高中英语人教版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 学案(含答案)


名称 高中英语人教版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 学案(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-06 10:40:37


背景导入:5G作为经济社会数字化转型的关键使能器, 通过与大数据、人工智能、云计算等技术的交叉融合, 赋能制造业转型升级和优化发展, 5G技术以及未来5G对我们日常生活的影响。
Forging a 5G future
The future in sci fi movies seems so close, yet so far away. Delightfully, 5G technology makes that future look easily achievable①. Schools, hospitals, transportation, factories—even our homes will soon use this powerful wireless network. Last year, China started testing 5G mobile networks in its several cities. So what is 5G It's the latest generation of cellular (蜂窝状的) network technology. It is faster and more stable than 4G, the previous generation.
5G's benefits mainly come from speed and connectivity②. The advantage of higher speeds is obvious. People will be able to use the Internet at a much greater speed than before. Imagine being able to download an entire movie in just a few seconds! That's how fast 5G will be.
With 5G, people can conveniently solve many problems.For example, one of the biggest problems with developing driverless cars is the delay between sending a signal and receiving it. Driverless cars③ must be able to react instantly to sudden changes in their environment, such as a dog running across the road.This will require these cars to send and receive huge amounts of data within milliseconds④. Such speed helps other technologies, too. It will also allow doctors to perform operations remotely, using robots. The robots will respond more quickly to the doctors' movements.
So what about 5G's connectivity?We may develop “smart” environments with it.Imagine having a smart home that automatically⑤ turns the lights on when you open your front door.
“New things become possible when you can move information at a massive scale⑥, ” Gordon Smith, CEO of telecom equipment reseller Sagent, told The Telegraph.“5G becomes the great enabler.”
No matter where it is implemented, it looks like 5G will bring us a more exciting and convenient future.
①achievable adj. 可完成的;可有成就的
②connectivity n. 连通(性), 联结(度)
③driverless cars 无人驾驶汽车
④milliseconds n.[计量]毫秒
⑤automatically adv. 无意识地;自动地
⑥at a massive scale 大规模地
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
每/日/金/句:The greatest advances in science are brought about by a new and bold imagination.科学最伟大的进步来源于崭新而大胆的想象力。
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1 文本整体理解:理清文章架构
1.What's the main idea of the text
A.Smart home will focus on people's health issues.
B.Smart home is a new but controversial technology.
C.Smart home will make our life easier in many ways.
D.Smart home will make human beings lazy.
2.Match each paragraph with its topic sentence.
Para.1 ____   A.Smart homes will check people's health regularly.
Para.2 ____   B.Smart homes will prevent serious damage from accidents.
Para.3 ____   C.Intelligent controls in the home system.
Para.4 ____   D.Smart technology will be used widely in the future.
Para.5 ____   E.Smart homes will bring us safe, energy saving and comfortable life in the future.
Task 2 文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节理解
1.What role will bed play in the smart home of the future
A.Keeping constant track of your health.
B.Warning you early on.
C.Checking your body weight.
D.Saving your life potentially.
2.What is the purpose of the passage
A.To sell integrated sensors.
B.To change the old houses.
C.To decorate home with smart technology.
D.To give us an insight into smart homes.
3.What does the word “short” in the 4th paragraph mean
A.短   B.短路 C.短缺  D.短处
4.Where is the text likely to be taken from
A.A science magazine.
B.A research report.
C.A health magazine.
D.A book review.
Task 3 文本理解 续写佳句
Task 4 阅读思维升华:主题实践
Some people think smart homes can make our life more convenient.However, aren't there any disadvantages of smart homes (Critical Thinking批判性思维)
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①switch/swIt /vt.转换;交换 vi.& vt.(使)改变;转变 n.开关;转换器;改变
switch on打开 switch off关闭
②distant/'dIst nt/adj.遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的
distance n.距离
③secure/sI'kj (r)/adj.安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的 vt.获得;拴牢;保护 security n.安全
④knob/n b/n.旋钮;球形把手
⑤appliance/ 'plaI ns/n.电器;器具
⑥remote/rI'm t/adj.远程的;偏远的 remote control遥控器;遥控
⑦air conditioner/k n'dI n (r)/空调机;空调设备
⑧automatic/ t 'm tIk/adj.自动的 automatically adv.自动地
integrate/'IntIɡreIt/vi.& vt.(使)合并;成为一体
⑩sensor/'sens (r)/n.传感器;敏感元件
efficient/I'fI nt/adj.效率高的;有功效的
mode/m d/n.模式;方式;风格
routine/ru 'ti n/n.常规;正常顺序 adj.常规的;日常的
daily routine日常生活
preference/'prefr ns/n.爱好;偏爱 prefer v.偏爱
instant/'Inst nt/n.瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;速食的;速溶的
instantly adv.立刻, 马上
command/k 'mɑ nd/n.指令;命令;控制 vt.命令;控制
command sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事
obey/ 'beI/vi.& vt.服从;遵守
warning/'w nI?/n.警告;警示;先兆 warn vt.警告
warn sb. of sth.警告某人某事
constant/'k nst nt/adj.不断的;重复的;不变的 n.常数;常量;constantly adv.不断地
early on在初期;早先
abnormal/ b'n ml/adj.不正常的;反常的
normal adj.正常的
cancer/'k ns (r)/n.癌;癌症;毒瘤
potentially/p 'ten li/adv.潜在地;可能地;
potential/p 'ten l/adj.可能的;潜在的 n.潜力;可能性
leak/li k/vi. &vt.漏;渗漏;透露 n.漏洞;裂缝;透露
electrical/I'lektrIkl/adj.电的;用电的 electricity n.电
wiring/'waI rI?/n.电线线路;线路系统;
wire/'waI (r)/n.电线;金属丝(或线) vt.接通电源;将……连接到
relevant/'rel v nt/adj.有关的;有意义的
be relevant to...与……相关
catch fire着火
fantasy/'f nt si/n.幻想;想象
innovation/ In 'veI n/n.创新;创造
available/ 'veIl bl/adj.可获得的;可购得的;(人)有空的
in this sense (in...sense)从这种(某种)意义上来讲
nevertheless/ nev 'les/adv.尽管如此;不过;然而
Have you ever forgotten to lock the door of your house?Or, have you ever forgotten to switch① off the TV or computer?These kinds of things happen to us all the time, waste resources, and can sometimes lead to problems.However, in the not too distant② future, we will be living in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away and remember to switch off the TV when we forget. These smart homes will keep us secure③, save us energy, and provide a more comfortable environment to live in.
Intelligent Controls
Today, we have to use switches for our lights, knobs④ for our appliances⑤, and remote⑥controls for our TVs and air conditioners⑦. In the future, we will be using advanced technology every day for automatic⑧ control of just about everything in our home.The future home will use integrated⑨ sensors⑩ to tell when you leave home each morning, and then go into an energy efficient mode all by itself. You will no longer have to think about turning switches on and off yourself. Your home will also learn your daily routine and preferences , so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening. Your lights will come on the instant you enter the door along with your favourite music or TV programmes, and you will find your dinner already
prepared for you. 1All controls will respond to voice commands , so if you want to change your routine, you just say aloud what you want and the home system will obey .
Regular Health Checks
In addition, your smart home will be monitoring your health for you every day. Your bed, for example, will record how well you sleep every night.It will also be checking your body weight. If you start to have sleep or weight problems, it will send a warning to your phone. 2It will also give you suggestions on a healthier diet and how to sleep better. Smart toilets will be keeping constant track of your health as well. They can warn you early on if there is something abnormal or if you have a critical illness, such as cancer , and potentially save your life.
No More Disasters
Smart homes will be able to prevent serious damage from accidents.For example, if a water pipe starts leaking , or if there is a short in the electrical wiring , your smart home will detect it and provide you with the relevant information.This way, you will be able to fix the problem before your home becomes flooded or catches fire .
This smart technology is not a fantasy . Many of these new innovations are already available and being used in some homes.In this sense , the home of tomorrow is already the home of today. Nevertheless , it will take some years before most new homes begin to use this new technology.
你有没有曾忘记锁门?或者, 你曾经忘记关掉电视或电脑吗?这种事情经常发生在我们身上, 浪费资源, 有时还会导致问题。然而, 在不远的将来, 我们将生活在智能住宅中。当我们外出时, 智能家居会为我们锁门;当我们忘记关电视时, 智能家居会记得关掉它。这些智能住宅将保证我们安全, 节省能源, 并提供一个更舒适的居住环境。
现在, 我们必须使用电灯的开关, 电器的旋钮, 电视和空调的遥控器。在未来, 我们每天都会使用先进技术对家中几乎所有东西进行自动化控制。未来的家庭将使用集成的传感器来告诉你每天早上什么时候离开家, 然后自己进入节能模式。你将不再需要考虑自己打开和关闭开关。你的家也会了解你的日常习惯和偏好, 所以当你每天晚上回家时, 一切都会为你准备好。你一进家门, 灯就会亮起, 还有你最喜欢的音乐或电视节目(会自动播放), 而且你会发现晚餐已为你准备好了。1. 所有的控制都会响应语音指令,所以如果你想改变你的日常工作,__你只要大声说出你想要什么,家庭系统就会服从。
此外, 你的智能家居每天都会监测你的健康状况。例如, 你的床会记录你每晚的睡眠质量。它也会检查你的体重。如果你开始有睡眠或体重问题, 它会向你的手机发送警告。2. 它还会为你提供更健康的饮食和如何睡得更好的建议。智能马桶也会持续记录你的健康状况。如果有什么不正常的情况, 或者你有严重的疾病, 比如癌症, 它们可以提前警告你, 并可能挽救你的生命。
智能家居将能够防止事故造成的严重损害。例如, 如果水管漏水或发生电线短路, 你的智能房屋将会探测出来, 并给你提供相关的信息。这样, 你就能在房子被水淹或着火之前解决这个问题。
这种智能技术不是幻想。许多这样的新发明已经可以使用, 并已经在一些家庭中使用了。从这种意义上说, 明天的家已经是今天的家了。然而, 要让大多数新家庭开始使用这项新技术还需要几年的时间。
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.________ my classmates into accepting my idea 说服我的同学们接受我的主意
2.________ controls for our TVs 我们的电视遥控器
3.________ control 自动控制
4.have a lot of ________ 有很大潜力
5.keep ________ track of your health 持续追踪你的健康状况
6.have a ________ illness 有重大疾病
7.provide you with the ________ information 为你提供相关的信息
8.new ________ 新变革
9. ________ on the Internet 网上可以买到的
10.electrical ________ 电线
11.the ________ of the building 建筑结构
1.①in the not too ________ future 在不久的未来
②________ education 远程教育
2.①________ sb. of the danger 警告某人有危险
②________ sign 警告标志
3.①daily routine and ________ 日常安排和喜好
②________ doing sth. 喜欢做某事
4.①feel ________ 感到安全
② ________ check 安全检查
5.①an energy ________ mode 节能模式
②work ________ 工作效率
6.①________ temperature 正常体温
②________ behavior 异常行为
7.①the ________ you enter the door 你一进门
②die ________ 当场死亡
名词后缀“ ing”表示“状态”
 warn v. 警告→warning n.警告
1.wire v. 装电线→________ n. 电线线路
2.learn v. 学习→________n. 学问
3.fill v. 填充→________ n. 填充料
4.feel v.感觉→________ n.感情
1.____________ 关/开(电灯、机器等)
2. ____________ 在初期;早先
3. ____________ 着火
4. ____________ 从这种(某种)意义上来讲
5. ____________ 回应;响应
6. ____________ 记录;与……保持联系
7. ____________ 另外
8. ____________ 避免……
1.[句型]the instant引导时间状语从句, 意为“一……就……”
[教材]Your lights will come on ____________________________ along with your favourite music or TV programmes, and you will find your dinner already prepared for you.
你一进家门, 灯就会亮起, 还有你最喜欢的音乐或电视节目(会自动播放), 而且你会发现晚餐已为你准备好了。
[教材] ________________________________, it will send a warning to your phone.
如果你的睡眠或体重出现问题, 它会向你的手机发送警告。
[教材]Nevertheless, it will take some years ________________________________________.
然而, 要让大多数新家庭开始使用这项新技术还需要几年的时间。
However, in the not too distant future, we will be living in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away and remember to switch off the TV when we forget.
Your lights will come on the instant you enter the door along with your favourite music or TV programmes, and you will find your dinner already prepared for you.
They can warn you early on if there is something abnormal or if you have a critical illness, such as cancer, and potentially save your life.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.(教材P14) For example, the phrase in my opinion tells us that the passage is likely meant to persuade.
例如, “在我看来”这个短语告诉我们, 这篇文章可能是为了说服。
◎persuade vt.说服, 劝说;使相信
(3)persuade sb.   使某人相信……
(4)persuasion n. 说服,劝服;说服力
[佳句] We did everything we could to persuade him of the plan's advantages.
①I do know how upset the shop staff can get, but I try to persuade them ________ (keep)smiling.
②While shopping, people sometimes can't help ________ (persuade) into buying something they don't really need.
③I managed to __________________________________ to sell popcorn from door to door.
④I managed to __________________________________ to sell popcorn from door to door.
[联想] “说服某人做某事”荟萃:
①persuade sb.into doing sth.;
②talk sb.into doing sth.;
③convince sb.to do sth.
2.(教材P14) However, in the not too distant future, we will be living in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away and remember to switch off the TV when we forget.
然而在不久的将来, 我们将生活在智能的家里。智能的家会在我们外出时锁好家门, 会在我们忘记关掉电视的时候替我们关上。
◎distant adj. 遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的
(1)a distant memory 久远的回忆
(2)distance n. 距离;远方
in the distance 在远处
at a distance 隔一段距离;从远处
keep sb. at a distance 对某人冷淡;与某人疏远
[佳句] The professor wanted to get away from everything, so he moved to a distant land.
那位教授想摆脱眼前的一切, 所以他搬到了一个遥远的地方。
①Apparently, the boy on the roof saw the lighthouse ________ the distance.
②As the famous painter says, the picture looks better ________ a distance.
③很难评价他的态度, 但他在电话里听起来非常冷淡和疏远。
It's hard to evaluate his attitude, but he ________________________ on the phone.
◎switch n. 开关;转换器;改变 vt. 转换;交换 vi. &vt. 转换;(使)改变;转变
(1)make a switch 改变
(2)switch (sth.) off 切断(电流等)
switch (sth.) on 接通(电流等);开(电器)
switch from...to... 从……转变为……
[佳句] If I were you, I would switch off the TV and concentrate on my study.
如果我是你, 我会关掉电视专心学习。
④All mobile phones must ________ (switch) off during lessons.
⑤I can't work next weekend—will you switch with me ________
⑥天开始下雨时, 她改变了我们去游泳的计划。
She ________________________ to go swimming when it started to rain.
3.(教材P14)Your home will also learn your daily routine and preferences, so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening.
你的家也会了解你的日常习惯和偏好, 所以当你每天晚上回家时, 一切都会为你准备好。
◎preference n.爱好;偏爱
(1)have a preference for 更喜欢
give preference to 优先考虑
(2)prefer vt. 更喜欢
prefer (doing) sth.to (doing) sth.
prefer to do...rather than do...
[佳句] As far as I know, he has a preference for classical music.
据我所知, 他偏爱古典音乐。
①The manager has decided to give ________ (prefer) to those who have worked here for many years.
②Faced with misunderstanding, I prefer having a talk face to face to ________ (quarrel).
孩子们宁可骑自行车到乡下去, 也不愿整天待在家里。
③The children preferred ________ to the countryside to ________ indoors all day.
④The children preferred to cycle to the countryside ____________ indoors all day.
⑤The children ____________ to the countryside than stay indoors all day.
4.(教材P14)Your lights will come on the instant you enter the door along with your favourite music or TV programmes, and you will find your dinner already prepared for you.
你一进门, 灯就会亮起, 伴随着你最喜欢的音乐或电视节目, 并且你会发现你的晚餐已经为你准备好了。
◎句型公式:the instant 引导时间状语从句
(1) 一……就……
(2)for an instant 一瞬间
in an instant 立即,马上
[佳句] The woman switched on the computer the instant she entered the office.
他们一回到家, 就迫不及待地做起爆米花。
① ______________________________, they couldn't wait to make popcorn.
② ______________________, they couldn't wait to make popcorn. (on)
5.(教材P14)All controls will respond to voice commands, so if you want to change your routine, you just say aloud what you want and the home system will obey.
所有的控制都会响应语音指令, 所以如果你想改变你的日常工作, 你只要大声说出你想要什么, 家庭系统就会服从。
◎command n.指令;命令;控制 vt.命令;控制
(1)be in command of... 控制……
take command of... 控制……
have a good command of 精通(语言等)
(2)command sb.to do sth.
command that sb.(should) do sth.
[佳句] I have a good command of English so that I can introduce Chinese culture to visitors in English.
我对英语掌握得如此好, 以至于我能用英语向参观者介绍中国文化。
①I'm ________ your command and hence, I will obey your orders.
②Time was limited. The boss commanded us ________ (finish) the work as scheduled.
=Time was limited. The boss commanded that we ________ (finish) the work as scheduled.
③________________________________________ gives me confidence to serve as a bridge between China and Britain.
6.(教材P15)They can warn you early on if there is something abnormal or if you have a critical illness, such as cancer, and potentially save your life.
如果有什么不正常的情况, 或者你有严重的疾病, 比如癌症, 它们可以提前警告你, 并可能挽救你的生命。
◎potential adj.可能的;潜在的 n. 潜力;可能性
(1)have the potential for (doing) sth. 有(做)某事的可能性/潜力
have the potential to do sth. 有潜力做某事
achieve/realize/develop one's potential 发挥某人的潜能
(2)potentially adv. 可能地, 潜在地
[佳句] People who do not smoke have less potential for suffering from lung cancer than those who smoke.
①In my opinion, he has the potential ________ (become) a champion.
②________ (potential),this can reduce the number of results coming back from Twitter.
③We need to find new ways ________________________________.
7.(教材P15)For example, if a water pipe starts leaking, or if there is a short in the electrical wiring, your smart home will detect it and provide you with the relevant information.
例如, 如果水管漏水或发生电线短路, 你的智能房屋将会探测出来, 并给你提供相关的信息。
◎relevant adj.有关的;有意义的
(1)be relevant to 与……有关
(2)relevance n. 关联;切题
have (no) relevance to 和……(无)有关
(3)relevantly adv. 有关地;切题地
irrelevant adj. 无关紧要的;不相关的
[佳句] You can write anything relevant so long as it's interesting and informative.
只要它是有趣的且信息丰富的, 你可以写任何相关的东西。
①Your local library can help you start a business by ________________________ (提供相关信息) and supporting services.
②I don't think what he said __________________________________________ (与话题有关)we are discussing.
③Be sure to stay on topic and ________________________________________________ (不要提供无关的信息).
[联想] “与……有关”的其他表达形式还有:
①be related to;
②be connected with;
③be associated with
8.(教材P15)This way, you will be able to fix the problem before your home becomes flooded or catches fire.
这样, 你就能在你的房子被淹或着火之前解决这个问题。
◎catch fire 着火
make a fire 生火
set...on fire 放火烧……
play with fire 玩火
put out fire 灭火
on fire 着火
[佳句] You need to monitor it constantly because it could catch fire if it gets too hot.
你要不停地监视它, 因为如果过热, 它会着火。
①Police believe that someone ____________________________ (放火烧了工厂) on purpose.
②It took us a long time to ____________________________ (生火)with matches.
9.(教材P15)Many of these new innovations are already available and being used in some homes.
许多这样的新发明已经可以使用, 并在一些家庭中使用。
◎available adj.可获得的;可购得的;可利用的;(人)有空的
(1)be available to do sth. 可用来做某事;可提供给某事
be available for... 可用于……的;对……有效的;能参加……的
(2)availability n. 可利用性;利用率
[佳句] Admission tickets for all the attractions in the amusement park are available. 这个游乐场里所有景点的门票都可以买到。
①We'll be leaving at 8:00 in the morning and a school bus is available for us at the school gate. ________
②I had intended to go to my cousin's birthday last night, but I was not available. ________
③With all the information available, they found the hotel in the mountain easily. ________
④If you are interested, please let me know whether you will be free.
→If you are interested, please let me know whether you will be ________.
10.(教材P15)In this sense, the home of tomorrow is already the home of today.
从这种意义上来讲, 明天的家已经是今天的家了。
◎in this sense (in...sense) 从这种(某种)意义上来讲
(1)in a sense 在某一方面;就某种意义来说
(2)in no sense 决不
There is no sense in doing sth. 做某事没道理/没意义。
(3)make sense of 理解;明白
make sense 有意义;讲得通;言之有理
make no sense 没道理;没意义
[佳句] In no sense should you lose heart; keep trying and you will make it sooner or later.
你千万不要灰心, 继续努力, 你迟早会成功的。
①As far as I'm concerned, there is no sense in ________ (get) upset about it now.
② ________ this sense, your suggestion is of great use to us.
③There are so many new words in the passage that I could hardly understand them at all.
→There are so many new words in the passage that I could hardly ____________ them at all.
11.(教材P15)Nevertheless, it will take some years before most new homes begin to use this new technology.
然而, 要让大多数新家庭开始使用这项新技术还需要几年的时间。
◎句型公式:it will take+一段时间+before...意为“在……之前要花一段时间”
It will be+时间段+before从句
It wasn't long+before从句
It won't be long+before从句
[佳句] If you miss this chance, it may be years before you get another one.
如果你错过这个机会, 多年之后你才可能再次得到这样的机会。
①[2022·天津3月卷]Two hours before my husband came back home from another job interview, my daughter climbed up to grab a glass vase from a high shelf. ________
②John thinks it won't be long before he is ready for his new job. ________
③As a matter of fact, it was a long time before I knew the truth. ________
How time flies! Two weeks has gone by ________________.
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
Part 1
Task 1
2.Para.1:E Para.2:C Para.3:A Para.4:B Para.5:D
Task 2
1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A
Task 3
1.①However, in the not too distant future, we will be living in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away and remember to switch off the TV when we forget.
②These smart homes will keep us secure, save us energy,and provide a more comfortable environment to live in.
2.①In the future, we will be using advanced technology every day for automatic control of just about everything in our home.
②The future home will use integrated sensors to tell when you leave home each morning, and then go into an energy efficient mode all by itself.
Task 4
The smart home will bring convenience to us and make our lives more comfortable.But just as a saying goes, every coin has two sides, when the electricity is cut off, everything is impossible.And the programme is easy to go wrong and make many troubles for the owner.
1.persuade 2.remote 3.automatic 4.potential 
5.constant 6.critical 7.relevant 8.innovations 
9.available 10.wires 11.structure
1.distant distance
2.warn warning
3.preference prefer
4.secure security
5.efficient efficiency
6.normal abnormal
7.instant instantly
1.wiring 2.learning 3.filling 4.feeling
1.switch off/on 2.early on 3.catch fire 4.in this sense (in...sense) 5.respond to 6.keep track of 7.in addition 8.prevent...from...
1.the instant you enter the door
2.If you start to have sleep or weight problems
3.before most new homes begin to use this new technology
1.然而, 在不久的将来, 我们将住在智能住宅里, 当我们外出时, 它会为我们锁门;当我们忘记关电视时, 它会记得关掉。
2.你一进门, 你家的灯就会打开, 同时还会播放你最喜欢的音乐或电视节目, 并且你会发现晚餐已经为你备好。
3.如果有什么不正常的情况, 或者你有严重的疾病, 比如癌症, 它们可以提前警告你, 并可能挽救你的生命。
Part 2
1.①to keep ②being persuaded
③persuade him to approve of my plan
④persuade him into approving of my plan
2.①in ②at ③sounded very cold and distant ④be switched ⑤调班 ⑥made a switch in our plan
3.①preference ②quarrelling ③cycling staying ④rather than stay ⑤would rather cycle
4.①The instant/Instantly they returned home
②On/Upon returning home
5.①at ②to finish should finish
③Having a good knowledge/command of English
6.①to become ②Potentially
③to help students achieve/realize their potential
7.①providing relevant information
②is relevant to the topic
③not offer irrelevant information
8.①set the factory on fire ②make a fire
9.①可利用的 ②有空的 ③可获得的 ④available
10.①getting ②In ③make sense of
11.①在……之前 ②(……之后)就…… ③(……之后)才…… ④before we know itSection Ⅲ Using Language
每/日/金/句:Yuan Longping is an agricultural scientist who keeps as many as one billion people free from hunger.袁隆平是一位农业科学家,他使多达十亿人免于饥饿。
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Read the text on Pages 55~56 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.Why did many farmers welcome chemical pesticides and artificial fertilisers involved in farming
A.They can fight crop disease and increase production.
B.They harm both the land and people's health.
C.They can help produce rich soil.
D.They are not expensive.
2.What concerns many people about the use of pesticides
A.Pesticides can damage the land.
B.Chemicals can stay in the soil for a long time.
C.Pesticides can kill harmful bacteria and insects.
D.Chemicals may make people ill and even cause cancer.
3.Why do organic farmers change the kind of crop grown in each field every year
A.It can help put important minerals back into the ground.
B.It can avoid damage to the environment.
C.It can help increase output.
D.The writer doesn't tell us.
4.What is the author's purpose of writing the text
A.To call on farmers to turn to organic farming.
B.To introduce some good ways to make the soil rich.
C.To urge the government to stop using pesticides.
D.To give some advice on how to increase the output of crops.
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①chemical/'kem kl/adj.与化学有关的;化学的 n.化学制品;化学品
②organic/ 'ɡ n k/adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;有机物的
③pesticide/'pest sa d/n.杀虫剂;除害药物
④widespread/'wa dspred/adj.分布广的;普遍的;广泛的
⑤over time 随着时间的推移
⑥bacterium/b k't ri m/n.(pl.-ria/-ri /)细菌
⑦not only...but (also)...不仅……而且……(连接并列成分)
⑧in addition 另外,此外
in addition to 除……之外(还有,也)
⑨in turn 相应地;转而;依次;轮流
⑩digest/da 'd est/vt.& vi.消化 vt.领会;领悟
DDT n.滴滴涕(旧时尤用作农业杀虫剂)
as for 至于,关于
too...to... 太……而不能……
nutrition/nju'tr n/n.营养;滋养
essential/ 'sen l/adj.完全必要的;极其重要的
be essential to/for 对……来说必不可少
mineral/'m n r l/n.矿物;矿物质
/'fle v /n.味道;特点;特色
as well 也,又,同样
alternative/ l't n t v/
switch to 转变;转向
switch off (用开关)关掉;切断(电源)
turn to 转向;求助于;致力于
grocery/'ɡr s ri/n.食品杂货店;[pl.]食品杂货
focus on 关注;聚焦于
free of 无……的;摆脱了
means n.手段;方法
instance/' nst ns/n.例子;实例;事例
for instance 例如;比如
wheat/wi t/n.小麦;小麦籽
batch/b t /n.一批
a batch of 一批
diverse adj.不同的;多种多样的
root/ru t/n.根;根茎;根部;根源
entirely/ n'ta li/adv.全部地;完整地;完全地
entire adj.全部的;整个的,完全的
serve the demand 满足要求
nowhere near 远不及;离……很远
meet the need 满足要求
sufficient adj.足够的;充分的
Chemical pesticides③ and artificial fertilisers have been in widespread④ use in farming since the middle of the 20th century.When they were first introduced, many farmers welcomed them as a great way to fight crop disease and increase production. 1Over time⑤, however, what some scientists have found is that their long-term use can sometimes harm both the land and people's health.
For example, pesticides can damage the land by killing not only harmful bacteria⑥ and insects, but also⑦ helpful ones.In addition⑧, these chemicals can stay in the soil and underground water sources for a long time.This affects the crops grown on the land and, in turn⑨, the animals and humans who digest⑩ them.Many people worry that these chemicals may make them ill and even cause cancer.In fact, some pesticides like DDT have been prohibited in most countries because of the damage they cause to people and the environment.As for chemical fertilisers, crops grown with them usually grow too fast to be rich in nutrition .They may look beautiful on the outside, but inside there is usually more water than essential minerals , and they often have less flavour as well .
As an alternative , some farmers have switched to organic farming, and many customers have turned to organic food when they shop at the local grocery .Organic farming is simply farming without using any chemicals.Organic farmers focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease through natural means .For example, many organic farmers use natural waste from animals as fertiliser.This makes the soil in their fields richer in minerals.It also keeps the air, soil, water, and crops free of chemicals.
Organic farmers also use many other methods to produce rich soil.They often change the kind of crop grown in each field every year.For instance , they may grow corn or wheat in a field one year, and then grow beans there the next. 2Why different crops are grown is because they put important minerals back into the ground, making it ready for the next batch of crops. Organic farmers also plant diverse crops that use different depths of soil to help keep it rich. For example, peanuts grow on the ground's surface, but many other vegetables put down deep roots . 3The goal of using different organic farming methods is to grow good food while avoiding damage to the environment or to people's health.
Some people would prefer to stop the use of man-made chemicals in agriculture entirely . 4What keeps them from doing so is the fact that chemical farming serves the high demand for food around the world. Organic farming is nowhere near able to meet that need . 5Therefore, there is still a long way to find a suitable solution that puts sufficient food on the dinner table while keeping people and the environment as healthy as possible.
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.the ________ industry 化学工业
2.________ farming 有机耕作
3.enjoy ________ respect 受到广泛尊重
4.need time to ________ information 需要一些时间来消化信息
5.Experience is ________ for this job. 对于这个工作, 经验是非常重要的。
6.________ energy 替代能源
7.cover all ________ of city life 涵盖城市生活的各个方面
8.the ________ of the problem 问题的根源
9.a bottle of ________ water 一瓶矿泉水
10.chemical ________ 化学农药
1.①provide ________ for you 为你提供营养
②________ food 营养食品
2.①at a ________ of 30 metres 在30米深处
②take a ________ breath 深深地吸了一口气
3.①an ________ different matter 一件完全不同的事情
②the ________ village 整个村庄
1.____________ 相应地;转而;依次;轮流
2.____________ 例如;比如
3.____________ 做笔记
4.____________ 对……造成损害
5.____________ 至于
6.____________ 关注
7.____________ 富于;有丰富的……
8.____________ 免受(影响、伤害等)
9.____________ 随着时间的推移
10.____________ 转向有机食品
[教材]Why different crops are grown is because they put important minerals back into the ground, ________________________________________.
[教材]The goal of using different organic farming methods is to grow good food ________________________ the environment or to people's health.
[教材]What keeps them from doing so is the fact ________________________________________________________________________.
4.[句型]keep sb./sth.+adj.(宾补) 意为“使某人/某物……”
[教材]Organic farmers focus on ________________________ and free of disease through natural means. 有机农民注重通过自然手段保持土壤肥沃和无病害。
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.(教材P55)For example, pesticides can damage the land by killing not only harmful bacteria and insects, but also helpful ones.
◎句型公式: not only...but (also)...不仅……而且……
(1)句中“not only...but also...”结构意为“不仅……而且……”,其中also可以省略。
(2)“not only/just...but (also)...”连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的人称与数遵循“就近原则”。
[佳句] As we all know, reading classics can not only improve our study but also enrich our everyday life.
①Beijing is ________________________________________________________________ (不仅是我国的政治中心,而且是我国的经济中心).
②Not only the students but also the teacher ________ (be) against the plan.
Not only ________________________ but it also gave us a chance to get closer to nature.
2.(教材P55)This affects the crops grown on the land and, in turn, the animals and humans who digest them.
◎in turn 相应地;转而;依次;轮流
(1)by turns 轮流;交替地
(2)take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事
It is one's turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事
[佳句] Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.
①He spends too much time on maths, which ________ turn affects the progress of his other subjects.
②When it was my turn ________ (give) a speech, I was too excited to speak.
③When my mother was ill, my brother took turns ________ (take) care of her.
For one thing, not only does it help to build up our health, but it also helps us ________________________________.
◎digest vt.& vi.消化 vt.领会;领悟 n.文摘
(1)digest food 消化食物
digest the information 领会信息
(2)a monthly news digest 每月新闻摘要
[佳句] You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to digest.
⑤You shouldn't go swimming until your food has had a chance to digest. ________
⑥Digested rapidly by the body, sugar provides a quick energy source. ________
⑦The magazine she gave me is Reader's Digest. ________
⑧It took me a long time to digest the theory put forward at the meeting. ________
3.(教材P55)They may look beautiful on the outside, but inside there is usually more water than essential minerals, and they often have less flavour as well.
◎essential adj.完全必要的;极其重要的
(1)be essential to 对……不可缺少的
(2)It is essential for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是必要的
It is essential that...should do sth. 做某事是必不可少的
[佳句] As far as I'm concerned, money is not essential to happiness.
It is essential that these application forms ________________________________________.
A rich and varied cultural life ______________ this couple.
4.(教材P55)As an alternative, some farmers have switched to organic farming, and many customers have turned to organic food when they shop at the local grocery.
◎alternative n.可供选择的事物 adj.可供替代的;非传统的
(1)have no alternative but to do sth. 别无选择只好做某事
an alternative to... ……的替代品
(2)alternatively adv. 可供选择地
[佳句] If you don't like the school lunch, you have the alternative of bringing your own.
要是你不喜欢学校的午餐, 你可以自己带饭。
①In order to reduce pollution,we have no alternative but ________ (choose) some clean resources.
②The Internet also provides us with a cheap alternative to ________ (communicate) with others.
③Faced with COVID-19, we have no choice but to stay at home to alleviate the serious situation.
→Faced with COVID-19, we have no ________ but to stay at home to alleviate the serious situation.
5.(教材P56)Why different crops are grown is because they put important minerals back into the ground, making it ready for the next batch of crops.
[佳句] Nature has provided our country with wealthy natural treasures, making it a happy home for us.
①Unfortunately his father died, ________ (leave) the family even worse off.
②He rushed to the airport, only ________ (find) that the plane had taken off.
The Cross-Country Running Race allowed us to escape from our lessons for a while, ________________________________________.
6.(教材P56)Organic farmers also plant diverse crops that use different depths of soil to help keep it rich.
◎depth n.向下(或向里)的距离;深(度)
adj. deep high wide long strong broad
n. depth height width length strength
v. deepen heighten widen lengthen strengthen broaden
[佳句] We have expressed the depth of our gratitude to them.
①His ideas lack ________ (deep).
②As far as I know, her lies hurt her father ________ (deep).
③College students can gain social experience and ________ (broad) their horizons because of doing part-time jobs.
Section Ⅲ Using Language
Part 1
1.A 2.D 3.A 4.A
1.chemical 2.organic 3.widespread 4.digest 5.essential 6.alternative 7.aspects 8.root 9.mineral 10.pesticide
1.nutrition; nutritious
2.depth; deep
3.entirely; entire
1.in turn 2.for instance 3.take notes 4.do damage to 5.as for 6.focus on 7.be rich in 8.free of 9.over time 10.turn to organic food
1.making it ready for the next batch of crops
2.while avoiding damage to
3.that chemical farming serves the high demand for food around the world
4.keeping their soil rich
Part 2
1.①not only the political centre but also the economic centre of our country ②is ③did it give us relaxation
2.①in ②to give ③to take ④to learn more effectively in turn ⑤vi.消化 ⑥vt.消化 ⑦n.文摘 ⑧vt.领会;理解
3.①(should) be sent back as early as possible ②is essential for
4.①to choose ②communicating ③alternative
5.①leaving ②to find
③leaving us more energetic and happier
6.①depth ②deeply ③broadenUNIT 3 FASCINATING PARKS
Hong Kong Ocean Park
Ocean Park, which is situated① on the southern side of Hong Kong Island, is one of the largest marine parks in the world covering more than 870, 000 square metres.
With about 40 years of history, Ocean Park has become one of the major tourist attractions② in Asia. Aside from entertaining③ visitors with thrill rides and a wide variety of④ shows, the park prides itself on its education and conservation programmes.
Ocean Park consists of⑤ two sections, the Headland and the Lowland, which are connected by a 1.5km long cable car (缆车) system which offers wonderful views of the southern side of Hong Kong and the South China Sea. The Headland is known for its many thrill rides including⑥ the Dragon, Eagle, Crazy Galleon, Ferris Wheel, Ocean Park Tower, Flying Swing, Raging River, Space Wheel, and Mine Train.
The Headland also contains the Ocean Theatre, where dolphins and sea lions entertain visitors each day with their lively performances. Providing more enjoyment and education are the world-class Atoll Reef Aquarium (水族馆), the Shark Aquarium and the Pacific Pier.
At the Lowland, visitors can take a ride⑦ on a giant hot air balloon that is 22 metres in diameter which takes them high into the air. Visitors can also see the giant pandas given by the Central Government of China at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Giant Panda Habitat. Other attractions include Amazing Amazon, Amazing Birds Theatre and Kid's World. Located⑧ beside Kid's World is Dolphin University where visitors are able to have a closer look at dolphins and learn more about them.
①situate vt. 使位于;使坐落于
②tourist attraction 旅游景点
③entertain vt. &vi.(使)快乐;(使)娱乐
④a wide variety of 各种各样的
⑤consist of 包括;由……组成
⑥including prep. 包括……在内
⑦take a ride 乘坐
⑧located adj.位于;坐落在
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
每/日/金/句:There are more and more theme parks in China. And whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you.中国有越来越多的主题公园。不管你喜欢哪一个、喜欢什么,总有一个适合你的主题公园。
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1 文本整体理解:理清文章架构
1.What is the text mainly about
A.The Arctic Circle B.The Sami people
C.The reindeer D.A fascinating park
2.Match each paragraph with its topic sentence.
Para.1____ A.A land of mountains and ice
Para.2____ B.Man at peace with nature
Para.3____ C.A land of adventure
Para.4____ D.A summer where the sun never sleeps
Task 2 文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节理解
1.Why does the author say telling whether it is morning or night is impossible
A.Because the wind is too strong.
B.Because it is summer above the Arctic Circle.
C.Because the watch is broken.
D.Because the sun is shining too brightly.
2.What can we infer from the third paragraph
A.Without reindeer these hundreds of years,Sami would not have lived well.
B.Sami live in villages now,so they can live well without reindeer.
C.There are not enough reindeer for Sami to live on now.
D.The number of reindeer is smaller and smaller,so Sami can't be allowed to hunt them.
3.What does the author think of his trip to Sarek national park
A.Challenging but worth it.
B.Difficult and boring.
C.Puzzling and terrible.
D.Just so so.
Task 3 文本理解 续写佳句
Task 4 阅读思维升华:主题实践
1.Is it worth making a place like Sarek a national park Give your reasons. (Critical Thinking批判性思维)
2.Do you think setting up national parks is an effective way to balance development and the protection of nature Why or why not (Creative Thinking创造性思维)
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①wake up醒来
[注意]wake up to在句中指因听到风拍打帐篷发出的声响而醒来,wake up to还可表示“意识到,认识到”,近义词组为awake to。
②buffet/'b fIt/vt. 连续猛击;
打来打去 /'b feI;'b feI/n. 自助餐
③cloth/kl θ/n.(一块)布;织物;布料
④edge/ed /n.边;边缘;边线;刀刃 vt.&vi.(使)徐徐移动;给……加边
on/at the edge of在……的边缘
⑤spread out伸展;延长
⑥valley/'v li/n.谷;山谷;溪谷
⑦used to do sth.过去常常做某事
be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事
be used to do sth.被用来做某事
⑧vast/vɑ st/adj.辽阔的;巨大的;庞大的
⑨leave behind留下;落后
⑩glacier/'ɡl si (r);'ɡleIsi (r);
NAmE'ɡleI r/n.冰川
reindeer/'reIndI (r)/n.驯鹿
territory/'ter tri;'ter t ri/n.
apart from除……之外(还)
in order to为了,以便(表示目的)
be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事
ban/b n/vt.明令禁止;取缔
ban sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事
boundary/'ba ndri/n.边界;界限;分界线
cottage/'k tId /n.小屋;(尤指)村舍;小别墅
visible/'vIz bl/adj.看得见的;可见的
invisible adj.看不见的
feed on以……为食
look after照顾;照看
on the move在行进中;在移动中
pick up收拾;收起
accompany/ 'k mp ni/vt.陪同;陪伴;伴随;(尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏
accompany sb.to sp.陪某人去某地
company n.陪伴;公司
live a modern life过着一种现代的生活
a small number of少量的
a huge/large number of大量的
the number of...……的数目
adopt/ 'd pt/vt.采用;采取;采纳 vt.& vi.领养
[形近词] adapt v.适应;改编
sour/'sa (r)/adj.酸的;有酸味的
pack one's bag收拾某人的包
set out出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作
set out to do着手做
carry sth.with sb.某人随身携带某物
weigh linking-v.重量是
anything like与……相像
blessed adj.神圣的;有福的
be blessed with在……方面有福气
I wake up① to the sound of the wind buffeting② the cloth③ of my tent. 1Even though the sun is brightly shining, telling whether it is morning or night is impossible. I'm above the Arctic Circle, where in summer the sun never sets. Checking my watch, I see that it is 7:30 a.m. I leave my tent and walk over to the mountain edge④. Spreading out⑤ before me, branches of the Rapa River flow through the valley⑥ below. I'm in the remote far north of Sweden in Sarek National Park, a place with no roads or towns.
Sarek's mountains used to⑦ be covered by vast⑧ sheets of ice. 2Around 9,000 years ago, this ice melted, leaving behind⑨ about 100 glaciers⑩. Soon after, reindeer began to arrive. 3Following the reindeer were the Sami people, who made this territory their home. Getting here is quite difficult, so apart from the Sami very few people have ever seen Sarek. In 1909, Sarek was made a national park in order to keep the land in its natural state. Though the Sami are allowed to continue their traditional way of life in the park, no one else can live here, and all new development is banned within park boundaries . At
the far side of the valley, an ancient Sami cottage is visible .Close by, there are a few reindeer feeding on grass.
For hundreds of years, looking after reindeer was a way of life for the Sami. They used the reindeer's meat for food, their bones for tools, and their skin for making clothes and tents. 4Since reindeer were always on the move ,the Sami would pick up their tents and accompany them. Today, most Sami have houses in villages near Sarek and live a modern life just like their neighbours. 5But every spring,a small number of Sami still follow their reindeer into the valleys of Sarek, living in tents or old cottages and enjoying their traditions. I am not a Sami, but in Sarek I've adopted some of their habits. For example, this morning my breakfast is flat bread warmed over a fire, dried reindeer meat, and some sweet and sour berries that I found growing near my tent.
After breakfast, I pack my bag and set out again. Since I must carry all of my food and supplies with me, my bag weighs about 30 kilograms. 6If today is anything like yesterday, it will be full of sweat and hard work as I hike over this difficult land to my destination on the other side of the valley. However,I cannot complain. 7Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive. 8Here I am, alone under this broad sky, breathing the fresh air, and enjoying this great adventure. What could be better?
我醒来时听到风在呼呼地吹我帐篷上的布。[1] 即使阳光灿烂,也无法分辨出是早上还是晚上。我在北极圈的上方,这里夏天的太阳永不落山。我看了下手表,现在是早上7:30。我离开帐篷,走到山边。拉帕河的支流在我面前展开,流经下面的山谷。我身处瑞典北部的偏远地区,在萨勒克国家公园,一个既没有公路也没有城镇的地方。
萨勒克的山脉曾经被巨大的冰层覆盖。[2] 大约在9__000年前,这些冰融化了,留下了大约100条冰川。不久之后,驯鹿来到这里。[3] 跟随驯鹿到来的是萨米人,他们在这片土地上安家落户。到达这里相当困难,所以除了萨米人之外,很少有人见过萨勒克。1909年,萨勒克被列为国家公园以让其土地处于自然状态。虽然萨米人被允许在公园里继续保持他们的传统生活方式,但其他人不可以住在这里,并且公园范围内的一切新的开发活动都被禁止了。在山谷的另一边,可以看到一座古老的萨米人小屋。附近有几只驯鹿在草地上觅食。
几百年来,照顾驯鹿是萨米人的一种生活方式。他们用驯鹿肉做食物,用鹿骨做工具,用鹿皮做衣服和帐篷。[4]由于驯鹿总是在迁徙,萨米人会收拾起他们的帐篷并一路跟着它们。今天,大多数萨米人在萨勒克附近的村庄有房子,过着与他们邻居一样的现代生活。[5] 但每年春天,仍有一小部分萨米人跟随他们的驯鹿进入萨勒克山谷,住在帐篷或旧农舍里,享受着他们的传统。我不是萨米人,但在萨勒克,我已经接受了他们的一些习惯。例如,今天早上,我的早餐是在火上烤的扁面包,驯鹿肉干,和一些我在帐篷附近找到的酸甜的浆果。
早饭后,我收拾好行李,又出发了。由于我必须随身携带所有的食物和用品,我的包重约30千克。[6] 如果今天像昨天一样,那将会充满汗水和艰辛,因为我要徒步跨越这片地形险峻的土地,到达山谷另一端的目的地。然而,我不能抱怨。[7] 在这样一个美丽而荒凉的地方,我感到活着是幸运的。[8] 我在这里,独自一人在广阔的天空下,呼吸着新鲜的空气,享受着这伟大的冒险。还有什么能比这更好呢?
自查语基 落实基本知能
Ⅰ. 核心词汇
1.________ parks 迷人的公园
2.a ________restaurant 一个自助餐厅
3.the mountain ________ 山边
4.________sheets of ice 大片冰层
5.this ________ 这片领地
6.________ smoking 禁烟
7.________change 可视变化
8.________ their reindeer 伴随他们的驯鹿
9.happy ________ 欢乐谷
10.at the holiday ________ 在度假别墅
11.be ________ from leaving Greece 禁止离开希腊
12.go ________ 不再受欢迎;变酸
Ⅱ. 拓展词汇
1.①________ their habits 养成他们的习惯
②________ father 养父;义父
③ ________ agreement 收养协议
2.①feel ________ 感到幸福
②a sort of ________ to sb. 对某人来说是一种福气
3.①be clearly ________ 清晰可见的
②an ________ plane 一架隐形飞机
Ⅲ.-ive 常用于带词尾t/te动词之后构成形容词
adopt v.→adoptive adj. 收养的
act v.→________ adj. 活跃的
create v.→________ adj. 创造性的
1.____________ 在行进中;在移动中
2.____________ 出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作
3.____________ 依靠……生活;以吃……为生
4.____________ 被覆盖
5.____________ 与……相像,多少有点像
6.____________ 醒来
7.____________ 展开
8.____________ 以……为食
1.句型:even though“即使”,引导让步状语从句
______________________________, telling whether it is morning or night is impossible.
________________, I see that it is 7:30 a.m.
Around 9,000 years ago, this ice melted, ________________________.
Following the reindeer ____________________, who made this territory their home.
5.句型:It is hoped that...人们希望……
____________________ Sarek National Park will always remain as it is, natural and beautiful.
Even though the sun is brightly shining, telling whether it is morning or night is impossible.
Following the reindeer were the Sami people, who made this territory their home.
But every spring, a small number of Sami still follow their reindeer into the valleys of Sarek, living in tents or old cottages and enjoying their traditions.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.(教材P26)Even though the sun is brightly shining, telling whether it is morning or night is impossible.
◎句型公式: even though 引导让步状语从句
even though相当于even if,引导让步状语从句,意为“即使;尽管”。
[佳句] Be open-minded to different opinions even if/though you don't like them.
________________________________________________, that doesn't mean it is bad.
I wouldn't lose heart ______________________________________________________.
2.(教材P26)Following the reindeer were the Sami people, who made this territory their home.
Following the reindeer were the Sami people是主谓倒装,主语the Sami people后置,以便与后面的定语从句更好地衔接。完全倒装用法如下:
(2)here、 there、 now、 then等副词开头的句子且主语又是名词时,用完全倒装;
(3)表示运动方向的副词,如out、 in、 up、 down、 away等置于句首,谓语是表示运动的动词,且主语是名词时,用完全倒装;
[佳句] Sitting at her desk deep in thought was my sister Flora.坐在书桌旁沉思的是我妹妹芙罗拉。
For a moment nothing happened. Then ________________ all shouting together.
On your way to the airport, you'll see that along the road ______________________________.
③Wild flowers are growing all over the mountain.
→__________________ wild flowers. (完全倒装)
3.(教材P26)Though the Sami are allowed to continue their traditional way of life in the park, no one else can live here, and all new development is banned within park boundaries.
◎ban vt.明令禁止;取缔 n. 禁令
(1)ban doing sth. 禁止做某事
ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事
(2)a ban on... 关于……的禁令
[佳句] There should be a ban on talking loudly in the cinema.
①As a matter of fact, I think it would be a good idea to ban ________ (smoke) in parks as well.
②________ (ban) from the hotel since 2001, Burchill is now welcome to come back, the Fairmont said.
To create cleaner surroundings, ______________________________.(ban)
4.(教材P26)Since reindeer were always on the move, the Sami would pick up their tents and accompany them.
◎on the move 在行进中;在移动中
on the air 广播, 播出
on the job 忙碌着, (专心)工作着
on the rise 在增加;在上涨
on the run 奔波, 忙碌
[佳句] The whole group are on the move, so we can't stop to rest.
Science is always ________________, so we must learn all the time.
Thanks to the effective measures, the number of the Tibetan antelopes ______________.
◎accompany vt.陪同;陪伴;伴随;(尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏
(1)accompany sb. to sp. 陪伴某人到某地
accompany sb. on/at sth. 用某物为某人伴奏
(2)company n. 陪伴;公司
keep pany 陪伴某人
[佳句] With volunteers accompanying her during the festival, the old lady felt happier.
③I don't think it's necessary for parents to accompany their children ________ college.
④While she was singing on the stage, her mother was accompanying her ________ the piano.
⑤The old woman went to the cinema and her daughter accompanied her.
→______________________, the old woman went to the cinema.(非谓语动词作状语)
5.(教材P27)I am not a Sami, but in Sarek I've adopted some of their habits.
◎adopt vt. 采用;采取;采纳 vt. &vi. 领养
(1)adopt an approach/an attitude 采用某种方法/态度
(2)adopted adj. 被收养的
(3)adoption n. 采用;采纳;收养
[佳句] We will have to adopt a more scientific approach to protecting the traditional customs.
①________ (adopt) a new method, they worked more efficiently.
②Danny is their ________ (adopt) son, but they treat him as their own son.
③We have been informed of the strict rules to ____________________ in the near future.
6.(教材P27)After breakfast, I pack my bag and set out again.
早饭后,我收拾好行李, 又出发了。
◎set out 出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作
set out to do sth.  出发/开始干某事
set about doing sth. 着手做某事
set down 记下;放下;登记
set off  出发;动身;使爆炸;引起
set up 建立;树立;搭起
[佳句] In order to get to the company on time, we have got to set out early in the morning.
①We can ____________early so that we'll have ____________ more time to read and select books.
②On New Year's Eve, we ____________ many fireworks,which made the children excited.
③What's more, some statues of famous people will be ____________ to encourage us to work harder.
④He ________________________________________________ the whole room but finished only the front.(set out)
⑤He ____________________________________ the whole room but finished only the front.(set about)
7.(教材P27)Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive.
◎bless vt.祝福 vi.命令;控制
(1)bless sb. with... 赐予某人……
be blessed with... 使有幸得到……
(2)blessed adj. 神圣的;有福的
be blessed to do 有幸做某事
(3)blessing n. 幸事;福祉
[佳句] Best wishes to all the classmates, God bless you with good health and happy family.祝福同学们身体健康,阖家欢乐!
①I have been ________ (bless) with good health and a wonderful wife and children.
②It was a ________ (bless) that no one was killed in the accident.
I ______________________________ one that most people would want to have.
8.(教材P27)The Sami lived off reindeer, moved with them, and accompanied them for hundreds of years.
◎live off 依靠……生活;以吃……为生
live on 靠……生活,以……为生;继续存在
live up to 符合;不辜负(希望)
live a(n)...life 过……的生活
[佳句] If you live off another person, you will never be independent.
①The great writer passed away ten years ago, but his spirit ________________ (继续存在).
②Involved in various extra-curricular activities, they ____________________ (过着忙碌而丰富的生活) on the campus.
③He had no choice but to ________________ (靠叔叔生活) after his parents both passed away in the accident last year.
9.(教材P27)It is hoped that Sarek National Park will always remain as it is, natural and beautiful.
◎句型公式:It is hoped that...人们希望……
It is said that... 据说……
It is thought that... 人们认为……
It is believed that... 人们相信……
It is reported that... 据报道……
It is known (to all) that... 众所周知……
[佳句] It is hoped that ordinary people can live a rich and happy life.
①________ is generally believed that IT has both advantages and disadvantages.
②It is hoped ________ with our joint efforts the Chinese Dream will come true soon.
People believe that education is the most important issue facing the government.
→③ ________________ education is the most important issue facing the government.
→④Education ________________ the most important issue facing the government.
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
Part 1
Task 1
2.Para.1:D Para.2:A Para.3:B Para.4:C
Task 2
1.B 2.A 3.A 
Task 3
1.①I wake up to the sound of the wind buffeting the cloth of my tent.
②Even though the sun is brightly shining,telling whether it is morning or night is impossible.
③I'm above the Arctic Circle,where in summer the sun never sets.
2.①Sarek's mountains used to be covered by vast sheets of ice.
② Around 9,000 years ago,this ice melted,leaving behind about 100 glaciers.
3.①Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive.
②Here I am,alone under this broad sky,breathing the fresh air,and enjoying this great adventure. What could be better
Task 4
1.Yes. In Sarek natural park, the sky is broad, the air is fresh... almost everything is in its natural state.
2.Yes. Only when we take measures to ban unnecessary development can we keep the nature in its natural state. (No... The answer is open.)
1.fascinating 2.buffet 3.edge 4.vast 5.territory 6.ban 7.visible 8.accompany 9.valley 10.cottage 11.banned 12.sour
1.adopt adoptive adoption
2.blessed blessing 
3.visible invisible 
active creative 
1.on the move 2.set out 3.live off 4.be covered by
5.anything like 6.wake up 7.spread out 8.feed on
1.Even though the sun is brightly shining
2.Checking my watch
3.leaving behind about 100 glaciers
4.were the Sami people
5.It is hoped that
Part 2
1.①Even though pop music is not your style
②even if I failed ten times
2.①came voices
②stand many newly-built buildings
③Growing all over the mountain are
3.①smoking ②Banned ③everyone is banned from littering everywhere
4.①on the move ②is on the rise ③to ④at/on 
⑤Accompanied by her daughter
5.①Having adopted ②adopted ③be adopted for garbage sorting
6.①set out set aside ②set off ③set up ④set out to paint ⑤set about painting
7.①blessed ②blessing ③was blessed with a happy childhood,
8.①lives on ②live a busy and colorful life ③live off his uncle
9.①It ②that ③It is believed that ④is believed to beSection Ⅲ Using Language
每/日/金/句:By learning body language we can broaden our horizons and increase our knowledge in various fields. 通过学习肢体语言,我们能够开阔我们的视野,增加我们在各领域的知识。
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Read the text on Page 44 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.How can the writer know what makes each student tick
A.By having one-on-one conversations with each student.
B.By talking with some students.
C.By observing students' body language.
D.By asking them to write a letter to the teacher.
2.If students are not interested in a lesson, what may they do
A.They may look up and make eye contact.
B.They may lean forward and look at the teacher.
C.They may lower their heads and look at the watch.
D.They may smile when the teacher makes a joke.
3.How the students may feel when they have their arms crossed in front of their chests and their legs crossed
A.Happy. B.Excited.
C.Shocked. D.Angry.
4.Where is the text likely to be taken from
A.A social magazine.
B.A science book.
C.A research report.
D.A health magazine.
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①educator/'ed uke t (r)/n.教师;教育工作者;教育家
educate v.教育;育人
educated adj.受过教育的;有学问的
②tick/t k/vt.给(试卷、问题等)打钩号 vi.(钟表)发出嘀嗒声 n.钩号
what makes sb. tick 使某人这样做的原因
tick all the/one's boxes 投其所好;迎合众人/某人的爱好
③be interested in...对……感兴趣
④tend to do sth.易于做某事,往往会发生某事
⑤make a joke 开玩笑
⑥tendency/'tend nsi/n.趋势;倾向
have a tendency to do sth.倾向于做某事
⑦lower/'l (r)/vt.把……放低;降低;减少 adj.下面的;下方的;较小的
low adj.低的;低矮的
⑧imply/ m'pla /vt.意味着;暗示
⑨barely/'be li/adv.几乎不;勉强才能;刚刚
bare adj.裸体的;裸露的;(树木)光秃秃的;(土地)荒芜的
⑩spend time doing sth.花费时间做某事
chin/t n/n.下巴
occupy/' kjupa /vt.占据;占用
occupy sb./oneself in doing sth.使某人/自己忙于做某事
occupy sb./oneself with sth.使某人/自己忙于某事
stare/ste (r)/vi.盯着看;凝视 
stare at由于茫然、好奇、无礼或傲慢而长时间地看,意为“凝视”。
ceiling/'si l /n.天花板;上限
distract/d 'str kt/vt.分散(注意力);使分心
perceive/p 'si v/vt.察觉;看待;理解
distinguish/d 'st ɡw /vi.& vt.区分;辨别
distinguished adj.杰出的;有名气的
anxiety/ 'za ti/n.焦虑;担心;害怕
anxious adj.焦虑的
chest/t est/n.胸部;胸膛
embarrassed/ m'b r st/adj.难堪的;尴尬的
embarrass vt.使尴尬
embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的
ashamed/ ' e md/adj.羞愧;惭愧
shameful adj.令人羞愧的
merely/'m li/adv.只是;仅仅;只不过
call on (短暂地)访问;要求(某人讲话等);正式邀请
bother/'b (r)/vi.& vt.费心;麻烦;因……操心 n.麻烦;不便
weep/wi p/vi.& vt.哭泣;流泪
at work 有某种影响;在工作
conflict/'k nfl kt/n.矛盾;冲突
/k n'fl kt/vi.冲突;抵触
have conflicts with...与……有冲突
in conflict with...与……相冲突
come into conflict with sb.与某人发生冲突
inquire/ n'kwa (r)/(=enquire)vi.& vt.询问;打听
ultimately/' lt m tli/adv.最终;最后
[近义词]finally/eventually 最后,最终
adjust/ 'd st/vt.调整;调节 
 vi.& vt.适应;(使)习惯
adjust (oneself) to...(使自己)适应……
adjustable adj.可调节的
adjustment n.调整
intervene/ nt 'vi n/vi.干预;介入
react/r ' kt/vi.(对……)起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应
react to 对……反应
component/k m'p n nt/n.组成部分;零件
As an educator①, people often ask me how I know what is going on in the minds of my students. Many students are quite shy and don't speak all that much. At the same time, in a classroom of more than forty students, it is hard to have many one-on-one conversations with each person. So, how can I really know what makes each student tick②?
My answer I look at their body language.
It is easy to recognise when students are interested in③ a lesson. Most tend to④ look up and make eye contact. When I make a joke⑤, they smile. When I talk about something difficult, they look confused. I know when students are really interested, however, because they lean forward and look at me. 1 People have a tendency⑥ to lean towards whatever they are interested in. So if a student has his head lowered⑦ to look at his watch, it implies⑧ he is bored and just counting the minutes for the class to end. If two friends are leaning their heads together, they are probably writing notes to each other. 2 Of course, not everyone who looks up is paying attention in class. Some students look up, but there is an absence of eye contact. Their eyes barely⑨ move, and they always have the same distant expression on their faces. 3It is as though they are asleep with their eyes open.
Some students are amused by something else. They spend all their time looking⑩ anywhere but at me. Then again, some students' favourite activity is daydreaming. With their chins on their hands, they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling . They are certainly interested in something, but who knows what. 4The main thing is reminding distracted students that they need to pay attention in class.
5While it is easy to perceive when students are interested, bored, or distracted, it is sometimes much harder to distinguish when students are troubled. Students who are angry, afraid, or experiencing anxiety may have their arms crossed in front of their chests and their legs closed or crossed, like they are guarding their bodies. Students who are sad or worried will nearly always wear a frown. They may also hide their faces in their hands like they are embarrassed or ashamed . Some students act this way merely because they are afraid of being called on by the teacher. However, if a student does not bother to brush her hair and her eyes are red from weeping , then I can infer that there are deeper issues at work . It could be that she is having serious conflicts with other students or at home. Whatever it is, I know I need to inquire and assess what is going on.
Ultimately , my duty is helping every student to learn. Their body language lets me know when to adjust class activities, when to intervene , and when to talk to students individually, so they can all get the most out of school. Reacting to body language is an important component of being a teacher.
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.a shooting ________ 枪击事件
2.________ the effects of these changes 评估变化的影响
3.a relaxed ________ 休闲姿势
4.________ his head 弯下他的头
5.________ a secret 泄露一条秘密
6.________ a problem 澄清问题
7.________ the question out 把问题勾选出来
8.________ your head 低下头
9.It is easy to ________ 容易察觉
10.________ from 区别于
11.stop ________ me 停止烦我
12.________ uncontrollably 不由自主地哭起来
13.have ________ with other students 与其他学生发生冲突
14.________ into the problem 调查问题
15.________ conclude 最终得出结论
16.an important ________ of being a teacher 成为一名教师的重要组成部分
1.①________ much space 占用大量空间
②look for an ________ 寻找一份工作
2.①experience learning ________ 体验学习焦虑
②be ________ about his safety 为他的安全担心
3.①an ________ silence 难堪的沉默
②an ________ situation 一个尴尬的局面
③social ________ 社交尴尬
4.①________ class activities 调整课堂活动
②speed ________ 速度调整
5.①________ with water 水发生反应
②chemical ________ 化学反应
6.①feel ashamed 感到羞愧
②a ________ thing 一件可耻的事
7.①a famous educator 一位著名的教育家
②________ the public to respect the environment 教育公众爱护环境
③________ background 教育背景
8.①have a tendency to do sth. 有做某事的倾向
②________to do sth. 倾向于做某事
1.____________ 换句话说;也就是说
2.____________ (短暂地)访问;要求(某人讲话等);正式邀请
3.____________ 有某种影响;在工作
4.____________ 向上看;查阅
5.____________ 盯着……看
6.____________ 费心地做某事
7.____________ 与某人有冲突
8.____________ 对……做出反应
[教材]So if a student ________________________ to look at his watch, it implies he is bored and just counting the minutes for the class to end.
[教材]Of course, ________________ who looks up is paying attention in class.
[教材]____________________________ when students are interested, bored, or distracted, it is sometimes much harder to distinguish when students are troubled.
[教材]________________________________, they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.in other words 换句话说,也就是说
in a word 总之;简言之
keep one's word 遵守诺言
break one's word 失信;不守诺言
have a word with... 与……谈一谈
word came that... 有消息传来……
[佳句] He has achieved his aim. In other words, his ambition has come true.
①Setting a goal is the first step to success; ________________, if you want to succeed, you must set a goal first.
②Once you have made a promise, you should ________________, or no one will trust you.
③________________ (总之), my life will be much richer and more colorful.
We had no idea where we were. ________________, we couldn't get back along the original track at all.
2.(教材P44)People have a tendency to lean towards whatever they are interested in.
◎tendency n.趋势;倾向
tend to do sth. 经常做某事;有做……的倾向
tend to/towards sth. 趋向,倾向于……
tend (to) sb. 照料,照看,护理某人
[佳句] I have a tendency to talk too much when I'm nervous. 我紧张时总爱唠叨。
①Roughly speaking, the ________ (tend) of the market is still uncertain.
②During the World War Ⅱ, Henry Beecher was a doctor ________ (tend) soldiers on the battlefield.
________________________________________ to read books by computers or phones rather than go to library to read books.
3.(教材P44)Of course, not everyone who looks up is paying attention in class.
(1)部分否定:both, all, every, everybody, everything, always等用于否定句时,通常表示部分否定。
all...not...=not all... 并非所有的……都……
both...not...=not both... 并非两个……都……
every...not...=not every... 并非每一个……都……
(2)完全否定:英语中none, no one, nobody, nothing, neither等表示否定意义的词(组)与肯定式谓语一起使用构成全部否定。
[佳句] Not all body language means the same thing in different countries.
①________________________________________________ (不是所有的成员都会同意你的计划).
②He told me all pieces of the news, but ________________________ (没有一个是令人兴奋的).
③A recent survey shows that ________________________________________________________ in their spare time.
④A recent survey shows that ____________________________________________________ in their spare time.
4.(教材P44)With their chins on their hands, they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling.
◎occupy vt.占据;占用
(1)occupy oneself with/in doing sth. 忙于做某事;专心于做某事
(2)occupied adj. 忙于……的;使用中的
be occupied (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事
be occupied with sth. 忙于某事
(3)occupation n. 占领;职业;工作
[佳句] You should set aside some time to join in activities although occupied with study.
①________ (occupy) in looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in the club.
②She has been so ________ (occupy) with her academic that she hasn't had time for social activities.
③I am ________ with my ________, which ________ most of my time every day.(occupy)
④________________ getting ready for the meeting, she couldn't afford any time for the party.
⑤Because she ________________ getting ready for the meeting, she couldn't afford any time for the party.
⑥________________ getting ready for the meeting, she couldn't afford any time for the party.
◎stare vi.盯着看;凝视 n.凝视
stare at 凝视;盯着看
stare sb. up and down 上下打量某人
stare sb. in the face 盯着某人的脸看
[佳句] He gave me a long stare but didn't answer his question.
She ________________________ as if she didn't know me.
________________________________ strangers in public.
5.(教材P44)While it is easy to perceive when students are interested, bored, or distracted, it is sometimes much harder to distinguish when students are troubled.
◎distinguish vi.& vt.区分;辨别
(1)distinguish between...and... 区分/辨别……和……
distinguish...from... 使……有别于……;把……与……区分开
distinguish oneself (as...) 使出众;使著名
(2)distinguished adj. 卓越的;尊敬的
[佳句] Reading good books can not only enrich our knowledge but also teach us to distinguish between right and wrong.
①Dogs may indeed be able to distinguish ________ happy and angry human faces, according to a new study.
②As far as we all know, Lang Ping has already distinguished herself ________ a great volleyball coach in the world.
③It's my pleasure to introduce Chinese painting to our ________ (distinguish) guests.
④The twins are so alike that no one can tell them apart.
→The twins are so alike that no one can ________________________________.
6.(教材P44)Students who are angry, afraid, or experiencing anxiety may have their arms crossed in front of their chests and their legs closed or crossed, like they are guarding their bodies.
◎anxiety n.焦虑;担心;害怕
(1)with anxiety 焦虑地
(2)anxious adj. 忧虑的;不安的;渴望的
be anxious about... 为……担心/担忧
be anxious for... 渴望……
be anxious to do sth. 急于做某事
[佳句] Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about their first day at school.
①Steven caused his parents great ________ (anxious) when he travelled to Tibet alone this summer.
②She lost her job last month. She is anxious ________ (get) a new job now.
I'm ______________________________________ I can hardly fall asleep at night.
◎句型公式:“have sth. done”意为“让某事被做”
(1)have sth. done 让/叫别人做某事
(2)have sb.do sth. 让某人做某事
(3)have sb. doing sth. 允许某人做某事(常用于否定句中);使某人一直做某事(多用于肯定句中)
(4)have sth. to do 有某事要做(主语自己做)
have sth. to be done 有某事要做(不是主语自己做)
[佳句] I need a new passport so I will have to have my photograph taken.
④It was cold, and she had the fire ________ (burn) day and night.
⑤I am going to see my son next week. Do you have anything ________ (take) to your son
⑥We students have various activities ________ (take) part in after class.
I'm sorry for not being able to attend your birthday party, for I ________________________________________________________________________________.
7.(教材P44)They may also hide their faces in their hands like they are embarrassed or ashamed.
◎embarrassed adj.难堪的;尴尬的
(1)get/feel embarrassed 变得/感到尴尬
be embarrassed to do sth. 对于做某事感到窘迫
be embarrassed about... 对……感到尴尬
(2)embarrass vt. 使难堪;使尴尬
embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的
embarrassment n. 难堪;窘迫
[佳句] The girl felt embarrassed when the manager didn't approve of her plan.
①She got ________ (embarrass) when I asked her to sing a song for us.
②The ________ look on his face suggested he was in an ________ situation.(embarrass)
③Wandering in the busy street, I was filled with ________ (embarrass).
◎ashamed adj.羞愧;惭愧
(1)be ashamed of... 因……感到惭愧
be ashamed to do sth. 耻于做某事
(2)It's a shame that... ……真让人遗憾。
(3)What a shame/pity! 真可惜!
(4)shameful adj. 羞耻的
[佳句] I felt much ashamed to have made such a stupid mistake once again in my work.
④I felt ________ (shame) of taking advantage of his sympathy, and I finally apologized to him.
⑤She was ashamed ________ (tell) her mother that she had failed again.
__________________________________________ I felt as if a knife were piercing my heart, tears clouding my eyes.
8.(教材P44)However, if a student does not bother to brush her hair and her eyes are red from weeping, then I can infer that there are deeper issues at work.
◎bother vi.& vt.费心;麻烦;因……操心 n.麻烦;不便
(1)bother sb. with/about sth. 为某事打扰某人
bother to do/doing sth. 操心做某事
(2)put sb. to any bother 给某人添乱
[佳句] We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me.
①I didn't want to bother her ________ work matters on her day off.
②Why bother ________ (go) to Italy and Denmark, when there are so many appealing places here
I do need your valuable suggestions, hoping it ________________________.
9.(教材P44)It could be that she is having serious conflicts with other students or at home.
◎conflict n.矛盾;冲突 vi.冲突;抵触
(1)in conflict with 和……有矛盾,不一致
come into conflict with 和……发生冲突,与……有分歧
(2)conflict with 与……发生冲突
[佳句] The changes are sure to conflict with the old traditions, so we must give them a second thought.
①The changes are sure to conflict ________ the old plan, so we must make a new plan.
②As far as I know, Mary often comes ________ conflict with her father in the future career.
She found herself ________________ her parents in the future career.
10.(教材P44)Their body language lets me know when to adjust class activities, when to intervene, and when to talk to students individually, so they can all get the most out of school.
◎adjust vt.调整;调节 vi.& vt.适应;(使)习惯
(1)adjust...to... 调整……以适应……
adjust to (doing) sth. 适应于(做)某事
adjust oneself to 使自己适应于……
(2)adjustment n. 调整;调节;适应
make an adjustment to 对……做出调整
[佳句] Knowing that you have some difficulty in adjusting yourself to the new school life, I'm writing to give you some tips.
①It took him quite a while to adjust to ________ (live) alone after his parents passed away.
②I am writing to apologize to you for my not making ________ (adjust) to the relevant information in time, which caused great inconvenience to you.
③You can get used to the life in Beijing soon only by learning some basic Chinese in advance.
→Only by learning some basic Chinese in advance ____________________________________ soon.
11.(教材P44)Reacting to body language is an important component of being a teacher.
◎react vi.(对……)起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应
(1)react to... 对……做出反应
react against... 反抗,反对……
react with 和……发生化学反应
(2)reaction n. 反应
[佳句] He reacted strongly against the suggestion, which made us all surprised.
他强烈反对这个建议, 这使我们很吃惊。
①Hearing how others react ________ the book you have just read creates added pleasure.
②His parents' ________ (react) to the news was surprisingly calm.
Section Ⅲ Using Language
Part 1
1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A
1.incident 2.assess 3.pose 4.bend 5.reveal 6.clarify 7.tick 8.lower 9.perceive 10.distinguish 
11.bothering 12.weep 13.conflicts 14.inquire 
15.ultimately ponent
1.occupy; occupation
2.anxiety; anxious
3.embarrassed; embarrassing; embarrassment
4.adjust; adjustment
5.react; reaction
7.educate; education
1.in other words 2.call on 3.at work 4.look up 5.stare at 6.bother to do sth. 7.have conflicts with sb. 8.react to
1.has his head lowered
2.not everyone
3.While it is easy to perceive
4.With their chins on their hands
Part 2
1.①in other words ②keep your word ③In a word ④In other words
2.①tendency ②tending ③There is a growing tendency for teenagers
3.①Not every member will be in favour of your plan ②none of them was exciting ③not all the students in our school take physical exercise ④all the students in our school don't take physical exercise
4.①Occupied ②occupied③occupied occupation occupies ④Occupied in ⑤was occupied in ⑥Occupying herself in ⑦stared me up and down ⑧It is bad manners to stare at
5.①between ②as ③distinguished ④distinguish one from the other
6.①anxiety ②to get ③so anxious about the coming exam that ④burning ⑤to be taken ⑥to take ⑦have an important thing to deal with
7.①embarrassed ②embarrassed; embarrassing 
③embarrassment ④ashamed ⑤to tell ⑥So ashamed was I that
8.①with ②to go ③won't bother you much
9.①with ②into ③in conflict with
10.①living ②adjustments ③can you adjust yourself to the life in Beijing
11.①to ②reactionSection Ⅱ Learning About Language
每/日/金/句:Some theme parks are not only amusing but also educational ones where you can have fun and learn something you haven't known. 有些主题公园不仅有趣而且具有教育意义,在那里你可以玩得很开心,还可以学到一些你未知的东西。
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.(教材P28 )prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止;阻止
(1)prohibit doing sth. 禁止做某事
prohibit sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事
(2)prohibition n. 禁止;阻止;禁令
[佳句] In order truly to do away with nuclear threat, it is necessary to completely prohibit and thoroughly destroy nuclear weapons.
①According to the rule, visitors ________ (prohibit) from feeding the animals.
②He hoped she would remove that ________ (prohibit) soon.
③The new rules ________________________________ like restaurants, hotels, railway stations and theatres.
2.(教材P29)It is both challenging and rewarding to study abroad.
◎rewarding adj. 值得做的;有益的
reward v.   奖励;奖赏;给以报酬
n. 奖励;回报;报酬
reward sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而奖励某人
in reward for 作为回报
as a reward (for...) 作为(对……的)奖赏
[佳句] Travelling along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience.
①His patience ________ (reward) when she received the Nobel Prize eventually.
②As far as I am concerned, I can't lay emphasis on the ________ (reward) and interesting fruit-picking activity too much.
③I'm more than willing to show you around Beijing ____________________.(reward n.)
④I'm more than willing to show you around Beijing ____________________.(reward vt.)
①(教材P26)Getting here is quite difficult, so apart from the Sami very few people have ever seen Sarek.
②(教材P26)For hundreds of years, looking after reindeer was a way of life for the Sami.
③(教材P27)Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive.
④Mary's being late for class made her teacher angry.
⑤It is no use arguing with him about such a matter.
⑥Sometimes, it is no good learning a theory without practice.
[发现] (1)以上加黑部分是动名词形式,在句中作 ________。
功能:动词-ing形式作主语时, 多表示经常性、习惯性的动作, 谓语动词多用单数形式。
Wasting a person's time is the same as killing him for his property.
Reading aloud is a good way to learn a language.
Walking is a good form of exercise for both the young and the old.
[名师点津] 动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数;意义不同的两个动词-ing形式并列作主语时, 谓语动词需用复数形式。
Traveling along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience.
Listening to the English tapes and watching English films are good ways to learn English.
It's a waste of time doing sth.
It's useless/worthwhile doing sth.
It's no good/no use/no fun doing sth.
It's no use complaining without taking action.
It is a waste of time talking about such useless things.
3.句型“There be no+动名词(短语)”表示“不允许、禁止某种行为的发生或存在”时,需用动名词(短语)形式作主语。
There is no denying that the environment is from bad to worse here.
There is no joking about such matters.
[巧学活用1] 用所给动词的适当形式填空。
①It is no use ________ (write) to him; he never answers letters.
②________ (catch) in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.
③ ________ (play)computer games too much is bad for your eyes.
④________ (educate) in Beijing University is the dream of many students.
⑤________ (take)a walk after supper is good for your health.
动词-ing形式的否定形式通常是在其前加not, 带有逻辑主语时, not应放在逻辑主语和动词-ing形式之间。
Not knowing how to use a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research.
Not having done his homework makes the teacher angry.
动词-ing形式的复合结构由物主代词或人称代词宾格、名词所有格或普通格加动词-ing, 即“sb./sb.'s+doing”构成。动词-ing形式的复合结构实际上是给动词-ing形式加了一个逻辑主语。动词-ing形式的复合结构有四种形式:
Her coming to help encouraged all of us.
Mary's being ill made her mother upset.
玛丽病了, 这使她妈妈很着急。
[名师点津] 动词-ing形式的复合结构在句中作主语时, 不能用代词的宾格和名词的普通格形式。
[巧学活用2] 补全句子
①________________ made his teacher very angry.
②__________________ caused so much trouble.
时态 语态
主动语态 被动语态
一般时 doing being done
完成时 having done having been done
Sometimes being punished may be a good thing.
Having been given a toy car as a gift made the boy laugh.
那男孩收到一辆玩具汽车作为礼物, 笑了。
[巧学活用3] 补全句子
①____________________ for a long time does great harm to your skin.
②____________________ is still embarrassing to him.
他被解雇了, 对此他仍然感到很难堪。
Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
Part 1
1.①are prohibited ②prohibition ③prohibit smoking in places
2.①was rewarded ②rewarding ③in reward for your generous help ④to reward you for your generous help
Part 2
(1)主语 (2)it
巧学活用1 ①writing ②Being caught ③Playing ④Being educated ⑤Taking
巧学活用2 ①His being late again
②Jane's being careless
巧学活用3 ①Being exposed in the sun
②Having been fired from his jobSection Ⅳ Writing——介绍主题公园
1.I'm glad to hear that you will visit China during the summer vacation.
2.There are many famous theme parks in China. Shanghai Chocolate theme park is one of them.
1.Shanghai Chocolate theme park is the one made of chocolate.
2.Wang Xizhi Park is located/situated in the east of Linyi City.
3.It is a good place for relaxation and amusement.
4.It is reported that Chocolate Happy Land covers an area of more than 30, 000 square meters.
5.Not only is all the food there delicious, but it is cheap.
6.The admission fee to the park is 100 yuan, and all the activities in the park are free.
7.Besides/In addition, you can enjoy/appreciate wonderful performances at the theatre.
1.If you like it, come to the Shanghai Chocolate theme park!
2.Looking forward to your coming.
某英文网站上宣传,请你根据以下提示,用英文写一份宣传材料, 介绍青岛方特主题公园。主要内容如下:
1.青岛方特主题公园采用高科技演绎特色主题, 创造了充满幻想和创意的神奇天地;
2.公园主体包含主题项目、游乐项目、休闲及景观项目200余项。许多大型表演结合巨大的3D屏幕,带领游客踏上探索生命进化和文明发展秘密的旅程。这里提供各种美食, 满足任何挑剔的味蕾;
Qingdao Fangte Fantasy Kingdom ______________________________________________.
The main park __________________________, amusement projects, ______________________.
Many big performances ______________________________ and take visitors on a journey ____________________________________.
There are ______________________, so it will surely ________________________.
Come to Qingdao Fangte Fantasy Kingdom ________________________!
From Qingdao north auto station, ______________________________.
Qingdao Fangte Fantasy Kingdom ______________________________________________.
Many big performances ____________________________________________________________.
There are ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
Qingdao Fangte Fantasy Kingdom shows the characteristics of the theme with advanced technology, creating a fantasy and creative magical world.
The main park contains more than 200 theme projects, amusement projects, leisure and landscape projects. Many big performances combined with a giant 3D screen take visitors on a journey to explore the secrets of life evolution and civilization development. There are so many various delicious foods that it will surely satisfy your particular e to Qingdao Fangte Fantasy Kingdom to start your dream journey!
From Qingdao north auto station, take Route 937 directly to Qingdao Fangte Fantasy Kingdom.
1.buffet vt. ____________
n. ____________
2.edge n. ____________
vt. &vi. ____________
3.glacier n. ____________
4.territory n. ____________
5.cottage n. ____________
6.sour adj. ____________
7.teapot n. ____________
8.label vt. ____________
n. ____________
9.cream n. ____________
10.leopard n. ____________
11.bush n. ____________
12.pirate n. ____________
vt. ____________
13.iron n. ____________
vt.& vi. ____________
1.________n. (一块)布;织物;布料
2.________ n. 谷;山谷;溪谷
3.________ adj. 辽阔的;巨大的;庞大的
4.________ vt. 明令禁止;取缔
   n. 禁令
5.________ vt. 陪同;陪伴;伴随;(尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏
6.________ vi. 打喷嚏n. 喷嚏;喷嚏声
7.________ n. 喷泉;人工喷泉;喷水池
8.________ adj. 极好的;极大的;难以置信的
9.________ n. 路线;路途;途径
10.________ adv. 向前;在前面;提前
11.________ adj. 有特定主题的
n. 主题;主题思想
12.________ adj. 可爱的;讨人喜爱的
13.________ n. 游荡;闲逛;流浪
vt.& vi. 闲逛;漫游
vi. 走失;离散;走神
14.________ adj. 巨大的;极大的
15.________ adj. 稀少的;珍贵的;(肉)半熟的
16.________ n. 蒸汽;水蒸气;蒸汽动力
vi. 蒸发;散发蒸汽;冒水汽
17.________ adj. 极佳的;卓越的
18.________ adj. (近)极地的;南极(或北极)的;磁极的
19.________ adj. 壮丽的;雄伟的;极佳的;非常好的
20.________ n. 展览;陈列;展览品
vt. 显示;陈列
21.________vt.& vi. (使)摆动;摇摆;转弯;(使)突然转向
22.________ n. 食欲;胃口;强烈欲望
23.________ n. (书、报纸印刷页上的)栏;专栏;柱(形物)
24.________ adj.看得见的;可见的→________ adj.看不见的
25.________vt.采用;采取;采纳 vt.& vi.领养→________ adj.被收养的;被采用的→________ n.收养;采用
26.________vt.祝福→________ adj.神圣的,受祝福的
27.________ vt.(尤指以法令)禁止;阻止→________ n.禁止;阻止;禁令
28.________ n.报酬;奖金 vt.酬劳;奖赏→rewarding adj.值得做的;有益的
29.________vi.有吸引力;呼吁;恳求;上诉 n.吸引力;呼吁;上诉;请求→________ adj.吸引人的
30.________vt.(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐→________ adj.好笑的;有趣的→________ adj.愉快的→________ n.消遣;娱乐(活动)
31.________n.时尚;时兴;流行款式→________ adj.流行的,时髦的
32.________ n.娱乐;招待;娱乐活动;文娱节目→________ vt.款待;使快乐→________ adj.愉快的;有趣的
33.________ n.自行车;摩托车;循环 vi.骑自行车→________n.骑自行车的人
34.________ vt.(尤指以法令)禁止;阻止→________n.禁止;阻止;禁令
1.Some people believe that we should hold some creative activities to celebrate traditional culture so that we can ____________ (玩得开心) during traditional Chinese festivals.
2.We gathered at the foot of the mountain and ____________ (出发) for the peak.
3.As we all know, some animals have long necks and they have to ____________ (以吃……为生) the leaves of tall trees.
4.Jack doesn't like to stay in one place for a long time, so he is always ____________ (在行进中).
5.Your dream will ____________ (实现) sooner or later as long as you stick to it.
6.As a result, you can master the language and ____________ (熟悉) its cultures.
7.What ____________ (吸引) us is not only his intelligence but also his sense of humor.
8.As is well known to us, China ____________ (因……而出名) its long history, leaving behind lots of amazing cultural relics.
______________________________,telling whether it is morning or night is impossible.
__________________________the Sami people,who made this territory their home.
______________________________________ to be alive.
______________________having the biggest or longest roller coasters,others for showing the famous sights and sounds.
__________________________, there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you!
Visiting the candy shop and trying some of the same kind of candy that American southerners made 150 years ago ____________________.
The park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetite—you can even eat ________________________.
Section Ⅳ Writing——介绍主题公园
1.shows the characteristics of the theme and with advanced technology creates a fantasy and creative magical world
2.contains more than 200 theme projects leisure and landscape projects
3.are combined with a giant 3D screen to explore the secrets of life evolution and civilization development
4.many various delicious foods satisfy your particular tastes
5.to start your dream journey
6.take Route 937 directly to Qingdao Fangte Fantasy Kingdom
7.shows the characteristics of the theme with advanced technology, creating a fantasy and creative magical world
8.combined with a giant 3D screen take visitors on a journey to explore the secrets of life evolution and civilization development
9.so many various delicious foods that it will surely satisfy your particular tastes
1.连续猛击;打来打去 自助餐
2.边;边缘;边线;刀刃 (使)徐徐移动;给……加边
3.冰川 4.领土;版图;领域;地盘
6.酸的;有酸味的 7.茶壶
8.用标签标明;贴标签 标签;标记
9.奶油;乳脂;护肤霜 10.豹 11.灌木 
12.海盗;盗版者 盗印;窃用
13.铁;铁器;铸铁;熨斗 (用熨斗)熨;烫平
1.cloth 2.valley 3.vast 4.ban 5.accompany
6.sneeze 7.fountain 8.incredible 9.route 10.ahead 11.theme 12.adorable 13.wander 14.enormous 15.rare
16.steam 17.superb 18.polar 19.splendid 20.display 21.swing 22.appetite 23.column 24.visible invisible 
25.adopt adopted adoption 
26.bless blessed 
27.prohibit prohibition 
28.reward 29.appeal appealing
30.amuse amusing amused amusement
31.fashion fashionable
32.entertainment entertain entertaining
33.cycle cyclist
34.prohibit prohibition
1.have fun 2.set out 3.live off 4.on the move 
5.come true 6.be familiar with 7.appeals to 
8.is famous for
1.Even though the sun is brightly shining
2.Following the reindeer were
3.Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed
4.Some parks are famous for
5.Whichever and whatever you like
6.is a rare experience
7.while watching the fish swim bySection Ⅲ Using Language
每/日/金/句:Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. —William Shakespeare不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。——威廉·莎士比亚
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Read the text on Pages 8~9 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.Which of the following has the similar meaning to the word “numerous” in Paragraph 1
A.Very large. B.Rather great.
C.Amounts of. D.Splendid.
2.In which aspect did Albert Einstein make great achievements
A.Music. B.Medicine.
C.Physics. D.Chemistry.
3.We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.Einstein was a genius as well as an indifferent figure
B.Einstein did well in the entrance exam for the first time
C.Einstein used to work as a clerk in the USA
D.Einstein didn't care about his appearance or being famous
4.What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage
A.To introduce Einstein's contributions to the world.
B.To introduce Einstein's winding life in Germany.
C.To show that Einstein is a genius in physics and maths.
D.To let the world know all about Einstein by his life and achievements.
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①numerous/'nju m r s/adj.众多的;许多的
②make contributions to...对……做出贡献
③theory/'θI ri/n.理论;学说
④relativity/ rel 'tIv ti/n.相对论;相对性
⑤formula/'f mj l /n.公式;方程式;配方
⑥not only...but also...“不但……而且……”,连接两个并列成分时,可以省略but或also,也可以把but also都省略掉。
⑦genius/'d i ni s/n.(pl.geniuses)天才;天资;天赋
⑧courageous adj.有胆量的,勇敢的
⑨figure n.人物,人士
⑩gentle/'d entl/adj.温柔的;文静的
exceptional adj.优秀的;杰出的
manage to do sth.设法做到某事
patent/'peItnt;'p tnt/n.专利;专利证书;获得专利 adj.有专利的;受专利保护的
passion/'p n/n.酷爱;激情
doctorate/'d kt r t/n.博士学位
miracle n.奇迹
extraordinary/Ik'str dnri;
NAmE Ik'str d neri/adj.不一般的;非凡的;意想不到的
gradually/'ɡr d u li/adv.逐渐地;逐步地
photoelectric/ f t I'lektrIk/adj.光电的
circumstance/'s k mst ns/ n.[usually pl.]条件;环境;状况
come to power(开始)掌权;上台
academic/ k 'demIk/adj.学业的;学术的
institution/ InstI'tju n/n.社会公共机构;制度;习俗
consequence/'k nsIkw ns/n.结果;后果
as a consequence结果,因此
take up a position担任;任职
institute/'InstItju t/n.(教育、专业等)机构;机构建筑
slightly adv.轻微地
odd-looking adj.相貌奇特的;外表怪异的
moustache [especially US mustache]/m 'stɑ ;NAmE 'm st /n.上唇的胡子;髭
on end竖立起来
peculiarity/pI kju li' r ti/n.个性;特点;怪异的性质
encounter/In'ka nt (r)/vt.偶然碰到;遇到 n.邂逅;遭遇
be mistaken for...被误认为……;被误解为……
professor/pr 'fes (r)/n.教授
pass away去世(委婉说法)
mourn/m n/vt.& vi.哀悼;忧伤
brilliant adj.杰出的;才华横溢的
1Albert Einstein, who is perhaps the greatest scientist in modern physics, is often considered one of the smartest men who ever lived. He made numerous① contributions to② the world, the most well-known being the general theory③ of relativity④ and the famous formula⑤ E=mc2. 2Einstein was not only⑥ a genius⑦; he was a courageous⑧ and kind figure⑨ loved by many people.
This gentle⑩ genius was born in Germany on 14 March 1879. When he was 16, he tried to enter university in Switzerland, but failed due to his low scores in the general part of the entrance exam, despite obtaining exceptional scores in maths and physics.After studying for another year, he managed to pass the exam, entering university in 1896 and graduating in 1900.
After two years of looking for work as a teacher, Einstein took a job as a clerk in the Swiss patent office. 3While working there, out of a strong passion for knowledge, he continued to study, earning a doctorate in physics in 1905. That same year, which was later recorded as a miracle year in science, he published four extraordinary physics papers. 4Following this, he gradually became famous throughout the world as the new Isaac Newton.After four years, he was able to quit his job at the patent office and enter
research full-time at a university. In 1922, he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for
Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.
Circumstances changed in 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany. Einstein, who was Jewish, found the doors of academic institutions closed to him. As a consequence , he had to flee Germany. After spending time in Europe, he finally took up a position as a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA. Following that, he continued to make great achievements in physics and mathematics.
To the public, he was seen as a slightly odd-looking but kind and funny man. 5He had a thick moustache and long white hair, which sometimes stood on end as though he had just received an electric shock. Although he was a genius, he sometimes forgot things, like his friends' birthdays. But despite his peculiarities , he was loved by his friends and neighbours. There is even a story about how he helped a little girl who knocked on his door and asked for help with her homework. In fact, Einstein often encountered people on the street who would stop him and ask him to help explain things.After many such occasions, he finally started saying, “Pardon me! Sorry! Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein!”
6On 18 April 1955, it was reported that Einstein had passed away , and the whole world mourned the great loss of a brilliant scientist.
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.the general ________of relativity   广义相对论
2.a man of ________ 一个有天赋的人
3.Swiss ________office 瑞士专利局
4.a strong ________ for knowledge 对知识的强烈热情
5.four ________ physics papers 四篇非凡的物理学论文
6.________ improved health 健康逐渐好转
7.the doors of ________ institutions 学术机构的大门
8.the ________ for Advanced Study 高级研究所
9.________ people on the street 在街上遇到行人
10.as a ________ 因此
11.a portable ________ 一台便携式设备
12.a rough ________ of the letter 这封信的草稿
1.①________ Einstein 爱因斯坦教授
②________ skills 技能
2.①read a ________ 阅读一本小说
②a historical ________ 历史小说家
3.①an honest ________ 一位诚实的政客
②be fond of ________ 对……政治感兴趣
4.①make a ________ achievement 取得非凡成就
② ________ remark 个人评论
1.____________ 对……做出贡献
2.____________ 由于
3.____________ 设法做成某事
4.____________ 任……职,当……
5.____________ (开始)掌权;上台
6.____________ 担任;任职
7.____________ 把……错认成……
8.____________ 去世
9.____________ 总结;概括
[教材]He made numerous contributions to the world,the most well-known ________________________________________ and the famous formula E=mc2.
[教材] ____________________, out of a strong passion for knowledge,he continued to study,earning a doctorate in physics in 1905.
3.[句型]as though引导状语从句
[教材]He had a thick moustache and long white hair, which sometimes stood on end ________________________________________________.
[教材]Einstein, who was Jewish, ________________________________________to him.
5.[句型]it is/was reported that...据报道……
[教材]On 18 April 1955, ____________________ Einstein had passed away,and the whole world mourned the great loss of a brilliant scientist.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.(教材P6)Bill Gates founded high-tech and futuristic companies.
◎found vt.创建;建立;把……建立在;建设
(1)be founded on 建立……基础上
(2)found (founded; founded) 建立
find (found; found) 发现,找到
[佳句] As is reported, it is more than 100 years since Tsinghua University was founded.
①After the new country ____________ (found), Tom finally ________ (find) his family.
②Tsinghua University, ________ (found) in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures.
2.(教材P8)While working there, out of a strong passion for knowledge,he continued to study,earning a doctorate in physics in 1905.
省略句的条件 状语从句中的主语与主句主语一致或是代词it
省略句的形式 省略从句中的主语或it和be动词
[佳句] While (she was) waiting at the bus stop, she encountered the famous professor.
①I was considering this while ________ (work) as a nurse just a few weeks ago.
②When ________ (invite) to your Chinese friend's home, you'd better arrive on time or a little earlier.
③Therefore, I can explain the relevant information about Chinese painting ____________________________ (如果有必要).
____________________________________, I realized how hard it was to work in the fields under a hot sun.
◎passion n.酷爱;激情
(1)full of passion 充满激情
with passion 富有激情
have a passion for 对……情有独钟
(2)passionate adj. 狂热的
be passionate about... 酷爱……
[佳句] One should always be full of passion in his life no matter how old he is.
⑤He has a passion ________ Chinese literature, which dates back to his youth.
⑥Though she has been teaching English for twenty years, she is still ________ (passion) about teaching.
He delivered a speech in public ________________________.
3.(教材P8)Circumstances changed in 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany.
◎come to power(开始)掌权;上台
(1)in one's power 在某人的掌控中
beyond one's power 某人力所不能及的,超出某人能力范围的
do everything in one's power 尽力而为;竭尽全力
(2)powerful adj. 强大的;权力大的
[佳句] Could you tell me when the new president came to power
①She believes that she has the power ________ (solve)the problem.
②It's acknowledged that this kind of animals has some ________ (power) teeth.
③As far as I know, it is two years since the party ____________.
④As far as I know, the party ________________ for two years.
4.(教材P8)Einstein, who was Jewish, found the doors of academic institutions closed to him.
◎句型公式: find+宾语+宾语补足语
(2)find+it+形容词/名词+to do(it是形式宾语,to do是真正的宾语)
[佳句] Even the best writers sometimes find themselves lost for words.
①When Tom found himself ________ (take) to an unknown village, he was quite frightened.
②Suddenly, Anne found herself ________ (walk) in the direction of the railway station.
③That's why she often finds herself ________ (help) when she meets with some challenges.
Just the next morning, I ____________________________________.
5.(教材P8)As a consequence, he had to flee Germany. 因此,他不得不逃离德国。
◎consequence n.结果;后果
(1)as a consequence   因此;结果
as a consequence of 由于……的缘故
(2)consequent adj. 随之发生的;作为结果的
consequently 因此;结果
[佳句] It is known to us that the rise in global temperature will result in serious consequences.
① ________________________________________ (由于懒惰), he was fired by the boss of the company.
② ______________ (consequent), some viewers began to turn away from cinemas, leading to a slower growth.
③Regardless of the risk of getting infected, Uncle Li is responsible and devoted to his job. As a result, he deserves our respect.
→Regardless of the risk of getting infected, Uncle Li is responsible and devoted to his job. ____________________, he deserves our respect.
6.(教材P8)After spending time in Europe, he finally took up a position as a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA.在欧洲待了一段时间后,他终于在美国普林斯顿大学高等研究院担任一份研究员的工作。
◎take up a position 担任;任职
take up  接受;开始从事;继续;占据(时间或空间)
take off   脱掉(衣服等);起飞;事业腾飞
take over 接管;获得对……的控制或管理
take down 写下;记下;拆除
take in 吸收;接纳;领会;欺骗
take on 呈现;雇用;承担;从事
[佳句] After graduation from college, he took up a position as a sales manager.
[练通]——写出下列句子中take up的汉语意思
①Smartphones not only take up our valuable time but also do great harm to our health. ________
②The teacher took up the lesson where he left off last week. ________
③No matter what happens, I'm going to take up the challenge. ________
7.(教材P9)Use your notes to write your introduction and sum up how you feel about this person.用你的笔记来写你的介绍,并总结你对这个人的感觉。
◎sum vi.总结;概括 n. 金额;款项;总数;总和
sum up 总结;概括
to sum up 总之,概括地说
a large sum of 一大笔;大量的
[佳句] His speech summed up the present situation of economy.
①Many people spoke at the meeting, and finally the chairman ________ (sum) up the discussion.
②I had to __________________ (花费一大笔钱)getting it back.
____________, for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking.
[联想] “总而言之”的表达:
to sum up, in conclusion, in short, in a word
Section Ⅲ Using Language
Part 1
1.C 2.C 3.D 4.D
1.theory 2.genius 3.patent 4.passion 5.extraordinary 6.gradually 7.academic 8.Institute 9.encounter 
10.consequence 11.device 12.draft
1.Professor; professional
2.novel; novelist
3.politician; politics
4.remarkable; personal
1.make contributions to 2.due to 3.manage to do sth. 4.work as 5.come to power 6.take up a position 
7.mistake...for... 8.pass away 9.sum up
1.being the general theory of relativity
2.While working there
3.as though he had just received an electric shock
4.found the doors of academic institutions closed
5.it was reported that
Part 2
1.①was founded; found ②founded
2.①working ②invited ③if necessary ④While working ⑤for ⑥passionate ⑦with great passion
3.①to solve ②powerful ③came to power ④has been in power
4.①taken ②walking ③helpless ④found my mother not feeling well
5.①As a consequence of/As a result of his laziness 
②Consequently ③As a consequence
6.①占据 ②继续 ③接受
7.①summed ②spend a large sum of money ③To sum upSection Ⅱ Learning About Language
每/日/金/句:Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all!肢体语言是安静的、秘密的,并且是所有语言中最强有力的语言!
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.(教材P40)We make assessments and inferences from body language.
◎assessment n.评价;评定
(1)make an assessment of 评估……
(2)assess vt. 评定;评估;评价
assess sth. at 估价为……
[佳句] He wrote a very generous assessment of my work.
①There is little ________ (assess) of the damage to the natural environment.
②They assessed the value of the house ________ over $250,000.
③Before we buy a house, we must have the house ________ (assess).
2.(教材P41)We intended to visit the theme park but ended up calling on Professor Zhang.
◎call on (短暂地)访问;要求(某人讲话等);正式邀请;号召
call at (火车等)停靠;拜访(某地)
call in 召集;请来
call back 回电话;收回
call for 需要;要求;接(人或物)
call off 取消
call up... 给……打电话;使……想起
[佳句] The President called on the people to work hard to make the country rich and strong.
①The game was ____________ because of the bad weather.
②The old picture ____________ memories of his childhood.
③The problem is that this kind of work ____________ a lot of patience.
A week before Earth Day, posters were put up around our school, ________________________________________________.
①(教材P38)We can learn a lot about what people are thinking by watching their body language.
②(教材P38)The crucial thing is using body language in a way that is appropriate to the culture you are in.
③(教材P38)However, you should avoid making this gesture in Brazil and Germany, as it is not considered polite.
④(教材P39)A good way of saying “I am full” is moving your hand in circles over your stomach after a meal.
⑤(教材P39)Experts suggest smiling at yourself in the mirror to make yourself feel happier and stronger.
[发现] (1)动词-ing作动词宾语的有 ________;动词-ing作介词(短语)宾语的有 ________。
(2)动词-ing形式作表语的句子有 ________。
1.牢记下列用v.-ing形式作宾语的动词:admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, escape, imagine, mind, practise, risk, suggest, miss, finish, keep等。
The student admitted being careless in doing homework.这个学生承认做家庭作业粗心。
She imagined walking into the office and telling everyone what she thought of them.
He escaped being killed in the blast because he had not gone to work.
2.只能接v.-ing形式作宾语的动词短语有: can't help, insist on, end up, feel like, succeed in, prevent/stop/keep...from, devote...to, look forward to, pay attention to, be accustomed to, be used to, get down to, stick to, lead to, object to等。
They insisted on visiting that plant next week.
I didn't succeed in making myself understood by him.
I have been looking forward to seeing you.
3.在allow, advise, forbid, permit后直接跟动名词作宾语,如果有名词或代词作宾语,则构成“allow/advise/forbid/permit+名词/代词+不定式(宾语补足语)”形式。
Our teacher does not allow cheating to go unpunished.
He did not allow himself to be too upset by the news.他没有因听到这个消息而使自己过于烦恼。
They don't permit scratching paint off the wall.
Her mother doesn't permit her to stay away at night.她母亲不允许她在外过夜。
4.动词need, require, want意为“需要”时,后跟动名词的主动式或不定式的被动式作宾语,意义没有区别。
The problem requires dealing with/to be dealt with immediately.这个问题要马上处理。
The building needs rewiring/to be rewired.
动词 宾语的形式 意义
forget to do 忘记做……
doing 忘记做过……
remember to do 记着要去做……
doing 记得做过……
regret to do 遗憾/抱歉要做……
doing 后悔做了……
try to do 尽力做……
doing 尝试做……
mean to do 打算做……
doing 意味着……
stop to do 停下来去做(另外一件事)
doing 停止做(某一件事)
go on to do 接着做(另外一件事)
doing 接着做(同一件事)
I've always regretted making friends with him.
I regret to say that I can't attend your party.
I tried sending her flowers but it didn't have any effect.我尝试送花给她,但是没有什么效果。
We must try to get everything done in time.
[巧学活用1] 单句语法填空
①And contrary to existing research that says you should avoid ________ (eat) with heavier people who order large portions.
②To help us prepare for the exam, the teacher suggested ________ (read) through our notes.
③We are all looking forward to ________ (visit) the museum soon.
④He doesn't really mean ________ (work) here, which means ________ (leave) the job soon afterwards.
⑤The deer was lucky and it just missed ________ (catch) by the hunter.
1.v.-ing形式作表语, 表示抽象的一般性的行为, 用来说明主语的内容, 与主语通常是同一概念, 表语和主语通常可以交换位置。
Her job is keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible.
=Keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible is her job.
2.v.-ing形式作表语, 可以表示主语的某种性质或特征, 这类词可以看作形容词。
The argument is very convincing.
The news that you will come to China this summer vacation is exciting.
[巧学活用2] 单句语法填空
①He had a terrific sense of humour and could be very ________ (amuse).
②The key to successful small talk is ________ (learn) how to connect with others, not just communicate with them.
③My hobby is ________ (sit) on the beach,staring at the blue sky.
④Your speech is very interesting and ________ (encourage).
Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
Part 1
1.①assessment ②at ③assessed
2.①called off ②called up ③calls for ④calling on us to protect our environment
Part 2
(1)③⑤ ①④ (2)②④
巧学活用1 ①eating ②reading ③visiting ④to work; leaving ⑤being caught
巧学活用2 ①amusing ②learning ③sitting ④encouragingSection Ⅱ Learning About Language
每/日/金/句:I want to bring out the secrets of nature and apply them for the happiness of man.I don't know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the world. —Thomas Edison.我想揭示大自然的秘密, 用来造福人类。我认为, 在我们的短暂一生中, 最好的贡献莫过于此了。——托马斯·爱迪生
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.(教材P4)Did you come to any conclusions
◎conclusion n.结论;推论
(1)come to/reach/draw a conclusion 得出结论
in conclusion 总而言之
(2)conclude v. 结束;终止;推断出
conclude from... 从……中推断出
conclude sth. with sth. by doing sth. 以……结束……
to conclude 总之
[佳句] In conclusion, only by being smart online learners can we truly enjoy the benefits of modern technology.
总之, 只有成为聪明的在线学习者, 我们才能真正享受现代技术的好处。
①Judging from the above story, we can draw the ________ (conclude) that we don't judge a man by/from his looks.
②He concluded his speech ________ a famous saying“ Where there is a will, there is a way”.
③I ______________________________________ a friend in need is a friend indeed.(conclusion)
④I __________________________________________ a friend in need is a friend indeed.(conclude)
2.(教材P5)Her circumstances are beyond our control.
◎circumstance n.[usually pl.]条件;环境;状况
in/under the circumstances
in/under no circumstances
无论如何都不(位于句首时, 用部分倒装结构)
[佳句] We can't take measures until we've known all the circumstances.
直到弄清了所有的情况, 我们才能采取措施。
①____________________ (在这种情况下) he felt unable to accept the job.
②________________________ (如果情况允许), I will spare no effort to help you.
③My teacher always reminds me that in no way should I give up my learning goals once I set them.
→My teacher always reminds me that __________________________________________________________________________________________ once I set them.
①(教材P2)In the beginning, Tu Youyou went to Hainan, where malaria was more common, to study malaria patients.
②(教材P3)This medicine, which was called artemisinin, soon became a standard treatment for malaria.
③(教材P3)Later, the medicine was tested on malaria patients, most of whom recovered.
④You have to get used to a whole new way of life, which can take up all your concentration in the beginning.
⑤He wanted to know what I thought, which confused me because I thought that the author of the article knew far more than I did.
[发现] (1)以上句子皆为 ________定语从句, 从句与主句之间用逗号隔开。
(2)非限制性定语从句可以置于主句之中(如句②), 前后用 ________隔开, 也可以置于主句之后(如句①③④⑤)。
(3)非限制性定语从句的先行词既可以是指人或指物的某一名词或名词短语(如句①②③④), 也可指代 ________的内容(如句⑤)。
1.非限制性定语从句与主句之间通常用逗号隔开, 是对先行词的附加说明, 即使去掉, 主句的意思仍然完整。
The children, who wanted to have a journey, were disappointed when the journey was cancelled.
那些想旅行的孩子, 都因旅行的取消而感到失望。
That they will get married, which has not been announced, has spread around.
他们要结婚的消息还没有被宣布, 却已经被传得沸沸扬扬。
2.非限制性定语从句的先行词既可为单个的名词或代词, 也可为整个句子或其中一部分, 且常译成与主句并列的句子。
We'll graduate in July, when we will be free. (先行词为名词)
我们将于七月份毕业, 到那时我们就自由了。
He often comes to school late, which makes his teacher angry.(关系词指代整个主句的内容)
他经常上课迟到, 这使得他的老师很生气。
[巧学活用1] 单句语法填空
①In 1844 they bought it for $1, 200 and some land from Charles Dresser, ________ performed their marriage ceremony in 1842.
②I am glad to invite you to a music festival, ________ will take place in the music hall of our school.
③Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears, none of ________ has been proved.
④We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, ________ the weather may be better.
①which指物, 在从句中作主语、宾语、宾语补足语或表语;
②who/whom指人, who在从句中作主语, 而whom在从句中作宾语;
③as引导非限制性定语从句时, 指代主句的内容, 在从句中作主语、宾语或表语;
④whose既可指人也可指物, 在从句中作定语。
Our country has sent up another man-made earth satellite, as is reported in the papers.
报纸上报道, 我国又发射了一颗人造地球卫星。
Mr King, whose legs were badly hurt, was quickly taken to hospital.
金先生的腿受了重伤, 他很快就被送去医院了。
when指代时间, 在从句中充当时间状语, 可与“介词+which”互换;where指代地点, 在从句中充当地点状语, 可与“介词+which”互换。
I left on Sunday, when/on which everyone was at home.
我星期日离开的, 当时人人都在家。
Yesterday, they went out to have a picnic in the park, where/in which they had a good time.
昨天, 他们出去在公园里野餐了, 在那里他们玩得很开心。
[名师点津] (1)非限制性定语从句可将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数。
(2)非限制性定语从句中, 不用why引导, 用for which代替why。
He has been busy with his work the whole holiday, which has made his girlfriend unhappy.
他一整个假期都忙于工作, 这令他的女朋友很不高兴。
The reason, for which he was absent from the meeting, wasn't given.
他为何缺席会议, 没有给出理由。
[巧学活用2] (用恰当的关系词填空)
①There was a man sick in bed, his wife, ________ took care of him and their little boy, could not go out to work.
②Last Sunday they reached Nanjing, ________ a conference was to be held.
③I am going to the airport to meet my uncle tomorrow morning, ________ he will be back from abroad.
④________ is reported in the newspaper, a serious accident has happened recently.
⑤The newly-built cafe, ________ walls are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work.
1.as在非限制性定语从句中作主语、表语或宾语, 这个定语从句说明整个句子。as引导的非限制性定语从句既可以放在主句之后, 也可以放在主句之前, 还可放在主句之中, 有“像……一样, 正如, 正像”的意思。
As we all know, he studies very hard.(as作宾语)
As is known to all, he is the tallest student in our class.(as作主语)
众所周知, 他是我们班最高的学生。
Taiwan, as is known to all, is an inseparable part of China.(as作主语)
大家都知道, 台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。
2.which引导的非限制性定语从句既可指代整句话的内容, 也可指代某个词或词组, 但是不能放于句首。
He was late for the meeting, which made the chairman very angry.(which指代整个主句的内容)
他开会迟到了, 主席为此非常生气。
I want to buy the house, which has a garden.(which指代the house)
我想买这座房子, 它带有一个花园。
[巧学活用3] 选词填空(as/which)
①________ is known to all, Madame Curie won the Nobel Prize twice for her scientific discoveries.
②Dorothy was always showing off her clothes, ________, of course, made us a little annoyed.
③________ the author explains, this is neither a travel nor a history book, or even a piece of reportage.
④The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China, ________ he remembers starting as early as his childhood.
限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句
意义 起限定作用, 指特定的人或物, 从句不可省略, 否则原句意思不完整 仅作补充或说明, 若去掉从句, 主句意思完整
结构 要求 紧跟先行词, 从句与先行词之间不加逗号 用逗号与先行词或主句隔开
功能 修饰先行词 修饰先行词或整个主句
引导 所有的关系代词及关系副词 关系代词或关系副词, 但是关系代词that及关系副词why除外
Our guide, who was a French Canadian, was an excellent cook.
我们的向导, 一个法裔加拿大人, 擅长烹调。
They enjoyed beautiful scenery in the mountain area, where they also did some climbing.
他们在这个山区欣赏到了美景, 在那里他们还爬了山。
The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that far away village.
定从分类有奥妙, 限与非限看逗号;
定前必有先行词, 名代两类最适宜;
定从先行很紧密, 代副两词拉关系。
[巧学活用4] 翻译句子
①我建议他们乘坐20路公交车, 它能直接把他们带到那里。
I advised them to take Bus No.20, ________________________________.
②据报道, 在我的家乡正建设的两所学校将于明年开学。
It is reported that two schools, __________________________________, will open next year.
③我上周从图书馆借了《夏洛克·福尔摩斯》, 这本书是我的同学推荐给我的。
I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week, ________________________.
Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
Part 1
1.①conclusion ②with
③drew a conclusion from my own experiences that
④concluded from my own experiences that
2.①In/Under the circumstances
②If circumstances allow/permit
③under/in no circumstances should I give up my learning goals
Part 2
(1)非限制性 (2)逗号 (3)整个主句
巧学活用1 ①who ②which ③which ④when
巧学活用2 ①who ②where ③when ④As ⑤whose
巧学活用3 ①As ②which ③As ④which
巧学活用4 ①which could take them there directly
②both of which are being built in my hometown
③which my classmates recommended to meUNIT 1 PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT
背景导入:钟南山, 中国工程院院士, 著名呼吸病学专家, 中国抗击非典型肺炎的领军人物, 广州呼吸疾病国家重点实验室主任、中华医学会会长。他为我们高中生树立了榜样, 树立正确的人生观和价值观, 明确奋斗的方向, 规划好自己的人生道路。
At the age of 84, Zhong Nanshan, an expert in respiratory (呼吸的) medicine and academician (院士) of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, has been working against the “epidemic”. Born into a medical family and as the most outstanding① student of Beijing Medical College, Zhong Nanshan's medical road should have been a smooth② one.
In 1971, Zhong finally returned to Guangzhou from Beijing and became a doctor at the fourth people's hospital in Guangzhou. More than 40 years later, he recalled that his father's words had the greatest influence on him in his life, which reawakened③ his strong pursuit④ of medical career. Everything has to start from scratch⑤. Since then, he modestly learned from his colleagues, and his professional ability improved by leaps and bounds. He also took on the reluctant (不情愿的) task of studying chronic bronchitis (慢性支气管炎), only to find it became a lifelong career. At the age of 43, he was selected to the list of those who went abroad at public expense⑥ and got the opportunity to study in the University of Edinburgh. After finishing his studies and returning home, his father said to him solemnly (庄严地), “you have finally made the foreigners understand that the Chinese are not nothing.” By then, he was 45 years old, and it was the first time he could remember being praised by his father. Zhong's later stories are widely told. When two epidemics ravaged (破坏) the country and brought danger to the people, he went up right away and saved countless critically⑦ ill patients with his superb medical skills. “His talent and willpower⑧ gave him many possibilities for life to develop, but in the end he focused on medicine, continued to explore, and put his talents to the best use.” “The 84-year-old Zhong Nanshan has the expertise of an academician, the courage of a soldier, and the responsibility of a national scholar, ” the People's Daily said on its official Weibo account.
①outstanding adj.优秀的;杰出的
②smooth adj.顺利的;平稳的
③reawaken vt.唤起;再次引发(感情、回忆等)
④pursuit n.追求
⑤start from scratch 从头开始
⑥ at public expense 公费
⑦critically adv.严重地;危险地
⑧willpower n.意志力
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
每/日/金/句:Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value.—Albert Einstein不要为成功而努力, 要为做一个有价值的人而努力。——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1 文本整体理解:理清文章架构
1.What is the text mainly about
A.Tu Youyou's discovery of artemisinin and her great contributions to the medical field.
B.Tu Youyou's early life.
C.How Tu Youyou saved lives in Africa.
D.How Tu Youyou became a famous scientist.
2.Read the text and match the main idea of each paragraph.
Para.1 ____   A.The discovery of artemisinin.
Para.2 ____ B.The self-assessment of her achievement.
Para.3 ____ C.Tu Youyou winning the Nobel Prize for discovering artemisinin.
Para.4 ____ D.The brief introduction of Tu Youyou and her research.
Task 2 文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节理解
1.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage
A.Artemisinin has saved 600, 000 people in Africa alone.
B.Artemisinin was discovered by a Chinese medical team led by Tu Youyou.
C.Artemisinin is the most effective part of the treatment for malaria.
D.Over 200 million people around the world died from malaria.
2.________ inspired the team to test wormwood.
A.A botanical treatment
B.A number of plants
C.The fight against malaria
D.An ancient Chinese medical text
3.Tu Youyou went to Hainan to carry out her research because ________.
A.malaria was more common in Hainan
B.she was born there
C.she once worked there
D.she wanted to find traditional botanical treatments for the disease
4.Where is the passage possibly chosen from
A.A TV interview.
B.A medical report.
C.A book review.
D.A newspaper.
Task 3 文本理解 续写佳句
2.细读短文并找出升华情感态度——挑战困难, 永不言弃的句子
3.细读短文并找出升华主旨, 对于介绍、刻画人物起到画龙点睛作用的句子
Task 4 阅读思维升华:主题实践
1.What did Tu Youyou do when their project got stuck?(Critical Thinking批判性思维)
2.How did Tu Youyou find the substance that worked?(Creative Thinking创造性思维)
3.Why is artemisinin an important discovery (Logical Thinking逻辑性思维)
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①physiology/ fIzi' l d i/n.生理学;生理机能
②artemisinin/ ɑ tI'mi snin/n.[药]青蒿素
③crucial/'kru l/adj.至关重要的;关键性的
④malaria/m 'le ri /n.疟疾
⑥committed/k 'mItId/adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信的;
commit/k 'mIt/vt.承诺;保证vi.忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活动等)
commit oneself to do承诺;保证(做某事、遵守协议或安排等)
⑦academy/ 'k d mi/n.(艺术、文学、科学等的)研究院;学会;专科院校;
academic/ k 'demIk/adj.学业的, 学术的
⑧objective/ b'd ektIv/n.目标;目的 adj.客观的
⑨botanical/b 't nIkl/adj.植物学的
⑩evaluate/I'v ljueIt/vt.评价;评估
property/'pr p ti/n.性质;特征;财产
extract/'ekstr kt/n.提取物;摘录;
/Ik'str kt/vt.提取;提炼;摘录;(用力)拔出
wormwood/'w mw d/n.蒿;洋艾
boil/b Il/vt.& vi.(使)沸腾;煮开;烧开
obtain/ b'teIn/vt.(尤指经努力)获得;赢得 vi.(规章、习俗等)存在;流行
acknowledge/ k'n lId /vt.承认(属实、权威等);(公开)感谢
defeat/dI'fi t/n.失败;挫败vt.击败;战胜
analyse/' n laIz/vt.分析
apparently/ 'p r ntli/adv.显而易见;看来;显然
substance/'s bst ns/n.物质;物品;事实根据
insist/In'sIst/vi.& vt.坚持;坚决要求;insist on坚持要求
scientific/ saI n'tIfIk/adj.科学(上)的;关于科学的
6 October 2015
1This year's Nobel Prize for Physiology① or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co-winner), whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin②, a crucial③ new treatment for malaria④. Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and has led to improved health for millions of people. Over 200 million people around the world get malaria each year, and about 600, 000 die from it. Artemisinin has become a vital⑤ part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100, 000 lives a year in Africa alone.
Tu Youyou, a committed⑥ and patient scientist, was born in Ningbo, China, on 30 December 1930, and graduated from Peking University Medical School in 1955.After she graduated, she worked at the China Academy⑦ of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing. In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective⑧ of discovering a new treatment for malaria, and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen.2In the beginning, Tu Youyou went to Hainan, where malaria was more common, to study malaria patients. In 1969, she became the head of the project in Beijing, and decided to review ancient Chinese medical texts to find traditional botanical⑨ treatments for the disease. Her team examined over 2, 000 old medical texts, and evaluated⑩ 280, 000 plants for their medical properties .From their research, they discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that
showed promise in the fight against malaria.
One medical text from the fourth century suggested using the extract from sweet wormwood to treat a fever. Tu's team tested a collection of dried wormwood leaves but found no effect. They then tried boiling fresh wormwood, and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria, but this did not work either. Their project got stuck. However, Tu Youyou would not acknowledge defeat . She analysed the medical texts again, and by chance, she found one sentence suggesting a different way to treat the wormwood. She concluded that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical properties. Using a lower temperature to draw out the extract, she found a substance that worked. After failing more than 190 times, the team finally succeeded in 1971. Tu Youyou and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe. Later, the medicine was tested on malaria patients, most of whom recovered. This medicine, which was called artemisinin, soon became a standard treatment for malaria.
According to Tu Youyou, the discovery of artemisinin was a team effort. Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said, “The honour is not just mine. There is a team behind me, and all the people of my country. This success proves the great value of traditional Chinese medicine. 3It is indeed an honour for China's scientific research and Chinese medicine to be spread around the world.”
1.今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了屠呦呦(共同获奖者), 她的研究促使了青蒿素的发现。这是一种至关重要的治疗疟疾的新疗法。青蒿素挽救了数十万人的生命,并改善了数百万人的健康状况。全世界每年有超过2亿人罹患疟疾,约60万人死于疟疾。青蒿素已成为治疗疟疾的重要组成部分,据认为仅在非洲一年就能挽救10万人的生命。
屠呦呦是一位坚定而有耐心的科学家,1930年12月30日出生于中国宁波,1955年毕业于北京大学医学院。毕业后,她在北京的中国中医研究院工作。1967年,中国政府组建了一支以探索治疗疟疾新方法为目的的科学家队伍,屠呦呦是其中首批入选的研究人员。2.在开始的时候,屠呦呦去了海南研究疟疾患者, 在那里疟疾较为普遍。1969年, 她成为北京项目的负责人,并决定复阅中国古代医药文献, 寻找这种疾病的传统植物疗法。她的团队查阅了2 000多本古老的医药文献,并对280 000种植物的药用价值进行了评估。在他们的研究中,他们发现并测试了380种不同的中国古代疗法,这些方法为抗击疟疾带来了希望。
一本四世纪的医药文献推荐使用青蒿提取物来治疗发烧。屠呦呦的团队测试了一批干青蒿,但没有发现效果。然后, 他们试着把新鲜的青蒿煮沸,并用从中提取的液体来治疗疟疾, 但这也不起作用。他们的项目陷入了困境。然而, 屠呦呦并不承认失败。她再次分析了一遍医药文献,偶然间,她发现了一句话, 建议用另一种方法来处理青蒿。她得出结论, 煮青蒿显然破坏了它的药用价值。她用较低的温度提取提取物, 发现了一种有效的物质。在失败了190多次之后, 这个团队终于在1971年成功了。屠呦呦和她的团队成员甚至坚持在自己身上测试药物, 以确保它是安全的。后来, 这种药物在疟疾患者身上进行了测试, 大部分受试患者都康复了。这种被称为青蒿素的药物很快成为治疗疟疾的标准药物。
屠呦呦说, 青蒿素的发现是一个团队努力的结果。一听到自己被授予诺贝尔奖, 她就说:“这个荣誉不仅仅属于我。在我身后有一个团队, 还有我的国家的全体人民。这一成功证明了中医的巨大价值。3.中国的科学研究和中医药走向世界, 确实是一种荣誉。”
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.a ________ new treatment for malaria   一种重要的疟疾新疗法
2.a ________ part of the treatment 治疗的关键部分
3.________ for 20 minutes 煮沸20分钟
4.________ the result of the experiment 评估实验结果
5.protect my ________ 保护我的财产
6.have some ________ advantages 有一些明显的优势
7.take in plenty of ________ 摄入大量液体
8.________ approval 获得批准
9.acknowledge ________ 承认失败
10.________ lost in thought 显然陷入了沉思
11.a chemical ________ 一种化学物质
12.________ on testing the medicine 坚持测试药物
13.________ consist of sand 主要由沙子组成
14.be widely ________ as the best player in the world 普遍认为是世界最佳球员
1.①________ myself to study hard 我保证努力学习
②a ________ and patient scientist 一个尽心尽力且耐心的科学家
2.①________ career 学历; 学业
②at the Central ________ of Fine Arts 在中央美术学院
3.①traditional ________ treatments 传统的植物疗法
②be interested in ________ 对植物学感兴趣
4.①________ factor 客观因素
②________ value 主观价值
5.①China's ________ research 中国的科学研究
②________ museum 科学博物馆
③a famous ________ 一位著名的科学家
6.①draw a ________ 得出结论
②________ with a famous saying 以一句名言结束
1.-ic常用作形容词后缀, 表示“……的”
academy n.→academic adj. 学业的, 学术的
history n.→________ adj. 历史的
economy n.→________ adj. 经济的
scene n.→________ adj. 风景优美的
botany n.→botanical adj. 植物学的
biology n.→________ adj. 生物学的
magic n.→________ adj. 魔术的
logic n.→________ adj. 逻辑的
music n.→________ adj. 音乐的
1.____________ 承诺;保证(做某事、遵守协议或安排等)
2.____________ 坚决要求
3.____________ 注意;重视
4.____________ 导致;造成(后果)
5.____________ 除……以外
6.____________ 偶然;意外地
7.____________ (正常使用造成的)磨损;损耗
8.____________ 从……毕业
9.____________ 开始
10.____________ 取出;拟订
1.[句型]Sb./Sth.+be+过去分词+to do“据……某人/某物做……”。
[教材]Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and ________________ 100, 000 lives a year in Africa alone.
青蒿素成了抗疟疾的关键成分, 据估计每年仅在非洲就挽救了10万人的性命。
2.[句型]It is an honour for sb. to do...对某人来说做某事是一种荣幸
[教材] ________________________ China's scientific research and Chinese medicine to be spread around the world.
中国的科研和中医药能够在全世界传播, 这确实是一种荣幸。
[教材]Later, the medicine was tested on malaria patients, ____________________.
后来, 这种药在疟疾患者身上进行了试验, 大多数患者都康复了。
4.[句型]“upon/on doing...”意为“当……时, 一……就……”
[教材]________________that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said, “the honour is not just mine.There is a team behind me...”
获悉自己被授予诺贝尔奖时, 她说:“这份荣誉不仅仅属于我。我的身后是一个团队……”
This year's Noble Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co-winner), whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria.
Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and (is thought) to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone.
From their research, they discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments (that showed promise in the fight against malaria).
Using a lower temperature to draw out the extract, she found a substance that worked.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.(教材P2)Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100, 000 lives a year in Africa alone.
青蒿素已成为治疗疟疾的重要组成部分, 据认为仅在非洲一年就能挽救10万人的生命。
◎vital adj.必不可少的;至关重要的;充满生机的
be vital to/for... 对……是至关重要的
It is vital to do... 做……很重要。
It is vital that... ……是十分重要的(从句中的谓语动词用“should+动词原形”, should可省略)。
[佳句] As far as I'm concerned, reading is of vital importance in language learning.
就我个人而言, 阅读在语言学习中至关重要。
①What's worse, some drivers do not think it vital ________ (obey)the traffic rules.
②Consideration for other people is vital ________ all of us.
③如果我们想在环境保护方面有所作为, 重要的一点是我们应该从小事做起。
If we are to make a difference in environmental protection, it's vital that ________________ small things.
2.(教材P2)Tu Youyou, a committed and patient scientist, was born in Ningbo, China, on 30 December 1930, and graduated from Peking University Medical School in 1955.
屠呦呦, 一位坚定且有耐心的科学家, 1930年12月30日出生于中国宁波, 1955年毕业于北京大学医学院。
◎commit vt.做出(错事或非法的事);犯(罪或错等);承诺;保证 vi.忠于;全心全意投入
(1)commit oneself to 专心致志于, 献身于
(2)committed adj. 尽心尽力的;坚定的; 坚信的
be committed to 对……忠诚;致力于……
(3)commitment n. 承诺;保证
make a commitment 做出承诺
[佳句] I committed myself to taking care of her, but soon I found that I just committed a mistake.
我承诺照顾她, 但很快发现我犯了个错误。
①He committed ________ (he) to the project, and his efforts paid off.
②The company is committed to ________ (expand) the product development of the market.
③He made a ________ (commit)to his parents: living with them after retirement.
④As she was committed to the crucial research, she seldom played with her children.
→________________________________, she seldom played with her children.(用形容词短语作状语改写)
3.(教材P2)Her team examined over 2, 000 old medical texts, and evaluated 280, 000 plants for their medical properties.
她的团队查阅了2 000多本古老的医学文献, 并对280 000种植物的药用性能进行了评估。
◎evaluate vt.评价;评估;估计
(1)evaluate sb. on... 根据……评价某人
(2)evaluation n. 估计, 评价
make an evaluation of... 对……进行评估
[佳句]  In order to achieve the goal, firstly you need to evaluate yourself properly.
为了实现这个目标, 首先你需要正确地评价自己。
①After tracking and ________ (evaluate) students' exam results, the teacher committed an evaluation report.
②It is well-known that she has done quantities of charity devotion, and it's hard ________ (evaluate) her just as a singer.
③First of all, they think this kind of ________ (evaluate)will encourage teachers to improve their teaching skills.
It is widely acknowledged that ________________________ in terms of overall qualities.
4.(教材P2)From their research, they discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria.
在他们的研究中, 他们发现并测试了380种不同的中国古代疗法, 这些方法为抗击疟疾带来了希望。
◎distinct adj.清晰的;清楚的;有区别的
(1)It is distinct that... 很明显……
be distinct from... 与……不同
(2)distinctive adj. 与众不同的;有特性的
distinction n. 差别;区别;优秀;卓越
make a distinction between...and... 对……和……加以区分
[佳句] His voice was quiet, but every word was distinct.
他说话声不大, 但字字清晰。
①The aim is to offer some help to people without ________ (distinct) of sex and education.
②There are four seasons in a year, each of which has ________ (distinct) features.
③Those two ideas are quite different from each other.
→Those two ideas are quite ________ from each other.
5.(教材P2)They then tried boiling fresh wormwood, and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria, but this did not work either.
然后, 他们尝试煮沸新鲜的青蒿, 用从中提取的液体治疗疟疾, 但这也不起作用。
◎obtain vt.(尤指经努力)获得;赢得
obtain knowledge/one's degree 获得知识/学位
obtain...from... 从……获得……
[佳句] He failed to obtain a scholarship, which made him very upset.
他没有获得奖学金, 这使他很沮丧。
①The following information ____________ (obtain) from a company's financial statements.
②It means we have the chance ________ (obtain) information about how the moon is constructed.
③在我看来, 他的所作所为为他赢得了尊敬。
As far as I'm concerned, what he had done ________________.
[联想] 表示“获得”的动词:gain;get;acquire;obtain
6.(教材P2)However, Tu Youyou would not acknowledge defeat.
然而, 屠呦呦并不承认失败。
◎acknowledge vt.承认(属实、权威等);(公开)感谢
It is widely/generally/universally acknowledged that... ……是大家公认的
(2)acknowledgement n. 承认;感谢
[佳句] It is universally acknowledged that the film is not only meaningful but also full of passion.
大家普遍认为这部电影不仅有意义, 而且充满激情。
①He acknowledged ____________ (defeat) in public, which made us surprised.
②I'm happy that my performance at work is appreciated and acknowledged by my boss.________
③We acknowledge the contributions of everyone who is committed to his work.________
④She ________________________________ one of the greatest pianists in the world.
⑤________________________________ she is one of the greatest pianists in the world.
◎defeat n.失败;挫败 vt.击败;战胜
(1)suffer a defeat 遭受失败
acknowledge defeat 承认失败
(2)defeat sb. 击败某人
[佳句] The reason why we suffered a defeat was that we hadn't made a full preparation.
⑥The player ________ (defeat) in the game, but he didn't lose heart.
⑦________ (defeat) the COVID-19, a deadly disease, was a real challenge to many scientists.
⑧________________________________ (可怕的疾病被击败) only when Li Lanjuan and many medical rescue teams arrived.
Only when Li Lanjuan and many medical rescue teams arrived ____________________________.(部分倒装)
7.(教材P2)She concluded that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical properties.
她得出结论, 煮青蒿显然破坏了它的药用价值。
◎apparently adv.显而易见;看来;显然
apparent adj. 显而易见的;显然的;表面上的
be apparent to 对……来说很明显
It is apparent (to sb.) that... (对某人来说)……是明显的
[佳句] She is apparently a determined woman, which determines her success in her career.
她显然是一个意志坚定的女人, 这决定了她在事业上的成功。
显然, 盲目听从别人的建议会影响我们自己的判断。
①________, blindly following others' advice will affect our own judgment.
②________________ blindly following others' advice will affect our own judgment.
8.(教材P3)Tu Youyou and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe.
屠呦呦和她的团队成员甚至坚持在自己身上测试药物, 以确保它是安全的。
◎insist vi.& vt.坚持;坚决要求
(1)“insist(坚决要求/主张) that...”, 从句用虚拟语气;
(2)“insist(坚持说/认为) that...”, 从句用陈述语气;
(3)“insist on doing sth.”意为“坚持做某事”。
[佳句] Though all his friends blamed him, he insisted that he had done nothing wrong.
尽管他所有的朋友都责备他, 但他坚持认为他没做错任何事。
①Insisting that Tom had stolen his car, Mr Smith insisted that he ________ (put) into prison.
②The brave captain insisted ________ heading to the destination in the storm.
③我坚持认为你应该从北京开始, 而且我会带你四处看看。
________________________________________, and I will show you around.
9.(教材P3)Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said...
当听到自己被授予诺贝尔奖时, 她说……
◎句型公式:“upon/on doing...”意为“当……时, 一……就……”
(1)upon/on doing (that)...
  一……就……, 表示一件事紧接着另一件事发生。
as soon as, the moment/minute/instant, immediately/directly/instantly
[佳句] Upon/On thinking of the wolf's bloody mouth, Mac was nearly dead with fright.
一想到那只狼的血盆大口, Mac几乎吓晕过去。
一回到家, 那个女人就开始打扫房间。
①________________________, the woman set about cleaning the room.
②The woman set about cleaning the room ________________________________________.
③The woman set about cleaning the room ____________________________.
④一听到这个消息,他难以抑制心中的兴奋,高兴地跳了起来。(读后续写之兴奋的心理描写)(Upon doing...)
________________,he was unable to control his excitement and jumped with joy.
10.(教材P3)It is indeed an honour for China's scientific research and Chinese medicine to be spread around the world.
中国的科研和中医药能够在全世界传播, 这确实是一种荣幸。
◎句型公式:“It is an honour for sb.to do sth.”意为“对某人来说做某事是一种荣幸”
当句子的主语是动词不定式、动词-ing形式或从句时, 为了保持句子的平衡, 常常使用it作形式主语, 将真正的主语放在句子的后面。
[佳句] I sincerely hope your dream will come true and it's a great honour to show you around in Beijing when that day comes.
我真诚地希望你的梦想会实现, 当那一天到来时, 带你参观北京是一种荣幸。
①对我来说, 代表班级参加小组跳舞比赛非常荣幸。
____________________ to represent my class to take part in the group dancing competition.
②听说你要去访问一个中国家庭, 我非常高兴。 你有必要了解一下中国的餐桌礼仪。
I'm more than delighted to learn that you are going to visit a Chinese family. ________________________________________ the table manners of China.
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
Part 1
Task 1
2.Para.1:C Para.2:D Para.3:A Para.4:B
Task 2
1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D
Task 3
1.①Tu Youyou, a committed and patient scientist, was born in Ningbo, China, on 30 December 1930, and graduated from Peking University Medical School in 1955.
②After she graduated, she worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing.
③In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria, and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen.
2.Their project got stuck. However,Tu Youyou would not acknowledge defeat.
3.①The honour is not just mine. There is a team behind me, and all the people of my country. This success proves the great value of traditional Chinese medicine.
②It is indeed an honour for China's scientific research and Chinese medicine to be spread around the world.
Task 4
1.She didn't acknowledge defeat and continued her research until they succeeded in 1971.
2.She used a lower temperature to draw out the extract.
3.Because it is an effective treatment for malaria and has saved millions of people's lives.
1.crucial 2.vital 3.boil 4.evaluate 5.property 
6.distinct 7.liquid 8.obtain 9.defeat 10.apparently 11.substance 12.insist 13.mostly 14.acknowledged
1.commit; committed
2.academic; Academy
3.botanical; botany
4.objective; subjective
5.scientific; science; scientist
6.conclusion; conclude
1.historic; economic; scenic
2.biological; magical; logical; musical
1.commit oneself to (sth./doing sth./do sth.) 2.insist on 3.pay attention to 4.lead to 5.other than 6.by chance 7.wear and tear 8.graduate from 9.in the beginning 
10.draw out
1.is thought to save 2.It is indeed an honour for 3.most of whom recovered 4.Upon hearing
Part 2
1.①to obey ②to/for ③we(should)begin with
2.①himself ②expanding ③commitment ④Committed to the crucial research
3.①evaluating ②to evaluate ③evaluation ④students should be evaluated
4.①distinction ②distinctive ③distinct
5.①was obtained ②to obtain ③obtained him respect
6.①being defeated ②认可 ③感谢 ④is generally acknowledged to be ⑤It is generally acknowledged that ⑥was defeated ⑦To defeat ⑧The terrible disease was defeated; was the terrible disease defeated
7.①Apparently ②It is apparent that
8.①(should) be put ②on ③I insist that you should begin from Beijing
9.①Upon/On arriving home ②the moment/minute/instant she arrived home ③as soon as she arrived home ④Upon hearing the news
10.①It is an honour for me ②It is necessary that you should know aboutUNIT 5 WORKING THE LAND
The third generation hybrid rice (第三代杂交水稻)
The final yield① of the tested variety, G3-1S/P19, came to 1,046.3kg per mu (about 667 square meters), based on two plots of land in Qingzhu Village under the city of Hengyang in central China's Hunan Province.
Experts agreed that the rice has a stout stem (茎秆粗壮), fertilizer tolerance②, lodging resistance③, large spike and more grains.
Unlike the previous④ two generations that required a large amount of water and fertilizers as well as demanding growing conditions and technological support, the third-generation hybrid rice is easier to be cultivated⑤ by ordinary farmers.
One of the most important characteristics⑥ of the third-generation hybrid rice is that it has a shorter growing period. Some previous high-yielding⑦ hybrid rice varieties in China took 160 to even 180 days from sowing⑧ to harvesting, while the figure was shortened⑨ to around 125 days for the new variety.
A shorter growth period can reduce the use of pesticides (农药) and fertilizers, thus reducing cost and improving production efficiency⑩.
China now feeds around 20 percent of the world's population with less than 9 percent of the world's arable land (耕地).
Yuan Longping, who developed the world's first hybrid rice in the 1970s, has set multiple (混合的) world records in hybrid rice yields in previous years, making great contributions to the food security of China and the world.
Yuan said:“The third-generation hybrid rice has the comprehensive strength to promote a greener and more sustainable development of China's rice production with higher quality and yield.”
①yield n.收益;产量
②fertilizer tolerance 耐肥
③lodging resistance 抗倒
④previous adj.原先的;以前的
⑤cultivate vt.种植
⑥characteristic n.特征
⑦high-yielding adj.高产的
⑧sow v.播种
⑨shorten v.缩短
⑩efficiency n.效率
security n.保证;安全
comprehensive adj.综合的
promote vt.推进;促进
sustainable adj.可持续的
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
每/日/金/句:My lifelong pursuit is to keep all the people away from hunger.—Yuan Longping 我毕生的梦想是让所有人远离饥饿。——袁隆平
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1 文本整体理解:理清文章架构
1.What's the main idea of the text
A.Ways to increase the rice output.
B.Yuan Longping's dreams.
C.Yuan Longping's super hybrid rice.
D.Yuan Longping—an agricultural pioneer.
2.Match the main idea with each paragraph.
Para.1 ____    A.Yuan's ongoing ability to fulfill his dreams.
Paras.2~4 ____ B.Yuan's attitude towards life, celebrity and wealth.
Para.5 ____ C.A brief introduction to Yuan Longping.
Para.6 ____ D.Yuan's personal life and his scientific achievements.
Task 2 文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节理解
Read the text on Pages 50~51 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.Why does Yuan Longping consider himself a farmer
A.He was born in a farmer family.
B.He is known as the “father of hybrid rice”.
C.He was educated at an agricultural college.
D.He continually works the land in his research.
2.What's the main advantage of hybrid crops
A.They can get a higher yield than conventional crops.
B.Many famous scientists are interested in them.
C.They are created by Yuan Longping.
D.They are self-pollinating plants.
3.How has Yuan's work helped China and other countries
A.Yuan donated his rice to farmers at home and abroad.
B.Yuan helped farmers at home and abroad study agriculture.
C.It helped farmers produce more rice to feed the world.
D.It helped farmers make a lot of money.
4.What's Yuan's latest vision
A.He retired and enjoyed his life of leisure.
B.He received many awards both in China and abroad.
C.His seawater rice has become a reality.
D.He dreamed to plant hybrid rice in India and Vietnam.
Task 3 文本理解 续写佳句
2.细读第三段描述袁隆平迎难而上, 攻坚克难, 坚持不懈精神的句子
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①hybrid/'ha br d/n.杂交植(动)物
②devote/d 'v t/vt.把……献(给);把……专用于;专心于
③shortage/' t d /n.不足;缺少;短缺
short adj.缺少的
be short of...缺少……
④tackle/'t kl/vt.解决(难题);应付(局面);处理
⑤crisis/'kra s s/n.危机;危急关头
⑥boost/bu st/vt.使增长;使兴旺 n.增长;提高;激励
⑦yield/ji ld/n.产量;产出 vt.出产(作物);产生(收益、效益等) vi.屈服;让步
⑧convince/k n'v ns/vt.使相信;使确信;说服
⑨characteristic/ k r kt 'r st k/
n.特征;特点;品质 adj.典型的;独特的
⑩attain/ 'te n/vt.(通常经过努力)获得;得到
conventional/k n'ven nl/adj.传统的;习惯的
pollinate/'p l ne t/vt.授粉;传粉
assumption/ 's mp n/n.假定;设定;(责任的) 承担;(权利的)获得
intense/ n'tens/adj.热切的;十分强烈的;激烈的
overcome/ v 'k m/vt.克服;解决;战胜
expand/ k'sp nd/vt.& vi.扩大;增加 vt.扩展;发展(业务)
expansion n.扩展
output/'a tp t/n.产量;输出;输出量 vt.输出
estimate/'est m t/vt.估计;估价;估算 n.估计;估算
domestic/d 'mest k/adj.本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的
consumption/k n's mp n/
consume vt.消费
comprise/k m'pra z/vt.包括;包含;由……组成
be comprised of 包括;包含;由……组成(或构成)
generate/'d en re t/vt.产生;引起
strain/stre n/n.(动、植物的)系;品种;拉伤;压力
Vietnam/ vjet'n m/越南(国家名)
leisure/'le (r)/n.闲暇;休闲;空闲
deep down 在内心深处;本质上;实际上
soil/s l/n.泥土;土壤;国土;领土
celebrity/s 'lebr ti/n.名望;名誉;名人;名流
envision/ n'v n/vt.展望;想象
sorghum/'s ɡ m/n.高粱;高粱米
broom/bru m/n.扫把;扫帚;金雀花
grain/ɡre n/n.谷物;谷粒;颗粒
vision/'v n/n.想象;视力;视野;影像
reality/ri' l ti/n.现实;实际情况;事实
salty/'s lti/n.含盐的;咸的
Yuan Longping, known as the “father of hybrid① rice”, is one of China's most famous scientists.Yet, he considers himself a farmer because he continually works the land in his research. 1Indeed, his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he has devoted② his life.
Yuan Longping was born in 1930 in Beijing.His parents wanted him to pursue a career in science or medicine.However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage③ of food to eat.To tackle④ this crisis⑤, he chose to study agriculture and received an education at Southwest Agricultural College in Chongqing.
After graduating in 1953, he worked as a researcher.Yuan Longping realised that larger fields were not the solution.Instead, farmers needed to boost⑥ yields⑦ in the fields they had.How this could be done was a challenging question at the time.Yuan was convinced⑧ that the answer could be found in the creation of hybrid rice.A hybrid is a cross between two or more varieties of a species.One characteristic⑨ of hybrids is that they usually attain⑩ a higher yield than conventional crops.However, whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate.The common assumption then was that it could not be done.Through intense effort, Yuan overcame enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming in 1974.This hybrid enabled farmers to expand their output greatly.
Today, it is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuan's hybrid strains , and his strains have allowed China's farmers to produce around 200 million tons of rice per year.Yuan's innovation has helped feed not just China, but many other countries that depend on rice as well, such as India and Vietnam .Because of his invaluable contributions, Yuan Longping has received numerous awards both in China and abroad.
Given that Yuan's hybrids have made him quite wealthy, one might think he would retire to a life of leisure .However, this is far from the case.Deep down , Yuan is still very much a farmer at heart.As a man of the soil , he cares little for celebrity or money.Instead, he makes large donations to support agricultural research.
2What impresses people most about Yuan Longping is his ongoing ability to fulfil his dreams. Long ago, he envisioned rice plants as tall as sorghum , with each ear of rice as big as a broom , and each grain of rice as huge as a peanut.He succeeded in producing a kind of rice that could feed more people at home and abroad.His latest vision for “seawater rice” has also become a reality , and potentially opened up nearly one million square kilometres of salty land in China for rice production.Despite his advanced years, Yuan Longping is still young at heart and full of vision, and everyone is waiting to see what he will dream up next.
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.________ this crisis 解决这个危机
2.________ yields in the fields 提高农田的产量
3.Chinese ________ 中国特色
4.________ one's goal 实现的目标
5.________ opinions 传统的观点
6.________ effort 不懈的努力
7.________ difficulties 克服困难
8.________ output 增加产量
9.face a financial ________ 面临财政危机
10.in ________ time 在业余时间
11.________ life 城市生活
12.________ tax 消费税
13.________ power 发电
1.①in the ________ run 从短期来看
②suffer from food ________ 遭受食品短缺之苦
2.①________ sb. of sth. 使某人相信
②________ evidence 令人信服的证据
3.①be based on a false ________ 基于错误的设想
②________ responsibility 承担责任
4.①face ________ 面对现实
②________ world 现实世界
5.①________ oneself to 献身于,致力于
②a ________ friend 一个忠实的朋友
③her ________ to the job 她全身心投入工作
assume v.→assumption n. 假设
consume v.→________ n. 消费
explore v.→________ n. 勘查
explain v.→________ n. 解释
examine v.→________ n. 考试
1.____________   把……用于;献身;致力;专心
2.____________ 包括;包含;由……组成(或构成)
3.____________ 在内心深处;本质上;实际上
4.____________ 田间工作
5.____________ 追求事业
6.____________ ……的一个问题
7.____________ 远非
8.____________ 在国内外
[教材]However, __________________________ was ______________________________________ and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat.
[教材]Today, ________________ about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuan's hybrid strains,and his strains have allowed China's farmers to produce around 200 million tons of rice per year.
3.[句型]given that引导条件状语从句
[教材] ________________________________________________________, one might think he would retire to a life of leisure.
1.[教材]However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat.
2.[教材]Today, it it estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuan's hybrid strains, and his strains have allowed China's farmers to produce around 200 million tons of rice per year.
3.[教材]Despite his advanced years, Yuan Longping is still young at heart and full of vision, and everyone is waiting to see what he will dream up next.
4.[教材]Through intense effort, Yuan overcame enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming in 1974.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.(教材P50)Indeed, his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he has devoted his life.事实上,他瘦弱但结实的身躯看起来和他为之奉献一生的千千万万的中国农民一样。
◎devote vt.把……献(给);把……专用于;专心于
(1)devote...to 把……用于;献身;致力;专心
devote oneself to 致力于;献身于
(2)devoted adj. 深爱的;忠诚的
be devoted to 专心于;致力于
(3)devotion n. 关爱;奉献
[佳句] She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children.
①You will never gain success unless you are fully ________ (devote) to your work.
②I still remember what you have devoted to ________ (improve) my oral English and writing skills.
③We have learned a great deal from her ________ (devote) to her work and her willingness to help others.
④As the scientist is devoted to his research, he seldom goes to the cinema with his family.
→________________________, he seldom goes to the cinema with his family.(用非谓语动词改写)
2.(教材P50)However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat.
◎句型公式: what引导主语从句
what引导主语从句, what concerned him most为该句的主语, what在主语从句中常作主语、宾语或表语。
[佳句] What I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.
①________ upsets me is that you will return to your country soon.
②What made me surprised ________ that she didn't care about my feelings.
____________________ in learning English is enough practice.
3.(教材P50)Yuan was convinced that the answer could be found in the creation of hybrid rice.
◎convince vt.使相信;使确信;说服
(1)convince sb.to do sth. 说服某人做某事
convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事
convince sb. that... 使某人相信……
(2)convinced adj. 确信的;深信的
be convinced of... 确信……;相信……
be convinced that... 确信……
(3)convincing adj. 令人信服的
[佳句] You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.
①My parents have always convinced me ________ (challenge) myself, for which I'm really grateful.
②There is now ________ (convince) evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.
③I am ________ (convince) that with our joint efforts we can undoubtedly get good results.
④I'm convinced that your advice will contribute to our good performance, so I sincerely hope you can help us.
→________________________________________________________________, I sincerely hope you can help us.(用分词作状语升级句)
4.(教材P50)One characteristic of hybrids is that they usually attain a higher yield than conventional crops.杂交作物的一个特点是它们的产量通常比传统作物高。
◎attain vt.(通常经过努力)获得;得到
(1)attain one's goal(s)   实现某人的目标
(2)attainable adj. 可实现的
attainment n. 获得,达到
[佳句] Devoted to his job, he finally attained his goal.他专心致志于工作,终于实现目标。
①It is known to us that India ________ (attain) independence in 1947.
②Those goals are both worthy and ________ (attain).
No matter what anyone says, you can ________________________________________.
5.(教材P50)The common assumption then was that it could not be done.
◎assumption n.假定;设定;(责任的)承担;(权利的)获得
(1)make an assumption 认为;假定
(2)assume vt. 假定;设想
assume sb./sth. to be... 假定/假设某人/某物为……
It is assumed that... 人们认为……
[佳句] You must admit that your argument is based on a completely false assumption.
①We are working ________ the assumption that everyone has the ability to tackle difficult problems.
②Many students are in favour of wearing the traditional Chinese clothes, ________ (assume) they can reflect Chinese culture.
③As far as I'm concerned, a great many people ________________________________.(assume)
④As far as I'm concerned, a great many people ________________________________________. (assumption)
6.(教材P50)Through intense effort, Yuan overcame enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming in 1974.
◎overcome vt.(overcame, overcome) 克服;解决;战胜
(1)overcome the enemy 战胜敌人
overcome the difficulties 克服困难
(2)be overcome by fear/despair/depression 被恐惧/失望/抑郁困扰
[佳句] The night before the test I was overcome by fear and despair.
①The learner of a second language has many obstacles ________ (overcome).
②Relying on our own efforts, we ________ (overcome) all the difficulties so far.
If you want to make greater progress in your study, you will still ________________________.
7.(教材P50)This hybrid enabled farmers to expand their output greatly.
◎expand vt.& vi.扩大;增加 vt.扩展;发展(业务)
(1)expand knowledge of foreign culture 扩大对外国文化的了解
(2)expand/broaden one's view 开阔视野
[佳句] I don't think we should expand our business in the current economic climate.
①Yuan Longping searched for a way to increase rice harvests without ________ (expand) the area of the fields.
②Given the necessary investment, this region is perfect for economic ________ (expand).
To my delight, I have ________________________________.
8.(教材P50)Today, it is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuan's hybrid strains.
◎comprise vt.包括;包含;由……组成
(1)be comprised of=be made up of 包括;包含;由……组成(或构成)
(2)comprisable adj. 能被包含的; 可被包括的
[佳句] People aged 65 and over now comprise nearly 20% of the population.
①________________________________ experts and medical staff arrived at the scene shortly after the earthquake. (comprise)
②________________________________ experts and medical staff arrived at the scene shortly after the earthquake. (make)
③________________________________ experts and medical staff arrived at the scene shortly after the earthquake. (consist)
9.(教材P51)Given that Yuan's hybrids have made him quite wealthy, one might think he would retire to a life of leisure.
◎句型公式:“given that...”引导条件状语从句
(1)given that...=considering... 只要,考虑到,引导条件状语从句
(2)supposing 假设;如果
assuming 假使
as long as 只要
[佳句] Given that he can get another chance, he will surely succeed.
①________________________________________ and do as he/she tells you, you'll get better soon.
②________________________________________ and do as he/she tells you, you'll get better soon.
③________________________________________ and do as he/she tells you, you'll get better soon.
④________________________________________ and do as he/she tells you, you'll get better soon.
10.(教材P51)His latest vision for “seawater rice” has also become a reality, and potentially opened up nearly one million square kilometres of salty land in China for rice production.
◎reality n.现实;实际情况;事实
(1)in reality 实际上
bring...back to reality 使……面对现实/不再抱有幻想
turn...into a reality 把……变为现实
(2)real adj. 真实的
realise vt. 实现
[佳句] I can tell the difference between fantasy and reality.我能分辨幻想和现实。
①We ought to work hard to turn Chinese Dream into a ________ (real).
②He was sure that all his plans would ________ (realise).
③He looked very confident and calm, but in fact he was extremely nervous.
→He looked very confident and calm, but ________________________ he was extremely nervous.
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
Part 1
Task 1
2.Para.1:C Paras.2~4:D Para.5:B Para.6:A
Task 2
1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C
Task 3
1.Indeed, his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he has devoted his life.
2.Through intense effort, Yuan overcame enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming in 1974.
3.Yuan was convinced that the answer could be found in the creation of hybrid rice.
1.tackle 2.boost 3.characteristic 4.attain 
5.conventional 6.intense 7.overcome 8.expand 9.crisis
10.leisure 11.urban 12.consumption 13.generate
1.short; shortage
2.convince; convincing
3.assumption; assume
4.reality; real
5.devote; devoted; devotion
consumption; exploration; explanation; examination
1.devote...to... 2.be comprised of 3.deep down 4.work the land 5.pursue a career 6.a matter of... 7.far from 8.at home and abroad
1.what concerned him most; that farmers often had poor harvests
2.it is estimated that
3.Given that Yuan's hybrids have made him quite wealthy
Part 2
1.①devoted ②improving ③devotion ④Devoted to his research
2.①What ②was ③What matters most
3.①to challenge ②convincing ③convinced ④Convinced that your advice will contribute to our good performance
4.①attained ②attainable ③attain your goals if you don't give up
5.①on ②assuming ③assumed that he was right ④made an assumption that he was right
6.①to overcome ②have overcome ③have many difficulties to overcome
7.①expanding ②expansion ③expanded my view by travelling
8.①A medical team comprised of ②A medical team made up of ③A medical team consisting of
9.①As long as you listen to the doctor ②Given that you listen to the doctor ③Supposing (that) you listen to the doctor ④Assuming (that) you listen to the doctor
10.①reality ②be realised ③in reality/as a matter of factSection Ⅳ Writing——如何写一篇人物简介
伟人总是给我们榜样的力量, 那么, 我们如何对伟人做人物简介呢? 人物介绍是高中生基础写作任务中常见的一种话题类型。它涉及人的出生、家庭背景、教育、生平经历、成就和评价等。同学们要注意其文体应该是记叙文, 同时还要注意人称和时态的合理使用。
1.概指概况:age, sex, birthplace, background
2.貌指外貌:appearance, character, hobby
3.育指教育:education process
4.平指生平:big events in one's life(in order of time)
1.Known as a famous medical scientist in Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen was born in 1518.
2.Born in Maryland, USA in 1985, Michael Phelps has a strong passion for swimming.
3.He had a gift for writing and made up his mind to become a writer when he grew up.
1.He/She studied at a local high school and graduated from Beijing University.
2.Li Shizhen wrote a book called Ben Cao Gang Mu, which is a collection of Chinese herbs including over 2,000 Chinese herbs with millions of characters.
李时珍著有《本草纲目》一书,这是一本中草药的集锦,收录了2 000多种中草药,有数百万字。
3.In order to finish the task, he visited mountains, called on ordinary people, tasted different kinds of herbs and even did experiments by himself.
4.It took him 37 years to finish the task, and his book is considered to be a great contribution to the development of Chinese medicine.
5.He got an award in 1998 for having played an important part in scientific research.
6.After graduating from Xi'an Jiaotong University, he received a doctor's degree in computer science.
7.Madame Curie made great contributions to the development of science, which paved the way for further research.
8.She devoted her whole life to scientific research and her scientific findings benefited people all over the world.
1.Such is Wang Xiaoping, a simple man who has made great achievements in the field of medicine.
2.His story tells us that we should value what we have and try our best to overcome any difficulty in life.
3.She will live in the hearts of us forever.
[全国Ⅰ卷]你校正在组织英语作文比赛, 请以身边值得尊敬和爱戴的人为题, 写一篇短文参赛, 内容包括:
2. 尊敬和爱戴的原因。
注意:1. 词数 100 左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
The person I respect
There are many respectable people around us.
4.她像我们亲爱的妈妈一样, 对我们和蔼体贴。
5.我们都尊敬她, 因为她总是尝试新的方法使她的课生动有趣。
6.她工作努力, 知识渊博。
8.当我们有问题时, 我们会向她寻求帮助。
9.她总是耐心地和我们谈话, 并且帮我们找到解决办法。
10.在我们眼里, 她不仅是我们的老师, 也是我们最好的朋友。
The person I respect
There are many respectable people around us. The most beloved and respected person around me is my teacher, Ms Li. Though she has been teaching English for twenty years, she is still passionate about teaching. She is kind and considerate towards us just like our dear mother. We all respect her because she always tries new ways to make her classes lively and interesting. Hardworking and knowledgeable, she is one of the best teachers in our school. When we have a problem, we will turn to her for help. She always talks to us patiently and helps us find a solution. In our eyes, she is not only our teacher, but also our best friend. These are why she deserves our respect.
1.property n. ____________
2.extract n. ____________
vt. ____________
3.wormwood n. ____________
4.boil vt. &vi. ____________
n. ____________
5.liquid n. ____________
adj. ____________
6.substance n. ____________
7.chart n. ____________
vt. ____________
8.patent n. ____________
adj. ____________
9.moustache n. ____________
10.peculiarity n. ____________
1.________adj. 至关重要的;关键性的
2.________vi. &vt. 坚持;坚决要求
3.________ adv. 主要地;一般地
4.________ vi.&vt. 迅速离开;逃跑
5.________ n. 流;流动;流畅;供应
vi. 流;流动
6.________ n. 酷爱;激情
7.________ vt. 偶然碰到;遇到
n. 邂逅;遭遇
8.________ n. 教授
9.________ n. 方法;技巧;装置;仪器
10.________ vi. 总结;概括
n. 金额;款项;总数;总和
11.________ adj. 必不可少的;极其重要的;充满生机的
12.________ n. 目标;目的
adj. 客观的
13.________ vt. (尤指经努力)获得;赢得
vi. (规章、习俗等)存在;流行
14.________ n. 失败;挫败
vt. 击败;战胜
15.________ vt. 创建;建立;把……建立在
16.________ vt. 推断;推定
17.________ n. 理论;学说
18.________ n. 天才;天资;天赋
19.________ n. [usually pl.]条件;环境;状况
20.________ n.(教育、专业等)机构;机构建筑
21.________ n.生理学→________ adj.生理学的→________ adv.生理学方面
22.________ adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的→________ vt.承诺;保证 vi.忠于;全心全意投入→________ n.承诺;致力
23.________ n.研究院;学会;专科院校→________ adj.学业的;学术的
24.________ adj.植物学的→________ n.植物学→________ n.植物学家
25.________ vt.评价;评估→________ n.评价;评估
26.________ adj.清晰的;清楚的;有区别的→________ n.区别
27.________ vt.承认;感谢→________ adj.公认的→________ n.承认;感谢
28.________ vt.分析→________ n.分析
29.________ n.结论;推论→________ vt.推断出;得出结论;使结束 vi.结束;终止
30.________ adv.显而易见;看来;显然→________ adj.显而易见的;显然的
31.________ adj.科学(上)的;关于科学的→________ n.科学→________ n.科学家
32.________ n.从政者;政治家;政客→________ n.政治→________ adj.政治的;党派的
33.________ n.相对论;相对性→________ adj.相对的→________ adv.相对地→________ n.亲属
34.________ adj.温柔的;文静的→________ adv.轻轻地;温和地→________ n.温顺;亲切
35.________ adv.逐渐地;逐步地→________ adj.逐渐的;平缓的
36.________ n.结果;后果→________ adj.随之发生的;作为结果的→________ adv.因此;结果
37.________ adj.非凡的;显著的→________ n.言论;评论→________ adv.显著地;非常地
1.Army ____________ (被困) in traffic for nearly an hour so she missed her flight.
2.As far as I'm concerned, success is the result of efforts, which doesn't happen ____________ (偶然).
3.As we all know,success lies in hard work while laziness ____________ (导致) failure.
4.Tu Youyou ____________ (毕业于) Peking University Medical School in 1955.
5.The manager ____________ (坚持) the highest standards of cleanliness in the hotel all the time so the hotel is well received online..
6.To our surprise, the car didn't show any sign of ____________ (磨损;损耗)after a long journey.
7.A good student usually knows how to ____________ (总结) knowledge in good time.
8.It is not so helpful to give someone some bread as to teach him how to ____________ (谋生).
9.Over the past decade, China has ____________________ (在……取得重大进步)its manned space program.
10.Since he ____________ (上台), great changes have taken place in this city!
This year's Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine ________________ Tu Youyou(co-winner), ________________ the discovery of artemisinin, ________________________ malaria.
In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists ________________________________ malaria, and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen.
________________ that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said...
__________________________________________________, he continued to study,earning a doctorate in physics in 1905.
Albert Einstein,who is perhaps the greatest scientist in modern physics, ____________________________________ who ever lived.
________________________________________, which sometimes stood on end as though he had just received an electric shock.
On 18 April 1955, ________________________________________, and the whole world mourned the great loss of a brilliant scientist.
Section Ⅳ Writing——如何写一篇人物简介
1.The most beloved and respected person around me is my teacher, Ms Li.
2.She has been teaching English for twenty years.
3.She is still passionate about teaching.
4.She is kind and considerate towards us just like our dear mother.
5.We all respect her because she always tries new ways to make her classes lively and interesting.
6.She is hardworking as well as knowledgeable.
7.She is one of the best teachers in our school.
8.When we have a problem, we will turn to her for help.
9.She always talks to us patiently and helps us find a solution.
10.In our eyes, she is not only our teacher, but also our best friend.
11.These are why she deserves our respect.
12.Though she has been teaching English for twenty years, she is still passionate about teaching.
13.Hardworking and knowledgeable, she is one of the best teachers in our school.
2.提取物;摘录 提取;提炼;摘录;(用力)拔出
4.(使)沸腾;煮开;烧开 沸腾;沸点
5.液体 液体的;液态的
7.图表 记录;制定计划
8.专利;专利证书;获得专利 有专利的;受专利保护的
1.crucial 2.insist 3.mostly 4.flee 5.flow 6.passion 7.encounter 8.professor 9.device 10.sum 11.vital 
12.objective 13.obtain 14.defeat 15.found 16.infer 
17.theory 18.genius 19.circumstance 20.institute
21.physiology physiological physiologically
22.committed commit commitment 
23.academy academic 
24.botanical botany botanist 
25.evaluate evaluation 26.distinct distinction 
27.acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgement
28.analyse analysis 29.conclusion conclude 
30.apparently apparent 31.scientific science scientist
32.politician politics political 
33.relativity relative relatively relatives
34.gentle gently gentleness 35.gradually gradual 
36.consequence consequent consequently
37.remarkable remark remarkably
1.got stuck 2.by chance 3.leads to 4.graduated from 
5.insists on 6.wear and tear 7.sum up 8.make a living 9.made great achievements in 10.came into power
1.has been awarded to whose research led to a crucial new treatment for
2.with the objective of discovering a new treatment for
3.Upon/On hearing
4.While working there, out of a strong passion for knowledge
5.is often considered one of the smartest men
6.He had a thick moustache and long white hair
7.it was reported that Einstein had passed awaySection Ⅳ Writing——关于农业的海报
1.Green food is an extremely important part of a healthy diet.They are safe and healthy for you and all your family.
2.Green food can help prevent some diseases and aid in the treatment of various types of cancers and other diseases.
3.Green food contains much nutrition, which helps protect the immune system and fight off viruses and bacteria.
4.Green food is very rich in minerals, some of which are all vital to your health.
5.Eating green food means that you've made a contribution to protecting the environment.
6.Enjoying green food is an important step on the road to keeping healthy!
2.大农场占地1 000多亩;
7.Tel: 666888123;
Email: Green Leaf@Green
Have you ever dreamt of __________________________________________________ every day
①________________________________________________________________________ (locate)
②________________________________________________________________________ (lie)
3.大农场占地1 000多亩。
The big farm ____________________________________ mu.
________________________________________________ the vegetables here are grown without any chemical fertiliser.
The rich soil ________________________________________________________________________.
These vegetables ____________________ many countries in the world.
7.用locate的过去分词短语作状语连接2、3 句
8.用过渡词as a result连接5、6句
Have you ever dreamt of eating green vegetables without chemical fertiliser every day Please go to an organic vegetable base.
Located in the west of the city, the big farm covers an area of more than 1,000 mu. It has been equipped with advanced facilities. What makes it different from others is that the vegetables here are grown without any chemical fertiliser. The rich soil makes these vegetables rich in nutrition; as a result, they are exported into many countries in the world.
If you are interested, please contact us in the following ways.
Tel: 666888123
Email: Green Leaf@Green
1.hybrid n. ____________
2.tackle vt. ____________
3.crisis n.(pl.crises) ____________
4.boost vt. ____________
n. ____________
5.yield n. ____________
vt. ____________
vi. ____________
6.characteristic n. ____________
adj. ____________
7.conventional adj. ____________
8.intense adj. ____________
9.generate vt. ____________
10.strain n. ____________
11.celebrity n. ____________
12.sorghum n. ____________
13.broom n. ____________
14.grain n. ____________
15.vision n. ____________
16.bomb n. ____________
vt. ____________
17.tunnel n. ____________
18.wheat n. ____________
19.fertiliser n. ____________
20.poverty n. ____________
21.pesticide n. ____________
22.bacterium n. ____________
23.grocery n. ____________
24.instance n. ____________
1.________ n. 不足;缺少;短缺
2.________ vt. (通常经过努力)获得;得到
3.________ vt. 克服;解决;战胜
4.________ vt.& vi. 扩大;增加
vt. 扩展;发展(业务)
5.________ n. 产量;输出;输出量
vt. (output, output)输出
6.________ vt. 估计;估价;估算
n. 估计;估算
7.________ vt. 包括;包含;由……组成
8.________ n. 闲暇;休闲;空闲
9.________ n. 泥土;土壤;国土;领土
10.________ adj. 城市的;都市的;城镇的
11.________ adj. 有机的;不使用化肥的;有机物的
12.________ adj. 分布广的;普遍的;广泛的
13.________ vt.& vi. 消化
vt. 领会;领悟
n. 摘要;文摘
14.________ adj. 完全必要的;极其重要的
15.________ n. 矿物;矿物质
16.________ n. 可供选择的事物
adj. 可供替代的;非传统的
17.________ n. 根;根茎;根部;根源
18.________ n. 方面;层面
19.________ vt.把……献(给);把……专用于;专心于→________ adj.忠实的;深爱的→________ n.热爱;献身;奉献
20.________ n.不足;缺少;短缺→________ adj.短的;不足的
21.________ vt.使相信;使确信;说服→________ adj.坚信不疑的→________ adj.令人信服的
22.________ n.假定;设定;(责任的)承担;(权利的)获得→________ v.假定;设想
23.________ n.消耗;消耗量;消费→________ vt.消费,消耗
24.________ n.现实;实际情况;事实→________ adj.真实的
25.________ n.营养;滋养→________ adj.有营养的;营养丰富的
26.________ n.向下(或向里)的距离;深(度)→________ adj.深的 adv.深深地,在深处→________ adv.深深地→deepen v.(使)变深;加深
27.________ adv.全部地;完整地;完全地→________ adj.全部的;完全的
1.He decided to ________ the rest of his life ________ (把……用于;献身) scientific research.
2.New Zealand ________ mainly ________________ (由……组成) two islands, the larger of which is the South Island.
3.________________ (实际上), they realize that happiness can't be bought, but it can be shared.
4.However, whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was ________________ (一件……事) great debate.
5.He succeeded in producing a kind of rice that could feed more people ______________________ (在国内外).
6.Winter is coming, and a thick cover should be put on the vegetables to ________ them ________________ (使……免于) cold.
7.Most boys in the class like science, Tom, ________________ (例如), shows a special interest in physics.
8.As we all know, all theories come from practice and ____________ (转而) serve practice.
9.With the noise going on, only a few students can ____________ (集中于……) study.
10.I am at a loss how to deal with the problem, so I have no choice but to ____________ (向……求助) you for help.
However, ________________________________________ farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even ________________________________________.
Today, ________________________ about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China ________________________ generated from Yuan's hybrid strains, and his strains have allowed China's farmers to produce around 200 million tons of rice per year.
Why different crops are grown is because they put important minerals back into the ground, ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________ that chemical farming serves the high demand for food around the world.
Section Ⅳ Writing——关于农业的海报
1.tasting green vegetables without chemical fertiliser
2.①It is located in the west of the city.
②It lies in the west of the city.
3.covers an area of more than 1,000
4.What really makes it different from others is that
5.makes these vegetables rich in nutrition
6.are exported into
7.Located in the west of the city, it has expanded to a big farm covering/which covers an area of more than 1,000 mu in the past two decades.
8.The rich soil makes these vegetables rich in nutrition; as a result, they are exported into many countries in the world.
1.杂交植(动)物;合成物;混合动力车 2.解决(难题);应付(局面);处理 3.危机;危急关头 4.使增长;使兴旺 增长;提高;激励 5.产量;产出 出产(作物);产生(收益、效益等) 屈服;让步 6.特征;特点;品质 典型的;独特的 7.传统的;习惯的 8.热切的;十分强烈的;激烈的 9.产生;引起 10.(动、植物的)系;品种;拉伤;压力 11.名望;名誉;名人;名流 12.高粱;高粱米 13.扫把;扫帚;金雀花 14.谷物;谷粒;颗粒 15.想象;视力;视野;影像 16.炸弹 轰炸;对……投炸弹 17.地下通道;地道;隧道 18.小麦;小麦籽 19.肥料 20.贫穷;贫困 21.杀虫剂;除害药物 22.细菌 23.食品杂货店;[pl.]食品杂货 24.例子;实例;事例
1.shortage 2.attain 3.overcome 4.expand 5.output 
6.estimate 7.comprise 8.leisure 9.soil 10.urban 
11.organic 12.widespread 13.digest 14.essential 
15.mineral 16.alternative 17.root 18.aspect 19.devote; devoted; devotion 20.shortage; short 21.convince; convinced; convincing 22.assumption; assume 
23.consumption; consume 24.reality; real 25.nutrition; nutritious 26.depth; deep; deeply 27.entirely; entire
1.devote; to 2.is; comprised of 3.Deep down 4.a matter of 5.at home and abroad 6.keep; free from/of 7.for instance 8.in turn 9.focus on 10.turn to
1.what concerned him most was that; had a serious shortage of food to eat
2.it is estimated that; is comprised of crops
3.making it ready for the next batch of crops
4.What keeps them from doing so is the factSection Ⅱ Learning About Language
每/日/金/句:The development of science and technology and the function are endless, and science is a wonderful thing.科学技术的发展和作用是无穷无尽的, 科学是了不起的事情。
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.(教材P16)Care will also be taken to combine the building and surrounding architecture together to form an effective system.注意将建筑和周围的建筑风格结合起来, 使之形成一个有效的系统。
◎combine vt.& vi.(使)结合;混合
(1)combine with 与……结合起来
combine A and/with B 把A和B结合起来
(2)combination n. 结合;联合;混合;密码
in combination with 与……结合
[佳句] It is vital that you should try to combine exercise with a balanced diet.
①[2022·天津3月卷]As working from home becomes increasingly common, people are finding it easier ________ (combine) parenthood with a full time career.
②A ________ (combine) of talent, hard work and good looks made her a success.
③学会把你的知识与经验结合起来, 你会成功的。
________________________________________________, and you are sure to succeed.
2.(教材P16)However, I could not help but feel anxious.然而, 我不禁感到焦虑。
◎can not help but do sth. 不得不做某事, 只能做某事;只好;必须
can't help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事
can't help (to) do sth. 不能帮忙做某事
[佳句] Mum, I'm very busy, so I can't help to clean the room today. 妈妈, 我很忙, 所以今天我不能帮忙打扫房间了。
①I wish we could help him ________ (earn) money.
②She can't help ________(eat) up the whole delicious food on the table.
③当祖国需要我们时, 我们必须尽力。
When our country calls us for help, we ________________________.
①(教材P14)However, in the not too distant future, we will be living in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away and remember to switch off the TV when we forget.
②(教材P14)In the future, we will be using advanced technology every day for automatic control of just about everything in our home.
③(教材P14)In addition, your smart home will be monitoring your health for you every day.
④At nine o'clock on Saturday morning, I will be sitting in the front row and listening to the great Professor Willard talking about the future of my brain.
[发现] 以上五句中加黑部分为 ____________, 其基本结构为:will/shall+be doing, 表示将来某个特定时间正在进行的动作。
肯定句:主语+will/shall (shall用于第一人称)+be doing...
否定句:主语+will/shall+not+be doing...
一般疑问句:Will/Shall+主语+be doing...
特殊疑问句:疑问代词/疑问副词+will/shall+主语+be doing...
I'll be doing my homework at 9 o'clock tonight.
Paula says that she will be working late every evening next week.
When you arrive at the meeting room, the chairman will be waiting for you by the door.
当你到达会议室时, 主席将会在门口等你。
(2)将来进行时像现在进行时一样, 可以表示已计划好的事。
Professor Wang will be giving a lecture on Chinese poetry tomorrow evening.
(3)表示现在正在进行的动作, 但这个动作会延续到将来。
How long will he be staying at his uncle's
I've stayed in this hotel for 2 days and I will be staying here for another 2 days.
我已经在这家宾馆住了两天, 我还要在这里再住两天。
(4)将来进行时也可以表示纯粹的将来, 或表示一种礼貌的询问或请求。
You needn't cook supper, Mum. I shall be cooking dinner tonight.
妈妈, 你不用做晚饭了。今晚的饭我来做。
What will you be doing tomorrow
[巧学活用1] 用所给动词的正确时态填空。
①He ________ (wear) a dark green suit and a yellow tie tomorrow morning.
②I ________ (have) a talk with him at five o'clock this afternoon.
③I ________ (pick)up my boss at three this afternoon.
④This time next week I'll be on vacation. Probably I ________ (lie) on the beach.
⑤I am not available tomorrow morning, because I ________ (have) an exam.
1.一般将来时是指将来某个时间将要发生的动作和状态, 基本结构是:主语+will/shall do; 将来进行时是指将来某个时间正在进行的动作, 基本结构是:主语+will/shall be +doing。
I'll read a book tomorrow.
I'll be reading a book at 10:00 tomorrow.
2.将来进行时通常表示的是对将来事实的简单陈述, 而一般将来时除表示时间概念外, 还带有感彩。
Tom will be cutting grass tomorrow.
Tom will cut the grass tomorrow.
3.两者均可表示将来, 但用将来进行时语气更委婉。
When will you pay back the money
你什么时候还钱? (似乎在直接讨债)
When will you be paying back the money
这钱你什么时候还呢? (委婉地商量)
[巧学活用2] 用适当的时态填空。
①The news that the winter Olympics ________ (hold) in Beijing in 2022 excites Chinese people home and abroad.
②I ________ (see) Mr. Zhang at 8 o'clock tomorrow at the office.
③The time is not far away when mobile phones ________ (become)widespread in China's vast countryside.
④It's snowing again. I hope it won't still ________ (snow) tomorrow.
Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
Part 1
1.①to combine ②combination ③Learn to combine your knowledge with/and experience
2.①(to) earn ②eating ③can't help but spare no effort
Part 2
巧学活用1 ①will be wearing ②will be having ③shall be picking ④will be lying ⑤will be having
巧学活用2 ①will be held ②will be seeing ③will become ④be snowingSection Ⅳ Writing——描述肢体语言
1.I'm more than delighted to hear from you.
2.Now I'm writing to tell you something about body language.
1.People from different cultures may misunderstand the gestures they use.
2.Body language is a way of communication, but not everybody can use the same body language to communicate with others.
3.If you want to go out to travel, it is very important for you to figure out the body language there.
4.When your friend is sad, a smile may be more useful than words.
5.Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all!
1.By learning body language we can broaden our mental horizons and increase our knowledge in various fields.
2.Learning proper body language will make your communication with others more enjoyable.
Body language ____________________________________________________________
It ________________________ communicating with others.
When we talk with others, we can ________________________________________ and body movements.
Body language _____________________________________________________________.
________________________________________________________________ in a foreign country.
Using body language in a correct way will ________________________________________________________________________
I think ________________________________________________ in our daily life.
8.把句3用not just...but also...升级,同时升级为状语从句的省略句
Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication. It plays a great role in communicating with others. When talking with others, we can not just use words but also use facial expressions and body movements.
Body language varies from country to country. As a result, it is important to know the meaning of gestures and movements in a foreign country. Using body language in a correct way will make us easily understood in a foreign country.
In a word, I think it necessary to learn and use body language in our daily life.
1.demonstrate vt. ____________
2.identical adj. ____________
3.interpret vt. ____________
vi.& vt. ____________
4.waist n. ____________
5.barrier n. ____________
6.fake adj. ____________
7.trial n.& v. ____________
8.nonverbal adj. ____________
9.internal adj. ____________
10.pose n. ____________
vi. ____________
vt. ____________
11.reveal vt. ____________
12.imply vt. ____________
13.perceive vt. ____________
14.inquire vi.& vt. ____________
15.ultimately adv. ____________
16.tone n. ____________
1.________ adj. 合适的;恰当的
2.________ n. 手势;姿势;姿态
3.________ vt. 当场看到;目击;见证
n. 目击者;证人
4.________ n. 面颊;脸颊
5.________ vi. 鞠躬;点头
vt. 低(头)
n. 弓;蝴蝶结
6.________ n. 发生的事情;严重事件;冲突
7.________ adj. 双胞胎之一的;孪生之一的
n. 双生之一;双胞胎之一
8.________ vt.& vi.(bent, bent) (使)弯曲;倾斜;偏向
9.________ vt. 使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清
10.________ n. 趋势;倾向
11.________ adv. 几乎不;勉强才能;刚刚
12.________ vt. 把……放低;降低;减少
adj. 下面的;下方的;较小的
13.________ vt. 占据;占用
14.________ vi. 盯着看;凝视
n. 凝视
15.________ n. 天花板;上限
16.________ vt. 分散(注意力);使分心
17.________ n. 胸部;胸膛
18.________ vt. 较喜欢;选择;有利于
n. 帮助;恩惠;赞同
19.________ vi.& vt. 费心;麻烦;因……操心
n. 麻烦;不便
20.________ vi.& vt. 哭泣;流泪
21.________ n. 矛盾;冲突
vi. 冲突;抵触
22.________ vt.& vi.相互影响,互相作用→________ n.交流;相互影响
23.________ vi.(根据情况)变化;改变→________ adj.不同的;各种各样的→________ n.变化;多样性;种类
24.________ vi.赞成;同意 vt.批准;通过→________ n.赞成;批准
25.________ vt.使用;应用;雇用→________ n.雇主;老板→________ n.雇员
26.________ vi.相异;不同于→________ adj.不同的→________ n.不同;差异
27.________ adj.生气的→________ n.愤怒;怒气 vt.使生气;激怒
28.________ vi.依赖;依靠→________ adj.可靠的;可信赖的
29.________ adj.轻微的;略微的;细小的→________ adv.略微;稍微
30.________ vt.评估;评价→________ n.评价;评定
31.________ vt.教育;训练→________ adj.受过教育的;有教养的→________ n.教育;教育学;训练→educator n.教师;教育工作者;教育家
32.________ vi.& vt.区分;辨别→________ adj.卓越的;杰出的
33.________ adj.焦急的,焦虑的→________ n.焦虑;担心;害怕
34.________ vt.使局促不安→________ adj.难堪的;尴尬的→________ adj.令人尴尬的
35.________ n.羞耻,羞愧→________ adj.羞愧;惭愧→________ adj.可耻的;不道德的→________ adj.无耻的
36.________ vt.调整;调节 vi.& vt.适应;(使)习惯→________ n.调整,调节
37.________ vi.(对……)起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应→________ n.反应,回应
1.Parents' character ________________ (有影响) to children's personalities in many ways.
2.A smile can help us ________________ (渡过) difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers.
3.Getting young people together will help to ________________ (消除) barriers between them.
4.In other countries, ________________ (相比之下), eye contact is not always approved of.
5.A human can sometimes ________________ (推断) based on previous knowledge.
6.After so many years of hard work, she is tired out and can not ________________ (直起来) at all.
7.The little boy ________________ (盯着看) the rich lady when she gave him some food.
8.They refused to employ him. ________________ (换句话说), he didn't get the job.
9.What made me worried was that he had some difficulty ________________ (适应) the weather here.
Words are important, but ________________________, hold their arms, and move their hands can also ____________________________________.
And if we are feeling down or lonely, ________________________________ seeing the smiling face of a good friend.
So if a student ________________________ to look at his watch, it implies he is bored and just counting the minutes for the class to end.
Of course, _______________________________________________________________.
It is as though they ________________________________________________________.
________________________________, they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling.
Section Ⅳ Writing——描述肢体语言
1.is one of the most powerful means of communication
2.plays a great role in
3.use words and facial expressions
4.varies from country to country
5.It is important to know the meaning of gestures and movements
6.make us easily understood in a foreign country
7.it is necessary to learn and use body language
8.When talking with others, we can not just use words but also use facial expressions and body movements.
9.I think it necessary to learn and use body language in our daily life.
1.表现;表达;说明;证明 2.相同的 3.把……理解(解释)为 口译 4.腰;腰部 5.隔阂;障碍 6.假装的;假的;冒充的 7.审讯;审判;试验;试用 8.非言语的 9.内部的;里面的 10.故作姿态;(为画像、拍照等摆的)姿势 摆好姿势 造成(威胁、问题等) 11.揭示;显示;露出 12.意味着;暗示 13.察觉;看待;理解 14.询问;打听 15.最终;最后 16.语气;腔调;口吻
1.appropriate 2.gesture 3.witness 4.cheek 5.bow 
6.incident 7.twin 8.bend 9.clarify 10.tendency 
11.barely 12.lower 13.occupy 14.stare 15.ceiling 
16.distract 17.chest 18.favour 19.bother 20.weep 21.conflict 22.interact; interaction 23.vary; various; variety 24.approve; approval 25.employ; employer; employee 26.differ; different; difference 27.angry; anger 28.rely; reliable 29.slight; slightly 30.assess; assessment 31.educate; educated; education 
32.distinguish; distinguished 33.anxious; anxiety 
34.embarrass; embarrassed; embarrassing 35.shame; ashamed; shameful; shameless 36.adjust; adjustment 
37.react; reaction
1.makes a difference 2.get through 3.break down 
4.by contrast 5.make inferences 6.straighten up 
7.stared at 8.In other words 9.adjusting to
1.the way people stand; give us information about their feelings
2.there is nothing better than
3.has his head lowered
4.not everyone who looks up is paying attention in class
5.are asleep with their eyes open
6.With their chins on their handsSection Ⅱ Learning About Language
每/日/金/句:We all know without food equals no lives. Therefore, agriculture is greatly helpful for the lives. 我们都知道没有食物就没有生命。因此,农业对生活有很大的帮助。
探究新知 发展语言知识
care about 关心;在乎
(教材P53)What Yuan Longping really cared about was not money or celebrity.
(1)care for 照顾,照料
(= take care of) 喜好;愿意(用于否定句、疑问句)
(2)take care 当心;小心;注意
with care 仔细地;认真地
[佳句] My teacher cares about me and prepares me for my future career.
①Wendy cares little ________ her salary, because she cares ________ the children and likes to stay with them.
②When traveling, you must ________ your health.
True friends ______________________________ and help to solve problems.
①(教材P50)However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat.
②(教材P50)How this could be done was a challenging question at the time.
③(教材P50)However, whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate.
④(教材P50)Today, it is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops...
⑤(教材P51)What impresses people most about Yuan Longping is his ongoing ability to fulfil his dreams.
[发现] (1)以上黑体部分在句中作 ________。
(2)①⑤句中的what在从句中作 ________。
(3)②句中的how在从句中作 ________;③句中的whether意为: ________。
(4)④句中it是 ________,真正的________是后面that引导的从句。
在主从复合句中充当主语的从句即为主语从句。主语从句的位置可以在句首, 也可以用it作形式主语, 主语从句放在后面。
What please me most is that their artistic talent is extremely shocking.
It worried the mother that her son was always playing computer games.
It is not a problem whether we can win the battle; it's just a matter of time.
That my parents always treat me as a little child makes me very unhappy.
That the college will take in more new students this year is true.
Whether the plan will be carried out is still unknown.
=It is still unknown whether the plan will be carried out.
2.连接代词(who, whom, whose, what, which, whichever, whoever, whomever, whatever等)
Who will go to the concert is not known.
Whoever breaks the law will be punished.
Whatever you do in your spare time should do no harm to others.
3.连接副词(when, where, how, why等)
How this happened is not clear to anyone.
When we will have a meeting is an important question.
Where I spend my summer is no business of yours.
(4)确定名词性从句的连接词。[巧学活用1] 用适当的连接代词或连接副词填空
①________ made him embarrassed was that one of his buttons was missing.
②________ makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.
③________ he will attend the meeting or not doesn't matter.
④It is obvious to the students ________ they should get well prepared for their future.
⑤________ he gave up the chance of studying abroad is unknown.
1.It+be+形容词(obvious, true, natural, strange, etc.)+主语从句
It is important that he should know about this.
[名师点津] 在“It+be+形容词+主语从句”结构中,若形容词为important/necessary/strange等,主语从句中的谓语用“should+动词原形”形式,其中should可省略。
2.It+be+名词词组(no wonder, an honour, a pity, a/no surprise, etc.)+主语从句
It's a pity that he didn't attend the opening ceremony.
3.It+be+过去分词(said, reported, thought, expected, proved, etc.)+主语从句
It is suggested that the meeting be put off.
[名师点津] 在“It+be+过去分词+主语从句”结构中,过去分词若为suggested/ordered/required/advised等,主语从句中的谓语用“should+动词原形”形式,其中should可省略。
4.It+不及物动词(happen, seem, appear, remain, etc.)+主语从句
It seems that it is going to rain.
It surprised him why they came to visit him suddenly.
[巧学活用2] 句型转换
①That he suddenly fell ill last month surprised us.
→________________________ he suddenly fell ill last month.
②Whether they will sell the house hasn't been decided yet.
→________________________________________ they will sell the house.
③That light travels in straight lines is known to us all.
→________________________ light travels in straight lines.
Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
Part 1
①about; for ②take care of ③care about each other's needs
Part 2
(1)主语 (2)主语 (3)状语 是否 (4)形式主语 主语
巧学活用1 ①What ②Whoever ③Whether ④that ⑤Why
巧学活用2 ①It surprised us that ②It hasn't been decided yet whether ③It is known to us all thatUNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGE
背景导入:手语是聋人交流的主要形式, 已经使用了数百年。然而, 手势只是手语者用来表达意思的多种肢体语言中的一种,非手动元素对手语使用者的重要性你知道吗?
Sign language, the primary① form of communication of the deaf community, has been in use for hundreds of years. You're probably most familiar with American Sign Language, but sign language is used all over the world and has nearly 150 variations②. Sign language interpreters③ can be seen everywhere from classrooms and graduation ceremonies④ to major sporting events.
When you think of sign language, you most likely imagine signers using their hands to form words and letters. However, hands are only one of the many different body language techniques that signers use to get their meaning across⑤. In fact, much of the grammatical structure of sign language is not indicated by the signer's hands.
While the hands are responsible for forming the words themselves, markers called “non-manual elements” control much of the languages' grammatical structure. Non-manual elements (or markers) are body language techniques that don't use the hands. These include head movements, body positioning and facial expressions. Used together with the signs, these elements give sign language a subtle⑥ and extremely complicated⑦ grammatical structure. Linguist Andrea Lackner from Alpcn-Adria University in Austria did a study that shows just how important these non-manual elements are to sign language users.
The study assessed just how many different things non-manual elements can do. For this study, all participants were deaf users of Austrian Sign Language. They watched a video of someone using sign language, and they had to describe the purpose of each non-manual element. The results were very complicated. For instance, things as subtle as the direction of the signer's gaze can indicate whether or not a statement is hypothetical (假设的). A single head movement can indicate the emotion of a statement, or a signer's feelings toward a hypothetical question. Body language is always important, but in sign language, it can change the entire meaning of a sentence!
①primary adj.主要的,首要的
②variation n.变化,变动
③interpreter n.口译者,译员
④graduation ceremony 毕业典礼
⑤get across 使……被理解
⑥subtle adj.敏锐的,有洞察力的;灵活的
⑦complicated adj.复杂的
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
每/日/金/句:The most universal facial expression is the smile.微笑是最普遍的面部表情。
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1 文本整体理解:理清文章架构
1.What does the passage mainly talk about
B.Spoken language.
C.Body language.
D.Different cultures.
2.Match the main idea with each part.
Para.1 ____    A.The same gesture may have
different meanings in different countries.
Para.2 ____ B.Smiling has many different
Paras.3~4 ____ C.Body language varies from
culture to culture.
Para.5 ____ D.Both words and body language are of importance in interactions with others.
Para.6 ____ E.Some gestures seem to have the same meaning everywhere.
Task 2 文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节理解
1.What can we know from paragraph 1
A.Words speak louder than body language.
B.Body language is more useful than words.
C.People prefer to express their feelings in words.
D.Body language plays an important role in daily communication.
2.What is the purpose of the second paragraph
A.To tell us how important body language is.
B.To show an identical gesture may have different meanings in different cultures.
C.To stop men and women making eye contact while talking.
D.To remind us to look down while talking to an older person to show respect.
3.How does the passage develop
A.By giving examples.
B.By giving data.
C.By giving definition.
D.By analysing facts.
4.What will you do to express “I am full”?
A.Placing your hands together.
B.Placing your hands on the stomach.
C.Shaking your head.
D Moving your hand in circles over your stomach.
Task 3 文本理解 续写佳句
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
/ Int r' k n/n.交流;相互影响
②vary/'ve ri/vi.
/ 'pr pri t/adj.合适的;恰当的
④by contrast 相比之下
⑤approve/ 'pru v/
vi.赞成;同意 vt.批准;通过
/'dem nstreIt/vt.表现;表达;说明;证明
/'d est (r)/n.手势;姿势;姿态
⑧witness/'wItn s/vt.当场看到;目击;见证 n.目击者;证人
⑨employ/Im'pl I/vt.使用;应用;雇用
/In't prIt/vt.把……理解(解释)为
vi.& vt.口译
differ/'dIf (r)/vi.相异;不同于
by comparison (与……)相比较
/b l'ɡe ri /保加利亚(国家名)
Albania/ l'beIni /阿尔巴尼亚(国家名)
cheek/t i k/n.面颊;脸颊
favour/'feIv (r)/vt.较喜欢;选择;有利于 n.帮助;恩惠;赞同
bow/ba /vi.鞠躬;点头 vt.低(头);/b /n.弓;蝴蝶结
break down消除;分解;打破
barrier/'b ri (r)/n.隔阂;障碍
We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions in our interactions① with other people.We can learn a lot about what people are thinking by watching their body language.Words are important, but the way people stand, hold their arms, and move their hands can also give us information about their feelings.
Just like spoken language, body language varies② from culture to culture. The crucial thing is using body language in a way that is appropriate③ to the culture you are in. For example, making eye contact—looking into someone's eyes—in some countries is a way to display interest. In other countries, by contrast④, eye contact is not always approved⑤ of. For example, in many Middle Eastern countries, men and women are not socially permitted to make eye contact. 1In Japan, it may demonstrate⑥ respect to look down when talking to an older person.
The gesture⑦ for “OK” has different meanings in different cultures.In Japan, someone who witnesses⑧ another person employing⑨ the gesture might think it means money.In France, a person encountering an identical⑩ gesture may interpret it as meaning zero.However, you should avoid making this gesture in Brazil and Germany, as it is not considered polite.
Even the gestures we use for “yes” and “no” differ around the world. In many countries, shaking one's head means “no”, and nodding means “yes”. By comparison , in Bulgaria and southern Albania , the gestures have the opposite meaning. 2There are also differences in how we touch each other, how close we stand to someone we are talking to, and how we act when we meet or part. In countries like France and Russia, people may kiss their friends on the cheek when they meet.Elsewhere, people favour shaking hands, bowing from the waist , or nodding the head when they meet someone else.
Some gestures seem to have the same meaning everywhere.Placing your hands together and resting them on the side of your head while closing your eyes means “sleep”.A good way of saying “I am full” is moving your hand in circles over your stomach after a meal.
Some body language has many different uses.Perhaps the best example is smiling.A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers.A smile can break down barriers .We can use a smile to apologise, to greet someone, to ask for help, or to start a conversation.Experts suggest smiling at yourself in the mirror to make yourself feel happier and stronger.And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend.
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.________ respect 表示尊重
2.________ another person nodding 当场看到另一个人点头
3.an ________ gesture 相同的手势
4.________ it as meaning zero 把它解释为零
5.kiss sb. on the ________ 吻在某人的脸颊上
6.________ from the waist 弯身弓腰鞠躬
7.do me a ________ 帮帮忙
8.a natural ________ 一道天然屏障
9.a serious ________ 一起严重事件
10.take ________ action 采取适当措施
11.communicate entirely by ________ 完全用手势交流
1.①________ well 沟通良好
②social ________ 社交
2.①________ from culture to culture 因文化而异
②for various reasons 因各种各样的原因
③a ________ of reasons 各种各样的原因
3.①________ other gestures 使用其他手势
②a former ________ 一位以前的员工
③admire my ________ 欣赏我的雇主
4.①________ greatly in character 性格差异很大
②have ________ likes and dislikes 各有不同的好恶
③________ the difference between...and... 辨别……和……之间的区别
5.①burst into anger 勃然大怒
②be ________ with sb. 生某人的气
6.①a ________ guide 可信赖的向导
②________ on sb. 依靠某人
7.①________ the proposals 批准这些提议
②meet with your ________ 得到您的批准
-able常用于动词之后构成形容词, 表示“属于, 倾向性”等。
rely v.→reliable adj. 可靠的; 可信赖的
move v.→________ adj. 可移动的
comfort v.→________ adj.安慰的
1.____________ 相比之下
2.____________ (与……)相比较
3.____________ 推理;推断
4.____________ 消除;分解;打破
5.____________ 直起来;整理;收拾整齐
6.____________ 在……到……之间变化
7.____________ 对……适合
8.____________ 通过;度过
9.____________ 理解,明白
10.____________ 吻某人的脸颊
1.[句型]the way是先行词,后跟省略that/in which的定语从句
[教材]Words are important, but ________________________, hold their arms, and move their hands can also give us information about their feelings.
[教材]And if we are feeling down or lonely, ________________________ seeing the smiling face of a good friend.
[教材]In Japan, it may demonstrate respect to look down ________________________________.
1.[教材]Words are important, but the way people stand, hold their arms, and move their hands can also give us information about their feelings.
2.[教材]There are also differences in how we touch each other, how close we stand to someone we are talking to, and how we act when we meet or part.
3.[教材]In Japan, someone who witnesses another person employing the gesture might think it means money.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.(教材P38)Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.
◎vary vi.(根据情况)变化;改变
(1)vary from...to... 由……到……不等
vary with... 随……而变化
vary in... 在……方面有变化
(2)variety n. 多样性
a variety of=varieties of 各种各样的
(3)various adj. 各种各样的
[佳句] I like reading very much, especially the story books, varying from Chinese stories to English stories.
①As in China, the climate in Canada ________ (vary), depending on the area.
②By learning English, we can broaden our view and increase our knowledge in ________ (vary) fields.
③The researchers examined ________ (vary) levels of noise on participants as they completed tests of creative thinking.
The Literature Society ________________________________________________, encouraging us to get pleasure out of reading.
2.(教材P38)The crucial thing is using body language in a way that is appropriate to the culture you are in.
◎appropriate adj.合适的;恰当的
(1)be appropriate for/to  适合……
It is appropriate (for sb.) to do sth.
It is (not) appropriate that sb.(should) do sth.
(2)appropriately adv.  适当地
[佳句] She was so careless a woman that the tough job was not appropriate for her.
①It is appropriate that we ________ (start) a campaign to protect our environment.
②It's necessary for you to make your child know that you expect him to act ________ (appropriate) toward other people.
③As for me, I don't think it is suitable for parents to quit their jobs in order to provide better conditions for their children.
→As for me, I don't think it is ________ for parents to quit their jobs in order to provide better conditions for their children.
3.(教材P38)In other countries, by contrast, eye contact is not always approved of.
◎by contrast 相比之下
in contrast to/with  与……相比;与……不同/相反
[佳句] She had almost failed in the exam, but her sister, by contrast, had done very well.
①你看他们的新系统, 相比之下,我们的就显得太过时了。
When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned ________________.
Mary was short and fat, ________________ her sister who was tall and slim.
◎approve vi.赞成;同意 vt.批准;通过
(1)disapprove vt. 不赞成;不同意
(2)approval n. 赞成;通过;同意;认可;批准
meet with/earn one's approval 得到某人的赞许
give one's approval to sth. 批准/同意某事
[佳句] Now that you have approved of my idea, I will introduce it to you in detail.
③Luckily enough, my application to be a volunteer ________________ (approve).
④We have made adjustments to our plan so that it can meet with your ________ (approve).
I'm afraid your parents won't ________________________.
4.(教材P38)In Japan, someone who witnesses another person employing the gesture might think it means money.
◎witness vt.当场看到;目击;见证 n.目击者;证人;证据
(1)witness sth. 目击某事
witness to sth./doing sth. 作证,证明某事/做某事
(2)a witness to sth. 某事的证人
give witness to sth. 为某事作证;证明
[佳句] His good health is a witness to the success of the treatment.
①Our city ________ (witness) four different seasons, plenty of sunshine and good rainfall, but in winter you may feel a little cold.
②The past ten years ________ (witness) the rapid development of China's economy.
③We all ________________________________ in the tea house.(have)
④The tea house ____________________________ for all of us.(witness vt.)
◎employ vt.使用;应用;雇用
(1)employ sb. as... 雇用某人作……
employ sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事
(2)employer n. 雇用者;雇主;老板
employee n. 雇工;雇员
employment n. 职业;工作
[佳句] The boss employed a secretary to help him with his work.
⑤In other words, employing body language appropriately can help you break down barriers in communication.________
⑥My brother was employed in preparing for the coming exam and he didn't have time to enjoy the various activities.________
⑦The ________ of the company is ________ in training his ________ (employ).
I will spare no effort to repay you for your trust.
5.(教材P38)Even the gestures we use for “yes” and “no” differ around the world.
◎differ vi.相异;不同于
(1)differ from 与……不同/有区别
differ in 在……方面不同
differ with sb. on/about/over sth.
(2)different adj. 不同的
be different from 与……不同
(3)difference n. 不同,差别
make a difference 有影响,有重要作用
[佳句] It is obvious that the twins differ from each other in character.
①What I will choose differs ________ what you have suggested.
②There is no denying that customs differ ________ different countries.
③________ students ________ from each other in many aspects. But everyone can make a ________ to the school.(differ)
It is how you improve yourself that ________________________ your life in the future.
6.(教材P38)Elsewhere, people favour shaking hands, bowing from the waist, or nodding the head when they meet someone else.
◎favour vt.较喜欢;选择;有利于 n.帮助;恩惠;赞同
(1)do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙
owe sb. a favour 欠某人一个人情
in favour of 赞成;主张
(2)favourite adj. 特别受喜爱的
[佳句] The manager was surprised to learn that people present at the meeting were not in favour of the plan.
①Opportunity ________ (favor) those with a curious mind.
②Our products have good fame at home and abroad, deeply ________ (favour) by customers.
③We sincerely hope you can help us and guide us how to adapt a story from our English textbook for a short play.
→We sincerely hope you can ________________________ and guide us how to adapt a story from our English textbook for a short play.
7.(教材P39)A smile can break down barriers. 微笑可以打破障碍。
◎break down (机器)损坏;破坏;(谈判、计划等)失败;破裂;(身体)垮掉;(化学)分解
[练通]——写出下列句中break down的含义
①The peace talks broke down with no agreement reached.________
②Your health will break down if you always stay up late.________
③The truck my dad drove often broke down on the way, which made my dad in trouble.________
④Plastic bags are difficult to break down.________
8.(教材P39)And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend.
(1)否定词+比较级,“没有比……更……;没有像……一样……”,常用的否定词有no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly等。
[佳句] You can't attach too great importance to your child's receiving a good education.
①How beautifully she sings! I have never heard a ________ (good) voice.
②It was not until then that I suddenly realized nobody was ________ (happy) than I was.
③She is the most hard-working student in her class.
9.(教材P39)Which is a more reliable guide for understanding someone's feelings, their body language or the words they speak
◎reliable adj.可靠的;可信赖的
rely v. 信任,信赖;依赖,依靠
rely on it that... 相信/依赖……
[佳句] She is a reliable girl. We get along well with each other all the time.
①We are looking for someone who is ________ (rely) and hard-working.
②Nowadays parents have done everything for their single children, which makes the children rely ________ their parents badly.
③You can ________________________ when you are in trouble.
④You can ________________________ when you are in trouble.
⑤You can ________________________ when you are in trouble.
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
Part 1
Task 1
2.Para.1:D Para.2:C Paras.3~4:A Para.5:E Para.6:B
Task 2
1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D
Task 3
1.①In many countries, shaking one's head means “no”, and nodding means “yes”.
②In countries like France and Russia, people may kiss their friends on the cheek when they meet.
③Elsewhere, people favour shaking hands, bowing from the waist, or nodding the head when they meet someone else.
2.①There are also differences in how we touch each other, how close we stand to someone we are talking to, and how we act when we meet or part.
②A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. A smile can break down barriers.
③ We can use a smile to apologise, to greet someone, to ask for help, or to start a conversation.
1.demonstrate 2.witness 3.identical 4.interpret 5.cheek 6.bow 7.favour 8.barrier 9.incident 10.appropriate 11.gesture
1.interact; interaction
2.vary; variety
3.employ; employee; employer
4.differ; different; tell
6.reliable; rely
7.approve; approval
movable; comfortable
1.by contrast 2.by comparison 3.make inferences 4.break down 5.straighten up 6.vary from...to... 7.be appropriate to 8.get through 9.figure out 10.kiss sb. on the cheek
1.the way people stand
2.there is nothing better than
3.when talking to an older person
Part 2
1.①varies ②various ③various
④recommended a variety of/varieties of/various good books
2.①(should) start ②appropriately ③appropriate
3.①by contrast ②in contrast to ③has been approved
④approval ⑤approve of your going there
4.①witnesses ②has witnessed
③had a really enjoyable time
④witnessed a really enjoyable time
⑤利用 ⑥忙于(做)某事 ⑦employer employed employees ⑧If I am lucky enough to be employed
5.①from ②in ③Different differ difference ④makes a difference to
6.①favors ②favoured ③do us a favor/give us a hand
7.①(谈判)失败 ②(身体)垮掉 ③(机器)损坏 ④(化学)分解
8.①better ②happier
③No one is more hard-working than her in her class.
9.①reliable ②on ③rely on me to help you
④rely on it that I will help you
⑤rely on my helping youSection Ⅲ Using Language
每/日/金/句:I hold the firm belief that our life in the future will surely become more colorful and comfortable.
我坚信, 我们的未来生活一定会变得更加丰富多彩和舒适。
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Read the text on Page 20 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.What's the main idea of the text
A.Driverless cars are popular in the world.
B.Most people admire the Amish's happy life with natural environment.
C.The argument about whether advanced technology is beneficial and acceptable to people.
D.New technology has provided people with great benefits everywhere over the years.
2.What can we know about the Amish from the text
A.They like living in large and polluted cities.
B.They live happily in the presence of new technology.
C.They advocate living a simple life.
D.They appreciate the lives of the rich and famous.
3.What can we infer from the first paragraph
A.The new technology will be resisted by the public.
B.The technology which is new is sure to be good.
C.The advances in technology will bring us more danger than convenience.
D.The advances in technology may do unexpected harm to us.
4.What's the attitude of the author about new technology
A.Positive. B.Negative.
C.Critical. D.Unconcerned.
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①shocking adj.令人震惊的;可怕的, 令人厌恶的;糟糕的(事物的性质)
shocked adj.感到吃惊的(人的感受)
②various adj.各种各样的;多方面的(=a variety of)
③oppose/ 'p z/vt.反对;抵制;阻挠
④advances in technology技术进步
⑥cease/si s/vi.& vt.(使)停止;终止
⑦apologise for为……道歉
⑧deceased/dI'si st/adj.已死的;亡故的
[易混]decrease v.减少, 减小, 降低
⑨claim v.宣称;要求, 索取;获得;索赔(钱财)
⑩on the one hand...on the other hand...一方面……另一方面……
absence/' bs ns/n.不存在;缺乏;缺席
in the absence of缺乏, 不存在;无……时, 缺少……时
rural/'r r l/adj.乡村的;农村的
advocate/' dv keIt/vt.提倡;支持;拥护 n.提倡者;支持者;拥护者
emphasis/'emf sIs/n.强调;重视;重要性
put/lay/place emphasis on sth.强调/重视某事
luxury/'l k ri/n.奢华;奢侈品
follow the lives of追随……的生活
It could even be argued that...甚至可以说……
rather than而不是;宁可……也不愿……
provide sb. with为某人提供……
warning n.警告
keep in touch (with...)(与……)保持联系;了解(某课题或领域的情况)
even if即使, 尽管(引导让步状语从句)
allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事
personally adv.就本人而言, 就个人意见
benefit from/by从……中受益, 受益于……
technological advances技术进步
career/k 'rI (r)/n.职业;事业
prospect/'pr spekt/n.可能性;前景
This morning, I saw the shocking① headline:“Passenger Dies When Car Crashes in Driverless Mode”.In the article, various②people said that the public should oppose③ the idea of developing driverless cars.They said that some advances in technology④ were unnecessary and could even be dangerous. Hence⑤, we should cease⑥ accepting technology just because it is new. The newspaper reported that the car company had already apologised for⑦ the accident, but the families of the deceased⑧ said it was not enough. Nevertheless, the company still claimed⑨ that most people would be travelling in driverless cars one day soon.
   1On__the__one__hand⑩,__there__are__many__different__groups__of__people__around__the__world__who__live__happily__in__the__absence of__new__technology. Probably the most well known are the Amish, a group of Christians living in rural America. They do not own or drive cars, watch TV, or use the Internet.They have lived mainly as farmers since the 18th century, and they will probably be living the same way in the distant future. They advocate a simple life with an emphasis on hard work, family, and community.They think that is better than caring about luxuries or following the lives of the rich and famous. 2It__could__even__be__argued__that __the__Amish's__quality__of__life__is__better__since__they__live__in__and__appreciate__the__natural__environment__rather__than __living__in__large,__polluted__cities.
On the other hand, new technology has
provided people everywhere with many benefits over the years. For example, the latest weather tracking computer programmes give people lots of warnings about potential natural disasters, which saves many lives. Moreover, the Internet has made it possible for friends and family to keep in touch easily even if they are on opposite sides of the world. 3It has also made finding opportunities in life much easier, as it allows people to make larger networks of friends through using social media.
Personally , I have benefited quite a lot from technological advances . I found my career as an AI designer through a social media network.My health monitor, which I wear all the time, has also helped me get into the best shape of my life. Of course, when new technology changes the way we live, it can be a scary prospect . Nevertheless, I will always look on the positive side of change and accept it rather than resist it.
今天早上,我看到了一个令人震惊的标题:“无人驾驶模式下的车祸导致乘客死亡”。在这篇文章中,很多人说公众应该反对开发无人驾驶汽车的想法。他们说, 一些技术进步是不必要的,甚至可能是危险的。因此,我们应该停止仅仅因为技术是新的就接受它。该报报道称,该汽车公司已经就事故道歉,但死者家属表示这还不够。尽管如此,该公司仍然宣称,不久的将来,大多数人将乘坐无人驾驶汽车出行。
1. 一方面,世界上有许多不同的群体,他们在没有新技术的情况下幸福地生活着。最著名的可能是阿曼门诺派,一群生活在美国农村的基督徒。他们没有汽车也不开车,不看电视, 也不使用互联网。自18世纪以来,他们主要以农民的身份生活,在遥远的将来,他们可能也会以同样的方式生活。他们提倡简单的生活, 强调努力工作、家庭和社区。他们认为这比关心奢侈品或追随富人和名人的生活更好。2. 甚至可以说,阿曼门诺派的生活质量更好,因为他们生活在自然环境中,欣赏自然,而不是生活在污染严重的大城市里。
另一方面, 新技术多年来为各地的人们提供了许多好处。例如,最新的天气跟踪计算机程序给人们提供了许多关于潜在自然灾害的警告,这挽救了许多人的生命。此外,互联网使朋友和家人很容易保持联系,即使他们在世界的两端。3.它还让人们更容易在生活中寻找机会,因为它让人们通过使用社交媒体结交更多的朋友。
就我个人而言,我从技术进步中获益匪浅。我通过一个社交媒体网络找到了我作为人工智能设计师的职业。我一直戴着健康监测器,它也帮助我进入了最佳状态。当然,当新技术改变我们的生活方式时, 这可能是一个可怕的前景。然而,我总是会看到变化积极的一面, 接受它, 而不是抵制它。
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.maintain the network ________ 维护网络安全
2.________ us with the outside world 把我们和外面的世界结合起来
3.a wide variety of ________ flower 各种各样的人造花
4.________ the entire situation 预测整个形势
5.weather ________ 天气预报
6.________ the idea 反对这种想法
7.________ accepting technology 停止接受技术
8.live in the ________ America 住在美国农村
9.________ a simple life 崇尚简朴的生活
10.an ________ on hard work 强调勤劳
11.my ________ as an AI designer 我的职业—AI设计师
12.a scary ________ 一个可怕的前景
1.①the ________ of new technology 缺乏新技术
②be ________from school 旷课
2.①the most ________ way 最准确的方法
②________ rate 精确度
3.①________ heat 耐热
②drug ________ 抗药性
4.①________ Wall Street 占领华尔街
②take up an ________ 就业
1.____________ (与……)保持联系;了解
2.____________ 一方面……另一方面
3.____________ 为……提供……
4.____________ 观看;旁观;看待
5.____________ 不在场, 缺席
6.____________ 在遥远的未来
7.____________ 人工智能
8.____________ 从……获益
9.____________ 出发
10.____________ 砍倒
1.[句型]the way+定语从句
[教材] Of course, when new technology changes ________________, it can be a scary prospect.
当然, 当新技术改变了我们的生活方式时, 这可能是一个可怕的前景。
[教材] They advocate a simple life __________________________, family, and community.
他们提倡简单的生活, 强调努力工作、家庭和社区。
[教材]______________________ the Amish's quality of life is better since they live in and appreciate the natural environment rather than living in large, polluted cities.
甚至可以说, 阿曼门诺派的生活质量更好, 因为他们生活在自然环境中, 欣赏自然, 而不是生活在污染严重的大城市里。
4.[句型]it作形式宾语;even if引导让步状语从句
[教材]Moreover, the Internet has __________________________ to keep in touch easily ______________________________.
此外, 互联网使朋友和家人很容易保持联系, 即使他们在世界的两端。
探究新知 发展语言知识
1. (教材P19) occupation n.职业;占领
occupy vt. 忙着(做某事), 使忙于(做某事); 占用;占领;占据
occupy sb./oneself
be occupied忙于(做)某事
[佳句] Choosing an occupation takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about.
选择职业需要时间, 你必须考虑很多事情。
①Everyone faces the problem of choosing an ________ (occupy) after graduation from college or university.
②Later I went to a restaurant to have lunch, but all the tables ________ (occupy).
She is occupied in looking after three children at home, so she has no time to take part in the various activities in the club.
→③ ______________________________________________________ three children at home, she has no time to take part in the various activities in the club.(过去分词短语作状语)
→④ ____________________________________________________________ three children at home, she has no time to take part in the various activities in the club.(现在分词短语作状语)
2.(教材P20)In the article, various people said that the public should oppose the idea of developing driverless cars.
在这篇文章中, 很多人说公众应该反对开发无人驾驶汽车的想法。
◎oppose vt. 反对(计划、政策等);抵制;阻挠
(1)oppose doing sth. 反对做某事
(2)opposed adj. 反对的;对立的
be opposed to doing sth. 反对做某事
(3)opposite adj. 相反的;相对的
adv. 在对面
[佳句] Many educators are strongly opposed to protecting children too much.
①Much to our amazement, all the members opposed ________ (change) the plan.
②Some students are ________ (oppose) to the decision and think that it will limit their freedom.
③Because all of my friends were opposed to my plan, I couldn't resist sobbing sadly.
→______________________________, I couldn't resist sobbing sadly.(用with复合结构改写)
3.(教材P20)On the one hand, there are many different groups of people around the world who live happily in the absence of new technology.
一方面, 世界上有许多不同的群体, 他们在没有新技术的情况下幸福地生活着。
◎absence n.不存在;缺乏;缺席
(1)in one's absence 某人不在的时候
in the absence of 在……不在场的情况下;缺乏
(2)absent adj. 缺席的, 不在的
be absent from 缺席, 不在
[佳句] My teachers and classmates helped me with the lessons after my long absence from school.很长时间没有上学后, 我的老师和同学们都帮助我补习功课。
①The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his ________ (absent).
②Her mother was seriously ill, which was the reason why he was absent ________ work.
③I'm writing to explain to you the reason __________________ last time.
4.(教材P20)They advocate a simple life with an emphasis on hard work, family, and community.
他们提倡简单的生活, 强调努力工作、家庭和社区。
◎advocate vt.提倡;支持;拥护 n.提倡者;支持者;拥护者
(1)advocate doing sth. 提倡做某事
advocate that...(should) do sth. 提倡……(应该)做某事
(2)an advocate of... ……的提倡者/拥护者
[佳句] Lots of experts and parents advocate reducing children's homework and advocate that children (should) be given more free time.
许多专家及家长主张削减孩子的家庭作业量, 并提倡给予孩子更多的自由时间。
①He advocates ________ (keep) all the employees working hard with happiness.
②Some educators advocated that children ________ (praise) for their great performance.
The Chinese government advocates that we __________________.
5.(教材P20)Moreover, the Internet has made it possible for friends and family to keep in touch easily even if they are on opposite sides of the world.此外, 互联网使朋友和家人即使天各一方也能轻松保持联系。
◎句型公式: make it+adj./n.+(for sb.) to do sth.
(1)句型结构:动词+it+宾语补足语+真正的宾语, it充当形式宾语, 无任何意义。
[佳句] He made it clear that he wanted me to stay for another week. 他清楚地表示, 希望我能再待一周。
①You ought to learn some basic Chinese before you come, which may make it easy for you ________ (adjust) yourself to the life in Beijing.
②I thought ________ useful to include some humor tips for everyday life.
③I consider it no use ________ (quarrel) with him about it.
④当我在农田里干活的时候, 我发现在烈日下干农活是很艰辛的。
While working in the farmyard, I ________________________ in the fields under a hot sun.
keep in touch(with...) (与……)保持联系;了解(某课题或领域的情况)
stay/be in touch (with...) (与……)保持联系
lose touch (with...)/be out of touch (with...) (与……)失去联系
get in touch (with...) (与……)取得联系
[佳句] Keeping in touch with our friends is an important part of friendship.
⑤ ______________________ (很难与玛丽取得联系), for we haven't been in touch with each other since graduation.
⑥To my regret, I ____________________ (与我的好朋友失去了联系).
⑦Helen moved to a remote island in 1998 and I ________________________ (与她失去了联系)since then.
6.(教材P20)Of course, when new technology changes the way we live, it can be a scary prospect.
当然, 当新技术改变我们的生活方式时, 这可能是一个可怕的前景。
◎句型公式:the way+定语从句
(1)the way的关系词在定语从句中作主语或宾语时, 用that或which均可, 作宾语时可省略;
(2)the way的关系词在定语从句中作方式状语时, 用that或in which均可, 现代英语倾向于省略关系词。
[佳句] I don't like the way (that/in which) you speak to your mother. 我不喜欢你同你母亲说话的方式。
①The villagers thought highly of the way ________ we treated the beggar.
②He suggested settling the problem in a way ________ was peaceful.
Something that happens in your daily life will change ____________________________ and the people in it.
7.(教材P20)Nevertheless, I will always look on the positive side of change and accept it rather than resist it.
然而, 我总是会看到变化积极的一面, 接受它, 而不是抵制它。
◎resist vi.& vt.抵制;反抗;抵挡
(1)resist doing sth. 抵制做某事
can't/couldn't resist doing sth. 忍不住做某事
(2)resistant adj. 抵抗的;有抵抗力的
be resistant to 对……有抵抗力
(3)resistance n. 抗拒;反对
[佳句] What's more effective is teaching students how to resist study pressure. 更有效的是教学生如何抵制来自学习的压力。
①She could hardly resist ________ (laugh) on those occasions.
②They ________ (resist) my proposal because they thought the plan would cost too much money.
③The no smoking policy was introduced with little ________ (resist) from staff.
④With all of my friends opposed to my plan, I __________________.
由于我所有的朋友都反对我的计划, 我忍不住伤心地哭了起来。
Section Ⅲ Using Language
Part 1
1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A
1.security 2.combine 3.artificial 4.predict 5.forecast 6.oppose 7.cease 8.rural 9.advocate 10.emphasis 
11.career 12.prospect
1.absence absent
2.accurate accuracy
3.resist resistance
4.occupy occupation
1.keep in touch (with...)
2.on the one hand...on the other hand
4.look on
5.in the absence of
6.in the distant future
7.artificial intelligence
8.benefit from...
9.set off
10.cut down
1.the way we live
2.with an emphasis on hard work
3.It could even be argued that
4.made it possible for friends and family even if they are on opposite sides of the world
Part 2
1.①occupation ②were occupied ③Occupied in looking after ④Occupying herself in looking after
2.①changing ②opposed ③With all of my friends opposed to my plan
3.①absence ②from ③why I was absent from your lecture
4.①keeping ②should be praised ③should live a low carbon life
5.①to adjust ②it ③quarrelling ④found it very hard to work ⑤It's hard to get in touch with Mary ⑥lost touch with my close friend ⑦have been out of touch with her
6.①that/in which ②that/which ③the way (that/in which) you look at the world
7.①laughing ②resisted ③resistance ④couldn't resist sobbing sadlySection Ⅲ Using Language
每/日/金/句:Ocean Park, which is situated on the southern side of Hong Kong Island, covers an area of 870,000 square metres.海洋公园位于香港岛南侧,占地87万平方米。
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Read the text on Pages 31~32 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned
A.Taking pictures with White Snow or Micky Mouse.
B.Traveling through space.
C.Visiting a pirate ship.
D.Experiencing many exciting rides.
2.What do the three theme parks mentioned in the text have in common
A.They all can be found in America.
B.They all have many cartoon characters.
C.They all have parades.
D.They all have rides.
3.What might be the author's purpose in writing the text
A.To tell the differences of the three parks.
B.To tell readers something about Disneyland.
C.To introduce the three parks to the readers.
D.To tell the readers how to choose the best theme parks.
4.Where is the text likely to appear
A.In a newspaper advertisement.
B.In a survey.
C.In a science magazine.
D.In a guidebook.
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①theme/θi m/ adj. 有特定主题的
n. 主题;主题思想
theme park主题公园;主题乐园
②and so on等等
③be famous for因……而出名
④roller coaster/'r l k st (r)/ n. 过山车
⑤incredible/In'kred bl/ adj.
incredibly adv.难以置信地
⑥appeal/ 'pi l/ vi.有吸引力;呼吁;恳求;上诉 n.吸引力;呼吁;上诉;请求
appeal to有吸引力;有感染力;呼吁;上诉;打动
⑦be familiar with熟悉……
⑧come true(梦想等)实现
⑨pirate/'paIr t/ n.海盗;盗版者 vt.盗印;窃用
⑩adorable/ 'd r bl/ adj.可爱的;讨人喜爱的
wander/'w nd (r)/ n.游荡;闲逛;流浪 vt.& vi.闲逛;漫游 vi.走失;离散;走神
amusement/ 'mju zm nt/ n.
amuse/ 'mju z/ vt.(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐
enormous/I'n m s/ adj.
swing/swI?/ vt.&vi.(swung, swung)(使)摆动;摇摆;转弯;(使)突然转向
more than不仅仅
put on表演;上演
skilled adj.(人)有技能的,熟练的
iron/'aI n/ n.铁;铁器;铸铁;熨斗 vt.& vi.(用熨斗)熨;烫平
fashion/'f n/ n.时尚;时兴;流行款式
in the old-fashioned way用老式的方法
rare/re (r)/ adj.稀少的;
steam/sti m/ n.蒸汽;水蒸气;蒸汽动力 vi.蒸发;散发蒸汽;冒水汽
treat n.(给某人的)特殊待遇,款待,招待
superb/su 'p b;sju 'p b/ adj.极佳的;卓越的
have fun doing...愉快地做……
leading adj.最好的,最重要的,最成功的
aquarium/ 'kwe ri m/ n.
(pl.aquariums or aquaria/-ri /)水族馆;水族玻璃槽;养鱼缸
up to达到(某数量、程度等);直到;不多于;(体力或智力上)能胜任
in addition to除……之外(还)
in addition此外;而且
in length在长度上
polar/'p l (r)/ adj.(近)极地的;南极(或北极)的;磁极的
upside down颠倒;倒转;翻转
get turned upside down被颠倒过来
display/dI'spleI/ n.展览;陈列;展览品 vt.显示;陈列
on display正展览
appetite/' pItaIt/ n.食欲;
entertainment/ ent 'teInm nt/
n. 娱乐;招待;娱乐活动;文娱节目
entertain vt. 使娱乐;款待;招待
entertaining adj. 有趣的;娱乐的
Which theme park①would you like to visit There are various kinds of theme parks, with different parks for almost everything:food, culture, science, cartoons, movies, history, and so on②. Some parks are famous for③having the biggest or longest roller coasters④, others for showing famous sights and sounds. 1Whichever and whatever you like, there is an incredible⑤ theme park that will appeal to⑥ you!
2The theme park you are probably most familiar with⑦ is Disneyland, which can be found in several parts of the world. Disneyland will bring you into a magical world and make your childhood dreams come true⑧. 3Travelling through space, visiting a pirate⑨ ship, or meeting an adorable⑩fairytale or cartoon character are all possible at Disneyland. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or even on the street. Of course, Disneyland also has many exciting rides to amuse you, from enormous swinging ships to scary free-fall drops. If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland!
Dollywood, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains in the southeastern USA, is unique because it shows and celebrates America's traditional southeastern culture. Famous country music groups put on performances there all year round, indoors
and outdoors. People come from all over America to see skilled workers make wood, glass, and iron objects in the old-fashioned way. 4Visiting the candy shop and trying some of the same kind of candy that American southerners made 150 years ago is a rare experience. Riding on the only steam engine still working in the southeastern United States is a special treat . And for those who like rides, Dollywood has a superb old wooden roller coaster, Thunderhead. It is world-famous for having the longest track in the smallest e to Dollywood to have fun learning all about America's historical southeastern culture!
Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in Zhuhai, China, is one of the leading ocean-themed parks in the world. Here you can walk under the Whale Shark Aquarium —the world's largest-and see up to 20, 000 fish, in addition to a whale shark 68 metres in length . 5Watching the dolphin and sea lion shows is both educational and fun. Of course, you can also see all kinds of interesting animals, including polar bears. The park has more rides than you can imagine: join a water fight against pirates, get turned upside down by an exciting roller coaster, or get wet in one of the water rides! Then at night, see the splendid Journey of Lights Parade and fireworks display . Hungry The park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetite -you can even eat while watching the fish swim by. 6If it is ocean entertainment that you are looking for, come to Chimelong Ocean Kingdom!
2.可能你最熟悉的主题公园是迪士尼乐园,它可以在世界上的好几个地方找到。迪士尼乐园将带你进入一个神奇的世界,让你童年的梦想成真。在太空遨游,参观海盗船,或遇到一个可爱的仙子或卡通人物都是可能的。3. 当你漫步在奇幻的游乐园时,你可能会在游行的队伍里甚至在街上看到白雪公主或米老鼠。当然,迪士尼乐园也有许多令人兴奋的游乐设施供你娱乐,从巨大的摇摆船到可怕的自由落体运动。如果你想玩得快乐,或不仅仅是为了玩得快乐,来迪士尼乐园吧!
中国珠海的长隆海洋王国是世界上领先的海洋主题公园之一。在这里,你可以在世界上最大的鲸鲨水族馆下漫步,除了一条68米长的鲸鲨外,你还可以看到多达2万条鱼。5.观看海豚和海狮表演既有教育意义又有乐趣。当然,你也可以看到各种各样有趣的动物,包括北极熊。公园的游乐设施比你想象的还要多:参加一场与海盗的水上战斗,在一个令人兴奋的过山车上翻转, 或者在一次激流勇进中弄湿自己!然后在晚上,观看壮丽的光明之旅的游行和烟花表演。饿了吗?公园里有很多餐厅,有适合每个人口味的美食——你甚至可以边吃边看鱼游过。6.如果你正在寻找的是海洋娱乐,那就来长隆海洋王国吧!
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.let out a loud ________ 打个很响的喷嚏
2.________ a rope across a path 沿着小路拉绳子
3.go straight ________ 一直往前走
4.an ________ theme park 极好的主题公园
5.an ________ fairy tale 一个讨人喜欢的童话故事
6.________ around the park 沿公园闲逛
7.________ swinging ships 巨大的摇摆船
8.in the old-________way 用老式的方法
9.a ________ experience 少见的经历
10.the ________ journey 壮丽的行程
11.fireworks ________ 烟火表演
Ⅱ. 拓展词汇
1.①ocean ________ 海洋娱乐节目
② ________ sb. with his stories and jokes 用讲故事和说笑话逗乐某人
2.①________ to the government for help 向政府求助
② ________look 吸引人的外表
3.①________ oneself 自我娱乐
②________ park 游乐园
③an ________ story 令人发笑的故事
1.____________ 有吸引力;有感染力;呼吁;
2.____________ 对……熟悉
3.____________ 实现
4.____________ 玩得开心
5.____________ 达到(某数量、程度等);直到;不多于;(体力或智力上)能胜任
6.____________ 除了……以外(还)
7.____________ 颠倒;倒转;翻转
8.____________ 主题公园;主题乐园
[教材]____________________ having the biggest or longest roller coasters, ____________ showing famous sights and sounds.
2.[句型]“疑问词+ever” 引导的让步状语从句
[教材]____________________________,there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you!
[教材]The park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetite—you can even eat __________________________.
4.[句型]“have fun (in) doing sth.”意为“开心地做某事,愉快地做某事”
[教材]Come to Dollywood to ________________ all about America's historical southeastern culture.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.(教材P31)Go straight ahead (until you come to...)
◎ahead adv.向前;在前面;提前
(1)go ahead 继续向前;说吧;干吧;请吧
get ahead of 超过;胜过
(2)ahead of 在……前面;胜过;强于(用作表语)
[佳句] The time has come when we should look ahead to the future.我们是时候该考虑一下未来了。
①If you insist on leaving now, please ________________ (那就请便吧).
②Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car ________________ (在他前面的).
③Thanks to your timely help, we finished the task ________________ (提前).
2.(教材P31)Whichever and whatever you like, there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you!
此句为主从复合句。句中“Whichever and whatever you like”为让步状语从句。
(1)whatever、 whichever、 who(m)ever既可引导让步状语从句,又可引导名词性从句。
(2)no matter what、 no matter which、 no matter who(m)只引导让步状语从句。
[佳句] Whatever you do in the future, you must obey the rules.
=No matter what you do in the future, you must obey the rules.
①He is so well-known that he will be recognized ________ he goes.
②You will get the same result, ________ way you do it.
③________ is interested in watching the coming volleyball game should book the ticket in advance.
④__________________________, it will lead you to the station.
⑤__________________________, it will lead you to the station.
◎appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁;恳求;上诉
(1)appeal to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣;向某人呼吁;上诉;打动
appeal to sb.for sth.为某事向某人呼吁或请求
appeal to sb.to do sth.恳求/呼吁某人做某事
(2)make an appeal to sb.for...为……向某人呼吁或请求
make an appeal to sb.to do sth.呼吁/恳求某人做某事
(3)appealing adj.有吸引力的
[佳句] We are making an appeal to anyone who saw the boy to keep in touch with us.
⑥Sport has become an important form of entertainment, ________ (appeal) to both men and women.
⑦The short film will help us students know the school's history better and appeal to us ________ (make) contributions to our school's development.
⑧Spending the holidays in Britain wasn't a prospect that I found particularly ________ (appeal).
Our school ______________________________________ at least an hour every day to take exercise to build up our health.
3.(教材P31)As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or even on the street.
◎wander n.游荡;闲逛;流浪 vt.& vi.闲逛;漫游 vi.走失;离散;走神
wander about/around 闲逛;漫游
wander in the street 在街上游荡
[佳句] I was wandering in the street when I heard someone calling me.
①On reaching the station, the passenger found someone in rags wandering around the station. ________
②I went to the park and had a wander around. ________
③Halfway through the meeting my mind started to wander. ________
4.(教材P31)Of course, Disneyland also has many exciting rides to amuse you, from enormous swinging ships to scary free-fall drops.
◎amuse vt.(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐
(1)amuse oneself (by doing sth.)   (通过做某事)自娱自乐
(2)amused adj. 觉得好笑的;逗乐的
be amused at/by... 觉得……好笑
amusing adj. 好笑的
(3)amusement n. 愉悦;娱乐(活动)
to one's amusement 使某人感到好笑的是
[佳句] There are various approaches to the park, where there are many attractions to keep your children amused.
①The comedy was full of humour, which not only ________ (amuse) the audience, but also built up their confidence in life.
②However ________ (amuse) the story is, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.
③Museums must compete for people's spare time and money with other ________ (amuse).
④Miss Lee began the class ________________________ (用一个有趣的英语故事).It attracted our attention at once.
→______________________________________________________________ (定语从句)
5.(教材P31)If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland!
◎句型公式:“more than+名词”结构
句中more than意为“不仅仅是”。more than 还可意为“超过;非常”。
more...than... 与其说……倒不如说……
no more than 仅仅;只不过
not more than 不超过
[佳句] He is more than our teacher; he is also our good friend.
①Paper-cutting is a traditional art form in China ______________________ (有1 500多年的历史).
②He failed in the exam again. In my view, ____________________ (与其说他笨倒不如说他懒).
③I'm very glad to tell you that a Chinese classical music concert will be held in the music hall of our school on November 8th.
→I'm ________________ to tell you that a Chinese classical music concert will be held in the music hall of our school on November 8th.
6.(教材P32)Here you can walk under the Whale Shark Aquarium—the world's largest—and see up to 20,000 fish, in addition to a whale shark 68 metres in length.
◎up to 达到(某数量、程度等);直到;不多于;(体力或智力上)能胜任
up to +数字 达到,多达……
It's up to sb. to do sth. 由某人决定做某事
be up to sth. 胜任某事
up to now 直到现在
[佳句] Solar energy is friendly to the environment, but it hasn't been made the best of up to now.
[练通]——写出下列句中up to的含义
①It is up to you to decide how much you should pay her for the job. ____________
②Up to now, he has visited five European countries, including England and France. ____________
③In my opinion, he is not up to the job. ____________
④Up to 20 students are to take part in the Ancient Poetry Recitation Contest to be organized by our school. ____________
Section Ⅲ Using Language
Part 1
1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D
1.sneeze 2.stretch 3.ahead 4.incredible 5.adorable 
6.wander 7.enormous 8.fashioned 9.rare 10.splendid
1.entertainment entertain
2.appeal appealing
3.amuse amusement amusing
1.appeal to 2.be familiar with 3.come true 4.have fun 5.up to 6.in addition to 7.upside down 8.theme park
1.Some parks are famous for others for
2.Whichever and whatever you like
3.while watching the fish swim by
4.have fun learning
Part 2
1.①go ahead ②ahead of him ③ahead of time
2.①wherever ②whichever ③Whoever ④Whichever road you take ⑤No matter which road you take ⑥appealing ⑦to make ⑧appealing ⑨appeals to/makes an appeal to the students to set aside
3.①vi.闲逛, 漫游 ②n.游荡;闲逛 ③vi.走神
4.①amused ②amusing ③amusements ④with an amusing English story Miss Lee began the class with an amusing English story, which attracted our attention at once.
5.①with a history of more than 1,500 years ②he was more lazy than stupid ③more than delighted
6.①由……决定 ②直到 ③能胜任 ④多达Section Ⅳ Writing——阐述自己观点的议论文
(有时候正方的观点和反方的观点各成一段, 这样的话全文可分为四段。)
①Recently there is a heated/fierce debate in our class on whether middle school students should take up part time jobs on their weekends.
最近, 我们班就中学生是否应该在周末做兼职展开了激烈的争论。
②No one can deny the fact that the environment is getting polluted more and more seriously.
不可否认的事实是, 环境污染越来越严重。
③There is no denying that people's living conditions are being improved on the whole.
人民的生活条件总体上在不断提高, 这是不可否认的事实。
④It is a common phenomenon in society that people are getting politer than they used to be.
人们比过去更有礼貌, 这是社会上的普遍现象。
①When it comes to failure, people have/take/adopt different attitudes towards it/different people hold different attitudes towards it.
谈到失败, 人们的态度各不相同。
②Different people have different opinions/views on this question. Some people believe that... while others argue that...
对于这个问题, 不同的人有不同的看法, 有些人认为……, 另一些人主张……
③People's views on it/People's attitudes towards it vary from person to person. Some hold that...However, others believe that...
人们对此的观点/态度因人而异。有些人认为……, 然而其他人却认为……
④I personally think/In my personal opinion/view, health is more important than wealth.
我个人认为/在我看来, 健康比财富更重要。
⑤From my point of view, it is up to us ourselves to make a reasonable plan for our future.
在我看来, 该由我们自己为我们的将来制定一个合理的计划。
⑥I'm greatly convinced that “Honesty is the best policy” in most situations.
我坚信, 在多数情况下诚实是最好的策略。
①As far as I am concerned, we must try to find out new ways to deal with the problem.
就我而言, 我们必须寻求新的解决该问题的方法。
②In conclusion, the most important is to raise people's awareness of...
总之, 最重要的是提高人们对……的意识。
③It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.
应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展, 这是迫在眉睫的。
④It is necessary/essential that effective/proper action steps/measures should be taken to end the situation phenomenon/tendency.
假设你是阳光中学的学生李华, 昨天你们班开了个班会, 同学们就科技发展给人们带来的利弊问题展开了激烈的讨论。要点包括:
2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Our class held a class meeting yesterday.
4.地球变“小”了, 我们通过手机可以足不出户看世界美景。
6.每天使用电子产品, 人们的身体出现了一系列的问题。
7.只要我们好好运用科技, 科技会更好地服务于人类。
Our class held a class meeting yesterday. Different people hold different views on the advantages and disadvantages brought by science and technology.
60% of the students think that our daily life cannot be separated from science and technology. For example, the earth is getting smaller, and we can see the beautiful world without leaving home through our mobile phones. But about 40% of the students think the relationship between people becomes not as close as before because of science and technology. And using electronic products every day, people's bodies have a series of problems.
In my opinion, as long as we make good use of science and technology, it will better serve mankind.
1.sensor n. ____________
2.mode n. ____________
3.fantasy n. ____________
4.structure n. ____________
vt. ____________
5.clone vt. ____________
n. ____________
6.leak vi. &vt. ____________
n. ____________
7.detect vt. ____________
8.innovation n. ____________
9.crime n. ____________
10.artificial adj. ____________
11.hence adv. ____________
12.deceased adj. ____________
13.cease vi.&vt. ____________
14.rural adj. ____________
15.luxury n. ____________
16.prospect n. ____________
17.signpost n. ____________
1. ________ vt.转换;交换 vi.&vt.(使)改变;转变 n.开关;转换器;改变
2.________ adj.远程的;偏远的
3.________ n.指令;命令;控制 vt.命令;控制
5.________ adj.可获得的;可购得的;(人)有空的
6.________ adv.尽管如此;不过;然而
7.________ n.癌;癌症;毒瘤
8.________ vt.&n.预测;预报
9.________ n. 职业;事业
10.________ vt.劝说;说服
11.________ adj.可能的;潜在的
12.________ adj.遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的→________ n.距离
13.________ adj.安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的 vt.获得;拴牢;保护→________ n.安全;可靠
14.________ adj.自动的→________ adv.无意识的;自动地
15.________ adj.效率高的;有功效的→________ adv.效率高地;有功效地→________ n.效率, 效能
16.________ n.爱好;偏爱→________ vt. &vi.更喜欢, 宁愿
17.________ n.警告;警示;先兆→________ vt.警告
18.________ adj.不正常的;反常的→________adj.正常的(反义词)
19.________ vt. &vi.(使)结合;混合→________ n. 结合;混合
20.________ vt.预测;预言;预料→________ n.预测;预言
21.________ n.职业;占领→________ v.占用;占领;占据
22.________ n.不存在;缺乏;缺席→________ adj.缺席的, 缺乏的
23.________ n.强调;重视;重要性→________ vt.强调
24.________ adj.精确的;准确的→________ adv.精确地;准确地→________ n.精确;准确
25.________ vi.& vt.抵制;反抗;抵挡→________ n.抵制;反对;抗拒
1.He ____________ (关掉)the light and was about to leave the classroom and only then did it begin to rain heavily.
2.Believe it or not, we ____________ (保持联系) each other by writing letters instead of sending e mails.
3.Many citizens are strongly ____________ (反对)pulling down the 100 year old building in the centre of the city.
4.It is known to us that doing eye exercises benefits our eyes, and that is to say, our eyes can ____________ (从……获益)doing eye exercises.
5.____________[从这种(某种)意义上来讲], children and adults have equal rights.
6.That wooden house on top of the hill ____________ (着火)because it was hit by lightning.
1.Your lights will come on __________________________ along with your favourite music or TV programmes, and you will find your dinner already prepared for you.
你一进家门, 灯就会亮起, 还有你最喜欢的音乐或电视节目(会自动播放), 而且你会发现晚餐已为你准备好了。
2.________________________________, it will send a warning to your phone. 如果你的睡眠或体重出现问题, 它会向你的手机发送警告。
3.Nevertheless, it will take some years ________________________________.
然而, 要让大多数新家庭开始使用这项新技术还需要几年的时间。
4.Of course, when new technology changes ____________, it can be a scary prospect. 当然, 当新技术改变了我们的生活方式时, 这可能是一个可怕的前景。
5.They advocate a simple life ____________________________, family, and community.
他们提倡简单的生活, 强调努力工作、家庭和社区。
6.__________________________ the Amish's quality of life is better since they live in and appreciate the natural environment rather than living in large, polluted cities.
甚至可以说, 阿曼门诺派的生活质量更好, 因为他们生活在自然环境中, 欣赏自然, 而不是生活在污染严重的大城市里。
7.Moreover, the Internet has __________________________ to keep in touch easily ________________________________.
此外, 互联网使朋友和家人很容易保持联系, 即使他们在世界的两端。
Section Ⅳ Writing——阐述自己观点的议论文
1.Our class held a class meeting yesterday.
2.Different people hold different views on the advantages and disadvantages brought by science and technology.
3.60% of the students think that our daily life cannot be separated from science and technology.
4.The earth is getting smaller, and we can see the beautiful world without leaving home through our mobile phones.
5.40% of the students think the relationship between people becomes not as close as before because of science and technology.
6.People use electronic products every day, so their bodies have a series of problems.
7.As long as we make good use of science and technology, it will better serve mankind.
8.Using electronic products every day, people's bodies have a series of problems.
1.传感器;敏感元件 2.模式;方式;风格 3.幻想;想象 
4.结构;体系 系统安排;精心组织 5.克隆 克隆动物(或植物) 6.漏;渗漏;透露 漏洞;裂缝;透露 7.发现;查明 8.创新;创造 9.犯罪活动;不法行为 10.人工的;人造的;假的 11.因此;由此 12.已死的;亡故的 13.(使)停止;终止 14.乡村的;农村的 15.奢华 16.可能性;前景 17.路标
1.switch 2.remote 3.command 4.routine 5.available 6.nevertheless 7.cancer 8.forecast 9.career 10.persuade 11.potential 12.distant distance 13.secure security 14.automatic automatically 15.efficient efficiently efficiency 16.preference prefer 17.warning warn 18.abnormal normal bine combination 20.predict prediction 21.occupation occupy 22.absence absent 23.emphasis emphasize 24.accurate accurately accuracy 25.resist resistance
1.switched off 2.keep in touch with 3.opposed to 
4.benefit from 5.In this sense 6.caught fire
1.the instant you enter the door
2.If you start to have sleep or weight problems
3.before most new homes begin to use this new technology
4.the way we live
5.with an emphasis on hard work
6.It could even be argued that
7.made it possible for friends and family even if they are on opposite sides of the world