Listening and viewing
Unit 2 Animals
What do typical animal lovers do
Listening task
I’m a Real Animal Lover (Radio programme)
A. raising a pet
B. observing wild animals
C. reading books on animals
D. watching animal documentaries E. visiting the zoo
F. going to the museum
G. going on a safari
H. watching zoo animals
1. when he was a child
2. when he wasolder
3. now
II. Listen to the radio programme. While you listen, match the speaker’s activities with his particular period of life. Note that there is one extra choice.
Life period
A. raising a pet
B. observing wild animals
C. reading books on animals
D. watching animal documentaries E. visiting the zoo
F. going to the museum
G. going on a safari
H. watching zoo animals
I used to read every book I could find on animals. I knew all the different animal species. The most exciting thing for me was going to the zoo. I would spend hours just watching the animals walk around, sit, or even sleep.
II. Listen to the radio programme. While you listen, match the speaker’s activities with his particular period of life. Note that there is one extra choice.
Life period Activity
1. when he was a child
A. raising a pet
B. observing wild animals
C. reading books on animals
D. watching animal documentaries E. visiting the zoo
F. going to the museum
G. going on a safari
H. watching zoo animals
1. when he was a child
2. when he wasolder
When I was older, I went on a safari to Tanzania. I saw real wild animals in the wild. Everyone should do this once in their lives. Looking at animals in their natural habitat is a real honour.
II. Listen to the radio programme. While you listen, match the speaker’s activities with his particular period of life. Note that there is one extra choice.
Life period Activity
1. when he was a child
2. when he wasolder
3. now
A. raising a pet
B. observing wild animals
C. reading books on animals
D. watching animal documentaries E. visiting the zoo
F. going to the museum
G. going on a safari
H. watching zoo animals
II. Listen to the radio programme. While you listen, match the speaker’s activities with his particular period of life. Note that there is one extra choice.
Life period Activity
Now I often go to the Natural History Museum and watch animal documentaries.
We really need to _ _e_ _ _ _ so that _
The speaker is worried about Some of his favourite animals
_ _ _ ____.
_ _e _ ______.
2. According to the speaker, what should we do to solve the problem
1. What are the speaker’s concerns about animals
in the wild .
I’ma real animal lover. I’m fascinated by the whole animal kingdom.
I loved animals when Iwasakid … Iused to … When I was older … Now …
I’mworried about …
We really need to …
Topic sentence
Supporting details (in the time order)
To call on people to love and protect
Discussing What else can we do to solve the problem
Protect animals' habitats Raise funds
Stop buying products Raise awareness
made from animals
might be called a hero.
I. Make a list of reasons why an animal
1 a g i named Salty
What does the hero look like
2 a el low Labrador; she looks mild and ha
11 Sept., 2001
New York
What happened
As Tower One of the World Trade Centre began collapsing
around them, Salty 4 and a friend down 70 flights of stairs to sla tyh t rw, ael y and her owner
received 5 and she was also given 6 an award
the Partners Encourage Award
the Dicken Medal
a medal
Clip 1
Salty the Dog
Number 2, Salty, the guide who led her owner to safety on 9- 11. Guide dogs are expected to keep their owners out of danger, but Salty, a New York guide dog, took protection to a whole new level. … Salty led Omar and a friend down 70 flights of stairs to safety, just moments before Tower 1 completely collapsed. Salty was there the whole way, and even refused to let the friend take her leash because she wanted to stay with her owner until he was saved. Their ordeal took 1 hour and 15 minutes to accomplish.
flight 一段楼梯
stair 楼梯
leash 皮带,链条
ordeal 煎熬,严酷的考验
Views towards dogs The US and the UK
Saudi Arabia & Iran
Views towards cows India
1. Watch videoclip 2 and complete the table with the information.
2. Finish Listening and Viewing Exercise in the workbook on Page19.
3. Read “Culture Link” on Page 27 and complete the table.
List some idioms or expressions about dogs and cows in English and Chinese, and figure out their meanings.
感谢您的观看《高中英语(上外版)》必修第二册 Unit 2 Animals
课时:第 4 课时 课题:I’ma Real Animal Lover & Animal Heroes
课型:Listening and Viewing 设计者:
1. 教学目标
本课为本单元的第 4 课时,核心目标为引导学生依据情景语境,获取视听语篇的主 要事实、信息和作者观点,培养学生依据听力任务和材料中的文本有选择地记录所需信 息,认识到动物对于人类生活的重要性,激发“尊重生命、敬畏自然”的生活理念。
2. 设计思路
①导入话题、激活背景、激发兴趣。教师创设主题语境,学生开展头脑风暴,讨论 动物爱好者会参与的活动,激发已有的背景知识,提高听时专注度。
②任务驱动、预测内容、聚焦重点。 学生根据听力任务的标题和练习部分的内容进 行预测,之后进行听力练习配对部分。
③师生活动、诊断分析、深化理解。 在核对答案时,教师适当追问,引导学生思考 音频材料中提到的这些活动能为人们提供什么样的知识和感受,提升学生了解动物的兴 趣。教师引导学生认识听力文本的语篇逻辑和功能,提高听力技能。
④复听内容,内化知识,提升认知。在复听并完成书上练习后,学生讨论如何能缓 解动物濒危的现状,从而增强动物保护的意识。
在视听任务环节,教师让学生罗列动物能成为英雄的原因,并提供一些照片激发学 生的思维,了解动物在人类生活中不可忽视的角色。
②任务驱动,预测内容。学生根据视听任务表格内容进行预测,明确在完成视听任 务时需要关注的重点信息。
③视听内容,提炼内化。完成视听练习后,学生思考动物英雄所具有的品质,并根 据笔记内容和表格信息复述故事内容,激发尊重生命、敬畏生命的理念。
由于在一个课时内完成所有视听任务会对学生的要求较高,因此,还有一段视频则 布置为课后作业,学生自主观看,完成书上对应练习。
3. 重点与难点
重点为根据视听任务有选择地记录所需信息,获取主要事实与信息,以及作者观点, 探讨应对动物目前的不利处境的方法,增强保护动物、敬畏自然的意识;难点为能获取 视频中非文字资源所传达的信息。
Lesson Plan
By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. get the main idea of the radio programme and the speaker’s opinion;
2. discuss the possible solutions to the problem animals face and raise the awareness of animal protection;
3. grasp the key information of the first documentary clip and retell the story based on the notes.
I. Lead in:
Activity 1: Lead in the topic.
Teacher: Get students to look at the pictures on page 26, and tell what it is about. Have students brainstorm the activities that a real animal lover will get involved in. Students: Look at the picture and express their opinions. Discuss with group members the different activities. Purpose: To set the scene and activate students’ prior knowledge about animal lovers.
Guided questions:
1. Who are the people in the photo and what are they doing
2. Do you know anyone in your life who loves animals Can you share his or her story with the class
II. Listening: I’m a Real Animal Lover (Radio programme)
Activity 2: Make predictions.
Teacher: Have students take a quick look at the listening tasks and make predictions. Students: Read the title and listening tasks and predict the content. Purpose: To lead students to practice the predicting skills and get them prepared for the listening task.
Guided questions:
1. What do you want to know from the title
2. According to the listening task, what will the speaker talk about
Activity 3: Practice listening.
Teacher: Have students listen to the audio and do Activities II and III, and then check answers. (Remind them to pay close attention to the different life periods mentioned in the audio. Play the audio again if necessary.) Students: Listen to the audio, take notes selectively and do Activities II and III. Purpose: To lead students to practice listening for specific information and check their predictions.
Guided questions:
1. What did the speaker get involved in when he was a child/when he was older/now
2. Have you read any books on animals What can you learn from the books
3. Have you observed wild animals or gone on a safari What kind of experience will a safari offer
4. Do you like animal documentaries Why or why not
5. What are the speaker’s concerns about animals
6. What should we do to solve the problem according to the speaker
Activity 4: Discuss the organization of the information and the problem mentioned in the radio programme.
Teacher: Have students discuss with peers the purpose of the radio programme and the way information is organized. Ask students to work out the solutions to the problem raised by the speaker. Students: Discuss with peers the purpose and the features of the text. List some solutions to the problem. Purpose: To deepen students ’ understanding of the audio (text) as a whole and help to increase their awareness of animal protection.
Guided questions:
1. What is the purpose of the radio programme
2. How does the speaker draw the attention of the listeners
3. How does the speaker organize the information about the activities In what order is the information organized
4. What other measures can be taken to help solve the problem that many animals are in danger of dying out
III. Viewing task: Animal Heroes
Activity 5: Brainstorm.
Teacher: Ask students to brainstorm the reasons why an animal might be called a hero and encourage them to share their ideas with the class. Students: Discuss with group members and list the reasons. Purpose: To activate students ’ background knowledge and prepare them for the viewing task.
Guided questions:
1. What kinds of animals are most likely to be heroes (Teacher provides some photos about animal heroes.)
2. Have you watched any movies or TV documentaries about heroic animals
Activity 6: Make predictions.
Teacher: Ask students to take a quick look at the viewing tasks and predict the content. Students: Read the viewing tasks and make predictions. Purpose: To encourage students to use prediction as a strategy to better grasp the key information.
Guided questions:
1. What might the story be about
2. Who might be involved in the story
3. What happened on 11 Sept. 2001
Activity 7: Practice viewing and listening.
Teacher: Play the video and remind students to take down the key information while listening. Play the video again if necessary. Check answers in class. Students: Watch video clip 1 and fill in the blanks in the table with the key information. Purpose: To lead students to practice taking notes selectively and check their predictions.
Guided questions:
1. Who is the story about
2. What does the hero look like What’s the breed of the dog What kind of fur does she have
3. Where did it happen
4. What did the animal hero do
Activity 8: Discuss the qualities the animal hero displayed.
Teacher: Ask students to discuss with peers the qualities Salty has and retell the story based on the notes. Call on one or two students to share the story with the class. Students: Retell the story to peers based on the notes. Purpose: To offer students food for thought and encourage them to practice retelling the story by combining the wh- / how elements.
Guided questions:
1. What do you think of Salty What qualities does Salty possess
2. What might have happened without Salty
3. Can you retell the story and make comments on it
IV. Homework
1. Watch video clip 2 and complete the table with the information.
2. Finish Listening and Viewing Exercises in the workbook on Page 19.
3. Read “Culture Link” on Page 27 and complete the table. List some idioms or expressions about dogs and cows in English and Chinese, and figure out their meanings.
Views towards dogs
The US and the UK
Saudi Arabia & Iran
Views towards cows
Idioms or expressions about dogs and cows 关于狗和牛的谚语俗语