上外版 选择性必修四 第三单元 第 5 课时 学案(学生版)
1. 对“丝绸之路 ”有整体了解;
2. 罗列“丝绸之路 ”上的贸易往来及其它方面的交流;
3. 了解“丝绸之路 ”对东西方的影响。
1. Do you know anything about the Silk Road Please offer some information about it or give some examples of the cities on the routes.
2. Skim the whole passage, catch some key words for each paragraph, and draw up the outline.
Para. Key words Subheading
《 高 中 英 语 》 ( 上 外 版 )
选 择 性 必 修 第 4册 第 3单 元
Delving into History
授 课 教 师 :
Getting Started/ Reading A
Reading A/ Vocabulary Focus
Reading A/ Grammar in Use
Listening, Viewing and Speaking
Reading B
Critical Thinking
Further Exploration/ Self-assessment
《 高 中 英 语 》 ( 上 外 版 )
选 择 性 必 修 第 4册 第 3单 元
学习目标 Learning Objectives:
By the end of the class, you will be able to ...
1. 对“丝绸之路 ”有整体了解;
have a general idea of the Silk Road;
2. 罗列“丝绸之路 ”上的贸易往来及其它方面的交流; list the trade and exchange on the Silk Road;
3. 了解“丝绸之路 ”对东西方的影响。
know the meaning of the Silk Road to both East and the West.
Please offer some information about the Silk Road.
The Silk Road
a brief introduction of the Silk Road
the origin of the name and the road the trade and exchange on the road
the water routes
the significant meaning of the Silk Road
routes; cities …
name; silk; exchange; idea;
trade …
3 trade; goods; techniques; crafts; agriculture …
ships; water; sea …
5 interconnected; exchange; economic and cultural win
Para Key Words Subheading
Skim the
Complete the mini-encyclopedia of the Silk Road through
Why did the author state “The success of the
Silk Road was both an economic and cultural win for the world”
Answer the
very famous and talked about a lot by people, especially in a way that
shows admiration
e.g. a legendary figure
Words and Expressions
1. legendary adj. 非常著名的;享有盛名的
He is legendary for his fearlessness and aggression.
Words and Expressions
2. carry out 实施,执行
1) Armed with this knowledge, they're able to carry out individually targeted campaigns to cheat people .
2) The company’s doctor found that she was unfit to carry out
her normal work.
1) This agreement will pave the way for a lasting peace between
the two countries.
3. pave the way for sth.为……铺平道路,做好准备
2) But how will the system pave the way for China’s space
Words and Expressions
exploration project
Words and Expressions
4. restrict v.
1) 限制,限定(数量、范围等) to limit the size, amount or range of sth
e.g. We restrict the number of students per class to 10.
2)(以法规)限制 to control sth with rules or laws
e.g. Access to the club is restricted to members only.
3) 约束;管束 to allow yourself or sb to do only a particular kind of activity e.g. I restrict myself to reasonable consumption on any particular occasion.
Words and Expressions
5. bring about 引起,导致
1) It took the combined efforts of both the press and the public to bring about a change in the law.
2) Recent studies have borne out claims that certain perfumes can bring about profound psychological changes.
6. Often featured were terracotta dancers, actors in masks
and musical groups.
Terracotta dancers, actors in masks and musical groups were often featured.
Words and Expressions
1. Draw the route of the Silk Road and the excellent works will be presented to the whole class.
2. Prepare a presentation to introduce the Silk Road, including its past and present functions and predict what functions it might perform in the future.
T h a n k y o u !《高中英语(上外版)》必修第四册 Unit 3 Delving into History
课时:第 5 课时 教学内容:The Silk Road: Connecting the East and the West
课型:Reading B 设计者:
1. 教学目标
本课为本单元的第五课时,核心目标为引导学生基于主题语境进一步拓展历史相关知 识。在完成 Reading A 的基础上,通过泛读的方式了解“丝绸之路 ”的相关知识,包括路 线、代表人物、所起作用及影响力等,帮助学生以“丝绸之路 ”为切入点,了解中西方经 济和文化的变化发展以及“丝绸之路 ”的重要意义,增强文化意识。
2. 设计思路
本课为本单元的第五课时,旨在帮助学生了解、学习“丝绸之路 ”的相关知识并激发 他们对历史文化的求知欲,树立培养学生的文化自信。首先,在未读课文之前,老师请学 生根据图示交流关于“丝绸之路 ”的相关信息,学生们基于历史知识对“丝绸之路 ”是有 一定了解的。在搜集学生所知信息的基础上,再去略读课文,就降低了理解的难度。学生 通过略读抓取每一段的关键词,以帮助他们梳理文章的重点和框架。学生根据关键词经过 讨论得出文章的段落大意及全文提纲。然后,老师让学生再次阅读文章并通过课本上的表 格对文章结构进行再一次梳理,从不同的角度巩固学生的理解。在此基础上,老师提出概 括性问题,让学生根据文中信息进行解答同时也是对文章的总结反馈。最后,老师列出文 中的关键词和句型,帮助学生在内容主题下积累学习语言知识。
B 篇是主题内容的拓展,作业也可以具有创新性和拓展性,因此作业要求为:1. 原创 一幅“丝绸之路 ”的路线图,这既考查学生文章理解,也是地理知识的融合,体现跨学科 教学及思辨能力。2. 让学生准备关于“丝绸之路 ”的演讲内容,既是对所学知识的反馈也 是为后面一部分“Critical Thinking ”做铺垫。
3. 重点难点
“丝绸之路 ”的历史发展变化以及它在各方面产生的影响。
Lesson Plan
By the end of this period, students will be able to:
1. have a general idea of the Silk Road;
2. list the trade and exchange on the Silk Road;
3. know the meaning of the Silk Road to both East and the West;
I. Warming- up activity: Look at the picture of the Silk Road and offer some information
about it.
*T: Show students the picture of the Silk Road and invite them to offer as much information about it as possible. *Ss: Study the picture and offer some information about it according to their history knowledge. Purpose: To introduce the topic, arouse students ’ interest in the Silk Road and raise students ’ awareness of the significance of the Silk Road.
Guided questions:
1. Do you know anything about the Silk Road Please offer some information about it.
2. Give some examples of the cities on the routes.
II. Activity 1: Skim for the main idea of each paragraph and draw up the outline
*T: Ask students to skim the whole passage and catch some key words for each paragraph. *Ss: Read and catch the key words. *T: Ask students to exchange the words they have found and try to get the main idea for each paragraph. *Ss: Discuss with each other the words they have found and try to make out the main idea for each according to the key words. *T: Ask students to draw up the outline based on the key words. *Ss: Try to fill in the table and draw up the outline. Purpose: To get a general idea of the passage and the related information offered about the Silk Road.
Guided questions:
1. What kind of information is offered in each paragraph Please list some key words to support your idea.
2. Why do you choose such key words to represent the certain paragraph Are there any different ideas
3. Can you draw up the outline according to the key words
Para. Key words Subheading
1 routes ;cities… a brief introduction of the Silk Road
2 name; silk; exchange; idea; trade … the origin of the name and the road
3 trade; goods; techniques; crafts; agriculture … the trade and exchange on the road
4 ships; water; sea … the water routes
5 interconnected; exchange; economic and cultural win the significant meaning of the Silk Road
III. Activity 2: Complete the mini-encyclopedia of the Silk Road through
*T: Ask the students to fill i
n the blanks in the table
on Page
*Ss: Scan the paragraph again and
the blanks.
Purpose: To comb the co
ntent of
the passage
Guided question:
What representative words can you work out according to the certain details offered in the table
IV. Activity 3: Answer the question
*T: Ask students to form a group of four and try to answer the question why the author states “The success of the Silk Road was both an economic and cultural win for the world” through discussing. *Ss: Form a group of four and try to find out the answer to the question from different aspects. Purpose: To confirm whether students have got a quite clear picture of the Silk Road.
Guided question:
Why does the author state “The success of the Silk Road was both an economic and cultural win for the world”
V. Activity 4: Learn some new words and expressions
*T: List some words, phrases and sentence structure that need to be emphasized. *Ss: Listen carefully and take notes. Purpose: To accumulate the language and consolidate the structure of inversion.
Words and expressions that will be mentioned:
1. legendary
2. carry out
3. pave the way for sth.
4. restrict
5. bring about
6. Often featured were terracotta dancers, actors in masks and musical groups.
VI. Assignment:
1. Draw the route of the Silk Road and the excellent works will be presented to the whole class. 2. Prepare a presentation to introduce the Silk Road, including its past and present functions and predict what functions it might perform in the future.
4上外版 选择性必修四 第三单元 第 5 课时 学案(教师版)
1. 通过该语篇的教授让学生对“丝绸之路 ”有整体了解;
2. 能让学生罗列“丝绸之路 ”上的贸易往来及其它方面的交流;
3. 能启发学生“丝绸之路 ”对东西方的影响。
1. Do you know anything about the Silk Road Please offer some information about it or give some examples of the cities on the routes.
1) Xi’an; Urumqi ; Luoyang
2) Zhang Qian; Marco Polo
3) Silk; teas; silver; porcelain
2. Skim the whole passage, catch some key words for each paragraph, and draw up the outline.
Para . Key words Subheading
1 routes ;cities… a brief introduction of the Silk Road
2 name; silk; exchange; idea; trade … the origin of the name and the road
3 trade; goods; techniques; crafts; agriculture … the trade and exchange on the road
4 ships; water; sea … the water routes
5 interconnected; exchange; economic and cultural win the significant meaning of the Silk Road