

名称 辽宁省七校2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试卷(音频暂未更新)
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文件大小 96.5KB
资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-03 10:07:31


1.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) What color of shoes does the woman suggest the man wear
A.Blue. B.White. C.Black.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Mom, I need a white shirt and black shoes for the singing contest at school.
W: Do the shoes need to be black You can wear your blue shoes. I think blue matches white the best.
【分析】问题:女士建议男士穿什么颜色的鞋子?根据"You can wear your blue shoes. I think blue matches white the best."你可以穿你的蓝鞋。我认为蓝色最配白色。故选A。
2.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) Where will the woman probably go for her vacation this year
A.France. B.Greece. C.Spain.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Last year I went to France for vacation, but I want to go somewhere warmer this year.
M: You should go to Greece. The weather there is nice and it has a lot of amazing buildings.
W: But I've been there before. I think I will go to Spain.
【分析】问题:这位女士今年可能会去哪里度假?根据"I think I will go to Spain."我想我会去西班牙。故选C。
3.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) What does the man usually have at that restaurant
A.Soup. B.Salad. C.Pizza.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I used to really like that restaurant, but once I found hair in my soup and salad.
M: Oh wow. I usually have pizza when I go there. And yeah, sometimes hair falls into food. It happens.
【分析】问题:男士在那家餐馆通常吃什么?根据"I usually have pizza when I go there."我通常去那里吃披萨。故选C。
4.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) Why didn't the woman finish watching the movie
A.She fell asleep.
B.She had a phone call.
C.She had to finish her homework.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Did you see the new movie on TV last night
W: Well, my sister phoned to tell me about it, and I started watching it after I finished my homework. But then I fell asleep and missed the ending.
【分析】问题:为什么女士没有看完电影?根据"But then I fell asleep and missed the ending."但后来我睡着了,错过了结尾。故选A。
5.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) Where are the speakers probably
A.At home. B.In a gym. C.In a shop.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Before we leave, you need to make sure you take your swimsuit from your closet.
W: OK. Can we get ice cream after we leave the gym
M: Yes, we'll head to the ice cream shop nearby.
【分析】问题:谈话人可能在哪里?根据"Before we leave, you need to make sure you take your swimsuit from your closet."在我们离开之前,你需要确保把泳衣从壁橱里拿出来;以及"OK. Can we get ice cream after we leave the gym "好的。我们离开健身房后可以吃冰淇淋吗?可推知他们在健身房,故选B。
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 听录音,回答问题。
6.How does the man feel about swimming
A.It calms him down.
B.It's his favorite sport.
C.He gets bored with it.
7.What does the man want to be in the future
A.An artist. B.An athlete. C.An architect.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Do you think you will join the swim team this year
M: I'm not sure. I was swimming all last summer at school. But I'm tired of it.
W: But you are the best swimmer in our school.
M: I'm not that good. In fact, I much prefer drawing. It calms me down.
W: Oh, I didn't really know that. Is drawing what you want to do after you graduate
M: Well, I have to be really good to survive as an artist. I think I could design buildings.
6.问题:男士对游泳有什么感觉?根据"I was swimming all last summer at school. But I'm tired of it."去年夏天我在学校游泳。但我厌倦了。故选C。
7.问题:男士将来想做什么?根据" I have to be really good to survive as an artist. I think I could design buildings."作为一名艺术家,我必须做得很好才能生存下去。我想我可以设计建筑。可推知他想成为建筑师,故选C。
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 听录音,回答问题。
8.Why didn't the woman know the coffee machine was broken
A.It looked good.
B.She didn't see the sign.
C.Others got coffee already.
9.When does the man expect the coffee machine to be fixed
A.In 5 minutes. B.In 20 minutes. C.In a day.
10.What will the woman probably do next
A.Leave for work.
B.Wait for the coffee.
C.Go to another store.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello, how can I help you
W: The coffee machine is out of coffee.
M: I know. Didn't you see the sign
W: No, there wasn't a sign.
M: It must have fallen off. The machine broke, but the repairman is on his way.
W: How long do you think it'll be until it's fixed
M: Not until tomorrow. Don't worry! The repairman is bringing a new machine, and he should be here in about 5 minutes. Please wait for a few minutes for your coffee.
W: That's good news. I have 20 minutes before I start work.
8.问题:为什么女士不知道咖啡机坏了?根据"Didn't you see the sign "你没看标识吗?;以及"No, there wasn't a sign."没看到,没有表示,故选B。
9.问题:男士预计咖啡机什么时候修好?根据"How long do you think it'll be until it's fixed "你认为要多久才能修好?;以及" Not until tomorrow. "直到明天。故选C。
10.问题:这位女士接下来可能会做什么?根据"Please wait for a few minutes for your coffee."请等几分钟喝咖啡;以及"That's good news."这是个好消息。故选B。
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 听录音,回答问题。
11.Where will the party be held
A.At a hotel.
B.At a restaurant.
C.At the woman's house.
12.When is the woman's birthday
A.On Saturday. B.On Thursday. C.On Tuesday.
13.What present does the woman wish to have for her birthday
A.A car.
B.A watch.
C.A piece of jewelry.
【解析】【听力原文】W: My birthday is this week. I'm so excited! My parents will call the Blue Star Hotel tomorrow to confirm my party. It's the biggest hotel in town!
M: Oh, that's exciting. I didn't realize it was that close. What day is your birthday on exactly
W: It's on Tuesday, but we will have the party on Saturday. Last year, my parents got me a watch as a present. I remember it was on Thursday and we ate out in a Thai restaurant. Wonder what they will buy me this year.
M: Well, you will be eighteen. Maybe you will get a new car, or an expensive piece of jewelry.
W: I would love to get a new car! Then, I could take road trips with you and Alice.
M: Do you know who you will invite to the party
W: Oh yes, I already made a list.
11.问题:聚会将在哪里举行?根据"My parents will call the Blue Star Hotel tomorrow to confirm my party."我父母明天会打电话给Blue Star酒店确认我的聚会。故选A。
12.问题:这位女士的生日是什么时候?根据"It's on Tuesday"在星期二,故选C。
13.问题:这位女士想要什么生日礼物?根据"I would love to get a new car!"我很想买一辆新车!故选A。
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 听录音,回答问题。
14.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Friends. B.Husband and wife. C.Co-workers.
15.Why is the man in the city now
A.He normally works there.
B.He was going to buy food.
C.He had to meet with someone.
16.Where will the speakers eat dinner tonight
A.In the park.
B.At the Thai Garden.
C.At the French restaurant.
17.When will the speakers meet tonight
A.At 6:00. B.At 6:30. C.At 7:00.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, dear. I won't be home until 7:00 tonight, because I have a late meeting. Do you want to pick up some dinner for us on your way home
M: Actually, I'm in the city now. I had to meet with the engineer at our other office. Why don't we meet at that French restaurant close to your workplace
W: It's probably going to be a beautiful spring evening. Let's eat outdoors, instead of inside a crowded restaurant.
M: Sure. We could pick up some fast food and eat in the park. Or, we could eat at the Thai Garden. It has a beautiful outdoor eating area, with trees and private tables.
W: That's perfect. Should I make a reservation for 6:00 That's the earliest time I can get there.
M: Make it for 6:30. You don't need to hurry.
14.问题:谈话人之间可能的关系是什么?根据"Hi, dear. I won't be home until 7:00 tonight, because I have a late meeting. Do you want to pick up some dinner for us on your way home "嗨,亲爱的。我今晚7点才回家,因为我有个迟到的会议。你想在回家的路上为我们买些晚餐吗?可推知他们是夫妇,故选B。
15.问题:为什么男士现在在城里?根据"Actually, I'm in the city now. I had to meet with the engineer at our other office."事实上,我现在在城里。我不得不在另一个办公室见工程师。故选C。
16.问题:今晚谈话人将在哪里吃饭?根据"Or, we could eat at the Thai Garden."或者,我们可以在泰国花园吃饭。故选B。
17.问题:今晚谈话人什么时候见面?根据"Make it for 6:30. You don't need to hurry."定在6:30。你不必着急。故选B。
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 听录音,回答问题。
18.Which country did King Alfred rule
A.England. B.Norway. C.Denmark.
19.What did the poor woman ask King Alfred to do
A.Make a fire. B.Clean her house. C.Watch her cakes.
20.In which year did Alfred become a king
A.817. B.871. C.899.
【解析】【听力原文】One of the best-known stories in English history is that of King Alfred and the cakes. Children are taught the story in which Alfred was on the run from soldiers who were invading his country from Denmark and Norway. Alfred hid in the house of a poor woman. She asked him to watch her cakes being baked by the fire. Alfred was thinking about his problems while he was watching the cakes. So he let the cakes burn and was shouted at by the angry poor woman. No one knows if the story is really true. Certainly, Alfred was the king of parts of England from 871 to 899 and he did have to fight off the armies that entered his country. Maybe the poor woman would not know how important he was. In those days, news did not always travel to places far away. But whether the story is true or false, it is a good way of helping young people take an interest in the very rich history of their country.
18.问题:Alfred国王统治了哪个国家?根据"One of the best-known stories in English history is that of King Alfred and the cakes."英国历史上最著名的故事之一是Alfred国王和蛋糕的故事。故选A。
19.问题:这个可怜的女人要求Alfred国王做什么?根据"She asked him to watch her cakes being baked by the fire."她让他看着她的蛋糕在火上烤。故选C。
20.问题:Alfred是在哪一年成为国王的?根据"Certainly, Alfred was the king of parts of England from 871 to 899"当然,阿尔弗雷德是871年至899年间英格兰部分地区的国王,故选B。
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Top Museums to Visit in Paris
Think Paris is all about the Louvre Think again! Dive into the vibrant art scene of the City of Light with our guide to the best museums you shouldn't miss.
Louis Vuitton Foundation
Designed by the renowned architect Frank Gehry, the Louis Vuitton Foundation is a masterpiece of modern architecture. But it's not just the building that's stunning; inside, you'll find an impressive collection featuring artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Ellsworth Kelly, and Jeff Koons, among others. Admission is ?16.
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (closed Sundays)
Paris Museum of Modern Art
Located in the 16th arrondissement, the Paris Museum of Modern Art boasts an array of monumental artworks and captivating exhibits. While entry is technically free, a suggested donation of ?5 helps support the museum's preservation efforts and grants access to the permanent collection.
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (closed Mondays)
Musée National Picasso-Paris
Immerse yourself in the genius of Pablo Picasso at the Musée National Picasso-Paris. Home to thousands of Picasso's works, this museum offers a comprehensive exploration of the artist's life and legacy. Admission is ?14.
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 10:00 am to 6:30 pm; Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 am to 6:00 pm (closed Mondays)
Musée Marmottan Monet
Step into the world of Impressionism at the Musée Marmottan Monet. Devoted primarily to the works of Claude Monet, this museum houses a remarkable collection donated by Monet's son, Michel. Tickets range from ?9 to ?14.
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm; late nights on Thursdays until 9:00 pm (closed Mondays)
There you have it! With these top museums, you'll experience Parisian art and culture at its finest, beyond the iconic halls of the Louvre.
21.Who is the architect behind the design of the Louis Vuitton Foundation
A.Michel Monet B.Jean-Michel Basquiat
C.Olafur Eliasson D.Frank Gehry
22.How much is the suggested donation for entry to the Paris Museum of Modern Art
A.?10 B.?20 C.?5 D.?15
23.What is the primary focus of the Musée Marmottan Monet
A.Works of Jean-Michel Basquiat B.Sculptures by Rodin
C.Works of Claude Monet D.Contemporary art installations
21.考查细节理解。根据Louis Vuitton Foundation部分中的"Designed by the renowned architect Frank Gehry, the Louis Vuitton Foundation is a masterpiece of modern architecture."路易威登基金会由著名建筑师弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)设计,是现代建筑的杰作。可知,路易威登基金会由建筑师Frank Gehry设计。故选D。
22.考查细节理解。根据Paris Museum of Modern Art部分中的"While entry is technically free, a suggested donation of ?5 helps support the museum's preservation efforts and grants access to the permanent collection."虽然从理论上讲,进入是免费的,但建议捐赠5欧元有助于支持博物馆的保护工作,允许访问永久收藏。可知,参观巴黎现代艺术博物馆是免费的,但建议捐赠5欧元以支持博物馆的维护工作。故选C。
23.考查细节理解。根据Musée Marmottan Monet部分中的"Step into the world of Impressionism at the Musée Marmottan Monet. Devoted primarily to the works of Claude Monet, this museum houses a remarkable collection donated by Monet's son, Michel."在Musée Marmottan Monet走进印象派的世界。这个博物馆主要致力于克劳德·莫奈的作品,收藏了莫奈的儿子米歇尔捐赠的非凡藏品。可知,Musée Marmottan Monet主要展示克劳德·莫奈的作品。故选C。
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
You hate me. You don't even know me and you hate me. Before we've even spoken, you hate me. At least that's how it feels on my end of the call as a female collections officer at a call center.
I dread the moment when I have to log on to our phone system first thing in the morning because I never know who is going to be on the other end of that call.
Sometimes it's an easy task. The caller is pleasant and has accepted personal responsibility for their debts, and we get through the phone call with ease. Then there are the ones who call in looking for a fight, or looking for someone to blame. Through the luck of the phone system, that person is me.
I've had people who shout at me, call me horrible names, accuse me personally of taking their money and threaten me. Why I think it's because I am invisible. I think I would be treated with the same level of disrespect if we were face to face. Fortunately for me, I have had years of experience in customer service, so I'm fairly rich in not letting the negative encounters bother me.
The biggest and most effective skill when it comes to the job is empathy (同理心). I can appreciate the situation which the caller is in because I've been there. That's why I'm good at my job — I understand what you're going through, and I'm here to help.
Some days though, no matter how much I try to leave the stress behind when I hang up the phone, it stays with me. I may do some deep breathing, go for a quick walk or simply stick my head outside for a burst of fresh air. I do this so I don't carry that negativity on to my next call. That next call may be a person having the worst day of their life, but I don't want to ever be the one who makes it worse. We are all humans just trying to get by in life, which makes you and me equal. So please, the next time we talk, remember that.
24.What does the underlined word "dread" in paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Enjoy. B.Avoid. C.Expect. D.Fear.
25.Why does the author think some callers treat her badly
A.They get angry too easily.
B.They blame her for their debts.
C.They do not see her as a real person.
D.They accuse her of taking their money.
26.Why does the author think she is good at her job
A.She can put herself in others' shoes.
B.She is always respected by callers.
C.She can offer callers best advice.
D.She isn't easily influenced by negativity.
27.What is the author's main purpose in writing this text
A.To call for understanding of her job.
B.To explain why she is good at her job.
C.To introduce what she is responsible for.
D.To complain about her being treated badly.
24.考查词义猜测。根据第一段"You hate me. You don't even know me and you hate me. Before we've even spoken, you hate me. At least that's how it feels on my end of the call as a female collections officer at a call center."你恨我。你根本不了解我,还恨我。我们还没说话,你就烦我了。至少这是我作为一个呼叫中心的女催收员在电话里的感觉;以及第二段中的"... because I never know who is going to be on the other end of that call."因为我永远不知道电话的另一端是谁。可知,作者对于电话另一端的未知感到恐惧,可推知"I dread the moment when I have to log on to our phone system first thing in the morning"意思是:我害怕早上第一件事就是登录我们的电话系统。划线词dread意为"害怕"。故选D。
25.考查推理判断。根据第四段中的"I've had people who shout at me, call me horrible names, accuse me personally of taking their money and threaten me. Why I think it's because I am invisible."有人冲我大喊大叫,用难听的名字骂我,指责我拿了他们的钱,还威胁我。为什么?我想那是因为我是看不见的人。"可推知,作者认为一些打电话的人对她不友好,因为他们没有把她当作一个真实的人。故选C。
26.考查推理判断。根据第五段"The biggest and most effective skill when it comes to the job is empathy (同理心). I can appreciate the situation which the caller is in because I've been there. That's why I'm good at my job—I understand what you're going through, and I'm here to help."在工作中,最重要也是最有效的技能就是同理心。我能理解打电话的人的处境,因为我也经历过。这就是我擅长这份工作的原因——我理解你的感受,我是来帮你的。可推知,作者认为她很擅长自己的工作,是因为她能设身处地地为别人着想。故选C。
27.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"We are all humans just trying to get by in life, which makes you and me equal. So please, the next time we talk, remember that."我们都是人类,只是想努力生活,这让你我平等。所以,下次我们谈话的时候,请记住这一点。可推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是为了呼吁人们理解她的工作。故选A。
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
It's easy for consumers to buy food and drinks like a bowl of hot rice and coke online or from neighbourhood shops, but for astronauts such things were impossible in the past.
Members of China's Shenzhou manned space flight last year, however, were able to enjoy such food, thanks to Joyoung, a Chinese firm. Joyoung created a mobile space kitchen for the astronauts. A drinking water machine, an air heater and a soybean milk maker were all accessible in the kitchen through a smart app. Tang Hongbo, who was a member of the Shenzhou manned spacecraft said in the news that during his three-month trip, he could eat hot food with just half-hour efforts, a contrast to the past when similar attempts required several hours. "If we had time, we would also use equipment to eat homemade yogurt. We could also control the equipment in the space kitchen through mobile phone apps." he said.
In the past, most foods couldn't be directly heated in a microwave oven in the space. Conduction equipment often caused uneven (不均匀的) heating. An astronaut had to spend as long as four hours to heat some vegetables in the space kitchen. To solve the problem, Joyoung has developed equipment that gives out hot air to heat vegetables in a 360-degree way. That enables astronauts to eat steaming-hot fish-flavoured pork and Gongbao chicken, a spicy, stir-fried Chinese dish.
Besides Joyoung, a group of companies, including Xiaomi Coip and Huawei Technologies, have contributed their technologies to the development of the space station. A vacuum (真空) cleaner made haircuts on the spacecraft possible. NOLO VR, a Chinese virtual reality manufacturer, has helped astronauts develop an experimental equipment through which laboratory technicians on the ground can see and experience what astronauts are doing in space.
28.What do astronauts think of Joyoung's mobile space kitchen
A.Water-saving. B.Energy-wasting.
C.Money-wasting. D.Time-saving.
29.How does the author show the convenience on Shenzhou manned spacecraft
A.By making contrasts. B.By analyzing results.
C.By providing pictures. D.By answering questions.
30.What does the last paragraph want to show
A.Jayoung needs to further its technology.
B.What astronauts are doing is significant.
C.Astronauts on board can do as they wish.
D.There are more technologies for the spacecraft.
31.What is the best title of the text
A.The Hot Diet on the Space Station Needs to be Addressed
B.Modern Technology Brings Convenience to Human Beings
C.Earth to Space, Firms Add Value by Creating Technology
D.Manufacturers Make Big Profits from Inventing Equipment
28.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"Tang Hongbo, who was a member of the Shenzhou manned spacecraft said in the news that during his three-month trip, he could eat hot food with just half-hour efforts, a contrast to the past when similar attempts required several hours."神舟载人飞船成员汤洪波在新闻中说,在他三个月的旅行中,他只需要半个小时就能吃到热食物,而过去类似的尝试需要几个小时。可知,宇航员认为九阳的移动太空厨房能节省时间,故选D。
29.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"Tang Hongbo, who was a member of the Shenzhou manned spacecraft said in the news that during his three-month trip, he could eat hot food with just half-hour efforts, a contrast to the past when similar attempts required several hours."神舟载人飞船成员汤洪波在新闻中说,在他三个月的旅行中,他只需要半个小时就能吃到热食物,而过去类似的尝试需要几个小时;以及第三段"In the past, most foods couldn't be directly heated in a microwave oven in the space. Conduction equipment often caused uneven(不均匀的) heating. An astronaut had to spend as long as four hours to heat some vegetables in the space kitchen. To solve the problem, Joyoung has developed equipment that gives out hot air to heat vegetables in a 360-degree way. That enables astronauts to eat steaming-hot fish-flavoured pork and Gongbao chicken, a spicy, stir-fried Chinese dish."在过去,大多数食物不能在太空中的微波炉中直接加热。传导设备常引起不均匀加热。一名宇航员必须在太空厨房里花费长达四个小时的时间来加热一些蔬菜。为了解决这个问题,九阳公司开发了一种可以360度加热蔬菜的设备。这样宇航员就可以吃到热气腾腾的鱼香肉丝和宫保鸡丁,这是一种辛辣的中国菜。可知,在过去,大多数食物不能在太空中的微波炉中直接加热,加热一些蔬菜需要很长时间,但有了九阳开发的设备,宇航员能够吃到热气腾腾的饭菜。可推知,作者是通过将过去和现在的情况作比较,来展现神舟载人飞船上先进设备带来的便捷。故选A。
30.考查推理判断。根据最后一段"Besides Joyoung, a group of companies, including Xiaomi Coip and Huawei Technologies, have contributed their technologies to the development of the space station. A vacuum (真空) cleaner made haircuts on the spacecraft possible. NOLO VR, a Chinese virtual reality manufacturer, has helped astronauts develop an experimental equipment through which laboratory technicians on the ground can see and experience what astronauts are doing in space."除了九阳,包括小米和华为技术在内的一些公司也为空间站的发展贡献了自己的技术。真空吸尘器使航天器上的理发成为可能。中国虚拟现实制造商NOLO VR帮助宇航员开发了一种实验设备,通过这种设备,地面上的实验室技术人员可以看到并体验宇航员在太空中的活动。可知,本段告诉我们,除了九阳,还有很多其他公司也为空间站的开发贡献了他们的技术;可推知,最后一段表明有更多的技术应用于宇宙飞船。故选D。
31.考查标题归纳。根据第二段中的"Members of China's Shenzhou manned space flight last year, however, were able to enjoy such food, thanks to Joyoung, a Chinese firm."然而,多亏了中国的九阳公司,去年中国神舟载人航天飞行的成员们能够享用到这样的食物;以及最后一段中的"Besides Joyoung, a group of companies, including Xiaomi Coip and Huawei Technologies, have contributed their technologies to the development of the space station."除了九阳,包括小米和华为技术在内的一些公司也为空间站的发展贡献了自己的技术。可知,本文讲述九阳公司为宇航员们设计了一个移动太空厨房,让宇航员更加方便、快捷地享用食物,除此之外,包括小米和华为技术在内的一些公司也为空间站的发展贡献了自己的技术。"从地球到太空,企业通过创造技术来增加价值"能够概括文章主旨,适合作本文标题,故选B。
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
African penguins live on the rocky coasts of South Africa, Namibia and nearby islands. Like other types of penguins, the birds have white feathers covering their chests and black feathers covering their backs. They form lifelong pair bonds with mates, but they nest in huge colonies — so, scientists wondered how the birds were able to identify their partners among the sea of black-and-white birds. They wondered if their chest spots had something to do with it. To test this theory, they studied 12 African penguins at a zoo and marine park near Rome called Zoomarine Italia.
In one test, they hung two life-size photographs of the African penguins. One showed a random member of the colony, while the other showed the test subject's mate. The scientists recorded the birds' interactions with the photos: How long did they spend looking at each one, as well as how much time did they spend standing near each photograph The penguins spent more time gazing at the photo of their partners — about 23 seconds longer, on average — than looking at the other photo. They also stood next to the image of their beaus for twice as long. Then, the researchers covered up the heads of the birds in the photographs, leaving only their speckled bodies visible, and the penguins still lingered near their partners' portraits.
In another experiment, the researchers hung up two photos of a bird's mate — but, in one, they had digitally removed its spots. In this case, the penguin again spent more time looking at the photo with the dots.
Finally, the researchers posted two photographs of penguins with digitally removed spots — one of the test subject's mate and the other of a random penguin from the colony. In this scenario(在这种情况下), the penguins did not appear to recognize their partners. They spent roughly the same amount of time gazing at or standing near both photos.
Together, the results of these experiments suggest African penguins are zeroing in on their partners' spots and using them like name tags, scientists say.
"Our results provide the first evidence of a specific visual cue responsible for spontaneous individual recognition by a bird and highlight the importance of considering all sensory modalities in the study of animal communication," the researchers write in the paper.
32.What can we learn from Paragraph 1
A.African penguins live on the rocky coasts of North Africa.
B.Scientists are curious about the African penguins.
C.African penguins have white feathers covering their backs.
D.Scientists studied 12 African penguins only at a zoo near Rome.
33.What plays a key role in African penguins' identifying their partners
A.Their partners' speckled bodies B.Their partners' heads.
C.Their partners' back feathers. D.Their partners' voice.
34.What does the underlined phrase "zeroing in on" in Paragraph 5 mean
A.Losing sight of. B.Taking delight in.
C.Paying attention to. D.Speaking highly of.
35.Where might you find the passage
A.In a biology textbook. B.In a travel brochure.
C.In a science report. D.In a fashion magazine.
32.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"scientists wondered how the birds were able to identify their partners among the sea of black-and-white birds"科学家们想知道这些鸟是如何在黑白相间的鸟类中识别出自己的伴侣的。可知,科学家们想知道非洲企鹅是如何在众多企鹅中识别自己的伴侣的,即科学家们对非洲企鹅很好奇。故选B。
33.考查细节理解。根据第五段"Together, the results of these experiments suggest African penguins are zeroing in on their partners' spots and using them like name tags, scientists say."科学家们说,这些实验的结果表明,非洲企鹅正在瞄准伴侣身上的斑点,并把它们当作标签来使用。可知,本段在总结一系列实验,得出的结论是:非洲企鹅根据伴侣身上的斑点来识别自己的伴侣。故选A。
34.考查词义猜测。根据第五段中的"and using them like name tags"把它们当作标签来使用。可知,非洲企鹅非常关注它们伴侣身上的斑点,并把它们当作名字标签一样。可推知划线词zeroing in on意为"关注",故选C。
35.考查推理判断。根据第一段"To test this theory, they studied 12 African penguins at a zoo and marine park near Rome called Zoomarine Italia."为了验证这一理论,他们在罗马附近的动物园和海洋公园研究了12只非洲企鹅;第二段中的"In one test, they hung two life-size photographs of the African penguins."在一项测试中,他们悬挂了两张真人大小的非洲企鹅照片;以及第三段中的"In another experiment, the researchers hung up two photos of a bird's mate—but, in one, they had digitally removed its spots."在另一个实验中,研究人员挂起了两张鸟类配偶的照片——但是,在其中一张照片中,他们用数字技术删除了它的斑点。可知,本文着重在介绍实验过程,可推知,该文章来自一篇科学报告。故选A。
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Is going alone in an unknown area the right way to go, or do you want a tour guide to show you the highlights I think that you can combine the two ways in one trip and have the best of both worlds.  36.   The best purchase we made was for a bus tour that would take us around the capital and point out all the main sites. That allowed us the next day to travel on foot to the ones we especially wanted to see.
Let's look at the San Francisco Bay Area which is another one of my favorite vacation spots. Some areas are so familiar to tourists that it's possible to view the attractions on your own.  37.   Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39 are good examples. Just by walking a few blocks, you can tour Aquarium of the Bay and the Riptide Arcade on Pier 39.
 38.   If you go to Alcatraz Island, you have a choice of going alone, having a live tour guide or being guided by earphones. I would recommend the live tour guides. I went all three ways, and I received more enjoyment by someone telling me items of interest I know I had missed on previous tours.  39.   It gives you a behind-the-scenes look of colorful Chinatown. The tour covers history, traditions of the local people and culture that you probably wouldn't know or see by travelling alone.
You can go alone to attractions or take a guided tour. It's your choice and you can choose whichever would give you the most memorable experience.  40.  
A. I recommend both. B. It's possible to drive to the area and go alone. C. One trip we recently took was to Washington DC. D. That allows you to take your time and go at your own pace. E. Chinatown Walking Tours are a tour-guided must-see. F. Some attractions are worth having a tour guide for. G. The tour guides know what we have never found out on our own.
36.根据空前"Is going alone in an unknown area the right way to go, or do you want a tour guide to show you the highlights I think that you can combine the two ways in one trip and have the best of both worlds."独自一人去一个陌生的地方是正确的做法吗?还是你想要一个导游告诉你亮点?我认为你可以在一次旅行中把这两种方式结合起来做到两全其美;以及空后"The best purchase we made was for a bus tour that would take us around the capital and point out all the main sites. That allowed us the next day to travel on foot to the ones we especially wanted to see."我们所做的最好的购买是一次巴士之旅,它可以带我们游览首都并指出所有的主要景点。这样,第二天我们就可以步行去我们特别想去的地方了。C. One trip we recently took was to Washington DC."我们最近去了一次华盛顿特区。"承接上文,通过作者的亲身经历来说明怎样做到两全其美,作者建议在旅游中将两种方式结合起来,后面所举例子就是自己在一次旅游中将两者结合的经历。故选C。
37.根据空前"Let's look at the San Francisco Bay Area which is another one of my favorite vacation spots. Some areas are so familiar to tourists that it's possible to view the attractions on your own."让我们来看看旧金山湾区,这是我最喜欢的度假胜地之一。有些地区对游客来说是如此熟悉,以至于可以自己参观景点;以及空后"Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39 are good examples. Just by walking a few blocks, you can tour Aquarium of the Bay and the Riptide Arcade on Pier 39."渔人码头和39号码头就是很好的例子。只需步行几个街区,你就可以参观39号码头的海湾水族馆和激流拱廊。D. That allows you to take your time and go at your own pace."这样你就可以慢慢来,按照自己的节奏去参观。"承接上文,说明了游客对某些景点的熟悉带来的自己参观的便利,下文具体举例子说明了这一点,符合语境,故选D。
38.根据空后"If you go to Alcatraz Island, you have a choice of going alone, having a live tour guide or being guided by earphones. I would recommend the live tour guides."如果你去恶魔岛,你可以选择一个人去,或现场请一位导游或由耳机引导。我推荐现场请导游。F. Some attractions are worth having a tour guide for."有些景点值得请导游。"适合作主题句,下文具体举出了一个值得有导游引领的景点。故选F。
39.根据空后"It gives you a behind-the-scenes look of colorful Chinatown. The tour covers history, traditions of the local people and culture that you probably wouldn't know or see by travelling alone."让你了解多姿多彩的唐人街的幕后风貌。这趟旅行涵盖了历史、当地人民的传统和文化,这些是你独自旅行时可能不会知道或看到的。可知,这里介绍了另外一个值得跟随导游游玩的地方,即唐人街,E. Chinatown Walking Tours are a tour-guided must-see."唐人街徒步游是跟随导游的必游项目。"引出下文的介绍,符合语境,故选E。
40.根据空前"You can go alone to attractions or take a guided tour. It's your choice and you can choose whichever would give you the most memorable experience."你可以独自去景点,也可以参加导游团。这是你的选择,你可以选择给你带来最难忘经历的做法。A. I recommend both."我两者都推荐"承接上文,作者建议两者可相结合,是对本文的一个总结,符合语境,故选A。
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
When Alexa couldn't crawl, stand or walk as a baby, her mother sensed that something was wrong. 41. , doctors told her not to worry— perhaps Alexa was just a "lazy baby". After seeing a specialist, though, Alexa was diagnosed with a rare disease called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), which affects the central nervous system and the 42. in the body.
Throughout Alexa's childhood and adolescence, there were no 43. medicines to treat SMA. Her muscles continued to weaken over time. But Alexa was outgoing and loved to exercise her 44. through pretend play and performing. This adventurous spirit led her to work as a child 45. , appearing in movies, television shows and commercials.
With hard work, determination and courage—not to 46. plenty of support from her loved ones — Alexa graduated from high school, and attended a law school. While in law school, her symptoms became especially 47. . She noticed that it was becoming more difficult to 48. her hands and move her fingers. Around that same time, she 49. an experimental drug for SMA that was in clinical trials. She started 50. to learn as much as she could about this possible medicine and what it might do for her. Finally she received the first-ever approved treatment to 51. the progression of her disease.
Now, Alexa works as an entertainment lawyer for a Hollywood production company. Although Alexa doesn't let her SMA define her, it has certainly 52. who she is today: optimistic, courageous and 53. . The limitations SMA places on her have been a (n) 54. , but they've also 55. as a motivator, leading Alexa to get as much out of life as she can.
41.A. Initially B. Gradually C. Apparently D. Ultimately
42.A. bones B. cells C. blood D. muscles
43.A. previous B. available C. sufficient D. affordable
44.A. body B. power C. language D. imagination
45.A. actor B. producer C. lawyer D. author
46.A. mention B. explain C. argue D. complain
47.A. tiresome B. worrisome C. terrific D. fantastic
48.A. shake B. wave C. swing D. lift
49.A. tried out B. talked about
C. heard about D. tested out
50.A. claiming B. admiring C. researching D. fighting
51.A. cure B. speed C. stop D. slow
52.A. remembered B. affected C. shaped D. realized
53.A. considerate B. determined C. sympathetic D. generous
54.A. consequence B. threat C. object D. obstacle
55.A. operated B. indicated C. experienced D. functioned
41.句意:起初,医生告诉她不要担心——也许Alexa只是一个"懒惰的孩子"。A: Initially"最初";B: Gradually"逐渐地";C: Apparently"显然";D: Ultimately "最终"。根据下文"After seeing a specialist, though, Alexa was diagnosed with a rare disease called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)"可知,后来专家看后,发现Alexa患上了一种称为SMA的罕见疾病;以及空后"doctors told her not to worry — perhaps Alexa was just a ‘lazy baby'."可知,医生告诉Alexa的妈妈不要担心,可推知,此处表示起初医生告诉她不要担心。故选A。
42.句意:然而,在看了专家之后,Alexa被诊断出患有一种名为脊髓性肌萎缩症(SMA)的罕见疾病,这种疾病会影响中枢神经系统和身体的肌肉。A: bones"骨头";B: cells"细胞";C: blood"血液";D: muscles "肌肉"。根据空前"After seeing a specialist, though, Alexa was diagnosed with a rare disease called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)"可知,Alexa后来被诊断患上了一种名为脊髓性肌萎缩症,可推知,此处指的是这种疾病影响身体的肌肉。故选D。
43.句意:在Alexa的整个童年和青春期,没有可用的药物来治疗SMA。A: previous"以前的";B: available"可得到的";C: sufficient"足够的";D: affordable"付得起的"。根据下文"Her muscles continued to weaken over time."可知,她的肌肉持续萎缩,可推知,此处指的是她的整个童年和青春期没有可用的药物来治疗该疾病。故选B。
44.句意:但Alexa很外向,喜欢通过假装游戏和表演来锻炼她的想象力。A: body"身体";B: power "力量";C: language"语言";D: imagination "想象"。根据常识以及空后"through pretend play and performing."可知,Alexa喜欢假装游戏和表演,可推知,通过假装游戏和表演可以锻炼她的想象力。故选D。
45.句意:这种冒险精神使她成为一名儿童演员,出现在电影、电视节目和广告中。A: actor"演员";B: producer"制造商";C: lawyer"律师";D: author"作者"。根据上文"But Alexa was outgoing and loved to exercise her 4 through pretend play and performing."可知,Alexa喜欢通过假装游戏和表演来锻炼她的想象力,可推知,此处指的是这使她成为一名儿童演员,故选A。
46.句意:凭借努力、决心和勇气——更不用说她所爱的人的大力支持——Alexa从高中毕业,进入了法学院。A: mention"提到";B: explain"解释";C: argue"争辩";D: complain "抱怨"。根据空前"With hard work, determination and courage";以及空后"plenty of support from her loved ones"可知,此处指的是Alexa凭借着努力、决心和勇气以及她所爱的人的大力支持,从高中毕业,所以此处表示"更不用说",not to mention固定短语,"更不必说"。故选A。
47.句意:在法学院期间,她的症状变得特别令人担忧。A: tiresome"令人厌烦的";B: worrisome "令人担忧的";C: terrific"极好的";D: fantastic"非常棒的"。根据下文"She noticed that it was becoming more difficult to 8 her hands and move her fingers."可知,Alexa注意到自己的手指都不能动,可推知,此处表示的是他的症状变得特别令人担忧。故选B。
48.句意:她注意到抬起手和移动手指变得越来越困难了。A: shake"摇动";B: wave"挥动";C: swing"摇摆";D: lift "抬起"。根据空前"She noticed that it was becoming more difficult";以及空后"and move her fingers"可知,后来他发现自己移动手指越来越困难,此处与"移动手指"为并列关系,可推知,此处指的是抬起手,故选D。
49.句意:大约在同一时间,她听说一种治疗SMA的实验性药物正在临床试验中。A: tried out"试用,尝试";B: talked about"讨论";C: heard about"听说";D: tested out "测试"。根据空后"an experimental drug for SMA that was in clinical trials."可知,此处指听说一种治疗SMA的实验性药物正在临床试验中,故选C。
50.句意:她开始研究,尽可能多地了解这种可能的药物,以及它可能对她有什么帮助。A: claiming "宣称";B: admiring"羡慕,欣赏";C: researching"研究";D: fighting"战斗"。根据空后"to learn as much as she could about this possible medicine and what it might do for her."可知,Alexa尽可能多的了解这种可能的药物,以及它可能对她有什么帮助,可知此处指她开始研究,故选C。
51.句意:最后,她接受了有史以来第一次被批准的治疗,以减缓疾病的进展。A: cure"治愈";B: speed"加速";C: stop"停止,阻止";D: slow "减缓"。根据空前"Finally she received the first-ever approved treatment"可知,最后他接受了有史以来第一次被批准的治疗;以及空后"the progression of her disease"可知,此处应指的是治疗的目的为减缓疾病的进展。故选D。
52.句意:虽然Alexa没有让SMA定义她,但它确实塑造了今天的她:乐观、勇敢、坚定。A: remembered"记住";B: affected"影响";C: shaped"塑造";D: realized"意识到"。根据空后"who she is today: optimistic, courageous"可知,此处都是Alexa现在的品质,可推知,此处表示塑造了今天的她。故选C。
53.句意:虽然Alexa没有让SMA定义她,但它确实塑造了今天的她:乐观、勇敢、坚定。A: considerate "体贴的";B: determined"意志坚定的";C: sympathetic"有同情心的";D: generous "慷慨的"。根据语境以及上文"With hard work, determination and courage…"可知,Alexa患上罕见疾病后并没有被疾病打倒,反而是通过努力、决心和勇气中学毕业并进入法学院,可推知,此处指她:意志坚定,故选B。
54.句意:SMA给她设置的限制是一个障碍,但它们也起到了激励作用,使Alexa尽可能多地从生活中获得东西。A: consequence"后果,结果";B: threat"威胁";C: object"客观事物";D: obstacle "障碍"。根据空前"The limitations SMA places on her"可知,SMA给Alexa设置了限制,也就是给他设置了一个障碍。故选D。
55.句意:SMA给她设置的限制是一个障碍,但它们也起到了激励作用,使Alexa尽可能多地从生活中获得东西。A: operated"操作,做手术";B: indicated"暗示,表明";C: experienced"体验,经历";D: functioned "起作用,运转"。根据空后"leading Alexa to get as much out of life as she can."可知,SMA给她设置的障碍使Alexa尽可能多地从生活中获得东西,可推断,此处指的是这些障碍也起到了激励作用,function as固定短语,"起……作用"。故选D。
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Yang Jiang was a well-known Chinese playwright, translator, and author. She belonged to  56.   unique and beautiful existence in Chinese literature. She was the first Chinese academic  57.  (translate) Miguel de Cervantes' Spanish novel Don Quixoteto Chinese and at that time, her translation  58.   (honor) as the recreation of the original work 59.   the basis of loyalty.
Yang was born into a rich family in 1911,  60.  (original)named Yang Jikang. After eventually  61.   (graduate) from Soochow University, she enrolled at the graduate school of Tsinghua University. She met her husband there, Qian Zhongshu, another acclaimed writer in China.
Other than translations, Yang  62.   (author) many plays, novels, and essays during her writing career. Her short novel Mr. Wang,  63.  (write) in 1984, was selected as an article in the textbook. In 1986, she got the Civil Order of Alfonso X the Wise, a famous Spanish civil order, for her  64.   (achieve) in Don Quixote. Her bestseller was We Threein 2003,  65.   sales exceeded 180,000 copies in two months. Yang passed away in 2016, at the age of 105.
【答案】56.a;57.to translate;58.was honored;59.on;60.originally;61.graduating;62.authored;63.written;64.achievements;65.whose
57.句意:她是第一位将塞万提斯的西班牙语小说《唐吉诃德》翻译成中文的中国学者,在当时,她的翻译被誉为是在忠实的基础上对原作的再创造。the first…to do sth,"第一个做某事的……",动词不定式作后置定语。故填to translate。
58.句意:她是第一位将塞万提斯的西班牙语小说《唐吉诃德》翻译成中文的中国学者,在当时,她的翻译被誉为是在忠实的基础上对原作的再创造。此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语at that time可知,应用一般过去时;又因主语translation和honor之间为被动关系,所以应用一般过去时的被动语态结构,translation在本句中看作单数,谓语动词为单数形式。故填was honored。
59.句意:她是第一位将塞万提斯的西班牙语小说《唐吉诃德》翻译成中文的中国学者,在当时,她的翻译被誉为是在忠实的基础上对原作的再创造。on the basis of固定短语,"在……的基础之上"。故填on。
65.句意:2003年,她的畅销书《我们仨》在两个月内销量超过18万册。 sales exceeded 180,000 copies in two month是非限制性定语从句,先行词We Three在从句中作sales的定语成分,用关系代词whose引导。故填whose。
66.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 请以"Change begins with you"为题目写一篇呼吁保护野生动物的演讲稿,内容如下:⑴ 演讲目的;⑵ 保护野生动物的原因;⑶ 保护野生动物的建议;⑷ 再次呼吁保护野生动物。
【答案】One possible version:
Change begins with you
Hello, everyone! I'm greatly honoured to stand here to deliver a speech to enhance the awareness of protecting wild animals, whose topic is Change begins with you.
As we all know, animals play a part in keeping the balance of nature. Unfortunately, they are being over–hunted; their habitats are being damaged, so some of them are dying out. It's time for us to take immediate measures to change the situation. We shouldn't cut down trees without permission. Instead, we are supposed to plant more trees to protect the animals' living conditions. At the same time, more nature reserves are expected to be set up.
Let's take the responsibility and do what we can to protect wild animals. Change begins with us and we will live in harmony with animals and life will become better.
That's all. Thank you for your listening.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生 以"Change begins with you"为题目写一篇呼吁保护野生动物的演讲稿 。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: ⑴ 演讲目的;⑵ 保护野生动物的原因;⑶ 保护野生动物的建议;⑷ 再次呼吁保护野生动物。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如: I'm greatly honoured to stand here to deliver a speech to enhance the awareness of protecting wild animals, whose topic is Change begins with you.运用了不定式作原因状语,非限制性定语从句;As we all know, animals play a part in keeping the balance of nature. 运用了非限制性定语从句;Unfortunately, they are being over–hunted; their habitats are being damaged, so some of them are dying out.运用了被动语态,因果并列句; It's time for us to take immediate measures to change the situation. 运用了固定句式It's time for sb to do.....; At the same time, more nature reserves are expected to be set up. 运用了被动语态;Let's take the responsibility and do what we can to protect wild animals. 运用了祈使句;省略to的不定式作宾补,宾语从句;Change begins with us and we will live in harmony with animals and life will become better.运用了"祈使句+and+简单句"。
67.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
In a remote and small mountain town, there lived a young woman named Lily. She was known for her kind heart and gentle nature. The townsfolk adored her very much and often sought her out for advice or a listening ear. Lily always showed her best passion in helping them, which made people in the town think highly of her.
One sunny afternoon, as Lily was walking through the town square, she noticed a small, shabby-looking man sitting alone on a park bench. His seemingly decent clothes were worn out, and his face bore the marks of a hard life, appearing helpless and being in low spirits. Feeling obliged to help, Lily approached him with a warm smile.
"Hello there, sir," she greeted kindly. "Is there anything I can do for you "
The man looked up, surprise flickering (闪烁) in his weary eyes. "I...I've lost my way," he replied hesitantly. "I don't have a home. I haven't had anything to eat for several days, and I have no idea who I can turn to for help."
Upon knowing his hardships, Lily decided to offer him some food and a place to stay. She introduced him to her family, who welcomed him with open arms and invited him to have dinner and stay with them. The man, who introduced himself as Samuel, began to regain his strength after gracefully filing himself with the delicious food provided by the warmhearted family. He expressed his sincere gratitude to them for the food and accommodation.
Months passed, and Samuel settled into a routine and became part of their household. He became skilled at various tasks and his genuine gratitude endeared him to everyone. He shared stories of his past adventures, in which he even had a narrow escape, and the family were surprised at his experience and admired his courage as well as wisdom.
One evening, as Lily and Samuels at on the porch, watching the sunset behind the hills, Samuel turned to her with a glimmer in his eye. "Lily," he said softly, "I have a secret to share with you."
注意:1. 续写词数应为150词左右;2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Lily's curiosity seized her, and she leaned in closer.
True to his word, Samuel lived up to his promise of giving Lily a large sum of money.
【答案】One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
Lily's curiosity seized her, and she leaned in closer. "What is it, Samuel " "I may have appeared lost and homeless when we met," Samuel said with a smile. Confusion spread across Lily's face as she listened attentively. "But I am actually a millionaire," Samuel continued. "I disguised myself to see if there were still good-hearted people in the world. And you, Lily, have proved to me that genuine kindness still exists." Lily was speechless, a mix of shock and awe washing over her. Ready to reward Lily for her kindness, Samuel ensured that her family would be blessed with abundance.
Paragraph 2:
True to his word, Samuel lived up to his promise of giving Lily a large sum of money.Lily's family found themselves never lacking daily necessities. Instead, they were always enveloped in wealth, but they never forgot the lesson of kindness that began with the encounter on that park bench. They used their newfound fortune to help others in need, who also passed on kindness to their neighbors. And so, the small town became known for its endless kindness, which was forever changed by Samuel who was not what he seemed.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:I may have appeared lost and homeless when we met运用了时间状语从句; Confusion spread across Lily's face as she listened attentively. 运用了时间状语从句;I disguised myself to see if there were still good-hearted people in the world. 运用了不定式作目的状语,宾语从句,there be句式; And you, Lily, have proved to me that genuine kindness still exists.运用了宾语从句; Ready to reward Lily for her kindness, Samuel ensured that her family would be blessed with abundance. 运用了形容词作状语,宾语从句; Instead, they were always enveloped in wealth, but they never forgot the lesson of kindness that began with the encounter on that park bench. 运用了被动语态,转折并列句;They used their newfound fortune to help others in need, who also passed on kindness to their neighbors. 运用了非限制性定语从句;And so, the small town became known for its endless kindness, which was forever changed by Samuel who was not what he seemed.运用了非限制性定语从句,限制性定语从句。
1 / 1辽宁省七校2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试卷(音频暂未更新)
1.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) What color of shoes does the woman suggest the man wear
A.Blue. B.White. C.Black.
2.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) Where will the woman probably go for her vacation this year
A.France. B.Greece. C.Spain.
3.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) What does the man usually have at that restaurant
A.Soup. B.Salad. C.Pizza.
4.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) Why didn't the woman finish watching the movie
A.She fell asleep.
B.She had a phone call.
C.She had to finish her homework.
5.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) Where are the speakers probably
A.At home. B.In a gym. C.In a shop.
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 听录音,回答问题。
6.How does the man feel about swimming
A.It calms him down.
B.It's his favorite sport.
C.He gets bored with it.
7.What does the man want to be in the future
A.An artist. B.An athlete. C.An architect.
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 听录音,回答问题。
8.Why didn't the woman know the coffee machine was broken
A.It looked good.
B.She didn't see the sign.
C.Others got coffee already.
9.When does the man expect the coffee machine to be fixed
A.In 5 minutes. B.In 20 minutes. C.In a day.
10.What will the woman probably do next
A.Leave for work.
B.Wait for the coffee.
C.Go to another store.
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 听录音,回答问题。
11.Where will the party be held
A.At a hotel.
B.At a restaurant.
C.At the woman's house.
12.When is the woman's birthday
A.On Saturday. B.On Thursday. C.On Tuesday.
13.What present does the woman wish to have for her birthday
A.A car.
B.A watch.
C.A piece of jewelry.
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 听录音,回答问题。
14.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Friends. B.Husband and wife. C.Co-workers.
15.Why is the man in the city now
A.He normally works there.
B.He was going to buy food.
C.He had to meet with someone.
16.Where will the speakers eat dinner tonight
A.In the park.
B.At the Thai Garden.
C.At the French restaurant.
17.When will the speakers meet tonight
A.At 6:00. B.At 6:30. C.At 7:00.
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 听录音,回答问题。
18.Which country did King Alfred rule
A.England. B.Norway. C.Denmark.
19.What did the poor woman ask King Alfred to do
A.Make a fire. B.Clean her house. C.Watch her cakes.
20.In which year did Alfred become a king
A.817. B.871. C.899.
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Top Museums to Visit in Paris
Think Paris is all about the Louvre Think again! Dive into the vibrant art scene of the City of Light with our guide to the best museums you shouldn't miss.
Louis Vuitton Foundation
Designed by the renowned architect Frank Gehry, the Louis Vuitton Foundation is a masterpiece of modern architecture. But it's not just the building that's stunning; inside, you'll find an impressive collection featuring artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Ellsworth Kelly, and Jeff Koons, among others. Admission is ?16.
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (closed Sundays)
Paris Museum of Modern Art
Located in the 16th arrondissement, the Paris Museum of Modern Art boasts an array of monumental artworks and captivating exhibits. While entry is technically free, a suggested donation of ?5 helps support the museum's preservation efforts and grants access to the permanent collection.
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (closed Mondays)
Musée National Picasso-Paris
Immerse yourself in the genius of Pablo Picasso at the Musée National Picasso-Paris. Home to thousands of Picasso's works, this museum offers a comprehensive exploration of the artist's life and legacy. Admission is ?14.
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 10:00 am to 6:30 pm; Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 am to 6:00 pm (closed Mondays)
Musée Marmottan Monet
Step into the world of Impressionism at the Musée Marmottan Monet. Devoted primarily to the works of Claude Monet, this museum houses a remarkable collection donated by Monet's son, Michel. Tickets range from ?9 to ?14.
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm; late nights on Thursdays until 9:00 pm (closed Mondays)
There you have it! With these top museums, you'll experience Parisian art and culture at its finest, beyond the iconic halls of the Louvre.
21.Who is the architect behind the design of the Louis Vuitton Foundation
A.Michel Monet B.Jean-Michel Basquiat
C.Olafur Eliasson D.Frank Gehry
22.How much is the suggested donation for entry to the Paris Museum of Modern Art
A.?10 B.?20 C.?5 D.?15
23.What is the primary focus of the Musée Marmottan Monet
A.Works of Jean-Michel Basquiat B.Sculptures by Rodin
C.Works of Claude Monet D.Contemporary art installations
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
You hate me. You don't even know me and you hate me. Before we've even spoken, you hate me. At least that's how it feels on my end of the call as a female collections officer at a call center.
I dread the moment when I have to log on to our phone system first thing in the morning because I never know who is going to be on the other end of that call.
Sometimes it's an easy task. The caller is pleasant and has accepted personal responsibility for their debts, and we get through the phone call with ease. Then there are the ones who call in looking for a fight, or looking for someone to blame. Through the luck of the phone system, that person is me.
I've had people who shout at me, call me horrible names, accuse me personally of taking their money and threaten me. Why I think it's because I am invisible. I think I would be treated with the same level of disrespect if we were face to face. Fortunately for me, I have had years of experience in customer service, so I'm fairly rich in not letting the negative encounters bother me.
The biggest and most effective skill when it comes to the job is empathy (同理心). I can appreciate the situation which the caller is in because I've been there. That's why I'm good at my job — I understand what you're going through, and I'm here to help.
Some days though, no matter how much I try to leave the stress behind when I hang up the phone, it stays with me. I may do some deep breathing, go for a quick walk or simply stick my head outside for a burst of fresh air. I do this so I don't carry that negativity on to my next call. That next call may be a person having the worst day of their life, but I don't want to ever be the one who makes it worse. We are all humans just trying to get by in life, which makes you and me equal. So please, the next time we talk, remember that.
24.What does the underlined word "dread" in paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Enjoy. B.Avoid. C.Expect. D.Fear.
25.Why does the author think some callers treat her badly
A.They get angry too easily.
B.They blame her for their debts.
C.They do not see her as a real person.
D.They accuse her of taking their money.
26.Why does the author think she is good at her job
A.She can put herself in others' shoes.
B.She is always respected by callers.
C.She can offer callers best advice.
D.She isn't easily influenced by negativity.
27.What is the author's main purpose in writing this text
A.To call for understanding of her job.
B.To explain why she is good at her job.
C.To introduce what she is responsible for.
D.To complain about her being treated badly.
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
It's easy for consumers to buy food and drinks like a bowl of hot rice and coke online or from neighbourhood shops, but for astronauts such things were impossible in the past.
Members of China's Shenzhou manned space flight last year, however, were able to enjoy such food, thanks to Joyoung, a Chinese firm. Joyoung created a mobile space kitchen for the astronauts. A drinking water machine, an air heater and a soybean milk maker were all accessible in the kitchen through a smart app. Tang Hongbo, who was a member of the Shenzhou manned spacecraft said in the news that during his three-month trip, he could eat hot food with just half-hour efforts, a contrast to the past when similar attempts required several hours. "If we had time, we would also use equipment to eat homemade yogurt. We could also control the equipment in the space kitchen through mobile phone apps." he said.
In the past, most foods couldn't be directly heated in a microwave oven in the space. Conduction equipment often caused uneven (不均匀的) heating. An astronaut had to spend as long as four hours to heat some vegetables in the space kitchen. To solve the problem, Joyoung has developed equipment that gives out hot air to heat vegetables in a 360-degree way. That enables astronauts to eat steaming-hot fish-flavoured pork and Gongbao chicken, a spicy, stir-fried Chinese dish.
Besides Joyoung, a group of companies, including Xiaomi Coip and Huawei Technologies, have contributed their technologies to the development of the space station. A vacuum (真空) cleaner made haircuts on the spacecraft possible. NOLO VR, a Chinese virtual reality manufacturer, has helped astronauts develop an experimental equipment through which laboratory technicians on the ground can see and experience what astronauts are doing in space.
28.What do astronauts think of Joyoung's mobile space kitchen
A.Water-saving. B.Energy-wasting.
C.Money-wasting. D.Time-saving.
29.How does the author show the convenience on Shenzhou manned spacecraft
A.By making contrasts. B.By analyzing results.
C.By providing pictures. D.By answering questions.
30.What does the last paragraph want to show
A.Jayoung needs to further its technology.
B.What astronauts are doing is significant.
C.Astronauts on board can do as they wish.
D.There are more technologies for the spacecraft.
31.What is the best title of the text
A.The Hot Diet on the Space Station Needs to be Addressed
B.Modern Technology Brings Convenience to Human Beings
C.Earth to Space, Firms Add Value by Creating Technology
D.Manufacturers Make Big Profits from Inventing Equipment
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
African penguins live on the rocky coasts of South Africa, Namibia and nearby islands. Like other types of penguins, the birds have white feathers covering their chests and black feathers covering their backs. They form lifelong pair bonds with mates, but they nest in huge colonies — so, scientists wondered how the birds were able to identify their partners among the sea of black-and-white birds. They wondered if their chest spots had something to do with it. To test this theory, they studied 12 African penguins at a zoo and marine park near Rome called Zoomarine Italia.
In one test, they hung two life-size photographs of the African penguins. One showed a random member of the colony, while the other showed the test subject's mate. The scientists recorded the birds' interactions with the photos: How long did they spend looking at each one, as well as how much time did they spend standing near each photograph The penguins spent more time gazing at the photo of their partners — about 23 seconds longer, on average — than looking at the other photo. They also stood next to the image of their beaus for twice as long. Then, the researchers covered up the heads of the birds in the photographs, leaving only their speckled bodies visible, and the penguins still lingered near their partners' portraits.
In another experiment, the researchers hung up two photos of a bird's mate — but, in one, they had digitally removed its spots. In this case, the penguin again spent more time looking at the photo with the dots.
Finally, the researchers posted two photographs of penguins with digitally removed spots — one of the test subject's mate and the other of a random penguin from the colony. In this scenario(在这种情况下), the penguins did not appear to recognize their partners. They spent roughly the same amount of time gazing at or standing near both photos.
Together, the results of these experiments suggest African penguins are zeroing in on their partners' spots and using them like name tags, scientists say.
"Our results provide the first evidence of a specific visual cue responsible for spontaneous individual recognition by a bird and highlight the importance of considering all sensory modalities in the study of animal communication," the researchers write in the paper.
32.What can we learn from Paragraph 1
A.African penguins live on the rocky coasts of North Africa.
B.Scientists are curious about the African penguins.
C.African penguins have white feathers covering their backs.
D.Scientists studied 12 African penguins only at a zoo near Rome.
33.What plays a key role in African penguins' identifying their partners
A.Their partners' speckled bodies B.Their partners' heads.
C.Their partners' back feathers. D.Their partners' voice.
34.What does the underlined phrase "zeroing in on" in Paragraph 5 mean
A.Losing sight of. B.Taking delight in.
C.Paying attention to. D.Speaking highly of.
35.Where might you find the passage
A.In a biology textbook. B.In a travel brochure.
C.In a science report. D.In a fashion magazine.
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Is going alone in an unknown area the right way to go, or do you want a tour guide to show you the highlights I think that you can combine the two ways in one trip and have the best of both worlds.  36.   The best purchase we made was for a bus tour that would take us around the capital and point out all the main sites. That allowed us the next day to travel on foot to the ones we especially wanted to see.
Let's look at the San Francisco Bay Area which is another one of my favorite vacation spots. Some areas are so familiar to tourists that it's possible to view the attractions on your own.  37.   Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39 are good examples. Just by walking a few blocks, you can tour Aquarium of the Bay and the Riptide Arcade on Pier 39.
 38.   If you go to Alcatraz Island, you have a choice of going alone, having a live tour guide or being guided by earphones. I would recommend the live tour guides. I went all three ways, and I received more enjoyment by someone telling me items of interest I know I had missed on previous tours.  39.   It gives you a behind-the-scenes look of colorful Chinatown. The tour covers history, traditions of the local people and culture that you probably wouldn't know or see by travelling alone.
You can go alone to attractions or take a guided tour. It's your choice and you can choose whichever would give you the most memorable experience.  40.  
A. I recommend both. B. It's possible to drive to the area and go alone. C. One trip we recently took was to Washington DC. D. That allows you to take your time and go at your own pace. E. Chinatown Walking Tours are a tour-guided must-see. F. Some attractions are worth having a tour guide for. G. The tour guides know what we have never found out on our own.
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
When Alexa couldn't crawl, stand or walk as a baby, her mother sensed that something was wrong. 41. , doctors told her not to worry— perhaps Alexa was just a "lazy baby". After seeing a specialist, though, Alexa was diagnosed with a rare disease called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), which affects the central nervous system and the 42. in the body.
Throughout Alexa's childhood and adolescence, there were no 43. medicines to treat SMA. Her muscles continued to weaken over time. But Alexa was outgoing and loved to exercise her 44. through pretend play and performing. This adventurous spirit led her to work as a child 45. , appearing in movies, television shows and commercials.
With hard work, determination and courage—not to 46. plenty of support from her loved ones — Alexa graduated from high school, and attended a law school. While in law school, her symptoms became especially 47. . She noticed that it was becoming more difficult to 48. her hands and move her fingers. Around that same time, she 49. an experimental drug for SMA that was in clinical trials. She started 50. to learn as much as she could about this possible medicine and what it might do for her. Finally she received the first-ever approved treatment to 51. the progression of her disease.
Now, Alexa works as an entertainment lawyer for a Hollywood production company. Although Alexa doesn't let her SMA define her, it has certainly 52. who she is today: optimistic, courageous and 53. . The limitations SMA places on her have been a (n) 54. , but they've also 55. as a motivator, leading Alexa to get as much out of life as she can.
41.A. Initially B. Gradually C. Apparently D. Ultimately
42.A. bones B. cells C. blood D. muscles
43.A. previous B. available C. sufficient D. affordable
44.A. body B. power C. language D. imagination
45.A. actor B. producer C. lawyer D. author
46.A. mention B. explain C. argue D. complain
47.A. tiresome B. worrisome C. terrific D. fantastic
48.A. shake B. wave C. swing D. lift
49.A. tried out B. talked about
C. heard about D. tested out
50.A. claiming B. admiring C. researching D. fighting
51.A. cure B. speed C. stop D. slow
52.A. remembered B. affected C. shaped D. realized
53.A. considerate B. determined C. sympathetic D. generous
54.A. consequence B. threat C. object D. obstacle
55.A. operated B. indicated C. experienced D. functioned
(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Yang Jiang was a well-known Chinese playwright, translator, and author. She belonged to  56.   unique and beautiful existence in Chinese literature. She was the first Chinese academic  57.  (translate) Miguel de Cervantes' Spanish novel Don Quixoteto Chinese and at that time, her translation  58.   (honor) as the recreation of the original work 59.   the basis of loyalty.
Yang was born into a rich family in 1911,  60.  (original)named Yang Jikang. After eventually  61.   (graduate) from Soochow University, she enrolled at the graduate school of Tsinghua University. She met her husband there, Qian Zhongshu, another acclaimed writer in China.
Other than translations, Yang  62.   (author) many plays, novels, and essays during her writing career. Her short novel Mr. Wang,  63.  (write) in 1984, was selected as an article in the textbook. In 1986, she got the Civil Order of Alfonso X the Wise, a famous Spanish civil order, for her  64.   (achieve) in Don Quixote. Her bestseller was We Threein 2003,  65.   sales exceeded 180,000 copies in two months. Yang passed away in 2016, at the age of 105.
66.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 请以"Change begins with you"为题目写一篇呼吁保护野生动物的演讲稿,内容如下:⑴ 演讲目的;⑵ 保护野生动物的原因;⑶ 保护野生动物的建议;⑷ 再次呼吁保护野生动物。
67.(2024高一下·辽宁月考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
In a remote and small mountain town, there lived a young woman named Lily. She was known for her kind heart and gentle nature. The townsfolk adored her very much and often sought her out for advice or a listening ear. Lily always showed her best passion in helping them, which made people in the town think highly of her.
One sunny afternoon, as Lily was walking through the town square, she noticed a small, shabby-looking man sitting alone on a park bench. His seemingly decent clothes were worn out, and his face bore the marks of a hard life, appearing helpless and being in low spirits. Feeling obliged to help, Lily approached him with a warm smile.
"Hello there, sir," she greeted kindly. "Is there anything I can do for you "
The man looked up, surprise flickering (闪烁) in his weary eyes. "I...I've lost my way," he replied hesitantly. "I don't have a home. I haven't had anything to eat for several days, and I have no idea who I can turn to for help."
Upon knowing his hardships, Lily decided to offer him some food and a place to stay. She introduced him to her family, who welcomed him with open arms and invited him to have dinner and stay with them. The man, who introduced himself as Samuel, began to regain his strength after gracefully filing himself with the delicious food provided by the warmhearted family. He expressed his sincere gratitude to them for the food and accommodation.
Months passed, and Samuel settled into a routine and became part of their household. He became skilled at various tasks and his genuine gratitude endeared him to everyone. He shared stories of his past adventures, in which he even had a narrow escape, and the family were surprised at his experience and admired his courage as well as wisdom.
One evening, as Lily and Samuels at on the porch, watching the sunset behind the hills, Samuel turned to her with a glimmer in his eye. "Lily," he said softly, "I have a secret to share with you."
注意:1. 续写词数应为150词左右;2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Lily's curiosity seized her, and she leaned in closer.
True to his word, Samuel lived up to his promise of giving Lily a large sum of money.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Mom, I need a white shirt and black shoes for the singing contest at school.
W: Do the shoes need to be black You can wear your blue shoes. I think blue matches white the best.
【分析】问题:女士建议男士穿什么颜色的鞋子?根据"You can wear your blue shoes. I think blue matches white the best."你可以穿你的蓝鞋。我认为蓝色最配白色。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Last year I went to France for vacation, but I want to go somewhere warmer this year.
M: You should go to Greece. The weather there is nice and it has a lot of amazing buildings.
W: But I've been there before. I think I will go to Spain.
【分析】问题:这位女士今年可能会去哪里度假?根据"I think I will go to Spain."我想我会去西班牙。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】W: I used to really like that restaurant, but once I found hair in my soup and salad.
M: Oh wow. I usually have pizza when I go there. And yeah, sometimes hair falls into food. It happens.
【分析】问题:男士在那家餐馆通常吃什么?根据"I usually have pizza when I go there."我通常去那里吃披萨。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Did you see the new movie on TV last night
W: Well, my sister phoned to tell me about it, and I started watching it after I finished my homework. But then I fell asleep and missed the ending.
【分析】问题:为什么女士没有看完电影?根据"But then I fell asleep and missed the ending."但后来我睡着了,错过了结尾。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Before we leave, you need to make sure you take your swimsuit from your closet.
W: OK. Can we get ice cream after we leave the gym
M: Yes, we'll head to the ice cream shop nearby.
【分析】问题:谈话人可能在哪里?根据"Before we leave, you need to make sure you take your swimsuit from your closet."在我们离开之前,你需要确保把泳衣从壁橱里拿出来;以及"OK. Can we get ice cream after we leave the gym "好的。我们离开健身房后可以吃冰淇淋吗?可推知他们在健身房,故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Do you think you will join the swim team this year
M: I'm not sure. I was swimming all last summer at school. But I'm tired of it.
W: But you are the best swimmer in our school.
M: I'm not that good. In fact, I much prefer drawing. It calms me down.
W: Oh, I didn't really know that. Is drawing what you want to do after you graduate
M: Well, I have to be really good to survive as an artist. I think I could design buildings.
6.问题:男士对游泳有什么感觉?根据"I was swimming all last summer at school. But I'm tired of it."去年夏天我在学校游泳。但我厌倦了。故选C。
7.问题:男士将来想做什么?根据" I have to be really good to survive as an artist. I think I could design buildings."作为一名艺术家,我必须做得很好才能生存下去。我想我可以设计建筑。可推知他想成为建筑师,故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hello, how can I help you
W: The coffee machine is out of coffee.
M: I know. Didn't you see the sign
W: No, there wasn't a sign.
M: It must have fallen off. The machine broke, but the repairman is on his way.
W: How long do you think it'll be until it's fixed
M: Not until tomorrow. Don't worry! The repairman is bringing a new machine, and he should be here in about 5 minutes. Please wait for a few minutes for your coffee.
W: That's good news. I have 20 minutes before I start work.
8.问题:为什么女士不知道咖啡机坏了?根据"Didn't you see the sign "你没看标识吗?;以及"No, there wasn't a sign."没看到,没有表示,故选B。
9.问题:男士预计咖啡机什么时候修好?根据"How long do you think it'll be until it's fixed "你认为要多久才能修好?;以及" Not until tomorrow. "直到明天。故选C。
10.问题:这位女士接下来可能会做什么?根据"Please wait for a few minutes for your coffee."请等几分钟喝咖啡;以及"That's good news."这是个好消息。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W: My birthday is this week. I'm so excited! My parents will call the Blue Star Hotel tomorrow to confirm my party. It's the biggest hotel in town!
M: Oh, that's exciting. I didn't realize it was that close. What day is your birthday on exactly
W: It's on Tuesday, but we will have the party on Saturday. Last year, my parents got me a watch as a present. I remember it was on Thursday and we ate out in a Thai restaurant. Wonder what they will buy me this year.
M: Well, you will be eighteen. Maybe you will get a new car, or an expensive piece of jewelry.
W: I would love to get a new car! Then, I could take road trips with you and Alice.
M: Do you know who you will invite to the party
W: Oh yes, I already made a list.
11.问题:聚会将在哪里举行?根据"My parents will call the Blue Star Hotel tomorrow to confirm my party."我父母明天会打电话给Blue Star酒店确认我的聚会。故选A。
12.问题:这位女士的生日是什么时候?根据"It's on Tuesday"在星期二,故选C。
13.问题:这位女士想要什么生日礼物?根据"I would love to get a new car!"我很想买一辆新车!故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, dear. I won't be home until 7:00 tonight, because I have a late meeting. Do you want to pick up some dinner for us on your way home
M: Actually, I'm in the city now. I had to meet with the engineer at our other office. Why don't we meet at that French restaurant close to your workplace
W: It's probably going to be a beautiful spring evening. Let's eat outdoors, instead of inside a crowded restaurant.
M: Sure. We could pick up some fast food and eat in the park. Or, we could eat at the Thai Garden. It has a beautiful outdoor eating area, with trees and private tables.
W: That's perfect. Should I make a reservation for 6:00 That's the earliest time I can get there.
M: Make it for 6:30. You don't need to hurry.
14.问题:谈话人之间可能的关系是什么?根据"Hi, dear. I won't be home until 7:00 tonight, because I have a late meeting. Do you want to pick up some dinner for us on your way home "嗨,亲爱的。我今晚7点才回家,因为我有个迟到的会议。你想在回家的路上为我们买些晚餐吗?可推知他们是夫妇,故选B。
15.问题:为什么男士现在在城里?根据"Actually, I'm in the city now. I had to meet with the engineer at our other office."事实上,我现在在城里。我不得不在另一个办公室见工程师。故选C。
16.问题:今晚谈话人将在哪里吃饭?根据"Or, we could eat at the Thai Garden."或者,我们可以在泰国花园吃饭。故选B。
17.问题:今晚谈话人什么时候见面?根据"Make it for 6:30. You don't need to hurry."定在6:30。你不必着急。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】One of the best-known stories in English history is that of King Alfred and the cakes. Children are taught the story in which Alfred was on the run from soldiers who were invading his country from Denmark and Norway. Alfred hid in the house of a poor woman. She asked him to watch her cakes being baked by the fire. Alfred was thinking about his problems while he was watching the cakes. So he let the cakes burn and was shouted at by the angry poor woman. No one knows if the story is really true. Certainly, Alfred was the king of parts of England from 871 to 899 and he did have to fight off the armies that entered his country. Maybe the poor woman would not know how important he was. In those days, news did not always travel to places far away. But whether the story is true or false, it is a good way of helping young people take an interest in the very rich history of their country.
18.问题:Alfred国王统治了哪个国家?根据"One of the best-known stories in English history is that of King Alfred and the cakes."英国历史上最著名的故事之一是Alfred国王和蛋糕的故事。故选A。
19.问题:这个可怜的女人要求Alfred国王做什么?根据"She asked him to watch her cakes being baked by the fire."她让他看着她的蛋糕在火上烤。故选C。
20.问题:Alfred是在哪一年成为国王的?根据"Certainly, Alfred was the king of parts of England from 871 to 899"当然,阿尔弗雷德是871年至899年间英格兰部分地区的国王,故选B。
21.考查细节理解。根据Louis Vuitton Foundation部分中的"Designed by the renowned architect Frank Gehry, the Louis Vuitton Foundation is a masterpiece of modern architecture."路易威登基金会由著名建筑师弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)设计,是现代建筑的杰作。可知,路易威登基金会由建筑师Frank Gehry设计。故选D。
22.考查细节理解。根据Paris Museum of Modern Art部分中的"While entry is technically free, a suggested donation of ?5 helps support the museum's preservation efforts and grants access to the permanent collection."虽然从理论上讲,进入是免费的,但建议捐赠5欧元有助于支持博物馆的保护工作,允许访问永久收藏。可知,参观巴黎现代艺术博物馆是免费的,但建议捐赠5欧元以支持博物馆的维护工作。故选C。
23.考查细节理解。根据Musée Marmottan Monet部分中的"Step into the world of Impressionism at the Musée Marmottan Monet. Devoted primarily to the works of Claude Monet, this museum houses a remarkable collection donated by Monet's son, Michel."在Musée Marmottan Monet走进印象派的世界。这个博物馆主要致力于克劳德·莫奈的作品,收藏了莫奈的儿子米歇尔捐赠的非凡藏品。可知,Musée Marmottan Monet主要展示克劳德·莫奈的作品。故选C。
24.考查词义猜测。根据第一段"You hate me. You don't even know me and you hate me. Before we've even spoken, you hate me. At least that's how it feels on my end of the call as a female collections officer at a call center."你恨我。你根本不了解我,还恨我。我们还没说话,你就烦我了。至少这是我作为一个呼叫中心的女催收员在电话里的感觉;以及第二段中的"... because I never know who is going to be on the other end of that call."因为我永远不知道电话的另一端是谁。可知,作者对于电话另一端的未知感到恐惧,可推知"I dread the moment when I have to log on to our phone system first thing in the morning"意思是:我害怕早上第一件事就是登录我们的电话系统。划线词dread意为"害怕"。故选D。
25.考查推理判断。根据第四段中的"I've had people who shout at me, call me horrible names, accuse me personally of taking their money and threaten me. Why I think it's because I am invisible."有人冲我大喊大叫,用难听的名字骂我,指责我拿了他们的钱,还威胁我。为什么?我想那是因为我是看不见的人。"可推知,作者认为一些打电话的人对她不友好,因为他们没有把她当作一个真实的人。故选C。
26.考查推理判断。根据第五段"The biggest and most effective skill when it comes to the job is empathy (同理心). I can appreciate the situation which the caller is in because I've been there. That's why I'm good at my job—I understand what you're going through, and I'm here to help."在工作中,最重要也是最有效的技能就是同理心。我能理解打电话的人的处境,因为我也经历过。这就是我擅长这份工作的原因——我理解你的感受,我是来帮你的。可推知,作者认为她很擅长自己的工作,是因为她能设身处地地为别人着想。故选C。
27.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"We are all humans just trying to get by in life, which makes you and me equal. So please, the next time we talk, remember that."我们都是人类,只是想努力生活,这让你我平等。所以,下次我们谈话的时候,请记住这一点。可推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是为了呼吁人们理解她的工作。故选A。
28.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"Tang Hongbo, who was a member of the Shenzhou manned spacecraft said in the news that during his three-month trip, he could eat hot food with just half-hour efforts, a contrast to the past when similar attempts required several hours."神舟载人飞船成员汤洪波在新闻中说,在他三个月的旅行中,他只需要半个小时就能吃到热食物,而过去类似的尝试需要几个小时。可知,宇航员认为九阳的移动太空厨房能节省时间,故选D。
29.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"Tang Hongbo, who was a member of the Shenzhou manned spacecraft said in the news that during his three-month trip, he could eat hot food with just half-hour efforts, a contrast to the past when similar attempts required several hours."神舟载人飞船成员汤洪波在新闻中说,在他三个月的旅行中,他只需要半个小时就能吃到热食物,而过去类似的尝试需要几个小时;以及第三段"In the past, most foods couldn't be directly heated in a microwave oven in the space. Conduction equipment often caused uneven(不均匀的) heating. An astronaut had to spend as long as four hours to heat some vegetables in the space kitchen. To solve the problem, Joyoung has developed equipment that gives out hot air to heat vegetables in a 360-degree way. That enables astronauts to eat steaming-hot fish-flavoured pork and Gongbao chicken, a spicy, stir-fried Chinese dish."在过去,大多数食物不能在太空中的微波炉中直接加热。传导设备常引起不均匀加热。一名宇航员必须在太空厨房里花费长达四个小时的时间来加热一些蔬菜。为了解决这个问题,九阳公司开发了一种可以360度加热蔬菜的设备。这样宇航员就可以吃到热气腾腾的鱼香肉丝和宫保鸡丁,这是一种辛辣的中国菜。可知,在过去,大多数食物不能在太空中的微波炉中直接加热,加热一些蔬菜需要很长时间,但有了九阳开发的设备,宇航员能够吃到热气腾腾的饭菜。可推知,作者是通过将过去和现在的情况作比较,来展现神舟载人飞船上先进设备带来的便捷。故选A。
30.考查推理判断。根据最后一段"Besides Joyoung, a group of companies, including Xiaomi Coip and Huawei Technologies, have contributed their technologies to the development of the space station. A vacuum (真空) cleaner made haircuts on the spacecraft possible. NOLO VR, a Chinese virtual reality manufacturer, has helped astronauts develop an experimental equipment through which laboratory technicians on the ground can see and experience what astronauts are doing in space."除了九阳,包括小米和华为技术在内的一些公司也为空间站的发展贡献了自己的技术。真空吸尘器使航天器上的理发成为可能。中国虚拟现实制造商NOLO VR帮助宇航员开发了一种实验设备,通过这种设备,地面上的实验室技术人员可以看到并体验宇航员在太空中的活动。可知,本段告诉我们,除了九阳,还有很多其他公司也为空间站的开发贡献了他们的技术;可推知,最后一段表明有更多的技术应用于宇宙飞船。故选D。
31.考查标题归纳。根据第二段中的"Members of China's Shenzhou manned space flight last year, however, were able to enjoy such food, thanks to Joyoung, a Chinese firm."然而,多亏了中国的九阳公司,去年中国神舟载人航天飞行的成员们能够享用到这样的食物;以及最后一段中的"Besides Joyoung, a group of companies, including Xiaomi Coip and Huawei Technologies, have contributed their technologies to the development of the space station."除了九阳,包括小米和华为技术在内的一些公司也为空间站的发展贡献了自己的技术。可知,本文讲述九阳公司为宇航员们设计了一个移动太空厨房,让宇航员更加方便、快捷地享用食物,除此之外,包括小米和华为技术在内的一些公司也为空间站的发展贡献了自己的技术。"从地球到太空,企业通过创造技术来增加价值"能够概括文章主旨,适合作本文标题,故选B。
32.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"scientists wondered how the birds were able to identify their partners among the sea of black-and-white birds"科学家们想知道这些鸟是如何在黑白相间的鸟类中识别出自己的伴侣的。可知,科学家们想知道非洲企鹅是如何在众多企鹅中识别自己的伴侣的,即科学家们对非洲企鹅很好奇。故选B。
33.考查细节理解。根据第五段"Together, the results of these experiments suggest African penguins are zeroing in on their partners' spots and using them like name tags, scientists say."科学家们说,这些实验的结果表明,非洲企鹅正在瞄准伴侣身上的斑点,并把它们当作标签来使用。可知,本段在总结一系列实验,得出的结论是:非洲企鹅根据伴侣身上的斑点来识别自己的伴侣。故选A。
34.考查词义猜测。根据第五段中的"and using them like name tags"把它们当作标签来使用。可知,非洲企鹅非常关注它们伴侣身上的斑点,并把它们当作名字标签一样。可推知划线词zeroing in on意为"关注",故选C。
35.考查推理判断。根据第一段"To test this theory, they studied 12 African penguins at a zoo and marine park near Rome called Zoomarine Italia."为了验证这一理论,他们在罗马附近的动物园和海洋公园研究了12只非洲企鹅;第二段中的"In one test, they hung two life-size photographs of the African penguins."在一项测试中,他们悬挂了两张真人大小的非洲企鹅照片;以及第三段中的"In another experiment, the researchers hung up two photos of a bird's mate—but, in one, they had digitally removed its spots."在另一个实验中,研究人员挂起了两张鸟类配偶的照片——但是,在其中一张照片中,他们用数字技术删除了它的斑点。可知,本文着重在介绍实验过程,可推知,该文章来自一篇科学报告。故选A。
36.根据空前"Is going alone in an unknown area the right way to go, or do you want a tour guide to show you the highlights I think that you can combine the two ways in one trip and have the best of both worlds."独自一人去一个陌生的地方是正确的做法吗?还是你想要一个导游告诉你亮点?我认为你可以在一次旅行中把这两种方式结合起来做到两全其美;以及空后"The best purchase we made was for a bus tour that would take us around the capital and point out all the main sites. That allowed us the next day to travel on foot to the ones we especially wanted to see."我们所做的最好的购买是一次巴士之旅,它可以带我们游览首都并指出所有的主要景点。这样,第二天我们就可以步行去我们特别想去的地方了。C. One trip we recently took was to Washington DC."我们最近去了一次华盛顿特区。"承接上文,通过作者的亲身经历来说明怎样做到两全其美,作者建议在旅游中将两种方式结合起来,后面所举例子就是自己在一次旅游中将两者结合的经历。故选C。
37.根据空前"Let's look at the San Francisco Bay Area which is another one of my favorite vacation spots. Some areas are so familiar to tourists that it's possible to view the attractions on your own."让我们来看看旧金山湾区,这是我最喜欢的度假胜地之一。有些地区对游客来说是如此熟悉,以至于可以自己参观景点;以及空后"Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39 are good examples. Just by walking a few blocks, you can tour Aquarium of the Bay and the Riptide Arcade on Pier 39."渔人码头和39号码头就是很好的例子。只需步行几个街区,你就可以参观39号码头的海湾水族馆和激流拱廊。D. That allows you to take your time and go at your own pace."这样你就可以慢慢来,按照自己的节奏去参观。"承接上文,说明了游客对某些景点的熟悉带来的自己参观的便利,下文具体举例子说明了这一点,符合语境,故选D。
38.根据空后"If you go to Alcatraz Island, you have a choice of going alone, having a live tour guide or being guided by earphones. I would recommend the live tour guides."如果你去恶魔岛,你可以选择一个人去,或现场请一位导游或由耳机引导。我推荐现场请导游。F. Some attractions are worth having a tour guide for."有些景点值得请导游。"适合作主题句,下文具体举出了一个值得有导游引领的景点。故选F。
39.根据空后"It gives you a behind-the-scenes look of colorful Chinatown. The tour covers history, traditions of the local people and culture that you probably wouldn't know or see by travelling alone."让你了解多姿多彩的唐人街的幕后风貌。这趟旅行涵盖了历史、当地人民的传统和文化,这些是你独自旅行时可能不会知道或看到的。可知,这里介绍了另外一个值得跟随导游游玩的地方,即唐人街,E. Chinatown Walking Tours are a tour-guided must-see."唐人街徒步游是跟随导游的必游项目。"引出下文的介绍,符合语境,故选E。
40.根据空前"You can go alone to attractions or take a guided tour. It's your choice and you can choose whichever would give you the most memorable experience."你可以独自去景点,也可以参加导游团。这是你的选择,你可以选择给你带来最难忘经历的做法。A. I recommend both."我两者都推荐"承接上文,作者建议两者可相结合,是对本文的一个总结,符合语境,故选A。
41.句意:起初,医生告诉她不要担心——也许Alexa只是一个"懒惰的孩子"。A: Initially"最初";B: Gradually"逐渐地";C: Apparently"显然";D: Ultimately "最终"。根据下文"After seeing a specialist, though, Alexa was diagnosed with a rare disease called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)"可知,后来专家看后,发现Alexa患上了一种称为SMA的罕见疾病;以及空后"doctors told her not to worry — perhaps Alexa was just a ‘lazy baby'."可知,医生告诉Alexa的妈妈不要担心,可推知,此处表示起初医生告诉她不要担心。故选A。
42.句意:然而,在看了专家之后,Alexa被诊断出患有一种名为脊髓性肌萎缩症(SMA)的罕见疾病,这种疾病会影响中枢神经系统和身体的肌肉。A: bones"骨头";B: cells"细胞";C: blood"血液";D: muscles "肌肉"。根据空前"After seeing a specialist, though, Alexa was diagnosed with a rare disease called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)"可知,Alexa后来被诊断患上了一种名为脊髓性肌萎缩症,可推知,此处指的是这种疾病影响身体的肌肉。故选D。
43.句意:在Alexa的整个童年和青春期,没有可用的药物来治疗SMA。A: previous"以前的";B: available"可得到的";C: sufficient"足够的";D: affordable"付得起的"。根据下文"Her muscles continued to weaken over time."可知,她的肌肉持续萎缩,可推知,此处指的是她的整个童年和青春期没有可用的药物来治疗该疾病。故选B。
44.句意:但Alexa很外向,喜欢通过假装游戏和表演来锻炼她的想象力。A: body"身体";B: power "力量";C: language"语言";D: imagination "想象"。根据常识以及空后"through pretend play and performing."可知,Alexa喜欢假装游戏和表演,可推知,通过假装游戏和表演可以锻炼她的想象力。故选D。
45.句意:这种冒险精神使她成为一名儿童演员,出现在电影、电视节目和广告中。A: actor"演员";B: producer"制造商";C: lawyer"律师";D: author"作者"。根据上文"But Alexa was outgoing and loved to exercise her 4 through pretend play and performing."可知,Alexa喜欢通过假装游戏和表演来锻炼她的想象力,可推知,此处指的是这使她成为一名儿童演员,故选A。
46.句意:凭借努力、决心和勇气——更不用说她所爱的人的大力支持——Alexa从高中毕业,进入了法学院。A: mention"提到";B: explain"解释";C: argue"争辩";D: complain "抱怨"。根据空前"With hard work, determination and courage";以及空后"plenty of support from her loved ones"可知,此处指的是Alexa凭借着努力、决心和勇气以及她所爱的人的大力支持,从高中毕业,所以此处表示"更不用说",not to mention固定短语,"更不必说"。故选A。
47.句意:在法学院期间,她的症状变得特别令人担忧。A: tiresome"令人厌烦的";B: worrisome "令人担忧的";C: terrific"极好的";D: fantastic"非常棒的"。根据下文"She noticed that it was becoming more difficult to 8 her hands and move her fingers."可知,Alexa注意到自己的手指都不能动,可推知,此处表示的是他的症状变得特别令人担忧。故选B。
48.句意:她注意到抬起手和移动手指变得越来越困难了。A: shake"摇动";B: wave"挥动";C: swing"摇摆";D: lift "抬起"。根据空前"She noticed that it was becoming more difficult";以及空后"and move her fingers"可知,后来他发现自己移动手指越来越困难,此处与"移动手指"为并列关系,可推知,此处指的是抬起手,故选D。
49.句意:大约在同一时间,她听说一种治疗SMA的实验性药物正在临床试验中。A: tried out"试用,尝试";B: talked about"讨论";C: heard about"听说";D: tested out "测试"。根据空后"an experimental drug for SMA that was in clinical trials."可知,此处指听说一种治疗SMA的实验性药物正在临床试验中,故选C。
50.句意:她开始研究,尽可能多地了解这种可能的药物,以及它可能对她有什么帮助。A: claiming "宣称";B: admiring"羡慕,欣赏";C: researching"研究";D: fighting"战斗"。根据空后"to learn as much as she could about this possible medicine and what it might do for her."可知,Alexa尽可能多的了解这种可能的药物,以及它可能对她有什么帮助,可知此处指她开始研究,故选C。
51.句意:最后,她接受了有史以来第一次被批准的治疗,以减缓疾病的进展。A: cure"治愈";B: speed"加速";C: stop"停止,阻止";D: slow "减缓"。根据空前"Finally she received the first-ever approved treatment"可知,最后他接受了有史以来第一次被批准的治疗;以及空后"the progression of her disease"可知,此处应指的是治疗的目的为减缓疾病的进展。故选D。
52.句意:虽然Alexa没有让SMA定义她,但它确实塑造了今天的她:乐观、勇敢、坚定。A: remembered"记住";B: affected"影响";C: shaped"塑造";D: realized"意识到"。根据空后"who she is today: optimistic, courageous"可知,此处都是Alexa现在的品质,可推知,此处表示塑造了今天的她。故选C。
53.句意:虽然Alexa没有让SMA定义她,但它确实塑造了今天的她:乐观、勇敢、坚定。A: considerate "体贴的";B: determined"意志坚定的";C: sympathetic"有同情心的";D: generous "慷慨的"。根据语境以及上文"With hard work, determination and courage…"可知,Alexa患上罕见疾病后并没有被疾病打倒,反而是通过努力、决心和勇气中学毕业并进入法学院,可推知,此处指她:意志坚定,故选B。
54.句意:SMA给她设置的限制是一个障碍,但它们也起到了激励作用,使Alexa尽可能多地从生活中获得东西。A: consequence"后果,结果";B: threat"威胁";C: object"客观事物";D: obstacle "障碍"。根据空前"The limitations SMA places on her"可知,SMA给Alexa设置了限制,也就是给他设置了一个障碍。故选D。
55.句意:SMA给她设置的限制是一个障碍,但它们也起到了激励作用,使Alexa尽可能多地从生活中获得东西。A: operated"操作,做手术";B: indicated"暗示,表明";C: experienced"体验,经历";D: functioned "起作用,运转"。根据空后"leading Alexa to get as much out of life as she can."可知,SMA给她设置的障碍使Alexa尽可能多地从生活中获得东西,可推断,此处指的是这些障碍也起到了激励作用,function as固定短语,"起……作用"。故选D。
【答案】56.a;57.to translate;58.was honored;59.on;60.originally;61.graduating;62.authored;63.written;64.achievements;65.whose
57.句意:她是第一位将塞万提斯的西班牙语小说《唐吉诃德》翻译成中文的中国学者,在当时,她的翻译被誉为是在忠实的基础上对原作的再创造。the first…to do sth,"第一个做某事的……",动词不定式作后置定语。故填to translate。
58.句意:她是第一位将塞万提斯的西班牙语小说《唐吉诃德》翻译成中文的中国学者,在当时,她的翻译被誉为是在忠实的基础上对原作的再创造。此处是谓语动词,根据时间状语at that time可知,应用一般过去时;又因主语translation和honor之间为被动关系,所以应用一般过去时的被动语态结构,translation在本句中看作单数,谓语动词为单数形式。故填was honored。
59.句意:她是第一位将塞万提斯的西班牙语小说《唐吉诃德》翻译成中文的中国学者,在当时,她的翻译被誉为是在忠实的基础上对原作的再创造。on the basis of固定短语,"在……的基础之上"。故填on。
65.句意:2003年,她的畅销书《我们仨》在两个月内销量超过18万册。 sales exceeded 180,000 copies in two month是非限制性定语从句,先行词We Three在从句中作sales的定语成分,用关系代词whose引导。故填whose。
66.【答案】One possible version:
Change begins with you
Hello, everyone! I'm greatly honoured to stand here to deliver a speech to enhance the awareness of protecting wild animals, whose topic is Change begins with you.
As we all know, animals play a part in keeping the balance of nature. Unfortunately, they are being over–hunted; their habitats are being damaged, so some of them are dying out. It's time for us to take immediate measures to change the situation. We shouldn't cut down trees without permission. Instead, we are supposed to plant more trees to protect the animals' living conditions. At the same time, more nature reserves are expected to be set up.
Let's take the responsibility and do what we can to protect wild animals. Change begins with us and we will live in harmony with animals and life will become better.
That's all. Thank you for your listening.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生 以"Change begins with you"为题目写一篇呼吁保护野生动物的演讲稿 。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: ⑴ 演讲目的;⑵ 保护野生动物的原因;⑶ 保护野生动物的建议;⑷ 再次呼吁保护野生动物。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如: I'm greatly honoured to stand here to deliver a speech to enhance the awareness of protecting wild animals, whose topic is Change begins with you.运用了不定式作原因状语,非限制性定语从句;As we all know, animals play a part in keeping the balance of nature. 运用了非限制性定语从句;Unfortunately, they are being over–hunted; their habitats are being damaged, so some of them are dying out.运用了被动语态,因果并列句; It's time for us to take immediate measures to change the situation. 运用了固定句式It's time for sb to do.....; At the same time, more nature reserves are expected to be set up. 运用了被动语态;Let's take the responsibility and do what we can to protect wild animals. 运用了祈使句;省略to的不定式作宾补,宾语从句;Change begins with us and we will live in harmony with animals and life will become better.运用了"祈使句+and+简单句"。
67.【答案】One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
Lily's curiosity seized her, and she leaned in closer. "What is it, Samuel " "I may have appeared lost and homeless when we met," Samuel said with a smile. Confusion spread across Lily's face as she listened attentively. "But I am actually a millionaire," Samuel continued. "I disguised myself to see if there were still good-hearted people in the world. And you, Lily, have proved to me that genuine kindness still exists." Lily was speechless, a mix of shock and awe washing over her. Ready to reward Lily for her kindness, Samuel ensured that her family would be blessed with abundance.
Paragraph 2:
True to his word, Samuel lived up to his promise of giving Lily a large sum of money.Lily's family found themselves never lacking daily necessities. Instead, they were always enveloped in wealth, but they never forgot the lesson of kindness that began with the encounter on that park bench. They used their newfound fortune to help others in need, who also passed on kindness to their neighbors. And so, the small town became known for its endless kindness, which was forever changed by Samuel who was not what he seemed.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:I may have appeared lost and homeless when we met运用了时间状语从句; Confusion spread across Lily's face as she listened attentively. 运用了时间状语从句;I disguised myself to see if there were still good-hearted people in the world. 运用了不定式作目的状语,宾语从句,there be句式; And you, Lily, have proved to me that genuine kindness still exists.运用了宾语从句; Ready to reward Lily for her kindness, Samuel ensured that her family would be blessed with abundance. 运用了形容词作状语,宾语从句; Instead, they were always enveloped in wealth, but they never forgot the lesson of kindness that began with the encounter on that park bench. 运用了被动语态,转折并列句;They used their newfound fortune to help others in need, who also passed on kindness to their neighbors. 运用了非限制性定语从句;And so, the small town became known for its endless kindness, which was forever changed by Samuel who was not what he seemed.运用了非限制性定语从句,限制性定语从句。
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