《高中英语》 (上外版)
必修 第二册
Period 1 Getting Started & Reading A
Period 2 Reading A & Vocabulary Focus Period 3 Grammar in Use
Period 4 Moving Forward: Writing
Period 5 Listening & Moving Forward: Speaking (Further Exploration)
Period 6 Viewing & Reading B
Period 7 Reading B & Critical Thinking
Period 5 Listening & Moving Forward: Speaking
(Further Exploration)
Period No. Objectives
5 1. To learn about some dining customs in different countries; 2. To develop note-taking skills while listening; 3. To learn to use hands effectively while presenting; 4. To be able to talk about cultural differences foreigners might notice about eating and drinking in China; 5. To deepen the understanding of the role food and dining customs play in cross-cultural communication.
1. Listening
2. Guessing game
3. Role play: interview 4. Group discussion 5. Group presentation and evaluation
Unit Organisation
No. Place
Dining Custom
1 (1) Southern China _____ ________
Don t (2) fish.
2 (3)
No (4) leave for waiters.
3 China and Japan India, parts of the
Don’stan(d5i)ng upright your chopsticks
(6) in your rice bowl.
4 ______________________ ______________________
before noon
Use your (8) hand to to ch food
1. Listening: Dining Customs Around the World
Listen and complete the table with the information you hear.
(7)Middle East and Afri aly
C i ll d (10)
’ flip over
It (Flipping over a whole fish) is considered to bring bad luck.
A big tip is insulting. Service fee is included in the price.
Leaving your chopsticks standing upright in your rice bowl is often associated with funerals.
The left hand is used for bathroom functions and considered unclean.
Some Italians think drinking Cappuccinos too late may upset the stomach
1. Listening: Dining Customs Around the World
Why are these customs observed in these places Listen again and find out.
1. Exploring & Sharing
Find a country or culture whose food traditions you are interested in and search for relevant information from
reliable sources (such as books, magazines, official websites, etc.). Categorise the information and work out possible
explanations for each food tradition.
Then share your findings with your group members.
2. Oral Preparation
Prepare a brief oral introduction. In class, you will be asked to introduce that country’s dining customs without mentioning its name.
You can refer to the outline for your preparation.
Foods and Dining Customs in ...
l Traditional foods
Family meals
Festival favorites
l Dining Customs
Eating utensils
Table manners
Other customs
Before Class: Further Exploration
On e student will be asked to describe a particular country’ s dining customs without mentioning its name.
Other students listen and guess which country it is . The listeners can ask the speaker questions to find out more clues.
Traditional foods
Family meals
Festival favorites
Dining Customs
Eating utensils
Table manners
Other customs
2. Guessing Game
1. Did the culture shock described in the interview match the foreign visitors ’ identity
2. What phrases or sentence structures were used to give suggestions
(It is suggested that ... /It is advisable to ... / You had better ... /It is better to ...)
3. Did the interviewers or interviewees use body languages such as eye contact, facial expressions and hand gestures How can we use hand gestures effectively while speaking
(Hand gestures can act as a second language. You can use open hands and palms up for a positive efect. Make sure your gestures are natural and avoid pointing directly at someone.)
Some students will act as foreign visitors and some as journalists. The rest of students will be the audience.
The journalists will have an interview with the foreign visitors. They will ask the visitors about the typical food and dining customs in their countries and the culture shock they have encountered in China.
The journalists will also give foreigners suggestions about dealing with culture shock in China.
3. Role-Play: Interview
A group of foreign students from a partner school of ours are invited to visit our school next semester . The Students ’ Union is preparing to make some short videos to help them deal with possible culture shock in China.
Our class is invited to make some
4. Group Discussion
Now each group will discuss and select one topic for your video from the Table of Contents.
short videos about
Your presentation should include: Useful expressions 1. general information about your chosen topic, such as Typical Chinese Dishes, Seating, Eating utensils, Table manners, etc. 2. examples of possible culture shock foreign students may experience in China. 3. cross-cultural comparisons and reasons behind the food cultural differences.
4. suggestions about dealing with food-related culture shock in China.
What cultural differences might foreign students notice about eating and drinking in China
Work in groups, discuss and then present your ideas to the whole class.
Speaking Strategy:
Using hands effectively while presenting
Hand gestures can act as a second language.
l Use open hands and palms up for a positive effect.
l Make sure your gestures are natural and avoid pointing directly at someone.
5. Group Presentation and Evaluation
·, 四
Criteria Achieved
Not achieved
5. Group Presentation and Evaluation
Group Work:
l Polish your group presentation with the help of the checklist.
l Make a short video based on your group’s
presentation to help international exchange students deal with food-related culture shock in China.
The name of the video
Dining in China: Culture Shock
Thank you!《高中英语(上外版)》必修第二册 Unit 3 Food
课时:第 5 课时 课题:Introducing Dining in China to Foreign Students
课型:Listening and Speaking 设计者:
1. 教学目标
本课为本单元的第5 课时,核心目标为引导学生听懂关于世界各地饮食差异 的播客语篇所传递的信息;能口头讨论“外国人在中国就餐时可能遇到的文化冲 击 ”这一话题,并在口头表达时有效运用身势语;能通过各国饮食文化习俗的学 习和讨论,尊重和包容饮食文化的多样性,提升跨文化沟通的能力。
2. 设计思路
课前学生选择某个国家,通过查阅图书或网络等资源,获取该国饮食文化习 俗的相关信息,并与小组同伴分享信息。同时按照教材 Further Exploration 板块 所给参考提纲结合查找的资料准备口头介绍。
课上首先通过听博客语篇“Dining Around the World ”了解不同国家的饮食 习俗。再精听博客语篇第二部分,了解不同国家饮食习俗背后的文化原因。
活动二:你说我猜游戏(Guessing Game)。学生介绍某个国家的饮食习俗, 聆听者猜测是哪个国家。
活动三:角色扮演(Role Play)。部分同学扮演记者和外宾,以采访的形式 比较中外饮食文化的差异,了解外宾在中国遇到的饮食文化冲击,并向外宾提出 克服差异的建议。教师事前给出观察点,指导学生结合在 guessing game 中学习 的知识评判采访内容;引导学生关注身势语,评判采访的有效性;记录建议的表 达方式,学习表达建议的语言。
活动四:小组讨论(Group Discussion)。结合教材 Speaking 部分给出的情 境,创设具体任务:拍摄短视频“Dining in China: Culture Shock ”,让初到中国 的外国留学生了解可能遭遇到的饮食文化差异以及如何克服这些差异。学生以小 组形式选取中国饮食文化的某个方面作为视频主题,根据教师给出的一些准则 (guidelines)进一步深入讨论短片内容设计。
活动五:小组展示及互评(Group Presentation and Evaluation)。以小组形式 向全班陈述视频设计,结合评价量表从内容、语言和口头表述的有效性进行自评 与他评。
课后作业是根据同学评价和反馈,润色小组陈述的内容,并拍摄视频。当外 国学生来学校交流时,学校可以播放这个视频,帮助他们尽快适应在中国的生活。 一项真实的任务能够带给学生成就感,增强语言学习的动力。
3. 教学重点与难点
讨论外国学生可能会在中国遇到的文化冲击,并给外国学生提出应对文化冲 击的建议。
Teaching Plan
Teaching Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. learn about some dining customs in different countries;
2. develop note-taking skills while listening;
3. learn to use hands effectively while presenting;
4. be able to talk about cultural differences foreigners might notice about eating and drinking in China;
5. deepen the understanding of the role food and dining customs play in cross-cultural communication.
I. Listening
*Teacher: Ask students to listen to the podcast “Dining Customs Around the World” twice and complete the tables with the information they hear. *Students: Listen and complete the tables with the information they hear. Purpose: To practice listening skills by following the discourse markers for listing and to become aware of different dining customs around the world.
Guided questions:
1. (1st listening) Listen to the passage: “Dining Customs Around the World” and complete the table with the information you hear.
2. (2nd listening) Why are these customs observed in these places Listen again and find out.
II. Guessing Game
*Teacher: Ask one student to describe a particular country’s dining customs without mentioning its name. Tell the other students to listen and guess which country it is. *Students: Play the guessing game. Purpose: To give the students an opportunity to present their collaborative work in class andprepare for further speaking tasks.
Guided questions:
) (
)(Instructions) Let’s play a guessing game. One student will be asked to describe a particular country’s dining customs without mentioning its name. The other students listen and guess which country it is. The listeners can ask the speaker questions to find out more clues.
. *Teacher: Organize a role-play in class. *Students: Some act out the role-play while others observe it. *Teacher: Ask students to comment on the role-play from different aspects. At the
same time, guide students to learn how to give suggestions and how to use hand gestures effectively. *Students: Make comments on the role-play. Purpose: To have a better understanding ofculture shock, to learn how to give suggestions and use hand gestures efectively.
Guided questions:
(Instructions) Now we will have a role-play. Some students will act as foreign visitors and some as journalists. The rest of students will be audience. The journalists will have an interview with the foreign visitors. They will ask the visitors about the typical food and dining customs in their countries, the culture shock they have encountered in China. The journalist will also give foreigners suggestions about dealing with culture shock in China.
After watching the interview, you’ll answer the following questions.
1. Did the culture shock described in the interview match the foreign visitors ’ identity
2. What phrases or sentence structures were used to give suggestions
(It is suggested that ... / It is advisable to ... / You had better ... / It is better to ...)
3. Did the interviewers or interviewees use body languages such as eye contact, facial expressions and hand gestures How can we use hand gestures effectively while speaking
)(Hand gestures can act as a second language. You can use open hands andpalms up for a positive efect. Make sure your gestures are natural and avoid pointing directly at someone.)
Grou Discussion
). *Teacher: Describe a scenario to students and ask each group to discuss and select one topic from the Table of Contents. *Students: Discuss in groups to choose one topic from the Table of Contents. *Teacher: Ask students to share their opinions and collect ideas within their group with the help of the guidelines and language structures. *Students: Discuss in groups about cultural differences that foreign students might notice about eating and drinking in China. Purpose: To deepen students’ understanding ofthe role food and dining customs play in cross-cultural communication and to prepare for the homework.
Guided questions:
(Instructions) A group of foreign students from a partner school of ours are invited to visit our school next semester. The Students ’ Union is preparing to make some short videos to help them deal with possible culture shock in China. Our class is invited to make some short videos about “Foods and Dining Customs.”
Now each group will discuss and select one topic for your video from the Table of
3. After choosing each group’s topic, let’s go on to talk about the content of the short video on the topic. What cultural differences might foreign students notice about
eating and drinking in China Please discuss in groups with the help of the guidelines. Later, you’ll be asked to work with your group members to present your ideas to the whole class.
Your presentation should include: Useful expressions
1. general information about your chosen topic, such as Typical Chinese Dishes, Seating, Eating utensils, Table manners, etc.
2. examples of possible culture shock foreign students may experience in China. for example /for instance / take sth. as an example / a case in point
3. cross-cultural comparisons and reasons behind the food cultural pared with … / In comparison with... / ... than ... / ... while ... / The reason why ... is that ... / ... because ... / ...for the reason that ...
4. suggestions about dealing with food-related culture shock in China. It is suggested that ... / You had better ... / It is better to ...
V Grou
and Evaluation
). *Teacher: Ask students to work with group members to present the group’s ideas to the whole class. Encourage the presenters to use open hands and palms up for a positive effect and make sure their hand gestures are natural. *Students: Work in groups to present ideas to the whole class with the help of the guidelines and evaluate other groups ’ presentations by referring to the checklist. Purposes: To practice the speaking skills of using hand gestures properly and efectively while speaking; To encourage students to evaluate their presentations by using the checklist.
Guided questions:
1. Work in groups to present your group’s ideas to the whole class. While presenting, keep in mind what we have learned about hand gestures: Use open hands and palms up for a positive effect and make sure your hands gestures are natural.
2. Here is a checklist for self- and peer evaluation. Please evaluate your own presentation and the other groups ’ presentation according to the checklist.
Criteria Achieved Not achieved
Clear general information
Proper examples
Logical comparisons and reasons
Practical suggestions
Using hands effectively while presenting
VI. Assignments
Group Work:
l Polish your group presentation with the help of the checklist.
l Make a short video based on your group’s presentation to help international exchange students deal with food-related culture shock in China.
The name of the video
Dining in China: Culture Shock