《高中英语(上外版)》必修第二册 Unit 2 Animals 学案
Reading B + Critical Thinking
I. Read and outline
What happened to the leading characters Complete the table by scanning Paragraphs 1-4.
Characters: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
Plot (event): (
)1. Beginning : __________________________________________________________________ 2. Middle: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ (
)3. Ending : ____________________________________________________________________
II. Read and describe
How is the relationship between the penguin and the bricklayer Answer the following questions by scanning Paragraphs 4-5.
1. How often does the penguin visit the oldman
2. What do the oldman and the penguin like to do when they are together
3. How are they attached to each other
4. What does the title “Friends Reunited” mean
The relationship between the two leading characters is (adj.).
III. Retell the text
One student acts as a reporter and the other acts as the old man. Interview the old man about his story with the penguin. You can refer to the following questions to start your interview.
When and where did you find the penguin How was the penguin when he was found How did you take care of the penguin
Why didn’t the penguin leave after he recovered What do you two usually do
IV. Monologue
Suppose you were the penguin, try to show your gratitude to the old man and tell him the
reason why you stayed and revisited him.
Dear bro: I still remember the day when , and
I’m so grateful to you for . Your
saved me. You are different even unique to me. Forgive my
disappearance after . Now I come back because I miss
and I like . I’ll every
summer in the following years because . Thank you
and I loveyou.
V. Discussion
Four students form a group, discuss with group members about how the animals in the pictures feel and how they want to be treated by answering the following questions.
1. What happens to the animals in the pictures How do they feel
2. Are they happy or not If they are not, what can people do to make them happy again
3. If you were the animals in the pictures, how would you like to be treated (共12张PPT)
Dindim is a penguin who was found l ng on the rocks and close to death on the beach .
Joao is a retired bricklayer who cleaned the oil off the penguin’s feathers, fed him a daily diet of fish to get his str ngth back, and .
While reading
named him Dindim .
Characters: Joao, a retired bricklayer
Setting: a seaside vill gein Brazil
Plot (event):
Beginning : Jo ao found Dindim nearly dead on the beach.
Middle: Jo ao took reat care of Dindim, and the e uin ot ful recovered.
When he cha ged his coat for new feathers, Dindim di sap eared.
Ending : Joao and Dindim have become close friends.
Time order
Dindim has been visiting Joao for the past four years.
While reading
Dindim, a South American penguin
1. How often does the penguin visit the oldman
Dindim visits Joao every summer when his species migrate to their feeding areas.
2. What do the oldman and the penguin like to do when they are together
They like to take a walk together down the beach.
3. How are they attached to each other
Joao loves the penguin like his own child whileDindim allows noone but Joao to touch him, feed him and take care of him.
4. What does the title “Friends Reunited” mean
Paras. 4-5
While reading
What do you two usually do
While reading
When and where
was the penguin when he
didn’t the penguin leave
did you take care of the
after he recovered
the penguin
did you find
was found
Dear bro: I still remember the daywhen
, and I’m so
grateful to you for . Your saved me. You are
different even unique tome. Forgive my
disappearance after . Now Icomeback because I miss and I like . I’ll every summer in the following years because . Thankyou and Iloveyou.
Post reading
Dear bro: I still remember the daywhen I was
lying on the rocks, close to death on the beach, and
I'm so grateful to you for cleaning the oil off my
feathers and feeding me a daily diet of fish to get my strength back. Your kindness saved me. You are
different even unique tome. Forgive my
disappearance after I changed my coat for new
feathers. Now I comeback because I miss your
touching, feeding and caring. I'll visit you every
summer in the following years because I like to take a walk with you down the beach and because you are my friend. Thankyou and I loveyou.
Post reading
Elephant in the circus
Cat being ill-treated
Panda in the breeding base
Whale under threat of hunting
Post reading
1. What happens to the animals in the pictures How do they feel
2. Are they happy or not If they are not, what can people do to make them happy again
3. If you were the animals in the pictures, how would you like to be treated
Post reading
1. Write 2 to 3 sentences about how the animal in the picture feels and how it wants to be treated from the animal’sperspective.
2. Complete “Reading and Viewing” on p.20-23 in the workbook.
感谢您的观看《高中英语(上外版)》必修 B Unit 2 Animals
课时:第 6 课时 课型:Reading B+ Critical Thinking
课题:Friends Reunited
1. 教学目标
本课为本单元的第 6 课时,核心目标为引导学生谈论动物及人和动物的关系, 并培养学生从不同角度看待事物的能力。
2. 设计思路
本课由对课文图片和标题的猜测导入,引起学生阅读文本的兴趣。接着, 学 生通过快速浏览全文找出本篇记叙文的主人公,根据文本中的时间线索,梳理两 位主人公之间具体发生的故事情节。随后学生带着问题再次细读语篇, 找出两位 主人公之间和谐关系的具体表现。结束语篇阅读后, 由学生两两组合,分别假扮 记者和主人公 Joao,通过对话形式,重述两位主人公之间的友谊故事。该活动既 深入语篇,帮助学生了解记叙文的基本要素,又帮助学生内化所学内容。复述课 文完毕后,由学生假设自己是企鹅,通过内心独白的方式,向主人公 Joao 表达 谢意。该活动为通过换位思考来提高学生的批判性思维打下基础。最后要求学生 分组仔细观察四幅动物图片,描述图片中动物的感受,并站在动物的角度阐明自 己希望如何被人类对待。
3. 重点难点
引导学生理解课文主旨大意和记叙文文体特征,提高学生思辨能力,培养并 建立与动物的和谐关系。
Lesson Plan
By the end of this period, students are expected to:
1. get the general idea and specific information of the text by skimming and scanning;
2. deepen the understanding of the structure and the features of a narrative;
3. know the meaning of the new words and expressions in the text by explaining, such as reunite, migrate, death, etc.;
4. have an insight into the good moralities implied in the text, such as helping others or caring for others;
5. analyze and assess the relationship between humans and animals from animals ’ perspectives and put forward feasible suggestions.
I. Warm-up
Teacher: Ask students questions based on the picture and the title of the text. Students: Answer questions based on the picture and the title of the text. Purpose: To get students prepared for reading the text.
Guided questions:
1. What animal is it Where does it live Who is the man How old is he
2. What do you think is the relationship between the man and the bird What might have happened What does “reunited” in the title mean
II. While-reading
Activity 1: Read and find
Teacher: Ask students to skim the text and find out the leading characters. Students: Skim the text and find out who the leading characters in the text are. Purpose: To help students grasp the general idea and specific information of the text.
Guided questions:
1. Who are the leading characters in the story
2. Who is Dindim Where and how was he when he was found
3. Who is Joao Where and how did he take good care of Dindim
Activity 2: Read and outline
Teacher: Guide students to outline the story between Joao and Dindim by completing the table. Students: Scan Paragraphs 1-4 and outline the story between Joao and Dindim by completing the table. Purpose: To guide students to grasp the general idea and specific information of the text and to get familiar with the structure and features ofa narrative.
Guided questions:
1. What happened to Joao and Dindim Complete the table in your worksheet.
2. What are the basic structure and features of a narrative
Activity 3: Read and describe
Teacher: Guide students to describe the relationship between Joao and Dindim by answering questions. Students: Scan Paragraphs 4-5 and describe the relationship between Joao and Dindim by answering questions. Purpose: To help students understand the strong emotion and harmonious
relationship between Joao and Dindim.
Guided questions:
1. How often does the penguin visit the oldman
2. What do the oldman and the penguin like to do when they are together
3. How are they attached to each other
4. What does the title “Friends Reunited” mean
Activity 4: Retell
Teacher: Ask students to retell the text by making a dialogue. Students: Retell the text by making a dialogue with desk-mate. Purpose: To guide students to summarize the text.
Guided question:
Suppose one of you is a reporter and the other is Joao; interview Joao about his story with Dindim.
III. Post-reading
Activity 5: Monologue
Teacher: Guide students to express gratitude to Joao in the name of Dindim. Students: Express gratitude to Joao in the name of Dindim. Purpose: To help students improve the critical thinking skill of trans-positional consideration.
Guided question:
Suppose you were the penguin, try to show your gratitude to the old man and tell him the reason why you revisited him.
Activity 6: Discussion
*Teacher: Guide students to describe the feelings of the animals in the pictures and how they want to be treated. *Students: Discuss with group members about how the animals in the pictures feel and how they want to be treated. Purpose: To improve the critical thinking skill of trans-positional consideration.
Guided questions:
1. What happens to the animals in the pictures How do they feel
2. Are they happy or not If they are not, what can people do to make them happy again
3. If you were the animals in the pictures, how would you like to be treated
IV. Homework
1. Write 2 to 3 sentences about how the animal in the picture feels and how it wants to be treated from the animal’sperspective.
2. Complete “Reading and Viewing” on p.20-23 in the workbook.
xp lorin gni males blis hme mis
第七课时 Further Exploration
What to do
Follow the example and complete the table.
Search online for more information.
Make your poster to introduce it!
Name Changfeng Ocean World
WHERE it is Putuo District, Shanghai, China
WHAT animal species can be found more than 15,000 sea animals of over 300 different varieties
HOW the animals are treated These sea animals are kept in clean, well-maintained tanks or housed indoors.
Poster Checklist
Item Very Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Graphics - Clarity
Graphics - Relevance
Presentation Time
Presentation Checklist
Item Very Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Use of new words
and phrases
Use of grammar
1. Complete “Self-assessment” on p.33 in the textbook.
2. Review what you have learned in this unit.