人教版(2019)必修 第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection 同步学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection 同步学案(含答案)
文件大小 2.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-15 22:21:22



[单元主题语境] 人与自然——野生动物保护
When the buying stops,the killing can too.—WildAid
1.The number of the animals seems to be increasing.
2.It's high time that we got more people actively involved in the protection of animals.
3.There is an urgent need for us to take effective measures to protect endangered wild animals.
Part Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
1.put up a poster 张贴海报
2.wildlife species 野生动物种类
3.feel the teeth of that shark 摸那条鲨鱼的牙齿
4.at an alarming rate 以惊人的速度
5.mass extinction 大量灭绝
6.the panda's natural habitat 大熊猫的天然栖息地
7.be well aware of the problem要很清楚这个问题
8.the endangered wildlife濒危野生动物
9.large living spaces大型生活空间
10.take measures to help them采取措施来帮助它们
11.report this to the authorities 向官方报告此事
12.hunt the whale 捕猎鲸鱼
13.on the plain 在平原上
14.be struck by their beauty 被它们的美丽打动
15.shoot antelopes to make profits为了赚钱而射杀羚羊
16.keep them safe from attacks 保护它们免受袭击
17.be removed from the endangered species list从濒危物种名单中被剔除
18.the threats to the Tibetan antelope对藏羚羊的威胁
19.exist in harmony with nature 与大自然和谐相处
20.protect these beautiful creatures 保护这些美丽的生物
1.illegal adj.不合法的;非法的→illegally adv. 不合法地;非法地
2.hunt vt.& vi.打猎;搜寻;追捕→hunter n.猎人
3.immediately adv.立刻→immediate adj. 立刻的
4.extinct adj.已灭绝的→extinction n.灭绝
5.concern vt.涉及;让……担忧→concerned adj. 担心的;关切的
6.adapt vi.适应vt.使适应;使适合→adaptation n.适应
7.observe vt.观察到;注视;遵守→observation n.观察→observer n. 观察者
8.beauty n.美;美人;美好的东西→beautiful adj.美好的;美丽的
9.alarming adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的→alarm vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心 n.恐慌;警报;警报器
10.recover vi.恢复;康复vt.找回;寻回→recovery n.康复
11.intend vi.& vt.打算;计划;想要→intention n.想法,打算
12.threat n.威胁→threaten vt.威胁;危及
13.exist vi.存在;生存→existence n.存在
14.harmony n.和谐;融洽→harmonious adj.和谐的
15.aware adj.意识到的;知道的→awareness n.意识;认识
1.on earth (放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟;到底
2.die out 灭亡;逐渐消失
3.aware of 意识到;知道
4.on average 平均
5.make progress 取得进步
6.concerned about 对……关切的;为……担忧的
7.adapt to 适应
8.under pressure 在压力下;承受压力
9.make out 看清;听清;分清
10.remind sb. of sb./sth.使某人想起(类似的人或物)
11.watch over 保护;照管;监督
12.day and night 日日夜夜;夜以继日
1.句型公式:This is why...这就是……的原因
教材原句:This is why we're here—to observe Tibetan antelopes.
教材原句:Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
The main idea of the text is about the writer's visit to Tibetan antelopes which are endangered and need our protection.
1.Why did the author and his friends go to the Changtang National Nature Reserve
A.To climb the mountains.
B.To enjoy the beautiful scenery.
C.To watch Tibetan antelopes.
D.To catch the man who hunt antelopes.
2.Some people hunt antelopes .
A.for their valuable fur
B.to protect other animals
C.because of their mass population
D.to practise their hunting skills
3.What can be inferred from the last but one paragraph
A.The Tibetan antelope species is still endangered.
B.The antelopes have been moved out of the reserve.
C.The government has stopped protecting antelopes.
D.The threats to the antelopes still exist.
4.What's the author's attitude towards the wildlife protection
A.Unconcerned.   B.Positive.
C.Negative. D.Unmentioned.
答案 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B
A.since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared
B.as new roads and railways were built
C.so that the antelopes can move easily and keep safe
D.that seem almost close enough to touch
E.why we're here
F.when I watch them move slowly across the green grass
1.To our left,snow covered mountains disappear into clouds .
2.This is —to observe Tibetan antelopes.
3.I'm struck by their beauty .
4.Their habitats were becoming smaller .
5.Bridges and gates were added .
6.The government does not stop the protection programmes, .
答案 1.D 2.E 3.F 4.B 5.C 6.A
1.To our left,snow covered mountains disappear into clouds that seem almost close enough to touch.
[句式分析] 本句是复合句。that引导定语从句,修饰先行词clouds。主句中snow covered作定语,修饰mountains。To our left为地点状语。
[尝试翻译] 在我们的左面,雪山消失在云层中,这些云层离我们很近,好像伸手就能碰到。
2.Watching them move slowly across the green grass,I'm struck by their beauty.
[句式分析] 本句是一个简单句,Watching them move slowly across the green grass为现在分词作状语,表伴随,与句子的主语I为主动关系。
[尝试翻译] 看着它们慢慢地穿过绿色的草地,我被它们的美丽打动了。
3.The government,however,does not intend to stop the protection programmes,since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.
[句式分析] 本句是复合句,since因为,引导原因状语从句。however放在了主句中,表示转折关系。
[尝试翻译] 然而,政府并没有打算停止这些保护项目,因为对藏羚羊的威胁依然存在。
4.Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
[句式分析] 本句是复合句,when引导时间状语从句,放在了置于句首的Only后面,所以主句要部分倒装。
[尝试翻译] 只有学会和大自然和谐共处,我们才不会成为野生生物和地球的威胁。
①snow covered 被雪覆盖的
②disappear into 消失在……中
③plain/pleIn/ n.平原adj.简单明了的;直率的;平凡的
④make out看清;听清;分清
⑤herd/h??d/ n.牧群;兽群
⑥observe/ b?z??v/ vt.观察(到);注视;遵守
⑦Tibetan antelope 藏羚羊
remind sb.of sb./sth.使某人想起(类似的人或物)
⑩illegally adv.不合法地;非法地
shelter n. 庇护;避难所;遮盖物vt. 保护;使掩蔽
try to do尽力做某事;努力做某事
try doing 尝试做某事
drop by 下降,顺便拜访
shoot/?u?t/ vt.& vi.(shot,shot) 射杀;射伤;发射
profit/?pr?fIt/n. 利润;利益
save...from 从……拯救
under national
protection 在国家保护之下
watch over保护;照管;监督
day and night 日日夜夜;夜以继日
attack/ ?t?k/n.& vi.& vt.攻击;抨击
keep them safe使它们安全
measure/?me? (r)/n.措施,方法vt.测量;度量;估量
recover/rI?k?v (r)/vi. 恢复;康复vt.找回;寻回
remove /rI?mu?v/vt.去除;移开;脱去
endangered/In?deInd? d/adj.濒临危险的
threaten vt.威胁;危及
think about想起
in harmony with和……和谐共处
The air is thin and we have to rest several times on the short hike from camp.[1]To our left,snow covered①mountains disappear into② clouds that seem almost close enough to touch.On the plain③ in front of us,we can just make out④ a herd⑤ of graceful animals.[2]This is why we're here—to observe⑥ Tibetan antelopes⑦.
[2]这是一个主从复合句。This is why...表示 “这就是……的原因”(why后跟结果)。不定式短语to observe Tibetan antelopes作状语,具体解释来这里的原因。This is because...表示 “这是因为……(because后跟原因)”。
Tibetan antelopes live on the plains of Tibet,Xinjiang,and Qinghai.[3]Watching them move slowly across the green grass,I'm struck by their beauty⑧.[4]I'm also reminded⑨ of the danger they were in.They were hunted,illegally⑩,for their valuable fur .
[3]这是一个简单句。现在分词短语Watching them move...在句中作时间状语。
[4]这是一个主从复合句。they were in是定语从句,关系词(that/which)因在从句中作宾语而被省略了。
[5]My guide is Zhaxi,a villager from Changtang.He works at the Changtang National Nature Reserve.The reserve is a shelter for the animals and plants of northwestern Xizang.[6]To Zhaxi,the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife is a way of life. “We're not trying to save the animals,” he says.“Actually,we're trying to save ourselves.”
[5]这是一个简单句。a villager from Changtang作Zhaxi的同位语。
[6]这是一个and连接的并列句。动名词短语protecting the wildlife作主语,谓语动词用单数。
The 1980s and 1990s were bad times for the Tibetan antelope.The population dropped by more than 50 percent.Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits .[7]Their habitats were becoming smaller as new roads and railways were built.
[7]这是一个主从复合句。as new roads and railways were built是as引导的原因状语从句,as表示 “因为,由于” 。
[8]In order to save this species from extinction,the Chinese government placed it under national protection .Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over21 the antelopes day and night22 to keep them safe from attacks23 .Bridges and gates were added to let the antelopes move easily and keep them safe24 from cars and trains.
[8]这是一个简单句。in order to...指 “为了……”,在句中作目的状语。so as to...指 “为了……”,不可用在句首。
The measures25 were effective26 .The antelope population has recoveredB27 and in June 2015,the Tibetan antelope was removed28 from the endangered29 species list.[9]The government,however,does not intend30 to stop the protection programmes,since the threats31 to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.
[9]这是一个主从复合句。since在句中引导原因状语从句,表示 “因为” 。
In the evening,I drink a cup of tea and watch the stars.[10]I think about32 the antelopes and what Zhaxi told me.Much is being done to protect wildlife,but if we really want to save the planet,we must change our way of life.[11]Only when we learn to exist33 in harmony with 34 nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
[10]这是一个主从复合句。what Zhaxi told me是what引导的宾语从句,和the antelopes一起作think about的宾语。
[11]这是一个主从复合句。 “only+状语从句” 提至句首以示强调时,后面的主句要用部分倒装,即把助动词、情态动词或连系动词be提到主语前面。
我的导游是扎西,一个来自长塘的村民。他在长塘国家级自然保护区工作。该保护区是西藏西北部动植物的避难所。对扎西来说,土地是神圣的,保护野生动物是一种生活方式。 “我们不是在试图拯救动物,” 他说, “事实上,我们是在拯救自己。”
1.die out灭亡;逐渐消失;逐渐熄灭(1)die away(声音、光线等)逐渐消失
die off逐渐死亡
die of/from因……而死
die for为……而死
die down减弱;平息
(2)be dying for很想要;渴望
be dying to do sth.极想做某事
①His footsteps died away in the darkness.
②The excitement died down as time went by.
③It used to be considered part of a young man's duty to die for his country.
④Because of the snowstorm,the sheep that the old man raised died off one by one.
As the living environment becomes worse and worse, many species are gradually dying out.(应用文写作之报道)
2.aware adj.知道;发觉;有……意识的(1)aware adj. 知道的;意识到的;察觉到的
be/become aware of/that...对……知道;明白;意识到
make sb.aware of/that...使某人意识到……
(2)awareness n.意识;认识
develop an awareness of...形成……的意识
raise awareness of...提高……意识
①We must take measures to raise everyone's awareness (aware) of protecting our environment.
②This way you can develop an awareness of your body's responses and learn how to control them.
③Drivers should be aware of the danger of driving after drinking.
④Now more and more people become aware that the present environment has much to do with what we have done to the earth.
She ran to her mum and hugged her tightly, fully aware of her mum's love.(读后续写之动作描写)
①be fond of 喜欢;喜爱  ②be tired of 对……厌倦 ③be afraid of 害怕…… ④be aware of 意识到;知道 ⑤be proud of 为……自豪 ⑥be sure of 确信……
3.average adj.平均的;正常的;普通的n.平均水平;平均数on (an/the)average平均(起来)
up to(the)average达到平均水平
an/the average of...平均为……
①On average, I spend 100 yuan on books each month.
②Tom's academic performance is above average at school.
③The average of these numbers is (be) 50.
④An average of 10 students were/are(be) absent each day.
As the average age of the population increases, there are more and more old people to care for.(应用文写作之演讲稿)
“an average of +复数名词” 作主语,谓语动词用复数;而 “the average of+复数名词” 作主语,谓语动词用单数。
4.concern vt.涉及;让……担忧(1)concern n.关系;关心
have concern with和……有关系
(2)concerned adj.担心的;关切的
be concerned about/for (concern oneself about/for)对……担心/关心
be concerned with sb./sth.(concern oneself with sb./sth.)与……有关
as/so far as...be concerned就……而言
(3)concerning prep.关于
①Please don't be concerned about me.
②He heard nothing concerning (concern) this matter.
③We should talk with their parents and tell them our concerns(concern).
As far as I am concerned,you can do what you like.(应用文写作之建议信)
Concerning the free charge on the express way on National Day holiday, what concerns us most is the traffic jams while people are concerned about the safety.
5.adapt vi.适应 vt.使适应;使适合(1)adapt...to使……适应于……
adapt oneself to使自己适应……
(2)adaptable adj.能适应的;可修改的
(3)adaptation n.适应;改编;改写本
①The play is adapted from a novel.
②These teaching materials can be adapted for older children.
③This play is an adaptation (adapt) of a short novel.
When you go to a new country,you must adapt to new manners and customs.(应用文写作之建议信)
adapt (oneself)to中的to为介词,其后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。
6.measure n.措施;方法 vt.测量;度量;估量(1)measure...by...用……来衡量……
be measured by/in用……来衡量/计算
(2)take measures/steps/action to do sth.采取措施做某事
(3)make sth.to one's own measure为某人量身定做某物
①Measures are being taken to prevent(prevent) the river from being polluted.
②In the old days, my mother always made new clothes to my own measure with the Spring Festival approaching.
③In view of the present station, we must take the right measures(measure) or we shall fail.
One should measure oneself by a high standard.(读后续写之主题升华)
(1)measure作 “措施” 讲时,常用其复数形式。
(2)measure表示 “有……长(宽、高等)”时 ,可看成系动词,后跟量的结果,不用被动语态及进行时态。类似用法的单词还有weigh。
7.observe vt.观察到;注视;看到;注意到;遵守(规则、法律等);庆祝(1)observe sb.do sth.观察某人做某事(全过程)
(2)observe the traffic rules遵守交通规则
(3) observation n.观察;观测
make an observation of 对……进行观察
①She spent years observing (observe) and recording their daily activities.
②Linda observed a man walking (walk) on the opposite side of the road.
③The police observed a man enter (enter) the bank.
④The police decided to put him under observation (observe) because he looked dangerous.
The woman was observed to follow him closely.(读后续写之行为描写)
(1)observe sb.do sth.看见某人做某事(动作已完成)
(2)observe sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事(动作正在进行)
(3)observe sb.do sth.的被动语态为:sb.be observed to do sth.
see 强调结果,意为 “看见、看到”
observe “观察” ,从不同的角度长时间地看并研究
watch 表示所看事物的变化、移动和发展
notice “看到,注意到,觉察到” ,含有从不注意到注意的变化的意义
8.remind vt.提醒;使想起(1)remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事
remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事
remind (sb.) that/how/what...提醒(某人)……
(2)reminder n.令人回忆起……的东西,提醒……的东西
①Confucius believed knives would remind people of killings and were too violent for use at the table.
②You must remind him to take (take) his medicine in case he forgets.
=You must remind him that he should take his medicine in case he forgets.
③The book caught the author's eye because it gave him a reminder (remind) of his own childhood.
After getting all the work done,we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees.(应用文写作之报道)
类似v.+sb.+of+sth.结构搭配的还有:remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事 warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事 accuse sb.of sth.指控某人某事 cure sb.of sth.治好某人的疾病 suspect sb.of sth.怀疑某人某事
9.recover vi. 恢复;康复;找回;寻回(1)recover from sth.从……中恢复
recover oneself恢复知觉
(2)recovery n.恢复健康;重新获得
make a recovery from...从……中恢复
make a full recovery完全康复
①It took a long time for him to recover from a bad cold.
②He didn't see anything suddenly, but quickly recovered (recover) his sight.
③They expect her to make a full recovery (recover).
Luckily, I have made a full recovery from the operation.
10.intend v.计划;打算;想要(1)intend doing/to do sth.打算做某事
intend sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事
had intended to do sth./intended to have done sth.本来打算做某事
(2)be intended to do sth./for sth./sb.
(3)intention n.打算;计划
with an/the intention of 抱有……的目的;打算……
①I had intended (intend) to catch the early train, but I didn't get up on time.
②The school being built at present is said to be intended for the disabled children.
③To improve our English and get more students interested in English, I intend to organize (organize) some activities at school.
④This program was set up with an intention (intend) of providing help to homeless people.
The activity is intended to educate the public to protect the environment.(应用文写作之通知)
11.This is why...这就是……的原因。(1)This is because...意为 “这是因为……”,because引导表语从句,从句表示原因
(2)This is why...意为 “这是为什么……” ,why引导表语从句,从句表示结果
(3)The reason why...is that...……的原因是……(表语从句常用that引导,而不用because)
The reason why he wasn't admitted into a key university was that his grades were too low.(应用文写作之求助信)
You have made great progress in English.This is because you have improved your studying methods.(应用文写作之告知信)
He fell from a tall tree.That was why he hurt his leg.(读后续写之行为描写)
12.“only+状语” 置于句首的倒装句式(1)条件:only放在句首修饰状语(通常是副词、介词短语或状语从句等)时,句子需要部分倒装
Only in this way can young people learn how to observe excellent traditions.(应用文写作之求助信)
Only when he returned home was he aware of what had happened.(读后续写之事件描写)
Only by practising paper cutting more can you learn the folk art.(应用文写作之建议信)
Only then did we realize that we were lost.(读后续写之事件描写)
(1) “only+从句” 放在句首时,倒装的是主句,从句不倒装;
(2)only 放在句首修饰主语时不用倒装。
[课 时 分 层 作 业(四)]
1.I sounded the alarm (警报器) as soon as I saw the smoke.
2.The birth rate (比率) is beginning to increase.
3.As we all know,smoking endangers (危及) our health.
4.My uncle's illness concerns (让……担忧) us greatly.
5.Tom, come and look at the posters (海报) I have designed.
6.Detectives(侦探) have been hunting (追捕) him for seven months.
7.English is a living and constantly(不断地) changing language.
8.It is up to the regulating authority(官方,权威) to put the measures into effect.
9.In addition, every student can be in harmony (和谐)with foreign friends, which makes it easy for you to get along with them.
10.There has been a sharp decline in profits (利润) this year.
1.This smart keyboard precisely measures (measure) the cadence(节奏)with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key.
2.You will tell your friend that you are concerned about/for him and you will meet after class and talk then.
3.He is working hard and his grades are above the average in his class.
4.The population is dropping at an alarming (alarm) rate.
5.With the living environment becoming worse and worse,many of the earth's species are dying out.
6.They have had to adapt themselves to a war economy.
7.The failure made me aware of my own shortcomings.
8.Illegally(illegal) parked vehicles will be removed.
9.We all hope the authority should take action immediately (immediate).
10.Sadly,many animals are in danger of extinction (extinct).
on the earth;die out;aware of;on average;make progress;concerned about;adapt to;under pressure;make out;watch over
1.He wanted to be the fastest man on the earth.
2.You can make progress only if you are modest(谦虚的).
3.The only thing I am concerned about is his fitness.
4.We could hardly make out anything in the thick fog.
5.Many species will soon die out if we don't take action.
6.Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health.
7.It takes on average two years to finish this kind of project.
8.They watched over these endangered animals day and night.
9.The world will be different,and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change.
10.Under pressure,many governments have taken effective measures to protect wild animals.
The reason why he was late was that he missed the early bus.
He didn't follow the teacher's advice.This was why he didn't pass the examination.
Only in this way can you work out the problem.
I'm all wet under the rain.This is because I forgot to bring an umbrella with me this afternoon.
Tibetan antelopes are very graceful animals,1.which live on the plains of Xizang,Xinjiang,and Qinghai.They were in danger because many of them were being 2.illegally (illegal)hunted for their valuable fur.Their population 3.dropped (drop)by more than 50 percent between 4.the 1980s and 1990s.In order to save this species from 5.dying (die)out,the Chinese government placed it under 6.national (nation)protection and some effective 7.measures (measure)have been carried out.As a result,the antelope population has recovered and in June 2015,the Tibetan antelope 8.was removed (remove)from the endangered species list.However,the government will continue the 9.protection (protect)programmes because the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.In fact,only when we learn to exist 10.in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet!
Suddenly, screams echo through the forest as alarmed animals such as spotted deer warn each other of a predator's (食肉动物) approach.Lying on my stomach with my camera in front of me, I've been observing a nearby stream for hours, waiting.This may be it.
Yes! A 380 pound lioness steps from the trees and heads toward the stream.She crouches (蹲伏) down to drink.She's close to me—no more than 50 yards away.She stands up and begins to walk toward me, not knowing I'm there.
When she is just about 20 yards away, I move my camera slightly so that she notices me.I don't want to shock or panic her.She freezes for a moment, then takes a crouching position and continues toward me, which is not really the reaction I wanted! I'm thinking, “Uh oh, I'm about to become cat food!”I've approached lions before, but this is a first.The lion approaches me.If I stand up and yell, will she leave Maybe, maybe not.If I stand up and run, will she run after me Probably.So I decide to stay put.
The lioness comes closer and closer until she's only about four yards from me—the closest distance that still allows me to focus my camera lens.
Surprisingly, she lies down, posing like a statue in front of me.This makes me feel very small and humble (卑微的).Then she rolls over and looks at me upside down! She seems a little puzzled and appears to be trying to figure me out—Hmm, are you suitable to be eaten You don't look dangerous.I think you're OK.
Breathe slowly, I remind myself, even though my heart is beating fast.I carefully move my tripod (三脚架) just a bit to where I can focus and shoot the picture.
Suddenly—so fast that it surprises me—she leaps up.In a flash, she runs away.I'm left filled with emotion—the experience felt like a gift from the forest.Getting this photograph took a long time.I spent two years waiting for a permit to track the extremely rare Asiatic lions in the Gir Forest of India.Then I spent three months on foot searching for them.There are only several hundred of these endangered lions left.
Perhaps all the waiting in the forest gave the lioness time to get used to me.I tried not to disturb her life.My reward A moment I'll never forget.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者近距离拍摄一头亚洲狮的经历。
1.How does the author feel when the lioness comes near to him
A.Relaxed and calm.
B.Bored and puzzled.
C.Anxious but proud.
D.Frightened but excited.
D [推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Uh oh, I'm about to become cat food!”可知作者是很害怕的,由倒数第二段的第四、五、六句可知作者为了拍摄这张照片等了很久,所以当母狮靠近他时,他是很激动的,因为他有了拍摄照片的机会。故选D。]
2.What does the lioness do after coming close to the author
A.She pretends to be dead.
B.She stays for a second and then goes away.
C.She tries to attack him.
D.She recognizes the author and stares at him.
B [细节理解题。根据倒数第四段中的“Surprisingly, she lies down”和倒数第二段中的“In a flash, she runs away.”可知,母狮靠近作者后待了一小会儿就走了。故选B。]
3.What's the author's purpose in writing the passage
A.To introduce a kind lioness.
B.To show the readers the dangers in the forest.
C.To share an experience with the readers.
D.To congratulate himself on his narrow escape.
C [推理判断题。本文从作者等待拍摄母狮照片、母狮一步步靠近作者的情形、作者小心移动三脚架进行拍摄、母狮离去到作者因成功拍摄到照片而感到喜悦与难忘这样一个过程来描述作者的这场经历。故选C。]
4.Where is the text probably taken from
A.A personal diary.
B.A TV interview.
C.A tourist guide.
D.A research paper.
A [文章出处题。作者以第一人称叙述了自己近距离拍摄一头亚洲狮的经历,因此本文可能来自一篇个人日记。故选A。]
1.warn v.警告 2.approach n.& v.接近 3.panic v.使惊慌 4.reaction n.反应;回应 5.distance n.距离 6.figure out弄清楚;弄明白 7.suitable adj.合适的 8.permit n.许可证 v.允许 9.rare adj.珍稀的 10.disturb v.打扰
原句 She freezes for a moment, then takes a crouching position and continues toward me, which is not really the reaction I wanted!
分析 该句为主从复合句,主句中and连接freezes,takes 和continues 三个并列的谓语动词,which引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为前面整个主句的内容,其中I wanted 为定语从句,先行词为the reaction,省略了关系词that或which,关系词在从句中作wanted的宾语。
译文 它停住待了一会儿,然后采取蹲伏的姿势,继续向我走来,这其实不是我想要的反应!
The Matschie's tree kangaroo is one species of tree kangaroos, most of which are endangered.A tree kangaroo is about the size of a raccoon (浣熊) and weighs around 19 pounds.They live in the high canopy (树冠) of the rainforest, about 100 to 150 feet in the air.The Matschie's tree kangaroo is orange and brown with a face that looks like a teddy bear.They can jump 60 feet to the ground from trees without getting hurt.
In 1996, Dr.Lisa Dabek helped found the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program (TKCP).16 years later,though still endangered, the population of the Matschie's tree kangaroo was under control.Much of the success is because of the work of Dabek, the senior conservation scientist at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, Washington, and director of TKCP.
According to Dabek, TKCP needed to cooperate (合作) with the local clans (家族), some of whom kill tree kangaroos for food or other reasons.Dabek said, “We and the clans reached an agreement.The clans would set aside a part of their land as a ‘no hunting area’.But they could continue to hunt on their other land.In total they set aside 180,000 acres of land.They called this a ‘Wildlife Bank’.”
Animal behavior has always been interesting.Dr.Dabek said, “When I was 8 years old, a friend and I wrote down what we wanted to be when we grew up and put it inside an envelope that we would open when we were teenagers.When I opened it, I was reminded that I wanted to be an animal trainer.And that is kind of like what I am today.”
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了对马氏树袋鼠的保护工作。
5.What can we know about Matschie's tree kangaroos
A.They face the possibility of dying out.
B.They are the only species of tree kangaroos.
C.They are generally orange from head to foot.
D.They live at the bottom of trees in the rainforest.
A [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The Matschie's tree kangaroo is one species of tree kangaroos, most of which are endangered.”可知,马氏树袋鼠是一种树袋鼠,它们中的大部分濒临灭绝,所以马氏树袋鼠也有灭绝的可能。故选A。]
6.Which one can describe Dabek's work in protecting the Matschie's tree kangaroos
A.Disappointing.    B.Effective.
C.Hopeless. D.Stressful.
B [推理判断题。根据第二段中的“...the population of the Matschie's tree kangaroo was under control.Much of the success is because of the work of Dabek”可知,马氏树袋鼠的数量得到了控制,这种成功大部分是由于Dabek的工作,所以Dabek的保护工作是有效的。故选B。]
7.What did local clans agree according to Paragraph 3
A.To leave all their land to the Matschie's tree kangaroos.
B.Not to hunt the Matschie's tree kangaroos in a certain area.
C.Not to hunt the Matschie's tree kangaroos at all.
D.To hunt the Matschie's tree kangaroos for special events.
B [细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The clans would set aside a part of their land as a ‘no hunting area’.”可知,当地的家族同意在某一特定区域不猎杀马氏树袋鼠。故选B。]
8.What could be the best title of the passage
A.Dr.Dabek, a Famous Naturalist
B.How Dabek Became an Animal Lover
C.The Living Habits of the Matschie's Tree Kangaroo
D.The Protection of the Matschie's Tree Kangaroo
D [标题归纳题。
1.found v.建立 2.under control处于控制之下 3.reach an agreement达成协议 4.set aside留出;省出 5.write down写下 6.possibility n.可能;可能性
原句 When I was 8 years old, a friend and I wrote down what we wanted to be when we grew up and put it inside an envelope that we would open when we were teenagers.
分析 本句是一个主从复合句。When I was 8 years old是when引导的时间状语从句,在其对应的主句中,and连接两个并列的谓语,what we wanted to be when we grew up为what引导的宾语从句,作wrote down的宾语,其中when引导时间状语从句,that we would open when we were teenagers是that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词envelope,其中when引导时间状语从句。
译文 当我8岁的时候,我和一个朋友写下了我们长大后想做什么,然后把它放在一个信封里,当我们十几岁的时候会打开它。
It was June a few years ago right around the summer solstice(夏至), the longest day of the year.A few weeks earlier the first fireflies(萤火虫) had appeared 1 on and off in the woods around my house and the grass in my backyard.What a 2 it was to see them again! Their little lights made me smile with delight and I thanked 3 for them.
Now as the daylight was starting to 4 ,I saw out of my window some of the neighborhood children trying to 5 the slow moving lightening fireflies.One of the girls went inside and came back with a clear glass bottle.After 6 a few fireflies without success, she 7 caught one.
All the other children gathered around to 8 it shining on and off inside the bottle.Soon 9 started to fall and one of the children's mom walked over to them and told them it was time to 10 the firefly.One of the girls didn't agree but the mom 11 that the firefly would die if left in the bottle.Then she said something that still stays in my 12 to this day: “It is time to let this little guy go so he can 13 his light!”
I 14 that when I was a child, we all used to sing the song, “This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine!” But as adults we find it 15 to do so.
【语篇解读】  本文是一篇记叙文。在夏季的晚上,孩子们在室外捉萤火虫,然后把萤火虫放进瓶子里。这时一位母亲走来,要求孩子们放了萤火虫,让它与他人分享它的光。
1.A.hiding       B.saving
C.shining D.receiving
C [根据上文“the first fireflies had appeared”和下文“on and off”可知萤火虫出现了,应该是忽明忽暗地发着光。第三段中的“shining on and off”也是提示。故选C。]
2.A.joke B.joy
C.dream D.pity
B [根据下文“Their little lights made me smile with delight”可知再次见到它们是让人很高兴的一件事。故选B。]
3.A.nature B.luck
C.neighbors D.friends
A [根据常识可知萤火虫来自大自然,所以应该是因为它们而感谢大自然。故选A。]
4.A.move B.rise
C.spread D.disappear
D [下文出现了“slow moving lightening fireflies”,所以此处是指日光开始消失。日光开始消失,发光的萤火虫才能被看到。故选D。]
5.A.touch B.catch
C.drive D.train
B [根据下文“caught one”可知孩子们想要捉萤火虫。故选B。]
6.A.running after B.looking into
C.giving away D.turning to
A [根据常识可知捉萤火虫需要追赶它们。run after追赶;look into调查;give away赠送;turn to向……求助。故选A。]
7.A.patiently B.clearly
C.secretly D.finally
D [根据下文“All the other children gathered around to 8 it shining on and off inside the bottle.”可知其中的一个女孩儿最后抓到了一只。故选D。]
8.A.keep B.protect
C.watch D.show
C [根据语境可知所有其他的孩子聚集着是要观看萤火虫在瓶子里忽明忽暗地发光。故选C。]
9.A.darkness B.fear
C.interest D.rain
A [上文提到日光开始消失,此处“Soon 9 started to fall”是在接着描写时间,所以这里应该是夜幕开始降临。故选A。]
10.A.control B.free
C.change D.feed
B [此题可以和11题一起解出,下文提到其中的一个女孩儿不同意,而“the firefly would die if left in the bottle”是妈妈在解释,由妈妈解释的内容可以得知妈妈是要孩子们把萤火虫放了。故本题选B,下一题选D。free释放;使自由。]
11.A.realized B.agreed
C.reported D.explained
D [解析见上题。]
12.A.book B.direction
C.mind D.hand
C [作者在下文提到了那位妈妈说的话,所以那位妈妈说的话直到今天都一直留在作者的脑海里。故选C。]
13.A.share B.discover
C.celebrate D.collect
A [此处说的是是时候让这个小家伙飞走了,这样它就能够分享它的光了。故选A。]
14.A.imagine B.consider
C.regret D.remember
D [根据下文“when I was a child”可知是记得小时候的事情。故选D。]
15.A.common B.hard
C.necessary D.good
B [根据上文“when I was a child, we all used to sing the song, ‘This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine!’”和“But as adults”可知,But前后内容在意思上是转折关系,当作者还是个孩子的时候,他们都经常唱这首歌:“我的这盏小灯,我要让它发光!”但是作为成年人是很难做到这一点的。故选B。]
1.appear v.出现 2.delight n.高兴 3.gather v.聚集;集合 4.turn to 向……求助
原句 One of the girls didn't agree but the mom explained that the firefly would die if left in the bottle.
分析 该句为并列复合句。but连接两个并列分句,在第二个分句中,that引导宾语从句,该宾语从句又包含if引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,省略了主语the firefly和was。
译文 其中一个女孩不同意,但那个妈妈解释说,如果把萤火虫留在瓶子里,它会死的。
Part Ⅱ Discovering Useful Structures
1.(教材原句)What is being done to help them
2.(教材原句)What measures are being taken to help them
3.(教材原句)Much is being done to protect wildlife, but if we really want to save the planet, we must change our way of life.
4.(教材原句)Billions of trees are being cut down every year to make paper for humans.
5.(教材原句)In this way a lot of animal homes are being destroyed!
The bridge is being built across the river this month.
肯定句 主语+be(am/is/are)+being done
否定句 主语+be(am/is/are)+not+ being done
一般疑问句 be(am/is/are)+主语+being done
特殊疑问句 疑问词+be(am/is/are)+主语+being done
It is reported that the water in the lake is not being protected now.
Are the babies being taken care of by this nurse
Who is being trained for the coming English speech contest
1.表示此刻正在进行的被动动作,句中常用now,at the moment等时间状语。
A new film is being shown in the theatre now.Let's go to see it.
—Could I use your car please
—Mine is being repaired by the workers.
I feel very puzzled that the goods in our shop are always being stolen.
A party is being held tonight.
He may be being scolded by his father at the very moment.
1.在现在进行时的被动语态中,be (am/is/are)为第一助动词,being为第二助动词,缺一不可,且位置不可互换。
My computer is being repaired now.
2.像take care of,look after,talk about,think of等动词与介词构成的短语动词用于现在进行时的被动语态时,其中的介词不可省略。
Something is being talked about among those people.
3. “be (am/is/are)+under/in+n.” 有时可相当于现在进行时的被动语态。
The school is still under construction now.
=The school is being constructed now.
The new law is in use.
=The new law is being used.
①Is the meeting being held(hold) in the hall now
②We can hear that the papers are being printed (print) these days.
③My sister is being interviewed(interview) at this moment.
④There is a lot of noise outside as repair work is being done(do) to the house.
⑤Look!The man is being questioned(question) by the police.
[课 时 分 层 作 业(五)]
1.Wait a minute.The dishes for the dinner are being cooked (cook)in the kitchen.
2.These children are being looked (look)after by an old man now.
3.The camera that is being used (use)by him now belongs to me.
4.Your experiment report is being typed (type) now and it will be finished soon.
5.Many interesting experiments are being done (do)these days.
6.I am being treated (treat)at the hospital now,so I cannot go to the cinema at present.
1.The doctors are operating on his left leg.
→His left leg is being operated on by the doctors.
2.They are discussing whether they will go for a picnic tomorrow.
→Whether they will go for a picnic tomorrow is being discussed by them.
3.The government is protecting the tigers in the newly built reserve.
→The tigers are being protected in the newly built reserve by the government.
4.The government is making great efforts to improve the living conditions of people.
→Great efforts are being made to improve the living conditions of people by the government.
5.People are hunting too many animals these years in some places.
→Too many animals are being hunted by people these years in some places.
Li Ming:Hi,Lin Tao,it's several months since we 1.met(meet) last time.You said you were tired of your work and you 2.would find(find) a new job.What are you doing now
Lin Tao:Oh,I'm 3.being trained(train) for the work in the supermarket this month.You know,a supermarket 4.is being built(build) in our town,and it 5.will be(be) open in about two months.Where are you going now
Li Ming:I 6.am going(go) to the centre stadium,where the spring sports meeting 7.is being held(hold).
Lin Tao:I hear that a car exhibition is also 8.being held(hold) there.Why don't you drive there?It's a long way from here.
Li Ming:There is something wrong with my car and it 9.is being repaired(repair) in the garage(汽修厂).I 10.am losing(lose) weight recently,so I'd like to go there on foot.
Lin Tao:I see.Then wish you a good day!
Li Ming:Thank you!Bye!
Lin Tao:Bye!
It happened on a rainy Saturday morning last month.My wife Catherine and I were driving along what some people called Moose Alley(驼鹿谷).It was so early that there were few cars on the road.Suddenly, something happened.A moose jumped out across our path.I had been driving for years and was good at driving.In order to avoid knocking into the moose, I made a quick turn to the other lane.If I had not done that, the moose might have been killed, and my wife and I might have got injured, too.A few seconds later, when I stopped and looked back in my rear view mirror, the moose was getting up and then ran into the bush.Shaken but fine, we both looked at each other with a surprised expression.
From then on, I often thought about the relationship between humans and wildlife.We know that animal species have appeared and disappeared continually since life began on the Earth.It is quite natural.However, animal species have been decreasing at a much faster rate for about a century now due to human factors(因素) such as pollution.
Some philosophers and scientists keep repeating that if we don't save animals, how we will be able to save ourselves.A better knowledge of animals gives us a better understanding of our own species.The will to protect animals and nature in general shows values of society.And all animals play roles in nature and have a right to survive.Therefore, I think we should try our best to save endangered animals, because humans cannot live on the Earth alone.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。文章讲述了作者在经历了一次交通小事故后,开始思考人类与动物的关系,他认为保护动物就是保护人类自己。
1.What happened on a rainy Saturday morning last month
A.The author and his wife were both injured in the accident.
B.The author's car knocked into a moose running across the path.
C.A moose was killed because of the knock on the author's car.
D.With the author's good driving skills, he and his wife successfully avoided hitting a moose.
D [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I had been driving for years and was good at driving.In order to avoid knocking into the moose, I made a quick turn to the other lane...when I stopped and looked back...the moose was getting up and then ran into the bush.”可知,在上个月一个下雨的星期六早上,作者凭借出色的驾驶技术,成功避免撞上一头驼鹿。故选D。]
2.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the factor of animal decreasing
A.Pollution.     B.Overhunting.
C.The earthquake. D.Overfishing.
C [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“animal species have been decreasing at a much faster rate for about a century now due to human factors(因素) such as pollution”可知,动物种类减少是一些人为因素造成的,“地震”是自然因素。故选C。]
3.What's the main idea of the passage
A.No animal, no human.
B.Focus on animal activities all the time.
C.Human activities must be stopped.
D.Animals are more important than humans.
A [主旨大意题。文章第一段讲述了作者凭借出色的驾驶技术,成功避免撞上一头驼鹿的事;第二段介绍了作者开始思考人类与动物的关系,同时指出一些人为因素造成动物种类不断减少;第三段讲述了拯救动物的重要性,拯救地球上的动物就是拯救人类自己。综上所述,文章主要告诉我们动物和人类息息相关,拯救动物就是拯救人类,A项(没有动物就没有人类。)符合文章主旨。故选A。]
1.expression n.表情;表示;表达 2.from then on从那时起 3.decrease v.减少 4.in general从总体上看;通常;大体上 5.right n.权利 6.survive v.生存;幸存
原句 Some philosophers and scientists keep repeating that if we don't save animals, how we will be able to save ourselves.
分析 本句是一个主从复合句。句中that引导宾语从句,作repeating的宾语,在该宾语从句中,又含有一个if引导的条件状语从句。因为该宾语从句是一个主从复合句且其从句位于主句之前,所以该宾语从句的引导词that不能省略。
译文 一些哲学家和科学家一再说,如果我们不拯救动物,我们将怎样拯救我们自己呢?
Members of an elephant herd making a 500 kilometer trip through southwestern China have become international stars.The 15 member herd was already receiving wide attention in China.But now, the group's long trip is being documented by major media companies and on social media.
The elephants are traveling from their home, in a mountainous area of Yunnan Province, toward the city of Kunming.YouTube and Twitter are full of videos showing interesting behavior of the animals as they continue their path across farmland, villages and around cities.
The elephants are being followed by the public seeking to limit damage from the animals and to keep them and people safe.While no animals or people have been hurt during the trip, media reports have expected crop damage to be more than $1 million.The elephants broke into farms looking for food and water, visited a car service center and even showed up at a retirement home.At the home, some elephants tried to visit rooms, leading one man to hide under his bed.
Officials in China say they are not sure exactly what persuaded the elephants to make their long trip.They do, however, seem to be drawn to corn, fruits and other tasty crops they find along the way.Some experts say the elephants might have left because their leader might have got lost.“Asian elephants are loyal to their home areas unless there are major changes to the environment, a loss of resources or development,” said Nilanga Jayasinghe, of the World Wildlife Fund.“In this case, we don't really know why they left their home,” she told The Associated Press.She added that the area where they lived had seen major “habitat loss” linked(相关联) to agricultural expansion(扩张).“What possibly happened here is that in their search for a new habitat, they got lost along the way and kept going,” Jayasinghe added.
Elephants are given the top level of protection in China.This permits their numbers to continually increase even as their natural habitat becomes smaller.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了中国西南部一群迁徙的大象在国际上受到了关注。
4.Why does the elephant herd become the focus worldwide
A.Because it has caused local villagers a huge loss.
B.Because it makes a journey far away from its home.
C.Because it travels to the mountainous area of Yunnan.
D.Because the media are filming Asian elephants' behavior.
B [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Members of an elephant herd making a 500 kilometer trip through southwestern China have become international stars.”可知,象群会成为全世界的焦点是因为它们离家远行。故选B。]
5.According to Nilanga Jayasinghe, what might have caused the elephants to make the long trip
A.The elephants' leader has got lost.
B.The elephants' food has become short.
C.The elephants' habitat got lost because of agricultural expansion.
D.The elephants are drawn to corn, fruits and other tasty crops along the way.
C [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“She added that the area where they lived had seen major ‘habitat loss’ linked to agricultural expansion.”可知,根据Nilanga Jayasinghe的说法,由于农业扩张,大象生活的地区出现了严重的“栖息地丧失”,而这导致了大象迁徙。故选C。]
6.Which of the following is the best title of the text
A.Asian Elephants Are Traveling Abroad
B.Asian Elephants Are Loyal to Their Home
C.China's Traveling Elephants Become International Stars
D.Chinese Officials Are Trying to Save the Traveling Elephants
C [标题归纳题。第一段进行总述,点出了中国正在迁徙的大象成为国际明星;第二段简单介绍了大象的迁徙路线以及YouTube和Twitter对它们的报道;第三段主要说明了这些大象对途中的庄稼、农场以及一所养老院的影响;第四段主要说明了专家们对它们迁徙原因的分析;最后一段简单点出了中国对大象的保护。由此可知,C选项“中国正在迁徙的大象成为国际明星”最适合作为文章标题。故选C。]
1.seek to do sth.设法做某事 2.expect v.预计 3.break into强行闯入 4.show up出现
5.persuade v.劝说;说服 6.be drawn to...被……吸引 7.loss n.丧失;损失 8.(be) linked to和……相关联 9.permit v.使有可能;允许
原句 She added that the area where they lived had seen major “habitat loss” linked to agricultural expansion.
分析 本句是一个主从复合句。句中的that引导的是宾语从句,作added的宾语,在该宾语从句中又含有一个where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词the area,linked to agricultural expansion是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰前面的“habitat loss”。
译文 她补充说它们生活的地区出现了严重的、和农业扩张相关联的“栖息地丧失”。
U.N.Report Warns Nature Crisis
A new U.N.report focuses on the negative effects of human activities on nature.It says one million plant and animal species on land, in the sea and in the sky are now in danger of extinction.
The 1,800 page report took three years to finish. 1 The Earth has always suffered from human activities, it says.However, these scratches (划伤) have become deep scars (伤疤) over the past 50 years.Species are going extinct several hundred times faster than the average rate during the past ten million years.It's something that has never happened before in human history.
2 Since 1970, the human population has doubled.The global economy has grown by four times.To feed, clothe and give energy to this fast changing world, lots of forests have been cut down. 3 Furthermore, hunting, overfishing and pollution have also been killing species in great numbers.
The problem can be fixed, the report says. 4 The amount of land and sea that are under protection needs to increase rapidly.The report suggests governments move away from using GDP as a key measure of development.Long term effects must be considered, too.
Professor Eduardo Brondizio of Indiana University is an author of the report.He says, “We all know what needs to be done.The knowledge is there. 5 ”
A.However, this requires many changes.
B.Over 120 wildlife species are facing extinction.
C.Only experts know how to address the problem.
D.The report listed several causes of the situation.
E.There just needs to be a greater will to take action.
F.It draws on(动用) the work of 450 scientists from dozens of countries.
G.Between 1980 and 2000, one million square kilometers of tropical forest were lost.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一份新的聚焦于人类活动对大自然的负面影响的联合国报告。海陆空的100万种植物和动物因为人类活动而面临灭绝的危险。人们要真的行动起来保护动植物。
1.F [细节句。 上文“这份1 800页的报告花了三年才完成”说明了这份报告内容之丰富、用时之久,F项“它动用了来自许多国家的450名科学家的工作。”说明了这份报告包含了很多人的心血,符合语境。F项中的“It”指代的是上文提到的报告。]
2.D [主旨句。 下文提到了自1970年以来,人口加倍增长;全球经济增长了四倍;为了给这个快速变化的世界提供食物、衣服和能量,大量的森林被砍伐;此外,狩猎、过度捕捞和污染也导致大量物种死亡。D项“这项报告列出了造成这种情况的几个原因。”可概括下文。故选D。]
3.G [细节句 。上文提到为了给这个快速变化的世界提供食物、衣服和能量,大量的森林被砍伐,G项“1980年至2000年间,100万平方千米的热带森林消失了。”进一步补充细节。故选G。]
4.A [过渡句。 上文提到这个问题是可以解决的,下文提到受保护的陆地和海洋数量需要迅速增加,还提到政府应该放弃将GDP作为衡量发展的关键指标。A项“然而,这需要许多改变。”与上文在意思上形成转折,且能够引出下文,符合语境。]
5.E [细节句。 上文提到我们都知道需要做什么,知识就在那里,E项“只是需要更大的意愿来采取行动。”承接上文,符合语境。]
1.focus on关注 2.effect n.影响 3.suffer from 遭受 4.cut down 砍倒 5.the amount of……的数量 6.dozens of许多
Just days ago, a special “squirrel map” attracted public attention in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province.
1. map marks about 20 areas where squirrels are often seen in a number of public places—not just parks 2. residential(住宅的) areas and even hotels.A resident in Chengdu said, “Thanks to the city's improved environment and people's stronger 3. (aware) of animal protection, more wild 4. (creature) are being seen more often now in Chengdu.”
For animal lovers nationwide, the chances of coming into closer contact 5. such creatures have risen in recent years, with an increasing number of animals being found roaming(漫游) in cities or approaching areas 6. people live.
In December, seven 7. (endanger) alpine musk deer were sighted in Qinghai's Three River Source National Park.Moreover, a herd of about 100 wild red deer under State protection was also observed by local rangers in February.
Similar cases have been reported off China's coast.On June 29, a Bryde's whale, a Class 1 protected species, 8. (find) by fishermen in Dapeng Bay near Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.Chen Cheng, who lives in Shenzhen and has observed the marine life population rising in the area, said, “The quality of coastal waters in Shenzhen 9. (improve)greatly in the past five years.It's easy to find jellyfish in these waters.I once came across a dolphin, so I hope whales will appear more 10. (frequent) in the future.”
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇新闻报道。由于环境改善和人们对动物的保护意识的提高,越来越多的野生动物得以茁壮成长。
1.The [考查冠词。此处指第一段中提到过的地图,表示特指且位于句首首字母需大写。故用定冠词The。]
2.but [考查连词。句意:这张地图标出了大约20个经常在许多公共场合见到松鼠的地方——不仅是公园,还有住宅区甚至是酒店。结合句意可知此处是“not just...but...”的结构,意为“不仅……而且……”。故填but。]
3.awareness [考查名词。根据设空处前面的名词所有格people's,可知此处应填名词awareness。]
4.creatures [考查名词复数。creature意为“动物”时,为可数名词,由设空处前面的more可知此处应填复数名词creatures。]
5.with [考查介词。come into contact with...意为“与……接触”。故填with。]
6.where [考查定语从句。设空处无提示词,设空处前是名词areas,此处指人们居住的地方,设空处表示“在……地方”,故推测设空处引导定语从句,修饰表示地点的名词,并在从句中作地点状语,故此处应用where引导定语从句。]
7.endangered [考查形容词。设空处修饰其后的alpine musk deer,故用形容词endangered。]
8.was found [考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。该句中a Class 1 protected species为a Bryde's whale的同位语,a Bryde's whale为该句的主语(主语为第三人称单数),该句缺少谓语,由后面的by fishermen可知a Bryde's whale与find之间为被动关系,由时间状语On June 29可知应用一般过去时。故填was found。]
9.has improved [考查动词的时态以及主谓一致。由该句中的时间状语in the past five years可知应用现在完成时,主语为The quality,故填has improved。]
10.frequently [考查副词。设空处修饰动词appear,应用副词frequently。]
1.thanks to幸亏;由于 2.come into contact with...与……接触 3.an increasing number of...越来越多的…… 4.approach v.接近;靠近 5.case n.事例;案件 6.quality n.质量;品质 7.come across偶然发现;偶然遇见
原句 For animal lovers nationwide, the chances of coming into closer contact with such creatures have risen in recent years, with an increasing number of animals being found roaming in cities or approaching areas where people live.
分析 本句中with an increasing...people live为with的复合结构,宾语是an increasing number of animals,宾补是being found roaming in cities or approaching areas where people live,其中or连接两个并列成分roaming in cities和approaching areas,where people live为where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词areas。
译文 对于全国各地的动物爱好者来说,近年来,随着越来越多的动物正在被发现在城市游荡或靠近人们居住的地方,与这些动物更近距离接触的机会有所增加。
Part Ⅲ Reading for Writing
1.the frightened deer 受惊的鹿
2.a newborn kangaroo 刚出生的袋鼠
3.a clever little insect一种聪明的小昆虫
4.in your neighbourhood 在你家附近
5.watch dolphin shows看海豚表演
6.hunt for his skin猎杀取它的皮毛
7.an unusual noise一阵不寻常的嘈杂声
1.reduce v.减少→reduction n.减少;下降
2.emotion n.情绪→emotionally adv.情绪上→emotional adj.情绪的→emotionless adj.不露感情的
3.usual adj.通常的→ unusual adj.不常见的→ usually adv.通常→ unusually adv. 不寻常地
1.due to 由于;因为
2.stir up 激起
3.bird field guide 鸟类图鉴
4.search for 搜索;查找
5.look up 抬头看
6.care for 关心
7.pay attention to 注意
8.cut down 削减;砍倒
9.carry out 执行;进行
10.leave behind 忘带; 留下
句型公式:so that “为了,以便”,引导目的状语从句
教材原句:Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper
翻译: 让动物无家可归,以便让人类有更多的纸,这样做对吗?
Poster Poster 1 Poster 2
Name 1.Give Ugly a Chance Don't Make Paper with My Home!
Animals Less cute animals 2.koalas
Problems Fewer cute animals are not treated 3.equally. Homes are being 4.destroyed.
Measures Give them a chance. Stop 5.cutting down trees.
The main idea of the text is about the protection of ugly animals.
1.What's the poster on the left mainly about
A.The protection of ugly animals.
B.The protection of good animals.
C.The protection of bad animals.
D.The protection of cute animals.
2.What's the poster on the right mainly about
A.Cutting down trees.
B.Destroying animals' homes.
C.The habitat of animals.
D.The less paper,the better.
3.What does each poster use to stir up emotions
A.Pictures and large titles.
B.Some words.
C.Some special punctuation.
D.Some important numbers.
4.What is the writer's opinion about wildlife protection according to the poster on the left
A.The good animals are more important than the bad ones.
B.The ugly animals are more important than the bad ones.
C.The ugly animals can make our planet more beautiful.
D.All kinds of animals should be equally protected.
5.Why should we use less paper according to the poster on the right
A.To plant trees for animals.
B.To protect the habitat of animals.
C.To make animals homeless.
D.To make friends with koalas.
答案 1.A 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B
1.reduce vt.减少(1)reduce...by...将……减少了……
(2)reduction n.减少,缩小
①There has been some reduction(reduce)in unemployment.
②They reduced the expenses to 60 per cent.
③The store has reduced the price of the product by 10 per cent.
The number of the cars was reduced from 40 to 30.
2.due adj.由于;因为;预期;预定;预计;应支付;应给予;应归于due to由于;因为;归因于
be due to do sth.预定做某事
be due to sb.应付给/给予某人
①The latest survey indicates that the global economy is declining due to many factors.
②The wages due to him will be paid tomorrow.
③Rose is due to start (start) school in January.
The boat is due to arrive at 12.(读后续写之事件描写)
“因为;由于” 短语荟萃
①because of  ②thanks to  ③owing to  ④as a result of
3.search for 搜索;查找(1)search sb./sth.搜身/搜查某人/某物
search for sb./sth.=make a search for sb./sth.寻找某人/某物
search...for sb./sth.找某人/某物而搜查……
search out 找到
(2)in search of 寻找
in one's/the search for 寻找……
①They started off at once in search of the missing girl.
②The police searched her for drugs.
③We have been searching for the lost boy all over.
④ He searched out the book and gave it to me.
⑤He searched through his pockets for a cigarette.
The firefighters were searching the building for survivors.
in search of意为 “寻找,搜寻” ,在句中常作表语或目的状语。名词search前不加限定词;若search前加a/the/one's等限定词时,of一般换成for。
4.cut down削减;砍倒cut off切断;中断
cut down削减;砍倒
cut out剪下;删去
cut up切碎;抨击
cut in插话;让某人分享利润
①Before we get the book printed, you'll have to cut out the second part.
②The small town was cut off by a heavy snowfall.
③My uncle hasn't been able to quit smoking, but at least he has cut down.
④I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson cut in.
Smoking is harmful to us.You'd better quit smoking or at least cut down the amount of smoking.(应用文写作之建议信)
5.so that “为了,以便” ,引导目的状语从句(1)so that引导的从句中常常使用情态动词can/could,may/might,will/would等。so that引导的目的状语从句不能放于句首,而in order that引导的目的状语从句既可放在句首,也可放在主句之后
(2)当so that或in order that引导的目的状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致时,从句可变为so as to或in order to的动词不定式短语
She had not planned her time well, so that she did not finish her homework on time.
I spend more time learning English every day so that I can make greater progress this year.
→I'm absorbed in study so as to/in order to pass the College Entrance Examination.
→I'm absorbed in study in order/so that I can pass the College Entrance Examination.
→In order to pass the College Entrance Examination, I'm absorbed in study.
=To pass the College Entrance Examination, I'm absorbed in study.
=I'm absorbed in study to pass the College Entrance Examination.
so that也可以用来引导结果状语从句。虽有似曾相识的感觉,但不能把目的状语从句和结果状语从句混淆。so that引导的结果状语从句一般要用逗号和主句隔开,从句里没有表目的的情态动词may, can, might或could。
Part Ⅳ Writing
动物 华南虎(South China Tiger)是世界濒危动物之一
栖息地 中国
现有数量 野生数量为零;有一些生活在保护区
濒危原因 栖息地的减少;人类为了获取它们的皮和骨对其进行捕杀
保护措施 拒绝购买虎制品
South China Tiger Protection
主题 保护华南虎 体裁 应用文
人称 以第三人称为主 时态 以一般现在时为主
布局 第一部分:介绍华南虎的濒危情况、濒危原因; 第二部分:我们应该采取的保护措施。
1.habitat n.栖息地
2.endanger vt.使遭受危险;危害
3.reserve n.(动植物)保护区
4.measure n.措施;方法
5.fur n.毛(皮)
It is one of the most endangered animals in the world.
There are some South China Tigers living in the reserve,with none in the wild.