人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册 Unit 4 Sharing 课件(共6份)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册 Unit 4 Sharing 课件(共6份)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-18 19:15:40


英 语
选择性必修 第四册
Opening Page [热身·话题妙切入]
[单元主题语境] 人与社会——公益事业与社会服务
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
1.Taking pleasure from helping others is a virtue.
2.Do not do evil things however trivial they are.Do not give up good things however trivial they are.
3.One small act of kindness can make a big difference.
4.Love is a lamp which is brighter in darker places.
5.If we each offer a piece of love,the world will become more beautiful.
6.The act of helping others can create an improved sense of well being.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
When I think back to all the experiences that I have had around the world since joining Doctors without Borders,I feel that I have been very lucky to be able to help others and do something worthwhile.
Arrived with my colleagues here to find everything was in chaos.The whole island is flooded.Many of the people have fled to the mountains to escape.
The majority of wounds are from walls and roofs that have fallen on people.The water makes it difficult for the cuts and wounds to get better and easy for bacteria to spread.
Meanwhile,in the rest of the city,shelter and access to food and clean water are big problems.
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One good thing here is that many people can speak English or French.This makes it easier to communicate and find out about people's problems.My acting skills are very good,so I can still communicate with people without an interpreter,so I am finding that my job is not limited to being a nurse.It is also being a person who can listen to and comfort others.
This experience makes me appreciate all the things I have and gives me the chance to see things from another angle.I know I can't change the whole world,but I'm proud that I can help here and there,and make a difference to people's lives.
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1.colleague n.[C] 同事
2.in chaos 处于混乱状态
3.bacteria/b?k?ti ri /n. 细菌
4.interpreter n.[C] 口译工作者,口译译员 interpret vt. & vi.口译
5.appreciate vt. 感激
6.angle n.[C] 观点,立场,角度
7.make a difference to... 
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
1.What organization does the author join
Doctors without Borders.
2.What does the author think about her work
She is proud that she can help here and there,and makes a difference to people's lives.
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Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas [文本感知]
(F)1.secondary  A.n.校服;制服 adj.一致的;统一的
(E)2.clay B.n.棉布;棉花
(D)3.weed C.n.平板电脑;便签本;药片 
(B)4.cotton D.n.杂草;野草 vt. & vi.除杂草
(A)5.uniform E.n.黏土;陶土
(C)6.tablet F.adj.中学的;次要的
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1.rubber n. 橡皮;黑板擦;橡胶
2.washroom n. 洗手间;厕所
3.bubble vi. 起泡;沸腾 n.气泡
4.tube n. 管子;管状物
5.circus n. 马戏团
6.jaw n. 颌;下巴
7.forehead n. 额;前额
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1.dust n.沙土;灰尘 vi. & vt.擦灰→dusty adj.布满灰尘的;无光泽的
2.rigid adj.死板的;固执的→rigidly adv.死板地;固执地→rigidity n.僵硬;严格;刚性
3.chemist n.化学家;药剂师;药房→chemistry n.化学
4.ripe adj.成熟的;时机成熟的 →ripen vi. & vt.(使)成熟
5.mail n.邮件;信件;邮政 vt.邮寄;发邮件给→e mail n.电子邮件 vt.给……发电子邮件
6.disabled adj.有残疾的;丧失能力的→disable vt.使残废;使伤残;使(机器或设备)瘫痪→disability n.缺陷;障碍;残障
7.resign vi. & vt.辞职;放弃或辞去 →resigned adj.屈从的;顺从的;已辞职的
8.housing n.住房;住宅→house n.住宅,房子 vt.给……提供住房
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1.secondary school 中学
2.traffic jam 交通堵塞
3.by mail 邮寄
4.a chorus of 齐声;异口同声
5.not to mention 更不用说;且不说
6.in the shade 在阴凉处
7.come across 偶遇;偶然发现;被理解
8.resign from 放弃……;辞去……
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1.There's no electricity or running water and not even textbooks,not to mention laptops,tablets,or other modern devices!
2.The class became a circus as the boys,who had never come across anything like this before,started jumping out of the windows.
3.To be honest,I doubt whether I'm making any difference to these boys' lives at all.
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4.My muscles were aching and my knees shaking as we dragged ourselves down the mountain towards home.
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①parcel/?pa:sl/ n.[C]包裹,裹好;打包
②jam/d??m/ n.[U,C]果酱;[C]堵塞
③be dying to do sth.渴望做某事
④mail/meil/ n.[U]邮件;信件;邮政 vt.邮寄;发电邮给
⑤secondary/?sek ndri/ adj.中学的;次要的
Secondary school中等学校
⑥clay/klei/ n.[U]黏土;陶土
⑦a dusty track泥泞的小路
dusty/?d?sti/ adj.布满灰尘的
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dust/d?st/ n.[U]沙土;灰尘
track n.[C]小道,小径;[C,usually pl.]车辙,足迹
⑧weed/wi:d/n.[C]杂草;野草vt. & vi.除杂草
⑨chorus/?k?:r s/n.[C]合唱曲;合唱团 vt.合唱;齐声说
a chorus of齐声;异口同声
a chorus of praise 一片赞扬声
⑩cotton uniform棉校服
cotton/?k?tn/ n.[U]棉布;棉花
uniform/?ju:nif?:m/ n.[C,U]校服;制服 adj.一致的;统一的
up to多达,高达
not to mention更不用说;且不说
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
tablet/?t?bl t/ n.[C]平板电脑;药片
rubber/?r?b / n.[C]橡皮;黑板擦;[U] 橡胶
adapt to适应
concept n.[C]观念,概念
have no concept of... 没有……的概念
washroom/?w??ru:m/ n.[C]洗手间,厕所
basin n.[C]盆
rigid/?rid?id/ adj.死板的;固执的
the other day几天前,不久前的一天(谓语动词用一般过去时)
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21 bubble/?b?bl/ vi.起泡;沸腾
22 test tube试管
tube/tju:b/ n.[C]管子;管状物
23 spill vt. & vi.溢出,泼出,(使)洒出;散落
24 circus/?s :k s/ n.[C]马戏团
25 come across偶然遇见;碰上
26 relevant adj.有意义的;紧密相关的
be relevant to...与……有关(相当于be related to...)
27 chemist/?kemist/ n.[C]化学家;药剂师;药房
chemistry n.[U]化学
28 to be honest(=honestly speaking)说实话
29 make one's visit to...拜访
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30 a remote village一个偏远的村庄
remote mountain areas偏远山区
31 fantastic views极美的景色
32 shade/?eid/ vt.给遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把……涂暗 n.[U]阴凉处;阴影部分
33 jaw/d??:/ n.[sing.]下巴
34 wrinkled forehead布满皱纹的前额
35 lead sb.to someplace带某人到某地
36 hut/h?t/n.简陋的小房子
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37 stick out of...从中伸出,探出,突出
38 housing/?hauzi?/ n.[U]住房;住宅
39 adjust vi & vt.适应,(使)习惯
40 platform/?pl?tf?:m/ n.[C]平台;站台;舞台
41 fireplace/?fai pleis/ n.[C]壁炉
42 possession n.[C]所有物,财产,财物(多用复数);[U]拥有,持有,占有
43 broom n.[C]扫把,扫帚
44 saucer/?s?:s / n.[C]茶碟;杯托
45 kettle/?ketl/ n.[C](烧水用的)壶
46 pan/p?n/ n.[C]平底锅;烤盘
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47 a couple of jars 几个罐子
jar/d?a:/ n.[C]罐子;坛子
48 build a fire(=make a fire)生火
49 ripe/raip/ adj.成熟的;时机成熟的
50 greens n.绿叶蔬菜
51 upside down颠倒地
52 grill/gril/n.烤架;烤肉餐馆
53 doorway/?d?:wei/n.门口;出入口;门道
54 leftover/?left uv /adj吃剩的,残留的
55 handshake/?h?nd?eik/n.握手
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56 drag/dr?g/vt.拖;拽
57 privilege/?priv lid?/n.优惠待遇;特权
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8 March
I just got a parcel① from home! It took about two weeks to arrive,and it was a bit damaged,but it was so nice to get some sweets and jam② from home;I've been dying to③ have some of my favourite sweets,and it's always nice to get mail④ 【1】!
【1】此处是并列句。第一个分句中谓语动词是现在完成进行时(have been doing sth.);后一个分句中it为形式主语,动词不定式短语作真正的主语。
So I've been here in the jungle for about a month now.My secondary⑤ school is a bush school.The classrooms are made of bamboo,with clay⑥ floors and roofs of grass.It takes me only a few minutes to walk to school down a dusty track⑦ covered in weeds⑧.When I reach the school grounds,I'm greeted by a chorus⑨ of “good morning” from the boys.Unlike students in our country,these boys do not wear cotton uniforms⑩,and many of them also have to walk a long way,sometimes for up to two hours,just to get to school. There's no electricity,running water or even textbooks,not to mention laptops,tablets ,or other modern devices! All the students have are pencils,
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
rubbers ,and paper.I'm still trying to adapt to these conditions.I've had to become much more imaginative in my teaching.Science is my most challenging subject as my students have no concept of doing experiments.There is no equipment,and since there isn't even a washroom ,if I need water,I have to carry it from my house in a basin 【2】!It's important not to be too rigid about rules here,too.The other day ,I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when,before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling21 out of the test tube22 spilling23 everywhere! The class became a circus24 as the boys,who had never come across25 anything like this before,started jumping out of the windows【3】.Sometimes I wonder how relevant26 chemistry is to these students【4】—few will ever become chemists27 and most will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway.To be honest28,I doubt whether I'm making any difference to these boys' lives at all.
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【2】此处and连接两个并列分句,第二个分句中的主句是I have to carry it from my house in a basin;since there...a washroom为since引导的原因状语从句,since在此意为“因为”;if I need water为if引导的条件状语从句。
【3】as the boys...the windows为as引导的原因状语从句,as意为“因为”;该从句中的who had never...this before为who引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the boys,who在从句中作主语。
17 April
Last weekend I made my first visit to29 a remote village30,home to one of our students,Tombe.Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there—first,up a mountain from where we had fantastic views31【5】,
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and then down a shaded32 path to the valley below.When we arrived at the village,Tombe's mother,Kiak,saw us coming and started crying “ieee ieee”【6】.We shook hands with all the villagers.Everyone seemed to be related to Tombe.
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【5】画线部分是from where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a mountain。
【6】本句是主从复合句。When we arrived at the village是When引导的时间状语从句;Tombe's mother...“ieee ieee”为主句,主句中包含了“see sb.doing sth.”结构,意为“看见某人正在做某事”。
Tombe's father,Mukap,a man with a strong jaws33 and a wrinkled forehead34,led us to35 his house,a low,round bamboo hut36 with no windows,with a door just big enough to get through,and with grass sticking out of37 the roof 【7】—this shows it is a man's house.Such housing38 is dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust39.Fresh grass had been laid on the floor and there was a platform40 for Jenny and me to sleep on.There was a fireplaceB41 in the centre of the hut.The only possessions42 I could see 【8】 were one broom43,a few saucers44.a kettle45,cups,pans46,and a couple of jars47.
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【7】with grass sticking out of是with复合结构,在句中作定语,修饰hut。
【8】 I could see是省略了关系代词that的定语从向,修饰先行词possessions。
Mukap built a fire48 outside and laid stones on it to heat.He then placed the hot stones in an empty oil drum with kau kau(sweet potato),ripe49 corn,and greens50.He then covered the vegetables with banana leaves and left them to steam.It smelled delicious.We ate inside the hut sitting round the fire【9】.I loved listening to the family talking softly to each other in their language,even though I could not participate much in the conversation【10】.Luckily,Tombe interpreted for us.
【9】现在分词短语siting round the fire在句中作方式状语。
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【10】本句是主从复合句。even though引导让步状语从句,意为“即使”。前面主句中含有“感官动词(词组)+宾语+宾补”结构。下一段【11】中的句子也包含了此结构。
Later,I noticed a can standing upside down51 on the grill52 over the fire 【11】.After a while,Tombe threw it out of the doorway53.Tombe told me that the can was heated to dry out the leftover54 food.His family believes that leftovers attract bad spirits in the night,so any leftover food is dried up in a can and the can is then thrown out of the hut.We left the village the next morning after many goodbyes and firm handshakes55.My muscles were aching and my knees shaking 【12】 as we dragged56 ourselves down the mountain towards home.That evening I fell happily into bed.I was such a privilege57 to have spent a day with Tombe's family【13】.
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【12】 My muscles were aching和my knees shaking是and连接的两个句式相同的并列分句,第二个分句承前省略了系动词were。
【13】本句中包含了“It is/was a privilege to do sth.”句型,该句型意为“有幸做某事”。to have spent是不定式的完成式,表示该动作先于谓语动词表示的动作发生或完成。
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一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
The bush school ◆The classrooms are made of bamboo,with 1.clay floors and roofs of grass.
◆There's no 2.electricity,running water or even textbooks.
◆There is no experimental 3.equipment,and not even a washroom.
The students ◆They do not wear 4.cotton uniforms,and many of them also have to walk a long way just to get to school.
◆They have no concept of 5.doing experiments.
◆Most will go back to 6.their villages after Year 8 anyway.
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Tombe and his housing ◆He is one of our students and lives in a 7.remote village.
◆His house is a low,round 8.bamboo hut with no windows,with a door just big enough to get through.
◆The only 9.possessions were one broom,a few saucers,a kettle,cups,pans,and a couple of jars.
The family's belief ◆Leftovers attract bad spirits in the night,so any leftover food is 10.dried up in a can and the can is then thrown out of the hut.
1.Why did the boys jump out of the windows
A.They were frightened of the bubbling mixture.
B.They couldn't stand the terrible smell of the mixture.
C.They didn't like doing chemistry experiments.
D.They knew chemistry was not relevant to them.
2.Which of the following is the description of Tombe's house
A.There were a lot of possessions in it.
B.It was bright and there was a fireplace in the centre of it.
C.It was round shaped,with small windows and a narrow door.
D.It was a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof.
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3.What does the author want to tell us by writing “ The only possessions...of jars”?
A.Tombe's family were kind hearted.
B.Tombe's family were hospitable.
C.Tombe's family only used simple things.
D.Tombe's family was too poor.
4.Why does the writer wonder how relevant chemistry is to the students
A.Because she thinks chemistry is too difficult to learn.
B.Because she thinks chemistry may make little difference to the kids' life.
C.Because the kids there hardly come across anything of chemistry.
D.Because she thinks chemistry useless.
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5.What is the passage mainly about
A.Her teaching life in the bush school.
B.Her learning life in the bush school.
C.Her way of teaching the poor students.
D.Her unforgettable trip in the small village.
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答案 1.A 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A
A.to walk to school down a dusty track
B.to get to school
C.to have some of my favourite sweets
D.to dry out the leftover food
E.to have spent a day with Tombe's family
F.to be too rigid about rules here
1.I've been dying ,and it's always nice to get mail!
2.It takes me only a few minutes covered in weeds.
3.It's important not ,too.
4.Tombe told me that the can was heated .
5.It was such a privilege .
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答案 1.C 2.A 3.F 4.D 5.E
1.It took about two weeks to arrive,and it was a bit damaged,but it was so nice to get some sweets and jam from home;I've been dying to have some of my favourite sweets,and it's always nice to get mail!
[句式分析] 句中but连接表示转折关系的并列句,其中and连接表示顺承关系的并列句,it为形式主语,真正的主语为后面的动词不定式短语to get some sweets and jam from home和to get mail。
[尝试翻译] 花了大约两周的时间才到达,虽然有点损坏,但能吃到家里的一些糖果和果酱还是很不错的。我总是非常想吃一些我最喜欢的糖果,所以收到邮件总是很愉快的!
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2.There is no equipment,and since there isn't even a washroom,if I need water I have to carry it from my house in a basin!
[句式分析] 句中and连接表示顺承关系的并列句,since there isn't even a washroom 为since引导的原因状语从句,if I need water 为if引导的条件状语从句。
[尝试翻译] 这里没有任何设备,甚至连洗手间都没有,如果我需要水,我还得从家里用盆端过来!
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3.The other day I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when,before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere!
[句式分析] the other day 表示过去的时间状语;下一句before引导时间状语从句,意为“还没来得及……就……”;其中when引导时间状语从句;spilling现在分词作状语。
[尝试翻译] 前几天,我在给孩子们展示一个化学实验,不知不觉中,试管里的混合物冒泡了,溅得到处都是!
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册(共30张PPT)
英 语
选择性必修 第四册
Section Ⅳ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas [文本初探]
(F)1.lately    A.n.巡回;环形路线
(E)2.input B.adj.心脏病的;心脏的
(D)3.tune C.n.胶囊;太空舱
(B)4.cardiac D.n.曲调;曲子 vt.调音;调节;调频道
(A)5.circuit E.n.情况;信息;投入;输入 vt.输入
(C)6.capsule F.adv.最近;不久前;近来
(H)7.hypothetical G.vt.感染(疾病);与……订立合同 n.合同;契约
(G)8.contract H.adj.假设的;假定的
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1.mechanic n. 机械师,机械修理工,技工
2.consultant n. 会诊医师;顾问
3.grant vt. 同意,准予 n.拨款
4.surgery n. 外科手术
5.relay vt. 转发;转播
6.criterion n. 标准,准则,原则
7.land n. 国家,地区
8.pray vt.& vi. 企盼;祈祷
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1.consultation n.咨询;咨询会→consult vt. & vi.咨询;请教→consultant n.顾问;会诊医师
2.stability n.稳定;稳固→stable adj.稳定的;稳固的→stably adv.稳定地;稳固地
3.disabled adj.有残疾的;丧失能力的→disable vt.使(某人)残废;使失去能力→disability n.伤残;无力;无能;缺陷;障碍
4.resign vi. & vt辞职;辞去(工作、职位等)→resignation n.辞职
5.lately adv.最近;不久前;近来→latest adj.最近的;最新的→later adj.后期的 adv.后来,随后→late adj.迟的;晚的
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1.take for granted 认为……是理所当然;对……不予重视
2.relay...to 转达给……;转发给……
3.pray that 但愿
4.prior to... 在……之前,先于……;较……更重要的
5.go without 得不到,不做
6.be supportive of 支持
7.meet criteria 达到标准
8.now that 既然,由于
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1.How does the idea of...appeal to you
2.Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are quite commonly contracted in Tanzania.
3.Now,not only are Tanzanians helped by the hospital,but people in neighbouring countries are helped as well.
4.In the future,I pray that you will do the same.
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②far off adj遥远的(仅用在名词前)
③mechanic n.[C]机械师,机械修理工,技工
④be worth it...是值得的
⑤medical doctor医师
⑥consultant n.[C]会诊医师;顾问
⑦upset adj.难过的(不用在名词前) vt.使烦恼,使生气
⑧leisure time休闲时间
⑨input/?input/ n.[C,U]情况;信息;投入;输入 vt.输入
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⑩sing a different tune对某事转变论调或者改变看法
tune/tju:n/ n.[C]曲调;曲子,调音;调节;调频道
contract/k n?tr?kt/ vt.感染(疾病);与……订立合同(或契约) n./?k?ntr?kt/[C]合同,契约
grant/gra:nt/vt.同意,准予 n.[C]拨款
take...for granted
transport system交通系统
cardiac/?ka:di?k/ adj.心脏病的,心脏的
prior to...在……之前,先于……;较……更重要的
heart condition心脏病
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surgery n.[U]外科手术
go without得不到,不做
circuit/?s :kit/ n.[C]巡回;环形路线
disability/?dis ?bil ti/n.缺陷;障碍
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21 consultation/?k?nsl?tei?n/n.咨询;咨询会
22 relay/?rilei/ vt.转发;转播
relay...to sb.向某人传达
As soon as I am updated on what's happened,I will relay it to you all.
23 be supportive of支持
24 criterion/krai?ti ri n/ n.[C]标准,准则,原则(复数形式为criteria meet/satisfy criteria达到标准
25 stability/st ?bil ti/ n.[U]稳固(性),稳定(性)
26 a community with a shared future for mankind人类命运共同体
27 now that既然,由于
28 land n.熟词生义[C]国家,地区
29 pray/prei/vi. & vt.企盼;祈祷
pray that但愿
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Hello! My name is Zhan Bingbing
Lately①,all of us have seen Chinese people on TV in far off② places in the world,helping other countries to develop.We see Chinese workers building roads in the Congo,a port in Pakistan,railways in Panama,and an airport in Sri Lanka.And we see Chinese miners,oil workers,agricultural experts,mechanics③,and doctors working in nearly every corner of the world.And some people may ask,“Is it worth it④?Why help people overseas when China has many areas that are still in need of development?”
I had the same questions myself.But for me,it was much more personal.You see,my mother is a medical doctors⑤,and for the last two years,she has been working as a volunteer consultant⑥ in Tanzania,Africa,as a part of a medical team sent by the Chinese government.
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To be honest,when my mother first left for Africa,I was upset⑦.My mother cooked me dinner every night,and she took good care of me.But more importantly,she was my best friend.We talked together,we spent our leisure time⑧ together,and except for school and work,we were never apart. So I was unhappy about her leaving without even asking for my input⑨.
But then I began to hear about the work she was doing in Tanzania,a country that has many health problems 【1】,and now I am singing a different tune⑩.Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are quite commonly contracted in Tanzania.And,while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth,many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted 【2】,such as electricity,running water,
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cars and good transport systems ,and supermarkets.One project that my mother worked on was helping to build a cardiac hospital.Prior to this,if a Tanzanian had a heart condition and needed surgery ,they would have to go abroad.Since this was quite expensive,many people went without medical treatment and some even died.Now,not only are Tanzanians helped by the hospital,but people in neighbouring countries are helped as well【3】.It has made a big difference to their lives.My mother also does a circuit of the rural villages to provide medical treatment,help those with disabilities ,and provide consultation21 and training for local doctors.In addition,her team has given patients a new malaria treatment invented in China,and this has saved many lives.
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【1】she was doing in Tanzania为省略关系词that/which的定语从句,修饰先行词the work。a country that has many health problems作Tanzania的同位语,that has many health problems 为that 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a country。
【2】while the country...natural wealth为while引导的让步状语从句,while在此意为“虽然,尽管”。主句中的we take for granted 为省略关系词that/which的定语从句,修饰先行词things。
【3】本句中包含了“not only...but(also)...”结构。not only置于句首时,其所在的分句通常要用部分倒装语序。
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Today,I want to relay22 to you that I'm proud of the work my mother has done,and I am now supportive of23 it.Is her work worth it?Yes,to the lives of the people she is helping,it is worth it.But by any criteria24 this work is worth it to us as well,because it shows that we are global citizens interested in world stability25,and that we feel responsible for others and are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind26.Everyone deserves a fair chance in life.When I think of all the things that we as Chinese citizens can be most proud of,helping others comes at the top of this list【4】.Now that27 I understand how important my mother's work is,I've decided to become a volunteer myself to help people in other lands28.In the future,I pray29 that you will do the same.
Thank you!
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【4】 When I think...can be most proud of 为 When引导的时间状语从句,其中that we as Chinese citizens can be most proud of 为that引导的定语从句,修饰all the things。helping others为v ing短语作主语。
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Introduction Para 1 Hello! My name is Zhan Bingbing
Body Para 2.facts and statistics Chinese workers build roads in the Congo,a 1.port in Pakistan,railways in Panama and an 2.airport in Sri Lanka.Chinese miners,oil workers,3.agricultural experts,machanics and doctors work in nearly every corner of 4.the world
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Body Para 3 5 Personal experience I had the same questions myself.My mother has been working as a volunteer 5.consultant in Tanzania,Africa,as a part of a medical team.
To be honest,When my mother first left 6.for Africa,I was upset because we were never apart.
But then I began to understand.The country is quite beautiful and has much 7.natural wealth,but many people are quite poor and easy to 8.contract many dangerous diseases which are rare in China.My mother helped to build a cardiac hospital and did a circuit of the rural villages to provide medical treatment and provide consultation and training for local doctors.
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Conclusion Para 6. Today,I'm 9.proud of the work my mother has done and I am now 10.supportive of it.
1.What has Zhan Bingbing's mother been doing in Tanzania
A.Building roads.
B.Working as an oil worker.
C.Teaching Chinese.
D.Working as a volunteer consultant.
2.What is Zhan Bingbing's attitude towards his mother's leaving
A.Upset.     B.Happy.
C.Excited. D.Disappointed.
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3.Why do some people with a heart condition in Tanzania lose their lives
A.Because their health problems can't be treated.
B.Because they can't get medical treatment.
C.Because they are refused by the hospital.
D.Because they are not allowed to go abroad for surgery.
4.What has Zhan Bingbing decided to do in the future
A.To be supportive of his mother's work.
B.To be a good global citizen interested in peace.
C.To be a volunteer to help people in other lands.
D.To build a community with a shared future for mankind.
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答案 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C
A.that we are global citizens interested in world stability
B.that are still in need of development
C.that are still in need of development
D.that my mother worked on
E.that I'm proud of the work my mother has done
F.that we as Chinese citizens can be most proud of
1.Why help people overseas when China has many areas ?
2.When I think of all the things ,helping others comes at the top of this list.
3.One project was helping to build a cardiac hospital.
4.It shows .
5.I want to relay to you .
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答案 1.B 2.F 3.D 4.A 5.E
1.Yeah,what if we have to clean out the smelly cages
[句式分析] what if结构。意为“如果……怎么办?”
[尝试翻译] 是啊,如果我们必须清理臭笼子可怎么办?
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2.And,while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth,many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted,such as electricity,running water,cars and good transport systems,and supermarkets.
[句式分析] while引导的让步状语从句,相当于although/though,意为
“虽然,尽管”;后边“we take for granted”为定语从句,先行词为things。
[尝试翻译] 虽然这个国家非常美丽,有很多自然财富,但当地许多居民相当贫穷,那些我们认为理所当然的东西,如电、自来水、汽车、良好的交通系统和超市,在他们的生活中都没有。
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3.Prior to this,if a Tanzanian had a heart condition and needed surgery,they would have to go abroad.
[句式分析] “prior to this”是时间状语;if引导的虚拟条件句,对现在情况的假设,主句谓语用would+动词原形。
[尝试翻译] 在这之前,坦桑尼亚人若患有心脏疾病需要做手术,他们必须出国才行。
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课 时 分 层 作 业(共35张PPT)
英 语
选择性必修 第四册
Section Ⅴ Developing ideas [文本感知]
1.(教材原句P43)How does the idea of...appeal to you
appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉;n.[C]呼吁,恳求;吸引力
(1)appeal to sb. 吸引某人
appeal(to sb.)for sth. (向某人)呼吁某事
appeal to sb to do sth. 呼吁/恳求某人做某事
(2)appeal(to sb./sth)against sth. 就某事(向……)提起上诉
(3)make/launch an appeal to sb.for sth./to do sth. 向某人呼吁某事
(4)appealing adj. 有吸引力的,有感染力的,令人感兴趣的
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(1)The book appeals to all ages and establishes a literary bond between parents and children.
(2)In the vote,he appealed to everyone for support.
(3)The advertisement is aimed at appealing to people not to smoke.
(4)Spending the holidays in Britain wasn't a prospect that I found particularly appealing.
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2.[教材原句P44]But then I began to hear about the work she was doing in Tanzania,a country that has many health problems,and now I am singing a different tune.
tune n.曲调;曲子 vt.调音;调节;调频道
(1)in tune 合调子
in good tune 音调准确;协调;融合
out of tune 走调
sing a different tune 对某事有了新的看法
(2)tune up 给(乐器)调音,定调
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(1)They were both singing out of tune.
(2)I don't like London—I just don't feel in tune with city life.
(3)He tuned up and began to play.
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3.(教材原句P44)Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are quite commonly contracted in Tanzania.
contract vt.感染(疾病)与……订立合同(或契约)n.[C]合同,契约
contract a disease 感染疾病
contract(sb.)to do sth. (与某人)签订合约做某事
draw up a contract 起草合同
enter into/sign/make a contract(with sb.) (与某人)签订合同
sign a contract 签订合同
keep a contract 遵守或履行合同
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(1)The virus appears to be more easily contracted(contract) by humans when they are exposed to diseased birds.
(2)I have come to make a contract with you for the business under discussion.
(3)Our company was contracted to build shelters for the homeless.
(4)Don't enter into/sign any contracts before examining its conditions carefully.
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4.(教材原句P44)My mother also does a circuit of the rural villages to provide medical treatment,help those with disabilities,and provide consultation and training for local doctors.
consultation n.咨询;咨询会;consult vi &vt.咨询;请教;(与某人)商议 vt.查阅
(1)consult sb about sth.就某事向某人咨询/请教
consult with sb.与某人交换意见/商量;咨询某人
(2)consultant n.顾问;会诊医师
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(1)That Internet giant has launched free online medical consultation(consult) services in an effort to relieve hospital pressure.
(2)I consulted(consult) the telephone book for his address.
(3)He has an analytical mind,so many people come to consult him about investment.
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(4)I consulted with a doctor,I hired a fitness coach,and I began to eat small and healthy meals.
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5.(教材原句P44)Today,I want to relay to you that I'm proud of the work my mother has done,and I am now supportive of it.
relay vt.转发(信息);转播;转述 n.接力赛;接班的人
relay to 转达给;转播
the 4×100m relay 4×100米接力赛
a relay team 接力队
work in/by relays 轮班工作
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(1)The concert will be relayed(relay) to a worldwide television audience estimated at one thousand million.
(2)Many groups of workers were sent in relays(relay).
(3)Please relay the news to the villagers.
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6.(教材原句P44)And,while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth,many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted,such as electricity,running water,cars and good transport systems,and supermarkets.
take...for granted
(1)take...for granted 表示“(因习以为常)对……不予重视;(因……视为当然而)不把……当回事”,take后可跟sb./sth.作宾语。
(2)take it for granted that... 表示“认为是理所当然的”,其中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面that引导的从句。
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(1)He takes everything his mother does for him for granted.
(2)We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted.
(3)You can't take it for granted that they'll listen to you.
(4)I guess I just took your support for granted,because I thought you would be there for me no matter what happened.
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7.(教材原句P45)In the future,I pray that you will do the same.
pray vi. & vt.企盼;祈祷;祷告;祈望;adv.(用于询问或指示)请问,请
pray to sb.    祈求某人
pray for sb./sth. 为某人/某事祈祷
pray(that)+从句 祈祷
pray to do sth. 企盼去做某事
pray sb.to do sth. 请求某人做某事
pray sb.for sth. 向某人恳求某事物
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(1)We have a beautiful city and we pray it stays that way.
(2)Your wife and your children will pray for you.
(3)We prayed(that)she would recover from her illness.
(4)Do not pray for easy lives.Pray to be stronger men.
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8.(教材原句P43)Yeah,what if we have to clean out the smelly cages
what if...结构,意为“如果……怎么办?”
(1)what if用于疑问句句首,尤用于询问不希望看到的事发生时的结果,意为“如果……怎么办?”,其后句子可用陈述语气(用一般现在时),也可用虚拟语气(用一般过去时或“should+动词原形”)。
(2)what if还可以表示建议,意为“如果……如何?”。
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(1)What if our plane is delayed and we can't make the connection
(2)What if I should fall sick and not be able to work
(3)What if we moved the sofa over here?Would that look better
What if we(should)get/got lost in a strange city
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9.(教材原句P43)Prior to this,if a Tanzanian had a heart condition and needed surgery,they would have to go abroad.
“prior to this”是时间状语;if引导的虚拟条件句,对现在情况的假设,主句谓语用would+动词原形。
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(3)对将来情况的虚拟;从句谓语动词可用should do,were to do或动词的过去式三种形式,主句谓语动词用“would/should/could/might+动词原形”。
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在if引导的虚拟条件状语从句中,如果谓语动词是be的某种形式,不管主语是单数还是复数,书面语中都用were,而口语中如果是单数,也可以用was,不过在if I were中一般用were。
(1)If I were you,I would choose to work in a small town.
(2)If it had not been for your help yesterday,I could not have caught the bus.
(3)If things were to be twice,all would be wise.
If she had taken my advice,she wouldn't have made such a mistake.
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10.[教材原句P44]You see,my mother is a medical doctor,and for the last two years,she has been working as a volunteer consultant in Tanzania,Africa.
句中has been working是现在完成进行时。它表示一个动作开始于过去,持续到现在,并强调现在还在进行。
现在完成进行时的结构为:have/has been doing,表示动作从某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,或者刚刚终止,或者可能仍然要继续下去。
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(1)No wonder you are so tired.You have been working all day.
(2)Because of illness,he has been lying in bed all day.
(3)They have been building the bridge for two months.
(4)She has been sleeping for 6 hours and still cannot wake up.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
1.I have been careful with money lately(最近),so now my account is in the black.
2.That little boy can pick up a tune(曲子) immediately on the violin.He really has a gift for music.
3.To our great astonishment,he signed the unreasonable contract(合同).
4.The starting point of the relay(接力赛) will be in Chinatown,where many overseas Chinese live.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
5.A 78 year old retired engineer has built a capsule(胶囊) hotel for Beijing's “ant tribe”.
6.We prayed(希望) that she would recover from her illness.
7.I consulted(查阅) the telephone book for his address.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
1.He was given a special medal,for he reached his goal in sports in spite of his physical disability(disabled).
2.Natural resources are running out at such an alarming rate that we should no longer take them for granted.
3.People complain that decisions to approve or deny a plan are often arbitrary (随意的) rather than based on fixed criteria(criterion).
4.According to the current economic climate,it is important to safeguard the regional growth and stability(stable).
5.In a recording studio,when relayed(relay) by the microphones,music loses some of liveliness.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
6.The scenery of Mount Huang is so appealing(appeal) that it appeals to tourists all over the world.
7.Dr Howard Kelly,now famous,was called in for the consultation (consult).
8.Not only Jim but also his parents have visited(visit) a few cities in the south since they came to China.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
adapt to;appeal to;be opposed to;be involved in;clean out;dry out;get through;keep out;stick out;suffer from
1.If the soil is allowed to dry out,the tree could die very soon.
2.Generally,common umbrellas could help people keep out wind and rain.
3.Smoking and drinking don't appeal to her,who has no bad hobbies.
4.The bathtub was too dirty to clean out in a short time.
5.I am glad that you have adapted to your new work.
6.With more and more people suffering from the infectious disease in the market,it had to be closed for the moment.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
7.The earth looks like a huge water covered ball,with patches of land sticking out above the water.
8.Those who are opposed to my plan,raise your hands and say no.
9.The project is going on well and we have got through one third of it already.
10.If you happened to witness that someone was involved in the crime,you should report it to the police.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
1.Now that you have signed the contract with them,there is no point in discussing the price.(contract)
2.He contracted the flu while he was travelling.(contract)
3.Please relay the massage to others.(relay)
4.Tom does arrive here at 7:30 a.m.every day,but today he hasn't turned up.(强调结构)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
5.Not only did I appreciate lots of beautiful scenery during this journey,but also I learned a lot about the customs of the places I travelled to.(not only置于句首)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
Recently,all of us have seen Chinese people on TV 1.helping(help) other countries to develop.And some people may ask,“Is it worth 2.it?Why help people overseas when China has many areas 3.that/which still need development?”
Zhan Bingbing had the same 4.questions(question) herself.Her mother is a medical doctor,and for the last two years,she 5.has been working(work) as a volunteer consultant in Tanzania,Africa.When her mother first left 6.for Africa,she was unhappy about her mother's leaving.Later,she was proud of the work her mother had done when hearing about what her mother was doing in Tanzania.She is now 7.supportive(support) of it and has decided to become 8.a volunteer herself to help people in other lands.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
This work shows that we are global citizens interested in world 9.stability (stable),and that we feel responsible for others and are ready 10.to build (build) a community with a shared future for mankind.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册(共12张PPT)
英 语
选择性必修 第四册
Section Ⅵ Writing & Presenting ideas [写作培优 表达升格]
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
明确体裁话题 应用文 招聘启事
明确时态人称 时态:一般现在时
布局文章架构 (第一段)义工组织介绍+工作内容介绍
1.people with disabilities 残疾人
2.deserve to do sth. 值得做某事
3.keep pany 陪伴某人
4.have a heart of gold 心肠很好
5.a flexible timetable 灵活的时间安排
6.grant the membership 授予成员身份
We aim to help the elders or people with disabilities in nearby communities,and they deserve to be cared for by society.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
We not only help them clean their washrooms,but also remove dust or even take out weeds in their yards.
Sometimes we even give perfomances,and among them,programs like chorusing and chess games are very popular.
As long as you have a heart of gold and social responsibility,and have a flexible timetable on weekends,you can become a member of us.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
Applicants are supposed to mail their applications to us before the next weekend.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
We aim to help the elders or people with disabilities in nearby communities,who deserve to be cared for by society.
Not only do we help them clean their washrooms,but also remove dust or even take out weeds in their yards.
Sometimes we even give perfomances,among which programs like chorusing and chess games are very popular.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
Volunteers Wanted
The Red Star Volunteer Organization of our school aims to help the elders or people with disabilities in nearby communities,who deserve to be cared for by society.Not only do we help them clean their washrooms,but also remove dust or even take out weeds in their yards.Besides cleaning,keeping the elders company is also very important.Sometimes we even give performances,among which programs like chorusing and chess games are very popular.
As long as you have a heart of gold and social responsibility,and have a flexible timetable on weekends,you can become a member of us.Of course,a contract will be needed to grant your membership.Applicants are supposed to mail their applications to us before the next weekend.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
Hello,everyone! My name is Li Hua.
One possible version:
Hello,everyone! My mame is Li Hua.Nowadays an increasing mumber of people are willing to serve as volunteers.After all,volunteering actions are of tremendous benefits to those in need and the volunteers themselves.
Last week,our school held its 50th anniversary and it was my honour to be a volunteer.Due to my excellent oral English,my duty was to serve foreigners.I showed them around our school,during which I told them the history of our school.Tired as I felt,I thought it was worthwhile.
In a word,volunteering is beneficial as well as meaningful.Therefore,let's enjoy the time when serving as a volunteer.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
课 时 分 层 作 业(共38张PPT)
英 语
选择性必修 第四册
Section Ⅲ Using language [语法突破 精研细究]
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
1.I've been dying to have some of my favourite sweets,and it's
(VP) (NP)
always nice to get mail!
2....,the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere!
  (NP)   (VP)   (PreP)
3.Tombe's father,Mukap,a man with a strong jaw and a wrinkled forehead,
(NP)     (PreP)
led us to his house.
4.He then placed the hot stones in an empty oil drum with kau kau(sweet
(VP) (PreP)  (PreP)
potato),ripe corn,and greens.
5.Later,I noticed a can standing upside down on the grill over the fire.
    (VP)       (AdvP) (PreP)   (PreP)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
二、句法功能:英语短语的句法功能通常与对应的单词的句法功能类似,比如,名词短语与名词功能相似,在句子中主要充当主语、宾语等;介词短语主要是充当定语、状语、补语等;形容词短语主要充当表语、宾补、定语、状语等。例如:Most of the boys in my class like playing football.在这个句子中,Most of the boys是名词短语,in my class是介词短语,like playing football是动词短语。
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
many good students许多优秀的学生
his beautiful wife他美丽的妻子
the best answer最好的答案
those sweet roses那些甜美的玫瑰
These red roses are for you.(作主语)
He brought a new book with him.(作宾语)
He is my best friend.(作表语)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
名词短语的三个部分并非每一次都要同时出现,在特定场合下,这三个部分都有可能省略。修饰词是名词短语中最不重要的部分,如果不需要描述名词的状态特征则完全可以省略。比如a book同样是正确的名词短语。如果说话人确信听众知道自己在讨论什么东西,则名词也可以省略。比如Of those answers,this one is the best.这里的the best指的就是the best answer。在面对面交流的时候,修饰词和名词有时甚至可以一起省略。假设你在花店,用手指向一捧玫瑰花,对花店老板说“I want those.”的话,花店老板很清楚你想要什么。
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
Your room is large and beautiful.(作表语)
He is young but clever.(作表语)
It is very hot today.(作表语)
The road is long enough.(作表语)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
I am sure of success.(作表语)
The bottle is full of water.(作表语)
He is sure to come.(作表语)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
Afraid of difficulty,he prefers to do the easy maths problem.(作原因状语)
The lost boy spent three days in the forest,cold and hungry.(作伴随状语)
Wet or fine,he got up at six and took a walk in the park.(作让步状语)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
Factories,big or small,can be seen there.
The house worth 500,000 yuan was sold by his son.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
I tried again and again.(作状语)
He runs extremely fast.(作状语)
The teacher speaks clearly enough.(作状语)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
I was so deeply moved by his deeds that I couldn't fall asleep deep into the night.(作状语)
We air the bedrooms every day.(作状语)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
bring up抚养;提出
find out查明;查出
give up放弃
pick out精心挑选
break out爆发
hand in上交
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
look for寻找
care about关心
look into调查
apply for申请
go over仔细检查
object to反对
begin with......开始
consist of 由……组成
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
come up with提出
get away from逃离
get along with与……和睦相处
make up for弥补
run out of用完
put up with容忍
take place发生
make sense讲得通,有意义
lose heart泄气
make faces做鬼脸
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
take part in参加
make use of利用
pay attention to注意
take advantage of利用
keep pace with...与……并驾齐驱
show interest in对……表现出兴趣
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
keep...in mind记住
put...into effect使……生效
take...into consideration把……考虑在内
come into being形成
come into effect生效
burst into tears突然大哭起来
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
be fond of 爱好,be familiar with 熟悉,be suitable for 适合于,be late for 迟到,be good at 擅长于,be afraid of 害怕
Others may be fond of titles and honors,but I am not.
You coward! What are you afraid of
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
throw away扔掉
put away将……收起
carry away拿走,带走
run away逃离;躲避
go away走开
give away捐赠;分发;泄露,暴露
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
hand down.把……传下去
get/take/write/set down写下,记下
bring down降低,减少
tear down拆除
call off取消
cut off切掉;中断
pay off还清
show off炫耀
set off出发
take off脱下;起飞;突然开始成功
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
try on试穿
have on穿着,戴着
carry on继续做
keep on继续
hold on别挂断;坚持住;抓紧
go out熄灭
set out出发,动身
wear out用坏,磨损
wash out把……洗掉
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
carry out实施,执行
hand out分发
turn out出席,在场;结果是
work out计算出;成功地发展
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
come over短暂造访
hand over移交
look over检查
think over仔细考虑
take over接收,接管
fix up修理
call up使想起;打电话给
cut up切碎
grow up长大
make up编造;补上;组成
set up建立,开办
put up提出(意见等);张贴
take up开始从事;占据
pick up捡起;(开车)接人;偶然得到
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
break down出故障;垮掉
break up散开,解散
break into强行闯入
break away突然挣脱
break off中断
get about/around传播
get on乘坐;进展
get off从……下来
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
get out出去
get over克服
get across被理解
give in屈服,投降
give off放出,发出
give back归还
give out耗尽;放出(光、热等)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
turn around转身
turn to向……求助
turn in归还;上交
turn over翻转
turn on打开
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
①介词+名词:at the door,into the bag
②介词+代词:for me,of others
③介词+动名词:in doing so,to my saying that
④介词+连接副词/连接代词/what从句:over what he had better do
⑤介词+连接副词/连接代词+不定式:on how to do this
⑥介词+介词短语:from across the street,until after dinner
⑦介词+副词:from below
⑧介词+复合结构:with the light on
⑨介词+不定式(but/except):...did nothing but sleep
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
The house is in fairly good condition.
She looks like her mother.
Choose a book from among these.
The window is never opened except in summer.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
I like the design on his tie.
I've decided to leave on the afternoon of the 18th.
Mr Smith was injured in the war.
He walked by me without noticing me.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
Kelly is employed as a mechanic.(宾语补足语)
He is regarded as the best doctor in town.(主语补足语)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
1.They have transformed themselves into places where you can develop your love of knowledge,meet interesting people,or find out how to start a business.
2.There is no doubt that it is unwise to depend completely on the ratings in consumption.
3.The Second World War brought great suffering(suffer) to the people in Europe and the world.
4.—What do you think of Stephen Hawking
—Despite his disabled(disable) body,he was a man of scientific nature,one worthy of admiration.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
5.Yuan Longping's hybrid rice has helped so many people in the world get rid of hunger,so he deserves giving/to be given(give) so many awards.
6.Mark said that he was unfit for the job,so he decided to resign from the company.
7.As a result of destroying the forests,a large amount of desert has(have) covered the land.
8.That was the only thing that they could depend on.
9.Students' involvement(involve) in the class is very important.If a student is truly involved in the class,he will learn more.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
1.The kids are playing on the grass rather happily.副词短语
2.They picnicked in the woods.介词短语
3.I won't go home until after the exam.介词短语
4.It was no surprise when we were told that our grandfather had passed away.名词短语
5.Do you know the reason why the automobile breaks down?动词短语
6.At last,the police found out the car full of drugs.形容词短语
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
1.The flower shop(那家花店) is just around the corner and you won't miss it.
2.I want to make a good first impression(好的第一印象) on my first day at senior high.
3.They are looking for a boy in a blue T shirt(一个穿蓝色T恤的男孩).
4.The class was difficult,but the teacher was patient and friendly(有耐心并且和蔼可亲).
5.I don't think English is very difficult/hard to learn(很难学).
6.Hungry and tired(又饿又累),he fell asleep at the desk.
7.China is rich in natural resources(自然资源丰富).
8.My grandma sat in the chair quite comfortably(相当舒服).
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
9.Two boys ran excitedly and nervously(激动而紧张地) to the playground.
10.Strangely enough(十分奇怪的是),some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
课 时 分 层 作 业(共42张PPT)
英 语
选择性必修 第四册
Section Ⅱ Understanding ideas [知识精研]
1.[教材原句P38] I've been dying to have some of my favourite sweets,and it's always nice to get mail!
mail n.邮件;信件;邮政 vt.邮寄;发电邮给
(1)mail sb.sth.=mail sth.to sb.
mail out 邮寄出去
(2)by mail 以邮寄方式
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(1)The shop mailed the book to me.
(2)The school said it would mail out acceptance letters on Tuesday.
How much does it cost to mail a letter in Italy
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
2.[教材原句P38]When I reach the school grounds,I'm greeted by a chorus of “good morning” from the boys.
chorus n.合唱曲;合唱团 vt.合唱;齐声说
a chorus of   齐声;异口同声
in chorus 异口同声
(1)Never before have I heard this song sung in chorus.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(2)The professor's speech was welcomed with a chorus of praise.
(3)The papers all chorused(chorus) the praises of the President.
He was met with a chorus of applause from the audience.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
3.(教材原句P38)I've been dying to have some of my favourite sweets,and it's always nice to get mail!
by dying to do sth.意为“渴望做某事”。dying后还可接for,构成be dying for sth.,意为“渴望得到某物”。
long for sth./be eager for sth./be thirsty for sth./be anxious for sth.
long to do sth./be eager to do sth./be anxious to do sth.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(1)My sister likes acting very much.She is dying to go on the stage.
(2)The people in that country are dying for peace after years of war.
(3)I am dying for/longing for/eager for/thirsty for/anxious for a good job或dying/longing/eager/anxious to find a good job after graduation.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
4.(教材原句P38)Unlike students in our country,these boys do not wear cotton uniforms,and many of them also have to walk a long way,sometimes for up to two hours,just to get to school.
(1)up to高达;胜任;到达(某数量、程度等)
up to now直到现在(常与现在完成时连用)
up to then直到那时(常与过去完成时连用)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
It's up to sb.to do sth.做某事由某人决定。
It's up to sb.+whether/how/when/...是否/如何/何时……由某人决定。
It's up to you.(交际用语)由你决定。
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(1)The spokesman said the high speed rail could be up to 350 kilometers per hour.
(2)Up to one hundred thousand people are still without jobs.多达10万人仍然没有工作。
(3)The children are very quiet;I wonder what they are up to there!
(4)Now that the tool is available to you,it is up to you how to use it.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
5.(教材原句P38)There's no electricity,running water or even textbooks,not to mention laptops,tablets,or other modern devices!
not to mention更不用说;且不说,相当于let alone,其后常接名词、代词、形容词或v ing等。
mention vt. 提到,说到n.[U,C,usually sing.]提及,说起
mention doing sth. 提到做某事
as mentioned above 如上所述
be(not)worth mentioning (不)值得一提
Don't mention it. 不要客气,不用谢
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(1)As mentioned(mention) above,the function of the device is wonderful.
(2)It's no big deal;it's not even worth mentioning(mention).
(3)Thanks for the ride home!
—Don't mention it.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(4)Pollution has a negative effect on the health of everyone living in the city,not to mention the damage to the environment.
(5)I mentioned the idea to Joan,and she seemed to like it.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
6.(教材原句P38)The class became a circus as the boys,who had never come across anything like this before,started jumping out of the windows.
come across偶遇;偶然发现;被理解
run across,happen to meet,run into,meet...by chance/by accident.
come across表示“被弄懂;被理解”,come out表示“被出版”,come to one's notice/attention表示“被某人注意到”等。
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(3)【联想拓展】 含有come的其他常用搭配
come about (某情况)发生
come out 出版;(太阳等)出现;(花朵)开放
come to 达到;总计
come along 出现;一起去;赶快
come up 被提及;被讨论
come up with 想出(主意、答案等)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(1)Your speech didn't come across.Nobody understood your opinion.
(2)He came across a super star in the street the other day,which made him very excited.
(3)Can you tell me how the accident came about
(4)The stars came out as soon as it was dark.
(5)The shoes and books which I bought last week came to $120.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
7.[教材原句P38]Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there—first,up a mountain from where we had fantastic views,and then down a shaded path to the valley below.
shade vt.给……遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把……涂暗 n.阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分
(1)in the shade 在阴凉处,阴暗处;默默无闻
put...in the shade 使黯然失色;使相形见绌
a shade of 少许,微微
(2)shade from 遮挡住
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(1)We were completely shaded from the sun by the poplar trees.
(2)We sat down in the shade of the wall.
(3)A shade of doubt in her voice made me afraid.
I shaded my eyes from the sun.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
8.[教材原句P38]Tombe's father,Mukap,a man with a strong jaw and a wrinkled forehead,led us to his house.
wrinkle vt.& vi.(使脸上)起皱纹;皱起 n.皱纹
(1)wrinkle(up)one's forehead 皱起额头
wrinkle with age 老得皮肤皱起
(2)wrinkles in one's face 脸上的皱纹
without wrinkles/a wrinkle 没有皱纹
(3)wrinkled adj. 有皱纹的
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(1)His face was wrinkled with age.
(2)A little old woman with a wrinkled(wrinkle) face as brown as a berry told us our fortunes for ten pence.
(3)In addition,sleep has been shown to reduce wrinkles in the face and neck.
Fine wrinkles started to appear around her eyes.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(5)If some items are wrinkled,hang them in the bathroom while you take a shower.Steam the wrinkles(wrinkle).
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
9.(教材原句P39)To be honest,I doubt whether I'm making any difference to these boys' lives at all.
to be honest (with you)说实话;老实说
to be frank;to tell you the truth;honestly speaking;frankly speaking
to be brief 简单说;简言之
to be exact 确切地说
to make matters worse 更糟糕的是
to begin/start with 首先
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
to sum up 概括起来说
to conclude 最后
②honest adj. 诚实的
be honest about sth./with sb. 对待某事/某人坦诚
③honestly adv. 诚实地;正直地
④honesty n. 诚实;坦诚;正直
in all honesty 说实话
⑤dishonest adj. 不诚实的;不老实的
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(1)To be honest,it was one of the worst books I've ever read.
(2)Give me your honest opinion.
(3)Are you being completely honest about your feelings
(4)It's very important to be honest with your friends.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
10.(教材原句P39)My muscles were aching and my knees shaking as we dragged ourselves down the mountain towards home.
drag vt.拖;拽vt. & vi.缓慢而费力地移动
drag one's feet/heels 做事拖拉;迟迟不做
drag in 把……拉进来;硬把(某人)拉进(某事)
drag on 拖延;使拖延;拖长(声调、字眼等)
drag oneself along (慢吞吞地)拖着脚走
drag up 拉上,拔出;故意提起(不愉快的往事)
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(1)There was no need to drag up the time he spent in prison.
(2)The children are so busy playing that they don't want their dinner;you'll have to drag them in.
(3)The meeting dragged on for more than two hours.
(4)I dragged the chair over to the window.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(5)I managed to drag myself out of bed.
(6)The party was so good I couldn't drag myself away.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
11.(教材P39)It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe's family.
privilege n.优惠待遇;特权
privileged adj. 有特权的;受特别优待的;荣幸的
be privileged to do sth. 很荣幸做某事
(1)Education should be a universal right and not a privilege.
(2)I hope to have the privilege of working with them again.
(3)We are privileged to welcome you as our speaker this evening.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
12.(教材P39)Such housing is dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust.
adjust vi.适应;(使)习惯 vt.调整,调节
adjust to(doing)sth. 习惯/适应(做)某事
adjust oneself to sth. 使某人自己适应某事
adjust...to... 调整……以适应……
adjustment n.[C,U] 调整,调节;(行为、思想的)调整,适应
make adjustments/an adjustment(to...) 对……作出调整(to是介词)
adjustable adj. 可调整的,可调节的
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
(1)The lifestyle is so different it takes a while to adjust.
(2)Studying abroad can be stressful,because you have to adjust to a new culture at the same time.
(3)Have you adjusted to working with your new colleagues
(4)You can adjust the belt to the size that you want.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
1.I can see from his wrinkled(有皱纹的) face that he has suffered a lot in the past years.
2.The clerk in the post office weighed the parcel(包裹) and told the woman that it weighed 2 pounds.
3.Mail(邮寄) your entry to us by October 31 this year.
4.Pupils at about 90 percent of British secondary(中学的) schools wear uniforms (校服).
5.France will reform the rigid(死板的) and outdated rules that have been limiting the development of the country in the near future.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
6.You can be the one who directs the conversation to fun topics that are ripe
(时机成熟的) for others to add humor.
7.Waving to her family on the platform(站台),the girl could not hold back tears of sorrow.
8.The sheets are 100% pure cotton(棉花).
9.We took the children to the circus(马戏团).
10.Thick cobwebs hung in the dusty(布满灰尘的) corners.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
1.Jack failed to seek a job for his poor education,though he was dying to get (get) one to support his family.
2.There was no light in the room and it took me a few seconds to adjust (adjust) to the darkness.
3.My family were moving to the countryside and I had to make some adjustment(adjust) and learn to lead a different life there.
4.A person's success is greatly relevant to his diligence(勤勉).So if you want to succeed,work hard right now.
5.He hid himself behind the door,from where he saw the man take something off the desk.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
6.History is much more than the study of dusty(dust)old objects and events long past.
7.Little Tom sat there,amazed,watching the monkey dancing(dance) in front of him.
8.A successful person is the one who can make full use of the chances that he comes across.
9.I felt I had been privileged(privilege) to compete in such a race.
10.Now that the tool is available to you,it is up to you how to use it.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
be dying to;not to mention;to be honest;dry out;stick out;a chorus of;make a difference
1.With a branch sticking out,the tree almost blocks the alleyway(小巷).
2.The railway network will create more opportunities for business,tourism and so on,not to mention better communication among those countries.
3.A chorus of complaints from the neighbors forced the drummer to stop the practice.
4.Only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
5.To be honest,his suggestion is not helpful,though it sounds very interesting.
6.My sister likes acting very much.She is dying to go on the stage.
7.He went to an expensive clinic to dry out.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
1.Topics for conversation should be relevant to the experiences and interests of the students.
2.The people living here have no concept of time or dates.
3.It is foolish enough of you to have hung the painting upside down.
4.I got fascinated with the book and two hours went by before I knew it.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
5.After the competition,all the children were dying to know the result.
6.In the reading room,you are not allowed to speak loudly,not to mention making noise.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
Jo,a young Australian,1.worked(work) for two years as a volunteer teacher in Papua New Guinea.The high school 2.where she worked was a bush school,whose classrooms were made of bamboo and grass.We couldn't imagine how difficult it was for her to work there,since there was no electricity or running water. And students sometimes had to walk 3.a long way to get to school.
Last weekend,Jo and another teacher paid a visit to the home of one of their 4.students(student)—Tombe.She walked for two and a half hours.When she arrived at Tombe‘s village,Tombe’s mother started crying “ ieee ieee”.
Tombe's father,Mukap,led them to his house,a low bamboo hut with grass 5.sticking(stick) out of the roof.They entered the room through a door,and the hut was dark inside so it took time for the eyes 6.to adjust (adjust).
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
She loved listening to the family 7.softly(soft) talking to each other in their language,even though she could not participate 8.in the conversation much.Luckily,Tombe could be her interpreter.
Later,Jo learned a local 9.traditional(tradition) custom about the leftover.Jo really felt 10.it a great privilege to have spent a day with Tombe's family.
一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册
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