1 (every)time you have a test You don’t have to be if you develop smart study skills. Remember 2 (take) notes in class and review them on your own or with friends after class. Then remember what you learned by 3 (do)exercises. Try to study and practice 4 . (information) bit by bit instead of (wait )until the last minute to study everything at once. If you prepare well for a test,then there’s nothing6 (worry) about!
Self Check 2,选词填空并将正确的形式填在横线上。
listen advice
A:Hi, Jake, I need your help.
B:What’s the 1
A:I have a 2 test next week
B:So you want to 3 your listening
A:Uh-huh. Do you have any 4
B:Well, I practice my listening by listening to the tape over and over again 5 I can understand everything.