

名称 辽宁省大连市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题(音频暂未更新)
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文件大小 96.8KB
资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-08-23 16:38:53


1.(2024高一下·大连月考) Which activity will the man probably take part in
A.Clothing Recycling.
B.Water Conservation.
C.Clear Your Plate Campaign.
2.(2024高一下·大连月考) What will the man do
A.Book accommodation.
B.Check in at the hotel.
C.Print boarding passes.
3.(2024高一下·大连月考) Why does the woman like "Guernica"
A.She is a fan of Picasso.
B.It reminds her of an event.
C.Its colors are striking.
4.(2024高一下·大连月考) What happened to the man
A.He got a cut.
B.He broke his arm.
C.He was slightly burnt.
5.(2024高一下·大连月考) What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Manager and customer.
B.Secretary and applicant.
C.Interviewer and interviewee.
(2024高一下·大连月考) 听材料,回答问题。
6.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.The impact of a disaster.
B.The cause of a typhoon.
C.The process of a rescue.
7.What are provided to the people there
A.Water and electricity.
B.Food and living places.
C.Vehicles and medical care.
(2024高一下·大连月考) 听材料,回答问题。
8.What is the woman doing
A.Requesting a ride. B.Borrowing a map. C.Asking the way.
9.Which road does the man advise the woman to take
A.The highway to Vancouver.
B.A country road to the airport.
C.The mountain pass to Route 3.
(2024高一下·大连月考) 听材料,回答问题。
10.How does Andrew feel about Clara's marathon training
A.It's amazing. B.It's boring. C.It's disappointing.
11.What is Andrew's final decision
A.To enter for a marathon.
B.To climb mountains.
C.To join an outdoor club.
12.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Ways to work out.
B.A friendship club.
C.Activities for weekends.
(2024高一下·大连月考) 听材料,回答问题。
13.Who is the "Person of the Week"
A.The host of the program.
B.A guest named Kevin.
C.A documentary filmmaker.
14.What is Kevin's job about
A.Helping sea animals.
B.Reducing pollution.
C.Teaching about ocean.
15.What did Kevin free a turtle from
A.Oil on the legs. B.A plastic bottle. C.A plastic cloth.
16.What inspired Kevin's career choice
A.A beach trip at twelve.
B.A documentary about ocean.
C.Saving some sea birds.
(2024高一下·大连月考) 听材料,回答问题。
17.What is the program designed for
A.Management skills.
B.Artistic appreciation.
C.Scientific exploration.
18.How many fields does the program cover
A.Twenty. B.Six. C.Fifteen.
19.What determines a student's starting level
A.His or her interest.
B.A starting test.
C.Previous coursework.
20.What does the "Beyond the Classroom Series" offer
A.Advanced research projects.
B.Additional coursework.
C.Lab visits and conferences.
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读理解
A podcast is a sound file similar to a radio broadcast, which can be downloaded and listened to on your phone or Pad. If you want to get entertained or learn something new, here are some most exciting podcast series.
Sixth Sense
Pam Sica's friends said she should put her dog to sleep. After all, the 15-year-old golden retriever was aging and ― to make matters worse ― was now acting strangely. A long story about a family's love for their dog and how he paid them back in the most shocking way.
Think Fast, Talk Smart
We all have the ability to express ourselves more clearly, especially at work. Stanford Graduate School of Business lecturer Matt Abrahams discusses real-world challenges and offers tips such as writing better emails and preparing for meetings and presentations.
A SongOf Ice And Fire
For those who like long listens, George R. R.Martins series claims the (Iron) Throne (王冠 ). The first story, the 33-hour-long Game of Thrones, won a Guinness World Record for the "most character voices in an audio-book" with 224 characters alone.
Unreal: A Critical History of Reality TV
Since it exploded in the early 2000s with shows like Big Brother and Survivor, reality TV has both fascinated and amazed viewers. The BBC's Sirin Kale and Pandora Sykes explore themes such as the Kardashians' creation of celebrity (网红), and why Selling Sunsetand Real Housewives are so successful.
21.Which podcast helps improve communicative skills
A.Sixth Sense.
B.Unreal: A Critical History of Reality TV.
C.Think Fast, Talk Smart.
D.A Song Of Ice And Fire.
22.How many podcasts are suitable for listeners who are fond of long stories
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
23.What is the podcast Unreal: A Critical History of Reality TV about
A.Discovering the truth behind the scenes.
B.Teaching how to be trained as a celebrity.
C.Providing survival skills in the wild.
D.Criticizing the shows given by BBC.
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读理解
The founder of Earth Day was Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator (参议员). During the late 1960s, Americans experienced the unexpected side effects of high productivity of industry. Factories were giving out smoke while leaded petrol were used for vehicles, making air pollution increasingly severe.
What moved Senator Nelson to action was the 1969 massive oil spill (溢出) in California, which had killed about 3,500 sea birds, besides sea animals like dolphins and seals, causing great public anger. Inspired by the student antiwar movement at that time, Nelson found it a proper time to channel the energy of the students towards a fight for environmental protection. And the sure-fire way was through public pressure. Thus Earth Day was born in 1970, and public environmental awareness took center stage.
On 22nd April 1970, millions of Americans took to the streets to demonstrate for a sustainable environment and thousands of students marched against the worsening environment. Different groups were now working together for a shared goal ― environmental conservation and the effort became effective. The government took tougher measures and affected businesses were forced to follow standards.
As environmental issues were not just localized ones but a global concern, the year 1990 saw Earth Day reach out to many more around the world. Earth Day 1990 helped pave the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, bringing together many nations for a joint effort towards protecting the environment.
For his role as founder of Earth Day, Senator Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1995), the highest honour in the USA, by then US President Clinton. We salute (致敬) the man, as the fight for cleaner environment continues.
24.What motivated Senator Nelson to start Earth Day
A.High productivity of industry.
B.Increasingly severe air pollution.
C.The 1969 oil spill in the USA.
D.The students' involvement in war.
25.What played an essential role in the birth of Earth Day
A.Students' movement. B.Strict regulations.
C.Government's measures. D.Public pressure.
26.In which year did Earth Day start to draw the world's attention
A.1970. B.1990. C.1992. D.1995.
27.What's the main idea of the passage
A.The establishment of Earth Day.
B.The effort of going green globally.
C.Fighting for cleaner environment.
D.Honoring the founder of Earth Day.
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读理解
Almost everyone agrees that art is important, but they disagree on whether governments, using taxpayers' public money, should be funding it. Also, if governments do spend money on art, what artworks should they buy and for what purpose
Most governments purchase well-known artworks for public galleries, such as the Metropolitan in New York, the National Gallery in London, the Louvre in Paris and the Uffizi in Florence, which are all free to the public. Most people do not object to public money being spent on keeping great artworks available to the public eye. However, there are some types the public are often not so happy about supporting.
In the 1980s when most people seemed to have lost interest in art, the Turner Prize was started in order to regain public's attention again. This is a contemporary art award supported by taxpayers. In 1999, the Turner Prize came under great public criticism when Tracey Emin was shortlisted for the prize for her work called "My Bed". "My Bed" was her actual bed which she had lain in for days following a relationship breakup. To some, this was a breakthrough and some visitors even jumped into the bed and rolled around. To others, it was simply a dive into the depths of human depravity (堕落).
But is the kind of "work"done by Emin "art" And should the public pay for it, especially when it is so controversial (有争议的)
Western art is certainly at a crossroads. Does it keep exploring the dark side or does it seek an ideal beauty Perhaps the answer depends on the public at large and the values they hold. Many people were pleased when Richard Wright won the Turner Prize in 2009 with his fresco (壁画). Its artistic beauty, poetic nature and use of historic tradition might shows that society is looking for something more positive and "rooted" in its history again. If public money is spent on art, it is essential that the public play a key role in debating both art, and what art they are willing to pay for.
28.Why are some galleries mentioned in Paragraph 2
A.They are well known worldwide.
B.They appeal to the public.
C.They offer free admission.
D.They are publicly funded.
29.What do we know about "My bed"
A.It's a controversial painting.
B.It caused opposing reactions.
C.It seeks ideal beauty and truth.
D.It goes against contemporary art.
30.Which word can best describe the public's attitude to Wright's fresco
A.Appreciative. B.Opposed. C.Doubtful. D.Unhappy.
31.Who should have the final say on public investment in art according to the passage
A.Artists. B.The government.
C.Taxpayers. D.Turner Prize winners.
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读理解
Victor Borge once wrote, "Laughter is the closest distance between two people." Yet laughter isn't always positive for relationships. Think of your friend laughing at your embarrassing mistake. This kind of unshared laughter can have the opposite effect.
Now, a new study explores when laughter works as a social glue. While all genuine laughter may help us feel good, shared laughter may communicate to others that we have a similar worldview, which strengthens our relationships.
Researchers at the University of North Carolina found a way to produce shared laughter to measure experimentally how it might impact a relationship with a stranger. Participants watched a funny, not-so-funny, or not-funny-at-all video while video-chatting with another same-sex participant. Unknown to them, the video chat displayed a pre-recorded clip (片段) of someone laughing the same amount for each of the two funny videos, but only smiling occasionally during the unfunny video. This produced more shared laughter in the first situation, less shared laughter in the second, and no shared laughter in the third. Afterwards, the participants then filled out questionnaires about their sense of similarity to their video partner, and how much they liked or wanted to get to know their video partner.
Results showed that, across the different videos, the amount of shared laughter had consistent (一致的) effects on the participants' sense of similarity to the video partner ― and that this, in turn, increased how much participants liked their partner and wanted to affiliatewith him or her. "For people who are laughing together, shared laughter signals that they see the world in the same way, and it momentarily improve their sense of connection," says Sara Algoe, co-author of the study.
How can we put these findings into practice Algoe suggests that relationship partners may want to find opportunities to laugh together in order to boost closeness, especially before having difficult conversations. Likewise, shared laughter could be introduced into staff meetings to make people feel more on the same page and thus become more productive.
32.What is the finding of the experiment
A.Laughter creates distances.
B.Laughter is a reliable social glue.
C.Unshared laughter has negative effect.
D.Shared laughter brings closeness.
33.What are the participants asked to do in the experiment
A.Record the reaction to the videos.
B.Video chat with a same-sex stranger.
C.Fill out questionnaires on the videos.
D.Laugh the same amount each time.
34.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase "affiliate with" in Paragraph 4
A.Connect with. B.Turn to.
C.Agree with. D.Refer to.
35.In which situation is shared laughter probably used according to Algoe
A.During a court meeting. B.After seeing a doctor.
C.Before solving conflicts. D.When taking an exam.
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Sometimes, it's good to be bored
"I am dying of boredom," complains the young wife Yelena in Chekhov's 1897 play UncleVanya. Of course, if Yelena were around today, we know what she would do: pull out her smartphone and find something fun. Today it is easy to get rid of boredom. 36.  .
That is the finding of two fascinating recent studies. In one, researchers asked subjects to do something boring, like copying out numbers from a phone book, and then take tests of creative thinkings. The result  37.   In the second study, subjects gave more answers to a word test than a non-bored control group after being forced to watch a dull screensaver.
"An restless mind hungers for stimulation, so boredom becomes a seeking state," says Sandi Mann, the psychologist at the University of Central Lancashire. " 38.  ." Parents will tell you that kids with "nothing to do" will eventually invent some fun games to play ― with a cardboard box, a light switch, whatever.
The problem, the researchers worry, is that these days we don't struggle to overcome these slow moments. " 39.  " Mann says. "This might relieve us temporarily, but it shuts down the deeper thinking." So here is an idea: Instead of always avoiding boredom, embrace and face it. Sometimes, anyway. Mann has found she gets some of her best thinking done when she is driving her car and therefore can't be distracted by her phone.
 40.   The good type inspires you to see what can come of it. The bad type, in contrast, tires you and makes you feel like you can't be bothered to do anything. An important part of our modern task, then, is learning to evaluate these different types of boredom ― to distinguish the useful kind from the harmful one.
A. And there is, of course, bad boredom.
B. Bored subjects came up with more creative ideas.
C. But what if boredom is a meaningful experience
D. These moments are a lot more valuable than expected.
E. Actually, tips on getting away from boredom are countless.
F. We try to kill every moment of boredom with mobile devices.
G. When not satisfied with your state, you're seeking and engaged.
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
I hated that I was born with a cleft palate ( 腭 裂 ). I clearly knew how ugly I looked to others: a(n) 41. lip, crooked nose, lopsided teeth and somewhat unclear 42. .
When asked, "What happened to your lip " I'd say that I'd fallen as a baby and 43. it on a piece of glass. Somehow it seemed more 44. to have suffered an accident than to have been born different. I firmly believed that I didn't 45. the love outside my family. And then I entered Grade Three and 46. Mrs. Leonard, a very lovely teacher.
The time came for the annual "hearing tests". I was 47. able to hear anything out of one ear, but I was not about to reveal another problem that would single me out as 48. . Thus I 49. . I had learned to watch other children and 50. them to raise my hand during group testing. The "whisper test", however, required a different kind of deception ( 欺骗 ). Each child would close one ear with a 51. , and the teacher would whisper something, which the child would repeat. While waiting for my turn, I 52. what Mrs. Leonard might say, maybe things like "The sky is blue." or "Do you have breakfast ".
My turn came up. I turned my bad ear to her, 53. the other tightly with my finger, and then gently 54. my finger out enough to be able to hear. I waited and then heard the words that changed my life forever. Mrs. Leonard said 55. , "I wish you were my little girl."
41.A. bleeding B. injured C. misshapen D. smooth
42.A. speech B. mood C. thought D. behaviour
43.A. burned B. cut C. bitten D. rounded
44.A. sufficient B. reliable C. worthwhile D. acceptable
45.A. value B. desire C. ignore D. deserve
46.A. encountered B. joined C. attracted D. amused
47.A. mostly B. fortunately C. barely D. incredibly
48.A. ugly B. outstanding C. kind D. different
49.A. quitted B. cheated C. rejected D. failed
50.A. follow B. permit C. request D. persuade
51.A. pole B. cloth C. finger D. device
52.A. insisted B. questioned C. argued D. wondered
53.A. plugging B. taking C. catching D. breaking
54.A. bent B. folded C. stuck D. backed
55.A. desperately B. softly C. loudly D. coldly
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
The Space-TimePainter,written by Chinese writer Hai Ya, has won the Hugo Award for Best Novelette at the 81st World Science Fiction Convention, 56.   (hold) in Chengdu on October 18th to 23rd, 2023. It is the third time that the Hugo Award 57.   (present) to Chinese writers.
The Space-Time Painterwas inspired by the life experience of Wang Ximeng. He is a talented Chinese painter in the Northern Song Dynasty, and for centuries people all sing high praises  58.   his masterpiece One ThousandLi of Rivers and Mountains. Hai Ya said, "The artistic value of the painting as well as the gifted painter himself deserves our 59.   (admire). So I created 60.   character of painting prodigy ( 奇 才 ) Zhao Ximeng to reproduce Wang's legend ( 传 奇 ) by telling a 61.   (fiction) story." In the story, after much suffering, Zhao's mind abandons his physical body and enters a space,  62.   a modern police officer is investigating a case involving an ancient painting.
Hai Ya started writing sci-fi stories in 2016. He works in the day and writes at night. He thinks of himself as more of a sci-fi enthusiast  63.   a writer. "I am so delighted to win the award and earn positive  64.   (comment) from readers." said Hai Ya. "I hope my works could inspire more people 65.   (think) about technology, time and art and bring Chinese sci-fi to a global audience.
66.(2024高一下·大连月考) 假定你是李华。你校英语报举行"我敬佩的科学家"征文比赛。请根据要求投稿, 内容包括:1. 人物简介;2. 给出理由。注意:1. 写作词数应为 80 个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The Scientist I Admire
67.(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Keeping Hope Alive in the Storm
One day, my parents took my younger brother, Kaleb and me to visit my aunt's family, who lived on a beautiful lake. We planned to have a family dinner together.
While parents made dinner, my cousin Jerel showed us around. Seeing the yellow rubber boat near the bank, I excitedly urged for a boat ride. Jerel agreed. He grew up on this lake. Though he was 16, it didn't seem to bother him that I was 12 and Kaleb was 7.
We couldn't wait to jump into the rubber boat, took up the paddles ( 浆 ) and set out. Our destination was the small rocky island in the middle of the lake. We laughed and chatted as we paddled along. The sky was blue with piles of white clouds. It was a bit cold, but our life jackets kept us warm.
After half an hour, we reached the island. We jumped off and tied the boat to a huge rock. We started to explore the desert island. We were having so much fun that we didn't notice the weather had changed. Dark clouds gathered and the wind picked up. Then thunder rolled across the sky. Jerel looked worried and nudged me, "A storm is on the way. We need to rush back!"
Jerel led us back to the shore. The calm water had turned into a mess. The boat bounced up and down in the waves. Jerel yelled, "Jump into the boat! Hurry!" We held onto the side of the boat and managed to climb into it. Surprisingly, we found our boat stuck firmly in the rocks. What's worse, there was a big hole at the bottom. Maybe it was torn open by the sharp rock.
Suddenly, the rain poured down upon us, beating against our faces and pounding our life jackets. Kaleb was terrified and started crying. We decided to seek shelter from the rain. Before we headed back, Jerel shouted, "Wait! Let's get the boat out onto the shore! It will help us build a shelter."
注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
"NMo problem. Let's get stcrted!… I said. Now tunder the sheiter we could do nothing but wait.
【解析】【听力原文】W: The Students' Union is organizing several green-life activities. What would you like to join in
M: Clothing Recycling and Water Conservation will help reduce our carbon footprint, but I think Clear Your Plate Campaign is easier.
【分析】问题:男士可能会参加什么活动?根据" but I think Clear Your Plate Campaign is easier."但我认为"光盘行动"更容易。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Good news for our trip! I've bought the plane tickets and arranged the hotel. So we are almost set!
W: Don't forget to check in online and print the boarding passes in advance.
【分析】问题:男士将要做什么?根据" Don't forget to check in online and print the boarding passes in advance."别忘了提前在线办理登机手续并打印登机牌。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: So this is Guernica painted by Pablo Picasso. Why do you like it
W: well, it's about the Spanish Civil War, showing a bombing attack on a town. I like it because it really makes you think about what happened that day.
【分析】问题:为什么女士喜欢《格尔尼卡》?根据" I like it because it really makes you think about what happened that day."我喜欢它,因为它真的让你想起那天发生的事情。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W: You're bleeding! What did you do to yourself
M: l just slipped and fell against the door. I think the door handle must have cut me.
W: Are you sure you don't need to go to hospital
M: No, I don't think so. Get me a clean cloth and I'll put pressure on the cut to stop the bleeding.
【分析】问题:男士怎么了?根据"l just slipped and fell against the door. I think the door handle must have cut me. "我滑倒了,撞到了门上。我想门把手一定把我割伤了。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Here's your application — wait here in this waiting room. A hiring manager will call you when he's ready to start your interview.
M: Thanks. Are there any other new interviewees for this position here today
W: Not that l know of. But I'll ask around in my department for more information.
M: It's very nice of you.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Terrible news! A flood caused by a typhoon has struck my hometown.
M: Really How are things there
W: It's reported that the supply of water and electricity is cut off and lots of houses and roads have been damaged.
M: How many people were killed
W: Not exactly sure, but many people have been saved by rescue teams. They are provided with shelter and three meals a day.
M: Hopefully, with the rescue workers, they will go through the hard time.
6.问题:谈话人主要谈论什么?根据" Terrible news! A flood caused by a typhoon has struck my hometown."可怕的消息!台风引发的洪水袭击了我的家乡;以及" It's reported that the supply of water and electricity is cut off and lots of houses and roads have been damaged."据报道,水电供应中断,许多房屋和道路受损。故选A。
7.问题:为那里的人们提供了什么?根据"They are provided with shelter and three meals a day. "为他们提供住所和一日三餐。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, excuse me.
M: Ma'am, anything I can help you with
W: I don't have service on my phone — so I lost my route.
M: Well, I'd be glad to help. With all the trees and hills in this forest, it's common for people to lose service on their phones and to lose access to their maps.
W: I'm supposed to go to my friend's house in Vancouver.
M: Oh, great. Avoid the highway traffic by taking this country road toward the airport. After driving over a mountain pass, you'll see signs for Route 4 toward Vancouver.
8.问题:女士在干什么?根据"I don't have service on my phone — so I lost my route. "我的手机没有服务,所以我迷路了。故选C。
9.问题:男士建议女士走哪条路?根据" Avoid the highway traffic by taking this country road toward the airport."走这条乡间小路去机场,避开公路交通。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Clara, l heard you were training for a marathon. I'm really impressed. I could never do that. How did you make it
W: l started off slowly, worked my way along and now l do over three miles every day, more on weekends. Give it a shot, and you'll feel great.
M: Sure. I will. So besides running, do you recommend any other workout
W: Wow. it depends. Andrew. Do you prefer to be quiet and alone or like making friends
M: You know l study alone in this city far away from my hometown. So if 1 can make some friends, it would be perfect.
W: Well, I know a club focusing on hiking trips at weekends. It usually sets out on Friday evening, taking a bus ride to a nearby mountainous area. And they spend Saturday hiking, camping, even diving sometimes, before heading back on Sunday.
M: Cool! I love that. Please do let me know how to join it.
W: No problem.
10.问题: Andrew 对 Clara 的马拉松训练有何看法?根据" I'm really impressed. "我真的印象深刻。故选A。
11.问题: Andrew 的最终决定是什么?根据"I know a club focusing on hiking trips at weekends. It usually sets out on Friday evening, taking a bus ride to a nearby mountainous area. And they spend Saturday hiking, camping, even diving sometimes, before heading back on Sunday. "我知道一家俱乐部在周末专注于徒步旅行。它通常在周五晚上出发,乘坐公共汽车前往附近的山区。他们周六徒步旅行、露营,有时甚至潜水,然后在周日返回;以及"Cool! I love that. Please do let me know how to join it. "太酷了!我喜欢。请告诉我如何加入。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Today, our "Person of the Week" is Kevin. Welcome to the Program, Kevin.
M: Glad to be here.
W: Please tell us something about your job.
M: l spend a lot of my time with sea animals,trying to learn what things they need in the environment and help them to survive. And part of my work is to rescue sea animals when they get into trouble with pollution.
W: Can you give an example
M: Sure. I still remember we tried to save some seabirds that had oil on their wings last year. And, last weekend, my workmates and l saved a turtle that ate a small plastic bottle. And a whale died after it ate a plastic cloth a short time ago.
W: So bad. Why did you choose this job
M: l became interested in sea animals at twelve after a one-month trip to the beach. Then in high school, I saw a documentary called A Plastic Ocean. After watching it, I realized that I wanted to protect sea animals and I studied zoology at the university.
13.问题:谁是"本周人物"?根据"Today, our ‘Person of the Week' is Kevin. "今天,我们的"本周人物"是Kevin,故选B。
14.问题: Kevin 的工作是什么?根据" l spend a lot of my time with sea animals,trying to learn what things they need in the environment and help them to survive. And part of my work is to rescue sea animals when they get into trouble with pollution. "我花了很多时间与海洋动物相处,试图了解它们在环境中需要什么,并帮助它们生存。我的部分工作是在海洋动物遇到污染问题时营救它们。故选A。
15.问题: Kevin 把乌龟从什么地方救了出来?根据"And, last weekend, my workmates and l saved a turtle that ate a small plastic bottle. "上周末,我和同事们救了一只吃了一个小塑料瓶的乌龟。故选B。
16.问题:是什么激发了Kevin 的职业选择?根据"Then in high school, I saw a documentary called A Plastic Ocean. After watching it, I realized that I wanted to protect sea animals and I studied zoology at the university."然后在高中时,我看了一部名为《塑料海洋》的纪录片。看完后,我意识到我想保护海洋动物,于是我在大学学习了动物学。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】 Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the fascinating world of our university's Science Program. This program is specifically designed for those who are passionate about exploring the depths of scientific research. Covering 20 fields from biology to computer science, it offers an enriching journey into the world of science.
Including six levels from basic to advanced research, the program provides options for students with different scientific interests and skill sets. Each level is designed to gradually deepen students' understanding and practical abilities in scientific research.
Students are required to engage in around fifteen hours of coursework each week. The program begins with a test to determine each student's starting level. Progress is evaluated through regular examinations, project presentations, and hands-on experiments. Successful students advance through the levels, facing new challenges and opportunities at each stage.
One of the program's highlights is the "Beyond the Classroom Series". This series provides students with opportunities, which are not available in classes, to visit scientists' labs and participate in science conferences.
17.问题:这个程序是为什么而设计的?根据"This program is specifically designed for those who are passionate about exploring the depths of scientific research."该计划是专门为那些热衷于探索科学研究深度的人设计的。故选C。
18.问题:该计划涵盖多少个领域?根据"Covering 20 fields from biology to computer science, it offers an enriching journey into the world of science."它涵盖了从生物学到计算机科学的20个领域,提供了一个丰富的科学世界之旅。故选A。
19.问题:什么决定了学生的起点水平?根据"The program begins with a test to determine each student's starting level. "该计划以测试开始,以确定每个学生的起始水平。故选B。
20.问题:"超越课堂系列"提供了什么?根据"This series provides students with opportunities, which are not available in classes, to visit scientists' labs and participate in science conferences."该系列为学生提供了课堂上没有的机会,可以参观科学家实验室和参加科学会议。故选C。
21.考查推理判断。根据Think Fast, Talk Smart部分中的"We all have the ability to express ourselves more clearly, especially at work. Stanford Graduate School of Business lecturer Matt Abrahams discusses real-world challenges and offers tips such as writing better emails and preparing for meetings and presentations."我们都有能力更清楚地表达自己,尤其是在工作中。斯坦福商学院讲师马特·亚伯拉罕斯讨论了现实世界中的挑战,并提供了如何写更好的电子邮件和为会议和演讲做准备的技巧。可知,Think Fast, Talk Smart这个播客有助于提高沟通技巧。故选C。
22.考查细节理解。根据A Song Of Ice And Fire部分中的"For those who like long listens…"对于那些喜欢长时间收听的人……,可知,只有A Song Of Ice And Fire这个播客提到适合喜欢长时间听故事的人。故选A。
23.考查细节理解。根据Unreal: A Critical History of Reality TV部分中的"The BBC's Sirin Kale and Pandora Sykes explore themes such as the Kardashians' creation of celebrity (网红), and why Selling Sunset and Real Housewives are so successful."BBC的西里恩·凯勒和潘多拉·赛克斯探讨了诸如卡戴珊家族如何创造网红,以及为什么《日落家园》和《真实主妇》如此成功等主题。可知,Unreal: A Critical History of Reality TV这个播客是关于真人秀节目背后的真相的探讨。故选A。
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了地球日创始人盖洛德 尼尔森创办地球日的由来,以及为提高公众保护环境意识、为保护地球所作出的贡献。
24.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的" What moved Senator Nelson to action was the 1969 massive oil spill (溢出) in California "促使参议员尼尔森采取行动的是1969年加州发生的大规模石油泄漏。可知,1969年美国加州的石油泄漏事件促使参议员尼尔森采取行动创办了地球日。故选C。
25.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的" And the sure-fire way was through public pressure. Thus Earth Day was born in 1970, and public environmental awareness took center stage."而确保成功的方法是通过公众的压力。于是,1970年地球日诞生了,公众环保意识成为了中心议题。可知,在地球日的诞生过程中,公众压力起到了至关重要的作用。故选D。
26.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"As environmental issues were not just localized ones but a global concern, the year 1990 saw Earth Day reach out to many more around the world."由于环境问题不仅仅是局部问题,而是一个全球性的问题,1990年,地球日吸引了世界各地更多人的关注。可知,地球日在1990年开始引起全世界的关注。故选B。
27.考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"The founder of Earth Day was Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator (参议员). "地球日的创始人是盖洛德·纳尔逊,当时他是美国参议员;第二段中的"Thus Earth Day was born in 1970, and public environmental awareness took center stage."于是,1970年地球日诞生了,公众的环保意识占据了舞台的中心;以及最后一段"For his role as founder of Earth Day, Senator Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1995), the highest honour in the USA, by then US President Clinton. We salute (致敬) the man, as the fight for cleaner environment continues."由于他作为地球日的创始人,纳尔逊参议员被当时的美国总统克林顿授予总统自由勋章(1995),这是美国的最高荣誉。我们向他致敬,为更清洁的环境而战。可知,本文介绍了地球日创始人盖洛德 尼尔森创办地球日的由来,以及为共同努力保护环境所作出的贡献。可推知本文的主旨是纪念地球日的创始人Gaylord Nelson,"纪念地球日的创始人"符合本文主旨。故选D。
28.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"Most governments purchase well-known artworks for public galleries, such as the Metropolitan in New York, the National Gallery in London, the Louvre in Paris and the Uffizi in Florence, which are all free to the public."大多数政府为公共画廊购买知名艺术品,如纽约的大都会博物馆、伦敦的国家美术馆、巴黎的卢浮宫和佛罗伦萨的乌菲兹美术馆,这些都是免费向公众开放的。可推知,这些画廊的目的是为了说明它们都是政府出资的公共画廊,向公众免费开放。故选C。
29.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"In 1999, the Turner Prize came under great public criticism when Tracey Emin was shortlisted for the prize for her work called ‘My Bed'."1999年,当特雷西·艾敏因作品《我的床》入围特纳奖时,特纳奖受到了公众的强烈批评。可知,《我的床》这件作品引发了人们对特纳奖的反对。故选B。
30.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"Many people were pleased when Richard Wright won the Turner Prize in 2009 with his fresco (壁画). Its artistic beauty, poetic nature and use of historic tradition might shows that society is looking for something more positive and ‘rooted' in its history again."当理查德·赖特凭借他的壁画获得2009年特纳奖时,许多人都很高兴。它的艺术美、诗性和对历史传统的利用可能表明,社会正在重新寻找更积极、更"扎根"于历史的东西。可知,人们对查德·赖特的壁画持欣赏的态度,故选A。
31.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"If public money is spent on art, it is essential that the public play a key role in debating both art, and what art they are willing to pay for."如果公共资金被用于艺术,那么公众必须在辩论艺术和他们愿意为之付费的艺术方面发挥关键作用。可知,公众,即纳税人,应该对公共投资艺术有最终发言权。故选C。
32.考查细节理解。根据第二段"Now, a new study explores when laughter works as a social glue. While all genuine laughter may help us feel good, shared laughter may communicate to others that we have a similar worldview, which strengthens our relationships."现在,一项新的研究探索了笑在什么时候会起到社交粘合剂的作用。虽然所有真诚的笑声都能让我们感觉良好,但共同的笑声可以向他人传达我们有相似的世界观,从而加强我们的关系;以及第四段中的"Results showed that, across the different videos, the amount of shared laughter had consistent (一致的) effects on the participants' sense of similarity to the video partner — and that this, in turn, increased how much participants liked their partner and wanted to affiliate with him or her."结果表明,在不同的视频中,共同笑声的次数对参与者与视频伙伴的相似感有一致的影响——而这反过来又增加了参与者对伙伴的喜爱程度,并希望与他或她建立联系。可知,实验的发现是共同的笑声能带来亲密感。故选D。
33.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"Participants watched a funny, not-so-funny, or not-funny-at-all video while video-chatting with another same-sex participant."参与者在与另一位同性参与者进行视频聊天时,观看了一段有趣、不太有趣或完全不好笑的视频。可知,实验要求参与者与一位同性陌生人进行视频聊天。故选B。
34.考查词义猜测。根据第四段中的"‘For people who are laughing together, shared laughter signals that they see the world in the same way, and it momentarily improve their sense of connection,' says Sara Algoe, co-author of the study."研究的合著者萨拉·阿尔戈说:"对于一起笑的人来说,共同的笑声表明他们以同样的方式看待世界,这暂时提升了他们的联系感。"可知,共同的笑声会让人们觉得彼此看法相似,从而想要与对方建立联系,所以划线词affiliate with在此处的意思是"与……建立联系",故选A。
35.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"Algoe suggests that relationship partners may want to find opportunities to laugh together in order to boost closeness, especially before having difficult conversations."阿尔戈建议,关系中的双方可能想要找到一起笑的机会,以增强亲密感,尤其是在进行困难的对话之前。可推知,在解决冲突之前,人们可能会使用共同的笑声来增强亲密感。故选C。
36.根据空前"‘I am dying of boredom,' complains the young wife Yelena in Chekhov's 1897 play Uncle Vanya. Of course, if Yelena were around today, we know what she would do: pull out her smartphone and find something fun. Today it is easy to get rid of boredom."在契诃夫1897年的戏剧《万尼亚叔叔》中,年轻的妻子叶莲娜抱怨道:"我无聊得要死。"当然,如果叶莲娜在今天,我们知道她会做什么:拿出她的智能手机,找一些有趣的事情。今天摆脱无聊很容易。指出人们讨厌无聊,总是想摆脱无聊。 C. But what if boredom is a meaningful experience "但如果无聊是一种有意义的体验呢 "与上文构成转折关系,引出下文两项研究的新发现:无聊可以激发创造力,故选C。
37.根据空前"In one, researchers asked subjects to do something boring, like copying out numbers from a phone book, and then take tests of creative thinkings. The result "在第一项研究中,研究人员让受试者做一些无聊的事情,比如从电话簿中抄录数字,然后进行创造性思维的测试。结果呢 。提到一项关于创造性思维的研究并提出问题。 B. Bored subjects came up with more creative ideas. "无聊的受试者提出了更多有创造性的想法"回答问题给出答案,说明在这项研究中无聊的受试者提出了更多有创造性的想法,上下文语意连贯。故选B。
38.根据空前"An restless mind hungers for stimulation, so boredom becomes a seeking state,"焦躁不安的头脑渴望刺激,因此无聊成为一种寻求的状态。说明无聊会让人寻求新的东西。G. When not satisfied with your state, you're seeking and engaged."当你不满足于你的状态时,你就会去寻找和投入"与上文语意一致,也是中央兰开夏大学的心理学家Sandi Mann的观点,说明无聊会激发人的探索和创新精神;以及空后"kids with ‘nothing to do' will eventually invent some fun games to play — with a cardboard box, a light switch, whatever""无事可做"的孩子们最终会发明一些有趣的游戏来玩——用纸板箱、电灯开关等等,对此进行了举例说明,上下文语意连贯。故选G。
39.根据空后"This might relieve us temporarily, but it shuts down the deeper thinking."这可能会让我们暂时缓解无聊,但它会阻止我们更深层次的思考,都是Mann的观点;以及"This might relieve us temporarily"这或许会让我们暂时放松。可知,此处会提到一种暂时缓解无聊的方法。 F. We try to kill every moment of boredom with mobile devices. "我们试图用移动设备打发无聊的每一刻"提出我们用移动设备打发无聊,符合语境,故选F。
40.根据空后"The good type inspires you to see what can come of it. The bad type, in contrast, tires you and makes you feel like you can't be bothered to do anything."好的类型激励你看到它(带来的好的)结果。相反,糟糕的类型会让你感到疲惫,让你觉得自己什么都懒得做。提到两种不同类型的无聊。A. And there is, of course, bad boredom."当然,也有糟糕的无聊"引出下文对两种无聊类型的对比和讨论,上下文语意连贯。故选A。
41.句意:我清楚地知道我看起来有多丑:畸形的嘴唇,弯曲的鼻子,参差不齐的牙齿,还有一些不清楚的发音。A. bleeding"流血的";B. injured"受伤的";C. misshapen"畸形的";D. smooth "平滑的"。根据上文"I hated that I was born with a cleft palate (腭裂)."可知,作者的嘴唇是畸形的。故选C。
42.句意:我清楚地知道我看起来有多丑:畸形的嘴唇,弯曲的鼻子,参差不齐的牙齿,还有一些不清楚的发音。A. speech"说话,说话方式";B. mood"情绪";C. thought"想法";D. behaviour "行为"。根据上文"I was born with a cleft palate (腭裂)";以及空前"lopsided teeth"可推知,作者因为腭裂和参差不齐的牙齿说话不清楚。故选A。
43.句意:当被问及"你的嘴唇怎么了?"我会说,我小时候摔了一跤,嘴唇被一块玻璃割破了。A. burned"烧伤";B. cut"割,切";C. bitten"咬";D. rounded"使成圆形"。根据空前"I'd fallen as a baby";以及空后"a piece of glass"可推知,作者解释说自己的嘴唇被玻璃割破了。故选B。
44.句意:不知为何,遭遇意外似乎比天生与众不同更容易让人接受。A. sufficient"足够的";B. reliable"可靠的";C. worthwhile"值得的";D. acceptable"可接受的"。根据上文"I'd say that I'd fallen as a baby and 3 it on a piece of glass."可推知,作者认为遭遇意外比天生与众不同更容易让人接受,所以给别人解释说自己的腭裂是意外造成的。故选D。
45.句意:我坚信,除了我的家人,我不值得别人的爱。A. value"重视";B. desire"渴望";C. ignore"忽视";D. deserve"值得,应得"。根据上文"I clearly knew how ugly I looked to others:";以及空后"outside my family"可推知,作者因自己的外貌而自卑,所以认为自己得不到除家人外的爱。故选D。
46.句意:然后我上了三年级,遇到了Leonard夫人,一位非常可爱的老师。A. encountered"遇到";B. joined"加入";C. attracted"吸引";D. amused"逗乐"。根据下文"Mrs. Leonard, a very lovely teacher"可知,作者在三年级遇到了Leonard夫人。故选A。
47.句意:只用一只耳朵,我几乎听不到任何声音,但我不想再透露另一个会让我显得与众不同的问题。A. mostly"主要地";B. fortunately"幸运地";C. barely"几乎不";D. incredibly"难以置信地"。根据空后"out of one ear";以及"reveal another problem"可知,作者只有一只耳朵能听,所以几乎听不到。故选C。
48.句意:只用一只耳朵,我几乎听不到任何声音,但我不想再透露另一个会让我显得与众不同的问题。A. ugly"丑陋的";B. outstanding"杰出的";C. kind"善良的";D. different"不同的"。根据上文"I was born with a cleft palate (腭裂).";以及空前"hear anything out of one ear"可知,作者不想让别人知道自己听力也有问题,因为这会更让自己显得与众不同。故选D。
49.句意:因此,我作弊了。A. quitted"停止";B. cheated"作弊";C. rejected"拒绝";D. failed "失败"。根据下文"The ‘whisper test', however, required a different kind of deception (欺骗)."可知,作者不想显得与众不同,所以在听力测试中作弊了。故选B。
50.句意:我已经学会了观察其他孩子,并在小组测试时跟随他们举手。A. follow"跟随";B. permit "允许";C. request"请求";D. persuade"说服"。根据空前"I had learned to watch other children";以及空后"raise my hand during group testing"可推知,作者学会了观察其他孩子并跟随他们举手。故选A。
51.句意:每个孩子都会用一根手指堵住一只耳朵,然后老师会低声说些什么,孩子需要重复出来。A. pole"极点,杆子";B. cloth"布";C. finger"手指";D. device"设备"。根据下文"I turned my bad ear to her, 13 the other tightly with my finger"可知,孩子们用一根手指堵住一只耳朵。故选C。
52.句意:轮到我时,我在想Leonard夫人会说些什么,也许是"天空是蓝色的"或者"你吃早餐了吗?"。A. insisted"坚持";B. questioned"询问,质疑";C. argued"争论";D. wondered "想知道"。根据空后"maybe things like ‘The sky is blue.' or ‘Do you have breakfast '"可知,作者在等待时,想知道Leonard夫人会说些什么。故选D。
53.句意:我把有问题的耳朵转向她,用手指紧紧地堵住另一只耳朵,然后轻轻地把手指向后退出,以便能听到。A. plugging"堵住";B. taking"拿走";C. catching"抓住";D. breaking"打破"。根据上文"Each child would close one ear with a 11 ";以及空后"my finger out"可知,作者先用手指堵住一只耳朵。故选A。
54.句意:我把有问题的耳朵转向她,用手指紧紧地堵住另一只耳朵,然后轻轻地把手指向后退出,以便能听到。A. bent"弯曲";B. folded"折叠";C. stuck"刺,粘住,卡住";D. backed"倒退,后退"。根据空后"to be able to hear"可知,作者把塞进耳朵的手指退了出来,这样就能听见了。故选D。
55.句意:Leonard夫人轻轻地说:"我希望你是我的小女孩。"A. desperately"绝望地";B. softly "轻轻地";C. loudly"大声地";D. coldly"冷淡地"。根据上文"The ‘whisper test'"和"the teacher would whisper something"可知,Leonard夫人轻轻地说了一句话。故选B。
【答案】56.held;57.has been presented;58.for;59.admiration(s);60.the;61.fictional;62.where;63.than;64.comments;65.to think
56.句意:《时空画师》是由中国作家海漄创作的,在第81届世界科幻大会上获得了最佳中篇小说雨果奖,该大会于2023年10月18日至23日在成都举行。hold与其逻辑主语the 81st World Science Fiction Convention之间是动宾关系,应用过去分词,此处作后置定语。故填held。
57.句意:这是雨果奖第三次颁发给中国作家。It+is/was+the first/second/...+that+sb. has/had done sth.为固定句型,表示"这是某某第几次做某事",该句型主句中be动词是is时,从句中谓语动词用has/have done,且谓语动词present(颁发)与主语the Hugo Award之间是被动关系,且主语是专有名词,所以谓语应用现在完成时的被动语态,单数形式。故填has been presented。
58.句意:他是中国北宋时期一位才华横溢的画家,几个世纪以来人们都对他的杰作《千里河山》赞不绝口。sing high praises for固定短语,"对……高度赞扬"。故填for。
60.句意:所以我创造了绘画奇才赵希孟这个角色,通过讲述一个虚构的故事来再现王的传奇。根据后置定语"of painting prodigy (奇才) Zhao Ximeng"可知,特指绘画奇才赵希孟这个角色,用定冠词the,故填the。
62.句意:在故事中,经过许多磨难之后,赵的心灵抛弃了他的身体,进入了一个空间,在那里,一名现代警察正在调查一桩涉及一幅古画的案件。 a modern police officer is investigating a case involving an ancient painting是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词space,关系词代替先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,表示"在这个空间",应用关系副词where引导。故填where。
63.句意:他认为自己更像是一个科幻爱好者,而不是作家。more (of a)…than (a)…固定短语,"与其说……不如说……,是……而不是……"。故填than。
64.句意:"我很高兴能获得这个奖项,并得到读者的积极评价。"海漄说。可数名词comment作宾语,结合后置定语from readers可知,很多读者的评价,应用复数形式。故填comments。
65.句意:我希望我的作品能激发更多的人思考技术、时间和艺术,并将中国科幻带给全球观众。inspire sb. to do...固定短语,"激励某人做某事",用不定式作宾语补足语。故填to think。
66.【答案】The scientist I admire most is Tu Youyou, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in China. Tu Youyou is best known for her research in qinghaosu. After a decade-long effort, she successfully got qinghaosu from a Chinese herb, which proves very effective in fighting a deadly disease and therefore saves countless lives.
I admire Tu Youyou not only because of her groundbreaking achievements but her inner strength. Despite numerous challenges, Tu Youyou never gives up. Her commitment to science proves the power of perseverance and hardworking.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生以李华的身份 投稿 。写作背景: 你校英语报举行"我敬佩的科学家"征文比赛。 写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: 1. 人物简介;2. 给出理由。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:he scientist I admire most is Tu Youyou, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in China. 运用了限制性定语从句,同位语,不定式作后置定语;After a decade-long effort, she successfully got qinghaosu from a Chinese herb, which proves very effective in fighting a deadly disease and therefore saves countless lives.运用了非限制性定语从句。
67.【答案】"No problem. Let's get started! " I said. With Jerel pushing hard at the end and I dragging with full strength at the front, we managed to get the boat out of the rocks and settled it onto the shore. We turned the boat over, leaving one end onto a huge rock and the other fixed onto the ground. Seeing the rain still pouring through the hole, Jerel took off his life jacket and covered it. Then we hurriedly crawled under the boat, feeling safe and relieved.
Now under the shelter we could do nothing but wait. It was getting darker Hungry and frightened, Kaleb started crying again. Seeing the endless rain, I felt upset too. Jerel hugged us tightly and said, "Keep hope alive. We will make it. " His voice was calm but his words really did the trick. Kaleb stopped crying. Jerel told stories to cheer us up. Then time didn't seem hard to pass. We waited patiently until parents came to our rescue. This unforgettable experience throws a new light on the significance of hope — overcoming fear and bringing power.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:With Jerel pushing hard at the end and I dragging with full strength at the front, we managed to get the boat out of the rocks and settled it onto the shore.运用了with的复合结构,不定式作宾语; We turned the boat over, leaving one end onto a huge rock and the other fixed onto the ground. 运用了现在分词作状语;Seeing the rain still pouring through the hole, Jerel took off his life jacket and covered it.运用了现在分词作状语,现在分词作宾补; Hungry and frightened, Kaleb started crying again. 运用了形容词作状语; Seeing the endless rain, I felt upset too. 运用了现在分词作状语;Keep hope alive. 运用了祈使句; His voice was calm but his words really did the trick.运用了转折并列句; We waited patiently until parents came to our rescue.运用了时间状语从句。
1 / 11.(2024高一下·大连月考) Which activity will the man probably take part in
A.Clothing Recycling.
B.Water Conservation.
C.Clear Your Plate Campaign.
【解析】【听力原文】W: The Students' Union is organizing several green-life activities. What would you like to join in
M: Clothing Recycling and Water Conservation will help reduce our carbon footprint, but I think Clear Your Plate Campaign is easier.
【分析】问题:男士可能会参加什么活动?根据" but I think Clear Your Plate Campaign is easier."但我认为"光盘行动"更容易。故选C。
2.(2024高一下·大连月考) What will the man do
A.Book accommodation.
B.Check in at the hotel.
C.Print boarding passes.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Good news for our trip! I've bought the plane tickets and arranged the hotel. So we are almost set!
W: Don't forget to check in online and print the boarding passes in advance.
【分析】问题:男士将要做什么?根据" Don't forget to check in online and print the boarding passes in advance."别忘了提前在线办理登机手续并打印登机牌。故选C。
3.(2024高一下·大连月考) Why does the woman like "Guernica"
A.She is a fan of Picasso.
B.It reminds her of an event.
C.Its colors are striking.
【解析】【听力原文】M: So this is Guernica painted by Pablo Picasso. Why do you like it
W: well, it's about the Spanish Civil War, showing a bombing attack on a town. I like it because it really makes you think about what happened that day.
【分析】问题:为什么女士喜欢《格尔尼卡》?根据" I like it because it really makes you think about what happened that day."我喜欢它,因为它真的让你想起那天发生的事情。故选B。
4.(2024高一下·大连月考) What happened to the man
A.He got a cut.
B.He broke his arm.
C.He was slightly burnt.
【解析】【听力原文】W: You're bleeding! What did you do to yourself
M: l just slipped and fell against the door. I think the door handle must have cut me.
W: Are you sure you don't need to go to hospital
M: No, I don't think so. Get me a clean cloth and I'll put pressure on the cut to stop the bleeding.
【分析】问题:男士怎么了?根据"l just slipped and fell against the door. I think the door handle must have cut me. "我滑倒了,撞到了门上。我想门把手一定把我割伤了。故选A。
5.(2024高一下·大连月考) What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Manager and customer.
B.Secretary and applicant.
C.Interviewer and interviewee.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Here's your application — wait here in this waiting room. A hiring manager will call you when he's ready to start your interview.
M: Thanks. Are there any other new interviewees for this position here today
W: Not that l know of. But I'll ask around in my department for more information.
M: It's very nice of you.
(2024高一下·大连月考) 听材料,回答问题。
6.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.The impact of a disaster.
B.The cause of a typhoon.
C.The process of a rescue.
7.What are provided to the people there
A.Water and electricity.
B.Food and living places.
C.Vehicles and medical care.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Terrible news! A flood caused by a typhoon has struck my hometown.
M: Really How are things there
W: It's reported that the supply of water and electricity is cut off and lots of houses and roads have been damaged.
M: How many people were killed
W: Not exactly sure, but many people have been saved by rescue teams. They are provided with shelter and three meals a day.
M: Hopefully, with the rescue workers, they will go through the hard time.
6.问题:谈话人主要谈论什么?根据" Terrible news! A flood caused by a typhoon has struck my hometown."可怕的消息!台风引发的洪水袭击了我的家乡;以及" It's reported that the supply of water and electricity is cut off and lots of houses and roads have been damaged."据报道,水电供应中断,许多房屋和道路受损。故选A。
7.问题:为那里的人们提供了什么?根据"They are provided with shelter and three meals a day. "为他们提供住所和一日三餐。故选B。
(2024高一下·大连月考) 听材料,回答问题。
8.What is the woman doing
A.Requesting a ride. B.Borrowing a map. C.Asking the way.
9.Which road does the man advise the woman to take
A.The highway to Vancouver.
B.A country road to the airport.
C.The mountain pass to Route 3.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, excuse me.
M: Ma'am, anything I can help you with
W: I don't have service on my phone — so I lost my route.
M: Well, I'd be glad to help. With all the trees and hills in this forest, it's common for people to lose service on their phones and to lose access to their maps.
W: I'm supposed to go to my friend's house in Vancouver.
M: Oh, great. Avoid the highway traffic by taking this country road toward the airport. After driving over a mountain pass, you'll see signs for Route 4 toward Vancouver.
8.问题:女士在干什么?根据"I don't have service on my phone — so I lost my route. "我的手机没有服务,所以我迷路了。故选C。
9.问题:男士建议女士走哪条路?根据" Avoid the highway traffic by taking this country road toward the airport."走这条乡间小路去机场,避开公路交通。故选B。
(2024高一下·大连月考) 听材料,回答问题。
10.How does Andrew feel about Clara's marathon training
A.It's amazing. B.It's boring. C.It's disappointing.
11.What is Andrew's final decision
A.To enter for a marathon.
B.To climb mountains.
C.To join an outdoor club.
12.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Ways to work out.
B.A friendship club.
C.Activities for weekends.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Clara, l heard you were training for a marathon. I'm really impressed. I could never do that. How did you make it
W: l started off slowly, worked my way along and now l do over three miles every day, more on weekends. Give it a shot, and you'll feel great.
M: Sure. I will. So besides running, do you recommend any other workout
W: Wow. it depends. Andrew. Do you prefer to be quiet and alone or like making friends
M: You know l study alone in this city far away from my hometown. So if 1 can make some friends, it would be perfect.
W: Well, I know a club focusing on hiking trips at weekends. It usually sets out on Friday evening, taking a bus ride to a nearby mountainous area. And they spend Saturday hiking, camping, even diving sometimes, before heading back on Sunday.
M: Cool! I love that. Please do let me know how to join it.
W: No problem.
10.问题: Andrew 对 Clara 的马拉松训练有何看法?根据" I'm really impressed. "我真的印象深刻。故选A。
11.问题: Andrew 的最终决定是什么?根据"I know a club focusing on hiking trips at weekends. It usually sets out on Friday evening, taking a bus ride to a nearby mountainous area. And they spend Saturday hiking, camping, even diving sometimes, before heading back on Sunday. "我知道一家俱乐部在周末专注于徒步旅行。它通常在周五晚上出发,乘坐公共汽车前往附近的山区。他们周六徒步旅行、露营,有时甚至潜水,然后在周日返回;以及"Cool! I love that. Please do let me know how to join it. "太酷了!我喜欢。请告诉我如何加入。故选C。
(2024高一下·大连月考) 听材料,回答问题。
13.Who is the "Person of the Week"
A.The host of the program.
B.A guest named Kevin.
C.A documentary filmmaker.
14.What is Kevin's job about
A.Helping sea animals.
B.Reducing pollution.
C.Teaching about ocean.
15.What did Kevin free a turtle from
A.Oil on the legs. B.A plastic bottle. C.A plastic cloth.
16.What inspired Kevin's career choice
A.A beach trip at twelve.
B.A documentary about ocean.
C.Saving some sea birds.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Today, our "Person of the Week" is Kevin. Welcome to the Program, Kevin.
M: Glad to be here.
W: Please tell us something about your job.
M: l spend a lot of my time with sea animals,trying to learn what things they need in the environment and help them to survive. And part of my work is to rescue sea animals when they get into trouble with pollution.
W: Can you give an example
M: Sure. I still remember we tried to save some seabirds that had oil on their wings last year. And, last weekend, my workmates and l saved a turtle that ate a small plastic bottle. And a whale died after it ate a plastic cloth a short time ago.
W: So bad. Why did you choose this job
M: l became interested in sea animals at twelve after a one-month trip to the beach. Then in high school, I saw a documentary called A Plastic Ocean. After watching it, I realized that I wanted to protect sea animals and I studied zoology at the university.
13.问题:谁是"本周人物"?根据"Today, our ‘Person of the Week' is Kevin. "今天,我们的"本周人物"是Kevin,故选B。
14.问题: Kevin 的工作是什么?根据" l spend a lot of my time with sea animals,trying to learn what things they need in the environment and help them to survive. And part of my work is to rescue sea animals when they get into trouble with pollution. "我花了很多时间与海洋动物相处,试图了解它们在环境中需要什么,并帮助它们生存。我的部分工作是在海洋动物遇到污染问题时营救它们。故选A。
15.问题: Kevin 把乌龟从什么地方救了出来?根据"And, last weekend, my workmates and l saved a turtle that ate a small plastic bottle. "上周末,我和同事们救了一只吃了一个小塑料瓶的乌龟。故选B。
16.问题:是什么激发了Kevin 的职业选择?根据"Then in high school, I saw a documentary called A Plastic Ocean. After watching it, I realized that I wanted to protect sea animals and I studied zoology at the university."然后在高中时,我看了一部名为《塑料海洋》的纪录片。看完后,我意识到我想保护海洋动物,于是我在大学学习了动物学。故选B。
(2024高一下·大连月考) 听材料,回答问题。
17.What is the program designed for
A.Management skills.
B.Artistic appreciation.
C.Scientific exploration.
18.How many fields does the program cover
A.Twenty. B.Six. C.Fifteen.
19.What determines a student's starting level
A.His or her interest.
B.A starting test.
C.Previous coursework.
20.What does the "Beyond the Classroom Series" offer
A.Advanced research projects.
B.Additional coursework.
C.Lab visits and conferences.
【解析】【听力原文】 Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the fascinating world of our university's Science Program. This program is specifically designed for those who are passionate about exploring the depths of scientific research. Covering 20 fields from biology to computer science, it offers an enriching journey into the world of science.
Including six levels from basic to advanced research, the program provides options for students with different scientific interests and skill sets. Each level is designed to gradually deepen students' understanding and practical abilities in scientific research.
Students are required to engage in around fifteen hours of coursework each week. The program begins with a test to determine each student's starting level. Progress is evaluated through regular examinations, project presentations, and hands-on experiments. Successful students advance through the levels, facing new challenges and opportunities at each stage.
One of the program's highlights is the "Beyond the Classroom Series". This series provides students with opportunities, which are not available in classes, to visit scientists' labs and participate in science conferences.
17.问题:这个程序是为什么而设计的?根据"This program is specifically designed for those who are passionate about exploring the depths of scientific research."该计划是专门为那些热衷于探索科学研究深度的人设计的。故选C。
18.问题:该计划涵盖多少个领域?根据"Covering 20 fields from biology to computer science, it offers an enriching journey into the world of science."它涵盖了从生物学到计算机科学的20个领域,提供了一个丰富的科学世界之旅。故选A。
19.问题:什么决定了学生的起点水平?根据"The program begins with a test to determine each student's starting level. "该计划以测试开始,以确定每个学生的起始水平。故选B。
20.问题:"超越课堂系列"提供了什么?根据"This series provides students with opportunities, which are not available in classes, to visit scientists' labs and participate in science conferences."该系列为学生提供了课堂上没有的机会,可以参观科学家实验室和参加科学会议。故选C。
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读理解
A podcast is a sound file similar to a radio broadcast, which can be downloaded and listened to on your phone or Pad. If you want to get entertained or learn something new, here are some most exciting podcast series.
Sixth Sense
Pam Sica's friends said she should put her dog to sleep. After all, the 15-year-old golden retriever was aging and ― to make matters worse ― was now acting strangely. A long story about a family's love for their dog and how he paid them back in the most shocking way.
Think Fast, Talk Smart
We all have the ability to express ourselves more clearly, especially at work. Stanford Graduate School of Business lecturer Matt Abrahams discusses real-world challenges and offers tips such as writing better emails and preparing for meetings and presentations.
A SongOf Ice And Fire
For those who like long listens, George R. R.Martins series claims the (Iron) Throne (王冠 ). The first story, the 33-hour-long Game of Thrones, won a Guinness World Record for the "most character voices in an audio-book" with 224 characters alone.
Unreal: A Critical History of Reality TV
Since it exploded in the early 2000s with shows like Big Brother and Survivor, reality TV has both fascinated and amazed viewers. The BBC's Sirin Kale and Pandora Sykes explore themes such as the Kardashians' creation of celebrity (网红), and why Selling Sunsetand Real Housewives are so successful.
21.Which podcast helps improve communicative skills
A.Sixth Sense.
B.Unreal: A Critical History of Reality TV.
C.Think Fast, Talk Smart.
D.A Song Of Ice And Fire.
22.How many podcasts are suitable for listeners who are fond of long stories
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
23.What is the podcast Unreal: A Critical History of Reality TV about
A.Discovering the truth behind the scenes.
B.Teaching how to be trained as a celebrity.
C.Providing survival skills in the wild.
D.Criticizing the shows given by BBC.
21.考查推理判断。根据Think Fast, Talk Smart部分中的"We all have the ability to express ourselves more clearly, especially at work. Stanford Graduate School of Business lecturer Matt Abrahams discusses real-world challenges and offers tips such as writing better emails and preparing for meetings and presentations."我们都有能力更清楚地表达自己,尤其是在工作中。斯坦福商学院讲师马特·亚伯拉罕斯讨论了现实世界中的挑战,并提供了如何写更好的电子邮件和为会议和演讲做准备的技巧。可知,Think Fast, Talk Smart这个播客有助于提高沟通技巧。故选C。
22.考查细节理解。根据A Song Of Ice And Fire部分中的"For those who like long listens…"对于那些喜欢长时间收听的人……,可知,只有A Song Of Ice And Fire这个播客提到适合喜欢长时间听故事的人。故选A。
23.考查细节理解。根据Unreal: A Critical History of Reality TV部分中的"The BBC's Sirin Kale and Pandora Sykes explore themes such as the Kardashians' creation of celebrity (网红), and why Selling Sunset and Real Housewives are so successful."BBC的西里恩·凯勒和潘多拉·赛克斯探讨了诸如卡戴珊家族如何创造网红,以及为什么《日落家园》和《真实主妇》如此成功等主题。可知,Unreal: A Critical History of Reality TV这个播客是关于真人秀节目背后的真相的探讨。故选A。
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读理解
The founder of Earth Day was Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator (参议员). During the late 1960s, Americans experienced the unexpected side effects of high productivity of industry. Factories were giving out smoke while leaded petrol were used for vehicles, making air pollution increasingly severe.
What moved Senator Nelson to action was the 1969 massive oil spill (溢出) in California, which had killed about 3,500 sea birds, besides sea animals like dolphins and seals, causing great public anger. Inspired by the student antiwar movement at that time, Nelson found it a proper time to channel the energy of the students towards a fight for environmental protection. And the sure-fire way was through public pressure. Thus Earth Day was born in 1970, and public environmental awareness took center stage.
On 22nd April 1970, millions of Americans took to the streets to demonstrate for a sustainable environment and thousands of students marched against the worsening environment. Different groups were now working together for a shared goal ― environmental conservation and the effort became effective. The government took tougher measures and affected businesses were forced to follow standards.
As environmental issues were not just localized ones but a global concern, the year 1990 saw Earth Day reach out to many more around the world. Earth Day 1990 helped pave the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, bringing together many nations for a joint effort towards protecting the environment.
For his role as founder of Earth Day, Senator Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1995), the highest honour in the USA, by then US President Clinton. We salute (致敬) the man, as the fight for cleaner environment continues.
24.What motivated Senator Nelson to start Earth Day
A.High productivity of industry.
B.Increasingly severe air pollution.
C.The 1969 oil spill in the USA.
D.The students' involvement in war.
25.What played an essential role in the birth of Earth Day
A.Students' movement. B.Strict regulations.
C.Government's measures. D.Public pressure.
26.In which year did Earth Day start to draw the world's attention
A.1970. B.1990. C.1992. D.1995.
27.What's the main idea of the passage
A.The establishment of Earth Day.
B.The effort of going green globally.
C.Fighting for cleaner environment.
D.Honoring the founder of Earth Day.
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了地球日创始人盖洛德 尼尔森创办地球日的由来,以及为提高公众保护环境意识、为保护地球所作出的贡献。
24.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的" What moved Senator Nelson to action was the 1969 massive oil spill (溢出) in California "促使参议员尼尔森采取行动的是1969年加州发生的大规模石油泄漏。可知,1969年美国加州的石油泄漏事件促使参议员尼尔森采取行动创办了地球日。故选C。
25.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的" And the sure-fire way was through public pressure. Thus Earth Day was born in 1970, and public environmental awareness took center stage."而确保成功的方法是通过公众的压力。于是,1970年地球日诞生了,公众环保意识成为了中心议题。可知,在地球日的诞生过程中,公众压力起到了至关重要的作用。故选D。
26.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"As environmental issues were not just localized ones but a global concern, the year 1990 saw Earth Day reach out to many more around the world."由于环境问题不仅仅是局部问题,而是一个全球性的问题,1990年,地球日吸引了世界各地更多人的关注。可知,地球日在1990年开始引起全世界的关注。故选B。
27.考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"The founder of Earth Day was Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator (参议员). "地球日的创始人是盖洛德·纳尔逊,当时他是美国参议员;第二段中的"Thus Earth Day was born in 1970, and public environmental awareness took center stage."于是,1970年地球日诞生了,公众的环保意识占据了舞台的中心;以及最后一段"For his role as founder of Earth Day, Senator Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1995), the highest honour in the USA, by then US President Clinton. We salute (致敬) the man, as the fight for cleaner environment continues."由于他作为地球日的创始人,纳尔逊参议员被当时的美国总统克林顿授予总统自由勋章(1995),这是美国的最高荣誉。我们向他致敬,为更清洁的环境而战。可知,本文介绍了地球日创始人盖洛德 尼尔森创办地球日的由来,以及为共同努力保护环境所作出的贡献。可推知本文的主旨是纪念地球日的创始人Gaylord Nelson,"纪念地球日的创始人"符合本文主旨。故选D。
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读理解
Almost everyone agrees that art is important, but they disagree on whether governments, using taxpayers' public money, should be funding it. Also, if governments do spend money on art, what artworks should they buy and for what purpose
Most governments purchase well-known artworks for public galleries, such as the Metropolitan in New York, the National Gallery in London, the Louvre in Paris and the Uffizi in Florence, which are all free to the public. Most people do not object to public money being spent on keeping great artworks available to the public eye. However, there are some types the public are often not so happy about supporting.
In the 1980s when most people seemed to have lost interest in art, the Turner Prize was started in order to regain public's attention again. This is a contemporary art award supported by taxpayers. In 1999, the Turner Prize came under great public criticism when Tracey Emin was shortlisted for the prize for her work called "My Bed". "My Bed" was her actual bed which she had lain in for days following a relationship breakup. To some, this was a breakthrough and some visitors even jumped into the bed and rolled around. To others, it was simply a dive into the depths of human depravity (堕落).
But is the kind of "work"done by Emin "art" And should the public pay for it, especially when it is so controversial (有争议的)
Western art is certainly at a crossroads. Does it keep exploring the dark side or does it seek an ideal beauty Perhaps the answer depends on the public at large and the values they hold. Many people were pleased when Richard Wright won the Turner Prize in 2009 with his fresco (壁画). Its artistic beauty, poetic nature and use of historic tradition might shows that society is looking for something more positive and "rooted" in its history again. If public money is spent on art, it is essential that the public play a key role in debating both art, and what art they are willing to pay for.
28.Why are some galleries mentioned in Paragraph 2
A.They are well known worldwide.
B.They appeal to the public.
C.They offer free admission.
D.They are publicly funded.
29.What do we know about "My bed"
A.It's a controversial painting.
B.It caused opposing reactions.
C.It seeks ideal beauty and truth.
D.It goes against contemporary art.
30.Which word can best describe the public's attitude to Wright's fresco
A.Appreciative. B.Opposed. C.Doubtful. D.Unhappy.
31.Who should have the final say on public investment in art according to the passage
A.Artists. B.The government.
C.Taxpayers. D.Turner Prize winners.
28.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"Most governments purchase well-known artworks for public galleries, such as the Metropolitan in New York, the National Gallery in London, the Louvre in Paris and the Uffizi in Florence, which are all free to the public."大多数政府为公共画廊购买知名艺术品,如纽约的大都会博物馆、伦敦的国家美术馆、巴黎的卢浮宫和佛罗伦萨的乌菲兹美术馆,这些都是免费向公众开放的。可推知,这些画廊的目的是为了说明它们都是政府出资的公共画廊,向公众免费开放。故选C。
29.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"In 1999, the Turner Prize came under great public criticism when Tracey Emin was shortlisted for the prize for her work called ‘My Bed'."1999年,当特雷西·艾敏因作品《我的床》入围特纳奖时,特纳奖受到了公众的强烈批评。可知,《我的床》这件作品引发了人们对特纳奖的反对。故选B。
30.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"Many people were pleased when Richard Wright won the Turner Prize in 2009 with his fresco (壁画). Its artistic beauty, poetic nature and use of historic tradition might shows that society is looking for something more positive and ‘rooted' in its history again."当理查德·赖特凭借他的壁画获得2009年特纳奖时,许多人都很高兴。它的艺术美、诗性和对历史传统的利用可能表明,社会正在重新寻找更积极、更"扎根"于历史的东西。可知,人们对查德·赖特的壁画持欣赏的态度,故选A。
31.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"If public money is spent on art, it is essential that the public play a key role in debating both art, and what art they are willing to pay for."如果公共资金被用于艺术,那么公众必须在辩论艺术和他们愿意为之付费的艺术方面发挥关键作用。可知,公众,即纳税人,应该对公共投资艺术有最终发言权。故选C。
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读理解
Victor Borge once wrote, "Laughter is the closest distance between two people." Yet laughter isn't always positive for relationships. Think of your friend laughing at your embarrassing mistake. This kind of unshared laughter can have the opposite effect.
Now, a new study explores when laughter works as a social glue. While all genuine laughter may help us feel good, shared laughter may communicate to others that we have a similar worldview, which strengthens our relationships.
Researchers at the University of North Carolina found a way to produce shared laughter to measure experimentally how it might impact a relationship with a stranger. Participants watched a funny, not-so-funny, or not-funny-at-all video while video-chatting with another same-sex participant. Unknown to them, the video chat displayed a pre-recorded clip (片段) of someone laughing the same amount for each of the two funny videos, but only smiling occasionally during the unfunny video. This produced more shared laughter in the first situation, less shared laughter in the second, and no shared laughter in the third. Afterwards, the participants then filled out questionnaires about their sense of similarity to their video partner, and how much they liked or wanted to get to know their video partner.
Results showed that, across the different videos, the amount of shared laughter had consistent (一致的) effects on the participants' sense of similarity to the video partner ― and that this, in turn, increased how much participants liked their partner and wanted to affiliatewith him or her. "For people who are laughing together, shared laughter signals that they see the world in the same way, and it momentarily improve their sense of connection," says Sara Algoe, co-author of the study.
How can we put these findings into practice Algoe suggests that relationship partners may want to find opportunities to laugh together in order to boost closeness, especially before having difficult conversations. Likewise, shared laughter could be introduced into staff meetings to make people feel more on the same page and thus become more productive.
32.What is the finding of the experiment
A.Laughter creates distances.
B.Laughter is a reliable social glue.
C.Unshared laughter has negative effect.
D.Shared laughter brings closeness.
33.What are the participants asked to do in the experiment
A.Record the reaction to the videos.
B.Video chat with a same-sex stranger.
C.Fill out questionnaires on the videos.
D.Laugh the same amount each time.
34.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase "affiliate with" in Paragraph 4
A.Connect with. B.Turn to.
C.Agree with. D.Refer to.
35.In which situation is shared laughter probably used according to Algoe
A.During a court meeting. B.After seeing a doctor.
C.Before solving conflicts. D.When taking an exam.
32.考查细节理解。根据第二段"Now, a new study explores when laughter works as a social glue. While all genuine laughter may help us feel good, shared laughter may communicate to others that we have a similar worldview, which strengthens our relationships."现在,一项新的研究探索了笑在什么时候会起到社交粘合剂的作用。虽然所有真诚的笑声都能让我们感觉良好,但共同的笑声可以向他人传达我们有相似的世界观,从而加强我们的关系;以及第四段中的"Results showed that, across the different videos, the amount of shared laughter had consistent (一致的) effects on the participants' sense of similarity to the video partner — and that this, in turn, increased how much participants liked their partner and wanted to affiliate with him or her."结果表明,在不同的视频中,共同笑声的次数对参与者与视频伙伴的相似感有一致的影响——而这反过来又增加了参与者对伙伴的喜爱程度,并希望与他或她建立联系。可知,实验的发现是共同的笑声能带来亲密感。故选D。
33.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"Participants watched a funny, not-so-funny, or not-funny-at-all video while video-chatting with another same-sex participant."参与者在与另一位同性参与者进行视频聊天时,观看了一段有趣、不太有趣或完全不好笑的视频。可知,实验要求参与者与一位同性陌生人进行视频聊天。故选B。
34.考查词义猜测。根据第四段中的"‘For people who are laughing together, shared laughter signals that they see the world in the same way, and it momentarily improve their sense of connection,' says Sara Algoe, co-author of the study."研究的合著者萨拉·阿尔戈说:"对于一起笑的人来说,共同的笑声表明他们以同样的方式看待世界,这暂时提升了他们的联系感。"可知,共同的笑声会让人们觉得彼此看法相似,从而想要与对方建立联系,所以划线词affiliate with在此处的意思是"与……建立联系",故选A。
35.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"Algoe suggests that relationship partners may want to find opportunities to laugh together in order to boost closeness, especially before having difficult conversations."阿尔戈建议,关系中的双方可能想要找到一起笑的机会,以增强亲密感,尤其是在进行困难的对话之前。可推知,在解决冲突之前,人们可能会使用共同的笑声来增强亲密感。故选C。
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Sometimes, it's good to be bored
"I am dying of boredom," complains the young wife Yelena in Chekhov's 1897 play UncleVanya. Of course, if Yelena were around today, we know what she would do: pull out her smartphone and find something fun. Today it is easy to get rid of boredom. 36.  .
That is the finding of two fascinating recent studies. In one, researchers asked subjects to do something boring, like copying out numbers from a phone book, and then take tests of creative thinkings. The result  37.   In the second study, subjects gave more answers to a word test than a non-bored control group after being forced to watch a dull screensaver.
"An restless mind hungers for stimulation, so boredom becomes a seeking state," says Sandi Mann, the psychologist at the University of Central Lancashire. " 38.  ." Parents will tell you that kids with "nothing to do" will eventually invent some fun games to play ― with a cardboard box, a light switch, whatever.
The problem, the researchers worry, is that these days we don't struggle to overcome these slow moments. " 39.  " Mann says. "This might relieve us temporarily, but it shuts down the deeper thinking." So here is an idea: Instead of always avoiding boredom, embrace and face it. Sometimes, anyway. Mann has found she gets some of her best thinking done when she is driving her car and therefore can't be distracted by her phone.
 40.   The good type inspires you to see what can come of it. The bad type, in contrast, tires you and makes you feel like you can't be bothered to do anything. An important part of our modern task, then, is learning to evaluate these different types of boredom ― to distinguish the useful kind from the harmful one.
A. And there is, of course, bad boredom.
B. Bored subjects came up with more creative ideas.
C. But what if boredom is a meaningful experience
D. These moments are a lot more valuable than expected.
E. Actually, tips on getting away from boredom are countless.
F. We try to kill every moment of boredom with mobile devices.
G. When not satisfied with your state, you're seeking and engaged.
36.根据空前"‘I am dying of boredom,' complains the young wife Yelena in Chekhov's 1897 play Uncle Vanya. Of course, if Yelena were around today, we know what she would do: pull out her smartphone and find something fun. Today it is easy to get rid of boredom."在契诃夫1897年的戏剧《万尼亚叔叔》中,年轻的妻子叶莲娜抱怨道:"我无聊得要死。"当然,如果叶莲娜在今天,我们知道她会做什么:拿出她的智能手机,找一些有趣的事情。今天摆脱无聊很容易。指出人们讨厌无聊,总是想摆脱无聊。 C. But what if boredom is a meaningful experience "但如果无聊是一种有意义的体验呢 "与上文构成转折关系,引出下文两项研究的新发现:无聊可以激发创造力,故选C。
37.根据空前"In one, researchers asked subjects to do something boring, like copying out numbers from a phone book, and then take tests of creative thinkings. The result "在第一项研究中,研究人员让受试者做一些无聊的事情,比如从电话簿中抄录数字,然后进行创造性思维的测试。结果呢 。提到一项关于创造性思维的研究并提出问题。 B. Bored subjects came up with more creative ideas. "无聊的受试者提出了更多有创造性的想法"回答问题给出答案,说明在这项研究中无聊的受试者提出了更多有创造性的想法,上下文语意连贯。故选B。
38.根据空前"An restless mind hungers for stimulation, so boredom becomes a seeking state,"焦躁不安的头脑渴望刺激,因此无聊成为一种寻求的状态。说明无聊会让人寻求新的东西。G. When not satisfied with your state, you're seeking and engaged."当你不满足于你的状态时,你就会去寻找和投入"与上文语意一致,也是中央兰开夏大学的心理学家Sandi Mann的观点,说明无聊会激发人的探索和创新精神;以及空后"kids with ‘nothing to do' will eventually invent some fun games to play — with a cardboard box, a light switch, whatever""无事可做"的孩子们最终会发明一些有趣的游戏来玩——用纸板箱、电灯开关等等,对此进行了举例说明,上下文语意连贯。故选G。
39.根据空后"This might relieve us temporarily, but it shuts down the deeper thinking."这可能会让我们暂时缓解无聊,但它会阻止我们更深层次的思考,都是Mann的观点;以及"This might relieve us temporarily"这或许会让我们暂时放松。可知,此处会提到一种暂时缓解无聊的方法。 F. We try to kill every moment of boredom with mobile devices. "我们试图用移动设备打发无聊的每一刻"提出我们用移动设备打发无聊,符合语境,故选F。
40.根据空后"The good type inspires you to see what can come of it. The bad type, in contrast, tires you and makes you feel like you can't be bothered to do anything."好的类型激励你看到它(带来的好的)结果。相反,糟糕的类型会让你感到疲惫,让你觉得自己什么都懒得做。提到两种不同类型的无聊。A. And there is, of course, bad boredom."当然,也有糟糕的无聊"引出下文对两种无聊类型的对比和讨论,上下文语意连贯。故选A。
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
I hated that I was born with a cleft palate ( 腭 裂 ). I clearly knew how ugly I looked to others: a(n) 41. lip, crooked nose, lopsided teeth and somewhat unclear 42. .
When asked, "What happened to your lip " I'd say that I'd fallen as a baby and 43. it on a piece of glass. Somehow it seemed more 44. to have suffered an accident than to have been born different. I firmly believed that I didn't 45. the love outside my family. And then I entered Grade Three and 46. Mrs. Leonard, a very lovely teacher.
The time came for the annual "hearing tests". I was 47. able to hear anything out of one ear, but I was not about to reveal another problem that would single me out as 48. . Thus I 49. . I had learned to watch other children and 50. them to raise my hand during group testing. The "whisper test", however, required a different kind of deception ( 欺骗 ). Each child would close one ear with a 51. , and the teacher would whisper something, which the child would repeat. While waiting for my turn, I 52. what Mrs. Leonard might say, maybe things like "The sky is blue." or "Do you have breakfast ".
My turn came up. I turned my bad ear to her, 53. the other tightly with my finger, and then gently 54. my finger out enough to be able to hear. I waited and then heard the words that changed my life forever. Mrs. Leonard said 55. , "I wish you were my little girl."
41.A. bleeding B. injured C. misshapen D. smooth
42.A. speech B. mood C. thought D. behaviour
43.A. burned B. cut C. bitten D. rounded
44.A. sufficient B. reliable C. worthwhile D. acceptable
45.A. value B. desire C. ignore D. deserve
46.A. encountered B. joined C. attracted D. amused
47.A. mostly B. fortunately C. barely D. incredibly
48.A. ugly B. outstanding C. kind D. different
49.A. quitted B. cheated C. rejected D. failed
50.A. follow B. permit C. request D. persuade
51.A. pole B. cloth C. finger D. device
52.A. insisted B. questioned C. argued D. wondered
53.A. plugging B. taking C. catching D. breaking
54.A. bent B. folded C. stuck D. backed
55.A. desperately B. softly C. loudly D. coldly
41.句意:我清楚地知道我看起来有多丑:畸形的嘴唇,弯曲的鼻子,参差不齐的牙齿,还有一些不清楚的发音。A. bleeding"流血的";B. injured"受伤的";C. misshapen"畸形的";D. smooth "平滑的"。根据上文"I hated that I was born with a cleft palate (腭裂)."可知,作者的嘴唇是畸形的。故选C。
42.句意:我清楚地知道我看起来有多丑:畸形的嘴唇,弯曲的鼻子,参差不齐的牙齿,还有一些不清楚的发音。A. speech"说话,说话方式";B. mood"情绪";C. thought"想法";D. behaviour "行为"。根据上文"I was born with a cleft palate (腭裂)";以及空前"lopsided teeth"可推知,作者因为腭裂和参差不齐的牙齿说话不清楚。故选A。
43.句意:当被问及"你的嘴唇怎么了?"我会说,我小时候摔了一跤,嘴唇被一块玻璃割破了。A. burned"烧伤";B. cut"割,切";C. bitten"咬";D. rounded"使成圆形"。根据空前"I'd fallen as a baby";以及空后"a piece of glass"可推知,作者解释说自己的嘴唇被玻璃割破了。故选B。
44.句意:不知为何,遭遇意外似乎比天生与众不同更容易让人接受。A. sufficient"足够的";B. reliable"可靠的";C. worthwhile"值得的";D. acceptable"可接受的"。根据上文"I'd say that I'd fallen as a baby and 3 it on a piece of glass."可推知,作者认为遭遇意外比天生与众不同更容易让人接受,所以给别人解释说自己的腭裂是意外造成的。故选D。
45.句意:我坚信,除了我的家人,我不值得别人的爱。A. value"重视";B. desire"渴望";C. ignore"忽视";D. deserve"值得,应得"。根据上文"I clearly knew how ugly I looked to others:";以及空后"outside my family"可推知,作者因自己的外貌而自卑,所以认为自己得不到除家人外的爱。故选D。
46.句意:然后我上了三年级,遇到了Leonard夫人,一位非常可爱的老师。A. encountered"遇到";B. joined"加入";C. attracted"吸引";D. amused"逗乐"。根据下文"Mrs. Leonard, a very lovely teacher"可知,作者在三年级遇到了Leonard夫人。故选A。
47.句意:只用一只耳朵,我几乎听不到任何声音,但我不想再透露另一个会让我显得与众不同的问题。A. mostly"主要地";B. fortunately"幸运地";C. barely"几乎不";D. incredibly"难以置信地"。根据空后"out of one ear";以及"reveal another problem"可知,作者只有一只耳朵能听,所以几乎听不到。故选C。
48.句意:只用一只耳朵,我几乎听不到任何声音,但我不想再透露另一个会让我显得与众不同的问题。A. ugly"丑陋的";B. outstanding"杰出的";C. kind"善良的";D. different"不同的"。根据上文"I was born with a cleft palate (腭裂).";以及空前"hear anything out of one ear"可知,作者不想让别人知道自己听力也有问题,因为这会更让自己显得与众不同。故选D。
49.句意:因此,我作弊了。A. quitted"停止";B. cheated"作弊";C. rejected"拒绝";D. failed "失败"。根据下文"The ‘whisper test', however, required a different kind of deception (欺骗)."可知,作者不想显得与众不同,所以在听力测试中作弊了。故选B。
50.句意:我已经学会了观察其他孩子,并在小组测试时跟随他们举手。A. follow"跟随";B. permit "允许";C. request"请求";D. persuade"说服"。根据空前"I had learned to watch other children";以及空后"raise my hand during group testing"可推知,作者学会了观察其他孩子并跟随他们举手。故选A。
51.句意:每个孩子都会用一根手指堵住一只耳朵,然后老师会低声说些什么,孩子需要重复出来。A. pole"极点,杆子";B. cloth"布";C. finger"手指";D. device"设备"。根据下文"I turned my bad ear to her, 13 the other tightly with my finger"可知,孩子们用一根手指堵住一只耳朵。故选C。
52.句意:轮到我时,我在想Leonard夫人会说些什么,也许是"天空是蓝色的"或者"你吃早餐了吗?"。A. insisted"坚持";B. questioned"询问,质疑";C. argued"争论";D. wondered "想知道"。根据空后"maybe things like ‘The sky is blue.' or ‘Do you have breakfast '"可知,作者在等待时,想知道Leonard夫人会说些什么。故选D。
53.句意:我把有问题的耳朵转向她,用手指紧紧地堵住另一只耳朵,然后轻轻地把手指向后退出,以便能听到。A. plugging"堵住";B. taking"拿走";C. catching"抓住";D. breaking"打破"。根据上文"Each child would close one ear with a 11 ";以及空后"my finger out"可知,作者先用手指堵住一只耳朵。故选A。
54.句意:我把有问题的耳朵转向她,用手指紧紧地堵住另一只耳朵,然后轻轻地把手指向后退出,以便能听到。A. bent"弯曲";B. folded"折叠";C. stuck"刺,粘住,卡住";D. backed"倒退,后退"。根据空后"to be able to hear"可知,作者把塞进耳朵的手指退了出来,这样就能听见了。故选D。
55.句意:Leonard夫人轻轻地说:"我希望你是我的小女孩。"A. desperately"绝望地";B. softly "轻轻地";C. loudly"大声地";D. coldly"冷淡地"。根据上文"The ‘whisper test'"和"the teacher would whisper something"可知,Leonard夫人轻轻地说了一句话。故选B。
(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
The Space-TimePainter,written by Chinese writer Hai Ya, has won the Hugo Award for Best Novelette at the 81st World Science Fiction Convention, 56.   (hold) in Chengdu on October 18th to 23rd, 2023. It is the third time that the Hugo Award 57.   (present) to Chinese writers.
The Space-Time Painterwas inspired by the life experience of Wang Ximeng. He is a talented Chinese painter in the Northern Song Dynasty, and for centuries people all sing high praises  58.   his masterpiece One ThousandLi of Rivers and Mountains. Hai Ya said, "The artistic value of the painting as well as the gifted painter himself deserves our 59.   (admire). So I created 60.   character of painting prodigy ( 奇 才 ) Zhao Ximeng to reproduce Wang's legend ( 传 奇 ) by telling a 61.   (fiction) story." In the story, after much suffering, Zhao's mind abandons his physical body and enters a space,  62.   a modern police officer is investigating a case involving an ancient painting.
Hai Ya started writing sci-fi stories in 2016. He works in the day and writes at night. He thinks of himself as more of a sci-fi enthusiast  63.   a writer. "I am so delighted to win the award and earn positive  64.   (comment) from readers." said Hai Ya. "I hope my works could inspire more people 65.   (think) about technology, time and art and bring Chinese sci-fi to a global audience.
【答案】56.held;57.has been presented;58.for;59.admiration(s);60.the;61.fictional;62.where;63.than;64.comments;65.to think
56.句意:《时空画师》是由中国作家海漄创作的,在第81届世界科幻大会上获得了最佳中篇小说雨果奖,该大会于2023年10月18日至23日在成都举行。hold与其逻辑主语the 81st World Science Fiction Convention之间是动宾关系,应用过去分词,此处作后置定语。故填held。
57.句意:这是雨果奖第三次颁发给中国作家。It+is/was+the first/second/...+that+sb. has/had done sth.为固定句型,表示"这是某某第几次做某事",该句型主句中be动词是is时,从句中谓语动词用has/have done,且谓语动词present(颁发)与主语the Hugo Award之间是被动关系,且主语是专有名词,所以谓语应用现在完成时的被动语态,单数形式。故填has been presented。
58.句意:他是中国北宋时期一位才华横溢的画家,几个世纪以来人们都对他的杰作《千里河山》赞不绝口。sing high praises for固定短语,"对……高度赞扬"。故填for。
60.句意:所以我创造了绘画奇才赵希孟这个角色,通过讲述一个虚构的故事来再现王的传奇。根据后置定语"of painting prodigy (奇才) Zhao Ximeng"可知,特指绘画奇才赵希孟这个角色,用定冠词the,故填the。
62.句意:在故事中,经过许多磨难之后,赵的心灵抛弃了他的身体,进入了一个空间,在那里,一名现代警察正在调查一桩涉及一幅古画的案件。 a modern police officer is investigating a case involving an ancient painting是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词space,关系词代替先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,表示"在这个空间",应用关系副词where引导。故填where。
63.句意:他认为自己更像是一个科幻爱好者,而不是作家。more (of a)…than (a)…固定短语,"与其说……不如说……,是……而不是……"。故填than。
64.句意:"我很高兴能获得这个奖项,并得到读者的积极评价。"海漄说。可数名词comment作宾语,结合后置定语from readers可知,很多读者的评价,应用复数形式。故填comments。
65.句意:我希望我的作品能激发更多的人思考技术、时间和艺术,并将中国科幻带给全球观众。inspire sb. to do...固定短语,"激励某人做某事",用不定式作宾语补足语。故填to think。
66.(2024高一下·大连月考) 假定你是李华。你校英语报举行"我敬佩的科学家"征文比赛。请根据要求投稿, 内容包括:1. 人物简介;2. 给出理由。注意:1. 写作词数应为 80 个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The Scientist I Admire
【答案】The scientist I admire most is Tu Youyou, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in China. Tu Youyou is best known for her research in qinghaosu. After a decade-long effort, she successfully got qinghaosu from a Chinese herb, which proves very effective in fighting a deadly disease and therefore saves countless lives.
I admire Tu Youyou not only because of her groundbreaking achievements but her inner strength. Despite numerous challenges, Tu Youyou never gives up. Her commitment to science proves the power of perseverance and hardworking.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生以李华的身份 投稿 。写作背景: 你校英语报举行"我敬佩的科学家"征文比赛。 写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: 1. 人物简介;2. 给出理由。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:he scientist I admire most is Tu Youyou, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in China. 运用了限制性定语从句,同位语,不定式作后置定语;After a decade-long effort, she successfully got qinghaosu from a Chinese herb, which proves very effective in fighting a deadly disease and therefore saves countless lives.运用了非限制性定语从句。
67.(2024高一下·大连月考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Keeping Hope Alive in the Storm
One day, my parents took my younger brother, Kaleb and me to visit my aunt's family, who lived on a beautiful lake. We planned to have a family dinner together.
While parents made dinner, my cousin Jerel showed us around. Seeing the yellow rubber boat near the bank, I excitedly urged for a boat ride. Jerel agreed. He grew up on this lake. Though he was 16, it didn't seem to bother him that I was 12 and Kaleb was 7.
We couldn't wait to jump into the rubber boat, took up the paddles ( 浆 ) and set out. Our destination was the small rocky island in the middle of the lake. We laughed and chatted as we paddled along. The sky was blue with piles of white clouds. It was a bit cold, but our life jackets kept us warm.
After half an hour, we reached the island. We jumped off and tied the boat to a huge rock. We started to explore the desert island. We were having so much fun that we didn't notice the weather had changed. Dark clouds gathered and the wind picked up. Then thunder rolled across the sky. Jerel looked worried and nudged me, "A storm is on the way. We need to rush back!"
Jerel led us back to the shore. The calm water had turned into a mess. The boat bounced up and down in the waves. Jerel yelled, "Jump into the boat! Hurry!" We held onto the side of the boat and managed to climb into it. Surprisingly, we found our boat stuck firmly in the rocks. What's worse, there was a big hole at the bottom. Maybe it was torn open by the sharp rock.
Suddenly, the rain poured down upon us, beating against our faces and pounding our life jackets. Kaleb was terrified and started crying. We decided to seek shelter from the rain. Before we headed back, Jerel shouted, "Wait! Let's get the boat out onto the shore! It will help us build a shelter."
注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
"NMo problem. Let's get stcrted!… I said. Now tunder the sheiter we could do nothing but wait.
【答案】"No problem. Let's get started! " I said. With Jerel pushing hard at the end and I dragging with full strength at the front, we managed to get the boat out of the rocks and settled it onto the shore. We turned the boat over, leaving one end onto a huge rock and the other fixed onto the ground. Seeing the rain still pouring through the hole, Jerel took off his life jacket and covered it. Then we hurriedly crawled under the boat, feeling safe and relieved.
Now under the shelter we could do nothing but wait. It was getting darker Hungry and frightened, Kaleb started crying again. Seeing the endless rain, I felt upset too. Jerel hugged us tightly and said, "Keep hope alive. We will make it. " His voice was calm but his words really did the trick. Kaleb stopped crying. Jerel told stories to cheer us up. Then time didn't seem hard to pass. We waited patiently until parents came to our rescue. This unforgettable experience throws a new light on the significance of hope — overcoming fear and bringing power.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:With Jerel pushing hard at the end and I dragging with full strength at the front, we managed to get the boat out of the rocks and settled it onto the shore.运用了with的复合结构,不定式作宾语; We turned the boat over, leaving one end onto a huge rock and the other fixed onto the ground. 运用了现在分词作状语;Seeing the rain still pouring through the hole, Jerel took off his life jacket and covered it.运用了现在分词作状语,现在分词作宾补; Hungry and frightened, Kaleb started crying again. 运用了形容词作状语; Seeing the endless rain, I felt upset too. 运用了现在分词作状语;Keep hope alive. 运用了祈使句; His voice was calm but his words really did the trick.运用了转折并列句; We waited patiently until parents came to our rescue.运用了时间状语从句。
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