专题-S102-2 【题型易-七选五专练】最新高一下 英语 七选五 梯度训练 原题版+解析版 (全国通用)


名称 专题-S102-2 【题型易-七选五专练】最新高一下 英语 七选五 梯度训练 原题版+解析版 (全国通用)
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-15 18:21:51


高一 七选五 专练
) (
专题-S102 七选五专练 最新高一英语 梯度训练
初阶训练 Passage 1-5
进阶训练 Passage 6-10
高阶提升 七选五1-5
Passage 1:广西钦州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题
Most of us agree that life’s real education happens outside the classroom. 16 However, they are not the only ones. In fact, traveling is the best way to learn things. Here are some reasons why traveling is the best form of education.
You learn history. 17 All that was really cool. However, nothing beats traveling to historic landmarks and exploring your way around a city’s history and culture. When you visit museums, palaces and galleries, the entire nation’s history comes out right in front of you. Learning about different dynasties, conflicts and changes is so much easier when you actually explore a nation.
You learn social skills. You may be shy and find it difficult to engage yourself socially. But traveling will change that as things like talking to strangers are not an option but a necessity during travels. Taking some social skill courses is useful. However, you can achieve it by traveling your way to a wonderful place on your own. 18
You learn to do new things. When you are traveling, you are forced to do plenty of new things. 19 Therefore, you must learn to be able to adapt to a new learning environment in a very short time. It also helps in your overall learning as well.
20 Probably the most important aspect of education that travel helps is your education about yourself. By traveling, you realize your true potential, the things that you really enjoy and the person who you really are. Without travel, you probably have a very limited understanding of yourself. And you may even be completely unaware of your real personality.
A.You learn about yourself.
B.You learn a lot by chatting.
C.You are out of your comfort or familiar situation.
D.You’ll learn much better than through such courses.
E.You can study about the major historical events in your history class.
F.Classrooms with teachers and textbooks are of course one way to learn.
G.This helps you meet a lot of new people and experience some exciting things.
Passage 1
16. F
前文提到生活中的真正教育发生在课堂之外,F 选项“有老师和教科书的教室当然是一种学习方式”,与前文形成对比,引出下文旅行也是一种学习方式。
前文提到在旅行中学习历史,E 选项“你可以在历史课上学习重大历史事件”,与旅行中的学习历史形成对比,强调旅行中的学习更直观深刻。
前文提到旅行可以改变社交困难,自己旅行能锻炼社交技能,D 选项“你会比通过这些课程学得更好”,进一步说明了旅行在社交技能培养方面的优势。
前文提到旅行时会被迫做很多新事情,C 选项“你会走出舒适区或熟悉的环境”,解释了被迫做新事情的原因。
后文主要讲述了旅行能帮助你了解自己,A 选项“你会了解自己”,概括了这一段的主旨。
Passage 2:云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州等2地2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末
Environmental protection is an important issue that affects all of us. Taking good care of the environment is significant for the happiness and health of future generations. 16 .
Reduce our energy and resource consumption
Turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use can save a significant amount of energy. Using energy-efficient appliances can also help to reduce our carbon footprint. Simple actions such as turning off the tap while brushing our teeth or taking shorter showers can make a big difference, too. By being mindful of our energy and water usage, we can help to protect our ecosystems.
Recycle and reduce waste
Recycling helps to save resources and reduce pollution. We can start by separating our waste into different categories(类别) such as paper, plastic, and glass. Many communities have recycling programs in place, so it is important to take advantage of these services. 17 . For example, bringing a reusable water bottle or shopping bag can help to reduce plastic waste.
Support sustainable (可持续的) transportation
Cars are a major source of pollution, so we should try to use public transportation, walk, or bike whenever possible. 18 . By choosing sustainable transportation options, we can help to reduce air pollution and improve our overall health.
By staying informed, we can make better choices and take action to protect the environment. We can also raise awareness among our family, friends, and community by sharing information and encouraging them to adopt environmentally friendly practices.
In conclusion, environmental protection is everyone’s responsibility. By following these tips, we can all contribute to a healthier and more sustainable planet. 20 .
A.Take part in activities organized by communities
B.Educate ourselves and others about environmental issues
C.Saving water is also a great way to protect the environment
D.Sharing the ride with friends is also a great way to reduce pollution
E.Let’s work together to protect our environment for future generations
F.In addition, we should try to reduce our waste by using reusable items
G.Here are some tips on how we can contribute to environmental protection
Passage 2
16. G
后文介绍了一些环保的方法和建议,G 选项“这里有一些关于我们如何为环保做贡献的建议”,起到了引出下文的作用。
前文提到回收利用有助于节约资源和减少污染,F 选项“此外,我们应该通过使用可重复使用的物品来减少浪费”,与前文逻辑连贯,都是在讲减少浪费的方法。
前文提到选择可持续的交通方式,D 选项“和朋友拼车也是减少污染的好方法”,补充了可持续交通方式的内容。
后文强调了自我教育和向他人宣传环保问题的重要性,B 选项“自我教育和他人关于环境问题”,概括了这一段的主旨。
前文总结了环保是每个人的责任,E 选项“让我们共同努力,为子孙后代保护环境”,表达了呼吁和期望。
Passage 3:云南省曲靖市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末英语试卷
Want to improve your mind A little bit of effort every day goes a long way. Here are some simple actions that could help you become a smarter person.
16 Think about how to make more money, how to solve a daily problem you have, interesting movie ideas’ or anything else. It doesn’t matter what subject your ideas fall into as long as you’re working your brain.
Read newspapers. 17 You’ll learn to form your own opinions. You’ll also have a lot more to talk about at parties or with friends.
Instead of watching TV, watch educational videos. 18 And you can learn a lot from other people’s experiences. In videos, the information is often presented in an understandable, memorable way, so you can be sure it will stick in your mind.
19 If you find someone to discuss something with, you can add to each other’s knowledge and gain new ideas. Also, when you can explain ideas to someone else, it means you’ve mastered them. You can even share what you learn on the Internet.
Hang out with people who are smarter than you. 20 Every day, you should try to have a coffee date or walk with someone who inspires you. Always be willing to learn. Ask as many questions as possible. If you are always around people who are more knowledgeable than you, you’ll have no choice but to learn more.
A.Try to be good at your job.
B.Come up with 10 ideas every day.
C.Don’t always follow others’ advice.
D.Share what you learn with other people.
E.Spend as much time as you can with wise people.
F.Sometimes, it’s more exciting to watch something than to read it.
G.It will help you become more aware of the important things happening around the world.
Passage 3
16. B
后文提到思考各种主题的想法,B 选项“每天想出 10 个想法”,与之呼应,强调要积极思考。
前文说读报纸,G 选项“它会帮助你更清楚地了解世界各地发生的重要事情”,解释了读报纸的好处。
前文说看教育视频而不是看电视,F 选项“有时候,看一些东西比读更令人兴奋”,说明了看视频的优势。
后文提到与人讨论和分享所学,D 选项“与他人分享你所学的东西”,概括了这一段的主要内容。
前文说和比自己聪明的人在一起,E 选项“花尽可能多的时间和聪明的人在一起”,进一步强调了这一观点。
Passage 4:广西来宾市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷
Many kids find math difficult or boring. That feeling needs to go extinct as soon as possible as math is a pillar (支柱) of education. Beyond numbers, math pushes kids to think critically and become problem solvers. 16 Let’s find out!
Change how you talk about math to kids
When you hear the word “math” come up, put on a wide smile on your face. Our kids feed off our energy. Let’s be clear, we aren’t trying to make math cool. 17 . This goes double for those struggling with math.
Integrate (融合) math into daily life
18 . You can do this at home, during grocery shopping or even at a restaurant. Getting kids a quick math practice session when they aren’t expecting it makes them think on their feet and put things they’ve learned into practice. They get a moment to shine and you get an opportunity to praise them for showing what they learned.
Does your child love sports Math helps them keep track of their performance and improve. Figure out a way to take the current math they are working on in school and then apply it to something they like. This may take some homework on your part, but it will pay off in no time!
Go along with math games
Let’s not try to force math homework to be fun, rather find a teaching aid that puts math in a new light. With advancement in technology, math games have become designed to teach entire lessons and concepts rather than simple problems like the games of days past. 20
A.Listen to the outer voice
B.Connect math to kids’ interests
C.What is your learning approach to math
D.But how do we help kids build math confidence
E.A simple everyday event can turn into a math problem
F.Your kids will explore a different world while playing math games
G.Instead, we are trying to make math a positive part of a child’s education
Passage 4
16. D
前文强调数学的重要性,后文介绍帮助孩子建立数学信心的方法,D 选项“但我们如何帮助孩子建立数学信心呢?”起到承上启下的作用。
前文说不是让数学变酷,而是让数学成为孩子教育的积极部分,G 选项“相反,我们试图让数学成为孩子教育的积极部分”,与前文逻辑连贯。
后文举例说明如何将数学融入日常生活,E 选项“一个简单的日常事件可以变成一个数学问题”,概括了这一方法。
后文提到将数学与孩子的兴趣联系起来,B 选项“将数学与孩子的兴趣联系起来”,是这一段的主旨。
前文说数学游戏有助于学习数学,F 选项“你的孩子在玩数学游戏时会探索一个不同的世界”,进一步说明了数学游戏的好处。
Passage 5:广西壮族自治区防城港市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
For some people, the warmest memories from childhood come from being read a great story. 16 It develops children’s language skills and increases their ability to succeed in school and, later, work.
Experts say parents should read books that are not too long and on the right age level so that children will not lose interest. They say parents should also point to and talk about pictures in books for infants (幼儿). 17
Elizabeth Lyttleton has three daughters. They are at age ten, eight and two. 18 She says, "I watch my two-year-old, who is now getting a big language explosion. So much of it comes from the books that she reads. With my eight-year-old, it’s now the broadening horizons (眼界). The oldest now truly reads for pleasure and can get lost in young adult books. "
19 The company Scholastic is a major publisher of children’s books. Every two years, Scholastic publishes a report on American reading attitudes and habits. The 2015 report says only 31 percent of children in the U. S. read a book for fun almost every day. Four years ago that number was more than double.
Scholastic also suggests some ways to develop a love of reading in a child. 20 Another way to develop a reading habit in children is to read to them. The Scholastic report also suggests permitting children to choose their own books. Of all the 6 - to 17-year-olds in the Scholastic study, more than 90% said their favorite books are the ones they choose for themselves.
A.One is simply to have books in the home.
B.All her children read books at the same time.
C.All her children learn from books — but in different ways.
D.Of course, adults can enjoy reading children's book
E.But reading to children can do more than create warm memorles.
F.For young children, parents should ask questions about the book.
G.However, researchers find that the number of children who read for fun is dropping fast.
Passage 5
16. E
前文说童年被读故事有温暖的回忆,E 选项“但是给孩子读书能做的不仅仅是创造温暖的回忆”,引出下文读书对孩子的更多好处。
前文说家长要给幼儿指着书里的图片并谈论,F 选项“对于年幼的孩子,家长应该问关于这本书的问题”,进一步说明了家长与孩子互动的方式。
后文分别讲述了三个孩子从读书中获得的不同方式,C 选项“她所有的孩子都从书中学习——但方式不同”,起到统领后文的作用。
后文说孩子为了乐趣读书的数量在下降,G 选项“然而,研究人员发现为了乐趣而读书的孩子数量正在迅速下降”,与后文内容衔接。
后文提到了培养孩子阅读习惯的方法,A 选项“一是在家里放书”,是其中的一种方法。
Passage 6:山东省临沂市2023-2024高一下学期7月期末考试英语试题
At times we all wish that we knew what other people were thinking. Fortunately, people’s facial expressions, movements and positions can communicate a lot about what is going on in their minds. 12 , but Joe Navarro’s book What Everybody is Saying can help develop that ability.
According to Navarro, establishing a baseline for how a person behaves is important. 13 . Most facial expressions and positions can mean several different things, so figure out when people use certain expressions. Recognizing this baseline can help you understand whether expressions and positions indicate a reaction to something you said or not.
14 . Even when people don’t lie directly, they sometimes try to hide their feelings. Whether you are communicating with people in business or in your personal life, recognizing these feelings can help you look out for their interests and your own.
When people think of body language, the first thing that comes to mind is the facial expressions. Some people have become good at controlling their facial expressions to hide their emotions. When dealing with someone like that, look at the rest of their bodies, especially their feet and legs. 15 . However, if someone feels uncomfortable, they may point their feet away from the person they are speaking to.
Nearness to other people is part of body language. People stand closer to people they like or feel comfortable with than to strangers or people they don’t like. 16 . Sitting or standing up straight can show that someone feels confident, while sitting with crossed arms indicates that they feel defensive or uncomfortable.
Body language can communicate a lot about people’s thoughts and feelings, and thus, help you understand them.
A.And position also matters
B.Focusing on body language can be beneficial to us
C.They tend to keep a distance from people they dislike.
D.It can help to avoid misunderstanding their body language
E.Many people tap their feet when they are-happy or excited
F.Small changes in body language can help you recognize if someone is lying
G.Understanding these messages hidden in people's body language can require many skills
Passage 6
12. G
前文说读懂他人肢体语言需要很多技能,G 选项“理解这些隐藏在人们肢体语言中的信息需要很多技能”,与前文逻辑一致。
前文说要建立一个人的行为基线,D 选项“这有助于避免误解他们的肢体语言”,解释了建立基线的作用。
后文说即使人们不直接说谎,也会隐藏感情,F 选项“肢体语言的细微变化可以帮助你识别某人是否在说谎”,引出下文关于识别谎言的内容。
前文说看人的脚和腿能判断情绪,E 选项“很多人开心或兴奋时会跺脚”,举例说明了脚部动作与情绪的关系。
后文说距离和姿势能反映人的情绪,A 选项“而且姿势也很重要”,起到承上启下的作用。
Passage 7:山东省烟台市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末学业水平诊断英语试题
If staying optimistic (乐观) is something you struggle with, you’re certainly not alone. Here are five ways you can frequently practice to be optimistic.
Be present every day
The majority of negative thoughts are about tie past and future, which can’t be changed. To be present, you need to exactly figure out whether they are in the past, present or future and bring them back into the moment. 16
Give thanks
The thoughts of giving thanks can help improve your body function, and sever all happiness. Start by writing down at least three things you’re thankful for each day 17 This practice could transform into a formal habit of recalling things you’re grateful for and writing them down.
Laugh out loud
Laughter really is fantastic medicine. Loud laughs can calm the brain’s stress center. Watch one of your favorite TV plays or even try laughter yoga. It might be a good choice to reach out to others for help to laugh out loud. 18 . I can help lift your mood during difficult times.
Acts of kindness can increase your sense of well-being. Even something as simple as giving someone a smile can leave you both feeling happier. Challenge yourself to do at least one kind thing for someone else each day, such as buying a stranger a cup of coffee or donating to a cause that matters to you.
Find time to exercise
Exercise produces pleasurable brain-chemicals and relieves bad emotions. When you participate in physical activities that bring you joy, your thinking will clear. If it’s hard to find time to get to the gym, there are many exercise videos you can follow online. 20 Then you’ll likely feel more positive afterward.
A.Pay it forward.
B.Acquire spiritual strength.
C.Try to focus on what’s in front of you.
D.The main goal is to break a sweat and do it regularly.
E.It’s unavoidable to feel unhappy with ups and downs all the time.
F.Doing that helps you recognize the little good things surrounding you.
G.Having a positive network of friends or family can really make a difference.
Passage 7
16. C
前文说要专注当下,C 选项“试着专注于你面前的事物”,进一步解释了如何专注当下。
前文说每天写下至少三件感恩的事,F 选项“这样做有助于你认识到周围的小美好”,解释了这样做的好处。
前文说要大笑,G 选项“拥有积极的朋友或家人网络真的会有很大的不同”,话题有所转换,引出新的观点。
后文说要做善事,A 选项“传递爱心”,概括了这一段的主旨。
前文说参加体育活动能改善心情,D 选项“主要目标是出汗并定期进行”,强调了运动的目的和频率。
Passage 8:湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末英语试卷
Durian (榴莲) prices in China — the world’s top market for the spiky, pungent fruit typically regarded as an expensive item — have fallen by over 30 percent this month, which delights durian lovers a lot and they even couldn’t wait to enjoy one. However, many people find it challenging and overwhelming when faced with a mountain of spiky durian stands when they are buying a satisfying durian. 16
Tap on it (not with your hand). If a durian is ripe, it should “sound like hitting a drum”, as the fruit is more hollow with gaps of air inside the fruit. 17 The seeds are sure to have loosened up when we shake a ripen durian. A darker stem means that the durian has been harvested much earlier, so, obviously, it isn’t suitable for us to choose.
18 A perfectly elliptical durian is not necessarily the most delicious! If the durian has bulging (鼓起的) sides, it is often an indication that the seeds are fleshy. If the sides are concave, it is likely the chamber is empty. Odd-shaped durians also do not mean that there is less meat. 19
It’s commonly acknowledged that larger and rounder fruits will always be drawn attention to, but as for durians, bigger is not necessarily better. 20 It’s wise of you to avoid a durian of huge size which seems delicious.
You won’t miss a tasty durian for your careful choice.
A.Purchasing a durian, listen out for tapping sounds.
B.Next time you buy a durian, do remember to choose a bigger one.
C.In addition, one must also learn to observe the shape of the durian.
D.Here are a few practical tips to help you become a skilled durian picker.
E.Following the tips below, you’ll find it not difficult to break off a durian.
F.The perfect weight of durian is 1.5 to 2kg, which provides the best flavors.
G.They are usually more fragrant (芳香的) and creamier compared to perfectly rounded durians.
Passage 8
16. D
前文说买榴莲有挑战,D 选项“这里有一些实用的小贴士,帮助你成为一个熟练的榴莲挑选者”,引出下文的挑选建议。
前文说敲榴莲听声音,A 选项“购买榴莲时,要听敲击的声音”,对前文进行了总结和强调。
后文说要观察榴莲的形状,C 选项“此外,还必须学会观察榴莲的形状”,起到引出下文的作用。
前文说奇形怪状的榴莲不一定肉少,G 选项“它们通常比形状完美的圆形榴莲更香更滑腻”,解释了奇形榴莲的优点。
前文说榴莲不是越大越好,F 选项“榴莲的完美重量是 1.5 到 2 公斤,这样口感最佳”,给出了挑选榴莲重量的建议。
Passage 9:湖南省永州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末英语试卷
Research suggests that when you express creativity, you will experience greater well-being and happiness. 16 .
Create an area of your own
17 . It could be a small corner next to your bed, a wall or any place in your home. Now, think about the things that make you happy. Decorate your area with your favourite things. You may arrange them in any way you like. That is creativity! And if you do feel bored with this set-up after a month, you can always change the arrangement.
Create your own song
Are you interested in music If so, you can think about composing your own song, with lyrics that reflect you and your experiences. 18 . Once you have created your own song, you can sing it out loud, dance to it or even share it with your friends or on TikTok. Remember, you do not have to be a musician to create your own song!
Create your own comic script
Are you someone who loves to read comics Perhaps it is about time you created one of your own. For a start, a bit of doodling (涂鸦) and a few speech bubbles is what you can aim for. 19 . Nobody said this is an exam! You only have to please yourself, to gain that satisfaction when you try something new, all on your own.
There are many courses out there that involve creative activities. Besides painting and baking, you can try jewellery making, learn the art of creating stained glass, or try your hand at creating something using a new programming language. You could sign up for a formal course or choose to learn from the numerous free online creative courses available.
A.Start a creative course
B.Create a well-equipped study
C.Find a small place in your room
D.It does not matter if you can’t draw very well
E.You can use the tune of an existing song or create a new one
F.Here are four creative activities you can try for your happiness
G.You can sing while taking a shower or on your ride back from school
Passage 9
16. F
前文说创造力能带来幸福感,F 选项“以下是四个为了你的幸福可以尝试的创意活动”,引出下文具体的活动。
前文说要创建自己的区域,C 选项“在你的房间里找一个小地方”,具体说明了创建区域的第一步。
前文说创作自己的歌曲,E 选项“你可以使用现有歌曲的曲调或创作新的曲调”,进一步说明了创作歌曲的方法。
前文说创作自己的漫画脚本,D 选项“画得不好也没关系”,鼓励读者不要担心画技。
后文说参加创意课程,A 选项“开始一门创意课程”,概括了这一段的主旨。
Passage 10:山东省德州市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试题
Keeping a schedule can help you manage your time and be productive. 16 With a few graffiti (涂鸦) in your planner or tabs on your screen, you can have an efficient plan for the day in no time. Keep reading to learn how to schedule your day and be as productive as possible.
17 Think about what you need to do today (or even for the whole week). Put every task or goal on a piece of paper or in a notes app on your phone. Now, you can see everything you need to do for the day in front of you.
Check your planner throughout the day. Make it a habit to check your planner every morning and night to stay on task and prepare for the day ahead. This way, you can always be on top of the game and know what’s to come—it’s a great way to stay motivated. Schedule alarms to remind you of certain tasks. 18
Adjust your schedule as needed. Although you should try sticking to your schedule as much as possible, things happen, and adjustments may be needed. Don’t hesitate to move flexible or low-priority items to other time periods. 19 You’re only human. Focus on high-priority or timely items, and worry about the rest later.
Reward yourself when you’ve completed your tasks. Who says you have to be strict all of the time If you’ve completed all your tasks for the day, don’t hesitate to reward yourself. 20 It also gives you time to rest and recharge, especially after a busy day.
A.This way, you will not miss a thing.
B.Not everything has to get done in one day.
C.This positive boost is to keep you motivated.
D.Pick a planner to use that meets your daily needs.
E.Write down everything you need to accomplish for the day.
F.Thankfully, making and keeping a schedule isn’t hard to do.
G.Keeping some free space in your schedule can help you relax.
Passage 10
16. F
前文说保持日程安排的重要性,F 选项“谢天谢地,制定和保持日程安排并不难”,引出下文如何制定日程安排。
后文说把任务写下来,E 选项“写下你当天需要完成的所有事情”,统领了这一段的内容。
前文说设置提醒闹钟,A 选项“这样,你就不会错过任何事情”,解释了设置闹钟的作用。
前文说要调整日程安排,B 选项“不是所有事情都必须在一天内完成”,解释了调整的原因。
前文说完成任务要奖励自己,C 选项“这种积极的推动是为了让你保持动力”,解释了奖励的作用。
七选五 1: 河南省周口市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试题
A learning log(日志) is an educational tool designed to improve children’s learning experience. 16 It can be applied by homeschoolers and other students accepting non-traditional education as well.
A learning log can be used in a variety of ways. For example, students might be asked to take five minutes at the end of the class to write in their learning logs about what they learned. 17 Learning logs can also be used for taking notes, or for responding to reading, classroom learning, and other forms of input.
Teachers and students can work together with a learning log to set clear goals and to record the processes used to achieve those goals. For example, at the beginning of the term, a student might sit down with a teacher and produce a list of topics which he or she should be familiar with by the end of the term. Learning logs can also be used to record out-of-class experiences. 18
Teachers may regularly check a student’s learning log to see areas where the student may need improvement. For example, a student struggling in a science class might not be frank about the issue. 19 Recording this issue would allow the teacher to customize a response to the student to help him or her improve.
20 Some learning logs include the recording of homework lists, which parents can use to monitor(监督) their children and make sure that they’re doing all of their homework. And parents can find whether their kids have any problems related to study. If they do have some, they can take measures to help them in time.
A.It can be used in common school environments.
B.Parents can find learning logs are really helpful.
C.The log-keeper can clearly see how he or she has progressed.
D.Students take part in a school project and record it in a learning log.
E.This provides an opportunity for students to organize their thoughts.
F.But the learning log could show that the student was failing to master some concepts.
G.Students can use them to record learning experiences which occur beyond the schoolyard.
七选五 1
16. A
后文说在家上学和接受非传统教育的学生也能用,A 选项“它可以用于普通学校环境”,与之形成对比,说明学习日志的适用范围广泛。
前文说学生课后在学习日志中写所学内容,E 选项“这为学生提供了组织思路的机会”,解释了这样做的好处。
前文说学习日志可以记录课堂外的经历,G 选项“学生可以用它们来记录校园外的学习经历”,进一步说明了记录的内容。
前文说学生可能不会坦诚学习上的问题,F 选项“但学习日志可能显示学生没有掌握某些概念”,说明了学习日志能反映出的问题。
后文说家长能通过学习日志监督孩子,B 选项“家长可以发现学习日志真的很有帮助”,统领了这一段的内容。
七选五 2:河南省漯河市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末质量监测英语试题
Money habits are the small daily decisions we make that influence how we spend and save our money. 16 But with a little awareness and effort, we can make improvements that will help us achieve our financial goals.
Taking a careful look at your existing spending habits is one of the first steps in improving your money habits. 17 It can make you realize the issues on your spending habits, which help you identify y areas where you can adjust your spending patterns.
Next, setup clear financial goals for yourself. Having a specific objective in mind will help you keep motivated and focused, whether it’s saving for a down payment on a home, removing credit card debtor creating an emergency fund.
18 A budget ensures that your spending is focused on important things and that you set aside enough cash to achieve your goals. Make sure to include it for savings and keep using it.
Impulsive(冲动的) purchasing is a key habit to break. It’s necessary to take action to stop the habit of impulse shopping because it can significantly reduce your bank account. Making a list of the items you require before you go shopping and sticking to it is one approach to achieve this 19
Finally, it’s critical to track your spending and goals, and be prepared to adjust as required 20 Adjusting your spending patterns is a process, and its effects might not be seen right away. With a little knowledge and effort, you can make positive changes, helping you achieve your financial goals and strengthen your overall financial health.
A.It is never too late to start saving money.
B.It might be challenging to change these habits.
C.Setting and sticking to a budget (预算) is also important.
D.Budgeting and savings are both necessary for good money habits.
E.Be patient and do not expect to change your money habits overnight
F.Plus, waiting a day or two can help you decide if you still want the item.
G.This includes tracking your spending for a month and analyzing the data.
七选五 2
16. B
后文说通过一些努力可以改进,B 选项“改变这些习惯可能具有挑战性”,与后文形成转折。
前文说审视消费习惯,G 选项“这包括跟踪你的支出一个月并分析数据”,具体说明了审视的方式。
后文说要制定预算,C 选项“设定并坚持预算也很重要”,引出下文关于预算的内容。
前文说避免冲动购物的方法,F 选项“另外,等一两天可以帮助你决定是否仍然想要该物品”,补充了更多避免冲动购物的建议。
后文说调整消费模式需要过程,E 选项“要有耐心,不要期望一夜之间改变你的金钱习惯”,强调了改变习惯需要时间。
七选五 3:广东省深圳市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末调研考试英语试题
Standing at the top of a staircase in the Louvre in Paris, the Nike, or the Winged Victory (胜利女神), looks down over her admiring crowds. This statue is one of the most famous artworks of Greek art. 36 Later it was brought to Paris and has been on display in the Louvre since 1866.
The Nike consists of two parts: a large ship’s front part, and a standing statue with a total height of more than eighteen feet. It looks like the Winged Victory has just flown down from the sky. 37 The wind blows her dress across her body, gathering it in heavy folds, and streaming behind her. When viewers look at her, they can almost feel the wind from the sea. 38
The statue, as it stands today in the Louvre, has been partly repaired. The right wing is a modern copy, but the missing feet, arms, and head have not been recovered, giving viewers much to imagine. For instance, did the Nike hold objects in her hands In fact, people found her right hand in 1950, whose fingers are spread out. 39 She must have simply raised her right arm in greeting. Her head may have looked straight ahead, and viewers can only guess about the features of her face.
40 As one of the few existing examples of original Greek sculpture, it will continue to attract viewers, just as it undoubtedly did before.
A.This means that she cannot have held any object.
B.The Nike is in charge of victory in ancient Greek stories.
C.It was found on a Greek island in the Aegean sea in 1863.
D.This statue was made by artists who left no names in history.
E.It’s hard for them to believe such a lifelike statue is made of stone.
F.Landing on top of the ship, she celebrates the victory of an ancient battle.
G.Despite its incomplete survival, the Winged Victory is truly a masterpiece.
七选五 3
36. C
后文说它后来被带到巴黎,C 选项“它于 1863 年在爱琴海的一个希腊岛屿上被发现”,说明了它的发现地点,与后文衔接紧密。
前文说它像刚从天上飞下来,F 选项“降落在船头,她庆祝一场古代战役的胜利”,进一步描述了它的姿态和意义。
前文描述了风吹动雕像的衣服,让观者能感受到风,E 选项“他们很难相信这样一个栩栩如生的雕像是用石头做的”,强调了雕像的逼真。
前文说发现了她的右手,手指张开,A 选项“这意味着她不可能拿着任何东西”,根据手的姿势得出结论。
后文说它会继续吸引观众,G 选项“尽管它保存不完整,但胜利女神像确实是一件杰作”,强调了尽管有缺陷但仍是杰作的观点。
七选五 4:广东省广州市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
Asha Bradford doesn’t have time to lose things. She’s a working mom with lots of hobbies, and when she misplaces her keys or leaves her purse at a restaurant, she becomes frustrated.
Her worry is probably familiar to anyone whose phone is misplaced a dozen times a day, or who can’t find the TV remote until ten minutes after a favorite show has begun. 32 That’s a breakdown at the interface of attention and memory, where we are focused on something other than the object we’re going to lose. Here is some advice from experts about how to overcome a tendency to misplace things:
Take pictures. 33 Take a picture of your parking spot. The same advice applies to lots of things: Photograph all those spots where you store easy-to-lose objects, and when you can’t find them, pull up the photo.
34 Dennis recommends designating (指定) a color that you love and using that color key ring and phone case, so that when you’re scanning, you’re always looking for your favorite color. You could also put reflective tape on the TV remote. It will make it easier to find when it appears.
Set up a routine. That might mean placing a basket by your front door where you drop your keys and wallet immediately upon entering your home, or designating one drawer as the scissors drawer. 35 Then, at the end of the day “scan the areas where you’ve been, find the items that need to be taken back home, and return them to their spots.
Be kind to yourself. It’s certainly understandable if you’re frustrated with your tendency to misplace things and you start to think that there’s something wrong with you. Then, you get anxious about that and even less likely to focus and keep track of your belongings. 36
A.Invest in technology.
B.Make your belongings stand out.
C.So remember to treat yourself well.
D.Did you ever have trouble starting your car
E.Losing things results from absentmindedness.
F.In this way, you make a “home” for everything.
G.Ever wander around the parking lot because you can’t find your car
七选五 4
32. E
前文描述了人们容易丢东西的现象,E 选项“丢东西是由于心不在焉”,解释了原因。
前文说拍照,G 选项“曾经因为找不到车而在停车场徘徊吗?”通过举例说明拍照的用处。
后文说指定颜色让物品突出,B 选项“让你的物品突出”,概括了这一段的主旨。
前文说建立日常惯例,F 选项“这样,你就为一切都创造了一个‘家’”,解释了这样做的效果。
前文说要对自己友善,C 选项“所以记得要善待自己”,再次强调了这一观点。
七选五 5:河南省驻马店市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期终考试英语试题
Art isn't always an easy and straightforward thing to understand, and it can be hard to appreciate because it has been seen as something that only particularly educated or wealthy people can enjoy. 16 . Anyone can come to appreciate art with a little bit of time and effort.
Understand the art and then go a step deeper to understand the artists, their intentions and the historical backgrounds. Artists often create works to comment on major historical events. 17 . For example, Pablo Picasso's Guernica (1937) was created in response to the bombings during the Spanish Civil War. It's filled with anti—war symbolism. Picasso said of the artwork, “Painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war against cruelty and darkness.”
18 . Art movements grow from popularity of certain ways of creating art. An art school is basically a group of artists, sometimes all in the same region, who all have a similar style or subject matter. Knowing a little bit about these can help you understand why an artist might have made certain choices. For example, painters in the Egyptian school of art had certain rules that they had to follow—like the size of any figure they drew was supposed to vary based on the social status of the person they were painting. 19 . Each one symbolized a different aspect of life or death.
Check out the life experiences of the artists. Learning a bit about the artists who created a piece can help understand it in a variety of ways. It can help you understand why they made certain artistic decisions. 20 . She had limited mobility after fighting against a serious disease and suffering a bus accident in her early life. Her pain and struggle appears in several of her pieces.
A.But our tips will give you a new way
B.Art movements sometimes inspired artists
C.They also couldn't use more than six colors
D.However, this couldn't be further from the truth
E.This can give you a window into their unique opinion
F.For example, Mexican painter Frida Kahlo had suffered a lot
G.Learn about the art movements or schools that influenced the piece
七选五 5
16. D
前文说艺术难以理解和欣赏,D 选项“然而,这与事实相去甚远”,引出下文任何人都能欣赏艺术的观点。
前文说艺术家的作品与历史事件相关,E 选项“这可以让你了解他们独特的观点”,解释了理解作品与历史背景的意义。
后文说艺术运动和流派,G 选项“了解影响作品的艺术运动或流派”,统领了这一段的内容。
前文说埃及艺术流派的规则,C 选项“他们也不能使用超过六种颜色”,进一步说明了规则的具体内容。
前文说了解艺术家的经历有助于理解作品,F 选项“例如,墨西哥画家弗里达·卡罗遭受了很多”,通过举例进行说明。(
高一 七选五 专练
) (
专题-S102 七选五专练 最新高一英语 梯度训练
初阶训练 Passage 1-5
进阶训练 Passage 6-10
高阶提升 七选五1-5
Passage 1:广西钦州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题
Most of us agree that life’s real education happens outside the classroom. 16 However, they are not the only ones. In fact, traveling is the best way to learn things. Here are some reasons why traveling is the best form of education.
You learn history. 17 All that was really cool. However, nothing beats traveling to historic landmarks and exploring your way around a city’s history and culture. When you visit museums, palaces and galleries, the entire nation’s history comes out right in front of you. Learning about different dynasties, conflicts and changes is so much easier when you actually explore a nation.
You learn social skills. You may be shy and find it difficult to engage yourself socially. But traveling will change that as things like talking to strangers are not an option but a necessity during travels. Taking some social skill courses is useful. However, you can achieve it by traveling your way to a wonderful place on your own. 18
You learn to do new things. When you are traveling, you are forced to do plenty of new things. 19 Therefore, you must learn to be able to adapt to a new learning environment in a very short time. It also helps in your overall learning as well.
20 Probably the most important aspect of education that travel helps is your education about yourself. By traveling, you realize your true potential, the things that you really enjoy and the person who you really are. Without travel, you probably have a very limited understanding of yourself. And you may even be completely unaware of your real personality.
A.You learn about yourself.
B.You learn a lot by chatting.
C.You are out of your comfort or familiar situation.
D.You’ll learn much better than through such courses.
E.You can study about the major historical events in your history class.
F.Classrooms with teachers and textbooks are of course one way to learn.
G.This helps you meet a lot of new people and experience some exciting things.
Passage 2:云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州等2地2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末
Environmental protection is an important issue that affects all of us. Taking good care of the environment is significant for the happiness and health of future generations. 16 .
Reduce our energy and resource consumption
Turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use can save a significant amount of energy. Using energy-efficient appliances can also help to reduce our carbon footprint. Simple actions such as turning off the tap while brushing our teeth or taking shorter showers can make a big difference, too. By being mindful of our energy and water usage, we can help to protect our ecosystems.
Recycle and reduce waste
Recycling helps to save resources and reduce pollution. We can start by separating our waste into different categories(类别) such as paper, plastic, and glass. Many communities have recycling programs in place, so it is important to take advantage of these services. 17 . For example, bringing a reusable water bottle or shopping bag can help to reduce plastic waste.
Support sustainable (可持续的) transportation
Cars are a major source of pollution, so we should try to use public transportation, walk, or bike whenever possible. 18 . By choosing sustainable transportation options, we can help to reduce air pollution and improve our overall health.
By staying informed, we can make better choices and take action to protect the environment. We can also raise awareness among our family, friends, and community by sharing information and encouraging them to adopt environmentally friendly practices.
In conclusion, environmental protection is everyone’s responsibility. By following these tips, we can all contribute to a healthier and more sustainable planet. 20 .
A.Take part in activities organized by communities
B.Educate ourselves and others about environmental issues
C.Saving water is also a great way to protect the environment
D.Sharing the ride with friends is also a great way to reduce pollution
E.Let’s work together to protect our environment for future generations
F.In addition, we should try to reduce our waste by using reusable items
G.Here are some tips on how we can contribute to environmental protection
Passage 3:云南省曲靖市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末英语试卷
Want to improve your mind A little bit of effort every day goes a long way. Here are some simple actions that could help you become a smarter person.
16 Think about how to make more money, how to solve a daily problem you have, interesting movie ideas’ or anything else. It doesn’t matter what subject your ideas fall into as long as you’re working your brain.
Read newspapers. 17 You’ll learn to form your own opinions. You’ll also have a lot more to talk about at parties or with friends.
Instead of watching TV, watch educational videos. 18 And you can learn a lot from other people’s experiences. In videos, the information is often presented in an understandable, memorable way, so you can be sure it will stick in your mind.
19 If you find someone to discuss something with, you can add to each other’s knowledge and gain new ideas. Also, when you can explain ideas to someone else, it means you’ve mastered them. You can even share what you learn on the Internet.
Hang out with people who are smarter than you. 20 Every day, you should try to have a coffee date or walk with someone who inspires you. Always be willing to learn. Ask as many questions as possible. If you are always around people who are more knowledgeable than you, you’ll have no choice but to learn more.
A.Try to be good at your job.
B.Come up with 10 ideas every day.
C.Don’t always follow others’ advice.
D.Share what you learn with other people.
E.Spend as much time as you can with wise people.
F.Sometimes, it’s more exciting to watch something than to read it.
G.It will help you become more aware of the important things happening around the world.
Passage 4:广西来宾市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷
Many kids find math difficult or boring. That feeling needs to go extinct as soon as possible as math is a pillar (支柱) of education. Beyond numbers, math pushes kids to think critically and become problem solvers. 16 Let’s find out!
Change how you talk about math to kids
When you hear the word “math” come up, put on a wide smile on your face. Our kids feed off our energy. Let’s be clear, we aren’t trying to make math cool. 17 . This goes double for those struggling with math.
Integrate (融合) math into daily life
18 . You can do this at home, during grocery shopping or even at a restaurant. Getting kids a quick math practice session when they aren’t expecting it makes them think on their feet and put things they’ve learned into practice. They get a moment to shine and you get an opportunity to praise them for showing what they learned.
Does your child love sports Math helps them keep track of their performance and improve. Figure out a way to take the current math they are working on in school and then apply it to something they like. This may take some homework on your part, but it will pay off in no time!
Go along with math games
Let’s not try to force math homework to be fun, rather find a teaching aid that puts math in a new light. With advancement in technology, math games have become designed to teach entire lessons and concepts rather than simple problems like the games of days past. 20
A.Listen to the outer voice
B.Connect math to kids’ interests
C.What is your learning approach to math
D.But how do we help kids build math confidence
E.A simple everyday event can turn into a math problem
F.Your kids will explore a different world while playing math games
G.Instead, we are trying to make math a positive part of a child’s education
Passage 5:广西壮族自治区防城港市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
For some people, the warmest memories from childhood come from being read a great story. 16 It develops children’s language skills and increases their ability to succeed in school and, later, work.
Experts say parents should read books that are not too long and on the right age level so that children will not lose interest. They say parents should also point to and talk about pictures in books for infants (幼儿). 17
Elizabeth Lyttleton has three daughters. They are at age ten, eight and two. 18 She says, "I watch my two-year-old, who is now getting a big language explosion. So much of it comes from the books that she reads. With my eight-year-old, it’s now the broadening horizons (眼界). The oldest now truly reads for pleasure and can get lost in young adult books. "
19 The company Scholastic is a major publisher of children’s books. Every two years, Scholastic publishes a report on American reading attitudes and habits. The 2015 report says only 31 percent of children in the U. S. read a book for fun almost every day. Four years ago that number was more than double.
Scholastic also suggests some ways to develop a love of reading in a child. 20 Another way to develop a reading habit in children is to read to them. The Scholastic report also suggests permitting children to choose their own books. Of all the 6 - to 17-year-olds in the Scholastic study, more than 90% said their favorite books are the ones they choose for themselves.
A.One is simply to have books in the home.
B.All her children read books at the same time.
C.All her children learn from books — but in different ways.
D.Of course, adults can enjoy reading children's book
E.But reading to children can do more than create warm memorles.
F.For young children, parents should ask questions about the book.
G.However, researchers find that the number of children who read for fun is dropping fast.
Passage 6:山东省临沂市2023-2024高一下学期7月期末考试英语试题
At times we all wish that we knew what other people were thinking. Fortunately, people’s facial expressions, movements and positions can communicate a lot about what is going on in their minds. 12 , but Joe Navarro’s book What Everybody is Saying can help develop that ability.
According to Navarro, establishing a baseline for how a person behaves is important. 13 . Most facial expressions and positions can mean several different things, so figure out when people use certain expressions. Recognizing this baseline can help you understand whether expressions and positions indicate a reaction to something you said or not.
14 . Even when people don’t lie directly, they sometimes try to hide their feelings. Whether you are communicating with people in business or in your personal life, recognizing these feelings can help you look out for their interests and your own.
When people think of body language, the first thing that comes to mind is the facial expressions. Some people have become good at controlling their facial expressions to hide their emotions. When dealing with someone like that, look at the rest of their bodies, especially their feet and legs. 15 . However, if someone feels uncomfortable, they may point their feet away from the person they are speaking to.
Nearness to other people is part of body language. People stand closer to people they like or feel comfortable with than to strangers or people they don’t like. 16 . Sitting or standing up straight can show that someone feels confident, while sitting with crossed arms indicates that they feel defensive or uncomfortable.
Body language can communicate a lot about people’s thoughts and feelings, and thus, help you understand them.
A.And position also matters
B.Focusing on body language can be beneficial to us
C.They tend to keep a distance from people they dislike.
D.It can help to avoid misunderstanding their body language
E.Many people tap their feet when they are-happy or excited
F.Small changes in body language can help you recognize if someone is lying
G.Understanding these messages hidden in people's body language can require many skills
Passage 7:山东省烟台市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末学业水平诊断英语试题
If staying optimistic (乐观) is something you struggle with, you’re certainly not alone. Here are five ways you can frequently practice to be optimistic.
Be present every day
The majority of negative thoughts are about tie past and future, which can’t be changed. To be present, you need to exactly figure out whether they are in the past, present or future and bring them back into the moment. 16
Give thanks
The thoughts of giving thanks can help improve your body function, and sever all happiness. Start by writing down at least three things you’re thankful for each day 17 This practice could transform into a formal habit of recalling things you’re grateful for and writing them down.
Laugh out loud
Laughter really is fantastic medicine. Loud laughs can calm the brain’s stress center. Watch one of your favorite TV plays or even try laughter yoga. It might be a good choice to reach out to others for help to laugh out loud. 18 . I can help lift your mood during difficult times.
Acts of kindness can increase your sense of well-being. Even something as simple as giving someone a smile can leave you both feeling happier. Challenge yourself to do at least one kind thing for someone else each day, such as buying a stranger a cup of coffee or donating to a cause that matters to you.
Find time to exercise
Exercise produces pleasurable brain-chemicals and relieves bad emotions. When you participate in physical activities that bring you joy, your thinking will clear. If it’s hard to find time to get to the gym, there are many exercise videos you can follow online. 20 Then you’ll likely feel more positive afterward.
A.Pay it forward.
B.Acquire spiritual strength.
C.Try to focus on what’s in front of you.
D.The main goal is to break a sweat and do it regularly.
E.It’s unavoidable to feel unhappy with ups and downs all the time.
F.Doing that helps you recognize the little good things surrounding you.
G.Having a positive network of friends or family can really make a difference.
Passage 8:湖南省衡阳市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末英语试卷
Durian (榴莲) prices in China — the world’s top market for the spiky, pungent fruit typically regarded as an expensive item — have fallen by over 30 percent this month, which delights durian lovers a lot and they even couldn’t wait to enjoy one. However, many people find it challenging and overwhelming when faced with a mountain of spiky durian stands when they are buying a satisfying durian. 16
Tap on it (not with your hand). If a durian is ripe, it should “sound like hitting a drum”, as the fruit is more hollow with gaps of air inside the fruit. 17 The seeds are sure to have loosened up when we shake a ripen durian. A darker stem means that the durian has been harvested much earlier, so, obviously, it isn’t suitable for us to choose.
18 A perfectly elliptical durian is not necessarily the most delicious! If the durian has bulging (鼓起的) sides, it is often an indication that the seeds are fleshy. If the sides are concave, it is likely the chamber is empty. Odd-shaped durians also do not mean that there is less meat. 19
It’s commonly acknowledged that larger and rounder fruits will always be drawn attention to, but as for durians, bigger is not necessarily better. 20 It’s wise of you to avoid a durian of huge size which seems delicious.
You won’t miss a tasty durian for your careful choice.
A.Purchasing a durian, listen out for tapping sounds.
B.Next time you buy a durian, do remember to choose a bigger one.
C.In addition, one must also learn to observe the shape of the durian.
D.Here are a few practical tips to help you become a skilled durian picker.
E.Following the tips below, you’ll find it not difficult to break off a durian.
F.The perfect weight of durian is 1.5 to 2kg, which provides the best flavors.
G.They are usually more fragrant (芳香的) and creamier compared to perfectly rounded durians.
Passage 9:湖南省永州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末英语试卷
Research suggests that when you express creativity, you will experience greater well-being and happiness. 16 .
Create an area of your own
17 . It could be a small corner next to your bed, a wall or any place in your home. Now, think about the things that make you happy. Decorate your area with your favourite things. You may arrange them in any way you like. That is creativity! And if you do feel bored with this set-up after a month, you can always change the arrangement.
Create your own song
Are you interested in music If so, you can think about composing your own song, with lyrics that reflect you and your experiences. 18 . Once you have created your own song, you can sing it out loud, dance to it or even share it with your friends or on TikTok. Remember, you do not have to be a musician to create your own song!
Create your own comic script
Are you someone who loves to read comics Perhaps it is about time you created one of your own. For a start, a bit of doodling (涂鸦) and a few speech bubbles is what you can aim for. 19 . Nobody said this is an exam! You only have to please yourself, to gain that satisfaction when you try something new, all on your own.
There are many courses out there that involve creative activities. Besides painting and baking, you can try jewellery making, learn the art of creating stained glass, or try your hand at creating something using a new programming language. You could sign up for a formal course or choose to learn from the numerous free online creative courses available.
A.Start a creative course
B.Create a well-equipped study
C.Find a small place in your room
D.It does not matter if you can’t draw very well
E.You can use the tune of an existing song or create a new one
F.Here are four creative activities you can try for your happiness
G.You can sing while taking a shower or on your ride back from school
Passage 10:山东省德州市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试题
Keeping a schedule can help you manage your time and be productive. 16 With a few graffiti (涂鸦) in your planner or tabs on your screen, you can have an efficient plan for the day in no time. Keep reading to learn how to schedule your day and be as productive as possible.
17 Think about what you need to do today (or even for the whole week). Put every task or goal on a piece of paper or in a notes app on your phone. Now, you can see everything you need to do for the day in front of you.
Check your planner throughout the day. Make it a habit to check your planner every morning and night to stay on task and prepare for the day ahead. This way, you can always be on top of the game and know what’s to come—it’s a great way to stay motivated. Schedule alarms to remind you of certain tasks. 18
Adjust your schedule as needed. Although you should try sticking to your schedule as much as possible, things happen, and adjustments may be needed. Don’t hesitate to move flexible or low-priority items to other time periods. 19 You’re only human. Focus on high-priority or timely items, and worry about the rest later.
Reward yourself when you’ve completed your tasks. Who says you have to be strict all of the time If you’ve completed all your tasks for the day, don’t hesitate to reward yourself. 20 It also gives you time to rest and recharge, especially after a busy day.
A.This way, you will not miss a thing.
B.Not everything has to get done in one day.
C.This positive boost is to keep you motivated.
D.Pick a planner to use that meets your daily needs.
E.Write down everything you need to accomplish for the day.
F.Thankfully, making and keeping a schedule isn’t hard to do.
G.Keeping some free space in your schedule can help you relax.
七选五 1: 河南省周口市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试题
A learning log(日志) is an educational tool designed to improve children’s learning experience. 16 It can be applied by homeschoolers and other students accepting non-traditional education as well.
A learning log can be used in a variety of ways. For example, students might be asked to take five minutes at the end of the class to write in their learning logs about what they learned. 17 Learning logs can also be used for taking notes, or for responding to reading, classroom learning, and other forms of input.
Teachers and students can work together with a learning log to set clear goals and to record the processes used to achieve those goals. For example, at the beginning of the term, a student might sit down with a teacher and produce a list of topics which he or she should be familiar with by the end of the term. Learning logs can also be used to record out-of-class experiences. 18
Teachers may regularly check a student’s learning log to see areas where the student may need improvement. For example, a student struggling in a science class might not be frank about the issue. 19 Recording this issue would allow the teacher to customize a response to the student to help him or her improve.
20 Some learning logs include the recording of homework lists, which parents can use to monitor(监督) their children and make sure that they’re doing all of their homework. And parents can find whether their kids have any problems related to study. If they do have some, they can take measures to help them in time.
A.It can be used in common school environments.
B.Parents can find learning logs are really helpful.
C.The log-keeper can clearly see how he or she has progressed.
D.Students take part in a school project and record it in a learning log.
E.This provides an opportunity for students to organize their thoughts.
F.But the learning log could show that the student was failing to master some concepts.
G.Students can use them to record learning experiences which occur beyond the schoolyard.
七选五 2:河南省漯河市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末质量监测英语试题
Money habits are the small daily decisions we make that influence how we spend and save our money. 16 But with a little awareness and effort, we can make improvements that will help us achieve our financial goals.
Taking a careful look at your existing spending habits is one of the first steps in improving your money habits. 17 It can make you realize the issues on your spending habits, which help you identify y areas where you can adjust your spending patterns.
Next, setup clear financial goals for yourself. Having a specific objective in mind will help you keep motivated and focused, whether it’s saving for a down payment on a home, removing credit card debtor creating an emergency fund.
18 A budget ensures that your spending is focused on important things and that you set aside enough cash to achieve your goals. Make sure to include it for savings and keep using it.
Impulsive(冲动的) purchasing is a key habit to break. It’s necessary to take action to stop the habit of impulse shopping because it can significantly reduce your bank account. Making a list of the items you require before you go shopping and sticking to it is one approach to achieve this 19
Finally, it’s critical to track your spending and goals, and be prepared to adjust as required 20 Adjusting your spending patterns is a process, and its effects might not be seen right away. With a little knowledge and effort, you can make positive changes, helping you achieve your financial goals and strengthen your overall financial health.
A.It is never too late to start saving money.
B.It might be challenging to change these habits.
C.Setting and sticking to a budget (预算) is also important.
D.Budgeting and savings are both necessary for good money habits.
E.Be patient and do not expect to change your money habits overnight
F.Plus, waiting a day or two can help you decide if you still want the item.
G.This includes tracking your spending for a month and analyzing the data.
七选五 3:广东省深圳市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末调研考试英语试题
Standing at the top of a staircase in the Louvre in Paris, the Nike, or the Winged Victory (胜利女神), looks down over her admiring crowds. This statue is one of the most famous artworks of Greek art. 36 Later it was brought to Paris and has been on display in the Louvre since 1866.
The Nike consists of two parts: a large ship’s front part, and a standing statue with a total height of more than eighteen feet. It looks like the Winged Victory has just flown down from the sky. 37 The wind blows her dress across her body, gathering it in heavy folds, and streaming behind her. When viewers look at her, they can almost feel the wind from the sea. 38
The statue, as it stands today in the Louvre, has been partly repaired. The right wing is a modern copy, but the missing feet, arms, and head have not been recovered, giving viewers much to imagine. For instance, did the Nike hold objects in her hands In fact, people found her right hand in 1950, whose fingers are spread out. 39 She must have simply raised her right arm in greeting. Her head may have looked straight ahead, and viewers can only guess about the features of her face.
40 As one of the few existing examples of original Greek sculpture, it will continue to attract viewers, just as it undoubtedly did before.
A.This means that she cannot have held any object.
B.The Nike is in charge of victory in ancient Greek stories.
C.It was found on a Greek island in the Aegean sea in 1863.
D.This statue was made by artists who left no names in history.
E.It’s hard for them to believe such a lifelike statue is made of stone.
F.Landing on top of the ship, she celebrates the victory of an ancient battle.
G.Despite its incomplete survival, the Winged Victory is truly a masterpiece.
七选五 4:广东省广州市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
Asha Bradford doesn’t have time to lose things. She’s a working mom with lots of hobbies, and when she misplaces her keys or leaves her purse at a restaurant, she becomes frustrated.
Her worry is probably familiar to anyone whose phone is misplaced a dozen times a day, or who can’t find the TV remote until ten minutes after a favorite show has begun. 32 That’s a breakdown at the interface of attention and memory, where we are focused on something other than the object we’re going to lose. Here is some advice from experts about how to overcome a tendency to misplace things:
Take pictures. 33 Take a picture of your parking spot. The same advice applies to lots of things: Photograph all those spots where you store easy-to-lose objects, and when you can’t find them, pull up the photo.
34 Dennis recommends designating (指定) a color that you love and using that color key ring and phone case, so that when you’re scanning, you’re always looking for your favorite color. You could also put reflective tape on the TV remote. It will make it easier to find when it appears.
Set up a routine. That might mean placing a basket by your front door where you drop your keys and wallet immediately upon entering your home, or designating one drawer as the scissors drawer. 35 Then, at the end of the day “scan the areas where you’ve been, find the items that need to be taken back home, and return them to their spots.
Be kind to yourself. It’s certainly understandable if you’re frustrated with your tendency to misplace things and you start to think that there’s something wrong with you. Then, you get anxious about that and even less likely to focus and keep track of your belongings. 36
A.Invest in technology.
B.Make your belongings stand out.
C.So remember to treat yourself well.
D.Did you ever have trouble starting your car
E.Losing things results from absentmindedness.
F.In this way, you make a “home” for everything.
G.Ever wander around the parking lot because you can’t find your car
七选五 5:河南省驻马店市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期终考试英语试题
Art isn't always an easy and straightforward thing to understand, and it can be hard to appreciate because it has been seen as something that only particularly educated or wealthy people can enjoy. 16 . Anyone can come to appreciate art with a little bit of time and effort.
Understand the art and then go a step deeper to understand the artists, their intentions and the historical backgrounds. Artists often create works to comment on major historical events. 17 . For example, Pablo Picasso's Guernica (1937) was created in response to the bombings during the Spanish Civil War. It's filled with anti—war symbolism. Picasso said of the artwork, “Painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war against cruelty and darkness.”
18 . Art movements grow from popularity of certain ways of creating art. An art school is basically a group of artists, sometimes all in the same region, who all have a similar style or subject matter. Knowing a little bit about these can help you understand why an artist might have made certain choices. For example, painters in the Egyptian school of art had certain rules that they had to follow—like the size of any figure they drew was supposed to vary based on the social status of the person they were painting. 19 . Each one symbolized a different aspect of life or death.
Check out the life experiences of the artists. Learning a bit about the artists who created a piece can help understand it in a variety of ways. It can help you understand why they made certain artistic decisions. 20 . She had limited mobility after fighting against a serious disease and suffering a bus accident in her early life. Her pain and struggle appears in several of her pieces.
A.But our tips will give you a new way
B.Art movements sometimes inspired artists
C.They also couldn't use more than six colors
D.However, this couldn't be further from the truth
E.This can give you a window into their unique opinion
F.For example, Mexican painter Frida Kahlo had suffered a lot
G.Learn about the art movements or schools that influenced the piece