《高中英语》 (上外版)
必修 第二册
Period 1 Getting Started & Reading A
Period 2 Reading A & Vocabulary Focus Period 3 Grammar in Use
Period 4 Moving Forward: Writing
Period 5 Listening & Moving Forward: Speaking
Period 6 Viewing & Reading B
Period 7 Reading B & Critical Thinking
Period 1 Getting Started & Reading A
Unit 3 Food
Dining in France: Culture Shock
Period No. Objectives
1 1. To understand the text (know what happened to the author, understand what culture shock is, and know how to deal with culture shock in a foreign country); 2. To grasp the structure and language features of a blog; 3. To have a proper attitude towards culture shock.
1. Lead-in
2. Skimming and scanning
3. Language study
4. Reading comprehension
Unit Organisation
Name the food and the country where it is popular
Name the food and the country where it is popular
Name the food and the country where it is popular
Name the food and the country where it is popular
Name the food and the country where it is popular
Name the food and the country where it is popular
Name the food and the country where it is popular
This reading material most probably comes from:
A. a short story collection
B. a magazine
C. a personal blog
D. a WeChat official account
Personal Touch:
Which food or dining custom mentioned in the diary
sounds new or strange to you
What does the text mainly
tell us Analyse the structure of the blog post.
personal experiences
Lessons learned
what is How to
My Experiences Where
My first weekend abroad
With whom
My 2
On what occasion
What happened
I was shocked by the 4 “ ”traditions.
Listen to the tape and complete the table.
1) slices of fresh bread
2) using bread as a utensil
3) to grab a coffee at a nearby café
Match the expressions with the pictures.
A. 策略; 计谋 , 战略
B. 盛衰 , 沉浮
C.(偶尔) 遇到 ,(无意) 碰见
D. 使人气馁的 ,让人泄气的
1) run into difficulties
2) learn strategies from International Programs Office
3) ups and downs of the experience
4) the differences seem frustrating
Match the English expressions with their Chinese equivalents.
Q1: What is culture shock
Q2: What did the author do to deal with culture shock
Q3: What did IPO (International Programs Office) do to help the author
Read the text and answer the following questions.
Q1: What are the highs and lows of one ’s experience of
culture shock
Q2: Which phase did the author experience at that time
Q3: What other cultural differences about food and dining
between France has the author discovered
Questions for further comprehension
Q1: What are the highs and lows of one ’s experience of
culture shock
A1: The “highs ” refer to the honeymoon phase, where
one finds everything new and exciting while the
“lows ” refer to low points, where the little
differences may seem frustrating and overwhelming.
Questions for further comprehension
Q2: Which phase did the author experience at that time Why
A2: Judging from the author ’s reaction, she was
the honeymoon phase.
Questions for further comprehension
F a ce has the a tho discove ed
r n u r In France
In the author ’s home country
1 There are the “king cake ” traditions.
There are no such traditions.
2 The F r e n ch eat with both wrists resting on the table.
Many Americans tend to keep their left hands in their laps while eating.
3 The French often use bread as a utensil.
Bread is not used as a utensil.
4 The Fr ench often say “Bon appétit! ” before eating.
People rarely say this before eating.
Q3 : What other cultural differences about food and dining between
Questions for further comprehension
of a culture shock experience
1. Discuss: What is your attitude towards culture shock
2. Draw a line graph to illustrate the highs and lows
Group work
Collect and tell a story of culture shock concerning food of
another culture based on what you heard or what you experienced.
Presentation: A culture shock story concerning food of another culture.
The content of the article must include:
1) A story: 5W1H (when, where, who, what ...)
2) Cross-cultural comparison and possible explanations
3) Practical way (s) to deal with such culture shock
The language of the article must include:
cohesive devices: expressions of contrast or comparison
Thank you!
1. What cultural differences may a Chinese student notice
about eating and drinking while studying in a foreign
2. Make cross-cultural comparison and try to explain these
cultural differences.
3. Give some practical tips on how to handle the possible
More Questions for Group Discussion
Check List 1. Is the culture shock brought by food of another culture Yes.
2. Does the story include the key elements, such as time (when), place (where) and people (who) Yes.
3. Are there cross-cultural comparison and possible explanations Yes.
4. Does the speaker mention practical way(s) to deal with such culture shock Yes.
5. Is the presentation linked by cohesive devices Yes.
Share culture shock stories concerning food of another
culture.《高中英语(上外版)》必修第二册 Unit 3 Food
课时:第 1 课时 课题:Dining in France: Culture Shock
课型:Reading 设计者:
1. 教学目标
本课为本单元的第 1 课时,核心目标为通过阅读一名美国学生在法国留学期 间写的一篇博客发现和了解博客类记叙文的语篇结构(即讲述经历、分享经验)。 引导学生通过略读、跳读和深入阅读文本,掌握语篇大意和文本细节,发现并了 解一些法国和美国的饮食习俗,理解饮食文化所带来的文化冲击,把握文化冲击 的概念。
通过组织学生讨论,帮助学生理解文化冲击的阶段特征(“蜜月期 ”和“低 谷期 ”的含义),思考对待文化冲击的态度,最终形成尊重和包容多样文化的意 识。
2. 设计思路
首先,教师让学生对多国特色美食做出判断,从而引出本课时的主题——饮 食文化。然后引导学生观察文本特征,并判断语篇类型:博客类记叙文。接着, 学生通过略读,回答“读后感触 ”(personal touch)问题,说出文章大意,并分 析这篇博客文的语篇结构和要素。随后,通过听故事并填写表格的方式,帮助学 生了解作者(一位在法国留学的美国学生)在留学期间一次聚会上所经历的饮食 文化冲击,并填写出主要信息点(where, when, with whom, on what occasion, what happened)。通过语言学习、师生问答和小组活动等方式帮助学生进一步深入阅 读,了解文中涉及到的文化差异、作者对文化冲击的理解和分享的应对策略,从 而激活学生对文化冲击的看法思考和理解。
课后,请学生参照 Reading A 收集并分享自己或身边人在国外遇到的饮食文 化冲击的经历。同时,明确作业要求。
3. 重点难点
在语境中理解单词的词义和对饮食文化冲击的理解;从作者的描述迁移到自 身对“文化冲击 ”现象的看法,并形成积极对待文化差异的情感态度。
Lesson Plan
Teaching Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to
l understand the text (know what happened to the author, understand what culture shock is, and know how to deal with culture shock in a foreign country);
l grasp the structure and language features of a blog;
l have a proper attitude towards culture shock.
I. Lead-in
*Teacher: Ask the students to look at the pictures one by one, name the food and the country where each food/dish is popular. *Students: Name the food and the country where it is popular. Purpose: To identify the culture associated with each dish. *Teacher: Ask the students to look at the layout, pictures, format and page elements of the text and work out the source of the reading material. *Students: Find out the source of the reading material. Purpose: To understand the features of a blog entry/diary.
Guided questions:
1. Could you name the food on the screen and the country where it is popular
2. What type of article do you think it is Why
II. First reading: Skimming
*Teacher: Ask the students to skim the text and share their first response to the text. *Students: Skim the text and share their first response to the text. Purpose: To get a general impression ofthe text and express ideas on the topic. *Teacher: Ask the students to summarize the text in their own words and identify the structure of the blog diary. *Students: Summarize the text in their own words and identify the structure of the blog diary. Purpose: To practice summarizing skill and identify the typical text structure ofa blog diary.
Guided questions:
1. Which food or dining custom mentioned in the diary sounds new or strange to you
2. What does the text mainly tell us Analyse the structure of the blog post.
III. Listening and second reading: Learning about the author’s experience
*Teacher: Get students to learn about the author’s experience. *Students: Listen to the tape (paras 1-2) and complete the table. Purpose: To figure out what happened to the author on her first weekend abroad.
Guided question:
(Listen to the tape) What happened to the author on her first weekend abroad
IV. Third reading: Language study and reading for details
*Teacher: Get students to understand the words and expressions in context. *Students: Try to understand the words and expressions in context. Purpose: To help the students ease the difficulty in reading. *Teacher: Get students to further read the text and answer questions accordingly. *Students: Read the text again and answer questions accordingly. Purpose: To read for details and understand what culture shock is, and know how to deal with culture shock in a foreign country.
Guided questions:
1. What is culture shock
2. What did the author do to deal with culture shock
3. What did IPO (International Programs Office) do to help the author
4. What are the highs and lows of one’s experience of culture shock
5. Which phase did the author experience at that time Why
6. What other cultural differences about food and dining between France has the author discovered
V. Group work: Beyond the text
*Teacher: Get students to draw a line graph to illustrate the highs and lows of a culture shock experience and to have a discussion to share their views towards culture shock. *Students: Draw a line graph to illustrate the highs and lows of a culture shock experience and have a discussion to share their views towards culture shock.
Purpose: To transfer information from text to diagram, and to form and share personal attitude towards the subject.
Guided questions:
1. Draw a line graph to illustrate the highs and lows of a culture shock experience.
2. Discuss: What is your attitude towards culture shock
VI. Assignment
Collect and tell a story of culture shock concerning food of another culture based on what you heard or what you experienced. Give a presentation in class.
Presentation: A culture shock story concerning food of another culture The content must include:
1) A story: 5W1H (when, where, who, what ...)
2) Cross-cultural comparison and possible explanations
3) Practical way(s) to deal with such culture shock
The language must include:
cohesive devices: expressions of contrast or comparison
Guided questions: (供选用)
1. Have you, your family or your friends ever met with similar situations in a foreign country
2. Would you please describe the experience to the class