学科 英语 年级 六年级 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 2 Katie always gets up early. (Period 2)
教科书 书 名:英语(三年级起点)六年级上册 出版社:湖南少年儿童出版社
学生在完成本节课学习后,能够: 1. 运用频率副词描述日常生活,突出表现人物的主要特点;区别不同时态的用法,围绕人物的主要特点准确地叙述特定事件; 2. 梳理文本结构,建构思维框架,补充语言内容,并通过对鸟类科学家John日常生活及行为的分析理解他对研究鸟类的热爱; 3. 关联实际生活,发现并向他人介绍身边的典型人物,形成积极的价值观; 4. 在小组合作互动中能主动表达个人看法,也能认真倾听并接受他人的观点。
教学重点: 1. 聚焦人物的主要特点,运用频率副词描述其日常生活,并结合特定事件的叙述深入地介绍一个人物; 2. 梳理文本结构,建构思维导图帮助学生归纳总结人物介绍的不同方式,引导学生发现身边的典型人物并进行观察、描述及介绍,推进思维和语言表达的发展。
教学难点: 1. 设计问题链梳理文本中描述John日常生活及行为的语言之间的逻辑关系,并通过词云图的方式帮助学生理解John对研究鸟类的热爱;
Before-Reading Lead-in: How do we introduce a person When we describe a person, what would you talk about him/her Know the new English teacher better --- a word cloud about Fancy. Look, my students made this word cloud about me, Fancy. You can find it on your worksheet. Please read it, and then tell me what you can know about me. Conclusion of the way we describe a person. I’m an English teacher. This is about my JOB. Good! I have a daughter. It’s about my FAMILY. I’m tall. It’s about my APPEARANCE. Reading and swimming. What is it about Yes, my HOBBY! I like them. I’m nice and interesting. It’s about my CHARACTERISTICS. And I’m really good at English. It’s about my ABILITY. I can do it very well. Using adverbs to introduce our daily life. How about these things What is it about People of different jobs has different daily life. And this is about Fancy’s daily life, my daily life as a good English teacher. People of different jobs have different lifestyles. While Reading Read and guess. Q1: What is his job Look at this person. His name is John. What is his job Can you guess He’s in the (forest). Look, a camera, a drawing board. His daily life must be different. Can you guess his job Listen and answer. Let’s listen to the tape and find out what his job is. Read and underline the answer to the following question. Q2: What does he do every day Please, take out your books, turn to page 7, read and underline. Then tell us about John’s daily life. Good guess. Let me show you. He’s a scientist. 新授scientist. Tu Youyou is a scientist. Do you know any scientists Read and finish task 2 on the worksheet. Q3: How does John study birds Please read the second paragraph and finish “Reading Task 2” on your worksheet. OK, now let’s read the second paragraph and find the answer. (worksheet 2) saw some birds (sang well but John could not name them) waiting for them to come back observe them and take photos of them This is the way John study birds. 线段红点,动词过去式变原形。 Think and say, then finish the word cloud about John. Q4: What do we know about John from this passage Now, boys and girls, from this passage, what do we know about John We’ve known John’s daily life and the way he studies birds from this example. The second paragraph is an example of detail. So, if we make a word cloud about John, what word is the most important Look, birds! Have you got the right word Read and discuss. Q5: What do you think of John Have you got any ideas Here are some ideas from my students. Do you agree with them Analyze the passage and finish the thinking map of John. So, if we describe John, we can say that he is a great bird scientist. This is his main feature. We can know that from his daily life and an example. In his daily life, things he does every day are all about bird study. And this example shows us that he studies birds very patiently and carefully. This is another way we describe a person. We emphasize his/her main feature. After Reading Groupwork: Describe a person. Talk about his/her main feature with the help of the thinking-map. Now, it’s your turn. Please work in your groups. Describe a person. Try to emphasize his/her main feature by telling us his daily life and some examples. An Example for the Students: Before that, I want to show you an example. This girl described me, Fancy. She finished this thinking-map. You can read it in a minute. Now let’s see what she said. Presentation Have you introduced a person to the others Who wants to try Homework Here comes our homework. Please finish the thinking-map of a person and introduce him/her. You can also choose to finish the second task. Write a passage to describe a person, emphasizing his/her main feature.