人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement Words and expressions 课件(共25张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement Words and expressions 课件(共25张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 5.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-06 20:07:59



Unit 1
People of Achievement
Words and Expressions
01 Self-study
02 Group-study
03 Test for goals
Part 1
physiology [ f zi l d i] n. 生理学; 生理机能
artemisinin [,ɑ t 'mi:sn n] n. (药)青蒿素
crucial [ kru l] adj. 至关重要的; 关键性的
vital [ va tl] adj. 必不可少的; 极其重要的; 充满生机的
be crucial/ vital to...对...非常重要
It’s crucial/ vital that sb. (should) do sth.某人应该做...是至关重要的
malaria [m le ri ] n. 疟疾
academy [ k d mi] n. 学 会; (艺术、文学、科学等的)研究院; 专科院校
academic [ k dem k] adj. 学业的; 学术的
objective [ b d ekt v] n. 目标; 目的;adj. 客观的
object n.宗旨;目标;物品;宾语 v.反对
subject n.学科;主语;主观 v.使臣服
subjective n.主格 adj.主观的;个人的
botanical [b t n kl] adj. 植物学的
botany n.植物学 botanist n.植物学家
evaluate [ v ljue t] vt. 评价; 评估
evaluation n.评估
property [ pr p ti] n. 性质; 特征; 财产
distinct [d st kt] adj. 清晰的; 清楚的; 有区别的
be distinct from... 与…不同
distinction n.差别;特质;杰出
distinctive adj.有特色的;独特的
extract [ ekstr kt ] n. 提取物; 摘录
[ k str kt] vt. 提取; 提炼; 摘录; (用力)拔出
wormwood [ w mw d] n. 蒿; 洋艾
boil [b l] vt./vi. (使)沸腾; 煮开; 烧开 n. 沸腾; 沸点
boiling water( ) boiled water( )
Be careful of the _________water, it may get you scald.
Please add some _________water into the pot to make tea.
liquid [ l kw d] n. 液体 adj. 液体的; 液态的
obtain [ b te n] vt. (尤指经努力)获得; 贏得
vi.(规章、习俗等)存在; 流行
obtain...from sb./sth.从某人/某处获得某物
acknowledge [ k n l d ] vt. 承认(属实、权威等); (公开)感谢
acknowledge doing承认做了某事
acknowledge sb/ sth as.../to be...承认某人/某事是......
It's universally acknowledged that大家公认的是......
acknowledgement n.感激;承认
defeat [d fi t] n. 失败; 挫败 vt. 击败; 战胜
analyse/analyze [ n la z] v. 分析
analysis [ n l s s] n. 分析 (pl: analyses)
apparently [ p r ntli] adv. 显而易见; 看来; 显然
apparent adj.显而易见的; 明白易懂的; 表面上的
substance [ s bst ns] n. 物质; 物品; 事实根据
scientific [ sa n t f k] adj. 科学(上)的; 关于科学的
science n. 科学; 理科 scientist n. 科学家
mostly [ m stli]: adv. 主要地; 一般地
wear and tear [te (r)] (正常使用造成的)磨损; 损耗
conclusion [k n klu n] n. 结论; 推论
in conclusion最后
conclude [k n klu d] v. 推断; 断定; 结束
penicillin [ pen s l n] n. 青霉素; 盘尼西林
flee [fli ] (fled --- fled) v. 迅速离开; 逃跑
circumstance [ s k mst ns] n. (复数)条件; 环境; 状况
novelist [ n v l st] n. 小说家
flow [fl ] n. 流; 流动; 流畅; 供应 v. 流; 流动
chart [t ɑ t] n. 图表 v. 记录; 制订计划
flow chart流程图
infer [ n f (r)]: vt. 推断; 推定
politician [ p l t n] n. 从政者; 政治家; 政客
politics n.政治学 political adj.政治的
numerous [ nju m r s] adj. 众多的; 许多的
theory [ θ ri]: n. 理论; 学说
relativity [ rel t v ti] n. 相对论; 相对性
formula [ f mj l ] n. 公式; 方程式; 配方
genius [ d i ni s] n. 天才; 天资; 天赋
gentle [ d entl] adj. 温柔的; 文静的
patent [ p tnt / pe tnt] n. 专利; 专利证书; 获得专利
adj. 有专利的; 受专利保护的
passion [ p n] n. 酷爱; 激情
passionate adj.激情的
doctorate [ d kt r t] n. 博士学位= doctor’s degree
extraordinary [ k str dnri] adj. 不一般的; 非凡的; 意想不到的
gradually [ ɡr d u li] adv. 逐渐地; 逐步地
photoelectric [ f t lektr k] adj. 光电的
come to power (开始)掌权; 上台
institution [ nst tju n] n. 社会公共机构; 制度; 习俗
institute [ nst tju t] n. (教育、专业等)机构; 学院; 机构建筑
consequence [ k ns kw ns] n. 结果; 后果
as a cocnsequence/ in consequence= as a result结果
as a consequence of/ in consequence of= as a result of 作为....结果
consequent adj. 随之而来的, 作为结果的
consequently adv. 因此,所以
moustache [m stɑ ] n. 上唇的胡子; 髭
peculiarity [p kju li r ti] n. 个性; 特点; 怪异的性质
encounter [ n ka nt (r)] vt. 偶然碰到; 遇到 n. 邂适; 遭遇
come across... run across/into...
mourn [m n] vt./vi. 哀悼; 忧伤
professor [pr fes (r)] n. 教授
profession n.职业 professional adj.专业的
remarkable [r mɑ k bl] adj. 非凡的; 显著的
remark v.谈到,说起;注意到 n.言论;评述
remarkably adv. 非常; 极为; 出乎意料地
device [d va s] n. 方法; 技巧; 装置; 仪器
sum [s m] v. 总结; 概括 n. 金额; 款项; 总数; 总和
sum up总结;概括
summary n.总结
draft [drɑ ft] n. 草稿; 草案 vt. 起草; 草拟
Part 2
commit [k m t] vt. 承诺; 保证
vi. 忠于; 全心全意投入;做出(错或非法的事);犯(罪或错等)
commit to sb/sth 忠于;全心全意投入
commit oneself to (doing) sth 承诺,保证做某事
committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信的
be committed to (doing) sth 专心致志与某事,致力于
commitment n.投入,奉献,承诺
make a commitment to (doing) 做出承诺
1. Tu Youyou, a __________ and patient scientist, was born in Ningbo, China on 30 December 1930.
2. They must commit to __________(spend) time with their older neighbours.
3. They made a _____________ to love each other forever.
4. The company is committed _____ being an equal opportunities employer.
5. Chinese leaders are ___________ to continuing Deng Xiaoping's path of opening up policy and economic reform.
6. Most crimes _______________ by young men.
are committed
I insist on/upon paying for the damage.
insist on/upon (doing) sth.  坚持(做)某事
He insisted that they (should) leave enough space for children.
insist that sb. (should) do sth.坚持某人应该做某事
1. He insisted that I____________(take) back what I said.
2. She insisted_________ going to Shanghai by high-speed train as it is much faster and more comfortable.
3. They insisted on _______(go) there by motorbike.
should take
found [fa nd] vt. 创建; 建立; 把…建立在
found -- founded -- founded
Their marriage was founded on love and mutual respect.
be founded on基于...;把...建立在
find -- found -- found v. 找到; 发现; 感觉; 认为
foundation n.基础;根据 founder n.建立者;创立者
1. His theory____________ facts.(理论基于事实)
2. The Chinese Communist Party___________ in Shanghai on July 1,1921.
is founded on
was founded
Test for goals
Part 3
1. It is vital for us (perform) first aid to the (injure)
2. It is vital that we ______________(carry) out the operation immediately.
3. What really matters about a leader is their _____________(commit) to getting to the right answer and to doing it in the right way.
4. Please give me a quick___________(sum) of your research, because there is little time left.
5. Feng Jizhong placed hundreds of ____________ (remark) buildings in China.
6. ________(found) in 1989, APEC is an organization that promotes free trade in the Asia-Pacific region.
7. His answer was ____________ (apparent) right but actually wrong.
to perform
should carry
8. If you are __________ (passion) about something, pursue it no matter what anyone else thinks. That's how dreams are achieved.
9. They didn't draw a conclusion until carrying out lots of___________
(science) experiments.
10._________(defeat) by his opponent, he never gave up any hope.
11. He ________(flee) to America without hesitation after an argument with his parents and never returned.
12. First of all, volunteering can help us to learn more about society __________ (gradual).
13. When the music was put on, the girl sang happily to it with her hand waving ________ (gentle).
14. He evaluated all the evidence before drawing a _________(conclude).
15. Charles Dickens was one of the greatest 19th century ___________(novel).