《 高 中 英 语 》 ( 上 外 版 )
Fighting Stress
授课教师 :
Getting Started/ Reading A
Reading A/ Vocabulary Focus
Reading A/ Grammar in Use
Listening, Viewing and Speaking
Reading B
Critical Thinking
Further Exploration/ Self-assessment
《 高 中 英 语 》 ( 上 外 版 )
学习目标 Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to ...
1. 能分辨和总结不定式作为主语和表语的语法规则
have the ability of classifying and summarizing grammar rules of infinitives as
subjects and predicatives.
2. 能区分不定式与动名词,并形成相应的语法脉络
form the network of infinitives and gerunds as nouns in mind so as to distinguish infinitives from gerunds.
3. 能在阅读和写作中较熟练地运用不定式作主语和表语 结构
skillfully apply infinitive forms as subjects and predicatives in reading and writing
What can we do to keep stress away?
① To have a balanced life is the best way.
② It is important to share our feelings with others .
③ What we can do is (to) have sufficient sleep .
④ When we sleep for at least 8 hours , our brains seem to have enough rest .
What can we do to keep stress away?
① To have a balanced life is the best way.
③ What we can do is (to) have sufficient sleep .
④ When we sleep for at least 8 hours , our brains seem to have enough rest .
② It is important to share our feelings with
others .
formal subject
1. to exercise after a whole day’s class
2. to keep attentive for the whole class
3. to learn what you have interested in
4. to read reference books after class
5. to finish academic work with our
6. to keep our stress away
takes time
interesting important
2.John’s plan is (to keep / keeping) stress away.
3.________ (To read / Reading) reference books took up muchconcretere
4.Part of the problem is not (to know / knowing) proper ways to
5.The mission of the training is (to improve / improving) the well-
being of the people in distress.
6.My goal is (to help / helping) those in trouble to develop a healthy mindset.
Making choice
1. (To copy / Copying) other students ’ homework is not correct.
reduce stress. abstract
Blank filling
Art therapy is one of the oldest effective forms of self care and healing, and it helps to develop personal awareness . It can also be used treat issues and illnesses such as anxiety, depression and stress disorder.
Art therapy is suitable for those who are interested in express themselves through art. It can be difficult open up to a complete stranger about one’s deepest and darkest emotions. In art therapy, words are not always necessary. A simple act of a scribble on paper can be a release for a depressing thought and bright light to darkness.
We offer a wide variety of art therapy courses, including Chinese calligraphy and Chinese brush painting. It is our purpose help people engage the creative self in build mind and body health and wellness. The main objectives of our courses are connect individuals through art and creativity, reduce personality, and develop team building and interpersonal bonding.
It's + adj.(relaxing / upsetting / tiring ...) + to do sth.
How + adj. + it is to do sth. !
My plan / ambition / goal / ... is to ...
It is our duty / mission / ... to do ...
It is a good idea to do ...
It is against my principles / wish / not accepted / ... to do such a thing.
It takes sb. sth. (sustained effort / a lot of time / ...) to do ...
Make sentences with the help of infinitives on the topics of how to keep stress away.
Finish translating the 8 sentences on the worksheet.
1 . 有可能防止金融危机将来再次发生吗? ( possible)
Is it possible to prevent a financial crisis from occurring again in the future
2 . 要分辨网络信息的真伪绝非易事 。 ( It)
It is no easy job to tell which information on the Internet is true .
3 . 让没有受过专业培训的人操纵机器是不负责任的行为 。 ( It)
It is not responsible to allow someone who hasn ’ t received professional training to operate the machine .
4 . 参加太空飞行是令人刺激的冒险 。 ( It)
It would be an exciting adventure to take part in a space flight .
5 . 你真周到 , 帮我预先定好了票子 。 ( It)
It is so considerate of you to have booked the ticket for me in advance .
6 . 乘务员的职责之一就是确保所有乘客都系好安全带 。 (ensure)
Before the plane takes off , one of the flight attendants ’duties is to ensure that all the passengers have their safety belts fastened.
7 . 老师的工作是确保每个学生感到自己对社会有用 。 ( make sure)
It is a teacher ’s job to make sure that every student feels himself useful to society.
8 . 透过字面理解就是读懂文章隐含的意思。
To read between the lines is to understand the implied meaning of a piece of a writing .
T h a n k y o u !上外版 高二年级 选必三 第一单元 第 3 课时 学案(教师版)
1. Q :What can we do to keep stress away
infinitives used as subjects
① To have a balanced life is the best way.
② It is important to share our feelings with others.
infinitives used as predicatives
③ What we can do is (to) have sufficient sleep.
④ When we sleep for at least 8 hours, our brains seem to have enough rest.
takes time
)2. Q: Connect the two parts and restructure the sentence into the “It-” sentence pattern
1. to exercise after a whole day’s class 2. to keep attentive for the whole class 3. to learn what you have interested in 4. to read reference books after class 5. to finish academic work with our partners 6. to keep our stress away
Keys (answers may vary):
It is healthy to exercise after a whole day’s class.
It is important to keep attentive for the whole class. It is interesting to learn what you have interest in. It is educational to read books after class.
It is relaxing to finish academic work with our partners. It takes time to keep our stress away.
3. Choose the appropriate form to complete the sentences:
1. (To copy / Copying) other students ’ homework is not correct.
2. John’s plan is (to keep / keeping) stress away.
3. (To read / Reading) reference books took up much of my leisure time.
4. Part of the problem is not (to know / knowing) proper ways to reduce stress.
5. The mission of the training is (to improve / improving) the well-being of the people
in distress.
6. My goal is (to help / helping) those in trouble to develop a healthy mindset.
4. Fill in the blank with appropriate verb form.
Art therapy is one of the oldest effective forms of self care and healing, and it helps to
develop personal awareness. It can also be used (1) (treat) issues and illnesses such as
anxiety, depression and stress disorder.
Art therapy is suitable for those who are interested in (2) (express) themselves
through art. It can be difficult (3) (open) up to a complete stranger about one’s deepest
and darkest emotions. In art therapy, words are not always necessary. A simple act of a scribble on paper can be a release for a depressing thought and bright light to darkness.
We offer a wide variety of art therapy courses, including Chinese calligraphy and Chinese
brush painting. It is our purpose (4) (help) people engage the creative self in
(5) (build) mind and body health and wellness. The main objectives of our courses are
(6) (connect) individuals through art and creativity, (7) (reduce) personality,
and (8) (develop) team building and interpersonal bonding.
Art therapy is one of the oldest effective forms of self care and healing, and it helps to develop personal awareness. It can also be used to treat issues and illnesses such as anxiety, depression and stress disorder.
Art therapy is suitable for those who are interested in expressing themselves through art. It
can be difficult
to open up
to a complete stranger about one’s deepest and darkest emotions. In art
therapy, words are not always necessary. A simple act of a scribble on paper can be a release for a depressing thought and bright light to darkness.
We offer a wide variety of art therapy courses, including Chinese calligraphy and Chinese brush painting. It is our purpose to help people engage the creative self in building mind and
body health and wellness. The main objectives of our courses are
to connect
individuals through
art and creativity,
(to) reduce
personality, and
(to) develop
team building and interpersonal
5. Make sentences with the help of infinitives on the topics of how to keep stress away.
It's + adj.(relaxing / upsetting / tiring ...) + to do sth. How + adj. + it is to do sth. ! My plan / ambition / goal / ... is to ... It is our duty / mission / ... to do ... It is a good idea to do ... It is against my principles / wish / not accepted / ... to do such a thing. It takes sb. sth. (sustained effort / a lot of time / ...) to do ...
Recommended version
It is common practice for us to feel weighed down with so much academic burden on ourselves. However, it is not accepted to be under stress continuously. My goal is to keep the stress away and here are my plans. To increase the efficiency is on the top of my priority. What I’m going to do first is (to) have sufficient sleep. The next step is to make sure that be attentive for the whole class. How fruitful it is to keep my mind occupied for a whole class. It is against my principles not to be listening and to finish other homework in class. Therefore, in order to improve my academic performance, I must fully make use of my time.
Homework Translation Exercise
1. 有可能防止金融危机将来再次发生吗?(possible)
Is it possible to prevent a financial crisis from occurring again in the future
2. 要分辨网络信息的真伪绝非易事。(It)
It is no easy job to tell which information on the Internet is true.
3. 让没有受过专业培训的人操纵机器是不负责任的行为。(It)
It is not responsible to allow someone who hasn’t received professional training to operate the machine.
4. 参加太空飞行是令人刺激的冒险。(It)
It would be an exciting adventure to take part in a space flight.
5. 你真周到, 帮我预先定好了票子。(It)
It is so considerate of you to have booked the ticket for me in advance. => It is + ADJ. + (for / of sb.) to do sth.
6. 乘务员的职责之一就是确保所有乘客都系好安全带。(ensure)
Before the plane takes off, one of the flight attendants ’ duties is to ensure that all the passengers have their safety belts fastened.
7. 老师的工作是确保每个学生感到自己对社会有用。(make sure)
It is a teacher’s job to make sure that every student feels himself useful to society.
8. 透过字面理解就是读懂文章隐含的意思。
To read between the lines is to understand the implied meaning of a piece of a writing.上外版 高二年级 选必三 第一单元 第 3 课时 学案(教师版)
1. Q :What can we do to keep stress away
infinitives used as subjects
infinitives used as predicatives
takes time
)2. Q: Connect the two parts and restructure the sentence into the “It-” sentence pattern
1. to exercise after a whole day’s class 2. to keep attentive for the whole class 3. to learn what you have interested in 4. to read reference books after class 5. to finish academic work with our partners 6. to keep our stress away
3. Choose the appropriate form to complete the sentences:
1. (To copy / Copying) other students ’ homework is not correct.
2. John’s plan is (to keep / keeping) stress away.
3. (To read / Reading) reference books took up much of my leisure time.
4. Part of the problem is not (to know / knowing) proper ways to reduce stress.
5. The mission of the training is (to improve / improving) the well-being of the people
in distress.
6. My goal is (to help / helping) those in trouble to develop a healthy mindset.
4. Fill in the blank with appropriate verb form.
Art therapy is one of the oldest effective forms of self care and healing, and it helps to
develop personal awareness. It can also be used (1) (treat) issues and illnesses such as
anxiety, depression and stress disorder.
Art therapy is suitable for those who are interested in (2) (express) themselves
through art. It can be difficult (3) (open) up to a complete stranger about one’s deepest
and darkest emotions. In art therapy, words are not always necessary. A simple act of a scribble on paper can be a release for a depressing thought and bright light to darkness.
We offer a wide variety of art therapy courses, including Chinese calligraphy and Chinese
brush painting. It is our purpose (4) (help) people engage the creative self in
(5) (build) mind and body health and wellness. The main objectives of our courses are
(6) (connect) individuals through art and creativity, (7) (reduce) personality,
and (8) (develop) team building and interpersonal bonding.
5. Make sentences with the help of infinitives on the topics of how to keep stress away.
It's + adj.(relaxing / upsetting / tiring ...) + to do sth. How + adj. + it is to do sth. ! My plan / ambition / goal / ... is to ... It is our duty / mission / ... to do ... It is a good idea to do ... It is against my principles / wish / not accepted / ... to do such a thing. It takes sb. sth. (sustained effort / a lot of time / ...) to do ...
Homework Translation Exercise 1. 有可能防止金融危机将来再次发生吗?(possible)
2. 要分辨网络信息的真伪绝非易事。(It)
3. 让没有受过专业培训的人操纵机器是不负责任的行为。(It)
4. 参加太空飞行是令人刺激的冒险。(It)
5. 你真周到, 帮我预先定好了票子。(It)
6. 乘务员的职责之一就是确保所有乘客都系好安全带。(ensure)
7. 老师的工作是确保每个学生感到自己对社会有用。(make sure)
8. 透过字面理解就是读懂文章隐含的意思。