选择性必修一 Unit 1 PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT 单元同步词汇教学【超好记-词汇知识点记忆】人教版(2019)高中英语


名称 选择性必修一 Unit 1 PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT 单元同步词汇教学【超好记-词汇知识点记忆】人教版(2019)高中英语
格式 docx
文件大小 161.5KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-05 12:47:19



词汇知识点 助记拓展
单词 词性 释义+助记+短语+同根词
physiology n. 生理学; study physiology 学习生理学; the study of physiology 生理学研究
artemisinin n. [药] 青蒿素; artemisinin treatment 青蒿素治疗; the discovery of artemisinin 青蒿素的发现
malaria n. 疟疾; fight malaria 抗击疟疾; prevent malaria 预防疟疾
academy n. 研究院; an art academy 一所艺术研究院; a military academy 一所军事学院; academic adj. 学业的;学术的; academically adv. 学业上;学术上; object n. 物体v. 反对; (反)subjective adj. 主观的
objective n. 目标; set an objective 设定一个目标; achieve one's objective 实现目标
botanical a. 植物学的; botanical garden 植物园; botanical research 植物学研究; botany n. 植物学
evaluate vt. 评价; evaluate one's performance 评价某人的表现; evaluate the quality of sth. 评价某物的质量; evaluation n. 评价;评估
property n. 财产; personal property 个人财产; real property 不动产
distinct a. 清晰的; be distinct from 与…… 不同; a distinct feature 一个明显的特征; distinctive adj. 独特的;特别的;有特色的; distinction n. 清楚;清晰
extract n. 提取物; extract from fruits 水果提取物; the extract of a plant 一种植物的提取物
vt. 提取; extract information 提取信息; extract juice from fruits 从水果中提取果汁
wormwood n. 蒿; wormwood plant 蒿类植物; the smell of wormwood 蒿的气味
boil v. 使沸腾; boil water 把水烧开; bring water to a boil 把水煮沸; boiled adj. 煮开的 boiling adj. 沸腾的
n. 沸点; reach the boil 达到沸点; at boiling point 在沸点
liquid n. 液体; a bottle of liquid 一瓶液体; liquid state 液态
a. 液体的;液态的; liquid form 液态形式; liquid substance 液态物质
obtain vt. 获得; obtain knowledge 获得知识; obtain permission 获得许可
acknowledge vt. 承认; acknowledge one's mistake 承认错误; acknowledge the truth 承认事实 (1)acknowledge doing/having done sth. 承认做了某事 acknowledge sb./sth. to be/as ...承认某人/某事…… acknowledge that ... 承认…… It is acknowledged that ... ……是大家公认的。 (2)acknowledgement n. 承认;感谢
defeat n. 失败;挫败; suffer a defeat 遭受失败; a crushing defeat 惨重的失败
vt. 击败;战胜; defeat the enemy 击败敌人; defeat one's opponent 战胜对手
analyse vt. 分析; analyse data 分析数据; analyse the problem 分析问题; analyst n. 分析师;分析家; n. 分析 analyses (pl.)分析
apparently ad. 显而易见;看来;显然; apparently true 显然是真的; be apparently happy 显然很开心; apparent adj. 显而易见的;明显的
substance n. 物质;物品;事实根据; a chemical substance 一种化学物质; natural substance 天然物质
insist v. 坚持;坚决要求; insist on doing sth. 坚持做某事; insist on one's opinion 坚持自己的观点 (1)insist表示“坚持要求;坚决主张”时,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。 (2)insist表示“坚持认为;坚持说”时,从句用陈述语气,不用虚拟语气。 (3)insist on/upon doing sth. 坚持做某事
scientific a. 科学 (上) 的;关于科学的; scientific research 科学研究; scientific method 科学方法; scientifically adv. 合乎科学地; science n. 科学; scientist n. 科学家
wear and tear — (正常使用造成的) 磨损;损耗; suffer from wear and tear 遭受磨损; due to wear and tear 由于磨损
conclusion n. 结论;推论; draw a conclusion 得出结论; in conclusion 总之 (1)come to/reach/draw a conclusion得出结论 in conclusion 总而言之;最后 (2) conclude v. 下结论;得出结论;从……中推断 conclude sth. 以……结束…… to conclude 最后(一句话);总之;
penicillin n. 青霉素;盘尼西林; take penicillin 服用青霉素; the discovery of penicillin 青霉素的发现
flee v. 迅速离开;逃跑; flee from danger 逃离危险; flee the scene 逃离现场
circumstance n. 条件;环境;状况; under certain circumstances 在某些情况下; economic circumstances 经济状况
novelist n. 小说家; a famous novelist 一位著名的小说家; become a novelist 成为小说家
novel n. (长篇) 小说; read a novel 读一本小说; a best-selling novel 一本畅销书
flow n. 流;流动;流畅; the flow of water 水流; a smooth flow 流畅的流动
vi. 流;流动; flow freely 自由流动; flow along a river 沿着河流流动
chart n. 图表; make a chart 制作图表; a statistical chart 统计图表
vt. 记录;制订计划; chart one's progress 记录某人的进展; chart a course 制订计划
found vt. 创建;建立;把…… 建立在; found a company 创办一家公司; be founded in 成立于
infer infer vt. 推断;推定; infer from sth. 从…… 推断; infer a conclusion 推断出一个结论; inference n. 推断;推论; inferred/inferring (过去式&过去分词/现在分词)
politician n. 从政者;政治家;政客; a skillful politician 一位有技巧的政治家; political career of a politician 政治家的政治生涯; politics n. 政治; political adj. 与政治有关的
numerous a. 众多的;许多的; numerous examples 许多例子; numerous opportunities 众多机会
theory n. 理论;学说; a scientific theory 一个科学理论; put forward a theory 提出一个理论; theoretical adj. 理论上的
relativity n. 相对论;相对性; the theory of relativity 相对论; understand relativity 理解相对论; relative adj. 相对的n. 亲戚; relate v. 叙述;使有联系;有关联
formula n. 公式;方程式;配方; a mathematical formula 一个数学公式; chemical formula 化学公式
genius n. 天才;天资;天赋; a musical genius 一位音乐天才; have a genius for sth. 对某事有天赋
gentle a. 温柔的;文静的; a gentle person 一个温柔的人; gentle voice 温柔的声音; gently adv. 温柔地;温和地
patent n. 专利;专利证书; apply for a patent 申请专利; a patented invention 一项有专利的发明
a. 有专利的; a patented product 有专利的产品; patented technology 有专利的技术
passion n. 酷爱;激情; have a passion for sth. 对某事有激情; pursue one's passion 追求某人的激情; passionate adj. 热情的;狂热的
doctorate n. 博士学位; earn a doctorate 获得博士学位; a doctorate degree 博士学位
extraordinary a. 不一般的;非凡的;想不到的; an extraordinary achievement 非凡的成就; extraordinary talent 非凡的才能
gradually ad. 逐渐地;逐步地; gradually improve 逐渐改善; increase gradually 逐渐增加; gradual adj. 逐渐的
photoelectric a. 光电的; photoelectric effect 光电效应; photoelectric material 光电材料
come to power — (开始) 掌权;上台; come to power in 在哪一年掌权; a leader comes to power 一位领导人上台
institution n. 社会公共机构;制度;习俗; a educational institution 一个教育机构; social institution 社会制度
institute n. (教育等) 机构;机构建筑; an research institute 一个研究机构; medical institute 医疗机构
consequence n. 结果;后果; as a consequence 结果; face the consequence 面对后果 (1)as a consequence/in consequence 因此;结果 as a consequence of/in consequence of 因为……的缘故 (2)consequent adj. 作为结果的 (3)consequently adv. 结果;因此;所以
take up a position — 担任;任职; take up a position as 担任…… 职位; take up a leadership position 担任领导职位 take up拿起;接受;开始从事;继续;占据(时间、空间等) take in收留(某人);吸收;领会,理解;欺骗;包括 take off(飞机等)起飞;脱下;成功,成名;(突然)离开;休假 take on呈现;雇用;承担 take over接管;接任;控制;占上风
moustache n. 上唇的胡子;髭; a thick moustache 浓密的胡子; grow a moustache 留胡子
peculiarity n. 个性;特点;怪异的性质; a peculiarity of sth. 某物的特点; strange peculiarity 奇怪的特点
encounter vt. 偶然碰到;遇到; encounter difficulties 遇到困难; encounter an old friend 遇到一位老朋友
n. 邂逅; an unexpected encounter 一次意外的邂逅; a romantic encounter 一次浪漫的邂逅
professor professor n. 教授; a university professor 一位大学教授; be respected as a professor 作为教授被尊敬
mourn v. 哀悼;忧伤; mourn for sb. 为某人哀悼; mourn the loss 为损失而忧伤
remarkable a. 非凡的;显著的; a remarkable achievement 非凡的成就; be remarkable for sth. 因某事而显著
device n. 方法;技巧;装置;仪器; a new device 一个新装置; electronic device 电子设备; remarkably adv.惊人地; remark v.&n. 谈论;评论
sum vi. 总结;概括; sum up 总结; sum up the main points 概括主要观点 to sum up 总之
n. 金额;总数; a large sum of money 一大笔钱; the sum total 总数 a large sum of/large sums of一大笔;大量的 in sum 总而言之
draft n. 草稿;草案; a draft plan 一份草案; a draft of a letter 一封信的草稿
vt. 起草;草拟; draft a letter 起草一封信; draft a document 草拟一份文件
Nobel Prize — 诺贝尔奖; win the Nobel Prize 获得诺贝尔奖; the Nobel Prize in Literature 诺贝尔文学奖