人教版(2019)必修 第二册 Units 3-5 单元基础复习 课件(共26张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册 Units 3-5 单元基础复习 课件(共26张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 247.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-23 11:58:22



1. blog n/v.博客--blogged(过)--blogging (ing). --n.博主
2.engine n.引擎--engineer n.工程师
3.chat v/n.聊天---chatted(过)--chatting (ing).
4.identify v.识别--identified(过)--identification n.识别--identity n.身份
5.convenient adj.方便的--inconvenient adj.不方便的--convenience n.方便
6.stick v.刺/粘/伸n.棍子 --stuck过--stuck过分
8.surf v.浏览/冲浪--surfing (ing). go surfing去冲浪
9.benefit v/n.受益 --beneficial adj.有益处的
10.distant adj.遥远的--distance n.遥远/距离

11.inspire v.鼓励 –inspiration n.鼓舞/鼓励 –inspired adj.感到鼓励的—inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的
12.access n.入口/通道 –accessible adj.可进入的/有机会接触的/有权力做的—inaccessible adj.不可进入的—accessibly adv.
13.tough v.艰难/坚硬/严厉–tougher/est(比)—toughly adv.—--toughness n. –toughen v.使艰难/坚硬
14.functions n.功能—functional adj.实用的/运转正常的
15.confirm. v.确认—confirmation n.确认--confirmed--adj.证实的
16.private adj. 私人的私下的—privately adv.—privacy n.隐私
17.rude adj.粗鲁的—rudely adv.—rudeness n.
polite adj. 礼貌的—politely adv.—politeness n.
18.thief n.小偷 –thieves(复) —theft n.盗窃
19.particular adj.尤其的特别的特定的 –particularly adv.
20.embarrass v.使尴尬—embarrassed adj.尴尬的—embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的embarrassment n.尴尬
21.upset v.打翻—upset(过)-upset(过)
22.familiar adj.熟悉的—unfamiliar adj.不熟悉的—familiarity n.熟悉
23.define v. 给..下定义—definition n.定义—definite清晰的确定的 –definitely adv.肯定地/当然地
1.博文/博客帖子 blog post
2.搜索引擎 search engine
3.身份证 identity card
4.陪伴某人 keep sb company
5.既然/由于 now that
6.经历/度过/通读 go through
7.状况良好 in shape
8.掌握…最新消息/了解..最新动态 keep track of
9.取笑/戏弄 make fun of
10.牢记 keep …in mind
a stream of 一股/一连串/…流
stick to doing坚持做…
be/get stuck /trapped/caught in 被困于
surf the Internet / go surfing 上网冲浪
benefit from 从…获益 be of benefit=beneficial
inspire sb to do sth 鼓励某人做…
have access to sth有机会/有权利做… the access to…的通道
be tough on 对…严厉
function as =work as =act as =serve as 作为…而工作/充当为
be functioned as=be worked as =be acted as =be served as
9. spare battery 备用电池
10. confirm sb as 任命为 be confirmed as 被任命为
11.give an account of 解释… on account of 由于
on no account=in no case=by no means绝不
take …into account将…考虑在内
account for解释.../占比...
12. in particular 尤其 be particular about 对…挑剔
13. be familiar with 对…熟悉
14.in case/in case of 以防万一
in that case 既然那样 in any case 无论怎样
in no case 绝不 as is often the case通常情况下
1.philosophy n.哲学---philosopher n.哲学家
--philosophical adj.哲学的
2.descend v.下降--descendant.后代
3.individual adj./n.单独的个别的/个体
--individually adv.个体地--individualism n.个人主义
4.chief n.adj./n.最重要的/首领--chiefly adv.--chiefs n.(复)
reliefs宽慰 chefs 厨师roofs 屋顶beliefs信念 cliffs悬崖
5.puzzle v.疑惑 --puzzled adj.(人)
--puzzling adj.(物)--puzzlement n.疑惑
6.belong v.属于—belonging n.归属--belongings n.所有物
7.current adj.现行的/当前的--currently adv.目前
--currency n.货币
8.defend v.防御--defensive adj.防御的--defence n.防御
9.legal adj.合法的--illegal adj.不合法的
--legally adv.合法地--illegally adv.不合法地
10.surround v.包围--surrounding adj.周围的
--surroundings n.环境
11.evident adj.明显的--evidently adv.明显地
--evidence n.证据
12.achieve v.成就/实现--achievement n.成就
arrangement argument judgement agreement
13.locate v.坐落于--location n.位置
--local adj.当地的/n.当地人(locals)
14.conquer v.征服--conqueror n.征服者
15.port n.港口--import v.进口--
export v.出口--transport v.运输 --passport n.护照
16.fascinate v.吸引 --fascinating adj.(物)
--fascinated adj.(人)--fascination n.吸引
17.charge v.充电/收费/管理/控告--charger n.充电器
18.announce v.宣告--announcer n.宣告者
--announcement n.宣布
19.gallery n.展览馆/画廊--galleries
20.approach v.接近/解决 n.方法(approaches)
--approachable adj.可接近的
21.generous adj.慷慨的--generously adv.慷慨地
--generosity n.慷慨
22.eager v.渴望--eagerly adv.渴望地--eagerness n.渴望
23.poet n.诗人--poem n. 诗--poetry n.诗集
24.roll v.滚动--rolling adj.起伏的
25.dot v.遍布/n.点 --dotted(过)--dotted(过)
26.greet v.问候--greetings n.问候
27.sense v.感知n.感觉--sensor n.传感器
--sensory adj.感觉的--sensitive adj.敏感的
28.strike--struck--struck/stricken 袭击/敲打/划火柴/突然想起 - striking adj.显著的
29.transition n.过渡--transitional adj.过渡的
30.crowd n.人群--crowded adj.拥挤的
1.Achilles’s heel 致命的弱点
2.join..to... 把...和...连接起来
3.break away(from sb/sth)脱离/背叛/逃脱
4.belong to属于
5.keep your eyes open (for)留心/留意
6.as well as 同...一样 /也/还
7.be/get puzzled about to one’s puzzlement
a puzzled look a puzzling problem
8.The car (belonging to Mary) is very expensive
China is a country (belonging to developing countries)
9.A as well as B V取A
10. in defence of 为了保护
defend ...from doing sth/being done 保护…免受
11. be surrounded by 被…围绕
Our school is surrounded by the flowers
Surrounded by the flowers,our school is very beautiful
12.It is evident that /there is no evidence that/in evidence
13.be located in/on 坐落于
Chengdu is located in Sichuan
Located in Sichuan ,Chengdu is famous for hotpot
14.charge sb for向…收费 be charged with 被控告
get the battery charged 给电池充电
15.it is announced that 据宣布
as is announced 正如宣布的那样
16.an amount of V 单 amounts of V 复
17.an approach to doing 解决…的方法
with spring approaching 春天要来了
with problems /puzzles approached 问题解决
18.position/case/situation/stage/point 定从中用where
19.be eager to do/for/that
20.be dotted with
The sky is dotted with stars
The sky dotted with stars is not easy to be seen
21.It strikes /hits/occurs to/dawn on sb that 某人突然想起
22.be crowded with 挤满了
The street is crowded with people
The street crowded with people always have big traffic
1.classic adj.优秀的/典型的 n. 名著 classics
--classical adj.古典的--class v.分类
--classify v.分类-- be classfied as 被分为
2.energy n.能源/精力/能量--energetic adj.精力充沛的
--energetically adv.精力充沛地
3.string n.绳/弦/一连串 --stringed adj.有弦的
4.virtual adj.实质的/虚拟的--virtually adv.实质地/虚拟地
--virtualize v.虚拟化--virtualization n.虚拟化
5.compose v.组成/创作/写作--composer n.作曲家/作曲者
--composition n.成分/作曲/作文
6.opportunity n.机会 冠词 an --opportunities n.
7.perform v.表演/表现/执行 --performance n.表演/表现
--performer n.表演者
8.studio n.演播室--studios study n.书房
9.ordinary adj.普通的--ordinarily adv.普通地
--extraordinary n.非凡的
10.able adj.能--unable adj.不能..的 --disable v.使残疾
--disabled adj.残疾的--disability n.残疾 --enable v.使..能
11.prove v.证明 --proved --proved --proof n.证据 --proofs n.
12.award v.授予 n.奖品 --reward v/n.报酬
--rewarding adj.有意义的
13.conduct v.指挥/带领/表现/传导
--conductor n.指挥家/列车长/售票员
14.origin n.起源--origins --originate v.起源于
--original adj.原始的 --originally adv.原始地
15.phenomenon n.现象 --phenomena n.
16.rap v.说唱 --rapped--rapping--rapper
17.gradual adj.逐渐的--gradually adv.逐渐地
18.capable adj.有能力的--capably adv.--capability n.能力
19.relieve v.缓解/释放/救济 --relief n.缓解/宽慰--reliefs
20.cure v.治愈-- curable adj.可治愈的
--incurable adj.不可治愈的
21.absorb v.吸收/理解 --absorbed adj.全神贯注地
22.previous adj.之前的--previously adv.之前地
23.employ v.雇佣/运用 --employed/employs
--employed adj.被雇佣的--unemployed adj.失业的
--employer n.老板--employee n.员工--employment n.雇佣
24.romance n.浪漫 --romantic adj.浪漫的/不切实际的
--romanticism n.浪漫主义
25.aim n.目标-aimless adj.漫无目的的-aimlessly adv.漫无目的地
26.set v.设置/安排/固定--set--set --setting
27.equip v.装备配备--equipped-equipped--equipment n.装备
28.talent n. 天赋--talents n.--talented adj.有天赋的
29.piano n.钢琴--pianos n.--pianist n.钢琴家
30.assume v.假设/假定--assumption n.
31.add v.添加--addition n.增加物--additional adj.附加的
--additionally adv.额外地
32.treat v.对待/款待/治疗--treatment n.对待/治疗
33.lean v.依靠/倾斜leaned--leaned
34.satisfy v.满足--satisfied adj.满足的
--satisfying adj.满意的--satisfaction n.满足
35.vary v.变化--various adj.多种多样的
--variously adv.--variety(y→ies) n.多样性
36.person n.人--personal adj.个人的
--personally adv.个人地 --personification n.拟人
37.react v.反应--reaction
1.stringed instrument 弦乐器 virtual choir 虚拟合唱团
2.fall in love with 爱上 be absorbed in 被...吸引/专心致志
3.try out for参加...的选拔 in addition 除..以外
4.from then on从那时起 get through 处理完成
1.heart and soul 全心全意地
2.an opportunity to do sth
3.enable sb to do sth
4.be composed of由..构成 谓语带be 非谓语不带be
The team is composed of ten players.
Composed of ten players, the team performed well
The team composed of ten players performed well
5.It is proved that 据证明 prove sth to sb向某人证明
6.originate from 从...起源
7. position/point stage /situation case/condition
PP/SS/CC 关系词用where
8.to one’s relief 使...放心的是 in relief 如释重负
a sigh of relief 松了一口气
9.cure sb of 治愈某人的.../改掉某人的...
10.主动 absorb oneself in 被动 be absorbed in 专心致志于
Absorbed in reading ,he didin't notice me.
Absorbing himself in reading ,he didn't notice me
The boy absorbed in reading didn’t notice me
11.previous 出现 一般用 过去式!!!!
the former,the latter 前者,后者
12.have an impact /influence/effect on sb 对...有影响
make a difference to sb
13.aim to do
主动 aim at 被动 be aimed at 针对于/旨在/目的是
Aiming to perform well,the team equipped themselves with energy
Aimed at increasing the income of the peasant,the government has taken fierce measures.
14.equip sb with sth 为...配备... be equipped with配备了...
Equipping herself with knowledge ,she is confident to pass the exam
Equipped with knowledge,she is confident to pass the exam
15.be talented in 在...方面有天赋 have a talent for
16.It is generally assumed that 人们假设
assuming that +句子 假设...
17.in addition =additionally 而且加之
e into being 形成产生 bring..into being 形成产生
for the time being 暂时
19. a variety of =varieties of vary from...to 从...到...变化
The statistics is not steady,varying from 1 to 100
How to stay safe on social media
Thanks to Internet, we can post on social media whenever and wherever we want. But how can we protect ourselves when sharing ourselves
Primary, adjust your privacy setting (首先,调整你的隐私设置)and make your post visible (看得见的) just to your friends instead of the general public. In addition, protect your privacy. Don’t give out (透露) your address or phone number. Someone might use the information to steal your identity. Identity theft (身份盗窃) is a common and serious problem. Eventually (最后), be careful of friend requests. Only accept people you actually know and never meet anyone you met online alone.
With these tips, you can make your social media usage safer/more secure. Look forward to your comments.
The Internet is changing our lifestyles
As is known to all, the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.
With the help of the Internet, we can use our mobile phones or other devices to get dozens of content from home and abroad in a short time. We can also use the Internet to get in touch with those who have some distance from us. In addition, by reading the Internet news, we can reduce the use of paper, which is beneficial to the environment. Moreover,it’s convenient for us to enjoy music, watch matches, buy anything what we need on the Internet.We should use the Internet properly as a tool rather than as a toy.
What’s your opinion about the Internet that is changing people's lives. Post your comments below.
Hangzhou , located in the southeast of China, is a beautiful city in China.
With a history of over 2,200 years, Hangzhou covers an area of more than 16,000 square kilometers. In Hangzhou, you can pay a visit to the West Lake, whose scenery is fascinating. In addition, you can't miss its cultural relics and historical sites, from which you will learn more about excellent Chinese traditional culture and traditions. The special snacks here are famous, leaving a deep impression on the visitors from all over the world.
As a tourist attraction, Hangzhou attracts a large number of visitors from home and abroad every year. Once you come to China, Hangzhou is a great city you can't miss.
为了让更多的外国游客了解中国文化,欣赏中国美丽的自然风光,感受中国发生的巨大变化,某外文杂志社将出版一本英语小册子来介绍中国的旅游景点。该杂志社邀请你为该小册子写一篇英语短文来介绍杭州,内容包括:1.杭州的位置(中国东南部)、面积(16,000多平方公里)及历史(2,200多年)等; 2.杭州的旅游特色(自然风景、传统文化、特色小吃等); 3.希望更多的游客来杭州参观。
Good morning,everyone! lt is my honour to be here to share with you my opinions about the importance of music in our daily life.
First, music is an important part of our life, which helps us relieve tiredness as well as feel less stressed. When listening to music, we can forget those unhappy moments. What is more, appreciating music is of great benefit to cultivate our minds(陶冶情操).Last but not least, people who often listen to music can get improved in creativity.
All in all, music can bring us happiness and we need music.Thank you!