人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations Listening and speaking 课件(共28张PPT,内嵌音频)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations Listening and speaking 课件(共28张PPT,内嵌音频)
格式 pptx
文件大小 24.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-06 20:35:58



Festival and celebations
Listening and speaking
To learn about festivals and celebrations around the world and speak them out.
To practice listening for the topic, relationship, and detailed information.
Phoenix flutes make music.
The moonlight flashes.
Fish and dragon lanterns whirl the whole night long.
—Xin Qiji
/ fi n ks/ n.凤凰
/flu t/ n.长笛/萧
/w l/ v.飞旋,旋转
Can you speak out other Chinese festivals
Spring Festival
Qingming Festival
Mid-Autumn Day
Dragon Boat Festival
Double Ninth Festival
some Chinese traditional festivals
the Torch Festival
the Lantern Festival
the Water-Sprinkling Festival
the Nadam Festival
Double Seventh Festival
Lunar New Year’s Eve
What foreign festivals do you know
April Fool’s Day
Valentine’s Day
more festivals
New Year’s Day
Mother’s Day
Father’s Day
Women's Day
International Labour Day
National Day
Thanksgiving Day
Chinese Lantern Festival
Coming-of-Age Day
Rio Carnival
How much do you know about these festivals
eat yuanxiao 吃元宵
enjoy the lantern show 赏灯会
visit a lantern festival fair
guess riddles 猜灯谜
watch the dragon or lion dance 观看舞狮或舞龙
Chinese Lantern Festival
wear traditional costumes
dress up in carnival costumes
visit a lantern fair
march along the streets
receive congratulations from…
guess riddles
attend the ceremony
watch samba dance
give performances
Chinese Latern Festival
Chinese Lantern Festival takes place on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar. It is as important as the Chinese New Year because on that night, the moon is full, symbolizing reunion. On this day, people display traditional paper lanterns and solve riddles. As it is a popular festival for Chinese people around the world, it is celebrated in many different countries as well.
kimono 和服
do their hair and make-up
wear tranditional costumes
attend the ceremony
give or receive congratulations
成人节(Coming-of-Age Day)
wear traditional costumes
dress up in carnival costumes
visit a lantern fair
march along the streets
receive congratulations from…
guess riddles
attend the ceremony
watch samba dance
give performances
Coming-of-Age Day
“Coming of age” refers to the time when a person makes the transition from childhood into ing-of-Age Day takes place on the second Monday in January. Everyone who has turned 20 in the last year is formally recognized as an adult. Many young people dress up for the occasion, young men wear formal suits and ties and young ladies usually wear kimonos. It is also a day when new adults express their gratitude towards their parents.
Rio Carnival (里约狂欢节)
wear carnival costumes 穿嘉年华服装
parade 游行,列队表演
march along the streets 游街
samba dance 桑巴舞
wear traditional costumes
dress up in carnival costumes
visit a lantern fair
march along the streets
receive congratulations from…
guess riddles
attend the ceremony
watch samba dance
give performances
Rio Carnival
The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is considered the biggest carnival in the world, where more than two million people take part in the yearly festivities. Usually the Carnival occurs in late February or early March. During this time, the streets are filled with parades of people wearing colorful costumes and dancing the samba, and with large and colorful floats.
Listen and write the order of the conversations next to the names of the festivals. Then match each conversation with the relationship between the speakers below.
Listening tip:
To listen for a relationship, you need to pay attention to how people talk to each other (e.g. friends usually call each other by first names) and some particular questions in the conversation (e.g. “Could I have the bill, please ”tells us that the speaker is a customer in a restaurant)
clues examples
the place where the conversation takes place (related words) My leg hurts.
I’d like a cup of coffee.
address forms dear; darling; sweetheart; John; Mr./ Miss.; professor; sir; madam
formality please; could you…; may I…; go to do…;excuse me…
1. What’s the relationship between the speakers
A. Neighbors B. Boss and employee C. Doctor and patient
2. What's the possible relationship between the speakers
A. Husband and wife
B. Boss and secretary
C. Customer and saleswoman
3. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Roommates B. Brother and sister C. Parent and child
4. What's the relationship between the two speakers
A. Professor and student B. Salesman and customer
C. Hotel manager and tourist.
____ a tour guide and members of a tour group
____ an interviewer and an interviewee
____ a reporter and a tourist
____ two friends
Listen again and complete the sentences with the correct words.
1. In Conversation 1, the woman is wearing_______ colours. It took her a long time to do her hair and make-up, and to get __________. She is going to meet her ________ soon.
2. In Conversation 2, Carla advises Li Mei to change her _______________. This is because the weather is _______ and they will be outside for a long time.
3. In Conversation 3, the people are enjoying the _________ show.
dress and shoes
Coming-of-Age Day Do hair and ___________ and get __________
Attend Coming-of-Age _____________
Celebrate the day with family and __________
Have a ________
Listen for details
Listen to the conversations again and fill in the blanks.
Conversation 1
Rio Carnival Join the _________
March along the _________for hours
_________ till midnight
Wear comfortable _______
Conversation 2
Chinese Lantern Festival Enjoy the ___________show
Guess __________ and get nice gifts
Watch the __________________________
Eat yuanxiao with their family, which means “family unity and _____________”
dragon or lion dances
Conversation 3
Conversation 1
Interviewer: Miss. congratulations on becoming an adult! You look amazing in your
kimono. The bright colours are terrific!
Girl: Really That's kind of you to say so. Thank you.
Interviewer: You're welcome. Did it take you much time to get ready today
Girl: Yes,actually. I spent hours doing my hair and make-up.
and getting dressed. But it was worth it, because I wanted to look my best at the
Coming-of-Age ceremony.
Interviewer: Oh. you look great! Now that the ceremony is over. are you going to
celebrate the day with your family or friends
Girl: Yes. I 'm going to meet my family soon, and we're having a party tonight.
Interviewer: So what does “being an adult” mean to you
Girl: Well, I think it means being self-supporting and responsible for your
actions and decisions, and ...[fade out]
Conversation 2
Li Mei: I'm ready for Carnival, Carla. Shall we go and join the parade now
Carla: You must be joking, Li Mei!That dress is too thick. Do you realise
that it's 35℃ out there Also,-we're going to march along the
streets for hours and dance until midnight. You need to change.
Li Mei :OK. What should I wear
Carla:Wear somcthing light and cool. I also think you need to wear more
comfortable shoes. It'll be too tiring to walk or dance for a long time
in those shoes.
Li Mei:Hmm ... You're right. Can you wait for me I'll change right away.
Li Mei:Carla, how do I look now!
Carla:Fantastic! Now let's go and enjoy this festival! It's going to be so
Conversation 3
Guide: Now, everyone. when we turn this next corner. you'll all have a real treat for
thc eyes.
Man I: Wow! These lanterns are amazing!
Woman: Excuse me, Miss Lin. Can you tell me what's written on the pieces of paper?
Are they wishes
Guide: Not exactly. They're riddles for people to guess. If you guess correctly, you can
get a nice gift.
Woman: Oh. what a nice idea!What else can Chinese people do during this festival
Guide: Oh, they can do many things. They can watch the dragon and lion dances, and
also eat yuanxiao with their family. Yuanxiao is a kind of sweet dumpling. The
Chinese word “yuan” means “family unity and happiness”
Thanks for your attention!