

名称 江苏省南京市中华中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案,无听力原文,含音频)
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文件大小 15.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-10 09:35:35


全卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟 2024. 06
How did the woman get home
By taxi. B. By bus. C. By train.
Who will collect leaflets
The man. B. Roberts. C. Ms. Anderson.
Where does the conversation take place
In a book store. B. In a bank. C. In a library.
What are the speakers talking about
Choosing a brochure. B. Planning a trip. C. Booking some tickets.
What did the speakers think of the party
Noisy. B. Boring. C. Crowded.
What did the man do last weekend
He played tennis. B. He attended a game. C. He completed a project.
What does the woman want to do
Apply for the hotel membership.
Go to a swimming pool.
Work out at the hotel.
What does the man plan to do after graduation
Get a job in the city. B. Work closer to home. C. Travel to another country.
What is the woman’s opinion on walking overseas.
Boring. B. Rewarding. C. Challenging.
Why does the man talk to the woman
To extend an invitation. B. To seek help with a report. C. To ask for advice.
Why does the woman mention about the Highwind Hotel
It provides excellent service.
She had her wedding there.
It is difficult to reserve.
What does the woman offer to do
Look at the draft. B. Reserve a venue. C. Send out emails.
What is the woman doing
Hosting a program. B. Serving a customer. C. Doing a survey.
Where did the man stop over
In Australia. B. In India. C. In Singapore.
How does the man feel about the check-in services
It’s disorganized. B. It’s flexible. C. It’s inefficient.
What kind of refreshment facilities does the man suggest
A full-service restaurant. B. A snack bar. C. A coffee shop
What is the speaker
A travel agent. B. A hotel clerk. C. A restaurant worker.
What will the listeners do to reserve a coach
Buy tickets in advance.
Book at least one day ahead.
Fill in a form.
What do we know about the restaurants listed on the fact sheet
They are in partnership with Panorama Tours.
They open late in the morning.
They accept credit cards.
What does the speaker remind the listeners to do
Pay attention to bank hours.
Use credit cards for purchases.
Avoid shopping in the morning.
Which book you should read based on your next travel destination
Haruki Murakami’s “1Q84” is a dystopian adventure that’s perfect for the plane ride to Japan.
Famed Japanese author Haruki Murakami creates an alternate 1984 called 1Q84 where nothing feels right and everything is slightly different. Set in Tokyo, Japan, this dystopian, mystery-filled fantasy novel is sure to keep your captivated during your trip.
Bring “One Hundred Years of Solitude” to read in South America.
A significant work of literature, Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s classic follows generations of the Buendia family as they live in their South-American town. Garcia Marquez’s magical realism paired with his lush descriptions makes the book a perfect read for visiting some of
the breathtaking sights of South America.
Consider picking up “The Great Gatsby” if you’re going to The Hamptons in New York.
Although the “West Egg’ and “East Egg” in the classic novel more greatly resemble the Great-Neck and Port-Washington peninsulas (半岛) on Long Island, F. Scott Fitzgerald is believed to have been inspired by the Hamptons when crafting this book. Set in the Jazz Age, the book’s decadence, hot summers, and longing for past lovers make it a great companion for pool hopping, charcuterie eating, and luxury shopping in The Hamptons.
As you’re travelling around Amsterdam, read “The Fault in Our Stars”.
Previously adapted into a film in 2014, John Green’s story of star-crossed teenagers famously includes a trip to Amsterdam. The Anne Frank House and The Rijksmuseum are two of many major destinations mentioned in the book. Plus, the bench from the film adaptation of this novel has ever become its own tourist spot.
If you are into parallel existence and you are full of imagination, which book would you like to pick up
The Fault in Our Stars B. One Hundred Years of Solitude
C. 1Q84 D. The Great Gatsby
22. Which one of the followings is Not true
A. Generations of the Buentia family live in their South-American town.
B. One Hundred Years of Solitude is a book mainly about sights of South America.
C. “West Egg” and “East Egg” are both place names.
D. The Great Gatsby is written by F. Scott Fitzgerald
23. An excerpt from the book: One might marvel at the insanity (疯狂) of the situation: A mother sends her16-year-old daughter alone with a 17-year old boy out into a foreign city.
According to the introduction mentioned above, which city is probably this foreign city
Tokyo B. New York C. Amsterdam D. Sao Paulo
I was sitting in my high school classroom, nervously tapping my pencil against the desk as I awaited the start of the English exam.
As the clock struck, signaling the beginning of the exam, my heart began to race. I opened the exam booklet and scanned the questions, and I felt a wave of panic over me. The questions seemed foreign, and the topics unfamiliar. In a state of panic, I hurriedly wrote down my answers, hoping that somehow, by some stroke of luck, they would be correct. But as the minutes went by, I realized I couldn’t seem to make sense of the questions before me. As the final bell rang, I handed in my paper with a heavy heart.
In the days that followed, I couldn’t shake the feeling of failure that hung over me like a dark cloud. I replayed the exam over and over in my mind, analyzing every question, every answer, searching for clues as to where I had gone wrong.
But in the depression, a realization began to dawn on me I had failed, yes, but I had also learned valuable lessons along the way. Armed with this newfound wisdom, I ensured that I would do better next time. I threw myself into my studies with renewed determination,
devouring books and practicing past exams with an eagerness I had never known before.
When the time came to retake the exam, I was ready. I approached each question with confidence an clarity, drawing upon the lessons I had learned from my previous missteps.
When the results were announced, I held my breath as I scanned the list of names. And there it was--my name, shining brightly among the list of successful candidates. At that moment, all the hard work, all the late nights and early mornings, were worth it.
And as I look back on that sunny afternoon in the high school classroom, I am grateful for the lessons it taught me, and the person it helped me become.
Why did the author panic when he first took the exam
A. He sat with a pounding heart.
B. He was in a hurry when answering the questions.
C. He was not familiar with the foreign language.
D. He found the questions too difficult.
25. What did the author do after he failed in the exam
A. He attended valuable lessons in school.
B. He retook the exam over and over again.
C. He promised to arm himself with eagerness.
D. He determined to engage himself in learning.
26. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “devouring”
A. Being targeted at B. Being absorbed in
C. Being credited to D. Being responsible for
27. Which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree with according to his valuable lessons
A. What you believe, you can achieve. B. If not us, who If not now, when
C. The best is yet to come. D. Effort and diligence bring luck.
Is it possible to cure disease like cancer using tiny particles injected (注射) into a person--particles that would not only find the cancer, but also destroy it without harming anything else in the body Nanotechnology, the “science of small”, may eventually allow doctors to diagnose and cure illnesses like heart disease and cancer early, before they can do extensive damage to the body.
The particles, Sargent explains, shine brightly when exposed to UV light and can be inserted into the body. They can also be programmed to bond only to a certain type of cell-a particular cancer cell, for example. Doctors can then use a camera and look for the colored particles, which will help them determine where cancer cells are growing in a person’s body. Using this technology, it will be possible to detect cancer at a stage when there are perhaps only a thousand bad cells. One of the advantages of detecting and treating cancer at an early stage is that the cells are less likely to become resistant to drug treatment. In later stages, cancer cells often change and adapt to certain drugs so rapidly that many medicines become ineffective.
Once a certain type of cancer is detected, nanotechnology will also radically improve the
way it is treated. The goal will be to deliver cancer-killing drugs, carried via the nanoparticles, to the bad cells only. A second method will be to destroy cancer cells (identified by nanoparticles) using laser rays. Ultimately, technologies like this will allow doctors to deliver cancer treatment earlier, faster, and more thoroughly, with fewer side effects. Unfortunately, even though nanoparticles have great medical potential, there are serious concerns that these same materials could have negative environmental and health effects. After exposing lab-grown human cells to water containing large amounts of nanoparticles, researchers found that half the human cells died.
Because nanotechnology is so potentially useful, many scientists don’t think research into its many uses should be stopped; learning more about nanotechnology should remain a priority. But scientists do believe that more governments should allocate more money for safety-related studies-to make sure that large concentrations of nanoparticles do not get into our food and water supplies and cause serious problems.
Meanwhile, research into the uses of nanotechnology in health and many other fields continues. And it’s evolving quickly. Even a decade ago, many of these applications “would have seemed pretty unrealistic,” says chemist Vicki Colvin.
Which of these statements about nanotechnology is true
It could lead to early diagnosis of all diseases.
Doctors could use it to destroy cancer cells.
C. It will allow doctors to avoid destroying healthy cells.
D. Nanotechnology is so useful that many governments are investing in research.
29. Exposing human cells to large amounts of nanoparticles _______________.
A. has no side effect B. should remain a priority
C. is how cancer can be treated D. can result in 50% cell death
30. In the last paragraph, what does chemist Vicki Colvin mean
A. Nanotechnology has evolved a lot in the last decade.
B. Ten years ago, nanotechnology applications weren’t very realistic.
C. Some of these applications are ten years old and so not very useful.
D. In ten years, there have been few realistic applications for nanotechnology.
31. What might be the best title
A. Various ways of detecting cancer
B. Nanotechnology used in medical science
C. Dangers and side effects of nanotechnology
D. A cure for cancer
Scientists have come up with a new way to introduce odors into virtual reality via small, wireless interfaces (接口). Creating smells in virtual reality is a vexing problem that has prevented consumer VR devices from offering a full sensory experience in most settings. “People can touch in VR,” says Xinge Yu, a professor at the City University of Hong-Kong. “And of course, you can see and hear in VR. But how about smell and taste ”.
Previous efforts to create odors in VR have involved multiple wires, messy liquids, and
bulky contraptions that don’t lend themselves to home use. To tackle the problem, Yu and his colleagues developed two wearable interfaces. One can adhere to the skin between the nose and mouth like a bandage; the other straps on beneath a headset like a face mask.
These new interfaces are a notable development that could change how we experience VR. Olfaction (嗅觉) is a powerful sense and a prerequisite for our mouths to detect flavor. The possibilities range from the obvious sniffing a virtual flower field or inhaling VR food to some less obvious applications. For example, perfumeries could test fragrances virtually.
Medically, scent-equipped VR could be helpful for people who have anosmia, or an inability to smell, according to Yu. Scents can also be therapeutic for patients with memory issues and might even help with mood. Yu told me he noticed he felt happier when he used the green tea scent in his tests. He realized that the smell was nostalgic: “When I was little, I’d have some chocolate with a green tea flavor,” he recalled. “I still remember peeling off the wrapper, and how I loved the smell.”
What stands out about these new interfaces is that they are light, small, and wireless. While the device wasn’t tested directly with a VR game, platform, or specific device, the fact that it can be used without clunky wires should mean fewer tangles, less bulk, and a more immersive experience.
One drawback is that the interfaces remain limited in scope. Yu used 30 different scents chosen for their distinctive, recognizable odors, like rosemary and durian. But many real-life scents are less memorable and might not be as recognizable. Additionally, the miniaturized (小型化) odor generators have yet to be programmed to work smoothly with existing VR headsets. It’s hard to say how this would work in a commercial interface.
The underlined word “vexing” probably means _______________.
disgusting B. varying C. annoying D. amusing
Compared with previous efforts to create odors in VR, what is the improvement of Yu’s creation
A. More delicate in appearance. B. Wearable and more immersive for users.
C. Safer to use. D. Less heavy to carry.
34. Based on the current progress of Yu’s creation, which one can be possible
A. Perfume industry can test their products by using VR.
B. People with anosmia can strengthen their ability to face obstacles.
C. People can re-experience an odor from their childhood memory at will.
D. Food lovers can have access to any type of flavor.
35. What remains to be further improved in the next steps
A. Add some wires to enhance its adaptability.
B. Design a program to increase its functional speed.
C. Investigate the reasons for the nostalgic mood.
D. Integrate more scents into the application.
Do you really want to spend your life looking at you phone
Most time-consuming apps are invented to appeal to us. ______36______ These apps are part of the “attention economy”, where our awareness and data about what we are likely to concentrate on rather than goods or services are being sold.
And we are in fact, the product operated into giving our most valuable attention away for free. ______37______ Instead, advertisers are.
App designers draw on users by imitating techniques used by gacha (游戏抽卡), which are widely considered to be some of the most addictive online games ever to be invented. Gacha is devised to trigger the release of dopamine. The latter is a neurotransmitter in our brains that records when behaviour is worth repeating and motivates us to taste it one more time.
The tricky thing about our dopamine systems is that they are non-discriminatory. ______38______ We may be inspired to recount that behaviour, whichever is good for us. like exercise, or harmful, like wasting an hour scrolling on TikTok.
In fact, our smartphones and apps are wrapped with considerable dopamine triggers (诱因). Glowing colours are one of them. ______39______ The more often online activities trigger the release of dopamine, the more likely it is for those leisure entertainments to become a habit or even an addiction.
Rewards are also influential triggers. Some of the most common rewards on our phones come as social affirmation, such as a thumbs-up or a comment on a post. This is why apps such as social media, the news, email, games and shopping are so effortless to lose time on. ______40______ So, if we don’t recognize, don’t consciously fight back, we can be easily conditioned to seek out dopamine hits from our mobile devices like lab rats trained to press a lever to get food.
So are novel video clips and various live-streaming with melodies.
They’re the ones with the most dopamine triggers on our bright screen.
There are many reasons that we are attached to our phones.
This is how their creators make a profit from the click and usage ratio.
Suppose specific behaviour sets off the release of dopamine.
We only experience what we pay attention to.
We are not the actual customers of these apps.
An original poster of TikTok, Mia, works as a school teacher. Every New Year, she buys a bunch of books and then does with students seated in a circle a little game ____41____ they keep passing the books ____42____ and at the very end of it, they get whatever book ____43____ before, and start their reading journey.
But this time, something completely different happened. Mia ____44____ the idea to her mom, who loves to knit and invited Mia to play a little game with the students. On the eve of
New Year, Mia invited her students to ____45____ for themselves “the winter hat of their dreams” with solid colors. Everyone did so but no one even ____46____ what would happen next. They eagerly drew cute striped hats. Mia’s mom made their ____47____ come true and it turned out incredibly great! The children were ____48____: of course, Mia’s mom couldn’t always choose the exact color, but what does it really matter when the real, even ____49____ NewYear ____50____ is happening before your eyes
The video of Mia starting to hand ou hats to the class ____51____ collecting an ____52____ 50.4 million views. The vast majority of people in the comments gave ____53____ to Mia and her mother as they put their soul into the education process. “Hats ____54____ to your mom!” one wrote. This is also ____55____ passion, deep love and hard work characterize this profession.
A. that B. when C. which D. where
42. A. up B. over C. sideways D. forward
43. A. reading B. landing C. standing D. sharing
44. A. owes B. announces C. indicates D. teaches
45. A. buy B. make C. wear D. draw
46. A. doubted B. expected C. predicted D. wondered
47. A. hats B. games C. fantasies D. pictures
48. A. delighted B. relieved C. confused D. discouraged
49. A. big B. small C. meaningful D. significant
50. A. gift B. wish C. magic D. gathering
51. A. came out B. went through C. hit the spot D. took off
52. A. increased B. estimated C. associated D. evaluated
53. A. credit B. money C. pressure D. thought
54. A. on B. off C. up D. down
55. A. teaching B. parenting C. growth D. influence
Migro-dramas or miniseries, 56_________(feature) episodes between tens of seconds to over 10 minutes, has changed viewing habits in China. 57_________(access) to anyone with a smart device, these short series, 58_________ multiple plot twists and rapid story development are involved, have quickly gained a large following.
Last year, the market size of China’s online short series was 37.39 billion yuan, with the market 59_________(expect) to exceed 100 billion yuan by 2027. The online miniseries Unparalleled produced by Fung Culture set 60_________ record by earning revenue of over 100 million yuan in the eight days following its release.
Most short online dramas 61_________ (adapt) from online novels with limited themes, such as unbeatable heroes or female-perspective romances, but since this year, many producers have begun to try more diverse themes, such as suspense and period dramas.
At the end of 2023, Reel Short, a short-series application in China, was 62_________ the most downloaded entertainment applications on Apple’s App Store in America. Short dramas
are now viewed to be the “most lucrative track” due to their 63_________(remark) cost-effectiveness.
Along with the rising number of series, miniseries also face an increasing need for strong regulation. 64_________ regulatory authorities are actively monitoring and supervising, it is essential for companies to carry out effective content regulation 65_________(internal). This is crucial for achieving a more sustainable and responsible development at both home and overseas.
第四部分:词汇运用 (共三节,满分25分)
第一节: 单词填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
66. Social media, online and offline retail, and live streaming are used to promote this new product and to achieve the future market _________(扩张)
67. Paying a visit to famous universities and exploring the academic atmosphere there really b_________ our horizons.
68. In some agricultural colleges, young men have to do a year’s work on a farm before their
_________(theory) training at college.
69. Although featuring world renowned (著名的) actors and actresses, the movie was not a __________(commerce) success.
70. There is a job vacancy for a software engineer in our company and only skilled ones are qualified, which means experience is e_________ for this job..
71. Some doctors believe _________(无知) is bliss (幸福) and don’t give their patients all the facts.
72. The country is facing an e_________ crisis due to the decrease in demand for its exports.
73. Gas and oil _________(consume) always increases in cold weather.
74. Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct _________(手续) in applying for a visa.
75. The terms of the agreement are _________(favour) to both sides, which would create a win-win situation favourable
第二节: 单句语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
The new technology, which _________(apply) to rice growing since it was created, is increasing the grain output.
The children should not be allowed to leave school unless _________(accompany) by their parents.
The dough for the mo (馍) consists of a simple _________(mix) of wheat flour and water.
It is important for the figures _________(update) on a regular basis, which is important for our research.
The shell _________(surround) the egg has many important functions.
Flexible workers find themselves in great demand, and _________(consequence) gain high salaries.
My father is responsible, who always places great _________(emphasize) on the importance of family life and ties.
Everyone went to that party, Lisa _________(include).
_________(stretch) over 1,038 kilometers, the winding Binhai Avenue is an important sightseeing road in Yantai, along which visitors can enjoy the endless sea.
He is said _________(quit) his job as an office boy in Athens before he went to Brazil.
第三节 选词填空 (共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)
86. Usually _________ as a genius, Chaplin was among the most influential figures in film history.
87. The rapid development of the Xiong’an New Area led to increased wealth, which _________ would attract more graduates to this region.
88. It is for more than 10 years that those talented female athletes _________ the chase for the
A special fund which _________ for the disabled came under the spotlight.
The once-stable systems that were seen as permanent in the old era seem _________.
91. He is very aware of what topics he should not _________, especially when talking with sensitive people.
92. As he _________ his patience, he couldn’t contain his anger any more.
93. I didn’t know what exactly _________. but I definitely felt much better after a few minutes.
94. The naive girl stopped and stared out of the window, obviously _________ a daydream.
95. Despite some exceptions, the latest report is reflective of the public opinion _________.
活动目的; 2. 活动内容; 3. 活动反响。
词数80 词左右:
第一节 1~5 ABCBA
第二节 6~10 CCABC 11~15 ACCBC 16~20 BABAA
21~23 CBC 24~27 DDBD 28~31 CDAD 32~35 CBAD
36~40 DGEAB
第一节: 41~45 DCBAD 46~50 BCABC 51~55 DBABA
featuring 57. Accessible 58. where 59. expected 60. a
61. were adapted 62. among 63. remarkable 64. Although 65. internally
expansion 67. broadened 68. theoretical mercial 70. essential
ignorance 72. economic 73. consumption 74. procedure 75. favourable
has been applied 77. accompanied 78. mixture
79. to be updated 80. surrounding 81. consequently
82. emphasis 83. included 84. Stretching
85. to have quitted
referred to 87. in t urn 88. have thrown themselves into
89. was set up 90. to fall apart 91. bring up
92. ran out of 93. did the trick 94. lost in
at large