专题-S102-0 【题型易-七选五专练】七选五入门 介绍&练习 高一英语 题目+答案 (全国通用)


名称 专题-S102-0 【题型易-七选五专练】七选五入门 介绍&练习 高一英语 题目+答案 (全国通用)
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-15 18:22:03



高一 七选五 入门
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专题-S102-0 七选五入门 介绍&练习 高一英语
入门介绍 Page 1
方法指引 Page 3
能力操练 Page 5
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is essential for a happy and fulfilling life. It involves several aspects, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient rest.
First of all, a balanced diet is crucial. 1___ . It should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods and excessive sugar and salt intake.
Secondly, regular exercise is necessary. 2___ . It can help improve physical fitness, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and enhance mental well-being.
In addition, getting enough sleep is equally important. Lack of sleep can affect our immune system, mood, and cognitive function. 3___ .
Another aspect of a healthy lifestyle is stress management. Chronic stress can have negative effects on our health. 4____ .
Finally, maintaining good social relationships is beneficial. Spending time with family and friends can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. 5___ .
A. It should be at least 7-8 hours per night for adults.
B. We should find effective ways to cope with stress, such as meditation or hobbies.
C. A diet rich in nutrients provides the energy and nutrients our body needs.
D. Exercise can be in the form of walking, running, swimming, or cycling.
E. A healthy lifestyle also involves avoiding bad habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
F. Positive social interactions can contribute to a happier and healthier life.
G. We should try to balance work and personal life to avoid excessive stress.
答案:1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. F
第一段在讲平衡饮食,C 选项“A diet rich in nutrients provides the energy and nutrients our body needs.”(营养丰富的饮食为我们的身体提供能量和营养。)与前文衔接紧密,进一步说明了平衡饮食的重要性。
第二段讲锻炼,D 选项“Exercise can be in the form of walking, running, swimming, or cycling.”(锻炼可以是走路、跑步、游泳或骑自行车的形式。)具体阐述了锻炼的形式,符合段落内容。
第三段说睡眠重要,A 选项“It should be at least 7 - 8 hours per night for adults.”(成年人每晚应该至少睡 7 - 8 小时。)是关于睡眠时长的,与之呼应。
第四段提到压力管理,B 选项“We should find effective ways to cope with stress, such as meditation or hobbies.”(我们应该找到有效的应对压力的方法,比如冥想或爱好。)符合段落主题。
第五段讲良好的社交关系,F 选项“Positive social interactions can contribute to a happier and healthier life.”(积极的社交互动有助于更快乐和更健康的生活。)强调了社交互动的好处,与段落内容相符。
以下结合上述语篇“Living a Healthy Lifestyle”,深入讲解四个解题方法在选择正确选项时的运用:
1. 通读全文
2. 分析选项
选项 A:“It should be at least 7 - 8 hours per night for adults.” 此选项重点在于明确指出成年人每晚的睡眠时长要求,是一个关于具体睡眠时间的陈述。
选项 B:“We should find effective ways to cope with stress, such as meditation or hobbies.” 它侧重于提供应对压力的具体方法,如冥想或爱好,强调的是解决压力问题的途径。
选项 C:“A diet rich in nutrients provides the energy and nutrients our body needs.” 该选项聚焦于营养丰富的饮食对身体的供给作用,核心是阐述饮食的营养层面及其对身体的意义。
选项 D:“Exercise can be in the form of walking, running, swimming, or cycling.” 主要是在列举锻炼的具体形式,如走路、跑步、游泳或骑自行车,突出的是锻炼形式的多样性。
选项 E:“A healthy lifestyle also involves avoiding bad habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.” 这一选项提及了健康生活方式中应避免的不良习惯,如吸烟和过度饮酒,重点在不良习惯的规避。
选项 F:“Positive social interactions can contribute to a happier and healthier life.” 此选项强调积极的社交互动对生活产生的积极影响,侧重于社交互动与生活质量的关系。
选项 G:“We should try to balance work and personal life to avoid excessive stress.” 它主张通过平衡工作和个人生活来避免过度压力,重点在于如何通过生活平衡来应对压力。
3. 关注上下文逻辑
文章第一段开头提到“First of all, a balanced diet is crucial.”,讲完平衡饮食的重要性后,空缺处需要对其进行进一步解释或补充。选项 C “A diet rich in nutrients provides the energy and nutrients our body needs.” 强调了营养丰富的饮食为身体提供所需,与前文逻辑紧密相连,都在阐述平衡饮食的积极作用。
第二段开头说“Secondly, regular exercise is necessary.”,后面应该是对锻炼相关内容的进一步说明。选项 D “Exercise can be in the form of walking, running, swimming, or cycling.” 具体列举了锻炼的形式,与前文形成很好的逻辑衔接,让读者更清楚什么样的活动属于规律锻炼。
第三段开头提到“In addition, getting enough sleep is equally important.”,接着讲缺乏睡眠的影响,空缺处应是关于睡眠的具体要求或相关内容。选项 A “It should be at least 7 - 8 hours per night for adults.” 明确给出了成年人每晚的建议睡眠时间,与上下文关于睡眠的论述逻辑相符。
第四段提到“Another aspect of a healthy lifestyle is stress management. Chronic stress can have negative effects on our health.”,这里在讨论压力管理,空缺处需要的是应对压力的方法或策略。选项 B “We should find effective ways to cope with stress, such as meditation or hobbies.” 提供了应对压力的有效途径,与段落主题一致,逻辑顺畅。
第五段开头说“Finally, maintaining good social relationships is beneficial.”,强调良好社交关系的益处,空缺处应是对这一益处的进一步阐述。选项 F “Positive social interactions can contribute to a happier and healthier life.” 突出了积极社交互动对更快乐和健康生活的贡献,与前文逻辑连贯,进一步说明了社交关系的重要性。
4. 代入验证
例如,将 C 选项代入第一段空缺处,读起来非常自然,逻辑顺畅,进一步强调了饮食的重要性;将 D 选项代入第二段,很好地衔接了关于锻炼的论述;A 选项在第三段空缺处,使得关于睡眠的阐述更完整;B 选项在第四段,使压力管理的内容更加具体和可行。
七选五 1:贵州省毕节市实验高级中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试题
If you think your vocabulary is weak, a little effort every day over six to nine months can go a long way in improving it. Here are some tips for increasing your vocabulary.
___16___. You may be comfortable reading a particular part but make an effort to read different articles on every page. The editorial (社论的) page is highly recommended not only for vocabulary but also for structuring and presenting thoughts. And there are different articles in the newspaper every day.
Make it a habit to read a new book every week. It is not surprising that those who read a lot of books develop good vocabulary. ___17___. Make a list of words that are new to you and look up their meanings in the dictionary.
Watching English movies and television shows. It is important for improving English and learning new English words. It’s an interesting way to add the number of your vocabulary. ___18___.
Use vocabulary cards. Vocabulary cards are used by students who are trying to learn many words in a short time. You can make your own cards by writing the word on one side and the meaning on the other side of a piece of paper. ___19___.
Use the Internet. The Internet is an unlimited (无限制的) resource for reading material. ___20___. You will come across plenty of material to read, which you might find interesting, and important. The Internet will also introduce you to new words. Be sure to look them up in a dictionary.
A. You can consider becoming a member of the local library.
B. Flash cards are a convenient tool to use to learn new words in your free time.
C. You cannot learn English well without enough vocabulary.
D. Pick up a topic of your choice and search for articles about it.
E. You should develop your own way of learning vocabulary.
F. Besides, by doing this you can learn the correct pronunciation as well.
G. Read the newspaper every day.
七选五 1:
答案:16. G 17. F 18. F 19. B 20. D
16. 下文提到“你可能习惯于阅读某一特定部分,但要努力阅读每一页上的不同文章。社论页面不仅对词汇量有帮助,对构建和表达思想也很有帮助,而且报纸每天都有不同的文章。” 这说明要每天读报纸,G 选项“每天读报纸”符合语境。
17. 前文提到“每周读一本新书对于发展良好的词汇量并不奇怪”,后文提到“列出对你来说是新的单词并在字典中查找它们的意思”,F 选项“此外,通过这样做你还可以学习正确的发音”,在逻辑上承接了上文读新书的好处,并与后文查找新单词的意思相关联。
18. 前文提到“看英语电影和电视节目对提高英语和学习新英语单词很重要”,F 选项“此外,通过这样做你还可以学习正确的发音”,进一步说明了看英语影视节目的好处。
19. 前文提到“制作词汇卡,在一张纸的一面写上单词,另一面写上意思”,B 选项“闪卡是你在空闲时间学习新单词的方便工具”,说明了词汇卡的作用。
20. 前文提到“使用互联网,互联网是阅读材料的无限资源”,D 选项“选择一个你喜欢的主题并搜索相关文章”,解释了如何利用互联网这个资源来增加词汇量。
七选五 2贵州省思南中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试题
___36___ However, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can’t be avoided. The following are ways to deal with stress.
___37___ Running, walking, playing tennis, and working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try.
You should make every effort to get enough rest and eat well. If you easily get angry and can’t sleep well enough, or if you’re not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations._____38_____
Schedule time for both work and entertainment. Don’t forget, play can be just as important to your health as work.___39___ Go window-shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least half an hour each day to do something you enjoy.
Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that “there’s so much to do, and not enough time”. Make a list of everything you have to do.____40____Remember: do one thing at a time, and check off each task it is completed.
A. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should see a doctor.
B. You’d better get into good living habits.
C. You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun.
D. It is impossible to live completely free of stress.
E. Set out to do the most important task first.
F. Trying releasing the pressure through exercise is probably a good choice.
G. Stress can influence peopled thoughts and feelings.
七选五 2:
答案:36. D 37. F 38. A 39. C 40. E
36. 下文提到“然而,当压力无法避免时,防止压力并减少其影响是可能的”,D 选项“完全没有压力地生活是不可能的”,与下文形成转折,引出关于应对压力的话题。
37. 下文提到“跑步、散步、打网球和在花园里工作只是您可能尝试的一些活动”,F 选项“尝试通过锻炼释放压力可能是一个不错的选择”,与下文提到的锻炼活动相呼应。
38. 前文提到“如果你容易生气,睡眠不好,或者饮食不当,你就更有可能陷入压力情境”,A 选项“如果压力反复让你无法入睡,你应该去看医生”,是对前文睡眠不好这一情况的进一步应对建议。
39. 前文提到“你是否曾经担心或焦虑某事而不知道该怎么办?”,C 选项“听音乐可以让人平静下来”,给出了应对焦虑的一种方法。
40. 前文提到“列出你必须做的一切事情”,E 选项“首先着手做最重要的任务”,是对如何处理任务清单的进一步说明。
七选五 3:重庆市西南大学附属中学校高一上学期第二次(10月)定时训练英语试题
Music is a major part of our lives. We meet music almost everywhere, from car rides and homes, to fierce workouts in the gym, or even the movies and TV shows we watch. Most people enjoy listening to music and often state that they can’t live without it. But why is that 36 .
It improves sleep quality. 37 . Low and soft music works just as well as sleeping pills. Research has found that listening to music at various times promotes better sleep patterns for people and even creates more restful sleep.
  38 . Have you ever wondered why there is always music playing in the gym or why people can’t go on runs without their headphones Simply put, music serves as the motivation for working out harder. It’s also shown that listening to music can increase endurance (耐力).
It decreases stress and anxiety. Are you ever worried or anxious about something and don’t know what to do   39 , even during highly stressful or painful events.
It may help with memory. When studying or doing the homework, do you ever find yourself moving your head to some music Research shows that music enjoyment helps with learning and memory.
It improves your mood.   40 . Studies show that music helps put people in a better mood and helps them keep in touch with their feelings.
Whether you’ve realized it or not, listening to your favorite songs provides your mind and body with much more than the enjoyment of the songs. So keep on listening!
It helps with exercising.
Music is a necessary part of human life.
Listening to music can calm people down.
If you’re feeling down, music may be the perfect cure.
It provides several health benefits that many are unaware of.
It brings general pleasure to our lives in several different aspects.
Listening to music has been shown to treat constant wakefulness, especially for college students.
七选五 3:
答案:36. E 37. G 38. A 39. C 40. D
36. 前文提到“大多数人喜欢听音乐,并经常说他们离不开音乐。但为什么呢?”,E 选项“它提供了一些许多人不知道的健康益处”,解释了接下来要阐述音乐对健康的好处。
37. 下文提到“低柔和的音乐和安眠药一样有效。研究发现,在不同时间听音乐能促进人们更好的睡眠模式,甚至创造更宁静的睡眠”,G 选项“听音乐已被证明可以治疗持续的失眠,特别是对大学生来说”,与下文关于音乐改善睡眠的内容相关。
38. 下文提到“你有没有想过为什么健身房里总是播放音乐,或者为什么人们跑步时不能没有耳机?”,A 选项“它有助于锻炼”,解释了音乐在锻炼中的作用。
39. 前文提到“你是否曾经担心或焦虑某事而不知道该怎么办?”,C 选项“听音乐可以让人平静下来”,说明音乐在缓解压力和焦虑方面的作用。
40. 前文提到“它能改善你的心情”,D 选项“如果你情绪低落,音乐可能是完美的治愈方法”,进一步说明了音乐对改善心情的具体作用。
七选五 4:重庆市清华中学校高一上学期10月月考英语试题
In a recent survey of more than 1,300 students, 96% said they feel worried about exams. 36. ______ There is no doubt that anyone wants to get high marks in exams, so students should learn to deal with exams as calmly and effectively as possible.
Develop a plan.
37.______ However, most of the students don't plan how they'll be prepared. They just tell themselves they'll study as much as possible - then they'll "hope for the best". This isn't a wise way. Preparing for an exam is like taking on an important project. It's important to outline a plan for how you'll get ready for an exam.
Change the sleep time early.
Many exams are held in the early morning-a time when students don't usually feel very awake. If you'll be taking a morning exam, start sleeping earlier at least one week before the exam so that your body will have time to adjust(适应). 38. ______ Besides, it's also a good idea to get eight hours of sleep each night.
It's common for students to spend the 10 minutes before an exam doing some last-minute studying. This may provide some comfort, but overall it does more harm than good. The 10 minutes before an exam will make no difference. If you study during this time, you'll become more stressed and worried. 40. ______
A. Study until the last minute.
B. Don't do any last-minute studying.
C. This high percentage isn't surprising.
D. This will have a bad influence on your performance.
E. This will help you become more confident in the exams.
F. If not, your mind won't be in a good state to take the exam.
G. It is of great importance for students to make a proper plan before an exam.
七选五 4:
答案:36. C 37. G 38. F 39. B 40. D
36. 前文提到“在最近对 1300 多名学生的调查中,96%的学生表示他们对考试感到担忧”,C 选项“这个高比例并不令人惊讶”,解释了为什么这个比例是在预料之中的。
37. 下文提到“然而,大多数学生没有计划如何准备考试”,G 选项“对于学生来说,在考试前制定一个合适的计划是非常重要的”,强调了制定计划的重要性,并与下文形成对比。
38. 前文提到“如果你要参加早上的考试,至少在考试前一周开始早睡,以便让你的身体有时间适应”,F 选项“如果不这样,你的大脑状态就不好,无法参加考试”,说明了不早睡的后果。
39. 下文提到“学生在考试前 10 分钟进行最后一刻的学习是常见的,但这弊大于利”,B 选项“不要在最后一刻学习”,概括了这一段的主旨。
40. 前文提到“如果你在这段时间学习,你会变得更加紧张和担心”,D 选项“这会对你的表现产生不良影响”,进一步说明了在考试前最后一刻学习的坏处。
七选五 5:陕西省西安市长安区第一中学高一上学期第二次月考英语试题
The only way we can really successfully deal with the unpleasant or unknown situations is to stay open minded. ____16____. Here is what they say worth trying.
Stay calm. One of the fastest ways to close your mind is to feel annoyed. ____17____. So try taking a deep breath and calming down a lite to help fight the feelings of defensiveness or annoyance that might pop up when you find something that doesn't quite match how you see the world.
Be curious. This sounds easy, but it's not. It requires an active choice when you meet something you didn't know. You have to keep asking yourself. “Do I just assure this is something I already knew Or do I want to be curious ” ____18____.
Surround yourself with the right people. Open-mindedness is often thought of as a one way street. ____19____. But the truth is that you can go both ways if you are surrounded by right people.
____20____. Being around different people day to day can actually change your brain and you are more likely to see the world in a new way. And that's what real open mindedness is about: the willingness to consider, even briefly, another point of view.
A. Many of us consider ourselves open minded
B. However, experts say it's easier said than done for most of us
C. So it's possible that a little bit of help could be the push we need
D. Either you're open minded to the world around you, or you're not
E. Answering these questions is a big step toward being open minded
F. When you're angry the last thing you want to do is to adjust yourself
G. The best condition for open mindedness is to diversify the people in your life
七选五 5:
答案:16. B 17. F 18. E 19. D 20. G
16. 前文提到“唯一能真正成功处理不愉快或未知情况的方法是保持开放的心态”,B 选项“然而,专家表示,对我们大多数人来说,这说起来容易做起来难”,说明了保持开放心态的实际困难。
17. 前文提到“保持冷静。最快关闭思维的方法之一就是感到恼怒”,F 选项“当你生气时,你最不想做的就是调整自己”,解释了生气时难以保持冷静和开放心态。
18. 前文提到“你必须不断问自己‘我只是确信这是我已经知道的东西吗?还是我想好奇?’”,E 选项“回答这些问题是朝着保持开放心态迈出的一大步”,说明了思考这些问题的重要性。
19. 前文提到“开放心态通常被认为是一条单行道”,D 选项“要么你对周围的世界保持开放的心态,要么你不是”,进一步解释了这种单行道的观点。
20. 后文提到“每天与不同的人在一起实际上可以改变你的大脑,你更有可能以新的方式看待世界”,G 选项“保持开放心态的最佳条件是使你生活中的人多样化”,说明了与人交往对保持开放心态的作用。
七选五 6:陕西省西安市鄠邑区第二中学高一上学期第二次月考英语试题
Five Tips for Safe Running
We all know that exercise is good for our health. But some kinds of exercise may be better than others. Running, for example, may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems. Running is good exercise, but it can be hard on the body. ___11_____
Take it easy. Do not run too much, too soon or too fast. Most people get running injuries when they push themselves too bad. The body needs time to get used to increases in distance or speed. ___12____
Listen to your body. Most running injuries do not come unexpectedly. __13_______They may include body aches, sore muscles(肌肉酸痛)and pain that does not go away.___14_____There is no single best shoe for every runner. You should find the shoes that offer the best fit and support to your feel. More importantly, you should replace your shoes every 500 to 800 kilometers.
Take good notes. Take time after each run to write down what you did and how you felt. Look for patterns, things that happen over and over again. These notes will help you find the best exercise for you.
Cross train. As we said earlier, running is hard on your body. So physical fitness experts suggest some form of cross training to improve muscle balance and to help you stay injury-free. They say swimming, yoga, and riding a bicycle are good exercise to combine with running. ____15____
Get good running shoes.
Usually, there are warning signs
Such exercise is easier on the body.
Running may also help you live longer.
Muscles and joints(关节)need time to recover.
Here are five ways to reduce the risk of injury.
As advertisements for the running shoes company Nike say, "Just do it. ”
答案:11. F 12. E 13. B 14. A 15. C
11. 上文提到跑步是很好的运动但可能对身体有损伤,下文开始具体讲述降低受伤风险的方法,F 选项“这里有五种降低受伤风险的方法”起到承上启下的作用。
12. 上文提到身体需要时间来适应距离或速度的增加,E 选项“肌肉和关节需要时间恢复”进一步说明了身体适应运动需要的时间。
13. 上文提到大多数跑步损伤并非毫无征兆,B 选项“通常,会有警告信号”,与上文衔接,接着下文具体列举了一些信号。
14. 下文提到没有适合每个跑步者的单一最佳鞋子,A 选项“买好的跑鞋”符合语境,引出关于鞋子的讨论。
15. 上文提到游泳、瑜伽和骑自行车是与跑步相结合的好运动,C 选项“这样的运动对身体更容易”,解释了这些运动的优点。