人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3 The Internet 单词课件(共52张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3 The Internet 单词课件(共52张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 329.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-23 12:17:09



Unit 3
Words and Expressions
1.blog : n. 博客 vi. 写博客
on one’s/the blog: 在某人的博客上
write/keep a blog: 写博客
write/keep a diary: 写日记
2.engine : n. 引擎;发动机;火车头
engineer : n. 工程师 ; 技师
a search engine: (互联网上的)搜索引擎
1)The train is pulled by a powerful engine.
2)A search engine is a tool that helps you find what you’re looking for.
3)Baidu is a local search engine.
3.stream [stri m]: n. 小河;溪流
v. 流播(不用下载直接在互联网上播放音视频);
stream movies and music:
网上播放电影和音乐 [行为动词短语]
river: 江河
lake: 湖泊
sea: 海
ocean: 洋
1)I stream videos and music. That is , I watch videos and listen to
music online.
2)We can stream millions of songs for free.
3)When she saw her boyfriend coming back safely, tears streamed
down her cheeks.
4)There was a small stream at the end of the garden.
4.take turns 轮流,依次
take turns to do sth= take turns doing sth轮流做某事
by turns轮流地,交替地
in turn依次,逐个,相应地
it’s one’s turn to do sth轮到某人做某事
5.Look up
与refer to的区别:look up指的是“查阅的具体内容”,refer to后接所查的工具书或资料,如词典、笔记、参考书
6.identity [a ‘dent t ]: n. 身份;个性
identity card = ID card : 身份证
a sense of identify 自我认同感
national/cultural/social identity 民族/文化/社会认同
7.catch the attention of… 引起…的注意
bring sth. to one’s attention 使某事引起某人的注意
sth. draw/attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意
sb. focus/fix one’s attention on sth某人集中注意力于某事
8.convenient adj.方便的,便利的,容易达到的
it is convenient [for sb] to do sth对某人而言方便做某事
sth is convenient for sb/sth …对某人/某物来说是方便的
A is convenient for/to B A到B近便
convenience n. 方便,便利的事物[设施] 【非常重要】
for [ the sake of ] convenience 为方便起见
at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候
inconvenient adj.不方便的
conveniently adv. 方便地,便利地
在你方便的时候: when it is convenient for you
如果你方便:if it is convenient for you
1)Internet has done much more for people than simply make life
more convenient.
2)You’ll find it very convenient to pay by WeChat.
3)We must arrange a convenient time and place for the meeting.
4)I have something important to tell you.Would this evening be
convenient for/ to you
5)Will it be convenient for you to come this afternoon
9. cash [k ]: n. 现金;金钱
in cash: 用现金;有现钱
with the money: 用钱
by credit card: 用信用卡
coin: 硬币
bill(US)/note(UK): 纸币
1)We no longer have to wait in line or carry cash around when we go
2)It doesn’t matter whether you pay in cash or by credit card in this
3)I have $900 in cash with me.
10.update [ p de t]:
vt. 更新;向…提供最新信息
[' pde t]: n. 更新;最新消息
update sb. on sth.
1)It’s (about/high) time that we updated our software.
2)We’ll update you on today’s top news stories.
3)The information system displays information about the
11.database: n. 数据库;资料库
data bank: 数据库
We can get the most updated information from large databases.
12.software : Un. 软件
hardware: Un.硬件
install/run a piece of software:安装 / 运行一个软件
1)We can download software, documents, and images
whenever we need them.
2)Will the software run on my computer
3)There is a bug(漏洞) in the software.
13.out of work 失业
be out of job失业[表状态]---be in work
lose one’s job失业[表动作]---find a job
“out of +名词”构成的其他常见短语
out of control 失去控制
out of sight 看不见
out of trouble 摆脱困境
out of date过时
out of reach够不着
out of order 出故障
out of breath上气不接下气
out of curiosity 出于好奇
14. stuck [st k]: adj. 卡住;陷入;困于
get/be stuck in...: 卡住;陷入
stick [st k]: v. 刺;戳;伸出;粘贴
(stuck --- stuck)
1)We were stuck in traffic for over an hour.
2)He said his car had got stuck in the snow.
15.keep sb company: 陪伴某人
1)At age 50, she found herself out of work and stuck at
home with only her computer to keep her company.
2)My sister always keeps me company when I wait for my
16. surf [s f]: v. 浏览;冲浪
surf the Internet: 上网
go surfing: 去冲浪
1)After a while, she discovered that surfing the Internet
could help her feel less lonely and bored.
2)The boy surfs the Internet for about three hours every
3)They like to swim, surf and relax in the sun.
17.benefit: n. 益处 v. 使受益;得益于
benefit sb 使某人受益,对某人有用
beneficial n.有益的,有帮助的,有利的
be of (great) benefit to...:
for one’s benefit/good
= for the benefit/good of sb:
benefit from/by...: 从…中受益/得益
= profit by/from…
profit [ pr f t]: n. 利润; 红利; 益处 v. 有益于; 有利于
profitable adj. 有利可图的
1)Getting up early in the morning is of
great benefit to this patient’s health.
2)The railway will benefit several cities.
3)Both sides have benefited from the talks.
1.n.[c/n] 距离;[sing.]远方;[Un.]遥远
in the distance: 在远处
at/from a distance 离一段距离,从远处
at/from a distance of+距离 从…远的地方distant: adj. 遥远的;远处的;远亲的
be distant from 离…远,与…不同
keep sb. at a distance 同某人疏远,对某人冷淡,与某人保持距离
keep one’s distance[ from ] [与…] 保持距离,疏远
1)Distance is no problem on the Internet.
2)We saw lights in the distance.
19.inspire : v. 鼓舞;激励;启发思考
inspire sb. to do sth: 鼓励某人做某事
inspire sb. with sth= inspire sth in sb.
inspiring: adj.令人鼓舞的; 启发灵感的
inspired : adj.受鼓舞的;受启发的;品质优秀的
inspiration: n.灵感;鼓舞;启发灵感的人/物
encourage: v. 鼓励;激励
  encouraging: adj. 令人鼓舞的; 振奋人心的
encouraged: adj. 受到鼓舞的
1)Thinking about other people’s situations
inspired me to offer help.
2)She was so inspired by the people she
met online that she decided to start an
IT club to teach older people how to
use computers and the Internet.
3)His speech will inspire all the students.
4)His speech is inspiring.
5)All the students are deeply moved and
20. now that + 句子: 既然;由于
in that + 句子: 因为
1)Now that he works and can take care of himself, his
daughter has time to study at university.
2)Now that you have finished your homework, you can
play basketball.
3)We are lucky in that we live in a powerful country.
21.access: Un. 通道;通路;入径
(使用、查阅、接近或见面的)机会; 进入(权)
v. 进入; 使用; 获取
have/get/gain access to...:
access to +n. 通往…的路
give [sb] access to … 准许[某人]使用或见到…
access the database/data bank: 进入数据库
access the Internet: 上网
bridge the divide (between A and B):
accessible adj. 可接近的,可进入的,可使用的
be accessible to sb. 能为某人接近或使用的
inaccessible adj. 难以达到的,不可得到的
1)She believes that it is highly important to
bridge the digital divide and make sure
that everyone has access to the Internet
and knows how to use new technology.
2)You need a password to get access to the
computer system.
3) The database will allow you to access
the sales figures(数字) in a number of ways.
4) The students could access the Internet
in the library.
22.go through: 经历;经受;通读; 浏览; 经过;穿过
1)However, she knew that she had to go
through all the difficulties with her family.
2)I always start the day by going through my
go over 仔细检查[或审查、查阅]
go in for 爱好,参加[考试或竞赛]
go without没有…也行
go against 反抗,违法,对…不利
23. tough [t f ]: adj. 艰难的;严厉的
rough [r f]:粗糙的; 不平的;
粗暴的; 困难的
“When you go through tough times, you meet
others who are facing similar challenges,”Jan
2)She had a tough childhood
3)His company survived a tough year.
24.conference [ k nf r ns ]: n.
meeting: n. 会议; 集会;运动会
attend a meeting/conference: 参加会议
meet: n. 运动会
a sports meet/meeting: 运动会
1)For the past few years, Wuzhen has hosted the World
Internet Conference (WIC).
2)The International Peace Conference will be held in
25.resident : n. 居民;(美国的)住院医生
adj. (在某地)居住的
citizen: n. 公民; 市民
be resident in...: 居住在...
1)Residents here can surf online as easily as in large
modern cities.
2)The government will build more low cost homes for local
3)She has been resident in France since 1977.
26. plus : conj. 而且;此外 n. 加号;优势
prep. 加;另外
besides = What’s more. 而且; 此外
1)Plus they can download movies and music at high
2)I am not rich. Plus my father is not well.
3)He put a plus instead of a minus(减号).
4)Knowledge of French is a plus in her job.
5)Fifteen plus seven is twenty-two.
6)Will you buy an iPhone 8 Plus
27.function : n. 功能;作用;机能
v. 起作用;正常工作;运转
perform a […] function 发挥[…]功能,履行职责
function well/normally运转良好/正常
function as… 起…作用,具有…功能
1)They’ve built a kind of new PC with more
2)What’s the function of this new department
3)Despite the power cuts, the hospital continued to
function well.
28.battery: n. 电池
charge the battery: 给电池充电
1)I have downloaded the software to help my phone
battery last longer.
2)He charged the battery of his car last night.
3)The battery is flat .电池没电了。
29.button : n. 按钮;纽扣
do up/undo the buttons: 系上/解开扣子
30.file [fa l ]: n. 文件;文件夹;档案
download/save a file:
打开/复制/新建/删除/下载 /保存文件
Have you pressed the button yet to copy the file
it is/has been confirmed that… 据/已证实…
2、vt. 使确信,使感觉更强烈
confirm one’s belief/determination 坚定某人的信念/决心
confirm sb. in sth 使某人坚信某事
32.press […]against… 推/按/压[…]在…上
press sb into [doing] sth 催促/敦促某人做某事
press sb to do sth 催促某人做某事/极力劝说某人做某事
press sth on sb 把[想法、事物]强加于某人;
33. in shape: 状况良好;体型好; 健康
in good shape健康状况良好,情况良好
in poor shape 健康状况糟糕,情况糟糕
out of shape: 不健康; 变形的,走样的
get in shape: 恢复体型/身材;
1)Dancing is the best way to stay in shape.
2)I must get in shape, otherwise I will lose the game.
in the shape of… 呈…的形状,以…的形式
take shape 成形,有了模样
34. keep track of: 掌握…的最新消息;
了解…的动态; 与...保持联系
lose track of: 不掌握…的最新消息;
不了解…的动态; 与...失去联系
1)Both of Xiao Bo’s apps keep track of the steps he takes.
2)About five million people left Wuhan, so it’s very difficult to keep
track of them all.
lose touch with sb和某人失去联系----get in touch with sb
be out of touch with sb 和某人失去联系---keep/be in touch with sb
35. discount [ d ska nt ]: n. 折扣v. 减少;打折扣;减价出售
get/give/offer a discount [on…]:
at a discount 打折
a discount price: 折扣价
a discount shop: 打折商店
a 10% discount 九折
1)Laura needs an app that will help her get discounts.
2)If I buy two, can you give me a discount
3)They are selling everything at a discount.
4)The shopkeeper will discount all the clothes tomorrow.
36.account: n. 账户;描述
on account of = because of :由于;因为
have/open/close an account (at a bank):
give a …account of… 描述/叙述
account for 是…的原因,对…进行解释
take sth into account=take account of sth. 对某事加以考虑
on account of 因为
on no account 绝不,绝对不
37.click: v. 点击
double-click [ d bl kl k]: v. 双击
click on...: 点击
1)Don’t post comments or click on anything.
2)Click the OK button to start.
3)When you have choosed the file, click on the “open”
38. privacy [ pr v si ]: n. 隐私;私密
private [ pra v t ]: adj.
私有的;私人的; 私立的;隐秘的
in private: 私下地;没外人在场
secret: n./adj. 秘密(的); 机密
1)Second, protect your privacy.
2)The privacy of your personal information
is very important to us.
39.theft [θeft ]: n. 偷(窃); 盗窃罪
thief [θi f]: n. 贼;小偷(复: thieves)
steal -- stole -- stolen: 偷
1)Identity theft is a common and serious problem.
2)Half an hour ago I reported the theft to the police.
40.rude [ru d]: adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的
(ruder --- rudest)
rudely: adv. 粗鲁地;无礼地
rudeness : n. 粗鲁;粗野
be rude/cruel/friendly/kind/polite to…
1)Third, be polite. Being online is no
excuse for being rude.
2)Why are you so rude to your mother
41. target : n. 目标;对象;靶子
v. 把…作为攻击目标; 把…对准(某群体)
sth be targeted at …面向…; …针对…
target at 针对
hit/miss the target: 中/脱靶
reach/realize/achieve the target/goal: 实现目标
a target for sb/sth …的攻击对象/目标
set a target 制定目标
meet/achieve a target 完成一个目标
1)We must work hard to reach our targets.
2)Our guns are targeted at the enemies.
42.false [f ls]: adj. 假的;错误的
(falser --- falsest)
a false nose/tooth/ear:
false/real name: 假名/真名
fake/real gold: 假金/真金
fake/false/real news: 假/真实新闻
1)Trolls often use several false names so
that they can stay on a site.
2) It was clear the boss was given false
information by those around him .
43.particular [p t kj l (r) ]: adj.
be particular about/over ...: 对…讲究/挑剔
in particular: 尤其;特别;格外
particularly : adv. 特别;尤其
1)Like a troll, a cyberbully will also write
something mean but it is usuallydirected at
particular people.
2)She’s very particular about her clothes.
3)You should pay particular attention to
44.embarrassing [ m b r s ]: adj.
embarrass : v.使窘迫; 使局促不安
embarrassed : adj. 人感到窘迫的;尴尬的
embarrassment: Un. 窘迫,难堪
to one’s embarrassment使某人感到尴尬的是
be embarrassed about/at sth:
awkward: 令人尴尬的; 难对付的
1)He or she may also post embarrassing photos and
information about those people.
2)Her speech will embarrass the president.
3)The president is embarrassed about her speech.
4)Her speech is embarrassing to the president.
45. make fun of: 取笑;戏弄
play a trick/tricks on sb: 捉弄某人[无恶意]
play a joke/ jokes on sb: 捉弄某人,同某人开玩笑
laugh at sb嘲笑某人[有恶意]
1)A photo of her had been posted online and she
was being made fun of.
2)They make fun of me because I’m shorter than
anyone else.
for fun为了好玩=for pleasure
fun adj.有趣的 funny adj.滑稽可笑的
46. upset [ p‘set]: adj. 不高兴的; 失望的;
v. (upset -- upset -- upsetting)
使烦恼; 使生气; 搅乱,打翻,碰倒
upsetting: adj. 令人不快的/忧虑的/苦恼的
be/feel upset about sth 对…心烦意乱/难过/不高兴
it upsets sb to do sth做某事让某人心烦意乱
it upsets sb that… 让某人心烦的是…
1)It seemed like a joke at first, but the
girl was very upset.
2)Your son is upset because he failed the
history exam.
3)I was greatly upset about the news.
4)The news will upset the leader.
5)The leader is upset about the news.
6)The news is upsetting.
47.familiar [f m li (r)]: adj.
be/get familiar with... : 对… 熟悉
be/get familiar to...: 为…所熟悉
be similar to...: 与...相似/类似
1)When you surf the Internet, use a website you are familiar with.
2)They are familiar faces on the TV screen.
3)I am familiar with this old song.
4)This old song is familiar to me.
5)Are you familiar with the computer
software they use
48.keep/bear (...) in mind: 牢记; 记住
keep/bear in mind that + 句子:
牢记; 记住
1)Tell the reader what they should do
or keep in mind.
2)She will keep your suggestion in mind.
3)I hope you will keep in mind what I am
4)Keep in mind that we are working for
our country.
49.define [d fa n ]: v.
explain ... to ...: 向...解释...
1)Some words are hard to define because
they have many different uses.
2)It is difficult to define what makes
him so popular.
50.case [ke s]: n. 盒;箱;情况;案件;病例
in this/that case: 若是这样/那样的话
in case: 以防;免得;以防万一
in case of: 如果;万一;以防
in any case: 无论如何
in no case: 绝不
1)This case has two functions. It’s my
wallet and my mobile phone case.
2)Let me carry your case for you.
3)They have studied this case.
4)The number of new confirmed cases in
France rose by 29,837 on Sunday.