高中英语人教版(2019)必修一Unit 1《Teenager Life(1)》课件+教案+素材【松鼠课堂】


名称 高中英语人教版(2019)必修一Unit 1《Teenager Life(1)》课件+教案+素材【松鼠课堂】
格式 zip
文件大小 135.7MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-02 10:00:59


Unit 1 Teenage Life——教学设计说明
本次课件制作,旨在为全面、系统且富有创新性的英语教学做服务,以适应高中生的学习成长需求。课件设计以Unit 1 Teenage Life为背景,通过PPT展示,教学方案设计的模式手段,全面提升学生的高中一年级学生英语学科素养,为学生对Unit 1 Teenage Life 的学习,提供一个立体且生动的学习环境。
在该环节中,首先通过对初中所学单词的回忆掌握,激发学生的学习兴趣,通过播放与青少年生活相关的俱乐部图片,扩展学生词汇量,引导学生进入主题。结合听力小对话内容,以及一段小短文的speaking 练习,为接下来的知识讲解做好铺垫。
在Context内容讲解环节,本次设计结合课本内容,展开对Adam高中生活的阅读知识讲解,注重对学生阅读技能的培养和运用。我们将利用多样化的阅读材料和活动,帮助学生深入理解课文。首先,通过阅读前的Discussion环节,激发学生阅读兴趣,老师可以适时引导,帮助学生拓宽思路,激发他们的创新思维;在此之后,通过快速阅读,帮助学生更好学会“带着问题找答案”阅读技巧,学生将能够更好了解文章的主要内容;通过仔细阅读(Careful Reading),学生将能够找出关键信息,理解作者的观点和态度;最后,结合Thinking to Choose教学环节的讨论,以及课件结尾时Post Reading 的问题思考,展开对课文知识的回顾与梳理,使学生能够更好地理解本单元核心主题——关于青少年生活的介绍。
在语法讲解环节中,本次设计按照新课标大纲要求,展开对名词性短语(NP),形容词性短语(AdjP)及副词性短语(AdvP)的介绍,注重对学生语法运用的严谨性和可操作性。通过设置Work in Pair相关环节,让学生真正能够区分语法知识,运用语法技能,实现对句中相关成分的有效把握。
在Listening and Talking 环节中,本次设计主要以提升学生英语学科素养为核心,结合Brainstorming(头脑风暴法),让学生通过自由讨论,谈论对未来所感兴趣的诸多活动,结合国外高中学生Rock climbing(攀岩),Bungee jumping(蹦极)等课外休闲运动,拓宽学生国际视野,锻炼学生的口语表达能力,同时增强他们的英语自信心。
在Writing输出训练环节,本次设计将首先结合课文内容,进行Susan Luo的一封信语篇练习,通过设置判断题,选择题等形式环节,理清书信基本要素与脉络,为建议信(Advice Letter)的写作基本要求做出铺垫。
我们相信,通过购买和使用本课件,您将能够享受到更加优质、全面的高中英语教学服务,为学生的英语学习和发展提供有力支持。十几岁的;青少年的 青少年
芭蕾舞 志愿者
辩论;争论 较喜欢
内容;目录;主题 动作;运动;活动
温室;暖房 合适的;适用的
谚语 事实上;的确
预测 决定
喜欢……多于…… 打扫干净
对……适合的 对……感兴趣
交朋友 为……做准备

Adam: For a long time, I’ve been considering my future life.
Teacher: So what are you expecting for your future
Adam: Well, this is really a big question. I want to be ____a_ s_u_c_c_e_s_s_fu_l_ b__u_si_n_e_s_s_ m__a_n___ but
things make me __f_e_e_l _u_p_s_e_t__.
Teacher: Maybe it’s your problem. Do you any __g_o_a_l_s_ a_n_d_ _p_la_n__s___
Adam: Honestly I’m not sure what my goal is. But I ___a_m__ _v_er_y_ _in_t_e_r_e_s_te_d_ _in____ English.
Teacher: If you’re willing to help people who want to learn English, then I think you can find
your goal.
Adam: Yes, you’re right. English Club is for people who want to learn English. I will do my
best to help them and also improve my own English level at the same time.

① Ballet Club 芭蕾舞俱乐部 ⑤ Cartoon Club 卡通俱乐部
② Nature Club 大自然俱乐部 ⑥ Music Club 音乐俱乐部
③ Volunteer Club 志愿者俱乐部 ⑦ Science Club 科学俱乐部
④ Debate Club 辩论俱乐部 ⑧ Handwriting Club 书法俱乐部
Ballet Club Nature Club
Debate Club Volunteer Club

A:Hi,Sam!I’ve decided to join the Music Club.
B:Good decision!
A:How about you?Are you going to join a club
B:Yes.I’m wondering which one I should choose,the Acting Club or the
Ballet Club.
A:I guess the question is...Do you like dancing better than acting
B:Actually,I like acting better,but my friends go to the Ballet Club
and I want to be with them.
A:Hmm...If you ask me,I think you should choose what you like.

al / / walk,chalk,ball
ay /ei/ day,today,play
ai /ei/ tail,train,wait
are / / dare,stare,hare
ar /a / car,far,star
er / / term,verb,hers
ir / / bird,shirt,skirt
or / / short,sport, form
or / / worth,worm,world
ur / / nurse,purple,purse
ee /i / feet,meet,feed
ea /i / neat,heat,meat
ea /e/ bread,feather,weather
ear /i / dear,hear,near
ear / / learn,heard,search
oa / u/ road,coat,goat
ow / u/ slow,show,grow
ou,ow /au/ house,count,mouth,now,how,town
ore / / store,wore,shore
Finish Ex.1 & Ex.2 on Page 13.
(1) What do you want to know about school life in other
(2) What would you tell a teenager from other country
about school life in China

1. What did Adam think of high school life
2. How did Adam choose courses
3. What courses else did Adam choose
4. What did Adam think that he must do
at senior school
True or false question
(1) Adam is a sophomore in senior high school. ( F )
(2) A student can choose his or her courses only by himself/herself . ( F )
(3) His / Her adviser recommended him/her to sign up for advanced
literature because it was very important . ( F )
(4) After Adam was refused to join the football team, he felt unpleasant .
( T )
(5) From the passage we can see studying in senior high school is quite
different from that in junior high school . ( T )
Paragraph 1 Senior high school is _a_ _ c_h_a_l_le_n_g_e__.
Paragraph 2 I wanted to __t_a_k_e_ c_o_u_r_s_e_s_ carefully.
Paragraph 3 I had to choose ___ex_t_r_a_-_c_u_r_ri_c_u_l_a_r _a_c_ti_v_i_ti_e_s__.
Paragraph 4 I’ll have to __st_u_d_y_ _h_a_r_d_ as a senior high school
student and be responsible for a lot more.
1. What’s the best title of the text
A. A senior high student.
B. A freshman at high school.
C. The freshman challenge.
D. Challenge for senior high school.
2. What does Adam feel at his first week at school
A. Confused. B. Angry.
C. Happy. D. Worried.
3. What extra-curricular activity does Adam take part in
A. The school football team.
B. The music club.
C. The nature club.
D. The volunteer club.
4. What does Adam think of the senior high school
A. Work hard and independence.
B. Take care of himself.
C. No teacher at all.
D. Live a hard life.
5. What can you infer from the last paragraph
A. The senior high school is boring.
B. The school life is difficult.
C. The school is both challenge and fun.
D. Adam grows up step by step.
1. What kind of person do you think of Adam why
2. What are some differences between Adam’s school life and
3. Do you face the same challenges as Adam
How do you deal with them
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Translate the following words and phrases.
①teenage adj._________________ ②teenager n.___________
③ballet n. ____________ ④volunteer n. ____________
⑤debate n._____________ ⑥prefer vt. __________
⑦content n. _______________ ⑧movement n. ______________
⑨greenhouse n. ____________ ⑩suitable adj. ______________
proverb n. ____________ actually adv. ____________
predict vt. ____________ decide vt. ____________
prefer...to... ________________ clean up ____________
suitable for ____________ be interested in ____________
make friends ____________ prepare for ____________
Listen to the plete it according
to the hints(提示).
Adam: For a long time, I’ve been considering my future life.
Teacher: So what are you expecting for your future
Adam: Well, this is really a big question. I want to be ____________________________ but things make me ____________.
Teacher: Maybe it’s your problem. Do you any __________________
Adam: Honestly I’m not sure what my goal is. But I ________________________ English.
Teacher: If you’re willing to help people who want to learn English, then I think you can find your goal.
Adam: Yes, you’re right. English Club is for people who want to learn English. I will do my best to help them and also improve my own English level at the same time.
a successful business man
feel upset
goals and plans
am very interested in
① Ballet Club 芭蕾舞俱乐部
② Nature Club 大自然俱乐部
③ Volunteer Club 志愿者俱乐部
④ Debate Club 辩论俱乐部
⑤ Cartoon Club 卡通俱乐部
⑥ Music Club 音乐俱乐部
⑦ Science Club 科学俱乐部
⑧ Handwriting Club 书法俱乐部
Ballet Club
Nature Club
Debate Club
Volunteer Club
Speaking — Following the example.
A:Hi,Sam!I’ve decided to join the Music Club.
B:Good decision!
A:How about you?Are you going to join a club
B:Yes.I’m wondering which one I should choose,the Acting Club or the
Ballet Club.
A:I guess the question is...Do you like dancing better than acting
B:Actually,I like acting better,but my friends go to the Ballet Club
and I want to be with them.
A:Hmm...If you ask me,I think you should choose what you like.
al / / walk,chalk,ball
ay /ei/ day,today,play
ai /ei/ tail,train,wait
are / / dare,stare,hare
ar /a / car,far,star
er / / term,verb,hers
ir / / bird,shirt,skirt
or / / short,sport, form
or / / worth,worm,world
ur / / nurse,purple,purse
ee /i / feet,meet,feed
ea /i / neat,heat,meat
ea /e/ bread,feather,weather
ear /i / dear,hear,near
ear / / learn,heard,search
oa / u/ road,coat,goat
ow / u/ slow,show,grow
ou,ow /au/ house,count,mouth,now,how,town
ore / / store,wore,shore
Finish Ex.1 & Ex.2 on Page 13.
(1) What do you want to know about school life in other countries
(2) What would you tell a teenager from other country
about school life in China
Read the text quickly and answer these FOUR questions.
1. What did Adam think of high school life
2. How did Adam choose courses
3. What courses else did Adam choose
4. What did Adam think that he must do at senior school
Careful reading
True or false question
(1) Adam is a sophomore in senior high school. ( )
(2) A student can choose his or her courses only by himself/herself . ( )
(3) His / Her adviser recommended him/her to sign up for advanced literature because it was very important . ( )
(4) After Adam was refused to join the football team, he felt unpleasant . ( )
(5) From the passage we can see studying in senior high school is quite different from that in junior high school . ( )
Careful reading
Senior high school is ____________.
Paragraph 1
a challenge
I wanted to _____________ carefully.
Paragraph 2
take courses
I had to choose __________________________.
Paragraph 3
extra-curricular activities
I’ll have to ___________ as a senior high school student and be responsible for a lot more.
Paragraph 4
study hard
Thinking to Choose
1. What’s the best title of the text
A. A senior high student.
B. A freshman at high school.
C. The freshman challenge.
D. Challenge for senior high school.
Thinking to Choose
2. What does Adam feel at his first week at school
A. Confused. B. Angry.
C. Happy. D. Worried.
3. What extra-curricular activity does Adam take part in
A. The school football team.
B. The music club.
C. The nature club.
D. The volunteer club.
Thinking to Choose
4. What does Adam think of the senior high school
A. Work hard and independence.
B. Take care of himself.
C. No teacher at all.
D. Live a hard life.
5. What can you infer from the last paragraph
A. The senior high school is boring.
B. The school life is difficult.
C. The school is both challenge and fun.
D. Adam grows up step by step.
Post Reading
1. What kind of person do you think of Adam why
2. What are some differences between Adam’s school life and yours
3. Do you face the same challenges as Adam
How do you deal with them