人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册 Unit 1 People of achievement Reading & Useful Words and Expressions同步练(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册 Unit 1 People of achievement Reading & Useful Words and Expressions同步练(含解析)
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文件大小 35.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-07 19:48:48


周测卷一 Unit 1 People of achievement
Reading & Useful Words and Expressions
(40分钟 100分)
必备知识点 教材同步词汇
关键能力点 evaluate、commit、insist on等词汇的用法
命题情境点 人与自我 人与社会 人与自然
补全短文 阅读 完形填空
题序 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
答案 A C D C D C B E A C D A
题序 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
答案 B D C D A B B A C A D B
1.He insists     speaking to you personally.
2.He took a very     (science) approach to management.
3.The goal is     (defeat) the enemy by whatever means possible.
4.Further details can     (obtain) by writing to the above address.
5.This university will do all it can to defend     (academy) freedom.
6.The occurrence of the disease in May, 2023 is     (apparent) related to weather changes.
7.These vegetables have had all the goodness     (boil) out of them.
8.It's common practice for people to commit     (they) to learning.
9.These figures are a reliable and     (object) indicator of changing trends in people's lifestyles.
10.The last research     (evaluate) teaching performance by comparing students' exam results.
  答案:1.on 2.scientific 3.to defeat 4.be obtained 5.academic 6.apparently 7.boiled 8.themselves
9.objective 10.evaluated
Establishing a new field of science to answer the question of what makes humans unique from our extinct relatives has earned Svante P bo the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Before P bo's work, experts studied bones and prehistoric products to learn about human evolution (进化). But the surface study of those relics couldn't answer some basic questions about the genetic (基因的) changes that led humans to develop while other ancient humans went extinct. P bo, a geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, worked out a way to extract (提取) and analyze DNA from ancient bones. That led to uncovering small genetic differences between humans and extinct human relatives.
Getting DNA from ancient bones was once considered a blue moon, says Leslie Vosshall, who is the vice president at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. DNA breaks down over time, so many scientists thought that there would be none remaining in fossils tens of thousands of years old. Yet P bo managed to extract and put together tiny pieces of Neanderthal DNA.Then, he wrote a complete genetic instruction book, or genome, for Neanderthals.
P bo and colleagues have made surprising discoveries about human evolution from studying ancient DNA.For example, they learned that humans and our extinct cousins, Neanderthals, had children together. That discovery came as a shock to even people who had been looking for signs of interbreeding. Evidence of that mixing can still be found in many humans today.
DNA passed down from those extinct ancestors has influenced human health and physiology for better or worse. For instance, genetic variants from Denisovans helped humans adapt to high altitude in Tibet. But some Neanderthal DNA has been linked to a higher risk of developing some diseases.
P bo's work has also gone deeply into tiny genetic changes that may have influenced the evolution of the human brain. Other researchers have also applied techniques P bo developed to study evolution of animals, and to learn about how ancient humans moved around the world.
11.What do we know about the studies of ancient bones before P bo's work
A.They just stayed on the surface.
B.They uncovered the way of human evolution.
C.They answered some questions about ancient DNA.
D.They found the reasons for ancient human's extinction.
12.What do the underlined words “a blue moon” in paragraph 3 probably mean
A.Incorrect. B.Immoral. C.Impossible. D.Insignificant.
13.What matters to P bo's research about human evolution
A.Finding tiny genetic changes.
B.Identifying the date of fossils.
C.Recognizing and recording Neanderthal DNA.
D.Getting and analyzing DNA from ancient bones.
14.What's the last paragraph mainly about
A.The two sides of human evolution.
B.A new study of animals' evolution.
C.The influence of P bo's techniques.
D.Tiny genetic changes found by P bo.
本文主要介绍了P bo在2022年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖及获奖原因。
11.A 根据第2段第1、2句可知,以前,专家们研究骨骼和史前文明产物来了解人类进化。但对这些遗迹的表面研究无法回答一些基本的问题。由此可知,在P bo取得成就之前的那些研究仅仅停留在表面。
12.C 根据画线词下文可知,随着时间的推移,DNA会分解,所以许多科学家认为数万年前的化石中不会有DNA残留。因此“a blue moon”意为“不可能的”。
13.D 根据第2段最后两句和第4段第1句可知,P bo找到了一种从古代骨骼中提取和分析DNA的方法,并运用这种方法研究古代DNA,在人类进化方面有了惊人的发现。因此,从古代骨骼中提取并分析DNA对P bo在人类进化方面的研究非常重要。
14.C 最后一段介绍了其他研究人员也应用P bo开发的技术来研究动物的进化,并了解古代人类是如何在世界各地迁徙的。因此,本段主要介绍P bo的技术带来的影响。
If you have been diagnosed with panic disorder, then you have likely experienced constant fear and anxiety.  15 
Some common techniques include breathing exercises or yoga.  16  Another powerful one is visualization, which can help you relieve stress. It involves using mental imagery to achieve a more relaxed state of mind.
Similar to daydreaming, visualization is completed through the use of your imagination. There are reasons why visualization can help you deal with panic disorder or panic attacks.  17  When experiencing a panic attack, your mind may focus on the worry, the worst things that can happen and other concerns that only add to your sense of fearfulness. Visualization works to expand your ability to relax by focusing your mind on more calming images.
Before visualization, make sure your environment is set up for your comfort. To better relax, get rid of any distractions (干扰), such as phones, pets or TV. Try to find a quiet place where you will most likely be undisturbed.  18  Get ready to relax by either sitting or lying down in a position that feels most comfortable to you. If the scene doesn't fit you, try your own visualization. Feel free to change it to better suit your needs and imagination.
 19  Through regular practice, you will more easily be able to use visualization when you really need it, such as when you start feeling the physical symptoms of panic and anxiety.
A.To get better at visualization, try practicing at least several times a day.
B.Consider how your thoughts float when you feel panic or anxiety.
C.They are relatively easy to learn and can be practiced daily.
D.Research has shown using relaxation techniques can help.
E.Remove any heavy jewelry or restricting clothing.
F.Then you may begin your visualization exercise.
G.Take your time and slowly open your eyes.
  答案:15~19 DCBEA
Joel Boyers and his fiancée, Melody, were heading home after she earned her helicopter's pilot license when he  20  a call for help from a stranger.
The caller told Boyers that his brother and other neighbors were trapped on their  21 . They were  22  by rising floodwaters. The caller  23  Boyers to come to their aid.  24  the terrible weather, Boyers knew they would go back up.
Soon, they were in the air. Boyers had to  25  hills and power lines on the way. When they flew over the ridge, they found the water below was  26 . People were holding on to anything that didn't  27 —roofs, trees, poles. As Boyers steered, Melody began  28  people stuck on roofs, bridges—anywhere Boyers could  29  his helicopter and get them onboard. A rescued man spotted a teenager who was holding on to a tree,  30  and exhausted,  31  in the current. Since there was no place for Boyers to land, he lowered the helicopter until it hovered (盘旋) just above the water line. The rescued man  32  out and waded to the tree, where he helped the teen to the helicopter.
Boyers and Melody's mission ended 90 minutes after it began, when  33  rescue helicopters showed up. It was good timing—Boyers and Melody almost ran out of  34  after rescuing 17 people.
20.A.made B.returned C.received D.paid
21.A.garden B.farm C.playground D.roof
22.A.surrounded B.harmed C.flooded D.ruined
23.A.ordered B.begged C.attracted D.challenged
24.A.With B.Without C.By D.Despite
25.A.check on B.climb up C.deal with D.put up
26.A.peaceful B.familiar C.clean D.rapid
27.A.move B.stand C.stick D.spread
28.A.calling on B.searching for C.adapting to D.commenting on
29.A.operate B.land C.handle D.direct
30.A.wet B.hungry C.thirsty D.gentle
31.A.training B.exploring C.struggling D.experimenting
32.A.jumped B.ran C.swam D.drove
33.A.essential B.talented C.senior D.professional
34.A.steam B.fuel C.control D.date
20.C Boyers和他的未婚妻Melody正准备回家,这时他接到一个陌生人的求救电话。
21.D 打电话的人告诉Boyers,他的弟弟和其他邻居被困在他们的房顶上了。
22.A 他们被不断上涨的洪水包围着。
23.B 打电话的人恳求Boyers去营救他们。
24.D 尽管天气很糟糕,Boyers知道他们会去的。
25.C Boyers得小心应付路上的山丘和电线。
26.D 当他们越过山脊时,他们发现下方的水流湍急。
27.A 一些人正紧紧地抱住不会移动的东西,比如:房顶、大树、电线杆。
28.B Boyers操控着直升机,Melody开始搜寻屋顶和桥上的人,不漏过任何一个Boyers可以降落的地方,并将被困的人救上直升机。
30.A 一名获救的男子发现一名少年正抓住一棵树,浑身湿透,精疲力竭,在水流中挣扎。
32.A 这位获救的男子跳下直升机,游到那棵树旁,并帮助那位少年上了直升机。
33.D Boyers和Melody的救援行动持续了90分钟的时候,专业救援直升机出现了。
34.B 在Boyers和Melody救了17个人之后,他们的直升机几乎没有燃料了。周测卷一 Unit 1 People of achievement
Reading & Useful Words and Expressions
(40分钟 100分)
必备知识点 教材同步词汇
关键能力点 evaluate、commit、insist on等词汇的用法
命题情境点 人与自我 人与社会 人与自然
补全短文 阅读 完形填空
1.He insists     speaking to you personally.
2.He took a very     (science) approach to management.
3.The goal is     (defeat) the enemy by whatever means possible.
4.Further details can     (obtain) by writing to the above address.
5.This university will do all it can to defend     (academy) freedom.
6.The occurrence of the disease in May, 2023 is     (apparent) related to weather changes.
7.These vegetables have had all the goodness     (boil) out of them.
8.It's common practice for people to commit     (they) to learning.
9.These figures are a reliable and     (object) indicator of changing trends in people's lifestyles.
10.The last research     (evaluate) teaching performance by comparing students' exam results.
Establishing a new field of science to answer the question of what makes humans unique from our extinct relatives has earned Svante P bo the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Before P bo's work, experts studied bones and prehistoric products to learn about human evolution (进化). But the surface study of those relics couldn't answer some basic questions about the genetic (基因的) changes that led humans to develop while other ancient humans went extinct. P bo, a geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, worked out a way to extract (提取) and analyze DNA from ancient bones. That led to uncovering small genetic differences between humans and extinct human relatives.
Getting DNA from ancient bones was once considered a blue moon, says Leslie Vosshall, who is the vice president at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. DNA breaks down over time, so many scientists thought that there would be none remaining in fossils tens of thousands of years old. Yet P bo managed to extract and put together tiny pieces of Neanderthal DNA.Then, he wrote a complete genetic instruction book, or genome, for Neanderthals.
P bo and colleagues have made surprising discoveries about human evolution from studying ancient DNA.For example, they learned that humans and our extinct cousins, Neanderthals, had children together. That discovery came as a shock to even people who had been looking for signs of interbreeding. Evidence of that mixing can still be found in many humans today.
DNA passed down from those extinct ancestors has influenced human health and physiology for better or worse. For instance, genetic variants from Denisovans helped humans adapt to high altitude in Tibet. But some Neanderthal DNA has been linked to a higher risk of developing some diseases.
P bo's work has also gone deeply into tiny genetic changes that may have influenced the evolution of the human brain. Other researchers have also applied techniques P bo developed to study evolution of animals, and to learn about how ancient humans moved around the world.
11.What do we know about the studies of ancient bones before P bo's work
A.They just stayed on the surface.
B.They uncovered the way of human evolution.
C.They answered some questions about ancient DNA.
D.They found the reasons for ancient human's extinction.
12.What do the underlined words “a blue moon” in paragraph 3 probably mean
A.Incorrect. B.Immoral. C.Impossible. D.Insignificant.
13.What matters to P bo's research about human evolution
A.Finding tiny genetic changes.
B.Identifying the date of fossils.
C.Recognizing and recording Neanderthal DNA.
D.Getting and analyzing DNA from ancient bones.
14.What's the last paragraph mainly about
A.The two sides of human evolution.
B.A new study of animals' evolution.
C.The influence of P bo's techniques.
D.Tiny genetic changes found by P bo.
If you have been diagnosed with panic disorder, then you have likely experienced constant fear and anxiety.  15 
Some common techniques include breathing exercises or yoga.  16  Another powerful one is visualization, which can help you relieve stress. It involves using mental imagery to achieve a more relaxed state of mind.
Similar to daydreaming, visualization is completed through the use of your imagination. There are reasons why visualization can help you deal with panic disorder or panic attacks.  17  When experiencing a panic attack, your mind may focus on the worry, the worst things that can happen and other concerns that only add to your sense of fearfulness. Visualization works to expand your ability to relax by focusing your mind on more calming images.
Before visualization, make sure your environment is set up for your comfort. To better relax, get rid of any distractions (干扰), such as phones, pets or TV. Try to find a quiet place where you will most likely be undisturbed.  18  Get ready to relax by either sitting or lying down in a position that feels most comfortable to you. If the scene doesn't fit you, try your own visualization. Feel free to change it to better suit your needs and imagination.
 19  Through regular practice, you will more easily be able to use visualization when you really need it, such as when you start feeling the physical symptoms of panic and anxiety.
A.To get better at visualization, try practicing at least several times a day.
B.Consider how your thoughts float when you feel panic or anxiety.
C.They are relatively easy to learn and can be practiced daily.
D.Research has shown using relaxation techniques can help.
E.Remove any heavy jewelry or restricting clothing.
F.Then you may begin your visualization exercise.
G.Take your time and slowly open your eyes.
Joel Boyers and his fiancée, Melody, were heading home after she earned her helicopter's pilot license when he  20  a call for help from a stranger.
The caller told Boyers that his brother and other neighbors were trapped on their  21 . They were  22  by rising floodwaters. The caller  23  Boyers to come to their aid.  24  the terrible weather, Boyers knew they would go back up.
Soon, they were in the air. Boyers had to  25  hills and power lines on the way. When they flew over the ridge, they found the water below was  26 . People were holding on to anything that didn't  27 —roofs, trees, poles. As Boyers steered, Melody began  28  people stuck on roofs, bridges—anywhere Boyers could  29  his helicopter and get them onboard. A rescued man spotted a teenager who was holding on to a tree,  30  and exhausted,  31  in the current. Since there was no place for Boyers to land, he lowered the helicopter until it hovered (盘旋) just above the water line. The rescued man  32  out and waded to the tree, where he helped the teen to the helicopter.
Boyers and Melody's mission ended 90 minutes after it began, when  33  rescue helicopters showed up. It was good timing—Boyers and Melody almost ran out of  34  after rescuing 17 people.
20.A.made B.returned C.received D.paid
21.A.garden B.farm C.playground D.roof
22.A.surrounded B.harmed C.flooded D.ruined
23.A.ordered B.begged C.attracted D.challenged
24.A.With B.Without C.By D.Despite
25.A.check on B.climb up C.deal with D.put up
26.A.peaceful B.familiar C.clean D.rapid
27.A.move B.stand C.stick D.spread
28.A.calling on B.searching for C.adapting to D.commenting on
29.A.operate B.land C.handle D.direct
30.A.wet B.hungry C.thirsty D.gentle
31.A.training B.exploring C.struggling D.experimenting
32.A.jumped B.ran C.swam D.drove
33.A.essential B.talented C.senior D.professional
34.A.steam B.fuel C.control D.date