上外版(2020)必修 第一册Unit 4 Customs and Traditions Further Exploration课件(共10张PPT+教案+学案)


名称 上外版(2020)必修 第一册Unit 4 Customs and Traditions Further Exploration课件(共10张PPT+教案+学案)
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文件大小 5.0MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 上外版(2020)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-01 15:51:07


I. Making a poster and giving a presentation
1. Fill in the table with the information your group have collected about the customs you have chosen.
Customs around the World
In (Country 1)
In (Country 2)
In (Country 3)
Differences across cultures
2. Make a poster
II. Introducing the “dos and don’ts” to first-time foreign visitors
1. Choose three points of the following customs and make a list of “dos and don’ts” about the local customs for first-time visitors.
Points for reference:eating outshoppinggiving and receiving giftsmeeting peopletravelling by subway/bustaking photographs
Dos and Don’ts in China
Group activity: Design a fair of “World Exposition of Customs And Traditions” in which each group represents a country to present certain customs and traditions of the country with posters and arrange
some hands-on interactive activities to involve the audience.
Customs around the World(共10张PPT)
《 高 中 英 语 》 ( 上 外 版 )
必 修 第 一 册 第 四 单 元
主讲人 :
Getting Started/ Reading A
Reading A/ Vocabulary Focus
Vocabulary Focus / Grammar in Use
Listening and Viewing
Moving Forward
Reading B/ Culture Link/ Critical Thinking
I 7
Further Exploration/ Self-assessment
《 高 中 英 语 》 ( 上 外 版 )
必修第一 册第四单元
1. 能通过制作海报并使用海报进行演讲,进一步探究不同文化背景下问候、拜访、饮食 和着装方面的习俗与文化差异。
Further explore the customs and cultural differences related to greeting, visiting, dining and dressing in different cultures through making a poster about the customs and giving a presentation
2. 能基于自己本国文化背景比较不同习俗的文化差异,学生进一步尊重不同的文化并且 找到本国文化的价值和意义。
Compare the cultural differences of the customs based on those of their own country and learn to further respect different cultures and identify the values and meanings of their own country
3. 能通过引导性问题进行单元学习自我反思与评价。
Conduct a self-assessment about the learning performance of the whole unit with the help of the guided questions
第七课时 Further Exploration and Self-assessment
课 题 :Exploring more about customs and traditions
1) In Canada you are not supposed to arrive early if you are invited to someone's home.
2) In Muslim countries, it is acceptable to eat with your lefthand.
3) In the UK, it is the custom to call before you goto a friend’s home and thank them after you've been to a friend's home for dinner.
4) In the US, you are expected to leave a tip if the service in the restaurant is bad.
5) In Samoa, you are not supposed to eat when you are walking in public.
6) In Canada and the US, you are supposed to make a call if you plan to visit someone at home.
True or False
Dining Customs around the World In China (Country 1)
1. People usually arrive on time and dress nicely out of respect for their fellow diners.
2. There is usually no tipping policy in restaurants.
3. People usually finish all the food to show the respect and gratitude to the host.
In Japan (Country 2)
1. It’s not regarded as impolite that people slurp ramen noodles.
2. People eat with chopsticks, but uncommonly use a spoon for soup.
3. People don’t pass food using chopsticks.
In France (Country 3)
1. People eat with a knife and folk.
2. People are used to giving tips when paying bills in restaurants.
3. It’s not polite to bite directly into bread.
Differences across cultures
Tools, Tips, Manners, Foods
1. Fill in the table with the information your group has collected about the custom you have chosen. (Information for reference)
Dining Customs around the World
(Post for reference)
Points for reference: eating out
giving and receiving gifts
meeting people
travelling by subway/bus
taking photographs
Dos and Don’ts
to first-time
foreign visitors
1. Which of the following points
have you done well Why and how
2. Which of the points do you still find difficult Why
3. What do you plan to do if you find something difficult
Group activity
Design a fair of “World Exposition of Customs And Traditions” in which each group represents a country to present certain customs and traditions of the country with posters and arrange some hands-on interactive activities to involve the audience.
thank you《高中英语(上外版)》必修第一册 Unit 4 Customs and Traditions
课时: 课题:Exploring more about customs and traditions
课型:Further Exploration and Self-assessment 设计者:
1. 教学目标
本课为本单元的第 7 课时,核心目标为:能通过完成 Further Exploration 的任务,比 较各国在问候、拜访、饮食或着装方面的风俗传统的异同;能联系本国文化探讨这些风俗 传统对文化认同、文化传承的价值和意义。
2. 设计思路
在本课时课堂教学开始之前,将班级学生进行分组,并且布置给每一个小组一个不同 的探究主题,要求学生从课本 64 页上四种不同的习俗中选择一种,利用信息技术,到网 络上搜集各个国家关于特定习俗的相关信息,并进行整理,在课堂上进行小组交流。课堂 教学由判断不同文化背景下的习俗描述开始,一方面检查一下学生的信息搜集情况,另一 方面引入话题,让学生意识到不同文化背景下风俗传统和文化的差异。接着,学生在组内 分享、整合小组成员搜集的信息,并共同完成一张海报,以培养学生合作学习的能力。之 后,学生借助海报进行演讲,先在组内进行练习,再由教师邀请每一个小组进行展示,并 在班级中进行总结,使学生能够更全面地了解不同文化背景下风俗传统和文化的差异,对 文化多样性有充分的认识。接下来,教师创设情境,学生通过小组讨论为第一次来中国的 游客制订一张“可以做和不可以做的事”的列表,将学到的内容应用到实际生活中,体会 对本国文化的认同和传承的意义。最后,学生通过引导性问题对自己的单元学习进行自我 评价,明确学习目标是否完成、目前存在的困难并且制定下一步的学习计划,完成整个单 元的学习。
3. 重点难点
利用信息技术搜集、分享、提炼不同文化背景下各国在问候、拜访、饮食与着装方面 的特点和文化差异,并利用海报进行介绍;通过引导性问题进行反思,对单元学习进行自 我评价。
Lesson Plan
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. further explore the customs and cultural differences related to greeting, visiting, dining and dressing in different cultures through making a poster about the customs and giving a
2. compare the cultural differences of the customs based on those of their own country and learn to further respect different cultures and identify the values and meanings of their own country;
3. conduct a self-assessment about the learning performance of the whole unit with the help of the guided questions.
I. Warm-up
*T: Ask students to read the customs of greeting/dinning/visiting/dressing in different cultures, decide whether it’s true or false and pay attention to the phrases expressing expectations concerning customs. *Ss: Judge whether the customs are true or false with reference to the information they have collected on the Internet. Purpose: To check students’ preparation before class and draw students’ attention to cultural differences in greeting, visiting, dining and dressing.
Guided questions:
1. Whether do you think the following customs are true or false
2. If it’s false,what is the true custom
3. What do these customs illustrate
Customs for reference 1) In Canada you are not supposed to arrive early if you are invited to someone's home. 2) In Muslim countries, it is not acceptable to eat with your lefthand. 3) In the UK, it is the custom to call before you go to a friend’s home and thank them after you've been to a friend's home for dinner. 4) In the US, you aren't expected to leave a tip if the service in the restaurant is bad. 5) In Samoa, you are not supposed to eat when you are walking in public. 6) In Canada and the US, you are supposed to make a call if you plan to visit someone at home.
II. Making a poster
*T: Ask students to have a group discussion to share the information they have collected online about the customs related to greeting, visiting, dining and dressing in different cultures. *Ss: Share the information and learn more about the customs. *T: Ask students to make a poster about one custom in the three cultures based on the information. *Ss: Make a poster cooperatively. Purpose: To encourage cooperative learning and prepare for the presentation.
Guided questions:
1. What custom would you like to focus on
2. What is the responsibility of each group member
3. How can the poster help to illustrate your presentation
III. Giving a presentation
*T: Ask students to practice the presentation in the group and then invite each group to give the presentation in class and remind students to refer to the useful expressions when talking about expectations in different cultures. *Ss: Give the presentation with the poster. Purpose: To learn more about the customs related to greeting, visiting, dining and dressing in different cultures through presentation and to become aware of differences among customs in different cultures.
1. Who is the speaker of your group
2. What have you learnt about the customs of greeting/dinning/visiting/dressing in different cultures.
3. What do you think of the differences among customs in different cultures
IV. Introducing the “dos and don’ts” to first-time foreign visitors
*T: Ask students to choose three points of the following customs and make a list of “dos and don’ts” about the local customs for first-time visitors and introduce the list in the class. *Ss: Have a group discussion and make the list and compare it with the other groups ’. Purpose: To apply what they have learnt about the local customs related to greeting, visiting, dining and dressing into practice.
Guided questions:
1. What are the aspects your group choose
2. What are the local customs of the points
3. Do you think we should keep these customs Why
Points for reference:eating outshoppinggiving and receiving giftsmeeting peopletravelling by subway/bustaking photographs
V. Self-assessment
*T: Ask students to think about their performance after learning the whole unit. Remind them that they can divide their learning outcomes based on three questions provided below, allow them ample time to reflect and complete the self-assessment form. (Review past performance) *Ss: Reflect on the learning performance of the whole unit. *T: Ask students to analyze learning evidence they are engaged in, knowledge and skills they have. Ask students to recall specific learning activities mastered as well as inspirations and benefits they have gained. Guide them to describe the aspects where they encounter difficulty, be it grammar/vocabulary knowledge, the fulfillment of a certain activity or the use of a strategy. Encourage them to identify the strength and the possible causes of difficulty. (Analyze learning evidence) *Ss: Reflect on the specific learning evidence. *T: Ask students to encourage students to set specific goals for future endeavors based on the self-assessment result. Remind them that the goal should be specific, clear and feasible. Have them make an action plan, monitor their own progress, and implement it. If possible, get them to make a learning portfolio to track their learning process. (Set future goals) *Ss: Make a future learning plan.
Guided questions:
1. Which of the following points have you done well Why and how
2. Which of the points do you still find difficult Why
3. What do you plan to do if you find something difficult
Expected learning outcomes A. Following coming-of-age customs, birthday traditions and homecoming traditions B. Describing coming-of-age customs in a certain place of China C. Making and presenting a poster about customs around the world D. Figuring out similarities between traditions in different countries E. Listening for keywords in a report F. Writing a unified paragraph on a coming-of-age ceremony in China G. Using proper strategies to begin a presentation
VI. Assignment
1. Group activity: design a fair of “World Exposition of Customs And Traditions” in which each group represents a country to present certain customs and traditions of the country with posters and arrange some hands-on interactive activities to involve the audience.
I. Making a poster and giving a presentation
1. Fill in the table with the information your group have collected about the customs you have chosen.
Dining Customs around the World
In China (Country 1) 1. People usually arrive on time and dress nicely out of respect for their fellow diners. 2. There is usually no tipping policy in restaurants. 3. People usually finish all the food to show the respect and gratitude to the host.
In Japan (Country 2) 1. It’s not regarded as impolite that people slurp ramen noodles. 2. People eat with chopsticks, but uncommonly use a spoon for soup. 3. People don’t pass food using chopsticks.
In France (Country 3) 1. People eat with a knife and folk. 2. People are used to giving tips when paying bills in restaurants. 3. It’s not polite to bite directly into bread.
Differences across cultures Tools, Tips, Manners, Foods
(Possible answers)
2. Make a poster.
II. Introducing the “dos and don’ts” to first-time foreign visitors
1. Choose three points of the following customs and make a list of “dos and don’ts” about the local customs for first-time visitors.
Points for reference:eating outshoppinggiving and receiving giftsmeeting peopletravelling by subway/bustaking photographs
Dos and Don’ts in China
Shopping Do plan your shopping in advance. Browse websites before you place an order to check non-sale prices and to get an idea of the items you might want to purchase. Save time by adding products to your shopping basket as you go along, so you can check out faster.
Eating out People usually arrive on time and dress nicely out of respect for their fellow diners. There is usually no tipping policy in restaurants.
Meeting people Do smile. People in China are generally very kind to visiting foreigners, so be kind to them. Do make local friends. It is through friends that you understand the country better than wandering on the street. People in China love to make foreign friends.
(Possible answers)
1. Group activity: Design a fair of “World Exposition of Customs And Traditions” in which each group represents a country to present certain customs and traditions of the country with posters and
arrange some hands-on interactive activities to involve the audience.
Dining Customs around the World