

名称 四川省内江市第一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案,无听力原文及音频)
格式 docx
文件大小 42.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-09 17:10:40



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the woman want to buy
A. Oranges and apples. B. Sweets and apples. C. Vegetables and apples.
2. Who is coming for tea
A. Mark. B. John. C. Tracy.
3. Where is the man going to spend his Christmas
A. In his brother’s. B. In his mother’s. C. In his sister’s.
4.Where does the man most likely live
A. In Canada. B. In New York C. In California.
5. Why are the kids in the woman’s yard
A. To play baseball. B. to visit the woman. C. To get their baseball back.
6. Where does the woman want to go
A. To Disneyland. B. To Shanghai University. C. To the Oriental Pearl Tower.
7. What will the speakers probably do next
A. Cancel their flight. B. Call their neighbors. C. Order a taxi.
8 Why does the woman want to go home
A. She isn’t feeling well. B. She needs to get something to eat. C. She doesn’t want to attend the meeting.
9. What will the man do for the woman
A. Drive her somewhere. B. Work on her project for her. C. Ask for a sick leave for her.
10. Why was Jim unable to find Susan’s home
A. He hadn’t been told how to get there.
B. He forgot to bring the map Susan gave him.
C. He just spent thirteen minutes searching for her house.
11. What does Jim want Susan to do now
A. Come and get him. B. Give him a new map. C. Tell him the direction again.
12. How will Jim go to Susan’s home
A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.
13. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers
A. Employer and employee. B. Doctor and patient. C. Husband and wife.
14. What’s the woman’s attitude towards the man’s idea
A. Negative. B. Indifferent. C. Positive.
15. Why does the man think he should join the football team
A. He was a professional player.
B. He used to play football very well.
C. It is organized by his neighborhood.
16. What does the woman advise the man to do
A. Insist on his diet. B. Do more exercise. C. Join the football team.
17. What part of work does the speaker do on his own
A. Writing dialogues. B. Developing programs. C. Listening to stories.
18. What did the speaker plan to be when in the secondary school
A. A journalist. B. A basketball player. C. A violinist.
19. When did the speaker decide to work in the video game industry
A. Before hurting his hand. B. Before leaving university. C. While studying in a film school.
20. What does the speaker love most about his job
A. Working in harmony. B. Getting high salary. C. Winning many prizes.
第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)
What to Watch
My Brilliant Friend: Those who Leave and Those Who Stay
The series, taken from the brilliant fiction of Elena Ferante, is mainly about two women. It’s in the 1970s, and Elena has married a professor, and published a famous novel. Her close friend Lila, smarter but forced to skip college and marry a local man, becomes a single mom working in a terrible factory. Are they getting along well as before It’s complicated.
Watch it: on HBO and HBO Max, 14. 99 a month
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Season4
The series is about how a rich housewife becomes a Greenwich Village stand-up comic(单口相声演员). Midge is divorced(离婚) and trying to find herself in 1960, and her dad has become a Village Voice drama critic. We also can’t wait for the upcoming guest stars: Jason Alexander, Kelly Bishop, John Waters, Milo Ventimiglia and Luke Kirby.
Watch it: on Amazon Prime, 12. 99 a month.
The Beatles: Get Back
There’s never been a better time to be a Fab Four fan. Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson turns 150 hours of 50-year-old footage of the Beatles in the studio creating 14 songs and doing their last public performance into a spanking new docuseries with scenes you’ve never seen before.
Watch it: on Distney, $6. 99 a month
Ted Lasso, Season 2
If you watch only one show this summer, make it this one, a heartwarming hit comedy. Jason Sudeikis plays a positive American football coach who knows little about soccer but gets hired to coach a soccer team in England. Apple TV has a first-week-free offer, and if you bought a new iPhone lately, you probably have a year’s free subscription (订阅 )on it.
Watch it: on Apple TV, $4. 99 a month.
21. What is the first series mainly about
A. Married life. B. Two Female’s friendship.
C. Single moms’ suffering D. How to write a novel
22. What can we know about the The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Season4
A. It is taken from a novel. B. It is an inspirational story.
C. It is a fantastic musical play. D. It is directed by an actress.
23. What is special about Ted Lasso, Season2
A. It is likely to be viewed for free. B. It is directed by a famous director.
C. It has a really happy ending. D. It features many guest stars.
On Monday, American ski mountaineer Hilaree Nelson and her partner Jim Morrison reached the summit ( 山顶) of 26,781-foot Manaslu, the eighth-highest mountain in the world. Soon after the 49-year-old Nelson began her descent(下降)on skis,she triggered small avalanche(雪崩)and was swept away. On Wednesday, Morrison found her body.
“Often times in life, people want to play it safe, and we make everything around us to be comfortable and safe,” ski mountaineer Hilaree Nelson once said. “Therefore, we can make choices where you can see where that road is going to take you, and I've always been tending to make a choice that I don't know where it's going to take me.”
Nelson, a National Geographic Explorer, had a distinctive(与众不同的) sense of travel that led her through more than 40 expeditions(探险) to 16 countries. In 2012, six years later, Nelson returned to Lhotse to become the first to ski from its summit.
She was deeply respected for both her extensive big-mountain experience, and her mindful approach to life's challenges. In 2018, Nelson was named captain of the North Face Athlete Team, a title only one other athlete has held. A National Geographic Society grantee(受让人), she was also one of the winners of the 2018 National Geographic Adventurer of the Year award. Despite her many super-hero accomplishments, friends recall her as a thoughtful presence and quiet leader, someone who never sought the limelight(公众注意的中心).
Throughout her career, Nelson struggled at times with the expectations and limitations of being a woman, a mother, and a professional adventurer---and becoming a role model for younger generations of female athletes in the
process. “Nelson paved the way for women in the adventure sports space with her refusal to choose between motherhood and her athletic career," says Emily Harrington, a climber who joined her on the Hkakabo Razi expedition. “ She followed her passion as well as raising her family with a mix of courage and grace in a way only a true leader could.”
24. What happened to Hilaree Nelson according to paragraph 1
A. She lost her life because of an avalanche. B. She reached the summit of Manaslu alone.
C. She failed to find her partner and lost her life. D. Her partner found her body a week after her death.
25. Why did Nelson return to Lhotse in 2012
A. To explore the high mountain. B. To meet with her partner Morrison.
C. To challenge herself to ski from its top. D. To become the best woman explorer to ski.
26. What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A. Courage of Nelson as a good adventurer. B. Reasons for Nelson's love for adventures.
C. Hardships for Nelson to balance life and work. D. The great achievements Nelson once achieved.
27. Which of the following best describes Hilaree Nelson
A. Careful and confident. B. Devoted and adventurous.
C. Thoughtful and considerate. D. Creative and responsible.
For years, doctors have given blood to patients who need it to survive. These transfusions (输血)usually include giving red blood cells to patients.
Blood transfusions aren’t as simple as taking blood from one person and giving it to someone else. There’re several different blood types that don’t all mix well. If someone gets a transfusion of the wrong kind of blood, their body will reject the blood cells, causing problems. For the first time ever, scientists from the University of Bristol, Britain, are carrying out a new trail: testing red blood cells grown in a laboratory on human volunteers. The scientists have used stem cells (干细胞) from a blood sample to grow billions of brand new red blood cells.
This could be even better than a regular blood transfusion. For one thing, they can be adjusted for people with different blood types. That’ll be extremely helpful for people with rare blood types. Also, a normal transfusion has red blood cells of all different ages, which means only a small part of them are brand new. The red blood cells grown in the lab are brand new, and this means they last longer and that patients will need fewer transfusions.
To test its safety, researchers have given a couple of teaspoons of the blood to two healthy people, both of whom seem to be doing just fine after the transfusions. In all, they’ll be tested on 10 people, and compared to normal transfusions. The new process doesn’t indicate that normal blood transfusions will disappear. Meanwhile, growing red blood cells in a lab is extremely expensive. And a lot of work and testing still need to be done. But if it’s successful, the process could make life much easier for patients who often need transfusions—even those with rare blood types.
28. Why are the scientists carrying out the research
A. The blood reserve is not enough. B. Normal blood transfusions are out of date.
C. More and more people need blood transfusions. D. They want to find a new trail of blood transfusions.
29. What’s the advantages of the brand new red blood cells grown in the lab
A. They suit the patients of all different ages. B. They have red blood cells from different races.
C. They are effective to the patients for a longer term. D. It is extremely economical and makes life much easier.
30. Which of the following statements is true
A. Ten people have received the lab-grown brand new blood.
Normal blood transfusions will disappear soon.
The research still has a long way to go.
D. The brand new blood isn’t fit for those with rare blood types.
31. What is the passage mainly about
A. The test of lab-grown blood. B. Comparison of two blood transfusions.
C. An appeal for rare blood donation. D. The expense of blood transfusions.
As people get older, the types of friends they have tend to change. As young adults, humans have a lot of friends. With age, they often prefer to spend their time with just a few close, positive individuals. Researchers long believed that this change was unique to humans, but a new study finds that chimps (大猩猩)also have similar tendencies.
One explanation for the humans to get picky about social connections has to do with awareness of our limited life span(寿命). “People monitor how much time we have left in our life and choose emotionally-fulfilling relationships in old age,” says one of the study's lead authors Alexandra G. Rosati, a psychologist at the University of Michigan. As people age, they don’t want to be surrounded by a large group of negative friends, but would prefer to be near a handful of optimistic individuals.
Rosati and her colleagues were curious whether chimps would show similar features even though they don’t seem to be aware of their upcoming death. Researchers used 78, 000 hours of observations made over 20 years from the Kibale Chimpanzee Project in Uganda. The data looked at the social interactions of 21 male chimps between 15 and 58 years old. The researchers only studied male chimps because they show stronger social bonds (联系)and have more social interactions than female chimps.
Researchers found that wild chimpanzees share a similar pattern. “They interact with others in more positive ways as they get older. Younger adults, in contrast, show more aggression and were more likely to form one-sided relationships where their partner did not reciprocate. ”says Rosati. For example, the older chimpanzees would sit close to their long-time companions and groom (给……梳毛) each other, while younger chimps had more one-sided relationships where they would groom a friend, but the action wasn't returned. The study was published in the journal Science.
“This aging pattern may be the result of shared changes in our abilities to manage our emotions with age,” Rosati says. “This shared pattern between chimpanzees and humans could represent an adaptive response where older adults focus on important social relationships that provide benefits and avoid interactions that have negative results as they lose competitive fighting ability.”
32.Why do humans change their preference for friends in old age
A.They don’t like making new friends. B.Their friends pass away one by one.
C.They adapt to the changes in nature. D.They know their life is running out.
33.What is the purpose of Paragraph 3
A.To show how scientists tried to prove their assumption(估计).
B.To show the study was done scientifically.
C.To show how hard it was to observe the chimps.
D.To show male chimps are unaware of upcoming death.
34.What does the underlined word “reciprocate” in Paragraph 4 mean
A.Repay their kindness. B.Take care of them.
C.Get along well with them. D.Sit close to them.
35.Which can be a suitable title for the text
A.People Prefer Positive Partners in Old Age B.Positive Bonds Benefit Chimps in Many Ways
C.Chimps Share Similar Tendencies with Humans D.Chimps like Us Get Picky About Friends
Many people have been making fun of Paris Hilton online recently. The 36-year-old US actress and model said on social media that she “invented” the selfie (自拍) in 2006, posting a photo of her and Britney Spears as “proof”. ____36____. They posted evidence of selfies that appeared much earlier in history.
In one example, a user posted a selfie that Buzz Aldrin, the famous astronaut, took of himself in space in 1966. But perhaps the funniest example was a black-and-white selfie that was taken by American photographer Robert Cornelius in 1839. ____37____.
Why do people love to take selfies so much Is it because we’re naturally vain (虚荣的) and proud ____38____. So we take photos of ourselves, post them online and wait for people to give us compliments (称赞).
____39____. For example, if you take one while you’re on holiday and post it online, criminals might see it and know that you aren’t home. They then might break into your home while you’re away.
There are even people who have died while taking selfies. According to Forbes magazine, 127 people around the world died while taking selfies from 2014 to 2016. It can be very dangerous to take selfies while standing near high places, like roofs and cliffs. Taking selfies underwater or on train tracks is also quite dangerous. ____40____. No selfie is worth risking your life for – no matter how good it might look.
A. So be careful out there
B It is quite possibly the first ever selfie
C. Taking selfies can be dangerous, though
D. Internet users immediately proved her wrong
E. Posting selfies also allows you to control your image online
F. Maybe it’s actually the opposite – perhaps we feel insecure(缺乏信心的) or shy
G. But taking a selfie is much more than just holding your smartphone in the air
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分45分)
第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
After typhoon, I went to the disaster-stricken area to look after rescued animals. There I met Lucy, another ____41____.
Lucy operates an animal ____42____ center. When I came to her website, I ____43____ a picture of Victor, a dog. I asked Lucy about Victor. She told me that she rescued Victor from a ____44____ man who’d thrown him around or put him into a tiny box. Victor had trembled on Lucy’s lap for several hours before he 45 him he was safe and ____46____ to find him a loving home.
I decided to 47 Victor. I renamed him “Chase” for his ____48____ for chasing everything. Months later, Chase’s love for people and his 49 nature led us to earn a therapy-dog(治疗犬) certification and start a _____50_____ program at the local ____51____.
Kids read out to Chase to _____52_____ their skills. Sometimes, even a kid who is _____53_____ with reading will be comfortable doing so to a dog.
One little girl jumped up and down when she saw Chase entering the library. Her joyful enthusiasm made me _____54_____. When Chase greeted her with a _____55_____ , she clapped and said, “Look, Mommy, he’s bowing!” Chase gave her his undivided _____56_____ while she read him a story. When her time was up, she signed up to read again.
I’m grateful for everything about Chase that made this girl jump so _____57_____. I hadn’t _____58_____ him to bow; he’d bowed naturally. I’d known the library visits would be about helping kids learn to read. But I hadn’t realized what a _____59_____ builder those visits would be for kids who were shy or didn’t fit in. Chase was also a wonderful ambassador (形象大使) for dogs—teaching kids to be loving and _____60_____ to animals.
41. A. journalist B. teacher C. doctor D. volunteer
42. A. health B. rescue C. treatment D. recovery
43. A. studied B. took C. spotted D. commented
44. A. noble-minded B. strong-willed C. bad-tempered D. kind-hearted
45. A. ensured B. hoped C. thought D. guessed
46. A. promised B. managed C. failed D. pretended
47. A. support B. adopt C. accompany D. meet
48. A. dislike B. interest C. demand D. passion
49. A. gentle B. boring C. competitive D. ambitious
50. A. writing B. comforting C. reading D. learning
51. A. library B. school C. hospital D. nursery
52. A. manage B. examine C. search D. practise
53. A. arguing B. dealing C. struggling D. working
54. A. weep B. smile C. think D. stay
55. A. bow B. gift C. wave D. hand
56. A. benefit B. interest C. affection D. attention
57. A. sadly B. truly C. happily D. properly
58. A. asked B. trained C. invited D. chosen
59. A. experience B. confidence C. appreciation D. fortune
60. A. rude B. familiar C. loyal D. caring
After orbiting Earth for six months, the three members of China’s Shenzhou XIII mission returned to Earth safely 61 April 16h, 2022, concluding the nation’s longest manned spaceflight.
During their stay in the space station, the crew preformed two spacewalks and conducted a series of 62 (science) experiments using a large robotic arm and other equipment to install and adjust devices. Meanwhile, it was the first time that a female Chinese astronaut 63 (perform) a space walk. Besides, the astronauts, with the 64 (assist) of the staff on the ground, delivered a lecture 400 kilometers above Earth to 65 (million) of students. They showed viewers 66 they lived and worked inside the space station. The uniform called a “penguin jumpsuit”, 67 (special) designed to help the astronauts maintain 68 (they) muscle strength, was introduced. The astronauts also demonstrated (演示) some experiments 69 was related to physical phenomena(现象) in the weightless environment. The Shenzhou XIII’s space-based lessons were intended to popularize space science and spark enthusiasm in science among youngsters, __70__ (mark) the start of the Tiangong Class series. With its space station construction advancing, China will share its breakthroughs and strengthen cooperation with other countries to push space exploration further forward.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
When I was ten years old, I went to Yangzhou with two American. I became their guide. First, we went to the Shouxi River. They want to look around the river by boat. After buy the tickets, we got into a boat. We went around seeing the beautiful sight. After that, we went shopping. The sellers couldn't speak English. Though it was very harder, I tried my best listen to their words careful and translate the sentences. They bought some little things with their help. Next, we went to a small zoo but took some pictures. When we felt hungry, we went to have a lunch. After lunch, we visited some old houses which they learned more about Chinese history.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
假定你是高三学生李华,一名读书爱好者。学校英语读书社邀请你作一个主题为“Be A Lifelong Reader”的演讲。请你写一份英文演讲稿,内容包括:
Be A Lifelong Reader
Hello, everyone! I’m Li Hua, an enthusiastic reader.
That’s all. Thank you.
听力:1-5 BABCC 6-10ABACB 11-15 CACAB 16-20 BACCA
21. B 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. C 31. A
32.D 33.B 34.A 35.C 36. D 37. B 38. F 39. C 40. A
41-45 DBCCA 46-50 ABDAC 51-55 ADCBA 56-60 DCBBD
on 62.scientific 63.had performed 64.assistance 65.millions
66.how 67.specially 68.their 69.which/that 70.marking
American-Americans 2.want -wanted 3. buy -buying 4. harder-hard 5.best后面加to
6. careful-carefully 7. their-my 8. but -and 9.have a lunch去掉 a 10.which -where
Be A Lifelong Reader
Hello, everyone! I’m Li Hua, an enthusiastic reader. I feel honored to stand here to give you a speech themed“ Be A Lifelong Reader”.It is a great shame that students nowadays have so little time for reading as most of them are burdened with huge academic pressure, which leads to their narrow scope of knowledge.
As a book lover, no matter how busy I am, I will spend at least 15 minutes reading books. On the one hand, reading broadens my horizon and I can learn the world without going out. Besides, reading shows me the right attitude toward life. After reading , I know that I must be strong whenever I meet difficulties.
Therefore, I would like to call on every one of you to join me in developing the habit of lifelong reading, which I believe will benefit us all our lives.
That's all. Thank you.