

名称 河北省石家庄市辛集市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题
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资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-23 16:38:47


1.(2024高一下·辛集期末) How will the woman go to the city center
A.On foot. B.By car. C.By bus.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I'll take the No.2 bus to the city center.
M: But it's canceled today. You can drive my car.
W: Great. Thank you! Otherwise, I'll have to walk.
【分析】问题:这位女士将如何前往市中心?根据" You can drive my car."你可以开我的车。故选B。
2.(2024高一下·辛集期末) Where are probably the speakers
A.At home.
B.At the stadium.
C.At the ticket office.
【解析】【听力原文】M: It's good when the local football team plays at home.
W: It is also good to sit in these seats. What a great view from here!
【分析】问题:谈话人可能在哪里?根据"It's good when the local football team plays at home."当地足球队在家踢球很好;以及" It is also good to sit in these seats. What a great view from here!"坐在这些座位上也很好。从这里看视野真好!可推知他们在体育馆,故选B。
3.(2024高一下·辛集期末) How does the man feel walking in the forest
A.Tired. B.Scared. C.Relaxed.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Do you often take walks in the forest
M: No, but I manage to once a month. Walking there provides some stress relief.
【分析】问题:男士在森林里散步感觉如何?根据"Walking there provides some stress relief."在哪里步行可以缓解一些压力。故选C。
4.(2024高一下·辛集期末) How many more points did the man's team score
A.5. B.6. C.7.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Did your team win the match
M: Yes. And the score was seventy to sixty-five.
【分析】问题:男士的球队多了多少分?根据"And the score was seventy to sixty-five."比分是七十比六十五。故选A。
5.(2024高一下·辛集期末) What happened to the man
A.He had a fever.
B.He had a bad sleep.
C.He forgot the meeting.
【解析】【听力原文】W: You don't look too well today, David. Have you got a fever
M: Oh no, nothing serious. I just didn't sleep well last night. Hurry up! The meeting will begin in a minute.
【分析】问题:男士怎么了?根据" I just didn't sleep well last night. "我昨晚只是睡得不好。故选B。
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6.What interests the woman now
A.Short stories. B.Science reports. C.Fashion magazines.
7.What is the relationship between the speakers
B.Brother and sister.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Do you know Jeffery has published his second short story
W: Yes. I heard about that, but I'm not interested in it.
M: So, what are you interested in
W: I used to love science reports, but these days I'm into magazines about fashion, such as Cosmo Politan.
M: My sister has that magazine and many more others. Would you like to read some of them
W: Of course. When can I have them
M: When I get back home. Now, I have to hand in my homework. Mr. Smith is waiting for me at the office.
W: OK. Then I'll wait for you at the school gate.
6.问题:现在女士感兴趣的是什么?根据"but these days I'm into magazines about fashion, such as Cosmo Politan."但这些天我喜欢时尚杂志,比如《Cosmo Politan》。故选C。
7.问题:谈话人之间的关系是什么?根据"Now, I have to hand in my homework. Mr. Smith is waiting for me at the office."现在,我必须交作业了。史密斯在办公室等我;以及"OK. Then I'll wait for you at the school gate."好的。那我在学校门口等你。可推知他们是同学,故选A。
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 听下面一段较长对话.回答以下小题。
8.Who is going to sing
A.Lucy. B.Jane. C.Andrew.
9.When will the woman probably pick Patrick up
A.At 6 p.m.. B.At 7 p.m.. C.At 8 p.m..
10.What will Patrick wear
A.A suit. B.A T-shirt. C.Jeans.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, Patrick! I'm going to attend a candle light service at the local church on Christmas Eve. Do you want to come
M: Who else is going
W: Just Lucy, Andrew and Bob.
M: What about Jane Isn't she coming
W: She's already at the church preparing for her singing.
M: That's great. I like her voice. When are we going, by the way
W: The service will start at 7 p.m.. Can I pick you up an hour earlier
M: Sure, that's nice of you. Um, I have never attended a service like this before. What should I wear
W: Whatever you want! A T-shirt, jeans, a polo, or a suit.
M: Got it. I prefer to wear a suit. It looks formal.
8.问题:谁要唱歌?根据"What about Jane Isn't she coming "Jane呢?她不来吗?;以及"She's already at the church preparing for her singing."她已经在教堂准备唱歌了。故选B。
9.问题:这位女士可能什么时候去接 Patrick ?根据"The service will start at 7 p.m.. Can I pick you up an hour earlier "服务将于晚上7点开始。我能提前一个小时来接你吗?;以及" Sure, that's nice of you. "当然,你真好,故选A。
10.问题: Patrick 将穿什么?根据"I prefer to wear a suit. "我更喜欢穿西装。故选A。
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
11.Which does Lucy consider the most important about the flat
A.Its age. B.Its size. C.Its location.
12.What does Lucy think of the rent
A.Very low. B.Acceptable. C.Quite high.
13.When will Lucy possibly meet Jeff
A.On Thursday. B.On Friday. C.On Saturday.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hello. My name is Lucy Smith, and I'm calling about the flat in the newspaper. Is it still available to rent
M: Hi, Lucy. I'm Jeff. Yes, the flat is still available.
W: Great! Would you mind telling me a little about it
M: Sure. It is newly built, with one bedroom and one bathroom.
W: Okay. But the first thing I am considering is how long it takes to drive to my company, Flowell.
M: It's about 20 minutes.
W: That sounds lovely. What about the rent
M: It's a thousand pounds a month.
W: Alright. That's in my price range, so I'm very interested in looking at it.
M: Excellent! When would you be able to come and see it
W: I'm up to my neck in work these days. I wonder if it is convenient for you at the weekend.
M: That's ok. But it's better for you to call to confirm the specific time before Friday.
W: Sure. Thank you for your time.
11.问题: Lucy 认为这套公寓最重要的是什么?根据"But the first thing I am considering is how long it takes to drive to my company, Flowell."但我首先考虑的是开车去我的公司Flowell需要多长时间。故选C。
12.问题:Lucy觉得租金怎么样?根据"That's in my price range"那在我的价格范围内,故选B。
13.问题:Lucy什么时候能见到 Jeff ?根据"I'm up to my neck in work these days. I wonder if it is convenient for you at the weekend."这些天我工作忙得不可开交。我想知道你周末是否方便;以及"That's ok. But it's better for you to call to confirm the specific time before Friday."没关系。但你最好在周五之前打电话确认具体时间。故选C。
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
14.What will the man probably do this summer
A.Learn English. B.Teach a course. C.Help the woman.
15.Who will pay the bill
A.The man. B.The woman. C.The man's brother.
16.Where will the speakers go after dinner
A.A classroom. B.A cinema. C.The man's house.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I've been thinking of taking a Crazy English course this summer. Do you think it's a good idea
M: Sure! You should do anything you can to improve your English.
W: Really Do you think English is that important
M: Of course. In fact, I'll even take the course with you if you want.
W: Great! It's always better to do things with a friend. So, do you want to go somewhere for dinner
M: All right. My brother mentioned a great restaurant with free beer near here the other day. But it's a little expensive.
W: No problem. It's on me. Let's hurry for a good seat.
M: Thank you! I'll be sure to return the favor after our first class, OK
W: Forget it! That's what friends are for!
M: Thank you! Then we can go to watch a movie at my house.
W: Good! This is going to be a great night! Let's go!
14.问题:男士今年夏天可能会做什么?根据"You should do anything you can to improve your English."你应该尽你所能提高你的英语水平;以及" In fact, I'll even take the course with you if you want."事实上,如果你愿意,我甚至愿意和你一起上这门课。故选A。
15.问题:谁来买单?根据"No problem. It's on me. "没问题。我请客,故选B。
16.问题:晚饭后谈话人会去哪里?根据" Then we can go to watch a movie at my house."那么我们可以去我家看电影;以及"Good! This is going to be a great night! Let's go!"好!这将是一个美好的夜晚!我们走!故选C。
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
17.Why did the speaker go to Sydney last year
A.To study. B.To travel, C.To work.
18.What did the speaker enjoy in the north
B.Climbing rocks.
C.Walking in a forest.
19.What endangered the speaker
A.A dog. B.A shark. C.A shell.
20.What is the speaker talking about
A.Hobbies. B.Campus life. C.Experiences abroad.
【解析】【听力原文】 Last year I went to the University of Sydney to study education. The nightlife in Sydney was absolutely great. It offered a wide range of night clubs and bars. The local people were very friendly and easy-going. There were also a lot of people from other countries working and living in Sydney.
I travelled a little bit in Australia. I went up the east coast to Frasier Island, which is a world heritage site. And I climbed rocks there. Then I went up to the north. I enjoyed rowing through a rain forest and camping there. The further north I went in Australia, the hotter it was. I saw dogs running along the beach and sharks in the water. I also went diving for the f irst time. It was a little bit dangerous because I saw a giant shell and touched it. Suddenly it closed up. I almost lost one
17.问题:发言人去年为什么去悉尼?根据" Last year I went to the University of Sydney to study education."去年我去了悉尼大学学习教育。故选A。
18.问题:发言人在北方喜欢什么?根据" Then I went up to the north. I enjoyed rowing through a rain forest and camping there. "然后我去了北方。我喜欢划船穿过雨林,在那里露营。故选A。
19.问题:是什么让发言人感到危险?根据"It was a little bit dangerous because I saw a giant shell and touched it."这有点危险,因为我看到了一个巨大的贝壳并触摸了它。故选C。
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 阅读理解
We spoke to three students from around the world about different national holidays.
There are different customs for each festival.
Tan Xiaodong,15,Hong Kong, China
"I'll soon be Chinese New Year. Before it, well clean the house and decorate it for good luck.
Every shop is going to close for a few days and we'll go out a lot to celebrate in the streets. We might go and see the lion and dragon dances in the city center. I love this festival."
Wendy, 16, Sydney, Australia
"Australia Day is on 26th January and it's an important holiday here. We always have a Monday off,so we celebrate for three days. My parents and I go to the countryside for a picnic and friends always come over. Many people go to beach parties or street parties and there's lots of music and dancing. What fun!"
Amy,14. New York, U.S.A.
"The first Thanksgiving Day was hundreds of years ago when Europeans who came to America thanked God for his help. It's still a very important day for families to be together. This year we're going to visit my grandparents and we'll eat a delicious meal of turkey. Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November every year."
21.During the Chinese New Year, tourists can
A.do a lot of shopping
B.eat turkeys
C.decorate the house for good luck
D.see lion and dragon dances
22.On Australia day, families often
A.have a party at school
B.go to a swimming pool
C.have a meal in the countryside
D.clean the house and dance
23.From the passage, we can learn that
A.different festivals have different customs
B.Australia Day is an important day for family members to get together
C.many people go out for a picnic with friends before Chinese New Year
D.the first Thanksgiving Day was born a hundred years ago
21.考查细节理解。根据Tan Xiaodong, 15, Hong Kong, China部分中的"It'll soon be Chinese New Year."马上就要到春节了;以及"We might go and see the lion and dragon dances in the city center."我们可以去市中心看舞狮舞龙。可知,春节期间,游客可以看舞狮舞龙。故选D。
22.考查细节理解。根据Wendy, 16, Sydney, Australia部分中的"Australia Day is on 26th January and its an important holiday here."1月26日是澳大利亚国庆日,这是一个重要的节日;以及"My parents and I go to the countryside for a picnic and friends always come over."我的父母和我去乡下野餐,朋友们总是过来。可知,在澳大利亚日,家庭通常在乡下吃顿饭。故选C。
23.考查细节理解。根据第一段"We spoke to three students from around the world about different national holidays. There are different customs for each festival."我们采访了三位来自世界各地的学生,让他们了解不同的国家节日。每个节日都有不同的习俗。可知,不同的节日有不同的习俗。故选A。
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 阅读理解
They thought it was going to be easy. A piece of cake. The band, Suenalo, were excited that they would present their skills to a group of troubled youth at a detention center (少管所).
They arrived at the invitation of a friend, who was an adviser at the center. He had mentioned a career day where members of the community came to speak to the teens about their jobs. Usually the speakers were bankers or lawyers, so he thought it would be interesting for the kids to meet some musicians and maybe even hear some music. "They need something cool to get their attention" was the pitch from the friend.
The kids, about 40, were brought in, looking distant, some even angry. Chad Bernstein, the trombone player, started telling the career of a musician from touring to copyright to the business aspects, trying to draw their interest. However, it didn't. Sensing that they couldn't win, the band,a little thrown, decided to play one song. With music going, the kids seemed to respond, their heads nodding to the beat. One of them sang a lyric. The band sang it back. Then, one by one, the musicians began picking up the beat. Chad started free styling a rap, going back and forth with the kid, and in no time, other kids jumped in. Suddenly the band and the kids were creating a song from scratch and all of them were in musical heaven.
For Chad, that moment inspired him to found Guitars Over Guns, an organization that pairs at-risk middle-schoolers with professional musicians. As both music teachers and life coaches,the musicians give the kids a way to find their creative voices and get through dark times. Over time, the kids have dropped their tough fronts and shared personal stories, from family tragedies 10 ordinary struggles at school with friends.
"So far we've helped over 2, 700 students. Our work is highly satisfying because it shows us that a music career is more than a job, it can have more impact," says Chad Bernstein.
24.Why did the band come to the detention center
A.To get attention. B.To display skills.
C.To plan their careers. D.To chat about music.
25.What can we learn about the song created on the spot
A.Its lyrics were from the kids.
B.Chad owned its copyright.
C.The kids picked up its beat.
D.It was composed cooperatively.
26.What does Guitars Over Guns do to help at- risk teens
A.Relate personal stories. B.Give full school instruction.
C.Offer guidance on life. D.Promote awareness of risks.
27.What kind of person is Chad Bernstein
A.Purposeful. B.Disciplined. C.Humorous. D.Traditional.
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇新闻报道,报道了乐队Suenalo在拘留中心帮助问题青年这件事激发了Chad Bernstein成立Guitars Over Guns组织,以帮助更多的孩子。
24.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"The band, Suenalo, were excited that they would present their skills to a group of troubled youth at a detention center(少管所)."乐队Suenalo很兴奋,他们将在拘留中心向一群问题青年展示他们的技艺。可知,他们将去拘留中心向一群问题青年展示他们的技艺。故选B。
25.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"One of them sang a lyric(歌词). The band sang it back. Then, one by one, the musicians began picking up the beat. Chad started free styling a rap, going back and forth with the kid, and in no time, other kids jumped in. Suddenly the band and the kids were creating a song from scratch and all of them were in musical heaven. "其中一人唱了一首抒情歌曲。乐队回唱。然后,乐手们一个接一个地开始跟上节拍。查德开始自由模仿说唱,和那个孩子来回跳,很快,其他孩子也加入了进来。突然,乐队和孩子们开始从零开始创作一首歌,所有人都进入了音乐天堂。可知,现场的歌曲是由乐队和孩子们共同创作的。故选D。
26.考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的"As both music teachers and life coaches, the musicians give the kids a way to find their creative voices and get through dark times. "作为音乐老师和生活教练,音乐家们给孩子们提供了一种找到他们创造性声音的方式,并度过了黑暗时期。可知,Guitars Over Guns帮助孩子们提供生活指导。故选C。
27.考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的"For Chad, that moment inspired him to found Guitars Over Guns, an organization that pairs at-risk middle-schoolers with professional musicians. As both music teachers and life coaches, the musicians give the kids a way to find their creative voices and get through dark times. "对查德来说,那一刻激发了他创立Guitars Over Guns的灵感,这是一个帮助处境危险的中学生与专业音乐家结对的组织。作为音乐老师和生活教练,音乐家们给孩子们提供了一种找到他们创造性声音的方式,并度过了黑暗时期;以及最后一段" ‘So far we've helped over 2,700 students. Our work is highly satisfying because it shows us that a music career is more than a job, it can have more impact,' says Chad Bernstein. ""到目前为止,我们已经帮助了2700多名学生。我们的工作非常令人满意,因为它告诉我们,音乐事业不仅仅是一份工作,它可以产生更大的影响,"查德伯恩斯坦说。Chad Bernstein给孩子提供了有意义的指导,帮助了很多学生,可推知,他所做的工作是有意义的且目标明确的。故选A。
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 阅读理解
From the moon to Mars, scientists have been looking for water— the key to life— in the solar system for decades. Recently, they have turned to Jupiter (木星)!
On April 14, the European Space Agency's (ESA) JUlCE spacecraft successfully lifted off from French Guiana in South America, JUICE, short for "Jupiter lcy Moons Explorer", will collect data from Jupiter and its three moons, Europa, Ganymede and Calisto.
The three moons are believed to have big oceans of liquid water under their icy shells. According to ESA, the water on these moons could be as much as six times the amount in Earth's oceans. The mission"will change our understanding of the solar system",wrote Scientific American.
In 1998, NASA's Galileo spacecraft found that Europa might send water as far as 160 kilometers into space. That gave scientists the idea of studying the icy moons of Jupiter.
The oceans under these moons are likely to be tens of kilometers deep. But they are also trapped under tens of kilometers of ice, making it very difficult to study them, Although JUICE cannot land on the surface. It has lots of high-tech equipment to study the moon's environment, including spectral imaging (光谱成像) tools and radar. They could give more data on things like the thickness of the oceans, their salt content and their distance from the icy shells above, reported Phys. org.
"The main goal is to understand whether there are habitable (可居住的) environments among those icy moons and around a giant planet like Jupiter," JUICE team member Olivier Witasse said during a press conference on April 6.
28.What do we know about JUICE
A.It left for Jupiter from the US.
B.It got its name from how it looks.
C.It will become one of Jupiter's moons.
D.It will collect data from Jupiter and its moons.
29.The water on Europa might ____.
A.all come from its icy shell
B.have been thrown into space
C.cover a small part of its surface
D.be as much as six times the amount in Earth's oceans
30.Which of the following words can replace the word "trapped" in paragraph 5
A.kept B.wept C.wandered D.declined
31.The JUICE spacecraft was launched mainly to ____.
A.find a possible way to solve the water shortage on Earth
B.find out if it is possible for life to live on Jupiter's moons
C.explore if Jupiter has living things similar to human beings
D.test ways of keeping water on Europa, Ganymede and Callisto
28.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"JUICE, short for ‘Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer', will collect data from Jupiter and its three moons, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto."JUICE是"Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer"的缩写,它将收集木星及其三颗卫星——木卫二、木卫三和木卫四的数据。可知,JUICE将收集木星以及木卫二、木卫三、木卫四的数据。故选D。
29.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"In 1998, NASA's Galileo spacecraft found that Europa might send water as far as 160 kilometers into space."1998年,美国宇航局的伽利略号宇宙飞船发现木卫二可能会将水送到160公里外的太空。可知,美国宇航局的伽利略号宇宙飞船发现木卫二可能会将水送到160公里外的太空。故选B。
30.考查词义猜测。根据第五段中的"But they are also trapped under tens of kilometers of ice, making it very difficult to study them."但它们也trap数十公里的冰层下,这使得研究它们变得非常困难。可知,木卫二的液态水被trap在数十公里的冰层下,说明很难取到。划线词trap作为动词,有"围困、困住"之意,故选A。
31.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"The main goal is to understand whether there are habitable (可居住的) environments among those icy moons and around a giant planet like Jupiter"主要目标是了解在这些冰冷的卫星和像木星这样的巨行星周围是否存在适合居住的环境。可知,JUICE飞船的目的是了解像木星这样的巨行星周围是否存在适合居住的环境。故选B。
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余
With gas prices rising and airport security lines snaking longer than ever. why not book your next domestic vacation on a train Compared to other alternatives. it's comfortable and relaxing. Here is some advice on how to make a trip by rail as pleasant as possible.
Plan ahead. Most long-distance trains, especially the sleeping car accommodations, sell out very quickly.  32.   But no matter when you travel, it's a good idea to make your reservations at least 90 days in advance.
Use a travel agent. Consider turning your travel plan over to a travel agent and letting him double check all the details, make suggestions, and then handle the actual reservations. A good one can sometimes find you discounted tickets.
 33.   Then you won't have to walk through several cars on a moving train three times a day for your meals.
Bring ablanket. When you're riding on trains, you won't be provided with a blanket for free, even if your trip is an overnight one.  34.  In the summer in particular, the air conditioning can make them quite cold.
Arrive early. Most trains operate just once a day and some run only three times a week. So missing yours can be a disaster.  35.   Note: The times listed on the schedules are departure times, not arrival times.
Have fun.  36.   Read a book, knit do a crossword puzzle, or simply watch the world unfold outside the window. To calculate your speed as you do, divide 3, 600(the number of seconds in an hour) by the number of seconds it takes you to travel one mile( the distance between two mileposts). If it takes the train 53 seconds to travel one mile, you're going 67.92 mph,
A. Train trips aren't for impatient types.
B. You'll have views from both sides of the train,
C. The temperature on rail cars is often hard to control,
D. That's particularly true during busy summer months.
E. You might have to wait longer than 24 hours to catch the next one.
F. Chances are the cost will be a lot less than the cost of one bedroom.
G. He may also book you in a sleeping car that's right next to the diner.
32.根据空前"Plan ahead.Most long-distance trains, especially the sleeping car accommodations, sell out very quickly."提前计划。大多数长途火车,尤其是卧铺,很快就卖光了;以及空后"But no matter when you travel, it's a good idea to make your reservations at least 90 days in advance. "但无论你什么时候去旅行,最好至少提前90天预订。可知,大多数长途火车的卧铺很容易被定完,所以要提前安排预定, D. That's particularly true during busy summer months. "在繁忙的夏季尤其如此。"承上启下,符合语境,故选D。
33.根据空前"A good one can sometimes find you discounted tickets."一个好的旅行社有时可以帮你找到打折的票;以及空后"Then you won't have to walk through several cars on a moving train three times a day for your meals."这样你就不必为了吃饭而每天三次在行驶的火车上穿过几节车厢了。可知,好的旅行社帮你预定,不仅可以找到打折的票,还可以节省从卧铺到餐车的距离, G. He may also book you in a sleeping car that's right next to the diner. "他可能还会给你预订餐厅旁边的卧铺车厢。"承上启下,符合语境。故选G。
34.根据空前"When you're riding on trains, you won't be provided with a blanket for free, even if your trip is an overnight one."当你乘坐火车时,你不会免费获得一条毯子,即使你的旅行是过夜的;以及空后"In the summer in particular, the air conditioning can make them quite cold. "特别是在夏天,空调会让他们很冷。)"可知,这里提到了车厢内温度的问题,提醒乘客最好自备毛毯,C. The temperature on rail cars is often hard to control,"列车上的温度通常很难控制。"承上启下,符合语境。故选C。
35.根据空前"Most trains operate just once a day and some run only three times a week, so missing yours can be a disaster."大多数火车每天只开一趟,有些火车一周只开三趟,所以错过你的火车可能是一场灾难;以及空后"Note: The times listed on the schedules are departure times, not arrival times. "注意:时刻表上列出的时间是出发时间,不是到达时间。可知,本段提醒要提前安排时间,错过时间是很麻烦的事情, E. You might have to wait longer than 24 hours to catch the next one. "你可能要等上超过24小时才能赶上下一班。"说明错过火车导致的结果,承上启下,符合语境。故选E。
36.根据空前"Have fun."玩得开心;以及空后"To calculate your speed as you do, divide 3,600(the number of seconds in an hour)by the number of seconds it takes you to travel one mile(the distance between two mileposts)."要计算你的速度,用3600(一小时的秒数)除以你走一英里(两个里程碑之间的距离)所花费的秒数。可知,本段讲述如何度过乘车时间, A. Train trips aren't for impatient types. "火车旅行不适合没有耐心的人"与后文要计算时间,用不同的方式打发时间对应,符合语境。故选A。
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的A.B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最
It was hard not to notice the 8-year -old boy across the street who stormed in and out of his own house. He did it so often that a neighbor, William Dunn, 37. what was going on in his life. So Dunn asked him.
"He told me that he didn't have a father,".
says Dunn,now 58,"and I 38. there might be something I could do for him."
That something was fishing, a 39. Dunn's father had shared with him. "Fishing always brought me peace and taught me how to be 40. . When you're on the water, you can forget about your problems and just 41. the moment," Dunn, who has three children of his own, got 42. from the boy's mother to take him fishing.
One Saturday afternoon on the water led to another, and soon he was teaching other kids in their 43. how to rig a line, hold a pole, and reel in a big catch. That was 16 years ago.
Since then, Dunn has taken groups of kids out almost every weekend to fish. Most didn't have father 44. in their lives and had never fished before. Some were adopted kids who had 45. from one home to the next.
"They' d been through a lot, and they' d seen a lot, and their lives were 46. ,"Dunn says. "But when they were fishing, all of that 47. . They'd be laughing and smiling and making new friends out on the 48. . I knew I was on to something."
In the beginning, Dunn-"Big Will" to the kids-spent a good chunk of his 49. from his job renting boats for the kids. Then, in 2018,he 50. the nonprofit Take a Kid
Fishing lne. He and a small group of volunteers have introduced more than 2,500 kids--most without fathers around— to the inner 51. found on the water and the excitement of catching a fish.
37.A. wondered B. imagined C. claimed D. witnessed
38.A. hesitated B. realized C. remembered D. researched
39.A. job B. culture C. passion D. challenge
40.A. patient B. energetic C. considerate D. reasonable
41.A. recommend B. ignore C. analyse D. appreciate
42.A. instruction B. permission C. explanation D. preparation
43.A. school B. family C. neighborhood D. group
44.A. opinions B. styles C. figures D. dreams
45.A. argued B. moved C. escaped D. worked
46.A. funny B. inspiring C. familiar D. difficult
47.A. gave off B. ended up
C. faded away D. followed in
48.A. risk B. picture C. boat D. training
49.A. moment B. discovery C. paycheck D. wisdom
50.A. changed B. founded C. bought D. filmed
51.A. worry B. peace C. sorrow D. honor
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了威廉·邓恩教附近的没有父亲的孩子钓鱼,以此让他们找回内心的平静。他还成立了非盈利公司Take a Kid Fishing Inc.。
37.句意:他经常这样做,以至于邻居威廉·邓恩想知道他生活中发生了什么。A: wondered"想知道";B: imagined"想象";C: claimed"声称";D: witnessed"目睹"。根据下文"So Dunn asked him."可知,邓恩想知道男孩生活中发生了什么。故选A。
38.句意:现年58岁的邓恩说:"他告诉我,他没有父亲,我意识到我可能会为他做点什么。"A: hesitated"犹豫";B: realized"意识到";C: remembered"记得";D: researched"研究"。根据下文"That something was fishing, a 3 _Dunn's father had shared with him."可知,当得知这个男孩没有爸爸时,邓恩意识到可能会为他做点什么。故选B。
39.句意:邓恩的父亲曾和他分享过钓鱼的热情。A: job"工作";B: culture"文化";C: passion "热情";D: challenge "挑战"。根据下文"Fishing always brought me peace and taught me how to be 4 When you're on the water, you can forget about your problems and just 5 the moment."可知,钓鱼是邓恩热爱做的事情。故选C。
40.句意:钓鱼总是给我带来平静,教会我如何保持耐心。A: patient"有耐心的";B: energetic"精力充沛的";C: considerate"体贴的";D: reasonable"合理的"。根据上文"Fishing always brought me peace"以及常识可知,钓鱼给他带来平静,教会他如何保持耐心。故选A。
41.句意:"当你在水上时,你可以忘记自己的问题,只感激这一刻,"邓恩有三个孩子,他得到了男孩母亲的许可,带他去钓鱼。A: recommend"推荐,建议";B: ignore"忽视";C: analyse "分析";D: appreciate "欣赏,感激"。根据空前"you can forget about your problems"可知,钓鱼时,你可以忘记自己的问题,只专注于此刻,感激此刻。故选D。
42.句意:"当你在水上时,你可以忘记自己的问题,只感激这一刻,"邓恩有三个孩子,他得到了男孩母亲的许可,带他去钓鱼。A: instruction"指示";B: permission"允许";C: explanation "解释";D: preparation"准备"。根据空后"from the boy's mother to take him fishing"可知,邓恩得到了男孩母亲的许可,带他去钓鱼。故选B。
43.句意:很快,他就开始教附近的其他孩子如何系好绳子,拿着杆子,然后把钓到的大鱼卷起来。A: school"学校";B: family"家庭";C: neighborhood"街区";D: group "小组"。根据下文"Since then, Dunn has taken groups of kids out almost every weekend to fish."可知,他教的是附近的孩子。故选C。
44.句意:大多数人的生活中没有父亲的形象,以前也从未钓鱼。A: opinions"看法";B: styles"风格";C: figures"人物,形象";D: dreams "梦想"。根据下文"He and a small group of volunteers have introduced more than 2, 500 kids—most without fathers around"可知,这些孩子中大多数缺乏父亲的角色。故选C。
45.句意:有些是被收养的孩子,他们从一个家搬到了另一个家。A: argued"争论";B: moved"移动,搬家";C: escaped"逃避";D: worked "工作"。根据空前"adopted kids";以及空后"from one home to the next"可知,他们从一个家搬到了另一个家。故选B。
46.句意:邓恩说:"他们经历了很多,看到了很多,他们的生活很艰难。"A: funny"有趣的";B: inspiring"鼓舞人心的";C: familiar"熟悉的";D: difficult "困难的"。根据空前"They'd been through a lot, and they'd seen a lot"可知,他们的生活很艰难。故选D。
47.句意:但当他们钓鱼时,所有这些都消失了。A: gave off"发出";B: ended up"结束";C: faded away"消失";D: followed in "跟进"。根据下文"They'd be laughing and smiling and making new friends out on the 12 ."以及句中转折连词but可知,但当孩子们钓鱼时,心里的不安都消失了。故选C。
48.句意:他们会在船上大笑、微笑,结交新朋友。A: risk"风险";B: picture"图片";C: boat "船";D: training "训练"t。根据下文"spent a good chunk of his 13 from his job renting boats for the kids"可知,他们会在船上大笑、微笑,结交新朋友。故选C。
49.句意:一开始,被孩子们的称为"Big Will"的邓恩花了工作中的很大一部分薪水为孩子们租船。A: moment"时刻";B: discovery"发现";C: paycheck"工资,薪金";D: wisdom"智慧"。根据空后"from his job"可知,邓恩花了工作中的很大一部分薪水为孩子们租船。故选C。
50.句意:然后,在2018年,他成立了非营利公司Take a Kid Fishing Inc.。A: changed"改变";B: founded"建立";C: bought"买";D: filmed"拍摄"。根据空后"the nonprofit Take a Kid Fishing Inc"以及常识可知,他建立了这个组织。故选B。
51.句意:他和一小群志愿者介绍了2500多个孩子,其中大多数没有父亲陪伴,让他们感受到水面上的内心平静和捕鱼的兴奋。A: worry"担忧";B: peace"平静";C: sorrow"痛苦";D: honor"荣耀"。根据上文"Fishing always brought me peace and taught me how to be 4 ."可知,钓鱼让他们感受到内心的平静。故选B。
52.(2024高一下·辛集期末) I just want a job that earns an honest income.
【解析】【分析】此处主语为I;just want表示"只要";job后跟that引导的定语从句,a job that earns an honest income翻译为"一份老老实实的工作"。故答案为:我只要一份老老实实的工作。
53.(2024高一下·辛集期末) Looking up at the stars, people have always wanted to learn more about space and scientists work hard to find answers.
【解析】【分析】"Looking up at"是现在分词作状语,意为"仰望","the stars"是"星空",句子是现在完成时,"want to do sth."意为"想要做某事","learn more about space"意为"更加深刻地认识太空",scientists意为"科学家们","are working hard to do sth."意为"正在努力做某事","find answers"意为"寻求答案",故答案为:仰望星空,人们一直想要更加深刻地认识太空,科学家们也正在努力寻求答案。
【点评】考查英译汉,本题涉及现在分词作状语,不定式作宾语,现在完成时,主谓一致和固定短语want to do sth.,work hard。
54.(2024高一下·辛集期末) This district used to be a poor area of town, but it's now a center for art, music and food.
【解析】【分析】分析句子可知,此句为but引导的并列句。 district翻译为"地区";used to翻译为"过去"; a poor area of town翻译为"镇上的贫困地区";a centre for art, music, and food翻译为"艺术、音乐和食品的中心"。故答案为:这个地区过去是镇上的贫困地区,但现在是艺术、音乐和食品的中心。
【点评】考查英译汉,本题涉及转折并列句,一般过去时,一般现在时以及固定短语used to。
55.(2024高一下·辛集期末) Since she had no children of her own, she left her savings to a kindergarten and a fund for new doctors.
【解析】【分析】Since意为"因为,由于"引导原因状语从句,"she had no children of her own"意为"她自己没有孩子",left...to...意为"把……捐给……","her savings"意为"她的积蓄","a kindergarten"是"一家幼儿园","a fund for new doctors"意为"一项新医生基金",and意为"和",故答案为:由于自己没有孩子,她把积蓄捐给了一家幼儿园和一项新医生基金。
56.(2024高一下·辛集期末) During the Mid Autumn Festival in China. families gather to admire the shining moon and enjoy delicious moon cakes.
【解析】【分析】"During the Mid-Autumn Festival in China"意为"在中国的中秋节",families意为"家家户户",gather意为"聚集","admire the shining moon"意为"观赏明月",句中用不定式表目的,"enjoy delicious moon cakes"意为"品尝美味的月饼",故答案为:在中国的中秋节,家家户户欢聚一堂,观赏明月,品尝美味的月饼。
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Hiking tours are a kind of adventure tourism. Generally speaking. these vacations focus almost entirely 57.  hiking [rom one place to another. Hiking tours can be done as a group activity or alone.
There are many different ways of organizing hiking tours. Some people like to go out into the areas where there are very few people and travel over a long  58.  (distant) from one place to another. They usually stay in hotels overnight before  59.  (travel) to the next place on the following day.
Guides can make hiking trips safer and more focused. Some hikers prefer to take hiking tours without guides because of costs or because they want to challenge  60.  (they). However. employing a reliable guide during a hiking tour  61.  ( consider) as a better choice for less experienced hikers.
The activity can be very tiring and those  62.  are new to hiking may worry that they aren't  63.  (physical) able to finish the tours. Sometimes it can be helpful for people  64.  (go) to the doctor and make sure it is safe for them to choose  65.  difficult hike. Sometimes. A  66.  (challenge) hike can be deadly for someone having heart disease.
【答案】57.on;58.distance;59.travel(l)ing;60.themselves;61.is considered;62.who;63.physically;64.to go;65.a;66.challenging
57.句意:一般说来,这些假期几乎都集中在从一个地方到另一个地方的徒步旅行上。focus on...固定短语,"集中于…..."。故填on。
61.句意:然而,对于缺少经验的徒步旅行者来说,在徒步旅行时雇一个可靠的向导被认为是更好的选择。此处是谓语动词,与主语employing a reliable guide during a hiking tour之间为被动关系,因此应用被动语态。且结合上下文可知为一般现在时,谓语动词用单数。故填is considered。
64.句意:有时人们去医生那儿核实一下他们选择一项困难的徒步旅行是否安全可能会很有用。此句it作形式主语,不定式短语作真正的主语。故填to go。
67.(2024高一下·辛集期末) 假设你是晨光中学的李津。我市为外国友人提供生活信息的某英文网站新增了《最美中华》栏日.请你给该栏目投稿,介绍一个国内你喜欢或去过的地方。内容包括:1.该地方的基本情况(如名称、 地理位置等);2.该地方的特色(如文化、景点等);3.你对该地方的印象和感受。
注意: 1.词数应为80左右;2.可适当加人细节.使内容充实、行文连贯。
A Beautiful Place in China
By Li Jin
【答案】A Beautiful Place in China
As a Chinese who is particularly interested in travelling, I would like to introduce my favorite city-Beijing.
Firstly,Beijing is the capital of China.Besides, Beijing is not only the political center but also the economic center of our country.More importantly, it is the famous tourist spots of Beijing that attract a large number of tourists from all over the world every year.For instance ,the Summer Palace,the Forbidden City,the Great Wall and so on. They are the representatives of ancient civilization and the wisdom of ancient folks.
All in all, Beijing possesses a kind of power that makes us feel the long history of Chinese culture over 5,000 years. If you visit Beijing, you will be amazed at everything here.
By Li Jin
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生以晨光中学李津的身份,投稿,介绍一个国内你喜欢或去过的地方。写作背景: 你市为外国友人提供生活信息的某英文网站新增了《最美中华》栏日。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类类作文,内容包括:1.该地方的基本情况(如名称、 地理位置等);2.该地方的特色(如文化、景点等);3.你对该地方的印象和感受。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:As a Chinese who is particularly interested in travelling, I would like to introduce my favorite city-Beijing.运用了限制性定语从句,不定式作宾语;More importantly, it is the famous tourist spots of Beijing that attract a large number of tourists from all over the world every year.运用了限制性定语从句;
All in all, Beijing possesses a kind of power that makes us feel the long history of Chinese culture over 5,000 years. 运用了限制性定语从句;If you visit Beijing, you will be amazed at everything here.运用了条件状语从句。
68.(2024高一下·辛集期末) 第二节读后续写,阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段.使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Jackson's family hired a driver. The driver's family came to stay with them in a small house in their backyard. That's how Jackson met the driver's eight-year-old son Tom. From the day he met Jackson, Tom became his fan. For Tom,11-year old Jackson secerned to be a big boy. He would always follow Jackson around.
Tom didn't go to school. He was admitted to a local government school, but he refused to go.
He told Jackson shyly that the teachers only made them copy words from the blackboard. Since he hadn't learned how to read, he could not understand anything that was written on the blackboard.
Jackson felt sorry for him. On Sunday, Jackson saw Tom sitting under a tree holding an alphabet (字母表) book in his hands. Jackson walked quietly towards him and discovered that Tom was holding the book upside down.
Jackson took the book out of Tom's hands and turned the right side up. "This is how you should read," he told Tom. Two big tears rolled down Tom's cheeks. Tom told Jackson, "I want to be like you, but I can't do anything." That evening, Jackson told his parents they had to help Tom get into a better school. It was not easy to make Tom admitted to a new school, because the time for admission was over.
Luckily, one principal (校长) looked at Tom kindly and admitted him to her school. The next day Tom went to his new school wearing a new shirt. But when Tom returned from school, he was a bit sad. The other children in his class had laughed at him. He told Jackson, "They all said I am much older than them but in a smaller class. I don't want to go to school."
Paragraph 1:
Jackson said, "Don't worry, Tom, 1 will teach you to read.
Paragraph 2:
Two months later, Tom returned from school with a bright smile.
【答案】Jackson said, "Don't worry, Tom, I will teach you to read." "Can I be the same as you " Tom asked with hope. "Sure, if you want to." answered Jackson. Then the two made a reading plan together. On the day both of them went to school, while on the night they spent at least two hours reading the alphabet book. With Jackson's help, Tom began to understand the thing that was written on the blackboard slowly.
Two months later, Tom returned from school with a bright smile. He rushed into the house and can't wait to tell Jackson a piece of good news that he was praised by the teacher, who said he made such great progress in a short time. And all the class were astonished at his improvement. "Thank you,you do make a difference to me."said Tom to Jackson."No, it is you who you should say thanks. Always remember, anyone can make a difference, just don't give up!"
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如: On the day both of them went to school, while on the night they spent at least two hours reading the alphabet book. 运用了对比并列句;With Jackson's help, Tom began to understand the thing that was written on the blackboard slowly.运用了限制性定语从句;He rushed into the house and can't wait to tell Jackson a piece of good news that he was praised by the teacher, who said he made such great progress in a short time. 运用了同位语从句,非限制性定语从句;it is you who you should say thanks.运用了强调句。
1 / 11.(2024高一下·辛集期末) How will the woman go to the city center
A.On foot. B.By car. C.By bus.
2.(2024高一下·辛集期末) Where are probably the speakers
A.At home.
B.At the stadium.
C.At the ticket office.
3.(2024高一下·辛集期末) How does the man feel walking in the forest
A.Tired. B.Scared. C.Relaxed.
4.(2024高一下·辛集期末) How many more points did the man's team score
A.5. B.6. C.7.
5.(2024高一下·辛集期末) What happened to the man
A.He had a fever.
B.He had a bad sleep.
C.He forgot the meeting.
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6.What interests the woman now
A.Short stories. B.Science reports. C.Fashion magazines.
7.What is the relationship between the speakers
B.Brother and sister.
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 听下面一段较长对话.回答以下小题。
8.Who is going to sing
A.Lucy. B.Jane. C.Andrew.
9.When will the woman probably pick Patrick up
A.At 6 p.m.. B.At 7 p.m.. C.At 8 p.m..
10.What will Patrick wear
A.A suit. B.A T-shirt. C.Jeans.
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
11.Which does Lucy consider the most important about the flat
A.Its age. B.Its size. C.Its location.
12.What does Lucy think of the rent
A.Very low. B.Acceptable. C.Quite high.
13.When will Lucy possibly meet Jeff
A.On Thursday. B.On Friday. C.On Saturday.
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
14.What will the man probably do this summer
A.Learn English. B.Teach a course. C.Help the woman.
15.Who will pay the bill
A.The man. B.The woman. C.The man's brother.
16.Where will the speakers go after dinner
A.A classroom. B.A cinema. C.The man's house.
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
17.Why did the speaker go to Sydney last year
A.To study. B.To travel, C.To work.
18.What did the speaker enjoy in the north
B.Climbing rocks.
C.Walking in a forest.
19.What endangered the speaker
A.A dog. B.A shark. C.A shell.
20.What is the speaker talking about
A.Hobbies. B.Campus life. C.Experiences abroad.
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 阅读理解
We spoke to three students from around the world about different national holidays.
There are different customs for each festival.
Tan Xiaodong,15,Hong Kong, China
"I'll soon be Chinese New Year. Before it, well clean the house and decorate it for good luck.
Every shop is going to close for a few days and we'll go out a lot to celebrate in the streets. We might go and see the lion and dragon dances in the city center. I love this festival."
Wendy, 16, Sydney, Australia
"Australia Day is on 26th January and it's an important holiday here. We always have a Monday off,so we celebrate for three days. My parents and I go to the countryside for a picnic and friends always come over. Many people go to beach parties or street parties and there's lots of music and dancing. What fun!"
Amy,14. New York, U.S.A.
"The first Thanksgiving Day was hundreds of years ago when Europeans who came to America thanked God for his help. It's still a very important day for families to be together. This year we're going to visit my grandparents and we'll eat a delicious meal of turkey. Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November every year."
21.During the Chinese New Year, tourists can
A.do a lot of shopping
B.eat turkeys
C.decorate the house for good luck
D.see lion and dragon dances
22.On Australia day, families often
A.have a party at school
B.go to a swimming pool
C.have a meal in the countryside
D.clean the house and dance
23.From the passage, we can learn that
A.different festivals have different customs
B.Australia Day is an important day for family members to get together
C.many people go out for a picnic with friends before Chinese New Year
D.the first Thanksgiving Day was born a hundred years ago
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 阅读理解
They thought it was going to be easy. A piece of cake. The band, Suenalo, were excited that they would present their skills to a group of troubled youth at a detention center (少管所).
They arrived at the invitation of a friend, who was an adviser at the center. He had mentioned a career day where members of the community came to speak to the teens about their jobs. Usually the speakers were bankers or lawyers, so he thought it would be interesting for the kids to meet some musicians and maybe even hear some music. "They need something cool to get their attention" was the pitch from the friend.
The kids, about 40, were brought in, looking distant, some even angry. Chad Bernstein, the trombone player, started telling the career of a musician from touring to copyright to the business aspects, trying to draw their interest. However, it didn't. Sensing that they couldn't win, the band,a little thrown, decided to play one song. With music going, the kids seemed to respond, their heads nodding to the beat. One of them sang a lyric. The band sang it back. Then, one by one, the musicians began picking up the beat. Chad started free styling a rap, going back and forth with the kid, and in no time, other kids jumped in. Suddenly the band and the kids were creating a song from scratch and all of them were in musical heaven.
For Chad, that moment inspired him to found Guitars Over Guns, an organization that pairs at-risk middle-schoolers with professional musicians. As both music teachers and life coaches,the musicians give the kids a way to find their creative voices and get through dark times. Over time, the kids have dropped their tough fronts and shared personal stories, from family tragedies 10 ordinary struggles at school with friends.
"So far we've helped over 2, 700 students. Our work is highly satisfying because it shows us that a music career is more than a job, it can have more impact," says Chad Bernstein.
24.Why did the band come to the detention center
A.To get attention. B.To display skills.
C.To plan their careers. D.To chat about music.
25.What can we learn about the song created on the spot
A.Its lyrics were from the kids.
B.Chad owned its copyright.
C.The kids picked up its beat.
D.It was composed cooperatively.
26.What does Guitars Over Guns do to help at- risk teens
A.Relate personal stories. B.Give full school instruction.
C.Offer guidance on life. D.Promote awareness of risks.
27.What kind of person is Chad Bernstein
A.Purposeful. B.Disciplined. C.Humorous. D.Traditional.
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 阅读理解
From the moon to Mars, scientists have been looking for water— the key to life— in the solar system for decades. Recently, they have turned to Jupiter (木星)!
On April 14, the European Space Agency's (ESA) JUlCE spacecraft successfully lifted off from French Guiana in South America, JUICE, short for "Jupiter lcy Moons Explorer", will collect data from Jupiter and its three moons, Europa, Ganymede and Calisto.
The three moons are believed to have big oceans of liquid water under their icy shells. According to ESA, the water on these moons could be as much as six times the amount in Earth's oceans. The mission"will change our understanding of the solar system",wrote Scientific American.
In 1998, NASA's Galileo spacecraft found that Europa might send water as far as 160 kilometers into space. That gave scientists the idea of studying the icy moons of Jupiter.
The oceans under these moons are likely to be tens of kilometers deep. But they are also trapped under tens of kilometers of ice, making it very difficult to study them, Although JUICE cannot land on the surface. It has lots of high-tech equipment to study the moon's environment, including spectral imaging (光谱成像) tools and radar. They could give more data on things like the thickness of the oceans, their salt content and their distance from the icy shells above, reported Phys. org.
"The main goal is to understand whether there are habitable (可居住的) environments among those icy moons and around a giant planet like Jupiter," JUICE team member Olivier Witasse said during a press conference on April 6.
28.What do we know about JUICE
A.It left for Jupiter from the US.
B.It got its name from how it looks.
C.It will become one of Jupiter's moons.
D.It will collect data from Jupiter and its moons.
29.The water on Europa might ____.
A.all come from its icy shell
B.have been thrown into space
C.cover a small part of its surface
D.be as much as six times the amount in Earth's oceans
30.Which of the following words can replace the word "trapped" in paragraph 5
A.kept B.wept C.wandered D.declined
31.The JUICE spacecraft was launched mainly to ____.
A.find a possible way to solve the water shortage on Earth
B.find out if it is possible for life to live on Jupiter's moons
C.explore if Jupiter has living things similar to human beings
D.test ways of keeping water on Europa, Ganymede and Callisto
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余
With gas prices rising and airport security lines snaking longer than ever. why not book your next domestic vacation on a train Compared to other alternatives. it's comfortable and relaxing. Here is some advice on how to make a trip by rail as pleasant as possible.
Plan ahead. Most long-distance trains, especially the sleeping car accommodations, sell out very quickly.  32.   But no matter when you travel, it's a good idea to make your reservations at least 90 days in advance.
Use a travel agent. Consider turning your travel plan over to a travel agent and letting him double check all the details, make suggestions, and then handle the actual reservations. A good one can sometimes find you discounted tickets.
 33.   Then you won't have to walk through several cars on a moving train three times a day for your meals.
Bring ablanket. When you're riding on trains, you won't be provided with a blanket for free, even if your trip is an overnight one.  34.  In the summer in particular, the air conditioning can make them quite cold.
Arrive early. Most trains operate just once a day and some run only three times a week. So missing yours can be a disaster.  35.   Note: The times listed on the schedules are departure times, not arrival times.
Have fun.  36.   Read a book, knit do a crossword puzzle, or simply watch the world unfold outside the window. To calculate your speed as you do, divide 3, 600(the number of seconds in an hour) by the number of seconds it takes you to travel one mile( the distance between two mileposts). If it takes the train 53 seconds to travel one mile, you're going 67.92 mph,
A. Train trips aren't for impatient types.
B. You'll have views from both sides of the train,
C. The temperature on rail cars is often hard to control,
D. That's particularly true during busy summer months.
E. You might have to wait longer than 24 hours to catch the next one.
F. Chances are the cost will be a lot less than the cost of one bedroom.
G. He may also book you in a sleeping car that's right next to the diner.
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的A.B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最
It was hard not to notice the 8-year -old boy across the street who stormed in and out of his own house. He did it so often that a neighbor, William Dunn, 37. what was going on in his life. So Dunn asked him.
"He told me that he didn't have a father,".
says Dunn,now 58,"and I 38. there might be something I could do for him."
That something was fishing, a 39. Dunn's father had shared with him. "Fishing always brought me peace and taught me how to be 40. . When you're on the water, you can forget about your problems and just 41. the moment," Dunn, who has three children of his own, got 42. from the boy's mother to take him fishing.
One Saturday afternoon on the water led to another, and soon he was teaching other kids in their 43. how to rig a line, hold a pole, and reel in a big catch. That was 16 years ago.
Since then, Dunn has taken groups of kids out almost every weekend to fish. Most didn't have father 44. in their lives and had never fished before. Some were adopted kids who had 45. from one home to the next.
"They' d been through a lot, and they' d seen a lot, and their lives were 46. ,"Dunn says. "But when they were fishing, all of that 47. . They'd be laughing and smiling and making new friends out on the 48. . I knew I was on to something."
In the beginning, Dunn-"Big Will" to the kids-spent a good chunk of his 49. from his job renting boats for the kids. Then, in 2018,he 50. the nonprofit Take a Kid
Fishing lne. He and a small group of volunteers have introduced more than 2,500 kids--most without fathers around— to the inner 51. found on the water and the excitement of catching a fish.
37.A. wondered B. imagined C. claimed D. witnessed
38.A. hesitated B. realized C. remembered D. researched
39.A. job B. culture C. passion D. challenge
40.A. patient B. energetic C. considerate D. reasonable
41.A. recommend B. ignore C. analyse D. appreciate
42.A. instruction B. permission C. explanation D. preparation
43.A. school B. family C. neighborhood D. group
44.A. opinions B. styles C. figures D. dreams
45.A. argued B. moved C. escaped D. worked
46.A. funny B. inspiring C. familiar D. difficult
47.A. gave off B. ended up
C. faded away D. followed in
48.A. risk B. picture C. boat D. training
49.A. moment B. discovery C. paycheck D. wisdom
50.A. changed B. founded C. bought D. filmed
51.A. worry B. peace C. sorrow D. honor
52.(2024高一下·辛集期末) I just want a job that earns an honest income.
53.(2024高一下·辛集期末) Looking up at the stars, people have always wanted to learn more about space and scientists work hard to find answers.
54.(2024高一下·辛集期末) This district used to be a poor area of town, but it's now a center for art, music and food.
55.(2024高一下·辛集期末) Since she had no children of her own, she left her savings to a kindergarten and a fund for new doctors.
56.(2024高一下·辛集期末) During the Mid Autumn Festival in China. families gather to admire the shining moon and enjoy delicious moon cakes.
(2024高一下·辛集期末) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Hiking tours are a kind of adventure tourism. Generally speaking. these vacations focus almost entirely 57.  hiking [rom one place to another. Hiking tours can be done as a group activity or alone.
There are many different ways of organizing hiking tours. Some people like to go out into the areas where there are very few people and travel over a long  58.  (distant) from one place to another. They usually stay in hotels overnight before  59.  (travel) to the next place on the following day.
Guides can make hiking trips safer and more focused. Some hikers prefer to take hiking tours without guides because of costs or because they want to challenge  60.  (they). However. employing a reliable guide during a hiking tour  61.  ( consider) as a better choice for less experienced hikers.
The activity can be very tiring and those  62.  are new to hiking may worry that they aren't  63.  (physical) able to finish the tours. Sometimes it can be helpful for people  64.  (go) to the doctor and make sure it is safe for them to choose  65.  difficult hike. Sometimes. A  66.  (challenge) hike can be deadly for someone having heart disease.
67.(2024高一下·辛集期末) 假设你是晨光中学的李津。我市为外国友人提供生活信息的某英文网站新增了《最美中华》栏日.请你给该栏目投稿,介绍一个国内你喜欢或去过的地方。内容包括:1.该地方的基本情况(如名称、 地理位置等);2.该地方的特色(如文化、景点等);3.你对该地方的印象和感受。
注意: 1.词数应为80左右;2.可适当加人细节.使内容充实、行文连贯。
A Beautiful Place in China
By Li Jin
68.(2024高一下·辛集期末) 第二节读后续写,阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段.使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Jackson's family hired a driver. The driver's family came to stay with them in a small house in their backyard. That's how Jackson met the driver's eight-year-old son Tom. From the day he met Jackson, Tom became his fan. For Tom,11-year old Jackson secerned to be a big boy. He would always follow Jackson around.
Tom didn't go to school. He was admitted to a local government school, but he refused to go.
He told Jackson shyly that the teachers only made them copy words from the blackboard. Since he hadn't learned how to read, he could not understand anything that was written on the blackboard.
Jackson felt sorry for him. On Sunday, Jackson saw Tom sitting under a tree holding an alphabet (字母表) book in his hands. Jackson walked quietly towards him and discovered that Tom was holding the book upside down.
Jackson took the book out of Tom's hands and turned the right side up. "This is how you should read," he told Tom. Two big tears rolled down Tom's cheeks. Tom told Jackson, "I want to be like you, but I can't do anything." That evening, Jackson told his parents they had to help Tom get into a better school. It was not easy to make Tom admitted to a new school, because the time for admission was over.
Luckily, one principal (校长) looked at Tom kindly and admitted him to her school. The next day Tom went to his new school wearing a new shirt. But when Tom returned from school, he was a bit sad. The other children in his class had laughed at him. He told Jackson, "They all said I am much older than them but in a smaller class. I don't want to go to school."
Paragraph 1:
Jackson said, "Don't worry, Tom, 1 will teach you to read.
Paragraph 2:
Two months later, Tom returned from school with a bright smile.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I'll take the No.2 bus to the city center.
M: But it's canceled today. You can drive my car.
W: Great. Thank you! Otherwise, I'll have to walk.
【分析】问题:这位女士将如何前往市中心?根据" You can drive my car."你可以开我的车。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: It's good when the local football team plays at home.
W: It is also good to sit in these seats. What a great view from here!
【分析】问题:谈话人可能在哪里?根据"It's good when the local football team plays at home."当地足球队在家踢球很好;以及" It is also good to sit in these seats. What a great view from here!"坐在这些座位上也很好。从这里看视野真好!可推知他们在体育馆,故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Do you often take walks in the forest
M: No, but I manage to once a month. Walking there provides some stress relief.
【分析】问题:男士在森林里散步感觉如何?根据"Walking there provides some stress relief."在哪里步行可以缓解一些压力。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Did your team win the match
M: Yes. And the score was seventy to sixty-five.
【分析】问题:男士的球队多了多少分?根据"And the score was seventy to sixty-five."比分是七十比六十五。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: You don't look too well today, David. Have you got a fever
M: Oh no, nothing serious. I just didn't sleep well last night. Hurry up! The meeting will begin in a minute.
【分析】问题:男士怎么了?根据" I just didn't sleep well last night. "我昨晚只是睡得不好。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Do you know Jeffery has published his second short story
W: Yes. I heard about that, but I'm not interested in it.
M: So, what are you interested in
W: I used to love science reports, but these days I'm into magazines about fashion, such as Cosmo Politan.
M: My sister has that magazine and many more others. Would you like to read some of them
W: Of course. When can I have them
M: When I get back home. Now, I have to hand in my homework. Mr. Smith is waiting for me at the office.
W: OK. Then I'll wait for you at the school gate.
6.问题:现在女士感兴趣的是什么?根据"but these days I'm into magazines about fashion, such as Cosmo Politan."但这些天我喜欢时尚杂志,比如《Cosmo Politan》。故选C。
7.问题:谈话人之间的关系是什么?根据"Now, I have to hand in my homework. Mr. Smith is waiting for me at the office."现在,我必须交作业了。史密斯在办公室等我;以及"OK. Then I'll wait for you at the school gate."好的。那我在学校门口等你。可推知他们是同学,故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, Patrick! I'm going to attend a candle light service at the local church on Christmas Eve. Do you want to come
M: Who else is going
W: Just Lucy, Andrew and Bob.
M: What about Jane Isn't she coming
W: She's already at the church preparing for her singing.
M: That's great. I like her voice. When are we going, by the way
W: The service will start at 7 p.m.. Can I pick you up an hour earlier
M: Sure, that's nice of you. Um, I have never attended a service like this before. What should I wear
W: Whatever you want! A T-shirt, jeans, a polo, or a suit.
M: Got it. I prefer to wear a suit. It looks formal.
8.问题:谁要唱歌?根据"What about Jane Isn't she coming "Jane呢?她不来吗?;以及"She's already at the church preparing for her singing."她已经在教堂准备唱歌了。故选B。
9.问题:这位女士可能什么时候去接 Patrick ?根据"The service will start at 7 p.m.. Can I pick you up an hour earlier "服务将于晚上7点开始。我能提前一个小时来接你吗?;以及" Sure, that's nice of you. "当然,你真好,故选A。
10.问题: Patrick 将穿什么?根据"I prefer to wear a suit. "我更喜欢穿西装。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hello. My name is Lucy Smith, and I'm calling about the flat in the newspaper. Is it still available to rent
M: Hi, Lucy. I'm Jeff. Yes, the flat is still available.
W: Great! Would you mind telling me a little about it
M: Sure. It is newly built, with one bedroom and one bathroom.
W: Okay. But the first thing I am considering is how long it takes to drive to my company, Flowell.
M: It's about 20 minutes.
W: That sounds lovely. What about the rent
M: It's a thousand pounds a month.
W: Alright. That's in my price range, so I'm very interested in looking at it.
M: Excellent! When would you be able to come and see it
W: I'm up to my neck in work these days. I wonder if it is convenient for you at the weekend.
M: That's ok. But it's better for you to call to confirm the specific time before Friday.
W: Sure. Thank you for your time.
11.问题: Lucy 认为这套公寓最重要的是什么?根据"But the first thing I am considering is how long it takes to drive to my company, Flowell."但我首先考虑的是开车去我的公司Flowell需要多长时间。故选C。
12.问题:Lucy觉得租金怎么样?根据"That's in my price range"那在我的价格范围内,故选B。
13.问题:Lucy什么时候能见到 Jeff ?根据"I'm up to my neck in work these days. I wonder if it is convenient for you at the weekend."这些天我工作忙得不可开交。我想知道你周末是否方便;以及"That's ok. But it's better for you to call to confirm the specific time before Friday."没关系。但你最好在周五之前打电话确认具体时间。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: I've been thinking of taking a Crazy English course this summer. Do you think it's a good idea
M: Sure! You should do anything you can to improve your English.
W: Really Do you think English is that important
M: Of course. In fact, I'll even take the course with you if you want.
W: Great! It's always better to do things with a friend. So, do you want to go somewhere for dinner
M: All right. My brother mentioned a great restaurant with free beer near here the other day. But it's a little expensive.
W: No problem. It's on me. Let's hurry for a good seat.
M: Thank you! I'll be sure to return the favor after our first class, OK
W: Forget it! That's what friends are for!
M: Thank you! Then we can go to watch a movie at my house.
W: Good! This is going to be a great night! Let's go!
14.问题:男士今年夏天可能会做什么?根据"You should do anything you can to improve your English."你应该尽你所能提高你的英语水平;以及" In fact, I'll even take the course with you if you want."事实上,如果你愿意,我甚至愿意和你一起上这门课。故选A。
15.问题:谁来买单?根据"No problem. It's on me. "没问题。我请客,故选B。
16.问题:晚饭后谈话人会去哪里?根据" Then we can go to watch a movie at my house."那么我们可以去我家看电影;以及"Good! This is going to be a great night! Let's go!"好!这将是一个美好的夜晚!我们走!故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】 Last year I went to the University of Sydney to study education. The nightlife in Sydney was absolutely great. It offered a wide range of night clubs and bars. The local people were very friendly and easy-going. There were also a lot of people from other countries working and living in Sydney.
I travelled a little bit in Australia. I went up the east coast to Frasier Island, which is a world heritage site. And I climbed rocks there. Then I went up to the north. I enjoyed rowing through a rain forest and camping there. The further north I went in Australia, the hotter it was. I saw dogs running along the beach and sharks in the water. I also went diving for the f irst time. It was a little bit dangerous because I saw a giant shell and touched it. Suddenly it closed up. I almost lost one
17.问题:发言人去年为什么去悉尼?根据" Last year I went to the University of Sydney to study education."去年我去了悉尼大学学习教育。故选A。
18.问题:发言人在北方喜欢什么?根据" Then I went up to the north. I enjoyed rowing through a rain forest and camping there. "然后我去了北方。我喜欢划船穿过雨林,在那里露营。故选A。
19.问题:是什么让发言人感到危险?根据"It was a little bit dangerous because I saw a giant shell and touched it."这有点危险,因为我看到了一个巨大的贝壳并触摸了它。故选C。
21.考查细节理解。根据Tan Xiaodong, 15, Hong Kong, China部分中的"It'll soon be Chinese New Year."马上就要到春节了;以及"We might go and see the lion and dragon dances in the city center."我们可以去市中心看舞狮舞龙。可知,春节期间,游客可以看舞狮舞龙。故选D。
22.考查细节理解。根据Wendy, 16, Sydney, Australia部分中的"Australia Day is on 26th January and its an important holiday here."1月26日是澳大利亚国庆日,这是一个重要的节日;以及"My parents and I go to the countryside for a picnic and friends always come over."我的父母和我去乡下野餐,朋友们总是过来。可知,在澳大利亚日,家庭通常在乡下吃顿饭。故选C。
23.考查细节理解。根据第一段"We spoke to three students from around the world about different national holidays. There are different customs for each festival."我们采访了三位来自世界各地的学生,让他们了解不同的国家节日。每个节日都有不同的习俗。可知,不同的节日有不同的习俗。故选A。
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇新闻报道,报道了乐队Suenalo在拘留中心帮助问题青年这件事激发了Chad Bernstein成立Guitars Over Guns组织,以帮助更多的孩子。
24.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"The band, Suenalo, were excited that they would present their skills to a group of troubled youth at a detention center(少管所)."乐队Suenalo很兴奋,他们将在拘留中心向一群问题青年展示他们的技艺。可知,他们将去拘留中心向一群问题青年展示他们的技艺。故选B。
25.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"One of them sang a lyric(歌词). The band sang it back. Then, one by one, the musicians began picking up the beat. Chad started free styling a rap, going back and forth with the kid, and in no time, other kids jumped in. Suddenly the band and the kids were creating a song from scratch and all of them were in musical heaven. "其中一人唱了一首抒情歌曲。乐队回唱。然后,乐手们一个接一个地开始跟上节拍。查德开始自由模仿说唱,和那个孩子来回跳,很快,其他孩子也加入了进来。突然,乐队和孩子们开始从零开始创作一首歌,所有人都进入了音乐天堂。可知,现场的歌曲是由乐队和孩子们共同创作的。故选D。
26.考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的"As both music teachers and life coaches, the musicians give the kids a way to find their creative voices and get through dark times. "作为音乐老师和生活教练,音乐家们给孩子们提供了一种找到他们创造性声音的方式,并度过了黑暗时期。可知,Guitars Over Guns帮助孩子们提供生活指导。故选C。
27.考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的"For Chad, that moment inspired him to found Guitars Over Guns, an organization that pairs at-risk middle-schoolers with professional musicians. As both music teachers and life coaches, the musicians give the kids a way to find their creative voices and get through dark times. "对查德来说,那一刻激发了他创立Guitars Over Guns的灵感,这是一个帮助处境危险的中学生与专业音乐家结对的组织。作为音乐老师和生活教练,音乐家们给孩子们提供了一种找到他们创造性声音的方式,并度过了黑暗时期;以及最后一段" ‘So far we've helped over 2,700 students. Our work is highly satisfying because it shows us that a music career is more than a job, it can have more impact,' says Chad Bernstein. ""到目前为止,我们已经帮助了2700多名学生。我们的工作非常令人满意,因为它告诉我们,音乐事业不仅仅是一份工作,它可以产生更大的影响,"查德伯恩斯坦说。Chad Bernstein给孩子提供了有意义的指导,帮助了很多学生,可推知,他所做的工作是有意义的且目标明确的。故选A。
28.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"JUICE, short for ‘Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer', will collect data from Jupiter and its three moons, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto."JUICE是"Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer"的缩写,它将收集木星及其三颗卫星——木卫二、木卫三和木卫四的数据。可知,JUICE将收集木星以及木卫二、木卫三、木卫四的数据。故选D。
29.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"In 1998, NASA's Galileo spacecraft found that Europa might send water as far as 160 kilometers into space."1998年,美国宇航局的伽利略号宇宙飞船发现木卫二可能会将水送到160公里外的太空。可知,美国宇航局的伽利略号宇宙飞船发现木卫二可能会将水送到160公里外的太空。故选B。
30.考查词义猜测。根据第五段中的"But they are also trapped under tens of kilometers of ice, making it very difficult to study them."但它们也trap数十公里的冰层下,这使得研究它们变得非常困难。可知,木卫二的液态水被trap在数十公里的冰层下,说明很难取到。划线词trap作为动词,有"围困、困住"之意,故选A。
31.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"The main goal is to understand whether there are habitable (可居住的) environments among those icy moons and around a giant planet like Jupiter"主要目标是了解在这些冰冷的卫星和像木星这样的巨行星周围是否存在适合居住的环境。可知,JUICE飞船的目的是了解像木星这样的巨行星周围是否存在适合居住的环境。故选B。
32.根据空前"Plan ahead.Most long-distance trains, especially the sleeping car accommodations, sell out very quickly."提前计划。大多数长途火车,尤其是卧铺,很快就卖光了;以及空后"But no matter when you travel, it's a good idea to make your reservations at least 90 days in advance. "但无论你什么时候去旅行,最好至少提前90天预订。可知,大多数长途火车的卧铺很容易被定完,所以要提前安排预定, D. That's particularly true during busy summer months. "在繁忙的夏季尤其如此。"承上启下,符合语境,故选D。
33.根据空前"A good one can sometimes find you discounted tickets."一个好的旅行社有时可以帮你找到打折的票;以及空后"Then you won't have to walk through several cars on a moving train three times a day for your meals."这样你就不必为了吃饭而每天三次在行驶的火车上穿过几节车厢了。可知,好的旅行社帮你预定,不仅可以找到打折的票,还可以节省从卧铺到餐车的距离, G. He may also book you in a sleeping car that's right next to the diner. "他可能还会给你预订餐厅旁边的卧铺车厢。"承上启下,符合语境。故选G。
34.根据空前"When you're riding on trains, you won't be provided with a blanket for free, even if your trip is an overnight one."当你乘坐火车时,你不会免费获得一条毯子,即使你的旅行是过夜的;以及空后"In the summer in particular, the air conditioning can make them quite cold. "特别是在夏天,空调会让他们很冷。)"可知,这里提到了车厢内温度的问题,提醒乘客最好自备毛毯,C. The temperature on rail cars is often hard to control,"列车上的温度通常很难控制。"承上启下,符合语境。故选C。
35.根据空前"Most trains operate just once a day and some run only three times a week, so missing yours can be a disaster."大多数火车每天只开一趟,有些火车一周只开三趟,所以错过你的火车可能是一场灾难;以及空后"Note: The times listed on the schedules are departure times, not arrival times. "注意:时刻表上列出的时间是出发时间,不是到达时间。可知,本段提醒要提前安排时间,错过时间是很麻烦的事情, E. You might have to wait longer than 24 hours to catch the next one. "你可能要等上超过24小时才能赶上下一班。"说明错过火车导致的结果,承上启下,符合语境。故选E。
36.根据空前"Have fun."玩得开心;以及空后"To calculate your speed as you do, divide 3,600(the number of seconds in an hour)by the number of seconds it takes you to travel one mile(the distance between two mileposts)."要计算你的速度,用3600(一小时的秒数)除以你走一英里(两个里程碑之间的距离)所花费的秒数。可知,本段讲述如何度过乘车时间, A. Train trips aren't for impatient types. "火车旅行不适合没有耐心的人"与后文要计算时间,用不同的方式打发时间对应,符合语境。故选A。
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了威廉·邓恩教附近的没有父亲的孩子钓鱼,以此让他们找回内心的平静。他还成立了非盈利公司Take a Kid Fishing Inc.。
37.句意:他经常这样做,以至于邻居威廉·邓恩想知道他生活中发生了什么。A: wondered"想知道";B: imagined"想象";C: claimed"声称";D: witnessed"目睹"。根据下文"So Dunn asked him."可知,邓恩想知道男孩生活中发生了什么。故选A。
38.句意:现年58岁的邓恩说:"他告诉我,他没有父亲,我意识到我可能会为他做点什么。"A: hesitated"犹豫";B: realized"意识到";C: remembered"记得";D: researched"研究"。根据下文"That something was fishing, a 3 _Dunn's father had shared with him."可知,当得知这个男孩没有爸爸时,邓恩意识到可能会为他做点什么。故选B。
39.句意:邓恩的父亲曾和他分享过钓鱼的热情。A: job"工作";B: culture"文化";C: passion "热情";D: challenge "挑战"。根据下文"Fishing always brought me peace and taught me how to be 4 When you're on the water, you can forget about your problems and just 5 the moment."可知,钓鱼是邓恩热爱做的事情。故选C。
40.句意:钓鱼总是给我带来平静,教会我如何保持耐心。A: patient"有耐心的";B: energetic"精力充沛的";C: considerate"体贴的";D: reasonable"合理的"。根据上文"Fishing always brought me peace"以及常识可知,钓鱼给他带来平静,教会他如何保持耐心。故选A。
41.句意:"当你在水上时,你可以忘记自己的问题,只感激这一刻,"邓恩有三个孩子,他得到了男孩母亲的许可,带他去钓鱼。A: recommend"推荐,建议";B: ignore"忽视";C: analyse "分析";D: appreciate "欣赏,感激"。根据空前"you can forget about your problems"可知,钓鱼时,你可以忘记自己的问题,只专注于此刻,感激此刻。故选D。
42.句意:"当你在水上时,你可以忘记自己的问题,只感激这一刻,"邓恩有三个孩子,他得到了男孩母亲的许可,带他去钓鱼。A: instruction"指示";B: permission"允许";C: explanation "解释";D: preparation"准备"。根据空后"from the boy's mother to take him fishing"可知,邓恩得到了男孩母亲的许可,带他去钓鱼。故选B。
43.句意:很快,他就开始教附近的其他孩子如何系好绳子,拿着杆子,然后把钓到的大鱼卷起来。A: school"学校";B: family"家庭";C: neighborhood"街区";D: group "小组"。根据下文"Since then, Dunn has taken groups of kids out almost every weekend to fish."可知,他教的是附近的孩子。故选C。
44.句意:大多数人的生活中没有父亲的形象,以前也从未钓鱼。A: opinions"看法";B: styles"风格";C: figures"人物,形象";D: dreams "梦想"。根据下文"He and a small group of volunteers have introduced more than 2, 500 kids—most without fathers around"可知,这些孩子中大多数缺乏父亲的角色。故选C。
45.句意:有些是被收养的孩子,他们从一个家搬到了另一个家。A: argued"争论";B: moved"移动,搬家";C: escaped"逃避";D: worked "工作"。根据空前"adopted kids";以及空后"from one home to the next"可知,他们从一个家搬到了另一个家。故选B。
46.句意:邓恩说:"他们经历了很多,看到了很多,他们的生活很艰难。"A: funny"有趣的";B: inspiring"鼓舞人心的";C: familiar"熟悉的";D: difficult "困难的"。根据空前"They'd been through a lot, and they'd seen a lot"可知,他们的生活很艰难。故选D。
47.句意:但当他们钓鱼时,所有这些都消失了。A: gave off"发出";B: ended up"结束";C: faded away"消失";D: followed in "跟进"。根据下文"They'd be laughing and smiling and making new friends out on the 12 ."以及句中转折连词but可知,但当孩子们钓鱼时,心里的不安都消失了。故选C。
48.句意:他们会在船上大笑、微笑,结交新朋友。A: risk"风险";B: picture"图片";C: boat "船";D: training "训练"t。根据下文"spent a good chunk of his 13 from his job renting boats for the kids"可知,他们会在船上大笑、微笑,结交新朋友。故选C。
49.句意:一开始,被孩子们的称为"Big Will"的邓恩花了工作中的很大一部分薪水为孩子们租船。A: moment"时刻";B: discovery"发现";C: paycheck"工资,薪金";D: wisdom"智慧"。根据空后"from his job"可知,邓恩花了工作中的很大一部分薪水为孩子们租船。故选C。
50.句意:然后,在2018年,他成立了非营利公司Take a Kid Fishing Inc.。A: changed"改变";B: founded"建立";C: bought"买";D: filmed"拍摄"。根据空后"the nonprofit Take a Kid Fishing Inc"以及常识可知,他建立了这个组织。故选B。
51.句意:他和一小群志愿者介绍了2500多个孩子,其中大多数没有父亲陪伴,让他们感受到水面上的内心平静和捕鱼的兴奋。A: worry"担忧";B: peace"平静";C: sorrow"痛苦";D: honor"荣耀"。根据上文"Fishing always brought me peace and taught me how to be 4 ."可知,钓鱼让他们感受到内心的平静。故选B。
【解析】【分析】此处主语为I;just want表示"只要";job后跟that引导的定语从句,a job that earns an honest income翻译为"一份老老实实的工作"。故答案为:我只要一份老老实实的工作。
【解析】【分析】"Looking up at"是现在分词作状语,意为"仰望","the stars"是"星空",句子是现在完成时,"want to do sth."意为"想要做某事","learn more about space"意为"更加深刻地认识太空",scientists意为"科学家们","are working hard to do sth."意为"正在努力做某事","find answers"意为"寻求答案",故答案为:仰望星空,人们一直想要更加深刻地认识太空,科学家们也正在努力寻求答案。
【点评】考查英译汉,本题涉及现在分词作状语,不定式作宾语,现在完成时,主谓一致和固定短语want to do sth.,work hard。
【解析】【分析】分析句子可知,此句为but引导的并列句。 district翻译为"地区";used to翻译为"过去"; a poor area of town翻译为"镇上的贫困地区";a centre for art, music, and food翻译为"艺术、音乐和食品的中心"。故答案为:这个地区过去是镇上的贫困地区,但现在是艺术、音乐和食品的中心。
【点评】考查英译汉,本题涉及转折并列句,一般过去时,一般现在时以及固定短语used to。
【解析】【分析】Since意为"因为,由于"引导原因状语从句,"she had no children of her own"意为"她自己没有孩子",left...to...意为"把……捐给……","her savings"意为"她的积蓄","a kindergarten"是"一家幼儿园","a fund for new doctors"意为"一项新医生基金",and意为"和",故答案为:由于自己没有孩子,她把积蓄捐给了一家幼儿园和一项新医生基金。
【解析】【分析】"During the Mid-Autumn Festival in China"意为"在中国的中秋节",families意为"家家户户",gather意为"聚集","admire the shining moon"意为"观赏明月",句中用不定式表目的,"enjoy delicious moon cakes"意为"品尝美味的月饼",故答案为:在中国的中秋节,家家户户欢聚一堂,观赏明月,品尝美味的月饼。
【答案】57.on;58.distance;59.travel(l)ing;60.themselves;61.is considered;62.who;63.physically;64.to go;65.a;66.challenging
57.句意:一般说来,这些假期几乎都集中在从一个地方到另一个地方的徒步旅行上。focus on...固定短语,"集中于…..."。故填on。
61.句意:然而,对于缺少经验的徒步旅行者来说,在徒步旅行时雇一个可靠的向导被认为是更好的选择。此处是谓语动词,与主语employing a reliable guide during a hiking tour之间为被动关系,因此应用被动语态。且结合上下文可知为一般现在时,谓语动词用单数。故填is considered。
64.句意:有时人们去医生那儿核实一下他们选择一项困难的徒步旅行是否安全可能会很有用。此句it作形式主语,不定式短语作真正的主语。故填to go。
67.【答案】A Beautiful Place in China
As a Chinese who is particularly interested in travelling, I would like to introduce my favorite city-Beijing.
Firstly,Beijing is the capital of China.Besides, Beijing is not only the political center but also the economic center of our country.More importantly, it is the famous tourist spots of Beijing that attract a large number of tourists from all over the world every year.For instance ,the Summer Palace,the Forbidden City,the Great Wall and so on. They are the representatives of ancient civilization and the wisdom of ancient folks.
All in all, Beijing possesses a kind of power that makes us feel the long history of Chinese culture over 5,000 years. If you visit Beijing, you will be amazed at everything here.
By Li Jin
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生以晨光中学李津的身份,投稿,介绍一个国内你喜欢或去过的地方。写作背景: 你市为外国友人提供生活信息的某英文网站新增了《最美中华》栏日。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类类作文,内容包括:1.该地方的基本情况(如名称、 地理位置等);2.该地方的特色(如文化、景点等);3.你对该地方的印象和感受。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:As a Chinese who is particularly interested in travelling, I would like to introduce my favorite city-Beijing.运用了限制性定语从句,不定式作宾语;More importantly, it is the famous tourist spots of Beijing that attract a large number of tourists from all over the world every year.运用了限制性定语从句;
All in all, Beijing possesses a kind of power that makes us feel the long history of Chinese culture over 5,000 years. 运用了限制性定语从句;If you visit Beijing, you will be amazed at everything here.运用了条件状语从句。
68.【答案】Jackson said, "Don't worry, Tom, I will teach you to read." "Can I be the same as you " Tom asked with hope. "Sure, if you want to." answered Jackson. Then the two made a reading plan together. On the day both of them went to school, while on the night they spent at least two hours reading the alphabet book. With Jackson's help, Tom began to understand the thing that was written on the blackboard slowly.
Two months later, Tom returned from school with a bright smile. He rushed into the house and can't wait to tell Jackson a piece of good news that he was praised by the teacher, who said he made such great progress in a short time. And all the class were astonished at his improvement. "Thank you,you do make a difference to me."said Tom to Jackson."No, it is you who you should say thanks. Always remember, anyone can make a difference, just don't give up!"
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如: On the day both of them went to school, while on the night they spent at least two hours reading the alphabet book. 运用了对比并列句;With Jackson's help, Tom began to understand the thing that was written on the blackboard slowly.运用了限制性定语从句;He rushed into the house and can't wait to tell Jackson a piece of good news that he was praised by the teacher, who said he made such great progress in a short time. 运用了同位语从句,非限制性定语从句;it is you who you should say thanks.运用了强调句。
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