Worksheet (Before Class) Variations within Chinese:
The word/ meaning familiar to you The variation in other places/dialects
(find out one more on your own)
Worksheet (In Class)
Variations in the text and the author’s feelings:
British English American English How does the author feel
French fries
Additional expressions:
l l l l l l l
Worksheet (Assignments)
1. Suppose you are working for an American high school, which is now preparing for a British high school delegate to visit. Your director in charge has written a visit plan and asks you to revise it.
Visiting Plan for Riverside School Delegate
Time Description
9:00am—10:30am Reception ceremony at School Theater
10:45am—11:20am Meeting with the principal in his office
11:30am—12:45pm Lunch (Notice: one with eggplant allergy)
12:55pm—13:10pm Meeting with third year students in classrooms
13:15pm—13:55pm Lesson with first year students at Teaching Center (Lesson options: Math, Physics, Art)
14:05pm—14:45pm Lesson with second year students at School Gym (Notice: P.E. lessons, bring sneakers if interested)
15:00pm—15:30pm Afternoon tea with the principal and discussion (sandwiches and cookies available)
15:40pm—16:20pm Meeting with lab teachers at Science Centre(共14张PPT)
《 高 中 英 语 》 ( 上 外 版 )
L anguage and Culture
授 课 教 师 :
课时 主要内容 1 Getting Started/ Reading A 2 Vocabulary Focus 3 Grammar in Use 4 Listening and Viewing 5 Moving Forward 6 Reading B / Culture Link
7 Critical Thinking/ Famous Quote Further Exploration / Self-assessment (homework)
《 高 中 英 语 》 ( 上 外 版 )
recognize the difference between British English and American English in
vocabulary and spelling;
2. 能通过分段阅读,体会作者通过描述经历和英语地域性差异所表达
explore and express the author’s feelings in cross-cultural experiences with proper words and expressions;
3. 通过讨论英语的地域性差异,正确理解语言和文化异同。
understand language and cultural differences through comparing English varieties in different regions and cultures.
学习目标 Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to …
1. 能通过拓展阅读,理解英式英语和美式英语存在的部分单词和拼写差异;
The word usually used
confusing Chinese
Previous Assignment
1. Where do you think the author comes from
2. What are the variations mentioned by the author
3. How did the author feel each time
4. Why did the author write this experience down
When you are
reading …
My Experience with American English
Why did the author write this experience down
American English British English
How did the author feel
French fries Chips (薯条)
I couldn’t imagine …
Chips (薯片) Crisps
Cookies Biscuits
This was a very strange idea.
Pants Trousers
I was embarrassed when …
Eggplant Aubergine
Iwas disgusted …
What on earth could that be
My Experience with American English
American English British English
How did the
author feel
French fries Chips
I couldn’t
imagine …
Chips Crisps
Cookies Biscuits
This was a
strange idea.
Pants Trousers
I was
Eggplant Aubergine
What on earth could that be
Take notes please:
I felt disgusted/shocked/confused…when I saw/learned …
This was a very strange idea tome.
This was beyond me.
This word was totally new tome. But now …
I felt a sudden shock/disgust/embarrassment …
How did you feel when you learned that the word “biscuit” has different meanings
How did the author feel when someone said “I like your pants”
Eggplants and aubergines are the same thing. What’s your opinion
Additional expressions
with the expressions above:
I felt confused when I learned “biscuit” has different meanings. When American people say “cookies”, British people say “biscuits” . This was beyond me.
This was totally strange to the author. She probably felt a sudden shock when she learned “pants” can mean “trousers” .
I don’tknow either “eggplants” or “aubergines” . What on earth could that be
How did you feel when you learned that the word “biscuit” has different meanings
How did the author feel when someone said “I like your pants”
Eggplants and aubergines are the same thing. What’s your opinion
I felt disgusted/shocked/confused…when I saw/learned … This was a very strange idea tome. This was beyond me. This word was totally new tome. But now … I felt a sudden shock/disgust/embarrassment …
There are differences in spelling between BrE andAmE as well:
Additional expressions
Why should there be different spellings, or different words for the same thing
Part of the excitement of learning a language is discovering the differences in how it is spoken in different places.
The excitement is to enjoy the difference.
Languages will be influenced by different cultures, thus creating diversity.
How should we understand such differences
Let’s discuss
Singlish is a patchwork (Mee sian=米线). Why
Do you know any English words that come from Chinese, or Chinese words from
Languages will be influenced by otherlanguages as well, thus creating diversity.
Variety of English
English Kung Fu 沙发 苏打 丁克
What can we learn from such examples Longtime no see
Culture Link
1. Suppose you are working for an American high school, which is now preparing for a
British high school delegate to visit. Your director in charge has written a schedule and asks you to revise it.
2. Finish the exercises on pages 26-28 of the workbook.
Thank you!《高中英语(上外版)》必修第一册 Unit 2 Language and Culture
课时: 课题:My Experience with American English
课型:Reading 设计者:
1. 教学目标
本课为本单元的第 6 课时,核心目标为核心目标为引导学生描述与跨文化经 历相关的感受,发现文化差异在语言中的体现。
2. 设计思路
拓展阅读是对单元话题拓展及延伸,谈论了英国人在美国碰到的各种因为美 式英语而引起的误会和困扰。文章结构和内容较于 Reading A 更容易理解,主要 介绍了五个场合下英式英语和美式英语在词汇使用上的区别。课文生词较少,但 有一定描述第一次见到某物时情感的词组和句型,适合补充额外语言知识以进行 深入讨论。
根据本文上述特点,教学活动设计考虑了如下方法:先以中文不同地域的区 别为例引入话题,学生阅读文本寻找出英式英语和美式英语的对照;寻找描述作 者情感反应,适当补充描述相关情感表达的句型;进而讨论如何正确看待文化内 部和跨文化交流中遇到的各种差异。
而文化链接部分介绍了不同英语国家因文化不同而存在不同词汇,可以从本 文主题出发,谈论母语中存在的外来语或本民族语的影响。
3. 重点难点
Lesson Plan
By the end of this period, students will be able to:
1. recognize the difference between British English and American English in vocabulary and spelling;
2. explore and express the author’s feelings in cross-cultural experiences with proper words and expressions;
3. understand language and cultural differences through comparing English varieties in different regions and cultures.
I. Lead-in
*Teacher: Get students to check homework assignment on language variations. *Students: Share their findings with classmates. Purpose: To prepare students for the topic to be discussed in this period.
Previous assignment:
The word usually used Variations
II. Reading
*Teacher: Get students to read the text and find out the variations mentioned by the author, and the author’sreactions. *Students: Find out the variations between BrE and AmE and the author’s reactions. Purpose: To familiarize students with the text and prepare for future in-class activities.
Guided questions:
1. Where do you think the author comes from
2. What are the variations mentioned by the author
3. How did the author feel each time
4. Why did the author write this experience down Can you get some idea from the chart we have filled in
l French fries—chips
l Chips—crisps
l Cookies—biscuits
l Pants—trousers
l Eggplant—aubergine
(provide a picture of “biscuits and gravy”)
l I couldn’t imagine …
l This was a very strange idea …
l Iwas embarrassed …
l I felt disgusted when …
l What on earth could that be
III. Vocabulary expansion
*Teacher: Offer students additional words and expressions to describe feelings when they see a new word and provide tasks for students to use the additional words. *Students: Learn the additional words and expressions and put them to use. Purpose: To expand vocabulary related to the text.
l I felt disgusted/shocked/confused…when I saw/learned … l This was a very strange idea tome. l This was beyond me. l This word was totally new tome. But now … l I felt a sudden shock/disgust/embarrassment …
Guided questions:
(Ask questions based on the words in text, from homework, or from the following quiz onAmE and BrE)
1. How did you feel when you learned that the word “biscuit” has different meanings
2. How did the author feel when someone said “I like your pants”
3. Eggplants and aubergine are the same thing. What do you think
*Teacher: Offer students additional variations between BrE and AmE in spelling. Then asks students to discuss issues related to their difference. *Students: Exchange ideas with classmates. Purpose: To further the understanding of difference between languages.
Difference in spelling
l Behaviour—behavior
l Neighbour—neighbor
l Programme—program
l Centre—center
Guided questions:
1. It is true that there are many differences in one language, but how should we understand such differences
2. Why should there be different spellings, or different words for the same thing
3. But why is it exciting to know things are different
IV. Culture link
*Teacher: Get students to read Cultural Link and discuss questions based on the text. *Students: Read and exchange ideas with classmates. Purpose: To further understand cultural influences on languages
Guided question:
1. Can you name a few English words that come from Chinese, or Chinese words from English
2. What can we learn from such examples
V. Assignments:
1. Suppose you are working for an American high school, which is now preparing for a British high school delegate to visit. Your director in charge has written a schedule and asks you to revise it.
Visiting Schedule for Riverside School Delegate
Time Description
9:00am—10:30am Reception ceremony at School Theater
10:45am—11:20am Meeting with the principal in his office
11:30am—12:45pm Lunch (Notice: one with eggplant allergy)
12:55pm—13:10pm Meeting with third year students in classrooms
13:15pm—13:55pm Lesson with first year students at Teaching Center (Lesson options: Math, Physics, Art)
14:05pm—14:45pm Lesson with second year students at School Gym (Notice: P.E. lessons, bring sneakers if interested)
15:00pm—15:30pm Afternoon tea with the principal and discussion (sandwiches and cookies available)
15:40pm—16:20pm Meeting with lab teachers at Science Centre
2. Finish the exercise on pages 26-28 in the workbook.