

名称 广东省深圳市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末调研考试英语试题(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 48.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-10 22:03:13



第一部分 基础知识(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
单项选择 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. We’d better ________ the problems with a positive attitude and a strong will.
A. confirm B. avoid C. settle D. stress
2. Encouraging ________ in children can help them think outside the box.
A. creativity B. responsibility C. generosity D. honesty
3. When making any important decisions, we should think carefully before ________.
A. letting off steam B. pulling our weight
C. rising to our feet D. jumping in with both feet
4. Most teenagers are eager to become ________ and make their own decisions.
A. humorous B. independent C. energetic D. polite
5. The numbers in the report ________ the influence of climate change on global temperature.
A. limit B. indicate C. strengthen D. determine
6. The little boy was so ________ about everything around him that he kept asking questions.
A. patient B. sorry C. curious D. shy
7. At last, Jack decided to ________ his teacher for breaking the window.
A. apologise to B. compete with C. show respect to D. sing praises for
8. The Hemudu Site was discovered ________ by a farmer when digging a well in his yard in 1973.
A. accidentally B. currently C. frequently D. obviously
9. The company decided to ________ the product show until next month for additional testing.
A. replace B. describe C. quit D. postpone
10. The restaurant offers various dishes to make sure there are ________ options for all customers.
A. dangerous B. sufficient C. original D. foolish
11. Like climbing the mountain, it is not the ________ but the scenery along the way that matters.
A. destination B. technique C. decoration D. tourism
12. The hiker was ________ by the sudden appearance of a bear and his legs started to shake.
A. inspired B. bored C. frightened D. moved
13. Balancing work and life is a common ________ faced by many people in today’s fast-paced (快节奏的) world.
A. effect B. mistake C. design D. challenge
14. —Excuse me, can we enter the library
—Sorry, the shelves ________ now. You can come here next month.
A. has rearranged B. have rearranged
C. is being rearranged D. are being rearranged
15. Regular exercise enables individuals ________a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
A. maintaining B. to maintain C. maintained D. having maintained
16. —________ I use your glue I’m making a kite.
—No problem. Here you are.
A. Should B. Need C. Must D. May
17. Finning, a type of fishing ________ sharks are caught and their fins cut off, kills millions of sharks every year.
A. that B. which C. where D. when
18. When ________ about his experience of studying abroad, he told stories of cultural differences.
A. asked B. asking C. to ask D. having asked
19. By August 1939, Nicholas Winton had transported 669 children ________ in terrible conditions in Prague to safety in Britain.
A. lived B. to live C. living D. live
20. Shaanxi History Museum, ________ we visited last week in Xi’an, impressed us deeply.
A. that B. which C. where D. what
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Discover exciting optional courses at our school and join us to explore your interests and develop new skills!
Podcasting 101
Dive into the active world of podcasting (播客) and improve your speaking and technical skills. This course offers hands-on training in making interesting videos on topics of your choice. A perfect stage to express yourself and learn the ropes of digital storytelling.
·Schedule: Fridays, 4:30 PM—5:15 PM
·Requirements: Please bring a USB stick
Easy Carpentry
Release your creativity and manual skills with our Easy Carpentry (木工) workshop. Learn the basics of carpentry, including the safe use of tools, as you create functional and decorative items like tables, birdhouses and musical boxes.
·Schedule: Mondays, 3:30 PM—4:30 PM
·Requirements: Safety glasses required
Show Choir
Explore the art of singing performance and dance routines in our Show Choir program. Take part in singing and dancing to a variety of lively songs. Work together with other members to stage an impressive end-of-term performance. This program is a fantastic opportunity to make new friends.
·Schedule: Thursdays, 1:00 PM—1:45 PM
·Requirements: No items necessary
Yoga and You
Start a journey of self-discovery and relaxation with our Yoga and You class. Practice standing and balancing like trees and mountains to become more flexible and feel happier. Yoga promotes better sleep and a healthier figure.
·Schedule: Wednesdays, 4:00 PM—5:00 PM
·Requirements: Please bring a towel and a yoga mat
21. What skill will students develop in Podcasting 101
A. Performing first aid. B. Giving speeches on stage.
C. Creating short films. D. Debating on heated topics.
22. When can a student learn to make a hand-made decoration
A. Fridays, 4:30 PM—5:15 PM. B. Mondays, 3:30 PM—4:30 PM.
C. Thursdays, 1:00 PM—1:45 PM. D. Wednesdays, 4:00 PM—5:00 PM.
23. Which course suits those who enjoy both physical activity and teamwork
A Podcasting 101. B. Easy Carpentry.
C. Show Choir. D. Yoga and You.
Anne of Green Gables is ideally meant for children — one might think so when seeing the cover or reading through the back page of the masterpiece. It was first published in the year 1904, authored by Lucy Maud Montgomery, but it still connects to today’s world where we forget to live in the present.
It tells of the adventures of Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan (孤儿)girl who is mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, a middle-aged brother and sister who had intended to adopt a boy to help them on their farm in the fictional town of Avonlea. The novel describes how Anne makes her way with the Cuthberts, in school, and within the town.
The book teaches me a lot of things, the most important being — to be who you are. Why do we need to pretend to be somebody else and project a false image of ourselves to look better We need to realize that we are all different in our own way and accept ourselves first. As is described in the book, Anne is a colorful and ever-growing character. She “has as many shades as a rainbow and every shade is the prettiest while it lasts.” Each aspect of her personality is beautiful, which makes her unique and interesting.
Another important concept that is illustrated remarkably well is the importance of taking joy in the world around us. Anne’s obvious wonder-struck appreciation of life made me truly appreciate the small things. Here is my favourite quote (引言) from Chapter 19:
I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string.
Anne’s influence has deeply shaped who I am today. This classic novel truly highlights the importance of self-love and gratitude. With its uplifting and refreshing story, it is a wonderful read for people of all ages seeking a joyful and enriching literary journey.
24. What do we know about Anne of Green Gables
A. It is a recent release. B. It covers real events.
C. It is a timeless classic. D. It features world history.
25 What can we learn about Anne from paragraph 3
A. She is true to herself. B. She achieves her goal.
C. She is talented in drawing. D. She cares about others.
26. Which of the following best matches the quote from Chapter 19
A. Time waits for no man. B. Do one thing at a time.
C. Fortune favours the brave. D. Stop and smell the roses.
27. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To tell a story. B. To remember a writer.
C. To teach a lesson. D. To recommend a book.
Theo works days, nights, and weekends in the tulip (郁金香) fields in the Netherlands and never complains about tired muscles. How is this possible Theo, named after a retired farmer, is a high-tech robot in the battle to root out disease from the fields.
The robot rolls along rows of yellow and red tulips, checking each plant and, when necessary, killing diseased bulbs (鳞茎) to prevent the spread of the tulip-breaking virus (病毒). The virus weakens the bulb, leaving them unable to flower. The dead bulbs are removed from healthy ones in a sorting center after they have been harvested. There are 45 robots like Theo working in the tulip fields of the Netherlands. Their job becomes important as the winter turns to spring and peak season nears, when people come from around the world to admire the colorful flowers.
In the past, this work was carried out by knowledgeable farmers. Allan Visser is a third-generation tulip farmer who is using the robot. “You could buy a very nice sports car for the price of the robot,” Visser said. The robot costs 185,000 euros. “It’s a lot slower than a sports car, rolling on caterpillar tracks through fields,” he added. “But I choose the robot because a sports car doesn’t see the sick tulips. Now there are fewer and fewer people who can really do that.”
The robots have been trained to detect sick plants. They have cameras and take thousands of photos of the tulips. Their AI model examines the photos, hunting out signs on sick plants, and decides which ones need to be killed. The engineer explains the robots use GPS to be sure they are destroying the correct tulips. The heart of the machine is the knowledge put into the AI model, which comes from experienced tulip farmers like Theo van der Voort, who gave his name to the robot.
Van der Voort retired after 52 years of looking for sick flowers in his fields. “It’s fantastic,” he said. “It sees just as much as I see.”
28. What does the robot do
A. Plant new tulips. B. Clear troubled bulbs.
C. Kill deadly virus. D. Harvest grown flowers.
29. What can we infer from Visser’s words
A. He dreams of a sports car. B. Tulip fields are low in production.
C. The robot is worth the cost. D. Farmers lack technical knowledge.
30. What is the key to making the robots work effectively
A. GPS systems. B. High-tech cameras.
C. Daily training. D. Human knowledge.
31. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. Theo’s Watch: An Advance in Tulip Farming
B. Al Robots: A Replacement for Aging Farmers
C. Tulip Seasons: An Attraction of the Netherlands
D. Visser’s Practice: A Tradition in Tulip Businesses
Parents of teenagers often view their children’s friends with distrust, worrying that their children will be pushed by their peers (同龄人) into doing something foolish or even dangerous. Their worries hold water. In a previous study, psychologist Laurence Steinberg found that a teenage driver with a same-age passenger in the car is at higher risk of traffic accidents than one driving alone or with an adult.
In the following years, Steinberg examined why teens were more likely to take risks in the company of other teenagers. In a later study, by scanning (扫描) the brains of 40 teens and adults, Steinberg found the brains of teenagers, but not adults, showed greater activity in two regions associated with rewards when they were being observed by same-age peers. The reward systems of the brain are activated whenever people experience something rewarding, like eating a nice-tasting food, which make them feel satisfied. In this case, rewards are greater for teens, which motivates them to seek higher-risk experiences.
But Steinberg thought peer pressure might also have its positive side. In the latest study Steinberg’s team used a card game to research how peers affect the way young people gather and apply information. It involved 101 teenage boys who played either alone or with three peers. They chose cards from four decks (牌堆): two decks had “good” cards, and two “bad” ones. Players with peers were more willing to take risks, trying to figure out which decks could help them to win. The results showed that teens playing with their peers engage in more exploratory behavior, learn faster and achieve better performance on the task than those playing alone.
Now some experts are proposing that we should take advantage of the teens’ keen sensitivity (敏感) to the presence of friends to improve education. “Risk taking in an educational context is a vital skill that enables progress and creativity,” wrote Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, a professor at University College London.
32. What do the underlined words “hold water” in paragraph 1 mean
A. Make sense. B. Face doubts.
C. Bring relief. D. Start debates.
33. What is the reason behind teens’ dangerous behavior
A. Inability to tell right from wrong.
B. A sense of satisfaction.
C. Eagerness to follow their friends.
D. Lack of social experience.
34. How does risk-taking affect teens in the latest study
A. It starts fights between them.
B. It inspires them to question.
C. It weakens their independence.
D. It helps them to learn better.
35. What would Blakemore suggest teachers do in the classroom
A. Conduct group discussion.
B. Improve time management.
C. Encourage personal opinions.
D. Develop decision-making skills.
Standing at the top of a staircase in the Louvre in Paris, the Nike, or the Winged Victory (胜利女神), looks down over her admiring crowds. This statue is one of the most famous artworks of Greek art. ____36____ Later it was brought to Paris and has been on display in the Louvre since 1866.
The Nike consists of two parts: a large ship’s front part, and a standing statue with a total height of more than eighteen feet. It looks like the Winged Victory has just flown down from the sky. ____37____ The wind blows her dress across her body, gathering it in heavy folds, and streaming behind her. When viewers look at her, they can almost feel the wind from the sea. ____38____
The statue, as it stands today in the Louvre, has been partly repaired. The right wing is a modern copy, but the missing feet, arms, and head have not been recovered, giving viewers much to imagine. For instance, did the Nike hold objects in her hands In fact, people found her right hand in 1950, whose fingers are spread out. ____39____ She must have simply raised her right arm in greeting. Her head may have looked straight ahead, and viewers can only guess about the features of her face.
____40____ As one of the few existing examples of original Greek sculpture, it will continue to attract viewers, just as it undoubtedly did before.
A. This means that she cannot have held any object.
B. The Nike is in charge of victory in ancient Greek stories.
C It was found on a Greek island in the Aegean sea in 1863.
D. This statue was made by artists who left no names in history.
E. It’s hard for them to believe such a lifelike statue is made of stone.
F. Landing on top of the ship, she celebrates the victory of an ancient battle.
G. Despite its incomplete survival, the Winged Victory is truly a masterpiece.
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分50分)
Jason Smith is a published children’s author and award-winning poet. But growing up, he could ____41____ read.
Jason and his three sisters were raised by a single mother, and she often had to make ____42____ choices about how to use their limited resources—including a ____43____ to send his oldest sister to school, and to keep Jason at home.
Years later, when Jason finally went to school, he couldn’t spell his name and ____44____ to read simple words, which made him feel ____45____. However, this changed when he turned 12. A kind teacher-in-training noticed his ____46____ and stepped in. When she created a special reading program for students like Jason, he was the first to ____47____. This teacher was patient and creative, and she ____48____ him to work hard and believe in himself.
With her help, Jason’s reading skills and confidence ____49____. By the time he finished elementary school, he had earned several _____50_____, including one for being the most improved reader. This teacher not only taught Jason how to _____51_____ but also helped him see his _____52_____ and potential (潜力).
Jason went on to college and graduate school and became an author of children’s books. In 2010, Jason _____53_____ to his old school to find this teacher and thank her, but she no longer taught there. He still hopes to find her one day to show her the _____54_____ she had on his life and how her _____55_____ continues to inspire him.
41. A. hardly B. simply C. eagerly D. silently
42. A. wrong B. popular C. tough D. free
43. A. permission B. chance C. task D. decision
44. A. agreed B. continued C. struggled D. expected
45. A. guilty B. upset C. excited D. interested
46. A. difficulties B. achievements C. appearance D. expression
47. A. calm down B. give in C. sign up D. turn away
48. A. encouraged B. ordered C. invited D. forced
49. A. disappeared B. recovered C. weakened D. improved
50. A. degrees B. awards C. tips D. promotions
51. A. read B. speak C. share D. review
52. A. duty B. position C. worth D. contribution
53. A. adapted B. returned C. replied D. waved
54. A. control B. impact C. comment D. advice
55. A. performance B. service C. bravery D. kindness
注意:(1) 每个选项只能使用一次;
A. going all out B. reflects C. look forward to D. come across E. ensure
F. assume G. establishment H. covering I. thanks to J. in particular K. generations
The Chinese government has taken significant steps to protect the rich biodiversity (生物多样性) of Hainan by setting up the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park. This park, ____56____ an area of about 4,269 square kilometers, brings many existing protected zones together to ____57____ effectiveness in management. With experts ____58____ to protect its rich species, the park has become home to many rare and endangered species, the Hainan gibbon (长臂猿) ____59____.
The park ____60____ the goal of keeping natural ecosystems unharmed, and saving valuable natural resources for future ____61____. Great efforts have been made since the ____62____ of the park, leading to a noticeable recovery of gibbons. Furthermore, ____63____ this plan, many other species also benefit.
Making the effort to protect the species is not easy. Despite the unexpected challenges that its workers ____64____, the park has been focusing on achieving its goal. Experts _____65_____ seeing more positive impacts, hoping that continued efforts and new methods will improve Hainan’s ecosystems and help with the long-term survival of its unique wildlife.
As night falls on the streets of Shanghai, 27-year-old Ms. Chen can often be seen wandering through the winding alleys (胡同) of the city, ____66____(search) for discarded (遗弃的) things that can be reused. Chen, a digital marketer, is one of the early ____67____(adopter) of “stooping” in China — a practice of picking up discarded ____68____ usable items (物品) from the streets for reuse.
The concept of stooping was inspired by people ____69____ often leave unwanted but functional items on their front steps, or “stoops,” for others ____70____(take). For Chen, stooping is not just about reducing spending and saving money; she sees it ____71____ a way to prevent waste by giving new life to things that are still usable, and sharing them with people who need them.
Chen began by posting photos of items on social media that people wanted to give away or exchange. She ____72____(quick) started receiving hundreds of messages every day, and the idea of stooping ____73____(grow) in popularity since then. A few months ago, an app called “Grecycle” ____74____(create), allowing people to freely give away or pick up unwanted items. More and more people are discovering stooping as an _____75_____(enjoy) activity that helps the community to turn rubbish into treasure.
第四部分 应用文写作(满分20分)
76. 假定你是李华,你校交换生Peter即将参加你所在社区举办的“穿越东西涌”徒步活动,发来活动信息邀请你参加并询问你的建议。请你回复邮件,内容包括:
Dongxichong Coast Hike
Start Mangrove Wetland Park(东涌红树林湿地园)
End Xichong Beach(西涌沙滩)
Time 8 AM—12 AM, Saturday, July 13
Distance About 7 kilometres
Dear Peter,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
第一部分 基础知识(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
单项选择 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. We’d better ________ the problems with a positive attitude and a strong will.
A. confirm B. avoid C. settle D. stress
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们最好以积极的态度和坚强的意志来解决问题。A.confirm确认;B.avoid避免;C.settle解决;D.stress强调。根据“the problems with a positive attitude and a strong will”可知,此处是指以积极的态度和坚强的意志来解决问题。故选C。
2. Encouraging ________ in children can help them think outside the box.
A. creativity B. responsibility C. generosity D. honesty
考查名词词义辨析。句意:鼓励孩子们的创造力可以帮助他们进行创意思考。A. creativity创造力;B. responsibility责任;C. generosity慷慨;D. honesty诚实。根据“think outside the box”可知,要鼓励孩子们的创造力。故选A项。
3. When making any important decisions, we should think carefully before ________.
A. letting off steam B. pulling our weight
C. rising to our feet D. jumping in with both feet
考查动词短语辨析。句意:在做任何重要决定之前,我们应该三思而后行。A. letting off steam释放精力,发泄怒气,宣泄感情;B. pulling our weight尽本分,尽职责;C. rising to our feet站起来;D. jumping in with both feet踊跃参加,全心全意投入。根据“When making any important decisions, we should think carefully”可知,决定去做任何事情之前,我们应该仔细考虑。故选D项。
4. Most teenagers are eager to become ________ and make their own decisions.
A. humorous B. independent C. energetic D. polite
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:大多数青少年都渴望独立并做出自己的决定。A. humorous幽默的;B. independent独立的;C. energetic精力充沛的;D. polite有礼貌的。根据后文“make their own decisions.”可知,大多数青少年都渴望独立的,故选B项。
5. The numbers in the report ________ the influence of climate change on global temperature.
A. limit B. indicate C. strengthen D. determine
考查动词词义辨析。句意:报告中的数字表明了气候变化对全球气温的影响。A. limit限制;B. indicate表示;C. strengthen强化;D. determine决定。此处用作句子的谓语,根据句意可知,空格处缺少的意思是“表明”,故选B项。
6. The little boy was so ________ about everything around him that he kept asking questions.
A. patient B. sorry C. curious D. shy
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个小男孩对周围的一切都很好奇,他不停地问问题。A.patient耐心的;B.sorry抱歉的;C.curious好奇的;D.shy害羞的。根据“he kept asking questions”可知,此处是指对周围的一切都很好奇。故选C。
7. At last, Jack decided to ________ his teacher for breaking the window.
A. apologise to B. compete with C. show respect to D. sing praises for
考查动词短语辨析。句意:最后,杰克决定为打破窗户向老师道歉。A. apologise to向……道歉;B. compete with与……抗争;C. show respect to尊敬;D. sing praises for歌颂。根据“his teacher for breaking the window”可知,此处是指为打破窗户向老师道歉。故选A。
8. The Hemudu Site was discovered ________ by a farmer when digging a well in his yard in 1973.
A. accidentally B. currently C. frequently D. obviously
考查副词词义辨析。句意:河姆渡遗址是1973年一位农民在自家院子里打井时偶然发现的。A. accidentally偶然地;B. currently目前,当前;C. frequently频繁地,经常;D. obviously明显地,显而易见地。结合“when digging a well in his yard”可知,河姆渡遗址是偶然间被发现的,应用accidentally“偶然地”修饰动词discovered。故选A。
9. The company decided to ________ the product show until next month for additional testing.
A. replace B. describe C. quit D. postpone
考查动词词义辨析。句意:该公司决定将产品展示推迟到下个月进行进一步测试。A. replace更换;B. describe描述;C. quit退出;D. postpone推迟。根据“until next month”可知,空格处表示的意思是“推迟”,故选D项。
10. The restaurant offers various dishes to make sure there are ________ options for all customers.
A. dangerous B. sufficient C. original D. foolish
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这家餐厅提供各种各样的菜肴,以确保所有顾客都有足够的选择。A. dangerous危险的;B. sufficient足够的;C. original原始的;D. foolish愚蠢的。根据“various dishes”可知,这家餐厅能提供“足够多的”选择,故选B项。
11. Like climbing the mountain, it is not the ________ but the scenery along the way that matters.
A. destination B. technique C. decoration D. tourism
考查名词词义辨析。句意:就像爬山一样,重要的不是终点,而是沿途的风景。A. destination终点,目的地;B. technique技巧;C. decoration装饰;D. tourism旅游业。根据句中“the scenery along the way that matters”可知,重要的是沿途的风景,而不是终点(destination)。故选A项。
12. The hiker was ________ by the sudden appearance of a bear and his legs started to shake.
A. inspired B. bored C. frightened D. moved
考查动词词义辨析。句意:那个徒步旅行者被突然出现的熊吓坏了,他的腿开始发抖。A.inspired启发;B.bored使厌倦;C.frightened使受惊吓;D.moved使感动。根据“by the sudden appearance of a bear and his legs started to shake”可知,此处是指被突然出现的熊吓坏了。故选C。
13. Balancing work and life is a common ________ faced by many people in today’s fast-paced (快节奏的) world.
A. effect B. mistake C. design D. challenge
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在当今快节奏的世界中,平衡工作和生活是许多人面临的共同挑战。A. effect影响;B. mistake错误;C. design设计;D. challenge挑战。根据前文“Balancing work and life”可知,平衡工作和生活应是一种挑战。故选D项。
14. —Excuse me, can we enter the library
—Sorry, the shelves ________ now. You can come here next month.
A. has rearranged B. have rearranged
C. is being rearranged D. are being rearranged
考查现在进行时的被动语态和主谓一致。句意:——打扰一下,我们能进图书馆吗?——对不起,书架正在重新摆放。你可以下个月来。根据“You can come here next month”可知,此处是指书架正在重新摆放,应用现在进行时。动词rearrange意为“重新摆放”,和主语构成被动关系。主语shelves为复数形式。故选D。
15. Regular exercise enables individuals ________a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
A. maintaining B. to maintain C. maintained D. having maintained
考查非谓语动词。句意:有规律的运动能使个人保持健康和平衡的生活方式。enable sb. to do sth.是一个固定短语,意思是“使某人能够做某事”,用动词不定式来作宾语补足语。故选B。
16. —________ I use your glue I’m making a kite.
—No problem. Here you are.
A. Should B. Need C. Must D. May
考查情态动词用法。句意:——我可以用你的胶水吗?我在做风筝。——没问题。给你。A. Should应该;B. Need需要;C. Must必须;D. May可能。此处表征求他人的同意,应用情态动词may引导一般疑问句。故选D。
17. Finning, a type of fishing ________ sharks are caught and their fins cut off, kills millions of sharks every year.
A. that B. which C. where D. when
考查定语从句。句意:鳍鱼捕鱼是一种捕获鲨鱼并割下鱼鳍的捕鱼方式,每年有数百万条鲨鱼死亡。A. that那个;B. which其中,哪一个;C. where在哪里;D. when什么时候。空格处为定语从句引导词,从句中不缺少主语、宾语或表语,且先行词为“a type of fishing”,此处理解为一种抽象地点,所以应用关系副词where。故选C项。
18. When ________ about his experience of studying abroad, he told stories of cultural differences.
A. asked B. asking C. to ask D. having asked
考查状语从句的省略。句意:当被问及他的留学经历时,他讲述了文化差异的故事。根据空格前的when和选项内容可知,此处考查状语从句的省略,when引导的完整从句为when he was asked about his experience of studying abroad,从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句中有be动词,符合状语从句省略的条件,省略从句的主语和be动词was。故选A。
19. By August 1939, Nicholas Winton had transported 669 children ________ in terrible conditions in Prague to safety in Britain.
A. lived B. to live C. living D. live
考查非谓语动词。句意:到1939年8月,尼古拉斯·温顿(Nicholas Winton)已经将669名生活在布拉格恶劣环境中的儿童送到了英国的安全地带。“(live) in terrible conditions in Prague”作后置定语修饰名词children,live(生活)是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语children之间是主动关系,用现在分词表主动。选C项。
20. Shaanxi History Museum, ________ we visited last week in Xi’an, impressed us deeply.
A. that B. which C. where D. what
考查定语从句。句意:我们上周参观了西安的陕西历史博物馆,给我们留下了深刻的印象。空格处引导非限制性定语从句,非限制性定语从句中缺少宾语,且先行词为Shaanxi History Museum,指物,应用关系代词which。故选B。
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Discover exciting optional courses at our school and join us to explore your interests and develop new skills!
Podcasting 101
Dive into the active world of podcasting (播客) and improve your speaking and technical skills. This course offers hands-on training in making interesting videos on topics of your choice. A perfect stage to express yourself and learn the ropes of digital storytelling.
·Schedule: Fridays, 4:30 PM—5:15 PM
·Requirements: Please bring a USB stick
Easy Carpentry
Release your creativity and manual skills with our Easy Carpentry (木工) workshop. Learn the basics of carpentry, including the safe use of tools, as you create functional and decorative items like tables, birdhouses and musical boxes.
·Schedule: Mondays, 3:30 PM—4:30 PM
·Requirements: Safety glasses required
Show Choir
Explore the art of singing performance and dance routines in our Show Choir program. Take part in singing and dancing to a variety of lively songs. Work together with other members to stage an impressive end-of-term performance. This program is a fantastic opportunity to make new friends.
·Schedule: Thursdays, 1:00 PM—1:45 PM
·Requirements: No items necessary
Yoga and You
Start a journey of self-discovery and relaxation with our Yoga and You class. Practice standing and balancing like trees and mountains to become more flexible and feel happier. Yoga promotes better sleep and a healthier figure.
·Schedule: Wednesdays, 4:00 PM—5:00 PM
·Requirements: Please bring a towel and a yoga mat
21. What skill will students develop in Podcasting 101
A. Performing first aid. B. Giving speeches on stage.
C. Creating short films. D. Debating on heated topics.
22. When can a student learn to make a hand-made decoration
A. Fridays, 4:30 PM—5:15 PM. B. Mondays, 3:30 PM—4:30 PM.
C. Thursdays, 1:00 PM—1:45 PM. D. Wednesdays, 4:00 PM—5:00 PM.
23. Which course suits those who enjoy both physical activity and teamwork
A. Podcasting 101. B. Easy Carpentry.
C. Show Choir. D. Yoga and You.
第21题 C 细节理解题。根据Podcasting 101中“This course offers hands-on training in making interesting videos on topics of your choice. (本课程提供实践培训,让你根据自己选择的主题制作有趣的视频)”可知,在播客课中,学生将培养创作短片的技能。故选C项。
第22题 B 细节理解题。根据Easy Carpentry中“Learn the basics of carpentry, including the safe use of tools, as you create functional and decorative items like tables, birdhouses and musical boxes. (在你创造一些功能性和装饰性的物品,如桌子、鸟舍和音乐盒时,学习木工的基础知识,包括工具的安全使用)”和“Schedule: Mondays, 3:30 PM—4:30 PM (时间安排:周一下午3:30至4:30)”可知,在木工课中,学生可以学习制作手工装饰,上课时间为周一下午3:30至4:30。故选B项。
第23题 C 细节理解题。根据Show Choir中“Take part in singing and dancing to a variety of lively songs. Work together with other members to stage an impressive end-of-term performance. (配合各种活泼的歌曲,参与歌舞表演。与其他成员合作,上演令人印象深刻的期末表演)”可知,在艺术表演团课中,学生需要表演歌舞,和其他成员合作,因此它适合那些既喜欢体育活动又喜欢团队合作的人。故选C项。
Anne of Green Gables is ideally meant for children — one might think so when seeing the cover or reading through the back page of the masterpiece. It was first published in the year 1904, authored by Lucy Maud Montgomery, but it still connects to today’s world where we forget to live in the present.
It tells of the adventures of Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan (孤儿)girl who is mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, a middle-aged brother and sister who had intended to adopt a boy to help them on their farm in the fictional town of Avonlea. The novel describes how Anne makes her way with the Cuthberts, in school, and within the town.
The book teaches me a lot of things the most important being — to be who you are. Why do we need to pretend to be somebody else and project a false image of ourselves to look better We need to realize that we are all different in our own way and accept ourselves first. As is described in the book, Anne is a colorful and ever-growing character. She “has as many shades as a rainbow and every shade is the prettiest while it lasts.” Each aspect of her personality is beautiful, which makes her unique and interesting.
Another important concept that is illustrated remarkably well is the importance of taking joy in the world around us. Anne’s obvious wonder-struck appreciation of life made me truly appreciate the small things. Here is my favourite quote (引言) from Chapter 19:
I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string.
Anne’s influence has deeply shaped who I am today. This classic novel truly highlights the importance of self-love and gratitude. With its uplifting and refreshing story, it is a wonderful read for people of all ages seeking a joyful and enriching literary journey.
24. What do we know about Anne of Green Gables
A. It is a recent release. B. It covers real events.
C. It is a timeless classic. D. It features world history.
25. What can we learn about Anne from paragraph 3
A. She is true to herself. B. She achieves her goal.
C. She is talented in drawing. D. She cares about others.
26. Which of the following best matches the quote from Chapter 19
A. Time waits for no man. B. Do one thing at a time.
C. Fortune favours the brave. D. Stop and smell the roses.
27. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To tell a story. B. To remember a writer.
C. To teach a lesson. D. To recommend a book.
第24题 C 推理判断题。文章第一段讲到“Anne of Green Gables is ideally meant for children — one might think so when seeing the cover or reading through the back page of the masterpiece. It was first published in the year 1904, authored by Lucy Maud Montgomery, but it still connects to today’s world where we forget to live in the present. (《绿山墙的安妮》是儿童的理想之作——当人们看到封面或翻阅这部杰作的封底时,可能会这么认为。它于1904年首次出版,作者是露西·莫德·蒙哥马利,但它仍然与我们忘记生活在当下的当今世界联系在一起。)”可知,《绿山墙的安妮》是一部永恒的经典之作。故选C。
第25题 A 推理判断题。文章第三段讲到“The book teaches me a lot of things, the most important being — to be who you are. Why do we need to pretend to be somebody else and project a false image of ourselves to look better We need to realize that we are all different in our own way and accept ourselves first. (这本书教会了我很多东西,最重要的是——做你自己。为什么我们需要假装成别人,给自己树立一个虚假的形象,让自己看起来更好?我们需要意识到,我们在自己的方式上都是不同的,并首先接受自己。)”可知,第一句是本段的主旨句,告诉我们本段主旨是:做你自己。下文用安妮的例子来证明这一观点。从第三段我们可以了解到安妮忠于自己。故选A。
第26题 D 推理判断题。文章倒数第二段讲到“I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures (我相信,最美好、最甜蜜的日子并不是那些发生了任何精彩、美妙或激动人心的事情的日子,而是那些带来简单小快乐的日子)”可知,生活中的点滴小事情就是最美好、最甜蜜的日子,因此最符合第19章的引文的是:停下来闻一闻玫瑰花。故选D。
第27题 D 推理判断题。文章最后一段讲到“With its uplifting and refreshing story, it is a wonderful read for people of all ages seeking a joyful and enriching literary journey. (它以其振奋人心、令人耳目一新的故事,为寻求一段快乐而丰富的文学之旅的各个年龄段的人们提供了一本精彩的读物。)”可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是推荐一本书。故选D。
Theo works days, nights, and weekends in the tulip (郁金香) fields in the Netherlands and never complains about tired muscles. How is this possible Theo, named after a retired farmer, is a high-tech robot in the battle to root out disease from the fields.
The robot rolls along rows of yellow and red tulips, checking each plant and, when necessary, killing diseased bulbs (鳞茎) to prevent the spread of the tulip-breaking virus (病毒). The virus weakens the bulb, leaving them unable to flower. The dead bulbs are removed from healthy ones in a sorting center after they have been harvested. There are 45 robots like Theo working in the tulip fields of the Netherlands. Their job becomes important as the winter turns to spring and peak season nears, when people come from around the world to admire the colorful flowers.
In the past, this work was carried out by knowledgeable farmers. Allan Visser is a third-generation tulip farmer who is using the robot. “You could buy a very nice sports car for the price of the robot,” Visser said. The robot costs 185,000 euros. “It’s a lot slower than a sports car, rolling on caterpillar tracks through fields,” he added. “But I choose the robot because a sports car doesn’t see the sick tulips. Now there are fewer and fewer people who can really do that.”
The robots have been trained to detect sick plants. They have cameras and take thousands of photos of the tulips. Their AI model examines the photos, hunting out signs on sick plants, and decides which ones need to be killed. The engineer explains the robots use GPS to be sure they are destroying the correct tulips. The heart of the machine is the knowledge put into the AI model, which comes from experienced tulip farmers like Theo van der Voort, who gave his name to the robot.
Van der Voort retired after 52 years of looking for sick flowers in his fields. “It’s fantastic,” he said. “It sees just as much as I see.”
28. What does the robot do
A. Plant new tulips. B. Clear troubled bulbs.
C. Kill deadly virus. D. Harvest grown flowers.
29. What can we infer from Visser’s words
A. He dreams of a sports car. B. Tulip fields are low in production.
C. The robot is worth the cost. D. Farmers lack technical knowledge.
30. What is the key to making the robots work effectively
A. GPS systems. B. High-tech cameras.
C. Daily training. D. Human knowledge.
31. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. Theo’s Watch: An Advance in Tulip Farming
B. Al Robots: A Replacement for Aging Farmers
C. Tulip Seasons: An Attraction of the Netherlands
D. Visser’s Practice: A Tradition in Tulip Businesses
第28题 B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The robot rolls along rows of yellow and red tulips, checking each plant and, when necessary, killing diseased bulbs(鳞茎)to prevent the spread of the tulip-breaking virus(病毒). The virus weakens the bulb, leaving them unable to flower. The dead bulbs are removed from healthy ones in a sorting center after they have been harvested.(机器人沿着一排排黄色和红色的郁金香滚动,检查每棵植物,必要时,杀死患病的鳞茎,以防止郁金香破裂病毒的传播。病毒削弱了球茎,使它们无法开花。在收获后,死球茎会在分拣中心从健康球茎中取出。)”可知,机器人Theo在郁金香田中滚动,检查每株植物,并在必要时杀死生病的鳞茎以防止郁金香破碎病毒的传播。因此,它的工作是清除有问题的鳞茎。故选B。
第29题 C 推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Allan Visser is a third-generation tulip farmer who is using the robot. “You could buy a very nice sports car for the price of the robot,” Visser said. The robot costs 185,000 euros. “It’s a lot slower than a sports car, rolling on caterpillar tracks through fields,” he added. “But I choose the robot because a sports car doesn’t see the sick tulips. Now there are fewer and fewer people who can really do that.”(Allan Visser是第三代郁金香种植者,他正在使用这个机器人。“你可以用机器人的价格买一辆非常好的跑车,”Visser说。该机器人售价18.5万欧元。“它比跑车慢得多,在田地里的履带上滚动,”他补充说。“但我选择机器人是因为跑车看不到病态的郁金香。现在真正能做到这一点的人越来越少了。”)”可知,从Visser的话中,我们可以推断出他认为这个机器人是值得这个价格的。他提到虽然机器人的价格相当于一辆很漂亮的跑车,但是跑车并不能看到生病的郁金香,而机器人可以。这暗示了他认为机器人虽然昂贵,但其能够执行的工作和带来的效益使得这个价格是值得的。故选C。
第30题 D 推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Their AI model examines the photos, hunting out signs on sick plants, and decides which ones need to be killed. The engineer explains the robots use GPS to be sure they are destroying the correct tulips. The heart of the machine is the knowledge put into the AI model, which comes from experienced tulip farmers like Theo van der Voort, who gave his name to the robot.(他们的人工智能模型检查照片,寻找生病植物上的迹象,并决定哪些需要杀死。这位工程师解释说,机器人使用GPS来确保它们摧毁的是正确的郁金香。这台机器的核心是输入人工智能模型的知识,这些知识来自于经验丰富的郁金香种植者,比如Theo van der Voort,他给这台机器人取了名字。)”可知,机器人的核心是AI模型中的知识,这些知识来自于像Theo van der Voort这样有经验的郁金香农民。这表明,使机器人有效工作的关键是人类的知识和经验,它们被输入到AI模型中,以便机器人能够准确地检测和处理生病的郁金香。故选D。
第31题 A 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Theo works days, nights, and weekends in the tulip(郁金香)fields in the Netherlands and never complains about tired muscles. How is this possible Theo, named after a retired farmer, is a high-tech robot in the battle to root out disease from the fields.( Theo不分昼夜,连周末都在荷兰的郁金香地里工作,从不抱怨肌肉疲劳。这怎么可能呢?Theo是以一位退休农民的名字命名的,他是一个高科技机器人,在田地里消灭疾病。)”以及全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了机器人Theo在荷兰郁金香田中的应用和其在提高生产效率、预防病毒传播方面的重要性。选项A“Theo’s Watch: An Advance in Tulip Farming (Theo的守望:郁金香农业的进步)”既突出了主角机器人Theo,又表明了它所带来的农业进步,最能概括文章的主旨。故选A。
Parents of teenagers often view their children’s friends with distrust, worrying that their children will be pushed by their peers (同龄人) into doing something foolish or even dangerous. Their worries hold water. In a previous study, psychologist Laurence Steinberg found that a teenage driver with a same-age passenger in the car is at higher risk of traffic accidents than one driving alone or with an adult.
In the following years, Steinberg examined why teens were more likely to take risks in the company of other teenagers. In a later study, by scanning (扫描) the brains of 40 teens and adults, Steinberg found the brains of teenagers, but not adults, showed greater activity in two regions associated with rewards when they were being observed by same-age peers. The reward systems of the brain are activated whenever people experience something rewarding, like eating a nice-tasting food, which make them feel satisfied. In this case, rewards are greater for teens, which motivates them to seek higher-risk experiences.
But Steinberg thought peer pressure might also have its positive side. In the latest study, Steinberg’s team used a card game to research how peers affect the way young people gather and apply information. It involved 101 teenage boys who played either alone or with three peers. They chose cards from four decks (牌堆): two decks had “good” cards, and two “bad” ones. Players with peers were more willing to take risks, trying to figure out which decks could help them to win. The results showed that teens playing with their peers engage in more exploratory behavior, learn faster and achieve better performance on the task than those playing alone.
Now some experts are proposing that we should take advantage of the teens’ keen sensitivity (敏感) to the presence of friends to improve education. “Risk taking in an educational context is a vital skill that enables progress and creativity,” wrote Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, a professor at University College London.
32. What do the underlined words “hold water” in paragraph 1 mean
A. Make sense. B. Face doubts.
C. Bring relief. D. Start debates.
33. What is the reason behind teens’ dangerous behavior
A. Inability to tell right from wrong.
B. A sense of satisfaction.
C. Eagerness to follow their friends.
D. Lack of social experience.
34. How does risk-taking affect teens in the latest study
A. It starts fights between them.
B. It inspires them to question.
C. It weakens their independence.
D. It helps them to learn better.
35. What would Blakemore suggest teachers do in the classroom
A. Conduct group discussion.
B. Improve time management.
C. Encourage personal opinions.
D. Develop decision-making skills.
第32题 A 词义猜测题。根据划线词所在句“Parents of teenagers often view their children’s friends with distrust, worrying that their children will be pushed by their peers into doing something foolish or even dangerous. Their worries hold water.”(青少年的父母往往不信任他们孩子的朋友,担心他们的孩子会被同龄人怂恿去做一些愚蠢甚至危险的事情。他们的担忧hold water。)和下文“In a previous study, psychologist Laurence Steinberg found that a teenage driver with a same-age passenger in the car is at higher risk of traffic accidents than one driving alone or with an adult.”(在之前的一项研究中,心理学家劳伦斯·斯坦伯格发现,与单独驾驶或与成年人驾驶相比,与同龄乘客一起驾驶的青少年司机发生交通事故的风险更高。)可知,下文用一项研究结论来说明青少年与同龄人在一起时,做一些愚蠢甚至危险的事情,发生意外的可能性确实更高,所以“父母的担心是有道理的”,hold water与make sense意思相近,意为“有道理”。故选A项。
第33题 B 细节理解题。根据第二段中“The reward systems of the brain are activated whenever people experience something rewarding, like eating a nice-tasting food, which make them feel satisfied. In this case, rewards are greater for teens, which motivates them to seek higher-risk experiences.”(当人们体验到一些有益的东西时,大脑的奖励系统就会被激活,比如吃到美味的食物,这会让他们感到满足。在这种情况下,青少年获得的奖励更大,这促使他们寻求更高风险的体验。)可知,青少年之所以会有危险行为,是因为他们寻求奖励,寻求满足感,所以获得满足感是青少年危险行为背后的原因。故选B项。
第34题 D 细节理解题。根据第三段中“Players with peers were more willing to take risks, trying to figure out which decks could help them to win. The results showed that teens playing with their peers engage in more exploratory behavior, learn faster and achieve better performance on the task than those playing alone.”(有同伴的玩家更愿意冒险,试图找出哪些牌组可以帮助他们获胜。结果表明,与同龄人一起玩的青少年比单独玩的青少年更有探索行为,学习速度更快,在任务中表现更好。)可知,在最新的研究中,有同伴的玩家更愿意冒险,而这种冒险可以帮助青少年学得更快,表现更好。故选D项。
第35题 A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Now some experts are proposing that we should take advantage of the teens’ keen sensitivity (敏感) to the presence of friends to improve education.”(现在,一些专家建议,我们应该利用青少年对朋友在场的敏锐感知来改善教育。)和Blakemore的话“Risk taking in an educational context is a vital skill that enables progress and creativity,”(在教育背景下,冒险是一项重要的技能,它能够促进进步和创造力的发展。)可推知,Blakemore会建议教师在课堂上进行小组讨论等活动,利用青少年对朋友在场的敏锐感知来提高他们的冒险精神和创造力。故选A项。
Standing at the top of a staircase in the Louvre in Paris, the Nike, or the Winged Victory (胜利女神), looks down over her admiring crowds. This statue is one of the most famous artworks of Greek art. ____36____ Later it was brought to Paris and has been on display in the Louvre since 1866.
The Nike consists of two parts: a large ship’s front part, and a standing statue with a total height of more than eighteen feet. It looks like the Winged Victory has just flown down from the sky. ____37____ The wind blows her dress across her body, gathering it in heavy folds, and streaming behind her. When viewers look at her, they can almost feel the wind from the sea. ____38____
The statue, as it stands today in the Louvre, has been partly repaired. The right wing is a modern copy, but the missing feet, arms, and head have not been recovered, giving viewers much to imagine. For instance, did the Nike hold objects in her hands In fact, people found her right hand in 1950, whose fingers are spread out. ____39____ She must have simply raised her right arm in greeting. Her head may have looked straight ahead, and viewers can only guess about the features of her face.
____40____ As one of the few existing examples of original Greek sculpture, it will continue to attract viewers, just as it undoubtedly did before.
A. This means that she cannot have held any object.
B. The Nike is in charge of victory in ancient Greek stories.
C. It was found on a Greek island in the Aegean sea in 1863.
D. This statue was made by artists who left no names in history.
E. It’s hard for them to believe such a lifelike statue is made of stone.
F. Landing on top of the ship, she celebrates the victory of an ancient battle.
G. Despite its incomplete survival, the Winged Victory is truly a masterpiece.
本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了卢浮宫里的Winged Victory雕像的历史,艺术形态和历史价值。
第36题 C 下文“Later it was brought to Paris and has been on display in the Louvre since 1866. (后来被带到巴黎,自1866年以来一直在卢浮宫展出。)”说明的是雕像的历史变迁,因此C项“它于1863年在爱琴海的一个希腊岛屿上被发现”符合语境,故选C。
第37题 F 上文“Winged Victory has just flown down from the sky (Winged Victory刚刚从空中飞下来)”说明的是雕像的状态,空格处承接上文“飞下来”,然后“降落在船顶”,因此F项“她登上舰顶,庆祝一场古老战役的胜利”符合语境,故选F。
第38题 E 上文“The wind blows her dress across her body, gathering it in heavy folds, and streaming behind her. When viewers look at her, they can almost feel the wind from the sea. (风把她的裙子吹到身上,卷起厚厚的褶皱,流到身后。当观众看着她时,他们几乎能感觉到来自大海的风)”说明雕像的形态栩栩如生,因此E项“他们很难相信这么逼真的雕像是石头做的”符合语境,故选E。
第39题 A 上文“For instance, did the Nike hold objects in her hands In fact, people found her right hand in 1950, whose fingers are spread out. (例如,耐克是否将物体握在她的手中?事实上,人们在1950年发现了她的右手,她的手指是张开的)”说明空格处回答了上文提出的问题:是否将物体握在她的手中?因此A项“这意味着她不能拿任何东西”符合语境,故选A。
第40题 G 上文“Her head may have looked straight ahead, and viewers can only guess about the features of her face. (她的头可能直视前方,观众只能猜测她的面部特征)”说明Winged Victory的头部是不存在的,是不完整的,以及下文“As one of the few existing examples of original Greek sculpture, it will continue to attract viewers, just as it undoubtedly did before (作为现存为数不多的希腊原始雕塑之一,它将继续吸引观众,就像它以前毫无疑问地那样)”说明Winged Victory的重要意义和价值,可知,空格处起着承上启下的作用,因此G项“尽管Winged Victory未完全幸存,但它确实是一部杰作”符合语境,故选G。
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分50分)
Jason Smith is a published children’s author and award-winning poet. But growing up, he could ____41____ read.
Jason and his three sisters were raised by a single mother, and she often had to make ____42____ choices about how to use their limited resources—including a ____43____ to send his oldest sister to school, and to keep Jason at home.
Years later, when Jason finally went to school, he couldn’t spell his name and ____44____ to read simple words, which made him feel ____45____. However, this changed when he turned 12. A kind teacher-in-training noticed his ____46____ and stepped in. When she created a special reading program for students like Jason, he was the first to ____47____. This teacher was patient and creative, and she ____48____ him to work hard and believe in himself.
With her help, Jason’s reading skills and confidence ____49____. By the time he finished elementary school, he had earned several _____50_____, including one for being the most improved reader. This teacher not only taught Jason how to _____51_____ but also helped him see his _____52_____ and potential (潜力).
Jason went on to college and graduate school and became an author of children’s books. In 2010, Jason _____53_____ to his old school to find this teacher and thank her, but she no longer taught there. He still hopes to find her one day to show her the _____54_____ she had on his life and how her _____55_____ continues to inspire him.
41. A. hardly B. simply C. eagerly D. silently
42. A. wrong B. popular C. tough D. free
43. A. permission B. chance C. task D. decision
44. A. agreed B. continued C. struggled D. expected
45. A. guilty B. upset C. excited D. interested
46. A. difficulties B. achievements C. appearance D. expression
47. A. calm down B. give in C. sign up D. turn away
48. A. encouraged B. ordered C. invited D. forced
49. A. disappeared B. recovered C. weakened D. improved
50. A. degrees B. awards C. tips D. promotions
51. A. read B. speak C. share D. review
52. A. duty B. position C. worth D. contribution
53. A. adapted B. returned C. replied D. waved
54. A. control B. impact C. comment D. advice
55. A. performance B. service C. bravery D. kindness
本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了儿童作家Jason Smith童年时因家庭困难几乎不会阅读,直到12岁遇到一位实习教师的帮助,通过特殊阅读项目,他的阅读能力和自信心大幅提升。他不仅在小学毕业时获得了多个奖项,还继续深造并成为了一名作家。尽管多年后他未能找到那位老师表达感激,但他仍希望有一天能向她展示她对他生活的深远影响。
第41题 A 考查副词词义辨析。句意:但在成长过程中,他几乎不会阅读。A. hardly几乎不;B. simply简单地;C. eagerly热切地;D. silently安静地。根据下文“Years later, when Jason finally went to school, he couldn’t spell his name”可知,当Jason终于去上学时,他不会拼写自己的名字,因此是几乎不会阅读。故选A。
第42题 C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Jason和他的三个姐妹是由单亲母亲抚养长大的,她经常不得不在如何利用有限的资源方面做出艰难的选择——包括决定送他的大姐去上学,以及让Jason留在家里。A. wrong错误的;B. popular流行的;C. tough艰难的;D. free自由的。根据上文“Jason and his three sisters were raised by a single mother”和下文“about how to use their limited resources”可知,Jason和他的三个姐妹是由单亲母亲抚养长大的,资源非常有限,因此母亲需要做出艰难的选择。故选C。
第43题 D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Jason和他的三个姐妹是由单亲母亲抚养长大的,她经常不得不在如何利用有限的资源方面做出艰难的选择——包括决定送他的大姐去上学,以及让Jason留在家里。A. permission许可;B. chance机会;C. task任务;D. decision决定。根据上文“she often had to make ____2____ choices about how to use their limited resources”可知,母亲经常不得不在如何利用有限的资源方面做出选择,因此是做出送他的大姐去上学,以及让Jason留在家里的决定。故选D。
第44题 C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:多年以后,当Jason终于去上学时,他不会拼写自己的名字,也很难读懂简单的单词,这让他感到沮丧。A. agreed同意;B. continued继续;C. struggled挣扎;D. expected期望。根据上文“he couldn’t spell his name”可知,他不会拼写自己的名字,因此是很难读懂简单的单词,struggle to do sth.意为“挣扎着做某事,苦于做某事”。故选C。
第45题 B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:多年以后,当Jason终于去上学时,他不会拼写自己的名字,也很难读懂简单的单词,这让他感到沮丧。A. guilty有罪的;B. upset沮丧的;C. excited兴奋的;D. interested感兴趣的。根据上文“he couldn’t spell his name”可知,他不会拼写自己的名字,因此他会感到沮丧。故选B。
第46题 A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一位好心的实习教师注意到了他的困难,就介入了。A. difficulties困难;B. achievements成就;C. appearance外貌;D. expression表达。根据上文“he couldn’t spell his name”可知,他不会拼写自己的名字,因此这位老师是注意到他的困难。故选A。
第47题 C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当她为像Jason这样的学生创建了一个特殊的阅读项目时,他是第一个报名的。A. calm down平静下来;B. give in屈服;C. sign up报名;D. turn away拒绝……进入。根据上文“When she created a special reading program for students like Jason”可知,这位老师为像Jason这样的学生创建了一个特殊的阅读项目,由此推知,Jason是报名参加该项目。故选C。
第48题 A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位老师很有耐心,很有创造力,她鼓励他努力学习,相信自己。A. encouraged鼓励;B. ordered命令;C. invited邀请;D. forced强迫。根据上文“This teacher was patient and creative”可知,这位老师很有耐心,很有创造力,因此会鼓励他努力学习,相信自己。故选A。
第49题 D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在她的帮助下,Jason的阅读能力和自信心都有所提高。A. disappeared消失;B. recovered恢复;C. weakened削弱;D. improved提高。根据下文“including one for being the most improved reader”可知,Jason获得了“阅读进步最快奖”,因此是阅读能力和自信心都有所提高。故选D。
第50题 B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:小学毕业时,他已经获得了好几个奖项,其中一个是“阅读进步最快奖”。A. degrees学位;B. awards奖项;C. tips提示;D. promotions提升。根据下文“including one for being the most improved reader”可知,其中一个是“阅读进步最快奖”,因此他获得了好几个奖项。故选B。
第51题 A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位老师不仅教会了Jason如何阅读,还帮助他看到了自己的价值和潜力。A. read阅读;B. speak说话;C. share分享;D. review回顾。根据上文“When she created a special reading program for students like Jason”可知,这位老师为像Jason这样的学生创建了一个特殊的阅读项目,因此是教会了Jason如何阅读。故选A。
第52题 C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位老师不仅教会了Jason如何阅读,还帮助他看到了自己的价值和潜力。A. duty职责;B. position位置;C. worth价值;D. contribution贡献。根据上文“she ____8____ him to work hard and believe in himself.”可知,这位老师让Jason相信自己,再结合下文“and potential (潜力)”可推知,她帮助他看到了自己的价值和潜力。故选C。
第53题 B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:2010年,Jason回到他原来的学校,想找到这位老师并感谢她,但她已经不再在那里教书了。A. adapted适应;B. returned返回;C. replied回复;D. waved挥手。根据下文“to his old school to find this teacher and thank her, but she no longer taught there”可推知,Jason是回到他原来的学校,想找到这位老师并感谢她,结果发现她已经不再在那里教书了。故选B。
第54题 B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他仍然希望有一天能找到她,向她展示她对他生活的影响,以及她的善良如何继续激励着他。A. control控制;B. impact影响;C. comment评论;D. advice建议。根据上文叙述的Jason的阅读能力和自信心大幅提升,继续深造并成为了一名作家可知,这位老师对Jason的生活产生了影响。故选B。
第55题 D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他仍然希望有一天能找到她,向她展示她对他生活的影响,以及她的善良如何继续激励着他。A. performance表现;B. service服务;C. bravery勇敢;D. kindness善良。根据上文“A kind teacher-in-training noticed his ____6____ and stepped in.”可知,这是一位善良的实习教师,是她的善良激励着Jason。故选D。
注意:(1) 每个选项只能使用一次;
A. going all out B. reflects C. look forward to D. come across E. ensure
F. assume G. establishment H. covering I. thanks to J. in particular K. generations
The Chinese government has taken significant steps to protect the rich biodiversity (生物多样性) of Hainan by setting up the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park. This park, ____56____ an area of about 4,269 square kilometers, brings many existing protected zones together to ____57____ effectiveness in management. With experts ____58____ to protect its rich species, the park has become home to many rare and endangered species, the Hainan gibbon (长臂猿) ____59____.
The park ____60____ the goal of keeping natural ecosystems unharmed, and saving valuable natural resources for future ____61____. Great efforts have been made since the ____62____ of the park, leading to a noticeable recovery of gibbons. Furthermore, ____63____ this plan, many other species also benefit.
Making the effort to protect the species is not easy. Despite the unexpected challenges that its workers ____64____, the park has been focusing on achieving its goal. Experts _____65_____ seeing more positive impacts, hoping that continued efforts and new methods will improve Hainan’s ecosystems and help with the long-term survival of its unique wildlife.
第56题 H 考查非谓语动词。句意:该公园占地约4269平方公里,汇集了许多现有的保护区,以确保管理的有效性。句子已有谓语brings,空处是非谓语,结合“an area of about 4,269 square kilometers”可推知,H项covering“占(一片面积)”符合题意,表示占地约4269平方公里,此处是非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰park。故选H。
第57题 E 考查动词。句意:该公园占地约4269平方公里,汇集了许多现有的保护区,以确保管理的有效性。句子已有谓语brings,空处是非谓语,应用动词原形和to构成不定式,作目的状语,结合“effectiveness in management”可推知,E项ensure“确保”符合题意,表示以确保管理的有效性。故选E。
第58题 A 考查非谓语动词。句意:随着专家们全力以赴保护其丰富的物种,该公园已成为许多稀有和濒危物种的家园,特别是海南长臂猿。空处是with的复合结构中的宾语补足语,结合“to protect its rich species”可推知,A项going all out“全力以赴,鼓足干劲”符合题意,go all out to do sth.意为“全力以赴做某事”,表示随着专家们全力以赴保护其丰富的物种。故选A。
第59题 J 考查介词短语。句意:随着专家们全力以赴保护其丰富的物种,该公园已成为许多稀有和濒危物种的家园,特别是海南长臂猿。句子主干成分完整,结合“many rare and endangered species”和“the Hainan gibbon (长臂猿)”可推知,J项in particular“特别,尤其”符合题意,用于强调特定的事物或情况,表示特别是海南长臂猿。故选J。
第60题 B 考查动词。句意:该公园反映了保护自然生态系统不受破坏,并为子孙后代保存宝贵的自然资源的目标。空处作句子的谓语,句子应该是描述当前的情况,时态宜用一般现在时,主语The park为单数,结合“the goal”可推知,B项reflects“反映”符合题意,表示该公园反映了这样的目标。故选B。
第61题 K 考查名词。句意:该公园反映了保护自然生态系统不受破坏,并为子孙后代保存宝贵的自然资源的目标。空处作for的宾语,空前有future,结合“saving valuable natural resources for”可推知,K项generations“一代(人)”符合题意,表示为子孙后代保存宝贵的自然资源。故选K。
第62题 G 考查名词。句意:自公园建立以来,人们做出了巨大的努力,使长臂猿的数量明显恢复。空处作since的宾语,空前有the,结合“of the park”可推知,G项名词establishment“建立,创立”符合题意,表示自公园建立以来。故选G。
第63题 I 考查介词短语。句意:此外,多亏了这一计划,许多其他物种也受益。句子主干成分完整,结合“this plan”可推知,I项thanks to“多亏,由于”符合题意,构成原因状语,表示多亏了这一计划。故选I。
第64题 D 考查动词短语。句意:尽管工作人员遇到了意想不到的挑战,但该公园一直专注于实现其目标。空处作that引导的定语从句的谓语,句中面一般性事实,应用一般现在时,先行词为the unexpected challenges,D项come across“遇到”符合题意,表示工作人员遇到了意想不到的挑战。故选D。
第65题 C 考查动词短语。句意:专家们期待看到更多的积极影响,希望持续的努力和新方法将改善海南的生态系统,并有助于其独特的野生动物的长期生存。空处作句子的谓语,结合“seeing more positive impacts”可推知,C项look forward to“期待”符合题意,look forward to doing sth.意为“期待做某事”,表示期待看到更多的积极影响。故选C。
As night falls on the streets of Shanghai, 27-year-old Ms. Chen can often be seen wandering through the winding alleys (胡同) of the city, ____66____(search) for discarded (遗弃 ) things that can be reused. Chen, a digital marketer, is one of the early ____67____(adopter) of “stooping” in China — a practice of picking up discarded ____68____ usable items (物品) from the streets for reuse.
The concept of stooping was inspired by people ____69____ often leave unwanted but functional items on their front steps, or “stoops,” for others ____70____(take). For Chen, stooping is not just about reducing spending and saving money; she sees it ____71____ a way to prevent waste by giving new life to things that are still us