

名称 广西钦州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题(音频暂未更新)
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文件大小 94.7KB
资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-14 16:07:38


一、第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.(2024高一下·钦州期末) Which team is the woman's daughter in
A.The white one. B.The blue one. C.The black one.
2.(2024高一下·钦州期末) How does the man feel
A.Grateful. B.Angry. C.Excited.
3.(2024高一下·钦州期末) When can the man get his shirt back
A.At 3 pm. B.At 2 pm. C.At 1 pm.
4.(2024高一下·钦州期末) Who might the woman be
A.A tourist. B.A salesperson. C.A waitress.
5.(2024高一下·钦州期末) What will the man do
A.Open the window.
B.Turn off the air conditioner.
C.Turn on the air conditioner.
二、第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.How long has the woman been absent from the fitness class
A.One week. B.Two weeks. C.Three weeks.
7.What is the man going to do
A.Go shopping. B.Prepare dinner. C.Finish his work.
8. Why does the man need to prepare a gift
A.For the girl's victory in a competition.
B.For the girl's birthday.
C.For the girl's future wedding.
9.What will the girl's grandma buy her
A.A watch. B.A schoolbag. C.A cake.
10.What are the speakers talking about at first
A.How to stay happy.
B.How to keep secrets.
C.How to eat healthily.
11.What is the woman's attitude towards life
A.Worried. B.Positive. C.Doubtful.
12.When does the man start work
A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.At night.
13.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.On a plane. B.In a supermarket. C.In a restaurant.
14.What does the man ask the woman to do at first
A.Open his window shade.
B.Bring him some food.
C.Change his seat.
15.What do we know about the man
A.He will move to Row 30, SeatA.
B.He has never flown before.
C.His flight will last for 8 hours.
16. What will the man have
A.Tea and pasta.
B.Soda and chicken salad.
C.Coffee and a turkey sandwich.
17.What programme is the speaker hosting
A.Today on History.
B.The American Sportsman.
C.ABC's Wide World of Sports.
18.What does Joe Brooks do
A.He's a sportsman. B.He's a fisherman. C.He's a politician.
19.What was The American Sportsman about
A.Sportsmen's successful experience.
B.Fishing and hunting experiences.
C.Different sorts of sports.
20.Why was the Curt Gowdy State Park built
A.To honor Curt Gowdy's work.
B.To put on sports shows.
C.To call on people to do exercise.
三、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Discover the art that moves you
Everyone is invited to enjoy kinetic art at Tate Modern
Art isn't just paintings hanging on walls. It can move. Art that moves is known as kinetic art. If this sounds like fun, head to UNIQLO Tate Play Holiday Make Studio: Kinetic at Tate Modern, where you can create your very own works inspired by art in Tate's collection. Materials will be provided, so all you need to build a piece of moving art is your imagination!
Design your own kinetic art
To make your piece of kinetic art at home, follow these simple steps below.
What you will need:
●Tape or string.
●Any spare materials such as paper, cardboard, buttons and plastic bottles.
1).Forinspiration,havealookonTate'swebsiteforkids www.tate.org.uk/kids.
2). Now, think about what you are going to create. Is it an object like a butterfly or a rocket, or will it be a special shape and object
3). Try and find suitable spare materials to fit your idea. For example, paper for butterfly wings, cardboard circles for the Sun, a tin can for a special shape.
4). Carefully build your design and then use the tape or string to attach it to a coat hanger or old plastic bottle so it can twist and turn.
5). Ignore these rules and create your own moving art however you want to—just remember, it has to move!
How can I find out more
UNIQLO Tate Play Holiday Make Studio: Kinetic runs from 25 May to 2 June at Tate Modern, London. It's free and no booking is required, just drop in!
For more information,searchUNIQLOTatePlayorgotowww.tate.org.uk/whats-on.
21.What can we learn about the art mentioned in this text
A.It focuses on paintings. B.It is movable.
C.It has strict rules. D.It has to hang on walls.
22.Which best describes the kind of art
A.Eventful. B.Practical. C.Imaginative. D.Common.
23.What is the main purpose of the text
A.To promote a kind of art. B.To introduce a website.
C.To create an idea. D.To inspire children.
Opera is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. However, it requires only an opportunity to awaken people's interest. A Yue Opera play titled New Dragon Gate Inn is just the opportunity.
As the play gains popularity, an actress, who plays the important supporting role of JiaTing, has become a star. Nicknamed the "Jade-faced Man", Jia's handsome appearance and attractive yet natural charm have got more attention.
Now the actress is sparking a Yue Opera fever in China. She says her profession is a combination of the charms of both genders while showing a mysterious sense of beauty.
Innovation(创新) may be an important reason for this play to be popular. Unlike traditional opera stage, the theater is like an inn. The audience sit close to the performers. They are guests in the inn, and sometimes, the performers interact with them. In some cases, the audience become part of the play. They immerse themselves in a unique and fascinating viewing experience. The idea of the stage seems to disappear. So does the distance between performers and the audience. The audience and performers are all part of the play.
This fresh, unusual viewing experience has drawn young people to the theater again and again. They really like it. The success of New Dragon Gate Inn comes not only from the charm of the work itself, but also from the cultural heritage. Through the play, more people have come to realize that Yue Opera can tap more opportunities for the future of Chinese traditional opera.
"Opera is absorbed in the DNA of the Chinese. After a small stone is cast, the DNA awakens. I hope I am that small stone," the actress said. "Today, we are putting in great efforts to make Yue Opera more popular with the younger generation. This is a positive step in the revival of this ancient art."
24.What makes New Dragon Gate Inn popular
A.Its simple plot. B.Its traditional opera stage.
C.Its classical music. D.Its creative stage design.
25.Which is closest in meaning to "immerse" in paragraph 4
A.Absorb. B.Addict. C.Express. D.Ease.
26.What is the key factor for the success of New Dragon Gate Inn
A.Many famous actors.
B.The effective publicity strategy.
C.The cultural heritage.
D.The popularity of Yue Opera.
27.What does the actress hope to achieve for Yue Opera
A.To make it popular among young people.
B.To keep it the same as it's always been.
C.To perform it in different countries.
D.To earn more awards for herself.
Today, many people spend a lot of time reading online. Whether reading news or e-books, people are spending more time staring at screens. While online reading opens up a great deal of knowledge to people, there are some disadvantages too, such as tired eyes, headaches, as well as difficulty in focusing on the text. Now a new reading system, Bionic Reading developed by a Swiss company, can help people overcome these issues, and most importantly, it aims to help people read faster online and develop a more in-depth understanding of the content.
The reading system improves the reading process by guiding the eyes through the text with artificial fixation points. To make it short: some parts of the words are displayed in bold(粗体). As a result, the reader only focuses on the highlighted letters and lets the brain center complete the rest. Your brain can "read" faster than your eyes, so by reducing the number of letters your eye needs to look at, you can read faster while still preserving the full context.
The company discovered the system by accident. They were working on designing a book in a foreign language and realized they could read it if they sectioned it off. They worked for six years to develop Bionic Reading and are still working to adjust it.
An early study was conducted but more research is needed before it can be definitively shown that the system improves reading. Some people with ADHD(注意缺陷多动障碍) have proved that Bionic Reading helps them focus and understand what they are reading. Other people don't seem to notice a big difference compared to the regular text. There's also no evidence to suggest Bionic Reading is any better than the regular text. The best way to know if Bionic Reading helps you read better online is to try it yourself.
28.What is the main purpose of Bionic Reading
A.To make online reading more interesting.
B.To improve online reading speed and understanding.
C.To study the effects of online reading on the brain.
D.To figure out several online reading problems.
29.What is paragraph 2 mainly about
A.The effect of current online reading.
B.The creation story of Bionic Reading.
C.The advantages of Bionic Reading.
D.The principle of Bionic Reading.
30.What can we infer about Bionic Reading from the last paragraph
A.It only helps with foreign languages.
B.Research proves it works for everyone.
C.It is better than traditional reading methods.
D.Its effect varies among different individuals.
31.What is the main idea of the text
A.Online reading is of great benefits.
B.New system improves online reading.
C.Traditional reading faces new challenges.
D.Bionic reading changes our reading habits.
(2024高一下·钦州期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
A team in Europe are working with wood, but not in the usual ways. They are not carpenters (木匠). Instead, they are scientists exploring how wood can lead to a greener electronic device, a transistor (晶体管) made from balsa wood, whose production releases less climate-warming gas into the air.
Transistors play an important role in computers and other devices. They act like tiny switches to control the flow of electricity. Engineers use them to process and store data. Today's laptops may host billions of them. So they must be tiny—only a little wider than a strand of DNA.
The new transistor being built by physicist Isak Engquist and his team at Sweden's Link ping University isn't as small as those. Big enough to see and hold, it can stand only an electric pressure that pushes electrons along. And it controls a current using charged particles (粒子) called ions.
This new technology shows a "proof of concept" that the idea can work, even if the new device is not yet ready to put into today's electronics. "While it seems large by today's standards, such a transistor still might prove useful for electronics that require low electric pressures," says Engquist.
"The new transistor suggests that future electronic devices might be made in living plants," Daniel Simon, a physicist in the team, says. "Imagine peeling away some bar k from a living tree," he says, "and stamping electronic circuits into the living wood."
In fact, Engquist says, "There are so many ways we can use wood and the components of wood that we would never have thought of." For instance, he can now imagine a wood-based sensor that could monitor crop health, measure pollution or survey a forest for fire risk.
32.Which can best describe the transistor
A.Costly. B.Widely used.
C.Time-saving. D.More environmentally friendly.
33.What is the new transistor's disadvantage compared to common transistors
A.It is much bigger.
B.It can't stand electric pressure.
C.It can't be seen.
D.It is made from metal.
34.What is Engquist's attitude to the new transistor's future
A.Uncertain. B.Positive. C.Doubtful. D.Indifferent.
35.What may be the best title for the text
A.Wood's surprising roles in modern electronic design
B.Scientists are researching the history of transistors
C.Wood-made transistors: a step toward greener electronics
D.Scientists are working as carpenters to invent transistors
四、第二节 (共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Most of us agree that life's real education happens outside the classroom.  36.  However, they are not the only ones. In fact, traveling is the best way to learn things. Here are some reasons why traveling is the best form of education.
You learn history.  37.   All that was really cool. However, nothing beats traveling to historic landmarks and exploring your way around a city's history and culture. When you visit museums, palaces and galleries, the entire nation's history comes out right in front of you. Learning about different dynasties, conflicts and changes is so much easier when you actually explore a nation.
You learn social skills. You may be shy and find it difficult to engage yourself socially. But traveling will change that as things like talking to strangers are not an option but a necessity during travels. Taking some social skill courses is useful. However, you can achieve it by traveling your way to a wonderful place on your own.  38.  .
You learn to do new things. When you are traveling, you are forced to do plenty of new things.  39.   Therefore, you must learn to be able to adapt to a new learning environment in a very short time. It also helps in your overall learning as well.
 40.   Probably the most important aspect of education that travel helps is your education about yourself. By traveling, you realize your true potential, the things that you really enjoy and the person who you really are. Without travel, you probably have a very limited understanding of yourself. And you may even be completely unaware of your real personality.
A. You learn about yourself.
B. You learn a lot by chatting.
C. You are out of your comfort or familiar situation.
D. You'll learn much better than through such courses.
E. You can study about the major historical events in your history class.
F. Classrooms with teachers and textbooks are of course one way to learn.
G. This helps you meet a lot of new people and experience some exciting things.
五、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
(2024高一下·钦州期末)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Thomas became a hero at
61. One night, his family had already gone to 41. . In the house next to Thomas' lived a mom, a little boy and a little girl. The mom had been preparing dinner. Feeling 42. , she forgot about the food and fell asleep on a sofa. When she 43. ,the house was full of fire and smoke.
44. the girl and her mom ran out, but the boy was left inside. The mom 45. knocking on Thomas' door. He got up quickly and went to answer the door. The woman 46. and asked Thomas to help her son, who was in the 47. . Thomas told his wife to call 911, and quickly went to 48. .
Thomas 49. rushed into the house to save the boy. He was crawling(爬行) on his 50. and knees, trying to find the boy. It was 51. with no electricity, and the wood panels were burning and making his hands blister(起水疱). At this point, he didn't care; his 52. was to save the boy. Finally, he found the boy 53. in the hallway unconscious(昏迷的). He picked up the boy and ran out. When they finally got outside, Thomas performed CPR on the boy and made him come back to life.
Thomas was later 54. the Government Award for his bravery. He was also awarded the Carnegie Medal for his act of heroism. Thomas's story is a great example of someone being 55. .
41.A. hospital B. work C. church D. bed
42.A. annoyed B. disappointed C. frightened D. tired
43.A. came over B. walked around
C. woke up D. looked down
44.A. Luckily B. Accidentally
C. Gradually D. Actually
45.A. stopped B. kept C. forgot D. enjoyed
46.A. waved B. argued C. cried D. promised
47.A. water B. fire C. kitchen D. library
48.A. paint B. sleep C. help D. play
49.A. hesitantly B. lately C. sadly D. bravely
50.A. hands B. eyes C. ears D. feet
51.A. strange B. new C. dark D. clean
52.A. focus B. dream C. plan D. ambition
53.A. reading B. lying C. drinking D. sitting
54.A. recorded B. calmed C. awarded D. prized
55.A. normal B. useless C. important D. selfless
六、第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
You may sometimes notice people with purple circles on their skin from cupping (拔火罐). Or maybe you know someone  56.   believes in acupuncture(针灸) for his back pain.
More and more people are using practices  57.   these from traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) to not only fight disease, but also prevent it.
TCM is  58.   ancient system of health that  59.   (use) in China for thousands of years. While western medicine focuses mainly on treating disease, TCM looks at your entire well-being. With a little background on how it's used, you can make wiser choices to improve your health.
Western medicine tends  60.   (view) the body a lot as a car. It has different systems that need the right inputs and outputs. TCM, on the other hand, is based on balance, harmony, and energy. There are two  61.   (centre) ideas behind TCM:
Qi: This is also called life energy. The  62.   (believe) is that it runs throughout your body. It's always on the move and  63.   (constant) changes. TCM treatments often focus on ways to promote and maintain the flow of qi.
Yin and yang: These are  64.  (opposite) that describe the qualities of qi. It's believed 65.   everything in life has a little bit of its opposite but balance is the key.
According to TCM, when the yin and yang of qi is in balance, you feel healthy and well. When not, you feel sick. TCM aims to create harmony and a healthy flow of qi.
七、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (满分15分)
66.(2024高一下·钦州期末)假定你是李华,你的外国朋友 Peter写信来询问你的暑期计划。请你给他写一封回信,内容包括:
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
八、第二节 (满分25分)
My name is Shelly and I am a young author. I have been writing books for years and they have been published. However, they didn't sell well. I thought it was time to promote the sales and share my stories with the world by myself. However, I hadn't expected that this decision would take me on an adventure I could have never imagined.
I have always loved the fast-paced atmosphere of this modern city. It keeps my mind sharp and quick. With my bag full of copies of my first book, I set out to sell them. I walked along the busy streets, stopping at every possible bookstore, trying to persuade them to stock my book. But every manager I spoke to gave me the same answer—"Sorry, we are not interested."
I was sad. I had put my heart and soul into my book, and here I was, facing many rejections. But I refused to give up. I knew that I needed to get my books sold. As I walked, lost in my thoughts, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw a young man, probably in his mid-twenties, smiling at me. "Excuse me, Miss. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with that bookstore manager. I happen to own a small bookstore a few blocks from here. I would be happy to stock your book," the man said.
I couldn't believe my luck. I followed the young man to his bookstore. He introduced himself as Alex, and we ended up chatting for hours. He had a love for books and was glad to help a struggling author like me. From that day on, Alex's bookstore became my go-to place to sell my books.
Months went by, and slowly, my books started selling well. Alex and I became good friends, and he even recommended my books to his customers. I was happy and grateful for his support, but my journey was not smooth.
1.续写词数应为 150个左右;
One day, as I got to the bookstore, I noticed many people outside.
With the help of our supporters, we were able to reopen the bookstore.
【解析】【听力原文】M:Which team is your daughter in—the one playing in white
W:No, she's in the blue team. Look, she's over there, next to the boy in the black hat.
【分析】问题:这位女士的女儿在哪个队?根据"she's in the blue team."她在蓝队。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M:I got a promotion today! I have become the manager of my department!
W:That's good news. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you.
【分析】问题:男士感觉如何?根据"I got a promotion today! I have become the manager of my department!"我今天升职了!我已经成为我部门的经理了!可推知他很兴奋,故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W:Excuse me, what can I do for you
M:I'd like this shirt to be dry-cleaned. And I have to wear it this afternoon to attend a business meeting. Could you help me with it
W:Sure. It is 12 o'clock now. You can take it away in three hours.
【分析】问题:男士什么时候能拿回衬衫?根据"It is 12 o'clock now. You can take it away in three hours."现在是12点钟。你可以在三个小时后把它拿走。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】M:Excuse me, could you give me a menu and tell me some specials
W:Sure. Today's special has a choice of pizza or cold noodles and beef.
M:Sounds good. I'm going to try some pizza.
【解析】【听力原文】M:Does anyone mind me turning on the air conditioning It's hot here.
W:Actually,I would prefer it if you didn't do that. Air conditioning makes me feel a little cold.
M:All right. I'm opening the window. Is that okay
W:Oh, sure. We need fresh air here.
【分析】问题:男士将要做什么?根据"I'm opening the window. Is that okay "我要打开窗户。可以吗?;以及"Oh, sure. We need fresh air here."哦,当然。我们这里需要新鲜空气。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W:Matt, the fitness coach texted me again. I signed up for the fitness class three weeks ago. But I only went to the gym in the first week.
M:Why did you waste money on something you're not interested in There are many ways to exercise. The key is to have self-control.
W:Stop saying that again! Let's go to the supermarket. Shopping isn't a bad way of exercising. I can keep going.
M:Are you serious I've got a lot of work to do and will pick up our son from school today. Aren't you going to prepare dinner for us
W:All right.
6.问题:这位女士缺席健身课多久了?根据"Matt, the fitness coach texted me again. I signed up for the fitness class three weeks ago. But I only went to the gym in the first week."Matt,健身教练又给我发短信了。我三周前报名参加了健身课。但我仅在第一周去了健身房。可知她缺席了两周,故选B。
7.问题:男士将要做什么?根据"I've got a lot of work to do and will pick up our son from school today."我有很多工作要做,今天要去学校接我们的儿子。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W:I won first place in the dancing competition. You and Mom promised to buy me a watch and a schoolbag. I haven't forgotten it.
M:But your mother promised to buy you a dress, not a schoolbag. Instead, your grandma will buy a schoolbag for you, right
W:Oh, yes. I get them mixed up. Grandma also makes a cake for me on my birthday every year.
M:Yeah, she loves you so much that I can imagine how unwilling she'll be when you get married.
8.问题:为什么男士需要准备礼物?根据"I won first place in the dancing competition. You and Mom promised to buy me a watch and a schoolbag. I haven't forgotten it."我在舞蹈比赛中得了第一名。你和妈妈答应给我买手表和书包。我没有忘记。故选A。
9.问题:女孩的奶奶会给她买什么?根据" Instead, your grandma will buy a schoolbag for you, right "相反,你奶奶会给你买一个书包,对吧?;以及"Oh, yes. I get them mixed up."哦,是的。我搞混了。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M:You really amaze me, Cynthia. You're never tired or sad. You always look so happy. What's your secret
W:Actually I feel tired or sad from time to time. But I generally try to stay positive and healthy. I prefer to see the bright side of everything.
M:That's very good. Sometimes I can't help being unhappy, even though I don't want to be like that. By the way, are you a morning person
W:Oh, yes, I'm an early bird. I wake up at 6:00 am every day, even though I start work at 9:00 am. I'm often the first one to get to the office.
M:That's too early! I write novels at home. I like to work at night, because I usually start to get some inspiration from 8:00 pm.
10.问题:谈话人首先在谈论什么?根据"You always look so happy. What's your secret "你总是看起来很开心。你的秘诀是什么?故选A。
11.问题:女士对生活的态度是什么?根据"But I generally try to stay positive and healthy. I prefer to see the bright side of everything."但我通常会努力保持积极和健康。我更喜欢看到事物的光明面,故选B。
12.问题:男士什么时候开始工作?根据"I like to work at night, because I usually start to get some inspiration from 8:00 pm."我喜欢在晚上工作,因为我通常从晚上8点开始获得一些灵感。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M:Excuse me, Miss
M:My window shade is broken, and I cannot open it to see the sky. Could you please change a seat for me so I can have a window with a view This is my first flight. I want to enjoy the scenery.
W:Of course! Let me move you to Row 13, Seat A.
M:Thank you. Could you tell me how long this flight will take
W:We should be in the air for about six hours.
M:Okay. Thank you.
W:You're welcome. Would you like something to drink
M:What do you have
W:We serve coffee, tea, and soda.
M:I'll have coffee with sugar please.
W:No problem. And would you like something to eat
M:That would be great! What do you have
W:We have the turkey sandwich, chicken salad, and vegetarian pasta.
M:I'd like a turkey sandwich. Thank you.
13.问题:对话可能发生在哪里?根据"My window shade is broken, and I cannot open it to see the sky. Could you please change a seat for me so I can have a window with a view This is my first flight."我的窗帘坏了,我无法打开它看天空。你能为我换个座位吗?这样我就可以有一扇可以看到风景的窗户了?这是我的第一次飞行。可推知他们在飞机上,故选A。
14.问题:起初,男士要求女士做什么?根据"Could you please change a seat for me so I can have a window with a view "你能为我换个座位吗?这样我就可以有一扇可以看到风景的窗户了?故选C。
15.问题:关于男士我们了解什么?根据"This is my first flight. "这是我的第一次飞行。可知他以前从未坐过飞机。故选B。
16.问题:男士会喝什么吃什么?根据"I'll have coffee with sugar please."我要加糖的咖啡;以及"I'd like a turkey sandwich."我想要一个火鸡三明治。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M:Hello, it's me David Smith. Welcome back to Today on History. Today is July 31st.So I'll talk about Curt Gowdy. Born on July 31st, 1919, he was an excellent sports broadcaster and host of the outdoor show. He developed the idea for the television sports show and hosted ABC's Wide World of Sports, which showed a variety of sports on Saturday afternoon. In1964, Gowdy made a video for a show in which he and the famous fisherman Joe Brooks went fishing in the Argentine mountains. It became a hit and almost immediately ABC created a new show built around outdoor amusement—The American Sportsman, hosted by Curt Gowdy. The show focused on fishing and hunting experiences involving famous persons from movie stars, athletes to educators. For millions of Americans, the show was their window to the natural world. Gowdy, an active environmentalist, was a member of the Conservation Hall of Fame International. To honor his work, the State of Wyoming built the Curt Gowdy StatePark in 1972. The park lies above 6,450 feet in height. Gowdy loved it, saying "It has two beautiful lakes, hiking trails, fishing and beauty. What greater honor can a man receive " OK, so much for today. Goodbye.
17.问题:发言人主持什么节目?根据" Welcome back to Today on History. Today is July 31st. So I'll talk about Curt Gowdy. "欢迎回到《历史上的今天》。今天是7月31日。所以我要谈谈科特·高迪。故选A。
18.问题: Joe Brooks是做什么的?根据"In1964, Gowdy made a video for a show in which he and the famous fisherman Joe Brooks went fishing in the Argentine mountains. "1964年,Gowdy为一个节目制作了一段视频,他和著名渔民 Joe Brooks在阿根廷山区钓鱼。故选B。
19.问题:《美国运动员》是关于什么的?根据"The show focused on fishing and hunting experiences involving famous persons from movie stars, athletes to educators. "该节目聚焦于从电影明星、运动员到教育工作者等名人的钓鱼和狩猎经历。故选B。
20.问题:为什么要建造 Curt Gowdy 州立公园?根据" To honor his work, the State of Wyoming built the Curt Gowdy StatePark in 1972."为了表彰他的工作,怀俄明州于1972年建造了Curt Gowdy州立公园。故选A。
21.考查细节理解。根据Everyone is invited to enjoy kinetic art at Tate Modern部分中的"Art isn't just paintings hanging on walls. It can move."艺术不只是挂在墙上的画。它可以移动。可知,文中提到的艺术是可移动的。故选B。
22.考查推理判断。根据Everyone is invited to enjoy kinetic art at Tate Modern部分中的"Materials will be provided, so all you need to build a piece of moving art is your imagination!"材料将被提供,你创作一件动态艺术所需要的只是你的想象力!可知,这种艺术是富有想象力的。故选C。
23.考查推理判断。根据小标题"Everyone is invited to enjoy kinetic art at Tate Modern"每个人都被邀请在泰特现代美术馆欣赏动态艺术。可知,本文介绍了在Tate Modern举办的一个动态艺术工作室,这项艺术以及自己创作这个艺术所需要的材料,创作步骤以及联系方式等;可推知,本文目的是推广一种动态艺术。故选A。
24.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"Innovation (创新) may be an important reason for this play to be popular. Unlike traditional opera stage, the theater is like an inn. "创新可能是这部剧受欢迎的一个重要原因。与传统的歌剧舞台不同,剧场就像一个客栈;以及"The idea of the stage seems to disappear. So does the distance between performers and the audience. The audience and performers are all part of the play."舞台的概念似乎消失了。演员和观众之间的距离也是如此。观众和演员都是这出戏的一部分。可知,这部剧的舞台是整个剧场,被设计成一个客栈,观众成为客栈的客人,距离感消失,反而成为这出戏的一部分。这样特殊的舞台设计,是这部剧受欢迎的一个重要原因。故选D。
25.考查词义猜测。根据第四段中的"They are guests in the inn, and sometimes, the performers interact with them. In some cases, the audience become part of the play. "他们是客栈里的客人,有时,演员会与他们互动。在某些情况下,观众成为戏剧的一部分。可知,观众成为了戏剧的一部分,会与演员互动,这样的情境下,观众应是会沉浸其中,更加专注于戏剧表演。可推知,划线词immerse是"沉浸其中,专注于"之意,故选A。
26.考查细节理解。根据第五段中的"The success of New Dragon Gate Inn comes not only from the charm of the work itself, but also from the cultural heritage."新龙门客栈的成功不仅来自作品本身的魅力,更来自文化底蕴。可知,该剧的成功不仅是作品本身的魅力,其关键因素是文化底蕴。故选C。
27.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"I hope I am that small stone"我希望我就是那块小石头;以及"Today, we are putting in great efforts to make Yue Opera more popular with the younger generation. This is a positive step in the revival of this ancient art. "今天,我们正在努力使越剧更受年轻一代的欢迎。这是这门古老艺术复兴的积极一步。可知,这位演员希望自己可以激起年轻人对戏剧的热爱,使越剧更受年轻一代的欢迎。故选A。
28.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"Now a new reading system, Bionic Reading developed by a Swiss company, can help people overcome these issues, and most importantly, it aims to help people read faster online and develop a more in-depth understanding of the content."现在,一家瑞士公司开发的一种新的阅读系统仿生阅读可以帮助人们克服这些问题,最重要的是,它旨在帮助人们更快地在线阅读,并对内容有更深入的理解。可知,仿生阅读系统旨在帮助人们更快地在线阅读并更深入地理解内容。故选B。
29.考查段落大意。根据第二段"The reading system improves the reading process by guiding the eyes through the text with artificial fixation points. In short, some parts of the words are displayed in bold(粗体的). As a result, the reader only focuses on the highlighted letters and lets the brain center complete the rest. Your brain can ‘read' faster than your eyes, so by reducing the number of letters your eye needs to look at, you can read faster while still preserving the full context."阅读系统通过人工注视点引导眼睛通过文本,从而改善阅读过程。简而言之,单词的某些部分以粗体显示。因此,读者只关注突出显示的字母,而让大脑中心完成其余的部分。大脑的"阅读"速度比眼睛快,所以通过减少眼睛需要看的字母数量,你可以在保持全文的同时读得更快。可知,本段主要描述了仿生阅读是如何通过人工注视点引导眼睛阅读文本,以及如何通过突出显示部分字母来减少眼睛需要查看的字母数量,从而提高阅读速度,即主要讲述了仿生阅读的原理。故选D。
30.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"Some people with ADHD(注意缺陷多动障碍) have proved that Bionic Reading helps them focus and understand what they are reading. Other people don't seem to notice a big difference compared to the regular text. There's also no evidence to suggest Bionic Reading is any better than the regular text. "一些患有多动症的人已经证明,仿生阅读可以帮助他们集中注意力并理解他们正在阅读的内容。其他人似乎没有注意到与常规文本相比有很大的不同。也没有证据表明仿生阅读比常规文本更好。可知,最后一段提到一些人,特别是患有ADHD的人,发现仿生阅读有助于他们集中注意力和理解所读内容,而其他人则没有明显感觉到与常规文本的差异,即推断出仿生阅读的效果因人而异。故选D。
31.考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"Now a new reading system, Bionic Reading developed by a Swiss company, can help people overcome these issues, and most importantly, it aims to help people read faster online and develop a more in-depth understanding of the content."现在,一家瑞士公司开发的一种新的阅读系统仿生阅读可以帮助人们克服这些问题,最重要的是,它旨在帮助人们更快地在线阅读,并对内容有更深入的理解;以及通读全文,文章主要介绍了仿生阅读系统如何帮助改善在线阅读体验,包括提高阅读速度和理解能力。"新系统改善在线阅读"概括文章主要内容,故选B。
32.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"Instead, they are scientists exploring how wood can lead to a greener electronic device, a transistor (晶体管) made from balsa wood, whose production releases less climate-warming gas into the air."相反,他们是科学家,正在探索木材如何导致更环保的电子设备,由轻木制成的晶体管,其生产中释放到空气中的温室气体更少。可知,由木材制成的晶体管,生产释放到空气中的温室气体更少,所以说,这种晶体管更环保。故选D。
33.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"The new transistor being built by physicist Isak Engquist and his team at Sweden's Linkoping University isn't as small as those. Big enough to see and hold, it can stand only an electric pressure that pushes electrons along. "瑞典林雪平大学的物理学家Isak Engquist和他的团队正在制造的新型晶体管并不像那些那么小。它大到可以看到和握住,只能承受推动电子前进的电压力。可知,新的晶体管不像那些传统的晶体管那么小,大到可以看到和握住,因此,新的晶体管要比传统晶体管大,这是新式晶体管的缺点。故选A。
34.考查推理判断。根据第四段中的"‘While it seems large by today's standards, such a transistor still might prove useful for electronics that require low electric pressures,' says Engquist.""虽然以今天的标准来看它看起来很大,但这种晶体管仍然可能被证明对需要低电压力的电子产品有用,"Engquist说。可知,Engquist认为,虽然这种晶体管看起来很大,但是对需要低电压的电子产品来说是有用的,可推知,Engquist对新晶体管的未来持乐观态度。故选B。
35.考查标题归纳。根据第一段中的"Instead, they are scientists exploring how wood can lead to a greener electronic device, a transistor (晶体管) made from balsa wood, whose production releases less climate-warming gas into the air."相反,他们是科学家,正在探索木材如何导致更环保的电子设备,由轻木制成的晶体管,其生产中释放到空气中的温室气体更少;以及下文中介绍的这种新型晶体管的优缺点可知,本文主要介绍的是一个科学家团队正在探索的一种由木材制成的更环保的晶体管,"木制晶体管:迈向绿色电子产品的一步"与本文的内容吻合,且概括了文章的主题,适合作为本文标题。故选C。
36.根据空前"Most of us agree that life's real education happens outside the classroom."我们中大多数人认为生活中的真正的教育发生在教室之外。表达了一个普遍的观点,即大多数人认为生活中真正的教育不仅仅局限于教室之内。 F. Classrooms with teachers and textbooks are of course one way to learn. "有老师和教科书的教室当然是学习的方式之一。"是对上文的补充,说明了尽管生活中有很多其他形式的教育,但传统的教室学习——有老师和教科书的环境——仍然是学习的一种方式。这句话在逻辑上起到了承上启下的作用,既肯定了教室学习的价值,又为后文的转折做了铺垫;以及空后"However, they are not the only ones."然而,他们不是唯一的方法。进行了转折,指出教室学习并不是唯一的学习方式。故选F。
37.根据空前"You learn history."你学习历史。表明学习历史是一个普遍存在的行为。 E. You can study about the major historical events in your history class. "你可以在历史课上学习重大历史事件",具体化了学习历史的途径之一,即在历史课上学习主要历史事件,承接上文,符合语境。故选E。
38.根据空前"Taking some social skill courses is useful. However, you can achieve it by traveling your way to a wonderful place on your own. "参加一些社交技能课程是有用的。然而,你可以通过独自前往一个美妙的地方来实现它。强调了通过旅行来学习社交技能的优势。 作者认为,独自前往一个美丽的地方旅行,是提升社交技能的一种更加有效的方式。此处要对前面的内容进行了总结和升华。D. You'll learn much better than through such courses."你将学习的更好通过这样的课程"明确指出了通过旅行来学习社交技能的优势:比参加社交技能课程更加有效,总结上述内容。故选D。
39.根据空前"When you are traveling, you are forced to do plenty of new things."当你旅行时,你被迫做很多新的事情。强调旅行会使人们不断尝试新的事情;以及空后"Therefore, you must learn to be able to adapt to a new learning environment in a very short time."因此,你必须学会能够在短时间内适应一个新的学习环境。强调旅行学习的结果。此处承上启下,上文强调尝试新的事情, C. You are out of your comfort or familiar situation. "你在你的舒适区或者熟悉的情况之外"符合语境,故选C。
40.根据空后"Probably the most important aspect of education that travel helps is your education about yourself."旅行对教育的最大帮助可能在于它对你的自我教育。是对上文的解释,强调的自我教育是旅行对教育的最大帮助, A. You learn about yourself. "你了解自己"符合语意,故选A。
41.句意:一天晚上,他的家人已经上床睡觉了。A. hospital"医院";B. work"工作";C. church "教堂";D. bed"床"。根据空前"One night";以及下文"He got up quickly and went to answer the door."可知,晚上他已经上床睡觉,后来被叫醒,立马起床。故选D。
42.句意:她觉得很累,就忘了食物,在沙发上睡着了。A. annoyed"恼怒的";B. disappointed"失望的";C. frightened"害怕的";D. tired"疲劳的"。根据空后"she forgot about the food and fell asleep on a sofa"可知,她很累,在沙发上睡着了。故选D。
43.句意:当她醒来时,屋子里充满了火和烟。A. came over"过来";B. walked around"四处走动";C. woke up"醒来";D. looked down"往下看"。根据上文"fell asleep on a sofa";以及空后"the house was full of fire and smoke"可知,她醒来发现屋子着火了。故选C。
44.句意:幸运的是,女孩和她妈妈跑了出去,但男孩被留在了里面。A. Luckily"幸运地";B. Accidentally"偶然地";C. Gradually"逐渐地";D. Actually"事实上"。根据空后"the girl and her mom ran out"可知,着火了,女孩和妈妈跑出去了,这是幸运的。故选A。
45.句意:那位妈妈不停地敲Thomas的门。A. stopped"停止";B. kept"保持,继续";C. forgot "忘记";D. enjoyed"欣赏"。根据上文"the house was full of fire and smoke";"but the boy was left inside";以及下文"asked Thomas to help her son"可知,因为房子着火但是还有孩子留在屋内,因此那位妈妈一直敲Thomas的门,向他求助。故选B。
46.句意:这个女人哭着请求Thomas帮助她在火里的儿子。A. waved"挥动";B. argued"争论";C. cried"哭喊";D. promised"承诺"。根据上文"but the boy was left inside"可知,男孩还在火中,妈妈哭喊着请人去营救。故选C。
47.句意:这个女人哭着请求Thomas帮助她在火里的儿子。A. water"水";B. fire"火";C. kitchen "厨房";D. library"图书馆"。根据语境和上文"but the boy was left inside"可知,男孩还在火中。故选B。
48.句意:Thomas告诉他的妻子打911,并迅速去帮忙。A. paint"用染料画";B. sleep"睡觉";C. help"帮助";D. play"玩"。根据上文"asked Thomas to help her son";以及下文"Thomas 9 rushed into the house to save the boy."可知,妈妈请求去帮忙,Thomas迅速去帮忙。故选C。
49.句意:Thomas勇敢地冲进房子去救那个男孩。A. hesitantly"犹豫地";B. lately"最近";C. sadly"伤心地";D. bravely"勇敢地"。根据空后"rushed into the house to save the boy"可知,Thomas冲进房子去救那个男孩,表现非常勇敢。故选D。
50.句意:他用手和膝盖爬着,试图找到那个男孩。A. hands"手";B. eyes"眼";C. ears"耳朵";D. feet"脚"。根据空前"He was crawling(爬行)"可知,他用手和膝在地上爬行。故选A。
51.句意:屋里很黑,没有电,木板在燃烧,他的手都起了水泡。A. strange"奇怪的";B. new"新的";C. dark"黑暗的";D. clean"干净的"。根据空后"with no electricity"可知,没有电,屋里很黑。故选C。
52.句意:在这一点上,他不在乎;他的重点是救那个男孩。A. focus"焦点,重点";B. dream"梦想";C. plan"计划";D. ambition"雄心"。根据空前"At this point, he didn't care";以及空后"to save the boy"可知,他不在乎自己的处境,重点是救人。故选A。
53.句意:最后,他发现那个男孩躺在走廊里不省人事。A. reading"读";B. lying"躺";C. drinking "喝";D. sitting"坐"。根据空后"in the hallway unconscious(昏迷的)"可知,男孩躺在那里不省人事。故选B。
54.句意:Thomas后来因为他的勇敢被授予政府奖。A. recorded"记录";B. calmed"使镇静";C. awarded"授予";D. prized"珍视"。根据空后"the Government Award for his bravery";以及下文"He was also awarded the Carnegie Medal for his act of heroism."可知,Thomas因为他的勇敢被授予政府奖。故选C。
55.句意:Thomas的故事是无私的一个很好的例子。A. normal"正常的";B. useless"无用的";C. important"重要的";D. selfless"自私的"。根据上文"At this point, he didn't care; his 12 was to save the boy."可知,Thomas不顾个人安危,勇敢救人,所以说他是无私的。故选D。
【答案】56.who/that;57.like;58.an;59.has been used;60.to view;61.central;62.belief;63.constantly;64.opposites;65.That
56.句意:或者也许你认识一个相信针灸能治疗他背痛的人。 believes in acupuncture(针灸) for his back pain 是限制性定语从句,先行词是someone,指人,在从句中作主语,应用that/ who引导该从句。故填 who/that 。
59.句意:中医是一个在中国已经使用了数千年的古老健康体系。此处是定语从句的谓语动词,结合时间状语for thousands of years,应用现在完成时。关系代词that指代先行词"_____ ancient system"在定语从句中作主语,表单数概念,且与动词use之间为被动关系,应用现在完成时的被动语态,故填has been used。
60.句意:西医往往在很大程度上把身体视为汽车。tend to do固定短语,"倾向于做某事,有做某事的趋势",故填 to view 。
64.句意:阴和阳:这些是描述气的特性的对立面。本句运用了there be句式,设空处作主语,opposite作名词,意为"正好相反的人或事物,对立面"为可数名词,由谓语are可知应填名词复数形式,故填opposites。
65.句意:人们相信生活中每件事物都有其对立面,但平衡是关键。it是形式主语,真正的主语部分是句子"everything in life has a little bit of its opposite but balance is the key.",因此整个句子是主语从句,从句部分不缺成分,连接词无词汇意义,此主语从句用连接词that引导,故填that。
66.【答案】Dear Peter,
I'm thrilled to share my summer plans with you! First, I plan to set a study schedule to improve my English and math skills. I believe a well-structured plan will help me achieve better results.
Secondly, my family and I are planning a trip to the countryside. It's a great opportunity to bond with my family and enjoy the natural beauty.
I'm also curious about your summer plans. What is your plan about the summer vacation Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Li Hua
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份 写一封回信 。写作背景: 你的外国朋友 Peter写信来询问你的暑期计划。 写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1.做好学习规划;2.与家人一起旅行;3.询问他的暑期计划。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:I'm thrilled to share my summer plans with you! 运用了不定式作原因状语;First, I plan to set a study schedule to improve my English and math skills. 运用了不定式作宾语,不定式作目的状语;I believe a well-structured plan will help me achieve better results.运用了宾语从句;It's a great opportunity to bond with my family and enjoy the natural beauty.运用了it作形式主语。
67.【答案】One day, as I got to the bookstore, I noticed many people outside. I made my way to see what was going on. To my surprise, I saw that Alex's bookstore was on fire. I realized that all of our hard work was going up in fire. Alex was sad to see his bookstore in ruins. I decided to help him. I reached out to my followers on social media, explaining the situation and asking for their help. The response was great. People came together to support us, donate money, and even help rebuild the bookstore.
With the help of our supporters, we were able to reopen the bookstore. The reopening was a huge success, and my books were selling like hotcakes. It seemed like the fire had brought us even more customers. I saw the sense of community and the strength of the people, who never give up in the face of difficulties. I realized my journey, though filled with difficulties, had brought me so much more than just the success of my books. I have found my true calling—to write stories that bring people together and to make a positive effect in the world.
【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读文章可知,讲述了作者作为一个年轻的作家,去市面上的书店挨个推销自己写的书,在不断遭到拒绝后,最终得到了一个小书店老板Alex的主动相助。在二人的努力下,作者的图书销量越来越好,两人也成为好朋友。但是有一天,书店意外起火,作者在社交媒体上联系了自己的粉丝,最终在支持者的帮助下,书店得以重建开业。作者也意识到了集体的力量,并找到了自己的真正使命——写一些能够把人们聚集在一起,对世界产生积极影响的故事。 段落续写:①由第一段首句"一天,当我到达书店时,我注意到外面有很多人。"可知,第一段可描写书店发生了火灾,作者决定帮助店主Alex,最终得到了支持者的帮助,重建书店。②由第二段首句"在支持者的帮助下,我们得以重新开张书店。"可知,第二段可描写书店重新开业,带来更多顾客,作者有所感悟,找到了自己的使命和努力方向。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:I made my way to see what was going on. 运用了不定式作目的状语,宾语从句;To my surprise, I saw that Alex's bookstore was on fire. 运用了宾语从句; I realized that all of our hard work was going up in fire. 运用了宾语从句;Alex was sad to see his bookstore in ruins. 运用了不定式作原因状语; I decided to help him. 运用了不定式作宾语; I reached out to my followers on social media, explaining the situation and asking for their help. 运用了现在分词作状语; The reopening was a huge success, and my books were selling like hotcakes. 运用了并列句; It seemed like the fire had brought us even more customers. 运用了宾语从句; I saw the sense of community and the strength of the people, who never give up in the face of difficulties.运用了非限制性定语从句; I realized my journey, though filled with difficulties, had brought me so much more than just the success of my books. 运用了让步状语从句的省略;I have found my true calling—to write stories that bring people together and to make a positive effect in the world.运用了限制性定语从句。
1 / 1广西钦州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题(音频暂未更新)
一、第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.(2024高一下·钦州期末) Which team is the woman's daughter in
A.The white one. B.The blue one. C.The black one.
【解析】【听力原文】M:Which team is your daughter in—the one playing in white
W:No, she's in the blue team. Look, she's over there, next to the boy in the black hat.
【分析】问题:这位女士的女儿在哪个队?根据"she's in the blue team."她在蓝队。故选B。
2.(2024高一下·钦州期末) How does the man feel
A.Grateful. B.Angry. C.Excited.
【解析】【听力原文】M:I got a promotion today! I have become the manager of my department!
W:That's good news. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you.
【分析】问题:男士感觉如何?根据"I got a promotion today! I have become the manager of my department!"我今天升职了!我已经成为我部门的经理了!可推知他很兴奋,故选C。
3.(2024高一下·钦州期末) When can the man get his shirt back
A.At 3 pm. B.At 2 pm. C.At 1 pm.
【解析】【听力原文】W:Excuse me, what can I do for you
M:I'd like this shirt to be dry-cleaned. And I have to wear it this afternoon to attend a business meeting. Could you help me with it
W:Sure. It is 12 o'clock now. You can take it away in three hours.
【分析】问题:男士什么时候能拿回衬衫?根据"It is 12 o'clock now. You can take it away in three hours."现在是12点钟。你可以在三个小时后把它拿走。故选A。
4.(2024高一下·钦州期末) Who might the woman be
A.A tourist. B.A salesperson. C.A waitress.
【解析】【听力原文】M:Excuse me, could you give me a menu and tell me some specials
W:Sure. Today's special has a choice of pizza or cold noodles and beef.
M:Sounds good. I'm going to try some pizza.
5.(2024高一下·钦州期末) What will the man do
A.Open the window.
B.Turn off the air conditioner.
C.Turn on the air conditioner.
【解析】【听力原文】M:Does anyone mind me turning on the air conditioning It's hot here.
W:Actually,I would prefer it if you didn't do that. Air conditioning makes me feel a little cold.
M:All right. I'm opening the window. Is that okay
W:Oh, sure. We need fresh air here.
【分析】问题:男士将要做什么?根据"I'm opening the window. Is that okay "我要打开窗户。可以吗?;以及"Oh, sure. We need fresh air here."哦,当然。我们这里需要新鲜空气。故选A。
二、第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.How long has the woman been absent from the fitness class
A.One week. B.Two weeks. C.Three weeks.
7.What is the man going to do
A.Go shopping. B.Prepare dinner. C.Finish his work.
【解析】【听力原文】W:Matt, the fitness coach texted me again. I signed up for the fitness class three weeks ago. But I only went to the gym in the first week.
M:Why did you waste money on something you're not interested in There are many ways to exercise. The key is to have self-control.
W:Stop saying that again! Let's go to the supermarket. Shopping isn't a bad way of exercising. I can keep going.
M:Are you serious I've got a lot of work to do and will pick up our son from school today. Aren't you going to prepare dinner for us
W:All right.
6.问题:这位女士缺席健身课多久了?根据"Matt, the fitness coach texted me again. I signed up for the fitness class three weeks ago. But I only went to the gym in the first week."Matt,健身教练又给我发短信了。我三周前报名参加了健身课。但我仅在第一周去了健身房。可知她缺席了两周,故选B。
7.问题:男士将要做什么?根据"I've got a lot of work to do and will pick up our son from school today."我有很多工作要做,今天要去学校接我们的儿子。故选C。
8. Why does the man need to prepare a gift
A.For the girl's victory in a competition.
B.For the girl's birthday.
C.For the girl's future wedding.
9.What will the girl's grandma buy her
A.A watch. B.A schoolbag. C.A cake.
【解析】【听力原文】W:I won first place in the dancing competition. You and Mom promised to buy me a watch and a schoolbag. I haven't forgotten it.
M:But your mother promised to buy you a dress, not a schoolbag. Instead, your grandma will buy a schoolbag for you, right
W:Oh, yes. I get them mixed up. Grandma also makes a cake for me on my birthday every year.
M:Yeah, she loves you so much that I can imagine how unwilling she'll be when you get married.
8.问题:为什么男士需要准备礼物?根据"I won first place in the dancing competition. You and Mom promised to buy me a watch and a schoolbag. I haven't forgotten it."我在舞蹈比赛中得了第一名。你和妈妈答应给我买手表和书包。我没有忘记。故选A。
9.问题:女孩的奶奶会给她买什么?根据" Instead, your grandma will buy a schoolbag for you, right "相反,你奶奶会给你买一个书包,对吧?;以及"Oh, yes. I get them mixed up."哦,是的。我搞混了。故选B。
10.What are the speakers talking about at first
A.How to stay happy.
B.How to keep secrets.
C.How to eat healthily.
11.What is the woman's attitude towards life
A.Worried. B.Positive. C.Doubtful.
12.When does the man start work
A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.At night.
【解析】【听力原文】M:You really amaze me, Cynthia. You're never tired or sad. You always look so happy. What's your secret
W:Actually I feel tired or sad from time to time. But I generally try to stay positive and healthy. I prefer to see the bright side of everything.
M:That's very good. Sometimes I can't help being unhappy, even though I don't want to be like that. By the way, are you a morning person
W:Oh, yes, I'm an early bird. I wake up at 6:00 am every day, even though I start work at 9:00 am. I'm often the first one to get to the office.
M:That's too early! I write novels at home. I like to work at night, because I usually start to get some inspiration from 8:00 pm.
10.问题:谈话人首先在谈论什么?根据"You always look so happy. What's your secret "你总是看起来很开心。你的秘诀是什么?故选A。
11.问题:女士对生活的态度是什么?根据"But I generally try to stay positive and healthy. I prefer to see the bright side of everything."但我通常会努力保持积极和健康。我更喜欢看到事物的光明面,故选B。
12.问题:男士什么时候开始工作?根据"I like to work at night, because I usually start to get some inspiration from 8:00 pm."我喜欢在晚上工作,因为我通常从晚上8点开始获得一些灵感。故选C。
13.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.On a plane. B.In a supermarket. C.In a restaurant.
14.What does the man ask the woman to do at first
A.Open his window shade.
B.Bring him some food.
C.Change his seat.
15.What do we know about the man
A.He will move to Row 30, SeatA.
B.He has never flown before.
C.His flight will last for 8 hours.
16. What will the man have
A.Tea and pasta.
B.Soda and chicken salad.
C.Coffee and a turkey sandwich.
【解析】【听力原文】M:Excuse me, Miss
M:My window shade is broken, and I cannot open it to see the sky. Could you please change a seat for me so I can have a window with a view This is my first flight. I want to enjoy the scenery.
W:Of course! Let me move you to Row 13, Seat A.
M:Thank you. Could you tell me how long this flight will take
W:We should be in the air for about six hours.
M:Okay. Thank you.
W:You're welcome. Would you like something to drink
M:What do you have
W:We serve coffee, tea, and soda.
M:I'll have coffee with sugar please.
W:No problem. And would you like something to eat
M:That would be great! What do you have
W:We have the turkey sandwich, chicken salad, and vegetarian pasta.
M:I'd like a turkey sandwich. Thank you.
13.问题:对话可能发生在哪里?根据"My window shade is broken, and I cannot open it to see the sky. Could you please change a seat for me so I can have a window with a view This is my first flight."我的窗帘坏了,我无法打开它看天空。你能为我换个座位吗?这样我就可以有一扇可以看到风景的窗户了?这是我的第一次飞行。可推知他们在飞机上,故选A。
14.问题:起初,男士要求女士做什么?根据"Could you please change a seat for me so I can have a window with a view "你能为我换个座位吗?这样我就可以有一扇可以看到风景的窗户了?故选C。
15.问题:关于男士我们了解什么?根据"This is my first flight. "这是我的第一次飞行。可知他以前从未坐过飞机。故选B。
16.问题:男士会喝什么吃什么?根据"I'll have coffee with sugar please."我要加糖的咖啡;以及"I'd like a turkey sandwich."我想要一个火鸡三明治。故选C。
17.What programme is the speaker hosting
A.Today on History.
B.The American Sportsman.
C.ABC's Wide World of Sports.
18.What does Joe Brooks do
A.He's a sportsman. B.He's a fisherman. C.He's a politician.
19.What was The American Sportsman about
A.Sportsmen's successful experience.
B.Fishing and hunting experiences.
C.Different sorts of sports.
20.Why was the Curt Gowdy State Park built
A.To honor Curt Gowdy's work.
B.To put on sports shows.
C.To call on people to do exercise.
【解析】【听力原文】M:Hello, it's me David Smith. Welcome back to Today on History. Today is July 31st.So I'll talk about Curt Gowdy. Born on July 31st, 1919, he was an excellent sports broadcaster and host of the outdoor show. He developed the idea for the television sports show and hosted ABC's Wide World of Sports, which showed a variety of sports on Saturday afternoon. In1964, Gowdy made a video for a show in which he and the famous fisherman Joe Brooks went fishing in the Argentine mountains. It became a hit and almost immediately ABC created a new show built around outdoor amusement—The American Sportsman, hosted by Curt Gowdy. The show focused on fishing and hunting experiences involving famous persons from movie stars, athletes to educators. For millions of Americans, the show was their window to the natural world. Gowdy, an active environmentalist, was a member of the Conservation Hall of Fame International. To honor his work, the State of Wyoming built the Curt Gowdy StatePark in 1972. The park lies above 6,450 feet in height. Gowdy loved it, saying "It has two beautiful lakes, hiking trails, fishing and beauty. What greater honor can a man receive " OK, so much for today. Goodbye.
17.问题:发言人主持什么节目?根据" Welcome back to Today on History. Today is July 31st. So I'll talk about Curt Gowdy. "欢迎回到《历史上的今天》。今天是7月31日。所以我要谈谈科特·高迪。故选A。
18.问题: Joe Brooks是做什么的?根据"In1964, Gowdy made a video for a show in which he and the famous fisherman Joe Brooks went fishing in the Argentine mountains. "1964年,Gowdy为一个节目制作了一段视频,他和著名渔民 Joe Brooks在阿根廷山区钓鱼。故选B。
19.问题:《美国运动员》是关于什么的?根据"The show focused on fishing and hunting experiences involving famous persons from movie stars, athletes to educators. "该节目聚焦于从电影明星、运动员到教育工作者等名人的钓鱼和狩猎经历。故选B。
20.问题:为什么要建造 Curt Gowdy 州立公园?根据" To honor his work, the State of Wyoming built the Curt Gowdy StatePark in 1972."为了表彰他的工作,怀俄明州于1972年建造了Curt Gowdy州立公园。故选A。
三、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Discover the art that moves you
Everyone is invited to enjoy kinetic art at Tate Modern
Art isn't just paintings hanging on walls. It can move. Art that moves is known as kinetic art. If this sounds like fun, head to UNIQLO Tate Play Holiday Make Studio: Kinetic at Tate Modern, where you can create your very own works inspired by art in Tate's collection. Materials will be provided, so all you need to build a piece of moving art is your imagination!
Design your own kinetic art
To make your piece of kinetic art at home, follow these simple steps below.
What you will need:
●Tape or string.
●Any spare materials such as paper, cardboard, buttons and plastic bottles.
1).Forinspiration,havealookonTate'swebsiteforkids www.tate.org.uk/kids.
2). Now, think about what you are going to create. Is it an object like a butterfly or a rocket, or will it be a special shape and object
3). Try and find suitable spare materials to fit your idea. For example, paper for butterfly wings, cardboard circles for the Sun, a tin can for a special shape.
4). Carefully build your design and then use the tape or string to attach it to a coat hanger or old plastic bottle so it can twist and turn.
5). Ignore these rules and create your own moving art however you want to—just remember, it has to move!
How can I find out more
UNIQLO Tate Play Holiday Make Studio: Kinetic runs from 25 May to 2 June at Tate Modern, London. It's free and no booking is required, just drop in!
For more information,searchUNIQLOTatePlayorgotowww.tate.org.uk/whats-on.
21.What can we learn about the art mentioned in this text
A.It focuses on paintings. B.It is movable.
C.It has strict rules. D.It has to hang on walls.
22.Which best describes the kind of art
A.Eventful. B.Practical. C.Imaginative. D.Common.
23.What is the main purpose of the text
A.To promote a kind of art. B.To introduce a website.
C.To create an idea. D.To inspire children.
21.考查细节理解。根据Everyone is invited to enjoy kinetic art at Tate Modern部分中的"Art isn't just paintings hanging on walls. It can move."艺术不只是挂在墙上的画。它可以移动。可知,文中提到的艺术是可移动的。故选B。
22.考查推理判断。根据Everyone is invited to enjoy kinetic art at Tate Modern部分中的"Materials will be provided, so all you need to build a piece of moving art is your imagination!"材料将被提供,你创作一件动态艺术所需要的只是你的想象力!可知,这种艺术是富有想象力的。故选C。
23.考查推理判断。根据小标题"Everyone is invited to enjoy kinetic art at Tate Modern"每个人都被邀请在泰特现代美术馆欣赏动态艺术。可知,本文介绍了在Tate Modern举办的一个动态艺术工作室,这项艺术以及自己创作这个艺术所需要的材料,创作步骤以及联系方式等;可推知,本文目的是推广一种动态艺术。故选A。
Opera is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. However, it requires only an opportunity to awaken people's interest. A Yue Opera play titled New Dragon Gate Inn is just the opportunity.
As the play gains popularity, an actress, who plays the important supporting role of JiaTing, has become a star. Nicknamed the "Jade-faced Man", Jia's handsome appearance and attractive yet natural charm have got more attention.
Now the actress is sparking a Yue Opera fever in China. She says her profession is a combination of the charms of both genders while showing a mysterious sense of beauty.
Innovation(创新) may be an important reason for this play to be popular. Unlike traditional opera stage, the theater is like an inn. The audience sit close to the performers. They are guests in the inn, and sometimes, the performers interact with them. In some cases, the audience become part of the play. They immerse themselves in a unique and fascinating viewing experience. The idea of the stage seems to disappear. So does the distance between performers and the audience. The audience and performers are all part of the play.
This fresh, unusual viewing experience has drawn young people to the theater again and again. They really like it. The success of New Dragon Gate Inn comes not only from the charm of the work itself, but also from the cultural heritage. Through the play, more people have come to realize that Yue Opera can tap more opportunities for the future of Chinese traditional opera.
"Opera is absorbed in the DNA of the Chinese. After a small stone is cast, the DNA awakens. I hope I am that small stone," the actress said. "Today, we are putting in great efforts to make Yue Opera more popular with the younger generation. This is a positive step in the revival of this ancient art."
24.What makes New Dragon Gate Inn popular
A.Its simple plot. B.Its traditional opera stage.
C.Its classical music. D.Its creative stage design.
25.Which is closest in meaning to "immerse" in paragraph 4
A.Absorb. B.Addict. C.Express. D.Ease.
26.What is the key factor for the success of New Dragon Gate Inn
A.Many famous actors.
B.The effective publicity strategy.
C.The cultural heritage.
D.The popularity of Yue Opera.
27.What does the actress hope to achieve for Yue Opera
A.To make it popular among young people.
B.To keep it the same as it's always been.
C.To perform it in different countries.
D.To earn more awards for herself.
24.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"Innovation (创新) may be an important reason for this play to be popular. Unlike traditional opera stage, the theater is like an inn. "创新可能是这部剧受欢迎的一个重要原因。与传统的歌剧舞台不同,剧场就像一个客栈;以及"The idea of the stage seems to disappear. So does the distance between performers and the audience. The audience and performers are all part of the play."舞台的概念似乎消失了。演员和观众之间的距离也是如此。观众和演员都是这出戏的一部分。可知,这部剧的舞台是整个剧场,被设计成一个客栈,观众成为客栈的客人,距离感消失,反而成为这出戏的一部分。这样特殊的舞台设计,是这部剧受欢迎的一个重要原因。故选D。
25.考查词义猜测。根据第四段中的"They are guests in the inn, and sometimes, the performers interact with them. In some cases, the audience become part of the play. "他们是客栈里的客人,有时,演员会与他们互动。在某些情况下,观众成为戏剧的一部分。可知,观众成为了戏剧的一部分,会与演员互动,这样的情境下,观众应是会沉浸其中,更加专注于戏剧表演。可推知,划线词immerse是"沉浸其中,专注于"之意,故选A。
26.考查细节理解。根据第五段中的"The success of New Dragon Gate Inn comes not only from the charm of the work itself, but also from the cultural heritage."新龙门客栈的成功不仅来自作品本身的魅力,更来自文化底蕴。可知,该剧的成功不仅是作品本身的魅力,其关键因素是文化底蕴。故选C。
27.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"I hope I am that small stone"我希望我就是那块小石头;以及"Today, we are putting in great efforts to make Yue Opera more popular with the younger generation. This is a positive step in the revival of this ancient art. "今天,我们正在努力使越剧更受年轻一代的欢迎。这是这门古老艺术复兴的积极一步。可知,这位演员希望自己可以激起年轻人对戏剧的热爱,使越剧更受年轻一代的欢迎。故选A。
Today, many people spend a lot of time reading online. Whether reading news or e-books, people are spending more time staring at screens. While online reading opens up a great deal of knowledge to people, there are some disadvantages too, such as tired eyes, headaches, as well as difficulty in focusing on the text. Now a new reading system, Bionic Reading developed by a Swiss company, can help people overcome these issues, and most importantly, it aims to help people read faster online and develop a more in-depth understanding of the content.
The reading system improves the reading process by guiding the eyes through the text with artificial fixation points. To make it short: some parts of the words are displayed in bold(粗体). As a result, the reader only focuses on the highlighted letters and lets the brain center complete the rest. Your brain can "read" faster than your eyes, so by reducing the number of letters your eye needs to look at, you can read faster while still preserving the full context.
The company discovered the system by accident. They were working on designing a book in a foreign language and realized they could read it if they sectioned it off. They worked for six years to develop Bionic Reading and are still working to adjust it.
An early study was conducted but more research is needed before it can be definitively shown that the system improves reading. Some people with ADHD(注意缺陷多动障碍) have proved that Bionic Reading helps them focus and understand what they are reading. Other people don't seem to notice a big difference compared to the regular text. There's also no evidence to suggest Bionic Reading is any better than the regular text. The best way to know if Bionic Reading helps you read better online is to try it yourself.
28.What is the main purpose of Bionic Reading
A.To make online reading more interesting.
B.To improve online reading speed and understanding.
C.To study the effects of online reading on the brain.
D.To figure out several online reading problems.
29.What is paragraph 2 mainly about
A.The effect of current online reading.
B.The creation story of Bionic Reading.
C.The advantages of Bionic Reading.
D.The principle of Bionic Reading.
30.What can we infer about Bionic Reading from the last paragraph
A.It only helps with foreign languages.
B.Research proves it works for everyone.
C.It is better than traditional reading methods.
D.Its effect varies among different individuals.
31.What is the main idea of the text
A.Online reading is of great benefits.
B.New system improves online reading.
C.Traditional reading faces new challenges.
D.Bionic reading changes our reading habits.
28.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"Now a new reading system, Bionic Reading developed by a Swiss company, can help people overcome these issues, and most importantly, it aims to help people read faster online and develop a more in-depth understanding of the content."现在,一家瑞士公司开发的一种新的阅读系统仿生阅读可以帮助人们克服这些问题,最重要的是,它旨在帮助人们更快地在线阅读,并对内容有更深入的理解。可知,仿生阅读系统旨在帮助人们更快地在线阅读并更深入地理解内容。故选B。
29.考查段落大意。根据第二段"The reading system improves the reading process by guiding the eyes through the text with artificial fixation points. In short, some parts of the words are displayed in bold(粗体的). As a result, the reader only focuses on the highlighted letters and lets the brain center complete the rest. Your brain can ‘read' faster than your eyes, so by reducing the number of letters your eye needs to look at, you can read faster while still preserving the full context."阅读系统通过人工注视点引导眼睛通过文本,从而改善阅读过程。简而言之,单词的某些部分以粗体显示。因此,读者只关注突出显示的字母,而让大脑中心完成其余的部分。大脑的"阅读"速度比眼睛快,所以通过减少眼睛需要看的字母数量,你可以在保持全文的同时读得更快。可知,本段主要描述了仿生阅读是如何通过人工注视点引导眼睛阅读文本,以及如何通过突出显示部分字母来减少眼睛需要查看的字母数量,从而提高阅读速度,即主要讲述了仿生阅读的原理。故选D。
30.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"Some people with ADHD(注意缺陷多动障碍) have proved that Bionic Reading helps them focus and understand what they are reading. Other people don't seem to notice a big difference compared to the regular text. There's also no evidence to suggest Bionic Reading is any better than the regular text. "一些患有多动症的人已经证明,仿生阅读可以帮助他们集中注意力并理解他们正在阅读的内容。其他人似乎没有注意到与常规文本相比有很大的不同。也没有证据表明仿生阅读比常规文本更好。可知,最后一段提到一些人,特别是患有ADHD的人,发现仿生阅读有助于他们集中注意力和理解所读内容,而其他人则没有明显感觉到与常规文本的差异,即推断出仿生阅读的效果因人而异。故选D。
31.考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"Now a new reading system, Bionic Reading developed by a Swiss company, can help people overcome these issues, and most importantly, it aims to help people read faster online and develop a more in-depth understanding of the content."现在,一家瑞士公司开发的一种新的阅读系统仿生阅读可以帮助人们克服这些问题,最重要的是,它旨在帮助人们更快地在线阅读,并对内容有更深入的理解;以及通读全文,文章主要介绍了仿生阅读系统如何帮助改善在线阅读体验,包括提高阅读速度和理解能力。"新系统改善在线阅读"概括文章主要内容,故选B。
(2024高一下·钦州期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
A team in Europe are working with wood, but not in the usual ways. They are not carpenters (木匠). Instead, they are scientists exploring how wood can lead to a greener electronic device, a transistor (晶体管) made from balsa wood, whose production releases less climate-warming gas into the air.
Transistors play an important role in computers and other devices. They act like tiny switches to control the flow of electricity. Engineers use them to process and store data. Today's laptops may host billions of them. So they must be tiny—only a little wider than a strand of DNA.
The new transistor being built by physicist Isak Engquist and his team at Sweden's Link ping University isn't as small as those. Big enough to see and hold, it can stand only an electric pressure that pushes electrons along. And it controls a current using charged particles (粒子) called ions.
This new technology shows a "proof of concept" that the idea can work, even if the new device is not yet ready to put into today's electronics. "While it seems large by today's standards, such a transistor still might prove useful for electronics that require low electric pressures," says Engquist.
"The new transistor suggests that future electronic devices might be made in living plants," Daniel Simon, a physicist in the team, says. "Imagine peeling away some bar k from a living tree," he says, "and stamping electronic circuits into the living wood."
In fact, Engquist says, "There are so many ways we can use wood and the components of wood that we would never have thought of." For instance, he can now imagine a wood-based sensor that could monitor crop health, measure pollution or survey a forest for fire risk.
32.Which can best describe the transistor
A.Costly. B.Widely used.
C.Time-saving. D.More environmentally friendly.
33.What is the new transistor's disadvantage compared to common transistors
A.It is much bigger.
B.It can't stand electric pressure.
C.It can't be seen.
D.It is made from metal.
34.What is Engquist's attitude to the new transistor's future
A.Uncertain. B.Positive. C.Doubtful. D.Indifferent.
35.What may be the best title for the text
A.Wood's surprising roles in modern electronic design
B.Scientists are researching the history of transistors
C.Wood-made transistors: a step toward greener electronics
D.Scientists are working as carpenters to invent transistors
32.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"Instead, they are scientists exploring how wood can lead to a greener electronic device, a transistor (晶体管) made from balsa wood, whose production releases less climate-warming gas into the air."相反,他们是科学家,正在探索木材如何导致更环保的电子设备,由轻木制成的晶体管,其生产中释放到空气中的温室气体更少。可知,由木材制成的晶体管,生产释放到空气中的温室气体更少,所以说,这种晶体管更环保。故选D。
33.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"The new transistor being built by physicist Isak Engquist and his team at Sweden's Linkoping University isn't as small as those. Big enough to see and hold, it can stand only an electric pressure that pushes electrons along. "瑞典林雪平大学的物理学家Isak Engquist和他的团队正在制造的新型晶体管并不像那些那么小。它大到可以看到和握住,只能承受推动电子前进的电压力。可知,新的晶体管不像那些传统的晶体管那么小,大到可以看到和握住,因此,新的晶体管要比传统晶体管大,这是新式晶体管的缺点。故选A。
34.考查推理判断。根据第四段中的"‘While it seems large by today's standards, such a transistor still might prove useful for electronics that require low electric pressures,' says Engquist.""虽然以今天的标准来看它看起来很大,但这种晶体管仍然可能被证明对需要低电压力的电子产品有用,"Engquist说。可知,Engquist认为,虽然这种晶体管看起来很大,但是对需要低电压的电子产品来说是有用的,可推知,Engquist对新晶体管的未来持乐观态度。故选B。
35.考查标题归纳。根据第一段中的"Instead, they are scientists exploring how wood can lead to a greener electronic device, a transistor (晶体管) made from balsa wood, whose production releases less climate-warming gas into the air."相反,他们是科学家,正在探索木材如何导致更环保的电子设备,由轻木制成的晶体管,其生产中释放到空气中的温室气体更少;以及下文中介绍的这种新型晶体管的优缺点可知,本文主要介绍的是一个科学家团队正在探索的一种由木材制成的更环保的晶体管,"木制晶体管:迈向绿色电子产品的一步"与本文的内容吻合,且概括了文章的主题,适合作为本文标题。故选C。
四、第二节 (共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Most of us agree that life's real education happens outside the classroom.  36.  However, they are not the only ones. In fact, traveling is the best way to learn things. Here are some reasons why traveling is the best form of education.
You learn history.  37.   All that was really cool. However, nothing beats traveling to historic landmarks and exploring your way around a city's history and culture. When you visit museums, palaces and galleries, the entire nation's history comes out right in front of you. Learning about different dynasties, conflicts and changes is so much easier when you actually explore a nation.
You learn social skills. You may be shy and find it difficult to engage yourself socially. But traveling will change that as things like talking to strangers are not an option but a necessity during travels. Taking some social skill courses is useful. However, you can achieve it by traveling your way to a wonderful place on your own.  38.  .
You learn to do new things. When you are traveling, you are forced to do plenty of new things.  39.   Therefore, you must learn to be able to adapt to a new learning environment in a very short time. It also helps in your overall learning as well.
 40.   Probably the most important aspect of education that travel helps is your education about yourself. By traveling, you realize your true potential, the things that you really enjoy and the person who you really are. Without travel, you probably have a very limited understanding of yourself. And you may even be completely unaware of your real personality.
A. You learn about yourself.
B. You learn a lot by chatting.
C. You are out of your comfort or familiar situation.
D. You'll learn much better than through such courses.
E. You can study about the major historical events in your history class.
F. Classrooms with teachers and textbooks are of course one way to learn.
G. This helps you meet a lot of new people and experience some exciting things.
36.根据空前"Most of us agree that life's real education happens outside the classroom."我们中大多数人认为生活中的真正的教育发生在教室之外。表达了一个普遍的观点,即大多数人认为生活中真正的教育不仅仅局限于教室之内。 F. Classrooms with teachers and textbooks are of course one way to learn. "有老师和教科书的教室当然是学习的方式之一。"是对上文的补充,说明了尽管生活中有很多其他形式的教育,但传统的教室学习——有老师和教科书的环境——仍然是学习的一种方式。这句话在逻辑上起到了承上启下的作用,既肯定了教室学习的价值,又为后文的转折做了铺垫;以及空后"However, they are not the only ones."然而,他们不是唯一的方法。进行了转折,指出教室学习并不是唯一的学习方式。故选F。
37.根据空前"You learn history."你学习历史。表明学习历史是一个普遍存在的行为。 E. You can study about the major historical events in your history class. "你可以在历史课上学习重大历史事件",具体化了学习历史的途径之一,即在历史课上学习主要历史事件,承接上文,符合语境。故选E。
38.根据空前"Taking some social skill courses is useful. However, you can achieve it by traveling your way to a wonderful place on your own. "参加一些社交技能课程是有用的。然而,你可以通过独自前往一个美妙的地方来实现它。强调了通过旅行来学习社交技能的优势。 作者认为,独自前往一个美丽的地方旅行,是提升社交技能的一种更加有效的方式。此处要对前面的内容进行了总结和升华。D. You'll learn much better than through such courses."你将学习的更好通过这样的课程"明确指出了通过旅行来学习社交技能的优势:比参加社交技能课程更加有效,总结上述内容。故选D。
39.根据空前"When you are traveling, you are forced to do plenty of new things."当你旅行时,你被迫做很多新的事情。强调旅行会使人们不断尝试新的事情;以及空后"Therefore, you must learn to be able to adapt to a new learning environment in a very short time."因此,你必须学会能够在短时间内适应一个新的学习环境。强调旅行学习的结果。此处承上启下,上文强调尝试新的事情, C. You are out of your comfort or familiar situation. "你在你的舒适区或者熟悉的情况之外"符合语境,故选C。
40.根据空后"Probably the most important aspect of education that travel helps is your education about yourself."旅行对教育的最大帮助可能在于它对你的自我教育。是对上文的解释,强调的自我教育是旅行对教育的最大帮助, A. You learn about yourself. "你了解自己"符合语意,故选A。
五、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
(2024高一下·钦州期末)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Thomas became a hero at
61. One night, his family had already gone to 41. . In the house next to Thomas' lived a mom, a little boy and a little girl. The mom had been preparing dinner. Feeling 42. , she forgot about the food and fell asleep on a sofa. When she 43. ,the house was full of fire and smoke.
44. the girl and her mom ran out, but the boy was left inside. The mom 45. knocking on Thomas' door. He got up quickly and went to answer the door. The woman 46. and asked Thomas to help her son, who was in the 47. . Thomas told his wife to call 911, and quickly went to 48. .
Thomas 49. rushed into the house to save the boy. He was crawling(爬行) on his 50. and knees, trying to find the boy. It was 51. with no electricity, and the wood panels were burning and making his hands blister(起水疱). At this point, he didn't care; his 52. was to save the boy. Finally, he found the boy 53. in the hallway unconscious(昏迷的). He picked up the boy and ran out. When they finally got outside, Thomas performed CPR on the boy and made him come back to life.
Thomas was later 54. the Government Award for his bravery. He was also awarded the Carnegie Medal for his act of heroism. Thomas's story is a great example of someone being 55. .
41.A. hospital B. work C. church D. bed
42.A. annoyed B. disappointed C. frightened D. tired
43.A. came over B. walked around
C. woke up D. looked down
44.A. Luckily B. Accidentally
C. Gradually D. Actually
45.A. stopped B. kept C. forgot D. enjoyed
46.A. waved B. argued C. cried D. promised
47.A. water B. fire C. kitchen D. library
48.A. paint B. sleep C. help D. play
49.A. hesitantly B. lately C. sadly D. bravely
50.A. hands B. eyes C. ears D. feet
51.A. strange B. new C. dark D. clean
52.A. focus B. dream C. plan D. ambition
53.A. reading B. lying C. drinking D. sitting
54.A. recorded B. calmed C. awarded D. prized
55.A. normal B. useless C. important D. selfless
41.句意:一天晚上,他的家人已经上床睡觉了。A. hospital"医院";B. work"工作";C. church "教堂";D. bed"床"。根据空前"One night";以及下文"He got up quickly and went to answer the door."可知,晚上他已经上床睡觉,后来被叫醒,立马起床。故选D。
42.句意:她觉得很累,就忘了食物,在沙发上睡着了。A. annoyed"恼怒的";B. disappointed"失望的";C. frightened"害怕的";D. tired"疲劳的"。根据空后"she forgot about the food and fell asleep on a sofa"可知,她很累,在沙发上睡着了。故选D。
43.句意:当她醒来时,屋子里充满了火和烟。A. came over"过来";B. walked around"四处走动";C. woke up"醒来";D. looked down"往下看"。根据上文"fell asleep on a sofa";以及空后"the house was full of fire and smoke"可知,她醒来发现屋子着火了。故选C。
44.句意:幸运的是,女孩和她妈妈跑了出去,但男孩被留在了里面。A. Luckily"幸运地";B. Accidentally"偶然地";C. Gradually"逐渐地";D. Actually"事实上"。根据空后"the girl and her mom ran out"可知,着火了,女孩和妈妈跑出去了,这是幸运的。故选A。
45.句意:那位妈妈不停地敲Thomas的门。A. stopped"停止";B. kept"保持,继续";C. forgot "忘记";D. enjoyed"欣赏"。根据上文"the house was full of fire and smoke";"but the boy was left inside";以及下文"asked Thomas to help her son"可知,因为房子着火但是还有孩子留在屋内,因此那位妈妈一直敲Thomas的门,向他求助。故选B。
46.句意:这个女人哭着请求Thomas帮助她在火里的儿子。A. waved"挥动";B. argued"争论";C. cried"哭喊";D. promised"承诺"。根据上文"but the boy was left inside"可知,男孩还在火中,妈妈哭喊着请人去营救。故选C。
47.句意:这个女人哭着请求Thomas帮助她在火里的儿子。A. water"水";B. fire"火";C. kitchen "厨房";D. library"图书馆"。根据语境和上文"but the boy was left inside"可知,男孩还在火中。故选B。
48.句意:Thomas告诉他的妻子打911,并迅速去帮忙。A. paint"用染料画";B. sleep"睡觉";C. help"帮助";D. play"玩"。根据上文"asked Thomas to help her son";以及下文"Thomas 9 rushed into the house to save the boy."可知,妈妈请求去帮忙,Thomas迅速去帮忙。故选C。
49.句意:Thomas勇敢地冲进房子去救那个男孩。A. hesitantly"犹豫地";B. lately"最近";C. sadly"伤心地";D. bravely"勇敢地"。根据空后"rushed into the house to save the boy"可知,Thomas冲进房子去救那个男孩,表现非常勇敢。故选D。
50.句意:他用手和膝盖爬着,试图找到那个男孩。A. hands"手";B. eyes"眼";C. ears"耳朵";D. feet"脚"。根据空前"He was crawling(爬行)"可知,他用手和膝在地上爬行。故选A。
51.句意:屋里很黑,没有电,木板在燃烧,他的手都起了水泡。A. strange"奇怪的";B. new"新的";C. dark"黑暗的";D. clean"干净的"。根据空后"with no electricity"可知,没有电,屋里很黑。故选C。
52.句意:在这一点上,他不在乎;他的重点是救那个男孩。A. focus"焦点,重点";B. dream"梦想";C. plan"计划";D. ambition"雄心"。根据空前"At this point, he didn't care";以及空后"to save the boy"可知,他不在乎自己的处境,重点是救人。故选A。
53.句意:最后,他发现那个男孩躺在走廊里不省人事。A. reading"读";B. lying"躺";C. drinking "喝";D. sitting"坐"。根据空后"in the hallway unconscious(昏迷的)"可知,男孩躺在那里不省人事。故选B。
54.句意:Thomas后来因为他的勇敢被授予政府奖。A. recorded"记录";B. calmed"使镇静";C. awarded"授予";D. prized"珍视"。根据空后"the Government Award for his bravery";以及下文"He was also awarded the Carnegie Medal for his act of heroism."可知,Thomas因为他的勇敢被授予政府奖。故选C。
55.句意:Thomas的故事是无私的一个很好的例子。A. normal"正常的";B. useless"无用的";C. important"重要的";D. selfless"自私的"。根据上文"At this point, he didn't care; his 12 was to save the boy."可知,Thomas不顾个人安危,勇敢救人,所以说他是无私的。故选D。
六、第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
You may sometimes notice people with purple circles on their skin from cupping (拔火罐). Or maybe you know someone  56.   believes in acupuncture(针灸) for his back pain.
More and more people are using practices  57.   these from traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) to not only fight disease, but also prevent it.
TCM is  58.   ancient system of health that  59.   (use) in China for thousands of years. While western medicine focuses mainly on treating disease, TCM looks at your entire well-being. With a little background on how it's used, you can make wiser choices to improve your health.
Western medicine tends  60.   (view) the body a lot as a car. It has different systems that need the right inputs and outputs. TCM, on the other hand, is based on balance, harmony, and energy. There are two  61.   (centre) ideas behind TCM:
Qi: This is also called life energy. The  62.   (believe) is that it runs throughout your body. It's always on the move and  63.   (constant) changes. TCM treatments often focus on ways to promote and maintain the flow of qi.
Yin and yang: These are  64.  (opposite) that describe the qualities of qi. It's believed 65.   everything in life has a little bit of its opposite but balance is the key.
According to TCM, when the yin and yang of qi is in balance, you feel healthy and well. When not, you feel sick. TCM aims to create harmony and a healthy flow of qi.
【答案】56.who/that;57.like;58.an;59.has been used;60.to view;61.central;62.belief;63.constantly;64.opposites;65.That
56.句意:或者也许你认识一个相信针灸能治疗他背痛的人。 believes in acupuncture(针灸) for his back pain 是限制性定语从句,先行词是someone,指人,在从句中作主语,应用that/ who引导该从句。故填 who/that 。
59.句意:中医是一个在中国已经使用了数千年的古老健康体系。此处是定语从句的谓语动词,结合时间状语for thousands of years,应用现在完成时。关系代词that指代先行词"_____ ancient system"在定语从句中作主语,表单数概念,且与动词use之间为被动关系,应用现在完成时的被动语态,故填has been used。
60.句意:西医往往在很大程度上把身体视为汽车。tend to do固定短语,"倾向于做某事,有做某事的趋势",故填 to view 。
64.句意:阴和阳:这些是描述气的特性的对立面。本句运用了there be句式,设空处作主语,opposite作名词,意为"正好相反的人或事物,对立面"为可数名词,由谓语are可知应填名词复数形式,故填opposites。
65.句意:人们相信生活中每件事物都有其对立面,但平衡是关键。it是形式主语,真正的主语部分是句子"everything in life has a little bit of its opposite but balance is the key.",因此整个句子是主语从句,从句部分不缺成分,连接词无词汇意义,此主语从句用连接词that引导,故填that。
七、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (满分15分)
66.(2024高一下·钦州期末)假定你是李华,你的外国朋友 Peter写信来询问你的暑期计划。请你给他写一封回信,内容包括:
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Peter,
I'm thrilled to share my summer plans with you! First, I plan to set a study schedule to improve my English and math skills. I believe a well-structured plan will help me achieve better results.
Secondly, my family and I are planning a trip to the countryside. It's a great opportunity to bond with my family and enjoy the natural beauty.
I'm also curious about your summer plans. What is your plan about the summer vacation Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Li Hua
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份 写一封回信 。写作背景: 你的外国朋友 Peter写信来询问你的暑期计划。 写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1.做好学习规划;2.与家人一起旅行;3.询问他的暑期计划。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:I'm thrilled to share my summer plans with you! 运用了不定式作原因状语;First, I plan to set a study schedule to improve my English and math skills. 运用了不定式作宾语,不定式作目的状语;I believe a well-structured plan will help me achieve better results.运用了宾语从句;It's a great opportunity to bond with my family and enjoy the natural beauty.运用了it作形式主语。
八、第二节 (满分25分)
My name is Shelly and I am a young author. I have been writing books for years and they have been published. However, they didn't sell well. I thought it was time to promote the sales and share my stories with the world by myself. However, I hadn't expected that this decision would take me on an adventure I could have never imagined.
I have always loved the fast-paced atmosphere of this modern city. It keeps my mind sharp and quick. With my bag full of copies of my first book, I set out to sell them. I walked along the busy streets, stopping at every possible bookstore, trying to persuade them to stock my book. But every manager I spoke to gave me the same answer—"Sorry, we are not interested."
I was sad. I had put my heart and soul into my book, and here I was, facing many rejections. But I refused to give up. I knew that I needed to get my books sold. As I walked, lost in my thoughts, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw a young man, probably in his mid-twenties, smiling at me. "Excuse me, Miss. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with that bookstore manager. I happen to own a small bookstore a few blocks from here. I would be happy to stock your book," the man said.
I couldn't believe my luck. I followed the young man to his bookstore. He introduced himself as Alex, and we ended up chatting for hours. He had a love for books and was glad to help a struggling author like me. From that day on, Alex's bookstore became my go-to place to sell my books.
Months went by, and slowly, my books started selling well. Alex and I became good friends, and he even recommended my books to his customers. I was happy and grateful for his support, but my journey was not smooth.
1.续写词数应为 150个左右;
One day, as I got to the bookstore, I noticed many people outside.
With the help of our supporters, we were able to reopen the bookstore.
【答案】One day, as I got to the bookstore, I noticed many people outside. I made my way to see what was going on. To my surprise, I saw that Alex's bookstore was on fire. I realized that all of our hard work was going up in fire. Alex was sad to see his bookstore in ruins. I decided to help him. I reached out to my followers on social media, explaining the situation and asking for their help. The response was great. People came together to support us, donate money, and even help rebuild the bookstore.
With the help of our supporters, we were able to reopen the bookstore. The reopening was a huge success, and my books were selling like hotcakes. It seemed like the fire had brought us even more customers. I saw the sense of community and the strength of the people, who never give up in the face of difficulties. I realized my journey, though filled with difficulties, had brought me so much more than just the success of my books. I have found my true calling—to write stories that bring people together and to make a positive effect in the world.
【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读文章可知,讲述了作者作为一个年轻的作家,去市面上的书店挨个推销自己写的书,在不断遭到拒绝后,最终得到了一个小书店老板Alex的主动相助。在二人的努力下,作者的图书销量越来越好,两人也成为好朋友。但是有一天,书店意外起火,作者在社交媒体上联系了自己的粉丝,最终在支持者的帮助下,书店得以重建开业。作者也意识到了集体的力量,并找到了自己的真正使命——写一些能够把人们聚集在一起,对世界产生积极影响的故事。 段落续写:①由第一段首句"一天,当我到达书店时,我注意到外面有很多人。"可知,第一段可描写书店发生了火灾,作者决定帮助店主Alex,最终得到了支持者的帮助,重建书店。②由第二段首句"在支持者的帮助下,我们得以重新开张书店。"可知,第二段可描写书店重新开业,带来更多顾客,作者有所感悟,找到了自己的使命和努力方向。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:I made my way to see what was going on. 运用了不定式作目的状语,宾语从句;To my surprise, I saw that Alex's bookstore was on fire. 运用了宾语从句; I realized that all of our hard work was going up in fire. 运用了宾语从句;Alex was sad to see his bookstore in ruins. 运用了不定式作原因状语; I decided to help him. 运用了不定式作宾语; I reached out to my followers on social media, explaining the situation and asking for their help. 运用了现在分词作状语; The reopening was a huge success, and my books were selling like hotcakes. 运用了并列句; It seemed like the fire had brought us even more customers. 运用了宾语从句; I saw the sense of community and the strength of the people, who never give up in the face of difficulties.运用了非限制性定语从句; I realized my journey, though filled with difficulties, had brought me so much more than just the success of my books. 运用了让步状语从句的省略;I have found my true calling—to write stories that bring people together and to make a positive effect in the world.运用了限制性定语从句。
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