人教版(2019)必修 第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage同步学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage同步学案(含答案)
文件大小 2.0MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-15 21:45:11



[单元主题语境] 人与社会——历史文化
Heritage is our legacy from the past,what we live with today and what we pass on to future generations.—World Heritage Centre
1.There is no doubt that the castle belonging to the royal family has witnessed too much coming and going in history.
2.Never should we lose sight of the importance of protecting cultural relics.
3.It is high time we should take some effective measures to protect the cultural relics.
Part Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
1.protect a temple 保护寺庙
2.on Mount Tai 在泰山上
3.old photos of the former palace 前宫殿的老照片
4.search for clues 搜索线索
5.preserve eyesight 保护视力
6.promote traditional culture 弘扬传统文化
7.lead to protests 引发抗议
8.establish a committee 成立委员会
9.limit damage to the Egyptian buildings 减少对埃及建筑的破坏
10.prevent the loss of cultural relics 防止文物的损失
11.ask for contributions from different departments 要求各部门捐款
12.raise funds within the international community 在国际社会筹集资金
13.investigate the issue 调查该问题
14.sign a document 签署一份文件
15.disappear into a crowd of people 消失在人群中
16.attempt the building of the dam 尝试修建大坝
17.a worthwhile job 有价值的工作
1.creative adj.创造性的→create v.创造→ creation n.创造→ creator n.创造者→creatively adv.创造性地
2.promote v.提升;晋升;促进→ promotion n.提升;晋升;促进
3.applicant n.申请人→apply vi.申请→application n.申请书;申请
4.balance n.天平;平衡 vt.平衡;权衡→balanced adj.均衡的
5.limit vt.限制;限定 n.界限;限度→limited adj.有限的→limitation n.范围;限制
6.prevent vt.防止,预防→prevention n.防止,预防→ preventable adj.可预防的
7.contribution n.贡献;捐款;投稿→contribute vt.捐助;投稿vi.投稿;贡献
8.investigate vi.& vt.调查;研究→investigation n.调查;调查研究
9.conduct v.管理→conductor n.(公共汽车的)售票员;列车员;(乐队)指挥→conduction n.管理
10.donate vt.捐赠→donation n.捐赠;捐献→donator n.捐赠者
11.appear vi.出现;显得,好像→appearance n.出现,外表,外貌→disappear v.消失
1.take part in 参与(某事);参加(某活动)
2.give way to 让步;屈服
3.keep balance 保持平衡
4.lead to 导致
5.make a proposal 提出建议
6.turn to 向……求助
7.prevent...from... 阻止;不准
8.donate...to... 向……捐赠……
9.make sure 确保;设法保证
10.all over the world 在世界各地
1.句型公式:It is/was+n./adj.+to do sth.
教材原句:There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.
2.句型公式:not only...but also...不但……而且……
教材原句:Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.
The main idea of the text is about the Aswan Dam project.
1.What's the main idea of Paragraph 2
A.To control floods of the Nile,the Egyptian government decided to build a dam.
B.People protested against the building of a dam across the Nile.
C.The dam to be built will cause damage to the cultural relics.
D.An example of a big challenge leading to great solutions.
2.Why did the government turn to the UN for help
A.Because the government met big challenges.
B.Because some citizens protested building the dam.
C.Because the scientists had studied the problem.
D.Because there were many farmers in the area of Nile.
3.What happened when the Egypt wanted to build a dam across the Nile
A.There were some technical problems.
B.Protests took place in the country.
C.The United Nations disagreed.
D.People came up with great solutions.
4.From the whole passage,we know that .
A.we can only preserve our cultural heritage with the help of UNESCO
B.German engineers do the best in moving temple
C.a difficult problem may be solved more easily if the global community could lend a hand
D.building a dam's cultural sites should be taken down piece by piece to avoid being destroyed
5.What can we infer from the text
A.Egypt has the most cultural relics.
B.Cultural heritage protection needs global efforts.
C.Many cultural heritage sites are in danger of disappearing.
D.The Aswan Dam is the longest dam in the world.
答案 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B
A.Water from the dam
B.A document
C.Big challenges
D.Thousands of engineers and workers
E.The Egyptian government
F.A committee
1. ,however,can sometimes lead to great solutions.
2. wanted to build a new dam across the Nile in order to control floods.
3. would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics.
4. was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings.
5. was signed finally,and the work began in 1960.
答案 1.C 2.E 3.A 4.F 5.B
1.There comes a time when the old must give way to the new,and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.
[句式分析] 本句是一个由and连接的表示顺承关系的并列句。第一个分句中when引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词 a time;第二个分句中as引导的是时间状语从句。
[尝试翻译] 新旧更替的时代已经到来,在走向未来的过程中,我们不可能将过去的一切都保存下来。
2.After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem,and citizens who lived near the dam,the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.
[句式分析] 本句中after是介词,后接动名词短语作宾语;两个who引导的都是定语从句,分别修饰先行词 scientists和 citizens。
[尝试翻译] 在听取了研究这个问题的科学家和住在大坝附近的居民的意见后,政府于1959年向联合国寻求帮助。
①economic adj.经济的,经济上的
②give way to让步;屈服
④balance/?b?l ns/n.平衡;均匀vt.使平衡
⑤protection n.保护
⑥site n.地点;位置;场所vt.设置;为……选址
⑦challenge n.[C]挑战(性) vt.挑战
⑧lead to 导致
⑨solution n.解决办法
⑩dam/d?m/ n.[C]水坝;拦河坝
in order to 为了
supply sth.to sb./supply sb.with sth.向某人提供某物
proposal/pr ?p ?zl/n.提议,建议
protest/?pr ?test/n.抗议 vi.& vt.(公开)反对;抗议
likely /?laIkli/adj.可能的adv.可能地
a number of 许多,大量
cultural heritage文化遗产
turn to向……求助
committee/k ?mIti/ n.委员会
limit/?lImIt/vt.限度;限定 n.限制;限定
prevent /prI?vent/vt.阻止;阻碍;阻挠
loss /l?s/n.丧失;损失
contribution /?k?ntrI?bju??n/n.捐款;贡献;捐赠
contribute vi.& vt.捐献;捐助
department /dI?p??tm nt/n.部;司;科
fund/f?nd/ n.基金;专款
within /wI? In/prep.& adv.在(某段时间,距离或范围)之内
investigate /In?vestI?eIt/vi.& vt.调查;研究
conduct /?k?nd?kt/n.行为;举止;管理方法 /k n?d?kt/ vt.组织;安排;带领
document /?d?kjum nt/n.文件;公文;(计算机)文档vt.记录;记载(详情)
environmentalist n.环保人士;环境论者
piece by piece逐渐地
put back放回原处;推迟
rescue v.营救n.救援
countless adj.不可数的
donate /d ??neIt/vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)
a path to一条通往……之路
spirit n.精神,心灵;情绪
alive adj.活着的;仍然存在的;活跃的(表语形容词)
run v.(使)运转,操作(熟词生义)
disappear v. 消失;失踪;灭绝
Economic①development is necessary if we want to improve society.[1]There comes a time when the old must give way to② the new,and it is not possible to preserve③ everything from our past as we move towards the future.[2]Finding and keeping the right balance④ between progress and the protection⑤of cultural sites⑥can be a big challenge⑦.
[1]这是一个and连接的并列句。第一个分句中when引导定语从句,修饰 time;第二个分句中的as引导时间状语从句。
[2]动名词短语Finding and keeping...在句中作谓语动词can be的主语。
Big challenges,however,can sometimes lead to⑧ great solutions⑨.In the 1950s,the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam⑩ across the Nile in order to control floods,produce electricity,and supply water to more farmers in the area.But the proposal led to protests .[3]Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt's cultural heritage .[4]After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem,and citizens who lived near the dam,the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.
[3]这是一个主从复合句。that were an important part...是定语从句,修饰先行词cultural relics。
A committee was established to limit21damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent22 the loss23 of cultural relics24 .The group asked for contributions25 from different departments26 and raised funds27 within28 the international community.[5]Experts investigated29 the issue30 ,conducted31 several tests,and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved.Finally,a document32 was signed,and the work began in 1960.
The project brought governments and environmentalists33 from around the world.[6]Temples and other cultural sites were taken down34 piece by piece35 ,and then moved and put back 36 together again in a place where they were safe from the water.In 1961,German engineers moved the first temple.Over the next 20 years,thousands of engineers and workers rescued37 22 temples and countless38 cultural relics.Fifty countries donated39 nearly $80 million to the project.
[6]这是一个主从复合句。where they were safe from the water是定语从句,先行词是a place,关系副词where在定语从句中作状语。
[7]When the project ended in 1980,it was considered a great success.[8]Not only had the countries found a path to40 the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.
[8]这是一个主从复合句。not only...but(also)连接两个分句,且not only...位于句首时,not only后的分句要用部分倒装语序,但but(also)后的分句不倒装;that引导的定语从句,修饰a path。
The spirit41 of the Aswan Dam project is still alive42 today. [9]Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, which runs43 a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from44 disappearing45. If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the global community can sometimes provide a solution.
[9]这是一个主从复合句。which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词UNESCO;that引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a programme。
该项目汇集了来自世界各地的政府和环保人士。寺庙和其他文化遗址被一块一块拆下来,然后搬到一个安全的地方重新组装起来。1961年,德国工程师移走了第一座庙宇。在接下来的20年里,成千上万的工程师和工人拯救了22座庙宇和无数的文物。50个国家向该项目捐赠了近 8 000万美元。
1.promote vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级promoter n.促进者;发起人
promotion n.促进;提升;推销
①Peking Opera is being introduced to school students in an effort to promote (promote) the traditional art to the younger generation in our country.
②Her promotion (promote) to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.
③While waiting for the opportunity to get promoted,Henry did his best to perform his duty.晋级
④He was in town to promote his new book.推销
⑤New machines should be introduced to promote production.提升
⑥The supermarkets had to lower the prices to promote sales.促进
2.balance n.平衡;均匀 vt.使平衡(1)keep one's balance保持平衡
lose one's balance失去平衡
keep a balance between A and B
(2)balance A against B权衡/比较A和B
(3)balanced adj.平衡的
keep a balanced diet保持均衡的饮食
①You are working too hard.You'd better keep a balance between work and relaxation.平衡
②I must check my bank balance before I decide to buy the car.余额
③You should balance the advantages against the disadvantages before you give up your present job.权衡
Keeping a balanced diet and taking exercises regularly is considered as a healthy lifestyle.(应用文写作之建议信)
3.lead to 导致(1)lead sb.to do...使某人做……
lead sb.to...带某人去……
lead the way带路
lead sb.by the nose牵着某人的鼻子走
(2)in the lead领先;处于首位
take the lead带头;领先
①The discovery of new evidence led to the thief's being caught (catch).
②This has led scientists to think (think) out other solutions to the problem.
③As we all know,all roads lead to Rome.
As we all know, success lies in hard work while laziness leads to failure.(读后续写之主题升华)
①turn to 求助于;致力于 ②come to 共计;苏醒 ③refer to 谈到;涉及;参阅 ④point to 指向 ⑤belong to 属于
4.likely adj.可能的 adv.可能地(1)Sb./Sth.be likely to do sth.
=It's likely that sb./sth...很可能……
(2)be unlikely to...
=It is unlikely that...不可能……
①They are likely to be (be)free this afternoon.
②It seems likely that prices will go up.
→You are likely to suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.
→It is likely that you will suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.
possible 常用句型有:It's possible that...和It's possible for sb.to do sth.
probable 常用句型有:It is probable that...
likely 常用句型有:Sth./Sb.be likely to...和It is likely that...
5.turn to 向……求助;致力于;翻到(书的某页);转向turn down调低,拒绝
turn up开大,上涨,到来,露面
turn in=hand in上交
turn off关掉
turn on打开
turn over翻过来
turn out (to be)结果是
写出下列句子中turn to的汉语意思
①However,when it is something beyond my competence,I turn to my classmates or teachers for help.求助于
②After he left university he became a teacher,but later turned to journalism.开始从事
③You shouldn't always turn to the dictionary when you meet new words in reading.查阅
④Follow the main road until it branches and then turn to the left.转向
He promised to come, but so far he hasn't turned up yet.(读后续写之情景描写)
I asked my young brother to turn down the radio,but he turned me down.Instead, he turned it up.I was so angry that I turned it off in person.At that time, my mother turned up and he turned around and turned to her for help.
6.limit n.限度;限制 vt.限制;限定(1)limit...to...把……限制在……内
(2)within the limit of在……范围内
set a limit to sth.对……规定限度
(3)limited adj.有限的
be limited to sth.受限制于……
①Within the limit of legal rights,persons are free to do as they please.
②There is a limit to one's life,but no limit to serving (serve) the people.
③He was born in a poor family,and only received limited (limit) education in his childhood.
It is wise to set a limit to the time that children spend in playing computer games.(应用文写作之建议信)
7.contribution n.捐款;贡献;捐赠(1)contribute...to...把……贡献给……;向……投稿
contribute to...导致……;有助于……
(2)contribution n.贡献;捐款;稿件
make a contribution/contributions to...对……做出贡献
①He took pride in having contributed to the world.
②Everyone should make contributions (contribute) to protecting the environment.
③We hope your suggestion will contribute to solving (solve)the problem.
Everyone should make contributions to protecting the environment.(应用文写作之演讲稿)
带有前缀con 的常用单词
con(一起)+struct(结构) →construct 建造
con(一起)+nect(绑)→connect 连接
con(一起)+temporary(暂时的) → contemporary同时代的
8.prevent...from... 阻止;不准(1)prevent/stop/keep...from doing sth.阻止……做某事
(2)prevention n.防止;预防
①He wears sunglasses to protect his eyes from the sunlight.
②We should take effective measures to prevent the river from being polluted(pollute).
③Prevention (prevent)of a problem is always preferable to trying to cure it.
David had a brain disease which prevented him from walking or running like other children.
9.worthwhile adj.值得做的;值得花时间的(1)It is worthwhile doing/to do sth.
(2)worth adj.有……的价值,值得……的
be worth doing值得去做
(3)be worthy of (doing)sth.值得……
be worthy to be done 应该得到……
①It was worthwhile to wait/waiting (wait) long because we got the tickets.
②Hangzhou is a beautiful city and it is worthwhile going/to go (go) there.
③In my opinion,the film is well worth seeing (see).
The place is worth a visit.=The place is worthy of a visit.=The place is worth visiting.=The place is worthy of being visited.=The place is worthy to be visited.=It is worthwhile visiting/to visit the place.
词条 搭配 意义
worth be worth+n. 值得……,值……
be worth doing 某事值得被做
It's worth it. 是值得的
worthwhile It's worthwhile doing/to do... 值得做某事
worthy be worthy of+n. 应得某事物
be worthy of being done 某事值得被做……
be worthy to be done 某事值得被做……
10.not only...but also...“不但……而且……” ,连接并列成分not only...but also...表示 “不但……而且……” ,通常可以连接两个并列的谓语、宾语、表语、状语等,还可以连接两个并列的句子。
(1)not only A but also B=B as well as A
(2)not only...but also...连接两个分句时,若not only位于句首,not only所在的分句要部分倒装,but also后面的分句不倒装
(3)not only...but also...连接并列主语时,谓语动词要遵循 “就近一致”原则
(4)not only只能连用,而but also既可连用,也可分开用,also也可省略
①They are not only experienced and know ledgeable,but patient and understanding.
②Not only do smartphones take up our valuable time,but also they do great harm to our health.
③Not only the twins but also their friend Tom likes (like) playing football.
Not only does he have a first class brain but also he is a pretty hard worker.(应用文写作之人物介绍)
[课 时 分 层 作 业(一)]
1.Of the two plans,the former (前者) is more useful than the latter.
2.The temple (庙) has been considered an example of classic design.
3.So far,a committee (委员会) has been set up to organize social events in the college.
4.The building stands as the last remaining relic (遗迹) of the town's cotton industry.
5.These beautiful old palaces are part of our national heritage (遗产).
6.She is the first woman who steps on the top of Mount (山峰) Qomolangma.
7.She said his death was a great loss (损失)to herself.
8.The school has received various help from the education department (部门).
9.It is reported that the fund (资金)has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons.
10.When you finish typing,remember to save your document (文件).
1.Street artists have brought brilliant colours to old neighbourhoods with their creativity (creative).
2.As far as I am concerned,of the two designs,the latter is far more practical than the former.
3.The Forbidden City is the largest and best preserved (preserve) collection of ancient buildings in China.
4.We all had to take part in the training run,with nobody excepted.
5.He marked the places on a map,which gave him two valuable clues (clue) about the cause of the disease.
6.There is a strong probability that Mr.Brown will be promoted (promote) next week.
7.I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to go through my application (apply).
8.An accident is likely to happen (happen) if you are not careful enough.
9.I believe that we can achieve more with limited (limit) resources.
10.In my opinion,it is worthwhile spending/to spend (spend) a lot of time talking with our parents.
make a contribution to;turn up;prevent...from;turn to;lead to;take an active part in;keep a balance;without limit
1.It goes without saying that taking an active part in social activities can broaden our horizons.
2.It is very difficult for me to keep a balance between social activities and studies.
3.Many of these chemicals can lead to cancer or other illnesses.
4.Please turn to the police for help when you are in trouble.
5.The meeting has already begun,but the chairman hasn't turned up yet.
6.Our life has a limit,but knowledge is without limit.
7.She was prevented from taking the exam by illness.
8.Everyone should make a contribution to protecting the environment.
It's likely that I shall go to Shanghai tomorrow.
It is worthwhile to discuss the problem further.
That was a time when telephones hadn't been invented.
4.不但学生们反对这个计划,老师也反对。(not only...but also...)
Not only the students but also the teacher was against the plan.
At first it was difficult to communicate with her.
It is a big challenge 1.to find (find) and keep the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites.However,big challenges can sometimes lead 2.to great solutions.When the Egyptian government proposed 3.building (build) the Aswan Dam,they were faced with various problems,including destroying an important part of Egypt's 4.cultural (culture) heritage.As a result,the government turned 5.to the United Nations for help in 1959.A committee 6.was established (establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the 7.loss (lose) of cultural relics.Finally,a document was signed and the work began in 1960.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece,and then moved and put back together in a safe place.When the project was completed,it was considered as a great 8.success (succeed).
Not only had the countries found a path to the future 9.that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.Therefore,if a problem seems too difficult for a single nation,the 10.global (globe) community can sometimes provide a solution.
The baguette, a long, thin French bread, is being added to UNESCO's List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
UNESCO experts gathering in Morocco this week decided that the simple French bread—made only of flour, water, salt, and yeast—was worth the recognition of the UN, after France's culture ministry warned of a “continuous drop” in the number of traditional bakeries (面包店), with some 400 closing every year over the past half century.
The UN cultural agency's chief, Audrey Azoulay, said, “The decision honors more than just bread; it recognizes the ‘graceful skills of bakers’ and ‘a daily ritual (习惯)’.” Azoulay added, “It is important that such baking knowledge and social practices can continue to exist in the future.”
With the bread's new status (地位), the French government said it planned to create a baguette day, called “Open Bakehouse Day”, to connect the French better with their heritage.Bakers in France seemed proud, if unsurprised.“Of course, it should be on the list because the baguette symbolizes the world,” said Asma Farhat, a baker at Julien's Bakery.“If there's no baguette, you can't have a proper meal.In the morning you can toast it, for lunch it's a sandwich, and then it accompanies dinner.”
Today, France's 67 million people still buy baguettes at a variety of sales points, including in supermarkets.According to France's “Bread Observatory”, the French eat 320 baguettes of one form or another every second.“It's very easy to get bad baguettes in France.It's the traditional baguette from the traditional bakery that is in danger,” said one local resident, Marine Fourchier.
The baguette joins other food on the Intangible Cultural Heritage list, which,UNESCO says, celebrates traditions or living expressions from our ancestors (祖先) and passes them on to our next generations.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇新闻报道。本文讲述的是法国长棍面包被列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录之中。
1.What was UNESCO's decision about the French bread
A.Creating a baguette day.
B.Closing traditional baguette bakeries.
C.Including it on the UNESCO's List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
D.Improving the traditional baking skills.
C [细节理解题。根据第一段“The baguette, a long, thin French bread, is being added to UNESCO's List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.”和第二段中的“UNESCO experts...decided that the simple French bread...was worth the recognition of the UN”可知,联合国教科文组织决定将法国长棍面包列入非物质文化遗产名录之中。故选C。]
2.What did Audrey Azoulay think of UNESCO's decision
A.Audrey Azoulay thought it was meaningful.
B.Audrey Azoulay thought it was difficult.
C.Audrey Azoulay thought it was shocking.
D.Audrey Azoulay thought it was creative.
A [推理判断题。根据第三段中Audrey Azoulay说的话我们可以知道,Audrey Azoulay认为这一决定不仅给了面包荣誉;它还认可了“面包师的优雅技能”和“日常习惯”,重要的是,这种烘焙知识和社会习俗在未来可以继续存在。所以Audrey Azoulay认为这一决定很有意义。故选A。]
3.What can we learn from Asma Farhat's words
A.Baguettes are common in the French diet.
B.Baguettes are easy to get in supermarkets.
C.Baguettes and sandwiches are equally important.
D.Baguettes are the most popular around the world.
A [推理判断题。根据第四段中的“‘Of course, it should be on the list because the baguette symbolizes the world,'said Asma Farhat, a baker at Julien's Bakery.‘If there's no baguette, you can't have a proper meal.In the morning you can toast it, for lunch it's a sandwich, and then it accompanies dinner.’”可知,Asma Farhat认为如果没有法国长棍面包,你就不能吃一顿像样的饭菜。早上你可以烤它,午餐它是三明治,然后它还可以配晚餐,所以法国长棍面包在法国的饮食中很常见。故选A。]
4.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs
A.French traditions are in danger.
B.Freshly baked baguettes go bad easily.
C.Eating baguettes becomes a new tradition.
D.Traditional baguettes gain official attention.
D [推理判断题。倒数第二段中提到了法国的“法棍天文台”对法国人吃的法国长棍面包的数量的调查并指出了传统的法棍面包面临的危险处境,最后一段中提到了联合国教科文组织对法国长棍面包的价值的评价,这说明传统的法国长棍面包赢得了官方的注意。故选D。]
【高频词汇】 1.worth adj.值得 2.recognition n.认可;赞誉;认出 3.warn v.提醒注意;使警惕 4.honor v.给……荣誉;尊敬 5.exist v.存在 6.accompany v.伴随;陪伴
7.a variety of各种各样的 8.resident n.居民
原句 UNESCO experts gathering in Morocco this week decided that the simple French bread—made only of flour, water, salt, and yeast—was worth the recognition of the UN, after France's culture ministry warned of a “continuous drop” in the number of traditional bakeries, with some 400 closing every year over the past half century.
分析 本句是一个主从复合句。句中“after France's culture ministry...the past half century”为after引导的时间状语从句,其中“with some 400 closing every year over the past half century”是with复合结构;“gathering in Morocco this week”为现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰UNESCO experts,decided后面的that引导的是宾语从句,“made...yeast”为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰the simple French bread。
译文 法国文化部警告说,传统面包店的数量在“持续下降”,在过去的半个世纪里,每年约有400家面包店倒闭,在此之后,本周聚集在摩洛哥的联合国教科文组织专家决定,这种仅由面粉、水、盐和酵母制成的简单的法国面包值得联合国的认可。
Scientists in Italy have discovered a fast food restaurant in the ancient Roman town of Pompeii.The remains help with the understanding of foods that were popular among Pompeii's citizens.Pompeii archaeological park director Massimo Osanna said Saturday that about 80 such fast food restaurants had been found at Pompeii.But the latest find is the first hot food drink restaurant—known as a thermopolium—that was completely discovered.Plant and animal specialists are still examining remains from the site.
They discovered a large counter area with wide holes on its top.The counter held deep containers for hot food.The front of the counter included works of art showing ducks and chickens.The images brightened the restaurant and also likely served as food advertisements.Another painting showed a dog on a leash.Valeria Amoretti is an anthropologist at Pompeii.She said early studies confirmed “how the painted images represented, at least in part, the foods and beverages(饮料) effectively sold inside”.
At the bottom of a wine container were remains of ground fava beans.In ancient times, the beans were added to wine for taste and to lighten its color.Massimo Osanna added, “We know what they were eating that day.” He was talking about the day of Pompeii's destruction(毁灭) in 79 A.D.“The food remains are examples of what was popular with the common folk(人们),” Osanna said.He added that wealthy Romans did not eat such street food.
One surprise find at the dig was the complete skeleton(骨架) of a dog.The scientists involved in the dig noted that it was not a large muscular dog like that painted on the counter.Amoretti said that instead it was a very small adult dog, whose height at shoulder level was 20 to 25 centimeters, and that it was rare to find remains of such small dogs from ancient times.The find may show that Romans at the time were carrying out “selective breeding(选择育种)” of dogs.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要报道了科学家在庞贝古城发现了一处完整的热食类餐馆遗址。
5.What can we know according to the passage
A.The people of Pompeii seldom ate fast food.
B.The people of Pompeii never had hot food.
C.The people of Pompeii often visited fast food restaurants.
D.The people of Pompeii always ate at their own homes.
C [推理判断题。根据第一段第三句中的“about 80 such fast food restaurants had been found at Pompeii”可知,在庞贝已经发现了大约80处类似的快餐店。由此可推知庞贝的人们经常去快餐店就餐,故选C。]
6.What might the works of art be used for
A.Showing the owner's interest.
B.Making the restaurant full of art atmosphere.
C.Showing the benefits of eating hot food.
D.Advertising the restaurant's special foods.
D [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The images brightened the restaurant and also likely served as food advertisements.”可知这些艺术品能给餐厅增辉,也可能是作为食品的广告。由此可知这些艺术品可能是用来为特殊食品做广告的,故选D。]
7.What do the food remains represent according to Massimo Osanna
A.The common folk's favorite diet.
B.Wealthy Romans' daily diet.
C.The common folk's popular beverages.
D.The poorest Romans' daily diet.
A [细节理解题。根据第三段中的 “The food remains are examples of what was popular with the common folk”可知,Massimo Osanna认为这些食物残渣是平民百姓最喜欢的食物的例子。由此可知正确答案为A。]
8.What made scientists very surprised
A.The painting of a small dog on a leash.
B.The skeleton of a large muscular dog.
C.The complete skeleton of a small dog.
D.The painting of a large muscular dog on a leash.
C [细节理解题。根据第四段中的“One surprise find at the dig was the complete skeleton of a dog...it was a very small adult dog”可知,让科学家感到意外的是一只小狗的完整的骨架。故选C。 ]
1.latest adj.最新的;最近的 2.completely adv.完全地 3.specialist n.专家 4.serve as充当……;起……的作用 5.confirm v.证实;确认;确定 6.add...to...把……加入……中 7.(be)involved in...参与…… 8.carry out实施;执行
原句 Amoretti said that instead it was a very small adult dog, whose height at shoulder level was 20 to 25 centimeters, and that it was rare to find remains of such small dogs from ancient times.
分析 该句是一个主从复合句。两个that都引导宾语从句,作动词said的宾语,由and进行连接;第一个宾语从句中又含有一个whose引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a very small adult dog。
译文 Amoretti说,相反,它是一只体型很小的成年狗,肩部高度为20到25厘米,这种古代小型犬的遗骸非常罕见。
Born and raised in Dunhuang, Northwest China's Gansu Province,Yao Yanbei has long been lost in the cultural heritage of the city.She 1 to Dunhuang as a promising 2 after graduating from a college in Xiamen.
In 2016, inspired by patterns in Dunhuang murals (壁画), Yao 3 a toy camel.“Through the toy camel, I intended to 4 the spirit of the locals who are usually tough minded and hard working,” Yao said.
In August 2017,Yao spent nearly a month inside grottoes (石窟) drawing the murals.“Staying in the grottoes from dawn to dusk, I felt 5 connected with the ancient artists who 6 the murals.It was an amazing 7 ,” she said.Inspired by the sculptures and murals, Yao later designed some creative products, including T shirts, bookmarks, pocket mirrors and key rings.
Thanks to the efforts of designers like Yao, the 8 and creative industry began to take root in Dunhuang.Starting from 2018, every year the city has 9 an international design week to help 10 the industry.“By pooling the wisdom of designers from home and abroad, we want to make Dunhuang's creative 11 more fashionable,” said Liu Mengxing, a vice general manager of a local company.
Looking ahead at her 12 in design, Yao plans to 13 Dunhuang's ancient art further and apply the wisdom of ancient artists to products of modern life.“I want to design more creative products that 14 to more international customers,” said Yao.“I hope my design can bring people 15 to Dunhuang.”
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了文创设计师姚彦贝为弘扬家乡敦煌的艺术文化,在创意产品的设计上做出了突出贡献,并且由于像姚彦贝这样的设计师的努力,文创产业也开始在敦煌扎根。
1.A.travelled       B.escaped
C.returned D.came
C [根据上文“Born and raised in Dunhuang”可知, 姚彦贝在敦煌出生并长大,因此从厦门的一所大学毕业后,她返回(returned)了敦煌。故选C。]
2.A.designer B.architect
C.author D.engineer
A [根据第四段中的“Thanks to the efforts of designers like Yao”可知,姚彦贝是一名设计师(designer)。故选A。]
3.A.drew B.created
C.imagined D.bought
B [此处指在2016年,在敦煌壁画图案的启发下,姚彦贝创造(created)了一只玩具骆驼。 故选B。]
4.A.convey B.test
C.obtain D.comment
A [此处指姚彦贝想要通过这只玩具骆驼表达(convey)当地人坚强勤奋的精神。故选A。]
5.A.emotionally B.spiritually
C.physically D.materially
B [此题可以和第6题一起解出,我们可以先看第6题,who引导定语从句,修饰先行词the ancient artists,所以应是绘制(painted)壁画的古代艺术家,而姚彦贝从早到晚都待在石窟里,与绘制壁画的古代艺术家有精神上(spiritually)的联系。 故本题选B,第6题选A。]
6.A.painted B.wrote
C.displayed D.watched
A [解析见第5题。]
7.A.memory B.experience
C.discovery D.attempt
B [上文提到的是一种经历(experience)。故选B。]
8.A.traditional B.modern
C.ancient D.cultural
D [根据第一段中的“the cultural heritage of the city”可知,敦煌有文化遗产,因此有关敦煌的产业是文化(cultural)和创意产业。故选D。]
9.A.held B.showed
C.pooled D.taken
A [此处指从2018年开始,该市每年都举办(held)一个国际设计周活动,以促进(promote)这个行业的发展。故本题选A。]
10.A.change B.praise
C.promote D.enlarge
C [解析见第9题。]
11.A.industry B.environment
C.products D.pictures
C [上文提到集中国内外的设计师的智慧,所以应是让敦煌的创意产品(products)更时尚。 故选C。]
12.A.preparation B.career
C.future D.difficulty
B [此处指展望她的设计事业(career),姚彦贝计划进一步探索(explore)敦煌的古代艺术,将古代艺术家的智慧应用于现代生活的产品中。 故本题选B。]
13.A.apply B.touch
C.conduct D.explore
D [解析见第12题。]
14.A.commit B.see
C.appeal D.devote
C [此处指姚彦贝想要设计更多的创意产品吸引(appeal)更多国际顾客。故选C。]
15.A.better B.deeper
C.stronger D.closer
D [由上文我们可以知道姚彦贝醉心于敦煌文化,设计了许多创意产品,因此推断她希望她的设计能让人们更加接近(closer)敦煌。 故选D。]
1.be lost in...沉浸于…… 2.promising adj.有前途的 3.graduate from...毕业于…… 4.inspire v.鼓舞;启发思考 5.intend v.打算;计划;想要 6.amazing adj.令人吃惊的 7.thanks to多亏;由于 8.effort n.努力 9.apply...to...将……应用于…… 10.explore v.探索 11.appeal to...对……有吸引力,吸引……
原句 Staying in the grottoes from dawn to dusk, I felt spiritually connected with the ancient artists who painted the murals.
分析 本句为主从复合句。Staying in the grottoes from dawn to dusk为现在分词短语作状语,句中的who引导定语从句,修饰先行词the ancient artists。
译文 从早到晚都待在石窟里,我感觉与绘制壁画的古代艺术家有着精神上的联系。
Part Ⅱ Discovering Useful Structures
1.(教材原句)There comes a time when the old must give way to the new,and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.
2.(教材原句)After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem,and citizens who lived near the dam,the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.
3.(教材原句)Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece,and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water.
4.(教材原句)Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.
5.(教材原句)Today,the caves are just as international as they were at the time when people travelled the Silk Road.
4.当被定语从句修饰的先行词指人且在定语从句中充当主语时,引导定语从句的关系词用who/that;当被定语从句修饰的先行词指时间或地点且在定语从句中作时间或地点状语时用关系词when 或 where。
关系 代词 所指代(即先行词) 在定语从句中所作的句子成分
who 人 主语、宾语
whom 人 宾语
which 物 主语、宾语
that 人/物 主语、宾语、表语
whose 人/物 定语
A man that/who is perfectly pleased with the present state of things is a failure.
The teacher that/who/whom you are looking for is in the office.
I like the books which/that are written by Lu Xun.
Is this the desk (that/which) she is looking for
He is the man whose car was stolen last night.
He bought a house last week whose windows are made of wood.
(1)关系代词在介词后作宾语时,不可用who 或that,此时指物用which,指人用whom。
All that can be done has been done.
This is the best film that I have seen.
(3)当先行词被the very,the only,the last修饰时:
This is the only book that can be useful to us.
He told us the people and the places that he had visited.
Which is the book that you like best
①The exact year that/which her family spent together in China was 2018.
②Traffic can be dangerous for all of us.There is nothing that will ruin your day faster than a traffic jam.
③Is there anyone in your class whose family is in the north
④In the end,it was his teacher to whom he turned for comfort and help.
⑤This is the very bus that I'm waiting for.
关系副词 先行词 在从句中的作用
when(=at/in/on...+which) 表时间的名词 时间状语
where (=in/at/on...+which) 表地点的名词 地点状语
why (=forwhich) reason 原因状语
I will never forget the days when/in which I worked in the countryside.
Is there a shop around where/in which we can get fruit
Do you know the reason why/for which he was so sorry
(1)当先行词是case,point,situation,stage 等词且关系词在从句中作状语时,关系副词常用where。
(2)以the way 为先行词的定语从句,若引导词在从句中作方式状语,则引导词是in which 或that,而且通常可以省略;若引导词在从句中作主语或宾语,则引导词用which或that(作宾语时,引导词可省略)。
They have reached a point where they have to separate with each other.
The way in which/that he answered the question was surprising.
The way which/that he explained to us was quite simple.
①Many countries are now setting up national parks where animals and plants can be protected.
②We live in an age when more information is available with greater ease than ever before.
③This is the reason why he was late for school.
④However,this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.
⑤They entered a difficult situation where all efforts seem useless.
当关系代词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,我们通常用 “介词+关系代词” 引导定语从句。关系代词只能用which或whom。先行词指物时用which;先行词指人时用whom。
The pen with which he was writing broke.
Don't bring the children to see the animals of which they are afraid.
The colorless gas without which we can't live is called oxygen.
4.表示 “所有关系” 或 “整体中的部分” ,通常用介词of
The old woman has two sons,both of whom are doctors.
含有介词的动词短语一般不拆开,介词仍放在动词的后面,如look after,look for 等。
Is this the watch which he was looking for
①The reason for which I am unhappy is that I miss my hometown.
②I once lived in the mountain in which the scenery is very beautiful.
③I will never forget the time during which my friends and I played happily.
④I will never forget the day on which I first met you on the seashore.
⑤I went to the company in which I worked ten years ago.
[课 时 分 层 作 业(二)]
1.Sports,without which you may be weak,mean a lot in life.
2.Tell us the day when you are coming,and we'll prepare your room.
3.Natural resources are things that/which are found in nature and can be used by humans.
4.The German Football Team left the World Cup halfway,which made its fans heartbroken.
5.I'm looking for a store where organic vegetables are sold.
6.He talked about the teachers and schools that he visited a few days ago.
7.There are two reasons why I've decided to read one of his letters to the audience nationwide.
8.As you know from what I said,my mother takes a healthy diet seriously.
1.The primary school has closed down.I studied in the primary school for five years.
→The primary school where I studied for five years has closed down.
2.His bedroom is very bright.The bedroom's window faces south.
→His bedroom whose window faces south is very bright.
3.The factory was set up by his uncle ten years ago.We visited the factory last weekend.
→The factory which we visited last weekend was set up by his uncle ten years ago.
4.This is a photo of our friends.We went on holiday with them.
→This is a photo of our friends, with whom we went on holiday.
5.It is helpful to have a few wise and reliable friends.You can turn to them for advice.
→It is helpful to have a few wise and reliable friends whom you can turn to for advice.
6.We visited the astronaut.The astronaut had stayed in space for ten days.
→We visited the astronaut that/who had stayed in space for ten days.
There was a time when I was tired of learning English and disliked to speak English.
This is the reason why my father forced me to join in a 30 day training in an English club before I went to senior high school.
When I first came to the club where I met many strangers,I missed my parents very much.
Fortunately,my guide,whose teacher was Zhang Yang,communicated with me face to face,from whom I gained some useful instructions.
Ⅳ.用 “介词+关系代词” 完成句子
Tom stayed with me for two weeks during which time we learned music together.
I've studied happiness and well being,about which we now know a great deal.
The man with whom I sat at the meeting has been my friend for life.
I want to thank our English teacher,without whose help I would never have succeeded.
Four Most Amazing World Heritage Sites
Acropolis of Athens
As the name suggests, one of the most amazing World Heritage Sites Acropolis of Athens has the location of Athens, Greece.It has been a heritage site since 1987.The site is an ancient castle that is on a rocky high outcrop over the city of Athens containing the remains of the Parthenon and other important ancient structures.It is one of the most famous historic relics in Europe.
Rapa Nui National Park
Rapa Nui National Park is one of the most amazing World Heritage Sites.It has been a heritage site since 1995.There are monolithic (庞大而结实的)human figures that are carvings by the Rapa Nui people from rock.These have overly large heads three eighths the size of the whole statue, and Paro is the tallest.
Chichen Itza
Chichen Itza is a place in Mexico.It has been a heritage site since 1988.As one of the most amazing World Heritage Sites, Chichen Itza was a large pre Columbian city.It is a gift by the Maya.Being a major focal point in the northern Maya lowlands for centuries, it was one of the largest Maya cities.Today, Chichen Itza is one of the most visited archaeological sites in Mexico.It receives around 1.2 million visitors each year.
Taj Mahal
You will find one of the most amazing World Heritage Sites in Agra, India that has bagged a place in the heritage sites since 1983.It is a white marble mausoleum (陵墓)which was built under orders from the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了四处令人惊叹的世界遗产保护区。
1.How long has Acropolis of Athens become a heritage site
A.Since 1987.    B.Since 1995.
C.Since 1988. D.Since 1983.
A [细节理解题。根据Acroplis of Athens部分中的“It has been a heritage site since 1987.”可知选A。]
2.Which site will you choose if you want to see huge human figures
A.Acropolis of Athens.
B.Rapa Nui National Park.
C.Chichen Itza.
D.Taj Mahal.
B [细节理解题。根据题干中的“huge human figures”可定位到Rapa Nui National Park部分,根据其中的“There are monolithic human figures that are carvings by the Rapa Nui people from rock.”可知选B。]
3.Who was Taj Mahal built in memory of
A.The Rapa Nui people.
B.The Maya.
C.Shah Jahan.
D.Mumtaz Mahal.
D [细节理解题。根据Taj Mahal部分中的“It is a white marble mausoleum which was built...in memory of his beloved wife,Mumtaz Mahal.”可知泰姬陵的建造是为了纪念Mumtaz Mahal。故选D。]
For thousands of years, humans have built cities.Some of our oldest cities have managed to remain pieces of their original characteristics while others have disappeared completely.
One of these lost cities belonged to the Anasazi who lived in Chaco Canyon in New Mexico.They built houses along the river that ran through the valley.For nearly 300 years, Chaco Canyon was the population center of many desert cities.Now nothing is left of this busy city but ruins.Scientists think that drought may have made the Anasazi suffer from starvation (饥饿) or that some kind of disease killed off many of the people.However, no one knows for sure what happened to the people of Chaco Canyon.
Another lost city sits high atop the Andes Mountains in Peru: the city of Machu Picchu.It was once among the most powerful cities in South America.It was home to the Incan emperor.In 1527, its citizens packed up their belongings and moved for unknown reasons.Scientists guess that smallpox, a disease brought by European explorers, was Machu Picchu's downfall.Today, tourists from all over the world climb thousands of steep stone steps to view the ruins of this once great city.
Yet another city that is no more was called Pompeii.This was one of the wealthiest cities of ancient Italy.This beautiful seaside city was a lively center of trade.However, lava (火山岩浆),smoke, and ash from Mount Vesuvius buried the city of Pompeii, putting an end to its prosperity (繁华).Scientists have studied the ruins of Pompeii, which led to new discoveries about ancient civilizations of Europe.
Humans have always built cities as centers for trade, business, and family life.Cities that have been lost provide information about the past, helping to inform our future.By studying lost cities, we can learn how to protect our current cities.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了三座已经消失的城市。
4.Why was Machu Picchu once among the most powerful cities in South America
A.Because it was the center of the Inca Empire.
B.Because it was located high atop the Andes Mountains.
C.Because it was founded by powerful European explorers.
D.Because it had been visited by many visitors throughout the world.
A [细节理解题。根据第三段第二、三句“It was once among the most powerful cities in South America.It was home to the Incan emperor.”可知,马丘比丘曾是南美洲最强大的城市之一,因为它是印加帝王的所在地,即是印加帝国的中心。故选A。]
5.What do the three cities have in common according to the passage
A.They were in ruins in the end.
B.They were affected by drought.
C.They were unable to gain enough supplies.
D.They were the most powerful centers of the local economy.
A [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Now nothing is left of this busy city but ruins.”,第三段中的“Today, tourists from all over the world climb thousands of steep stone steps to view the ruins of this once great city.”以及第四段中的“Scientists have studied the ruins of Pompeii”可知这三座城市最后都成了废墟。故选A。]
6.How does the writer introduce the three lost cities
A.By making a comparison.
B.By stating causes and effects.
C.By expressing his own opinions.
D.By listing numbers and examples.
B [推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Scientists think that drought may have made the Anasazi suffer from starvation or that some kind of disease killed off many of the people.”,第三段中的“Scientists guess that smallpox, a disease brought by European explorers, was Machu Picchu's downfall.” 以及第四段中的“However, lava,smoke, and ash from Mount Vesuvius buried the city of Pompeii, putting an end to its prosperity.” 可知作者是通过陈述三座古城消失的原因和结果来介绍它们的,故选B。]
7.What message does the author want to convey in the last paragraph
A.We should set up powerful cities for a competitive world.
B.We should pass on certain customs of ancient civilizations.
C.We should work out the ways to save our cities from various disasters.
D.We should learn from the past to ensure that we do not lose cities in the future.
D [推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句“Cities that have been lost provide information about the past, helping to inform our future.By studying lost cities, we can learn how to protect our current cities.”可知,我们应该从这些已经消失的城市中学习,以确保我们在未来不会失去现在的城市。故选D。]
1.original adj.原来的;起初的 2.characteristic n.特点 3.belong to属于 4.ruin n.废墟 5.put an end to...结束/终结……
6.current adj.现在的;当前的 7.found v.建立 8.competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争力的
9.work out计划;思考;解决;计算;算出;做运动
原句 Scientists guess that smallpox, a disease brought by European explorers, was Machu Picchu's downfall.
分析 该句为主从复合句。句中that引导宾语从句,作guess的宾语;a disease brought by European explorers作smallpox的同位语,其中brought by European explorers为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰其前面的a disease。
译文 科学家猜测,欧洲探险者带来的疾病——天花,是马丘比丘衰落的原因。
24 Solar Terms(节气): Some Things
About Start of Autumn
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms.Start of Autumn, (Chinese:立秋), the 13th solar term of the year, indicates the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. 1 .In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural production.But the solar term culture is still useful today for guiding people's lives through special foods, cultural ceremonies and even healthy living tips that correspond with each term.The following are some things you should know about Start of Autumn.
Although Start of Autumn represents the beginning of autumn, hot weather will not come to an end.The period of hot days after Start of Autumn, usually lasting for 30 days, is called “Autumn Tiger” or “Indian Summer”.
Gathering crops
3 .It is time to gather crops.There is a saying: “If it rains on the day of Start of Autumn, a good harvest is expected.”
Eating peaches
In Hangzhou, people eat peaches on this occasion.The peach stones are kept until New Year's Eve and then thrown into the stove(火炉)and burned into ash(灰烬). 4 .
Touching Autumn
There is the custom of “Touching Autumn” in the northern part of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province.On the eve of Start of Autumn, people can touch and take for free all kinds of fruits in private or public gardens. 5 .Many gardeners even leave some ripe fruits in the field on purpose for the guests during the night.
A.Autumn Tiger
B.Fleshing out in autumn
C.The fruitful season is coming
D.Start of Autumn is a big solar term for farmers
E.The owners will not be angry, no matter how much they lose
F.On the first day of Start of Autumn, usually people will weigh themselves
G.People believed that in this way, bad things could be prevented for the whole year
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了一些与立秋有关的信息。
1.C [设空处上文说到立秋是一年中的第13个节气,标志着夏天的结束和秋天的开始,C项(硕果累累的季节即将来临)顺应上文内容,秋天就是硕果累累的季节,秋天的开始标志着硕果累累的季节即将来临。故选C。]
2.A [设空处为该段小标题,应突出该段内容的核心主题。根据后文可知,该段是在说秋天到来之后仍会存在一段天气较热的时期,这一时期即为“秋老虎”。A项(秋老虎)符合语境。故选A。]
3.D [根据该段的小标题Gathering crops可知,该段讲述立秋与秋收的关系,结合常识可知,秋收的主人公应是农民,D项(立秋对农民来说是一个重要的节气)提及了立秋和农民的关系,符合语境。故选D。]
4.G [前文讲述了一个有关立秋的传统(在杭州,人们会在这一天吃桃,桃核一直留存到除夕夜,然后扔进火炉里烧成灰烬),设空处为段尾句。G项(人们相信,通过这种方式,一整年都可以避免坏的事情)是对该传统的意义的总结,符合语境。故选G。]
5.E [设空处前文提到在立秋前夕,人们可以在私人或公共果园中触摸并免费拿走各种各样的水果,设空处后文提到许多园丁甚至在夜里故意为客人留下一些成熟的水果,E项(不管他们损失了多少,主人都不会生气)与下文意义一致,他们不但不会生气,还会故意留下一些成熟的水果,E项符合语境。故选E。]
1.indicate v.表明;暗示 2.agricultural adj.农业的 3.tip n.建议 4.represent v.代表
5.come to an end结束 6.occasion n.时刻;场合 7.on purpose故意地
Running for more than 20,000 kilometers, the Great Wall is a historical landmark, but climbing 1. is hard work.Not everyone has the strength or 2. (determine) to climb its tall steps and steep slopes (斜坡), and only a small number of people may have the special skills to 3. (physical) take part in the restoration(修复) of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.
However, a recently 4. (start) WeChat miniprogram is allowing every history lover to be a hero in a virtual(虚拟的) world 5. one not just climbs the Great Wall, but protects it.The Great Wall E tour 6. (go) online on June 11, 2022 to mark annual 7. (nation) Cultural and Natural Heritage Day.Offering an almost simulated (模拟的) experience of climbing the Great Wall and helping in preservation work, the miniprogram has created a lot of enthusiastic responses in recent 8. (week) and won a large fan base.
Thanks 9. the advanced digital technology, the virtual model is “detailed to millimeters”.Around 50,000 high definition pictures have been used 10. (offer) users the great experience.
【语篇解读】  本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要报道了一款微信小程序的上线,它能够让游客在虚拟的世界中体验攀登长城和保护长城。
1.it [考查代词。句意:绵延2万多公里的长城是一个历史地标,但攀登它是艰苦的工作。此处应用代词指代前文中提到的“the Great Wall”。故填it。]
2.determination [考查名词。分析句子成分可知,设空处与or前面的strength为并列成分,均作has的宾语,所以应填名词determination。此处指不是每个人都有力量和决心爬上它高高的台阶和陡峭的斜坡。]
3.physically [考查副词。分析句子成分可知,设空处修饰后面的动词短语take part in,应用副词作状语,故填physically。]
4.started [考查过去分词。此处指一个最近创办的微信小程序。start意为“创办”,并与WeChat miniprogram之间为被动关系,且动作已完成,所以应用过去分词作前置定语。故填started。]
5.where [考查定语从句。设空处无提示词,前面是名词短语a virtual world, 此处指一个最近创办的微信小程序让每一个历史爱好者都能成为虚拟世界中的英雄,在这个虚拟世界里,人们不仅可以爬上长城,还可以保护它,由此可推测设空处引导的是定语从句,先行词为a virtual world,关系词在从句中作地点状语,故填where。]
6.went [考查动词的时态。分析句子成分可知,设空处作谓语,根据句中的时间状语“on June 11, 2022”可知应用一般过去时。故填went。]
7.national [考查形容词。设空处修饰其后的“Cultural and Natural Heritage Day”,应用形容词national。]
8.weeks [考查名词复数。此处指最近几周,该小程序引起了很多热烈的反响。week为可数名词,由语境可知此处表示复数含义。故填weeks。]
9.to [考查介词。句意:由于先进的数字技术,虚拟模型“精确到了毫米”。thanks to意为“由于”。故填to。]
10.to offer [考查动词不定式。句意:大约5万张高清图片被使用以便为用户提供极好的体验。此处应用不定式作目的状语。故填to offer。]
1.historical adj.(有关)历史的 2.offer v.提供;主动提出 3.preservation n.保护;维护;保存 4.advanced adj.先进的;高等的
原句 However, a recently started WeChat miniprogram is allowing every history lover to be a hero in a virtual world where one not just climbs the Great Wall, but protects it.
分析 该句为主从复合句。where引导定语从句,修饰先行词a virtual world,在这个从句中,not just...but...连接两个并列的谓语动词climbs和protects。
译文 然而,一个最近创办的微信小程序让每一个历史爱好者都能成为虚拟世界中的英雄,在这个虚拟世界里,人们不仅可以爬上长城,还可以保护它。
Part Ⅲ Reading for Writing
1.download that free app下载那个免费的应用程序
2.the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国主席
3.the process of building such a structure建立这样一个新结构的过程
4.the cultural relics from overseas 海外文物
5.a mad rush for the exit 疯狂地冲向出口处
6.change bed sheets 换床单
7.in the mirror 镜中人
8.on the roof 在屋顶上
9.the nine sons of the Chinese dragon 中国龙的九个儿子
10.forgive me for asking 原谅我的请求
11.collect digital images 收集数字图像
12.from the Mogao Caves 来自莫高窟
13.throughout China's ancient history纵观中国古代史
14.500,000 high quality digital photographs 50万张高质量的数码照片
15.further educate people进一步教育人们
16.historic and cultural relics历史文化遗迹
17.ask for your opinion 问你的看法
18.the contrast of white and orange 白色和橙色的对比
1.profession n.专业;职业→professional adj.专业的 n.专业人员
2.archaeologist n.考古学家→archaeological adj.考古学的;与考古学有关的→archaeology n.考古学
3.entrance n.入口→enter v.进入;参加→ exit n.& v.出口
4.image n.形象,影像→imagine vt.想象,设想→imagination n.想象→imaginary adj.想象的,虚构的→ imaginative adj.有想象力的→unimaginable adj. 难以想象的
5.tradition n.传统;风俗→traditional adj.传统的→traditionally adv.传统地
6.historic adj.历史上著名(或重要)的;有史时期的→historical adj.(有关)历史的;历史学的→history n.历史→historically adv.在历史上;从历史角度→historian n.历史学家
7.comparison n.比较→compare vt. 比较, 对照
8.identify v.识别,鉴别→identity n.身份,特征→identification n.鉴定,辨别
1.all over the world在世界各地
2.take care of照顾
5.come up with提出
6.be familiar with对……熟悉
7.speed up加速
8.fall into ruins 变成废墟
教材原句:Today, the caves are just as international as they were at the time when people travelled the Silk Road.
教材原句:Neither people nor buildings last forever, but Chen Lei's photos can help us remember them.
Headline—1.Promoting culture through digital images
Date—9 August 2017
Body of the report—Recording and collecting 2.digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves.
Ending—Educating people to 3.appreciate the cultural heritage.
The main idea of the text is about promoting culture through digital images.
1.What are the researchers and scientists trying to do from China and other countries
A.Help increase knowledge and appreciation of China's ancient cultural heritage.
B.Appreciate the scenery of the Mogao Caves.
C.Take photos of the Mogao Caves.
D.Collect the information of the Mogao Caves.
2.What modern technology are scientists using
A.The computer.
B.The Internet.
C.A copy of caves.
D.High quality digital images.
3.Why are so many people interested in the Mogao Caves
A.Because nearly 500,000 high quality digital photographs have been produced here.
B.Because of its attractive scenery.
C.Because they were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China's ancient history.
D.Because visitors from all over the world visit Dunhuang.
答案 1.A 2.D 3.C
1.They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves,which were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China's ancient history.
[句式分析] 本句是主从复