年级 四 学科 英语 主备教师
课题:人教版英语PEP四年级上册Unit 1 My classroom
《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》指出:英语课程内容由主题、语篇、语言知识、文化知识、语言技能和学习策略等要素构成。围绕这些要素,通过学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新等活动,推动学生核心素养在义务教育全程中持续发展。课程内容的六个要素是一个相互关联的有机整体,共同构成核心素养发展的内容基础。其中,主题具有联结和统领其他内容要素的作用,为语言学习和课程育人提供语境范畴;语篇承载表达主题的语言知识和文化知识,为学生提供多样化的文体素材;语言知识为语篇的构成和意义的表达提供语言要素;文化知识为学生奠定人文底蕴、培养科学精神、形成良好品格和正确价值观提供内容资源。 单元整体教学是指教师基于课程标准,围绕特定主题,对教材等教学资源进行深入解读、分析、整合和重组后,搭建起的一个由单元大主题统领、各语篇次主题相互关联、逻辑清晰的完整教学单元,使教学能够围绕一个完整的主题设定单元目标,引导学生基于对单独语篇小观念的学习和提炼,逐步构建基于该单元主题的大观念。
项目 人教版英语PEP四年级上册Unit 1 My classroom
主题范畴 √ 人与社会 人与自然 √人与自我
功能 √交往 √感情 √态度
主题意义 能用所学语言介绍教室物品以及其所在位置。培养学生的集体意识,学会热爱班集体,热爱校园生活。
核心 板块 Part A & B(Let’s learn;) 核心词汇:classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door, teacher’s desk, picture, fan,wall, floor 核心句型:What’s in the classroom?...询问并回答教室里面有什么。
Part A (Let’s talk; ) 核心词汇: classroom, picture, near, window 核心句型: What’s in your schoolbag?...询问并回答教室里面有什么。
Part B (Let’s talk; ) 核心词汇:teacher’s desk, clean, help 核心句型:Let’s... Let me...
Part A Let’s spell a-e在单词中的发音规则
Part B Read and write 学生阅读语篇,能运用本单元的重点核心语言,根据图片进行仿写,帮助学生了解教室物品的表达以及怎样描述其所在位置,深入浅出的对主题意义进行探究。
次核心 板块 Part C Story time 通过阅读趣味故事内容,复习和巩固本单元所学内容,借助图片读懂组句,完成理解判断,培养学生良好的学习生活习惯。
辅助 板块 Let’s play…
本单元内容围绕I love my classroom这一主题展开,涉及五个语篇包括一节对话和词汇融合课、一节对话课、一节词汇课、一节语音和故事课融合课。 语篇一是小学生日常生活对话。教材通过Sarah与张鹏去看新教室的情景,描述教室里面的物品、设施,询问并回答物品的位置。 语篇二也是小学生日常生活对话。教材通过学生们打扫新教室的场景,提出行动建议并做出正确反应。孩子们在互动的情境下体会礼貌用语及小伙伴间的互助精神。 语篇三词汇和读写融合课,教材通过Zoom和Zip的视觉介绍自己的新教室,描述物品摆放的位置及物品的颜色,学会欣赏和热爱自己的教室,让孩子养成讲卫生、爱整洁的习惯。 语篇四是故事和语音融合课,标题是“Funny thing in our classroom”,故事呈现了一只蜜蜂飞进教室,先后落在灯管、电扇和墙壁上,最后落在黑板上所引起的故事。通过阅读趣味故事复习本单元所学的语言,增加语言的输入,并能朗读和表演,感受生活中的美好。然后再延伸故事情节,引导学生通过阅读绘本故事,感知并归纳a-e在单词中的发音。
知识储备四年级的学生通过三年级一年的学习,学生已经对英语有了一些初步的概念,能够听懂、会说一些简单的语言,能在教师指导下初步形成规范的学习习惯,对课堂上的大多数学习活动有新鲜感,能在老师引导下完成相关学习任务。在此基础上,学生在三年级下册Unit 4 Where is my car这个单元学习过有关教室物品的单词和句子,如desk, chair, ball, Where is my ruler It’s on/in/under...能够简单询问某物在某处,对本单元的学习有一定的辅助作用。认知水平学生刚接触英语,对英语有浓厚的兴趣,积极性高,乐学善学,敢于开口说英语,能和同伴合作交流。生活经验学生对谈论教室里面有什么只停留在教室里面放置的物品,但对于教室里应该放置的物品未必能形成正确的判断与选择,不能判断并根据不良的习惯并用英语提出相应的建议;对于用英语制定出班级公约。
本单元学习后,学生能够: 1.在语境中,根据单词的音、形、义学习有关教室中的各种物品及其方位介词,能用句型What’s in your classroom ...向他人介绍教室里有什么物品,感知字母a-e在单词中的发音规律。1.词汇 “Meet and describe our classroom” (Part A & B Let’s learn & Part A Let’s spell)2.借助语言输出框架(介绍—教室物品—每个物品的颜色)和语言提示,介绍自己的新教室。2.对话课 “Introduce our classroom” (Part A Let’s talk)3.在语境中,与同伴交流打扫教室,提出行动建议并作出正确的反应。3.对话课 “Clean our classroom” (Part B Let’s talk)4.能运用本单元的重点核心语言,根据图片进行仿写,帮助学生了解教室物品的表达以及怎样描述其所在位置,深入浅出的对主题意义进行探究。4.读写课 “Love our classroom” (Part B Read and write)5.巩固本单元所学的语言,并能朗读和表演,感受生活中的美好。5.故事课 “Funny things in our classroom” (Part C Story time)
语言能力: 1.能够听说读写本单元的重点单词: classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door, teacher’s desk, picture, fan,wall, floor 2.能够理解对话大意,按照正确的意群及语音语调朗读对话,并进行角色扮演; 3.能够在情境中使用句型 “What’s in the classroom?Let’s...询问并回答教室里面有什么物品;并学会帮助他人。 4. 能用英语谈论教室物品的特征(颜色、数量、大小等).; 5.能够掌握字母组合a-e的发音规则,并能够根据发音规则拼写单词。 学习能力: 1.能够正确使用本单元的词汇句型介绍教室里的物品; 2.能描述物品的特征(颜色、数量、大小等); 3.能够通过自主探究,主动请教或小组合作等方式解决学习问题; 思维品质: 1.能够认真观察图片,判断图片中是否有某物,提高观察能力; 2.能够通过观察图片、研读文字判断其中隐藏的信息,提高逻辑思维能力。 文化意识: 培养学生爱惜公共物品的情感,养成乐于助人的习惯。
1. 能够在情境中使用句型 “What’s in the classroom?...询问并回答教室里有什么物品; 2.能够正确使用本单元的词汇句型介绍教室物品所在方位; 3.能够通过自主探究,主动请教或小组合作等方式解决学习问题; 4.能够认真观察图片,判断图片中是否有某物,提高观察能力; 5.能够通过观察图片、研读文字判断其中隐藏的信息,提高逻辑思维能力。
单元话题 Our classroom
主题意义 能用所学语言介绍教室物品以及其所在位置。培养学生的集体意识,学会热爱班集体,热爱校园生活。
围绕单元主题,深挖各课时的话题,在单元大任务“our classroom”的统领下,划分为三个活动:整合教学内容和资源,明确单元总目标和课时分目标,设计三个任务(任务1:介绍自己的教室及里面的物品。任务2:打扫教室,树立爱护公共物品的情感。任务三3:教室里面一些有趣的物品。)并以任务解决所需要的时间划分课时内容。在课时教学中创设真实的情境,重视学生的真实经验和体验,充分发挥学生的主体性,开展任务前、任务中、任务后一系列具有整合性、关联性、实践性的学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新等学习活动,进而让学生在真实情境中解决生活问题,引导学生热爱班集体。
课时 话题 板块
第一课时 Meet our classroom Part A Let's learn
第二课时 Introduce our classroom Part A Let’s talk
第三课时 a-e发音规则 Part A Let’s spell
第四课时 Describe our classroom Part B Let’s learn
第五课时 Clean our classroom Part B Let’s talk
第六课时 Love our classroom Part B read and write
Unit1 第六课时 执教时间
课题:B Read and write
教学目标: 1.能够读懂四组句子并完成判断正误的读后任务。 2.能够按意群和正确的语音、语调朗读四组句子。 3.能够在有意义的语境中抄写本单元的话题词汇并将句子填充完整。 4.能够综合运用本单元的核心词句。 5.能够熟练地听、说本单元A、B部分的核心句型。 6.能够听、说、认读本单元的核心词汇。 7.能够从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有意识地去听录音,听后完成判断任务。 8.能够了解歌词意义,并能够清晰、准确地歌唱。
教学重点: 1.能够按意群和正确的语音、语调朗读四组句子。 2.能够熟练地运用方位介词,并能够看图判断句子的正误。 3.能够在有意义的语境中抄写本单元的话题词汇并将句子填充完整。
教学难点: 能够综合利用本单元的核心词汇进行替换并练习核心句型“—Where is… —It is in/on/ under/ near the…”。
教学准备: PPT课件 课文录音 视频、头饰、单词卡片等。
教学过程: Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. Sing the song 3. Play a game—“What’s missing?” (出示课件) Review the vocabularies “classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door, teacher’s desk, computer, fan, wall, floor”. 4. Look and circle. (课件出示:教材P10 Look and circle部分中的教室图片及内容) T: Look at the picture. What’s in the classroom Please read and circle. Check the answer. Answer: T: The picture A is different from the picture B. What’s the difference Let’s read Text A, then find the difference. 5. Lead-in. Look and say. (课件出示:几组图片:1. 先呈现红钢笔,再呈现它在桌子上;2. 先呈现一本绿色的书,再呈现它在书包里;3. 先呈现一把黄色的椅子,再呈现它在课桌旁边;4. 先呈现一只黑色的猫,再呈现它在椅子下面) Step 2: Presentation 1. Pre-reading. Look and say: What’s in Zhang Peng’s classroom T: Now look at the PPT. (课件出示: 教材P9 Read and tick or cross 的图片) This is Zhang Peng’s classroom. What’s in it S1: A green book, a yellow book, a green bag, a kite, a picture, a blue pencil box… 2. While-reading. (1)Ask and answer. T: There are many things in Zhang Peng’s classroom. Now look at the PPT, then answer the questions. Q: Where is the green book /Where is the kite /Where is the picture / Where is the blue pencil box Lead students to answer. Ss: It is on the teacher’s desk./It is near the window./It is on the desk./It is on the floor. (2)Read and tick or cross. (课件出示:教材P9 Read and tick or cross 中的相关内容,并呈现阅读提示Tips: Read, find and circle the key words) Read the four pairs of sentences carefully. Find and circle the key words. Ask students to finish the task in the book. (4)Listen and read aloud. Play the recording. Ask students to read after it correctly. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. (5)Who will be the reading star Choose some students to read the sentences. The student who reads best will be the reading star. 3. Post-reading. (1)Show the picture of “Look, choose and write”. (课件出示:教材P9 Look, choose and write部分的图片) Ask students to say the things in it. Ss: A window, a desk, a chair, a picture, a bag, a computer and a newspaper… Lead students to ask and answer the questions with the sentence structures “—Where is the bag/the newspaper/the computer/… —It’s in/under/near the…” (2)Write down the words. Write down the words to finish the sentences according to the picture. T: Pay attention to the spelling of the words. When we write sentences, we should pay attention to capitalizing the first letter and punctuation marks. Answers: desk; chair; window Step 3: Practice 1. Talk about our own classroom in groups of four. T: Is the study clean or messy Ss: Messy. T: Do you like the study Ss: No. T: We all like clean and tidy places. So we should keep our classroom clean and tidy. Look! This is our own classroom. Now talk about our classroom with your partners. You can use the sentence structures “—Where is the… —It is in/on/under/near the…” Let students practice in groups and act out in class. Then ask students to finish the sentences in the book. Let students show the sentences. 2. Listen and tick or cross. (课件出示:教材P10 Listen and tick or cross 部分的相关内容) T: Look at these pictures. The pictures are all about the classroom. Let’s look at Picture 1. Who are in the classroom Ss: Chen Jie and Mike. T: What are they doing Ss: Mike is cleaning the blackboard and Chen Jie is cleaning the desks. T: Good! They are cleaning the classroom. Now, look at Picture 2. What can you see in this classroom Ss: A blackboard, a teacher’s desk and some desks and chairs. T: Good job! What colour are the walls/the desks What colour is the floor/the blackboard Ss: … T: This is the last picture. What’s in it Ss: A fan and a window. T: Where is the fan Ss: It’s near the window. T: Now listen to the recording. Then tick or cross. T: Show me your answers, please. Step 4: Consolidation & Extension Write about your dream classroom. T: What’s your dream classroom like Clean or messy Please draw a picture of your dream classroom. And describe your classroom with the sentence structures “—Where is the… —It is in/on/under/near the…”. Please write them correctly in your exercise book. Practice in groups. Choose the best one in each group, then let him/her show in class. T: Your dream classroom is clean and tidy. I like it. How to make our classroom become our dream classroom Ss: Keep our classroom tidy and clean! Make our classroom beautiful! Step 5.Homework 1. Practice the sentences. 2. Write about your room with the sentence structures “—Where is the… —It is in/on/under/near the…” 个人调整意见
板书设计: Unit 1.My Classroom B Read and write in on under near Where is… It’s…
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